Consumer Behaviour
Acknowledgement : Parts of this course is adapted from the earlier MS-61: Consumer Behaviour
course and the persons marked with (*) were the original contributors and the profiles are as it was
on the date of initial print.
Mr. Tilak Raj
Assistant Registrar,
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May, 2022
Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2022
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Course Contents
Unit 4 Perceptions 77
Unit 5 Learning and Memory 87
Unit 6 Attitude and Attitude Change 103
Unit 7 Personality and Self-concept 116
Unit 8 Consumer Motivation and Involvement 133
Consumer Behaviour-
Learning outcomes
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
define consumer behaviour
describe the nature of consumer behaviour
explain the scope of consumer behavior
discuss the various models of Consumer Behaviour and explain their
discuss the emergence of online buying behaviour and its implications
outline the broad areas of application of consumer behaviour in marketing
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Nature of Consumer Behaviour
1.3 Who is a Consumer?
1.4 What is a Consumer Decision?
1.5 Scope of Consumer Behaviour
1.6 Decision Process
1.7 Individual and Group Determinants of Consumer Decisions
1.8 Models of Consumer Behaviour including Online Buying Behaviour
1.9 Applications of Consumer Behaviour in Marketing
1.10 Summary
1.11 Key Words
1.12 Self-assessment Questions
1.13 Project Questions
1.14 Further Readings
In your core course on Marketing Management MMPC-006, you have already
studied that Marketing as a function is aimed at satisfying consumer needs and wants
through the exchange process as a key to achieving organizational goals. In order
to be able to satisfy consumer needs, you need to first define who your consumers
are and what benefits do they seek,when and how they buy the products and services
being offered by you. Why do these consumers buy your brand and not that of the
competitors? How do your consumers perceive your product or service suit their
needs? After having bought your product do they feel satisfied or dissatisfied? And
how are these feelings reflected in their subsequent behavior as consumers? Seeking 9
Consumer Behaviour-Issues answers to all these questions and related issues forms the interesting field of Consumer
and Concepts
It is important to the survival and growth of your organization that you regularly
raise such questions and attempt to find answers to them. It is only through such
a process of questioning and seeking that you can be sure of keeping your firm
on the growth path. A thorough knowledge of your consumers and an understanding
of their behavior as consumers are essential if you wish to continue to remainin
This and the following units in this course provide you insights into the complex but
extremely interesting field of consumer behaviour. After having read this unit, you
would be able to spell out who are consumers, why they behave in the manner
that they do, what influences their behaviour and how you as a marketer can utilize
your knowledge of the influencing factors in your favor. This is the most important
aspect of consumer behaviour which has practical implications for firm. Once you
have an understanding of the behaviour of consumers and know that their behaviour
can be influenced, you can initiate a number of steps to do so. This unit covers the
nature, scope and applications of Consumer behaviour.
In the digital age, internet access and use, the deep penetration of smartphones
and the ubiquitous social media have created major changes in the way people search
for goods, evaluate their alternatives and acquires products and services.
Digital age has allowed people to browse and buy items right from the palm of
their hands, without leaving their seats. The internet offers the information buyers
need to know about products via a simple search. In fact, over 56% of shoppers
in India turn to search engines before they make a purchase. Even referrals have
transitioned online in the form of reviews and testimonials. This marketing strategy
dramatically influences a prospective buyer in completing a purchase conveniently,
as more and more people believe online reviews as much as their peers.
In order for marketers to succeed in the digital age, marketers will need to develop
a clear understanding of the way people shop, and the shifting influences on consumer
decision making. We will be covering this aspect of emerging online behavior later
in this unit
As a field of study, Consumer behavior is the study of consumers and the processes
they use to choose, use (consume), and dispose of products and services, including
consumers’ emotional, mental, and behavioral responses.
However, the term consumer is a far wider term, encompassing not only the actual
buyer or customer but also all its users, i.e., consumers. There are two situations
when this distinction between consumers and customers may occur, i) when the
service or product is provided free, and ii) when the customer is not the actual
user of the product/service or is only one of the many users. The second situation
needs greater elaboration as it is of critical significance for us.
Very often, the actual customer making a purchase may not be doing so for himself
or herself. For instance, in case of a father buying a box or crayons for his four-
year old daughter, the customer is the father but the actual user or consumer is his
daughter. Another case may be where a father is buying a TV for the family members.
The father is the customer but all the family members are the consumers. The two
vital elements to remember in all consumer situations are- a) the influence on purchase
from other people and b) the roles taken on by different people in consumer behaviour
In the instance of the father buying crayons for his daughter, the latter may not
have had influence at all on the purchase; the father is the decision maker and
buyer and the daughter is the user. In case of the father buying a TV for his
family, it is quite likely that the wife and children may have exerted considerable
influence on the decision. The father is simply, the buyer, while other family
members may be influencers and all, including the father, are users. Table 1.1
presents one way of classifying the roles that people can take on in the context
of consumers behavior. 11
Consumer Behaviour-Issues Table1.1 Some Consumer Behaviour Roles and Role Description
and Concepts
Role Role Description
Initiator : The person who determines that some need or want is not
being met.
Influencer : The person who intentionally/unintentionally influences the
decision to buy the actual purchase and/or
use of product or service.
Buyer : The person who actually makes the purchase.
User : The person who actually uses or consumes the product or
You will read more about the different buying roles and their influence on family
decision making in Unit10 of this course. These buying roles may vary in different
buying situations. While studying consumer behaviour we have to keep in mind all
the various consumer roles that can possibly be taken on. But in practical terms it
may be very difficult to study all these roles. Therefore, the emphasis of study is
on one role that of the buyer. The reason for this is that this is the only part of the
behavior which is overt and visible. It is only through the buyer, whom we can easily
identify, that we can attempt to study the influences exerted on the purchase by
other role players
Name three recently bought products by you in which you are both the buyer
and user. Try and identify the influence, if any, exerted by another person in
your purchase decision
Let us go back to the example of a father, we call Mr. Bannerjee buying a TV for
his family. It is possible that the consumer behaviour involving mental processes
and activities may have taken place in the following sequence and manner.
Mr.Bannerjee’s teenage daughter, sees a smart TV at her friend’s house. She then
raises the issue of buying a smart TV to replace their existing colour TV. The family
discusses the issue and agrees that it is indeed time they bought a smart TV which
will enable them to enjoy both the cable-based channels and all digital platform-
based entertainments offered by providers like Netflix, Sony Max, Prime Video,
Hotstar and others. The next day Mr. Bannerjee discusses the matter with his friend
and colleague, Mr. Chandra. He visits Mr. Chandra’s home to see for himself the
quality of the Samsung Smart TV that he has. Mrs. Bannerjee also finds out more
about the various brands, prices and features of different brands, from her sister
who recently purchased a smart TV. Her sister has a Sony Bravia TV and
recommends the same. Meanwhile, Mr. Bannerjee’s daughter checks out the brands
of TVs that her various friends have at their respective homes and concludes that
Philips or Haier may be better choices. In the next few days, theentire Bannerjee
family makes it a point to carefully study any advertisements of Smart TVs that
appear in the newspaper, or on social media or TV. At all social occasions they
raise the question of which is the best Smart TV to buy amongst their friends and
relatives and mentally, mark the different positive and negative points of different
brands. Within two weeks, the Banerjees have collected enough information to take
a decision to buy the TV, but they need more specific information. They scour the
websites of the different manufacturers and also look at product ratings by
independent rating providers as well as customer ratings on social media. To get
the actual feel of the product they use a weekend to visit the nearby mall to see
the different TVs on display in the respective outlets.
On comparing features like price, quality of transmission, looks, features like warranty
and tech support, they finally decide to buy a Samsung Curve. The activity and
thought process which resulted in the final purchase of the TV started well before
the actual purchase and was spread over a period of two to three weeks. This
entire process forms part of consumer behaviour.
In case of the stock of regular brands of toilet soap being depleted at home, its
purchase may need no elaborate decision process or activity of comparison and
evaluation. Rather the purchase decision is a replenishment decision and almost
an automatic one.
Recall the purchase of the last consumer durable in your family. It could be a
refrigerator, a two-wheeler or an air conditioner. Describe the decision process
and physical activities, preceding the purchase undertaken by the various member
of the family.
The scope of consumer behaviour has been briefly touched upon in the previous
section wherein it was explained that how consumer behaviour includes not only
the actual buyer and his act of buying but also the various roles played by different
individuals and the influence they exert on the final purchase decision. In this
section we shall define and explain the scope of study of consumer behaviour.
Let us look at the constituents of the framework briefly as they are explained in
detail in the subsequent units.
Problem recognition thus occurs when the consumer recognizes that he has an
unfulfilled need. The desire to fulfil this need triggers off the other steps of information;
search and evaluation and finally results in the purchase.
However, not all situations of problem recognition automatically led to the next step
of information search and evaluation. A consumer may recognize the need for a
vehicle to cover the long distance from his home to office and back. But if he does
not have the means to buy a vehicle for himself, then his need would remain a need,
and despite his recognition of the problem, the ensuing steps will not take place.
The constraints can be lack of availability or lack of ability to buy or even lack of
time to go through the purchase process.
Only if there are no constraints preventing further behaviour, the consumer will set
out to search for information relevant to the problem. The information search can
take place without the consumer even being aware of it or it may take the form of
a deliberate, prolonged search. To replenish the stock of tooth paste, a regular
customer knows from memory and past experience the brand, the package size he
wishes to buy, and the place from where he would like to buy. Of course, if it is a
first-time customer for toothpaste then he, would search for information from the
external environment, such as his friends, shopkeepers, and advertisements. Having
gathered the relevant information, the consumer needs to evaluate it to arrive at
the decision regarding which tooth paste best fulfils his need. You may also recall
that sometimes being exposed to an ad or seeing a new product in use, may trigger
your awareness of the need.
Consumer Behaviour-Issues Having arrived at the decision, the consumer sets out to make the purchase. At
and Concepts
this point the consumer has to make a choice regarding which outlet to buy from
or whether to order the product online. After the purchase when the consumer uses
the product, he either feels satisfied with it and concludes that he has made the
right decision or he feels dissatisfied and decides that his decision was not correct.
This dissatis faction-set in motion a search for alternative choices and fresh evaluation.
It is thus a continuing cycle of decision process.
Recall the last time you purchased toilet soap, a book for your leisure reading
and a dinner at a restaurant.Try and spell out the various physical and mental
activities which you indulged at each stage of the decision process, starting
from problem recognition. (For instance, the problem recognition in case of
toilet soap occurred when you had to go on an official tour and needed
necessary toiletries to carry along. So, you write “need to pack toiletries for
travel” in front on problem recognition and under the heading toilet soap, in
the matrix given below.) Similarly, you would fill in all the details in case of the
three purchase decisions.
(Hint: After dinner at a restaurant, wherein you are satisfied with the food
and service, you may tell the manager what an enjoyable evening you had
and make a mental note of the restaurant so that the next time you decide
to visit a restaurant, you consider this as one of the possibilities. On the
other hand, if you found the food to be of poor quality and the service
slow and inefficient, you may like to make a written complaint in the customer
book. And also, you strike off this restaurant from your mental list of
Marketers also try to give a distinct image or personality to their products which is
as close as possible to that of the target consumers. Raymond’s uses the image of
a complete man in a variety of settings to convey exclusivity and class. It is intended
to match the aspirational self-concept and image that would match well with the
self-concept of their target consumers.
Our motives, attitudes and personality act as filters by letting in only relevant
information and keeping all other information out. Surely, we would see the product,
hear its jingle but chances are it will not register in our minds. We will remember it
only for a short while and then forget it.
This refers to the process and activities which consumers engage in while gathering,
assimilating and evaluating information. As discussed in the previous paragraphs,
we only attend to selective information. The manner in which we assimilate and
evaluate this selective information is determined by our motives, attitudes and
personality and self-concept. Thus, the same information may be evaluated in a
different manner by two different individuals and the ensuing response may also be
very different. A half-filled glass elicits the response “a half-empty glass from, one
consumer while another reacts by saying it is”half-full”.
Consumer Behaviour-
Activity 4 Nature, Scope, Models and
Suppose you have won Rs.50000 in a lucky draw. The following optional uses
of the money are available to you.
a. Buying a Microwave oven
b. Go on a holiday with your family/friends
c. Buy shares
d. Buy a personal computer for use in the house
e. Buy a membership to a club
f. Deposit it in a fixed deposit account.
Rank the above options in order of your preference. Try and analyze how your
personal motives, attitudes and personality affected your ranking. Now put
the same question to a colleague in your office/friend/spouse. Is their response
different fromyours?
Try and explain the response in terms of the determinants of individual behavior
explained in this section.
Social class is a group consisting of a number of people who share more or less
equal position in a society. Within a social class people tend to share same values,
beliefs, and exhibit similar patterns of behaviour and consumption. Some social classes
are ranked as higher and lower. Social classes differ from one society to another,
and their standing in society may also change over time. Social classes may be defined
by parameters such as income and occupation. The belongingness to a social class
influences decisions such as choice of residence, type of holiday, means of entertainment
and leisure.
A social group is a collection of individuals who share some common attitudes and
a sense of relationship as a result of interaction with each other. Social groups may
be primary where face-to-face interaction take place frequently, such as families,
workgroups and study groups. Secondary groups are those where the relationship
is a more formalized and less personal in nature. Examples of primary groups are
associations of professionals, members of a political party, and social groups such
as Rotary, Lions, YCWA etc.
Family Influences
The first and strongest influence on a child is that of his family and he imbibes many
behavioural patterns from other family members sub consciously. These influences
tend to stay with him even after attaining adulthood. Further, within a family many
decisions are made jointly with various members exerting different degree of influence.
The changing structure of families as the joint family system gradually gives way to
single nucleus families also influence the consumer behaviour.
Personal Influences
Each individual is influenced by the family, social class, sub-cultural and cultural
group to which he belongs, and yet has his own distinct personality which influences
his decisions and behavior as a consumer. Each decision process is the outcome
of an interplay of personal and social variables. You must also remember as noted
in the preceding paragraphs that social groups like family, and reference groups
are part of the early influences that shape personal variables like personality, self-
concept and attitudes. The process of evaluation of different products and different
brands will vary from person to person. For one, price may be the most important
parameter in making the decision to buy a water geyser, for another it is convenience,
20 and for yet another it may be the status symbol value.
Other Influences Consumer Behaviour-
Nature, Scope, Models and
All other influences not covered in any of the other specific influence headings
are covered here. These may be national or regional level events, situational factors
or any other external influences. The recent pandemic and its impact on the
consumption related behavior in terms of responsible consumption, safe food habits
and spend save decisions provides a good example of how events external to
the individual may impact consumer behavior during a given period. Cricket test
matches and other sports world competitions always lead consumers to opt for
sports channels and products like firesticks to facilitate uninterrupted watching
of their favorite sports events. The hosting of Asiad matches and Commonwealth
Games within the country, coupled with India’s performance at world events like
the Tokyo Olympics in 2021 brought in their wake tremendous awareness and
interest in sports. All such-events have both temporary and permanent influences
on consumer behaviour. During the period of the event, there is increased emphasis
on buying goods and services related to the event. After the event is over, as in
case of Asiad and Commonwealth games, because the infrastructure for sports
has been created, an interest amongst the people been kindled; sporting events
are now held regularly with more people participating. All this leads to greater
consumption of sports goods, and other facilitating services
Situational variables such as product display, price reduction offers, free gift offers,
also influence consumer behaviour. Seeing an attractive offer, a free mug with a new
brand of coffee, a regular user of arival brand may be tempted to try the new brand.
As you would observe in Fig 1.1 the various factors in individual determinants and
external environment are separated by broken lines, this is done to denote the fact
that each of these specific factors influence and in turn are influenced by each other.
Further, you would notice that there is an arrow starting from external environment
and passing through individual determinants up to the decision process. This indicates
that external environmental factors do not affect the decision process directly, but
filter through individual determinants to influencethe decision process.
1. Information input
2. Information processing
3. Decision process
4. Decision process variables
5. External influences
Let us take an example to understand consumer behavior as explained by this model
As somebody who is currently dissatisfied with the way his laptop is functioning,
you come across an advertisement by a computer dealer, announcing a sale on various
Brands of computers and laptops for which his company’s the authorized agent.
This is the component of information input. This component includes all kinds of
marketing stimuli like advertisements, product displays, a point of purchase stimulus
and non-marketing stimuli like information inputs shared by friends, family or
colleagues, who may suggest a brand be used by them as an alternative to you.
Once you are exposed to this information from a variety of sources you begin to
process this information by going through the stages of exposure, attention,
comprehension, acceptance and retention of this information. You also utilize your
stored memory relevant to this purchase in processing this information and before
retaining it as actionable input for your decision process The next component, the
decision-making process, in this model, suggests that you could enter the decision-
making process at any time during your information processing stage. You could
begin contemplating the decision immediately after seeing the advertisement regarding
the sale by the dealer, or collect more information and recall inputs about your earlier
experiences from your memory and so on. The decision process is shown to comprise
of the sequential stages of problem recognition search for alternatives, alternative
evaluation, choice, and outcomes (post-purchase evaluation and behavior). Once
you arrive at the decision based on your alternative evaluation, which in turn is
impacted by both individual differences and external influences, this decision will
lead to a purchase. The outcome of the purchase could be satisfaction if the laptop
bought by you meets your expectations, or result in post purchase dissatisfaction,
if your purchase does not fully meet your expectations.These outcomes will now
become feedback and be stored in your memory to be used as reference in your
next purchase or related decision-making situation
As discussed in the foregoing paragraph, individual variables like demographics,
motives, beliefs, attitude, personality, values, lifestyle and external influences like
culture, social class and reference groups are important influences that impact the
stages of both information processing and decision making. If any of your important
reference group members like a colleague in the IT department of your office has
expressed a strong negative opinion about the after sales service of a given laptop
brand, that brand will not be considered among the alternatives that you evaluate
during your decision process.
Understanding Online Consumer Behaviour
There is no denying the fact that the widespread use of Internet on the one hand
has given huge impetus to the e-commerce activity and on the other hand has facilitated 23
Consumer Behaviour-Issues online buying to a great extent. Reports show that generation of sales globally reached
and Concepts
over USD 2,800 billion in 2018 (Digital Commerce360, 2019).
Certainly, the Covid 19 pandemic and the lockdown that disabled physical and face
to face economic activity, accelerated the adoption of online buying across the world
and India was no exception. The interesting thing to note however, is that once
the lockdown restrictions eased away, a large percentage of consumers report an
irreversible change in their buying habits as during this gap of over one year, a large
number of them got too used to the convenience of shopping from the convenience
of their homes or offices on an any time anyone basis. The vastly improved online
shopping platforms, stable and reliable payment options, and improve logistic
efficiencies have further added to the consumer convenience and improved experience,
A BCG research study on aspects of online buying behaviour in India has indeed
interesting trends among Indian buyers which are creating both challenges and
opportunities for the marketers. Let-us have a brief look at these trends that were
shared in October 2019. The study was conducted on over 4000 Indian consumers
in 2019, well before the impact of the pandemic on consumer buying really set in.
85% consumers checked at least two data points across all categories before
they made a purchase
62% consumers said that they main reason of buying a new product was
to keep up with the emerging trends
57% consumers reported using pre packaged food or shopping online to
free their time for other activities
50% consumers reported buying Indian Brands or over international Brands
in at least one category
Signaling a rise in women’s decision-making roles, 54% female consumers
were found to have the final say in more than half of the product categories
In subsequent research on buying behavior in India across the different waves
of the pandemic, the agency reported the following trends in consumer
sentiment and behavior, on the basis of their study of the pandemic on
consumer sentiment and behavior released in June 2021
Accelerated growth in the adoption and engagement with social commerce
and healthier Food choices
Adoption of digital commerce, entertainment and education gaining new
While the frequency of use of online Medical Services and interest in online
hobby classes has tended to wane around May 2021, use of online retailers
or E commerce, use of digital wallets, free apps like Hot star and You Tube,
paid OTT platforms and online education has tended to sustain.
a key takeaway from this research is that the COVID-19 crisis has
significantly altered the behavior of Indian consumers in several important
aspects, such as their heightened focus on health and their embrace of digital
tools and channels for making purchases.
The almost ubiquitous adoption of internet usage either through but even more Consumer Behaviour-
Nature, Scope, Models and
increasingly through Mobile devices has created several challenges for marketers Application
including those of an increasingly globalized and competitive marketplace. Also
challenging to the marketers is understanding of complex consumer behavior, driving
online buying and the major influences that impact such buying behavior. It is important
to understand the psychology, decision process.
While systematic research has been going on in developing models of online buying
behavior for at least a decade, we as of now do not have a comprehensive and
universally accepted model of digital consumer behavior.
The Technology Acceptance Model
This model, developed by Fred Davis tries to explain consumer tendency towards
online buying behavior by linking perceived usefulness of the technology relating
to savings in time and efficiency in spending. The ease-of-use component traces
how easily and conveniently the online shopping system works. Both perceived
usefulness and perceived ease of use influence positive attitude and behavioral
intent towards online shopping and eventually lead to users using the productor
service. The model also shows impact on external and individual variables on such
External factors include service quality, ease of payment options, easy accessibility
and user reviews. while the individual factors are the ones already studied by you
in earlier models-and comprise personal traits and attitudes, perceived ease of the
online option, time pressures and earlier experiences of online transactions.
