Invest Protect Goal II Brochure English
Invest Protect Goal II Brochure English
Invest Protect Goal II Brochure English
A Unit-linked Non-Participating
Individual Life Savings Insurance Plan
Bajaj Allianz Life
Invest Protect Goal II
The unit linked insurance products do not offer any liquidity during the first five years of the contract. The Policyholder will not
be able to surrender or withdraw the monies invested in unit linked insurance products completely or partially till the end of the
fifth year.
• Bajaj Allianz Life Invest Protect Goal II is Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP). Investment in ULIPs is subject to risks
associated with the capital markets. The policyholder is solely responsible for his/her decisions while investing in
We plan to provide a life full of happiness and comfort to our loved ones. However, life is full of uncertainties. It is
important not just to protect your family against these uncertainties but also to create a savings kitty for fulfilling your
own life goals.
Introducing Bajaj Allianz Life Invest Protect Goal II, a Unit Linked Life Insurance product that helps you secure the
financial future of your loved ones while providing life cover throughout the policy term along with market-linked
returns on your invested premiums.
Lump sum payout for your loved ones in Fund Maintenance Booster to ensure
you remain protected throughout your
your absence
chosen policy term
Helps to grow your invested corpus
through market linked returns Riders will be available to provide en-
hanced protection
Return of Charges to help boost your fund
value Tax benefit as per applicable laws
Product at a glance
Death Benefit
On death of the Life Assured during the policy term, the following shall be payable –
Higher of Prevailing Sum Assured* or Regular Premium Fund Value Plus
Higher of Top-up Premium fund value or Top-up premium Sum Assured, if any
The total death benefit shall not be less than Guaranteed Benefit of 105% of the total premiums including Top-Up
premiums, if any, received up to the date of death
Note -
• All the above are as on date of intimation of death of the Life Assured
• Benefit is payable if premiums are paid up to date and policy is in-force
*The Sum Assured chosen by the policyholder will be reduced to the extent of the partial withdrawals made from
the Regular Premium Fund during the two (2) years period immediately preceding the date of death of the Life
Assured. The partial withdrawal made from the Top-Up Premium Fund shall not be deducted for calculating this
Sum Assured.
Maturity Benefit
On survival of Life Assured to the maturity date, %Fund Value as on the date of Maturity, shall be payable.
Loyalty Advantage
As a reward for paying premiums regularly, we will contribute to your fund by allocating extra units, at the end of
specific policy years, as mentioned below -
• Return of Premium Allocation Charge (ROAC) – At the end of 20th Policy year, we will add back all the premium
allocation charges with respect to your Regular/Limited premiums to your fund. This will exclude any GST and cess
deducted with respect to these charges. There will not be any return of premium allocation charges with respect
to the Top-Up Premiums paid, and Surrendered/Discontinued/Paid-up policies. The total amount of premium
allocation charges added into each fund available in the policy will be in the same proportion of the Fund Value as at
the date of addition. Unit Price/NAV as on the date of ROAC addition will be used for the unitization.
Bajaj Allianz Life
Invest Protect Goal II
• Return of Mortality Charge (ROMC) – Mortality charge deducted during the policy term shall be added back to your
fund as per the table given below –
At the end of Policy Year Return of Mortality Charges
7 25% of the Mortality charge deducted till 7th year
50% of the total Mortality charge deducted till end of the 15th year Less Mortality
charge already returned
100% of Mortality charges deducted till the end of the 20th Policy Year Less Mortality
charge already returned
25 or at Maturity 100% of Mortality charges deducted from 21st Policy Year to (end of the 25th Policy
whichever is earlier Year or till Maturity, whichever is earlier)
30 or at Maturity 100% of Mortality charges deducted from 26th Policy Year to (end of the 30th Policy
whichever is earlier Year or till Maturity, whichever is earlier)
35 or at Maturity 100% of Mortality charges deducted from 31st Policy Year to (end of the 35th Policy
whichever is earlier Year or till Maturity, whichever is earlier)
40 or at Maturity 100% of Mortality charges deducted from 36th Policy Year to (end of the 40th Policy
whichever is earlier Year or till Maturity, whichever is earlier)
o This above addition will be done to the Regular Premium Fund Value and will exclude, Top-Up Premium Fund Value,
any extra mortality charge and/or any GST and cess with respect to the mortality charges deducted.
o Return of mortality charges will not be offered in case the policy is terminated, surrendered, discontinued or paid up.
There will not be any ROMC w.r.t. any Top-Up Premiums paid
o The amount of ROMC will be added into the Funds in the same proportion as the value of those Funds as at the date of
the ROMC addition. Unit Price/NAV as on the date of ROMC addition will be used for the unitization.
