Pied Beauty by Gerald Manley Hopkins PDF FINAL
Pied Beauty by Gerald Manley Hopkins PDF FINAL
Pied Beauty by Gerald Manley Hopkins PDF FINAL
Prof. S. S ALHAT
(Department of English )
Topic- poetry
Pied Beauty is a curtal sonnet by Gerald Manley Hopkins published posthumously in 1918
though written in 1877. Though most of the Victorian poets deal with the theme of frustration,
anxiety, decay, loss of human values and faith, Gerard Manley Hopkins is the only one poet who
finds hope in God. So, human faith and god's grandeur are the common themes of his writing.
In this short poem, Hopkins appreciates the strength of the god in the universe. All the things in
the universe contain the pied beauty. Sky does have the couple color, trout are spotted and
chestnut does have the multiple colors. Different trades do have the different purpose and
different instruments have different tunes. In addition, the landscape is pieced, plotted, fold,
follows and ploughed. Multiplicity and pied beauty can be seen in the landscape and the things
of this universe. Not a single thing resembles with the other. Then pied beauty is the dominant
feature of this universe and for this pied beauty he gives glory to God because God is the only
source or father of all these things. Taking this glory of God into account, Hopkins asks mankind
to praise him, and then all the problems of the universe can be resolved peacefully.
The design of the poem corresponds to the design of the universe. His curtail sonnet is an
exceptional sonnet where he minimizes the traditional form of a sonnet by reducing the eight
lines in six and the six lines sestet into four and a half. Multiplicity is there in the pattern,
somewhere there is alliteration. The repetitions of the sounds in the poem through the words like
'dappled', 'stipple', 'tackle', 'fickle', 'freckled', 'adazzle' etc. reinforces the theme of the poem by
intertwining the diverse things of the nature created by the god into a beautiful and
comprehensible whole. The poem can be taken as a form of hymn of creation. The poet praises
the variety and beautiful things of the world which are fathered by the god. By praising the
creation, he praised the almighty God. He glorifies the infinite power of God to create the
vicissitudes of things and also for the power to bring uniformity despite the diversity.
Line 3: The speaker paints a vivid image of the reddish dots on the sides of swimming
Line 4: The first half of the line includes an implicit metaphor comparing fallen chestnuts
to coals in a fire.
Line 5: This line contains imagery related to farming, including the "plotted" land, the
sheep-fold, a "fallow" field, and a plough.
Line 6: All the trades of humankind are "dappled" only metaphorically. "Dappled" is a
word to describe a visual appearance and jobs don’t have a particular appearance. But
they are varied and diverse, just like a "dappled thing."
Lines 8-9: The speaker uses another implicit metaphor, comparing three sets of contrasts,
"swift, slow," "sweet, sour," and "a dazzle, dim," to freckles.