Fig. 1.2 : Technology acceptance model of online consumer behaviour (adapted from
Maranguniæ, N. & Graniæ, A.., 2015. Technology acceptance model: a literature review
from 1986 to 2013. Universal Access in the Information Society, 14(1), pp.81-95,
doi: 10.1007/s10209-014-0348-1.
How, in your view, the online buying behavior seems to differ from the in store buying.
Consumer Behaviour-
1.10 APPLICATIONS OF CONSUMER Nature, Scope, Models and
Marketing is defined as “humanactivity directed at satisfying needs and wants through
exchange processes”. Thus, the beginning of marketing lies in identifying un satisfied
human needs and wants and understanding the ensuing activity which people engage
in to fulfil these. And that, as we have described, is the realm of consumer behaviour.
Consumer behaviour and marketing practice go hand-in-hand. Trying to do the latter
without an understanding of the former is a kin to firing a shot in the dark.
Consumer behaviour has a number of applications in the area of marketing as
described in the following paragraphs.
1. Analyzing Market Opportunity: Study of consumer behaviour helps in identifying
needs and wants which are unfulfilled. This is done by examining trends in income,
consumer lifestyles and emerging influences. The trend towards increasing number
of working women, and greater emphasis on leisure and convenience have signalled
the emerging needs for household gadgets such as vacuum cleaners, washing machine
and mixer grinders. Air purifiers, smart phones and water purifiers were marketed
in response to a genuinely felt need of the people.The rapidly rising sales graph in
these categories is an indication of how well the product has satisfied the consumer’s
2. Selecting the Target Market: The study of the consumer trends would reveal
distinct groups of consumers with very distinct needs and wants. Knowing who
these groups are, how they behave, how they decide to buy enables the marketer
to market products/services especially suited to their needs. All this is made possible
only by studying in depth the consumer and his purchase behaviour.
A study of potential consumers for shampoo revealed that there was a class of
consumers who can afford to use shampoo only on special occasions and who
otherwise use soap to wash their hair. Realizing the huge size of this market, companies
with leading brands launched their shampoos in small sachets containing enough
quantity for one wash and priced just at 3-5 Rupees.
3. Determining the Product Mix: Having identified the unfulfilled need slot and
having modified the product to suit differing consumer tastes, the marketer now
has to get down to the brass tacks of developing the right offer to market. He has
to determine the right mix of product, price promotion and advertising. Again,
consumer behaviour is extremely useful as it helps find answers to many perplexing
Product: The marketer has the product that will satisfy hitherto unfulfilled consumer
need, but he must decide the size, shape and attributes of the product. He must
figure out whether it is better to have one single product or a number of models to
choose from. Does the product require any special kind of packaging? Does it need
any guarantee or after sales service? What associated products and services can
be offered alongside?
Maggi Noodles were first launched in the most common flavours such as masala
and capsicum. Having succeeded with these, other flavours such as garlic and 27
Consumer Behaviour-Issues sambhar were launched with the objective of appealing to specific regional tastes.
and Concepts
However, these flavours did not succeed. Recently, variants like Atta noodles and
Oats Noodles were launched. All these are attempts to modify the product by
adding special features, attributes which might enhance the product appeal to the
The study of consumer behaviour also guides the marketer in making decisions
regarding packaging. Pan Parag was first introduced in tins. But study of consumer
behaviour revealed that people wanted smaller packing which they could conveniently
carry on their person and in response to this the individual pouches were introduced.
Further study of consumers revealed a problem with, these pouches. Once opened
and kept in the purse or pocket, the pan masala would spill out of the pouch into
the purse or pocket. To overcome this problem, Pan Parag launched a pouch with
a zip. You eat as much as you want, zip up the packet and put it in your pocket
without fear of spillage and wastage.
The study of consumer needs revealed the need for a water storage facility in the
kitchen and bathroom but which didn’t occupy floor space. In response to this need,
Sintex added the overhead indoor loft tank to their existing range of outdoor roof
top water storage tanks.
Price: What price should the marketer charge for the product? Should it be the
same as that of the competing product or lower or higher? Should the price be
marked on the product or left to the discretion of the retailer to charge what he
can from the customer? Should any price discounts be offered? What is the customer
perception of a lower or higher price? Would a lower price stimulate sales? Or is
a lower price associated with poor quality? These are the kinds of questions facing
a marketer when taking a decision regarding pricing. The marketer has to determine
the price level which makes the image of the product and which also maximizes
the sales revenue. For doing so he must understand the way his product is perceived
by consumers, the criticality of the price as a purchase decision variable and how
an increase or decrease in price would affect the sales. It is only through continuous
study of consumer behaviour in actual buying situations that the marketer can hope
to find answers to these issues.
Distribution: Having determined the product size, shape, packaging and price, the
next decision the marketer has to make is regarding the distribution channel. What.
type of outlets including the online ones should be used to sell the products? Should
it be sold through all the retail outlets or only through a selected few? Should a
mix of online and offlinebe used? Should it be sold through existing outlets which
also sell competing brands or should new outlets be selling exclusively your brand
of product be created? How critical is the location of the retail outlets from the
consumers’ viewpoint? Does the consumer look for the nearest convenient location
or is he only willing to shop from the convenience of his own home?
The answers to all these questions can only be found when the marketer has a good
understanding of the consumers’ needs which are being fulfilled by his product and
the manner in which consumers arrive at the decision to buy. Long ago, Eureka
Forbes introduced vacuum cleaners in the Indian market. It was not only launch of
a new brand, but rather a launch of a new product concept. No retail outlets were
selling vacuum cleaners, very few consumers knew much about the product and
fewer still were willing tobuy it. Under these circumstances, the company decided
to sell the product only through personal selling with the salesman calling on the Consumer Behaviour-
Nature, Scope, Models and
consumer at his home. Here the sales man had enough time to explain, demonstrate Application
and convince the prospective customer about the utility of the vacuum cleaner. In
a retail outlet situation, all this would just not have been possible. The retailer has
neither the time nor the detailed knowledge required to sell such a new product
concept. This distribution strategy of Eureka Forbes, based on a very fine
understanding of the consumer behaviour, has yielded good sales results. The product
concept is well accepted in the markets and today the vacuum cleaner, is also sold
through some selected retail outlets. You only have to look at the growing proliferation
of firms like Urban Company, who focus on making utility services like home cleaning,
personal grooming, furniture and carpet care services available to the consumer at
home at reasonable prices to appreciate how understanding of consumer behavior
enables new distribution opportunities.
Promotion: The marketer here is concerned with finding the most effective methods
of promotion which will make the product stand out amongst the clutter of so many
other brands, and products, which will help attain the sales objective and yet be
within the budget. This is possible only when the marketer knows who his target
consumers are,where are they located, what media do they have access to, what
is their preferred media and what role does advertising play in influencing the purchase
Today, Internet driven social, digital advertising and TV are among the most powerful
advertising media in the country. And many brands spend the greater part of their
promotion and advertising budget on these. Brands regularly advertised on these
media soon become well recognized names. But as a marketer you have to question
the suitability of any specific medium with respect to your specific product and budget.
Suppose your product is sold in only a few geographical markets you may decide
to avoid regional channels on TV, some regional print media and concentrate on
point of purchase promotion as well as hoardings.
In so many cases of industrial products, media advertising is very negligible, instead,
B-to-B digital Marketing, brochures or leaflets containing detailed product specification
and information are conveyed to the actual consumer, and sometimes followed up
by sales calls toclinch the deal. This is primarily because buyer behaviour and
informational needs of industrial buyers are very different from those of consumer
buying. You will study organizational buying behaviour in detail in Unit 3 of this block.
But you can make these decisions only when you know your consumer and understand
his behavior well.
Use in Non-profit and Social Marketing:
The knowledge of consumer behaviour is also useful in the marketing of non-profit
or social or governmental services of institutions such as hospitals, institutions, voluntary
agencies, law enforcement and tax collection agencies.
The income tax authorities have always been perceived in negative manner by the
common man who fears them and views them in a suspicious light. To overcome
this poor image, advertisements on TV, social media, and in newspapers and
magazines are regularly released,wherein a friendly, helpful image is sought to be
projected. Moreover, there is greater dissemination of information regarding the
rights and responsibilities of the tax payer.
Consumer Behaviour-Issues Similarly, the Covid Pandemic saw a massive effort at social marketing by
and Concepts
governments, public health agencies and responsible corporate to address the issues
of consumer awareness, protective measures and safety promoting behaviours.
The active public health and individual protection campaigns run during the various
waves of the corona pandemic, the “Swatchh Bharat and Swasth Bharat” initiatives
and other such events organized on special occasions such as India completing 75
years of Independence (Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav), used various types of appeals
in order to motivate the maximum participation. Organizations such as Red Cross,
Blood Banks, Heart Foundation, Indian Cancer Society, Sight savers, The Kailash
Satyarthi foundation, UNICEF, etc., all use an understanding of consumer behaviour
to promote their services, encourage public participation in their activities, sell their
products (greeting cards in case of UNICEF), and to motivate people to donate,
get regular health check-ups.
Activity 8
In your own work experience, or any other consumer product organization
that you are familiar with, study the pricing, promotion and distribution of
products. Clearly state the kind of applications of the knowledge of Consumer
Behavior that was applied in these decisions.
This Unit attempts to introduce you to the subject of consumer behaviour and all
that which is studied as part of this subject. Consumer behaviour comprises the
entire spectrum of activities and processes which individuals engage in when buying,
using, acquiring or disposing of goods andservices. The purchase is only one part,
the clearly observable part, of this range of activities. The focus of study in consumer
behaviour is the individual making the purchase, but sometimes he may be purchasing
on behalf of somebody else. To get a complete picture it is necessary to include
both the buyer and user in the realm of consumer behaviour. The study of consumer
behaviour is concerned with the decision process involved in a purchase. This process
may comprise physical and mental activities preceding and following the purchase
During this decision process, the consumer is influenced, by a variety of factors.
These influencing variables can be broadly divided into two categories, namely,
individual determinants and external variables. These were briefly touched upon in
this Unit and shall be explained in greater detail in later units.
An understanding of consumer behaviour is of critical importance to all persons
engaged in any form of marketing activity, its importance stems from the fact that
i) behaviour of consumers can be understood, ii) the behaviour can be influenced,
and iii) the marketer can utilize these influencing variables to his advantage.
The unit also introduces you to various models of consumer behavior including those
related to online buying behavior to expose you to research based comprehensive
30 explanations of how consumers decide.
The applications of Consumer behavior to all aspects of marketing decision making Consumer Behaviour-
Nature, Scope, Models and
have been discussed. Consumer behaviour is also applicable in case of non- Application
commercial, non-profitmarketing.
Decision Process: The sequence of mental and physical activities and processes
preceding and following an actual purchase action.
Individual Determinants: The specific variables unique to each individual, which
influence his behavior as a consumer. These variables are psychological in nature
External Environment: All the variables emanating from the society within which
an individual lives and interacts and which bear a strong influence on his consumer
1. Given below is a list of products and services, some or all of which you would
have purchased or used in your capacity as a consumer:
i. Two-wheeler/car
ii. An expensive suit/saree/dress for a very important social occasion
iii. Printer for your home office
iv. Health insurance for your self and members of your family
v. Smartphone
vi. Members hip of a Society/Club/gym
Try to recall and identify the roles played by different people around you
ininfluencing the first-time purchase of these. Would the same roles be played
by the same people if you went in for a repeat purchase?
2. About 20 years ago, the ready-made clothes market in India was limited to
afew companies offering men’s shirts and trousers in a few instances. But today
a large of national and international brands have made available a huge range
of ready-made apparel for all age segments and socio-economic class segment.
Can you identify some key variables of individual determinants and external
environment responsible for this change?
3. What are the product and service categories where you and your family members
now do online buying more often than you do in store buying? What are the
major drivers of such behaviours?
4. What are the main benefits that consumers seek from non-store buying? Explain
by taking examples
Consumer Behaviour-
UNIT 2 CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR AND Nature, Scope, Models and
Learning outcomes
After reading this unit, you should be able to:
define and illustrate the concept of lifestyle marketing
describe the role of lifestyle analysis and how it fits into other approaches
to study of consumer behaviour.
identify the characteristics of lifestyle
discuss the components of AIO inventory and VALS classification used in
analyse the findings of lifestyle studies in India and apply them in your
marketing decisions
discuss current applications and trends in lifestyle marketing.
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Demographics, Psychographics and Lifestyle
2.3 Characteristics of Lifestyle
2.4 Influences on Lifestyle
2.5 Approaches to Study Lifestyle
2.6 Application of AIO Studies
2.7 Lifestyle Profiles in Indian Context
2.8 VALS System of Classification
2.9 Applications of Lifestyle Marketing
2.10 Summary
2.11 Key Words
2.12 Self-Assessment Questions
2.13 Project Questions
2.14 Further Readings
Lifestyle marketing is a process of establishing relationships between products offered
in the market and targeted lifestyle groups. It involves segmenting the market on
the basis of lifestyle dimensions, positioning the product in a way that appeals to
the activities, interests and opinions of the targeted market and undertaking specific
promotional campaigns which exploit lifestyle appeals to enhance the market
attractiveness of the offered product. The Marketing Dictionary of Rona Ostrow
and Sweetman R.Smith describes lifestyle as “a distinctive mode of behavior centered 33
Consumer Behaviour-Issues around activities, interests, opinions, attitudes and demographic characteristics
and Concepts
distinguishing one segment of a population from another. A consumer’s lifestyle is
seen as the sum of his interactions with his environment. Lifestyle studies are a
component of the broader behavioural concept called psychographics.”
Harold W. Berkman and Christopher Gilson define lifestyle as “unified” patterns
of behaviour that both determine and are determined by consumption. The term
“unified patterns of behaviour” refers to behaviour in its broadest sense. Attitude
formation and such internal subjective activities may not be observable, but they
shape behaviour nonetheless. Lifestyle is an integrated system of a person’s attitudes,
values, interests, opinions and his overt behaviour.
Collect 10 advertisements (ads) involving the promotion of cars and find out,
how many of these ads are “playing up” the lifestyle appeal of target customers.
Identify, what lifestyles have been projected through these ads
General I think that having to carry cash My family is always shopping when
when you travel is quite we travel
Some studies have used factor analysis for revealing grouping of behaviour styles
in purchasing which can reveal how differed segment will differ in their choice of
certain products and services
Activity 2
Construct a questionnaire with about 30 AIO statements with specific reference
to smart phone buyers and users.
Consumer Behaviour and
2.6 APPLICATION OF AIO STUDIES Lifestyle Marketing
Studying the lifestyle closely through the AIO inventory of heavy/medium/light usersof
a product has been found to be immensely useful for marketers. In the US studies
have been done regarding the heavy use of beer, eye make-up and bank credit
cards. When it was revealed that 23% of the people who drink beer consume 80%
of the beverage sold, the heavy beer user became the advertising target of the new
campaign. William Wells and Douglas Tigert used an AIO inventory to probe the
heavy user of eye cosmetics. Demographic data revealed that such women were
young, well-educated and metropolitan. But she also tended to be a heavy smoker
and more inclined than the average woman to make long distance telephone calls.
From the responses to statements, she emerged as one who fantasises about trips
around the world, and as one who wanted a very stylish home.
In a study Plummer applied to bank credit card users, males who used bank
chargecards heavily were described as urbane and active with high income level
and occupational and educational achievements. The heavy card user places high
value on personal appearance consistent with his career and lifestyle. He was found
to buy atleast three new suits a year, to belong to several organisations and revealed
contemporary attitudes and opinions.
Thus, a study of personality, lifestyle and social class gives a more comprehensive
consumer profile and not a mere physical description of demographics. Using the
AIO inventory, the Chicago based advertising agency of Needham, Harper and
Steers identified five female lifestyle groups and five male lifestyle groups. We have
Indian parallels of these types and you may try to recall the advertisements given
along side in brackets to identify the lifestyle portrayed through these characters
and decide whether they conform.
Female Lifestyle Types
1. Cathy the contented housewife (the multitasking housewife in MTR
advertisement displaying multiple breakfast options possible at the same time)
Cathy epitomises simplicity. She is devoted to her family and faithfully serves
them as mother housewife and cook. She enjoys a relaxed pace and avoids
anything which might disturb here quilibrium.
2. Candice-the chic suburbanite. (Kiara Addvani in the Myntra commercial?)
Candice is an urban Woman. She is well educated and genteel. Socializing is
an important part of her life. She is a doer, interested in sports and the outdoors,
politics and current affairs. Her life is hectic and lived at a fast clip. She is a
voracious reader and there are few magazines she does not read.
3. Eleanor-the elegant socialite. (Various models in the Lakme 9 to 5 range
campaigns?) Eleanor is a woman with style. She lives in the city because that
is where she wants to be. She likes the socio-economic aspects of the city in
terms of her career and leisure time activities. She is fashion conscious and
dresses well. She is financially secure and hence not a careful shopper. She
shops for status and style and not for price. She is a cosmopolitan woman
who has travelled abroad and wants to. 39
Consumer Behaviour-Issues 4. Mildred-the militant mother. (As an exercise, can you think of an example
and Concepts
so as to draw a comparison?)
Mildred is a woman who got married young and had children before she was
ready to raise a family. Now she is unhappy. She is frustrated and vents he
rfrustration by rebelling against the system. Television provides an ideal medium
for her to live out her fantasies.
5. Thelma-the old-fashioned traditionalist. (The elderly wife in the Swiggy ad?).
Thelma is a lady who has lived a good life. She has been a devoted wife, a
doting mother and a conscientious house wife. Even now, when most of her
children have left home, her life is centred around the kitchen. She lacks higher
education and has little appreciation for the arts or cultural activities. Her spare
time is spent watching TV.
To make these distilled profiles even more useful for segmenting markets for specific
products aimed at women, the researchers then portrayed these segments in terms
of an index of product usage. To illustrate, the following data on use of cosmetics
by the above female psychographic segment reveal very interesting information.
Figure3: VALS-2 Classification (*Description ofthe Profiles have been quoted from
Schiffman and Kanuk Vth edition PP.83 PHI.)
The principle-oriented people have been divided into 2 classes, the fulfilleds and
the believers
Believers are conservative, conventional people with concrete beliefs and strong
attachments to traditional institutions: family, church, community, and the nation. Many
Believers possess moral codes that are deeply rooted and literally interpreted. They
follow established routines, organized in large part around their families and the
social or religious organizations to which they belong. As consumers, they are
conservative and predictable, favoring American products and established brands.
Their education, income, and energy are modest but sufficient to meet the irneeds.
Fulfilleds are mature, satisfied, comfortable, reflective people who value order,
knowledge, and responsibility. Most are well educated, and in (or recently retired
from) professional occupations. They are well-informed about world and national
events and are alert to opportunities to broaden their knowledge. Content with their
careers, families, and station in life, their leisure activities tend to center on their
homes. Fulfilleds have a moderate respect for the status quo, institutions of authority,
44 and social decorum, but are open-minded about new ideas and social change. Fulfilleds
tend to base their decisions on strongly held principles and consequently appear Consumer Behaviour and
Lifestyle Marketing
calm and self-assured. Although their incomes allow them many choices, Fulfilleds
are conservative, practical consumers: they are concerned about functionality, value,
and durability in the products they buy.
The status-oriented people have been further subdivided into 4 classes, the
actualizers, the achievers, the strivers and the strugglers.
Actualizers are successful, sophisticated, active, “take-charge” people with high
self-esteem and abundant resources. They are interested in growth and seek to
develop, explore, and express themselves in a variety of ways-sometimes guided
by principle, and sometimes by a desire to have an effect to make a change. Image
is important to Actualizers, not as evidence of status or power, but as an expression
of taste, independence, and character. Actualizers are among the established and
emerging leaders in business and government, and they continue to seek challenges.
They have a wide range of interests, are concerned with social issues, and are open
to change. Their lives are characterized by richness and diversity. Their possessions
and recreation reflect a cultivated taste for the finer things in life.
Achievers are successful career and work-oriented people who like to-and generally
do-noel in control of their lives. They value structure. predictability, and stability of
over risk, intimacy, and self-discovery. They are deeply committed to their work
and their families. Work provides them with a sense of duty, material rewards, and
prestige. Their social lives reflect this focus and are structured around family, church,
and business. Achievers live conventional lives, are politically conservative, and respect
authority and the status quo. Image is important to them. As consumers, they favour
established products and services that demonstrate their success to their peers.
Strivers seek motivation, self-definition, and approval from the world around
them.They are striving to find a secure place in life. Unsure of themselves and
low on economic, social, and psychological resources. Strivers are deeply
concerned about the opinions and approval of others. Money defines success
for them, who don’t have enough of it and often feel that life has given them a
raw deal. Strivers are easily bored and impulsive. Many of them seek to be stylish.
They emulate those who have more resources and possessions, but what they
wish to obtain is generally beyond theirreach.
Strugglers’ lives are constricted. Chronically poor, ill-educated, low-skilled, without
strong social bonds, aging, and concerned about their health they are often despairing
and passive. Because they are so limited, they show no evidence of a strong self-
orientation, but are focused on meeting the urgent needs of the present moment.
Their chief concerns are for security and safety. Strugglers are cautious consumers.
They represent a very modest market for most, products and services but are loyal
to favorite brands.