Loyalty Addition - We will contribute to your fund by adding a specific percentage of the average of your previous
Three years’ daily Regular Premium Fund Value as mentioned below –
End of Policy Year 20th year 25th year 30th year 35th year 40th year
LA %-ages 2.50% 2.50% 3.00% 4.00% 4.50%
Fund Maintenance Booster (FMB) – From the 4th policy year, at the start of any policy month, after premium payment
(if any) and before any due charges are deducted, if your Total Fund Value falls below one Annualized Premium, then, we
shall add FMB to your Regular Premium Fund Value
o FMB = One Annualized Premium – Total Fund Value
• No FMB will be available in a surrendered Policy (after the date of surrender), a Discontinued Policy or a Policy
converted to paid-up
• FMB will only be added to the Regular Premium Fund Value and not to Top-Up Premium Fund Value.
• The amount of FMB that will be added into each fund available in the policy will be in the same proportion of the
Regular Premium Fund Value (as applicable in the policy) as at the date of addition of FMB. Unit Price as on the date
of FMB will be used for the unitization.
Family Benefit
At the inception of the policy, If any of your family member is an existing policyholder of Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance
Company Limited, you will be entitled to a Family Benefit.
The benefit will be paid to you on Maturity and will be added into the Regular Premium Fund Value. Family Benefit will
be 1% of the average of your previous Three years’ daily Regular Premium Fund Value.
Bajaj Allianz Life
Invest Protect Goal II
The amount of Family Benefit will be allocated in the funds in the same proportion of the fund values as at the date of
addition. Unit Prices as on the date of Family Benefit addition will be used for the unitization.
There will not be any Family Benefit with respect to the Top-Up premiums paid.
Family benefit will not be offered in case the policy is terminated, surrendered, discontinued or paid up.
Family member shall mean spouse, children, brothers, sisters, grandchildren, parents, parents in-laws; and will be available
to family members of existing customers including who have matured policies
For a customer of age 35 years, with Policy term and PPT of 40 years, who buys Bajaj Allianz Life Invest Protect
Goal II for Sum Assured of 1 Cr. The total premiums paid is Rs. 20 Lakhs
o On Survival of Life Assured till Maturity -
On survival,
`50,000 p.a. FV @4%# - `25,26,097
paid for 40 years Sum Assured - `1 Cr
throughout policy term FV @8%# - `70,91,187
Total premium `20,00,000
`50,000 p.a.
paid for 40 years Sum Assured - `1 Cr
Total premium `20,00,000 throughout policy term
On death during policy term,
Death Benefit: Higher of
(1Cr, FV) at the time of death
For the same customer aged 35 years, with Policy term of 40 years, who buys Bajaj Allianz Life Invest Protect
Goal II for Sum Assured of 1 Cr –
PPT (in years) Annual Premium (`) Total Premium FV @4%# (`) FV@8%# (`)
7 1,33,334 9,33,338 12,52,249 65,87,430
10 83,334 8,33,340 12,13,140 50,59,302
12 71,429 8,57,148 11,98,437 49,45,534
The above illustrations are considering investment is in the “Pure Stock Fund II and Goods & Service Tax of 18%”. All figures are in rupees. The premiums are paid
annually. The assumed rate of returns indicated at 4% and 8% are illustrative and not guaranteed and do not indicate the upper or lower limits of returns under
the policy.
Rider Available
You have an option to enhance your protection by opting for rider available in the product.
1. Bajaj Allianz Life Linked Accident Protection Rider II UIN: 116A057V01
Please refer to respective rider sales literature or visit the insurance company’s website or consult your insurance consultant for more details and eligibility condition.
