(NEW TEMPLATE) Student Transition Assessment
(NEW TEMPLATE) Student Transition Assessment
(NEW TEMPLATE) Student Transition Assessment
105 East 106th Street • New York, NY 10029
Tel: (332) 213-2630
Employment: What job(s)/career field are you interested in after you finish your high
school education? Don’t have a specific job in mind, but I want to attend a trade school to
learn a skill. I want a union job that makes good money.
Education/Training: What kind of education/training after high school will you need to
achieve your job/career goal? After you graduate from high school what classes/course
of study might support your interest area? Not sure, but I know I want to attend a trade
Independent Living Skills: Do you have the skills necessary to live independently upon
completion of high school? What skills do you need to develop in order to live more
independently in your community after you complete high school? Interview skills,
money management, and time management skills.
II. PRESENT LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE: What skills do you have or will you
need to prepare you for living, learning and working in the community as an adult? What
strengths, preferences and interests do you have that relate to the transition from
school to post-school activities?
Academic Abilities:
● What do you like to do in your free time? Play basketball, video games, and
hanging out with friends.
● What skills have you developed in and out of school? (Think about problem-
solving, working as a member of the team, managing your time, computer skills,
etc.) Social, writing and computer skills.
● What classes or programs are you taking now to help develop the skills necessary
for your future job/career choice? Math
Academic Needs:
● What classes or activities are you having difficulty in? Do you know why?
History and English class. English class is first period which is hard to attend. For
History class the content doesn’t interest me.
● How does your area of disability affect you in your classes, at home and outside
of school? Are you able to explain your disability to others? It doesn’t and no.
Student Transition 1 Assessment
Social Abilities:
● How do you get along with teachers, supervisors and other students? I get along
well for the most part. I’m friendly with them.
● What do you think your strengths are in this area? I’m easy to get along with and
● How might this impact your future job/career choice? My personality can help me
get a good job.
Social Needs:
● What do you think your needs are in this area? Don’t have any I can think of right
● How might this impact your future job/career choice? Don’t know.
Physical Abilities:
● What do you think your strengths are in this area? Im somewhat healthy and I feel
strong. I can be stronger though.
Physical Needs:
Student Transition 1 Assessment
● How might this impact your future job/career choice? Don’t know.
Management Needs:
● What changes in the classroom environment do you need to help you to learn?
(Ex. sitting near the teacher, written rules displayed, etc.) How could this impact
your future job/career choice if these supports were not available?
Having things repeated to me helps.
● How do people help you to learn and succeed in the classroom? (Ex. 1:1 Aide,
directions for assignments clarified, etc.) How could this impact your future
job/career choice if these supports were not available? Directions for assignment
clarified does help. Breaking things down. I don’t know how this can impact me
for future jobs.
● What material resources do you need that help you learn? (Ex. sets of books for
home/school, copy of class notes, etc.) How could this impact your future
job/career choice if these materials were not available? Don’t have any.
next year. These suggested activities can help you “check out” your career interest
area(s) and help you to develop your plans for after high school.
● Instruction:
o What classes or programs can you take in the next year that support your
future job/career goals? Not sure.
o What special education instruction do you need to help you move towards
graduation? None.
Student Transition 1 Assessment
● Related Services:
o Do you currently receive any related services (i.e. speech, assistive
technology, counseling, occupational therapy, physical therapy)? If yes,
what activities will be provided and how will these services help you in
achieving your future career goals? I have 30 minutes of counseling. I
don’t know for the second part of the question.
o Have you met with your School Counselor to complete your Annual
Guidance Review? If so, what was discussed? What recommendations
did your Counselor have? No.
o Are you volunteering in your career interest area? If yes, where? If no, is
this something you would like to do? Where could you do that? No
becauseI don’t have a specific career interest in mind yet.
Student Transition 1 Assessment
● Community Experience:
o What help do you need to access services/resources in your community
(i.e. library, recreational activities)? I don’t need any help for this.
o Do you have an after school and/or summer job? I have a summer job.
o If you don’t have a job, do you know how/where to look for a job? NA
Student Transition 1 Assessment
● What annual goals do you think you need to work on to help you prepare for your
future job/career goals? Better school attendance.