317 Fall 20 Question
317 Fall 20 Question
317 Fall 20 Question
Department of CSE
Mid-Semester Examination Fall 2020
Program: B.sc in CSE
Course Title: Computer Architecture Course No. CSE 317
Credit: 3.00 Time: 1.20 Hour. Full Mark: 60
There are THREE Questions. Answer All questions.
1. a. Draw the basic components of computer and Layer of a computer. Show the [5]
relationship among Instruction Set, Software and Hardware that define computer
b. For the following high-level statement write the MIPS machine Code. [15]
A[i] = C + A[i+5] ; Where i = last two digits of your registration number.
a. Suppose you have an implementation of 16 bits processor. Draw the flow graph [5]
of optimized multiplication algorithm for this 16-bit processor. Also draw the
hardware organization for this.
b. i)For the following high-level statement write the MIPS machine Code. [15]
X[i] = Z + X[i+7]; Where i = last two digits of your registration number.
A= X[i] -Y;
ii)What is the assembly language statement corresponding to this machine
Instruction Opcode/Function
lw 100011
sw 101011
sub 100010
add 100000