Bajaj Allianz Life
Invest Protect Goal II
Investment Strategies
At policy inception, customer can choose any one of the below two mentioned portfolio strategies -
• Investor Selectable Portfolio Strategy
In this strategy, you can choose to invest your premiums in any one or more of the below mentioned funds –
Sr. Asset Risk
Fund name and objective
No Allocation profile
Equity Growth Fund II Equity: Not less than 60% Very
The investment objective of this fund is to provide capital appreciation Bank deposits: 0% to 40% High
1 through investment in selected equity stocks that have the potential Money market instruments, Cash,
for capital appreciation. Mutual funds^: 0% to 40%
SFIN: ULIF05106/01/10EQTYGROW02116
Accelerator Mid-Cap Fund II Equity: Not less than 60%, Out Very
The investment objective of this fund is to achieve capital appreciation of the equity investment at least High
by investing in a diversified basket of mid cap stocks and large cap 50% will be in mid cap stocks
stocks. Bank deposits: 0% to 40%
SFIN: ULIF05206/01/10ACCMIDCA02116 Money market instruments, Cash,
Mutual funds^: 0% to 40%
Pure Stock Fund Equity: Not less than 60% Very
The investment objective of this fund is to specifically exclude Bank deposits: 0% to 40% High
3 companies dealing in Gambling, Contests, Liquor, Entertainment Money market instruments, Cash,
(Films, TV etc.), Hotels, Banks and Financial Institutions Mutual funds^: 0% to 40%
Pure Stock Fund II Equity: Not less than 75% Very
The investment objective of this fund is to specifically exclude Money market instruments, Cash, High
4 companies dealing in Gambling, Contests, Liquor, Entertainment Fixed deposits, Mutual funds^: 0%
(Films, TV etc.), Hotels, Tobacco and Tobacco related Institutions to 25%
SFIN: ULIF07709/01/17PURSTKFUN2116
Bluechip Equity Fund Equity: Not less than 60% High
The investment objective of this fund is to provide capital Bank deposits: 0% to 40%
5 appreciation through investment in equities forming part of NSE Money market instruments, Cash,
NIFTY. Mutual funds^: 0% to 40%
Asset Allocation Fund II Equity: 40% - 90% High
The investment objective of this fund will be to realize a level of Debt, Bank deposits & Fixed Income
total income, including current income and capital appreciation, Securities: 0% - 60%
which is consistent with reasonable investment risk. The Money market instruments: 0% -
investment strategy will involve a flexible policy for allocating 50%
6 assets among equities, bonds and cash. The fund strategy will
be to adjust the mix between these asset classes to capitalize
on the changing financial markets and economic conditions. The
fund will adjust its weights in equity, debt and cash depending on
the relative attractiveness of each asset class
SFIN: ULIF07205/12/13ASSETALL02116
Flexi Cap Fund Equity and equity related instruments: Very
To achieve capital appreciation by investing in a diversified basket 65%- 100% High
7 of stocks across market capitalization i.e. Large cap, mid cap and Cash, bank deposits, liquid mutual
small cap funds and money market instruments:
SFIN: ULIF07917/11/21FLXCAPFUND116 0%- 35%
Sustainable Equity Fund Equity and equity related instruments: Very
To focus on investing in select companies from the Investment 65%- 100% High
8 universe, which conduct business in socially and environmentally Cash, bank deposits, liquid mutual
responsible manner while maintaining governance standards funds and money market instruments:
SFIN: ULIF08017/11/21SUSEQUFUND116 0%- 35%
Bajaj Allianz Life
Invest Protect Goal II
Proportion of Fund Value 1/11 1/10 1/9 1/8 1/7 1/6 1/5 1/4 1/3 1/2 1
• This strategy will not be applicable for monthly mode of premium payment
• You can choose to switch out of the strategy at any Policy Anniversary by giving written notice to the
Company 30 days in advance.
Mortality Charge
Mortality Charge is applied on the Sum At Risk under the policy and is deducted at the rate as applicable on a
monthly basis.
Miscellaneous Charge
The Miscellaneous Charge will be of Rs.100 per applicable incidence except for switching between fund/portfolio-
strategies, partial withdrawals, Top Ups which shall be free. This will be deducted as charges by cancellation of units.
Other facilities
Can I switch between funds?
Yes, you can switch units between funds only if Investor Selectable Portfolio Strategy has been chosen. You can
make unlimited free switches. The minimum switching amount is `5,000 or the value of units in the fund to be
switched from, whichever is lower.
Please Note - The charges for all these options shall be levied by cancellation of units at the unit price as on the due day.
Bajaj Allianz Life
Invest Protect Goal II
• During the lock-in period of first 5 policy years in case the customer wants to surrender the policy:
o The Regular Premium Fund Value less the discontinuance/ surrender charge, along with the Top-Up Premium
Fund Value, if any, as on the date of surrender, will be credited to the Discontinued Life Policy Fund (maintained
by the Insurance Company), and the risk cover under the policy will cease.
o You will not have the option to revive such a surrendered policy.
o The Discontinuance Value, at the end of the Lock-in Period will be payable as Surrender Value.
• On surrender after the lock-in period, the surrender value available will be the Total Fund Value as on the date of
• The policy shall thereafter terminate upon payment of the surrender value by the Company.
4. The Policy will be revived restoring the risk cover and Guaranteed Benefit
5. Fund Maintenance Booster will be assessed from the next policy month.
6. The Loyalty Advantages – ROAC, ROMC and Loyalty Additions – due but not allocated during the period the Policy
was in paid-up shall be added to the Regular Premium Fund Value(1) at revival date.
• Suicide exclusion
In case of death due to suicide within 12 months from the Date of Commencement of the policy or from the date of
latest revival of the policy, whichever is later, the nominee or beneficiary of the policy shall be entitled to the Total
Fund Value, as available on the date of intimation of death. Any charges other than the Fund Management Charges
recovered subsequent to the date of death shall be added to the Total Fund Value as at the date of intimation of
death. There is no other exclusion applicable w.r.t death, other than suicide clause.