The action-oriented segment comprises of two sub segments of Experiencers and
Experiences are young, vital, enthusiastic, impulsive, and rebellious. They seek
variety and excitement, savouring the new, the off beat, and the risky. Still in the
process of formulating life values and patterns of behavior, they quickly become 45
Consumer Behaviour-Issues enthusiastic about new possibilities but are equally quick to cool. At this stage intheir
and Concepts
lives, they are politically uncommitted, uninformed, and highly ambivalent about what
they believe. Experiences combine an abstract disdain for conformity and authority
with an outsider’s awe of others’ wealth, prestige, and power. Their energy finds
an outlet in exercise, sports, outdoor recreation, and social activities. Experiencers
are avid consumers and spend much of their income on clothing, fastfood, music,
movies, and video.
Makers are practical people who have constructive skills and value self-sufficiency.
They live in a traditional context of family, practical work, and physical recreation,
and have little interest in what lies outside that context. Makers experience the work
by working on it-building a house, raising children, fixing a car, or canning vegetables-
and have sufficient skill, income, and energy to carry out their projects successfully.
Makers are politically conservative, suspicious of new ideas, respectfulof government
authority and organized labor. but resentful of government intrusion on individual
rights. They are unimpressed by material possessions other than those with a practical
or functional purpose (e.g., tools, pickup trucks, or fishing equipment).
Activity 4
How can the VALS 2 typology be used to develop promotional strategies for?
a. A full-service premium airline
b. A chain of health resorts
Which particular segments would you target for each of these and why?
Consumer behaviour is still a young discipline but an extremely dynamic one.
Developments in technology leading to data analytics and artificial intelligence have
enabled huge strides in our understanding of evolving consumer behavior. Lifestyle
analyses have helped marketers develop insights into how different groups of
consumers develop patterns of living in accordance with their interests, opinions,
values and demographics. Studies on lifestyles are still ongoing and facilitate the
segmentation of consumers across societies and even globally. These evolving lifestyle
profiles will keep on enhancing the use of psychographics and enable informed insights
into the behaviour of consumers to add to applications discussed in this unit, 49
Consumer Behaviour-Issues
and Concepts 2.11 KEY WORDS
Belief : a descriptive thought that a person holds abouts omething.
Attitude : an attitude describes a persons’ enduring favourable or
unfavorable cognitive evaluations, emotional feelings and action
tendencies toward some object or idea.
Lifestyle : it refers to the person’s pattern of living in the world as
expressed in his activities, interests and opinions.
1. Think about one of your female relatives (Mother, Aunt, Sister etc.) and then
examine the psychographic segments of female population described in the unit.
Into which psychographic segment does this relative belong? What lifestyle
characteristics served to select the category? Then list out how marketing appeals
for purchase of formal wear to each of the segments identified by you will vary.
2. Examine the recent television and online advertisement for ready to cook foods
and apparel to determine if the product is being positioned to a specific lifestyle
segment. Justify your inference.
3. Analyse which VALS type best describes you and then find an advertisement
in your most frequently used media that appeals to this VALS type?
4. Imagine yourself as a retailer for classy home décor. How you would use lifestyle
approach to succeed in your venture?
5. How in your view is the understanding of global lifestyles useful to an Indian
multinational with a global reach? Explain with the help of examples.
Consumer Behaviour-Issues
Learning outcomes
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
define organisational buying and differentiate it from individual buying
identify and distinguish between different types of organisational customers
explain the process of organisation buying
describe and differentiate between different buying situations
analyse and utilise the influences on organisational buying behaviour
discuss the organisational structures and administrative arrangements in
relation to organisational buying
describe the models of organisational buying
3.1 Introduction
3.2 What is Organisational Buying Behaviour?
3.3 Organisational Buying Behaviour: Important Features and Typical Characteristics
3.4 Who are the Organisational Customers?
3.5 What Influences Organisational Buying?
3.6 The Organisational Buying Situations
3.7 Organisational Buying Behaviour: Some Models
3.8 The Selection of a Supplier
3.9 Recent Developments that have Impacted Organisational Buying
3.10 Summary
3.11 Key Words
3.12 Self-assessment Questions
3.13 Project Questions
3.14 Further Readings
Mr. Kumar is purchase manager in Khyati Builders, a large construction company
located in Gurugram Haryana. In late March,The MD of the company asked Mr
Kumar to develop theproposal for buying a total of 50 desktops computers and
ten laptops to replace someold equipment and to provide the marketing staff with
modern laptops and improve organisational efficiency. His alternatives were:
a) To contact the various vendors of computer systems each unit costing
Rs. 25,000/- or
52 b) Directly deal with the companies as the order size was substantial.
In order to decide between the two alternatives, he sought the managing director’s Organisational Buying
permission to formulate a purchase committee comprising of the Director Technical,
Director Finance, the HR manager and himself, with the suggestion that the
recommendations of the purchase committee will be placed before the MD for his
approval before the purchase order is issued.
Based on pure economical considerations, the committee decided look for some
brands assembled in China and also looked at reasonably priced multinational brands
like HP, Dell, Acer, Lenovo etc. Apple and Microsoft were not considered on cost
considerations. The Director technical provided the technical details regarding
configuration of the proposed systems. Leading vendors and Manufacturers were
contacted to get the quotations for the items specified. Issue of an inquiry brought
in quotations from 10 vendors/ manufacturers. The screening and evaluation of
quotations took one week. The final short list included two suppliers. The criteria
used to short list were:
i) Past reputation of the manufacturer
ii) Conformance to the company specifications
iii) Delivery period
iv) After sales service and warranties
v) Systems equipped with requisite licensed software
vi) Performance guarantee
vii) Price and corporate discount being offered
Brand X was Rs. 1000 less per unit as compared to Brand Y. Brand X was an
established brand and had approximately 22% market share among business sector
in the state. Its parts manufacturing facilities were within the state and service centres
facilities were located in a nearby commercial industrial area; some 8 km away.
Brand Y, a late entrant, was being assembled in a nearby area only 2 km away.
The promoter of Brand Ywas an ex-employee of Brand X. He offered two-year
guarantee against one year warranty offered by brand X. Mr. Kumar discussed
the purchase committee recommendation with the Managing Director. The outcome
was the decision to place order on the Brand X. This news, somehow leaked. The
promoter of ‘brand Y was able to arrange a meeting with the MD of Khyati Builders
by using the social connection with a common friend and was able to convince him
on promise of excellent service support and product training, if given a chance.
This meeting led to the reversal of the decision in favour of brand Y. The entire
exercise of placing a formal order took 27 days and the new systems were installed
by early May.
While this was happening at the office. Mr. Kumar’s young son raised the demand
for replacing his old laptop, which he said was getting very slow and did not have
the capacity to install some of the new software that he needed. Based on the
experience of the son’s own friends with some of the leading brands, his own online
search that he shared with his father, the attractive deals being offered for students
by these brands and of course the comparative price positions of the different brands,
the Kumar family shortlisted some options. They then visited the city’s best Mall,
to look at the models shortlisted by them. 53
Consumer Behaviour-Issues Mr Kumar’s son was very excited about the different options but finally decided
and Concepts
to opt forbrand K that offered the best memory, speed and the preloaded original
software combination along with attractive price discounts. The entire activity from
the purchase request to the final acquisition took a total of 3 days.
What you have read just now is not fiction but a reality. You must be wondering as
to why the same person, buying the same product displayed very different buying
Well, if you think a little; you would recognise that in the earlier situation (Khyati
Builders), the ‘buying was on behalf. Whereas, in the latter, it was ‘buying for self
for Mr. Kumar. This ‘buying on behalf is the domain of Industrial or Organisational
Marketing. Similarly, the ‘buying for self is the domain of household or what is popularly
known as consumer marketing.
You must have also recognised that ‘buying on behalf’changes the entire complexion
of the buying exercise. And this is precisely the reason of studying organisational
buying behaviour (OBB) separately than the consumer buying behaviour (CBB).
The example of buying the computer systems by Khyati Builders, though comparatively
a simpler example amongst the vast multitude of highly complex, buying situations
of organizational buying, has many messages, and we will keep on coming back to
these. Let us now begin our learning of some important issues and concepts in the
area of organisational buying behaviour.
With the help of Figure 2, it will be easy for you to appreciate that this ‘ghost
organisational customer’ can have several types and forms. These could be:
Mining and Extractive Industries: Coal India Limited, ONGC, Hindustan Copper
Limited are some examples.
Material Processing Industries: Tata Steel, Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL),
Bharat Aluminium Corporation (BALCO) are some examples.
Manufacturing of Parts and Assembly: Bharat Forge, MICO, Sundaram Clayton,
GEC, Larsen & Toubro are some amongst a very large number of part and assembly
manufacturers catering to a variety of needs.
Final Assembly: Desert Cooler Manufacturer (there are several local brands), T.V.
and computer manufacturers (Sony,Samsung,HP, Dell, HCL), Truck manufacturers
(TELCO, Ashok Leyland, Mahindra) and the like are some examples. Like
Consumer Behaviour-Issues components and parts manufacturers, there could be many assembly units for numerous
and Concepts
end products.
Distributors: These could be several for each product like bearings, tubes, steel,
electrical appliances and so on. The entire range on internet-based consumer
transaction has added a new domain of organisational buying activity.You can easily
imagine the mammoth range of buying that online distribution aggregators like Amazon,
Flipkart, Myntra, Meeshow would be engaging in.
Perhaps, it is now easy for you to recognise that the area of operation of what we
call as “organisational marketing” is very vast and heterogenous. In such a scenario,
a legitimate question would be the validity of generalisations in form of typical
characteristics. Thus, from the viewpoint of practice, it is imperative to study the
organisational buying behaviour for the specific product-market situation.
A second way to identify the organisational customers is to classify them into three
categories. Industrial (all manufacturing organisations), Institutional (service organisations
like universities, hospitals, hotels, distribution firms) and government (CPWD,
DGS&D, Defence and so on). Besides the ownership pattern (public, private,
government) and type of business (manufacturing, service) it is important to remember
that it is neither the size (big, medium or small) nor the products, which separates
organisational customers from household customers.
Activity 2
With respect to the purchases that you studied for Activity 1, analyse how
these organisational purchases are different from individual purchases.
Purchase I
Purchase II
c) Do you find any difference in this viewpoint of the supplier and the
organizational buyer? Comment on it.
Organisational Buying
The central idea of knowing and understanding the buyer behavior is to anticipate
the response of a buyer for different marketing stimuli surrounded by various
environmental factors. Figure 4 is a simplified conceptual model highlighting this
Its ability to help the marketers to anticipate the marketing effort needed
for the different buying stages in the decision making.
In spite of the above payoffs, the buy grid model is completely devoid of any predictive
ability. It addresses itself only to the ‘non-human’ factors and thus fails to bring out
the dynamics and the influences of human related or emotional factors. But in spite
of the limitations, the Buy Grid Model is a very useful conceptual framework to
comprehend the complexities of organizational buying behavior.
Activity 5
With the help of the ‘Buy Grid Model’ framework, study the buying decision
exercises in a company for the three types of buying situations. Try to identify
the composition of buying’ centers for different buy phases and try to map the
total buying center for each buying situation.
The Fisher's Model: Figure 6 illustrates this model. This has been named after its
Organisational Buying
As you would observe, the model attempts to identify the dominant influences along
two main dimensions of any buying decision. These are product complexity and
commercial uncertainty. Consider the case of Khyati Builders. For this, the product
complexity as well as the commercial uncertainties were low, the purchase department
(Buyer Emphasis Cell 1) played the dominant role in the buying decision. It was
only after the short listing of the two options, that the top management was involved.
Fisher’s conceptualization is an outstanding example of a simple representation of
a very complex situation. In fact, it is a true representation of administrative
arrangements and provisions which a large number of organizations have made to
buy a vast heterogeneous array of products and services. The limitation, however,
is absence of predictive ability.It also fails to highlight the time dimension and the
various steps in the buying decision exercise. Similar to the buy grid model, it facilitates
in providing good insights of buying situations.
Organisational buying behaviour is a complex process of decision making. A variety
of influences and factors add to this complexity. The buying behaviour of a firm
would vary for ‘new buy’ situations to ‘repeat buy’ situations. In order to comprehend
various dimensions, it may help industrial marketers to seek answers to some basic
questions like:
How does an organisation buy?
Who takes the buying decisions in an organisation?
What factors influence the buying behaviour of an organisation?
Who constitutes the organisational markets?
What evaluation criteria is used to select the vendors? 69
Consumer Behaviour-Issues The area is vast as it encompasses thousands and thousands of product market
and Concepts
situations, which in some sense may appear as unique and distinct from each other.
It is therefore suggested to relate some specific situations with the general views
discussed in this unit. This will facilitate in your comprehension of this complex diversity.
Individual Influences on
Buying Behaviour
This block addresses the individual variables affecting the behaviour of people while
assessing, acquiring, consuming, and evaluating goods and services. The block consists
of five units on perception, learning and memory, attitude and attitude change,
personality and self-concept; and consumer motivation and involvement. It builds
up on the general background developed in Unit 1 of the course and deals in depth
with each of the aforementioned individual variables. Project assignments to aid
application of the concepts have been specially added to facilitate learning.
Individual Influences on
Buying Behaviour
Learning outcomes
After having gone through this unit, you should be able to:
explain the concept of perception
describe the stages in the perceptual process
apply the understanding of sensory, absolute and differential threshold
describe the way subliminal perception works.
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Concept of Perception
4.3 Stages in the Perceptual Process
4.4 Sensory System
4.5 Sensory Thresholds
4.6 Perceptual Selection
4.7 Summary
4.8 Key Words
4.9 Self-assessment Questions
4.10 Project Questions
4.11 Further Readings
Every new product faces a certain amount of reluctance, indifference, and
resistance in the market. When the gearless scooter was introduced in the Indian
market, faced, however, an unusually high share of such problems. The scooter,
being gearless, was convenient to drive; better designed and more enjoyable
to ride. Yet the acceptance in Indian riders was not as uniform as the company
had anticipated. A certain segment of consumers and a geographical part just
could not accept it. Worse, a few customers enjoyed telling their negative
evaluation to the others. Their perception was that the scooter is suited for
female riders, and that it might not stand the rough and tumble of Indian roads.
However, with passage of time the gearless scooters are well accepted in the
2-wheeler market.
Often, we find ourselves arguing with our friends or colleagues or family members
on one issue or the other. It could be a particular advertisement or a product image
or a social and political issue. The argument occurs because each one of us have
point of view and we wish to hold on to it. The process of developing a viewpoint
is known as perception. The study of consumer perceptions is important for marketers
as buying decisions are not made on the basis of objective reality but on the basis
of the perception of that reality that consumers hold in their mind. 77
Individual Influences on As will be later explained (Block 4 unit 13), we are in some way like computers,
Buying Behaviour
when we receive inputs, process the same and then produce output. However, unlike
computers, we do not passively process whatever information happens to be present.
In the first place, only a very small number of the stimuli in our environment are
ever noticed, of these, an even smaller amount is attended to. And the stimuli that
do enter consciousness might not be processed objectively. The meaning of a stimulus
is interpreted by the individual, who is influenced by his or her unique biases, needs,
and experiences. All this leads to the formation of a perception. A schematic
representation of the perceptual process is illustrated in Figure 4.1.
Activity 1
Do you see any flaws in the process of perception as portrayed in the
Figure 4.1?
4.4.1 Vision
Marketers rely heavily on visual elements in advertising, store design, and packaging.
Meanings are communicated on the visual channel through a product’s size, styling,
brightness, and distinctiveness from competitors. Colour is one of the most potent
aspects of visual communication. Colours are rich in symbolic value and cultural
meanings. For example, the display of green, white, and orange evokes feelings of
patriotism for us. Such powerful cultural meanings make colour a central aspect of
many marketing strategies.
4.4.2 Smell
Odours can stir emotions or create a calming feeling. They can invoke memories
or relieve stress. Some of our responses to scents result from early associations
with other experiences. Consumers’ love of fragrances has contributed to a very
large industry. The domestic flavours and fragrance market is valued at $500 million
(around 3,600 crore), a small slice of the $24 billion global industry. Lovers of
incense, loban and attars, Indians are now turning to more niche fragrances. The
rise of artisanal houses such as Scentido and Maison des Parfums is a testament
to the new hunger for unique perfumes. The other players include Bombay Perfumery,
All Good Scents, Litrahb Perfumery, and Naso. In addition, sensory inputs like
the smell of authentic leather, aroma of coffee and bakery are powerful associations
with your favourite club or coffee house that may get invoked by similar aromas.
4.4.3 Sound Perceptions
Music and sound are also important to marketers. For example, in case of App
based mobile payment system, once transaction is officially complete, consumers
hear a unique sound. When customers hear this sound, they know their purchase
was finalized successfully and securely. Many aspects of sound may affect people’s
feelings and behaviours. Two areas of research that have widespread applications
in consumer contexts are the effects of back-ground music on mood and the influence
of speaking rate on attitude change and message comprehension.
4.4.4 Touch
Although relatively little research has been down on the effects of tactile stimulation
on consumer behaviour, common observation tells us that this sensory channel is
important. Moods are stimulated or relaxed on the basis of sensations of the skin,
whether from a luxurious message or the bite of a winter wind. Sense of touch plays
an important role in consumer perception, evaluation, and decision making of a
product. Because of this role, many companies offer hands-on tests for their products.
For example, Apple provide in-store access to its technology. This approach allowed
users to touch and interact with the technology before buying. Furniture sellers,
allowing customers to sit on and feel the furniture before buying, Clothes retailers
provide setup to let people experience to look and feel of a garment before buying.
4.4.5 Taste
Our taste receptors obviously contribute to our experience of many products.
Specialized companies called “flavour houses” keep busy trying to develop new
tastes to please the changing palates of consumers. Snack brand Frito-Lay offers
multiple taste variations of Cheetos, including Flamin’ Hot, Puffs, White Cheddar,
Chipotle Ranch, and more.Their work has been especially important as consumers
continue to demand good-tasting foods that are also low in calories and fat.
Activity 4
Give one example each to illustrate these five sensory channels as described
above and suggest how marketers utilise this understanding.
The unit is the initial unit of the block on individual influences on consumer behaviour
and focuses attention on the perception process. It defines perception as the process
of selecting, organizing and interpreting the stimuli to make a picture or a viewpoint.
Perception is a subjective view of the world. It is heavily dependent upon the process
of information processing and learning as explained in the unit 5 and unit 13 on
information processing. A detailed analysis is made of the stages in perception and
the subliminal perception, a controversial issue in consumer behaviour.
Activity 2
Describe an ad that is based on learning through classical conditioning.
The following are some very important principles of classical conditioning of great
use to a marketer.
a) Repetition: Conditioning effects are more likely to occur after the
conditioned stimuli have been paired a number of times. Repeated exposures
increase the strength of stimulus-response associations and prevent the decay
of these associations in memory.
Many classic advertising campaigns consist of product slogans that have been repeated
so many times that they are etched in consumers’ minds (remember the “two minutes
Noodles”!) Conditioning will not occur or will take longer if the conditioned stimulus
is only occasionally presented with the unconditioned stimulus. One result of this 89
Individual Influences on lack of association may be extinction, which occurs when the effects of prior
Buying Behaviour
conditioning are reduced and finally disappear.
b) Stimulus Generalization: Stimulus generalization refers to the tendency
of stimuli to a CS to evoke similar, conditioned responses. For example,
Pavlov noticed in subsequent studies that his dogs would sometimes salivate
when they heard noises that only resembled a bell (e.g., keys jangling).
People react to other, similar stimuli in much the same way they responded
to the original stimulus. Marketers use this concept to create and sell “me
too” type of products with similar sounding names or package colouring,
very close to the market leader.
c) Stimulus Discrimination: Stimulus discrimination occurs when a stimulus
similar to a CS is not followed by a UCS. When this happens, reactions
are weakened and will soon disappear. Part of the learning process involves
making a response to some stimuli but not to other, similar stimuli.
Manufacturers of well-established brands commonly urge consumers not
to buy “cheap imitations”, because the results will not be what they expect
even seeking to provide cues to distinguish the original brand from cheap
The instrumental learning is based on several outcomes. Figure 5.1 exhibits the four
types of learning outcomes. An important factor in operant conditioning is the issue
of appropriate reinforcements. The answer to the question-what is the most effective
reinforcement schedule, is important to marketers because it relates to the amount
of effort and resources, they must devote to rewarding consumers in order to condition
desired behaviours. The following reinforcement schedules normally are suggested
in the literature:
a) Fixed-interval reinforcement: After a specified time period has passed,
the first response that is made brings the reward. Under such conditions,
people tend to respond slowly right after being reinforced, but their responses
speed up as the time for the next reinforcement looms.
Activity 4
Suggest which of the two schedules - the fixed ratio or the variable ratio
reinforcement schedule will be suitable for advertising opening of a new
departmental store. State your assumptions also.
Activity 5
Describe one of your own learning experiences that is based on cognitive
Activity 7
Explain in your words the operation and the value of the Figure 5.4.
5.8.1 Repetition
One advertising researcher argues that more than three exposures are wasted. The
first creates awareness of the product, the second demonstrates its relevance to
the consumer, and the third serves as a reminder of the product’s benefits. However,
even this bare-bones approach implies that repetition is needed to ensure that the
consumer is actually exposed to (and processes) the ad at least three times. Marketers
attempting to condition an association must ensure that the consumers they have
targeted will be exposed to the stimulus a sufficient number of times.
