408: Whitton Court, Ludlow. Building Survey, APAC LTD

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DOCUMENT NO 408 December 2018

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy



Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire


Shropshire County Council

Planning Application No: 1704607/FUL

Listed Building Consent No: 174608/LBC

Prepared by: Mr. Adam Phillips

Checked by Dr N Phillips
A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18


A planning application and an application for listed building consent,

for renovation of a building was submitted to Shropshire County
Council, (SCC).

As part of the planning process, Shropshire County Council’s Historic

Environment Team, (SCC-HET), advised the planning department that
the proposed work at the site could likely impact on archaeological

SCC-HET therefore advised that conditions should be imposed upon

any planning approval in order to address the possible impact to any
archaeological resources.

The conditions imposed required a level I and Level II building recording

survey prior to work being undertaken.

APAC Ltd was contacted by the client in order to undertake the program
of archaeological work which was outlined in an approved
Specification of works.

This document is the result of the programme of archaeological work for the
building recording condition undertaken prior to the demolition, alteration
and renovation works.

The survey consists of a photographic and documentary record of the


The survey confirms the potential for the survival of archaeological resources
that will be impacted upon during the proposed work.

Copyright Notice:
A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; Copyright
remains otherwise with the Ordnance Survey.

Cover Photograph 00035, Property, south elevation facade.

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Summary ........................................................................................................................... 2
Contents ............................................................................................................................ 3
Figures .............................................................................................................................. 3
Appendix ........................................................................................................................ 23
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 24
Site location .................................................................................................................... 24
Brief archaeological and historical background ............................................................. 25
Aims and Objectives ....................................................................................................... 27
Methodology ................................................................................................................... 28
Data Presentation ............................................................................................................ 28
External description ........................................................................................................ 28
Assessment of areas of development .............................................................................. 59
Interpretation .................................................................................................................. 63
Archive ........................................................................................................................... 64
Acknowledgements: ....................................................................................................... 64
Bibliography and References:......................................................................................... 65
Copyright ........................................................................................................................ 66


01. Site Location Map

02. 1868 building sketches
03. 1751 Shropshire county map
04. Map progression –
a Shropshire 1884
b Herefordshire 1904
c Herefordshire 1953
d Modern map
05. Existing floor plans, (adapted from Hawkes, Edwards and Cave, existing plans)
a Roof, (external) ground and first plans
b Second, cellars and external garage plans

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Survey Photo cards 1-468

01 Lean-to corridor passageway between north and west builds. Lean to features crowstep roof on top
of later addition brick. Main entrance into passageway, (room 10), through segmental arch stone
frame fitted with timber panel studded door. Door fitted with drop door latch.
02 General, north build, northern elevation with intersecting gable and western build northern gable.
03 Northern build, northern elevation with intersecting corbie gable. Gable features a central stone
renewal mullioned windows, with fitted horizontal and vertical bars in a rectangular pattern,
window fitted with glass. Two slit vents feature above main window with ashlar chamfered sills and
lintels. Construct of walls – random coursed stone capped with stone plinth, under earlier phase
“English” bond brick. This is then topped with a later course/refurbishment of “English” bond brick
04 Northern build, northern elevation with intersecting corbie gable. Gable is fitted with central stone
renewal mullioned windows with horizontal and vertical bars in a rectangular pattern, window fitted
with glass. Two slit vents feature above main window with ashlar chamfered sills and lintels. Two
phases of brick course.
05 Northern build, northern elevation to north eastern courtyard (14) boundary wall. Wall follows same
construct as intersecting gable, stone followed by brick in different phases. Stone course and plinth
differs with a slight crowstep drop. Wall fitted with two stone windows. Left window topped with
stone lintel, with a surround of brick. Window to right, stone lintel, sill and quoined surround. Both
windows are fitted with timber plank doors with strap handles.
06 Detail, spear head strap hinges on panel doors.
07 Northern build, northern elevation to north eastern courtyard (14) boundary wall. Wall follows same
construct as intersecting gable, stone followed by brick in different phases. Stone course and plinth
differs with a slight crowstep drop. Wall fitted with two stone windows. Left window topped with
stone lintel, with a surround of brick. Window to right, stone lintel, sill and quoined surround. Both
windows are fitted with timber plank doors with strap handles.
08 Boundary wall and entrance. North eastern courtyard and outbuildings between northern and eastern
builds gables.
09 Boundary wall into north eastern courtyard and outbuildings. Stepped entrance within brick wall.
Fitted with partial timber lintel and decorated iron gate. Wall construct of stone with plinth under
“English” bond course. Wall then topped with brick caps. Left of wall begins to shift into a course
of diaper brick where it continues for the eastern portion of the boundary wall.
10 Eastern elevation courtyard wall, continuation of “Diaper” brick. Cut entrance into cellar through
random coursed stone and diaper work.
11 Eastern elevation. Random coursed stone with possible stone window, (cellar level) now bricked
in. coursed stone topped with plinth course followed by brick course in “Diaper” bond.
12 Detail, Eastern elevation. Random coursed stone with iron barred slit vent, with cut stone lintel and
sill. (visible in cellar level).
13 East elevation of room 17 lean-to. Features two quoined stone renewal windows and doorway
aperture. Random coursed stone and plinth feature quoins, though possibly later addition.
14 Recess roof remains of lathe and plaster with timber framed hatch. Wall to left part of buildings
earlier coursed brick.
15 Eastern wall. Single stone renewal window with diamond pattern leaded cames. Stone window set
with interior timber frame.
16 Eastern elevation, three story south section. Intersection gable topped with corbie addition. Gable
features two stone mullion windows with dripstones. Stone construct – “Diaper” bond re-
commences after the outbuilding, (room 17). This is then heightened to its decorated top in a later
phase of brickwork.
17 Intersection gable additions to eastern elevation. Northern gable return to eastern elevation.
Continuation of “Diaper bond” coursed brick. Eastern elevation and gable foundation built of
random coursed stone with coursed plinth. Eastern elevation between gable and chimney stack
additions. Ground level, with coursed random stone, features stone mullioned window in cellar
level, window also has stone dripstone.
18 Eastern elevation, between gable and chimney stack additions. Elevation features four Stone
renewal mullioned windows, all with dripstones, and all different sizes. The windows are

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positioned, two at ground floor and two at first floor, within the - part “Diaper” course part “English”
bond course, construct. At the top of the first-floor windows, the brick structure can be seen to
change with the addition of a gable roof. Also, at the same point, are two timber ends sticking
through the brickwork of the wall.
19 South eastern corner, eastern elevation, external chimney. Later addition. Coursed “English” bond
brickwork topped with star shaped and corbelled decorative triple chimney stacks.
20 Eastern elevation between gable and chimney stack additions. Ground level, within coursed random
stone, features stone mullioned window in cellar level, window also has stone dripstone.
21 South eastern corner. Ground level within random coursed stone foundations. Small window into
cellar, iron barred and topped with lintel and possible dripstone.
22 South eastern corner, eastern elevation underneath eaves. Ground and first floor stone renewal
mullioned windows, with dripstones.
23 General southern elevation façade. From below “Ha Ha” steps.
24 South build, southern elevation front Façade. All builds built on random coursed foundations,
followed by (in the very least) two phases of coursed brick. Top of ground and first floors decorated
with coursed string of ashlar. Gable and central elevation roof edges coursed in stone
25 South build, southern elevation and western builds gable end. Western gable features ground and
first floor bay windows topped on the second floor with a crenulated parapet. Two coursed strings
decorate the façade, west to east. Viewpoint, lower level southern gardens in front a boundary wall.
26 South elevations of eastern buildings ground and first floor bay windows. Windows topped with a
crenulated parapet on the second floor.
27 South build, southern elevation façade. South elevation has a central gable roof addition. Roof edge
decorated in ashlar with crenulated and corbelled decoration. Gable end edges also feature ashlar
decoration that end in skew corbels.
28 Southern builds elevation porch with crenulated parapet, flagged stoned floor patio surrounded by
gardens boundary wall.
29 Join between western build gable and southern builds southern elevation, gable and elevation appear
to retain some of the “diaper” coursed stonework found in the eastern build though brickwork has
been renewed later.
30 Western build, ground floor stone renewal bay window. Western elevation of western build.
31 South eastern corner, eastern build gable and eastern elevation. Gable end features two single stone
surround windows, ground and first floors.
32 Southern porch wall, Stone renewal mullion windows, with diamond pattern leaded cames in two
different pattern sizes.
33 Southern elevation porch entrance into room 1. Doorway fitted with ashlar surround and frame with
large stone lintel and dripstone. Timber plank and batten door with studding and strap hinges.
34 Detail. Timber panelled and studded door with door drop handle
35 Detail. Timber panelled and studded door with door knocker.
36 South build, southern elevation, front Façade, coursed stonework underneath eastern bay windows
of eastern building. Exposed at ground level is a pitched brick arch with iron bar grille. Possibly an
earlier entrance into the cellar.
37 South build, southern elevation front Façade, coursed stonework underneath eastern bay windows
of eastern building. Exposed at ground level is a pitched brick arch with iron bar grille. Possibly an
earlier entrance into the cellar.
38 Southern build elevation, to eastern build gable. South elevation porch to western wall of eastern
builds gable creates a small recess with a mullioned window in the middle. Note, only spot of
external walls where random coursed stone levels rise to this height.
39 Western build, ground floor stone renewal bay window. Western elevation of western build.
Remains of “diaper” coursed brick.
40 Western build, western elevation. Roof structure, western elevation features another three chimneys
(in addition to the one on the south corner, making a total of four) one chimney is built internally
whereas the northerly ones are external. Each chimney leads to chimney stacks, decorated in star
shaped coursed brick.
41 Western build, western elevation. External chimney stack. Random coursed stone with plinth string
under “English” bond course of brick. Additional intersection gable in western elevation. With stone
renewal mullion windows.

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42 Western build, western elevation. Random coursed stone with plinth string under “English” bond
course of brick. Additional intersection gable in western elevation. Gable eaves part decorated with
“crowstep”. Gable also feature string course of ashlar, however not the full width of the gable.
43 Western wall scaring, exposed course stone infill and build after removal of porch. Section of
coursed stone wall and plinth string also removed, ground floor ashlar stone renewal window with
mullions and undecorated glass.
44 Western wall, centre. Wall scaring would suggest modification to wall. Heritage reports suggests
wall scaring due to removal of an earlier porch, Heritage report, page 17.
45 Western wall scaring, exposed course stone infill and build after removal of porch.
46 Western wall scarring. Coursed stone structure wall foundations, section filled in with brick.
47 Western elevation, western build. Space between two chimney stacks. Entrance into room 8 ground
floor landing and stairs. Ground floor features doorway and window. Stone framed with stone
lintels. Stone dripstone tops both window and door.
48 Western elevation. Western build, first floor stone renewal mullion windows with decorative leaded
49 North elevation of south build. Only external wall to be made of random coursed stone with quoins.
Lower left window, stone mullion with canted stone quoins, and stone dripstone. Lower right and
upper left windows, stone ogee cut framed mullion windows, with trefoil shaped glass. Lower right
also features stone dripstone. Upper right window stone mullion renewal. Central pointed arch
(possibly Tudor arch) holds heavy timber plank and batten door that enters room 2.
50 Northern elevation of southern build. Off centre external chimney stack servicing rooms 3 and 28.
Build of coursed brick against the random coursed stone. Course of “English bond” brick work
features two phases.
51 Northern elevation of southern build. Entrance into room 2. Entrance fitted with pointed arch and
canted ashlar quoins. Door is timber plank and batten, with fleur de les ended strap hinges and drop
52 Northern elevation of southern build. Entrance into room 2. Door is timber plank and batten, with
fleur de les ended strap hinge.
53 Northern elevation of southern build. Entrance into room 2. Door is timber plank and batten, with
decorative drop handle and keyhole.
54 North elevation of south build. Lower left window, stone mullion with canted stone quoins, and
stone dripstone
55 Northern elevation of south build, upper left window, stone ogee cut framed mullion, with pointed
trefoil shaped glass. Surround of canted quoins. Window set in random coursed stone, however wall
to left, (southeast corner between south and east elevations) rebuilt in coursed red brick.
56 North elevation of south build, Lower right stone ogee cut framed mullion window, with pointed
trefoil shaped glass. Window features stone dripstone. Stone frame made of canted quoins, window
set in random coursed stone of wall.
57 Northern elevation of south build, Upper right window stone mullion renewal. With canted quoins.
Frame set in random coursed stone build.
58 Northern elevation of southern build. To right of chimney stack. Elevation features a lower, stone
ogee cut framed mullion window, with pointed trefoil shaped glass and a surround of canted quoins.
59 Northern elevation of southern build. To right of chimney stack. Upper stone mullion renewal
60 Northern elevation of southern build. Off centre external chimney stack servicing rooms 3 and 28.
Build of coursed brick against the random coursed stone. Left lower corner features splayed recess
topped with stone extending to elevation.
61 Northern elevation of southern build. Off centre external chimney stack servicing rooms 3 and 28.
Chimney section behind room 28 features a projection of brick probably due to the offset placement
of fireplace.
62 Northern elevation of southern build. Off centre external chimney stack servicing rooms 3 and 28.
Build of coursed brick against the random coursed stone. Course of “English bond” brick work
features two phases. Top of chimney holds quadruple corbel topped stacks.
63 Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorated elevation. Ground floor features three
timber framed mullion windows. First floor features one timber framed mullion window and one
timber framed oriel mullion window. Second floor features central oriel timber framed mullion
window. Wall features timber jetty, between ground and first floors, with decorative corbels.

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Ground floor features timber posts and mid rail. first floor features quatrefoil bracing, under
windows and herringbone bracing in alternating directions.
64 Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorated elevation. Ground floor features three
timber framed mullion windows. First floor features one timber framed mullion window and one
timber framed oriel mullion window. Second floor features central oriel timber framed mullion
window. Wall features timber jetty, between ground and first floors, with decorative corbels.
Ground floor features timber posts and mid rail. First floor features quatrefoil bracing, under
windows and herringbone bracing in alternating directions.
65 Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorative wall. First floor timber framed mullion
window. Window features timber sill.
66 Western build, eastern elevation, Second floor features central oriel timber framed mullion window.
With decorative timber sill and decorated corbels.
67 Western build eastern elevation, central second floor oriel timber framed mullion window. Post and
panel construct gable with trefoil bracing and herringbone studding timbers. Gable roof features
timber decorative bargeboard.
68 Timber corbel under jetty. All corbels decorated slightly different.
69 Timber corbel under jetty. All corbels decorated slightly different.
70 5 of 5, Connection point. Western build, northern build, north west corner. Timber corbel under
jetty. All corbels decorated slightly different.
71 5 of 5, Connection point. Western build, northern build, north west corner. Timber corbel under
jetty. All corbels decorated slightly different.
72 Connection point. Western build, northern build, north west corner. Timber corbel under jetty.
Corbel 5 of 5. Corbel is shaped differently from others suggesting a once corner placement. This
would further suggest that there was a building running from the western builds north. The corbel
placement would suggest this earlier building to run west to east. A section of timber wall post has
been removed or perhaps filled in.
73 Detail. First floor under left side, timber framed mullion window. Central decorative timber corbel,
between timber quatrefoil bracers
74 Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorated elevation. Ground floor features three
timber framed mullion windows. First floor features one timber framed mullion window and one
timber framed oriel mullion window. Second floor features central oriel timber framed mullion
window. Wall features timber jetty, between ground and first floors, with decorative corbels.
Ground floor features timber posts and mid rail. First floor features quatrefoil bracing, under
windows and herringbone bracing in alternating directions.
75 Western build, eastern elevation. Timber framed post and panel elevation. Timber sill beam with
timber post uprights. Pegged in place. Ground underneath sill, south west corner features stone
mullioned window. Now bricked in.
76 Western build, eastern elevation. Timber framed post and panel elevation. Timber sill beam with
timber post uprights, pegged in place. Ground underneath sill, right of stone mullion window, timber
bracer/lintel over later addition brick.
77 Western build, eastern elevation. Timber framed post and panel elevation. Timber sill beam with
timber post uprights, pegged in place. Ground underneath sill, right of timber bracer/lintel over later
addition brick. Later addition header brick arch.
78 Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorated elevation. Ground floor features three
timber framed mullion windows. First floor features one timber framed mullion window and one
timber framed oriel mullion window. Second floor features central oriel timber framed mullion
window. Wall features timber jetty, between ground and first floors, with decorative corbels.
Ground floor features timber posts and mid rail. first floor features quatrefoil bracing, under
windows and herringbone bracing in alternating directions.
79 North west corner, between northern and western builds. Northern build of single story in coursed
brick. Western build extends to north with later addition extension. Extension has been decorated,
sympathetic of western buildings post and panel wall. West builds northern extension features lean
to roof onto northern build. Access into northern build room 10, in north west corner.
80 North western corner. Northern build of single story in coursed brick. Western build extends to
north with later addition extension. Extension has been decorated, sympathetic of western buildings
post and panel wall. West builds northern extension features lean to roof onto northern build. Access
into northern build room 10, in north west corner.

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81 Western build, eastern elevation. To left of central ground floor window, left hand corner timbers,
Possible assemblage marks.
82 Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorated elevation. Ground floor features three
timber framed mullion windows. First floor features one timber framed mullion window and one
timber framed oriel mullion window. Second floor features central oriel timber framed mullion
window. Wall features timber jetty, between ground and first floors, with decorative corbels.
Ground floor features timber posts and mid rail. first floor features quatrefoil bracing, under
windows and herringbone bracing in alternating directions.
83 North west corner between northern and eastern builds. Northern build of single story in coursed
brick. Western build extends to north with later addition extension. Extension has been decorated,
sympathetic of western buildings post and panel wall. West builds northern extension features lean
to roof onto northern build. Access into northern build room 10, in north west corner.
84 Northern buildings southern elevation. Single storey coursed red brick covered in vegetation.
85 Entrance into room 10, through southern elevation. Western side. Elevation built in brick, canted
stone door frame. With timber plank and batten door. Door fixed with decorative “fleur de lis” strap
hinges. Room 10, roof structure, lean to roof extends from western building northern corner over
northern builds western side.
86 Detail. Entrance into northern build room 10. Decorative “fleur de lis” strap hinge end.
87 North eastern corner, between north build and eastern build. Both builds built of “English bond”
coursed brick. Both buildings one story, however eastern build built higher with higher internal
88 North gable of room 15. Coursed build of “English Bond” bricks, outbuildings feature “English
Garden Wall Bond” course. Entrance to 10B, (right), Eastern cellar, (left). Roof of entrance to cellar
is raised with slate lean too. Cellar build then lowers with lower lean-to roof of slate. Lower build
features small stone window.
89 Eastern build in two sections. North section is one story, with raised internal ceilings. South section
to south build three storey. North section features two stone renewal mullioned windows. North
gable of roof has been decoratively heightened in brick.
90 Eastern build in two sections. North section is one story with raised internal ceilings. South section
to south build, three storeys. North section features coursed brick star shaped, triple chimney stack
with ceramic pots. Southern build features decorative star shaped coursed brick chimney.
91 Eastern build, from south. View of northern single-story building roof. Tiled roof with central slate
ridge tile. Roof topped with later addition chimney stacks. Triple stacked chimney in coursed brick
and flat coursed brick base, each stack features decorative pot.
92 Eastern build in two sections. North section is one story with raised internal ceilings. South section
to south build three stories. North section features two stone renewal mullioned windows. South
section features stone renewal mullion windows in ground and first floors.
93 South eastern corner, between brick eastern build and southern elevation, random coursed stone.
Remaining timber wall post of possible earlier jetty with decorative corbel top. Post matches those
of western builds plank and panel wall however, this particular one is out of place and on its own.
94 Detail, front face of timber corbel, decorated in arcading and topped with daisy.
95 Detail, north face of timber corbel, decorated with daisy. Much of the decoration has worn away.
Top left section has been modified/refurbished.
96 One of two doorways down to eastern cellar. Lean-to built in brick. With canted brick door frame
and chamfered stop cut stone lintel. Timber plank and batten door with latch.
97 North east courtyard. All builds, except 14A, built in “English Garden Wall Bond” course.
Courtyard comprises of entrances into build, eastern cellar and various outbuildings. Entrance into
room 13 west, coal shed out building. Doorway topped with stone lintel and framed in canted bricks.
98 Room 14A, outbuilding, built in “English Bond” brick course. Entrance fitted with modified
segmental stone arch lintel.
99 Into room 14B. Outbuilding. Doorway topped with stone lintel with chamfer and cut stops. Frame
made with canted bricks.
100 Room 14A, outbuilding, built in “English Bond” brick course. Western elevation features three
timber framed windows with connecting stone lintel. Each window features leaded cames in a
diamond pattern with glass.
101 Northern recess with internal corbelled bricks surround. Recess/chute timber framed with plank and
batten timber shutter.

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102 Room 14A, outbuilding, entrance fitted with modified segmental stone arch lintel, with timber plank
door cut to fit.
103 Out building 14A windows hold timber shelf.
104 North wall small timber framed window with timber lintel.
105 Western wall of build. Bottom of wall features blocked in pitched brick arch.
106 Cellar entrance features two builds. Build with doorway built higher, presumably to allow for door.
Lower back of cellar lean-to features small stone framed window with diamond pattern leaded
cames and glass.
107 Lower back of cellar lean-to features small stone framed window with diamond pattern leaded
cames and glass.
108 Western wall of cellar build, 14C. Possible earlier entrance/exit. Pitched arch brick lintel, now
blocked up.
109 Detail, back of timber plank and batten door. Chamfered wooden door bolt with decoration corner
arrows and metal latch. Note these door bolts only found on entrance doors to cellars.
110 From cellar bottom to north eastern courtyard. Eastern wall of coursed stone, part rendered.
111 Spiral coursed brick steps down to eastern cellar. Northern wall coursed brick in two different
112 Lean-to roof structure above spiral staircase. Later addition timber rafters and principals. Under
ceramic tiles.
113 Timber plank and batten door southern front entrance into building. Door fitted externally with
decorative strap hinge. Internally fitted with square wooden lock, two bolts and latch. Door
placement under timber chamfered beam and to right, timber door frame.
114 Southern facing window in south elevation of porch. Victorian/Tudor Stone framed mullion renewal
with lead came diamond windows. Window to left features smaller pattern than window to right.
115 Timber bench with panelled timber back. Panels decorated with carved arched mouldings of
guilloche with foliage in the spandrels.
116 Ashlar Ogee arch over canted brick stone supports, between the porch and entrance passageway.
Heritage report suggests, possibly built of local Grinshill sandstone, pg., 20.
117 Ashlar Ogee arch over canted brick stone supports, between the porch and entrance passageway.
Heritage report suggests, possibly built of local Grinshill sandstone, pg., 20.
118 In distance, external porch situated awkwardly against entrance into passageway. Passageway
(south) features internal segmental arch with canted ashlar stone. Door to west enters room 3.
Timber wainscot panelling with decorative chamfered mullions, sit above raised stone munting
between rooms.
119 Eastern wall features timber wainscot panelling with decorative chamfered mullions, however differ
from western wall. Mullions appear thicker and the bottom row has been partially blocked by
additional timber munting. This timber munting also sits upon a further stone munting that has less
height than its western counterpart. Door in south of wall has been installed in a later phase to add
access to later addition stairwell. Doorway also features a timber step
120 North eastern corner. Eastern timber panel wall rests against northern entrance wall, exit into central
courtyard. Northern wall random coursed stone with ashlar voussoirs segmental arch.
121 Northern exit from room 2 into central courtyard. Exit features inner segmental arch with ashlar
voussoirs, that sit upon random coursed stone of the northern wall. Right hand wall is partially
splayed. External pointed arch is ill fitted, evidence for which can be seen by dropped right side and
offset keystone. Arch is fitted with a timber batten stud panel decorated double arched door.
122 Eastern panel walls, (square) internal panel with decoration, 26.5-inch length by 25-inch height,
with post width 5.5 inch.
123 Entrance into room 19b from room 2 through eastern timber panelled wall. Entrance topped with
decorative timber lintel. Lintel decoration features, two carved elliptical arches with central
connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced daisy wheels and arcading. Either end of each
arch sits upon timber carved corbels with daisy wheel and acanthus leaf decoration. Note, door
lintel and frame are narrower than western entrance, into room 3, Offset, opposite. Also, decoration
only features on western side but plain on east. Arch corbels however fully decorated.
124 Central, drop pendant features arcading and leaf decoration.
125 Left corbel, Daisy wheel decoration.
126 Right corbel, acanthus leaf decoration.

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127 Central, drop pendant features arcading and leaf decoration, and corbels features daisy wheels.
128 Western panel walls, (rectangular), internal panel with decoration, 22.5-inch length by 25.5- inch
height. Post width 5.5. Remains of apotropaic marks.
129 Entrance into room 3 from room 2 through western timber panelled wall. Entrance topped with
decorative timber lintel. Lintel decoration features, two carved elliptical arches with central
connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced lunettes with foliage. Arch spandrels feature
daisy wheels, and part carved pediment. Either end of each arch sits upon timber carved corbels
with daisy wheel and acanthus leaf decoration. Central drop pendant features arcading and leaf
130 Entrance into room 3 from room 2 through western timber panelled wall. Entrance topped with
decorative timber lintel. Lintel decoration features, two carved elliptical arches with central
connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced lunettes with foliage. Arch spandrels feature
daisy wheels, and part carved pediment. Either end of each arch sits upon timber carved corbels
with daisy wheel and acanthus leaf decoration. (left arch).
131 Entrance into room 3 from room 2 through western timber panelled wall. Entrance topped with
decorative timber lintel. Lintel decoration features, two carved elliptical arches with central
connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced lunettes with foliage. Arch spandrels feature
daisy wheels, and part carved pediment. Either end of each arch sits upon timber carved corbels
with daisy wheel and acanthus leaf decoration. (right arch)
132 Entrance into room 2 from room 3 through eastern timber panelled wall. Entrance topped with
decorative timber lintel. Lintel decoration features, two carved elliptical arches with central
connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced lunettes with foliage. Arch spandrels feature
daisy wheels. Either end of each arch sits upon timber carved corbels with daisy wheel and acanthus
leaf decoration. Central drop pendant features arcading and leaf decoration.
133 Northern exit from room 2 into central courtyard. Exit features inner segmental arch with ashlar
voussoirs, that sit upon random coursed stone of the northern wall. Right hand wall is partially
splayed. External pointed arch which is ill fitted evidence for which can be seen by dropped right
side and offset keystone. Arch is fitted with a timber batten false panel decorated double arched
134 Timber door between room 2 and central courtyard. Fitted with wooden bolt fixed with metal
decorative straps and a metal twisted circular latch handle with internal latch. Latch handle made
with half twisted decoration fitted to a decorative baseplate.
135 Southern panel walls, (rectangular), internal panel with decoration, 12-inch length by 21-inch
height, posts width 4 inch wide.
136 Western panel walls, (rectangular), internal panel with decoration, 11.5-inch length by 20.5-inch
height, posts width 4 inch wide.
137 Northern panel wall, (rectangular0, internal panel with decoration, 12.5-inch length by 21-inch
height, posts width 4 inch.
138 Eastern panel walls, (rectangular), internal panel with decoration, 24.5-inch length by 28.2-inch
height. Only post and panel wall with carved post decoration. Remains of apotropaic marks.
139 Western wall. Timber panelling same design as north and south walls with doorway into room 4
(left) and passageway 5 (right) doorway into room 4 spans full thickness of wall with hidden door
within left of panelled frame. Top end of wall features painted banner that runs around south, west
and northern walls. West banner depicts houseowners various family crests and dates.
140 Banner paintings of vases of tulips, between window splays and walls.
141 Northern wall features hand painted banner above timber panelling and stone fireplace. Banner
depicts hunting scene. Internal fireplace splayed coursed brick upon stone hearth.
142 Western wall. Timber panelling same design as north and south walls with doorway into room 4
(left) and passageway 5 (right) doorway into room 4 spans full thickness of wall, hidden door within
left of panelled frame. Top end of wall features painted banner that runs around south, west and
northern walls. West banner depicts houseowners various family crests and dates.
143 Family crest of Blunden heraldry, Francis Charlton’s mother. Heritage report, pgs. 17/18
144 Shield with date of work. Heritage report, pgs. 17/18
145 Crest of Charlton heraldry. Heritage report, pgs. 17/18
146 Shield with initials for Charlton crest, with “F” for Francis and “D” for Dorothy Bromwich,
Francis’s wife. Heritage report, pgs. 17/18
147 Dorothy Bromwich, heraldry crest. Heritage report, pgs. 17/18

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

148 Southern wall features three windows set within timber panelling. Windows to left and centre
feature stone mullioned casements with diamond pattern lead came glass. Window to left also
feature splay. Window to right also feature casement window situated like the left however it also
features recess seating within the timber panelling.
149 Northern wall, two, pointed arch window with pointed trefoil arch frames. Central stone fireplace
appears lopsided. Windows and fireplace set within timber panelling that comprises three quarters
of the wall space. Timber panelling in northern wall appears to have degraded more than panelling
found on all other walls in room.
150 North wall, one of two windows. Window to right of central fireplace. Window set in deep cut
canted stone surround with pointed arch. Window itself external, features two, pointed trefoil arches
with central mullion, glass set in diamond pattern with lead came strips. Each glass arch also features
four thin horizontal metal bars.
151 Central, intersection of transverse beams and joists. Joists and transverse beams decorated with
stepped and chamfered timbers with decorative cut stop ends. Joist timbers have been lengthened
to beams with a thin section of wood and pegged to timbers, suggesting they have been added at a
later date to the beams. Decorative plaster course of transverse beams has been interrupted by joist
152 Hidden cupboard within panelled wall between rooms 3 and 4
153 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand
painted “Fleur de les” decoration as well as plaster cornice decoration, suggesting earlier course of
room has been altered.
154 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand
painted “Fleur de les” decoration as well as plaster cornice decoration, suggesting earlier course of
room has been altered.
155 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand
painted “Fleur de les” decoration as well as plaster cornice decoration, suggesting earlier course of
room has been altered. Additional evidence supported by chamfered timber wall post with
decorative cut stop ends extending from ceiling. timber also features remnants of paint.
156 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Continuation of timber wall
post to where it has been cut off.
157 Southern wall (west building). Modification has added a large stone renewal mullioned bay window
to the southern wall. The window also features diamond pattern leaded cames. Some of the windows
are casements. The bay window also features boxed seating on a raised timber floor. The rest of the
room also features box panelling, painted white, however is thought to have been a later 19 th century
addition, (see heritage report).
158 South western corner, large fireplace, with stone surround. Back lined with 19th century brick.
Hearth made of stone flagstones with pitched stone surround. Fireplace topped with decorative,
corbelled mantel. Stone surround of fireplace also finished off with decorative architrave.
159 Detail. Decoration of fireplace. Corbels come in sets of two. Decorated with intertwined lunettes
and spiral patterns. Above is a course of small crenulations, above that is a moulded mantel shelf.
160 Detail. Fireplace hearth made up of stone flagstones encompassed by pitched stone surround.
161 Rooms ceiling lined with decorative moulded ovolo cornice.
162 South western corner, large fireplace. To left of fireplace is a small partially blocked, stone framed
window with diamond pattern leaded cames. To right of fireplace is a stone renewal mullioned
window. With six glass panes featuring decorative diamond pattern leaded cames. Central, bottom
window is a casement. Window is placed in a recess within the western panelled wall and features
a seated window box.
163 Small cupboard in north west corner of northern wall. Northern internal wall made of timber plank
partition, fitted with wooden shelves. Low ceiling above, of cut timbers topped with timber planks.
164 Small cupboard in north west corner of northern wall. Internal eastern wall made up of pegged
timber plank and panels, possible remains of earlier wall.
165 General. Staircase above and west.
166 Flat topped newel post
167 Landing of stairs between ground and first floor, ramped timber hand rail to flat topped landing
newel post.
168 Door access from stair landing of room 5 into room 5a store. Timber architrave doorway fitted with
timber plank panel door.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

169 Southern timber post and panelled wall between rooms 5a and 4. Timber appears to have been
repurposed as post has been cut to hold a joist.
170 Store cupboard accessed from room five. The southern wall features a timber post and panel wall
build. Panels are painted white with black post timbers. Wall appears to be remains of an external
building now within the western cross. Wall features many of the characteristics of the external
western wings C17th century eastern elevation. The wall features what looks to be a corner timber
post on the north western edge. This edge then continues south but is blocked, against the current
build western elevation plank and panel wall
171 Coursed stone foundation of southern wall in room 5A. Underneath timber panel and post wall.
172 Store cupboard accessed from room five. The southern wall features a timber post and panel wall
build. Panels are painted white with black post timbers. Wall appears to be remains of an external
building now within the western cross wing. Wall features many of the characteristics of the external
western wings C17th eastern elevation. The wall features what looks to be a corner post on the north
western edge. This edge then continues south but is blocked, against the current build’s western
elevation plank and panel wall.
173 Possible earlier timber panelled southern wall, between room 5A and 4. Wall is built on top of
coursed stone foundation. Evidence which would also suggest this to have once been an external
wall. Continuation of wall south east is covered in timber planks. Eastern wall is the back of the
plank and panel wall of room 3, however this to, within room 5A, is built on top of a coursed stone
174 Northern wall between rooms 5a and 5. Ceiling holds a repurposed beam with, (now) unused cut
for joists. Wall is lined with cut timber posts and fitted with lathe and plaster. Exposed above lathe
and plaster is the staircase from ground to first floor, via room 5
175 Southern wall and entrance into small cupboard. Partition made up of lathe and plaster, with small
timber framed doorway.
176 Small cupboard underneath stairwell, of room 5. Northern wall is made up of a coursed stone
foundation underneath timber post and panelled wall. Wall bulges externally to the east. The
northern wall much like the southern wall of room 5a would suggest a possible earlier alignment of
buildings, before addition of the staircase, or earlier.
177 Small cupboard underneath stairwell, of room 5. Western wall is made up of a coursed stone
foundation underneath a plastered wall. Foundation wall features slight internal batter. Note, floor
of room extends from west as possible medieval ceramic tiles to east build of red brick.
178 Flooring course change. West medieval tiles, east brick.
179 South western corner. Much of room has been recently redecorated. South wall features plinthed
wall under wooden skirting. Possibly due to stone foundation found in room 5b. Western wall
features a small splayed stone renewal window with diamond pattern leaded cames.
180 Eastern elevation. Windows are timber mullioned frame with architrave. Each window is fitted with
leaded cames in diamond pattern. Windows also feature lead horizontal bars. Window frames have
been painted with white gloss paint.
181 Western wall of room features internal chimney and stone surround fireplace. Fireplace feature ogee
arch lintel and ovolo mantle. Fireplace also features stone/concrete hearth with pitch string
182 Northern wall, partition of modern plywood has been installed between rooms 6 and 7. Wall above
and to east also appears to have been modified/boxed in.
183 Ceiling space is made up of two chamfered timber transverse beams with cut stops running west to
east. Joist timbers running from south to north giving the effect of panelling. Joist timbers are also
chamfered with cut stop ends.
184 South wall timber plywood partition between rooms 6 and 7.
185 Western elevation. 19th century brick surround in fireplace, painted red.
186 South western corner. Room 7 has been heavily modernised.
187 North western corner. Timber framed transom window between rooms 7 and 8. Window blocked
off in room 8
188 North wall between room 7 and 8. Access granted via timber framed ledged and braced, plank and
batten door.
189 Room 8 General, east.

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190 Corridor, room 8, between rooms 9, 10, 7, and western cellar. Room also leads to stairwell from
ground to first floor, stairwell fitted with a partition of timber panelling. Room heavily modernised.
Western exit fitted with plank and batten door with glass fanlight.
191 General (from room 10)
192 Entrance to stairwell between ground and first floor. Entrance fitted with timber framed doorway
with “French” styled glass paned door.
193 Western exit fitted with plank and batten door with diamond pattern, lead came, glass fanlight.
194 Entrance to stairwell between ground and first floor. Entrance fitted with timber framed doorway
with “French” styled glass paned door.
195 Exposed chamfer timber cross beam between rooms 7 and 9, runs through room 8. Painted white.
196 Northern gable. Splayed stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern leaded came glass.
Window lintel made up of pitched brick. Window features timber plank and batten shutters.
197 Western wall holds brick - built bread oven with corbelled brick top. To right of oven is a brick
fireplace and internal chimney stack, topped with a mantle with decorative ovolo corbels. The
fireplace holds a cast iron stove. Much of the room appears to be made of brick with modern
plastering, parquet tiled floor and sections of ceramic modern tiled walls.
198 Brick built bread oven with cast iron door and pitched stone arch lintel.
199 Corbelled brick top of bread oven.
200 Ceiling of room holds timber joists running south to north. Presumably from the beam between
rooms 8 and 9 to northern gable wall plate.
201 Northern gable. Splayed stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern leaded came glass.
Window lintel made up of pitched brick. Window features timber plank and batten shutters.
202 Timber plank and batten braced door into central courtyard. Entrance, right into room 8. Fitted with
stone lintel and canted brick frame. Other door to right blocked in internally into room 9. Also holds
stone lintel and canted brick frame. Door to left into room 10a, same as doors to left.
203 Corridor entrance/exit in north elevation. Corridor access to room 8, 9, (now blocked in internally)
central courtyard and 10a. Corridor built in “English Garden Wall Bond” course. Floor made of
brick in stretcher bond formation. Northern exit has stone arched lintel, (Seen better externally).
With timber plank, batten and braced door.
204 Timber plank and braced batten door with stone lintel. East and west brick walls appear to be built
against arch, therefore blocking what is visible internally.
205 Floor made of brick in stretcher bond formation.
206 Southern wall, entrance into courtyard. Lean to pitched ceiling, with mock Tudor panelling.
207 Corridor between rooms 10a and 10B, room 11 entered in the north. Building built of brick with
stone renewal mullioned window, with lead came diamond pattern glass.
208 Southern wall, stone renewal mullioned window, with lead came diamond pattern glass. Central
window is casement, fitted with spiral latch.
209 Northern wall window. Stone renewal mullioned window with leaded came strips in diamond
pattern. Left window is a casement.
210 Exit into north eastern courtyard through timber plank braced and battened door. Door topped with
stone lintel and surround.
211 North eastern corner, brick coursed wall. Walls plastered, room currently used as workshop, older
brick course northern wall under worktops
212 Ceiling structure. timber frame, timber tie beam supports, principals and queen struts. Ceiling
lowered, hiding apex.
213 North western corner, projection of brick coursed wall. Walls plastered
214 North eastern corner, brick coursed wall. Walls plastered, room currently used as workshop
215 Older brick course northern wall under worktops.
216 Modern toilet. With small splayed casement window. Window fitted with diamond pattern lead
217 Single story outbuilding in the northern complex. Featuring central timber framed window with
corbelled brick surround, and vertical splay. Window also topped with pitched brick arch. Building
construct in “English Garden Wall Bond” brick course. Lower half of northern wall is a mixture of
coursed stone and plaster. Wall topped with timber wall plate and rafters.
218 Roof structure. timber rafters, purlins and central ridge plank. All a later addition build

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

219 Southern wall accessible from room 10B. Timber framed doorway and lintel. Under pitched brick
arch. Timber bracers feature in brick wall.
220 Southern wall. Central internal fireplace with mantle. Currently holds modern boiler. Brick built
bread oven to left. Floor made up of modern flagstones.
221 Brick built bread oven, cast iron stove built in with latch.
222 Brick built bread oven, cast iron stove built in with latch.
223 South eastern corner. Brick built bread oven. Eastern wall blocked by large wooden cupboard.
224 Northern wall of room, modern appliances and fixtures. Central Stone renewal window with
diamond pattern leaded came. Windows also feature horizontal lead bars.
225 Northern wall of room, groves cut in plaster. The heritage report suggests cuts made for the
placement of plates.
226 Western wall. Stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern leaded cames. Windows also
feature horizontal lead bars. Central bottom window is casement. Stone frame decorated with simple
architrave. Lintel has been plastered over.
227 Southern wall, entrance into room 16. Entrance fitted with timber frame doorway and panelled door.
228 Room 16 has been refurbished with a modern kitchen.
229 Ceiling features two chamfered cross beams with cut stops.
230 Western wall. Stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern leaded came. Windows also
feature horizontal lead bars. Central bottom window is casement. Stone frame decorated with simple
architrave. Lintel has been plastered over.
231 Corridor between rooms 16, 18 and 19b. modern door frames and timber panelled doors. Wooden
skirting. Brick floor in stretcher bond.
232 Door into 19b topped with timber framed transom window. Western wall features angled recess.
233 Eastern wall doorway into room 18. Doorway feature timber architrave frame with timber plank
and panel door with fanlight.
234 Door into 19b topped with timber framed transom window. Western wall features angled recess.
235 Western wall features stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern leaded came. Lintel
and sill appear as simple wooden frame.
236 Eastern elevation features stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern leaded cames.
Floor made of stretcher bond brick pattern.
237 Eastern and southern walls have been fitted with wooden cabinets with timber counter tops.
238 North eastern corner recess caused by central projection, fitted with timber shelves.
239 Eastern entrance into room 20. Timber door frame with architrave fitted with timber panelled door.
Wall also feature timber string course and architrave skirting.
240 Doorway into small room, 19C, under stairwell (22), door positioned within timber panel wall. Door
is timber planked and studded. Featuring an iron lock bolt and round headed strap hinges.
241 Blocked in doorway into room 21, door frame consists of two chamfered timber posts within timber
panelled walls, Bottom of timber wall post. Cut stop holds decoration
242 Blocked in doorway into room 21, door frame consists of two chamfered timber posts within timber
panelled walls, Bottom of timber wall post. Cut stop holds decoration
243 Timber frame central to room, arch built on top of chamfered timber wall posts, underneath stair
(room 22)
244 North wall central chamfered timber wall post with cut stop end. Skirting continues its course
however is different either side of post.
245 Northern wall. Situated between chamfered cut stop timber of entrance into room 2 and central
chamfered cut stop wall post, stone renewal mullioned window, with diamond pattern leaded came
windows. Windows also feature lead horizontal bars.
246 General, inside 19C, under stairs room 22.
247 Modernised bathroom. Room has been partitioned off centre. To allow for boundary wall around
toilet. The partition cuts through the middle of a stone renewal window with diamond pattern leaded
cames and casement.
248 Southern partition features a five panelled timber door with timber architrave frame. The partition
also features a built-in cupboard area.
249 Right side of window from within toilet.
250 Toilet
251 General, timber panel wainscoting northern and western walls.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

252 Southern wall of room has the addition of a bay window (east). This modification has added a large
stone renewal mullioned bay window to the southern wall. The window also features diamond
pattern leaded cames. Some of the windows are casements. The bay window also features a panelled
seating area in keeping with the rest of the room.
253 Eastern panelled wall. Central stone fireplace and mantel. Hearth made of brick with plinth course
surround. Back of fireplace built in coursed brick. Fireplace feature cast iron stove.
254 Running opposite, each other in the south east and south west corners of the room are two high
placed stone renewal windows, with diamond pattern leaded cames.
255 Western wall, timber panelled wall between room 22 staircase, 19B and 19C.
256 Ceiling structure, seen also in room three, joist beams have been slightly lengthened and pegged to
traverse beams. This and the cornice work would suggest the joist beams to be of a later addition.
Joist beams are chamfered with decorative triangular cut stops, beams also chamfered. Note room
3 feature same ceiling structure design however, beams run north to south. In this room the beams
run east to west.
257 Panelled wall features timber wall post with chamfering and cut stop ends. Wall post sits directly
under ceiling timber beam. Note room 3 features same ceiling structure design however, beams run
north to south. In this room the timber beams run east to west.
258 Point where timber post meets timber panel floor, timber decorated with stepped chamfer ending in
cut stops. Panelled wall features timber wall post with chamfering and cut stop ends. Wall post sits
directly under ceiling timber beam. Doorway through western wall is visible however now
inaccessible due to placement of stair. Panel wall also does not have munting.
259 Eastern panelled wall. Central stone fireplace and mantel. Hearth made of brick with plinth course
surround. Back of fireplace built in coursed brick. Fireplace feature cast iron stove. Stove fitted
against cast iron fireback.
260 Fireplace back inscribed, (right)
261 Fireplace back inscribed, (left) with date “1649”
262 From first floor landing to ground floor. Stairs feature timber ovolo hand rails left, and right. With
basic central timber rail.
263 From room 2 stairwell up to first floor
264 Stairs, first to ground floors, eastern building. Door to right into room 2. South eastern corner
features stone mullion window, internal renewal, with diamond pattern leaded cames. Each window
features horizontal bars. Bottom south wall features timber dado. To left is boxed in timber wall
265 North wall, stone framed window features two, pointed trefoil arches with central mullion, glass set
in diamond pattern with lead came strip. Each window also features horizontal and central vertical
iron bars. Right hand window holds casement..
266 Corridor into corridor 23a right, and room 26 to 27 to the left. Left wall features projected timber
panel wall of staircase to second floor. Southern wall features box panelling and dado. Eastern
elevation features stone renewal framed window with central mullion, and glass set in diamond
pattern with lead came strip. Bottom left window is casement.
267 Eastern elevation features stone renewal framed window with central mullion, and glass set in
diamond pattern with lead came strip. Bottom left window is casement.
268 Timber panelling encompasses staircase to second floor. Bottom of staircase back fitted with small
door to cupboard space.
269 Access to rooms 27, left and 26, right.
270 Access to room 23a passageway between 24, left and 25, south.
271 Northern wall. Doorway into 23a from 23. Ceiling structure above doorway. Timber wall post. has
been sectioned with the cut just above the modern door frame. Decorative cornice work and timber
continues into room 24, Both suggest the later installation of a partition wall between rooms 23a,
and 24
272 Cut section of wall post.
273 Wall post under timber beam and joist intersection. Joist is chamfered with cut stop. Timber beam
is chamfered with a more elaborately decorated cut stop. Hand moulded cornice follows course of
timbers. Beam runs across doorway into room 25.
274 Door frame into room 25, frame butted against chamfered timber wall post with cut stop end. End
of post appears to be positioned within floor.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

275 Eastern elevation, centre of wall features stone renewal mullion window, with diamond pattern
leaded cames. Central window features horizontal bars. Roof structure chamfered timber beams
west to east, chamfered joists run north to south.
276 Western wall partition between 24 and 23a, entrance through four panelled timber door. Transom
light above door way off centred. Transom light has wooden frame and frosted glass.
277 Northern wall, ceiling structure, timber joist runs from timber beam. Joist is chamfered with cut
stops. Beam and end of joist have been painted white. Hand moulded cornice work follows the path
of the timbers.
278 Southern wall, Ceiling structure, timber joist runs from timber beam. Joist is chamfered with cut
stops. Hand moulded cornice work follows the path of the timbers.
279 Northern wall, ceiling structure, timber joist runs from timber beam. Joist is chamfered with cut
stops. Hand moulded cornice work follows the path of the timbers, though ends abruptly on left
280 Southern bay window with timber panel and dado wraparound. Stone renewal mullion window,
with diamond pattern leaded cames. Two of the windows are casement.
281 Southern bay window with timber panel and dado wraparound. Stone renewal mullion window,
with diamond pattern leaded cames. Two of the windows are casement. Note, Timber running across
bay ceiling appears to be a chamfered cut stop joist, rather than a beam normally associated in the
position in the end of a gable.
282 South eastern corner, wall holds small stone framed window with diamond pattern leaded cames
and a single horizontal iron bar. Underneath window holds slight projection shelf. Possibly what
once was a vertical splay, like those found in the western building, DSCN3689.
283 Eastern wall, stone-built fireplace and mantle with back of white china tile with blue decoration.
Fireplace holds cast iron grate.
284 Eastern wall, stone-built fireplace and mantle with back of white china tile with blue decoration.
Fireplace holds cast iron grate. Room slightly skewed appearance, southern wall and ceiling appear
to be leaning possibly due to the installation of the bay window. Right hand wall holds small stone
framed window with diamond pattern leaded cames and a single horizontal iron bar
285 Eastern wall, eight panelled door, set within walls timber frame, access from room 25
286 Western wall, build of timber post and panel walls with munting.
287 Western wall, build of timber post and panel walls with munting.
288 Southern wall, square cut recess with shelf featuring a stone renewal mullion window, with diamond
pattern leaded cames. Right window appears to be modified for the installation of a small casement
289 Detail, scar in timber door post where doors hinges once were.
290 South eastern corner, detail, remaining door hook/fastening for earlier door.
291 Room surrounding build of timber post and panel walls. Timbers have been modified with cuts and
repairs and fixed with wooden pegs. Some timbers are etched with carpenters’ marks.
292 Room surrounding build of timber post and panel walls. Timbers have been modified with cuts and
repairs and fixed with wooden pegs. End of timber room beam from room 25 pokes through wall,
into joist hole cut within eastern walls timber panelling.
293 Northern wall, addition of projected cabinet and wall. Both projections appear built within the
eastern and western walls over the post and panel constructs. Cabinet rises from bottom wall to
ceiling. Cabinet contains four timber panelled doors. Two lower doors feature 8 panels each, two
top smaller doors feature 4 panels each.
294 Northern wall, addition of projected cabinet and wall. Both projections appear built within the
eastern and western walls over the post and panel constructs. Cabinet rises from bottom wall to
ceiling. Cabinet contains four timber panelled doors. Two lower doors feature 8 panels each, two
top smaller doors feature 4 panels each.
295 When opened the cabinet exposes the north, west and east wall, post and panel walls. Showing the
cabinet just to be a framed opening into a recess, lined with a timber shelf
296 When opened the cabinet exposes the north, west and east wall, post and panel walls. Showing the
cabinet just to be a framed opening into a recess, lined with a timber shelf, inside, right.
297 When opened the cabinet exposes the north, west and east wall, post and panel walls. Showing the
cabinet just to be a framed opening into a recess, lined with a timber shelf. Upper cabinet, inside,

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

298 Bathroom fitted with modern fixtures/fittings and wallpapered. Eastern elevation holds two stone
renewal mullioned windows with leaded cames in diamond pattern, however external photographs
show the two windows to be one. Meaning the centre of the window has been boarded over with
the timber frame that currently surrounds the rest of window.
299 Bathroom - modern fixtures/fitting. Room wallpapered and partially tiled.
300 Like room 26, features modern fixtures and fittings. Also wallpapered, holds interesting bath.
Western wall holds a stone renewal mullioned windows with leaded cames in diamond pattern.
301 Stainless steel bath with timber top and panelled side. Stuck around the timber top are a collection
of coins.
302 Coins on the bathtub, Edward VII, 1901-1910
303 Southern wall features possible boxed in wall post.
304 Large timber panel hall. South east corner. Timber post and panels cover all four walls of room.
Floor made of timber planks running east to west. Except in the south eastern side where they change
to north to south, probably due to repair. Ceiling features beams covered in ornate cornices. South
elevation features three stone renewal mullioned windows with diamond pattern leaded cames.
Windows also hold casements. All windows hold panelled splays. Window to the west smaller and
higher set.
305 Southern wall, sections of wall panelling appear to have been refurbished and replaced, sections of
panelling do not match up.
306 South western corner. Central and western stone framed renewal mullion windows with diamond
pattern leaded cames. Windows also hold casements. Windows splayed and panelled. Window to
west smaller and placed higher.
307 Western wall between rooms 28 and 29 stairwell. Main entrance feature timber panelled double
doors, each set with 8 panels, doors open from centre.
308 Northern elevation, Off centred stone fireplace with stone mantle. Fireplace now holds modern
heating device, fireplace back made of coursed red brick.
309 Northern elevation. Timber post and panelled walls. Two stone framed mullioned windows with
diamond pattern leaded cames. Windows splayed and panelled. Off centred stone fireplace with
stone mantle. Fireplace now holds modern heating device, fireplace back made of coursed red brick.
310 Elaborate cornice work over timber beams, featuring three distinct types of moulded decoration,
including acanthus leaves.
311 Elaborate cornice work over timber beams, featuring three distinct types of moulded decoration,
including acanthus leaves. Decoration on central panels on the flat of beam appears to be three
people in a circle.
312 Elaborate cornice work over timber beams, featuring three distinct types of moulded decoration,
including acanthus leaves. Edge cornice works are possibly a form of “egg and dart” mouldings.
313 Section of timber plank floor to south east of room has been modified running north to south, rest
of rooms timber planks run east to west, middle of plank replacement flooring bows and feels
unsteady underfoot.
314 30 into room 31 (ahead). Left wall features timber plank and panelling. Right wall made of vertical
timber planks.
315 First floor staircase landing enters to room 33 north, and room 28 east. Staircase handrail ends at
northern wall. Rest of room surround, Dado rail and panelling.
316 Double doors into room 28. Doorway frame timber architrave, double doors are timber panelled.
317 Door to room 32, inaccessible, currently blocked in internally. Door is timber panelled.
318 Western wall, recess between doors into 31 south and 32 west. Recess holds large timber fitted
cupboard. Above cupboard in western wall is a timber framed transom with opaque glass.
319 Door to room 32, inaccessible, currently blocked in internally. Door is timber panelled, with frosted
glass transom.
320 Eastern wall, partial panelling southern area has been removed exposing a mixture of coursed brick
and random coursed stone. Small stone framed window to left, boarded up. Window feature side
and bottom splay. Window surround of stone quoins. And topped with repair, stone lintel.
321 Remains of decorative timber panel work removed during insect infestation.
322 South west corner exposes recently block in window. Parallel with south east corner. Side and
bottom splays. Framed window with repair work. Under timber wall plate of attic above.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

323 Detail, central fire place with stone surround and mantle. Fireplace holds cast iron stove with grille.
Back surround of blue and white floral decorative tiles. Stove lined either side with coursed brick.
324 Large wrap around bay window, lined in timber panelling. Featured, large stone renewal mullioned
bay window to the southern wall. The window also features diamond pattern leaded cames. Some
of the windows are casements.
325 West, repaired central chamfered beam, with cut stop ends.
326 East, repaired ceiling joists and beams.
327 Room 31 has a surround of timber panelled walls featured in other rooms within the build. This
room has undergone repairs due to insect infestation. The room is partially surrounded with timber
panelling, the roof structure is exposed, the timber beam has been expertly repaired and pegged in
keeping with rest of the house.
328 Rest of room features modern bathroom fixtures and fittings.
329 Western wall partially timber panelled with stone renewal mullioned window. The window also
features diamond pattern leaded cames. Bottom right window is a casement.
330 South east corner, beam fixed with chamfered cut stop joist, beam extends through wall into room
30, above the doorway into 31. See DSCN3682
331 South west corner. Room has been wallpapered. Room encompassed with wooden skirting boards.
Western wall features two stone renewal mullioned windows with diamond pattern leaded cames
and casement windows. Western wall also features internal chimney stack with stone surround
fireplace and mantle. Fireplace holds small cast iron fire with a back of purple decorated white tiles.
332 Western wall, central internal chimney stack with stone surround fireplace and mantle. Fireplace
holds small cast iron fire with a white tile decorated with landmarks in purple.
333 Eastern elevation, timber framed mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded cames. Window
features central casement with spiral ended latch and turn buckle catch.
334 Northern post and panel partition, later addition built in sympathetic design to builds other features.
Central to wall is a mirrored door into room 34, giving the idea of a secret room, (door closed)
335 Northern post and panel partition, later addition built in sympathetic design to builds other features.
Central to wall is a mirrored door into room 34, giving the idea of a secret room, (door open)
336 Eastern elevation. Holds timber framed mullion window. Ceiling structure appears lowered.
However timber beams remain exposed. Beams all chamfered with cut stop ends and painted in
black lacquer.
337 Opposite side of partition between rooms 33 and 34. Rooms filled with modern cupboards/cabinets
338 Eastern elevation, timber framed mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded cames. Window
features central casement with spiral ended latch and turn buckle catch.
339 Northern wall, features small, stone fireplace with pointed segmental arch, and stone mantle.
Fireplace holds small cast iron fire/grille and brick back.
340 Northern wall features sharp incline to western wall, visible also in room 37.
341 Detail, under beam. North wall incline to western wall, visible also in room 37.
342 First to ground floor. Narrow carpet lined staircase. Timber panel partition wall to right. To left,
wall features projected shelf.
343 Doorway to rooms 36 and 37. Door from 35 to 36, features stain glassed fanlight.
344 Modernised room, southern wall features same incline curvature as room 34. Western wall features
stone renewal framed mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded cames, and casement window.
345 Painted over transom window.
346 Western wall features stone renewal framed mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded cames,
and casement window. Window is splayed with a timber plank sill
347 Exposed in rooms southern wall, painted over timber beam, running east to west. Appears to be
chamfered. North west corner shows decorative cut stop end.
348 Exposed in rooms southern wall, painted over timber beam, running east to west. Appears to be
349 Northern wall features stone renewal framed mullion window, with timber plank sill. Window
features diamond pattern leaded cames, and casement window.
350 Western elevation, internal central fireplace with stone surround and mantle. Fireplace fitted with
iron grille, and brick surrounds and back, all painted white.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

