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Rupali Bank Limited

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Rupali Bank Limited

Consolidated Balance Sheet

as at 3r December zot4

Amount inTaka
Particulars Notes 2014 2013
Cash 3(a)
Cash in hand (including foreign currencies) 1,920,151,177 2,691,858,851
Balance with Banglaclesh Bank & Sonali Bank (inclucling
foreign currcncies) 11,265,691,872 L),362,469,751
1.6,186,L46,349 12,054,329,605
Balance with other banks and financial institutions 4(a)
In Bangladesh 21,901,628,266 21,122,033,135
Outside Bangladesh 484,897,237 501,606,577
22,386,525,503 21,923,640,012
Money at call and short notice 5(u) 5,030,000,000 8,650,000,000
Investments 6(u)
Covernment 56,741,965,545 29 090 R?n lq5
Others 12,077,72L,477 10,461,777,171
68,819,697,022 39,552,597,966
Loans and advances 7(a)
Loans, cash credit, overdrafts etc. 122,894,580,653 104,742,869,652
Bills purchased and discounted 2,359,887,950 2,790,385,038
125,254,469,603 107,533,254,690
Fixed assets including land, building furnifure and fixtures 8(a) 13,976,332,957 9,567,767,915
Other assets e(u) 1.6,727,326,'1,35 17,194,720,579
Non-banking assets 10(a)
Total assets 268,380,496,570 21.6,466,309,567
Liabilities and capital
Borrowing from other banks, financial institutions and agents
11(a) 1.,305,24'l.,gg5 746,4'1.3,997
Deposits and other accounts 12(a)
Current and other accounts, etc. 14,791,022,346 14,829,889,904
Bills payable 1,471,851,288 1,712,516,196
Savings deposits 41,060,394,652 37,t)31,032,603
Fixed deposits 161,330,550,226 12,1,352,3E.4,839
Other deposits
221.,655,819,5'1,2 177,955,923,g42
Other liabilities 13(a) 30,5'1.5,096,917 25,997,033,452
Total liabilities 253,478,L57,323 204,589,27'1,,19'L
Capital and shareholders' equify
Paid up capital 1.4 2,087,250,000 1,815,000,000
Share money deposit 15 2,799,953,800 2,799,953,800
Statutory reserve 16 2,659,842,336 2,502,033,346
General reserve 1Z \,513,298,170 1.,513,299,170
Assets revaluation reserve 18 3,252,796,931 '1.,400,864,153
Revaluation reserve for securities 19 782,962,827 111,1.08,269
Retained earnings 2O(a) 1,806,225,183 1,734,790,749
Total shareholders' equity L4,902,32g,246 17,877,039,496
Total liabilities and shareholders' equify 258,380,496,570 2'1.6,466,309,567

Rupali Buk Limittd ,r,

-r t-
Rupali Bank Limited
Consolidated Balance Sheet
as at 31 December 201^4
Amount inTaka
Padiculars Notes 20L4 2013

Off - balance sheet exposure 21(a)

Contingent liabilities
Acceptance and endorsements
Letter of guarantee 2,525,851,308 2,644,340,603

Irrevocable letters of credit 32,818,31.6,123 44,153,061,,097

Bills for collection 3,986,183,448 3,887,604,266

Other contingent liability (DC Notes) 1,,263,561, L,263,561.

Total contingent liabilities 39,331,61,4,440 50,686,269,527

Other commitments

Documentary credits and short term trade-related transaction

Forward assets purchased and forward deposit placed
Undrawn note issuance and revolving underwriting facilities
Undrawn formal standby facilities, credit lines and other commitments
Liabilities against forward purchase and sale
Total off balance sheet exposure including contingent liabilities 39,331,,6L4,440 50,685,269,527

Net Asset Value Per Share (NAVPS) 77.40 65.44

The annexed accounting policies and other notes form an integral part of these financial statements

Managing Director
fi"*r,Director Chairman

As per our seParate report of even date annexed.

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants

Dated, Dhaka
05 May 2015

@ T*,1*l].1 ,rss
Rupali Bank Limited
Consolidated Profit and Loss aecount
for the year ended gr December satg
Amount inTaka
Particulars Notes 2014 2013

Interest income 23(a) 14,541,287,187 12,869,

Less: Interest paid on deposits and borrowings etc. 2a@) 15,711,388,219 1L,908,177,466
Net interest income ('1,,170,101,032) 951.,774,740
Investment income 25(a) 5,527,961,4 969
Commission, exchange, brokerage etc. 26(a) 1,433,180,429 1,386,751,110
Other operating income 27(a) 680,838,499 509,0L6
Total operating income 6,471,979,374 5,546,365,263
Salary and allowances 28(a) ,t LwrlLVt/UJ
Rent, taxes, insurance, electricity etc. 2e(a) 347,956,906 285,055,230
Legal and professional expenses 10,223,833 5,433,280
Postage, stamp, telecommunication etc. 30(a) 23,793,184 19,588,239
Stationery, printing, advertisement etc. 31(a) 107,687,541 1.00,460,826
Managing Director's salary and fees 28.01(a) 825,960 693,360
Directors' fees and expenses 28.02(a) 2,065,750 1,185,750
Auditors'fees 32(a) 1,553,250 1.,746,500
Charges on loan losses
Depreciation and repairs o{ bank's assets 33(a) 411,405,063 384,548,668
Other expenses 3a(a) 914,284,357 903,703,422
Total operating expenses 3,817,597,093 3,412,926,259
Profit/(loss) bef ore provision 2,660,282,291 2,133,539,005
Provision for loans and advances 35(a)
Provision for off-balance sheet exposures 36(a) 81,770,821
Provision for diminution in value of investments 37(a) 31,345,912 17,518,313
Other provisions 38(a) 340,937,640 378,361,848
Total provisions 1.,774,273,293 1.,009,381.,529
Total profit/ (loss) before tax 886,008,999 '1.,124,157,476
Provision for taxation 3e(a) 395,101,531 672,194,205
Current tax
Deferred tax ,066,762) ,749,
Net profit after tax for the year 490,907,467 457,973271
L)ther comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income 490,907,467 45'L,973,271.
Retained earnings brought forward from previous vear (restatcd) 20(a) 1,473,126,705 1,494,952,125
1.,964,034,172 1,946,925,396
Statutory reserve
General reserve
Other reserve
1.57,808,989 212,'1.44,648
Retained earnings surplus L,806,225,t83 7,734,790,749
Basic earning per share (EPS) restated aO(a) 2.3s 2.17
The annexed accounting policies and other notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

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/6'*'tP' Director
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As per our separate report of even date annexecl.

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Dated, Dhaka
05 May 2015

Rupali Bank Limited,ro,

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