On the other hand, it is possible to have too much of a good thing: Consumers can
become so used to hearing or seeing a marketing stimulus that they no longer pay
attention to it. This problem, known as advertising wear out, can be alleviated by
varying the way in which the basic message is presented.
Learning and Memory
Learning is a relatively permanent change in behaviour that is caused by experience.
Learning can occur through simple associations between a stimulus and a response,
or via a complex series of cognitive activities. Behavioural learning theories assume
that learning occurs as a result of responses to external events. Classical conditioning
occurs when a stimulus that naturally elicits a response (an unconditioned stimulus)
is paired with another stimulus that does not initially elicit this response. Over time,
the second stimulus (the conditioned stimulus) comes to elicit the response as well.
Operant or instrumental conditioning occurs as the person learns to perform behaviours
that produce positive outcomes and avoid those that result in negative outcomes.
While classical conditioning involves the pairing of two stimuli, instrumental learning
occurs when reinforcement is delivered following a response to a stimulus. Cognitive
learning occurs as the result of mental processes. Observational learning takes place
when the consumer performs behaviour as a result of seeing someone else performing
it and being rewarded for it. Memory refers to the storage of learned information.
The way information is encoded when it is perceived determines how it will be stored
in memory. The memory systems comprising of sensory memory, short-term memory,
and long-term memory each play a role in retaining and processing information from
the outside world.
Individual Influences on 3) Would you call the cognitive theory of learning as the information processing
Buying Behaviour
approach for human learning? Why, in spite of its merit, the theory loses out
to the other theories in advertising world?
4) What factors are the most important in terms of retrieving information? How
would you as a marketer apply your knowledge of such factors?
5) Should marketers work at theaddressing short-term memory or the long-term
memory? How are the two are related?
6) How do different types of reinforcement enhance learning? How does the strategy
of frequency marketing relate to conditioning?
7) Describe in learning terms the conditions under which family branding is a good
policy and those under which it is not.
Learning and Memory
Learning outcomes
describe the linkage among the Consumer Beliefs, Attitude and purchase
identify the problems and the value of measuring Attitude and their managerial
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Attitude and Consumer Decision-Making
6.3 The Constituents of Consumer Attitude
6.4 The Functions of Consumer Attitude
6.5 Consumer Attitude: The Models
6.6 The Marketing Response to the Consumer Attitude
6.7 Summary
6.8 Key Words
6.9 Self-Assessment Questions
6.10 Project Questions
6.11 Further Readings
Internet and technology innovations have transformed many business models.
E-commerce is one of such innovations that have revolutionised the business
operations and facilitated the online marketing. Technology adoption and
change in lifestyle of consumers have paved the way for online shopping.
Certainly, the Covid 19 pandemic and the lockdown that disabled physical
and face to face economic activity, accelerated the adoption of online buying
across the world and India was no exception. The interesting thing to note
however, is that once the lockdown restrictions eased away, a large percentage
of consumers report an irreversible change in their buying habits as during
this gap of over one year, a large number of them got used to the convenience
of shopping from the convenience of their homes or offices on an anytime anyone
basis. The vastly improved online shopping platforms, stable and reliable
payment options, and improve logistic efficiencies have further added to the
consumer convenience and improved experience.
What does it involve by way of attitude and attitude change? 103
Individual Influences on
Buying Behaviour 6.1 INTRODUCTION
To a lay person, consumer attitude should represent as the summary statement of
his assessment about anything. Thus, a consumer may have a negative attitude for
the products made in Korea. What it means is, that the consumer has assessed the
products of the country and found them to be of not very high quality. This is what
a consumer attitude represents.
Theoretically speaking, attitude is “learned predisposition to respond in a consistently
favourable and unfavourable manner with respect to a given stimuli”
Another way of describing attitude is that it is a “relatively enduring organization of
inter-related beliefs that describe, evaluate, and advocate action with respect to an
object or a situation.”
Several characteristics of attitude are evident from these two descriptions. The first
is that attitude is ‘not a transient feeling’ but represents an enduring feeling or enduring
evaluation. Secondly, it derives its genesis and strength from a variety of sources
of information including perception and experience. Thirdly, it signals about the likely
course of action by the consumer and fourth that an attitude is the product of learning
and is not something inherited or inborn
Attitude is also used as a replacement term for describing ‘belief system’ of a person.
Activity 1
Define attitude in your own words. What characteristics appear to be most
important while dealing with the attitude towards say, Smartphones in India.
b) Some products are purchased after extensive searching. Others are bought
at a moment’s notice.
c) Two people are exposed to the same ad - one notices and processes the
ad; and forms a favourable impression of the product while the other is
unaware of its existence.
The Figure 6.1 can be amplified by a hypothetical example of the attitude formation
in respect of an individual as well as an institutional buyer. For instance, assume
that a research study reveals that Indian females have a favourable attitude towards
Samsung brand of Smartphones. Similarly, assume that TATA Steel too has indicated
its favourable attitude towards HCL desktop computers. In operational terms, these
findings summarize the knowledge of these buyers as to what Samsung Smartphone
and HCL desktop computers may possess. Secondly, they indicate how the female
buyers and the TATA Steel feel about these brands. Thirdly, they indicate the likely
action if these buyers are asked to go for these respective products, i.e., Samsung
Smartphone and HCL desktop computers.
To sum up, attitude indicates knowledge, feelings and likely action for the given
Activity 3
Elaborate the following statements in terms of the constituents of attitudes you
just studied.
a) “I hate fast food”
Attitude and Attitude
b) “I love fuel efficient cars” Change
Design 3 3 9 2 6 5 15
Low 2 3 6 2 4 2 4
Fuel Efficiency 1 3 3 3 3 5 5
18 13 24
Column 2 states the hypothetical ratings of importance of three attributes. The three
rows show the attributes that are important criteria of evaluation.The consumers’
belief on these attributes is shared under each brand column. The product of the
weightage and the beliefs (b) have been rated in columns 3.2, 4.2 and 5.2. The
minimum 1 and maximum 5 indicate the unlikelihood or likelihood of that attributes
to be possessed by the given brand alternatives of the cars, respectively. 109
Individual Influences on A further examination the table will reveal that Brand A has been rated as an
Buying Behaviour
average car. In contrast Brand C is rated higher on attributes like low maintenance
cost and styling. Finally, Brand B car emerges as the worst car of the lot.
Following this, a consumer will have formed the most positive attitude toward
Brand C.
Activity 5
Visit a leading refrigerator shop of your town and interview one or two buyers
about their attitude towards these major brands of 165 litre refrigerator. Use
an ATO model for analyzing their information.
Criticisms: The ATO models, however, suffer from a major weakness. They fail
to consider that quite often, consumer attitude does not fully equate with behaviour.
Thus, a potential car buyer in spite of having the most positive attitude towards
‘Maruti’, may never engage in the behaviour of buying it. This could because of
the adverse opinion of otherimportant people or due to temptation of investing the
funds more profitably elsewhere. Situational influences may prevent him from engaging
in the act of buying. The Behaviour Intentions (BI) model attempts to rectify this
weaknessof the ATO.
Activity 6
Prepare a similar table for the Smart televisions, using three brands as the
alternative and four attributes as the criteria. You can choose the weights as
per your own understanding of the attributes affecting evaluation of this
The above equation has one major difference over the earlier Fishbein’s ATO Model.
It is that the BI Model assesses the person’s belief that performing a particular
behaviour will result in a particular consequence. This model therefore moves forward
from the belief regarding an attribute of an object to the intention of behaving towards
that object. They are termed as Subjective Norms (SN). The equation for obtaining
the subjective norms is as follows:
SN = subjective norm;
NBj= the normative belief that a reference group of persons j thinks that the consumer
should or should not perform the behaviour;
MCj = the motivation to comply with the influence of the referent j and
n = number of relevant reference groups of individuals.
This model therefore moves forward from the belief regarding an attribute of an
object to the intention of behavingtowards that object Various research studies have
found the BI model to be superior to the standard multi-attribute choice models,
though eye-brows have been raised concerning the calculation of the subjective norms
(SN). In practice, this exercise is never so simple.
Activity 7
Illustrate the above model of attitude by taking hypothetical values of the model
in buying Microwave oven. What difficulties do you encounter?
The unit began by picking up the threads of continuity from Unit 4 whereby consumer
perceptions were described and by building upon the concept of learning as we
describe attitudes in terms of learned predispositions. Consumer attitudes perform
a vital function in consumer choice as they affect consumer evaluation of alternatives.
The unit goes on to describe the various functions and components of attitudes.
The various models of attitudes have been discussed it enable you to get a clear
understanding of how attitudes are formed and how do they function in the consumer
decision-making process.
Based on all these inputs, the unit then discusses the implications of using the
knowledge of consumer attitudes in marketing decision making.
3. Construct a multi-attribute model for a set of local restaurants in your city. Based
on your findings, suggest how restaurant owners could improve their
establishment’s image via the strategies described in this chapter.
2. Schiffman, L.G., Wisenblit, J., and Ramesh, K.S. (2018) “Consumer Behaviour”,
114 Twelfth edition, Pearson Education.
3. Solomon, M.R. (2018) “Consumer Behaviour: Buying, Having, and Being” Twelfth Attitude and Attitude
edition, Pearson Education.
“Understanding and shaping consumer behavior in the next normal “July 24,
behaviorIcek Ajzen, Consumer attitudes and behaviour,
Individual Influences on
Learning Outcomes
After going through this unit, you should be able to:
explain how personality and self-concept affect consumer behaviour
Take a good look around yourself, at the market, and at your own purchases of
the products and services there from. Chances are good that you will notice something
important - an invisible connection between these important symbols of our
consumption system. Either these products are projecting a personality and an image
that has an appeal to their customers or they are remodelling their personality and
image to suit those images that their target customers have. Thus, Brand Tata promises
trust and dependability, and Titan stands for lifestyle.
Why such a trend is developing? The subsequent sections will attempt to answer why.
In other words, each person has some attributes in common with all other human
beings and other, totally unique qualities. Thus, we share certain characteristics with
others because of our biological make-up. For instance, you will find that some
personality characteristics are dictated by heredity. Thus, you may be ‘relaxed and
easy going’ because your parents were similarly so. A second important factor that
impinges on our personality formation is the culture in which we were raised, and
our early conditioning, along with the groups and institutions from which that culture
is acquired. Thus, our families and peers, i.e., friends and associates; are important
reference groups that influence our own personality characteristics.
Furthermore, it is necessary for you to note that, since learning contributes to
personality formation, the personality is not fixed because, learning itself is a continuous
process and may differ between individuals and for the same individual at different
stages of his life. This does not mean, however, that personality is unstable or is
subject to abrupt changes. On the contrary, basic personality change is exceedingly
difficult and, also, slow to occur.
For your purpose you should think of personality as the sum total of ways in which
an individual reacts and interacts.
As a concept applied to marketing, personality can be viewed as having following
distinct characteristics:
1) Personality is used to account for differences between individuals rather than
show how people are alike. Here again, refer to Figure 7.1. This enables us to
categorize people into groups on the basis of a single or a few traits. The difficulty
inherent in trying to understand uniqueness has led to an emphasis on such
measurable characteristics as intelligence, aggressiveness, and sociability. Unique
combinations of individual characteristics result in variations in thought and
behaviour and these tend to differentiate one person from another.
2) Personality is a set of response tendencies that are consistent and endure over
time. Consistency means that the characteristics contributing to an individual’s
personality tend to carry over to a variety of situations. Consistency is essential
if marketers are to predict consumer behaviour in terms of personalities. The
stable nature of the underlying personality characteristics also suggests that it
is unreasonable for marketing practitioners to attempt to change consumers
personalities. At best they can attempt to appeal to the relevant personality
118 traits inherent in target groups of consumers.
3) Personality is, however, subject to change over time, in response to situations Personality and
and events in life and, also, as part of a gradual maturing process.
4) Finally, it is not possible to predict an individual’s purchase behaviour from
single measures of personality, we cannot expect to predict the type of
furniture a person will own, merely by looking at specific personality,
Activity 1
1) Make a list below, of six of your personality characteristics that you would
say are inherited from your parents.
2) Next, list six personality characteristics where you are like some of your
3) Finally, list down six personality characteristics of yours which no person
around you appears to possess.
In recent years, the nature of the personality construct has been hotly debated. Many
studies have found that people tend not to behave consistently across different
situations and that, they do not seem to exhibit stable personalities. In fact, some
researchers feel that personality does not really exist at all. According to them, it is
merely a convenient way to describe the behaviour of other people.
This argument is a bit hard to accept intuitively, possibly because we tend to see
others in a limited range of situations, and so to us, people do act consistently. On
the other hand, we each know that we are not all that consistent, we may be wild
and crazy at times and the model of respectability at others. While certainly not all
psychologists have abandoned the idea of personality, many now recognize that a
person’s underlying characteristics are but one part of the puzzle and that situational
factors behaviour. This realization underscores the potential importance of segmenting
Individual Influences on according to situations. Be that as it may, there are several theories that have been
Buying Behaviour
advanced to explain the concept of personality.
Activity 2
Do you agree that concept of personality is real, at least in the context of
marketing? Illustrate your answer.
The superego strives for perfection. It develops through the reinforcement of approved
behaviour patterns and results from the internalisation of societal and parental standards
of what is good and bad. The superego is, therefore, the individual’s moral code and
helps in striving for perfection. Its primary purpose is, accordingly, to restrain aggressive
impulses of the id rather than seek to postpone them, as does the ego.
Figure 7.2 Freud’s View of the Personality
Activity 3
List down four products that you presently possess (consumer durables or non-
durables), that you felt anxious about, before the purchase was made. Explain
the reason for the anxiety. Also explain the reason by which you justified the
Individual Influences on
Buying Behaviour
Some social-psychologists have forwarded the view that, social relationships are
fundamental to the formations and development of personality. On the basis of their
orientations in relating to others, individual consumers tend to develop methods to
cope with their anxieties, Consumers have consequently been classified into three
personality groups using what is called the ‘CAD model’ where CAD is an acronym
that stands for compliance, aggression and detachment. The CAD model was
developed by using the concept of ‘interpersonal man’ and considers all consumers
as having one of three basic orientations so that they may be described as belonging
to one of the following categories of individuals:
i) Compliant Individuals: These individuals tend to move toward others.
Compliant people have a need for love, affection, approval and the desire to
be appreciated. They are essentially conformists.
ii) Aggressive Individuals: They tend to move against others. Their interpersonal
orientations display the ability to manipulate others. Such individuals also appear
to have a need to achieve success, to excel, to gain admiration and to be in a
power position.
iii) Detached Individuals: This category of persons tends to move away from Personality and
others. Their relationships emphasize the need for self-reliance, independence,
and freedom.
Application of Social-psychological Theory
It has been found that individuals having different personality types tend to use different
products and brands. The CAD model was, in fact, developed for the specific
purpose of studying buying behaviour and it emphasises the effect of social influences
on the personality. Thus, studies have shown that compliant types have been found
to prefer known products and brands while aggressive types have been found to
prefer specific brands out of a desire to be noticed, and also to use more of aftershave
lotions and colognes. In contrast, detached types appear to have the least awareness
of brands.
The CAD approach is used by marketers to predict which consumers may be more
or less prone to group influence.
The most important application of social-psychological theory is its emphasis on
the social nature of consumption. In fact, you will see this in advertising copy in
which social interaction is stressed more than the products themselves. The entire
series of Cadbury chocolate ads with the byline ‘Kuch Meetha ho jaye” display a
variety of social relationship situations being strengthened through this consumption.
Advertising for personal care products, for instance, emphasises the fear of offending
others. Social interaction is also highlighted in the case of products advertised for
occasions for being together.
Activity 4
Mention the three key words of psychoanalytic and the social theories of
personality and compare them together.
Activity 5
Do you agree with the above criticism of the trait theory of personality? What
are the difficulties you are likely to encounter if you use the trait measures of
personality to measure the personality of your consumers?
Activity 6
Talk to a group of your friends in terms of their brand selection of their watches,
cars and formal shirts.When asked about why they chose that particular brand,
assess how many of them attribute their selection to the brand being an
expression of what they think they are.
In all such cases probe further to explore how their chosen brands reinforce
their self concept.
Put down the results of your discussion here:
7.9.1 Self-consciousness
Unlike the feeling in self-concept, self-consciousness is more deliberate and easily
126 felt or told. Thus, there are times when people seem to be painfully aware of
themselves. If you have ever walked into a class in the middle of lecture and noticed Personality and
that all eyes were on you, you can understand this feeling of self-consciousness. In
contrast, consumers sometimes behave with little self-consciousness. For example,
people may do things in a stadium, a riot, or a fraternity party that they would never
do if they were highly conscious of their behaviour.
In the marketing consumption context, some products do bring out self-consciousness
in the customers while they are buying or considering them. Thus, ‘esteem’ products
or the ‘unmentionable products’ make the customers very self-conscious of them.
The rule of the thumb in this regard is that if a person is doing what he or she is
not supposed to do in the normal course, it makes them conscious of themselves:
It is both a marketing opportunity and a challenge.
7.9.2 Self-esteem
Self-esteem refers to the ‘positivity of one’s attitude toward oneself’. People with
low self-esteem do not expect that they will perform very well. They thus, constantly
endeavour to avoid embarrassment, failure, or rejection. In developing a new line
of snack cakes, for example, a manufacturer found that consumers low in self-esteem,
preferred portion-controlled (healthy amount) snack items because they felt they
lacked self-control. In contrast, people with high self-esteem expect to be successful,
will take more risks, spend more money on themselves, and are more willing to be
the center of attention.
Self-esteem often is related to acceptance by others. For example, young persons
who move in high-status “crowds in the disco bars” have higher self-esteem than
their counterparts. Like the situation in the self-consciousness, the self-esteem too
poses an opportunity to the marketers. For example, Dove’s “Self-Esteem” campaign,
which promotes realistic pictures of women, was developed in response to idealised
and unrealistic depictions of women in advertising, which have been shown to reduce
Activity 7
Mention two campaigns in the consumer product category which are based
on the self-consciousness and the self-confidence. Write your analysis in 15
to 25 words each.
Activity 8
Explain the concept of symbolic interactionism in your own words and illustrate
the concept with right example.
Activity 9
Explain the concept of self image – brand image congruence in your own words
and illustrate the concept with right example.
Individual Influences on 7.10.2 The Extended Self
Buying Behaviour
As noted earlier, many of the props and settings consumers use to define their social
roles u sense become a part, of their selves. Those external objects that we consider
a part of us comprise the extended self. In some cultures, people literally incorporate
objects into the self: they lick new possessions, take the names of conquered enemies
(or in some cases eat them), or bury the dead with their possessions. Four levels
of the extended self are used by consumers to define themselves. These range from
very personal objects to places and things, that allow people to feel like they are
rooted in their environments.
a) Individual level: Consumers include many of their personal possessions in self-
definition. These products can include jewellery, cars, clothing, perfume and
so on. The saying “You are what you wear” reflects the belief that one’s things
are a part of what one is.
b) Family level: This part of the extended self includes a consumer’s residence
and the furnishings in it. The house can be thought of as a symbolic body of
the family and is often a central aspect of identity.
c) Community level: It is common for consumers to describe themselves in terms
of the neighbourhood or town from which they come. For farm families or
residents with close ties to a community, this sense of belonging is particularly
d) Group level: Our attachments to certain social groups also can be considered
a part of self. A consumer may feel that marks, landmarks, monuments, or sports
teams are a part of the extended self.
Activity 10
Explain the concept of self-extension in your own words and illustrate the concept
with right example.
How might the “digital self” differ from a consumer’s self-concept in the real
world, and why is this difference potentially important to marketers?
The unit makes an attempt to answer how and why marketers have to address
themselves to the issues of personality and self-image and the influence these variable
have on consumption. The main reason is that consumers seek a congruence in
what they are and what the products may mean to them. Three theories of personality
are explained in the unit. They are psychoanalytic theory of personality, social theory
and the trait theory. Trait theory has been advocated to be the most implementable.
Then the unit moves to the issue of self-image and self-conceptand explains variations
across which these concepts get applied. The unit also describes how a level of
‘Interactionism’ occurs among the various types of self.
5) Compare and contrast the real versus the ideal self. List three products for
which a person is likely to use each type of self as a reference point when he
or she considers a purchase.
Personality and
Learning Outcomes
After having gone through this unit, you should be able to:
explain the concept of consumer motivation
Why do we buy one product or brand rather than the other? Why do we buy from
one shop than the other or use online browsing to identify our choices? Why do
we buy at all?
The questions may sound as the platitudes to some of us, axiomatic to the others.
But the real reason is to underscore a basic point of human behaviour. You would
recall that in the first unit of this course we had defined human behaviour as motivated
or goal-oriented. Some of us may not have realized it this way but it still is true.
The chief characteristic of the human actions is that each and every part of it is
guided by motives: conscious or otherwise. A successful marketer understands the
motives and “shapes them”.
However, the strength of the motive may not be very strong for the comfort or the
discomfort of the marketer. This may be either because consumers are not aware
of the importance of the buying decision or that, there was no need or occasion
for the marketer to address the consumers on the importance of the decision that
the consumers make for themselves. A time comes for the marketer when they have
to add some of their own strength to these motivations to facilitate consumer action
to reach the desired goal. This is known as the process of creating consumer
Activity 1
Give one example from your own consumption that bring out the difference
between the need and want.