351 North wall timber plank partition between rooms 39 and 40. Partition features two timbers for
reasons unknown as they don’t seem to support anything. Door to left, plank and batten externally
(room 40) now blocked off making it redundant. Beam to left. Continuous from western wall to
eastern wall in room 40
352 Ceiling structure, timber chamfered cut stop beam, from western elevation
353 Ceiling structure, timber chamfered beam, as it continues through eastern partition into room 40
354 Room has been modernised with bathroom as shower facilities
355 Modern shower, bath and tiles.
356 Recess for toilet faculties in north western corner. Recess also features stone renewal mullion
window with leaded came diamond pattern decoration and casement window.
357 Timber panelled boiler cupboard eastern wall.
358 Ceiling structure. chamfered timber beam as it passes through partition between rooms 39, 40
running west to east.
359 Ceiling structure, chamfered timber beam with cut stop ends in eastern elevation. Timber beam rests
upon stone plinth.
360 Timber panelled boiler cupboard eastern wall. Door in north eastern corner leads to narrow hallway
and stair, Room 40A
361 Small corridor at bottom of stair, room 40 to right.
362 Stairwell down to room 23, first floor. Modern staircase with timbers and turned balusters newels
and finials.
363 Small passageway between rooms 49 and 51. Recess in western side with fitted cupboard. Recess
caused by addition of gable ended roof in room 47.
364 Eastern buildings, exposed roof structure of trusses western principal beam. Lower beam timber
principal, upper beams are timbers used for the addition of the southern buildings southern gable.
365 Modified timber structure to allow for the addition of the southern buildings southern gable,
multiple repairs.
366 Modified timber structure to allow for the addition of the southern buildings southern gable,
multiple repairs.
367 Modified timber structure to allow for the addition of the southern buildings southern gable,
multiple repairs.
368 South gable stone renewal window with panes in diamond pattern with leaded cames, and central
369 Boxed in queen strut and principal beams. Remains of partial timber frame to right.
370 Recess projects to chimney stack behind, roof structure. structure of boxed in purlin, principal and
queen post. Fireplace stone with cast iron grille. Western wall holds small timber lined aperture into
building roof space.
371 Western wall holds small timber lined aperture into building roof space.
372 Western wall space multiple phases. Timber rafters, purlins, and valley rafters, with mortared brick
373 Western wall space multiple phases. Timber rafters, purlins, and valley rafters, with mortared brick
374 Western wall space multiple phases. Timber rafters, purlins, and valley rafters, with mortared brick
375 North eastern corner. Modern kitchen. Eastern elevation holds stone renewal window with panes in
diamond pattern with leaded cames, and (left) casement.
376 North west roof structure, boxed in timber beam and joist. Possible principle and valley rafters.
Partition holds square window with frosted glass.
377 Southern wall between 51 and 52. Recess wall built under roof structure. Boxed in beams and joists.
Possible wall projection caused by valley rafter modification of roof to chimney stack in room 51.
378 North eastern corner. Northern wall. Peeled wallpaper exposes coursed brick work behind. Stone
renewal casement window to right with diamond pattern leaded cames.
379 Small modernised bathroom. South wall features square window.
380 Western wall. Small cupboard, 53a, accessed via small door.
381 Eastern wall, entrance to cupboard room 53b. exposed above timber purlin.
382 Internal shot from room 53. Small service room. Apex of roof. Floor of timber planks.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

383 Staircase down to eastern buildings room 49 landing. Timber newel posts topped with finials,
chamfered square balusters.
384 Entrance into room 47 through central plank and batten door
385 South eastern corner. Timber framed hatch to left enters roof space.
386 Dormer with timber mullioned window in northern elevation. Decorated with lead cames in
diamond pattern. With turnbuckle latch.
387 Roof structure, Attic space above collar of roof trusses. Far end, western joint between southern and
western builds. Far collar features two raking struts from collar to principal beams.
388 Roof structure. attic space. Eastern edge features central ridge purlin with timber principals and
timber braces. This however sits above another central purlin with arched braces on top of the timber
collar. This modification would suggest the roof original alignment to have been heightened.
Sectioned between braces and truss beams have been in filled with brick and plastered.
389 Roof structure. attic space. Eastern edge features central ridge purlin with timber principals and
timber braces. This however sits above another central purlin with arched braces on top of the timber
collar. This modification would suggest the roof original alignment to have been heightened.
Sectioned between braces and truss beams have been in filled with brick and plastered.
390 Roof structure. attic space. Eastern edge features central ridge purlin with timber principals and
timber braces. This however sits above another central purlin with arched braces on top of the timber
collar. This modification would suggest the roof original alignment to have been heightened.
Sectioned between braces and truss beams have been in filled with brick and plastered.
391 From 48, roof structure above 49/50. Roof structure possible central timber king post
392 Point where roof structure changes due to addition of central gable in southern elevation. Elevation
hold southern stone renewal window with panes in diamond pattern with leaded cames, and
393 Entrances to room 48 (central) and 47a (right). Both doors wallpapered over.
394 Dormer, mullioned window, with leaded cames in square pattern. Right hand window is a casement
with spiral ended turnbuckle latch. Left and right of the main windows dormer sides, feature glass
panes with leaded cames in square pattern.
395 Left of the main windows dormer side, features glass panes with leaded cames in square pattern.
396 Right of the main windows dormer side, features glass panes with leaded cames in square pattern.
397 Northern wall, part decorative hexagonal recess has been cut and fitted with wooden framed
fireplace and mantle. Fireplace holds cast iron grille. Fireplace back is lined with decorated white
tiles in purple of landmarks. Flue made of coursed brick.
398 Into room 47a, small cupboard space with small wooden framed aperture access eastern building’s
roof space.
399 Into roof space between eastern building roof space and southern gable addition. Featured timber
valley rafters and post.
400 (One room used to be two). Eastern entrance up short flight of stairs to room 47. Stairwell features
timber post and panelling in room 47 external west wall.
401 (One room used to be two). Post and panel partition between rooms 44 and 45/46. Much of ceiling
space has been refurbished, but sympathetic to earlier style. Roof construction, timber truss, with
collar and trenched purlins. Truss is collard with the tie beam set within the floor. Truss features
queen posts, (post to right has been boarded up in plywood,) rafters have been covered over in
modern plywood.
402 (One room used to be two). Ceiling structure. Truss principals with central ridge purlin and pegged
collar, modern refurbishments.
403 (One room used to be two). Southern gable, timber wall plate tie beam with purlins. Wall made of
coursed red brick in two phases. Second phase above window and stone lintel. Central stone renewal
window with panes in diamond pattern with leaded cames, and central casement.
404 (One room used to be two). South gable, timber tie beam/wall plate under earlier phase bricked wall
405 (One room used to be two). Southern gable, timber wall plate tie beam with purlins. Wall made of
coursed red brick in two phases. Second phase above window and stone lintel. Central stone renewal
window with panes in diamond pattern with leaded cames, and central casement.
406 (One room used to be two). Roof modification due to installation of a small gable roof and window
to the western elevation. Though most of the ceiling is now boarded, a timber purlin is exposed
ending at the western brick work above the window.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

407 (One room used to be two). Point of intersection between main roof a gable addition. Main structure,
principal beam with mortice tenon queen post, and trenched purlin. Gable roof, valley rafters,
trenched purlin to gable end truss principal and queen post, later addition.
408 Western wall, stone renewal window with panes in diamond pattern with leaded cames. Window
features both in room 44 and 45/46, with the rooms timber post and panel wall separating it in the
409 Floor of room unstable apart from timber plank walkway, exposed within the floor is a timber arch
that tops the staircase below room 5 to 29. Arch position below timber tie truss beam.
410 Post and panel timber wall partition between rooms 44 and 45/46, panel removed in lower left corner
exposing lathe and plaster.
411 Graffiti on the plastered wall, dated “January 1911”
412 Rough-hewn timber tie beam ends in western elevation. In coursed stone wall. Edge of principal
and timber purling. Timber rafters placed behind truss in opposite direction for the addition of a
small gable roof and window.
413 Point of intersection where roof structure changes course. Timber principal, truss and queen post of
western buildings show remnants of lathe and plaster. Timber post and panelling, (right) sit between
truss and purlin of southern building.
414 Northern partition wall between room 44 and 43. Timber post and panel partition with exposed lathe
and plaster. Partition sits within roof truss. Door between rooms has been boarded up with plywood.
415 From top of room 41 stairs down to 40A. Staircase is very narrow. Timber topped shelf projection
to left.
416 Second floor, accessible via narrow staircase from first floor room 40. Gable holds stone renewal
window with casement, window panes in diamond pattern with leaded cames. Roof structure
exposed, main timber truss principals and purlins. Visible in lower wall are two raking queen struts
situated on top of timber tie beam. Two timbers struts have been added presumably for extra support.
Roof appears lowered, and east and western elevation walls have been brought forward internally.
417 Roof structure, timber purlins and truss principal, lower truss features raking queen post. Eaves wall
made of lathe and plaster.
418 Roof structure, south elevation partition between rooms 41 and 42. Timber truss principal, collar,
and purlins, (east)
419 Entrance from room 41, modern plywood partition holds central timber door
420 Access into room 43, (west), through small timber framed opening in lathe and plaster partition
421 Northern wall, later addition lathe and plaster wall between rooms 42 and 43, roof structure of
timber truss with racking queen struts, trenched purlins, timber principals and pegged tenon collar.
Tie beam under floor level.
422 Southern wall into between rooms 43 and 44. Wall a build of timber post and panel, door to right
blocked off with modern plywood.
423 Central oriel timber framed mullion window, with central casement. Window set with diamond
pattern cames. Frame of window sits between timber lintel and sill with timber posts either side.
Timber purlins between principal (lower) possibly cut.
424 Oriel window floor level. Lathe and plaster floor lead to a course of pitched brick. Further inspection
was unavailable due to floor being unsafe.
425 Change in roof structure between main build and oriel window. Oriel window built within central
western builds roof structure. Valley roof timbers join to main builds principals and central ridge
426 Main roof structure. trenched upper purlin with chamfered cut stop edges. Valley rafters and central
ridge purlin set against main builds trusses, timber principals and central ridge purlin. Rest of roof
structures timber rafters and common rafters.
427 Roof structure between oriel window and main roof structure. joined with valley rafters.
428 Roof structure between oriel window and main roof structure. joined with valley rafters.
429 Detail, west, pegged mortice tenon joist between raking queen strut and principal. Trenched purlin
to principal. Purlin is chamfered and decorated with cut stop ends.
430 Southern wall into between rooms 43 and 44. Wall a build of timber post and panel, door to right
blocked off with modern plywood.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

431 Southern wall into between rooms 43 and 44. Wall a build of timber post and panel, door to right
blocked off with modern plywood. Post and panel joint. Chamfered cut stop timber purlin to
432 Timber roof structure. Pegged mortice tenon jointed principals under central ridge purlin.
433 Western elevation (south) internal brick chimney
434 Timber roof structure has changed beyond principal. Beam. Valley rafters have been added due to
the incorporation of the (north) western brick chimney into the roof structure.
435 Principal to collar join, assemblage marks.
436 Floor space of room. Timber tie beam with diminished shoulder pegged cogged joists.
437 Floor space of room. Timber tie beam with diminished shoulder pegged cogged joists.
438 Stairwell down to western cellar. Western wall course of “English garden bond” red brick.
439 Door between 54 and room 8. Timber plank and batten braced, fixed with chamfered wooden bolt
with decorative corner arrows.
440 From 54 up brick coursed steps to room 8 ground floor. Timber panelled door features covered
wooden frame transom. Wall to left. Timber panel wall between room 8 staircase and room 54
441 From 54 up to room 8 ground floor. Stairs built of coursed bricks.
442 Bricked lined arch corridor into room 55. Floor made with coursed brick with drainage channels.
443 Parts of the northern and western walls are a build of coursed random stone, unlike brick lined walls
found elsewhere in room.
444 Parts of the northern and western walls are a build of coursed random stone, unlike brick lined walls
found elsewhere in room.
445 Brick course floor. Different courses.
446 General south western corner. Central axial beam spans length of room, west to east.
447 Most of the cellar walls are lined with coursed brick with plastered walls.
448 Cellar features central timber beam with timber joists. Beam runs east to west. Either end has been
given extra support with coursed brick pillars. Joists have been given additional support with timber
449 North east corner. Large brick lined arched recess.
450 South eastern corner. Recess has been built in wall to take service pipes. Brick lined with timber
frame lintel and sill. Further support joists can be seen carrying on into the recess.
451 Eastern elevation. One of two entrances into eastern cellar. Entrance descends via brick steps under
three arches, one of stone the others of pitched brick.
452 Eastern entrance to cellar, from cellar. Steps made of coursed brick with capped stone surrounds.
Remains of timber arch with door jams line bottom entrance.
453 Remains of heavy plank and batten braced door presumable from cellar entrances timber frame.
Door topped decoration of three cut diamonds.
454 North wall, brick course and rendered. Wall scarring show square aperture with pointed arch,
partially bricked up. Recess leads to circular well.
455 Northern wall recess feature well. Coursed brick on top of coursed stone. Depth unknown but
presumed very deep. Metal pipe leads from roof of well down. Further possible sight of waterline
down also features horizontal metal pipes.
456 Arched hallway line in brick and plastered.
457 Arched passageway between rooms 58 and 56.
458 Eastern corner of floor features stone boiler plinth. Walls in passageway rendered. Floor course of
459 Room 58 in background. Eastern corner of floor features stone boiler plinth. Walls in passageway
460 Eastern wall. Features a rendered arch with stone mullioned window. The window is splayed left,
right and vertically. The stone frame holds leaded squared cames and fragments of glass. Wall
underneath window is built of coursed stone, somewhat rendered.
461 North western corner, square cut brick lined recess in arched ceiling. The cut exposes the coursed
stone construct of the otherwise rendered arch.
462 Eastern wall. Features a rendered arch with stone mullioned window. The window is splayed left,
right and vertically. The stone frame holds leaded squared cames and fragments of glass. Wall
underneath window is built of coursed stone, somewhat rendered.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

463 Southern wall. Features a rendered arch with stone metal grille. The wall underneath grille shows
some scarring. The recess appears to have possibly once been a door to the cellars from the southern
build. The floor underneath the recess is also made of raised stone.
464 Mock box frame garage. Painted to look Tudor
465 Internal. Modern timber roof with breeze block walls. Central timber framed window.
466 Modern timber roof.
467 Room 10b leads to northeast courtyard. Around corner to right into room 15. To left room opens
into room 12 and to north east, small toilet area.
468 Splayed brick vent from inside room 56 to external eastern elevation. Eastern elevation end, lined
with vertical bars.


I. Complete photograph list with contact sheet

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18


This building recording survey report has been prepared by Mr A. Phillips, A.P.A.C. Ltd, in response to
proposed works and alterations, including the erection of a two storey extension to rear elevation; a porch
to side elevation; (part) underground 6-bay garage; creation of self-contained flat; re-routing of vehicular
driveway to include change of use of land; reinstatement of garden terraces, ponds and pavilions; and
removal of trees.

The planning application, (17/04607/FUL) along with Listed building consent, (17/04608/FUL) was
applied for by Andrew Warner of Hawkes Edwards, acting as agent for Mr & Mrs Hoosenally, (clients).

The building; Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY9 3AB: is a Grade I, listed building.

The proposed alteration, construction and renovation work will involve changes to the standing fabric of
the existing building; all of which may impact upon any archaeological resources present

Shropshire County Council (SCC) were advised on this planning request by Shropshire County Council’s
Historic Environment Team, (SCC-HET) who recommended that any planning approval should include a
condition requiring a program of archaeological work.

As a result of this, and in order to preserve through recording; the original layout and design of the structure
at Whitton Court (as well as a garage structure to its immediate north), a condition has been imposed for a
level II (with supplemental level I) building recording survey.

The wording of the condition regarding the building recording is laid out below:

No development approved by this permission shall commence until a photographic survey, Level
2 standard with Level 1 recording for all other fabric that is subject to significant repair, as
defined in English Heritage's guidance 'Understanding Historic Buildings: A Guide to Good
Recording Practice') of the interior/ exterior of the buildings has been be submitted to and
approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: This information is required before development commences to record the historic
fabric of the building prior to development.

APAC Ltd was contracted by the agent, to undertake the programme of archaeological recording work in
accordance with CIFA guidelines 2014a, drew up a Written Scheme of Investigation, WSI:BS/WCW/18.

The written scheme of investigation was approved by SCC-HET as ‘fit for purpose’ allowing the survey
work to proceed.

Site location

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY9 3AB, NGR SO 57825 73496, fig 01, site location.

Whitton court is situated 27 miles north of Hereford.; when travelling north from Hereford on the A49
towards Shropshire, a right turn towards and through Caynham Village leads east towards Whitton,

Continue along the road taking the third left into Whitton court.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

Brief archaeological and historical background

The earliest available documentary evidence for Whitton can be found in the Domesday book of
Shropshire, (Sciropescire).
The passage reads;

Whitton. Leofnoth, Ledmur and Ulfketel held it; they were free. 1½ hides in tax. In
lordship 1 plough; 2 ploughmen; 1 villager, 5 smallholders and 1 rider with 1
plough only; 2 other plough would be possible there. Value before 1066, 9s; now
15s. 1085-86. 4,4. 255d, 19. Domesday book of Shropshire.

Information on the history of the building found in “Hawkes Edwards and Cave”, Heritage Report,
The original owner/lord of the court to be William de Whitton I, (William of Whitton).

The record then goes on to give a summarised account of the building’s ownership until 2015, with its
current owners:

The ownership records show the building to have been passed down the hereditary line
up until 1240, when it was sold to William Le Monetarius.

The Monetarius where thought to change their name to “Whitton” in 1335, with the then
owner, “John Monetarius II”.

“John de Whitton” heir of “Edward de Whitton” is thought to have been responsible for
the building of the oldest visible sections of the house in 1430.

In 1503, the estate passed to “John de Whitton” heir of “William de Whitton”, it is

thought John commissioned the building of the timber framed sections of the western
cross wing in 1533.

The new generation of “Whitton’s” held the court until 1609, for 369 years when the
property was sold to Sebastian Harvey and was claimed in 1610 upon the death of
“Francis Whitton”.

“Sebastian Harvey” is thought to have begun the brick reconstruction to the southern
façade in 1621, some of the timber post and panel partitions in the great hall are also
possibly attributed to him.

Whilst in the ownership of “Mary Popham”, “Sebastian Harvey’s” heir, the property was
leased to “Robert Charlton”.

“Robert Charlton” is thought to have finished the works started by “Sebastian Harvey”
circa 1636, however the accuracy of this is questionable as he didn’t buy the house from
“Mary Popham” until 1643.

“Robert Charlton” is also thought to have likely made several modifications of his own
to the house during his ownership.

Sir Francis Charlton, heir of Sir Job Charlton, acquired the estate in 1697 and is thought
to be responsible for the majority of decoration found within the estate; inferred by his
family’s coat of arms and work dates adorning the upper walls of the great hall.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

It is thought the installation of the staircase from the great hall may also be attributed to
Francis, however it is possible the staircase has been replaced.

The estate continued to pass through the family in one form or another, from father to
son, then uncle to nephew and then father to son again, until in 1830, when “Edmund
Lechmere Charlton” was forced to sell the estate due to his political opinions and
expensive behaviours.

In 1830 the property was bought by “Thomas Botfield”, who passed the estate on to his
son “Mr Beriah Botfield” in 1849.

The property was then sold to Mr “Samuel Mills” in 1857 and passed to his daughter,
Miss Mills upon his death.

The house and estate were auctioned off in 1920 to a Miss Wood. The estate stayed within
the family until 1983 where then owner, Major Rodwell sold the property to Mr and Mrs

The estate was then sold to the current owners in 2015.

Hawkes Edwards and Cave, Heritage Report, HE entry: 138591. Pgs.: 4-9, originally written by H. T.

“The Castles Old Mansions of Shropshire”, (Acton, F, 1868), features two drawings of the court:

The upper picture represents the southern front façade, southern gables of both the eastern and western
ranges and the western elevation of the western range, fig 02a.

The drawing shows some key differences to the current build;

The eastern cross wing gable is missing a second-floor window and the western cross wing’s western
elevation, features only two chimney stacks where there are now four.

Further to this is a central ground floor porch on the western cross wing’s eastern elevation, which
currently doesn’t exist.

The lower picture shows the northern elevation of the southern façade and the eastern elevation of the
western cross wing, fig 02b.

There are multiple differences found here from the current building.

The northern elevation of the southern build is built of random coursed stone and features an off-centre,
brick chimney stack.

The chimney stack in the drawing, however, appears to be built of coursed stone.

The biggest changes appear to the western cross wing’s timber framed eastern elevation; the second-floor
oriel window is not there whilst the ground floor is also missing one of its current timber framed mullion

In addition to the missing windows, the entire northern build hasn’t been added to the northern end of the
western cross wing at this point.

What does feature however, is a doorway into the elevation, and a small enclosed, above ground entrance
into the western cellar; both features now no longer exist.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

The passageway excerpt that goes with the picture’s states;

“The date of its erection has not been ascertained, but the timber, portion, as also that
of the stone represented in the lower sketch, is of earlier date than the principal front,
which is shown in the upper view, and is supposed to have been built in the 17th

Pg. 50-52, The Castles Old Mansions of Shropshire.

Note on the Author: Frances Stackhouse Acton, 1794-1881, was a British botanist, archaeologist, writer and
artist. Amongst her accomplishments were the excavation, planning and reconstruction of a Roman Villa at
Acton Scot Hall, (Archaeologia, 31 339-345), recording of historic buildings, repairing numerous buildings
and refurbishment of Acton Scott Hall, (Pevsner 2006 Architectural Guides, pp 83-86).

Earliest Cartographic data found on Whitton, comes in the form of the 1751, Shropshire hundreds map,
fig 03.

Although the map is imbued with artistic licence and the scales are relative rather than absolute, it shows
the estates location between “Cainham”, (Caynham) to the west and “Hope Bagot” to the north east.

Further map progressions from 1884 onwards show the continued development of the estate.

In the 1884 map, fig 04a, the court is shaped in an “L” orientation with the southern and western building
joined in the south western corner, which ties in with the picture of the southern and western builds
explained above, fig 02b.

The eastern elevation stands and projects to the north, however not to the degree it currently does.

To the north of the complex some possible outbuildings stand and are possible remains of earlier

The 1902 map, fig 04b, shows the building now with its northern buildings and eastern cross wing

Nothing has changed by the 1953 map, fig 04c.

In the final, current map, fig 04d, the building is represented by square blocks around a central square
block, and as such nothing new can be ascertained.

The one point of change visible in this map would be that the earlier road access from the south has now
been removed and the only road access now comes from the track from the western estate buildings.

Aims and Objectives

The survey was conducted in two parts, Levels I & II.

The level I survey consisted of a photographic record of the building and associated grounds, to record the
building prior to any development.

The aim of the level II survey is to preserve by record the fabric of the building that would be subject to
significant repair. and in so doing, provide a facility for recording the building’s historic development.

The record produced can then be used to guide the determination of the planning condition as to the final
design of refurbishment.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18


The building recording survey followed the methodology defined in 5.2, Understanding Historic
Buildings; A Guide to Good Recording Practice (English Heritage 2006). The methodology employed was
also guided by the Standard and Guidance for the Archaeological Investigation and Recording of Standing
Buildings or Structures (CIFA 2014a,).

Photographs were taking using tripod mounted, digital cameras: Sony DSC F828 & a Canon EOS 6D and
a hand-held Nikon AW130, supplemented with hi-resolution smart phone cameras.

Images were recorded in both high-resolution JPEG & RAW formats.

The photographic record of the site includes general views of the exterior, the overall appearance of
principle structure and circulation areas, external and internal detail relevant to the property’s design and

All photographs include a scale rod where possible or practical.

Photographs illustrative of the survey are produced as annotated ‘photo cards’ in the report.

All photographs from the survey are included as a list with contact sheets in appendix IV.

This report comprises a written element as defined in 4.5 Understanding Historic Buildings; A Guide to
Good Recording Practice (English Heritage 2014a).

In order to provide a brief background to the property the following sources of information were used:

Heritage Report Hawkes Edwards and Cave and various online sources.

Data Presentation

Annotated plans showing numbered layout of rooms are given in figs 05a and 05b.

External description

As mentioned in the “written scheme of investigation”, “WSI/BS/WCW/18”, the house dates to mostly, late
C16 and early C17th, with additional extensions and restoration works taking places in C19.

As was detailed above; the building in 1884, fig 04a, was “L” shaped, a later brick façade hall to the south,
with earlier Tudor style cross wing; (oriented to the north), on its west and eastern sides.

The building now stands as four connected structures; a southern front façade elevation with east and
western gable ended cross wings, and a connecting northern build, all surrounding a central courtyard.

To the north east of the building complex has is a small walled yard with various out-shuts, positioned
between the northern and eastern builds.

The southern, western and partial eastern buildings all have three stories; the north, and part of the eastern
build only one.

The western and eastern builds also feature underground cellars; the western cellar being the smaller of the

The entirety of the build is built upon random coursed stone footings topped with a string plinthed course;
the southern, eastern and northern areas more exposed due to the inclining land levels from east to west.

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From the stonework up; with the exceptions of the east elevation of the western cross wing, and the north
elevation of the southern build, (see below), all builds are built in a varied style of brick coursing.

There are slight deviations within the stone coursing, possibly due to previous building work.

The northern build is under a single-story ridge, over a range of small rooms with a connecting access
passage against the north of the central courtyard.

This northern range ends with a gable, which is joined to the western range of range of buildings with a
single pitch lean-to roof over a cross passage.

The lean-to features a segmental arched doorframe in sandstone with a canted surround and Cyma dripstone,
in which is a studded timber plank and batten braced door with a decorative drop handle, PL01.

The brick work above the door, appears to be a different phase from the gable wall of the western build to
the right and is topped with a crowstepped ridge end.

The adjacent northern build features a projected intersected gable to the north; the base of which is built
with random coursed stone topped with a string plinth course, followed by a course of “English” bond brick
in two phases, before being topped with a “Corbie” roof, PL02.

Central to the gable, and situated between the two phases of brick, is a stone mullioned window with stone
surround, topped with a cyma dripstone.

The frame is fitted with iron bars set horizontally, and a central vertical bar creating a rectangular pattern,
which is glazed, PL03.

Situated above the window, in the later brick phase, are two splayed slit vents with chamfered, cut stopped,
stone lintels and sills, PL04.

The rest of the northern elevation continues to the walled boundary line of the north-eastern courtyard and
contains two windows with panelled timber hatches, PL05.

The hatches are fitted with spearheaded strap hinges bolted to internal timber frames, PL06.

The eastern hatch has been placed within the wall with a canted brick surround and is topped with a
chamfered cut stop stone lintel and moulded brick drip-sill, PL07.

The western frame is set within a stone frame with a recessed stone lintel and chamfered sill, PL07.

The north east corner of the building complex ends with a brick wall pierced by a single entrance way into
an open yard, PL08, and the lowered pitch roof of a small out-shut accessed from inside the yard.

The wall is built of “English” bond brick course, above a random coursed footing with string plinth and
capped with a canted “Bullnose” string course, PL09.

The entrance-way has three stone lined steps and is topped with a chamfered cut stop stone lintel and fixed
with an iron gate.

At the north eastern corner of the wall is a change of brickwork from “English” bond to “diaper” bond
formation, and this continues around the eastern boundary to the butt joint with the northern gable of the
eastern range, PL09 & PL10.

The string plinth and stone foundation are more visible on the east as the ground level drops away; also
shown is the one of the entrances to the north eastern cellar.

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To the left of the cellar entrance, is a bricked in stone framed window with chamfered lintel, over which
the plinthed string course has been raised, PL11.

To the left of this, but within the random coursed stone, is a small aperture set with chamfered cut stop
stone lintel and sill, fitted with vertical iron bars, PL12.

Central to the eastern elevation of the eastern range; at the join between single storey to triple storey builds,
is a single-story lean-to, PL13.

This additional outbuilding alters the course of the decorative “Diaper” brick bond, with the building being
tied into, and projected with a course of “English” bond brick.

The outbuilding; entered through a timber panelled door with a timber frame, has access to a loft through a
small hatch in the lathe and plaster ceiling, PL14.

The enclosed area is room 17 fairly featureless, rendered white, with two stone renewal windows with
diamond decoration leaded cames and glass, in canted stone surrounds, set in a timber frame, PL15.

The south section of the eastern build features a gable intersection, an external chimney stack and a possibly
heightened, later addition central gable end, PL16.

This is evidenced by the orientation of the eastern build running gable to gable, south to north, and the roof
structure within, (See below).

The gable intersection features the continuation of the “diaper” brickwork found before the later addition
lean-to outbuilding, (see above); however, ending, (vertically) at midsection point where it becomes
“English” bond brickwork, PL17.

The gable end is topped with stepped, “Corbie” decoration in front of an earlier gable end; seen extending
from either side, PL16.

The gable also features two stone framed windows; the lower window set within the “Diaper” brickwork is
a stone renewal frame with central mullion and canted stone surround, set with diamond pattern leaded
cames and glass, PL16.

The upper window is set in a square stone surround with thick stone central mullion; presumably a later
addition as it doesn’t match the style and shape of any of the other windows, PL16.

Both windows are topped with a cyma moulded dripstone.

The main eastern elevation of the building features five nonaligned windows differing in size and design,
PL17 & PL18.

The ground-floor windows are stone framed mullions with casements and diamond pattern glazing in leaded
cames, PL18.

The left has two mullions and a transom under a corbelled drip stone, whereas the right has only a single
mullion and no transom.

The first-floor windows also have stone framed mullions; two and one, but no stone transom and the left is
quite out of alignment with its ground floor counterpart.

The second-floor window is a single mullion in stone frame with corbelled dripstone; smaller than the
ground and first floor windows, it is centrally located in the gable.

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Set above the first-floor windows the brick begins to look newer, within this change are the two ends of
timber beams poking out of the brick’s course.

The south eastern corner of the eastern build features an external square chimney stack. The chimney top
has been modified at a later date with a decorative brick, triple stack, built in a star profile, PL19.

The ground level, between the chimney stack and gable intersection, and within the random coursed stone,
features the fifth window; stone mullioned with square iron grilles, PL17 & PL20.

The placement of this window, at this level, would suggest the ground levels to have risen significantly
over time and adds more information to the earlier nature of a possible medieval building’s footprint.

Another example can be found at the south east corner, to the south of the chimney stack where a second
below ground level aperture with chamfered stone lintel, cyma moulded dripstone and iron barred grill can
be seen, PL21.

The ground and first floor levels on the south eastern corner of the build, feature single stone renewal
windows with the ground floor also featuring a canted stone surround and cyma moulded dripstone; both
also feature diamond pattern leaded cames and glass, PL22.

The southern elevation, main entrance and front façade, open onto the large two terraced gardens, PL23.

The upper terrace “Ha-Ha”, is a low walled patio accessed via a central stone stair, PL24.

The south/front elevation sits between the gables of the east and west ranges; each fitted with later addition
ground and first-floor bay windows, topped with crenulated parapets, PL25, PL26.

Each bay window is topped with cyma moulded string course which is continues across southern elevation.

The central elevation is topped with a gable roof decorated with partial crowstep on either side, PL27.

The central elevation features a later addition porch with crenulated parapet top, installed of-centre to the
east of the elevation, PL28.

Including the bay windows, the ground-floor features six stone renewal mullioned windows of different
sizes, with some symmetry with the first-floor however, due to the placement of the porch the central
window appears out of alignment with the rest, PL27.

The first floor also features six windows including the bays with each gable end having a central placed
stone renewal mullion window on the second floor above the parapets, PL27.

The central gable addition to the southern elevation features a central stone renewal framed mullion window
with casements.

In addition to the front facing windows, each gable projection features single paned stone renewal windows
on either side of ground and first floor levels, PL29, PL30, PL31.

The added porch intended as a main entrance at some point features a stone renewal mullioned window,
PL32 and is fitted with a stone framed doorway, PL28, topped with a thick stone lintel, and moulded

The doorway holds a heavy timber panelled and studded door with fleur de lis, ended strap hinges, PL33, a
decorative drop handle, PL34 and door knocker, PL35.

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All windows within the southern façade feature cyma moulded dripstones and diamond pattern leaded
cames decoration and glass.

The central southern (from the back of the porch) and western side of the façade are encompassed with the
boundary patio wall; the eastern side however sits at ground level, and as such, the structure of the build is
more plainly seen.

The eastern bay window sits upon the random stone coursed foundations of the build, PL36, which have
been pieced at this point by a poorly constructed brick arched opening from the eastern cellar bellow, PL37.

The arched recess leads to the south of the eastern cellar and is gated off with an iron barred grille.

In the south elevation, a recess has been formed, (by the installation of the porch), between the porch and
the projection of the southern gable of the eastern build.

Within this recess, the random coursed stone of the foundation wall extends to the bottom of the window
placement, PL38.

This is the only section of the build, (externally) where the stone wall rises to this height, but unfortunately
the vegetation prevented access for detailed recording.

The western elevation features three external and one internal chimney; all feature decorative brick topped
stacks in star profiled shapes.

The southernmost chimney is triple stacked, the northern most is quadruple stacked with the two middle
chimneys double stacked, PL39, PL40.

Similar to the eastern counterpart, the western elevation also features an intersecting gable addition;
however, in this instance it is much longer.

Unlike its eastern counterpart the majority of the western elevation was hidden by vegetation, and some
intervention was attempted to gain partial access, but this had an adverse effect on the recording detail.

The range features four stone, renewal mullioned windows, with casements, cyma moulded dripstones and
diamond pattern leaded cames and glass, PL41, PL42.

The dripstone on the first-floor window continues into a string course, (to the end of the gable, north).

All windows, (again similar to the eastern counterpart), are out of alignment and of varying sizes, with the
large portrait window being a later addition; added presumably with the internal staircase, (see below, room

The northern side of the gable roof also features crowstep decoration.

The main western elevation between the gable intersection and external chimney stack features four stone
renewal mullioned windows, with no apparent alignments apart from there being two on the ground floor
and two on the first floor, PL40, (due to vegetation to the west photographs were difficult to take).

All windows feature diamond pattern leaded cames and glass within stone surround frames, with the
exception of the lower left window which is fitted with glass panes only, PL43.

Central to the windows is a large section of wall scarring where both the brick and lower stone course have
been altered, PL44, PL45.

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There is also a section of wall plinth missing and the remains of a cut stopped edged stone plinth, PL46,
identified as the removal and infill of an extended porch that used to be situated here, fig 02a and Heritage
report, page 16, figs 18 and 21.

The western elevation, (north), between the two northernmost chimney stacks, features an access point into
the northeast of the property.

The doorway is framed in canted sandstone with a chamfered stone lintel and hung with a later addition
timber plank door with diamond glazed, came leaded, decorative fanlight, PL47.

To the right of the door is a single metal framed, both the door and window on the ground floor are topped
with a cyma moulded dripstone.

The first-floor holds two stone renewal mullion casement windows fitted with diamond, glazed, leaded
cames in sandstone surrounds topped with chamfered cut stopped stone lintels and a connecting cyma
moulded dripstone, PL48.

Central courtyard.

To the south, is the northern wall of the southern elevation which unlike all the other buildings of the
complex is constructed of random coursed stonework, with quoins, PL49.

The stonework is however interrupted by an off centred chimney stack built of coursed brick, PL50, which
in the 1886 sketch is depicted as coursed stone, fig 02b, with no clock.

Whether the difference can be blamed on artistic license or used to infer a rebuild is difficult to say but the
matter is confused further by the fact that it’s the only star shaped stack corroborated in the 1868 sketch.

To the left of the chimney stack, is a stone pointed ashlar archway, (possibly Tudor arch), PL51, fitted with
a timber plank and batten door, with fleur de les ended strap handles, PL52 and drop handle, PL53.

To the left of the entrance doorway is a stone mullion window with canted stone quoins, and stone dripstone,

The upper left, PL55 and lower right windows, PL56, (left of the chimney stack) are stone ogee cut framed
mullion windows, with pointed trefoil glazed lights; the lower right also features a stone dripstone.

The upper right window is a stone mullion renewal, with quoined ashlar frame, PL57 and all feature
diamond glazed lead cames.

The upper south eastern corner, between southern and eastern builds, has areas of refurbishment, with some
of the stonework being replaced in brick, PL55.

To the right of the chimney stack, the ground floor features a stone, ogee cut framed mullion window, with
pointed trefoil shaped glazing under a corbeled dripstone, PL58.

Directly above is a rectangular two mullioned window with transom in an ashlar frame, PL59.

Returning briefly to the chimney stack; left side, is a recessed corner from a chamfered stone sill to a
corbelled stone lintel at about 2m from the ground; which defies interpretation., PL60.

The plate also clearly shows that the brick stack is butt jointed to the elevation.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

The upper right of the chimney has an angled brick extension into the stonework, PL61, possibly to
accommodate changes to the fireplace in room 28, (see below); however, it does again show that the
brickwork is added to the earlier masonry.

The chimney is topped with a decoration of star profiled, quadruple stacks, in coursed brick, PL62.

The western range, eastern elevation is a timber framed, jettied, post and panel construction over 3 stories,

The ground floor features three timber framed mullion windows, with casements and leaded came, diamond
pattern glazing leaded cames and glass, PL64.

The southern window is the smallest with two mullions and no transom, whilst the middle and northern
windows are similar with four mullions and a transom.

The first-floor features one timber framed two mullions with transom window, PL65and one timber framed
oriel mullion window, with four mullions and a transom, PL66.

The second-floor features one central oriel timber framed, four mullioned window with transom, within a
gable intersection.

This window also features a central casement with diamond pattern glazing in leaded cames, PL67.

The elevation features a timber jetty between the ground and first floor, braced with decorative corbels.

Each of the five corbels differ slightly in decoration, but all feature bottom and top volutes and (central)
faced daisies, PL68, PL69.

The corbel in the north western corner, between the western and northern builds, is shaped differently from
others suggesting a once corner placement. PL70, PL71.

This would suggest the possibility that there was once a building running from the western build’s eastern
elevation; further evidence for this can be found with a section of the timber beam situated above the corbel
that extends to the east, PL72.

The construction of the timber post and panel elevation changes on each level, PL64.

The ground floor features timber posts and mid rails and the first and second floors feature decorative timber
quatrefoil bracing, PL73, and herringbone bracing in alternating directions, PL74.

The whole elevation sits upon a timber sill beam which in turn, sits upon random coursed stone.

The lower level construction however has been subject to a modicum of change: the south west corner holds
the remains of a stone mullioned window, below the current ground level, currently bricked in, PL75.

To the right of this; underneath the sill beam, are a timber lintel/bracer on top of another bricked up recess,
PL76 and right again a later, brick arch, in machined moulded brick PL77.

Evidence would suggest the ground levels to have risen significantly, being built up over what is arguably
an earlier, stone mullioned, ground floor window, which could again suggest an earlier build.

Further changes can be identified the lower level panelling has been bricked up with the intersecting posts
removed. The bricked-up areas have been painted white, to resemble to panels that where once there, PL78
& fig 02b.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

The western range has been extended to the north, the visible elevation from this point; though also post
and panel, is in a different configuration to the rest of the elevation, with no decoration and bigger sections
of panelling, PL79 & fig 02b.

This extension is fitted with later addition lean-to passageway, (discussed above), between the three-storey
western build and one-storey northern build, PL80.

Of note. No lean to and difference in panels also present on the 1868, sketch of the south and western builds,
fig 02b.

Other changes since 1868 are worth noting: Firstly, the second story gable intersection, although still in
place, is at this time not fitted with a central oriel window.

Secondly, there are only two ground floor windows, therefore the third central window is a later instalment,
which restores a sense of symmetry to the earlier foreshortened building without the northern extension and
southern range.

This additional window also features some carved assemblage marks in its lower left corner, PL81.

The third difference is that of an earlier doorway in the post and panel wall to the north of the building;
although, there is no evidence for this internally, it does explain why the current wall’s timber panelling
changes mid way through the wall, PL82.

The northern range, southern elevation is fitted between the western and eastern elevations; a later
addition denoted by “English” bond coursed bricks, as well as mapping evidence, however it was mostly
obscured by vegetation at the time of survey which made recording problematic, PL83, PL84.

The wall also features a gable intersection, (like its opposite northern elevation) topped with a timber
bargeboard, however like the rest of the elevation, is covered with dense vegetation.

The north western corner has a doorway into the northern ranges later addition passageway, its door frame
is fitted with ashlar quoins and chamfered stone lintel, PL85.

The door itself is timber batten panelled and braced with decorative “Fleur de lis” strap handles and due to
its style is probably re-purposed from elsewhere, PL86.

The eastern elevation as mentioned above, is part single storey, and part three storey as the northern end of
the eastern cross wing ends in a small external yard.

The northern section of the eastern build is single story, constructed of “English bond” coursed brick, PL87;
its gable end, PL88, has been raised above the roof line and capped in stone with decorative skew corbels,

The single storey section features two stone renewal mullion windows with glazed diamond pattern leaded
cames; the roof is fitted with pantiles and features a central brick chimney with decorative triple stack top,
set in star profile, PL90, PL91.

The intersecting point between the northern and southern sections of the eastern build appear to show
differences in phasing within the coursed bond of brick suggestion the single storey to be a later addition,

The southern three storey section holds a lower, ground floor, and upper, first floor window, both of which
are stone renewal mullion windows with glazed diamond pattern leaded cames, however different in style
and shape.

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The gable of the southern section of the east wing is also raised above the roof line, capped in stone with
decorative skew corbels and also features a brick chimney with decorative triple stack top, set in star profile,

In the south east corner between the eastern cross wing and southern building, is the remains of a chamfered
timber post, topped with a decorative timber corbel. PL93, PL94, PL95.

This post and corbel match those found within the western cross wings post and panel construct however,
this one is seemingly out of place within the brick work of the eastern cross wing. possibly the remains of
an earlier construct.

Internal north eastern courtyard, (room 14).

At the north east of the complex, between the northern and eastern ranges, is a walled yard, mentioned

This yard provides access to the northern and eastern builds and holds one of two entrances into the eastern
cellar, PL96.

The yard also holds a group of ancillary later addition buildings, rooms 13, PL97, 14a, PL98, 14b, PL99
and 14c cellar entrance. PL96.

All ancillary buildings, (with the exception of 14a), are built of a later addition “English garden wall” bond.

The ground inside the yard is a mixture of gravel and vegetation; to the east, positioned in front of room
14a, is an iron water pump, PL100, possible fed from the well inside the eastern cellar, (see below).

Room 13 is a small ancillary building with gable topped roof, through a frame of canted bricks topped with
a chamfered stone lintel, PL97.

Internally, the northern wall features a corbelled topped recess and chute fitted with a timber plank and
batten hatch with timber frame, PL101.

Room 14a, PL100, is situated within the north eastern corner of the yard wall, the small outbuilding features
a lean-to roof and is entered through a canted brick door frame hung with a timber plank door, beneath a
modified segmental stone arch, PL99.

This room, unlike the other outbuildings is made of “English” bond brick course and has been built against
the external yard wall, PL102.

The western elevation wall features three timber framed windows with a connecting chamfered stone lintel
that runs the full course above the three windows.

The windows all feature canted brick sills externally and internally share a planked a timber sill/shelf.

The glazing continues the diamond lead came style, PL103.

Room 14b is a small outbuilding in the north west of the courtyard, entered through a canted brick access
lined with a timber frame, PL99.

The northern wall holds a small timber framed square window, PL104 and there is a double arch in pitched
brick that can be seen in its lower western wall, PL105.

Room 14c, is one of two cellar entrances down to room 56, PL96 accessed in this instance from the yard.

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This cellar entrance is topped with a half-hipped roof, PL106 the stairwell behind with a single pitch lean-

Externally the northern part of this lean-to features a single paned window with stone surround, chamfered
stone lintel and sill.

The single pane holds diamond pattern leaded cames and glass, PL107.

The western elevation also features a low level double arched recess in brick, however, the majority of it is
below ground level, PL108.

The entrance is fitted with a timber plank door with metal latch and internally the door also features a
wooden lock with decorative metal arrows fitted at each corner, PL109.

Note* this decorative wooden lock mechanism can only be found on the above entrance door to the eastern
cellar and the entrance door to the western cellar.

Internally the room features a pitched brick spiral staircase down to room 56, PL110.

The construction from cellar up is a mixture of rendered random coursed stone and brick bond, PL111, with
later addition brick course underneath the roof structure.

The eastern wall is all random coursed rendered stone, suggesting the lean-tos where built against the outer
yard wall, PL112.

The roof structure is a construct of later addition machine cut timber rafters and principals under ceramic
roof tiles. PL112.

Ground floor

Room 1 is a later addition porch and served as the main entrance way through the build’s southern façade.

Entered from the west, the porch connects to the southern builds passage way, room 2.

The door, as mentioned above is fitted with a large square timber plank studded door, fitted internally with
two modern metal bolts, an earlier metal drop latch and a wooden bolt mechanism, PL113.

The door frame features only a right-hand timber jamb and has an ovolo moulded timber lintel; the left-
hand jamb is non-existent, leaving the door bolted directly to the wall.

The southern wall is fitted with a stone renewal mullioned window with glazed diamond pattern leaded
cames; however, each patterned window is different, with the leaded cames on the left window being set in
a tighter formation, PL114.

The eastern wall of the porch is fitted with an elaborately decorated timber wall seat with carved arched
mouldings of guilloche with foliage in the spandrels, PL115.

The floor of the porch in set in a glazed brick course of “Mock Herringbone” pattern, PL115.

The entrance into room 2 is fitted with an ogee arch, PL116, over canted brick supports, PL117, (The stone
used is suggested to be local Grinshill sandstone, Heritage report pg., 20).

From inside room 2, the arch of room 1 is seen ending behind the wall of the segmental arch of room 2,
which would position the porch and its entrance in the southern elevation wall, PL118.

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Room 2, acts as a cross passage between the southern and eastern ranges:

To the west is the entrance into room 3, PL118, to the east are entrances into the ground floor stairwell,
room 22, PL119, and northeast to room 19B, PL120 whilst to the north is the doorway into the central inner
courtyard, PL121.

The eastern wall is made up of timber post and panel wainscoting, as is the western wall, and walls in rooms
3, 4, 21, and 28 (first floor).

However, most of the walls features different style wainscoting and phasing, which will be explained in
due course, (below).

The eastern wall differs from that of all the other panel walls in that it features almost squared panels with
thicker mullions, PL122.

The wall is fixed with timber munting and the panelled wall and munting have been cut through in the south
east to allow for access into the later addition stair, room 22. PL119.

The result of the disturbance can be seen where the timber panelling has been modified to take the staircase

The entrance into room 19b, within the panelled wall, is topped with a decorative timber lintel, PL123
featuring, two carved elliptical arches with central connecting drop pendant, PL124.

The arches feature interlaced daisy wheels and arcading with the lintels braced off timber carved corbels
which are themselves decorated with carved daisy wheel’s and acanthus leaves PL125, PL126.

Of note however, the lintel is only decorated within room 2, viewed from 19b, the lintel (apart from the
drop pendant), is bereft of any decoration, PL127.

The post and panel partition, western wall, between rooms 2 and 3 features panels that are more rectangular
than that of the eastern wall and the panels either side of the entrance into room 3 also feature “apotropaic”
marks, PL128.

The entrance into room 3 is also topped with a decorative timber lintel. The lintel decoration features two
carved elliptical arches with central connecting drop pendant, PL129.

The arches feature interlaced lunettes with foliage, the arch spandrels have daisy wheels and part carved
pediments with each braced from timber corbels carved with daisy wheel and acanthus leaf decoration.
PL130, PL131.

These lintels, unlike the lintels between room 2 and 19b, are decorated on both sides, however from inside
room 3 the decoration is different, with lunettes and acanthus leaves, PL132.

The northern doorway into the internal central courtyard, features an inner segmental arch with ashlar
voussoirs, that sit upon random coursed stone of the northern wall and the right jamb is partially splayed,

The northern wall, outer door frame also features a stone pointed arch however, it is ill fitted, with a dropped
right side and offset keystone, PL133.

This arch is fitted with a timber batten, false panel double arched door which is fitted with a wooden bolt,
with metal straps and a twisted metal drop latch handle, PL134.

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Room 3’s walls are all timber post and panel wainscoted, with two distinct phases; the southern, western
and northern walls all feature the same wainscoting with rectangular set panel. PL135, PL136, PL137.

The eastern walls panelling, between rooms 3 and 2, is different from all the other panelling, in that it
features more of a decorative mullion as well as the same “apotropaic” marks, found in the same panels of
room 2, PL138.

The room has been highly decorated, with a painted banner of different scenes topping the timber panelled
wainscoting, PL139.

The southern wall and the window splays in the northern wall, feature multiple paintings of a vase with
tulips. PL140.

The northern wall depicts a large hunting scene, set above a large stone fireplace containing a large stone
hearth with a back hearth in course brick, PL141.

The banner features the crests of the houseowners at the time it was painted, from left to right, PL142.:

Family crest of Blunden heraldry, PL143

Shield with date work was completed, PL144
Crest of Charlton heraldry, PL145
Shield with initial’s for Charlton crest, “F” for Francis, “D” Dorothy, PL146
Family crest of (Dorothy) Bromwich, heraldry, PL147
Heritage report, pgs., 17/18

The southern wall features three windows set within the timber panelling; left and centre feature stone
mullioned frames with casements all decorated with diamond pattern leaded cames and glass and the left
window also features a splay, PL148.

The window to right also features a casement window situated like the left; however, this window also
features a timber panelled recess seat within the timber panelling.

The northern wall features two windows either side of the central fireplace; they are deep set, fitted with
canted stone surround and pointed arch frame, PL149.

Each window also features two stone, pointed trefoil arches with central mullions, and casements; the glass
is set in diamond pattern with lead came strips and each light has four thin horizontal metal bars, PL150.

The floor of the room is made of timber planks, though the Heritage report states it was once possibly brick.

Through a small crack in the eastern entrance wall, between timber frame and munting, a small amount of
brick flooring was visible but impossible to light for a photograph.

The ceiling structure of the room features chamfered ovolo moulded timber transverse beams with
triangular cut stop edges, PL141, running east to west.

Between the transverse beams, run ovolo chamfered timber joists with triangular cut stops; sectioning the
ceiling to give the appearance of a panelled effect, PL151.

These joists, however, were added at a later date, inferred from:

• the poor fitting; all been lengthened slightly, with a thin section of wood, between joist and
transverse beams.

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• the plaster moulding is continuous in the direction of the transverse beam but has been cut by the
later application along the joists.

A small patch of ceiling plaster was uncovered during the findings for the heritage report, exposing a small
section of the ceiling’s earlier floral decoration.

A paint sample taken from this concluded the earlier decoration to be C19 and a 1968 publication article
also showed the rooms ceiling with the floral decoration as it once was. Heritage report pgs., 18/19.

The western panel wall of the room opens into rooms 4 and 5, PL139.

The panelled wall recess into room 4 is overly thick and holds a hidden cupboard in its southern wall,

Further inspection within the cupboard reveals a ceiling painted “Fleur de lis” and hand moulded cornice
decoration. PL153, PL154.

It should be noted that the internal space is very restrictive and far from ideal for photographic recording,
hence no scales, poor lighting and lack of perspective depth.

In both photographs, PL153, PL154, the panelling of the western wall of room 3 dated to 1682, PL144, is
to the left, and clearly postdates the ceiling with “Fleur de lis” decoration.

The right wall in both photographs, PL153, PL154, is the original box frame with plaster panels remaining
at the top but removed lower down, PL155 to reveal the inside of the later panelling of room 4.

The decorative plaster cornice, PL155, can also be seen along the southern wall (back) and the eastern wall,
where it has accommodated the wall post as a curve to the south but is badly finished at the north; which is
reminiscent of the treatment at the joist inserts above, albeit for one side only.

The wall post PL155 has remains of paint and was clearly at one time an exposed post however there has
been some modern intervention at its base, PL156; reason unknown.

Room 4 is surrounded in post and panel wainscoting, painted white and thought to be of a later date than
the work in room 3, Heritage report pg., 19.

The panels are smaller than that of the other rooms and exposure of timbers, where paint has begun to chip,
shows them to be an inferior quality.

The south of the room features a large renewal bay window featuring casements, with boxed raised seating
via steps, PL157.

The south west corner holds a large fireplace with corbelled mantle, PL158 decorated with intertwined
lunettes and volutes.

Above the corbels, the bottom of the ovolo moulded mantel is decorated with a course of small crenulations,

The fireback is a course of brick with a flagstone hearth and a surround of pitched stones, PL158, PL160.

The ceiling may have been lowered as there are no visible beams or joists as in other rooms; from the top
of the panelling is decorated with an ovolo moulded timber and cornice, PL161 which is also only found in
this ground floor room.

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To the left of the fireplace is a small stone renewal window with splayed sill with decorative diamond
pattern leaded cames and glass, PL162.

To the right of the fireplace is a central recess seating area built within the timber panelling with a stone
renewal, mullioned window with central casement decorated with diamond pattern leaded cames and glass,

The north western corner holds a recess with a small cupboard area, room 4b, painted and fitted with timber
shelves, PL163; however, remains of earlier timber post and panelling, are quite visible PL164.

Rooms 5 opens into the stairwell between rooms 4, 5A, 5B and 6 which has the main staircase to the first
floor, room 29.

The ‘dog-leg’ staircase features is lit by a large stone renewal mullioned window at the stair landing level,
PL165, which is decorated with diamond pattern leaded cames and has a timber panelled seating area.

The stairwell has a surround of panelled dado rails from ground to first floor, encompassing the seating
area, PL165 whilst timber newel posts with flat topped squared finials, PL166 support a ramped ovolo rail
and return on timber turned balusters, PL167.

The roof of the stairwell is plastered in a large dome the construct of which can be seen in room 44, (see

To the left of the stairwell is a small room, 5A which has a partition wall with a timber framed transom
window, and timber panelled door, PL168.

From within the room, the party wall between room 4 and 5a is visible, revealing what appears to be an
external post and panel wall, possibly a remnant of an earlier phase of building, such as the post and panel
wall of the western build’s eastern elevation, (see above), PL169, PL170.

The wall itself is built on top of coursed stone foundations with timber sill beam and timber posts and
panels, PL171.

The most western post is tapered out at the top suggesting it to once have been the corner post of an earlier
build, PL172 or part of a brace placement.

Unfortunately, beyond the wall post, any continuation; if it existed is covered by later panelling, PL173.

Some of the timber posts within the southern wall also have cut joints that are currently vacant, suggesting
in their current placement they are repurposed, PL169.

The same is true of the northern partition between room 5a and 5, which exposes the upper flight of stairs
and has various forms of panelling from lathe and plaster to vertical plank, PL174; note the timber uprights
fitted to a beam with a vacant lap joint and mortice.

Room 5b is a small cupboard area underneath the stairs; externally a planked partition but internally lathe
and plaster, PL175.

Again, the area is very restricted and difficult to photograph with any degree of depth of perspective.

The northern wall has a slight batter in random coursed stone foundation underneath the timber sill beam
to the post and panel partition of room 6; the floor of which is at the level of the sill beam, PL176.

A 0.8msection of the sub-sill wall projects out for which there is no obvious reason in the current
configuration of the floor plan, PL176.

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The western wall, also random coursed stone, features an internal batter but does not extend to the same
degree as the northern wall, PL177; (shown by the angle of the ranging rod).

The floor of the room to the west starts in worn ceramic tiles, PL178, then continues under the stair in
coursed brick, PL176.

Both rooms 5a and 5b, bring some question to the established footprints of the current buildings, presenting
possible vestiges of earlier buildings before the introduction of the later, ‘dog-leg’ staircase.