• Foreclosure
Any time after three (3) policy years for a policy which has discontinued paying its due premium and if the Fund
Value is lower than one (1) Annualized Premium, the policy shall be foreclosed, and any Surrender Value shall be
paid, as per the conditions in the Surrender Value Section above. Before foreclosure of the Policy, you will be given
the option to pay any Limited/Regular Premiums due under the Policy or to pay Top Up Premium, as applicable.
For an in-force policy, after three policy years, fund is protected through Fund Maintenance Booster (FMB). Through
FMB, total Fund Value is protected to not go below One Annualized Premium.
• Force Ma’jeure
i) As per IRDAI (Insurance Product) Regulations 2024, the Company will declare a ‘Single’ Unit Price or Net Asset Value
(NAV) for each segregated fund on a day-to-day basis.
ii) The Company specifies that, in the event of certain force majeure conditions, the declaration of Unit Price or NAV
on a day-to-day basis may be deferred and could include other actions as a part of investment strategy (e.g. taking
exposure of any Segregated Fund (SFIN) up to 100% in Money Market Instruments [as defined under Regulations
1(8) of the IRDAI (Actuarial, Finance and Investment) Regulations, 2024])
iii) The Company shall value the Funds (SFIN) on each day for which the financial markets are open. However, the Com-
pany may value the SFIN less frequently in extreme circumstances external to the Company i.e. in force majeure
events, where the value of the assets is too uncertain. In such circumstances, the Company may defer the valuation
of assets for up to 30 days until the Company is certain that the valuation of SFIN can be resumed.
iv) The Company shall inform the IRDAI of such deferment in the valuation of assets. During the continuance of the
force majeure events, all request for servicing the policy including policy related payment shall be kept in abeyance.
v) The Company shall continue to invest as per the Fund mandates as described in section ‘Investment Strategies’
above. However, the Company shall reserve its right to change the exposure of all or any part of the Fund to Money
Market Instruments [as defined under Regulations 1(8) of the IRDAI (Actuarial, Finance and Investment Functions
of Insurers) Regulations, 2024] in circumstances mentioned under sub-section iii) and sub-section iv) above. The
exposure of the Fund as per the Fund mandates as described in section ‘Investment Strategies’ above shall be re-
instated within reasonable timelines once the force majeure situation ends.
vi) Some examples of such circumstances [in sub-section iii) & sub-section iv) above] are:
(1) When one or more stock exchanges which provide a basis for valuation of the assets of the Fund are closed
otherwise than for ordinary holidays.
(2) When, as a result of political, economic, monetary or any circumstances out of the control of the Company, the
disposal of the assets of the Fund are not reasonable or would not reasonably be practicable without being
detrimental to the interests of the continuing Policyholders.
(3) In the event of natural calamities, strikes, war, civil unrest, riots and bandhs.
(4) In the event of any force majeure or disaster that affects the normal functioning of the Company.
vii) In such an event, an intimation of such force majeure event shall be uploaded on the Company’s website for
• Revision of Charges
After taking due approval from the IRDAI, the Insurance Company reserves the right to revise the charges except the
Premium Allocation Charge and Mortality Charge which are guaranteed throughout the policy term
• Fund Management Charge up to a maximum of 1.35% per annum will be adjusted in the unit price/NAV for Acceler-
ator Mid Cap Fund II, Asset Allocation Fund II, Bluechip Equity Fund, Bond Fund, Equity Growth Fund II, Liquid Fund,
Pure Stock Fund, Pure Stock Fund II, Flexi Cap Fund , Sustainable Equity Fund , Small Cap Fund, Dynamic Asset
Bajaj Allianz Life
Invest Protect Goal II
Allocation Fund, Midcap Index Fund, Individual Short Term Debt Fund, SmallCap Quality Index Fund, Nifty Alpha 50
Index Fund, Nifty 200 Alpha 30 Index Fund and 0.50% per annum for the Discontinued Life Policy Fund
• Policy Administration Charge up to a maximum of Rs. 500 per month
• Miscellaneous charge up to a maximum of Rs. 500 per transaction.
• Partial Withdrawal charge up to a maximum of Rs. 500 per transaction
• Switching charge up to a maximum of Rs. 500 per transaction
• The Insurance Company shall give a notice of 3 months for any change in charges. In case you do not agree with the
modified charges you will be allowed to terminate the policy and take the surrender value, as applicable.
Index Fund and Nifty 200 Alpha 30 Index Fund do not offer a guaranteed or assured return.
• The investments in the units are subject to market and other risks.
• The past performance of the funds of the Insurance Company is not necessarily an indication of the future perfor-
mance of any of these funds.
• All benefits payable under the policy are subject to the tax laws and other financial enactments, as they exist from
time to time.
• Please know the associated risks and the applicable charges, from your insurance agent or the intermediary or policy
document issued by the insurance company.
