Block 1
Block 1
Block 1
Mr. Tilak Raj
Assistant Registrar,
MPDD, IGNOU, New Delhi
February, 2022
© Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2022
ISBN: 978-93-5568-315-1
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Course Contents
Course Introduction 7
Block 1 Concept and Relevance of Organisational Behaviour
Unit 1 Organisational Behaviour: Meaning, Features, Significance and Models 13
Unit 2 Foundations of Individual Behaviour: Determinants, Models and 23
Block 2 Understanding Individual Behaviour
Unit 3 Employee Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 37
Unit 4 Learning: Nature and Theories 50
Block 3 Organisational Behaviour: Major Facets
Unit 5 Motivation: Concept and Theories 63
Unit 6 Nature of Group Dynamics 74
Unit 7 Team Work: Nature, Effectiveness, Impediments 85
Unit 8 Communication: Meaning, Nature and Process 96
Unit 9 Leadership: Concept and Theories 107
Block 4 Life in Organisations and Organisational System
Unit 10 Organisational Conflict: Meaning, Process and Types 119
Unit 11 Negotiation: Concept, Process and Approaches 130
Unit 12 Change: Process and Management 142
Unit 13 Organisational Culture: Meaning, Types and Nature 152
Unit 14 Organisational Change and Development: Concept and Techniques 165
Unit 15 Stress Management: Nature, Consequences and Management 177
Unit 16 Models: Challenges and Opportunities 187
Suggested Reading
There is no better way to highlight the importance of Organisational Behaviour
than to quote Peter Drucker who said “The Organisation is, above all, social.
It is people”. Organisational Behaviour is about the behaviour of individuals
in an organisational setting. It goes into great depths to analyse the behaviour,
both as an individual and when part of a group. If we go by the definition
of an Organisation as ‘a group of two or more people who work together to
achieve the agreed objectives’, we can see why human behaviour will play a
central role in the success of an organisation. In fact, it is a bit surprising that
the Business Schools focused only on the quantitative and technical aspects of
Management until the 1980s, ignoring the people-aspect. However, starting from
the eighties, the people-dimension came to the forefront in Business Schools’
curricula. The basic idea behind setting up an organisation is that a group of
individuals can achieve what one individual cannot achieve alone. However,
when many individuals, possessing varied skills and expertise, but also from
diverse backgrounds and cultures, come together under the umbrella of an
organisation to achieve common objectives, they expect each other to behave/
perform in a certain way that will be the most optimum way for achieving the
prescribed goals, both of the organisation and that of the individuals. It is quite
natural that some levels for friction can get generated because of the diversity
among the workforce and more importantly the conflicts of interests among
the different stakeholders of the business. Organisational Behaviour discipline
aims to address all such issues for the benefit of one and all who are connected
with the organisation.
The course on Organisational Behaviour is divided into four blocks, ‘Concept
and Relevance of Organisational Behaviour’, ‘Understanding Individual
Behaviour’, ‘Organisational Behaviour: Major Facets’ and ‘Life in Organisations
and Organisational System’, consisting of a total of 16 units covering important
aspects of Organisational Behaviour.
Block 1 Concept and Relevance of Organisational Behaviour
Unit 1 Organisational Behaviour: Meaning, Features, Significance and
Unit 1 provides the foundation for the course and covers the meaning,
features, significance and models of Organisational Behaviour.The three
main theoretical frameworks in the discipline of Organisational Behaviour,
‘Behavioural Framework’, ‘Cognitive Framework’ and ‘Social Cognitive
Framework’ are discussed in detail in this Unit. It also deals with the relationship
between Bureaucracy and Organisational Behaviour. The different models
of Organisational Behaviour, the ‘Autocratic Model’, the ‘Custodial Model’,
the ‘Supportive Model’, the ‘Collegial Model’ and the ‘Systems Model’, the
challenges and opportunities of which are explored in detail in the last Unit, are
introduced in Unit 1.
Unit 2 Foundations of Individual Behaviour: Determinants, Models and
The focus of Unit 2 is on individual behaviour. It has attempted to bring forth
the factors that affect individual behaviour. The determinants of personality 7
that can be broadly bifurcated into ‘nature’ and ‘nurture’ classes have been
elaborated in this Unit. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) instrument,
which was developed by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother, Katharine Cook
Briggs to help people understand and appreciate differences in each other’s
personalities, is explored in detail as the said instrument has the potential to
increase productivity of teams comprised of diverse people. The Unit introduces
the concept of ‘Perception’ and elaborates the factors that affect perception.