Room 6, southern wall features the stone wall foundation also visible in room 5B, PL179 and as was
previously noted, raises the floor creating the need for steps into room 6, from room 5.

The western wall features a single stone renewal window with diamond pattern leaded cames and glass,

The eastern wall features two timber framed mullion windows with casements again all have leaded cames
in diamond pattern with glass, PL180.

The western wall features an internal chimney stack with stone fireplace, mantle and hearth backed in course
brick and fitted with a cast iron grille, PL181.

The rest of room 6 has been heavily modified/decorated; the window frames have been painted/vanished,
the walls are painted red and a modern timber partition has been installed between room 6 and 7, PL182.

The ceiling structure is made up of chamfered timber transverse beams and joists with cut stop ends, again
giving the style of a post and panel ceiling, PL183.

As discussed with room 5 above, the joists have also been lengthened in this room with small strips of
wood, from which it can be inferred that they weren’t originally cut to fit their current placement.

Room 7 is a continuation of room 6 currently blocked by a modern partition wall.

The room has also been heavily modernised from the plywood partition, blocking room 6, PL184, to the
western elevation which features two stone renewal windows frames fitted basic glass panes, PL185.

Central, between the two western elevation windows is a stone fire place and decorative mantel, PL186.

The eastern wall features a timber framed mullion window with casements decorated with leaded cames in
diamond pattern with glass.

The northern wall features a timber framed but externally blocked transom window in the north west corner,
PL187, and a door to room 8, fitted with a timber plank, ledged and braced batten door, PL188.

Room 8 is a passageway between room 9 the northern western kitchen, room 7, (see above) and room 10,
lean-to passageway entrance to northern range, PL189.

The rooms 8 passage way also leads to; western exit/entrance from the western cross wing, stairwell up to
the first-floor room 35, PL190 and the entrance to room 54, the western cellar, PL191.

All entrances are fitted with plank and batten doors and timber framed, with the exceptions of the doorways
leading to the stairwell up to room 35, (which is a timber door with glass panes, PL192), and the exit door
to the west (which is fitted with a fanlight with decorative, diamond pattern leaded cames and glass,

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

The southern wall of the room is partitioned from the stairwell up to room 35, partially with vertical timber
planks and dado and the rest with a stud wall, PL194.

The roof space, although plastered white, features two timber beams that extend from room 7’s northern
wall, and continues into the passageway, room 8.

One of the timbers is central to the roof space, PL195, with the other running (internally) across the doorway
for room 10, PL189.

It is indeterminable whether the beams then continue into room 9, kitchen, as the roof has been lowered,
(see below).

Room 9 which is accessed via room 8 passageway, is heavily modernised with modern parquet flooring,
fixtures and fittings and tiled walls around the central northern window, PL196.

The room’s western wall features a central internal chimney stack, brick backed with cast iron stove; the
fireplace is a simple arch with decorative corbels holding a timber mantle. PL197.

To the left of the fireplace, in the south west corner is a brick built internal bread oven with cast iron
door/hatch, PL198.

The top of the bread oven is corbelled, PL199, and like the fireplace to the side and other walls of the room,
is painted white.

The room’s ceiling appears to have been lowered, (see above, room 8) and holds black painted timber joists
running south to north, PL200.

The northern wall holds a splayed central stone renewal mullion window, with central casement, leaded
cames in diamond glazing and fitted with timber plank and batter shutters, hinged to an internal timber
frame, PL201.

The wall around the window space features modern tiling.

Room 10, as mentioned in the external description, (see above) there is an enclosed lean-to passageway
between the western and northern ranges; the top of the lean-to ridge is fixed to the western range’s eastern
elevation and drops down to meet the northern range’s western gable.

The passageway is the northern entrance to the western and northern ranges and access room 8, passageway,
rooms 10a and b, and the northern entrance to the central courtyard to the south, PL202.

There is also a further doorway in the western wall with a timber frame and timber plank door that would
allow access to room 9 kitchen; however, this has been blocked off internally.

The northern entrance is fitted with an arched timber door with wooden door frame and features a decorative
door head, and timber battens and ledges, PL203.

The door is bolted to the frame with decorative strap hinges and has a central batten with a wooden bolt
locking mechanism, above which is a decorative drop handled latch, PL204.

The door and frame sit in a stone surround arch. (see above, external) but the internal brick passage has
been built overlapping the stone arch which would suggest that it is not in its original intended setting,

The southern doorway into the central courtyard is a timber plank, batten and ledged door with a drop latch,
PL202, set in timber frame with an of ashlar surround set into the brick course.

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The other access doors to the other rooms, (see above) are all timber plank doors, (painted white) with
timber frames, (painted green) with canted brick surrounds and chamfered cut stop, stone lintels, PL202.

The construct of the passageway is built of “English garden wall” bond, also found in the later addition
outbuildings in the north-eastern courtyard whilst the floor is in end laid brick, PL205.

The lean-to roof is made of timbers and panels in a sympathetic style to the western cross wing’s, eastern
elevation, the rest of the ceiling is made of machine cut timber rafters on a timber wall plate, PL206.

Rooms 10a and 10b are a continuous build single storey passageway from room 10 (west) to the north
eastern courtyard 14, PL207.

The passageway features two stone renewal mullion windows with leaded cames and glass in its southern
elevation, PL207, PL208, and one of the same style of window in its northern elevation, PL209.

Room 10a provides access to a workshop, room 11, in its northern elevation and room 10b accesses a small
cupboard area, single modern toilet, room 10c and outbuilding, room 12.

The main entrance into room 10b from the north eastern yard is fitted with a timber plank, batten and ledged
door with a timber frame in a surround of stone and under a stone lintel. PL210.

All other entrances are fitted with the same styles of door and frame found to room 8 and 9, (blocked), (see

Room 11 is currently being used as a small workshop by the groundskeeper and as such used to keep all
necessary tools and equipment, PL211.

The room is part of the projected intersection gable found externally, (see above, northern build), as can be
clearly seen by its roof structure orientation consisting of a simple timber truss with tie beams, principals
and queen posts; the latter have been bolted to the underside of the tie beam for structural support, PL212.

At the top of the truss, possible collars and central purlin are not accessible due to the lowered plastered

Worth noting, at the north western corner of the room a brick construction, bulges into the room for no
discernible reason, PL213.

The northern gable features an internally shuttered, central stone renewal mullion window, PL214;
however, unlike the majority of the other building’s windows, it features vertical and horizontal iron bars
and remains of glass with no decorative lead cames.

The room features low built brick stacks that support large salting slabs, PL214, PL215.

Room 10c, (see above) is a small single toilet in coursed brick which has been painted white.

The eastern wall holds a small, metal framed casement window, fitted with diamond pattern leaded cames
and glass and is set in a splayed stone surround which opens into the north eastern courtyard, PL216.

Room 12 accessed via passage way 10b, (see above) is currently used as wood storage and features a central
timber framed window with corbelled brick projected surround, and vertical splay, with pitched double
brick arch, PL217.

The building is constructed in “English Garden Wall Bond” brick course, with the lower half of the northern
wall a mixture of coursed stone and plaster, PL217.

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The roof structure is made of machine cut timber rafters, purlins and central ridge plank, all presumably a
later addition, PL218.

The southern wall access from room 10B is fitted with a timber framed doorway and lintel, under a pitched
brick arch, with evidence of timber bracers featured in the wall to the right of the door, PL219.

Access to the (northern) single storey addition of the eastern cross wing, room 15, is obtained via room 10b;
the room features and elevated ceiling with an inaccessible hatch, and modern flagstone flooring.

Central to the southern wall is an internal chimney stack with brick backed fireplace in a simple frame and
mantle, and now currently holds modern heating, PL220.

To the left of the fireplace is a brick built internal bread oven and copper, PL221, the former is fitted with
a cast iron door, PL222.

A large cupboard had been placed directly in front of the eastern wall and as such was inaccessible, PL223.

The northern wall features a stone renewal, (horizontal) mullioned window with decorative diamond pattern
leaded cames and glass, PL224, below which is a large sink supported on two brick-built pillars.

To the left of the sink, the wall is plastered, and features cut grooves, PL225. The heritage report suggested
the wall held a drying rack, and that grooves where set to take the plates, pg:23.

The western elevation also features a central stone renewal mullioned window, with diamond pattern leaded
cames and glass, PL226.

Room 16 is accessed from room 15, through a timber panelled door, with timber frame, in the southern
wall, PL227.

The room is heavily modernised with modern kitchen facilities, units and oven with extractor fans, PL228
its only remaining features are two timber joists with chamfered cut stops; though these are possibly a recent
addition as the ceiling has been modified with modern lighting and lowered, PL229.

The western elevation also features a central stone renewal mullioned window, with diamond pattern leaded
cames and glass, PL230.

Room 19a is a small modern passageway that starts from room 16 and continues to passageway 19b giving
access to room 18 to the east, PL231.

Room 19a and room 18 mark the point where the eastern range becomes a three-storey build the previous
northern section, rooms 15 and 16, (see above) being single storey.

The entrances between each of the rooms are simple panelled doors with timber architrave frames although
the door into room 19b, (south) is fitted with a transom window, PL232.

The entrance into room 18 (east) features a small fanlight and the floor of the corridor is of coursed brick
in stretcher formation, PL233.

At the entrance for room 19b, the western wall deviates from its path creating an angled recess, PL234
which is not evident in the external wall.

The western wall features a vertical stone renewal mullioned window with leaded cames in a diamond
pattern, and glass, internally the window is fitted with a timber frame and sill, PL235.

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Room 18 is accessed via room 19a and is a long room with timber lined fixtures and cupboards under a
lowered ceiling, its eastern wall dominated by a large sink area with timber topped work surfaces, PL236,
above which is a stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern leaded cames and glass, PL237.

The northern wall features two boxed in projections, fitted with intervening shelving; however, the
westernmost projection is possibly the back of an internal chimney, PL238.

The floor cover from room 19a continues its course of stretcher bond bricks into room 18, PL236.

From room 19a is a stepped drop into room 19b, the passageway providing entrance into rooms 20, 21, and
passageway room 2, PL239.

The floor of room 19b is made of coursed “mock herringbone” bond in brick.

The southern wall underneath the stairwell from ground to first floor, (room 22) is decorated in the timber
panelled wainscoting a continuation from room 2, PL240.

The panelling underneath the stair features two entry point doors:

• one allows access to the space underneath the stairs, room 19c, and is fitted with a re-purposed
early 17th c type, timber plank and studded door with iron lock bolt and late 16th c type, round
headed strap hinges.

• the other which allowed access into room 21, is now blocked internally, PL241 but features two
timber cut-stopped and chamfered wall posts on bases carved with daisy wheels, PL242.

The left timber door post also continues into an angled door partition, PL243 at the northern side of which,
is another timber post that extends to the floor with a cut stop end, PL244.

The northern wall also holds a stone renewal mullioned window; splayed on its eastern side, with diamond
pattern leaded cames and glass, over a timber sill, PL245.

Room 19c, is the small cupboard room underneath the stairwell, room 22, from which the timber planks of
the stair are visible, and to the east, the back of the timber panel wainscoting in room 21, PL246.

Room 20 is accessed via the eastern wall of room 19b, the entrance is fitted with a timber framed panel
door with architrave frame, PL239.

The room has been heavily modernised; the floor is a coursed brick stretcher bond found in rooms 19a and
18, and the room features an angled central partition and recessed cupboards, PL247.

The eastern elevation features a stone renewal mullioned window with casement, decorated with diamond
pattern leaded cames and glass and is bisected by the partition, PL248.

The other side of the partition is the toilet area, PL249 & PL250.

Room 21, accessed via room 19b passageway is heavily decorated, featuring the same style wainscoting as
room 3, (see above), PL251.

As with its symmetrical partner, room 4, (see above) the southern wall features a large bay, stone renewal
mullioned window with casements, decorated with diamond pattern leaded cames and glass, PL252.

Either side of the window in the eastern and western protrusion from the build’s southern elevation, are
small high placed stone renewal windows with leaded cames, in a decorative diamond pattern and glass.

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These windows, due to their size and high placement feature and steeply angled sill for increase light,
PL253, PL254.

The western wall features two blocked doorways within the panelling, both now blocked, PL255.

The placement of the northernmost door (right, behind the light fitting) opened into room 19b’s small
recessed area, (see above) whereas the southernmost door, (left by the ranging rods) opened into the
stairwell from ground to first floor, room 22, (see below).

The ceiling space of the room is finished the same style found in room 3, except that the transverse beams,
are orientated east to west, and joists orientated north to south.

The joists as with their counterparts in room 3, suffer from being too short and as such have been lengthened
to the timber transverse beams with smaller pieces of wood, PL256.

The beams and joists are all decorated with ovolo chamfering and triangular cut stops, PL257, and the same
cornice moulding and break patterns are also evident, PL256.

A timber wall posts, also decorated with chamfering and triangular cut stop is situated under the transverse
beam in the rooms western wall, PL257 & PL258.

It is noticeably too narrow for the transvers beam it supports and the panelling and wooden ovolo headers
each side are different styles, PL258.

The eastern wall of the room to the north features a stone renewal mullioned window with decorative leaded
cames and glass, PL253

Central to the eastern wall is a large internal stone fireplace, with brick back, tiled hearth, (with pitched
stone surround) and decorative mantel., PL259.

The fireplace currently holds a cast iron stove which obscures a cast iron fireback with relief moulded date
and motif: “1649”, PL260, PL261.

First floor.

Staircases to the first floors rise from rooms 2, 5, 8, (see above).

Room 2, the staircase is accessed through a door in the panelled wainscoting in the eastern elevation, PL119,
and leads to, room 22, a landing on the first floor.

The staircase is double width with a central handrail, presumably to organise the flow of stair users, PL262.

It is carpeted, over timber plank steps; both side walls feature ovolo moulded timber hand rails and the
ceiling is stepped to accommodate the upper rooms.

At the bottom of the stair, the lower wall features a dado rail and panelled skirting, PL263 and to the rear,
behind the survey tripod is a rectangular line on the wall which has been papered over.

This is the position of the southern blocked door through the panel in room 21 therefore the stairs postdate
the panelling of room 21.

Above the dado rail in the south wall is a stone renewal mullion window with diamond pattern leaded cames
with glass and vertical iron bars set internally with a timber frame and sill box, PL264.

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At the top of the staircase, in the north wall, is a stone framed window with two-pointed trefoil arches, a
central mullion set with diamond pattern lead came glazing, PL265.

Both lights have vertical iron bars and five metal horizontal dividers, and the right window has a lower

To the east of the stairwell is the passageway, room 23, which accesses the eastern rooms and stairwell up
to the second floor, PL266 whilst, the west is the entrance into room 28.

Room 23’s eastern elevation is fitted with a stone mullion renewal window featuring diamond pattern
leaded cames and glass, with a casement, PL267.

The southern wall, between rooms 23 and 24, is fitted with a timber dado rail and timber wainscot skirting,

The northern wall is fitted with a half landing staircase up to the second floor which has a timber panelled
surround with a door in its western section to a small under stair cupboard, PL268.

Room 23 leads around to the north, (past the staircase) to rooms 26 and 27, PL269, the direction leads to
room 23a, PL270, a small passageway between rooms 24 and 25.

Above the door frames in room 23a to 23 and 23a to 25, are visible sections of roof timbers and posts,
which have been painted over.

The entrance way into from room 23a to 22, is topped with a timber beam that extends from its western
wall through the eastern wall and into room 25, whilst in the western corner, a timber wall post extends
downwards to the top of the door frame, PL271.

Across the western wall, (running south to north) is another timber beam that extends from the north western
corner’s previous beam and wall post, (above) and continues into room 24, PL272.

The entrance for room 25 also follows the same pattern, with a timber beam, decorated with chamfering
and a triangular cut stop, beginning above the doorway in the western wall and extending into both rooms
24 and 25, above their respective party wall, PL273.

The south western corner also features a timber wall post, decorated with chamfering and a cut stop end
that extends from the corner’s respective ceiling timbers and extends to floor level, PL274.

The ceiling also features decoration found in the ground floor levels with hand moulded cornice work that
follows the course of the timbers, PL272.

Room 24 the eastern wall features a stone renewal two mullion window with diamond pattern leaded cames
and glass, the central light of which has horizontal iron bars, PL275.

The entrance way between rooms 24 and 23a, features a single door with modern frame with a frosted glass
transom window placed off centre to the door, PL276.

The ceiling structure of the room features decorative chamfered timber transverse beam and joists, PL277
aligned the same as the room 21 below it.

The transverse beams as mentioned above, are a continuation from room 23a; the northern timber set
between 24 and 23, continuing from room 23a, and the southern timber from room 23a, into room 24 and
is visible from both rooms 24, PL278 and 25, PL279.

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The ceiling timbers and cornice work continuation from room 23a into room 24, establishes that room 24’s
western party wall is a later instalment as there are no breaks in the continuation of transverse beam.

The most southern room, 25 is also accessed via room 23a and features a smaller dressing room (room 25a)
in its western wall, PL280.

The southern wall of the room has a central bay window, (continued from room 28, below) with a stone
renewal mullioned window featuring diamond pattern leaded cames and glass, and two casements, PL281.

The bay window is also fitted with a timber panelled surround and dado rail.

The south eastern and western walls of the extended gable feature two single stone renewal windows with
diamond pattern leaded cames and glass, both with vertically splayed sills, PL280, (right), PL282, (left).

The north eastern corner of the room features an external chimney and internal stone fireplace with
decorative mantle.

The fireplace currently holds a cast iron double stand grate and is backed with decorative white tiles with
blue decoration, PL283.

The ceiling structure is a continuation from room 24 and 23a. with decorative timber transverse beam and

The joist in this room, however, appears a little skewed possibly; arguably, the slight disorientation of the
ceiling structure is possibly due to the later instalment of the southern bay window, which would suggest
the current ceiling structure to be earlier than the bay window addition.

Note, due to the current layout of the ceilings in room 23a, 25 and 26, it could be suggested that the south
eastern rooms were all once open plan, as each of the room’s party walls have been placed underneath main
timber beams.

Room 25a, is a small room entered in the west from room 25, PL285 and with the exception of the south
wall, features timber post and panelled walls, PL286, PL287.

The southern wall holds a stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern leaded cames and glass,
and single casement and has a lower placed sill, PL288.

The eastern wall access from room 25, is fitted, (within the post and panels) with a large timber door frame
from which is hung an eight panelled timber door with metal door handle, PL285.

Scarring on the door frames, however, shows where an earlier door once hung, PL289, and remains of a
metal door latch on the southern post suggest the door frame originally held a much wider door.

There are also carved carpenters’ marks on the door frames surrounding timbers, PL290.

The timber post and panel eastern wall shows varying re-workings and repairs, with timber bracers and cuts
to some of the posts, PL291.

The central section of the wall also holds the end of transverse timber beam that extends, west to east into
room 25, PL292.

The northern wall holds a purpose built, deep linen closet that spans the width and height of the room and
has been fitted with a timber frame, on a lower projected shelf, PL293, which forms the stepped ceiling
above the stairwell 22 mentioned above.

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From the frame are hung two large timber panelled lower doors and two smaller panelled upper doors,
PL293, PL294.

The closet has been decorated in a style sympathetic to the walls around it however, visible internal changes
such as thinner timber posts and smaller panels do not match, PL295 – PL297, suggesting it was a later
instalment, against the earlier post and panel walls.

Room 26 and 27 are accessed via the north of room 23 and both are heavily modernised bathroom areas.

Room 26 to the east features a stone renewal window with diamond pattern leaded cames and glass, (seen
externally, see above, PL16) has a later addition thick mullion, and is unique the complex.

Internally each window is surrounded with a timber frame and connected sill, the central mullion has been
boxed and wallpapered over, giving it the impression of two separate windows, PL298.

The rest of the room is fitted with modern fixtures and fittings, tiled in places, with wallpaper adorning the
rest of the walls, PL299.

Room 27 (west) features a stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern leaded cames and glass,
with a single casement, PL300.

Again, the room has been heavily modernised though does feature a stainless-steel bath tub with timber
panelled surround and timber top, decorated with a collection of British pennies dated from 1910 – 1936,
PL301, PL302.

The southern wall also possibly hides a vertical timber post though is currently boxed in with a timber plank
surround, PL303.

West of landing 22 a large hall, room 28 which opens through to the western landing room 29.

The entire room is heavily decorated, PL304, with timber post and panel wainscoting adorning every wall,
much like in room 3 below, and the ground floor rooms 2 and 21.

There are areas of change within in the panelling on the southern wall, possibly due to repair, PL305.

The southern wall features three stone renewal windows, a matched pair with three mullions and transom,
fitted diamond pattern leaded cames and glass with casements and a smalle double light with mullion and
fitted diamond pattern leaded cames and glass.

The eastern and central paired windows have panelled side splays and sills, PL304 but the western window
is placed higher with half the height of the other two, PL306.

Both entrances, to the room are fitted with Georgian panelled double doors that open from there middles,
set within timber frames, PL307, (west).

The northern wall features a large central fireplace in stone with a decorative ovolo mantle and brick backed
chimney, PL308.

Either side of the central fireplace is a stone renewal window featuring diamond pattern leaded cames and
glass matching the pair on the south wall, PL309.

The ceiling structure of the room follows the post and panel orientation of room 4 below, (see above);
however, all of the beams are elaborately moulded and decorated with cornice work.

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The corniced tiers feature varying styles of decoration, PL310, PL311, PL312, some of which are Acanthus
leaves, egg and dart patterning, and what appears to be a trio of people.

The floor of the room is constructed of timber planks that run east to west, but a small section in the south
east corner changes orientation to south to north; possibly an earlier repair, PL313.

The second staircase in the western range runs from room 5, ground level, (see above), to room 29’ which
is the first-floor landing.

Due to room 29’s continuation from room 5, the style is the same, with timber panelled wainscot skirting
and dado rails.

The landing opens into a small passageway to the south; leading to room 30, PL314, room 33 north, PL315,
and room 28 to the east, PL316, (see above).

Room 30 is a small passageway into room 31, PL314 and has an eastern wall decorated with timber post
and panels, whilst the western wall holds a large timber panelled cupboard built into a timber planked

To the right of the cupboard space is a timber panelled door which previously opened into room 32 however,
this is now blocked up internally, PL317.

The top of the western wall, (above the fitted cupboard and blocked doorway, PL318 and PL319) is fitted
with transom windows, which are only visible from room 29, as they are covered in rooms 30 and 31.

Room 31 was at one point completely panelled, unfortunately, due to insect infestation, a large section of
the panelled wall has been removed, however, for the purpose of this survey, it meant some of the buildings
earlier fabric was exposed.

The post and panel cladding which began at the eastern side of room 30 continues into room 31, up to the
point where sections have been removed.

The eastern exposed section shows two phases of earlier and later courses of brick, with intermittent larger
stones, PL320.

The south eastern corner holds a stone framed window, now blocked of externally, with side and vertical
splayed sills.

The top of the window appears to has a later addition stone lintel, surrounded by the later phase course of

On the floor in front of the exposed wall lies the remains of the timber panelling, which unfortunately appear
to be the only part of the timber panelled walls to hold decorative carving, possibly being an over-mantle,

The western wall has also had its panelling removed, exposing differing phases of brick coursing.

The south west corner holds a small splayed window aperture, also blocked off externally but retaining a
wooden frame and timber lintel, PL322.

Central to the western wall is an internal fireplace featuring a decorative chamfered stone surround and
moulded mantle, PL323.
The fireplace is identical to that found in room 25, (see PL283) but with a different pattern of blue tiles;
however, it is safe to assume that both rooms were part of the same building phase or refurbishment.

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The southern wall features a large bay window, (continued from room 4, below) again identical to the one
in room 25 and directly above room 4 below, PL324.

The roof structure has been completely renovated, due to much needed repairs and has been expertly done,
saving as much as possible of the original timber, PL325 as can be seen in the photograph.

One timber beam however has been left in situ and is exposed due to the removal of the panelling; this
beam can be found running south to north along the eastern elevation, PL326.

The northern wall holds the entrance way into room 31, on suite bathroom, PL327 (left) which features a
modern on-suite bathroom, PL328.

The western wall features a continuation of the wainscoting from room 31, PL329 and there is a stone
renewal window with diamond pattern leaded cames and glass, and single casement, PL329.

The ceiling structure is the only other remains of the earlier room; a timber beam above the party wall
between room 30 and 31, is visible in the southern wall, and two of the timber joists with chamfered with
cut stops remain and are finished with hand moulded cornice work, PL330.

Room 33 is entered via the northern wall of room 29, PL315, again little remains of any features as the
room has been fitted with modern fixtures and fitting and is wallpapered and carpeted, PL331.

The western wall features two stone renewal mullion windows with diamond pattern leaded cames and
glass, with casements.

Each window is a different size with the southern window holding four panes of glass, PL331 and the
northern holding two, PL332.

Central to the two windows is a small fireplace with stone surround and simple decorated mantle, PL332.

The eastern wall features a timber framed mullion window with single, (lower) central casement which
overlooks the courtyard, PL333.

The northern partition wall is fitted with a later addition, though sympathetic, post and panel reconstruction
providing a party wall between rooms 33 and 34, PL334; the latter accessed via a (secret) doorway behind
the centrally placed mirror/door, PL335.

The roof structure of the room features two chamfered, timber transverse beams that run west to east and
the ceiling may have been lowered as there is no sign of any joists as in other rooms, PL336.

Room 34, the secret room, is accessed via the centrally placed mirror/door in the partition between room
33 and 34, PL337.

The room is heavily modernised with modern cabinets and units; the eastern wall holds a later refurbished
timber framed mullion window with single, (lower) central casement also overlooking the courtyard,

The northern wall holds a small fireplace with stone pointed arch surround and lintel, PL339.

The northern wall, on its course from east to west, abruptly changes course, at a north westerly angle in the
north western corner of the room; also apparent in room 37 behind, although there is no explanation to why
it does this, PL340, PL341 and further investigation was hampered by heavy cabinets.

A third and last stairwell is to the north of the western range and is accessed via room 8 on the ground floor,

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The stairs lead up to a landing area, room 35, that provides access to rooms 36, 38, 39 and 40.

Room 36 is a small modernised room to the south of room 35, it acts as a connecting point to room 37
which is currently blocked with a large wardrobe, PL343 whilst to the south is a disused entranceway into
room 34, (see above).

Room 37 is heavily modernised, the only feature being the angled party wall from room 34, (see above)
and a stone renewal framed mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded cames, and casement, in the
western elevation, PL344.

Room 38 lies to the west of room 35, passageway and is accessed via a timber plank door above which is a
transom window, currently painted over, PL345.

The western elevation features a stone renewal framed mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded
cames, and single casement, PL346.

Running across the top of the southern wall, (west to east) is a part visible chamfered timber transverse
beam which has been painted black, PL347, PL348.

Room 39 sits in the north west corner of the first floor, its northern wall features a central stone renewal
framed mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded cames, and casement which extends to room 40,

The western wall features a small fireplace with stone surround and mantle with a whitewashed brick
fireback, PL350.

The eastern wall is a later addition timber plank wall thrown up between room 39 and 40; the two-brace
timbers that feature in the wall seem superficial, though they could have been placed to add some structural
support to the room above, PL351.

The ceiling structures chamfered transverse beam extends from the rooms western boundary, PL352,
through the eastern partition, PL353 into room 40’s eastern wall and has a cut stop end in each room.

In the south east corner of the room, in the eastern partition wall is a plank and batten door, PL351, currently
blocked off in room 40 by a tiled shower.

Room 40 is north from room 35, currently a bathroom with modern fixtures and fittings with built in
cupboards, PL354.

The western party wall between rooms 39 and 40, is tiled and fitted with a bath and shower cubicle, PL355.

The northern wall holds the right side of the mullion window found in room 39, PL356.

The eastern wall holds a projected central cupboard space which in turn holds the houses a boiler, PL357.

The south section ceiling of the room shows the entry point of the western transverse timber from room 39,
PL358 which extends through the room to the eastern wall where it sits on top of a purpose-built stone
ledge, PL359.

In the north east of the room is a timber door framed recess that leads to a small passageway and stairwell
up to room 41 on the second floor, PL360.

The small passage also contains a recess in the south for additional storage, PL361.

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Second floor

Access to the second floor is via two stairs; one is from room 40a to room 41 found in the northwest of the
complex, the other access is via the eastern range from room 23 to room 49.

As mentioned above, room 23 leads up to room 49 via a modernised, boxed in spiral stair framed in timber
balusters and newel posts with finials with a small hand, PL362.

Room 49 acts as a connection point between rooms; 48, 50, 52 and 53.

Room 50 is a small passageway to room 51 in the south of the eastern cross wing, the western wall of the
passageway is recessed, and has a built-in cupboard space, PL363.

In the south western corner of the room, a section of wallpaper and paint has been removed to expose the
timber roof structure which includes a principal truss as well as scarring from earlier lathe and plaster,

Also exposed is the truss construct of the southern builds eastern gable, and the point where, in a probable
later addition, was built against the eastern cross build’s earlier roof structure, PL365, PL366.

The gable connection point, from the southern build, features many repairs, with additional support posts
being added fixing the two roofs together, (southern builds eastern gable, to eastern cross wings western
elevation), PL365, PL367.

Room 51 is the most southerly room of the eastern cross wing and has a single stone renewal window with
panes in diamond pattern with leaded cames, and central casement, PL368.

The rooms ceiling structure features the truss of the eastern range, (south to north), with evidence of
principal beams, (thick) trenched purlins and queen post supports, PL369.

In the north eastern corner of the room is a recessed fireplace that leads to the external chimney stack in the
eastern elevation and is fitted with a cast iron grate, PL370.

There would appear to have been modifications to the roof structure above the fireplace addition, though
due to plastering this inconclusive, PL369.

In the western wall is a small timber framed hatch leading to the internal roof, PL371, viewed from the
hatch opening, two phases of roof development are visible.

As in room 50, (see above), the roof structure of the eastern range is visible, however, PL372, timber valley
rafters, rafters and purlins are also visible from the southern builds roof structure, PL373.

These later addition timber roof beams also feature built up random coursed brick and mortar, in which the
gable of the southern build is tied, PL374.

Room 52, accessed via room 49, is in an “L” shaped orientation and is currently a basic, but modern kitchen
area, PL375.

The north western corner of the room features a timber plank partition wall with a frosted glass transom
and plank and batten door entry point, PL376.

The eastern wall holds a stone renewal window with panes in diamond pattern with leaded cames, and a
left casement, PL375.

The southern western side holds a partition between rooms 52 and 51, that sits directly in between the roof
structures truss, PL377.

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The south eastern ceiling space features a projected incline, possibly due to plastered over valley rafters
that extend the roof to the fireplaced recess in room 51’s eastern wall, (see above), PL377

Room 53 to the north of the three-storey part of the eastern cross wing, is a small bathroom that overlooks
the single storey constructs to the north of the eastern range, PL91.

The room is modernised but retains a single stone renewal casement window with panes in diamond pattern
leaded cames. removed wall paper above and to the left of the window exposes later addition brick work,

The southern partition wall features a timber framed transom window into room 49, PL379.

To the east and west of the bathroom, are rooms 53a, PL380 and 53b, PL381. small cupboard areas for
storage and boiler.

In room 53b, the roof structure alignment from the eastern intersection gable is visible, PL382.

Room 47 and 48 are situated in the southern build, both rooms are accessed via short stairwells; room 47
is entered from room 46, west to east and room 48 from room 49 east to west.

The stairwell from room 49 to 48 is fitted with timber chamfered, square balusters and newel posts with
finials, PL383.

The room is heavily modernised, there is a wallpapered partition wall between rooms 48 and 47 with a
timber plank and batten doorway, PL384.

What is visible is the orientation of the roof, from east to west, and although timbers are boxed in the
principal beams are still evident, PL385.

A dormer window addition is situated in the northern wall fitted with a timber mullioned window, decorated
with lead cames in a diamond pattern and a casement fitted with a turnbuckle latch, PL386.

Situated in the lowered ceiling of the room are two timber framed hatches, with access granted from the
larger of the two, into the internal roof structure, PL385.

Looking towards the west, the gable end joins from above room 48, to the western range’s eastern elevation
at a collared truss with raking queen posts, with remains of lathe and plaster, PL387.

The collars are wooden pegged, and the principal’s apex is fixed with bridled lap and mortice joints under
a central ridge purlin.

Looking to the east however, the end wall is different, with multiple phasing of roof structures; initially a
two-piece, arched timber truss, PL388, topped with a timber pegged truss with central ridge purlin, PL389.

This is then further topped with (repurposed) timber raking queen posts forming a collar that supports
bridled timber principals under a further central ridge purlin, PL390.

The sections around the lower level timbers are filled with a mixture of lathe and plaster, PL389 with the
upper timbers bricked in, PL390.

From this position, some of the attic space of the northern end of the eastern range is visible under the lower
ceiling arch, (above); unfortunately, not much can be seen and less photographed but there appears to be a
large support post, central to the roof structure, PL391.

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Room 47 can be accessed via room 48 and 46 and as in room 48 has been highly modernised with boxed in
beams, pink painted walls and carpet, PL392.

The room features a large recess in the southern wall fitted with a stone renewal mullioned window, with
casement, decorated with lead cames in diamond pattern formation, PL393.

The northern wall features a dormer extension, with a timber framed mullion window, with leaded cames
in square pattern formation; the right side of which has a casement with spiral ended turnbuckle latch,

Left, PL395 and right, PL396 of the main window’s dormer sides, feature glass panes with leaded cames
in square pattern formation.

To the right of the dormer addition is a part decorative hexagonal recess that has been cut and fitted with a
wooden framed fireplace and mantle. PL397.

The fireplace holds cast iron grate with brick flue and the fireback is finished in decorative white tiles with
purple landmark scenes.

As with room 48, the room has been heavily modernised, but is wider, exposing more of its roof structure
and the timbers, PL392.

To the south east of the room is a small storage cupboard approximately 1m wide which gives access into
the roof structure south of room 48, PL398.

The roof structure once again has multiple phases with timbers joists at different orientations, arguably
evidence of the southern gable façade roof being added at a later date, PL399.

Room 46 is accessed via a skewed carpeted stairwell from room 47, PL400.

The room until recently had an on-suite bathroom, (room 45) but due to refurbishments and repairs the
walls appear to have been removed making this one room only, PL401.

Room 46 much like the room below 31, (see above), has had a lot of repair and renovation work done, the
roof structure is completely exposed, showing the timber truss frame.

The frame is made up of timber principals with trenched purlins and collar, the apex has a central ridge
purlin, PL402, and the structure also features occasional rafter braces.

The principals are fixed with queen posts that extend to the trusses tie beam below the floor level, PL403.

The southern wall gable is built of two phases of coursed brick, PL403, with a timber tie beam extending
across at floor level, PL404.

The southern wall has a splayed, stone renewal mullioned window, with central casement. decorated with
lead cames in diamond pattern. The window has a later addition stone lintel and the brick phase changes
above this lintel to the apex of the roof, PL403.

The partitions between the roof structure are laid with plywood boards hiding the roofs rafters, PL405.

The northern wall between rooms 46 and 44 is decked out with a timber post and panel partition, PL401
and to the left of this in the north western corner, the room extends due to a western gable intersection
addition, PL406.

Due to this the roof structure changes, additional timber valley rafters have been added to support the change
in roof orientation, PL407.

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The gable addition also features a stone renewal mullioned window, with casement. decorated with lead
cames in diamond pattern; starting in room 46, PL406 the window extends and finishes in room 44, PL408.

Room 44 provides access to the lathe and plaster dome above the western stairwell from room 5 to room
29, first floor, PL409.

The southern wall of the room is the post and panel partition between 44 and 46 and sections of the panelling
have broken apart exposing lathe and plaster beneath, PL410.

Parts of the roof structure are panelled, and feature graffiti datable to “1911”, PL411.

To the west of the room, structural roof changes are visible with the incorporation of the gable intersection
addition found also in room 46, PL412.

To the east of the room, structural roof changes are visible with the joining of roof structures, between the
western and southern ranges, PL413.

To the north of the room is a post a panel partition wall between rooms 44 and 43, an access way once
existed but was boarded over at the time of the survey, PL414.

Room 41 is accessed via a small steep stair with a right-handed rail affixed to the wall from the first-floor
of northern room 40a, PL415.

Room 41 is the northern gable room of the western range and has a single stone renewal mullioned window,
with casement, decorated with lead cames in diamond pattern, PL416.

The roof structure of the room is fairly exposed, with a timber truss frame of principals, pegged collar,
purlins and raking queen post supports, however, a lowered central ceiling prevents access to the apex.

Sections of plaster have fallen away exposing the lathe and plaster construct underneath, PL417.

To the south, between room 41 and 42 is a simple partition wall with central modern door access between
rooms, PL418.

Room 42 is similar to 41, following the same roof structure, PL419, one difference is a small access point,
PL420, providing entry to the attic space 43, above rooms 33, 34, 36 & 37.

Room 43 is a large attic room, central to the western range; accessed at the time of the survey a small
hatchway in the northern wall of room 42 but in the past via a door way in the southern post and panel party
wall between rooms 43 and 44.

The northern wall of the room is built of later addition lathe and plaster panels and posts, PL421 whilst the
southern wall is also a post and panel partition, but more in keeping to the earlier c17th style of the western
range, PL422.

The eastern elevation features a central oriel window with a timber framed mullioned window with central
casement, decorated with lead cames in diamond pattern and fitted with glass, PL423.

Interestingly the window, (as mentioned above) wasn’t installed until after 1868; the sketch of the south
and western ranges in “Castles and old Mansion of Shropshire, pg., 50, showing no oriel window.

The window currently stands on a base of coursed brick, PL424, with a roofing structure of timber valley
rafters, purlins and central ridge purlin extending from the earlier roof’s eastern elevation, PL425, PL426.

The earlier roof section also shows the changes caused by this addition, with a section cut from one of the
eastern purlins to allow access to the window, PL423, PL427, PL428.

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The rest of the earlier roof structure, orientated north to south, features timber collared trusses with
principals, trenched purlins and raking queen post supports. PL429, PL430, PL431.

The apex of the roof is pegged with tenon joints under a central ridge purlin, PL432.

Sections of the western elevation have been modified to incorporate external chimneys, (with valley rafters
supports) or built around internal brick chimneys, PL433, PL434.

Some of the collars and principal beams feature etched assemblage marks, PL435

The floor of room 43 lays exposed with only a makeshift timber plank walkway, allowing access to the
placement of the timber tie beams, PL436 and the diminished shoulder cogged joists, PL437.


The building complex also features two cellars, one under the western range, accessed via room 8 and one
under the eastern range, entered via the north eastern yard, room 14 and the eastern elevation.

The entrance point to the western cellar, (from room 8, PL438) is accessed via a timber plank and batten
door that features a decorative wooden internal bolt, PL439.

Internally the door can be seen topped with a timber framed transom window, PL440.

The stairwell down to room 54 is built of coursed brick steps; as are the surrounding walls, PL441, which
lead to a brick lined and arched passageway, PL442, over a brick floor with drainage channels, (continuation
of room 54), to room 55 to the south.

Room 55 is a large room to the south of the western range, constructed mostly in random coursed stone
with the sections of wall built in brick, PL443, PL444, and all partially plastered.

The floor is also made of coursed brick, with sections of larger coursed brick to the south, PL445.

The roof features an axial beam with cogged joists, PL446, supported off brick pillars. The timber has been
given extra support on both ends with pillars of coursed brick, PL447, PL448.

The north eastern corner of the room features arch large brick arched recess, PL449 whilst the south has a
square aperture channel with partial wooden bracers, built for running household pipes, PL450.

The eastern cellar room 56, is accessed either via the north eastern yard, room 14 (see above), PL96 or from
brick lined steps with concrete surrounds, under the external eastern elevation, PL451.

The entrance doorway is fitted with a double lined brick arch and the remains of a timber door frame, PL452
which currently rests against the northern wall of room 56.

The door itself is constructed of heavy oak with battens, panels and ledges, with a decorative diamond
pattern cut in the top, PL453.

Room 54’s northern wall features a square aperture built in brick, the aperture is topped with a brick double
arched lintel, and it appears partially bricked up and rendered, PL454.

The aperture opens into a deep well, viewed from the aperture, the well can be seen to be built in brick
courses with the lower levels being built of random coursed stone.

Metal pipe work seems to be below the level of brick in the stone coursing, the depth of the well is unknown,

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The rest of room 54 acts as a brick and plaster lined passageway, topped with a brick arch over a brick floor,
leading to room 55, PL456.

In room 55 the passageway opens out and becomes wider and is plastered which obscures most of the build
features, PL457.

The south of the room holds and masonry platform where the older boiler once sat, PL458 and the southern
wall leads into room 56, PL459.

Room 56 is the large cellar room to the south of the eastern range; its upper levels and its arched ceiling are
all rendered, however the lower level walls show the room to be build of a course of random stone, PL460.

In the north western corner, a section of the arched ceiling has been removed for the placement of utility
pipes, the hole created has an infill of brick, however, the brick has a surround of random coursed stone,

The eastern wall holds an arched recess with stone framed mullion window fitted with iron bars with a
sloped sill, PL462.

The southern wall features a central recess, with an inclined stone floor under a central arch fitted with an
iron bar grille.

The lower section of this arch appears to have been filled in with stone to create a chute, PL463.

Externally, (see above) the arch is lined with brick and the size and shape of the arch, if it did indeed stretch
to floor level before being half infilled, would suggest a possible earlier southern entrance into the eastern

External Garage

To the north of the complex is a small external garage which is a modern construction in breeze block; open
to the south it has no doors.

The southern entrance is fitted with a partial timber partial metal frame, with the upper section painted
sympathetic to the post and panel design style, PL464.

Internally the eastern wall featured a timber framed modern window, PL465.

The roof structure is made up of modern machine cut timbers, PL466.

The placement of the garage is within an earlier addition northern boundary wall construct of coursed stone,
currently covered with course vegetation, PL464.

Assessment of areas of development

The original survey consisted of a level I, photographic survey with areas, where proposed works are to
commence needing a level II.

The survey as a whole, due to the complicated nature, and multiple phases of the buildings, has been
recorded far more in depth than originally intended, due to its sheer scope.

What follows is a list of areas, where the intend works will be commenced, including plates referenced in
the report above.

Ground floor southern building, room 1,2,3 and part of room 19.

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• No internal changes apart from re-instatement of room 3, central northern fireplace.

Ground floor, Western cross wing, rooms 4,5,6,7,8, and 9:

• Room 4 - Carpeting removed, timber floor retained. North western corner cupboard fitted with
built in unit, floor fitted with stone tiles.
• Room 5 – carpet removed, timber floor retained.
• Room 6 – Western wall porch re-instatement, will require some demolition work. Placement of
porch will reside where earlier porch once stood, (See above), fig ??, PL44.
• Room 7 – Carpet removed, earlier flooring retained. North western corner transom window to be
blocked in, PL187.
• Room 8 – Stairwell remodelling and door repairs. Western door to outside replaced with window,
• Room 9 – Bread oven repair. Vinyl floor removed retaining underneath brick floor. Eastern door
blocked off. north western window unblocked. Modern fixtures and fittings.

Ground floor, northern buildings. Rooms 10, 10a &b, 11, 12, 13, northern courtyard rooms 14, a, b, and c.
• The southern wall of the northern build will be removed and pushed back to the northern rooms,
PL84.The area with be fitted with an external covered walkway, with new main entrances fitted to
access rooms 8, (west), room 10 north and new lobby room to the north east. The demolition work
will remove both rooms 10a, PL207 and 10b, PL467 and the southern end of room 10, PL202.
• Room 10 - will be fitted with a new access doorway into room 11, (east)
• Room 11 - will be turned into a new kitchen area and fitted with new fixtures and fittings. The
northern window will be repaired. Additional doorways will be added into both room 10 and new
passageway to south of rooms 12 and 13.
• Room 12 - will be modernised and fitted with an internal staircase to the new addition first floor.
The northern window with be replaced with a new door aperture that will, in effect remove part of
the wall underneath the current window sill, PL05.
• Room 13 – will amalgamate current room 10c toilet, PL216, removing the southern party wall
between the two rooms. The northern window will be replaced with modern blind window.
• NEW CONSTRUCT – where room 14, north eastern courtyard and outbuildings currently reside,
PL98, PL100, P106. All outbuildings will be demolished and replaced with 3 new rooms. To the
east of room 13 will be a new larder. To the north of the eastern cross wing will be the installation
of a new living/dining room. An additional third room will be added to the south west of the two
above new constructs, to allow access between the two rooms. Due to the new building, the western
entrance into the eastern cellar with be replaced, and the cellar well will be covered over.

Ground floor, eastern cross wing, rooms 15, 16, 17, 18, 19a, 19b, 20, 21, and 22
• Room 15 – northern wall and window, part demolition opening into new construct living/dining
room to the north, PL88. Installation of a new window in eastern wall and unblocking of another.
• Room 16 – northern doorway into room 15 will be repositioned. Northern wall will have new
fireplace built into current chimney stack found in room 15’s southern wall. The eastern and
western walls will have part demolition works, for the installation of new doorways. This will
involve the part removal of the western stone renewal mullion window, PL230, and demolition of
the later addition outbuilding, room 17 (east), PL13. The southern wall will be fitted with an
internal staircase up to the first floor, (room 26).
• Room 17, outbuilding, demolition. (see above)
• Room 18 – no changes
• Room 19a - southern doorway and transom removed, PL232.
• Room 19b – no change
• Room 20 – central modern partition and door removed, PL248.
• Room 21 – fireplace to be re-instated, 17th century fireback to be retained.
• Rooms, 2, 21 and 22 – stairwell from ground to first floor to be restored unblocking access from
room 21 to 22, PL255.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

First floor, southern building, room 28.

• Northern wall fireplace re-instated.

First floor, western cross wing, rooms 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40.
• Room 29 – carpeting removed, new doorway and part stub wall access into room 30. Western
door and transom blocked up, PL319.
• Room 30 – see above (29), carpet replaced
• Room 31 – repairs to timber panelling, PL320 Unblocking eastern, PL320 and western windows,
PL322. Replacement carpeting.
• Room 32 – window repairs.
• Room 33 – northern wall timber post and panel partition removed, PL334. Additional door to
west of new wall for access into small cupboard space. Additional door to east of new wall for
new access into room 34.
• Rooms 34,36 and 37 to be amalgamated. The rooms will then be fitted with a central partition
creating two new rooms. Eastern room accessed via room 33, See above. Western room accessed
via new room to the north, see below.
• Room 35 – current stairwell from ground to first floor will be remodelled and continued to above
second floor. Door to south, currently blocked, will open into storage behind new room placement,
(see above) Passageway to current room 38 will be blocked off door to placement of new stair.
Access door to current room 40 will remain. New access to new northern first floor build to east
will be added. Modern carpet removed timber floor retained.
• Rooms 39 and 40 – rooms amalgamated into one, central partition wall to be removed, PL351.
Current north eastern stairwell to second floor will be removed, PL415. Room will be accessed
via current door from stairwell. Additional doorway will be added to south west for access into
current room 39.
• Room 38 – new access from room new room (currently room 39) see above. Current accessed
blocked off.

First floor, northern building.

• New Construct – new first floor comprising of seven new rooms/passageways. New western
access from room 35, western stairwell. Central access from new stairwell from modified ground

First floor, eastern wing, (south), rooms 23, 23a, 24, 25, 25a, 26, 27.
• Room 23, 23a – Carpeting removed, earlier timber flooring retained. New access doorway from
ground stairwell landing added. New doorway addition into room 27, (see below).
• Room 24 – replacement carpeting.
• Room 25 – replacement carpeting.
• Room 25a – room to be turned into modern ensuite. Changes to include fixtures and fitting, carpet
removal and the laying of tiles.
• Room 26 – currently a bathroom. Room to be modified into stairwell and lobby for stairwell from
ground floor, room 16. Eastern wall to be removed, PL299. Demolition to northern wall for access
for proposed stairwell. New door placement to southern wall. Carpet removed, timber floor
• Room 27 – current access point to be blocked up with new access to be added in southern wall
from room 23. Carpet removed, new tiles to be fitted over retained timber floor.

Second floor southern build, rooms 47 and 48.

• Rooms 47 and 48 – central partition between rooms to be removed, PL384. Lowered ceiling to be
removed with new ceiling addition to be raised to roof apex. The suggested works will expose and
conserve the roofs timber trusses and purlins. Western dormer window, (currently room 47) to be
remodelled, PL394. Timber staircase (from current room 48 to room 49) to be replaced, PL383.
Stairwell (from current 47 to 46), also replaced and widened, PL400.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

Second floor western cross wing, rooms 45, 46, 44, 43, 42, and 41.
• Room 45 – already part of room 46. (see report, above)
• Room 46 – all changes to roof structure have already commenced, PL403. North eastern corner
of room will be partitioned to create a small landing area and steps between rooms, 46, 47 and 43.
New landing area will utilise space from room 44’s eastern side, Partitioning off some off the
room. With these changes new doors and access points will be fitted.
• Room 44 – as mentioned above, room 44’s eastern side will be portioned off to create new landing
structure between rooms 46, 47 and 43. The room will also be completely remodelled with the
installation of a new ensuite bathroom. New flooring will be constructed. Efforts to preserve
historic graffiti have been put in place.
• Room 43 – is to be converted into a usable room. The roof will have new plaster added along the
slope of the roof keeping the timber roof structure exposed. A new doorway will be added to the
southern wall into the new landing between rooms 46 and 47. A new access will also be added to
the northern wall into the new landing room, (see below).
• Rooms 42 and 41- room 42 will be fitted with the top of the new staircase from room 35 below,
(first floor). The southern wall will be fitted with a new access doorway into room 43, (see above).
The northern wall will also be fitted with a new access doorway into room 41. Room 41 will be
fitted with a new bathroom. Both rooms will have their ceilings raised to the apex of the roof,
exposing the timber roof structure. Room 40 will have its carpet removed. The retained timber
floor will then be tiled over. Room 42 will have its carpet removed but will retain its timber

Second floor, eastern cross wing, rooms 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 53a and 53b.
• Rooms 49 and 50 – partition wall between two rooms to be removed creating a larger landing
space. New doorway access to (current room 46) southern building to the west being installed.
• Rooms 51 – ceiling to be replaced and raised to apex. In doing so roof beams will be exposed and
add more room space.
• Room 52 – room to be remodelled into smaller ensuite bathroom to room 51. Western wall to be
taken in creating more space for room 49/50 new landing placement. Current doorway to be
removed, replacement door will be accessible from room 51, PL376.
• Room 53, a and b – space to be turned into laundry room. Partition between rooms 53 and 53b, to
be removed creating more space, PL381. Room 53a blocked off. New window to be added in
eastern gable intersection. New door placement in southern wall.

Western cellar, rooms 54 and 55.

• Room 54 – to be fitted with new door into room 55, PL448
• Room 55 – installation of electricity and heating. Windows to east to be unblocked, PL75, PL76.
Eastern entrance to be re-instated, PL77 with new external stairwell from central courtyard to be

Eastern cellar, rooms 56, 57 and 58.

• Room 56 – external eastern door to be replaced, PL452. Entrance from courtyard to north now
incorporated in new ground floor room. Eastern splayed slit vent to be converted into a bat access
point, PL468.
• Room 57 - south access point into room 58 to be fitted with new door way. Ceiling flue to be
converted into bat roost.
• Room 58 – to be converted into wine cellar. All stone framed windows to be fitted with new
windows, PL462, PL463.

External garage, to north of property.

• Garage to be demolished and replaced with new garage and car port, PL464

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

External modifications, (see above)

• Timber repairs to western cross wing’s eastern elevation, PL74
• Ground levels around building to be reduced.
• Reconstruction/demolition of northern building and eastern cross wings, northern section and
courtyard, (rooms 14a, b and c).
• Central courtyard – western cross wing eastern elevation. Underground stair placement to access
western cellar. Earlier doorway between new stairwell and cellar to be reopened.
• Western cross wing, western elevation – new porch to be constructed, where earlier, (currently
demolished) porch once stood. Porch to reopen previous entrance.
• Room 17 outbuilding - eastern cross wing eastern elevation, to be demolished.


Information gathered for the purpose of this building survey would suggest that the majority of the proposed
works will not impact the archaeologically sensitive fabric of the current structures, indeed, in some cases,
the proposed works will help to conserve the standing fabric.

The internal modifications to the southern build, western range and partial, (south) eastern range will be
mostly superficial.

The earliest parts of the buildings will remain mostly untouched, with only later addition carpets removed,
retaining earlier floors, unblocking of earlier windows, removal of later addition transom windows,
reinstatement of fireplace hearths and unblocking of previous stairwell entrances/exits.

Other modifications to these buildings include the removal of later addition partition walls, creating new
room spaces within the builds, and new doorway fittings where appropriate. Rooms; 20, 26, 27, 33, 34, 36.
37, 39, 40, 47, 48, 44, 42, 41, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53.

Changes to the north of the western range, involve the blocking up of a later addition external ground floor
door, (being replaced with a window), room 8, and the modification of a later additional stairwell.

The modification to the stairwell will see the removal of the current stair from first to second floor in rooms
40 to 41 and the stairwell on the ground to first floor, will then be extended from the first to second floor.

This remodelling will happen in the part of the build that is mostly modern in date and will not alter any of
the building’s earlier fabric.

One of the proposed changes will be to the western range’s western elevation, room 6 the proposed change
will be the addition of an external room.

Documentary evidence suggests, in conjunction with current external wall scarring, that this section of wall
previously held a porch, and as such, the earlier fabric of the wall will be unaffected by the construction of
something that was once previously there, fig 02a.

The eastern elevation of the western range will be fitted with a new external, below ground, cellar stairwell
with the entrance/exit to the cellar, room 55, a blocked entrance/exit that was once in place, fig 02b.

The windows to the left of the cellar entrance will also be unblocked and the external ground level lowered,
exposing more of the earlier construct of the build.

Changes to the eastern range, (north), room 16, include the demolition of the external outbuilding to the
east, room 17, and new access from the central courtyard and eastern wing where the outbuilding once
stood which may affect potential earlier foundations of the build.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

Other changes involve the construction of a new stairwell from the ground floor of the northern section to
the first floor of the southern section. The new entrance to the southern section would require part
demolition for the installation of the aperture, Room 26.

The roof structures of the southern, eastern, (south) and western buildings are to have their ceilings raised,
exposing the earlier timber beams for preservation.

The major construction change to Whitton court will be the reconstruction of the northern build, rooms 10,
10a, 10b, 10c, 11, 12, and 13.

The southern wall is to be demolished, and in affect rooms 10a, 10b, and part of 10, along with it. The
southern elevation will then be formed by the south wall of rooms, (Part of) 10, 11, 12, and 13 with their
southern walls becoming the new south elevation.

Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13 will then be remodelled to allow access to one another

Further works will also require the demolition of the north eastern yard outbuildings, rooms 14 and
construction of three new rooms, on the ground floor and the addition of a new first floor.

It is thought that most of the northern build, (with the exception of the door, which is to be retained), north
eastern yard and outbuildings, are of a later construct, and the buildings fabric would also seem to suggest
this, however, as with the other buildings, the lower levels are built of random coursed stone, (albeit
possibly later addition) and as such may be built on earlier foundations.

Changes to the eastern cellar, room 58, will require removal, and replacement of the stone mullion windows.
The partially underground stone windows all reside in what is possibly one of the earliest parts of the house
however, and as such consideration into this would be advised.

External changes to the buildings will require the lowering of the ground levels around the buildings which
will expose more of the earlier potentially medieval foundations.

Removal of the external northern garage is inconsequential, as this is a 20th/21st century breeze block
construction and as such has no archaeological significance, that being said, the boundary walls either side
of it could be of an earlier date, however due to vegetation overgrowth more accurate data could not be


The original archive will be retained by APAC. Ltd and a secondary archive will be deposited with the
Shropshire HER and OASIS (apacltd-336806).


I would like to thank the client Mr K Graham for the details supplied and for all the help and information.
for allowing access to this extremely interesting property and the chance to record it.

Also the builders on site and the gardener for their assistance.

Thanks also to the agent for awarding APAC Ltd the contract.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

Bibliography and References:

Acton, F. S., 1886. The Castles Old Mansions of Shropshire, reprint FB & c Ltd, London.

APAC. Ltd 2018 WSI.BS/WCW/18 Written scheme of investigation for a Level 1 &
Level II Building Recording Survey. Whitton Court, Whitton,
Ludlow, Shropshire.

