Hsslive-xi-june-2022-qn-FY 46 CA

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Reg. No. : ......................................

Name : ...........................................

Part – III Time : 2 Hours

COMPUTER APPLICATION Cool-off time : 15 Minutes
Maximum : 60 Scores

General Instructions to Candidates :

 There is a ‘Cool-off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time.
 Use the ‘Cool-off time’ to get familiar with questions and to plan your answers.
 Read questions carefully before answering.
 Read the instructions carefully.
 Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
 Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.
 Give equations wherever necessary.
 Electronic devices except non-programmable calculators are not allowed in the
Examination Hall.

 
    15  ‘  ’ .
 ‘  ’    
 .
      .
    .
  , , ,   
   .
    .
     
    .

FY-46 1 P.T.O.
Answer any 5 questions from 1 to 7. Each carries 1 score. (5  1 = 5)

1. Processed data is known as ________.

2. Write the full form of DBMS.

3. Runtime error occurs in ________ stage of programming.

(Execution, Coding, Translation, Documentation)

4. Ternary operator in C++ is ________.

5. If no match is found, the _______ block in switch statement is executed.

(case, else, default, break)

6. Expand the term FTP.

7. The protocol for internet communication is ________.

Answer any 9 questions from 8 to 19. Each carries 2 scores. (9  2 = 18)

8. Write MSD and LSD in the number (5876)10.

9. List any two input and output devices each.

10. Mention any two functions of Operating System.

11. Which are the types of documentation in programming ?

12. Arrange the following fundamental data types in ascending order of memory size :
char, int, void, double

13. Give the output of the following :

int a, b=5;

FY-46 2
1  7    5   .
1  . (5  1 = 5)
1.     ________ .

2. DBMS-   .

3.  ________    .

(Execution, Coding, Translation, Documentation)

4. C++    ________ .

5.  ,   ______ 

 .
(case, else, default, break)

6. FTP    .

7.    ________ .

8  19    9   .
2  . (9  2 = 18)
8. (5876)10   MSD  LSD  .

9.    ,   


10.      .

11.     ?

12.       

  :
char, int, void, double

13.    :

int a, b=5;
FY-46 3 P.T.O.
14. What is cascading of I/O operators ? Give one example.

15. Define Nested If.

16. List the names of any two services on Internet.

17. Define the following terms :

(a) Cookies
(b) Firewall

18. Write any two e-learning tools.

19. What is EPS ? Give one example.

Answer any 9 questions from 20 to 32. Each carries 3 scores. (9  3 = 27)
20. Name 3 methods for representing an integer number in computer memory.

21. Draw a figure showing the functional units of a computer system.

22. Categorise the software given below into Operating System, Application Software and
Utility Program :
Linux, Tally, WinZip, MS-Word, Windows, Open Office Calc

23. Draw any three flowchart symbols.

24. What is meant by token ? Name any two tokens in C++.

25. Which are logical operators in C++ ?

26. Write 3 different methods to increment the value of variable x by 1.

27. Identify errors, if any, in the following :

using namespace;
int Main()
int a,b,c;

FY-46 4
14. I/O     ?   .

15. Nested if .

16.      .

17.     :

(a) Cookies
(b) Firewall

18.   -  .

19.   ?   .

20  32    9   .
3  . (9  3 = 27)
20.      3 
21.        
22.     , 
,     :
Linux, Tally, WinZip, MS-Word, Windows, Open Office Calc

23.     .

24.     ? C++   
  .
25. C++     ?
26.   x   1  3   .
27.    ,  
 :
using namspace;
int Main( )
int a,b,c;

FY-46 5 P.T.O.
28. Which are the three loops in C++ ?

29. Classify the following network based on the area covered :

(a) Your home computer connected to a printer (1)
(b) Cable TV network in a city (1)
(c) Computer network at your school lab (1)

30. (a) Write the names of any two data terminal equipments. (1)
(b) Write the uses of them. (2)

31. Write any three examples of various types of social media on Internet.

32. Write names of any three ICT enabled services.

Answer any 2 questions from 33 to 36. Each carries 5 scores. (2  5 = 10)
33. What is e-waste ? Mention 4 methods for e-waste disposal.

34. (a) Define the following terms :

(i) Algorithm (1)
(ii) Translation (1)
(iii) Debugging (1)
(b) Write two advantages of using flowchart. (2)

35. (a) Write example for an exit controlled loop in C++. (1)
(b) Write the four parts of a loop. (4)

36. (a) What is the difference between router and gateway ? (2)
(b) Write any three advantages of computer networks. (3)

FY-46 6
28. C++     ?

29.     

 :
(a)      . (1)
(b)      (1)
(c)     . (1)

30. (a)       . (1)
(b)   . (2)

31.       

 .

32.       .

33  36    2   .
5  . (2  5 = 10)
33.  - ? -  4  .

34. (a)    :

(i)  (1)
(ii)  (1)
(iii)  (1)
(b)     . (2)

35. (a) C++      . (1)

(b)   4  . (4)

36. (a)      ? (2)

(b)      . (3)

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