Contact Details
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited, Bajaj Allianz House, Airport Road, Yerawada, Pune - 411 006.
IRDAI Reg No.: 116 | BALIC CIN: U66010PN2001PLC015959
For any queries please contact:
For More Information: Kindly consult our “Insurance Consultant” or call us today on the TOLL-FREE numbers mentioned above.
This brochure should be read in conjunction with the Benefit Illustration and Policy Exclusions. Please ask for the same along with
the quotation.
• All Charges applicable shall be levied. This brochure should be read in conjunction with the Benefit Illustration. The Policy document is the
conclusive evidence of contract and provides in details all the conditions and exclusions related to Bajaj Allianz Life Invest Protect Goal II.
Please ask for the same along with the quotation.
• The Logo of Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd. is provided on the basis of license given by Bajaj Finserv Ltd. to use its “Bajaj” Logo and
Allianz SE to use its “Allianz” logo.
• Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation
You / Your – shall mean the Policyholder / Life Assured, as applicable
Fund Value - is the sum total of the Regular Premium Fund Value(1) and Top-up Premium Fund Value(2)
Regular Premium Fund Value is equal to the total Units in respect of Limited/Regular Premiums paid under this policy multiplied
by the respective unit price on the relevant valuation date and
Top-Up Premium Fund Value is equal to the total Units in respect of Top-Up premium multiplied by the respective unit price on the
relevant valuation date.
Quotation No : 70006816784
Customer Details
Name of the Prospect / Policyholder Valued Customer
Age (in years) 35
Gender of the Prospect / Policyholder M
Name of the Life Assured Valued Customer
Age (in years) 35
Gender of the Life Assured M
Some benefits are guaranteed and some benefits are variable with returns based on the future performance of your insurer carrying on life insurance business. If your policy offers guaranteed benefits then
these will be clearly marked 'guaranteed' in the illustration table on this page.If your policy offers variable benefits then the illustrations on this page will show two different rates of assumed future
investment returns, of 8 % p.a.and 4 % p.a.These assumed rates of return are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits of what you might get back, as the value of your policy is dependent on a
number of factors including future investment performance.
How to read and understand this benefit illustration?
This benefit illustration is intended to show what charges are deducted from your premiums and how the unit fund, net of charges and taxes, may grow over the years of the policy term if the fund earns a
gross returns of 8% p.a. and 4% p.a. These rates, i.e. 8% p.a. and 4% p.a. are assumed only for the purpose of illustrating the flow of benefits if the returns are at this level. It should not be interpreted that the
returns under the plan are going to be either 8%p.a. or 4% p.a.
Net Yield mentioned corresponds to the gross investment return of 8% p.a., net of all charges but does not consider mortality, morbidity charges, underwriting extra, if any, guarantee charges and cost of riders,
if deducted by cancellation of units. It demonstrates the impact of charges exclusive of taxes on the net yield. Please note that the mortality charges per thousand sum assured in general, increases with age.
The actual returns can vary depending on the performance of the chosen fund, charges towards mortality, morbidity, underwriting extra, cost of riders, etc. The investment risk in this policy is borne by the
policyholder, hence, for more details on terms and conditions please read sales literature carefully.
Part A of this statement presents a summary view of year-by-year charges deducted under the policy, fund value, surrender value and the death benefit, at two assumed rates of return. Part B of this statement
presents a detailed breakup of the charges, and other values.
Quotation No : 70006816784
# includes all charges other than mortality charge, See Part B for details
The Benefits shown above (Death Benefit, Surrender Value) are payable assuming Death / Surrender occur at the end of the year.
I, ____ _____, have explained the premiums, charges and benefits under the policy fully to the I, ____Valued Customer _____, having received the information with respect to the above, have
prospect / policyholder. understood the above statement before entering into the contract.
Date: Signature of Agent/ Intermediary / Official Date: Signature of Prospect / Policyholder
Part B
Amount( in Rs.)