Block 2 Understanding Individual Behaviour
Unit 3 Employee Attitudes and Job Satisfaction
Unit 3 examines the concept and theories of Job Satisfaction, and establishes its
connection with Organisational Behaviour. It also focuses on the types (Positive,
Negative, Neutral and Sikken) and components of ‘Attitudes’ which can be
defined as the way of thinking, feeling, or behaving that reflects the state of
mind or disposition of the individual. The different types of attitudes displayed
by employees and the ways of changing them for the better are explored. The
characteristics of ‘committed’ people are also listed.
Unit 4 Learning: Nature and Theories
Unit 4 is about the nature and theories of ‘Learning’. After covering the meaning
and definitions of ‘Learning’, it ventures into the principles of learning before
dealing with the factors (personal and social) influencing learning.Different
theories related to the concept of learning like Classical Conditioning Theory,
S-R theory (Operant Conditioning), Cognitive Learning Theory and Social
Learning Theory are discussed in this Unit.
Block 3 Organisational Behaviour: Major Facets
Unit 5 Motivation: Concept and Theories
Unit 5 is about the concept and theories of ‘Motivation’. It brings out the
differences between Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation, and discusses how the
concepts of Motivation can be applied at the workplace. Hierarchy of Needs
theory propounded by the famous psychologist Abraham Maslow, ERG theory
(Existence needs, Relatedness needs and Growth needs) postulated by Clayton
Paul Alderfer, the Two-factor theory proposed by the famous psychologist
Frederick Herzberg, and Theory X - Theory Y of Douglas McGregor are
elaborated in detail in this Unit. ‘Selfless Action’ (Nishkama Karma), as
advocated in Bhagawad Gita and its relevance in a modern organisation are
also touched upon. The inducements that are generally provided to employees
to increase their motivation levels are also discussed.
Unit 6 Nature of Group Dynamics
Nature of ‘Group Dynamics’ is dealt with in Unit 6. It starts with the principles
behind group dynamics and continues with factors affecting group behaviour.
Subsequently, the types of groups and theories behind group formation are
discussed in detail.The famous five stage model proposed by Bruce Tuckman
which consists of Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Adjourning
are elaborated in this Unit.
Unit 7 Team Work: Nature, Effectiveness, Impediments
Unit 7 deals with the nature and effectiveness of, and impediments to, ‘Team
Work’. The difference between a ‘group’ and a ‘team’ is explained and the
importance and benefits of teamwork are discussed. The characteristics of high-
performance teams are discussed in detail. The Unit concludes by elaborating
the impediments to team work, and ways to overcome them.
Unit 8 Communication: Meaning, Nature and Process
Unit 8 is about the meaning, nature and process of communication. Different
types of communication like Formal communication (consisting of Downward
communication, Upward communication and Lateral communication), Informal
communication, Grapevine communication and Rumours are discussed in great
detail. Barriers to communication and ways to facilitate effective communication
in an organisation are explored.
Unit 9 Leadership: Concept and Theories
Unit 9 is about the concept of ‘Leadership’ and the theories pertaining to the
same. Different styles of leadership style like ‘Autocratic’, ‘Participative’
and ‘Laissez-faire’ and theories like ‘Trait theory’, ‘Path Goal theory’,
‘Group and Exchange Theory’, ‘Contingency Theory’, ‘Charismatic Theory’,
‘Transformational Theory’, ‘Social Learning Theory’ etc are explained. Skills
like Cultural Flexibility, Communication Skills, HRD Skills, Creativity etc.,
that are expected to be possessed by a good leader are enumerated in this Unit.
Block 4 Life in Organisations and Organisational System
Unit 10 Organisational Conflict: Meaning, Process and Types
The meaning, process and approaches of Organisational Conflict are discussed
in Unit 10. It looks at the main reasons behind conflicts and the processes though
which conflict manifests itself. Conflicts can be divided into sub-classes along
several dimensions. These classes of conflict are discussed in detail in this Unit.
The final section of the Unit is devoted to Conflict Management.