Chartered Institute of
Archaeologists. Code of Conduct and the Code of Approved Practice for the
regulation of Contractual Arrangements in Field Archaeology.

Standards and Guidance for the collection, documentation,

conservation and research of archaeological materials. 2014.

Standard and Guidance for the Archaeological Investigation

and Recording of Standing Buildings and Structures, 2014.

Hawkes Edwards & Cave

Heritage report, for Conservation Repairs and Alteration. Revision D,
November 2017.

Existing plans:

Roof plans – 811/86

Ground floor - 811/83
First floor – 811/84
Second floor – 811/85
Cellar plans – 811/82
Garage plans – 811/93

Proposed plans:

Roof plans – 811/108

Ground floor - 811/105
First floor – 811/106
Second floor – 811/107
Cellar plans – 811/104
Site layout – 811/81

Historic England Management of Archaeological Projects (2006).

(English Heritage)

Understanding Historic Buildings, A Guide to Good Recording

Practice 2016

Morris. J., (ed) 1986. Domesday Book, SCIROPESCIRE. Phillimore, Chichester.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court BS/WCW18

Shropshire Council Programme of works and alterations to include erection of two storey
PlApp:17/04607/FUL extension to rear elevation, porch to side elevation; (part) underground
6-bay garage, creation of self contained flat; re-routing of vehicular
driveway to include change of use of land, reinstatement of garden
terraces, ponds and pavilions; removal of trees.


National library of Scotland http://www.nls.co.uk

British Listed Buildings http://www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/
Google Earth http://www.google.co.uk/
Magic http://magic.defra.gov.uk/


A.P.A.C. Ltd will retain full copyright of any reports and specialist reports, under the Copyright, Designs
and Patents Act of 1988 with all rights reserved.

A.P.A.C. Ltd hereby gives permission for the monitoring authority to use any documentation directly
relating to the project as described in the Project Design.

A.P.A.C. Registered Address: Wyastone Estate, Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, NP25 3SR.
Tel: 07734962919. Mobile: 07734962919 Email: apac.philips@btinternet.com
Company Registration No 05041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19
Director: Dr N. Phillips D.Phil. BA (Hons). Cert Ed/FE. MCIFA

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.

Fig 01: Site location map A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/WCW/18

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.

Plate 02a: Whitton court, southern facade, southern elevation and western cross wing with
western elevation, (The Castles Old mansions of Shropshire, pg: 50).

fig 02b: Southern building, northern elevation. Western cross wing, A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/WCW//18
eastern elevation, (The Castles Old mansions of Shropshire,
pg: 50).
Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Fig 03: 1751 Shropdhire hundreds map A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/WCW/18
Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.

fig 04a: Shropshire LXXIX.SW. Surveyed 1883 to 1884 - fig 04b: Herefordshire IV.SW. Revised 1902 - Publshed 1904.
Publshed 1884

fig 04c: Herefordshire IV.SW. Revised 1949 - Published 1953 fig 04d: Magic Map - Current.
A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/WCW/18

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.

Existing roof plans Existing ground floor plans Existing first floor plans

14a 39
9 11 40
10 12 13
8 10c 38 35
15 34

6 16 17 33

5b 19a 27
18 26
5 29
5a 19b 20 22
32 23
3 30 28
2 23a
4 24
22 31
1 25

Fig 02a: Floor plans, (Adapted)

A.P.A.C. Ltd: BS/WCW/18
Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.

Existing second floor plans Existing cellar plans Existing garage



54 56


44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Fig 02b: Floor plans, (Adapted)

A.P.A.C. Ltd: BS/WCW/18
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01589 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Lean-to corridor passageway between north and west builds. Lean to features
Job No 811, Drw No 86 crowstep roof on top of later addition brick. Main entrance into passageway,
(room 10), through segmental arch stone frame fitted with timber panel
studded door. Door fitted with drop door latch.

Plate No: 01

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01597 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image General, north build, northern elevation with intersecting gable and western
Job No 811, Drw No 86 build northern gable. .

Plate No: 02

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01594 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Northern build, northern elevation with intersecting corbie gable. Gable
Job No 811, Drw No 86 features central stone renewal mullioned window with fitted horizontal and
vertical bars in a rectangular pattern, window also fitted with glass. Two slit vents
feature above main window with ashlar chamfered sills and lintels. Construct
of walls – random coursed stone capped with stone plinth, under earlier phase
“English” bond brick. This is then topped with a later course/refurbishment of
Plate No: 03
“English” bond brick.
A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01595 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Northern build, northern elevation with intersecting corbie gable. Gable is fitted
Job No 811, Drw No 86 with central stone renewal mullioned windows with horizontal and vertical bars
in a rectangular pattern, window fitted with glass. Two slit vents feature above
main window with ashlar chamfered sills and lintels. Two phases of brick course. .

Plate No: 04

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01598 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Northern build, northern elevation to north eastern courtyard (14) boundary wall.
Job No 811, Drw No 86 Wall follows same construct as intersecting gable, stone followed by brick in
different phases. Stone course and plinth differs with a slight crowstep drop.
Wall fitted with two stone windows. Left window topped with stone lintel, with a
surround of brick. Window to right, stone lintel, sill and quoined surround. Both
windows are fitted with timber plank doors with strap handles. .
Plate No: 05

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01600 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Detail, spear head strap hinges on panel doors.
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 06

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01599 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Northern build, northern elevation to north eastern courtyard (14) boundary wall.
Job No 811, Drw No 86 Wall follows same construct as intersecting gable, stone followed by brick in
different phases. Stone course and plinth differs with a slight crowstep drop.
Wall fitted with two stone windows. Left window topped with stone lintel, with a
surround of brick. Window to right, stone lintel, sill and quoined surround. Both
windows are fitted with timber plank doors with strap handles.
Plate No: 07

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01603 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Boundary wall and entrance. North eastern courtyard and outbuildings between
Job No 811, Drw No 86 northern and eastern builds gables.

Plate No: 08

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01604 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Boundary wall into north eastern courtyard and outbuildings. Stepped entrance
Job No 811, Drw No 86 within brick wall. Fitted with partial timber lintel and decorated iron gate. Wall
construct of stone with plinth under “English” bond course. Wall then topped
with brick caps. Left of wall begins to shift into a course of diaper brick where
it continues for the eastern portion of the boundary wall.
Plate No: 09

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01607 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Eastern elevation courtyard wall, continuation of “Diaper” brick. Cut entrance
Job No 811, Drw No 86 into cellar through random coursed stone and diaper work.

Plate No: 10

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01614 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Eastern elevation. Random coursed stone with possible stone window,
Job No 811, Drw No 86 (cellar level) now bricked in. coursed stone topped with plinth course followed
by brick course in “Diaper” bond.

Plate No: 11

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01616 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Detail, Eastern elevation. Random coursed stone with iron barred slit vent,
Job No 811, Drw No 86 with cut stone lintel and sill. (visible in cellar level).

Plate No: 12

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01619 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image East elevation of room 17 lean-to. Features two quoined stone renewal
Job No 811, Drw No 86 windows and doorway aperture. Random coursed stone and plinth feature
quoins, though possibly later addition.

Plate No: 13

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4044 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Recess roof remains of lathe and plaster with timber framed hatch. Wall to left
Job No 811, Drw No 83 part of buildings earlier coursed brick.

Plate No:14

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4048 EXTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Eastern wall. Single stone renewal window with diamond pattern leaded cames.
North east
Stone window set in interior timber frame

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No:15

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01623 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Eastern elevation, three story south section. Intersection gable topped with
Job No 811, Drw No 86 corbie addition. Gable features two stone mullion windows with dripstones.
Stone construct – “Diaper” bond re-commences after the outbuilding, (room 17).
This is then heightened to its decorated top in a later phase of brickwork

Plate No: 16

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01624 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Intersection gable additions to eastern elevation. Northern Gable return to
Job No 811, Drw No 86 eastern elevation. Continuation of “Diaper bond” coursed brick. Eastern
elevation and gable foundation built of random coursed stone with coursed
plinth. Eastern elevation between gable and chimney stack additions. Ground
level, with coursed random stone, features stone mullioned window in cellar
level, window also has stone dripstone.
Plate No: 17

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01625 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Eastern elevation, between gable and chimney stack additions. Elevation
Job No 811, Drw No 86 features four Stone renewal mullioned windows, all with dripstones, and all
different sizes. The windows are positioned, two at ground floor and two at first
floor, within the - part “Diaper” course part “English” bond course, construct. At
the top of the first-floor windows, the brick structure can be seen to change
with the addition of a gable roof. Also, at the same point, are two timber ends
Plate No: 18
sticking through the brickwork of the wall.
A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01627 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image South eastern corner, eastern elevation, external chimney. Later addition.
Job No 811, Drw No 86 Coursed “English” bond brickwork topped with Star shaped and corbelled
decorative triple chimney stacks.

Plate No: 19

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01628 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Eastern elevation between gable and chimney stack additions. Ground level,
Job No 811, Drw No 86 within coursed random stone, features stone mullioned window in cellar level,
window also has stone dripstone.

Plate No: 20

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01630 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image South eastern corner. Ground level within random coursed stone foundations.
Job No 811, Drw No 86 Small window into cellar, iron barred and topped with lintel and possible

Plate No: 21

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01632 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
Vertical/North west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image South eastern corner, eastern elevation underneath eaves. Ground and first
Job No 811, Drw No 86 floor stone renewal mullioned windows, with dripstones.

Plate No: 22

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01636 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image General southern elevation façade. From below “Ha Ha” steps.
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 23

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01639 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image South build, southern elevation front Façade. All builds built on random coursed
Job No 811, Drw No 86 foundations, followed by (in the very least) two phases of coursed brick. Top of
ground and first floors decorated with coursed string of ashlar. Gable and
central elevation roof edges, coursed in stone.

Plate No: 24

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01660 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image South build, southern elevation and western builds gable end. Western gable
Job No 811, Drw No 86 features ground and first floor bay windows topped on the second floor with a
crenulated parapet. Two coursed strings decorate the façade, west to east.
Viewpoint, lower level southern gardens in front a boundary wall.

Plate No: 25

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01641 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image South elevations of eastern buildings ground and first floor bay windows.
Job No 811, Drw No 86 Windows topped with a crenulated parapet on the second floor.

Plate No: 26

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01661 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image South build, southern elevation façade. South elevation has central gable roof
Job No 811, Drw No 86 addition. Roof edge decorated in ashlar with corbelled decoration. Gable end
edges feature ashlar decoration that end in skew corbels.

Plate No: 27

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01647 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Southern builds elevation porch with crenulated parapet, flagged stoned floor
Job No 811, Drw No 86 patio surrounded by gardens boundary wall.

Plate No: 28

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01658 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Join between western build gable and southern builds southern elevation,
Job No 811, Drw No 86 gable and elevation appear to retain some of the “diaper” coursed stonework
found in the eastern build though brickwork has been renewed at a later date.

Plate No: 29

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01667 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Western build, ground floor stone renewal bay window. Western elevation of
Job No 811, Drw No 86 western build.

Plate No: 30

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01633 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image South eastern corner, eastern build gable and eastern elevation. Gable end
Job No 811, Drw No 86 features two single stone surround windows, ground and first floors.

Plate No: 31

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01648 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Southern porch wall, Stone renewal mullion windows, with diamond pattern
Job No 811, Drw No 86 leaded cames in two different pattern sizes.

Plate No: 32

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01649 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Southern elevation porch entrance into room 1. Doorway fitted with ashlar
Job No 811, Drw No 86 surround and frame with large stone lintel and dripstone. timber plank and
batten door with studding and strap hinges.

Plate No: 33

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01655 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Detail. Timber panelled and studded door with door drop handle
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 34

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01654 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Detail. Timber panelled and studded door with door knocker.
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 35

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01640 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image South build, southern elevation front Façade, coursed stonework underneath
Job No 811, Drw No 86 eastern bay windows of eastern building. Exposed at ground level is a pitched
brick arch with iron bar grille. Possibly an earlier entrance into the cellar.

Plate No: 36

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01643 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image South build, southern elevation front Façade, coursed stonework underneath
Job No 811, Drw No 86 eastern bay windows of eastern building. Exposed at ground level is a pitched
brick arch with iron bar grille. Possibly an earlier entrance into the cellar.

Plate No: 37

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01644 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Southern build elevation, to eastern build gable. South elevation porch to
Job No 811, Drw No 86 western wall of eastern builds gable creates a small recess with a mullioned
window in the middle. Note, only spot of external walls where random coursed
stone levels rise to this height.

Plate No: 38

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01668 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Western build, ground floor stone renewal bay window. Western elevation of
Job No 811, Drw No 86 western build. Remains of “diaper” coursed brick.

Plate No: 39

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01675 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Western build, western elevation. Roof structure, western elevation features
Job No 811, Drw No 86 another three chimneys (in addition to the one on the south corner, making a
total of four) one chimney is built internally whereas the northerly ones are
external. Each chimney leads to chimney stacks, decorated in star shaped
coursed brick.
Plate No: 40

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01673 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Western build, western elevation. External chimney stack. Random coursed
Job No 811, Drw No 86 stone with plinth string under “English” bond course of brick. Additional
intersection gable in western elevation. With stone renewal mullion windows.

Plate No: 41

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01674 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Western build, western elevation. Random coursed stone with plinth string
Job No 811, Drw No 86 under “English” bond course of brick. Additional intersection gable in western
elevation. Gable eaves part decorated with “crowstep”. Gable also feature
string course of ashlar, however not the full width of the gable.

Plate No: 42

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01686 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Western wall scaring, exposed course stone infill and build after removal of
Job No 811, Drw No 86 porch. Section of coursed stone wall and plinth string also removed, ground
floor ashlar stone renewal window with mullions and undecorated glass.

Plate No: 43

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01676 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Western wall centre. Wall scaring would suggest modification to wall. Heritage
Job No 811, Drw No 86 reports suggests wall scaring due to removal of an earlier porch, Heritage
report, page 17

Plate No: 44

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01679 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Western wall scaring, exposed course stone infill and build after removal of
Job No 811, Drw No 86 porch.

Plate No: 45

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01681 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Western wall scarring. Coursed stone structure wall foundations, section filled
Job No 811, Drw No 86 in with brick.

Plate No: 46

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01687 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Western elevation, western build. Space between two chimney stacks.
Job No 811, Drw No 86 Entrance into room 8 ground floor landing and stairs. Ground floor features
doorway and window. Stone framed with stone lintels. Stone dripstone tops
both window and door.

Plate No: 47

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01690 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Western elevation. Western build, first floor stone renewal mullion windows
Job No 811, Drw No 86 with decorative leaded cames.

Plate No: 48

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4053 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image North elevation of south build. Only external wall to be made of random coursed
Job No 811, Drw No 86 stone with quoins. Lower left window, stone mullion with canted stone quoins,
and stone dripstone. Lower right and upper left windows, stone ogee cut framed
mullion windows, with trefoil shaped glass. Lower right also features stone dripstone.
Upper right window stone mullion renewal. Central pointed arch (possibly Tudor arch)
holds heavy timber plank and batten door that enters room 2.
Plate No: 49

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4069 EXTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Northern elevation of southern build. Off centre external chimney stack
servicing rooms 3 and 28. Build of coursed brick against the random coursed
stone. Course of “English bond” brick work features two phases.

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 50

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4060 EXTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Northern elevation of southern build. Entrance into room 2. Entrance fitted with
South west
pointed arch and canted ashlar quoins. Door is timber plank and batten, with
fleur de les ended strap hinges and drop handle.

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 51

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4061 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Northern elevation of southern build. Entrance into room 2. Door is timber plank
Exisiting roof plan and batten, with fleur de les ended strap hinge
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 52

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4062 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Northern elevation of southern build. Entrance into room 2. Door is timber plank
Exisiting roof plan and batten, with decorative drop handle and keyhole.
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 53

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4056 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image North elevation of south build. Lower left window, stone mullion with canted
Exisiting roof plan stone quoins, and stone dripstone
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 54

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4058 EXTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Northern elevation of south build, upper left window, stone ogee cut framed mullion,
with pointed trefoil shaped glass. Surround of canted quoins. Window set in random
coursed stone, however wall to left, (southeast corner between south and east builds)
N rebuilt in coursed red brick.

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 55

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4057 EXTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image North elevation of south build, Lower right stone ogee cut, framed mullion window,
South west
with pointed trefoil shaped glass. window features stone dripstone. Stone frame
made of canted quoins, windows set in random coursed stone of wall.

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 56

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4059 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

Adapted from -
Reason for image Northern elevation of south build, Upper right window, stone mullion renewal, with
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan canted quoins. Frame set in random coursed stone build.
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 57

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4073 EXTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Northern elevation of southern build. To right of chimney stack. Elevation features
South west
a lower, stone ogee cut framed mullion window, with pointed trefoil shaped glass
and a surround of canted quoins.

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 58

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4074 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South/south west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Northern elevation of southern build. To right of chimney stack. Upper stone
Exisiting roof plan mullion renewal window. .
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 59

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4067 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west Reason for image Northern elevation of southern build. Off centre external chimney stack servicing
rooms 3 and 28. Build of coursed brick against the random coursed stone. Left
lower corner features splayed recess topped with stone extending to elevation.

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 60

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4070 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South Reason for image Northern elevation of southern build. Off centre external chimney stack servicing
rooms 3 and 28. Chimney section behind room 28 features a projection of brick
probably due to the offset placement of fireplace.

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 61

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4068 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South Reason for image Northern elevation of southern build. Off centre external chimney stack servicing rooms
3 and 28. Build of coursed brick against the random coursed stone. Course of “English bond”
brick work features two phases. Top of chimney holds quadruple corbel topped stacks.

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 62

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 CANNON Digital IMG_0001 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from - Reason for image Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorated elevation. Ground floor
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
features three timber framed mullion windows. First floor features one timber framed
Job No 811, Drw No 86 mullion window and one timber framed oriel mullion window. Second floor features
central oriel timber framed mullion window. Wall features timber jetty, between ground
and first floors, with decorative corbels. Ground floor features timber posts and mid rail.
first floor features quatrefoil bracing, under windows and herringbone bracing in
alternating directions.
Plate No: 63

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4079 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorated elevation. Ground floor
Exisiting roof plan features three timber framed mullion windows. First floor features one timber framed
Job No 811, Drw No 86 mullion window and one timber framed oriel mullion window. Second floor features
central oriel timber framed mullion window. Wall features timber jetty, between ground
and first floors, with decorative corbels. Ground floor features timber posts and mid rail.
first floor features quatrefoil bracing, under windows and herringbone bracing in
Plate No: 64
alternating directions.

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 CANNON Digital IMG_0006 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from - Reason for image Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorative wall. First floor
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
timber framed mullion window. Window features timber sill.
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 65

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 CANNON Digital IMG_0010 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

Adapted from - Reason for image Western build, eastern elevation, first floor features central oriel timber
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
framed mullion window. With decorative timber sill and decorated corbels.
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 66

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 CANNON Digital IMG_0009 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

Adapted from - Reason for image Western build eastern elevation, central second floor oriel timber framed mullion
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
window. Post and panel construct gable with trefoil bracing and herringbone
Job No 811, Drw No 86 studding timbers. Gable roof features timber decorative bargeboard.

Plate No: 67

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 CANNON Digital IMG_0084 to IMG_ 0081 EXTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image 5 of 5, Connection point. Western build, northern build, north west corner. Timber
corbel under jetty. All corbels decorated slightly different.

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 68a-b

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 CANNON Digital IMG_0080 to IMG_ 0077 EXTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image 5 of 5, Connection point. Western build, northern build, north west corner. Timber
corbel under jetty. All corbels decorated slightly different.

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 69a-b

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 CANNON Digital IMG_0076 EXTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image 5 of 5, Connection point. Western build, northern build, north west corner. Timber
corbel under jetty. All corbels decorated slightly different.

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 70

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 CANNON Digital IMG_0075 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

Adapted from - Reason for image 5 of 5, Connection point. Western build, northern build, north west corner. Timber
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
corbel under jetty. All corbels decorated slightly different.
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 71

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 CANNON Digital IMG_0074 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

Adapted from - Reason for image Connection point. Western build, northern build, north west corner. Timber corbel
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
under jetty. Corbel 5 of 5. Corbel is shaped differently from others suggesting a
Job No 811, Drw No 86 once corner placement. This would further suggest that there was a building running
from the western builds north. The corbel placement would suggest this earlier building
to run west to east. A section of timber wall post has been removed or perhaps filled in.

Plate No: 72

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 CANNON Digital IMG_0085 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from -
Reason for image Detail. First floor under left side, timber framed mullion window. Central decorative
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan timber corbel, between timber quatrefoil bracers.
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 73

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4085 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorated elevation. Ground floor
Exisiting roof plan features three timber framed mullion windows. First floor features one timber framed
Job No 811, Drw No 86 mullion window and one timber framed oriel mullion window. Second floor features
central oriel timber framed mullion window. Wall features timber jetty, between ground
and first floors, with decorative corbels. Ground floor features timber posts and mid rail.
first floor features quatrefoil bracing, under windows and herringbone bracing in
Plate No: 74
alternating directions.

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4077 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Western build, eastern elevation. Timber framed post and panel elevation. Timber
Exisiting roof plan sill beam with timber post uprights. Pegged in place. Ground underneath sill, south
Job No 811, Drw No 86 west corner features stone mullioned window. Now bricked in.

Plate No: 75

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4082 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Western build, eastern elevation. Timber framed post and panel elevation. Timber
Exisiting roof plan sill beam with timber post uprights, pegged in place. Ground underneath sill, right
Job No 811, Drw No 86 of stone mullion window, timber bracer/lintel over later addition brick.

Plate No: 76

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4083 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Western build, eastern elevation. Timber framed post and panel elevation. Timber
Exisiting roof plan sill beam with timber post uprights, pegged in place. Ground underneath sill, right
Job No 811, Drw No 86 of timber bracer/lintel over later addition brick. Later addition header brick arch.

Plate No: 77

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4084 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorated elevation. Ground
Exisiting roof plan floor features three timber framed mullion windows. First floor features one timber
Job No 811, Drw No 86 framed mullion window and one timber framed oriel mullion window. first floor features
central oriel timber framed mullion window. Wall features timber jetty, between ground
and first floors, with decorative corbels. Ground floor features timber posts and mid rail.
First floor features quatrefoil bracing, under windows and herringbone bracing in
Plate No: 78
alternating directions. .

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4086 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image North west corner, between northern and western builds. Northern build of single
Exisiting roof plan story in coursed brick. Western build extends to north with later addition extension.
Job No 811, Drw No 86 Extension has been decorated, sympathetic of western buildings post and panel wall.
West builds northern extension features lean to roof onto northern build. Access into
northern build room 10, in north west corner. .

Plate No: 79

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4091 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image North western corner. Northern build of single story in coursed brick. Western build
Exisiting roof plan extends to north with later addition extension. Extension has been decorated,
Job No 811, Drw No 86 sympathetic of western buildings post and panel wall. West builds northern extension
features lean to roof onto northern build. Access into northern build room 10, in north
west corner. .

Plate No: 80

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4089 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Western build, eastern elevation. To left of central ground floor window, left hand
Exisiting roof plan corner timbers, Possible assemblage marks.
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 81

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 SM-G920F Digital 0006 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorated elevation. Ground
Exisiting roof plan floor features three timber framed mullion windows. First floor features one timber
Job No 811, Drw No 86 framed mullion window and one timber framed oriel mullion window. Second floor
features central oriel timber framed mullion window. Wall features timber jetty,
between ground and first floors, with decorative corbels. Ground floor features
timber posts and mid rail. First floor features quatrefoil bracing, under windows
Plate No: 82
and herringbone bracing in alternating directions

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4094 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image North west corner between northern and eastern builds. Northern build of
Exisiting roof plan single story in coursed brick. Western build extends to north with later addition
Job No 811, Drw No 86 extension. Extension has been decorated, sympathetic of western buildings post
and panel wall. West builds northern extension features lean to roof onto northern
build. Access into northern build room 10, in north west corner.

Plate No: 83

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4095 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Northern buildings southern elevation. Single storey coursed red brick covered
Exisiting roof plan in vegetation.
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 84

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4096 EXTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Entrance into room 10, through southern elevation. Western side. Elevation built in
brick, canted stone door frame. With timber plank and batten door. Door fixed with
decorative “fleur de lis” strap hinges. Room 10, roof structure, lean to roof extends
N from western building northern corner over northern builds western side.

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 85

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4099 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Detail. Entrance into northern build room 10. Decorative “fleur de lis” strap hinge
Exisiting roof plan end.
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 86

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4102 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image North eastern corner, between north build and eastern build. Both builds built of
Exisiting roof plan “English bond” coursed brick. Both buildings one story, however eastern build built
Job No 811, Drw No 86 higher with higher internal ceilings.

Plate No: 87

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3575 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South Reason for image North gable of room 15. Coursed build of “English Bond” bricks, outbuildings feature
“English Garden Wall Bond” course. Entrance to 10B, (right), Eastern cellar, (left).
Roof of entrance to cellar is raised with slate lean too. Cellar build then lowers with
N lower lean-to roof of slate. Lower build features small stone window.

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 88

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4103 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

Adapted from - Reason for image Eastern build in two sections. North section is one story, with raised internal ceilings.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
South section to south build three stories. North section features two stone renewal
Job No 811, Drw No 86 mullioned windows. North gable of roof has been decoratively heightened in brick.

Plate No: 89

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4105 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from - Reason for image Eastern build in two sections. North section is one story with raised internal ceilings.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
South section to south build, three stories. North section features coursed brick star
Job No 811, Drw No 86 shaped, triple chimney stack with ceramic pots. Southern build features decorative
star shaped coursed brick stack chimney.

Plate No: 90

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4011 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North Reason for image Eastern build. View of northern single-story building roof. Tiled roof with central
slate ridge tile. Roof topped with later addition chimney stacks. Triple stacked chimney
in coursed brick and flat coursed brick base, each stack features decorative pot.




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 91

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4104 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

Adapted from - Reason for image Eastern build in two sections. North section is one story with raised internal ceilings.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
South section to south build three stories. North section features two stone renewal
Job No 811, Drw No 86 mullioned windows. South section features stone renewal mullion windows in ground
and first floors.

Plate No: 92

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4064 EXTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image South eastern corner between brick eastern build and southern elevation random
coursed stone. Remaining timber wall post of possible earlier jetty with decorative
corbel top. Post matches those of western builds plank and panel wall however this
N particular one is out of place and on its own.

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 93

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4065 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east Reason for image Detail, front face of timber corbel, decorated in arcading and topped with daisy.

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 94

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4066 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South Reason for image Detail, north face of timber corbel, decorated with daisy. Much of the decoration
has worn away. Top left section has been modified/refurbished.

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 86

Plate No: 95

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01722 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image One of two doorways down to eastern cellar. Lean-to built in brick. With canted
Job No 811, Drw No 83 brick door frame and chamfered stop cut stone lintel. Timber plank and batten
door with latch.

Plate No: 96

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3566 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image North east courtyard. All builds except 14A built in “English Garden Wall Bond”
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan course. Courtyard comprises of entrances into build, eastern cellar and various
Job No 811, Drw No 83 outbuildings. Entrance into room 13 west, coal shed out building. Doorway topped
with stone lintel and framed in canted bricks.

Plate No: 97

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3578 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Room 14A, outbuilding, built in “English Bond” brick course. Entrance fitted with
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan modified segmental stone arch lintel.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 98

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3571 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Into room 14B. Outbuilding. Doorway topped with stone lintel with chamfer and cut
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan stops. Frame made with canted bricks.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 99

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3580 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
East/south east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Room 14A, outbuilding, built in “English Bond” brick course. Western elevation
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan features three timber framed windows with connecting stone lintel. Each window
Job No 811, Drw No 83 features leaded cames in a diamond pattern with glass.

Plate No: 100

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3568 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Northern recess with internal corbelled brick surround. Recess/chute timber
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan framed with plank and batten timber shutter.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 101

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3585 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Room 14A, outbuilding, entrance fitted with modified segmental stone arch lintel,
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan with timber plank door cut to fit.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 102

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3584 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North/North east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Out building 14A windows hold timber shelf.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 103

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3588 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North/North east Reason for image North wall small timber framed window with timber lintel.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 104

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3587 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Western wall of build. Bottom of wall features blocked in pitched brick arch.
Reason for image
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 105

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3576 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Cellar entrance features two builds. Build with doorway built higher, presumably
Reason for image
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan to allow for door. Lower back of cellar lean-to features small stone framed window
Job No 811, Drw No 83 with Diamond pattern leaded came glass.

Plate No: 106

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3579 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Lower back of cellar lean-to features small stone framed window with diamond
Reason for image
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan pattern leaded came glass.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 107

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3577 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Western wall of cellar build. Possible earlier entrance/exit. Pitched arch brick
Reason for image
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan lintel, now blocked up.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 108

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01729 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Detail, back of timber plank and batten door. Chamfered wooden door bolt with
Job No 811, Drw No 83 decoration corner arrows and metal latch. Note these door bolts only found on
entrance doors to cellars.

Plate No: 109

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01727 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image From cellar bottom to north eastern courtyard. Eastern wall of coursed stone,
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan part rendered.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 110

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01724 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east Reason for image Spiral coursed brick steps down to eastern cellar. Northern wall coursed brick
in two different phases.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 111

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony - F828 Digital DSC01726 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Reason for image Lean-to roof structure above spiral staircase. Later addition timber rafters and
Job No 811, Drw No 83 principals. Under ceramic tiles.

Plate No: 112

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3427 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Timber plank and batten door southern front entrance into building. Door
South west
fitted externally with decorative strap hinge. Internally fitted with square wooden lock,
two bolts and latch. Door placement under timber chamfered beam and to right, timber
N door frame.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 113

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3426 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Southern facing window in south elevation of porch. Victorian/Tudor Stone framed
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
mullion renewal with lead came diamond windows. Window to left features smaller
Job No 811, Drw No 83 pattern than window to right.

Plate No: 114

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3428 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Timber bench with panelled timber back. Panels decorated with carved arched
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
mouldings of guilloche with foliage in the spandrels.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 115

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3430 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Ashlar Ogee arch over canted brick stone supports, between the porch and entrance
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
passageway. Heritage report suggests, possibly built of local Grinshill sandstone,
Job No 811, Drw No 83 pg., 20.

Plate No: 116

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3429 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Ashlar Ogee arch over canted brick stone supports, between the porch and entrance
North east
passageway. Heritage report suggests, possibly built of local Grinshill sandstone,
pg., 20.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 117

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3431 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South/South west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image In distance, external porch situated awkwardly against entrance into passageway.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Passageway (south) features internal segmental arch with canted ashlar stone. Door to
Job No 811, Drw No 83 west enters room 3. Timber wainscot panelling with decorative chamfered mullions, sit
above raised stone munting between rooms.

Plate No: 118

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3432 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Eastern wall features timber wainscot panelling with decorative chamfered
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
mullions, however differ from western wall. Mullions appear thicker and the bottom
Job No 811, Drw No 83 row has been partially blocked by additional timber munting. This timber munting also
sits upon a further stone munting that has less height than its western counterpart.
Door in south of wall has been installed in a later phase to add access to later addition
stairwell. Doorway also features a timber step.
Plate No: 119

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3440 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image North eastern corner. Eastern timber panel wall rests against northern entrance wall,
North east
exit into central courtyard. Northern wall random coursed stone with ashlar voussoirs
segmental arch.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 120

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3441 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Northern exit from room 2 into central courtyard. Exit features inner segmental arch with
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
ashlar voussoirs, that sit upon random coursed stone of the northern wall. Right hand
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83 wall is partially splayed. External pointed arch is ill fitted, evidence for which can be seen
by dropped right side and offset keystone. Arch is fitted with a timber batten stud panel
decorated double arched door.

Plate No: 121

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01787 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Eastern panel walls, (square) internal panel with decoration, 26.5-inch length by
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
25-inch height, with post width 5.5 inch.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 122

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3438 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Entrance into room 19b from room 2 through eastern timber panelled wall. Entrance
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
topped with decorative timber lintel. Lintel decoration features, two carved elliptical
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83 arches with central connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced daisy wheels
and arcading. Either end of each arch sits upon timber carved corbels with daisy wheel
and acanthus leaf decoration. Note, door lintel and frame are narrower than western
entrance, into room 3, Offset, opposite. Also, decoration only features on western side
but plain on east. Arch corbels however fully decorated
Plate No: 123

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3629 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Central, drop pendant features arcading and leaf decoration.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 124

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4031 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Left corbel, Daisy wheel decoration.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 125

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4032 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Right corbel, acanthus leaf decoration.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 126

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3630 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Central, drop pendant features arcading and leaf decoration, and corbels features
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
daisy wheels.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 127

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01788 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North West

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Western panel walls, (rectangular), internal panel with decoration, 22.5-inch
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
length by 25.5- inch height. Post width 5.5. Remains of apotropaic marks.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 128

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3433 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Entrance into room 3 from room 2 through western timber panelled wall. Entrance
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
topped with decorative timber lintel. Lintel decoration features, two carved elliptical
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83 arches with central connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced lunettes with
foliage. Arch spandrels feature daisy wheels, and part carved pediment. Either end of
each arch sits upon timber carved corbels with daisy wheel and acanthus leaf decoration.
Central drop pendant features arcading and leaf decoration.

Plate No: 129

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3435 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Entrance into room 3 from room 2 through western timber panelled wall. Entrance topped
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
with decorative timber lintel. Lintel decoration features, two carved elliptical arches with
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83 central connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced lunettes with foliage. Arch
spandrels feature daisy wheels, and part carved pediment. Either end of each arch sits
upon timber carved corbels with daisy wheel and acanthus leaf decoration. (left arch)

Plate No: 130

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3436 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Entrance into room 3 from room 2 through western timber panelled wall. Entrance topped
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
with decorative timber lintel. Lintel decoration features, two carved elliptical arches with
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83 central connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced lunettes with foliage. Arch
spandrels feature daisy wheels, and part carved pediment. Either end of each arch sits
upon timber carved corbels with daisy wheel and acanthus leaf decoration. (right arch)

Plate No: 131

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 CANNON Digital IMG_0047 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Entrance into room 2 from room 3 through eastern timber panelled wall.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Entrance topped with decorative timber lintel. Lintel decoration features, two
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83 carved elliptical arches with central connecting drop pendant. Arches features
interlaced lunettes with foliage. Arch spandrels feature daisy wheels. Either end
of each arch sits upon timber carved corbels with daisy wheel and acanthus leaf
decoration. Central drop pendant features arcading and leaf decoration.

Plate No: 132

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3442 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Northern exit from room 2 into central courtyard. Exit features inner segmental arch
North west
with ashlar voussoirs, that sit upon random coursed stone of the northern wall. Right
hand wall is partially splayed. External pointed arch which is ill fitted evidence for which
N can be seen by dropped right side and offset keystone. Arch is fitted with a timber batten
false panel decorated double arched door.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 133

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4037 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Timber door between room 2 and central courtyard. Fitted with wooden bolt fixed with
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan metal decorative straps and a metal twisted circular latch handle with internal latch.
Job No 811, Drw No 83 Latch handle made with half twisted decoration fitted to a decorative baseplate.

Plate No: 134

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01791 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South West Reason for image Southern panel walls, (rectangular), internal panel with decoration, 12-inch
length by 21-inch height, posts width 4 inch wide.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 135

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01792 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North West

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Western panel walls, (rectangular), internal panel with decoration, 11.5-inch length
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan by 20.5-inch height, posts width 4 inch wide.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 136

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01793 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Northern panel wall, (rectangular), internal panel with decoration, 12.5-inch length
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan by 21-inch height, posts width 4 inch.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 137

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01790 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Eastern panel walls, (rectangular), internal panel with decoration, 24.5-inch length by
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan 28.2-inch height. Only posts carved with decoration on all post and panel walls.
Job No 811, Drw No 83 Remains of apotropaic marks.

Plate No: 138

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 CANNON Digital IMG_0017 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Western wall. Timber panelling same design as north and south walls with doorway
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
into room 4 (left) and passageway 5 (right) doorway into room 4 spans full thickness of
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83 wall with hidden door within left of panelled frame. Top end of wall features painted
banner that runs around south, west and northern walls. West banner depicts
houseowners various family crests and dates.

Plate No: 139

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 CANNON Digital IMG_0042 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west Reason for image Banner paintings of vases of tulips, between window splays and walls.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 140

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3452 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Northern wall features hand painted banner above timber panelling and stone fireplace.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Banner depicts hunting scene. Internal fireplace splayed coursed brick upon stone hearth.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 141

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3451 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Western wall. Timber panelling same design as north and south walls with doorway
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan into room 4 (left) and passageway 5 (right) doorway into room 4 spans full thickness
Job No 811, Drw No 83 of wall, hidden door within left of panelled frame. Top end of wall features painted
banner that runs around south, west and northern walls. West banner depicts
houseowners various family crests and dates..

Plate No: 142

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 CANNON Digital IMG_0030 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Family crest of Blunden heraldry, Francis Charlton’s mother. Heritage report,
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
pgs. 17/18.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 143

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 CANNON Digital IMG_0031 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Shield with date of work. Heritage report, pgs. 17/18
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 144

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 CANNON Digital IMG_0032 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Crest of Charlton heraldry. Heritage report, pgs. 17/18
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 145

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 CANNON Digital IMG_0033 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Shield with initials for Charlton crest, with “F” for Francis and “D” for Dorothy Bromwich,
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Francis’s wife. Heritage report, pgs. 17/18
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 146

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 CANNON Digital IMG_0034 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Dorothy Bromwich, heraldry crest. Heritage report, pgs. 17/18
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 147

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3450 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Southern wall features three windows set within timber panelling. Windows to
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan left and centre feature stone mullioned casements with diamond pattern lead came
Job No 811, Drw No 83 glass. Window to left also feature splay. Window to right also feature casement window
situated like the left however it also features recess seating within the timber panelling.

Plate No: 148

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3449 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Northern wall, two, pointed arch window with pointed trefoil arch frames. Central stone
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan fireplace appears lopsided. Windows and fireplace set within timber panelling that
Job No 811, Drw No 83 comprises three quarters of the wall space. Timber panelling in northern wall appears
to have degraded more than panelling found on all other walls in room.

Plate No: 149

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3446 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image North wall, one of two windows. Window to right of central fireplace. Window
North/North west set in deep cut canted stone surround with pointed arch. Window itself external, features
two, pointed trefoil arches with central mullion, glass set in diamond pattern with lead came
N strips. Each glass arch also features four thin horizontal metal bars.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 150

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3453 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Central, intersection of transverse beams and joists. Joists and transverse beams decorated
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan with stepped and chamfered timbers with decorative cut stop ends. joist timbers have
Job No 811, Drw No 83 been lengthened to beams with a thin section of wood and pegged to timbers, suggesting
they have been added at a later date to the beams. Decorative plaster course of transverse
beams has been interupted by joist intersection

Plate No: 151

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3460 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Hidden cupboard within panelled wall between rooms 3 and 4
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 152

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01545 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Ceiling features hand painted “Fleur de les” decoration as well as plaster cornice
Job No 811, Drw No 83 decoration, suggesting earlier course of room has been altered.

Plate No: 153

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01547 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Ceiling features hand painted “Fleur de les” decoration as well as plaster cornice
Job No 811, Drw No 83 decoration, suggesting earlier course of room has been altered.

Plate No: 154

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01549 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan features hand painted “Fleur de les” decoration as well as plaster cornice decoration,
Job No 811, Drw No 83 suggesting earlier course of room has been altered. Additional evidence supported by
chamfered timber wall post with decorative cut stop ends extending from ceiling. timber
also features remnants of paint.

Plate No: 155

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01550 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Continuation of timber wall post to where it has been cut off.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 156

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3466 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Southern wall (west building). Modification has added a large stone renewal
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
mullioned bay window to the southern wall. The window also features diamond pattern
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83 leaded cames. Some of the windows are casements. The bay window also features
boxed seating on a raised timber floor. The rest of the room also features box panelling,
painted white, however is thought to have been a later 19th century addition,
(see heritage report).

Plate No: 157

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3462 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image South western corner, large fireplace, with stone surround. Back lined with 19th century
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
brick. Hearth made of stone flagstones with pitched stone surround. Fireplace topped
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83 with decorative, corbelled mantel. Stone surround of fireplace also finished off with
decorative architrave.

Plate No: 158

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3464 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Detail. Decoration of fireplace. Corbels come in sets of two. Decorated
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
with intertwined lunettes and spiral patterns. Above is a course of small crenulations,
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83 above that is a moulded mantel shelf.

Plate No: 159

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3465 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Detail. Fireplace hearth made up of stone flagstones encompassed by pitched
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
stone surround.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 160

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3468 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Rooms ceiling lined with decorative moulded ovolo cornice.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 161

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3463 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image South western corner, large fireplace. To left of fireplace is a small partially blocked,
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
stone framed window with diamond pattern leaded cames. To right of fireplace is a
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83 stone renewal mullioned window. With six glass panes featuring decorative diamond
pattern leaded cames. Central, bottom window is a casement. Window is placed in a
recess within the western panelled wall and features a seated window box.

Plate No: 162

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3469 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Small cupboard in north west corner of northern wall. Northern internal wall
made of timber plank partition, fitted with wooden shelves. Low ceiling above, of cut
timbers topped with timber planks.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 163

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3471 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Small cupboard in north west corner of northern wall. Internal eastern wall made up of
North east
pegged timber plank and panels, possible remains of earlier wall.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 164

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3674 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image General. Staircase above and west.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 165

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3471 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Flat topped newel post
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 166

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3667 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Landing of stairs between ground and first floor, ramped timber hand rail to flat
topped landing newel post.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 167

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3485 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Door access from stair landing of room 5 into room 5a store. Timber architrave
Exisiting roof plan doorway fitted with timber plank panel door.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 168

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3477 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Southern timber post and panelled wall between rooms 5a and 4. Timber appears
Exisiting roof plan to have been repurposed as post has been cut to hold a joist.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 169

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3481 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Store cupboard accessed from room five. The southern wall features a timber post and
Exisiting roof plan panel wall build. Panels are painted white with black post timbers. Wall appears to be
Job No 811, Drw No 83 remains of an external building now within the western cross. Wall features many of the
characteristics of the external western wings C17th century eastern elevation. The wall
features what looks to be a corner timber post on the north western edge. This edge then
continues south but is blocked, against the current build western elevation plank and
panel wall
Plate No: 170

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3476 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South Reason for image Coursed stone foundation of southern wall in room 5A. Underneath timber panel
and post wall.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 171

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3472 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west Reason for image Store cupboard accessed from room five. The southern wall features a timber post and
panel wall build. Panels are painted white with black post timbers. Wall appears to be
remains of an external building now within the western cross wing. Wall features many
of the characteristics of the external western wings C17th eastern elevation. The wall
features what looks to be a corner post on the north western edge. This edge then
continues south but is blocked, against the current build’s western elevation plank and
panel wall.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 172

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3474 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east Reason for image Possible earlier timber panelled southern wall, between room 5A and 4. Wall is built on
top of coursed stone foundation. Evidence which would also suggest this to have once
been an external wall. Continuation of wall south east is covered in timber planks.
Eastern wall is the back of the plank and panel wall of room 3, however this to, within
room 5A, is built on top of a coursed stone foundation.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 173

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3482 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Northern wall between rooms 5a and 5. Ceiling holds a repurposed beam with, (now)
Exisiting roof plan unused cut for joists. Wall is lined with cut timber posts and fitted with lathe and plaster.
Job No 811, Drw No 83 Exposed above lathe and plaster is the staircase from ground to first floor, via room 5

Plate No: 174

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01568 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Southern wall and entrance into small cupboard. Partition made up of lathe and plaster,
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan with small timber framed doorway.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 175

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01566 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Small cupboard underneath stairwell, of room 5. Northern wall is made up of a coursed
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan stone foundation underneath timber post and panelled wall. Wall bulges externally to the
Job No 811, Drw No 83 east. The northern wall much like the southern wall of room 5a would suggest a possible
earlier alignment of buildings, before addition of the staircase, or earlier.

Plate No: 176

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01563 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Small cupboard underneath stairwell, of room 5. Western wall is made up of a
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan coursed stone foundation underneath a plastered wall. Foundation wall features slight
Job No 811, Drw No 83 internal batter. Note, floor of room extends from west as possible medieval ceramic tiles
to east build of red brick.

Plate No: 177

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01564 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Flooring course change. West medieval tiles, east brick.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 178

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3499 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west Reason for image South western corner. Much of room has been recently redecorated. South wall features
plinthed wall under wooden skirting. Possibly due to stone foundation found in room 5b.
Western wall features a small splayed stone renewal window with diamond pattern
N leaded cames.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 179

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3509 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Eastern elevation. Windows are timber mullioned frame with architrave. Each window
Exisiting roof plan is fitted with leaded cames in diamond pattern. Windows also feature lead horizontal bars.
Job No 811, Drw No 83 Window frames have been painted with white gloss paint.

Plate No: 180

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3505 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Western wall of room features internal chimney and stone surround fireplace.
Exisiting roof plan Fireplace feature ogee arch lintel and ovolo mantle. Fireplace also feature
Job No 811, Drw No 83 stone/concrete hearth with pitch string stone surround.

Plate No: 181

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3507 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Northern wall, partition of modern plywood has been installed between rooms 6
Exisiting roof plan and 7. Wall above and to east also appears to have been modified/boxed in.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 182

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3501 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Ceiling space is made up of two chamfered timber transverse beams with cut stops
Exisiting roof plan running west to east. Joist timbers running from south to north giving the effect of panelling.
Job No 811, Drw No 83 Joist timbers are also chamfered with cut stop ends.

Plate No: 183

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3517 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image South wall timber plywood partition between rooms 6 and 7.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 184

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3512 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Western elevation. 19th century brick surround in fireplace, painted red.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 185

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3513 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image South western corner. Room 7 has been heavily modernised.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 186

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3516 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image North western corner. Timber framed transom window between rooms 7 and 8.
Exisiting roof plan Window blocked off in room 8
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 187

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3518 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North/North west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image North wall between room 7 and 8. Access granted via timber framed ledged and
Exisiting roof plan braced, plank and batten door.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 188

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3527 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
East Reason for image Room 8 General, east.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 189

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3521 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
West/North west Reason for image Corridor, room 8, between rooms 9, 10, 7, and western cellar. Room also leads to
stairwell from ground to first floor, stairwell fitted with a partition of timber panelling.
Room heavily modernised. Western exit fitted with plank and batten door with glass
N fanlight.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 190

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3519 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west Reason for image General (from 10)

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 191

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3523 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west Reason for image Entrance to stairwell between ground and first floor. Entrance fitted with timber
framed doorway with “French” styled glass paned door.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 192

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3524 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
West/North west Reason for image Western exit fitted with plank and batten door with diamond pattern, lead came,
glass fanlight.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 193

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3522 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
West Reason for image Entrance to stairwell between ground and first floor. Entrance fitted with timber
framed doorway with “French” styled glass paned door.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 194

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3526 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Exposed chamfer timber cross beam between rooms 7 and 9, runs through room 8.
Exisiting roof plan Painted white.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 195

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3534 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Northern gable. splayed stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern
Exisiting roof plan leaded came glass. Window lintel made up of pitched brick. Window features
Job No 811, Drw No 83 timber plank and batten shutters.

Plate No: 196

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3528 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Western wall holds brick - built bread oven with corbelled brick top. To right of oven
Exisiting roof plan is a brick fireplace and internal chimney stack, topped with a mantle with decorative
Job No 811, Drw No 83 ovolo corbels. The fireplace holds a cast iron stove. Much of the room appears to be
made of brick with modern plastering, parquet tiled floor and sections of ceramic modern
tiled walls.

Plate No: 197

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3529 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Brick built bread oven with cast iron door and pitched stone arch lintel.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 198

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3530 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Corbelled brick top of bread oven.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 199

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3532 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Ceiling of room holds timber joists running south to north. Presumably from tie
Exisiting roof plan beam between rooms 8 and 9 to northern elevation wall plate.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 200

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3533 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Northern gable. splayed stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern
Exisiting roof plan leaded came glass. Window lintel made up of pitched brick. Window features timber
Job No 811, Drw No 83 plank and batten shutters.

Plate No: 201

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3545 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Timber plank and batten braced door into central courtyard. Entrance, right into room 8.
Exisiting roof plan Fitted with stone lintel and canted brick frame. Other door to right blocked in internally
Job No 811, Drw No 83 into room 9. Also holds stone lintel and canted brick frame. Door to left into room 10a, s
ame as doors to left.

Plate No: 202

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3535 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Corridor entrance/exit in north elevation. Corridor access to room 8, 9, (now
Exisiting roof plan blocked in internally) central courtyard and 10a. Corridor built in “English Garden
Job No 811, Drw No 83 Wall Bond” course. Floor made of brick in stretcher bond formation. Northern exit
has stone arched lintel, (Seen better externally). With timber plank, batten and
braced door.

Plate No: 203

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3536 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Timber plank and braced batten door with stone lintel. East and west brick walls
Exisiting roof plan appear to be built against arch, therefore blocking what is visible internally.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 204

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3546 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Floor made of brick in stretcher bond formation
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 205

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3544 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Southern wall, entrance into courtyard. Lean to pitched ceiling, with mock
Exisiting roof plan Tudor panelling.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 206

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3544 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Corridor between rooms 10 and 10B, room 11 entered in the north. Building built of
Exisiting roof plan brick with stone renewal mullioned window, with lead came diamond pattern glass.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 207

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3561 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Southern wall, stone renewal mullioned window, with lead came diamond pattern glass.
Exisiting roof plan Central window is casement, fitted with spiral latch.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 208

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3558 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Southern wall, stone renewal mullioned window, with lead came diamond pattern glass.
North west
Central window is casement, fitted with spiral latch.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 209

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3557 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Exit into north eastern courtyard through timber plank braced and battened door.
South west
Door topped with stone lintel and surround.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 210

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC01812 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image North eastern corner, brick coursed wall. Walls plastered, room currently used as
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan workshop, older brick course northern wall under worktops
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 211

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC01811 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
Vertical/North west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Ceiling structure. timber frame, timber tie beam supports, principals and queen struts.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan Ceiling lowered, hiding apex.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 212

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC01807 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image North western corner, projection of brick coursed wall. Walls plastered
North west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 213

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC01808 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - North eastern corner, brick coursed wall. Walls plastered, room currently used as
Reason for image
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan workshop
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 214

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC01813 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Older brick course northern wall under worktops

Reason for image
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 215

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3565 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
East Reason for image Modern toilet. With small splayed casement window. Window fitted with
diamond pattern lead cames

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 216

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC01695 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Single story outbuilding in the northern complex. Featuring central timber framed window
Reason for image
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan with corbelled brick surround, and vertical splay. Window also topped with pitched brick
Job No 811, Drw No 83 arch. Building construct in “English Garden Wall Bond” brick course. Lower half of northern
wall is a mixture of coursed stone and plaster. Wall topped with timber wall plate and rafters.

Plate No: 217

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC01697 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Roof structure. timber rafters, purlins and central ridge plank. All a later addition build
Reason for image
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 218

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC01696 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Southern wall accessible from room 10B. Timber framed doorway and lintel. Under
Reason for image
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan pitched brick arch. Timber bracers feature in brick wall.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 219

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3591 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east Reason for image Southern wall. Central internal fireplace with mantle. Currently holds modern boiler.
Brick built bread oven to left. Floor made up of modern flagstones.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 220

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3593 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east Reason for image Brick built bread oven, cast iron stove built in with latch

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 221

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3594 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Brick built bread oven, cast iron stove built in with latch
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 222

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3592 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image South eastern corner. Brick built bread oven. Eastern wall blocked by large wooden
Exisiting roof plan cupboard.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 223

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3597 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Northern wall of room, modern appliances and fixtures. Central Stone renewal
North east
window with diamond pattern leaded cames. Windows also feature horizontal
lead bars.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 224

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3598 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Northern wall of room, groves cut in plaster. The heritage report suggests cuts
Exisiting roof plan made for the placement of plates.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 225

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3589 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Western wall. Stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern leaded cames.
Exisiting roof plan Windows also feature horizontal lead bars. Central bottom window is casement. Stone
Job No 811, Drw No 83 frame decorated with simple architrave surround. Lintel has been plastered over.

Plate No: 226

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3590 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South/South West Reason for image Southern wall, entrance into room 16. Entrance fitted with timber frame doorway and
panelled door.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 227

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3602 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Room 16 has been refurbished with a modern kitchen.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 228

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3603 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
Vertical/South west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Ceiling features two chamfered cross beams with cut stops.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 229

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3604 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Western wall. Stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern leaded cames.
Exisiting roof plan Windows also feature horizontal lead bars. Central bottom window is casement. Stone
Job No 811, Drw No 83 frame decorated with simple architrave surround. Lintel has been plastered over.

Plate No: 230

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3605 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North Reason for image Corridor between rooms 16, 18 and 19b. modern door frames and timber panelled doors.
Wooden skirting. Brick floor in stretcher bond.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 231

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3607 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South Reason for image Door into 19b topped with timber framed transom. Western wall features angled

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 232

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3610 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east Reason for image Eastern wall doorway into room 18. Doorway feature timber architrave frame with
timber plank and panel door with fanlight.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 233

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3608 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west Reason for image Door into 19b topped with timber framed transom. Western wall features angled

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 234

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3609 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west Reason for image Western wall features stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern leaded
cames. Lintel and sill appear as simple wooden frame.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 235

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3612 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east Reason for image Eastern elevation features stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern
leaded cames. Floor made of stretcher bond brick pattern.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 236

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3614 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east Reason for image Eastern and southern walls have been fitted with wooden cabinets with timber
counter tops.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 237

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3620 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image North eastern corner and central recesses caused by central projection, recesses
Exisiting roof plan fitted with timber shelves.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 238

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3624 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Eastern entrance into room 20. Timber architrave door frame with timber panelled door.
Exisiting roof plan Wall also feature timber string course and architrave skirting.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 239

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3640 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Doorway into small room, 19C, under stairwell (22), door positioned within timber
Exisiting roof plan panel wall. Door is timber planked and studded. Featuring an iron lock bolt and
Job No 811, Drw No 83 round headed strap hinges.

Plate No: 240

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4018 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Blocked in doorway into room 21, door frame consists of two chamfered timber posts
Exisiting roof plan within timber panelled walls, Bottom of timber wall post. Cut stop holds decoration
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 241

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3638 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Blocked in doorway into room 21, door framed consists of two chamfered timber
Exisiting roof plan posts within timber panelled walls, Bottom of timber wall post. Cut stop holds
Job No 811, Drw No 83 decoration

Plate No: 242

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3635 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Timber frame central to room, arch built on top of chamfered timber wall posts,
Exisiting roof plan underneath stair (room 22)
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 243

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3623 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image North wall central chamfered timber wall post with cut stop end. Skirting continues
Exisiting roof plan its course however is different either side of post.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 244

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3625 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Northern wall. Situated between chamfered cut stop timber of entrance into room 2
Exisiting roof plan and central chamfered cut stop wall post, stone renewal mullioned window, with
Job No 811, Drw No 83 diamond pattern leaded cames. Windows also feature lead horizontal bars.

Plate No: 245

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3644 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image General, inside 19C, under stairs room 22.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 246

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4022 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Modernised bathroom. Room has been partitioned off centre. To allow for boundary
wall around toilet. The partition cuts through the middle of a stone renewal window with
diamond pattern leaded cames and casement.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 247

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4023 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Modernised bathroom. Room has been partitioned off centre. To allow for boundary
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
wall around toilet. The partition cuts through the middle of a stone renewal window with
Job No 811, Drw No 83 diamond pattern leaded cames and casement.

Plate No: 248

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4025 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
East/North east Reason for image Right side of window from within toilet.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 249

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4026 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
East/North east Reason for image Toilet.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 250

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3649 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image General, timber panel wainscoting northern and western walls.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 251

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3658 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Southern wall of room has the addition of a bay window (east). This modification has
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
added a large stone renewal mullioned bay window to the southern wall. The window
Job No 811, Drw No 83 also features diamond pattern leaded cames. Some of the windows are casements.
The bay window also features a panelled seating area in keeping with the rest of the

Plate No: 252

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3651 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Eastern panelled wall. Central stone fireplace and mantel. Hearth made of brick
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
with plinth course surround. Back of fireplace built in coursed brick. Fireplace
Job No 811, Drw No 83 feature cast iron stove.