Policy Annualised Premium Annualised Premium - Mortality GST (Excl On Policy Admin. Guaranteee Other Return of Mortality Loyalty Addition + FMB + ROAC+ Fund Before FMC Incl. Fund at End Surrender Lumpsum
Year Premium Allocation Charge Allocation Charge Charge FMC) Charge Charge Charges* Charge Family Benefit FMC GST of year Value
1 50,000 3,000 47,000 9,815 2,404 540 0 0 0 0 37,411 634 36,777 33,777 1,00,00,000
2 50,000 3,000 47,000 10,372 2,504 540 0 0 0 0 76,424 1,212 75,212 73,212 1,00,00,000
3 50,000 3,000 47,000 11,003 2,618 540 0 0 0 0 1,17,135 1,816 1,15,318 1,13,818 1,00,00,000
4 50,000 3,000 47,000 11,724 2,748 540 0 0 0 0 1,59,540 2,446 1,57,094 1,56,094 1,00,00,000
5 50,000 3,000 47,000 12,533 2,893 540 0 0 0 0 2,03,638 3,102 2,00,537 2,00,537 1,00,00,000
6 50,000 0 50,000 13,433 2,823 2,250 0 0 0 0 2,51,143 3,822 2,47,321 2,47,321 1,00,00,000
7 50,000 0 50,000 14,441 3,004 2,250 0 0 20,831 0 3,00,403 4,555 3,16,679 3,16,679 1,00,00,000
8 50,000 0 50,000 15,553 3,204 2,250 0 0 0 0 3,73,902 5,645 3,68,257 3,68,257 1,00,00,000
9 50,000 0 50,000 16,843 3,437 2,250 0 0 0 0 4,27,991 6,451 4,21,539 4,21,539 1,00,00,000
10 50,000 0 50,000 18,318 3,702 2,250 0 0 0 0 4,83,690 7,283 4,76,407 4,76,407 1,00,00,000
11 50,000 0 50,000 20,029 4,010 2,250 0 0 0 0 5,40,812 8,137 5,32,674 5,32,674 1,00,00,000
12 50,000 0 50,000 22,008 4,366 2,250 0 0 0 0 5,99,113 9,011 5,90,102 5,90,102 1,00,00,000
13 50,000 0 50,000 24,305 4,780 2,250 0 0 0 0 6,58,276 9,900 6,48,376 6,48,376 1,00,00,000
14 50,000 0 50,000 26,959 5,258 2,250 0 0 0 0 7,17,914 10,799 7,07,115 7,07,115 1,00,00,000
15 50,000 0 50,000 29,985 5,802 2,250 0 0 1,07,830 0 7,77,595 11,701 8,73,724 8,73,724 1,00,00,000
16 50,000 0 50,000 32,989 6,343 2,250 0 0 0 0 9,53,743 14,317 9,39,425 9,39,425 1,00,00,000
17 50,000 0 50,000 36,686 7,008 2,250 0 0 0 0 10,20,114 15,324 10,04,791 10,04,791 1,00,00,000
18 50,000 0 50,000 40,679 7,727 2,250 0 0 0 0 10,85,759 16,322 10,69,437 10,69,437 1,00,00,000
19 50,000 0 50,000 44,928 8,492 2,250 0 0 0 0 11,50,312 17,306 11,33,006 11,33,006 1,00,00,000
20 50,000 0 50,000 49,357 9,289 2,250 0 0 3,33,301 43,158 12,13,483 18,271 15,71,670 15,71,670 1,00,00,000
21 50,000 0 50,000 51,512 9,677 2,250 0 0 0 0 16,84,339 25,217 16,59,122 16,59,122 1,00,00,000
22 50,000 0 50,000 55,714 10,434 2,250 0 0 0 0 17,73,567 26,563 17,47,004 17,47,004 1,00,00,000
23 50,000 0 50,000 59,907 11,188 2,250 0 0 0 0 18,63,270 27,917 18,35,354 18,35,354 1,00,00,000
24 50,000 0 50,000 64,079 11,939 2,250 0 0 0 0 19,53,505 29,278 19,24,227 19,24,227 1,00,00,000
25 50,000 0 50,000 68,246 12,689 2,250 0 0 2,99,457 47,659 20,44,311 30,648 23,60,779 23,60,779 1,00,00,000
26 50,000 0 50,000 69,190 12,859 2,250 0 0 0 0 25,14,376 37,572 24,76,804 24,76,804 1,00,00,000
27 50,000 0 50,000 73,041 13,552 2,250 0 0 0 0 26,34,878 39,376 25,95,502 25,95,502 1,00,00,000
28 50,000 0 50,000 77,040 14,272 2,250 0 0 0 0 27,58,084 41,221 27,16,863 27,16,863 1,00,00,000
29 50,000 0 50,000 81,265 15,033 2,250 0 0 0 0 28,83,886 43,106 28,40,780 28,40,780 1,00,00,000
30 50,000 0 50,000 85,813 15,851 2,250 0 0 3,86,349 84,218 30,12,051 45,028 34,37,590 34,37,590 1,00,00,000
31 50,000 0 50,000 84,395 15,596 2,250 0 0 0 0 36,58,005 54,521 36,03,484 36,03,484 1,00,00,000
32 50,000 0 50,000 88,770 16,384 2,250 0 0 0 0 38,31,694 57,112 37,74,582 37,74,582 1,00,00,000
33 50,000 0 50,000 93,494 17,234 2,250 0 0 0 0 40,10,569 59,781 39,50,788 39,50,788 1,00,00,000
34 50,000 0 50,000 98,584 18,150 2,250 0 0 0 0 41,94,506 62,529 41,31,978 41,31,978 1,00,00,000
35 50,000 0 50,000 1,04,038 19,132 2,250 0 0 4,69,282 1,62,904 43,83,377 65,351 49,50,212 49,50,212 1,00,00,000
36 50,000 0 50,000 96,882 17,844 2,250 0 0 0 0 52,75,398 78,417 51,96,981 51,96,981 1,00,00,000
37 50,000 0 50,000 1,00,534 18,501 2,250 0 0 0 0 55,37,271 82,299 54,54,972 54,54,972 1,00,00,000
38 50,000 0 50,000 1,03,925 19,111 2,250 0 0 0 0 58,11,578 86,362 57,25,216 57,25,216 1,00,00,000
39 50,000 0 50,000 1,06,870 19,642 2,250 0 0 0 0 60,99,657 90,623 60,09,034 60,09,034 1,00,00,000
40 50,000 0 50,000 1,09,122 20,047 2,250 0 0 5,17,332 2,65,721 64,03,241 95,107 70,91,187 70,91,187 1,00,00,000
The Benefits s hown a bove (Dea th Benefit, Surrender Va lue) a re pa ya ble a s s uming Dea th / Surrender occur a t the end of the yea r.