Unit 11 Negotiation: Concept, Process and Approaches
Unit 11 explores the concept, process and approaches of ‘Negotiation’. After
bringing out the differences among Negotiation, Mediation and Arbitration, it
explains the concept of BATNA (Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement)
and ZOPA (Zone of Possible Agreement). Negotiation is conceptualised in this
Unit as a five-step process, each of which is elaborated in detail. The processes
are 1) preparation and planning (2) definition of ground rules (3) clarification
and justification (4) bargaining and problem solving, and (5) closure and
implementation. The Unit concludes with the discussion on some common
tactics employed by negotiators and ways to counter them.
Unit 12 Change: Process and Management
Unit 12 on process and management of ‘Change’ starts by defining what Change
is, and explains the factors stimulating change. It goes on to explain why and
how people oppose change, and the proven methods of managing change. The
‘Lewin’s three step model to manage change’ and ‘Kotter’s eight step plan for 9
implementing change’ are discussed in detail in the last sections of the Unit.
Unit 13 Organisational Culture: Meaning, Types and Nature
Unit 13 deals with the meaning, types and nature of ‘Organisational Culture’.
After discussing the characteristics (like observed regularities, norms, dominant
values, philosophy, rules etc.) of Organisational Culture, it moves on to the
types of Organisational Culture like Dominant and subcultures, Strong and
weak organisational cultures, Adaptive and unadaptive cultures, Functional and
dysfunctional cultures, Rational cultures, Developmental cultures, Consensual
Cultures and Hierarchical cultures. It further explains the process through
which Organisational Culture is formed and maintained. The Unit concludes by
explaining what a ‘Learning Organisation’ is.
Unit 14 Organisational Change and Development: Concept and
Unit 14 on the concepts and techniques of ‘Organisational Change and
Development’ starts with a discussion on the forces behind organisational
change. The changes may be pertaining to innovations by subordinates, those
that the manager initiates, those that are imposed by the top management or
the changes induced by the environment. After discussing the major types of
organisational change, it looks at the human responses to change. The concept,
objectives and techniques of Organisational Development are discussed in
Unit 15 Stress Management: Nature, Consequences and Management
The nature, consequences and management of ‘Stress’ are explored in Unit 15.
After defining what stress is, it goes on to explain its nature and sources. The
source may be an environmental factor, organisational factor, personal factor
or a combination of these. The physiological, psychological and behavioural
consequences of stress are discussed subsequently, before moving on to the
methods of managing stress using different approaches that can be broadly
classified under Individual approaches and Organisational approaches.
Unit 16 Models: Challenges and Opportunities
Unit 16, the last Unit, is about the opportunities and challenges pertaining to
different ‘Organisational models’. It starts by explaining different models like
S - R Model (Stimulus - Response Model), R - S Model (Response - Stimulus
Model), ABC Model (Antecedents, Behaviours and Consequences), S - O -
R Model (Stimulus-Organism-Response), S - O - B - C Model (Stimulus –
Organism – Behaviour – Consequences) and Systems Model. The Unit goes on
to explain the opportunities and challenges pertaining to Autocratic, Custodial,
Supportive and Collegial Models.
Block 1
Concept and Relevance of
Organisational Behaviour
Behaviour: Meaning,
MEANING, FEATURES, Features, Significance
and Models
1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Meaning of Organisational Behaviour
1.3 Features of Organisational Behaviour
1.4 Significance of Organisational Behaviour
1.5 Organisational Behaviour and Bureaucracy
1.6 Theoretical framework of Organisational Behaviour
1.7 Organisation Behaviour Models
1.8 Conclusion
1.9 Glossary
1.10 References
1.11 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises
After reading this Unit, you should be able to:
• Understand the meaning of Organisational Behaviour (OB);
• Discuss the key features of OB;
• Examine the significance of OB;
• Explain the relationship between bureaucracy and OB;
• Educate the theoretical framework of OB; and
• Describe the major approaches and models of OB.
Organisations are not mere brick and mortar; they consist of people. As per
Peter Drucker (1999), “The Organisation is, above all, social. It is people”.
OB is the study of the ways in which people interact in an organisational
setting. It is believed that the behaviour of people in organisational contexts is
different from that exhibited by them in their personal lives. Until the 1980s,
the business schools stressed only on the importance of quantitative and other
technical aspects of management, but during the eighties and early nineties the
environment in which organisations work changed dramatically, as a result of
which the study of human behaviour came to the forefront. The ultimate aim
Contributed by Dr. Lishin Moothery Joshy, Associate Professor, SCMS Cochin School of Business, Cochin.