Plate No: 253

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3663 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Running opposite each other, in the south east and south west corners of the room,
North west
are two high placed stone renewal windows, with diamond pattern leaded cames.

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 254

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3646 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Western wall, timber panelled wall between room 22 staircase, 19B and 19C.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 255

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3655 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Ceiling structure, seen also in room three, joist beams have been slightly lengthened
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
and pegged to transverse beams. This and the cornice work would suggest the joist beams
Job No 811, Drw No 83 to be of a later addition. Joist beams are chamfered with decorative triangular cut stops,
beams also chamfered. Note room 3 feature same ceiling structure design however,
beams run north to south. In this room the beams run east to west.

Plate No: 256

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3656 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
Vertical/North west

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Panelled wall features timber wall post with chamfering and cut stop ends. Wall post
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
sits directly under ceiling timber beam. Note room 3 features same ceiling structure
Job No 811, Drw No 83 design however, beams run north to south. In this room the timber beams run east to

Plate No: 257

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3648 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Point where timber post meets timber panel floor, timber decorated with stepped
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
chamfer ending in cut stops. Wall post sits directly under ceiling timber beam.
Job No 811, Drw No 83 Doorway through western wall is visible however now inaccessible due to placement
of stair. Panel wall also does not have munting.

Plate No: 258

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4027 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Eastern panelled wall. Central stone fireplace and mantel. Hearth made of brick with
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
plinth course surround. Back of fireplace built in coursed brick. Fireplace feature cast
Job No 811, Drw No 83 iron stove. Stove fitted against cast iron fireback.

Plate No: 259

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4028 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
East Reason for image Fireplace back inscribed, (right)

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 260

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4029 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east Reason for image Fireplace back inscribed, (left) with date “1649”

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 261

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3771 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image From first floor landing to ground floor. Stairs feature timber ovolo hand rails left,
Exisiting roof plan and right. With basic central timber rail.
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 262

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3773 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
East/South east Reason for image From room 2 stairwell up to first floor

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 263

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3772 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Stairs, first to ground floors, eastern buildings. Door to right into room 2. South
eastern corner features stone mullion window, internal renewal, with diamond pattern
leaded cames. Each window features horizontal bars. Bottom south wall features
N timber dado. To left is boxed in timber wall post.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 264

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3778 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image North wall, stone framed window features two, pointed trefoil arches with central mullion,
glass set in diamond pattern with lead came strip. Each window also features horizontal
and central vertical iron bars. Right hand window holds casement.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 265

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3784 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Corridor into corridor 23a right, and room 26 to 27 to the left. Left wall features
Exisiting roof plan projected timber panel wall of staircase to second floor. Southern wall features
Job No 811, Drw No 84 box panelled dado. Eastern elevation features stone renewal framed window
with central mullion, and glass set in diamond pattern with lead came strip. Bottom
left window is casement.

Plate No: 266

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3786 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Eastern elevation features stone renewal framed window with central mullion, and
Exisiting roof plan glass set in diamond pattern with lead came strip. Bottom left window is casement.
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 267

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3785 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east Reason for image Timber panelling encompasses staircase to second floor. Bottom of staircase back fitted
with small door to cupboard space.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 268

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3788 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North/North east Reason for image Access to rooms 27, left and 26, right.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 269

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3789 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west Reason for image Access to room 23a passageway between 24, left and 25, south.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 270

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3793 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Northern wall. Doorway into 23a from 23. Ceiling structure above doorway. Timber
Exisiting roof plan wall post. has been sectioned with the cut just above the modern door frame. Decorative
Job No 811, Drw No 84 cornice work and timber continues into room 24, Both suggest the later installation of a
partition wall between rooms 23a, and 24

Plate No: 271

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3794 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west Reason for image Cut section of wall post.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 272

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3791 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Wall post under timber beam and joist intersection. Joist is chamfered with cut stop.
Exisiting roof plan Timber beam is chamfered with a more elaborately decorated cut stop. Hand moulded
Job No 811, Drw No 84 cornice follows course of timbers. Beam runs across doorway into room 25.

Plate No: 273

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3790 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Door frame into room 25, frame butted against chamfered timber wall post with cut stop
South west
end. End of post appears to be positioned within floor.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 274

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3798 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Door frame into room 25, frame butted against chamfered timber wall post with cut stop
Exisiting roof plan end. End of post appears to be positioned within floor.
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 275

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3803 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Western wall partition between 24 and 23a, entrance through four panelled timber door.
Exisiting roof plan Transom light above door way off centred. Transom light has wooden frame and frosted
Job No 811, Drw No 84 glass

Plate No: 276

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3804 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Northern wall, ceiling structure, timber joist runs from timber beam. Joist is chamfered
Exisiting roof plan with cut stops. Beam and end of joist have been painted white. Hand moulded cornice
Job No 811, Drw No 84 work follows the path of the timbers.

Plate No: 277

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3806 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Northern wall, ceiling structure, timber joist runs from timber beam. Joist is chamfered
Exisiting roof plan with cut stops. Beam and end of joist have been painted white. Hand moulded cornice
Job No 811, Drw No 84 work follows the path of the timbers.

Plate No: 278

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3819 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Northern wall, ceiling structure, timber joist runs from timber beam. Joist is chamfered
Exisiting roof plan with cut stops. Hand moulded cornice work follows the path of the timbers, though ends
Job No 811, Drw No 84 abruptly on left side.

Plate No: 279

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3815 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Southern bay window with timber panel and dado wraparound. Stone renewal
Exisiting roof plan mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded cames. Two of the windows are
Job No 811, Drw No 84 casement.

Plate No: 280

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3814 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Southern bay window with timber panel and dado wraparound. Stone renewal
Exisiting roof plan mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded cames. Two of the windows are
Job No 811, Drw No 84 casement. Note, Timber running across bay ceiling appears to be a chamfered
cut stop joist, rather than a beam normally associated in the position in the end
of a gable.

Plate No: 281

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3811 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east Reason for image South eastern corner, wall holds small stone framed window with diamond pattern leaded
cames and a single horizontal iron bar. Underneath window holds slight projection shelf.
Possibly what once was a vertical splay, like those found in the western buildings,
N DSCN3689


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 282

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3809 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Eastern wall, stone-built fireplace and mantle with back of white china tile with blue
Exisiting roof plan decoration. Fireplace holds cast iron grate.
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 283

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3808 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Eastern wall, stone-built fireplace and mantle with back of white china tile with blue
Exisiting roof plan decoration. Fireplace holds cast iron grate. Room slightly skewed appearance, with
Job No 811, Drw No 84 southern wall and ceiling appear to be leaning possibly due to the installation of the bay
window. Right hand wall holds small stone framed window with diamond pattern leaded
cames and a single horizontal iron bar

Plate No: 284

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3823 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Eastern wall, eight panelled door, set within walls timber frame, access from room 25
North east


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 285

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3832 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Western wall, build of timber post and panel walls with munting.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 286

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3834 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Western wall, build of timber post and panel walls with munting.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 287

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3822 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image South wall, square cut recess with shelf featuring a stone renewal mullion window,
with diamond pattern leaded cames. Right window appears to be modified for the
installation of a small casement window.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 288

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3827 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Detail, scar in timber door post where doors hinges once were
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 289

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3830 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
East Reason for image South eastern corner, detail, remaining door hook/fastening for earlier door.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 290

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3824 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Room surrounding build of timber post and panel walls. Timbers have been modified
Exisiting roof plan with cuts and repairs and fixed with wooden pegs. Some timbers are etched with
Job No 811, Drw No 84 carpenters’ marks. .

Plate No: 291

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3825 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Room surrounding build of timber post and panel walls. Timbers have been modified
Exisiting roof plan with cuts and repairs and fixed with wooden pegs. End of timber room beam from room
Job No 811, Drw No 84 25 pokes through wall, into joist hole cut within eastern walls timber panelling.

Plate No: 292

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3835 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North Reason for image Northern wall, addition of projected cabinet and wall. Both projections appear built
within the eastern and western walls over the post and panel constructs. Cabinet
rises from bottom wall to ceiling. Cabinet contains four timber panelled doors.
N Two lower doors feature 8 panels each, two top smaller doors feature 4 panels each.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 293

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3836 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North/North east Reason for image Northern wall, addition of projected cabinet and wall. Both projections appear built within t
he eastern and western walls over the post and panel constructs. Cabinet rises from bottom
wall to ceiling. Cabinet contains four timber panelled doors. Two lower doors feature 8 panels
N each, two top smaller doors feature 4 panels each.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 294

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3837 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North/North east Reason for image When opened the cabinet exposes the north, west and east wall, post and panel walls.
Showing the cabinet just to be a framed opening into a recess, lined with a timber shelf


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 295

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3842 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image When opened the cabinet exposes the north, west and east wall, post and panel walls.
Exisiting roof plan Showing the cabinet just to be a framed opening into a recess, lined with a timber shelf,
Job No 811, Drw No 84 inside, right.

Plate No: 296

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3845 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image When opened the cabinet exposes the north, west and east wall, post and panel walls.
Exisiting roof plan Showing the cabinet just to be a framed opening into a recess, lined with a timber shelf.
Job No 811, Drw No 84 Upper cabinet, inside, left.

Plate No: 297

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3869 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North East


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Bathroom fitted with modern fixtures/fittings and wallpapered. Eastern elevation holds
Exisiting roof plan two stone renewal mullioned windows with leaded cames in diamond pattern, however
Job No 811, Drw No 84 external photographs show the two windows to be one. Meaning the centre of the window
has been boarded over with the timber frame that currently surrounds the rest of window.

Plate No: 298

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3871 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Bathroom modern fixtures/fitting. Room wallpapered and partially tiled.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 299

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3872 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Like room 26, features modern fixtures and fittings. Also wallpapered, holds interesting
Exisiting roof plan bath. Western wall holds a stone renewal mullioned windows with leaded cames in
Job No 811, Drw No 84 diamond pattern.

Plate No: 300

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3879 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Stainless steel bath with timber top and panelled side. Stuck around the timber
Exisiting roof plan top are a collection of coins.
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 301

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3875 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Coins on the bathtub, Edward VII, 1901-1910
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 302

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3874 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west Reason for image Southern wall features possible boxed in wall post.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 303

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3847 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Large timber panelled hall. South east corner. Timber post and panels cover all four walls
Exisiting roof plan of room. Floor made of timber planks running east to west. Except in the eastern side w
Job No 811, Drw No 84 here they change to north to south, probably due to repair. Ceiling features beams
covered in ornate cornices. South elevation features three stone renewal mullioned
windows with diamond pattern leaded cames. Windows also hold casements. All
windows hold panelled splays. Window to the west smaller and higher set.
Plate No: 304

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3854 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east Reason for image Southern wall, sections of wall panelling appear to have been refurbished and
replaced, sections of panelling do not match up.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 305

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3849 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Reason for image South western corner. Central and western stone framed renewal mullioned windows
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan with diamond pattern leaded cames. Windows also hold casements. Windows splayed
Job No 811, Drw No 84 and panelled. Window to west smaller and placed higher.

Plate No: 306

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3857 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west Reason for image Western wall between rooms 28 and 29 stairwell. Main entrance features timber
panelled double doors, each set with 8 panels, doors open from centre.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 307

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3859 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Northern elevation, Off centred stone fireplace with stone mantle. Fireplace now
Exisiting roof plan holds modern heating device, fireplace back made of coursed red brick.
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 308

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3858 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Northern elevation. Timber post and panelled walls. Two stone framed mullioned
Exisiting roof plan windows with diamond pattern leaded cames. Windows splayed and panelled.
Job No 811, Drw No 84 Off centred stone fireplace with stone mantle. Fireplace now holds modern heating
device, fireplace back made of coursed red brick.

Plate No: 309

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3861 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Elaborate cornice work over timber beams, featuring three distinct types of
Exisiting roof plan moulded decoration, including acanthus leaves.
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 310

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3864 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Elaborate cornice work over timber beams, featuring three distinct types of
Exisiting roof plan moulded decoration, including acanthus leaves. Decoration on central panels on
Job No 811, Drw No 84 the flat of beam appears to be three people in a circle.

Plate No: 311

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3865 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Elaborate cornice work over timber beams, featuring three distinct types of moulded
Exisiting roof plan decoration, including acanthus leaves. Edge cornice works are possibly a form
Job No 811, Drw No 84 of “egg and dart” mouldings.

Plate No: 312

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3852 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Section of timber plank floor to east of room has been modified running north to
Exisiting roof plan south, rest of rooms timber planks run east to west, middle of plank replacement
Job No 811, Drw No 84 flooring bows and feels unsteady underfoot.

Plate No: 313

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3682 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South Reason for image 30 into room 31 (ahead). Left wall features timber plank and panelling. Right wall
made of vertical timber planks.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 314

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3672 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North/North east


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image First floor staircase landing enters to room 33 north, and room 28 east. Staircase
Exisiting roof plan handrail ends at northern wall. Rest of room surround, Dado and panelling.
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 315

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3678 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
East Reason for image Double doors into room 28. Doorway frame timber architrave, double doors are
timber panelled.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 316

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3683 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Door to room 32, inaccessible, currently blocked in internally. Door is timber
Exisiting roof plan panelled.
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 317

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3686 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Western wall, recess between doors into 31 south and 32 west. Recess holds large
Exisiting roof plan timber cupboard. Above cupboard in western wall is a timber framed transom with
Job No 811, Drw No 84 opaque glass.

Plate No: 318

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3685 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Door to room 32, inaccessible, currently blocked in internally. Door is timber panelled,
North west
with frosted glass transom.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 319

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3689 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Eastern wall, partial panelling southern area has been removed exposing a mixture of
Exisiting roof plan coursed brick and random coursed stone. Small stone framed window to left, boarded
Job No 811, Drw No 84 up. Window feature side and bottom splay. Window surround of stone quoins. And
topped with repair, stone lintel.

Plate No: 320

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3690 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Remains decorative timber panel work removed during insect infestation.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 321

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3699 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image South west corner exposed recently block in window. Parallel with south east
corner. Side and bottom splays. Framed window with repair work. Under timber
wall plate of attic above.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 322

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3697 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from - Reason for image South west corner exposed recently block in window. Parallel with south east
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
corner. Side and bottom splays. Framed window with repair work. Under timber
Job No 811, Drw No 84 wall plate of attic above.

Plate No: 323

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3692 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from - Reason for image Large wrap around bay window, lined in timber panelling. Featured, large stone
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
renewal mullioned bay window to the southern wall. The window also features
Job No 811, Drw No 84 diamond pattern leaded cames. Some of the windows are casements.

Plate No: 324

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3704 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from - Reason for image West, repaired central chamfered beam, with, cut stop ends.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 325

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3705 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from - Reason for image East, repaired ceiling joists and beams.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 326

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3688 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from - Reason for image Room 31 has a surround of timber panelled walls featured in other rooms within the build.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
This room has undergone repairs due to insect infestation. The room is partially surrounded
Job No 811, Drw No 84 with timber panelling, the roof structure is exposed, the timber beam has been expertly
repaired and pegged in keeping with rest of the house.

Plate No: 327

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3708 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from - Reason for image Rest of room features modern bathroom fixtures and fittings.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 328

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3707 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from - Reason for image Western wall partially timber panelled with stone renewal mullioned window.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
The window also features diamond pattern leaded cames. Bottom right window
Job No 811, Drw No 84 is a casement.

Plate No: 329

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3710 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from - Reason for image South east corner, beam fixed with chamfered cut stop joist, beam extends through
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
wall into room 30, above the doorway into 31. See DSCN3682
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 330

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3711 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from - Reason for image South west corner. Room has been wallpapered. Room encompassed with wooden
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
skirting boards. Western wall features two stone renewal mullioned windows with
Job No 811, Drw No 84 diamond pattern leaded cames and casement windows. Western wall also features
internal chimney stack with stone surround fireplace and mantle. Fireplace hold small
cast iron fire with a back of purple decorated white tiles.

Plate No: 331

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3718 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from - Reason for image Western wall, central internal chimney stack with stone surround fireplace and mantle.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Fireplace hold small cast iron fire with a white tile decorated with landmarks in purple.
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 332

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3714 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North East


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from - Reason for image Eastern elevation, timber framed mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded cames.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Window features central casement with spiral ended latch and turn buckle catch.
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 333

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3716 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North East


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from - Reason for image Northern post and panel partition, later addition built in sympathetic design to builds
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
other features. Central to wall is a mirrored door into room 34, giving the idea of a secret
Job No 811, Drw No 84 room, (door closed)

Plate No: 334

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3717 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North East


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from - Reason for image Northern post and panel partition, later addition built in sympathetic design to builds
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
other features. Central to wall is a mirrored door into room 34, giving the idea of a secret
Job No 811, Drw No 84 room, (door open)

Plate No: 335

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3713 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from - Reason for image Eastern elevation. Holds timber framed mullion window. Ceiling structure appears
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
lowered. However timber beams remains exposed. Beams all chamfered with cut
Job No 811, Drw No 84 stop ends and painted in black lacquer.

Plate No: 336

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3720 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from - Reason for image Opposite side of partition between rooms 33 and 34. Rooms filled with modern
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
cupboards/cabinets etc.
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 337

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3719 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from - Reason for image Eastern elevation, timber framed mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded cames.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Window features central casement with spiral ended latch and turn buckle catch.
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 338

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3721 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from - Reason for image Northern wall, features small, stone fireplace with pointed segmental arch, and stone
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
mantle. Fireplace holds small cast iron fire/grille and brick back.
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 339

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3724 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east Reason for image Northern wall features sharp incline to western wall, visible also in room 37.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 340

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3725 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Detail, under beam. North wall incline to western wall, visible also in room 37.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 341

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3728 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image First to ground. Narrow carpet lined staircase. Timber panel partition wall to right.
Exisiting roof plan To left, wall features projected shelf.
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 342

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3732 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west Reason for image Doorway to rooms 36 and 37. Door from 35 to 36, feature stain glassed fanlight.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 343

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3735 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Modernised room, southern wall features same incline curvature as room 34.
Exisiting roof plan Western wall features stone renewal framed mullion window, with diamond pattern
Job No 811, Drw No 84 leaded cames, and casement window.

Plate No: 344

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3739 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Painted over transom window.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 345

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3737 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Western wall features stone renewal framed mullion window, with diamond pattern
Exisiting roof plan leaded cames, and casement window. Window is splayed with a timber plank sill
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 346

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3742 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Exposed in rooms southern wall, painted over timber beam, running east to west.
Exisiting roof plan Appears to be chamfered. North west corner shows decorative cut stop end.
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 347

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3741 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Exposed in rooms southern wall, painted over timber beam, running east to west.
Exisiting roof plan Appears to be chamfered.
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 348

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3746 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Northern wall features stone renewal framed mullion window, with timber plank sill.
Exisiting roof plan Windows feature diamond pattern leaded cames, and casement window
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 349

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3748 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Western elevation, internal central fireplace with stone surround and mantle. Fireplace
Exisiting roof plan fitted with iron grille, and brick surrounds and back, all painted white.
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 350

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3744 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image North wall timber plank partition between rooms 39 and 40. Partition features two
Exisiting roof plan timbers for reasons unknown as they don’t seem to support anything. Door to left,
Job No 811, Drw No 84 plank and batten externally (room 40) now blocked off making it redundant. Beam to
left. Continuous from western wall to eastern wall in room 40

Plate No: 351

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3750 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
Vertical/North west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Ceiling structure, timber chamfered cut stop beam, from western elevation
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 352

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3751 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
Vertical/South east


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Ceiling structure, timber chamfered beam, as it continues through eastern partition
Exisiting roof plan into room 40
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 353

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3752 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Room has been modernised with bathroom and shower facilities
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 354

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3754 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Modern shower, bath and tiles.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 355

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3759 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west Reason for image Recess for toilet faculties in north western corner. Recess also features stone renewal
mullion window with leaded came diamond pattern decoration and casement window.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 356

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3762 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east Reason for image Recess for toilet faculties in north western corner. Recess also features stone renewal
mullion window with leaded came diamond pattern decoration and casement window.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 357

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3755 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Ceiling structure. chamfered timber beam as it passes through partition between rooms
Exisiting roof plan 39, 40 running west to east.
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 358

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3757 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Ceiling structure, chamfered timber beam with cut stop ends in eastern elevation.
Exisiting roof plan Timber beam rest upon stone plinth.
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 359

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3764 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east Reason for image Timber panelled boiler cupboard eastern wall. Door in north eastern corner leads to
narrow hallway and stair, Room 40A


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 360

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3769 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South Reason for image Small corridor at bottom of stair, room 40 to left.


38 35




32 23
30 28
23a 24


Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 84

Plate No: 361

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3979 INTERNAL
Direction of view:




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Stairwell down to room 23, first floor. Modern staircase with timbers and turned balusters
Exisiting roof plan newels and finials.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 362

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3982 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Small passageway between rooms 49 and 51. Recess in western side with fitted
Exisiting roof plan cupboard. Recess caused by addition of gable ended roof in room 47.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 363

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3986 INTERNAL
Direction of view:




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Eastern buildings, exposed roof structure of trusses western principal beam.
Exisiting roof plan Lower beam timber principal, upper beams are timbers used for the addition of
Job No 811, Drw No 85 the southern buildings southern gable.

Plate No: 364

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3987 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Modified timber structure to allow for the addition of the southern buildings southern
Exisiting roof plan gable, multiple repairs.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 365

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3988 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Modified timber structure to allow for the addition of the southern buildings southern
Exisiting roof plan gable, multiple repairs.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 366

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3990 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Modified timber structure to allow for the addition of the southern buildings southern
Exisiting roof plan gable, multiple repairs.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 367

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3994 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image South gable stone renewal window with panes in diamond pattern with leaded cames,
Exisiting roof plan and central casement
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 368

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3995 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Boxed in queen strut and principal beams. Remains of partial timber frame to right.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 369

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3991 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Recess projects to chimney stack behind, roof structure. structure of boxed in purlin,
Exisiting roof plan principal and queen post. Fireplace stone with cast iron grille.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 370

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3996 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Western wall holds small timber lined aperture into building roof space.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 371

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4000 INTERNAL
Direction of view:




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Western wall space multiple phases. Timber rafters, purlins, and valley rafters,
Exisiting roof plan with mortared brick work.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 372

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4001 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Western wall space multiple phases. Timber rafters, purlins, and valley rafters,
Exisiting roof plan with mortared brick work.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 373

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3999 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Western wall space multiple phases. Timber rafters, purlins, and valley rafters,
Exisiting roof plan with mortared brick work.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 374

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4004 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image North eastern corner. Modern kitchen. Eastern elevation holds stone renewal window
Exisiting roof plan with panes in diamond pattern with leaded cames, and (left) casement.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 375

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4005 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North/north west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image North west roof structure, boxed in timber beam and joist. Possible principle and
Exisiting roof plan valley rafters. Partition holds square window with frosted glass.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 376

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4002 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Southern wall between 51 and 52. Recess wall built under roof structure. Boxed
Exisiting roof plan in beams and joists. Possible wall projection caused by valley rafter modification
Job No 811, Drw No 85 of roof to chimney stack in room 51.

Plate No: 377

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4008 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image North eastern corner. Northern wall. Peeled wallpaper exposes coursed brick work
Exisiting roof plan behind. Stone renewal casement window to right with diamond pattern leaded cames
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 378

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4006 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
Souh west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Small modernised bathroom. South wall features square window.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 379

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4007 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
West/North west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Western wall. Small cupboard, 53a, accessed via small door.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 380

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4009 INTERNAL
Direction of view:




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Eastern wall, entrance to cupboard room 53b. exposed above timber purlin.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 381

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN4013 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Internal shot from room 53. Small service room. Apex of roof. Floor of timber planks..
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 85

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3966 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Staircase down to eastern buildings room 49 landing. Timber newel posts topped
Exisiting roof plan with finials, chamfered square balusters.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 383

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3968 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
West/North west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Entrance into room 47 through central plank and batten door
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 384

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3969 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image South eastern corner. Timber framed hatch to left enters roof space.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 385

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3970 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Dormer with timber mullioned window in northern elevation. Decorated with lead
Exisiting roof plan cames in diamond pattern. With turnbuckle latch.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 386

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC01569 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Roof structure, Attic space above collar of roof trusses. Far end, western joint
Exisiting roof plan between southern and western builds. Far collar features two raking struts from
Job No 811, Drw No 85 collar to principal beams.

Plate No: 387

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC01575 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Roof structure. attic space. Eastern edge features central ridge purlin with timber
Exisiting roof plan principals and timber braces. This however sits above another central purlin with
Job No 811, Drw No 85 arched braces on top of the timber collar. This modification would suggest the roof
original alignment to have been heightened. Sectioned between braces and truss
beams have been in filled with brick and plaster.

Plate No: 388

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC01572 INTERNAL
Direction of view:




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Roof structure. attic space. Eastern edge features central ridge purlin with timber
Exisiting roof plan principals and timber braces. This however sits above another central purlin with
Job No 811, Drw No 85 arched braces on top of the timber collar. This modification would suggest the roof
original alignment to have been heightened. Sectioned between braces and truss
beams have been in filled with brick and plaster.

Plate No: 389

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC01573 INTERNAL
Direction of view:




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Roof structure. attic space. Eastern edge features central ridge purlin with timber
Exisiting roof plan principals and timber braces. This however sits above another central purlin with
Job No 811, Drw No 85 arched braces on top of the timber collar. This modification would suggest the roof
original alignment to have been heightened. Sectioned between braces and truss
beams have been in filled with brick and plaster.

Plate No: 390

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 SM-G920F Digital 00027 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image From 48, roof structure above 49/50. Roof structure possible central timber king
Exisiting roof plan post
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 391

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3956 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Point where roof structure changes due to addition of central gable in southern
Exisiting roof plan elevation. Elevation hold southern stone renewal window with panes in diamond
Job No 811, Drw No 85 pattern with leaded cames, and casements.

Plate No: 392

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3957 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Entrances to room 48 (central) and 47a (right). Both doors wallpapered over.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 393

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3951 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Dormer, mullioned window, with leaded cames in square pattern. Right hand window
Exisiting roof plan is a casement with spiral ended turnbuckle latch. Left and right of the main windows
Job No 811, Drw No 85 dormer sides, feature glass panes with leaded cames in square pattern.

Plate No: 394

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3952 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Left of the main windows dormer side, features glass panes with leaded cames
Exisiting roof plan in square pattern.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 395

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3953 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Right of the main windows dormer side, features glass panes with leaded cames
Exisiting roof plan in square pattern.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 396

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3954 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Northern wall, part decorative hexagonal recess has been cut and fitted with wooden
Exisiting roof plan framed fireplace and mantle. Fireplace holds cast iron grille. Fireplace back is lined
Job No 811, Drw No 85 with decorated white tiles in purple of landmarks. Flue made of coursed brick.

Plate No: 397

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3959 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east Reason for image Into room 47a, small cupboard space with small wooden framed aperture access
eastern building’s roof space.




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 398

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3962 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
East Reason for image Into roof space between eastern building roof space and southern gable addition.
Featured, timber valley rafters and post




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 399

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3947 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east Reason for image (One room used to be two). Eastern entrance up short flight of stairs to room 47.
Stairwell features timber post and panelling in room 47 external west wall




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 400

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3936 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image (One room used to be two). Post and panel partition between rooms 44 and 45/46.
Exisiting roof plan Much of ceiling space has been refurbished, but sympathetic to earlier style. Roof
Job No 811, Drw No 85 construction, timber truss, with collar and trenched purlins. Truss is collard with the tie
beam set within the floor. Truss features queen posts, (post to right has been boarded
up in plywood,) rafters have been covered over in modern plywood.

Plate No: 401

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3937 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image (One room used to be two). Ceiling structure. Truss principals with central ridge purlin
Exisiting roof plan and pegged collar, modern refurbishments.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 402

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3941 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image (One room used to be two). Southern gable, timber wall plate tie beam with purlins.
Exisiting roof plan Wall made of coursed red brick in two phases. Second phase above window and
Job No 811, Drw No 85 stone lintel. Central stone renewal window with panes in diamond pattern with leaded
cames, and central casement.

Plate No: 403

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3945 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image (One room used to be two). South gable, timber tie beam/wall plate under earlier
Exisiting roof plan phase bricked wall
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 404

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3942 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image (One room used to be two). Southern gable, timber wall plate tie beam with purlins.
Exisiting roof plan Wall made of coursed red brick in two phases. Second phase above window and stone
Job No 811, Drw No 85 lintel. Central stone renewal window with panes in diamond pattern with leaded cames,
and central casement.

Plate No: 405

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3939 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image (One room used to be two). Roof modification due to installation of a small gable
Exisiting roof plan roof and window to the western elevation. Though most of the ceiling is now boarded,
Job No 811, Drw No 85 a timber purlin is exposed ending at the western brick work above the window.

Plate No: 406

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3940 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image (One room used to be two). Point of intersection between main roof a gable addition.
Exisiting roof plan Main structure, principal beam with mortice tenon queen post, and trenched purlin.
Job No 811, Drw No 85 Gable roof, valley rafters, trenched purlin to gable end truss principal and queen post,
later addition.

Plate No: 407

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3932 INTERNAL
Direction of view:




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Western wall, stone renewal window with panes in diamond pattern with leaded
Exisiting roof plan cames. Window features both in room 44 and 45/46, with the rooms timber post
Job No 811, Drw No 85 and panel wall separating it in the middle.

Plate No: 408

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3933 INTERNAL
Direction of view:




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Floor of room unstable apart from timber plank walkway, exposed within the floor
Exisiting roof plan is a timber arch that tops the staircase below room 5 to 29. Arch position below
Job No 811, Drw No 85 timber tie truss beam.

Plate No: 409

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3928 INTERNAL
Direction of view:




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Post and panel timber wall partition between rooms 44 and 45/46, panel removed in
Exisiting roof plan lower left corner exposing lathe and plaster.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 410

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3935 INTERNAL
Direction of view:




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Graffiti on the plastered wall, dated “January 1911”
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 411

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3934 INTERNAL
Direction of view:




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Rough hewn timber tie beam ends in western elevation. In coursed stone wall.
Exisiting roof plan Edge of principal and timber purling. Timber rafters placed behind truss in opposite
Job No 811, Drw No 85 direction for the addition of a small gable roof and window.

Plate No: 412

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3923 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Point of intersection where roof structure changes course. Timber principal, truss
Exisiting roof plan and queen post of western buildings show remnants of lathe and plaster. Timber
Job No 811, Drw No 85 post and panelling, (right) sit between truss and purlin of southern building.

Plate No: 413

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3925 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Northern partition wall between room 44 and 43. Timber post and panel partition with
Exisiting roof plan exposed lathe and plaster. Partition sits within roof truss. Door between rooms has been
Job No 811, Drw No 85 boarded up with plywood.

Plate No: 414

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3767 INTERNAL
Direction of view:




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image From top of room 41 stairs down to 40A. staircase is very narrow. Timber topped
Exisiting roof plan shelf projection to left.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 415

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3882 INTERNAL
Direction of view:




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Second floor, accessible via narrow staircase from first floor room 40. Gable holds
Exisiting roof plan stone renewal window with casement, window panes in diamond pattern with leaded
Job No 811, Drw No 85 cames. Roof structure exposed, main timber truss principals and purlins. Visible in
lower wall are two raking queen struts situated on top of timber tie beam. Two timbers
struts have been added presumably for extra support. Roof appears lowered, and east
and western elevation walls have been brought forward internally.
Plate No: 416

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3884 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Roof structure, timber purlins and truss principal, lower truss features raking queen
Exisiting roof plan post. Eaves wall made of lathe and plaster.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 417

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3889 INTERNAL
Direction of view:




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Roof structure, south elevation partition between rooms 41 and 42. Timber truss
Exisiting roof plan principal, collar, and purlins, (east)
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 418

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3894 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Entrance from room 41, modern plywood partition holds central timber door
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 419

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3902 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Access into room 43, (west), through small timber framed opening in lathe and
Exisiting roof plan plaster partition
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 420

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC01764 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Northern wall, later addition lathe and plaster wall between rooms 42 and 43, roof
Exisiting roof plan structure of timber truss with racking queen struts, trenched purlins, timber principals
Job No 811, Drw No 85 and pegged tenon collar. Tie beam under floor level.

Plate No: 421

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 SM-G920F Digital 00065 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Southern wall into between rooms 43 and 44. Wall a build of timber post and panel,
Exisiting roof plan door to right blocked off with modern plywood.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 422

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC01775 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Central oriel timber framed mullion window, with central casement. Window set
Exisiting roof plan with diamond pattern cames. Frame of window sits between timber lintel and sill with
Job No 811, Drw No 85 timber posts either side. Timber purlins between principal (lower) possibly cut.

Plate No: 423

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC01780 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Oriel window floor level. Lathe and plaster floor lead to a course of pitched brick.
Exisiting roof plan Further inspection was unavailable due to floor being unsafe.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 424

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC01773 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Change in roof structure between main build and oriel window. Oriel window built
Exisiting roof plan within central western builds roof structure. Valley roof timbers join to main builds
Job No 811, Drw No 85 principals and central ridge purlin.

Plate No: 425

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC01774 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
Vertical/South east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Main roof structure. trenched upper purlin with chamfered cut stop edges. Valley
Exisiting roof plan rafters and central ridge purlin set against main builds trusses, timber principals
Job No 811, Drw No 85 and central ridge purlin. Rest of roof structures timber rafters and common rafters.

Plate No: 426

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC01777 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Roof structure between oriel window and main roof structure. joined with valley
Exisiting roof plan rafters.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 427

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC01781 INTERNAL
Direction of view:




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Roof structure between oriel window and main roof structure. joined with valley rafters.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 428

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC01769 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Detail, west, pegged mortice tenon joist between raking queen strut and principal.
Exisiting roof plan Trenched purlin to principal. Purlin is chamfered and decorated with cut stop ends. .
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 429

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 SM-G920F Digital 00068 INTERNAL
Direction of view:




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Southern wall into between rooms 43 and 44. Wall a build of timber post and panel,
Exisiting roof plan door to right blocked off with modern plywood.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 430

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 SM-G920F Digital 00073 INTERNAL
Direction of view:




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Southern wall into between rooms 43 and 44. Wall a build of timber post and panel,
Exisiting roof plan door to right blocked off with modern plywood. Post and panel joint. Chamfered cut
Job No 811, Drw No 85 stop timber purlin to principal.

Plate No: 431

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 SM-G920F Digital 00076 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Timber roof structure. Pegged mortice tenon jointed principals under central ridge
Exisiting roof plan purlin.
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 432

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 SM-G920F Digital 00086 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Western elevation (south) internal brick chimney
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 433

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 SM-G920F Digital 00085 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Timber roof structure has changed beyond principal. Beam. Valley rafters have been
Exisiting roof plan added due to the incorporation of the (north) western brick chimney into the roof
Job No 811, Drw No 85 structure.

Plate No: 434

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 SM-G920F Digital 00078 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Principal to collar join, assemblage marks.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 435

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC-F828 Digital DSC01771 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
Vertical/South east Reason for image Floor space of room. Timber tie beam with diminished shoulder pegged cogged




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 436

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 SM-G920F Digital 00083 INTERNAL
Direction of view:




44 53a 53 53b

47 48 49
50 52

Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Reason for image Floor space of room. Timber tie beam with diminished shoulder pegged cogged joists.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 85

Plate No: 437

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01698 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from - Reason for image Stairwell down to western cellar. Western wall course of “English garden bond”
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
red brick.
Exisiting roof plan
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 438

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01720 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

54 56



Adapted from - Reason for image Door between 54 and room 8. Timber plank and batten braced, fixed with chamfered
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
wooden bolt with decorative corner arrows.
Exisiting cellar plan
Job No 811, Drw No 82

Plate No: 439

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01718 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image From 54 up brick coursed steps to room 8 ground floor. Timber panelled door features
covered wooden frame transom. Wall to left. Timber panel wall between room 8 staircase
and room 54

54 56



Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting cellar plan
Job No 811, Drw No 82

Plate No: 440

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01719 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image From 54 up brick coursed steps to room 8 ground floor. Timber panelled door features
covered wooden frame transom. Wall to left. Timber panel wall between room 8 staircase
and room 54

54 56



Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting cellar plan
Job No 811, Drw No 82

Plate No: 441

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01700 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

54 56



Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Bricked lined arch corridor into room 55. Floor made with coursed brick with
Exisiting cellar plan drainage channels.
Job No 811, Drw No 82

Plate No: 442

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01710 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South/South west

54 56



Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Parts of the northern and western walls are a build of coursed random stone, unlike
Exisiting cellar plan brick lined walls found elsewhere in room.
Job No 811, Drw No 82

Plate No: 443

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01709 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

54 56



Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Parts of the northern and western walls are a build of coursed random stone, unlike
Exisiting cellar plan brick lined walls found elsewhere in room.
Job No 811, Drw No 82

Plate No: 444

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01716 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

54 56



Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Brick course floor. Different courses.
Exisiting cellar plan
Job No 811, Drw No 82

Plate No: 445

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01715 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

54 56



Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image General south western corner. Central axial beam spans length of room west to east.
Exisiting cellar plan
Job No 811, Drw No 82

Plate No: 446

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01704 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North east

54 56



Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Most of the cellar walls are lined with coursed brick with plastered walls.
Exisiting cellar plan
Job No 811, Drw No 82

Plate No: 447

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01706 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

54 56



Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Cellar features central timber beam with timber joists. Beam runs east to west.
Exisiting cellar plan Either end has been given extra support with coursed brick pillars. Joists have
Job No 811, Drw No 82 been given additional support with timber posts.

Plate No: 448

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01705 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

54 56



Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image North east corner. Large brick lined arched recess.
Exisiting cellar plan
Job No 811, Drw No 82

Plate No: 449

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01708 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

54 56



Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image South eastern corner. Recess has been built in wall to take service pipes. Brick
Exisiting cellar plan lined with timber frame lintel and sill. Further support joists can be seen carrying
Job No 811, Drw No 82 on into the recess.

Plate No: 450

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01708 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:
North west

54 56



Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave Reason for image Eastern elevation. One of two entrances into eastern cellar. Entrance descends
Exisiting cellar plan via brick steps under three arches, one of stone the others of pitched brick.
Job No 811, Drw No 82

Plate No: 451

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01733 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Eastern entrance to cellar. Steps made of coursed brick with capped
stone surrounds. Remains of timber arch with posts line bottom entrance.

54 56



Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting cellar plan
Job No 811, Drw No 82

Plate No: 452

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01734 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

54 56



Adapted from -
Reason for image Eastern entrance to cellar. Steps made of coursed brick with capped
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting cellar plan stone surrounds. Remains of timber arch with posts line bottom entrance.
Job No 811, Drw No 82

Plate No: 453

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01752 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
North Reason for image North wall, brick course and rendered. Wall scarring show square aperture with pointed
arch, partially bricked up. Recess leads to circular well.

54 56



Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting cellar plan
Job No 811, Drw No 82

Plate No: 454

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01735 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

54 56



Adapted from -
Reason for image Northern wall recess feature well. Coursed brick on top of coursed stone. Depth
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting cellar plan unknown but presumed very deep. Metal pipe leads from roof of well down. Further
Job No 811, Drw No 82 possible sight of waterline down also features horizontal metal pipes.

Plate No: 455

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01736 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

54 56



Adapted from -
Reason for image Arched hallway line in brick and plastered.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting cellar plan
Job No 811, Drw No 82

Plate No: 456

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01740 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

54 56



Adapted from -
Reason for image Room 57 arched passageway between rooms 58 and 56.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting cellar plan
Job No 811, Drw No 82

Plate No: 457

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01742 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

54 56



Adapted from -
Reason for image Eastern corner of floor features stone boiler plinth. Walls in passageway rendered.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting cellar plan Floor course of brick.
Job No 811, Drw No 82

Plate No: 458

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01741 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

54 56



Adapted from -
Reason for image Room 58 in background. Eastern corner of floor features stone boiler plinth. Walls
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting cellar plan in passageway rendered.
Job No 811, Drw No 82

Plate No: 459

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01747 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

54 56



Adapted from -
Reason for image Eastern wall. Features a rendered arch with stone mullioned window. The window is
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting cellar plan splayed left, right and vertically. The stone frame holds leaded squared cames and
Job No 811, Drw No 82 fragments of glass. Wall underneath window is built of coursed stone, somewhat

Plate No: 460

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01745 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

54 56



Adapted from -
Reason for image North western corner, square cut brick lined recess in arched ceiling. The cut exposes
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting cellar plan the coursed stone construct of the otherwise rendered arch.
Job No 811, Drw No 82

Plate No: 461

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01746 INTERNAL
Direction of view: Reason for image Eastern wall. Features a rendered arch with stone mullioned window. The window is
South east
splayed left, right and vertically. The stone frame holds leaded squared cames and
fragments of glass. Wall underneath window is built of coursed stone, somewhat
N rendered.

54 56



Adapted from -
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting cellar plan
Job No 811, Drw No 82

Plate No: 462

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01748 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South west

54 56



Adapted from - Southern wall. Features a rendered arch with stone metal grille. The wall underneath
Reason for image
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting cellar plan grille shows some scarring. The recess appears to have possibly once been a door to
Job No 811, Drw No 82 the cellars from the southern build. The floor underneath the recess is also made of
raised stone.

Plate No: 463

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01795 EXTERNAL
Direction of view:


Adapted from - Mock box frame garage. Painted to look Tudor

Reason for image
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting garage plan
Job No 811, Drw No 93

Plate No: 464

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01797 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


Adapted from - Internal. Modern timber roof with breeze block walls. Central timber framed
Reason for image
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting garage plan window.
Job No 811, Drw No 93

Plate No: 465

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01799 INTERNAL
Direction of view:


Adapted from - Modern timber roof.

Reason for image
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting garage plan
Job No 811, Drw No 93

Plate No: 466

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Nikkon AW130 Digital DSCN3556 INTERNAL
Direction of view:
South east

9 11
10 12 13
8 10c
10b 14c


6 16 17

5b 19a 18
5a 19b 20

Adapted from -
Reason for image Room 10b leads to northeast courtyard. Around corner to right into room 15.
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting roof plan To left room opens into room 12 and to north east, small toilet area.
Job No 811, Drw No 83

Plate No: 467

A.P.A.C. Ltd
Site Site code Grid ref: Camera Format Image no: Area
Whitton court, Whitton, Ludlow BS/WCW/18 357879 273483 Sony DSC0-F828 Digital DSC01738 INTERNAL
Direction of view:

54 56



Adapted from -
Reason for image Splayed brick vent from inside room 56 to external eastern elevation. Eastern
Hawkes Edwards & Cave
Exisiting cellar plan elevation end, lined with vertical bars.
Job No 811, Drw No 82

Plate No: 468

A.P.A.C. Ltd
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

Photo no Date Camera L or View Room No Description Plate

DSCN3426 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 1 Southern facing window in south elevation of porch. Victorian/Tudor Stone framed mullion renewal with lead came diamond windows. PL114
Window to left features smaller pattern than window to right.
DSCN3427 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW 1 Timber plank and batten door southern front entrance into building. Door fitted eternally with decorative strap hinge. Internally fitted PL113
with square wooden lock, two bolts and latch. Door placement under timber chamfered beam and to right, timber door frame.
DSCN3428 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 1 Timber bench with panelled timber back. Panels decorated with carved arched mouldings of guilloche with foliage in the spandrels. PL115
Floor of room consists of red brick in mock Herringbone pattern.
DSCN3429 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE 1 Ashlar Ogee arch over canted brick stone supports, between the porch and entrance passageway. Heritage report suggests, possibly PL117
built of local Grinshill sandstone, pg., 20.
DSCN3430 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 1 Ashlar Ogee arch over canted brick stone supports, between the porch and entrance passageway. Heritage report suggests, possibly PL116
built of local Grinshill sandstone, pg., 20.
DSCN3431 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S/SW 2 In distance, external porch situated awkwardly against entrance into passageway. Passageway (south) features internal segmental arch PL118
with canted ashlar stone. Door to west enters room 3. Timber wainscot panelling with decorative chamfered mullions, sit above raised
stone ashlar munting between rooms.
DSCN3432 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 2 Eastern wall features timber wainscot panelling with decorative chamfered mullions, however differ from western wall. Mullions PL119
appear thicker and the bottom row has been partially blocked by additional timber munting. This timber munting also sits upon a further
stone munting that has less height than its western counterpart. Door in south of wall has been installed in a later phase to add access to
later addition stairwell. Doorway also features a timber step.
DSCN3433 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 2 Entrance into room 3 from room 2 through western timber panelled wall. Entrance topped with decorative timber lintel. Lintel PL129
decoration features, two carved elliptical arches with central connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced lunettes with foliage.
Arch spandrels feature daisy wheels, and part carved pediment. Either end of each arch sits upon timber carved corbels with daisy
wheel and acanthus leaf decoration. Central drop pendant features arcading and leaf decoration.
DSCN3434 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 2 Entrance into room 3 from room 2 through western timber panelled wall. Entrance topped with decorative timber lintel. Lintel
decoration features, two carved elliptical arches with central connecting drop pendant. Central drop pendant features arcading and leaf
DSCN3435 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 2 Entrance into room 3 from room 2 through western timber panelled wall. Entrance topped with decorative timber lintel. Lintel PL130
decoration features, two carved elliptical arches with central connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced lunettes with foliage.
Arch spandrels feature daisy wheels, and part carved pediment. Either end of each arch sits upon timber carved corbels with daisy
wheel and acanthus leaf decoration. (left arch)
DSCN3436 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 2 Entrance into room 3 from room 2 through western timber panelled wall. Entrance topped with decorative timber lintel. Lintel PL131
decoration features, two carved elliptical arches with central connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced lunettes with foliage.
Arch spandrels feature daisy wheels, and part carved pediment. Either end of each arch sits upon timber carved corbels with daisy
wheel and acanthus leaf decoration. (right arch)
DSCN3437 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 2 Entrance into room 19b from room 2 through eastern timber panelled wall. Entrance topped with decorative timber lintel. Lintel
decoration features, two carved elliptical arches with central connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced daisy wheels and
arcading. Either end of each arch sits upon timber carved corbels with daisy wheel and acanthus leaf decoration. Note, door lintel and
frame are narrower than western entrance, into room 3, Offset, opposite. Also, decoration only features on western side but plain on
east. Arch corbels however fully decorated.
DSCN3438 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 2 Entrance into room 19b from room 2 through eastern timber panelled wall. Entrance topped with decorative timber lintel. Lintel PL123
decoration features, two carved elliptical arches with central connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced daisy wheels and
arcading. Either end of each arch sits upon timber carved corbels with daisy wheel and acanthus leaf decoration. Note, door lintel and
frame are narrower than western entrance, into room 3, Offset, opposite. Also, decoration only features on western side but plain on
east. Arch corbels however fully decorated.
DSCN3439 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 2 Entrance into room 19b from room 2 through eastern timber panelled wall. Entrance topped with decorative timber lintel. Lintel
decoration features, two carved elliptical arches with central connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced daisy wheels and
arcading. Either end of each arch sits upon timber carved corbels with daisy wheel and acanthus leaf decoration. Note, door lintel and
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

frame are narrower than western entrance, into room 3, Offset, opposite. Also, decoration only features on western side but plain on
east. Arch corbels however fully decorated.
DSCN3440 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE 2 North eastern corner. Eastern timber panel wall rests against northern entrance wall, exit into central courtyard. Northern wall random PL120
coursed stone with ashlar voussoirs segmental arch.
DSCN3441 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 2 Northern exit from room 2 into central courtyard. Exit features inner segmental arch with ashlar voussoirs, that sit upon random coursed PL121
stone of the northern wall. Right hand wall is partially splayed. External pointed arch which is ill fitted evidence for which can be seen
by dropped right side and offset keystone. Arch is fitted with a timber batten false panel decorated double arched door.
DSCN3442 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 2 Northern exit from room 2 into central courtyard. Exit features inner segmental arch with ashlar voussoirs, that sit upon random coursed PL133
stone of the northern wall. Right hand wall is partially splayed. External pointed arch which is ill fitted evidence for which can be seen
by dropped right side and offset keystone. Arch is fitted with a timber batten false panel decorated double arched door.
DSCN3443 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 2 Timber door between room 2 and central courtyard. Fitted with wooden bolt fixed with metal decorative straps and a metal twisted
circular latch handle with internal latch. Latch handle made with half twisted decoration fitted to a decorative baseplate.
DSCN3444 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 2 Timber door between room 2 and central courtyard. Fitted with wooden bolt fixed with metal decorative straps and a metal twisted
circular latch handle with internal latch. Latch handle made with half twisted decoration fitted to a decorative baseplate.
DSCN3445 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N/V 2 Ceiling above room 2, bordered with simple cornice decoration.
DSCN3446 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N/NW 2-3 North wall, one of two windows. Window to right of central fireplace. Window set in deep cut canted stone surround with pointed arch. PL150
Window itself external, features two, pointed trefoil arches with central mullion, glass set in diamond pattern with lead came strips.
Each glass arch also features four thin horizontal metal bars.
DSCN3447 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 3 North eastern corner between timber panelled walls. General. Floor timber planks run east to west into room 2. Ceiling structure
composed of tie beams running south to north, cross beams east to west.
DSCN3448 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N/NW 3 North wall, one of two windows. Window to left of central fireplace. Window set in deep cut canted stone surround with pointed arch.
Window itself, features two, pointed trefoil arches with central mullion, glass set in diamond pattern with lead came strips. Each glass
arch also features four thin horizontal metal bars. Right hand window modified to hold casement window.
DSCN3449 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 3 Northern wall, two, pointed arch window with pointed trefoil arch frames. Central stone fireplace appears lopsided. Windows and PL149
fireplace set within timber panelling the comprises three quarters of the wall space. Timber panelling in northern wall appears to have
degraded more than panelling found on all other walls in room.
DSCN3450 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 3 Southern wall features three windows set within timber panelling. Windows to left and centre feature stone mullioned casements with PL148
diamond pattern lead came glass. Window to left also feature splay. Window to right also feature casement window situated like the left
however also feature recess seating within timber panelling.
DSCN3451 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 3 Western wall. Timber panelling same design as north and south walls with doorway into room 4 (left) and passageway 5 (right) PL142
doorway into room 4 spans full thickness of wall, hidden door within left of panelled frame. Top end of wall features painted banner
that runs around south, west and northern walls. West banner depicts houseowners various family crests and dates.
DSCN3452 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 3 Northern wall features hand painted banner above timber panelling and stone fireplace. Banner depicts hunting scene. Internal fireplace PL141
splayed coursed brick upon stone hearth.
DSCN3453 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 3 Central, intersection of cross and tie beams. Cross beams and tie beams decorated with stepped and chamfered timbers with decorative PL151
cut stop ends. joist timbers have been lengthened to beams with a thin section of wood and pegged to timbers, suggesting they have
been added at a later date to the beams. Decorative plaster, architrave follows course of timbers, however are not continuous also
adding possible further evidence that the joist beams are a later addition.
DSCN3454 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 3 Timber cross beam end at western wall. Timber cross beam chamfered, and features cut stop ends.
DSCN3455 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 3-4 Hidden cupboard within panelled wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand painted “Fleur de le” decoration as well as plaster
architrave decoration, suggesting earlier course of room has been altered.
DSCN3456 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 3-4 CORRUPTED
DSCN3457 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P V 3-4 Inside hidden cupboard, back of later addition panel eastern wall of room 4.
DSCN3458 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N 3-4 Inside hidden cupboard, back of panel western wall of room 3.
DSCN3459 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW 3 Hidden cupboard within panelled wall between rooms 3 and 4
DSCN3460 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 3 Hidden cupboard within panelled wall between rooms 3 and 4 PL152
DSCN3461 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 3 Doorway between rooms 3 and 4. Doorway fitted with panelled timber door.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

DSCN3462 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 4 South western corner, large fireplace, with stone surround. Back lined with 19th century brick. Hearth made of stone flagstones with PL158
pitched stone surround. Fireplace topped with decorative, corbelled mantel. Stone surround of fireplace also finished of with decorative
DSCN3463 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 4 South western corner, large fireplace. To left of fireplace is a small partially blocked, stone framed window with diamond pattern PL162
leaded cames. To right of fireplace is a stone renewal mullioned window. With six glass panes featuring decorative diamond pattern
leaded cames. Central, bottom window is a casement. Window is placed in a recess within the western panelled wall and features a
seated window box.
DSCN3464 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 4 Detail. Decoration of fireplace. Corbels come in sets of two. Decorated with intertwined lunettes and spiral patterns. Above is a course PL159
of small crenulations, above that is a moulded mantel shelf.
DSCN3465 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W/V 4 Detail. Fireplace hearth made up of stone flagstones encompassed by pitched stone surround. PL160
DSCN3466 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 4 Southern wall (west building). Modification has added a large stone renewal mullioned bay window to the southern wall. The window PL157
also features diamond pattern leaded cames. Some of the windows are casements. The bay window also features a boxed seating and a
raised timber floor. The rest of the room also features box panelling, painted white, however is thought to have been a later 19 th century
addition, (see heritage report).
DSCN3467 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 4 Decorative circular moulded cornice, around ceiling chandelier. Later addition. Features daisy’s and acanthus leaves.
DSCN3468 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 4 Rooms ceiling lined with decorative moulded ovolo cornice. PL161
DSCN3469 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N 4a Small cupboard in north west corner of northern wall. Northern wall made of timber plank partition, fitted with wooden shelves. Low PL163
ceiling above, of cut timbers topped with timber planks.
DSCN3470 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE 4a Small cupboard in north west corner of northern wall. Eastern wall made up of pegged timber plank and panels, possible remains of
earlier wall.
DSCN3471 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE 4a Small cupboard in north west corner of northern wall. Eastern wall made up of pegged timber plank and panels, possible remains of PL164
earlier wall.
DSCN3472 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW 5A Store cupboard accessed from room five. The southern wall features a timber plank and panel wall build. Panels are painted white with PL172
black timbers. Wall appears to be remains of an external building now within the western elevation of the current build. Wall features
many of the characteristics of the external western wings C17th century build. The wall features what looks to be a corner shaped
timber of the north western edge. This edge then continues south but is blocked, against the current build western elevation plank and
panel wall.
DSCN3473 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P W 5A Left, (External) south plank and panelled wall. Central western elevation plank and panel wall with timber munting. Right, timber plank
and lathe and plaster wall between rooms 5A and 5.
DSCN3474 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 5A Possible earlier timber panelled southern wall, between room 5A and 4. Wall is built on top of coursed stone foundation. Evidence PL173
which would also suggest this to have once been an external wall. Continuation of wall south east is covered in timber planks. Eastern
wall is the back of the plank and panel wall of room 3, however this to, within room 5A, is built on top of a coursed stone foundation.
DSCN3475 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 5A Coursed stone foundation of southern wall in room 5A.
DSCN3476 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S 5A Coursed stone foundation of southern wall in room 5A. Underneath possible earlier external wall of timber panelled wall. PL171
DSCN3477 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 5A Southern timber and panelled wall between rooms 5a and 4. Timber appears to have been repurposed as, timber post has been cut to PL169
hold a joist.
DSCN3478 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 5A Southern timber and panelled wall between rooms 5a and 4. Timbers appear to have been repurposed as, timber post, and beam have
been cut to hold joists.
DSCN3479 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 5A Southern timber and panelled wall between rooms 5a and 4. Timbers appear to have been repurposed as, timber post, and beam have
been cut to hold joists.
DSCN3480 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 5A To right, Southern timber and plank, (external wall). Walls south eastern area covered over in timber planks. Central. Back of plank and
panel wall of room 4. To left, inserted transom window with frosted glass in partition wall between rooms 5a and 5.
DSCN3481 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 5A Store cupboard accessed from room five. The southern wall features a timber plank and panel wall build. Panels are painted white with PL170
black timbers. Wall appears to be remains of an external building now within the western elevation of the current build. Wall features
many of the characteristics of the external western wings C17th century build. The wall features what looks to be a corner shaped
timber of the north western edge. This edge then continues south but is blocked, against the current build western elevation plank and
panel wall.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