Quotation No : 70006816784
Amount( in Rs.)
Gross Yield 4%
Policy Annualised Premium Annualised Premium - Mortality GST (Excl On Policy Admin. Guaranteee Other Return of Mortality Loyalty Addition + FMB + ROAC+ Fund Before FMC Incl. Fund at End Surrender
Year Premium Allocation Charge Allocation Charge Charge FMC) Charge Charge Charges* Charge Family Benefit FMC GST of year Value
1 50,000 3,000 47,000 9,816 2,404 540 0 0 0 0 35,824 620 35,203 32,203 1,00,00,000
2 50,000 3,000 47,000 10,375 2,505 540 0 0 0 0 71,751 1,163 70,589 68,589 1,00,00,000
3 50,000 3,000 47,000 11,011 2,619 540 0 0 0 0 1,07,776 1,707 1,06,069 1,04,569 1,00,00,000
4 50,000 3,000 47,000 11,739 2,750 540 0 0 0 0 1,43,787 2,252 1,41,536 1,40,536 1,00,00,000
5 50,000 3,000 47,000 12,558 2,898 540 0 0 0 0 1,79,676 2,795 1,76,880 1,76,880 1,00,00,000
6 50,000 0 50,000 13,472 2,830 2,250 0 0 0 0 2,16,942 3,374 2,13,568 2,13,568 1,00,00,000
7 50,000 0 50,000 14,500 3,015 2,250 0 0 20,868 0 2,53,847 3,935 2,70,780 2,70,780 1,00,00,000
8 50,000 0 50,000 15,638 3,220 2,250 0 0 0 0 3,11,960 4,814 3,07,146 3,07,146 1,00,00,000
9 50,000 0 50,000 16,964 3,459 2,250 0 0 0 0 3,48,172 5,367 3,42,806 3,42,806 1,00,00,000
10 50,000 0 50,000 18,487 3,733 2,250 0 0 0 0 3,83,413 5,907 3,77,506 3,77,506 1,00,00,000
11 50,000 0 50,000 20,260 4,052 2,250 0 0 0 0 4,17,355 6,429 4,10,926 4,10,926 1,00,00,000
12 50,000 0 50,000 22,320 4,423 2,250 0 0 0 0 4,49,619 6,929 4,42,691 4,42,691 1,00,00,000
13 50,000 0 50,000 24,722 4,855 2,250 0 0 0 0 4,79,751 7,399 4,72,352 4,72,352 1,00,00,000
14 50,000 0 50,000 27,511 5,357 2,250 0 0 0 0 5,07,228 7,833 4,99,395 4,99,395 1,00,00,000
15 50,000 0 50,000 30,711 5,933 2,250 0 0 1,09,174 0 5,31,488 8,222 6,32,441 6,32,441 1,00,00,000
16 50,000 0 50,000 33,937 6,514 2,250 0 0 0 0 6,65,930 10,260 6,55,670 6,55,670 1,00,00,000
17 50,000 0 50,000 37,928 7,232 2,250 0 0 0 0 6,85,272 10,582 6,74,689 6,74,689 1,00,00,000
18 50,000 0 50,000 42,286 8,016 2,250 0 0 0 0 6,99,794 10,835 6,88,959 6,88,959 1,00,00,000
19 50,000 0 50,000 46,980 8,861 2,250 0 0 0 0 7,08,973 11,011 6,97,962 6,97,962 1,00,00,000
20 50,000 0 50,000 51,944 9,755 2,250 0 0 3,43,117 32,875 7,12,351 11,102 10,77,242 10,77,242 1,00,00,000
21 50,000 0 50,000 54,777 10,265 2,250 0 0 0 0 11,03,281 16,975 10,86,306 10,86,306 1,00,00,000
22 50,000 0 50,000 59,830 11,174 2,250 0 0 0 0 11,06,614 17,066 10,89,548 10,89,548 1,00,00,000
23 50,000 0 50,000 65,022 12,109 2,250 0 0 0 0 11,03,728 17,065 10,86,662 10,86,662 1,00,00,000
24 50,000 0 50,000 70,357 13,069 2,250 0 0 0 0 10,94,298 16,968 10,77,330 10,77,330 1,00,00,000
25 50,000 0 50,000 75,872 14,062 2,250 0 0 3,25,858 27,562 10,77,948 16,768 14,14,599 14,14,599 1,00,00,000
26 50,000 0 50,000 78,377 14,513 2,250 0 0 0 0 14,25,592 21,991 14,03,602 14,03,602 1,00,00,000
27 50,000 0 50,000 84,184 15,558 2,250 0 0 0 0 14,07,160 21,762 13,85,397 13,85,397 1,00,00,000
28 50,000 0 50,000 90,477 16,691 2,250 0 0 0 0 13,80,649 21,417 13,59,232 13,59,232 1,00,00,000