Concept and of developing Organisational Behaviour as a discipline may be to improve
Relevance of the efficiency and efficacy of organisations, but individual employees also
benefit from the scientific approaches embedded in the conceptual constructs of
Organisational Behaviour theories as they seek to maximise the outputs from
individuals by strategic interventions. So what is an organisation?
An organisation is a group of two or more people who work together to achieve
the agreed upon objectives. We come into touch with several organisations
during our life time. Organisations are as diverse as a hospital, a university
and a company like Infosys etc. Organisations are defined by Richard L. Daft
(2012) in his book “Organisation Theory and Design” as “i) Social entities that;
are goal-oriented ii) are designed as deliberately structured and coordinated
activity systems and iii) are linked to the external environment”. The key element
of an organisation is not the building that houses it or the policies that guide
it; the key element is the people and their relationships with one another. An
organisation is said to exist when people interact with one another to perform
essential functions to achieve organisation’s objectives or common goals. We
study this in detail under the concept called Organisational Behaviour.
1.8 CONCLUSION Organisational
Behaviour: Meaning,
Organisational Behaviour is the study of an individual’s behaviour within an Features, Significance
and Models
organisation (primarily in his organisational role), of the relationship between
the individual and the organisation, and of the organisation itself. Although
each of these can be investigated in isolation, it is essential to study all the three
aspects together to gain a comprehensive understanding of the matter being
Organisational Behaviour : A field of study that investigates the impact
that individuals, groups, and structures have
on behaviour within organisations, for the
purpose of applying such knowledge toward
improving an organisation’s effectiveness
(Robbins and Judge, 2019).
Globalisation : Globalisation implies giving rise to new
societal expectations, changing value systems,
altering the nature of State and governing
systems. This is putting pressure on public
administration to respond to the widely
fluctuating shifts. It is resulting in major
changes in the nature of the State.
Callahan, R. E., Patrick, F.C. & Knudson, H.R. (1985). Understanding
Organizational Behavior: A Casebook. Glencoe: McGraw-Hill School Pub
Daft, R.L. (2012). Organization Theory and Design. Mason, Ohio, USA:
Cengage Learning.
Drucker, P. F. (1999): Management Challenges for the 21st Century, New
York: Harper Business.
Dwivedi, R.S. (2011). Human Relations and Organisational Behaviour: A
Global Perspective. New Delhi, India: MacMillan India Ltd.
Locke, E.A. (2003). The Blackwell Handbook of Principles of Organisational
Behavior. Wiley Blackwell.
¬Luthans, F. (2011). Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach
(12th ed.). Irwin, UK: McGraw-Hill.
Nayar, V. (2010). Employees First, Customers Second: Turning Conventional
Management Upside Down. New York, India: Harvard Business Review
Newstrom, J. W. & Davis, K. (2015). Organisational Behaviour: Human
Behaviour at Work. New Delhi, India: Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Concept and Robbins, S.P. & Judge, T.A. (2019). Organizational Behavior (18th ed.). New
Relevance of Delhi: Pearson Publication.
Behaviour Selznick, P. (1948). Foundations of the Theory of Organizations. American
Sociological Review. 13 (1): 25-35.
Skinner, B.F. (1950). Are theories of learning necessary? Psychological Review.
57(4): 193-216.
Smith, A. (1776). The Wealth of Nations. London: W. Strahan and T. Cadell,
Weber, M. (1978). Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretive Sociology.
California, USA: University of California Press.
22 • Systems model
UNIT 2 FOUNDATIONS OF Organisational
Behaviour: Meaning,
INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOUR: Features, Significance
and Models
2.0 Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Biological factors
2.3 Ability
2.4 Personality
2.5 Determinants and models
2.6 The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
2.7 Perceptions
2.7.1 Factors that Influence Perception
2.8 Conclusion
2.9 Glossary
2.10 References
2.11 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises
After reading this Unit, you should be able to:
• Understand the factors that affect individual behaviour;
• Understand the determinants of personality;
• Appreciate the usefulness of MBTI instrument; and
• Understand the importance of and factors affecting perceptions.