DSCN3482 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 5A Northern wall between rooms 5a and 5. Ceiling holds a repurposed beam with, (now) unused cut for joists. Wall is lined with cut timber PL174
posts and fitted with lathe and plaster. Exposed above lathe and plaster is the staircase from ground to first floor, via room 5.
DSCN3483 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 5A Northern wall between rooms 5a and 5. Ceiling holds a repurposed beam with, (now) unused cut for joists. Wall is lined with cut timber
posts and fitted with lathe and plaster.
DSCN3484 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE 5A Northern wall between rooms 5a and 5. Ceiling holds a repurposed beam with, (now) unused cut for joists. Wall is lined with cut timber
posts and fitted with lathe and plaster.
DSCN3485 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 5 Door access from stair landing of room 5 into room 5a store. Timber architrave doorway fitted with timber plank panel door. PL168
DSCN3486 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 5B Small cupboard underneath stairwell, of room 5. Northern wall is made up of a coursed stone foundation underneath timber panelled
wall. Wall bulges externally to the east. The northern wall much like the southern wall of room 5a would suggest a possible earlier
alignment of buildings, before addition of the staircase, or earlier.
DSCN3487 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 CORRUPTED
DSCN3488 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 5B CORRUPTED
DSCN3489 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 CORRUPTED
DSCN3490 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P W 5B Small cupboard underneath stairwell, of room 5. Western wall is made up of a coursed stone foundation underneath a plastered wall.
Foundation wall features slight internal batter. Note, floor of room extends from west as possible medieval ceramic tiles to east build of
red brick.
DSCN3491 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 5B Southern wall and entrance into small cupboard. Partition made up of lathe and plaster., with small timber framed doorway.
DSCN3492 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 5 Ground to first floor staircase. Staircase built in dog leg style, with timber panelled dado surround. Stairs made of timber planks with
central carpet. Stairs feature turned balusters with carved ramped string handrails with flat topped newel posts.
DSCN3493 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 5 Carpeted stair fixed with decorative metal strip.
DSCN3494 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 5 Flat topped newel post PL166
DSCN3495 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 5 Turned timber balusters,
DSCN3496 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N 5 Turned timber balusters, and flat-topped newel post.
DSCN3497 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N 5 Timber framed doorway into room 6. Room raised needed two step access.
DSCN3498 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P E 5 Room 5 into room 4. Wall to right of entrance feature panelled dado. Wall also feature carved timber plinth with drop pendant
DSCN3499 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW 6 South western corner. Much of room has been recently redecorated. South wall features plinthed wall under wooden skirting. Possibly PL179
due to stone foundation found in room 5b. western wall features small splayed window. Stone renewal window with diamond pattern
leaded cames.
DSCN3500 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 6 South eastern corner. Entrance from room 5 through wooden panelled door with decorative architrave, painted white. Windows to left
are timber mullioned frame with architrave. Each window is fitted with leaded cames in diamond pattern. Windows also feature lead
horizontal bars. Window frames have been painted with white gloss paint.
DSCN3501 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 6 Ceiling space is made up of two chamfered timber tie beams with cut stops running west to east. Cross timbers running from south to PL183
north giving the effect of panelling. Cross timbers are also chamfered with chamfers and cut stop ends.
DSCN3502 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/NE 6 Ne corner of room features one extra timber cross beam, running from eastern elevation to beam only.
DSCN3503 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 6 Ceiling space is made up of two chamfered timber tie beams with cut stops running west to east. Cross timbers running from south to
north giving the effect of panelling. Cross timbers are also chamfered with chamfers and cut stop ends.
DSCN3504 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 6 Chamfered cut stop timber cross beam as it ends in northern wall partition between rooms 6 and 7.
DSCN3505 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 6 Western wall of room features internal chimney and stone surround fireplace. Fireplace feature ogee arch lintel and ovolo mantle. PL181
Fireplace also feature stone/concrete hearth with pitch string stone surround.
DSCN3506 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 6 Western fireplace fitted with cast iron stove with decoration. Fireplace back made up of coursed 19th century brick.
DSCN3507 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 6 Northern wall, partition of modern plywood has been installed between rooms 6 and 7. Wall above and to east also appears to have PL182
been modified/boxed in.
DSCN3508 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 6 Eastern wall. Timber framed mullion window. Window fitted with leaded cames in a diamond pattern. Window also feature horizontal
leaded bar. Central bottom window features opening casement window.
DSCN3509 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 6 Eastern elevation. Windows are timber mullioned frame with architrave. Each window is fitted with leaded cames in diamond pattern. PL180
Windows also feature lead horizontal bars. Window frames have been painted with white gloss paint.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

DSCN3510 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 6 Detail. Casement window, eastern elevation, fitted with basic catch.
DSCN3511 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 7 Western elevation. Central stone fireplace, with decorative stone mantel. Fireplace feature cast iron stove. To left and right of central
fireplace are two stone renewal mullion windows with basic glass panes, unlike the decorative ones found elsewhere in building.
Possibly refurbished/repairs. Left window features lower casement.
DSCN3512 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 7 Western elevation. 19th century brick surround in fireplace, painted red. PL185
DSCN3513 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 7 South western corner. Room 7 has been heavily modernised. PL186
DSCN3514 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 7 Room 7 ceiling follows same design as room 6 with two chamfered timber tie beams with cut stops running west to east. Cross timbers
running from south to north giving the effect of panelling. Cross timbers are also chamfered with chamfers and cut stop ends.
DSCN3515 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 7 Northern wall where cross beam ends at wall.
DSCN3516 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 7 North western corner. Timber framed transom window between rooms 7 and 8. Window blocked off in room 8 PL187
DSCN3517 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 7 South wall timber plywood partition between rooms 6 and 7. PL184
DSCN3518 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N/NW 7 North wall between room 7 and 8. Access granted via timber framed ledged and braced, plank and batten door. PL188
DSCN3519 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW 8 General (from 10) PL191
DSCN3520 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P W 8 Timber plank and batten door into western cellar. Door fitted externally with metal door handle.
DSCN3521 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P W/NW 8 Corridor between rooms 9, (right), western exit, room 10, (east) and rooms 7 and western cellar (left). Room also leads to stairwell PL190
from ground to first floor, (left) stairwell partition, (left) timber panelling. Room heavily modernised. Western exit fitted with plank and
batten door with glass fanlight.
DSCN3522 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P W 8 Entrance to stairwell between ground and first floor. Entrance fitted with timber framed doorway with “French” styled glass paned PL194
DSCN3523 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW 8 Entrance to stairwell between ground and first floor. Entrance fitted with timber framed doorway with “French” styled glass paned PL192
DSCN3524 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P W/NW 8 Western exit fitted with plank and batten door with diamond pattern, lead came, glass fanlight. PL193
DSCN3525 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W/NW 8 Detail, diamond pattern, lead came, glass fanlight.
DSCN3526 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/E 8 Exposed chamfer timber cross beam between rooms 7 and 9, runs through room 8. Painted white. PL195
DSCN3527 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P E 8 Room 8 General, east. PL189
DSCN3528 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 9 Western wall holds brick - built bread oven with corbelled brick top. To right of oven is a brick fireplace and internal chimney stack, PL197
topped with a mantle with decorative ovolo corbels. The fireplace holds a cast iron stove. Much of the room appears to be made of
brick with modern plastering, parquet tiled floor and sections of ceramic modern tiled walls.
DSCN3529 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 9 Brick built bread oven with cast iron door and pitched stone arch lintel. PL198
DSCN3530 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 9 Corbelled brick top of bread oven. PL199
DSCN3531 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 9 North east corner, heavy modernisation, modern fixtures and fittings.
DSCN3532 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 9 Ceiling of room holds timber joists running south to north. Presumably from tie beam between rooms 8 and 9 to northern elevation wall PL200
DSCN3533 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N/NE 9 Northern gable. splayed stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern leaded came glass. Window lintel made up of pitched PL201
brick. Window features timber plank and batten shutters.
DSCN3534 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 9 Northern gable. splayed stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern leaded came glass. Window lintel made up of pitched PL196
brick. Window features timber plank and batten shutters.
DSCN3535 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 10 Corridor entrance/exit in north elevation. Corridor access to room 8, 9, (now blocked in internally) central courtyard and 10a. Corridor PL203
built in “English Garden Wall Bond” course. Floor made of brick in stretcher bond formation. Northern exit has stone arched lintel,
(Seen better externally). With timber plank, batten and braced door.
DSCN3536 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 10 Timber plank and braced batten door with stone lintel. East and west brick walls appear to be built against arch, therefore blocking what PL204
is visible internally.
DSCN3537 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 10 Decorative strap hinge adorns internal door.
DSCN3538 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 10 Timber plank and braced batten door with decorative fleur de lis strap hinge.
DSCN3539 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 10 Timber plank and braced batten door with decorative door latch.
DSCN3540 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 10 Timber plank and braced batten door with wooden door bolt.
DSCN3541 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 10 Timber plank and braced batten door with Strap hinge
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

DSCN3542 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 10 Wooden plaque.

DSCN3543 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 10 Southern wall, entrance into courtyard. Lean to pitched ceiling, with mock Tudor panelling.
DSCN3544 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 10 Southern wall, entrance into courtyard. Lean to pitched ceiling, with mock Tudor panelling. PL206
DSCN3545 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 10 Timber plank and batten braced door into central courtyard. Entrance to right into room 8. Fitted with stone lintel and canted brick PL202
frame. Other door to right blocked in internally into room 9. Also holds stone lintel and canted brick frame. Door to left into room 10a,
same as doors to left.
DSCN3546 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/N 10 Floor made of brick in stretcher bond formation PL205
DSCN3547 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P E/SE 10 Entrance into room 10a. stone lintel top canted brick frame.
DSCN3548 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 10 Timber plank and batten braced door into central courtyard. Door fitted with metal drop latch.
DSCN3549 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 10 Timber plank and batten braced door into central courtyard. Door fitted with strap hinges
DSCN3550 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 10 Timber plank and batten braced door into central courtyard. Door fitted with strap hinges and bolts
DSCN3551 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 10 Door into room 9 kitchen. Appears now blocked in internally. Door made of timber panels with door latch. Door frame topped with
stone lintel, chamfered with cut stops. Door frame surround of canted brickwork.
DSCN3552 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 10A Corridor between rooms 10 and 10B, room 11 entered in the north. Building built of brick with stone renewal mullioned window, with PL207
lead came diamond pattern glass.
DSCN3553 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 10A Stone renewal mullioned window, with lead came diamond pattern glass. Central window is casement.
DSCN3554 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S 10A Stone renewal mullioned window, with lead came diamond pattern glass. Central window is casement.
DSCN3555 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 10A Exit into room 10. Door to right into room 11. Timber frame doorway with timber plank door and metal latch.
DSCN3556 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 10B Room 10b leads to northeast courtyard. Around corner to right into room 15. To left room opens into room 12 and to north east, small PL467
toilet area.
DSCN3557 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 10B Exit into north eastern courtyard through timber plank braced and battened door. Door topped with stone lintel and surround. PL210
DSCN3558 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 10B Northern wall window. Stone renewal mullioned window with leaded came strips in diamond pattern. Left window is a casement. PL209
DSCN3559 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 10B Northern window, casement is fitted with spiral latch.
DSCN3560 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW 10B Southern wall, stone renewal mullioned window, with lead came diamond pattern glass. Central window is casement.
DSCN3561 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 10B Southern wall, stone renewal mullioned window, with lead came diamond pattern glass. Central window is casement, fitted with spiral PL208
DSCN3562 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N 10B Small cupboard area, in northern wall, access via a timber plank braced and battened door.
DSCN3563 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 10B Small cupboard area, in northern wall, access via a timber plank braced and battened door.
DSCN3564 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE 10B North toilet area, access via a timber plank and battened door.
DSCN3565 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P E 10C Modern toilet. With small splayed casement window. Window fitted with diamond pattern lead cames. PL216
DSCN3566 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 14 North east courtyard. All builds except 14A built in “English Garden Wall Bond” course. Courtyard comprises of entrances into build, PL97
eastern cellar and various outbuildings. Entrance into room 13 west, coal shed out building. Doorway topped with stone lintel and
framed in canted bricks.
DSCN3567 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 14 Entrance into room 13 west, coal shed out building. Doorway topped with stone lintel with chamfering and cut stops. and framed in
canted bricks.
DSCN3568 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 13 Northern recess with internal corbelled brick surround. Recess/chute timber framed with plank and batten timber shutter. PL101
DSCN3569 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 14 North eastern corner of room 13 from courtyard, Northern recess with internal corbelled bricks. Recess/chute timber framed with plank
and batten timber shutter.
DSCN3570 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S 13 Southern, eastern and western walls built in “English Garden Wall Bond” course. Roof comprises of timber rafters on wall plate.
DSCN3571 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 14 Into room 14B. Outbuilding. Doorway topped with stone lintel with chamfer and cut stops. Frame made with canted bricks. PL99
DSCN3572 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 14 South west corner. Entrance into 10B, (left) entrance in 13 (right). Floor made of gravel with vegetation.
DSCN3573 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 14 North gable of room 15. Coursed build of “English Bond” bricks, outbuildings feature “English Garden Wall Bond” course. Entrance to
10B, (right), Eastern cellar, (left). Roof of entrance to cellar is raised with slate lean too. Cellar build then lowers with lower lean-to
roof of slate. Lower build features small stone window.
DSCN3574 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 14C Cellar entrance features two builds. Build with doorway built higher, presumably to allow for door. Lower back of cellar lean to
features small stone framed window with Diamond pattern leaded came glass.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

DSCN3575 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S 14 North gable of room 15. Coursed build of “English Bond” bricks, outbuildings feature “English Garden Wall Bond” course. Entrance to PL88
10B, (right), Eastern cellar, (left). Roof of entrance to cellar is raised with slate lean too. Cellar build then lowers with lower lean-to
roof of slate. Lower build features small stone window.
DSCN3576 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 14C Cellar entrance features two builds. Build with doorway built higher, presumably to allow for door. Lower back of cellar lean-to PL106
features small stone framed window with Diamond pattern leaded came glass.
DSCN3577 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 14C Western wall of cellar build. Possible earlier entrance/exit. Pitched arch brick lintel, now blocked up. PL108
DSCN3578 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 14 Room 14A, outbuilding, built in “English Bond” brick course. Entrance fitted with modified segmental stone arch lintel. PL98
DSCN3579 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 14 Lower back of cellar lean-to features small stone framed window with Diamond pattern leaded came glass. PL107
DSCN3580 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E/SE 14 Room 14A, outbuilding, built in “English Bond” brick course. Western elevation features three timber framed windows with PL100
connecting stone lintel. Each window features leaded cames in a diamond pattern with glass.
DSCN3581 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P E/SE 14 Cast iron water pump.
DSCN3582 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 14 North eastern courtyard surrounded in “English Bond” brick course wall. Wall topped with course of “bullnose canted brick”
Entrance/exit features brick segmental pitched arch, with square timber framed that holds are iron gate.
DSCN3583 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 14 North eastern courtyard surrounded in “English Bond” brick course wall. Wall topped with course of “bullnose canted brick”
Entrance/exit features brick segmental pitched arch, with square timber framed that holds are iron gate.
DSCN3584 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N/NE 14A Out building 14A windows hold timber shelf. PL103
DSCN3585 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 14A Room 14A, outbuilding, entrance fitted with modified segmental stone arch lintel, with timber plank door cut to fit. PL102
DSCN3586 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N/NE 14 Into room 14B. Outbuilding. Doorway topped with stone lintel with chamfer and cut stops. Frame made with canted bricks.
DSCN3587 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 14B Western wall of build. Bottom of wall features blocked in plinthed brick arch. PL105
DSCN3588 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N/NE 14B North wall small timber framed window with timber lintel. PL104
DSCN3589 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 15 Western wall. Stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern leaded cames. Windows also feature horizontal lead bars. Central PL226
bottom window is casement. Stone frame decorated with simple architrave. Lintel has been plastered over.
DSCN3590 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S/SW 15 Southern wall, entrance into room 16. Entrance fitted with timber frame doorway and panelled door. PL227
DSCN3591 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 15 Southern wall. Central internal fireplace with mantle. Currently holds modern boiler. Brick built bread oven to left. Floor made up of PL220
modern flagstones.
DSCN3592 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 15 South eastern corner. Brick built bread oven. Eastern wall blocked by large wooden cupboard. PL223
DSCN3593 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 15 Brick built bread oven, cast iron stove built in with latch. PL221
DSCN3594 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 15 Brick built bread oven, cast iron stove built in with latch. PL222
DSCN3595 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 15 Possible markers marks on brick-built bread oven.
DSCN3596 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 15 “Copper” to left of bread oven
DSCN3597 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE 15 Northern wall of room, modern appliances and fixtures. Central Stone renewal window with diamond pattern leaded cames. Windows PL224
also feature horizontal lead bars.
DSCN3598 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 15 Northern wall of room, groves cut in plaster. The heritage report suggests cuts made for the placement of plates. PL225
DSCN3599 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N/NE 16 Entrance from room 15.
DSCN3600 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 16 Room 16 has been refurbished with a modern kitchen.
DSCN3601 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S 16 Room 16 has been refurbished with a modern kitchen.
DSCN3602 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 16 Room 16 has been refurbished with a modern kitchen. PL228
DSCN3603 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/SW 16 Ceiling features two chamfered cross beams with cut stops. PL229
DSCN3604 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 16 Western wall. Stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern leaded cames. Windows also feature horizontal lead bars. Central PL230
bottom window is casement. Stone frame decorated with simple architrave surround. Lintel has been plastered over.
DSCN3605 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N 19A Corridor between rooms 16, 18 and 19b. modern door frames and timber panelled doors. Wooden skirting. Brick floor in stretcher PL231
DSCN3606 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 19A Door into 19b topped with timber framed transom.
DSCN3607 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S 19A Door into 19b topped with timber framed transom. Western wall features angled recess. PL232
DSCN3608 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW 19A Door into 19b topped with timber framed transom. Western wall features angled recess. PL234
DSCN3609 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 19A Western wall features stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern leaded cames. Lintel and sill appear as simple wooden PL235
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

DSCN3610 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N 19A Eastern wall doorway into room 18. Doorway feature timber architrave frame with timber plank and panel door with fanlight. PL233
DSCN3611 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P E 19A Eastern wall doorway into room 18. Doorway feature timber architrave frame with timber plank and panel door with fanlight.
DSCN3612 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 18 Eastern elevation features stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern leaded came. Floor made of stretcher bond brick PL236
DSCN3613 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P V/E 18 Ceiling has been lowered and plastered. Much lower than rooms 16 and 20 either side.
DSCN3614 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P E 18 Eastern and southern walls have been fitted with wooden cabinets with timber counter tops. PL237
DSCN3615 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 18 Eastern fitted countertops and cabinets. Window has been framed with architrave and tiling.
DSCN3616 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W/NW 18 General. Modern fixtures and fittings.
DSCN3617 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 18 Western wall features unknown central projection. Possible earlier chimney stack.
DSCN3618 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 18 Western wall features unknown central projection. Possible earlier chimney stack.
DSCN3619 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 18 North western corner recess caused by central projection, fitted with timber shelves.
DSCN3620 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 18 North eastern corner recess caused by central projection, fitted with timber shelves. PL238
DSCN3621 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 19B Entrance into room 19A, transom topped door. Door frame architrave. Floor composed of “Mock Herringbone” coursed brick.
DSCN3622 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 19B Decorative architrave skirting follows course of step down from room 19a.
DSCN3623 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 19B North wall central chamfered timber wall post with cut stop end. Skirting continues its course however is different either side of post. PL244
DSCN3624 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 19B Eastern entrance into room 20. Timber architrave door frame with timber panelled door. Wall also feature timber string course and PL239
architrave skirting.
DSCN3625 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 19B Northern wall. Situated between chamfered cut stop timber of entrance into room 2 and central chamfered cut stop wall post, stone PL245
renewal mullioned window, with diamond pattern leaded cames. Windows also feature lead horizontal bars.
DSCN3626 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE 19B North western corner. Timber chamfered wall post with cut stop ends. Painted white.
DSCN3627 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 19B Entrance into room 2 from room 19b through eastern timber panelled wall. Entrance topped with decorative timber lintel. Lintel is
devoid of decoration unlike its counterparts. Only featuring a decorated drop pendant and arches. Either end of each arch sits upon
timber carved corbels with daisy wheel and acanthus leaf decoration.
DSCN3628 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 19B Left corbel, Daisy wheel decoration.
DSCN3629 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 19B Central, drop pendant features arcading and leaf decoration. PL124
DSCN3630 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 19B Central, drop pendant features arcading and leaf decoration, and corbels features daisy wheels. PL127
DSCN3631 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE 19B Right corbel, acanthus leaf decoration.
DSCN3632 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 2-19B Entrance into room 19b from room 2 through eastern timber panelled wall. Entrance topped with decorative timber lintel. Lintel
decoration features, two carved elliptical arches with central connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced daisy wheels and
arcading. Either end of each arch sits upon timber carved corbels with daisy wheel and acanthus leaf decoration
DSCN3633 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 2-19B Entrance into room 19b from room 2 through eastern timber panelled wall. Entrance topped with decorative timber lintel. Lintel
decoration features, two carved elliptical arches with central connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced daisy wheels and
arcading. Either end of each arch sits upon timber carved corbels with daisy wheel and acanthus leaf decoration, (right).
DSCN3634 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 2-19B Entrance into room 19b from room 2 through eastern timber panelled wall. Entrance topped with decorative timber lintel. Lintel
decoration features, two carved elliptical arches with central connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced daisy wheels and
arcading. Either end of each arch sits upon timber carved corbels with daisy wheel and acanthus leaf decoration, (left).
DSCN3635 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 19B Timber frame central to room, arch built on top of chamfered timber wall posts, underneath stair (room 22) PL243
DSCN3636 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P CORRUPTED
DSCN3637 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE 19B Blocked in doorway into room 21, door framed consists of two chamfered timber posts within timber panelled walls, Bottom of timber
wall post. Cut stop holds decoration
DSCN3638 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 19B Blocked in doorway into room 21, door framed consists of two chamfered timber posts within timber panelled walls, Bottom of timber PL242
wall post. Cut stop holds decoration
DSCN3639 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 19B Blocked in doorway into room 21, door framed consists of two chamfered timber posts within timber panelled walls, Bottom of timber
wall post. Cut stop holds decoration
DSCN3640 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 19B Doorway into small room, 19C, under stairwell (22), door positioned within timber panel wall. Door is timber planked and studded. PL240
Featuring an iron lock bolt and round headed strap hinges.
DSCN3641 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 19B South west corner, eastern side of panelled wall in room 2. Panel wall fixed with timber munting
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DSCN3642 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/NW 19B Eastern side of panelled wall in room 2. Panel wall fixed with timber munting
DSCN3643 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/NW 19B Eastern side of panelled wall in room 2. Panel wall fixed with timber munting
DSCN3644 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 19C General, inside 19C, under stairs room 22. PL246
DSCN3645 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 19C General, inside 19C, under stairs room 22.
DSCN3646 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 21 Western wall, timber panelled wall between room 22 staircase, 19B and 19C. PL255
DSCN3647 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P W 21 Western wall, timber panelled wall between room 22 staircase, 19B and 19C.
DSCN3648 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/W 21 Point where timber post meets timber panel floor, timber decorated with step, and chamfer ending in cut stops. Panelled wall features PL258
timber wall post with chamfering and cut stop ends. Wall post sits directly under ceiling timber beam. Doorway through western wall is
visible however now inaccessible due to placement of stair. Panel wall also does not have munting.
DSCN3649 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 21 General, timber panel wainscoting northern and western walls. PL251
DSCN3650 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 21 Doorway through western wall is visible however now inaccessible due to placement of South eastern stair.
DSCN3651 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 21 Eastern panelled wall. Central stone fireplace and mantel. Hearth made of brick with plinth course surround. Back of fireplace built in PL253
coursed brick. Fireplace feature cast iron stove.
DSCN3652 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 21 Eastern panelled wall. Central stone fireplace and mantel. Hearth made of brick with plinth course surround. Back of fireplace built in
coursed brick. Fireplace feature cast iron stove. Stove fitted against cast iron fireback.
DSCN3653 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/NE 21 Eastern panel wall, point where joist beam meets eastern wall. Panelling has been cut to fit joist beam. Cornice decoration around
beams and walls not fluid, (doesn’t go around corner, has different paths) suggesting later addition of joist beams.
DSCN3654 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 21 Ceiling structure, seen also in room three, cross beams have been slightly lengthened and pegged to ceilings beams. This and the
cornice work would suggest the cross beams to be of a later addition. Note room 3 feature same ceiling structure design however beams
runs north to south. This room however timber beams run east to west.
DSCN3655 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 21 Ceiling structure, seen also in room three, joist beams have been slightly lengthened and pegged to ceilings beams. This and the cornice PL256
work would suggest the joist beams to be of a later addition. Joist beams are chamfered with decorative triangular cut stops, beams also
chamfered. Note room 3 feature same ceiling structure design however, beams run north to south. In this room the beams run east to
DSCN3656 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/NW 21 Panelled wall features timber wall post with chamfering and cut stop ends. Wall post sits directly under ceiling timber beam. Note room PL257
3 features same ceiling structure design however, beams run north to south. In this room the timber beams run east to west.
DSCN3657 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 21 Southern wall of room has the addition of a bay window (east). This modification has added a large stone renewal mullioned bay
window to the southern wall. The window also features diamond pattern leaded cames. Some of the windows are casements. The bay
window also features a panelled seating area in keeping with the rest of the room.
DSCN3658 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 21 Southern wall of room has the addition of a bay window (east). This modification has added a large stone renewal mullioned bay PL252
window to the southern wall. The window also features diamond pattern leaded cames. Some of the windows are casements. The bay
window also features a panelled seating area in keeping with the rest of the room.
DSCN3659 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 21 Detail, stone renewal mullioned bay window to the southern wall. The window also features diamond pattern leaded cames. Some of
the windows are casements.
DSCN3660 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 21 Detail, stone renewal mullioned bay window to the southern wall. The window also features diamond pattern leaded cames. Some of
the windows are casements.
DSCN3661 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/SE 21 Detail, casement window. Spiral ended window latch.
DSCN3662 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/NW 21 Tie and cross beam intersection to right of bay window, tie beam appears ill fitted, angling away from decorative cornice work, the
chamfered tie beam also features decorative cut stops, though not opposites of each other, but largely staggered, this ill designed beam
probably the result of the installation of the external parapet.
DSCN3663 15/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 21 Running opposite each other, in the south east and south west corners of the room are two high placed stone renewal windows, with PL254
diamond pattern leaded cames.
DSCN3664 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 29 Landing of stairs between ground and first floor. Staircase built in dog leg style, with timber panelled dado surround. Stairs made of
timber planks with central carpet. Stairs feature turned balusters with carved ramped string handrails with flat topped newel posts.
DSCN3665 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N/NE 29 Landing of stairs between ground and first floor. Northern wall with ramped panelled dado rail.
DSCN3666 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 29 Landing of stairs between ground and first floor. Western wall. Stone renewal mullioned window with diamond pattern leaded came.
Windows also feature horizontal lead bars. Timber panel dado has been built with window seating area.
DSCN3667 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S/SW 29 Landing of stairs between ground and first floor, ramped timber hand rail to flat topped landing newel post. PL167
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DSCN3668 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 29 Landing of stairs between ground and first floor, ramped timber hand rail to flat topped landing newel post, and newel return.
DSCN3669 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 29 Landing of stairs between ground and first floor, ramped timber hand rail to flat topped landing newel post, and newel return.
DSCN3670 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N 29 Landing of stairs between ground and first floor, ramped timber hand rail to flat topped landing newel post.
DSCN3671 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N 29 Landing of stairs between ground and first floor, Turned timber balusters,
DSCN3672 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N/NE 29 First floor staircase landing enters to room 33 north, and room 28 east. Staircase handrail ends at northern wall. Rest of room surround, PL315
Dado panelling.
DSCN3673 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/NE 29 Detail, dado panelling
DSCN3674 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P W 29 General. Staircase above and west. PL165
DSCN3675 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 29 General. Staircase above and west.
DSCN3676 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 3-4 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand painted “Fleur de le” decoration as well
as plaster architrave decoration, suggesting earlier course of room has been altered.
DSCN3677 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 3-4 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand painted “Fleur de le” decoration as well
as plaster architrave decoration, suggesting earlier course of room has been altered.
DSCN3678 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P E 29 Double doors into room 28. Doorway frame timber architrave, double doors are timber panelled. PL316
DSCN3679 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P E 29 Double doors into room 28.
DSCN3680 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P E/NE 29 Double doors into room 28.
DSCN3681 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S 29 Into small passageway 30, room 30 opens into 31, (ahead). Door to right, into 32, currently blocked off internally. Walls around each
entrance feature timber panelled walls. Doorways built with timber frame architrave, holding panelled doors. Door to room 32, topped
with transom with frosted glass.
DSCN3682 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S 29 30 into room 31 (ahead). Left wall features timber plank and panelling. Right wall made of vertical timber planks. PL314
DSCN3683 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 30 Door to room 32, inaccessible, currently blocked in internally. Door is timber panelled. PL317
DSCN3684 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 30 Door to room 32, inaccessible, currently blocked in internally. Door is timber panelled, with frosted glass transom.
DSCN3685 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 30 Door to room 32, inaccessible, currently blocked in internally. Door is timber panelled, with frosted glass transom. PL319
DSCN3686 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 30 Western wall, recess between doors into 31 south and 32 west. Recess holds large timber cupboard. Above cupboard in western wall is PL318
a timber framed transom with opaque glass.
DSCN3687 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 30 Panelled wall to left runs into room 31. Suggesting southern wall doorway is built against it. Possibly a later addition.
DSCN3688 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 31 Room 31 has a surround of timber panelled walls featured in other rooms within the build. This room has undergone repairs due to PL327
insect infestation. The room is partially surrounded with timber panelling, the roof structure is exposed, the timber beam has been
expertly repaired and pegged in keeping with rest of the house.
DSCN3689 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 31 Eastern wall, partial panelling southern area has been removed exposing a mixture of coursed brick and random coursed stone. Small PL320
stone framed window to left, boarded up. Window feature side and bottom splay. Window surround of stone quoins. And topped with
repair, stone lintel.
DSCN3690 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/SW 31 Remains decorative timber panel work removed during insect infestation. PL321
DSCN3691 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 31 Small stone framed window in south east corner, boarded up. Window features side and bottom splays. Window surround of stone
quoins. And topped with repair, stone lintel., under coursed later addition red brick.
DSCN3692 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 31 Large wrap around bay window, lined in timber panelling. Featured, large stone renewal mullioned bay window to the southern wall. PL324
The window also features diamond pattern leaded cames. Some of the windows are casements.
DSCN3693 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 31 Large wrap around bay window, lined in timber panelling. Featured, large stone renewal mullioned bay window to the southern wall.
The window also features diamond pattern leaded cames. Some of the windows are casements.
DSCN3694 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/SW 31 Casement windows feature iron spiral ended latches.
DSCN3695 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 31 Casement windows feature iron turnbuckle catches
DSCN3696 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 31 Western wall features central fire place with stone surround and mantle. Further stone lintel/bracer situated directly above. Lower level
brick work appears older the high level, possible repair work. Fireplace holds cast iron stove with grille. Back surround of blue and
white floral decorative tiles.
DSCN3697 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 31 Detail, central fire place with stone surround and mantle. Fireplace holds cast iron stove with grille. Back surround of blue and white PL323
floral decorative tiles. Stove lined either side with coursed brick.
DSCN3698 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 31 Detail, cast iron stove with decoration. Stove leads to chimney space with brick lined flue.
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DSCN3699 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P W 31 South west corner exposed recently block in window. Parallel with south east corner. Side and bottom splays. Framed window with PL322
repair work. Under timber wall plate of attic above.
DSCN3700 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW 31 South west corner, see DSCN3698
DSCN3701 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 31 North west corner leading to room 32 through northern panel partition.
DSCN3702 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 31 Detail. Western wall, earlier coursed brick work. Recently uncovered after panelling was removed.
DSCN3703 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/NW 31 West, repaired ceiling fixed with modern timber joists.
DSCN3704 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/SW 31 West repaired central chamfered beam, with, cut stop ends. PL325
DSCN3705 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/SE 31 East, repaired ceiling joists and beams. PL326
DSCN3706 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N/NE 31 East, repaired ceiling joists and beams.
DSCN3707 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 32 Western wall partially timber panelled with stone renewal mullioned window. The window also features diamond pattern leaded cames. PL329
Bottom right window is a casement.
DSCN3708 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 32 Rest of room features modern bathroom fixtures and fittings. PL328
DSCN3709 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/SE 32 Room 31/32 central beam above partition, (room 31), beam fixed with chamfered cut stop joist running south to north, beams features
moulded cornice work.
DSCN3710 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/SE 32 South east corner, beam fixed with chamfered cut stop joist, beam extends through wall into room 30, above the doorway into 31. See PL330
DSCN3711 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 33 South west corner. Room has been wallpapered. Room encompassed with wooden skirting boards. Western wall features two stone PL331
renewal mullioned windows with diamond pattern leaded cames and casement windows. Western wall also features internal chimney
stack with stone surround fireplace and mantle. Fireplace hold small cast iron fire with a back of purple decorated white tiles.
DSCN3712 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 33 Entrance from room 29 first floor landing, room accessed via timber panel door
DSCN3713 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 33 Eastern elevation. Holds timber framed mullion window. Ceiling structure appears lowered. However timber wall plates and beams PL336
remains exposed. Beams all chamfered with cut stop ends and painted in black lacquer.
DSCN3714 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 33 Eastern elevation, timber framed mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded cames. Window features central casement with spiral PL333
ended latch and turn buckle catch.
DSCN3715 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/E 33 Detail, spiral ended latch on central casement window.
DSCN3716 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 33 Northern post and panel partition, later addition built in sympathetic design to builds other features. Central to wall is a mirrored door PL334
into room 34, giving the idea of a secret room, (door closed)
DSCN3717 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 33 Northern post and panel partition, later addition built in sympathetic design to builds other features. Central to wall is a mirrored door PL335
into room 34, giving the idea of a secret room, (door open)
DSCN3718 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 33 Western wall, central internal chimney stack with stone surround fireplace and mantle. Fireplace hold small cast iron fire with a white PL332
tile decorated with landmarks in purple.
DSCN3719 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 34 Eastern elevation, timber framed mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded cames. Window features central casement with spiral PL338
ended latch and turn buckle catch.
DSCN3720 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 34 Opposite side of partition between rooms 33 and 34. Rooms filled with modern cupboards/cabinets etc. PL337
DSCN3721 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 34 Northern wall, features small, stone fireplace with pointed segmental arch, and stone mantle. Fireplace holds small cast iron fire/grille PL339
and brick back.
DSCN3722 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 34 Detail, false panelling partition wall.
DSCN3723 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 34 Chamfered timber beam with cut stop edges, west to east.
DSCN3724 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE 34 Northern wall features sharp incline to western wall, visible also in room 37. PL340
DSCN3725 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/NE 34 Detail, under beam. North wall incline to western wall, visible also in room 37. PL341
DSCN3726 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 35 Form ground floor room 8. Narrow staircase to first floor. Glass panelled door with timber frame.
DSCN3727 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 35 Ground to first floor. Narrow carpet lined staircase. Timber panel partition wall to left. To right, seen above wall features projected
DSCN3728 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 35 First to ground. Narrow carpet lined staircase. Timber panel partition wall to right. To left, wall features projected shelf. PL342
DSCN3729 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 35 First to ground. Narrow carpet lined staircase. Timber panel partition wall to right. To left, wall features projected shelf.
DSCN3730 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N 35 Timber panelled doorway into room 40. Frame features simple architrave
DSCN3731 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 35 Timber panelled doorway into room 40. Frame features simple architrave, doorway to left leads to rooms 38 and 39.
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DSCN3732 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW 35 Doorway to rooms 36 and 37. Door from 35 to 36, feature stain glassed fanlight. PL343
DSCN3733 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S 36 Door way to room 34, now blocked from inside 34. Door is plank and batten with square bolt. Rest of room 36 blocked with cupboards.
DSCN3734 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 36 Eastern timber wall plate painted over.
DSCN3735 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 37 Modernised room, southern wall features same incline curvature as room 34. Western wall features stone renewal framed mullion PL344
window, with diamond pattern leaded cames, and casement window.
DSCN3736 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 37 Eastern entrance from room 36, fixed with plank and batten timber door.
DSCN3737 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 38 Western wall features stone renewal framed mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded cames, and casement window. Window is PL346
splayed with a timber plank sill
DSCN3738 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 38 Eastern wall plaster partition. Room accessed via timber plank and batten door, with latch. Transom window above door has been
painted over.
DSCN3739 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 38 Painted over transom window. PL345
DSCN3740 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 38 South eastern corner of room. Floor carpeted.
DSCN3741 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 38 Exposed in rooms southern wall, painted over timber beam, running east to west. Appears to be chamfered. PL348
DSCN3742 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 38 Exposed in rooms southern wall, painted over timber beam, running east to west. Appears to be chamfered. North west corner shows PL347
decorative cut stop end.
DSCN3743 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE 38 Room 39 accessed via room 35 corridor through timber plank and batten door.
DSCN3744 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 39 North wall timber plank partition between rooms 39 and 40. Partition features two timbers for reasons unknown as they don’t seem to PL351
support anything. Door to left, plank and batten externally (room 40) now blocked off making it redundant. Beam to left. Continuous
from western wall to eastern wall in room 40
DSCN3745 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 39 Northern wall features stone renewal framed mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded cames, and casement window.
DSCN3746 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 39 Northern wall features stone renewal framed mullion window, with timber plank sill. windows feature diamond pattern leaded cames, PL349
and casement window.
DSCN3747 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 39 North wall timber plank partition between rooms 39 and 40. Partition features two timbers for reasons unknown as they don’t seem to
support anything.
DSCN3748 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 39 Western elevation, internal central fireplace with stone surround and mantle. Fireplace fitted with iron grille, and brick surrounds and PL350
back, all painted white.
DSCN3749 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 39 Western elevation, internal central fireplace with stone surround and mantle. Fireplace fitted with iron grille, and brick surrounds and
back, all painted white.
DSCN3750 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/NW 39 Ceiling structure, timber chamfered cut stop beam, from western elevation PL352
DSCN3751 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/SE 39 Ceiling structure, timber chamfered beam, as it continues through eastern partition into room 40 PL353
DSCN3752 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 40 Room has been modernised with bathroom and shower facilities PL354
DSCN3753 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 40 Entrance to room from 35, timber plank and batten door with round end strap hinges
DSCN3754 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 40 Modern shower, bath and tiles. PL355
DSCN3755 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 40 Ceiling structure. chamfered timber beam as it passes through partition between rooms 39, 40 running west to east. PL358
DSCN3756 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 40 Ceiling structure, chamfered timber beam with cut stop ends in eastern elevation. Timber beam rest upon stone plinth.
DSCN3757 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 40 Ceiling structure, chamfered timber beam with cut stop ends in eastern elevation. Timber beam rest upon stone plinth. PL359
DSCN3758 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 40 Northern panel partition between room and narrow staircase behind to second floor. Modern toilet facilities
DSCN3759 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 40 Recess for toilet faculties in north western corner. Recess also features stone renewal mullion window with leaded came diamond PL356
pattern decoration and casement window.
DSCN3760 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 40 Recess above mullion window
DSCN3761 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 40 Recess above mullion window
DSCN3762 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE 40 Timber panelled boiler cupboard eastern wall. PL357
DSCN3763 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P E 40 Timber panelled boiler cupboard eastern wall.
DSCN3764 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE 40 Timber panelled boiler cupboard eastern wall. Door in north eastern corner leads to narrow hallway and stair, Room 40A PL360
DSCN3765 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 40 Modern ill fitted bathroom fixtures
DSCN3766 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 40A From top of room 41 stairs down to 40A
DSCN3767 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 40A From top of room 41 stairs down to 40A. staircase is very narrow. Timber topped shelf projection to left. PL415
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DSCN3768 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 40A Staircase down. Modernised

DSCN3769 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S 40A Small corridor at bottom of stair, room 40 to left. PL361
DSCN3770 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 40A Small corridor at bottom of stair, room 40 to left.
DSCN3771 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 22 From first floor landing to ground floor. Stairs feature timber ovolo hand rails left, and right. With basic central timber rail. PL262
DSCN3772 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S 22 Stairs, first to ground floors, eastern buildings. Door to right into room 2. South eastern corner features stone mullion window, internal PL264
renewal, with diamond pattern leaded cames. Each window features horizontal bars. Bottom south wall features timber dado. To left is
boxed in timber wall post.
DSCN3773 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P E/SE 22 From room 2 stairwell up to first floor PL263
DSCN3774 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P 22 CORRUPTED
DSCN3775 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P 22 CORRUPTED
DSCN3776 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW 22 Timber plinth to left of doorway. Possible remains of earlier phase.
DSCN3777 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 22 Ground to first floor landing. Eastern wing.
DSCN3778 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N 22 North wall, stone framed window features two, pointed trefoil arches with central mullion, glass set in diamond pattern with lead came PL265
strip. Each window also features horizontal and central vertical iron bars. Right hand window holds casement.
DSCN3779 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 22 North wall, stone framed window features two, pointed trefoil arches with central mullion, glass set in diamond pattern with lead came
strip. Each window also features horizontal and central vertical iron bars. Right hand window holds casement. Detail, intersection
between horizontal and vertical iron bars.
DSCN3780 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 22 North wall, stone framed window features two, pointed trefoil arches with central mullion, glass set in diamond pattern with lead came
strip. Each window also features horizontal and central vertical iron bars. Right hand window holds casement.
DSCN3781 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 22 Detail central ovolo mullion. Stone sill.
DSCN3782 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 22 North wall, stone framed window featuring two, pointed trefoil arches with central mullion
DSCN3783 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 22 Staircase first floor landing into room 23 corridor.
DSCN3784 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 23 Corridor into corridor 23a right, and room 26 to 27 to the left. Left wall features projected timber panel wall of staircase to second PL266
floor. Southern wall features box panelled dado. Eastern elevation features stone renewal framed window with central mullion, and
glass set in diamond pattern with lead came strip. Bottom left window is casement.
DSCN3785 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE 23 Timber panelling encompasses staircase to second floor. Bottom of staircase back fitted with small door to cupboard space. PL268
DSCN3786 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 23 Eastern elevation features stone renewal framed window with central mullion, and glass set in diamond pattern with lead came strip. PL267
Bottom left window is casement.
DSCN3787 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW/W 23 From eastern elevation. Staircase to right up to second floor. Rooms beyond 22 stair landing, room 28 and room 29 western stairwell.
DSCN3788 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N/NE 23 Access to rooms 27, left and 26, right. PL269
DSCN3789 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW 23 Access to room 23a passageway between 24, left and 25, south. PL270
DSCN3790 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW 23A Door frame into room 25, frame butted against chamfered timber wall post with cut stop end. End of post appears to be positioned PL274
within floor.
DSCN3791 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 23A Wall post under timber beam and joist intersection. Joist is chamfered with cut stop. Timber beam is chamfered with a more elaborately PL273
decorated cut stop. Hand moulded cornice follows course of timbers. Beam runs across doorway into room 25.
DSCN3792 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 23A Timber beam continues through wall into room 24/25. As does decorative cornice work. Both suggest the later installation of a partition
wall between rooms 23a, and 24. Transom window fitted above door with timber frame and frosted glass.
DSCN3793 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 23A Northern wall. Doorway into 23a from 23. Ceiling structure above doorway. Timber wall post. has been sectioned with the cut just PL271
above the modern door frame. Decorative cornice work and timber continues into room 24, Both suggest the later installation of a
partition wall between rooms 23a, and 24
DSCN3794 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 23A Cut section of wall post. PL272
DSCN3795 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 23A North eastern corner. Point where timber and cornice continue through western wall of room 24
DSCN3796 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 23A Entrance into room 24, transom window with timber frame and frosted glass, positioned above door.
DSCN3797 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 23A North eastern corner. Door frame architrave.
DSCN3798 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 24 Eastern elevation, centre of wall features stone renewal mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded cames. central window features PL275
horizontal bars. Roof structure chamfered timber beam west to east, chamfered joist runs north to south.
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DSCN3799 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 24 Eastern elevation, centre of wall features stone renewal mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded cames. Central casement window
features horizontal bars.
DSCN3800 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 24 Southern wall, wallpapered. Floor is a mixture of carpet border with timber plank flooring
DSCN3801 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 24 Southern wall, Roof structure, chamfered timber beam west to east, chamfered joists runs north to south. Timber beam both visible in
rooms 24 and 25.
DSCN3802 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 24 Western wall partition between 24 and 23a, entrance through four panelled timber door. Transom light above door way off centred.
Transom light has wooden frame and frosted glass.
DSCN3803 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 24 Western wall partition between 24 and 23a, entrance through four panelled timber door. Transom light above door way off centred. PL276
Transom light has wooden frame and frosted glass
DSCN3804 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 24 Northern wall, ceiling structure, timber joist runs from timber beam. Joist is chamfered with cut stops. Beam and end of joist have been PL277
painted white. Hand moulded cornice work follows the path of the timbers.
DSCN3805 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 24 Southern wall, south western corner. Ceiling structure, timber joist runs from timber beam. Joist is chamfered with cut stops. Hand
moulded cornice work follows the path of the timbers, though only partially on one side of the joist. Corner shows point where beam
and cornice continue into room 23a. Further evidence suggesting that room 24’s western wall is a later addition.
DSCN3806 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 24 Southern wall, Ceiling structure, timber joist runs from timber beam. Joist is chamfered with cut stops. Hand moulded cornice work PL278
follows the path of the timbers.
DSCN3807 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 25 Northern wall, ceiling structure, timber beam from room 24. Rest of ceiling follows same design as room 24 with timber beams running
east to west and joists north to south, timbers all chamfered, joist all chamfered with cut stops. Entrance to room from 23a, via six
panelled timber door.
DSCN3808 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 25 Eastern wall, stone-built fireplace and mantle with back of white china tile with blue decoration. Fireplace holds cast iron grate. Room PL284
slightly skewed appearance, with southern wall and ceiling appear to be leaning possibly due to the installation of the bay window.
Right hand wall holds small stone framed window with diamond pattern leaded cames and a single horizontal iron bar
DSCN3809 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 25 Eastern wall, stone-built fireplace and mantle with back of white china tile with blue decoration. Fireplace holds cast iron grate. PL283
DSCN3810 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 25 North eastern corner, point where timber enters wall, however, cut stop ends are not visible. Hand moulded cornice work appears a
little more slapdash at this point.
DSCN3811 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 25 South eastern corner, wall holds small stone framed window with diamond pattern leaded cames and a single horizontal iron bar. PL282
Underneath window holds slight projection shelf. Possibly what once was a vertical splay, like those found in the western buildings,
DSCN3812 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 25 Southern bay window with timber panel dado wraparound. Stone renewal mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded cames. Two of
the windows are casement.
DSCN3813 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 25 Southern bay window with timber panel dado wraparound. Stone renewal mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded cames. Two of
the windows are casement.
DSCN3814 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 25 Southern bay window with timber panel and dado wraparound. Stone renewal mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded cames. PL281
Two of the windows are casement. Note, Timber running across bay ceiling appears to be a chamfered cut stop joist, rather than a beam
normally associated in the position in the end of a gable.
DSCN3815 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 25 Southern bay window with timber panel and dado wraparound. Stone renewal mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded cames. PL280
Two of the windows are casement.
DSCN3816 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW 25 South western corner, wall holds small stone framed window with diamond pattern leaded cames and a single vertical iron bar.
Underneath window holds slight projection shelf. Possibly what once was a vertical splay, like those found in the western buildings,
DSCN3817 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 25 North western corner, ceiling seems to have undergone change of state. Ceiling curves inward, altering the courses of joist and cornice
work. Also, possibly visible within wall, left, is a timber wall post, though is covered over with multiple layers of wallpaper.
DSCN3818 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 25 North western corner, intersection above of timber beam and joists above doorway. Joist, now painted white, holds cut stop and
DSCN3819 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 25 Northern wall, ceiling structure, timber joist runs from timber beam. Joist is chamfered with cut stops. Hand moulded cornice work PL279
follows the path of the timbers, though ends abruptly on left side.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

DSCN3820 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 25 Northern wall, ceiling structure, timber joist runs from timber beam. Joist is chamfered with cut stops and has been lengthened with a
thin section of wood. This would suggest decorative joist to be a later addition. Hand moulded cornice work follows the path of the
DSCN3821 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 25 Small brass pulley system set around buildings to ring bells.
DSCN3822 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S 25A South wall, square cut recess with shelf featuring a stone renewal mullion window, with diamond pattern leaded cames. Right window PL288
appears to be modified for the installation of a small casement window.
DSCN3823 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE 25A Eastern wall, eight panelled door, set within walls timber frame, access from room 25 PL285
DSCN3824 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 25A Room surrounding build of timber post and panel walls. Timbers have been modified with cuts and repairs and fixed with wooden pegs. PL291
Some timbers are etched with carpenters’ marks.
DSCN3825 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 25A Room surrounding build of timber post and panel walls. Timbers have been modified with cuts and repairs and fixed with wooden pegs. PL292
End of timber room beam from room 25 pokes through wall, into joist hole cut within eastern walls timber panelling.
DSCN3826 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 25A Timber post frame marked with carpenters’ etchings. To right is a timber door posts set within panelling to hold the doors hinges.
DSCN3827 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 25A Detail, scar in timber door post where doors hinges once were. PL289
DSCN3828 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 25A Detail, scar in timber door post where doors hinges where. Easter wall munting.
DSCN3829 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P E 25A South eastern corner, detail, remaining door hook/fastening for earlier door.
DSCN3830 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P E 25A South eastern corner, detail, remaining door hook/fastening for earlier door. PL290
DSCN3831 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P W 25A Western wall, build of timber post and panel walls with munting.
DSCN3832 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P W 25A Western wall, build of timber post and panel walls with munting. PL286
DSCN3833 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P W 25A Western wall, build of timber post and panel walls with munting.
DSCN3834 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P W 25A Western wall, build of timber post and panel walls with munting. PL287
DSCN3835 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N 25A Northern wall, addition of projected cabinet and wall. Both projections appear built within the eastern and western walls over the post PL293
and panel constructs. Cabinet rises from bottom wall to ceiling. Cabinet contains four timber panelled doors. Two lower doors feature 8
panels each, two top smaller doors feature 4 panels each.
DSCN3836 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N/NE 25A Northern wall, addition of projected cabinet and wall. Both projections appear built within the eastern and western walls over the post PL294
and panel constructs. Cabinet rises from bottom wall to ceiling. Cabinet contains four timber panelled doors. Two lower doors feature 8
panels each, two top smaller doors feature 4 panels each.
DSCN3837 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N/NE 25A When opened the cabinet exposes the north, west and east wall, post and panel walls. Showing the cabinet just to be a framed opening PL295
into a recess, lined with a timber shelf
DSCN3838 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N/NE 25A When opened the cabinet exposes the north, west and east wall, post and panel walls. Showing the cabinet just to be a framed opening
into a recess, lined with a timber shelf
DSCN3839 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 25A When opened the cabinet exposes the north, west and east wall, post and panel walls. Showing the cabinet just to be a framed opening
into a recess, lined with a timber shelf, inside, left.
DSCN3840 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 25A When opened the cabinet exposes the north, west and east wall, post and panel walls. Showing the cabinet just to be a framed opening
into a recess, lined with a timber shelf, inside, left.
DSCN3841 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N/NE 25A When opened the cabinet exposes the north, west and east wall, post and panel walls. Showing the cabinet just to be a framed opening
into a recess, lined with a timber shelf, inside, back.
DSCN3842 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 25A When opened the cabinet exposes the north, west and east wall, post and panel walls. Showing the cabinet just to be a framed opening PL296
into a recess, lined with a timber shelf, inside, right.
DSCN3843 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 25A When opened the cabinet exposes the north, west and east wall, post and panel walls. Showing the cabinet just to be a framed opening
into a recess, lined with a timber shelf. Upper cabinet, inside, right.
DSCN3844 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N/NE 25A When opened the cabinet exposes the north, west and east wall, post and panel walls. Showing the cabinet just to be a framed opening
into a recess, lined with a timber shelf. Upper cabinet, inside, back.
DSCN3845 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 25A When opened the cabinet exposes the north, west and east wall, post and panel walls. Showing the cabinet just to be a framed opening PL297
into a recess, lined with a timber shelf. Upper cabinet, inside, left.
DSCN3846 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 25A Wooden hangers and brass curtain rail.
DSCN3847 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 28 Large timber panel hall. South east corner. Timber post and panels cover all four walls of room. Floor made of timber planks running PL304
east to west. Except in the eastern side where they change to north to south, probably due to repair. Ceiling features beams covered in
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

ornate cornices. South elevation features three stone renewal mullioned windows with diamond pattern leaded cames. Windows also
hold casements. All windows hold panelled splays. Window to the west smaller and higher set.
DSCN3848 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 28 South elevation. Eastern window. Stone framed renewal mullioned windows with diamond pattern leaded cames. Windows also hold
casements. Windows splayed and panelled.
DSCN3849 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 28 South western corner. Central and western stone framed renewal mullioned windows with diamond pattern leaded cames. Windows PL306
also hold casements. Windows splayed and panelled. Window to west smaller and placed higher.
DSCN3850 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 28 Detail, south elevation, eastern window. One of two lower casement windows. Casement features horizontal leaded bars.
DSCN3851 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 28 Southern elevation, sections of panel walls appears to have repair work.
DSCN3852 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 28 Section of timber plank floor to east of room has been modified running north to south, rest of rooms timber planks run east to west, PL313
middle of plank replacement flooring bows and feels unsteady underfoot.
DSCN3853 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S 28 Southern wall, sections of wall panelling appear to have been refurbished and replaced, sections of panelling do not match up.
DSCN3854 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 28 Southern wall, sections of wall panelling appear to have been refurbished and replaced, sections of panelling do not match up. PL305
DSCN3855 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 28 Western wall between rooms 28 and 29 stairwell. Main entrance feature timber panelled double doors, each set with 8 panels, doors
open from centre.
DSCN3856 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 28 Detail, metal door bolt.
DSCN3857 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 28 Western wall between rooms 28 and 29 stairwell. Main entrance feature timber panelled double doors, each set with 8 panels, doors PL307
open from centre.
DSCN3858 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 28 Northern elevation. Timber post and panelled walls. Two stone framed mullioned windows with diamond pattern leaded cames. PL309
Windows splayed and panelled. Off centred stone fireplace with stone mantle. Fireplace now holds modern heating device, fireplace
back made of coursed red brick.
DSCN3859 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 28 Northern elevation, Off centred stone fireplace with stone mantle. Fireplace now holds modern heating device, fireplace back made of PL308
coursed red brick.
DSCN3860 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 28 Elaborate cornice work over timber beams, featuring three distinct types of moulded decoration, including acanthus leaves.
DSCN3861 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 28 Elaborate cornice work over timber beams, featuring three distinct types of moulded decoration, including acanthus leaves. PL310
DSCN3862 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 28 Elaborate cornice work over timber beams, featuring three distinct types of moulded decoration, including acanthus leaves.
DSCN3863 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 28 Elaborate cornice work over timber beams, featuring three distinct types of moulded decoration, including acanthus leaves.
DSCN3864 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 28 Elaborate cornice work over timber beams, featuring three distinct types of moulded decoration, including acanthus leaves. Decoration PL311
on central panels on the flat of beam appears to be three people in a circle.
DSCN3865 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 28 Elaborate cornice work over timber beams, featuring three distinct types of moulded decoration, including acanthus leaves. Edge PL312
cornice works are possibly a form of “egg and dart” mouldings.
DSCN3866 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 28 Central round cornice work around later addition chandeliers.
DSCN3867 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 28 North east corner. Eastern wall holds doorway into room 22. Opening through identical doors found in western wall.
DSCN3868 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE 26 Bathroom fitted with modern fixtures/fittings and wallpapered. Eastern elevation holds two stone renewal mullioned windows with
leaded cames in diamond pattern, however external photographs show the two windows to be one. Meaning the centre of the window
has been boarded over with the timber frame that currently surrounds the rest of window.
DSCN3869 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 26 Bathroom fitted with modern fixtures/fittings and wallpapered. Eastern elevation holds two stone renewal mullioned windows with PL298
leaded cames in diamond pattern, however external photographs show the two windows to be one. Meaning the centre of the window
has been boarded over with the timber frame that currently surrounds the rest of window.
DSCN3870 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 26 Bathroom modern fixtures/fitting. Room wallpapered.
DSCN3871 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 26 Bathroom modern fixtures/fitting. Room wallpapered and partially tiled. PL299
DSCN3872 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 27 Like room 26, features modern fixtures and fittings. Also wallpapered, holds interesting bath. Western wall holds a stone renewal PL300
mullioned windows with leaded cames in diamond pattern.
DSCN3873 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P W 27 Stainless steel bath with timber top and panelled side. Stuck around the timber top are a collection of coins.
DSCN3874 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW 27 Southern wall features possible boxed in wall post. PL303
DSCN3875 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 27 Coins on the bathtub, Edward VII, 1901-1910 PL302
DSCN3876 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 27 Coins on the bathtub, Queen Victoria
DSCN3877 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 27 Coins on the bathtub, George V. 1910-1936
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