Activity 2
Give one example each from consumption seen around you that bring out the
difference between various needs as mentioned above.
Examples of product appeals tailored to each level are provided in Table 8.1.
Table 8.1
Level of Hierarchy Relevant Products Example
Self-actualization Hobbies, travel, New Education Policy 2020
education,contribution “Educate Encourage Enlighten”
for a greater good
Self-esteem needs Car, furniture Toyota – Corolla “A car to be
proud of”
Social needs Clothing, grooming Facebook “Connect with the
products, social friends and the world around
community you”
Safety needs Insurance, investment, Life Insurance Corporation of
alarm system India “Zindagi Ke Saath Bhi
Zindagi Ke Baad Bhi”
Physiological needs Food, medicines, Online food ordering and delivery
staple items, generics platform Zomato “Never have a
bad meal”, Maggie; appeal –fast
to cook, good to eat
Activity 3
Give one example from your own consumption that illustrate the meaning of
the five levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
Individual Influences on
Buying Behaviour ....................................................................................................................
e) The implication of Maslow’s hierarchy is that one must first satisfy basic
needs before progressing up the ladder (i.e., a starving man is not interested in
status symbols, friendship, or self-fulfilment). This hierarchy should however
not be seen as inflexible. Its use in marketing has been somewhat simplistic,
especially since the same product or activity can satisfy a number of different
needs. Sex, for example, is characterized as a basic biological drive. While
this observation is true throughout most of the animal kingdom, it is obviously
a more complicated phenomenon for humans. Indeed, this activity could
conceivably fit into every level of Maslow’s hierarchy. Another problem with
taking Maslow’s hierarchy too literally is that it is culture-bound. The assumptions
of the hierarchy may be restricted to Western culture. People in other cultures
(or, for that matter, in eastern culture) may question the order of the levels as
specified. A religious person who has taken a vow of celibacy, would not
necessarily agree that physiological needs must be satisfied for self-fulfilment
to occur. Similarly, may eastern cultures operate on the premise that the welfare
of the group (social or belongingness needs) is more highly valued than needs
of the individual (esteem needs). The point is that this hierarchy, while widely
applied in marketing, should be valued because it reminds us that consumers
may have different need priorities at different time (i.e., you have to walk before
you can run) rather than because it exactly specifies a consumer’s progression
up the ladder of needs.
Activity 4
Do you think needs always operate in a hierarchical fashion? List any limitations
of the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs when seen in the Indian context.
Figure 8.2 gives an overview of the motivation process. The sections to follow will
elaborate on the components in this model, but in general the process works the
way as described below.
Alternatively, motivation has been defined as the inner drive in individuals which
impels them to action
8.5.1 Goal
A need is recognized by the consumer. This need may be utilitarian (i.e., a desire
to achieve some functional or practical benefit, as when a person requires a pair of
durable sneakers) or it may be hedonic (i.e., an experiential need, involving emotional
responses or fantasies). The desired state as am expected outcome of the buying
action is the consumer’s goal.
8.5.2 Drive
In either case, a discrepancy exists between the consumer’s present state and some
ideal state. This gulf creates a state of tension. The magnitude of this tension determines
the urgency the consumer feels to reduce the tension. This degree of arousal is called
a drive.
8.5.3 Want
As mentioned earlier, a basic need can be satisfied any number of ways, and the
specific path a person chooses is influenced by his or her unique set of experiences,
cultural upbringing, and so on. These factors combine to create a want, which is
one, the specific manifestation of a need.
Individual Influences on
Buying Behaviour Activity 5
Give one example from your own consumption experience that brings out the
components of consumer motivation process.
Activity 8
Define in your way the term of involvement. Indicate whether in general, level
of involvement will be higher or lower in the following products?
1) Newspaper
2) Mixer and grinder
3) Salt
4) Toothpaste
Activity 9
Can you add to the typology of consumer involvement? If yes, in what they
are important for the study of Consumers.
of no concern _ : _ : _ : _: _: _: _: of concern to me
irrelevant _ : _ : _ : _: _: _: _: relevant
valuable _ : _ : _ : _: _: _: _: worthless*
trivial _ : _ : _ : _: _: _: _: fundamental
uninterested _ : _ : _ : _: _: _: _: interested
significant _ : _ : _ : _: _: _: _: insignificant*
vital _ : _ : _ : _: _: _: _: superfluous
boring _ : _ : _ : _: _: _: _: interesting
unexciting _ : _ : _ : _: _: _: _: exciting
appealing _ : _ : _ : _: _: _: _: unappealing*
mundane _ : _ : _ : _: _: _: _: fascinating
undesirable _ : _ : _ : _: _: _: _: desirable
wanted _ : _ : _ : _: _: _: _: unwanted*
Activity 10
Review the above methodology and write your impression as follows:
Do you agree with the argument for the development of an involvement profile?
Explain your answer.
Activity 12
Mention four strategies for increasing the purchase involvement of the product
“ Air Conditioner”: -
Strategy 1…………………………..………………………………………
Strategy 2…………………………..………………………………………
Individual Influences on
Buying Behaviour Strategy 3…………………………..………………………………………
Strategy 4…………………………..………………………………………
The unit raises two very important constructs in consumer behaviour. The first relates
to the very basis of buying i.e., motive. The unit defines the motive as the goal or
purpose of doing what the consumer does. It is the role of the marketer to find out
what could possibly be the motive or provide one if the consumer does not seem
to have one. The process of motivation is guided by a variety of principles ranging
from instinctive theory to the cognitive or the balance theory of motivation. The
second issue is that of involvement in buying. The term refers to the energy level
felt or perceived by the consumer in buying that forces the consumer to participate
in the process of decision making. The involvement too, again could be of several
types and the marketer can exploit them or activate them with persuasive message.
The unit also describes a process of measuring involvement.
Group Influences on
Consumer Behaviour
Building upon the group variables, introduced in Unit 1 of the course, this block
discusses the influences on consumer behaviour, that emanate from his membership
or identification with various groups, be they reference groups, primary groups like
family or composite groups like culture and subculture. The influences have been
dealt with as both affecting brand and product choice and as determinants of some
individual variables like attitudes, perceptions, and learning.
Reference Group Influence
explain the role of reference groups in group dynamics, and their effect on
buyer behaviour
explain the motivations and personalities of those who influence the consumer,
i.e., the opinion leaders, and also of those who are influenced, i.e., the
opinion receivers.
9.1 Introduction
9.2 The influence of Reference Groups
9.3 Types of Reference Groups
9.4 Reference Group Influence on Products and Brands
9.5 The Role of Opinion Leadership in the Transmission of Information
9.6 The Dynamics of the Opinion Leadership Process
9.7 The Personalities and Motivations of Opinion Leaders
9.8 The Concept of Social Class: Its Nature and Meaning
9.9 Social Class and Social Stratification
9.10 Social Class and Social Influences
9.11 Social Class Categorisation
9.12 Relationship of Social Class to Lifestyles
9.13 Social Class and Buying Behaviour
9.14 Social Class and Market Segmentation
9.15 Summary
9.16 Key Words
9.17 Self-Assessment Questions
9.18 Project Questions
9.19 Further Readings
Group Influences on According to Counterpoint Research’s Market Lens consumer study, over half
Consumer Behaviour
of all smartphones sold in India in 2021 were purchased online, up to more
than one-third last year. The COVOD-19-induced social isolation and work-
from-home circumstances attributed to this alteration in purchase behaviour.
Surprisingly, the source of information on smartphones has shifted as well.
When it came to making a smartphone purchase choice, consumers relied more
on YouTuber videos and the opinions of technology influencers than on word
of mouth and friends/family. When it came to making smartphone purchasing
decisions, internet reviews and articles were also overlooked in favour of
comparison on websites and TV commercials.
‘There are a number of factors that give rise to consumer desires and wants. In
the Unit 10 you will learn how families create significant effect on buying behaviour.
In this unit, the discussion is limited to the social and environmental variables that
influence the decision-making process namely, reference groups, opinion leadership
and social class.
Activity 1
Have you been affected by reference group Influence in any of the following
A) Formal attire
B) Membership of a Gym
C) Restaurants
D) Passenger Cars/ Two-wheelers
Group Influences on
Consumer Behaviour If yes, identify the different reference groups which influence you and briefly
describe how did they influence you.
A) ……………………………………………………………………………
B) ……………………………………………………………………………
C) ……………………………………………………………………………
D) ……………………………………………………………………………
Activity 2
Evaluate any two of your recent purchases, one a consumer durable and the
other, a non-durable, where you feel that you have been influenced by reference
group. Try to analyse what was the type of influence, whether normative,
comparative or dissociative that you felt, was exercised by the reference groups.
Product 1
Product 2
Consider wrist watches, which are labelled public necessities. Because they are
owned by most people, there is likely to be little reference group influence on whether
to wear a watch. However, because they are easily visible and everyone can see
whether a person is wearing a wristwatch, the brand may be susceptible to reference
group influence.
For private necessities, products that are required by almost everyone, reference
group influence will be weak on both the product and the brand because such items
are not very visible.
Reference group influence will therefore vary depending on whether the products
and brands are public necessities, private necessities, public luxuries or private luxuries.
According to reference group theory, group influence is greatest for luxury goods
that are consumed publicly, and least for necessities that are consumed privately.
Using the typology shown in the matrix; the following conclusions about reference
group influence can be drawn:
Certain groups are more likely to allow smoking, than others. If smoking is the
norm, the group is likely to express a preference for a certain brand. Reference
group influence is therefore likely to be strong for both the product and the
There are some products that are used by almost everyone. For example,
clothing, furniture, toilet soaps. In such cases, the product is not subject to group
influence. The brand becomes an important factor subject to group influence.
Thus, one group may emphasise designer clothes as a distinguishing feature.
Another may emphasise leisure wear.
Some products have low social visibility for both the product and the brand.
In such cases reference group influence is weak or absent. Such products are
then bought on the basis of product attributes suitable to the consumer. Products
low in visibility, complexity and perceived risk such as bread, are not likely to
be susceptible to personal influence.
In the space below, write down the names of groups of which you are a member,
for example, your family. For what products does each group influence your
behaviour as a consumer? Write down also, the type of group you believe it
to be.
As the multi-step flow model suggests, opinion leaders do not influence a passive
group of followers.
This influence is, moreover, informal and interpersonal. In this process one party,
the opinion leader usually passes on information and advice. The kind of product-
related information that opinion leaders are likely to transmit are:
1) How to use a specific product
2) Which of several brands is best
3) Which is the best place to shop.
4) What are the new products/brands introduced
Opinion Leadership and Product Specificity
Opinion leadership is, however, product specific. Thus, an opinion receiver for one
product category may become an opinion leader for another. He. However, opinion
leadership for related product categories does show a tendency to overlap. For
example, people who are opinion leaders for small appliances may also be opinion
leaders for large appliances.
Opinion leaders do not, however, seem to exert their influence across a range of
unrelated product categories. This tends to happen because, since opinion leadership
is a two-way process, an opinion leader who is knowledgeable about a particular
product can very well become an opinion receiver for some other product.
Opinion leaders has been found to be a function of interest and personal expertise
in a particular area. Opinion leaders tend to specialise in certain product categories
about which they offer information and advice. Thus, for instance, you would find
that, opinion leadership in fashion is not necessarily associated with opinion leadership
in another area such as kitchen appliances. Again, opinion leaders for dental products
are not necessarily influential in other areas. 167
Group Influences on
Personality Profiles of Opinion Leaders
Can opinion leaders be profiled on the basis of any distinctive characteristics?
This is important for marketers because, if they are able to identify and
target the opinion leaders for their product, they can influence the
consumption behaviour of others.
It has been found that opinion leaders tend to be more involved with the product
category. They have a keener level of interest, read more special interest magazines
and are consequently more knowledgeable about the product category. They also
tend to be more innovative about their purchases than their followers. They have
local friendships and social interaction and, are therefore more active in disseminating
information. In addition, opinion leaders are higher on credibility because they are
perceived as neutral sources. They base their advice frequently on first hand exposure.
Opinion leaders are also more non-conforming, more self- confident, more sociable
and cosmopolitan and, also socially higher on perceived risk.
What Motivates Opinion Leaders?
Three reasons have been suggested as the forces motivating opinion leaders. One
is that, they may use conversations as a dissonance reducing process for products
they have bought. Or they may want to influence a friend or neighbour. Another
reason can be self-involvement, when they may want to confirm their own judgement.
Demographic Characteristics of Opinion Leaders
Some studies have shown that opinion leaders tend to be younger, often with more
education, higher incomes and higher occupational status. Opinion leaders for movies
tend to be young and single. Those for food purchases have been found to be
predominantly married. In contrast, those for giving information and advice on medical
services are predominantly unmarried.
Media Exposure
Can opinion leaders be reached through any specific media? Yes. Some studies
indicate that opinion leaders possess a keener level of interest for particular product
categories and, specific media, than opinion receivers in general. Opinion leaders
are more exposed to the media. This is particularly true of media reflecting their
areas of interest. Opinion leaders go to more movies and watch more television,
more avid users of social networking sites. They also read more magazines. There
is more exposure relevant to their areas of interest. They also have greater readership
of special and technical publications or sites devoted to the product category. Such
special interest magazinesand media sites place them in a better position to make
recommendations to relatives, friends and neighbours. It is not necessary, however,
that opinion leaders have more exposure to the mass media in general.
Digital Opinion Leaders
Digital media technologies have made the content creation easier and information
sharing faster. Moreover, comments or retweets are measurable and identifiable on
social networking sites. Social media analytics app Klout claims to precisely measure Reference Group Influence
and Group Dynamics
just how influential each of us is in cyberspace. “Klout Score”, the numerical value
between 1 and 100 can be assigned to anyone who is online. Higher Klout score
indicates the high level of influence of the users in online social networks. Digital
opinion leaders are sometimes also called as power users. They have a strong
communications network that gives them the ability to affect purchase decisions for
a number of other consumers, directly and indirectly.
Activity 4
Talk to some opinion leaders in your own circle for different product or service
categories like electronic gadgets, entertainment, restaurants and holiday
destinations to find out what are the reasons that motivate them to act as opinion
leaders. Do the reasons vary across product categories?
When social class is mentioned, however, some people at least, feel uncomfortable
about the realities of life that it reflects. Within a marketing context, social class is
worth thinking about because of the insights it offers on the market behaviour of
consumers, and on the existence of market segments. Social class influences affect
various aspects of products that we aspire to own such as colour, styling, what
preferences we might have for product sizes, what type of stores we will shop at,
and how we go about the shopping process.
Group Influences on What is Social Class?
Consumer Behaviour
Social class refers to the social position that an individual occupies in society. Thus,
your social standing is a result of characteristics you possess such as education,
occupation, ownership of property and source of income, as you see illustrated in
Figure 9.5. This leads to the division of society into a hierarchy of social classes
ranging from high status to low status so that, members within each of the social
classes have relatively the same status as each other.
Figure 9.5 Social Standing: How it is Derived and How it Influences Behaviour
The term social stratification refers to groups or strata of people. People within
any social stratum tend to view those in other social classes as being socially superior
or inferior to themselves. It is in fact, well known that, in any society, some groups
are treated with respect by others while, other groups are looked down on and,
treated less well. People who are ranked within the same stratum tend to share
interests and activities, and, to spend their work and leisure time together. Stratification
is found in some form or other in every society, and in all human cultures, by social
agreement. It derives its support from the prevailing cultural values. Since these
differ for different cultures, so do the details of the various stratification systems.
There are two ways in which stratification systems have resulted. One is by inherited
status, and the other is by earned status. While some amount of inherited status
is based on a person’s past, and is present in every stratification system, earned
status is based on a person’s actions and performance. There are two basic models
for social stratification, namely, the class and the caste system. The best example
of a caste system is found in our own country, particularly in rural society in India,
where it is documented as having existed for several thousands of years. The caste
system relies on inherited status, and reflects sharp boundaries, with no social mobility.
Cultures in which the caste system and, therefore, inherited status dominant tend
to be closed systems while those in which earned status in dominant tend to be
open systems with social mobility. Closed systems have sharp boundaries and are
traditional. Social distance is considered proper, and socialising between the classes
is discouraged.
In the relatively more open class system, social class membership is not hard and
fixed. This means that individuals can move up or down in social class standing,
from the class membership held by their parents. Because upward mobility is possible
in a society and depends on education and opportunities, the higher social classes
tend to become the reference groups for members of lower social status.
The significance of social stratification is that there are differences in values and
attitudes of each of the classes. These differences are reflected in their lifestyles
and their purchasing patterns and consumption characteristics and, therefore, provide
a basis on which to segment the market.
Activity 5
The upper and lower classes are known to differ in the way they view the
world and themselves. Try to identify and list down three psychological differences
that separate the upper classes from the lower classes. In each case name the
products that you think are bought predominantly by the members of these
social classes.
Reference Group Influence
As you noted earlier, identification of members within each social class is influenced
most heavily by education and occupation, including income, as a measure of work
success. But it is also affected by family recreational habits and social acceptance
by a particular class. Thus, social class is a composite of many personal and social
attributes rather than a single characteristic such as income or education.
Traditionally, social class positioning has been measured in terms of socio-economic
factors, namely, type and source of income (inheritance or salary), occupational
status, level of education, value of housing and quality of neighboured. Socio- economic
factors appeal to marketers because the information is easily collected as part of
any questionnaire. It is thus possible to prepare profiles of the potential target markets.
The number of categories of social class varies. They are ordered in a manner that
begins with some type of elite upper class and ends with a lower class. A variety
of different classification schemes has been developed, to rank the social classes.
A frequently used scheme is the well-known Warner’s Index of Status
Characteristics (ISC).
Warner’s Index uses four variables as indicators of social class. They are occupation,
income; house and dwelling area. Warner categorised the members in a society
into six classes as follows:
1. Upper-upper class
2. Lower-upper class
3. Upper-middle class
4. Lower-middle class
5. Upper-lower class
6. Lower-lower class
The percentage of population accounted for in each social class appears to fluctuate
but is concentrated in the middle and lower classes. The concept of mass marketing
can, for instance, be applied to the middle classes but not to the affluent upper-
upper class. The upper-upper is, however, a desirable target market for speciality
goods marketing by firms. Such goods can appeal to the cultivated tastes of a very
small number of affluent consumers.
In addition, four target groups have been identified by marketers for their use. These
include, as you see in Figure 9. 6, a broad upper class, a white-collar middle class,
an affluent working class and poorer lower class.
Figure 9.6 Requirements for a Social Class System
Group Influences on The social classes are described for marketing purposes, in terms of the social groups
Consumer Behaviour
from which they are drawn in society. On the basis of demographic factors, we
thus have:
The upper-upper social class: This is the wealthy, aristocratic, landed class. It
serves as a reference for the social classes below. It is not a major market segment,
because of its small size.
The lower upper social class: This is the newer social elite. Money is relatively
new. It is an achieving group, drawn from professionals and, includes the successful
and wealthy executive elite, doctors, lawyers and founders of large businesses. It
constitutes a major market for specialised luxury goods.
The upper-middle class: This class consists of the moderately successful. It consists
of the professionally educated managers, intellectual elite and successful professionals,
doctors, lawyers, and professors, owners of medium-sized businesses and managerial
executives, and also younger men and women who are expected to reach these
occupational status levels. Housing is important to this class, and also the appearance
of products in general.
The Lower-middle class: It is represented by the common man, and the highly
paid individual worker. It includes the small business owners and non-managerial
workers. Persons in this class tend to have high school educations and some college
education, but do not reach high levels in their organisations.
The Working Class: This is the largest of the social classes, and is composed of
skilled and semi-skilled workers.They are blue (Khaki) collar workers but have
sufficient money for consumer products, and along with the middle classes, they
represent the market for mass consumer goods.
Within each of these social classes, there are both, underprivileged and overprivileged
members depending on whether their incomes are above, or below, the average
for the class. For many products, the groups of interest to the marketer are the
middle and working classes, by far the largest segment of the market.
Group Influences on Buying Patterns and Motivations
Consumer Behaviour
The buying behaviour as well as the motivating forces underlying such behaviour
differ for the different social classes. Refer again to Figure 9.7. You will find that
the social classes differ in their buying behaviour patterns, thereby allowing companies
to target their products to particular, class-based, market segments.
The Upper-upper Class
Members of the upper class have access to property, prestige and power. Their
wealth allows access to prestige. Thus, a wealthy person can buy the right products
and services, join the right clubs and socialise with the right type of people. The
affluent upper class also has a disproportionately larger share of discretionary income.
They are therefore an especially attractive market segment for goods and services
such as leisure, designer clothing, and domestic as well as foreign travel.
The Lower-upper Class
This is the newly rich class. Their goal is to imitate the gracious living style of the
upper-upper class. This class is, therefore, strongly oriented toward conspicuous
consumption, and may be a significant market for luxury goods. Sometimes, the
use of certain products by the upper classes trickles down to other social class
This is referred to as the trickledown effect. The upper social classes are therefore
used in advertising, as reference groups for those below them. Furthermore, at each
social class level, there are members who constantly seek to achieve a higher status
by virtue of their possessions. You will see this illustrated in Figure 9.8 which indicates
the effect that this has on marketing strategy.