Organisations are much more than a mere group of human beings. However,
there is no doubt that human beings are a vital part of all organisations, and as
such human psychology has considerable impact on organisational behaviour.
Since no two humans are alike, one notices a variety of behavioural pattern
within an organisation. Some of these will be in sharp contrast to others,
leading to possible conflicts. To be effective in an organisation, one ought to
possess knowledge about different types of human behaviour. This will help in
augmenting personal satisfaction and organisational effectiveness. There are
several factors that contribute to differences among individuals.
Contributed by Dr. Lishin Moothery Joshy, Associate Professor, SCMS Cochin School of Business, Cochin.
Concept and
Relevance of
Organisational We are a product of our genes and the environment in which we grow up.
Thus, both ‘nature’ and ‘nurture’ influence our behaviour. Biology affects
human behaviour through genetically regulated heredity. How much of
our behaviour is a product of biological factors and how much is due to the
environmental context is still an open question. Biological factors control the
flow of neurotransmitters (chemicals that transmit messages from one nerve
cell to another) in the brain. Hereditary, on the other hand, refers to the aspects
pre-determined at conception. Inherited factors account for matters like height,
complexion, strength etc. Some researchers suggest that it is in the molecular
structure of the chromosomes that determine the nature of one’s personality.
A few studies about identical twins separated at birth indicate that there are
several similarities in personality and behaviour of the separated twins even
when they are raised in totally different environments. This result would not
have been obtained, had there been no effect of hereditary factors on behaviour.
However, genes do not account for all the similarities/dissimilarities in behaviour
of human beings; human behaviour is also influenced by life experiences and
environment. In fact, all things that happen around us shape our personality and
condition our responses to them. The behaviour of our parents, the value system
imparted to us, the education that we received, the kind of friends that we have,
the society that we grow up in etc., are factors that influence our personality and
Ability means the mental or physical capacity to do something. It follows
that an organisation cannot achieve its stated objectives in the most efficient
manner without the support of its ‘able’ members. A person’s abilities are also
determined by both genetics and environmental factors. Imagine someone who
has the genes required to be a great sportsperson. However, he needs to nurture
his inborn talent if he really has to become a sportsperson. Thus, although he is
born with an advantage, it will get wasted if the environment is not conducive
to his growth. The opposite is also true. A person who is not a born-athlete can
also do wonders on the sports arena through continuous training and practice,
especially since many who are naturally gifted do not turn up on the field due to
lack of a conducive environment.
Personality is a set of characteristics or qualities that form a person’s distinctive
character. This set comprises behaviours, thoughts, ideas, habits, perceptions
and emotional patterns that originate from biological and environmental factors.
The word ‘personality’ has been derived from the Latin word “persona” which
means “mask” used by actors to change their appearance. Gordon Allport (1937)
defined ‘personality’ seven decades ago as the “dynamic organisation within the
individual of those psychological systems that determine his unique adjustment
to his environment”. Kurt Lewin considers personality as “a dynamic totality
of systems”. According to American psychologists Randy Larsen and David
Buss, “personality is a stable, organised collection of psychological traits and
24 mechanisms in the human being that influences his or her interactions with and
modifications to the psychological, social and physical environment surrounding Foundations of
them”. J.F. Dashiell regards personality as “the sum total of behaviour trends Individual Behaviour:
Determinants, Models
manifested in social adjustments” (Aggarwal, 2014). and Perceptions
The concept of ‘personality’ is understood by both the common man and the OB
practitioners alike. Lay people often refer to this concept when talking about
people who have dashing ‘personalities’ or about people who have charming
‘personalities’. For OB practitioners, the concept of personality is crucial to
understand and manage the workforce. It allows them to analyse why their
employees are behaving in a particular fashion and why some of them are good
organisational citizens and why some are not.
Individual Behaviour:
(MBTI) Determinants, Models
and Perceptions
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) instrument was developed by Isabel
Briggs Myers and her mother, Katharine Cook Briggs to help people understand
and appreciate differences in each other’s personalities and to thereby increase
productivity of teams comprised of diverse people. According to Isabel
Briggs Myers, when people differ, knowledge of the ‘type’ of each of them
reduces the friction between them and thereby eases the strain in interpersonal
relationships. She adds that it reveals the value of differences. To her, no one
has to be good at everything. According to Isabel Briggs Myers, “it is up to
each person to recognise his or her true preferences.” She says that people can
develop themselves at any age by understanding their ‘type’ and by making
appropriate use of their gifts.