DSCN3878 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 27 Coins on the bathtub, George V. 1910-1936

DSCN3879 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 27 Stainless steel bath with timber top and panelled side. Stuck around the timber top are a collection of coins. PL301
DSCN3880 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/E 27 Stainless steel bath with timber top and panelled side. Plug
DSCN3881 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 27 Eastern entrance, from room 23, through timber panelled door, timber door frame decorated with architrave.
DSCN3882 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 41 Second floor, accessible via narrow staircase from first floor room 40. Gable holds stone renewal window with casement, window PL416
panes in diamond pattern with leaded cames. Roof structure exposed, main timber truss principals and purlins. Visible in lower wall are
two raking queen struts situated on top of timber tie beam. Two timbers struts have been added presumably for extra support. Roof
appears lowered, and east and western elevation walls have been brought forward internally.
DSCN3883 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 41 Gable holds stone renewal window with casement, window panes in diamond pattern with leaded cames, right window is a casement
with turnbuckle catch and horizontal metal bar.
DSCN3884 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 41 Roof structure, timber purlins and truss principal, lower truss features raking queen post. Eaves wall made of lathe and plaster. PL417
DSCN3885 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N 41 Roof structure, timber purlins, truss principal, and collar. Lower truss features raking queen post. Eaves wall made of lathe and plaster.
DSCN3886 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 41 Roof structure, collar pegged to principal, added timber post pegged to truss collar.
DSCN8887 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 41 Roof structure detail, timber principal and raking queen strut. (west)
DSCN8888 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 41 Roof structure detail, timber principal and raking queen strut. (east)
DSCN8889 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 41 Roof structure, south elevation partition between rooms 41 and 42. Timber truss principal, collar, and purlins, (east) PL418
DSCN3890 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 41 Roof structure, south elevation partition between rooms 41 and 42. Timber truss principal, collar, purlins, and raking queen strut (west)
DSCN3891 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 41 Roof structure, (east) principal truss and collar with tenon mortice joint. Principal holds trenched purlin.
DSCN3892 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 41 Roof structure, (west) principal truss and collar with tenon mortice joint. Principal holds trenched purlin.
DSCN3893 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 42 Roof structure east, continuation from room 41, raking queen strut to truss principal.
DSCN3894 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 42 Entrance from room 41, modern plywood partition holds central timber door PL419
DSCN3895 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 42 Room 42 east.
DSCN3896 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 42 Roof structure, (east) principal truss and collar with tenon mortice joint. Principal holds trenched purlin.
DSCN3897 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 42 Roof structure, (west) principal truss and collar with tenon mortice joint. Principal holds trenched purlin.
DSCN3898 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 42 Roof structure, continuation of purlin into room 43, (west) through lathe and plaster partition, access to which is through small timber
framed opening
DSCN3899 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 42 Roof structure, continuation of purlin into room 43, (east) through lathe and plaster partition.
DSCN3900 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 42 General, south west corner.
DSCN3901 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 42 Access into room 43, (west), through small timber framed opening in lathe and plaster partition
DSCN3902 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 42 Access into room 43, (west), through small timber framed opening in lathe and plaster partition PL420
DSCN3903 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 43 Central oriel windows in eastern elevation, additional roof structure changing direction from main building, timber purlins, central
purlin and rafters.
DSCN3904 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 43 Central oriel window, timber framed mullion with diamond pattern leaded cames and central casement window.
DSCN3905 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/SE 43 Roof braced strut beam structure from main builds timber purlin to oriel.
DSCN3906 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 43 Northern wall, later addition lathe and plaster wall between rooms 42 and 43, roof structure of timber truss with racking queen struts,
trenched purlins, timber principals and pegged tenon collar. Tie beam under floor level.
DSCN3907 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 43 Southern wall into between rooms 43 and 44. Wall a build of timber post and panel, door to right blocked off with modern plywood.
DSCN3908 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 43 South eastern corner. Timber principals, raking queen posts, trenched purlins and pegged and tenon collars.
DSCN3909 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/SE 43 Apex of timber principles, with pegged and tenon joist under central ridge purlin.
DSCN3910 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 43 Detail, west, pegged joist between raking queen strut and principal. Purlin above trenched to principal with varying degree of disrepair,
slot of wood placed between purlin and rafter.
DSCN3911 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 43 Southern wall into between rooms 43 and 44. Wall a build of timber post and panel under trusses timber collar, door to right blocked
off with modern plywood.
DSCN3912 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW 43 Southern wall into between rooms 43 and 44. Wall a build of timber post and panel under trusses timber collar, door to right blocked
off with modern plywood.
DSCN3913 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 43 Southern wall into between rooms 43 and 44. Wall a build of timber post and panel under trusses timber collar, door to right blocked
off with modern plywood.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

DSCN3914 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 43 Bottom of southern post and panelled wall, section of panelling missing
DSCN3915 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 43 South post and panel partition wall, between room 43 and 44. Partition has been positioned within truss with timber sections pegged.
DSCN3916 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 43 CORRUPTED
DSCN3917 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 43 General, from south to north.
DSCN3918 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 43 Ceiling structure, timber beams with lap and mortice joists.
DSCN3919 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 44 Northern partition wall between room 44 and 43. Timber post and panel partition with exposed lathe and plaster. Partition sits within
roof truss.
DSCN3920 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 44 Central lathe and plaster partition wall
DSCN3921 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 44 Floor of room unstable apart from timber plank walkway, exposed within the floor is a timber arch that tops the staircase below room 5
to 29
DSCN3922 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L CORRUPTED
DSCN3923 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 44 Point of intersection where roof structure changes course. Timber principal, truss and queen post of western buildings show remnants of PL413
lathe and plaster. Timber post and panelling, (right) sit between truss and purlin of southern building.
DSCN3924 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/ 44 Roof structure, central ridge purlin sits on top of principal beam with pegged tendon mortice joint.
DSCN3925 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 44 Northern partition wall between room 44 and 43. Timber post and panel partition with exposed lathe and plaster. Partition sits within PL414
roof truss. Door between rooms has been boarded up with plywood.
DSCN3926 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 44 Roof structure, rough hewn timber collar. Lathe and plaster eaves.
DSCN3927 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 44 Post and panel timber wall partition between rooms 44 and 45/46
DSCN3928 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 44 Post and panel timber wall partition between rooms 44 and 45/46, panel removed in lower left corner exposing lathe and plaster. PL410
DSCN3929 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 44 Post and panel timber wall partition between rooms 44 and 45/46, roof structure above multiple timbers and plywood refurbishment.
DSCN3930 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/NW 44 Floor of room unstable apart from timber plank walkway, exposed within the floor is a timber arch that tops the staircase below room 5
to 29
DSCN3931 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 44 Floor of room unstable apart from timber plank walkway, exposed within the floor is a timber arch that tops the staircase below room 5
to 29
DSCN3932 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 44 Western wall, stone renewal window with panes in diamond pattern with leaded cames. Window features both in room 44 and 45/46, PL408
with the rooms timber post and panel wall separating it in the middle.
DSCN3933 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V/N 44 Floor of room unstable apart from timber plank walkway, exposed within the floor is a timber arch that tops the staircase below room 5 PL409
to 29. Arch position below timber tie truss beam.
DSCN3934 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 44 Rough hewn timber tie beam ends in western elevation. In coursed stone wall. Edge of principal and timber purling. Timber rafters PL412
placed behind truss in opposite direction for the addition of a small gable roof and window.
DSCN3935 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 44 Graffiti on the plastered wall, dated “January 1911” PL411
DSCN3936 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 45/46 (One room used to be two). Post and panel partition between rooms 44 and 45/46. Much of ceiling space has been refurbished, but PL401
sympathetic to earlier style. Roof construction, timber truss, with collar and trenched purlins. Truss is collard with the tie beam set
within the floor. Truss features queen posts, (post to right has been boarded up in plywood,) rafters have been covered over in modern
DSCN3937 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 45/46 (One room used to be two). Ceiling structure. Truss principals with central ridge purlin and pegged collar, modern refurbishments. PL402
DSCN3938 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 45/46 (One room used to be two). Roof modification due to installation of a small gable roof and window to the western elevation. Though
most of the ceiling is now boarded, a timber purlin, running east to west, and pegged repair are exposed.
DSCN3939 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 45/46 (One room used to be two). Roof modification due to installation of a small gable roof and window to the western elevation. Though PL406
most of the ceiling is now boarded, a timber purlin is exposed ending at the western brick work above the window.
DSCN3940 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 45/46 (One room used to be two). Point of intersection between main roof a gable addition. Main structure, principal beam with mortice tenon PL407
queen post, and trenched purlin. Gable roof, valley rafters, trenched purlin to gable end truss principal and queen post, later addition.
DSCN3941 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 45/46 (One room used to be two). Southern gable, timber wall plate tie beam with purlins. Wall made of coursed red brick in two phases. PL403
Second phase above window and stone lintel. Central stone renewal window with panes in diamond pattern with leaded cames, and
central casement.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

DSCN3942 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 45/46 (One room used to be two). Southern gable, timber wall plate tie beam with purlins. Wall made of coursed red brick in two phases. PL405
Second phase above window and stone lintel. Central stone renewal window with panes in diamond pattern with leaded cames, and
central casement.
DSCN3943 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 45/46 (One room used to be two). Plywood covering over timber purlins hides timber rafters.
DSCN3944 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 45/46 (One room used to be two). Plywood covering over timber purlins hides timber rafters.
DSCN3945 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 45/46 (One room used to be two). South gable, timber tie beam/wall plate under earlier phase bricked wall PL404
DSCN3946 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 45/46 (One room used to be two). Eastern entrance up short flight of stairs to room 47.
DSCN3947 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 45/46 (One room used to be two). Eastern entrance up short flight of stairs to room 47. Stairwell features timber post and panelling in room 47 PL400
external west wall.
DSCN3948 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 47 (One room used to be two). Eastern entrance up short flight of stairs to room 47. Stairwell features timber post and panelling in room 47
external west wall.
DSCN3949 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 47 From 47 to 45/46. Through timber plank and batten door.
DSCN3950 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 47 Heavily modernised room, walls have been wallpapered and painted. Dormer window in northern wall. Roof structure, queen posts,
principals and collar painted over in pink. Doors have been wallpapered.
DSCN3951 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 47 Dormer, mullioned window, with leaded cames in square pattern. Right hand window is a casement with spiral ended turnbuckle latch. PL394
Left and right of the main windows dormer sides, feature glass panes with leaded cames in square pattern.
DSCN3952 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 47 Left of the main windows dormer side, features glass panes with leaded cames in square pattern. PL395
DSCN3953 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 47 Right of the main windows dormer side, features glass panes with leaded cames in square pattern. PL396
DSCN3954 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 47 Northern wall, part decorative hexagonal recess has been cut and fitted with wooden framed fireplace and mantle. Fireplace holds cast PL397
iron grille. Fireplace back is lined with decorated white tiles in purple of landmarks. Flue made of coursed brick.
DSCN3955 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE 47 Wooden framed fireplace and mantle. Fireplace holds cast iron grille. Fireplace back is lined with decorated white tiles in purple of
landmarks. Flue made of coursed brick
DSCN3956 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 47 Point where roof structure changes due to addition of central gable in southern elevation. Elevation hold southern stone renewal PL392
window with panes in diamond pattern with leaded cames, and casements.
DSCN3957 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 47 Entrances to room 48 (central) and 47a (right). Both doors wallpapered over. PL393
DSCN3958 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 47 Boxed in timber principal beam. Section of boxed panel removed to show timber.
DSCN3959 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 47A Into room 47a, small cupboard space with small wooden framed aperture access eastern building’s roof space. PL398
DSCN3960 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 47A Into room 47a, small cupboard space with small wooden framed aperture access into eastern building’s roof space. Lathe and plaster
partition between southern elevation addition gable and eastern buildings eaves.
DSCN3961 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 47A Approximate with of cupboard space 1m
DSCN3962 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P E 47A Into roof space between eastern building roof space and southern gable addition. Featured timber valley rafters and post PL399
DSCN3963 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P E 47A Into roof space between eastern building roof space and southern gable addition. Featured timber valley rafters and post
DSCN3964 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P E 47A Into roof space between eastern building roof space and southern gable addition. Featured timber valley rafters and post
DSCN3965 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 48 Room like 47, heavily modernised, features central dormer stone renewal window with panes in diamond pattern with leaded cames,
and casements. Roof structure, of timber collar, principal and queen posts, all boxed in and painted lime green. Wall wallpapered.
DSCN3966 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 48 Staircase down to eastern buildings room 49 landing. Timber newel posts topped with finials, chamfered square balusters. PL383
DSCN3967 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 48 North western corner. Entrance into room 47 through central plank and batten door. Dormer with mullioned window in northern
elevation. Decorated with lead cames in diamond pattern.
DSCN3968 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W/NW 48 Entrance into room 47 through central plank and batten door PL384
DSCN3969 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 48 South eastern corner. Timber framed hatch to left enters roof space. PL385
DSCN3970 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 48 Dormer with timber mullioned window in northern elevation. Decorated with lead cames in diamond pattern. With turnbuckle latch. PL386
DSCN3971 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 48 Attic space from room 48.
DSCN3972 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 48 Attic space from room 48
DSCN3973 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W/NW 48 Western attic space. Timber truss principal with central ridge purlin and rafters. Timber tie beam in front. Roof structure west to east.
DSCN3974 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W/NW 48 Western attic space. Timber truss principal with central ridge purlin and rafters. Timber tie beam in front. Roof structure west to east.
DSCN3975 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W/NW 48 Western attic space. Timber truss principal with central ridge purlin and rafters. Timber tie beam in front. Roof structure west to east.
DSCN3976 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P W/NW 49 Entrance into room 48. Panelled wall between rooms 49 and 50.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

DSCN3977 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW 49 North western corner small recess fitted with timber plank shelves.
DSCN3978 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 49 Stairwell down to room 23, first floor. Modern staircase with timbers and turned balusters newels and finials.
DSCN3979 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 49 Stairwell down to room 23, first floor. Modern staircase with timbers and turned balusters newels and finials. PL362
DSCN3980 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 49 Stairwell down to room 23, first floor. Modern staircase with timbers and turned balusters newels and finials.
DSCN3981 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 49 Stairwell down to room 23, first floor. Modern staircase with timbers and turned balusters newels and finials.
DSCN3982 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 50 Small passageway between rooms 49 and 51. Recess in western side with fitted cupboard. Recess caused by addition of gable ended PL363
roof in room 47.
DSCN3983 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 50 Entrance into room 50 through plank and batten door
DSCN3984 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 50 Eastern buildings, exposed roof structure of trusses western principal beam.
DSCN3985 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 50 Eastern buildings, exposed roof structure of trusses western principal beam.
DSCN3986 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 50 Eastern buildings, exposed roof structure of trusses western principal beam. Lower beam timber principal, upper beams are timbers PL364
used for the addition of the southern buildings southern gable.
DSCN3987 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 50 Modified timber structure to allow for the addition of the southern buildings southern gable, multiple repairs. PL365
DSCN3988 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 50 Modified timber structure to allow for the addition of the southern buildings southern gable, multiple repairs. PL366
DSCN3989 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 50 Modified timber structure to allow for the addition of the southern buildings southern gable, multiple repairs.
DSCN3990 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 50 Modified timber structure to allow for the addition of the southern buildings southern gable, multiple repairs. PL367
DSCN3991 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 51 Recess projects to chimney stack behind, roof structure. structure of boxed in purlin, principal and queen post. Fireplace stone with cast PL370
iron grille.
DSCN3992 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 51 Stone Fireplace with cast iron grille, featuring decoration. Surround of painted brick.
DSCN3993 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 51 Small servant bells are connected around the property
DSCN3994 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 51 South gable stone renewal window with panes in diamond pattern with leaded cames, and central casement PL368
DSCN3995 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 51 Boxed in queen strut and principal beams. Remains of partial timber frame to right. PL369
DSCN3996 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 51 Western wall holds small timber lined aperture into building roof space. PL371
DSCN3997 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 51 Entrance into room 50. Door plank and batten cut to fit under timber truss principal.
DSCN3998 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 51 Square metal door bolt. Marked with makers emblem. “C J Washbourne & Co, Birmingham, Builders Factors”
DSCN3999 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 51 Western wall space multiple phases. Timber rafters, purlins, and valley rafters, with mortared brick work. PL374
DSCN4000 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 51 Western wall space multiple phases. Timber rafters, purlins, and valley rafters, with mortared brick work. PL372
DSCN4001 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 51 Western wall space multiple phases. Timber rafters, purlins, and valley rafters, with mortared brick work. PL373
DSCN4002 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 52 Southern wall between 51 and 52. Recess wall built under roof structure. Boxed in beams and joists. Possible wall projection caused by PL377
valley rafter modification of roof to chimney stack in room 51.
DSCN4003 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 52 North west of wall features timber plank partition to room 49. Partition fitted with plank and batten door.
DSCN4004 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 52 North eastern corner. Modern kitchen. Eastern elevation holds stone renewal window with panes in diamond pattern with leaded cames, PL375
and (left) casement.
DSCN4005 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N/NW 52 North west roof structure, boxed in timber beam and joist. Possible principle and valley rafters. Partition holds square window with PL376
frosted glass.
DSCN4006 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 53 Small modernised bathroom. South wall features square window. PL379
DSCN4007 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W/NW 53 Western wall. Small cupboard, 53a, accessed via small door. PL380
DSCN4008 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 53 North eastern corner. Northern wall. Peeled wallpaper exposes coursed brick work behind. Stone renewal casement window to right PL378
with diamond pattern leaded cames.
DSCN4009 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 53 Eastern wall, entrance to cupboard room 53b. exposed above timber purlin. PL381
DSCN4010 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 53 Stone renewal casement window with diamond pattern leaded cames.
DSCN4011 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N 53 Eastern build. View of northern single-story building roof. Tiled roof with central slate ridge tile. Roof topped with later addition PL91
chimney stacks. Triple stacked chimney in coursed brick and flat coursed brick base, each stack features decorative pot.
DSCN4012 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 53 Eastern build, over courtyard to western build. Roof holds quadruple stacked star shaped chimneys, no pots.
DSCN4013 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 53B Internal shot from room 53. Small service room. Apex of roof. Floor of timber planks. PL382
DSCN4014 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 53A Internal shot from room 53. Small cupboard with shelves
DSCN4015 16/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N 53A Internal shot from room 53. Small cupboard with shelves with boiler.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

DSCN4018 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 19B Blocked in doorway into room 21, door frame consists of two chamfered timber posts within timber panelled walls, Bottom of timber PL241
wall post. Cut stop holds decoration
DSCN4019 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 19B Blocked in doorway into room 21, door frame consists of two chamfered timber posts within timber panelled walls, Bottom of timber
wall post. Cut stop holds decoration
DSCN4020 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 19B Blocked in doorway into room 21, door frame consists of two chamfered timber posts within timber panelled walls, Bottom of timber
wall post. Cut stop holds decoration
DSCN4021 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 19B Eastern entrance into room 20. Timber architrave door frame with timber panelled door. Wall also feature timber string course and
architrave skirting.
DSCN4022 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P E 20 Modernised bathroom. Room has been partitioned off centre. To allow for boundary wall around toilet. The partition cuts through the PL247
middle of a stone renewal window with diamond pattern leaded cames and casement.
DSCN4023 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 20 Southern partition features a five panelled timber door with timber architrave frame. The partition also features a built-in cupboard area. PL248
DSCN4024 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 20 The partition features a built-in cupboard area with five panelled timber doors. Exit door to room 19B is also a five panelled timber
door with architrave frame.
DSCN4025 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P E/NE 20 Right side of window from within toilet. PL249
DSCN4026 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P E 20 Toilet PL250
DSCN4027 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 21 Eastern panelled wall. Central stone fireplace and mantel. Hearth made of brick with plinth course surround. Back of fireplace built in PL259
coursed brick. Fireplace feature cast iron stove. Stove fitted against cast iron fireback.
DSCN4028 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P E 21 Fireplace back inscribed, (right) PL260
DSCN4029 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 21 Fireplace back inscribed, (left) with date “1649” PL261
DSCN4030 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 19B Central, drop pendant features arcading and leaf decoration.
DSCN4031 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 19B Left corbel, Daisy wheel decoration. PL125
DSCN4032 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 19B Right corbel, acanthus leaf decoration. PL126
DSCN4033 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 2-19B Eastern wall end of munting. Right hand timber post of doorway frame with chamfered cut stop edge.
DSCN4034 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 19B Blocked in doorway into room 21, door framed consists of two chamfered timber posts within timber panelled walls, Bottom of timber
wall post. Cut stop holds decoration
DSCN4035 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S 19B Doorway into room 19C, under stairs cupboard. Door studded timber plank with round end strap hinges.
DSCN4036 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N 2 Northern exit from room 2 into central courtyard. Exit features inner segmental arch with ashlar voussoirs, that sit upon random coursed
stone of the northern wall. Right hand wall is partially splayed. External pointed arch which is ill fitted evidence for which can be seen
by dropped right side and offset keystone. Arch is fitted with a timber batten false panel decorated double arched door.
DSCN4037 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N 2 Timber door between room 2 and central courtyard. Fitted with wooden bolt fixed with metal decorative straps and a metal twisted PL134
circular latch handle with internal latch. Latch handle made with half twisted decoration fitted to a decorative baseplate.
DSCN4038 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E 1 Timber bench with panelled timber back. Panels decorated with carved arched mouldings of guilloche with foliage in the spandrels.
DSCN4039 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE 1 Timber bench with panelled timber back. Panels decorated with carved arched mouldings of guilloche with foliage in the spandrels.
Floor of room consists of red brick in mock Herringbone pattern.
DSCN4040 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P W 1 Timber plank and batten door southern front entrance into building. Door fitted eternally with decorative strap hinge. Internally fitted
with square wooden lock, two bolts and latch. Door placement under timber chamfered beam and to right, timber door frame.
DSCN4041 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 17 Room 17 is a store room accessed externally in the eastern build’s eastern elevation.
DSCN4042 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 17 Entrance via doorway through wall of (lower) random coursed stone with renewed quoin stone (right). Topped with a course of plinth
stones. Upper course appears to be later addition coursed red brick suggesting the room to be a later addition lean-to. Roof is pitched
and topped with tile. Gutting and drainage secured with metal straps.
DSCN4043 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W 17 Recess back also built of later addition red brick. Room entered through right doorway.
DSCN4044 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W/V 17 Recess roof remains of lathe and plaster with timber framed hatch. Wall to left part of buildings earlier coursed brick. PL14
DSCN4045 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE 17 Entrance into room. Timber plank door fitted with timber frame against canted brick sides. Room walls rendered.
DSCN4046 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE 17 Eastern wall. Single stone renewal window with diamond pattern leaded cames. Stone window set in interior timber frame
DSCN4047 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE 17 Eastern wall. Single stone renewal window with diamond pattern leaded cames. Stone window set in interior timber frame
DSCN4048 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NE 17 Eastern wall. Single stone renewal window with diamond pattern leaded cames. Stone window set in interior timber frame PL15
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

DSCN4049 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW 24 Southern wall, south western corner. Ceiling structure, timber joist runs from timber beam. Joist is chamfered with cut stops. Hand
moulded cornice work follows the path of the timbers, though only partially on one side of the joist. Corner shows point where beam
and cornice continue into room 23a. Further evidence suggesting that room 24’s western wall is a later addition.
DSCN4050 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW 24 Western wall partition between 24 and 23a, entrance through four panelled timber door. Transom light above door way off centred.
Transom light has wooden frame and frosted glass.
DSCN4051 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 24 Northern wall, ceiling structure, timber joist runs from timber beam. Joist is chamfered with cut stops. Beam and end of joist have been
painted white. Hand moulded cornice work follows the path of the timbers.
DSCN4052 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L V 24 Northern wall, ceiling structure, timber joist runs from timber beam. Joist is chamfered with cut stops. Beam and end of joist have been
painted white. Hand moulded cornice work follows the path of the timbers.
DSCN4053 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW Internal North elevation of south build. Only external wall to be made of random coursed stone with quoins. Lower left window, stone mullion PL49
courtyard with canted stone quoins, and stone dripstone. Lower right and upper left windows, stone ogee cut framed mullion windows, with
trefoil shaped glass. Lower right also features stone dripstone. Upper right window stone mullion renewal. Central pointed arch
(possibly Tudor arch) holds heavy timber plank and batten door that enters room 2.
DSCN4054 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW Internal North elevation of south build. Only external wall to be made of random coursed stone with quoins. Lower left window, stone mullion
courtyard with canted stone quoins, and stone dripstone. Lower right and upper left windows, stone ogee cut framed mullion windows, with
trefoil shaped glass. Lower right also features stone dripstone. Upper right window stone mullion renewal. Central pointed arch
(possibly Tudor arch) holds heavy timber plank and batten door that enters room 2.
DSCN4055 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW Internal North elevation of south build. Only external wall to be made of random coursed stone with quoins. Lower left window, stone mullion
courtyard with canted stone quoins, and stone dripstone. Lower right and upper left windows, stone ogee cut framed mullion windows, with
trefoil shaped glass. Lower right also features stone dripstone. Upper right window stone mullion renewal. Central pointed arch
(possibly Tudor arch) holds heavy timber plank and batten door that enters room 2.
DSCN4056 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S Internal North elevation of south build. Lower left window, stone mullion with canted stone quoins, and stone dripstone PL54
DSCN4057 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW Internal North elevation of south build, Lower right stone ogee cut, framed mullion window, with pointed trefoil shaped glass. window features PL56
courtyard stone dripstone. Stone frame made of canted quoins, windows set in random coursed stone of wall.
DSCN4058 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S Internal Northern elevation of south build, upper left windows, stone ogee cut framed mullion, with pointed trefoil shaped glass. Surround of PL55
courtyard canted quoins. Window set in random coursed stone, however wall to left, (southeast corner between south and east elevations) rebuilt
in coursed red brick.
DSCN4059 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW Internal Northern elevation of south build, Upper right window, stone mullion renewal, with canted quoins. Frame set in random coursed stone PL57
courtyard build.
DSCN4060 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW Internal Northern elevation of southern build. Entrance into room 2. Entrance fitted with pointed arch and canted ashlar quoins. Door is timber PL51
courtyard plank and batten, with fleur de les ended strap hinges and drop handle.
DSCN4061 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW Internal Northern elevation of southern build. Entrance into room 2. Door is timber plank and batten, with fleur de les ended strap hinge PL52
DSCN4062 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW Internal Northern elevation of southern build. Entrance into room 2. Door is timber plank and batten, with decorative drop handle and keyhole. PL53
DSCN4063 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE Internal South eastern corner between brick eastern build and southern elevation random coursed stone. Remaining timber wall post of possible
courtyard earlier jetty with decorative corbel top. Post matches those of western builds plank and panel wall however this particular one is out of
place and on its own.
DSCN4064 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S Internal South eastern corner between brick eastern build and southern elevation random coursed stone. Remaining timber wall post of possible PL93
courtyard earlier jetty with decorative corbel top. Post matches those of western builds plank and panel wall however this particular one is out of
place and on its own.
DSCN4065 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SE Internal Detail, front face of timber corbel, decorated in arcading and topped with daisy. PL94
DSCN4066 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S Internal Detail, north face of timber corbel, decorated with daisy. Much of the decoration has worn away. Top left section has been PL95
courtyard modified/refurbished.
DSCN4067 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW Internal Northern elevation of southern build. Off centre external chimney stack servicing rooms 3 and 28. Build of coursed brick against the PL60
courtyard random coursed stone. Left lower corner features splayed recess topped with stone extending to elevation.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

DSCN4068 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S Internal Northern elevation of southern build. Off centre external chimney stack servicing rooms 3 and 28. Build of coursed brick against the PL62
courtyard random coursed stone. Course of “English bond” brick work features two phases. Top of chimney holds quadruple corbel topped
DSCN4069 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S Internal Northern elevation of southern build. Off centre external chimney stack servicing rooms 3 and 28. Build of coursed brick against the PL50
courtyard random coursed stone. Course of “English bond” brick work features two phases.
DSCN4070 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S Internal Northern elevation of southern build. Off centre external chimney stack servicing rooms 3 and 28. Chimney section behind room 28 PL61
courtyard features a projection of brick probably due to the offset placement of fireplace.
DSCN4071 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW Internal Northern elevation of southern build. To right of chimney stack. Elevation features a lower, stone ogee cut framed mullion window,
courtyard with pointed trefoil shaped glass and a surround of canted quoins., and an upper stone mullion renewal window. Both windows set in
the random coursed stone of the south build.
DSCN4072 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S Internal Northern elevation of southern build. To right of chimney stack. Elevation features a lower, stone ogee cut framed mullion window,
courtyard with pointed trefoil shaped glass and a surround of canted quoins., and an upper stone mullion renewal window. Both windows set in
the random coursed stone of the south build. Roof space of southern build features to dormer windows.
DSCN4073 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P S Internal Northern elevation of southern build. To right of chimney stack. Elevation features a lower, stone ogee cut framed mullion window, PL58
courtyard with pointed trefoil shaped glass and a surround of canted quoins.
DSCN4074 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L S/SW Internal Northern elevation of southern build. To right of chimney stack. Upper stone mullion renewal window. PL59
DSCN4075 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W Internal Western build, eastern elevation. Timber framed post and panel elevation. Timber sill beam with timber post uprights. Pegged in place.
courtyard Ground underneath sill, south west corner features stone mullioned window. Now bricked in.
DSCN4076 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW Internal Western build, eastern elevation. Timber framed post and panel elevation. Timber sill beam with timber post uprights. Pegged in place.
courtyard Ground underneath sill, south west corner features stone mullioned window. Now bricked in.
DSCN4077 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SW Internal Western build, eastern elevation. Timber framed post and panel elevation. Timber sill beam with timber post uprights. Pegged in place. PL75
courtyard Ground underneath sill, south west corner features stone mullioned window. Now bricked in.
DSCN4078 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW Internal Western build, eastern elevation. Timber framed post and panel elevation. Timber sill beam with timber post uprights. Pegged in place.
courtyard Ground underneath sill, south west corner features stone mullioned window. Now bricked in.
DSCN4079 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W Internal Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorated elevation. Ground floor features three timber framed mullion windows. First PL64
courtyard floor features one timber framed mullion window and one timber framed oriel mullion window. Second floor features central oriel
timber framed mullion window. Wall features timber jetty, between ground and first floors, with decorative corbels. Ground floor
features timber posts and mid rail. first floor features quatrefoil bracing, under windows and herringbone bracing in alternating
DSCN4080 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW Internal Western build, eastern elevation. South west corner between southern and western builds.
DSCN4081 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P SW Internal Western build, eastern elevation. South west corner between southern and western builds. 1 of 5 decorative timber corbels under jetty.
courtyard Each feature difference in decoration. Corbel with daisy and arcading.
DSCN4082 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W Internal Western build, eastern elevation. Timber framed post and panel elevation. Timber sill beam with timber post uprights, pegged in place. PL76
courtyard Ground underneath sill, right of stone mullion window, timber bracer/lintel over later addition brick.
DSCN4083 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W Internal Western build, eastern elevation. Timber framed post and panel elevation. Timber sill beam with timber post uprights, pegged in place. PL77
courtyard Ground underneath sill, right of timber bracer/lintel over later addition brick. Later addition header brick arch.
DSCN4084 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW Internal Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorated elevation. Ground floor features three timber framed mullion windows. First PL78
courtyard floor features one timber framed mullion window and one timber framed oriel mullion window. first floor features central oriel timber
framed mullion window. Wall features timber jetty, between ground and first floors, with decorative corbels. Ground floor features
timber posts and mid rail. First floor features quatrefoil bracing, under windows and herringbone bracing in alternating directions.
DSCN4085 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW Internal Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorated elevation. Ground floor features three timber framed mullion windows. First PL74.
courtyard floor features one timber framed mullion window and one timber framed oriel mullion window. Second floor features central oriel
timber framed mullion window. Wall features timber jetty, between ground and first floors, with decorative corbels. Ground floor
features timber posts and mid rail. first floor features quatrefoil bracing, under windows and herringbone bracing in alternating
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

DSCN4086 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW Internal North west corner, between northern and western builds. Northern build of single story in coursed brick. Western build extends to north PL79.
courtyard with later addition extension. Extension has been decorated, sympathetic of western buildings post and panel wall. West builds northern
extension features lean to roof onto northern build. Access into northern build room 10, in north west corner.
DSCN4087 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W Internal Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorative wall. Ground floor central timber framed mullion window. Underneath
courtyard jetty. Window features timber sill.
DSCN4088 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W Internal Western build, eastern elevation. Central first and second floor oriel, timber framed mullion windows. Windows framed with corbelled
courtyard timber sills. Lower window features decorative acanthus leaf corbels.
DSCN4089 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W Internal Western build, eastern elevation. To left of central ground floor window, left hand corner timbers, Possible assemblage marks. PL81
DSCN4090 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L W Internal Western build, eastern elevation. Lower section of walls, ground floor post and panel walls. Sections of panelling have been bricked in
courtyard and painted white.
DSCN4091 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW Internal North western corner. Northern build of single story in coursed brick. Western build extends to north with later addition extension. PL80
courtyard Extension has been decorated, sympathetic of western buildings post and panel wall. West builds northern extension features lean to
roof onto northern build. Access into northern build room 10, in north west corner.
DSCN4092 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P W Internal Western build, eastern elevation. South west corner between southern and western builds. 2 of 5 decorative timber corbels under jetty.
courtyard Each feature difference in decoration. Corbel with daisy decoration top and bottom volutes.
DSCN4093 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW Internal Western build, eastern elevation. South west corner between southern and western builds. 3 of 5 decorative timber corbels under jetty.
courtyard Detail to dark.
DSCN4094 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N Internal North west corner between northern and eastern builds. Northern build of single story in coursed brick. Western build extends to north PL83
courtyard with later addition extension. Extension has been decorated, sympathetic of western buildings post and panel wall. West builds northern
extension features lean to roof onto northern build. Access into northern build room 10, in north west corner.
DSCN4095 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE Internal Northern buildings southern elevation. Single storey coursed red brick covered in vegetation. PL84
DSCN4096 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P N Internal Entrance into room 10, through southern elevation. Western side. Elevation built in brick, canted stone door frame. With timber plank PL85
courtyard and batten door. Door fixed with decorative “fleur de lis” strap hinges. Room 10, roof structure, lean to roof extends from western
building northern corner over northern builds western side.
DSCN4097 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW Internal Join between western and northern builds. Lean to extends from west build to north above passageway room 10.
DSCN4098 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N Internal Northern build, part gable roof. Covered in vegetation.
DSCN4099 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L N Internal Detail. Entrance into northern build room 10. Decorative “fleur de lis” strap hinge end. PL86
DSCN4100 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW Internal Connection point. Western build, northern build, north west corner. Timber corbel under jetty. Corbel 5 of 5. Corbel is shaped
courtyard differently from others suggesting a once corner placement. This would further suggest that there was a building running from the
western builds north. The corbel placement would suggest this earlier building to run west to east. A section of timber wall post has
been removed or perhaps filled in.
DSCN4101 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 P NW Internal Detail, filled in cut of in timber wall post
DSCN4102 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NE Internal North eastern corner, between north build and eastern build. Both builds built of “English bond” coursed brick. Both buildings one PL87
courtyard story, however eastern build built higher with higher internal ceilings.
DSCN4103 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L SE Internal Eastern build in two sections. North section is one story, with raised internal ceilings. South section to south build three stories. North PL89
courtyard section features two stone renewal mullioned windows. North gable of roof has been decoratively heightened in brick.
DSCN4104 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E Internal Eastern build in two sections. North section is one story with raised internal ceilings. South section to south build three stories. North PL92
courtyard section features two stone renewal mullioned windows. South section features stone renewal mullion windows in ground and first
DSCN4105 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L E Internal Eastern build in two sections. North section is one story with raised internal ceilings. South section to south build, three stories. North PL90
courtyard section features coursed brick star shaped, triple chimney stack with ceramic pots. Southern build features decorative star shaped
coursed brick chimney.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

DSCN4106 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW Internal General, central courtyard. Light vegetation. With wrought iron gazebo
DSCN4107 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW Internal General, central courtyard. Light vegetation. With wrought iron gazebo
DSCN4108 18/09/18 Nikkon AW130 L NW Internal General, central courtyard. Light vegetation. With wrought iron gazebo and stone surround central water butt.

IMG_0001 15/09/18 CANNON L W Internal Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorated elevation. Ground floor features three timber framed mullion windows. First PL63
courtyard floor features one timber framed mullion window and one timber framed oriel mullion window. Second floor features central oriel
timber framed mullion window. Wall features timber jetty, between ground and first floors, with decorative corbels. Ground floor
features timber posts and mid rail. first floor features quatrefoil bracing, under windows and herringbone bracing in alternating
IMG_0002 15/09/18 CANNON L NW Internal Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorated elevation. Ground floor features three timber framed mullion windows. First
courtyard floor features one timber framed mullion window and one timber framed oriel mullion window. Second floor features central oriel
timber framed mullion window. Wall features timber jetty, between ground and first floors, with decorative corbels. Ground floor
features timber posts and mid rail. Second floor features quatrefoil bracing, under windows and herringbone bracing in alternating
IMG_0003 15/09/18 CANNON P S Internal General southern build, northern elevation.
IMG_0004 15/09/18 CANNON P SE Internal General southern build, northern elevation.
IMG_0005 15/09/18 CANNON L SE Internal General, southern build, eastern build, south eastern join.
IMG_0006 15/09/18 CANNON L W Internal Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorative wall. First floor timber framed mullion window. Window features timber PL65
courtyard sill.
IMG_0007 15/09/18 CANNON L W Internal Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorated elevation. Ground floor features three timber framed mullion windows. First
courtyard floor features one timber framed mullion window and one timber framed oriel mullion window. Second floor features central oriel
timber framed mullion window. Wall features timber jetty, between ground and first floors, with decorative corbels. Ground floor
features timber posts and mid rail. Second floor features quatrefoil bracing, under windows and herringbone bracing in alternating
IMG_0008 15/09/18 CANNON P W Internal Western build, eastern elevation. South west corner between southern and western builds. 2 of 5 decorative timber corbels under jetty.
courtyard Each feature difference in decoration. Corbel with daisy decoration top and bottom volutes and arcading face.
IMG_0009 15/09/18 CANNON L NW Internal Western build eastern elevation, central second floor oriel timber framed mullion window. Post and panel construct gable with trefoil PL67
courtyard bracing and herringbone studding timbers. Gable roof features timber decorative bargeboard.
IMG_0010 15/09/18 CANNON L NW Internal Western build, eastern elevation, first floor features central oriel timber framed mullion window. With decorative timber sill and PL66
courtyard decorated corbels.
IMG_0011 15/09/18 CANNON L NW Internal Western build, eastern elevation, central timber framed mullion window under first floor jetty.
IMG_0012 15/09/18 CANNON L E 10 Wooden plaque. Eastern wall construct of “English Garden Wall Bond” brick course
IMG_0013 15/09/18 CANNON L N 10 Corridor entrance/exit in north elevation. Corridor access to room 8, 9, (now blocked in internally) central courtyard and 10a. Corridor
built in “English Garden Wall Bond” course. Floor made of brick in stretcher bond formation. Northern exit has stone arched lintel,
(Seen better externally). With timber plank, batten and braced door.
IMG_0014 15/09/18 CANNON L SE 10 Corridor between rooms 10 and 10B, room 11 entered in the north. Building built of brick with stone renewal mullioned window, with
lead came diamond pattern glass.
IMG_0015 15/09/18 CANNON L S 2 In distance, external porch situated awkwardly against entrance into passageway. Passageway (south) features internal segmental arch
with canted ashlar stone. Door to west enters room 3. Timber wainscot panelling with decorative chamfered mullions, sit above raised
stone ashlar munting between rooms.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

IMG_0016 15/09/18 CANNON P N 2 Northern exit from room 2 into central courtyard. Exit features inner segmental arch with ashlar voussoirs, that sit upon random coursed
stone of the northern wall. Right hand wall is partially splayed. External pointed arch which is ill fitted evidence for which can be seen
by dropped right side and offset keystone. Arch is fitted with a timber batten false panel decorated double arched door.
IMG_0017 15/09/18 CANNON L NW 3 Western wall. Timber panelling same design as north and south walls with doorway into room 4 (left) and passageway 5 (right) PL139
doorway into room 4 spans full thickness of wall, hidden door within left of panelled frame. Top end of wall features painted banner
that runs around south, west and northern walls. West banner depicts houseowners various family crests and dates.
IMG_0018 15/09/18 CANNON L W 3 Family crest of Blunden heraldry, Francis Charlton’s mother. Heritage report, pgs. 17/18
IMG_0019 15/09/18 CANNON L W 3 Shield with date of work. Heritage report, pgs. 17/18
IMG_0020 15/09/18 CANNON L W 3 Crest of Charlton heraldry. Heritage report, pgs. 17/18
IMG_0021 15/09/18 CANNON L W/NW 3 Shield with initials for Charlton crest, with “F” for Francis and “D” for Dorothy Bromwich, Francis’s wife. Heritage report, pgs. 17/18
IMG_0022 15/09/18 CANNON L W/NW 3 Dorothy Bromwich, heraldry crest. Heritage report, pgs. 17/18
IMG_0023 15/09/18 CANNON L N 3 Northern wall features hand painted banner above timber panelling and stone fireplace. Banner depicts hunting scene. Internal fireplace
splayed coursed brick upon stone hearth.
IMG_0024 15/09/18 CANNON L V 3-4 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand painted “Fleur de le” decoration as well
as plaster architrave decoration, suggesting earlier course of room has been altered.
IMG_0025 15/09/18 CANNON L V 3-4 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand painted “Fleur de le” decoration as well
as plaster architrave decoration, suggesting earlier course of room has been altered.
IMG_0026 15/09/18 CANNON P V 3-4 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand painted “Fleur de le” decoration as well
as plaster architrave decoration, suggesting earlier course of room has been altered.
IMG_0028 16/09/18 CANNON L SE 19B Blocked in doorway into room 21, door framed consists of two chamfered timber posts within timber panelled walls, Bottom of timber
wall post. Cut stop holds decoration
IMG_0029 16/09/18 CANNON P S 19B Doorway into small room, 19C, under stairwell (22), door positioned with timber panel wall. Door is timber blanked and studded.
Featuring an iron lock bolt and round headed strap hinges.
IMG_0030 16/09/18 CANNON L W 3 Family crest of Blunden heraldry, Francis Charlton’s mother. Heritage report, pgs. 17/18 PL143
IMG_0031 16/09/18 CANNON L W 3 Shield with date of work. Heritage report, pgs. 17/18 PL144
IMG_0032 16/09/18 CANNON L W 3 Crest of Charlton heraldry. Heritage report, pgs. 17/18 PL145
IMG_0033 16/09/18 CANNON L W 3 Shield with initials for Charlton crest, with “F” for Francis and “D” for Dorothy Bromwich, Francis’s wife. Heritage report, pgs. 17/18 PL146
IMG_0034 16/09/18 CANNON L NW 3 Dorothy Bromwich, heraldry crest. Heritage report, pgs. 17/18 PL147
IMG_0035 16/09/18 CANNON L N 3 North west corner, painted vase of tulips.
IMG_0036 16/09/18 CANNON L N 3 Northern wall features hand painted banner above timber panelling and stone fireplace. Banner depicts hunting scene. Internal fireplace
splayed coursed brick upon stone hearth.
IMG_0037 16/09/18 CANNON P NE 3 North east corner, painted vase of tulips
IMG_0038 16/09/18 CANNON P S 3 South east corner, painted vase of tulips
IMG_0039 16/09/18 CANNON P SE 3 Banner paintings of vases of tulips, between window splays and walls.
IMG_0040 16/09/18 CANNON P SE 3 Banner paintings of vases of tulips, between window splays and walls.
IMG_0041 16/09/18 CANNON P SE 3 Banner paintings of vases of tulips, between window splays and walls.
IMG_0042 16/09/18 CANNON P NW 3 Banner paintings of vases of tulips, between window splays and walls. PL140
IMG_0043 16/09/18 CANNON L N 3 Northern wall, two, pointed arch window with pointed trefoil arch frames. Central stone fireplace appears lopsided. Windows and
fireplace set within timber panelling the comprises three quarters of the wall space. Timber panelling in northern wall appears to have
degraded more than panelling found on all other walls in room.
IMG_0044 16/09/18 CANNON P SW 3 Banner paintings of vases of tulips, between window splays and walls. South western corner.
IMG_0045 16/09/18 CANNON P SE 3 Banner paintings of vases of tulips, between window splays and walls.
IMG_0046 16/09/18 CANNON P NE 3 Entrance into room 2 from room 3 through eastern timber panelled wall. Entrance topped with decorative timber lintel. Lintel
decoration features, two carved elliptical arches with central connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced lunettes with foliage.
Arch spandrels feature daisy wheels. Either end of each arch sits upon timber carved corbels with daisy wheel and acanthus leaf
decoration. Central drop pendant features arcading and leaf decoration.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

IMG_0047 16/09/18 CANNON L E 3 Entrance into room 2 from room 3 through eastern timber panelled wall. Entrance topped with decorative timber lintel. Lintel PL132
decoration features, two carved elliptical arches with central connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced lunettes with foliage.
Arch spandrels feature daisy wheels. Either end of each arch sits upon timber carved corbels with daisy wheel and acanthus leaf
decoration. Central drop pendant features arcading and leaf decoration.
IMG_0048 16/09/18 CANNON L E 3 Entrance into room 2 from room 3 through eastern timber panelled wall. Entrance topped with decorative timber lintel. Lintel
decoration features, two carved elliptical arches with central connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced lunettes with foliage.
Arch spandrels feature daisy wheels. Either end of each arch sits upon timber carved corbels with daisy wheel and acanthus leaf
decoration. Central drop pendant features arcading and leaf decoration.
IMG_0049 16/09/18 CANNON L NW 31 Detail, central fire place with stone surround and mantle. Fireplace holds cast iron stove with grille. Back surround of blue and white
floral decorative tiles. Stove lined either side with coursed brick.
IMG_0050 16/09/18 CANNON L SE 31 East, repaired ceiling joists and beams.
IMG_0051 16/09/18 CANNON L NE 32 South east corner, beam fixed with chamfered cut stop joist, beam extends through wall into room 30, above the doorway into 31. See
IMG_0052 16/09/18 CANNON L N 22 North wall, stone framed window features two, pointed trefoil arches with central mullion, glass set in diamond pattern with lead came
strip. Each window also features horizontal and central vertical iron bars. Right hand window holds casement.
IMG_0053 16/09/18 CANNON L N 22 North wall, stone framed window features two, pointed trefoil arches with central mullion, glass set in diamond pattern with lead came
strip. Each window also features horizontal and central vertical iron bars. Right hand window holds casement.
IMG_0054 16/09/18 CANNON P N 22 North wall, stone framed window features two, pointed trefoil arches with central mullion, glass set in diamond pattern with lead came PL264
strip. Each window also features horizontal and central vertical iron bars. Right hand window holds casement.
IMG_0055 16/09/18 CANNON L N 22 North wall, stone framed window features two, pointed trefoil arches with central mullion, glass set in diamond pattern with lead came
strip. Each window also features horizontal and central vertical iron bars. Right hand window holds casement.
IMG_0056 16/09/18 CANNON L E 51 Recess projects to chimney stack behind, roof structure. structure of boxed in purlin, principal and queen post. Fireplace stone with cast
iron grille.
IMG_0057 16/09/18 CANNON P NW From 53 Eastern build, from south. View of northern single-story building roof. Tiled roof with central slate ridge tile. Roof topped with later
addition chimney stacks. Triple stacked chimney in coursed brick and flat coursed brick base, each stack features decorative pot.
IMG_0058 16/09/18 CANNON L NE 47 Northern wall, part decorative hexagonal recess has been cut and fitted with wooden framed fireplace and mantle. Fireplace holds cast
iron grille. Fireplace back is lined with decorated white tiles in purple of landmarks. Flue made of coursed brick.
IMG_0059 16/09/18 CANNON L E 47A Into roof space between eastern building roof space and southern gable addition. Featured timber valley rafters and post
IMG_0060 16/09/18 CANNON L NE 47 Northern wall, part decorative hexagonal recess has been cut and fitted with wooden framed fireplace and mantle. Fireplace holds cast
iron grille. Fireplace back is lined with decorated white tiles in purple of landmarks. Flue made of coursed brick.
IMG_0061 16/09/18 CANNON L N 44 Scribblings on the plastered wall, dated “January 1911” by “Cecil” and “Hobby”
IMG_0062 16/09/18 CANNON L N 44 Scribblings on the plastered wall, dated “January 1911” by “Cecil” and “Hobby”
IMG_0063 16/09/18 CANNON L N 44 Scribblings on the plastered wall, dated “January 1911” by “Cecil” and “Hobby”
IMG_0064 16/09/18 CANNON L S 44 Scribblings on the plastered wall dated “1904” and “1921”
IMG_0065 16/09/18 CANNON L S 44 Scribblings on the plastered wall dated “1904” and “1921”
IMG_0066 16/09/18 CANNON L S 44 Scribblings on the plastered wall dated “1904” and “1921”
IMG_0067 16/09/18 CANNON L NE 21 Eastern panelled wall. Central stone fireplace and mantel. Hearth made of brick with plinth course surround. Back of fireplace built in
coursed brick. Fireplace feature cast iron stove. Stove fitted against cast iron fireback.
IMG_0068 16/09/18 CANNON L E 21 Fireplace back inscribed, (left) with date “1649”
IMG_0069 16/09/18 CANNON L NE 21 Fireplace back inscribed, (right)
IMG_0070 19/09/18 CANNON L E 8 Room 8 General, east.
IMG_0071 19/09/18 CANNON L NW 7 Western elevation. Central stone fireplace, with decorative stone mantel. Fireplace feature cast iron stove. To left and right of central
fireplace are two stone renewal mullion windows with basic glass panes, unlike the decorative ones found elsewhere in building.
Possibly refurbished/repairs. Left window features lower casement.
IMG_0072 19/09/18 CANNON L V 7 Room 7 ceiling follows same design as room 6 with two chamfered timber tie beams with cut stops running west to east. Cross timbers
running from south to north giving the effect of panelling. Cross timbers are also chamfered with chamfers and cut stop ends.
IMG_0073 19/09/18 CANNON L N 7 North western corner. Timber framed transom window between rooms 7 and 8. Window blocked off in room 8
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

IMG_0074 19/09/18 CANNON L NW Internal Connection point. Western build, northern build, north west corner. Timber corbel under jetty. Corbel 5 of 5. Corbel is shaped PL72
courtyard differently from others suggesting a once corner placement. This would further suggest that there was a building running from the
western builds north. The corbel placement would suggest this earlier building to run west to east. A section of timber wall post has
been removed or perhaps filled in.
IMG_0075 19/09/18 CANNON L NW Internal 5 of 5, Connection point. Western build, northern build, north west corner. Timber corbel under jetty. All corbels decorated slightly PL71
courtyard different.
IMG_0076 19/09/18 CANNON P W Internal 5 of 5, Connection point. Western build, northern build, north west corner. Timber corbel under jetty. All corbels decorated slightly PL70
courtyard different.
IMG_0077 19/09/18 CANNON P SW Internal 4 of 5, Timber corbel under jetty. All corbels decorated slightly different. Faced side. PL69b
IMG_0078 19/09/18 CANNON P W Internal 4 of 5, Timber corbel under jetty. All corbels decorated slightly different. Faced side. PL69b
IMG_0079 19/09/18 CANNON P SW Internal 3 of 5, Timber corbel under jetty. All corbels decorated slightly different. Faced side. PL69a
IMG_0080 19/09/18 CANNON P W Internal 3 of 5, Timber corbel under jetty. All corbels decorated slightly different. Faced side. PL69a
IMG_0081 19/09/18 CANNON P SW Internal 2 of 5, Timber corbel under jetty. All corbels decorated slightly different. Faced side. PL68b
IMG_0082 19/09/18 CANNON P W Internal 2 of 5, Timber corbel under jetty. All corbels decorated slightly different. Faced side. PL68b
IMG_0083 19/09/18 CANNON P SW Internal 1 of 5, Timber corbel under jetty. All corbels decorated slightly different. Faced side. PL68a
IMG_0084 19/09/18 CANNON P SW Internal 1 of 5, Timber corbel under jetty. All corbels decorated slightly different. Faced side. PL68a
IMG_0085 19/09/18 CANNON L W Internal Detail. First floor under left side, timber framed mullion window. Central decorative timber corbel, between timber quatrefoil bracers. PL73
IMG_0086 19/09/18 CANNON L W Internal Detail, first floor, central oriel, timber framed mullion window with decorative corbels, above timber post and panel elevations
courtyard quatrefoil bracers.
IMG_0087 19/09/18 CANNON P SE Internal South eastern corner between brick eastern build and southern elevation random coursed stone. Remaining timber wall post of possible
courtyard earlier jetty with decorative corbel top. Post matches those of western builds plank and panel wall however this particular one is out of
place and on its own.
IMG_0088 19/09/18 CANNON P E Internal South eastern corner between brick eastern build and southern elevation random coursed stone. Remaining timber wall post of possible
courtyard earlier jetty with decorative corbel top. Post matches those of western builds plank and panel wall however this particular one is out of
place and on its own.
IMG_0089 27/09/18 CANNON L N 43 Northern wall, later addition lathe and plaster wall between rooms 42 and 43, roof structure of timber truss with racking queen struts,
trenched purlins, timber principals and pegged tenon collar. Tie beam under floor level.
IMG_0090 27/09/18 CANNON L V 43 Roof braced strut beam structure from main builds timber purlin to oriel.
IMG_0091 27/09/18 CANNON L V 43 Roof braced strut beam structure from main builds timber purlin to oriel. Central ridge purlin, (south to north) has begun to crap and
bow leading to timber fishplate fix.
IMG_0092 27/09/18 CANNON L SW 43 Detail, west, pegged joist between raking queen strut and principal. Purlin above trenched to principal with varying degree of disrepair,
slot of wood placed between purlin and rafter.
IMG_0093 27/09/18 CANNON L S 43 Southern wall into between rooms 43 and 44. Wall a build of timber post and panel, door to right blocked off with modern plywood.
IMG_0094 27/09/18 CANNON L NW 43 Western elevation. Internal brick chimney stack from rooms 7, ground floor and 33/34 first floor.
IMG_0095 27/09/18 CANNON L N 43 Floor of room. Central tie beam to queen post and principal. Timber joist runs south to north.
IMG_0096 27/09/18 CANNON L NE 43 Truss principal, trenched purlins and pegged tenon mortice jointed collar. Collar and principal feature assemblage marks.
IMG_0097 27/09/18 CANNON L N 43 Roof structure, from main build to central oriel window.
IMG_0098 27/09/18 CANNON L NE 43 Floor of oriel window lined in brick.
IMG_0099 27/09/18 CANNON L SW 43 Roof structure, from main build to central oriel window.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