Figure 9.8 Upward Pull Strategy Targeted at Middle Class
You will find this in advertisements that show beautiful women in upscale surroundings.
Such advertising sells dreams to the lower classes.
The Upper-middle Class
This is the moderately successful class. They are usually members of clubs and also
have a broad range of cultural interests. Their motivations are towards achieving
success in their careers and reaching higher income levels. Their aspirational reference Reference Group Influence
and Group Dynamics
group is usually the upper classes.
The Lower-middle Class
The motivation of this group is to acquire respectability. They also desire to live in
well maintained, neatly furnished homes in good neighbourhoods. Products are bought
with social acceptance in mind.
Upper-lower Class
This class lives for the present. It looks horizontally within its own class for its values,
rather than upwards to the next social class.
Marketers are concerned with how the buying patterns of these social classes differ.
For the marketer, the social classes are appropriately seen as subcultures with distinct
lifestyles, buying patterns and motivations. The basic premise is that, their wants
and needs do not result from some indefinable subjective feeling on the part of
consumers. They are a product of social conditioning by the environment. The needs
of individual members within the social classes are therefore influenced by the social
activities in which they tend to get involved. The surrounding culture acts as a general
supportive framework for these activities.
Product choice and usage therefore differ among the social classes. Some products
and services such as vacations are bought mainly by the upper classes. Again, the
upper classes go more for products that provide identification, that are fashionable
and, represent good taste. The various social groups thus transmit the norms and
values of their social culture, to members on a daily basis.
Shopping Patterns and Search for Information
The reason for shopping has also been found to differ among the social classes.
The upper classes tend to shop more for pleasure. Because of this they also tend
to shop in stores with a sophisticated, highbrow atmosphere. For example, people
in this class are more likely to patronise exclusive boutiques for their apparel needs.
Social class thus seems to determine where to shop.
The social classes also differ in how much they search for information prior to and,
during shopping. The upper and middle classes tend to engage in more information
search prior to buying. For example, prior to purchasing appliance they will search
on websites, read more newspapers, brochures and test reports. In contrast, lower
class consumers are more apt to rely on instore displays and on salespersons. Lower
class consumers have less product information.
Advertising and Social Class
The upper classes respond to more sophisticated appeals that offer objects as
symbols related to status and self. Advertising to the upper classes is, therefore,
more effective when stressing abstract product benefits. Lower status people have
been found to be more responsive to advertising that depicts racial relationships
and offers solutions to practical problems in daily life. They respond to advertising
of a strong visual character, and straight-forward, literal approaches. Message
positioning thus become important when addressing members of the different social
Group Influences on
Consumer Behaviour 9.14 SOCIAL CLASS AND MARKET
The social classes serve as a natural basis for marketers to segment the market for
their products and services. Social class has, in fact, been suggested to be a better
predictor of consumer lifestyles than income alone.
Social class has thus been found better than income for expressive types of consumer
behaviour such as private club membership, ownership of farm houses, type of
automobile owned, type of stores patronised, and also the particular brands purchased.
It is therefore necessary that, promotional messages, distribution channels and, retail
outlets be effectively related to social class membership. However, social class has
not always been successful in segmenting markets, and there has been a long
controversy as to whether social class or income is a better variable for segmentation.
The choice between the two appears to depend on the product and the situation.
Social class variable has been found superior to income variable for the purchase
of highly visible symbols and expensive objects such as living room furnishings. What
is important for market segmentation is that, within each social class, there will be
similarly shared values, attitudes and behaviour patterns.
Income has been found to be a better predictor for major kitchen and laundry
appliances and products that require substantial expenditure but are not status symbols.
Lastly, the combination of social class and income have been found superior for
product classes that are visible, serve as symbols of social status and require moderate
expenditure like television sets, cars and clothing.
This unit focuses on the influence of group variables like reference groups, opinion
leaders, and social class. First of all, every human society has some type of social
class structure which divides its members into hierarchical groups. Within these social
classes, social groups tend to form, and it is these groups that are responsible for
transmitting the norms and behaviour patterns prescribed by society. Several factors
distinguish these groups including occupation, wealth, education, possessions and
values. Social class is not equivalent to occupation or income or any criterion, but
it may be related to one or more of these. In addition, reference groups also represent
important sources of social influence in consumer behaviour. However, reference
group influence varies.
Some products and brands are susceptible to reference group influence while others
are not, and this depends on the conspicuousness of the products. Conspicuousness
relates to both, the visibility as well as the exclusivity of concerned products.
Reference Group influence is greatest when both these factors are present, and
lowest when neither is present. Thus, when visibility is high but exclusivity is low,
reference group influence pertains more to the purchase of the product and less
to the brand.
In addition, there are opinion leaders who influence the decision-making of consumers
by providing information on products, and the process by which opinion leadership
functions is described as the multi-step flow of communication.
Reference Group Influence
9.16 KEY WORDS and Group Dynamics
3) What is a reference group? Name two reference groups that are important to
you. In what way do they influence you in your purchasing behaviour?
4) What factors are important in reference group influence? Suggest four products
for which you think your reference groups would exert a strong or weak influence
with regard to the purchase of the product and the brand, and explain the reason
why this should happen.
5) Explain the two-step flow of communicationin the opinion leadership process
and also indicate how and why it has been modified.
Group Influences on
Learning Outcomes
After going throughthis unit, you should be able to:
explain the nature of the family influences that operate on the purchase
describe how family decision-making is influenced by the role specialisations
of the members involved in the purchase decisions
evaluate the impact of the family life cycle stages on consumption behaviour
Family Types
As a consuming unit to consider, the marketer is interested in the variety of living
arrangements that exist in the population. There are several types of families and
their buying requirements would differ subject to their structural variations. Here is
the nuclear family, which is termed as consisting of the husband, wife and their
There is the extended family in which the family structure extends beyond the
nuclear family and includes other relatives such as the parents of the husband or
wife, aunts, uncles, grandparents and in-laws. The traditional household set-up in
India consisting of a joint family is an example of an extended family.
A more recent development is the rising proportion across the world of non-
traditional families, consisting of couples in live in relationships, which are significant
to marketers on account of the size as well as the relatively high income of the
segment. Single parent families are another significant segment of interest to marketer
The term family is actually a subset of the more general classification of household,
where the household comprises all those persons who occupy and share a housing
unit. The household thus covers a variety of living arrangements such as roommates
living in an apartment, and paying guest arrangements, all of which are of value to
the marketer as consumption units with differing consumption patterns. 183
Group Influences on
The Reciprocal Nature of Family Influence
The family is not just a social group. It is also an earning, consuming, decision-
making unit, and it is of importance to marketers because of the influence that family
members have on purchase and consumption decision. In this section we will consider
the various family related factors that have an impact on consumer decision-making.
The family’s influence comes from the fact that the bonds within the family are likely
to be much more powerful and intimate than those in other small groups. Because
of these bonds, the family has profound social, cultural, psychological and economic
influence on consumers. Within the family, operating as the unit of analysis, a
reciprocal influence operates on all decisions. There are three main sources of
influence in the family decision process. These are the father, the mother and other
family members.
Since a particular family may have several persons in the ‘other family members’
category, the decision process for a given family can be complex. Every family member
brings his or her own motives, evaluations, beliefs and predispositions to the decision
process. Every family member becomes part of the environment for the other family
members and, influences, and is influenced by them. And the cognitions, behaviour
and environments of the several persons become an important consideration for
the marketer, as do the interactions of the members among themselves. Not only
do we need to analyse the cognitions of these individuals, as you see in Figure 10.2,
but also the possible interaction patterns between each of the family members. For
the marketer, it is therefore necessary to sort out the extent of influence exerted by
the various family members. In the next section you will read about the two main
buying influences that operate on the individual within the family, namely consumer
socialisation and the intergenerational influences.
Figure 10.2 The Reciprocal Influence of Family Members
Consumer socialisation occurs through two types of learning. One is the imitation
of others by observing the actions of others in the family. What is learnt early in life
has a lasting effect on most people. Brand loyalty is thus transmitted from parents
to children and, favoured brands may persist for periods of anywhere up to twelve
years or longer. The second type of learning is operant conditioning. This means
that consumption behaviour that receives praise and is complimented likely to be
repeated by a child while actions, that are ridiculed or, are less likely to have a
negative outcome be repeated. A very common example is the praise a growing
child revives when he finished the home food on his plate served to him and eats
up his fruit. Over a period of time this operant conditioning serves as important
leaning related to healthy eating habits and non-wastage of food.
Consumer socialisation occurs in subtle ways that are not always obvious. There
are four primary ways in which family influences can be transmitted to the individual
within the family:
1) The parents act as models for the child on numerous consumption occasions.
The child learns through observation without the parents’ conscious awareness
or intention to teach.
2) Parent-child discussions about particular products or brands, why they are
good for you, and why they are not.
3) Child-child interactions. These become an important socialising influence when
more than one child is present.
4) The child begins to handle money as he or she becomes older. Thus, through
gifts and allowances, the family provides opportunities for a child to become
more experienced as a consumer.
Group Influences on
The intergenerational consumer influences refer to what is passed along from
grandparents to parents, from the parents to their children, and from the children
to their children. Many forms of influence are passed on. These include religious
and cultural values, general lifestyles, attitudes toward education, sports, leisure and
social life. Such intergenerational influences play an important role in forming product
and brand differences. In fact, many consumers have, perhaps, never considered
purchasing brands other than those their parents purchased for them as children.
For example, consider your own experiences regarding your choice of tea, ketchup,
bath soap, laundry detergent, and many other such products. Thus, you may find
that you prefer a brand because it was what your mother, used or, because your
father believed in the manufacturer. Such items are often purchased throughout an
individual’s adult life without serious consideration of other brands.
And this is the marketer’s dream-to get consumers who are highly brand loyal for
many decades. Figure 10. 4 illustrates for you, the concept of intergenerational
carryover that you have been reading about.
Figure 10.4 The Concept of Intergenerational Carryover
Activity 1
Recall the purchase of ‘a recent consumer durable product by your family and
try to identify the role(s) played by respective members of your family.
Activity 2
Prepare a list of about 2 to 3 durable products and 7 to 8 non-durable products
(at different levels of price) consumed by your family. In case of each product
try to identify the type of decision that led to the choice.
Family Buying Influences,
Activity 3 Family Life Cycle and
Buying Roles
Select at least 10 known families in your social world and identify the stage at
which they are in the family life cycle description. Also list some of the products
(a) they have stopped buying (b) they are going to buy for the first time.
The family has an institutionalised position in the larger society and provides the
primary setting for consumer socialisation, whereby children learn consumer tastes,
preferences and shopping styles. When trying to reach families marketers should 195
Group Influences on therefore realise that, family influence is an important factor in developing marketing
Consumer Behaviour
Parents play an important role in consumer socialisation, especially in providing
information on the rational aspects of consumption. Their impact varies across types
of products and across the stage of the decision process.
A set of buying roles also exist within the family. Different roles can be identified
such as initiators, influencers, gatekeepers, deciders, buyers and users. The role of
the member is shaped partially by cultural and social determinants, including the
mass culture, subcultural influences, social class and reference groups.
The relative importance of members may vary according to the kind of product
and service under consideration, its cost and other variables. Decisions within the
family can thus be classified into four categories namely, wife-dominant, husband-
dominant, syncratic and autonomic. These categories refer to the extent to which
the husband-and-wife act independently versus together in making purchases. And
for certain type of products or services the presence of children as well as their
request can influence the purchase decisions.
The family also has a life cycle that determines its needs and expenditure patterns
at different points in its development. The family life cycle includes nine stages which
describe changes in the family’s buying and behaviour patterns across time. This
has implications for segmenting families into various markets.
Household : A group of people living under one roof.
Family : A group of members living under the same roof who are
related to each other by marriage or by blood ties.
Nuclear Family : Consists of husband, wife and offspring.
Extended Family : Consists of the nuclear family plus the husband and/or wife’s
mother, father and/or other relative.
Family Life Cycle : The idea that families move through a series of stages in
a developmental fashion.
Instrumental Role : Within a group, the instrumental role is taken by the person
who deals with the problem of getting the group to achieve
certain goals and complete certain tasks.
Expressive Role : A role found in many groups that involves a person helping
to maintain and provide emotional support for its members.
Purchase Roles : include the various roles in the buying and using of products
by family members or industrial buying groups.
Syncratic decision : Important decisions in which husband and wife participate
Autonomic decisions : Decisions of lesser importance that either the husband or
wife may make independently.
Family Decision : The steps in the decision process used by a family to Family Buying Influences,
Family Life Cycle and
Stages purchase products or services. Buying Roles
Power Sources : Factors that can increase the personal power of a person
in a relationship such as economic resources, cultural and
subcultural values and the degree of dependence in a
Consumer : Processes by which young people acquire skills, knowledge
Socialisation and attitudes relevant to their functioning as consumers in
the market place.
Socialising Agents : Individuals directly involved with a consumer, who have
influence because of their frequency of contact with the
consumer, importance to the consumer or control over
rewards and punishments given to the consumer.
Group Influences on
Learning Outcomes
After going through this unit, you should be able to:
define culture and subculture
describe the characteristics of culture
distinguish between components of culture
explain how culture and subculture influence our behavior
utilize the understanding of culture and subcultures to make informed marketing
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Culture: Meaning and Significance
11.3 The Characteristics of Culture
11.4 Cultural Values
11.5 Cultural Values and Change
11.6 The Need for Cross-cultural Understanding of Consumer Behaviour
11.7 Subcultures and their Influence
11.8 Summary
11.9 Key Words
11.10 Self-Assessment Questions
11.11 Project Questions
11.12 Suggested Readings
One of the most pervasive influences on our lives and indeed our consumption
behaviour is that of culture. Culture has a profound effect on family life, living patterns,
social interactions and is indeed an input in shaping values, attitudes, personalities,
attitudes and perceptions, variables that you have studied earlier in this course. We
shall in this unit try to understand what is culture and how does it influence buyer’s
behaviour. We will also briefly discuss the various subsets of culture-the subcultures
within a given society.
Activity 2
Select five core Indian cultural values, and provide a consumer behaviour example
for each.
Some of the trends noted above have already become apparent. How are they
likely to change some of the Indian cultural values? Give your own opinion.
Talk to some of your peers and report upon their opinion.
Trends Likely Cultural Changes
…………………… ……………………………………….
……………………. ……………………………………….
…………………….. ….……………………………………
Group Influences on Important among the steps to be undertaken while trying to understand cultural
Consumer Behaviour
orientation of international markets are suggested below.
a) Research into underlying values and the rate at which these are altering-Try to
understand the direction of the change specially with references to the target
b) Evaluate how the intended product concept relates to the cultural values, in
terms of any possible or perceived conflicts with the values. In the cultural context
in which the product is to be introduced, how important are the needs for which
the product is created? Are there alternative satisfiers available?
c) Analyze the existing individual and family decision patterns and characteristic
criteria used for decision making, as well as the information sources for decision
d) Decide on appropriate Marketing Communication- Looking at the language,
symbols, beliefs and the role models that exist in a given cultural context, the
marketer must decide upon messages and formats which effectively communicate.
What media would be the most appropriate would again vary depending upon
the preferred. information sources and media habits of people in different
e) Take appropriate pricing and channel decision-What are the valuation norms
of a given society? Do people value an imported product label higher than a
domestic one or is it vice versa? Are people aware and sensitive of price
differentials? Are existing channels adequate and appropriate? How willing are
people in a given cultural context to try new distribution alternatives? These
are some of the issues which would enable the markets to evolve suitable pricing
and distribution strategies in a cross-cultural marketing situation.
Hofstede Dimensions of National Culture is one of the most widely used instrument
to measure the cross-cultural values. It has following six dimensions:
Power Distance- The extent to which the less powerful members of organizations
and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally.
Individualism- The degree to which individuals are integrated into groups.
Masculinity- The distribution of roles between the genders.
Uncertainty Avoidance- A society’s tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity.
Long-Term Orientation- Values associated with long-term orientation are thrift
and perseverance; values associated with short-term orientation are respect for
tradition, fulfilling social obligations, and protecting one’s “face.”
Indulgence versus Restraint- The extent to which a society allows relatively free
gratification of basic and natural human drives related to enjoying life and having
fun. A culture high on restraint suppresses gratification of needs and regulates it by
means of strict social norms.
These dimensions are useful to marketers to understand how members of different
cultures may respond to the same marketing messages.
Culture And Sub Cultural
Activity 4 Influeces
Activity 5
Look around yourself and try to identify the type of subcultural group that you
see in the Indian society. In what ways do they tend to differ from the other
Group Influences on
Consumer Behaviour ....................................................................................................................
Types of subcultures
Marketers have tended to look at subcultures as specific segments in terms of the
differential mores of these subgroups result in consumption patterns and behavioural
patterns specific to them. You have only to refer to the different customs followed
by the various communities in India to understand how the marketer would like
the consumption patterns at different religious festivals and performance of customary
rites of these communities to identify distinct marketing opportunities. The different
food habits of the geographical subcultures, for example, North and South India,
represent possibilities for segmenting and targeting consumers for the food market.
Looking around us we can see that for multicultural societies, it is possible to identify
several types of subcultures. We would briefly refer to the major types of subcultures
Racial or nationality subcultures: Multiracial societies like America are today
comprised of citizens who come from different nationalities or belong to different
races. While they are subscribe to the wider concept of the core American values,
each one of them display interesting differences for the marketer to be able to identify
them as important, subculture segments. The broader American culture therefore
can be seen as consisting of the Afro- American subculture, the Asian subculture
the Hispanic subculture to name some. These subcultures tend to vary in their values,
aspiration and beliefs which get reflected in their consumption priorities, spend save
patterns, purchase behaviour, use of credit, social mores and customs etc. Marketers
have found it useful to look at each of these subcultures as distinct market segments
and tailor marketing plans to effectively reach them.
Religious subcultures: Most societies of the world today consist of people
subscribing to different religions, which may differ in their beliefs, values and customs.
We have referred to the Indian society earlier which is a good example of a multi-
religion society. The religious subgroups may follow different custom, have important
rites of passage (like birth, marriage and death) performed in different ways and
have different festivals. These in turn suggest items appropriate for consumption
for the above activities which may not be common to all the members of the wider
society. In addition, religion subcultures may suggest important “taboos” in consumption
terms, certain foods are prohibited among the different groups, consumption of liquor
or non-vegetarian foods may be specifically prohibited by some religious norms.
Geographical and regional subcultures: Large countries, partly on account of
geographical and climatic condition display geographical and regional differences
which are distinct enough to enable marketer to envisage a country as consisting
of different geographical or regional subcultures. One has only to look at our own
country to clearly identify and appreciate the Gujarati, Tamil, Punjabi, Kashmiri,
Bengali subculture identities with the Indian culture. Of special significance to the
marketer are the various food preferences of these geographical regional subculture Culture And Sub Cultural
and the languages spoken in different regions.
India today had 22 languages identified as official regional languages. These create
unique challenges in terms of creating and delivering marketing communication.
Geographical subcultures also result in different consumption patterns in clothing,
housing patterns and food habits on account of climatic conditions. While cottons
maybe the most preferred fabric in North West India, silk predominates in South,
Woolens have a very low priority in coastal regions as they are not required at all.
Age subcultures: You have already read about the stages in family life cycle and
understand how consumption priorities change as the age pattern of the family changes.
Marketers have, on a more generic basis have been able to use age as a basis of
identifying different subcultural identities as the youth market and the elderly market.
The youth market (14-24) is important to marketers not only because it is a growing
and lucrative segment but also because consumption preference found at this age
are likely to continue for a long time. The youth market is distinctive enough in terms
of its spending patterns, demographics, psychographic, profiles etc. In a very
interesting in-depth study of teens, Young and Rubicon ad agency found the following:
Teens want to learn things but do not want to be told
The study of culture enables us to understand and appreciate all aspects of a given
society-language customs, beliefs,value systems, customs and religion in a given society.
The unit studied by you defines culture as the sum total of the beliefs, values and
customs learned by the members, of a society that set them apart from other societies.
The unit also explains the characteristics of culture and the way it affects our behaviour
as consumers.
In an internationalizing world economy several cross-cultural transactions and adaptation
have to be made by the international marketers. The unit addresses some of the
value orientation across which different societies can be seen and analyzed. Subcultures
and their understanding enable the marketers to segment the market so as to tailor
their offerings to the needs, motivations value orientations and attitudes of members
of specific groups. Subcultures exist as identifiable distinct groups within a given
culture. The unit describes the various types of subcultures that can be identified in
a society.
The Buying Process
This block focuses on the consumer buying process and consists of four units on
problem recognition and information search, information processing, alternative
evaluation, purchase processes, and post-purchase behaviour, in that sequence.
Individual and group influences impinging upon each of these stages have also been
dealt with. Building on the decision process introduced in Unit 1, this block elaborates
on factors affecting problem recognition and information search, buyer choice rules,
inputs in alternative evaluations, and implications of post-purchase behaviour to
provide useful insights for marketers.
The Buying Process
Problem Recognition and
Learning Outcomes
After going through this unit, you should be able to:
describe the importance of problem recognition in the overall framework
of consumer decision making;
explain the various issues in problem-recognition;
map the process of information search in solving the problem (need) so
distinguish factors and compulsions forcing a choice between or a combination
of internal and external search;
formulate marketers’ response in managing various sources of information
used by the consumers; and
integrate the learning about two stages of decision-making, viz., problem
recognition and information search.