29 50,000 0 50,000 97,404 17,938 2,250 0 0 0 0 13,45,095 20,941 13,24,154 13,24,154 1,00,00,000
30 50,000 0 50,000 1,05,152 19,332 2,250 0 0 4,55,594 40,807 12,99,285 20,319 17,75,367 17,75,367 1,00,00,000
31 50,000 0 50,000 1,07,312 19,721 2,250 0 0 0 0 17,65,817 27,319 17,38,499 17,38,499 1,00,00,000
32 50,000 0 50,000 1,16,489 21,373 2,250 0 0 0 0 17,16,424 26,654 16,89,770 16,89,770 1,00,00,000
33 50,000 0 50,000 1,27,004 23,266 2,250 0 0 0 0 16,53,088 25,792 16,27,295 16,27,295 1,00,00,000
34 50,000 0 50,000 1,39,100 25,443 2,250 0 0 0 0 15,73,554 24,701 15,48,853 15,48,853 1,00,00,000
35 50,000 0 50,000 1,53,040 27,952 2,250 0 0 6,42,944 64,096 14,75,197 23,343 21,58,894 21,58,894 1,00,00,000
36 50,000 0 50,000 1,54,905 28,288 2,250 0 0 0 0 21,07,219 32,817 20,74,402 20,74,402 1,00,00,000
37 50,000 0 50,000 1,71,468 31,269 2,250 0 0 0 0 19,99,411 31,339 19,68,072 19,68,072 1,00,00,000
38 50,000 0 50,000 1,90,663 34,724 2,250 0 0 0 0 18,65,726 29,496 18,36,230 18,36,230 1,00,00,000
39 50,000 0 50,000 2,12,989 38,743 2,250 0 0 0 0 17,01,741 27,225 16,74,516 16,74,516 1,00,00,000
40 50,000 0 50,000 2,39,047 43,434 2,250 0 0 9,69,073 79,273 15,02,204 24,453 25,26,097 25,26,097 1,00,00,000
Quotation No : 70006816784
Family Benefit
Benefit Benefit
@8% @4%
Fund value at the end of year-with family benefit 71,50,236 25,43,713
Fund value at the end of year-without family benefit 70,91,187 25,26,097
The Benefits shown above (Death Benefit, Surrender Value) are payable assuming Death / Surrender occur at end of the year.
1. Refer the salesliterature for explanation of terms used in this illustration.
2. Fund Management Charge is based on the specific fund option(s) chose
3. In case rider charges are collected explicitly through collec on of rider premium, and not by way of cancella on of units, then such charges are not considered in this illustra on other cases, rider charges are included in
other charges.
4. Other charges include morbidity and rider Charges , if any
I, ________ , have explained the premiums and benefits under the policy fully to the prospect / I, ____________ , having received the informa on with respect to the above, have understood the above
policyholder. statement before entering into the contract.
Date: Signature of Agent/ Intermediary/ Official Date: Signature of Prospect / Policyholder
iii) Loyalty Addi on (LA): At the end of 20th Policy Year and end of every 5th Policy Year therea er, ll the end of the Policy term (as applicable in the policy), Loyalty Addi ons as a propor on (as given in the table below)
of the average of the daily Regular Premium Fund Values during the previous 3 years (including the current year) will be added into the fund.
End of Policy
Year 20th year 25th year 30th year 35th year 40th year
LA% 2.50% 2.50% 3.00% 4.00% 4.50%
iv) Fund Maintenance Booster (FMB): From the 4th policy year, if the Fund Value is below one (1) Annualized Premium (will be checked at the start of each Policy month), then, Fund Maintenance Booster will be added to
the fund