MBTI instrument is the most widely used personality assessment instrument. It
assigns people to one of 16 personality types based on four bipolar dimensions:
extroverted (E)–introverted (I); sensing (S)–intuitive (I); thinking (T)–feeling
(F); and perceiving (P)–judging (J). The instrument helps one to become aware
of one’s personality preferences. A preference is what one likes. You may prefer
tea to coffee. But that doesn’t mean that you will never have coffee. Similarly,
on being pressurised, you may go out on a picnic even though you would have
preferred to stay back home. A preference is not what you actually do, but what
you want to do.
Extroverts look outward and find energy in interaction with others. By contrast,
introverts turn inwards and find energy by spending time alone. Sensors use
as-is data: they are concerned with actual physical reality that they experience
through their five senses. Intuitive people use their hunches. They recognise
patterns in what they see, they read between the lines. Thinkers make objective
decisions based on logic. Feelers are subjective and tend to consider the people
involved and the circumstances while deciding. Perceivers are flexible and they
remain open to options while dealing with the outside world. Judgers want to
get things decided and closed.
One needs to ascertain one’s preference in each of the above mentioned
categories. This will reveal the personality type, which will be one of the sixteen
types shown below:
Perception is the way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted.
Individuals organise their sensory impressions and interpret the same to derive
meaning. Perceptions are extremely important in an organisational context as it
is perceptions, not reality, that drive human behaviour. Employees may harbor
negative attitudes about the employer, if they ‘perceive’ the employer as unfair,
irrespective of whether the employer is actually unfair or not. The employer
may reward an employee if he is ‘perceived’ to be hardworking and efficient,
even if he is neither hardworking nor efficient.
• Attitudes
• Motives
• Interests
• Experience
• Expectation
Factors in the
• Time
Perception • Work setting
• Social setting
• Novelty
• Motion
• Sound
• Size
• Background
• Proximity
• Similarity
Organisational behaviour is the study of both group and individual performance
and action within an enterprise. Individual behaviour can be defined as how
an individual behaves at work. Biological factors, environmental aspects and
personality traits determine how an individual behaves at workplace and in
general. Further, individual behaviour affects an organisation’s performance
to a very large extent. Hence the study of individual behaviour, in addition to
having academic importance, has great practical utility.
Myers-Briggs Type : MBTI instrument was developed by Isabel
Indicator Briggs Myers and her mother, Katharine
Cook Briggs to help people understand and
appreciate differences in each other’s
personalities and to thereby increase
productivity of teams comprised of diverse
Aggarwal, J.C. (2014). Essentials of Educational Psychology (3rd). New Delhi,
Vikas Publishing Pvt Ltd.
Allport, G. (1937). Personality: A Psychological interpretation. New York:
Concept and Champoux, J.E. (2010). Organizational Behavior: Integrating Individuals,
Relevance of Groups, and Organisations (4th ed.). Abingolon, UK: Routledge.
Behaviour Colarelli, S.M. & Arvey, R.D. (2015). The Biological Foundations of
Organizational Behavior. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Dwivedi, R.S. (2010). Human Relations and Organisational Behaviour: A
Global perspective (5th ed.). New Delhi: Macmillan.
Judge, T.A. & Robbins, S.P. (2017). Organizational Behavior (17th ed.). New
Year: Pearson Global Education.
Locke, E.A. (2003). The Blackwell Handbook of Principles of Organizational
Behavior. New York :Wiley Blackwell.
Luthans, F. (2011). Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach
(12th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Robbins, S.P. (2002). Essentials of Organizational Behavior (7th ed.). Upper
Saddle River, NJ:Prentice Hall.
Robbins, S.P., Judge, T.A. & Vohra, N. (2014). Organizational Behavior (16th
ed.). New York: Pearson.
2. Your answer should include the following points: Foundations of
Individual Behaviour:
• Perception is the way in which something is regarded, understood, or Determinants, Models
interpreted. Individuals organise their sensory impressions and interpret the and Perceptions
same to derive meaning.
• Selective perception; Halo effect; Contrast effect; Self- fulfilling prophecy;
and Stereotyping.