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Importance of Problem Recognition
12.3 An Overview of Problem Recognition
12.4 Threshold level in Problem Recognition
12.5 Problem Recognition in the Industrial Buying Process
12.6 Information Search
12.7 Summary
12.8 Key Words
12.9 Self-Assessment Questions
12.10 Project Assignments
12.11 Further Readings
In the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, social isolation, mask use, and
vaccination were critical preventive measures. On January 16, 2021, India
launched the “World’s Largest Vaccination Drive” with Covishield and Covaxin.
India had the potential to produce 60% of the world’s vaccine stock. The issues
were rarely about production; rather, they were about equitable distribution
due to a lack of adequate cold storage facilities. Furthermore, India’s vaccine
wastage has increased due to a lack of the required number of beneficiaries
per session, a lack of trained vaccinators, and a low shelf life of the vaccine
after vial opening. After cold storage and other logistical concerns, the spread
of misinformation was one of the most significant challenges for the COVID-
19 vaccination drive. The social media communication channels were inundated 217
The Buying Process with an infodemic of fake news about every aspect of the pandemic, from its
origin to its cure.
To manage, deliver, and track the country’s mass vaccination campaign, the
authorities in India have incorporated CO-WIN, a vaccination tracking and
registration app, to manage, deliver, and track the COVID-19 vaccination.
Eligible citizens could book their vaccination appointment through the CO-
WIN platform or AarogyaSetu, India’s COVID-19 contact tracing app, at any
time and from any location. Through contact tracing and self-assessment
features, CO-WIN users could download a QR-coded vaccination certificate
and stay up-to-date on their COVID-19 risk. However, a lack of proper internet
penetration in rural communities could have a significant impediment to the
vaccination drive.
You would recall from Unit 4 of Block 1 entitled “Consumer Behaviour” in the course
MMPC-006, Marketing Management, how consumers move from one stage of
decision making to another in order to arrive at their decisions for purchases.
These stages are: Problem Recognition; Information Search; Evaluation of Alternatives;
Purchase Action and finally, Post-purchase Behaviour. These stages are followed
sequentially, i.e., one follows the other in a given order, in most consumption
No decision-making occurs in isolation as a consumer is influenced by his or her
personality as well as society (Refer to Block 2 and 3 of this course). In this first
unit of this block, we focus on the first two stages of consumer decision-making.
Problem Recognition and
Activity 1 Information Search
Recall any purchase that you made recently (A new laptop, a pair of trousers,
sport shirt or a soft drink etc.). You now describe as to:
a) When did you first recognize the need of that product?
There is even a scope for classifying consumers on the basis of their different problem
recognition styles. The first category of consumers are those who presume that they
have a problem when their product fails to perform satisfactorily. For example, a
wrist watch bought by a consumer no longer keeps accurate time. The second type
of customers are those who recognize the need or problem not because the existing
product has failed to perform but because of their desire of possessing something
new. This partly explains why Titan watches found a ready market even though the
other brands of wrist watches more or less were quality performance products.
Furthermore, many purchases needs are recognized and concluded at the point of
shopping themselves. These purchases are termed impulse purchase. Figure 12.2
explains the process of problem recognition and the factors that contribute to the
It is clear from Figure 12.2 that a problem can be defined as the “perceived gap
or discrepancy between the existing and the desired consumer positions for a given
product and service”. The existing consumer position reflects how a consumer feels
presently about his consumption or non-consumption of a given product. The desired
consumer situation refers to his expectations and anticipations from the, consumption
or non-consumption of a given product and service. Most often, the perceived gap/
discrepancy between these two stages fashions the needs of the consumer. Thus,
as consumers grow up physically, financially and psychologically, there will be a
perceived gap between their current and desired situations. A growing child will
desire first a tricycle, then a bicycle and then, perhaps, a motor cycle.
Similarly, a housewife will plan her shopping once she notices a stock-out situation
in her kitchen or in other household supplies.
However, natural factors such as the stock-out or the organic growth or financial-
growth cause the difference between the two states of mind rather slowly. Hence,
on most occasions, the gaps between the current and desired states of mind are
accelerated or heightened by various marketing stimuli or efforts. The introduction
of new version of light but powerful laptops with vastly improved features may create
a dissatisfaction with your existing possession.These marketing efforts influence either
the current state of mind or the desired state or both.
Problem Recognition and
Activity 2 Information Search
Select a product out of the following and explain whether you will influence
the‘existing’ or ‘desired’ state of mind of consumers. Also explain why?
Answer: I will influence Existing / Desired (chose one) state of mind of consumers
because_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_______ _______ _______ _______ ____
_______ _______ _______ _______ ____
At the current state of mind, marketers’ may ‘induce’ dissatisfaction in the consumers
for the current stock of products and services. The marketers may also convince
the buyers how obsolete their presently owned products have become (Example,
entry of the precisely angled tooth-brushes, iodized salt, pure spices, phones with
a 48-hour battery life etc., are examples of this trend). Mostly, this dissatisfaction
is pointed towards ‘obsolete’ functioning, style and technology. The efforts of markets
in respect of existing or current state of consumption are however, quite limited.
They are somewhat negative in nature too. Hence, most efforts are made by the
marketers to condition the ‘desired’ state of mind of consumers.
The desired consumer position is achieved by advertising newer uses of the current
products, or, by introducing newer features in the products or offering a value
hitherto unheard of. These marketing stimuli usually promise a higher level of
satisfaction to the consumers. Not only this, the marketer uses stronger appeals
and incentives to accentuate the gap between the existing and desired consumption
situations and thus, accelerate problem recognition. Introduction of 3-door fridge,
smart TVs, geared bicycles and consumer financing or availability of easy credit
facility are some of the many tools that have been used by the marketers in India
in this direction.
Activity 3
Identify at least two latest brands in washing machines or air conditioners by
the multinational companies now operating in India and compare the marketing
messages of these companies by which they persuade the consumers to buy
their brands.
The Buying Process
As explained, problem recognition represents the perceived gap between the existing
and desired state of mind of consumers, which is influenced considerably by
marketers’ stimuli, However, it should be noted here that every ‘gap’ between these
states of mind for a product or service will not result automatically in its ‘need’,
The perceived gap must cross a threshold level if a need for the product were to
become a felt need thus ignite the buying process.
The threshold level refers to “the minimum amount of tension, energy or intensity
which is necessary for the feeling to occur”.
Thus, marketing efforts are directed not only towards creating a gap between the
current and desired states of mind of consumers but they are also towards increasing
the tension level where need recognition is ensured. Examples of such marketing
efforts include easy repayment or credit facilities for various durable and non-durable
products offered by the manufacturers themselves or collaboration with others like
alease Finance company or a bank. Many times, marketers increase the tension
among consumer just by comparing consumers with whom that have bought their
product. The tension increases the chances of leading to need recognition.
Activity 4
a) Did you ever buy a smart television or were involved in the purchase of
one? If yes, recall the ‘tension’ that you had felt before you recognized
the need of the smart television.
b) If not, assess how marketers are adding to the tension of not having the
latest model of the smart TV?
II Situational Factors
- Experience
* First time purchase
* No past experience because the product is new
* Unsatisfactory past experience within the product category
- Social Acceptability
* The purchase is for a gift
* The product is socially visible
- Personality
* Low (open minded)
* Low risk perceiver (broad categories)
* Other personal factors, such as high product involvement and enjoyment of shopping and
Activity 5
Review the information provided by the leading manufacturers of 100 cc
motorcycles. Would you call it an information overload? Why? Why not?
The Buying Process Internet and digital media have appeared as the latest information source. Most
marketers have now shown interest in putting information about them through this
medium either on request or through having site or a page on the net. The power
of this medium is very exciting.
Advertising is the first major source of information. This has remained so in spite
of the risks of overexposure and cluttering of advertising messages. The receptivity
to advertisement pertaining to desired product category, goes up considerably once
the customer has recognized his need problem for the product/service. Though varying
in importance from case to case, advertising has been reported to have provided
35 to 50% of the information sought by the consumers in different purchase
In-store material include, display-prices, brochures, danglers, technical report
summaries. The material is useful for both soft-item purchases and the complex ones.
Information on availability of dealers and distribution support and service is given
either exclusively or as a part of advertisement.Dealer/retailers can be easily located
with the help of internet search.
Package information is used mainly to inform customers on the product ingredients
and the mode of using it. However, the markets may use packaging colour and
design to convey a favourable brand personality.
Sales personnel have a major role to play as a source of information for consumer
durables like appliances, furniture, electronics and clothing etc., and in almost all
industrial products. Being both expensive and uncertain in its effectiveness, this source
of information is provided with immense care and caution by the marketers.
Finally, samples and demonstrations are one of the most effective source of
information to consumers. Besides being custom-built, the product demonstrations
have now been standardized and used on a mass-media like television. Use of samples
provides a risk-free source of information and may create a favourable impact for
Activity 6
a) Identify some product that you believe require reasonably intensive
prepurchase search by a consumer. What characteristics do such products
have in order to draw general lessons in this regard?
b) For each of the products that you listed, identify the perceived risks that
a consumer is likely to experience prior to purchase. Discuss how the
marketers of these products can reduce these perceived risks.
12.6.4 Marketers’ Influence on Information Search Problem Recognition and
Information Search
The marketing implications of the search behaviour are broad ranging. For one thing,
it makes marketers aware of how customers search for relevant information and
for another, it helps them facilitate the search process in favour of their marketing
stimuli. Broadly, the marketers influence the search process through the areas of
advertising on both traditional and digital media, product and packaging policies
and pricing.
Advertising poses a complex problem to marketers because consumers have a
tendency of selective reception and perception. This adversely affects the marketers’
efforts in advertising and forces them to continuously monitor the effectiveness of
advertising. With passage of time, audience-erosion occurs in the receptivity of
advertisements. Further, interpretation of stimuli may convey to consumers a picture
much different than what the markets had intended. ‘Review’ is the key word,
therefore, in this context. Marketers may also vary the contents of products periodically
and its packaging design. It not only averts the potential boredom among consumers
but also conveys an image of moving with time and preference changes by the
marketers. The introduction of words like ‘new’ ‘improved’ ‘better’ or ‘power packed’
are just the examples of this strategy followed by Indian marketers in recent times.
Changes in packaging design and colour can further stimulate the consumers search
process and push information process through the threshold level of attention.
In pricing, the marketers may convey a desired price quality perception among the
buyers by effectively reviewing pricing permutations and combinations. Consumers
may look at price-tags to acquire information about the quality variations and
perceptions and to determine their own level of confidence in these matters.
Problem or need recognition is the first stage of the buying decision process in most
purchase situations. The problem recognition refers to consumer attention to the
gap between the ideal or desired state and existing state of mind. Buying motives
are the chief contributions to this gap and it normally determines the content and
direction of the rest of the decision-making process. Search for information takes
place after the recognition of need. The search could be external or internal or both.
Varying from one purchase situation to another, it covers issues like the nature of
information search; the optimum amount of information searched; the sources used
for search and the marketers influence on each of them. Typically, it refers to a
process whereby consumers seek information to learn about the advantages and
disadvantages of various alternatives like product, brands and their salient attributes
for evaluation purpose, in a decision-making process.
The Buying Process
Learning Outcomes
After going through this unit, you should be able to:
explain the value of information processing in the overall process of consumer
buying behaviour;
explain in detail the stages in the information processing of the consumer;
develop insights in making effective marketing communication for information
processing in favour of your brand/product offers.
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Concept of Information Processing
13.3 Exposure
13.4 Attention
13.5 Comprehension
13.6 Acceptance/Yielding
13.7 Retention
13.8 The Imaginal Processing
13.9 The Influencing Factors
13.10 Marketing Implications of Information Processing
13.11 Summary
13.12 Key Words
13.13 Self-Assessment Questions
13.14 Project Question
13.15 Further Readings
Have you noticed that sometimes we go into a store (or a website) with the
aim of buying one brand but leave with a different brand or additional products?
Store atmospherics,web design dynamics and other Influencing factors operating
within the retail outlet or the webpage induce additional information processing,
which in turn influences the final purchase decision. The fact that in the retail
outlet consumers often purchase brands other than or in addition to those
planned leads to more effective marketing strategies than viewing such purchases
as haphazard or illogical.
As we all know, marketers need-to communicate. For that matter anybody in the
society needs to communicate. However, the format and the intensity of stimuli may
differ among the persons themselves as well as among the marketers. The net result
is that we are all bombarded with continuous and countless stimuli from our
230 environment.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, our brain’s capacity to process information is limited Information Processing
and finite. Thus, consumers are very selective about what they pay attention to. As
a consequence of the process of selectivity, people attend to only a small portion
of stimuli to which they are exposed. Consumers practice a form of psychic economy,
picking and choosing among stimuli, to avoid being overwhelmed by advertising
clutter. This over-abundance of advertising stimuli highlights the importance of
information processing.
Figure 13.1 provides an overview of the communication process that links the marketer
with the consumers.
Figure 13.1:Anoverview ofthecommunicationprocess.
Analyze the figure13.1 and write down your reactions in the space given below
13.2.1 Information
Information is a commonly used word which makes us most of the time immune to
its powerful meaning. Thus, information is “all facts, estimates, predictions, and
generalized relationships which affect a decision maker’s perception of the nature
and extent of uncertainties associated with a given consumption problem or
Facts: are the simplest form of information and have the characteristic of being
either directly observable or verifiable as an accurate representation of a given
phenomenon or event. Thus, that Tata Magic is made by the Tata Motors is a fact.
Estimates: as a form of information is based on inferences. The inference may be
drawn either logically or statistically derived. Since collection of facts all the time,
may be unnecessary as well as expensive, the estimates are used. In the context of
the Hero cycles, the estimates are that it is the largest selling bicycle in India.
Prediction: Unlike the first two forms of information mentioned so far, prediction
is futuristic in nature since it makes forecasts of events yet to happen. Thus, Hero
cycles as a brand will continue to dominate the Indian Cycle market in coming years
is an example of prediction.
Generalized Relationship: This form of information is a form of linkage between
the past and the future or links the facts with inferences. Thus, we can say that
Hero Cycles adopted the policy of large production, low cost, and branding in order
to achieve the large sales volume that they have made.
In the context of consumer behaviour, the precision is necessary in clarifying as to
what form of information is being referred to.
Activity 2
Reflect upon the meaning of information as mentioned in the section and list
two advantages of this approach:
13.2.2 Processing
Processing refers to the act(s) by which the stimulus is converted into response.
Figure 13.2 portrays the most common model of information processing. There are
five stages of processing Exposure, Attention, Comprehension, Yielding, and Retention.
Ideally, it is the wish of every marketer to ensure that his message passes through
all the five stages of the information processing. In reality, most of the times such
232 wishes are belied as the stimulus may die during any of these stages.
Figure 13.2: The most common model of information processing Information Processing
Activity 3
Analyse the figure 13.2 and write down your reactions in the space given below.
Exposure is ‘the degree to which people notice a stimulus that is within the range
of their sensory receptors’. Consumers concentrate on some stimuli, are unaware
of others, and even go out of their way to ignore some messages. During their daily
activities, people are exposed to a large number of stimuli at random. While driving,
you may hear commercials, see billboards and display advertisements, and so on
that you did not intend to see. There are hundreds of television channels, thousands
of radio stations, and countless magazines, websites, and digital media platforms
available today in addition to the countless billboards and hoarding that line up our
roads and walls. An individual can be exposed to only a mere fraction of the available
An experiment by a management school on consumer exposure to information on
the statutory warning against smoking of cigarettes brought this out fully. There was
a confirmation of consumers’ tendencies to miss or ignore information in which they
are not interested. Similarly, in USA, after a state law was passed that required
banks to explain details about money transfer in electronic banking, the Northwestern
National Bank distributed a pamphlet to 1,20,000 of its customers at considerable
cost to provide the required information, which was hardly exciting bedtime reading.
In one hundred of the mailings, a section in the middle of the pamphlet offered the
reader $10.00 just for finding that paragraph. Not a single person claimed the reward.
This just illustrates that no matter what information overload is created by marketing
stimuli. Consumers will selectively be exposed to a very small fraction of these.
We will now discuss the factors that determine this selectivity.
The Buying Process 13.3.1 Selective Exposure
It refers to the truncated outcome of exposure. Experience is one factor that
determines how much exposure to a particular stimulus a person accepts. Thus, if
our past experience about the messages is not very stimulating, we will use what
we term as the perceptual fillers, and will let them influence what we decide to
The zipping, zapping, and muting of commercials, use of the skip ad button while
watching your You tube programme of flipping the ad while reading a magazine
demonstrates the self-selecting nature of media exposure. When one fast-forwards
through a commercial on a pre-recorded programme, this is referred to as zipping.
When a commercial comes on, zapping involves changing channels. Muting is the
process of turning off the sound during commercial breaks.
13.3.2 Adaptation
It is another factor that affects exposure. Adaptation is ‘the degree to which
consumers continue to notice a stimulus over time’. The process of adaptation
occurs when consumers no longer pay active attention to a stimulus because it is
so familiar.
Almost like drug addiction, a consumer can become “habituated” and require
increasingly stronger “dose” of a stimulus for it to continue to be noticed. For example,
a consumer enroute to work might read a billboard message when it is first installed,
but after a few days, it becomes part of the passing scenery. The following factors
can lead to adaptation.
Intensity: Less intense stimuli (e.g., soft sounds or dim colors) habituate because
they have less of a sensory impact.
Discrimination: Simple stimuli tend to habituate because they do not require attention
to detail.
Relevance: Stimuli that are irrelevant or unimportant will habituate because they
fail to attract attention.
Information Processing
Activity 4
Reflect upon the meaning of adaptation as mentioned in the section and add
two more factors that can lead to it.
Attention is ‘the degree to which consumers focus on stimuli within their range of
exposure’. Because consumers are being exposed to so many advertising stimuli,
marketers are becoming increasingly creative in their attempts to gain attention for
their products. Dynamic packaging of information or stimulus is one way to gain
this attention. For instance, a jam and jelly maker in India portrayed an adult enjoying
this product but chatting and fretting like a baby.With the tagline “It’s Slick, It’s
Quick, It’s Chik-Chika-Chik-Chik-Chik”. Similarly, the jingle ‘Paytm Karo’ attracts
attention for easy and convenient mobile payment.Thus, in sum, attention is the
assignment of cognitive ability to a given stimulus.
Activity 5
Recall at least three ads which in your opinion, display creativity to gain attention
of consumers.
13.4.1 Underscoring
Underscoring the paramount need of being always ahead in the art of gaining
consumer attention, some media and communication consulting firms have established
elaborate procedures to measure the attention of consumer on several fronts. Thus,
for gaining attention to packages, or enhancing package effectiveness, they recommend
using such instruments as an angle meter, which measures package visibility as a
shopper moves down the aisle and views the package from different angles. Similarly,
data from eye-tracking tests, in which consumers’ eye movements as they look at
packages and ads are followed and measured, can result in subtle but powerful
changes that influence their impact. For example, eye-tracking tests on an ad for
Bombay gin showed that virtually no consumers were reading the message (in relatively
small type) below the visual portion and that the Bombay bottle (also relatively small)
positioned to the right of the visual portion was not seen by nine out of ten readers.
The result was low recall scores for the ad. In a revised ad, the bottle’s size was
increased, and the message was emphasized. Recall scores for this version were
almost 100 percent higher than for the original. There are some tested methods by
which the marketers gain the attention of consumer to what they are trying to
The Buying Process 13.4.2 Contrast
When many stimuli are competing to be noticed, one will receive attention to the
extent that it differs from those around it. Thus, contrasting is another way of gaining
attention of the consumers. Stimuli that fall into unpredictable patterns often command
a lot of attention. For example, Aamir Khan, a Bollywood actor, played the role
of female Soniya in the Godrej commercials ‘Zindagi Muskuraye,’ which were aimed
at urban dwellers for promoting a new range of products. Black and white ads on
colour TV or in a full colour magazine are good examples of using contrast to attract
Size and format differences: Another powerful way to achieve contrast is to use
a different colour and format. The size of the stimulus itself in contrast to the
competition is also important. Readership of a magazine ad has been shown to increase
in proportion to the size of the ad. In terms of format or placement, placing a marketing
stimulus in a different format, for example using advertorials,
13.4.3 Closure
The principle of closure implies that consumers tend mentally complete a partially
complete stimulus to achieve closure and therefore perceive an incomplete picture
as complete. That is, we tend to fill in the blanks based on our prior experience.
This principle explains why most of us have no trouble reading a neon sign even if
one or two of its letters are burned out or filling in the blanks in an incomplete
message. The principle of closure is also at work when we hear only part of a jingle
or theme. Utilization of the principle of closure in marketing strategies encourages
audience participation, which increases the chance that people will attend to the
Activity 6
Recall at least three ads which in your opinion, employ the theory of closure
in gaining attention. Also offer your assessment as to why the advertiser has
gained through this strategy.
Another important principle is the figure-ground relationship, ‘in which one part (the
figure) will dominate while other parts recede into the background’. Figure 13.3 is
an example of the same. This concept is easy to understand if one thinks literally
of a photograph with a clear and sharply focused object (the Figure) in the centre.
The figure is dominant, and the eye goes straight to it. The parts of the configuration
that will be perceived as figure or ground can vary depending on the individual
consumer as well as other factors. Similarly, in marketing messages that use the
figure-ground principle, a stimulus can be made the focal point of the message or
merely the context that surrounds the focus.
Figure 13.3
Activity 7
Contrast the principles of closure and the figure ground relationship in training
attention of the customers. Which is likely to be more effective in the context
of teenagers?
Comprehension is supposed to have occurred “when the consumer has placed the
stimulus into any known or familiar categories in their mind and have assigned the
meaning to them.” In general terms, comprehension refers to understanding or deriving
meaning out of a given stimulus. For example, Robin Blue is associated with whiteness
of clothing n account of the traditional understanding of indigo as a whitening agent
and Margo soap with neem because of the long association that has been built by
the brand with neem.
The process of understanding is just not the function of how effectively the message
has been structured. The entire process is affected by factors like cultural values
of the social system and the prior expectations of the receivers. For instance, focused
on the country’s reliance on ayurvedic products, Patanjali positioned itself as a herbal
brand. In a short span of time, it created a name for itself and fuelled the expansion
of the herbal products market. Endorsement by Baba Ramdev, an expert in Yoga
The Buying Process and Ayurveda have ensured the significant presence of patanajali products in FMCG
sector. More than the products, a segment of consumers perceived these products
as a way to live a healthier lifestyle by using products with no chemicals or harmful
Comprehension has two dimensions in the case of marketing to children. The first
is that children often do not understand the persuasive intent of advertisements, and
they also do not understand specific words and phrases in commercial messages.In
some countries there are very strong guidelines on advertising to children. A prominent
brand of toys once advertised their expensive range of toys with the byline “parents
who care, buy……….”. The ad was considered unethical as it had the potential
of creating negative feelings among children who, however much they cared, could
not afford to buy this range.
Activity 8
Recall at least two advertisements that are aimed at children. Assess these
advertisements from the standpoint of children’s comprehension.
There are several ways by which consumers may ‘tend to unyield’ or resist in respect
of marketing messages. The first way is to list counter-arguments. Thus, the consumer
may say that the washing powder that claims to soften the wash or remove stains
is not credible as the similar ones have failed in the past and this one too will fail.
The second way is to attack the source of the message. Thus, the customer may
argue that the brand of the detergent under discussion has been brought out by a
company that has failed several times in the past or that the celebrity that is endorsing
the product in doing so only for money and no commitment. The third way is to
seek support evidence or arguments. Thus, the consumer may argue that before
she accepts the claim of the company, she would like to see the chemical report or
the experiment results or the lab report or any other support argument. The fourth
way is to resist persuasion to believe. This happens when the earlier meaning attached
to the stimulus is too deep rooted and the consumer while he, understands the mistake,
ostensibly resists the persuasion. In case of the continuing example of the detergent,
the consumer may see the trial results or the lab report but may still resist to be
persuaded to believe the claim. It could be due to any reason, ranging from the
cognitive defence or an ego hassle or may be a disinclination to change the brand
presently in use.
Activity 9
Review the answers you have given in the activity 8. Do you agree with them?
Why or why not?
1. …………………………………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………
Retention refers to the last stage of the information processing. It signals ‘the entry
or the arrival of the stimulus in the long-term memory of the consumer’. You have
gone through a detailed discussion about memory in Block 2, Unit 5. To remind
you, it is sufficient to say here that the retention is the ideal objective of the company
in the context of information processing and that this helps customers develop attitude
as well as beliefs about the consumption situation.
Activity 10
Draw a picture that in your view portrays the message of Dove soap or the
Fair and handsome cream for men.
Activity 11
List the few more factors that may influence the consumer information processing
in rural India in your opinion.
1. …………………………………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………
Activity 12
List three most important implications that may influence information processing
by school-going children.
1. ……………………………………………………………………………
2. ……………………………………………………………………………
3. ……………………………………………………………………………
The unit raises the issue of how the consumers process information and where the
marketers may help the process by using appropriate strategies based on the
understanding of information processing. The unit begins with an overview of the
information. Then it defines the information as a process of converting stimuli into
the meaningful pattern. The five stages of the information processing viz. exposure,
attention, interpretation, acceptance and retention are dealt with in detail. An interesting
issue of imaginal processing is also addressed in the unit. The unit closes by discussing
the marketing implications in general, of various information processes.
The Buying Process
Learning Outcomes
After going through this unit, you should be able to:
link alternative evaluation with the other stages of buying process;
discuss the genesis and the’ process of evaluation of alternatives;
explain the choice heuristics; and their managerial implications;
identify the most relevant marketing approaches to influence the general
choice making behaviour.
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Alternative Evaluation: The Four Components
14.3 Formation of Brand Sets for Alternative Evaluation
14.4 The Choice-Making Rules
14.5 The Basic Choice Heuristics
14.6 The Marketing Response to the Choice Heuristics
14.7 Summary
14.8 Self-assessment Questions
14.9 Project Questions
14.10 Further Readings
Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) pioneered internet-
based rail ticket booking through its website accounted for 79.63% of the total
reserved tickets booked online on Indian Railways in 2020-21(
internet-ticketing.html). Passengers can book their train tickets by providing
the desired origin and destination of their journey (train number), travel class,
and the date for which ticket is to be booked. Various alternatives are available
for ticket booking in three-tier air-conditioned coach (3AC), two tier air-
conditioned coach (2AC), and sleeper coach (SL) depending on availability
in the desired train. If the confirmed seats in the desired train are not available,
there are two more options for booking tickets: Reservation Against Cancellation
(RAC) and Waitlisted (WL). Furthermore, the IRCTC website provides
information on alternate trains available for the desired route on alternate
dates of travel, and option for Air-ticket booking.These developments created
a new input for the consumers’ choice making and evaluation of rail travel.
How do consumers choose one brand from among the brand alternatives? Do
consumers use any identifiable and visible choice rule for evaluation? Do consumers
select the best alternative and reject the bad ones? How do they find their way in
244 a maze of brand alternatives with significant attribute differences?
Although answers to each of the above-posed questions are of primary importance Alternative Evaluation
to marketers, there is hardly any simple or single answer. For one thing, consumers
use different evaluative criteria in different buying situations despite the product being
the same. For another, a plethora of evaluation processes are used in this respect.
Thus, a buyer of personal computer will find many computer attributes to consider
and many ways to do it.Again, whether he is taking this decision as a planned activity
with sufficient time at his disposal or has to make an urgent replacement decision
in emergency because of a computer breakdown situation.
This unit will attempt to de-mystify these very complexities of the attribute evaluation
process. What is important however to note here is that the process is influenced
by a number of principles and links up psychological processes that are described
in this entire course.
The alternative evaluation process is the interplay of these four factors. After
having ascertained that the brands under consideration possesses all the desired
attributes, consumers will identify how their satisfaction (utility) will vary in
response to changing levels of performance in those attributes. Thus, the potential
car buyer will decide how much will it mean to him in utility terms if brand “X”
of car possesses 4/10 level of performance in fuel-efficiency, instead of, say,
6/10 level of style. The same could be argued in the case of the female lipstick
buyer. The advantage of utility function is that by combining the performance
levels of salient attributes, consumers can make up what is called an ‘ideal’ brand
for this purpose.
Alternative Evaluation
Activity 1
Using the above format, please identify three brands, four attributes, their
respective weights and their utility function in respect of a laptop/personal
Activity 2
Recall a purchase of any durable consumer product (Refrigerator, Car/
Motorcycle, Washing Machine, Wrist Watch etc.) that you may have made
recently. Identify the successive sets of brands as illustrated in Figure 14.2. In
case you experience any difficulty in listing these sets of brands, you may refer
to any source of information for assistance.
a) Total set of brands consisted of
b) Awareness set of brands consisted of
c) Inept set of brands consisted of
Alternative Evaluation
d) Consideration set of brands consisted of Information Processing
e) Choice set of brands consisted of
f) Choice fell upon the brand named
allow them to integrate and arrange information in such a way that decisions
may be made quickly and easily; and
Activity 3
Visit a leading refrigerator shop (in-store/ online) of your town and interview
one or two buyers about which attributes they use in evaluating Frost free
double door refrigerators. Try to fit it with the ATO model for analysing their
14.4.4 The Choice Rules and the Ideal Brand Model Alternative Evaluation
This model prescribes that a consumer will compare actual brands to his ideal brand.
The closer an actual brand comes to this ideal, the more it will be preferred. For
instance, assume that the consumer does not rate the attribute of style in a car beyond
a certain point. This may be because he has no particular fascination for it and it
adds to his concern for upkeep. Let us further assume that the consumer also has
a certain price in mind. Now whether the consumer will be satisfied or not with the
available cars, will be determined by the following:
The lower the value of D, the more favourable consumer in k’s attitude toward
brand j. For example, if brand was ideal the term would disappear and
the dissatisfaction would be zero.
Activity 4
Illustrate the ideal brand model equation by taking hypothetical values in respect
of a banking services of SBI and HDFC.
Linear Compensatory
Referral Conjunctive Disjunctive
This choice rule is more positive in nature than the conjunctive heuristic. This heuristic
aims, instead of rejecting the bad ones, at selecting the best brand alternatives out
of the given alternatives. In order to apply this heuristic, buyers first rate the importance
of attributes in the brands alternatives (column 2 of Table 14.1). Thereafter, the
brand alternatives are rated on these attributes (columns 3.1, 4.1 and 5.1 of Table
14.1). The brand alternative that scores the highest on the most important attribute
is chosen, regardless of other attribute values. If all the brand alternatives score
equally on this attribute, then their scores on the second most important attribute is
considered and the highest scoring brand is chosen. The process goes on till the
differential performance scores settle the superiority of a brand alternative over the
Interpreting Table 14.1, as per the Lexicographic heuristic, brand A will be selected
as it scores 5 out of 10 - higher than the other two brand alternatives, on the most
important attribute, i.e., low maintenance cost.
Activity 5
Apply the different choice making rules in the decision process to your decision
regarding a job. How would the knowledge of these rules influence the
employer’s marketing strategy for marketing the job?
The Buying Process
Several questions arise for marketers to consider, after having made an analysis of
the choice heuristics for alternative evaluation. They are: what inferences can be
drawn? What actions are useful in benefitting from them? Marketer use a variety
of methods for negotiating with the phenomenon of choice rules as well as their
complexity. They are as follows:
a) Relying on a product signal
This frequently used short cut is to nudge the consumers and draw attention to
the hidden dimensions of the product from the observable attributes of the product.
b) Market beliefs as heuristics
Consumers often form specific beliefs about the market relationships. These
beliefs then help them as shortcuts to solve a decision issue. Thus, the largeness
of the store can help the consumer decide a product solely on the basis of it.
c) Price as a heuristics
For many, price is the most verifiable way of making the right or wrong decision
on a product.
d) Brand name as a heuristic
Sometime the brand equity created in the market is so strong that the product
choice is dictated by the brand name itself. To sum up, marketers have an
unenviable task on their hands while consumers are at the stage of brand evaluation.
The acid test of marketing effectiveness in this regard is whether consumers
are led to the actual purchase action or not. The answer in either way will
pronounce judgment on the adequacy of marketing response.
Activity 6
Identify one example of each of the suggestions described above for influencing
the brand evaluation process. - Also state how far have the marketers succeeded
in their attempts?
1. …………………………………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………
Alternative Evaluation
4. …………………………………………………………………………
The unit forms an important part of the course as it ties together many concepts
studied before and links them to the ultimate choice made by the consumer and
therefore has a direct relevance to the markets. Also, the linkage of alternative
evaluation with attitude has been established. Thereafter, a thought was given as to
how many brands a buyer may have in his various brand evaluation sets. It was
argued that the consumer follows a process of elimination to arrive at the final brand
from among the array of brands. As consumer attitude serves as a major indication
of buyer’s mind, the same has been dealt with also albeit briefly. Furthermore, choice
heuristics-both multi-attribute and basics have been dealt with extensively in the
unit. Further, what are the marketing implications and responses to this stage, have
also been discussed.
Alternative Evaluation
Learning Outcomes
After going through this unit, you should be able to explain:
explain how the purchase stage is completed in the buying process;
describe the emergence and variety of the non-store buying alternatives
available in India and abroad;
describe the development of post-purchase attitude,
analyse the inputs the buyers’ complaint behaviour and the marketer’s
apply the inputs on post purchase behaviour in your marketing decisions
15.1 Introduction
15.2 An Overview of Purchase Process
15.3 Buying Stage and Situational Influences
15.4 Steps to Benefit from Situational Influences
15.5 An Anatomy of Non-store Buying
15.6 Routes of Non-store Buying
15.7 Developing an Attitude to Post-purchase Behaviour
15.8 Theories of Post-purchase Evaluation
15.9 Marketers’ Response Strategies
15.10 Summary
15.11 Key Words
15.12 Self-Assessment Questions
15.13 Project Questions
15.14 Further Readings
A well-known brand X of a passenger car in India was grappling with a unique
marketing problem. The brand name was strong. The brand recall too was
equally strong. A research study conducted by the company on those buyers
who were intending to buy a car in the next six months, found a strong intention
to buy the brand X. Yet a large number of buyers ended up buying competitive
Another curious aspect of the brand X was that those customers who owned
the brand X of the passenger car, were totally satisfied with the purchase. Yet
the brand’s market share tended to decline. The purchasers of the brand X,
when questioned after the purchases, did not indicate any negative reaction.This
input leads us to look at the processes and evaluation that may follow the
purchase of a brand and may affect future purchases. 257
The Buying Process
Going through a buying process and that too so an involved one like an extended
problem solving (EPS) situation, is never easy for a consumer. The enormity and
complexity of the buying alternatives and attributes in each alternative, as seen in
the unit 14, could often leave the buyer exasperated. The purchase and post-purchase
are the last two stages of consumer decision-making. While the purchase stage is
more observable from the manufacturers’ or marketers’ perspective, the post-purchase
behaviour indicates the ultimate satisfaction perceived by consumers, and has
implications for marketers as a determinant of future purchase decisions.
A good in-shop experience brings three advantages to the marketer, known as the
three R’s of marketing. R1 is return of the customer to buy the product again. R2
is the recommendation to the other potential customers. R3 is retaining the customer
for other products of the company. The stage of buying and post buying affords
the first opportunity to gain in this respect.The present times however these 3 Rs
are in a very large number of cases witnessed in the online purchase space and are
actually highly measurable through site analytics
Activity 1
Narrate your general experience in shopping in a store (15-20 words). What
feelings come to your mind first?
Activity 2
Identify three benefits or implications of the purchase stage to the marketer.
1. …………………………………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………
A customer, when committed to the stage of choice process, will have to take decision
pertaining to:
Where to buy from? (Store selection vs. non-store purchasing, or physical vs
online purchase)
How much to buy from? (Quantum choice)
How to buy? (Cash/online payment or credit purchase or hire purchase etc.)
These decisions are influenced by two major sets of forces. While the first set of
forces relates to buying intentions, the second set comprises situational influences.
Figure 15.1 outlines these influences on choice process.
Figure 15.1: Determinants of Choice Process
15.3.2 Social Surroundings Purchase Process and
Post Purchase Behaviour
Like physical surroundings, social surroundings too have significance in shaping up
the choice behaviour. The social surroundings mainly refer to the presence of other
people and their effect during purchase or usage of a product.
There are a variety of situations in which the presence of others may influence choice
process. In a store, for instance, after having noticed the presence of high-society
people, you may buy a premium item even though you had intended to buy only a
low-price product. Further, it may also affect your resistance to the store or enhance
product credibility if you find highly respected people or friends known for their
good sense in buying expressing their endorsement for the product. Furthermore,
shopping is often a social experience in which, besides the buyer and seller, many
other persuasions interact. They also affect the communication. Following are some
general findings in this respect:
while shopping with friends, a consumer is likely to make more unplanned
purchases and visit more stores,
selling to unaided buyers is easier than to those accompanied with advisers,
compliance to group views is there even though the buyer knows that others
may not be right with reference to a given product choice.
Activity 3
You have visited a shop for buying a pair of trousers for regular wear. What
will you do, if
a) Two of your friends insist on helping you in your purchase?
b) You are accompanied with a family member or a relative coming along
with an objective to enjoy shopping with you?
Higher the amount of available time, greater will be the information search and
extent of alternative evaluation.
Time, when accompanied with other variables (like, hunger or happiness) can
produce a more visible effect.
Time-compression, a device in which marketers use time effectiveness for
maximum impact, can be used by marketers.
Research on time and consumer behaviour has indicated that an ‘after five’, shopper
spends considerably less time in purchasing than a ‘regular time’ customer does.
Similarly, it has been found that greater the time-gap between two purchases, higher
is the ‘probability of extensive information search.
There are two important time-related dimensions that are causing the rapid growth
of online shopping: less time required to make a specific purchase and the ability
to purchase at a time convenient to the purchaser on an anytime anywhere basis.
Added to these dimensions is the facilitation of comparative assessment on competing
brands as most information can be accessed on aggregator sites as well as the support
of buyer reviews
Identify an advertisement promoting any beverage item (tea, coffee or soft drink).
Show it to a friend of yours before lunch time and after evening tea, and ask
his opinion on it. Try to analyse the difference in his two opinions in view of
the discussion on temporal and antecedent states (viz. timing and mood).
Activity 5
Imagine yourself as a manager of a large general store, dealing in a variety of
cosmetics and beauty-aid items. Develop your specific responses to situational
variables in the light of the steps mentioned above.
“Direct (response) marketing is the total of activities by which products and services
are offered to market segment in one or more media for information purposes, or
to solicit a direct response from a present or prospective customer or contributor
by mail, telephone or other access. Online marketing has emerged as a new dimension
of direct marketing aided by the power of ICT and internet penetration, to the extent
that a lot of manufactures in apparel, electronic goods, fashion accessories and even
cosmetics report upwards of 40% of their total business coming from online
The non-store marketing owes its prominence to a variety of reasons. These reasons
The non-store buying option has become stronger not because of the sudden fad
or fascination on the part of marketers or consumers. The internet technology
development, changing lifestyle and digitisation and the sudden spike in online activity
witnessed on account of the Covid pandemic played an important role in rapid
growth of direct and online marketing. The development of non-store buying in a
country is dependent upon several economic and social factors some of these are
as follows:
nature of product
consumer awareness
a) List two reasons to which the acceptance of direct and online marketing,
in India can be attributed.
i) …………………..……………………………………………….
ii) …………..……………………………………………………….
b) Suggest two major ideas that can help the progress of direct/online marketing
in India.
i) …………………..……………………………………………….
ii) …………..……………………………………………………….
Direct Mail include sending business information to a physical address (via mail
or flyers) or an email address. Sending a special offer or free sample, reminding
customers of a service, announcing a sale, or providing information about your
products or services are all examples of direct mail. A significant advantage of a
direct mail is that it can be personalised, measured, and tested.
Direct Response Advertising aims to get the consumer to purchase the product
directly from advertisement. Examples are- A direct mail piece with a postage-paid
reply card to order a product, a TV ad with a toll-free phone number to order,
and an email with a link to order the product from website.
Social Media provides a platform to interact with the target consumers. Advantages
include increased brand awareness and the ability to provide quick customer service.
Social media can also help you increase website traffic, generate sales, and boost
your search ranking.
Cultural forms
Activity 8
What are the most important factors on which you decide your viewpoint about
any post purchase experience?
Formation of Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction
Every purchase inevitably results into either satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Satisfaction
is the expected outcome. It signifies “a confirmation that performance of the chosen
alternative is consistent with its prior beliefs and expectations.” Dissatisfaction, on
the other hand, signifies an absence of such confirmation with reference to the outcome
(see figure 15.4).
Figure 15.4: Formation of Consumer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction
Post-purchase behaviour has witnessed, in the recent past substantial research efforts.
Some generalisations out of these researches are as follows:
There is no all-accepted definition of consumer satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
Activity 9
Recall some purchase occasions when you felt dissatisfied against a bad purchase.
How did you respond to those dissatisfaction situations?
Activity 10
Study the post-purchase responses as observed by you in any consumer durable
product category (e.g., refrigerator, Washing Machine, car/two-wheeler etc.).
Explain below two most important responses that in your view, are most effective.
Activity 11
Select any advertisement that attempts (a) to provide the consumer with a decision
strategy to follow in making a purchase decision or (b) to reduce the perceived
risk (c) associated with a purchase, evaluate the effectiveness of the ad you like.
The unit concentrated on the stages of purchase and post-purchase - the two very
important stages of consumer decision process. While purchase activities generate
cash for the organization, post-purchase behaviour retains the key to repeat buying
and customer loyalty.
The unit began with an overview of purchase process. The purchase process is
influenced by the customer’s intention to buy and situational factors. The situational
factors are physical surroundings, social surroundings, task definition, temporal
dimensions and antecedent conditions. These days, non-store buying or direct
marketing, process is as important as the store buying. It has been attempted to
describe the various routes of direct marketing. Once the purchase process is
completed, the marketer’s attention has to shift to the phase during which consumers
handle their reactions to product purchase and use. Reactions could either be positive
(satisfaction) or negative (dissatisfaction or dissonance). How consumers express
both kinds of reactions and what could be the responses of marketers to these,
are the focus of the rest of the unit.