DSC01544 16/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V 3-4 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand painted “Fleur de le” decoration as well
as plaster architrave decoration, suggesting earlier course of room has been altered.
DSC01545 16/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V 3-4 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand painted “Fleur de le” decoration as well PL153
as plaster architrave decoration, suggesting earlier course of room has been altered.
DSC01546 16/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V 3-4 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand painted “Fleur de le” decoration as well
as plaster architrave decoration, suggesting earlier course of room has been altered.
DSC01547 16/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V 3-4 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand pai7nted “Fleur de le” decoration as well PL154
as plaster architrave decoration, suggesting earlier course of room has been altered.
DSC01548 16/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V 3-4 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand painted “Fleur de le” decoration as well
as plaster architrave decoration, suggesting earlier course of room has been altered.
DSC01549 16/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V 3-4 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand painted “Fleur de le” decoration as well PL155
as plaster architrave decoration, suggesting earlier course of room has been altered. Additional evidence supported by chamfered timber
wall post with decorative cut stop ends extending from ceiling. timber also features remnants of paint.
DSC01550 16/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V 3-4 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Continuation of timber wall post to where it has been cut off. PL156
DSC01551 16/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V 3-4 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand painted “Fleur de le” decoration as well
as plaster architrave decoration, suggesting earlier course of room has been altered. Additional evidence supported by chamfered timber
wall post with decorative cut stop ends extending from ceiling. timber also features remnants of paint.
DSC01553 16/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V From fireplace, Internal chimney extends to stack.
DSC01554 16/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V From fireplace, Internal chimney extends to stack.
DSC01555 16/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE 22 North wall, stone framed window featuring two, pointed trefoil arches with central mullion
DSC01556 16/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L N 22 North wall, stone framed window featuring two, pointed trefoil arches with central mullion
DSC01557 16/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L N 22 North wall, stone framed window featuring two, pointed trefoil arches with central mullion
DSC01558 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V 3-4 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand painted “Fleur de le” decoration as well
as plaster architrave decoration, suggesting earlier course of room has been altered. Additional evidence supported by chamfered timber
wall post with decorative cut stop ends extending from ceiling. timber also features remnants of paint.
DSC01559 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V 3-4 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand painted “Fleur de le” decoration as well
as plaster architrave decoration, suggesting earlier course of room has been altered. Additional evidence supported by chamfered timber
wall post with decorative cut stop ends extending from ceiling. timber also features remnants of paint.
DSC01560 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V 3-4 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand painted “Fleur de le” decoration as well
as plaster architrave decoration, suggesting earlier course of room has been altered. Additional evidence supported by chamfered timber
wall post with decorative cut stop ends extending from ceiling. timber also features remnants of paint.
DSC01561 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V 3-4 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand painted “Fleur de le” decoration as well
as plaster architrave decoration, suggesting earlier course of room has been altered. Additional evidence supported by chamfered timber
wall post with decorative cut stop ends extending from ceiling. timber also features remnants of paint.
DSC01563 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L W 5B Small cupboard underneath stairwell, of room 5. Western wall is made up of a coursed stone foundation underneath a plastered wall. PL177
Foundation wall features slight internal batter. Note, floor of room extends from west as possible medieval ceramic tiles to east build of
red brick.
DSC01564 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V 5B Flooring course change. West medieval tiles, east brick. PL178
DSC01565 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L E 5B Timber plank stair position above room.
DSC01566 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE 5B Small cupboard underneath stairwell, of room 5. Northern wall is made up of a coursed stone foundation underneath timber panelled PL176
wall. Wall bulges externally to the east. The northern wall much like the southern wall of room 5a would suggest a possible earlier
alignment of buildings, before addition of the staircase, or earlier.
DSC01567 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L E 5B Flooring course change. West medieval tiles, west brick.
DSC01568 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE 5B Southern wall and entrance into small cupboard. Partition made up of lathe and plaster, with small timber framed doorway. PL175
DSC01569 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW Above 48 Roof structure, Attic space above collar of roof trusses. Far end, western joint between southern and western builds. Far collar features PL387
two raking struts from collar to principal beams.
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DSC01570 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW Above 48 Roof structure, Attic space above collar of roof trusses. Far end, western joint between southern and western builds. Far collar features
two raking struts from collar to principal beams.
DSC01571 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW Above 48 Roof structure, attic space. Central timber ridge purlin. Timber rafters.
DSC01572 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L E Above 48 Roof structure. attic space. Eastern edge features central ridge purlin with timber principals and timber braces. This however sits above PL389
another central purlin with arched braces on top of the timber collar. This modification would suggest the roof original alignment to
have been heightened. Sectioned between braces and truss beams have been in filled with brick and plastered.
DSC01573 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L E Above 48 Roof structure. attic space. Eastern edge features central ridge purlin with timber principals and timber braces. This however sits above PL390
another central purlin with arched braces on top of the timber collar. This modification would suggest the roof original alignment to
have been heightened. Sectioned between braces and truss beams have been in filled with brick and plastered.
DSC01574 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L E Above 48 Roof structure. attic space. Eastern edge features central ridge purlin with timber principals and timber braces. This however sits above
another central purlin with arched braces on top of the timber collar. This modification would suggest the roof original alignment to
have been heightened. Sectioned between braces and truss beams have been in filled with brick and plastered.
DSC01575 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE Above 48 Roof structure. attic space. Eastern edge features central ridge purlin with timber principals and timber braces. This however sits above PL388
another central purlin with arched braces on top of the timber collar. This modification would suggest the roof original alignment to
have been heightened. Sectioned between braces and truss beams have been in filled with brick and plastered.
DSC01576 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L E Above 48 Roof structure. attic space. Eastern edge features central ridge purlin with timber principals and timber braces. This however sits above
another central purlin with arched braces on top of the timber collar. This modification would suggest the roof original alignment to
have been heightened. Sectioned between braces and truss beams have been in filled with brick and plastered.
DSC01577 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L E Above 48 From 48, roof structure above 49/50. Roof structure possible central timber king post
DSC01578 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External South build, southern elevation front Façade. Eastern and western gables of eastern and western builds. Gables ae fitted with bay
windows on the ground and first floors and topped with crenulated parapets on the second floor.
DSC01579 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External South build, southern elevation front Façade. Southern elevation features symmetrically placed stone mullion windows on the first
floor. Ground floor has a mixture a different sized, stone mullion windows. Elevation features off centre porch addition with crenulated
DSC01580 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External South build, southern elevation front Façade. All builds built on random coursed foundations, followed by (in the very least) two phases
of coursed brick. Top of ground and first floors decorated with coursed string of ashlar. Gable edges and central elevation roof edge
course in stone
DSC01581 18/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External South build, southern elevation façade. South elevation has central additional gable. Which ends at the façade. Roof edge decorated in
ashlar with crenulated and corbelled decoration. Gable end edges also feature ashlar decoration that end in skew corbels.
DSC01585 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External North western gable of western build. Construction of random coursed stone with coursed plinth, under “English” bond brick course.
Surrounding ground level rises from west to east.
DSC01586 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External North western gable of western build. Construction of random coursed stone with coursed plinth, under “English” bond brick course.
Surrounding ground level rises from west to east. Part external brick chimney stack to right.
DSC01587 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 P SE External North western gable of western build. Construction of random coursed stone with coursed plinth, under “English” bond brick course.
Surrounding ground level rises from west to east. Part external brick chimney stack to right.
DSC01588 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Western build, western elevation, brick chimney stack leads to decorative quadruple star cut stacks. Gable roof decorated with skew
DSC01589 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External Lean-to corridor passageway between north and west builds. Lean to features crowstep roof on top of later addition brick. Main PL01
entrance into passageway, (room 10), through segmental arch stone frame fitted with timber panel studded door. Door fitted with drop
door latch.
DSC01590 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External Western build. Northern gable. ground floor, stone renewal window. With stone dripstone lintel. Wall built of “English” bond coursed
brick above random coursed stone with stone plinth.
DSC01591 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External Western build. Northern gable. first and second floor, stone renewal windows. With stone dripstone lintel. Wall built of “English”
bond coursed brick.
DSC01592 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External Western build. Northern gable. Ground floor, stone renewal sill and lintel, with canted brick surround. Possibly once a window now
turned into extractor fan. To room 9, kitchen behind.
DSC01593 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External Join between western build, western elevation and external chimney stack.
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DSC01594 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External Northern build, northern elevation with intersecting corbie gable. Gable features central stone renewal mullioned window with fitted PL03
horizontal and vertical bars in a rectangular pattern, window also fitted with glass. Two slit vents feature above main window with
ashlar chamfered sills and lintels. Construct of walls – random coursed stone capped with stone plinth, under earlier phase
“English” bond brick. This is then topped with a later course/refurbishment of “English” bond brick.
DSC01595 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External Northern build, northern elevation with intersecting corbie gable. Gable is fitted with central stone renewal mullioned windows with PL04
horizontal and vertical bars in a rectangular pattern, window fitted with glass. Two slit vents feature above main window with ashlar
chamfered sills and lintels. Two phases of brick course.
DSC01596 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External General, north build northern elevation with intersecting gable and western build northern gable.
DSC01597 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External General, north build northern elevation with intersecting gable and western build northern gable. PL02
DSC01598 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External Northern build, northern elevation to north eastern courtyard (14) boundary wall. Wall follows same construct as intersecting gable, PL05
stone followed by brick in different phases. Stone course and plinth differs with a slight crowstep drop. Wall fitted with two stone
windows. Left window topped with stone lintel, with a surround of brick. Window to right, stone lintel, sill and quoined surround. Both
windows are fitted with timber plank doors with strap handles.
DSC01599 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External Northern build, northern elevation to north eastern courtyard (14) boundary wall. Wall follows same construct as intersecting gable, PL07
stone followed by brick in different phases. Stone course and plinth differs with a slight crowstep drop. Wall fitted with two stone
windows. Left window topped with stone lintel, with a surround of brick. Window to right, stone lintel, sill and quoined surround. Both
windows are fitted with timber plank doors with strap handles.
DSC01600 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External Detail, spear head strap hinges on panel doors. PL06
DSC01601 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External Detail, spear head strap hinges on panel doors.
DSC01602 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External External pipe work, and valves.
DSC01603 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Boundary wall and entrance. North eastern courtyard and outbuildings between northern and eastern builds gables. PL08
DSC01604 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External Boundary wall into north eastern courtyard and outbuildings. Stepped entrance within brick wall. Fitted with partial timber lintel and PL09
decorated iron gate. Wall construct of stone with plinth under “English” bond course. Wall then topped with brick caps. Left of wall
begins to shift into a course of diaper brick where it continues for the eastern portion of the boundary wall.
DSC01605 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 P SW External Boundary wall into north eastern courtyard and outbuildings. Frame topped with stone lintel. Surround made of canted bricks.
DSC01606 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External Eastern elevation. The eastern elevation forms two parts. After the courtyard wall the eastern presents as a single-story build with raised
roof and ceilings. This section of the gable build is decorated with build skew corbels. The rest of the eastern build behind is three
stories with added intersecting gables to the east. The northern gable is also decorated with ashlar skew corbels.
DSC01607 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External Eastern elevation courtyard wall, continuation of “Diaper” brick. Cut entrance into cellar through random coursed stone and diaper PL10
DSC01608 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External Small lean-to extension leads to room 17, external store room.
DSC01609 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW External Eastern elevation. One of two entrances into eastern cellar. Entrance descends via brick steps under three arches, one of stone the others
of pitched brick.
DSC01610 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L W External Eastern elevation. One of two entrances into eastern cellar. Entrance descends via brick steps under three arches, one of stone the others
of pitched brick. Entrance way lined with later phase brickwork.
DSC01611 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW External Eastern elevation. One of two entrances into eastern cellar. Entrance descends via brick steps under three arches, one of stone the others PL451
of pitched brick.
DSC01612 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L N External Continuation of “diaper” coursed courtyard wall to eastern build eastern elevation. Random coursed stone foundations with plinth
coursed stone. Stone foundations feature bricked in stone mullion windows at cellar level.
DSC01613 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V External Cut stone, used to mark side of stairwell down to cellar. Presumably fallen off one of the external walls
DSC01614 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW External Eastern elevation. Random coursed stone with possible stone window, (cellar level) now bricked in. coursed stone topped with plinth PL11
course followed by brick course in “Diaper” bond.
DSC01615 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW External Eastern elevation. Random coursed stone with iron barred slit vent, (visible in cellar level). Coursed stone topped with plinth course
followed by brick course in “Diaper” bond.
DSC01616 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW External Detail, Eastern elevation. Random coursed stone with iron barred slit vent, with cut stone lintel and sill. (visible in cellar level). PL12
DSC01617 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External Eastern build, single floor north section. Three story south section. Single floor northern section features later addition outbuilding
room 17 to east, causing brick construct to change from “Diaper” bond course to “English” bond.
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DSC01618 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L S External Eastern build, single floor north section features later addition outbuilding room 17 to east, causing brick construct to change from
“Diaper” bond course to “English” bond.
DSC01619 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L W External East elevation of room 17 lean-to. Features two quoined stone renewal windows and doorway aperture. Random coursed stone and PL13
plinth feature quoins, though possibly later addition.
DSC01620 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L W External East elevation of room 17 lean-to. Features two quoined stone renewal windows and doorway aperture. Random coursed stone and
plinth feature quoins, though possibly later addition.
DSC01621 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External East elevation of room 17 lean-to. Features two quoined stone renewal windows and doorway aperture. Random coursed stone and
plinth feature quoins, though possibly later addition.
DSC01622 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L W External Drainage collar fitted to external walls. Made of metal with insignia/trademark
DSC01623 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW External Eastern elevation, three story south section. Intersection gable topped with corbie addition. Gable features two stone mullion windows PL16
with dripstones. Stone construct – “Diaper” bond re-commences after the outbuilding, (room 17). This is then heightened to its
decorated top in a later phase of brickwork
DSC01624 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L N External Intersection gable additions to eastern elevation. Northern Gable return to eastern elevation. Continuation of “Diaper bond” coursed PL17
brick. Eastern elevation and gable foundation built of random coursed stone with coursed plinth. Eastern elevation between gable and
chimney stack additions. Ground level, with coursed random stone, features stone mullioned window in cellar level, window also has
stone dripstone.
DSC01625 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L W External Eastern elevation, between gable and chimney stack additions. Elevation features four Stone renewal mullioned windows, all with PL18
dripstones, and all different sizes. The windows are positioned, two at ground floor and two at first floor, within the - part “Diaper”
course part “English” bond course, construct. At the top of the first-floor windows, the brick structure can be seen to change with the
addition of a gable roof. Also, at the same point, are two timber ends sticking through the brickwork of the wall.
DSC01626 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External South eastern corner, eastern elevation, external chimney stack. Later addition, Coursed “English” bond brickwork on top of random
coursed foundation and plinth.
DSC01627 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External South eastern corner, eastern elevation, external chimney. Later addition. Coursed “English” bond brickwork topped with Star shaped PL19
and corbelled decorative triple chimney stacks.
DSC01628 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW External Eastern elevation between gable and chimney stack additions. Ground level, within coursed random stone, features stone mullioned PL20
window in cellar level, window also has stone dripstone.
DSC01629 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW External South eastern corner, eastern elevation, external chimney. Later addition. Coursed “English” bond brickwork topped with Star shaped
and corbelled decorative triple chimney stacks
DSC01630 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW External South eastern corner. Ground level within random coursed stone foundations. Small window into cellar, iron barred and topped with PL21
lintel and possible dripstone.
DSC01631 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW External South eastern corner. Ground level within random coursed stone foundations. Small window into cellar, iron barred and topped with
lintel and possible dripstone.
DSC01632 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V/NW External South eastern corner, eastern elevation underneath eaves. Ground and first floor stone renewal mullioned windows, with dripstones. PL22
DSC01633 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW External South eastern corner, eastern build gable and eastern elevation. Gable end features two single stone surround windows, ground and first PL31
DSC01634 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW External South eastern corner, Southern facade, eastern gable to eastern elevation to external chimney to eastern elevation with raised additional
gable to “Corbie” gabled addition to single story eastern elevation to north east courtyard boundary wall.
DSC01635 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External General, eastern elevation and “corbie” topped gable addition.
DSC01636 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External General southern elevation façade. From below “Ha Ha” steps. PL23
DSC01637 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External General southern elevation façade. From below “Ha Ha” steps.
DSC01638 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW External Southern gardens.
DSC01639 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External South build, southern elevation front Façade. All builds built on random coursed foundations, followed by (in the very least) two phases PL24
of coursed brick. Top of ground and first floors decorated with coursed string of ashlar. Gable and central elevation roof edges, coursed
in stone
DSC01640 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External South build, southern elevation front Façade, coursed stonework underneath eastern bay windows of eastern building. Exposed at PL36
ground level is a pitched brick arch with iron bar grille. Possibly an earlier entrance into the cellar.
DSC01641 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External South elevations of eastern buildings ground and first floor bay windows. Windows topped with a crenulated parapet on the second PL26
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DSC01642 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External Crenulated parapet against southern gable of eastern build.
DSC01643 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L N External South build, southern elevation front Façade, coursed stonework underneath eastern bay windows of eastern building. Exposed at PL37
ground level is a pitched brick arch with iron bar grille. Possibly an earlier entrance into the cellar.
DSC01644 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L N External Southern build elevation, to eastern build gable. South elevation porch to western wall of eastern builds gable creates a small recess PL38
with a mullioned window in the middle. Note, only spot of external walls where random coursed stone levels rise to this height.
DSC01645 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L N External Southern build elevation, to eastern build gable. South elevation porch to western wall of eastern builds gable creates a small recess
with a mullioned window in the middle. Note, only spot of external walls where random coursed stone levels raise to this height.
DSC01646 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External Southern builds elevation porch with crenulated parapet.
DSC01647 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L E External Southern builds elevation porch with crenulated parapet, flagged stoned floor patio surrounded by gardens boundary wall. PL28
DSC01648 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External Southern porch wall, Stone renewal mullion windows, with diamond pattern leaded cames in two different pattern sizes. PL32
DSC01649 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L E External Southern elevation porch entrance into room 1. Doorway fitted with ashlar surround and frame with large stone lintel and dripstone. PL33
timber plank and batten door with studding and strap hinges.
DSC01650 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L E External Detail, timber plank and batten door with studding, strap hinges, drop handle and door knocker.
DSC01651 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Detail, timber plank and batten door with studding, and strap hinges.
DSC01652 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Detail, timber plank and batten door with studding, strap hinges, drop handle and door knocker.
DSC01653 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Dripstone above porch doorway lintel. Course of “English” bond bricks and string course of ashlar running building western build
gable to eastern build gable.
DSC01654 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Detail. Timber panelled and studded door with door knocker. PL35
DSC01655 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Detail. Timber panelled and studded door with door drop handle PL34
DSC01656 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External Door entrance to porch room 1. External. Metal weight on a chain.
DSC01657 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External Corner of build between porch and southern elevation.
DSC01658 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW External Join between western build gable and southern builds southern elevation, gable and elevation appear to retain some of the “diaper” PL29
coursed stonework found in the eastern build though brickwork has been renewed at a later date.
DSC01659 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L N External South build, southern elevation and western builds gable end. Western gable features ground and first floor bay windows topped on the
second floor with a crenulated parapet. Two coursed stings decorate the façade, west to east. Viewpoint, lower level southern gardens in
front a boundary wall.
DSC01660 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L N External South build, southern elevation and western builds gable end. Western gable features ground and first floor bay windows topped on the PL25
second floor with a crenulated parapet. Two coursed strings decorate the façade, west to east. Viewpoint, lower level southern gardens
in front a boundary wall.
DSC01661 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L N External South build, southern elevation façade. South elevation has central gable roof addition. Roof edge decorated in ashlar with corbelled PL27
decoration. Gable end edges feature ashlar decoration that end in skew corbels.
DSC01662 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW External South build, southern elevation front Façade. Southern elevation features symmetrically placed stone mullion windows on the first
floor. Ground floor has a mixture a different sized, stone mullion windows. Elevation features off centre porch addition with crenulated
DSC01663 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW External South build, southern elevation front Façade. Southern elevation features symmetrically placed stone mullion windows on the first
floor. Ground floor has a mixture a different sized, stone mullion windows. Elevation features off centre porch addition with crenulated
DSC01664 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW External Exit from property, flagstone floored patio area.
DSC01665 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External Western builds. Ground and first floor bay windows with crenulated parapets on second floor, against western builds southern gable.
DSC01666 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External Western build, ground floor stone renewal bay window.
DSC01667 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External Western build, ground floor stone renewal bay window. Western elevation of western build. PL30
DSC01668 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External Western build, ground floor stone renewal bay window. Western elevation of western build. Remains of “diaper” coursed brick. PL39
DSC01669 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External Western build, western elevation. External chimney stack.
DSC01670 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Western build, western elevation. External chimney stack. Random coursed stone with plinth string under “English” bond course of
brick. Random coursed stone approximately higher on left of chimney stack.
DSC01671 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Western build, western elevation. External chimney stack. Random coursed stone with plinth string under “English” bond course of
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

DSC01672 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Western build, western elevation. External chimney stack. Random coursed stone with plinth string under “English” bond course of
brick. Chimney ends in decorative triple star shaped chimney stacks.
DSC01673 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Western build, western elevation. External chimney stack. Random coursed stone with plinth string under “English” bond course of PL41
brick. Additional intersection gable in western elevation. With stone renewal mullion windows.
DSC01674 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Western build, western elevation. Random coursed stone with plinth string under “English” bond course of brick. Additional PL42
intersection gable in western elevation. Gable eaves part decorated with “crowstep”. Gable also feature string course of ashlar,
however not the full width of the gable.
DSC01675 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External Western build, western elevation. Roof structure, western elevation features another three chimneys (in addition to the one on the south PL40
corner, making a total of four) one chimney is built internally whereas the northerly ones are external. Each chimney leads to chimney
stacks, decorated in star shaped coursed brick.
DSC01676 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External Western wall centre. Wall scaring would suggest modification to wall. Heritage reports suggests wall scaring due to removal of an PL44
earlier porch, Heritage report, page 17
DSC01677 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Western wall scaring, exposed course stone infill and build after removal of porch. Section of coursed stone wall and plinth string also
DSC01678 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L E External Western wall scaring, exposed course stone infill and build after removal of porch.
DSC01679 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Western wall scaring, exposed course stone infill and build after removal of porch. PL45
DSC01680 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L E External Western wall scaring, exposed course stone infill and build after removal of porch.
DSC01681 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Western wall scarring. Coursed stone structure wall foundations, section filled in with brick. PL46
DSC01682 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Western wall scaring, string course, features cut stop end.
DSC01683 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Western wall scaring, exposed course stone infill and build after removal of porch. Section of coursed stone wall and plinth string also
DSC01684 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Western wall scaring, exposed course stone infill and build after removal of porch. Section of coursed stone wall and plinth string also
DSC01685 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE External Western wall scaring, exposed course stone infill and build after removal of porch. Section of coursed stone wall and plinth string also
DSC01686 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Western wall scaring, exposed course stone infill and build after removal of porch. Section of coursed stone wall and plinth string also PL43
removed, ground floor ashlar stone renewal window with mullions and undecorated glass.
DSC01687 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Western elevation, western build. Space between two chimney stacks. Entrance into room 8 ground floor landing and stairs. Ground PL47
floor features doorway and window. Stone framed with stone lintels. Stone dripstone tops both window and door.
DSC01688 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L E External Western build, western elevation entrance into room 8, ground floor.
DSC01689 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L E/SE External Western elevation, western build. Entrance into room 8 ground floor landing and stairs. Ground floor features doorway and window.
Stone framed with stone lintels. Stone dripstone tops both window and door. Window fitted with plain glass panes.
DSC01690 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Western elevation. Western build, first floor stone renewal mullion windows with decorative leaded cames. PL48
DSC01691 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Canted stone surround around door features cut stop edges
DSC01692 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External External chimney stack north west corner, western elevation, western build
DSC01693 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE External Western build, western elevation, brick chimney stack leads to decorative quadruple star cut stacks. Gable roof decorated with skew
DSC01694 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L N 12 Single story outbuilding in the northern complex. Featuring central timber framed window with corbelled brick surround, and vertical
splay. Window also topped with pitched brick arch. Building construct in “English Garden Wall Bond” brick course. Lower half of
northern wall is a mixture of coursed stone and plaster.
DSC01695 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L N 12 Single story outbuilding in the northern complex. Featuring central timber framed window with corbelled brick surround, and vertical PL217
splay. Window also topped with pitched brick arch. Building construct in “English Garden Wall Bond” brick course. Lower half of
northern wall is a mixture of coursed stone and plaster. Wall topped with timber wall plate and rafters.
DSC01696 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW 12 Southern wall accessible from room 10B. timber framed doorway and lintel. Under pitched brick arch. Timber bracers feature in brick PL219
DSC01697 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V 12 Roof structure. timber rafters, purlins and central ridge plank. All a later addition build PL218
DSC01698 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L W 8 - 54 Stairwell down to western cellar. Western wall course of “English garden bond” red brick. PL438
DSC01699 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW 54 Stairwell down made of coursed brick. Entrance topped with pitched brick arch.
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DSC01700 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L S 54 Bricked lined arch corridor into room 55. Floor made with coursed brick with drainage channels. PL442
DSC01701 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L S 54 Pitched brick arch leading into room 54 from 55.
DSC01702 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE 55 Cellar features central timber beam with timber joists. Beam runs east to west. Floor made of course brick.
DSC01703 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE 55 North east corner. Large brick lined arched recess.
DSC01704 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NE 55 Most of the cellar walls are lined with coursed brick with plastered walls. PL447
DSC01705 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L N 55 North east corner. Large brick lined arched recess. PL449
DSC01706 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW 55 Cellar features central timber beam with timber joists. Beam runs east to west. Either end has been given extra support with coursed PL448
brick pillars. Joists have been given additional support with timber posts.
DSC01707 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE 55 South eastern corner. Recess has been built in wall to take service pipes.
DSC01708 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L S 55 South eastern corner. Recess has been built in wall to take service pipes. Brick lined with timber frame lintel and sill. Further support PL450
joists can be seen carrying on into the recess.
DSC01709 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW 55 Parts of the northern and western walls are a build of coursed random stone, unlike brick lined walls found elsewhere in room. PL444
DSC01710 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L S/SW 55 Parts of the northern and western walls are a build of coursed random stone, unlike brick lined walls found elsewhere in room. PL443
DSC01711 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW 55 Extra brick support wall for timber roughhewn beam.
DSC01712 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW 55 Rough-hewn timber beam and joists.
DSC01713 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW 55 Extra brick support wall for timber roughhewn beam.
DSC01714 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW 55 Parts of the northern and western walls are a build of coursed random stone, unlike brick lined walls found elsewhere in room.
DSC01715 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW 55 General south western corner. PL446
DSC01716 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V 55 Brick course floor. Different courses. PL445
DSC01717 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 P N 55 General from 55 to 54.
DSC01718 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 P E 54 From 54 up brick coursed steps to room 8 ground floor. Timber panelled door features covered wooden frame transom. Wall to left. PL440
Timber panel wall between room 8 staircase and room 54
DSC01719 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 P E 54 From 54 up to room 8 ground floor. Stairs built of coursed bricks. PL441
DSC01720 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L E 54 Door between 54 and room 8. Timber plank and batten braced, fixed with chamfered wooden bolt with decorative corner arrows. PL439
DSC01721 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L E 54 Door between 54 and room 8. Timber plank and batten braced, fixed with chamfered wooden bolt with decorative corner arrows.
DSC01722 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE 14 One of two doorways down to eastern cellar. Lean-to built in brick. With canted brick door frame and chamfered stop cut stone lintel. PL96
Timber plank and batten door with latch.
DSC01723 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 P SE 14 One of two doorways down to eastern cellar. Lean built in brick. With canted brick door frame a chamfered stop cut stone lintel.
Timber plank and batten door with latch. Back wall (east) coursed structure of stone with brick sections.
DSC01724 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 P NE 14 - 56 Spiral coursed brick steps down to eastern cellar. Northern wall coursed brick in two different phases. PL111
DSC01725 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L N 56 Spiral staircase. Halfway point. Northern wall construct of two different phases of coursed brick. Later (upper) phase holds small stone
quoined window will stone lintel and sill. Window fitted with glass with diamond pattern leaded cames. Later addition pitched stone
arch to right down to cellar floor.
DSC01726 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V 56 Lean-to roof structure above spiral staircase. Later addition timber rafters and principals. Under ceramic tiles. PL112
DSC01727 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE 56 From cellar bottom to north eastern courtyard. Eastern wall of coursed stone, part rendered. PL110
DSC01728 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L S 56 Detail, door latch
DSC01729 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW 56 Detail, back of timber plank and batten door. Chamfered wooden door bolt with decoration corner arrows and metal latch. Note these PL109
door bolts only found on entrance doors to cellars.
DSC01730 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 P NW 56 Pitched brick arch entrance from stairwell to cellar.
DSC01731 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L E 56 Eastern entrance to cellar, from cellar. Steps made of coursed brick with capped stone surrounds. Remains of timber arch with posts
line bottom entrance.
DSC01732 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 P V/E 56 Width of brick stairs. From eastern entrance into eastern cellar.
DSC01733 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 P E 56 Eastern entrance to cellar. Steps made of coursed brick with capped stone surrounds. Remains of timber arch with posts line bottom PL452
DSC01734 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L N 56 Remains of heavy plank and batten braced door presumable from cellar entrances timber frame. Door topped decoration of three cut PL453
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DSC01735 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L N 56 Northern wall recess feature well. Coursed brick on top of coursed stone. Depth unknown but presumed very deep. Meatal pipe leads PL455
from roof of well down. Further possible sight of waterline down also features horizontal metal pipes.
DSC01736 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L S 56-57 Arched hallway line in brick and plastered. PL456
DSC01737 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE 56 Lower doorway stairwell up to room 14 north eastern courtyard. Two phases of brick arch between roofs. Doorway topped with timber
DSC01738 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L E 56 Splayed brick vent from inside room 56 to external eastern elevation. Eastern elevation end, lined with vertical bars. PL468
DSC01739 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L N 57-56 Room 57 opens into larger arched room. With rendered walls.
DSC01740 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L N 57-56 Arched passageway between rooms 58 and 56. PL457
DSC01741 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE 57-58 Room 58 in background. Eastern corner of floor features stone boiler plinth. Walls in passageway rendered. PL459
DSC01742 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L S 57 Eastern corner of floor features stone boiler plinth. Walls in passageway rendered. Floor course of brick. PL458
DSC01743 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L N 58-57 57 in background. Wall between rooms bricked in apart from room door/aperture. Room arched with rendered walls.
DSC01744 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L NW 58 North western corner, square cut brick lined recess in arched ceiling.
DSC01745 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L W 58 North western corner, square cut brick lined recess in arched ceiling. The cut exposes the coursed stone construct of the otherwise PL461
rendered arch.
DSC01746 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 P SE 58 Eastern wall. Features a rendered arch with stone mullioned window. The window is splayed left, right and vertically. The stone frame PL462
holds leaded squared cames and fragments of glass. Wall underneath window is built of coursed stone, somewhat rendered.
DSC01747 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SE 58 Eastern wall. Features a rendered arch with stone mullioned window. The window is splayed left, right and vertically. The stone frame PL460
holds leaded squared cames and fragments of glass. Wall underneath window is built of coursed stone, somewhat rendered.
DSC01748 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L SW 58 Southern wall. Features a rendered arch with stone metal grille. The wall underneath grille shows some scarring. The recess appears to PL463
have possibly once been a door to the cellars from the southern build. The floor underneath the recess is also made of raised stone.
DSC01749 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L E 58 Small vent to left of central southern recess, in eastern wall. Vent/window vertically splayed fitted with metal bars in the external
elevation. Lower course of wall around room built of random coursed stone. Upper section of wall and arch rendered.
DSC01750 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V 58 Floor a mixture, mostly brick with interspersed flagstones.
DSC01751 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L N 56 North wall, brick course and rendered. Wall scarring show square aperture with pointed arch, partially bricked up. Recess leads to
circular well.
DSC01752 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 P N 56 North wall, brick course and rendered. Wall scarring show square aperture with pointed arch, partially bricked up. Recess leads to PL454
circular well.
DSC01753 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V 56 Top of well has been capped with concrete.
DSC01754 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V 56 Top of well has been capped with concrete.
DSC01755 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V 56 Northern wall recess feature well. Coursed brick on top of coursed stone. Depth unknown but presumed very deep. Metal pipe leads
from roof of well down. Further possible sight of waterline down also features horizontal metal pipes.
DSC01756 19/09/18 SONY DSC-F828 L V 56 CORRUPTED.
DSC01762 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L NE 43 Northern wall, later addition lathe and plaster wall between rooms 42 and 43, roof structure of timber truss with racking queen struts,
trenched purlins, timber principals and pegged tenon collar. Tie beam under floor level.
DSC01763 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L NE 43 Northern wall, later addition lathe and plaster wall between rooms 42 and 43, roof structure of timber truss with racking queen struts,
trenched purlins, timber principals and pegged tenon collar. Tie beam under floor level.
DSC01764 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L NE 43 Northern wall, later addition lathe and plaster wall between rooms 42 and 43, roof structure of timber truss with racking queen struts, PL421
trenched purlins, timber principals and pegged tenon collar. Tie beam under floor level.
DSC01765 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L NE 43 Northern wall partition between 43 and 42. Roof structure. timber truss principals, central ridge purlins and trenched purlins. Timber
collar with tenon mortice pegged joint.
DSC01766 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L N 43 Access into room 42, through small timber framed opening in lathe and plaster partition
DSC01767 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L N 43 Northern wall partition between 43 and 42. Roof structure. timber truss principals, central ridge purlins and trenched purlins. Timber
collar with tenon mortice pegged joint.
DSC01768 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L W 43 Coursed stone chimney stack behind roof structure. Rafters have been shored with rafter braces.
DSC01769 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L SW 43 Detail, west, pegged mortice tenon joist between raking queen strut and principal. Trenched purlin to principal. Purlin is chamfered and PL429
decorated with cut stop ends.
DSC01770 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L SW 43 Detail, chamfered cut stop on trenched purlin.
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DSC01771 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 P V/SE 43 Floor space of room. Timber tie beam with diminished shoulder pegged cogged joists. PL436
DSC01772 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L V 43 Floor space of room. Timber tie beam with diminished shoulder pegged cogged joists.
DSC01773 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L SE 43 Change in roof structure between main build and oriel window. Oriel window built within central western builds roof structure. Valley PL425
roof timbers join to main builds principals and central ridge purlin.
DSC01774 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L V/SE 43 Main roof structure. trenched upper purlin with chamfered cut stop edges. Valley rafters and central ridge purlin set against main builds PL426
trusses, timber principals and central ridge purlin. Rest of roof structures timber rafters and common rafters.
DSC01775 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L SE 43 Central oriel timber framed mullion window, with central casement. Window set with diamond pattern cames. Frame of window sits PL423
between timber lintel and sill with timber posts either side. Timber purlins between principal (lower) possibly cut.
DSC01776 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L SW 43 Roof structure between oriel window and main roof structure. joined with valley rafters.
DSC01777 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L SW 43 Roof structure between oriel window and main roof structure. joined with valley rafters. PL427
DSC01778 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L SW 43 Main roof structure, timber principals set on top of timber truss tie beam. Fixed with raking queen struts, with pegged tenon mortice
joints. Trenched purlin possibly cut, no longer fits well within trench.
DSC01779 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L S 43 Main roof structure, timber principals set on top of timber truss tie beam. Fixed with raking queen struts, with pegged tenon mortice
joints. Trenched purlin possibly cut, no longer fits well within trench.
DSC01780 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L SE 43 Oriel window floor level. Lathe and plaster floor lead to a course of pitched brick. Further inspection was unavailable due to floor being PL424
DSC01781 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L N 43 Roof structure between oriel window and main roof structure. joined with valley rafters. PL428
DSC01782 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L SE 43 Main roof structure, timber principals set on top of timber truss tie beam. Fixed with raking queen struts, with pegged tenon mortice
joints. Trenched purlin possibly cut, no longer fits well within trench.
DSC01783 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L SE 43 Main roof structure, timber principals set on top of timber truss tie beam. Fixed with raking queen struts, with pegged tenon mortice
joints. Trenched purlin possibly cut, no longer fits well within trench. Wall posts of oriel window fitted with cut stops.
DSC01784 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L S 43 Timber truss principal. Trenched purlin with chamfered cut stop end. Pegged tenon mortice joint between collar and principal.
DSC01785 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L S 43 Main roof structure, timber principals set on top of timber truss tie beam. Fixed with raking queen struts, with pegged tenon mortice
joints. Trenched purlin possibly cut, no longer fits well within trench.
DSC01786 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L SW 43 Southern wall into between rooms 43 and 44. Wall a build of timber post and panel under trusses timber collar, door to right blocked
off with modern plywood.
DSC01787 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L SE 2 Eastern panel walls, (square) internal panel with decoration, 26.5-inch length by 25-inch height, with post width 5.5 inch. PL122
DSC01788 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L NW 2 Western panel walls, (rectangular), internal panel with decoration, 22.5-inch length by 25.5- inch height. Post width 5.5. Remains of PL128
apotropaic marks.
DSC01789 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L NW 2 Western panel walls, (rectangular), internal panel with decoration, 22.5-inch length by 25.5- inch height. Post width 5.5. Remains of
apotropaic marks.
DSC01790 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L SE 3 Eastern panel walls, (rectangular), internal panel with decoration, 24.5-inch length by 28.2-inch height. Only posts carved with PL138
decoration on all post and panel walls. Remains of apotropaic marks.
DSC01791 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 P SW 3 Southern panel walls, (rectangular), internal panel with decoration, 12-inch length by 21-inch height, posts width 4 inch wide. PL135
DSC01792 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L NW 3 Western panel walls, (rectangular), internal panel with decoration, 11.5-inch length by 20.5-inch height, posts width 4 inch wide. PL136
DSC01793 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L NE 3 Northern panel wall, (rectangular), internal panel with decoration, 12.5-inch length by 21-inch height, posts width 4 inch. PL137
DSC01794 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L N Garage Mock box frame garage. Painted to look Tudor
DSC01795 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L N Garage Mock box frame garage. Painted to look Tudor PL464
DSC01796 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L NW Garage South eastern corner, tiled roof with central ridge tiles.
DSC01797 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L E Garage Internal. Modern timber roof with breeze block walls. Central timber framed window. PL465
DSC01798 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L N Garage North west corner, breeze block plastered walls.
DSC01799 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L V Garage Modern timber roof. PL466
DSC01800 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 P S External North building, northern corbelled gable. Build construct. Bottom, coursed stone with plinth string. Under “English” bond brick course,
under later “English” bond course.
DSC01801 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L S External Detail, earlier course of “English” bond brickwork.
DSC01802 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L NW External External northern courtyard wall, “Diaper course”
DSC01803 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L W External External northern courtyard wall, “Diaper course”
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DSC01804 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L W External Between room 17 and eastern elevation. Two phases of “English” bond course brick.
DSC01805 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 P NE External Southern façade elevation. Between porch and eastern bay/parapets. Stone mullioned window. Random coursed stone underneath
window, only section of random coursed stone to be raised this high.
DSC01806 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L CORRUPTED
DSC01807 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 P NW 11 North western corner, projection of brick coursed wall. Walls plastered PL213
DSC01808 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L N 11 North eastern corner, brick coursed wall. Walls plastered, room currently used as workshop PL214
DSC01809 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L NW 11 Worktop timber salting slat counters on top of brick walls.
DSC01810 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L V 11 Ceiling structure. timber frame, timber tie beam supports principals and queen struts. Ceiling lowered, hiding apex.
DSC01811 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L V/NW 11 Ceiling structure. timber frame, timber tie beam supports principals and queen struts. Ceiling lowered, hiding apex. PL212
DSC01812 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L NE 11 North eastern corner, brick coursed wall. Walls plastered, room currently used as workshop, older brick course northern wall under PL211
DSC01813 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L NE 11 Older brick course northern wall under worktops PL215
DSC01814 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L E 11 Northern wall holds central timber framed mullion window with timber plank and batten shutters.
DSC01815 27/09/19 SONY DSC-F828 L V 11 Ceiling structure. timber frame, timber tie beam supports principals and queen struts. Ceiling lowered, hiding apex.

0001 15/09/18 SM-G920F L SE 28 Large timber panel hall. South east corner. Timber post and panels cover all four walls of room. Floor made of timber planks running
east to west. Except in the eastern side where they change to north to south, probably due to repair. Ceiling features beams and wall
plates covered in ornate cornices. South elevation features three stone renewal mullioned windows with diamond pattern leaded cames.
Windows also hold casements. All windows hold panelled splays. Window to the west smaller and higher set.
0002 15/09/18 SM-G920F L NE 28 Northern elevation. Timber post and panelled walls. Two stone framed mullioned windows with diamond pattern leaded cames.
Windows splayed and panelled. Off centred stone fireplace with stone mantle. Fireplace now holds modern heating device, fireplace
back made of coursed red brick.
0003 15/09/18 SM-G920F P N 28 Eastern chandelier with later addition circular cornice
0004 15/09/18 SM-G920F L W 28 Elaborate cornice work over timber beams, featuring three distinct types of moulded decoration, including acanthus leaves. Edge
cornice works are possibly a form of “egg and dart” mouldings.
0005 15/09/18 SM-G920F L V/W 28 Elaborate cornice work over timber beams, featuring three distinct types of moulded decoration, including acanthus leaves. Edge
cornice works are possibly a form of “egg and dart” mouldings.
0006 15/09/18 SM-G920F L W Internal Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorated elevation. Ground floor features three timber framed mullion windows. First PL82
courtyard floor features one timber framed mullion window and one timber framed oriel mullion window. Second floor features central oriel
timber framed mullion window. Wall features timber jetty, between ground and first floors, with decorative corbels. Ground floor
features timber posts and mid rail. First floor features quatrefoil bracing, under windows and herringbone bracing in alternating
0007 15/09/18 SM-G920F P S Internal North elevation of south build. Only external wall to be made of random coursed stone with quoins. Lower left window, stone mullion
courtyard with canted stone quoins, and stone dripstone. Lower right and upper left windows, stone ogee cut framed mullion windows, with
trefoil shaped glass. Lower right also features stone dripstone. Upper right window stone mullion renewal. Central pointed arch
(possibly Tudor arch) holds heavy timber plank and batten door that enters room 2.
0008 15/09/18 SM-G920F L NW Internal Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorated elevation. Ground floor features three timber framed mullion windows. First
courtyard floor features one timber framed mullion window and one timber framed oriel mullion window. Second floor features central oriel
timber framed mullion window. Wall features timber jetty, between ground and first floors, with decorative corbels. Ground floor
features timber posts and mid rail. Second floor features quatrefoil bracing, under windows and herringbone bracing in alternating
0009 16/09/18 SM-G920F L NE 33 Northern post and panel partition, later addition built in sympathetic design to builds other features. Central to wall is a mirrored door
into room 34, giving the idea of a secret room, (door closed)
00010 16/09/18 SM-G920F L N 33 Northern post and panel partition, later addition built in sympathetic design to builds other features. Central to wall is a mirrored door
into room 34, giving the idea of a secret room, (door open)
00011 16/09/18 SM-G920F P SW 34 Opposite side of partition between rooms 33 and 34. Rooms filled with modern cupboards/cabinets etc.
00012 16/09/18 SM-G920F L SW 34 Opposite side of partition between rooms 33 and 34. Rooms filled with modern cupboards/cabinets etc.
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00013 18/09/18 SM-G920F P NE 25A Northern wall, addition of projected cabinet and wall. Both projections appear built within the eastern and western walls over the post
and panel constructs. Cabinet rises from bottom wall to ceiling. Cabinet contains four timber panelled doors. Two lower doors feature 8
panels each, two top smaller doors feature 4 panels each.
00014 18/09/18 SM-G920F L W Front gate Iron barred, fitted with coat of arms.
00015 18/09/18 SM-G920F P NE External Two pillars of coursed brick either side of entrance road. Each pillar holds a stone cut, crowned lion bears a shield.
00016 18/09/18 SM-G920F P NE External Two pillars of coursed brick either side of entrance road. Each pillar holds a stone cut, crowned lion bears a shield.
00017 18/09/18 SM-G920F L W Above 48 Roof structure. attic space. Eastern edge features central ridge purlin with timber principals and timber braces. This however sits above
another central purlin with arched braces on top of the timber collar. This modification would suggest the roof original alignment to
have been heightened. Sectioned between braces and truss beams have been in filled with brick and plastered.
00018 18/09/18 SM-G920F L SE Above 48 Roof structure. attic space. Eastern edge features central ridge purlin with timber principals and timber braces. This however sits above
another central purlin with arched braces on top of the timber collar. This modification would suggest the roof original alignment to
have been heightened. Sectioned between braces and truss beams have been in filled with brick and plastered.
00019 18/09/18 SM-G920F L E Above 48 Roof structure. attic space. Eastern edge features central ridge purlin with timber principals and timber braces. This however sits above
another central purlin with arched braces on top of the timber collar. This modification would suggest the roof original alignment to
have been heightened. Sectioned between braces and truss beams have been in filled with brick and plastered.
00020 18/09/18 SM-G920F L E Above 48 Roof structure. attic space. Eastern edge features central ridge purlin with timber principals and timber braces. This however sits above
another central purlin with arched braces on top of the timber collar. This modification would suggest the roof original alignment to
have been heightened. Sectioned between braces and truss beams have been in filled with brick and plastered.
00021 18/09/18 SM-G920F L E Above 48 Roof structure. attic space. Eastern edge features central ridge purlin with timber principals and timber braces. This however sits above
another central purlin with arched braces on top of the timber collar. This modification would suggest the roof original alignment to
have been heightened. Sectioned between braces and truss beams have been in filled with brick and plastered.
00022 18/09/18 SM-G920F L E Above 48 Roof structure. attic space. Eastern edge features central ridge purlin with timber principals and timber braces. This however sits above
another central purlin with arched braces on top of the timber collar. This modification would suggest the roof original alignment to
have been heightened. Sectioned between braces and truss beams have been in filled with brick and plastered.
00023 18/09/18 SM-G920F L E Above 48 Roof structure. attic space. Eastern edge features central ridge purlin with timber principals and timber braces. This however sits above
another central purlin with arched braces on top of the timber collar. This modification would suggest the roof original alignment to
have been heightened. Sectioned between braces and truss beams have been in filled with brick and plastered.
00024 18/09/18 SM-G920F L E Above 48 Roof structure. attic space. Eastern edge features central ridge purlin with timber principals and timber braces. This however sits above
another central purlin with arched braces on top of the timber collar. This modification would suggest the roof original alignment to
have been heightened. Sectioned between braces and truss beams have been in filled with brick and plastered.
00025 18/09/18 SM-G920F L SE Above 48 From 48, roof structure above 49/50. Roof structure possible central timber king post
00026 18/09/18 SM-G920F L SE Above 48 From 48, roof structure above 49/50. Roof structure possible central timber king post
00027 18/09/18 SM-G920F L SE Above 48 From 48, roof structure above 49/50. Roof structure possible central timber king post PL391
00028 18/09/18 SM-G920F P N External 2 of 5, Timber corbel under jetty. All corbels decorated slightly different.
00029 18/09/18 SM-G920F P W External 2 of 5, Timber corbel under jetty. All corbels decorated slightly different. Faced side.
00030 18/09/18 SM-G920F L NW External Western build, eastern elevation. Post and panel decorated elevation. Ground floor features three timber framed mullion windows. First
floor features one timber framed mullion window and one timber framed oriel mullion window. Second floor features central oriel
timber framed mullion window. Wall features timber jetty, between ground and first floors, with decorative corbels. Ground floor
features timber posts and mid rail. Second floor features quatrefoil bracing, under windows and herringbone bracing in alternating
00031 18/09/18 SM-G920F P NW External Detail, herring bone studding
00032 18/09/18 SM-G920F L NW External Underneath central oriel window, quatrefoil bracing
00033 18/09/18 SM-G920F L W External Left oriel window. herring bone studding and quatrefoil bracing, within eastern elevation post and panel timber frame.
00034 18/09/18 SM-G920F L W External Assemblage marks, timber frame left of ground floor window.
00035 18/09/18 SM-G920F L N External Southern elevation of south build, with southern gables of western and eastern builds. (cover image)
00036 18/09/18 SM-G920F L N External Southern elevation of south build, with southern gables of western and eastern builds.
00037 18/09/18 SM-G920F L N External Southern elevation of south build, with southern gables of western and eastern builds.
00038 18/09/18 SM-G920F L N External Southern elevation of south build, with southern gables of western and eastern builds.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

00039 18/09/18 SM-G920F L SW External Southern ponds

00040 18/09/18 SM-G920F L NE External Southern ponds
00041 18/09/18 SM-G920F L NW External Front façade, southern elevation, from southern ponds
00042 18/09/18 SM-G920F L E External Path leading to eastern ponds via timber and stone steps.
00043 18/09/18 SM-G920F L NE External Eastern ponds
00044 18/09/18 SM-G920F L W External Eastern ponds
00045 18/09/18 SM-G920F L NE Above 48 CORRUPTED
00046 18/09/18 SM-G920F L NW Above 48 General, western.
00047 18/09/18 SM-G920F L NE Above 48 Roof structure. attic space. Eastern edge features central ridge purlin with timber principals and timber braces. This however sits above
another central purlin with arched braces on top of the timber collar. This modification would suggest the roof original alignment to
have been heightened. Sectioned between braces and truss beams have been in filled with brick and plastered.
00048 18/09/18 SM-G920F L NW Above 48 Timber tie beam.
00049 18/09/18 SM-G920F L NE Above 48 CORRUPTED
00050 19/09/18 SM-G920F L N 56 Remains of heavy plank and batten braced door presumable from cellar entrances timber frame. Door topped decoration of three cut
00051 19/09/18 SM-G920F L SW 3 Southern wall features three windows set within timber panelling. Windows to left and centre feature stone mullioned casements with
diamond pattern lead came glass. Window to left also feature splay. Window to right also feature casement window situated like the left
however also feature recess seating within timber panelling.
00052 19/09/18 SM-G920F L N 3 Northern wall features hand painted banner above timber panelling and stone fireplace. Banner depicts hunting scene. Internal fireplace
splayed coursed brick upon stone hearth.
00053 19/09/18 SM-G920F L NE 3 Entrance into room 2 from room 3 through eastern timber panelled wall. Entrance topped with decorative timber lintel. Lintel
decoration features, two carved elliptical arches with central connecting drop pendant. Arches features interlaced lunettes with foliage.
Arch spandrels feature daisy wheels. Either end of each arch sits upon timber carved corbels with daisy wheel and acanthus leaf
decoration. Central drop pendant features arcading and leaf decoration.
00054 19/09/18 SM-G920F L V 3-4 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand painted “Fleur de le” decoration as well
as plaster architrave decoration, suggesting earlier course of room has been altered.
00055 19/09/18 SM-G920F L V 3-4 Hidden cupboard within panelled southern wall between rooms 3 and 4. Ceiling features hand painted “Fleur de le” decoration as well
as plaster architrave decoration, suggesting earlier course of room has been altered.
00056 19/09/18 SM-G920F L SW 4 Southern wall of room has the addition of an external crenulated parapet, (west). This modification has added a large stone renewal
mullioned bay window to the southern wall. The window also features diamond pattern leaded cames. Some of the windows are
casements. The bay window also features a boxed seating and a raised timber floor. The rest of the room also features box panelling,
painted white, however is thought to have been a later 19th century addition, (see heritage report).
00057 19/09/18 SM-G920F L NW 4 Small cupboard in north west corner of northern wall. Northern wall made of timber plank partition, fitted with wooden shelves. Low
ceiling above, of cut timbers topped with timber planks.
00058 19/09/18 SM-G920F P W 5 Ground to first floor staircase. Staircase built in dog leg style, with timber panelled dado surround. Stairs made of timber planks with
central carpet. Stairs feature turned balusters with carved ramped string handrails with flat topped newel posts.
00059 19/09/18 SM-G920F L W 6 South western corner. Much of room has been recently redecorated. South wall features plinthed wall above wooden skirting. Possibly
due to stone foundation found in room 5b. western wall features small splayed window. Stone renewal with diamond pattern leaded
00060 19/09/18 SM-G920F L SE 21 Eastern panelled wall. Central stone fireplace and mantel. Hearth made of brick with plinth course surround. Back of fireplace built in
coursed brick. Fireplace feature cast iron stove.
00061 19/09/18 SM-G920F P NE 22 North wall, stone framed window features two, pointed trefoil arches with central mullion, glass set in diamond pattern with lead came
strip. Each window also features horizontal and central vertical iron bars. Right hand window holds casement. Detail, intersection
between horizontal and vertical iron bars.
00062 19/09/18 SM-G920F L NE 28 Northern elevation. Timber post and panelled walls. Two stone framed mullioned windows with diamond pattern leaded cames.
Windows splayed and panelled. Off centred stone fireplace with stone mantle. Fireplace now holds modern heating device, fireplace
back made of coursed red brick.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

00063 19/09/18 SM-G920F L NW 28 Northern elevation. Timber post and panelled walls. Two stone framed mullioned windows with diamond pattern leaded cames.
Windows splayed and panelled. Off centred stone fireplace with stone mantle. Fireplace now holds modern heating device, fireplace
back made of coursed red brick.
00064 19/09/18 SM-G920F L E External Hornets’ nest after professional removal.
00065 27/09/18 SM-G920F L SW 43 Southern wall into between rooms 43 and 44. Wall a build of timber post and panel, door to right blocked off with modern plywood. PL422
00066 27/09/18 SM-G920F P SW 43 Southern wall into between rooms 43 and 44. Wall a build of timber post and panel, door to right blocked off with modern plywood.
00067 27/09/18 SM-G920F L S 43 Southern wall into between rooms 43 and 44. Wall a build of timber post and panel, door to right blocked off with modern plywood.
00068 27/09/18 SM-G920F L S 43 Southern wall into between rooms 43 and 44. Wall a build of timber post and panel, door to right blocked off with modern plywood. PL430
00069 27/09/18 SM-G920F L S 43 Southern wall into between rooms 43 and 44. Wall a build of timber post and panel, door to right blocked off with modern plywood.
00070 27/09/18 SM-G920F L SW 43 Southern wall into between rooms 43 and 44. Wall a build of timber post and panel, door to right blocked off with modern plywood.
Post and panel joint.
00071 27/09/18 SM-G920F L SW 43 Southern wall into between rooms 43 and 44. Wall a build of timber post and panel, door to right blocked off with modern plywood.
Post and panel joint.
00072 27/09/18 SM-G920F L S 43 Southern wall into between rooms 43 and 44. Wall a build of timber post and panel, door to right blocked off with modern plywood.
Remains of metal latch.
00073 27/09/18 SM-G920F L W 43 Southern wall into between rooms 43 and 44. Wall a build of timber post and panel, door to right blocked off with modern plywood. PL431
Post and panel joint. Chamfered cut stop timber purlin to principal.
00074 27/09/18 SM-G920F L NE 43 Timber roof structure. timber trenched purlins to timber principal and pegged mortice tenon jointed collar
00075 27/09/18 SM-G920F L NE 43 Change in roof structure between main build and oriel window. Oriel window built within central western builds roof structure. Valley
roof timbers join to main builds principals and central ridge purlin.
00076 27/09/18 SM-G920F L SW 43 Timber roof structure. Pegged mortice tenon jointed principals under central ridge purlin. PL432
00077 27/09/18 SM-G920F L SW 43 Timber roof structure. Pegged mortice tenon jointed principals under central ridge purlin. Timber collar
00078 27/09/18 SM-G920F L NE 43 Principal to collar join, assemblage marks. PL435
00079 27/09/18 SM-G920F L NE 43 Principal to collar join, assemblage marks.
00080 27/09/18 SM-G920F P NE 43 Principal to collar join, assemblage marks.
00081 27/09/18 SM-G920F L E 43 Upper trenched timber purlins fitted with metal bolted timber fishplates.
00082 27/09/18 SM-G920F L SE 43 Upper trenched timber purlins fitted with metal bolted timber fishplates.
00083 27/09/18 SM-G920F L V 43 Floor space of room. Timber tie beam with diminished shoulder pegged cogged joists. PL437
00084 27/09/18 SM-G920F L N 43 Timber roof structure has changed beyond principal. Beam. Valley rafters have been added due to the incorporation of the (north)
western brick chimney into the roof structure.
00085 27/09/18 SM-G920F L NW 43 Timber roof structure has changed beyond principal. Beam. Valley rafters have been added due to the incorporation of the (north) PL434
western brick chimney into the roof structure.
00086 27/09/18 SM-G920F L NW 43 Western elevation (south) internal brick chimney PL433
00087 27/09/18 SM-G920F P NW 3 Doorway between rooms 3 and 5, timber door frame fitted with “Cockshead” hinges
00088 27/09/18 SM-G920F P NW 3 Doorway between rooms 3 and 5, timber door frame fitted with “Cockshead” hinges
00089 27/09/18 SM-G920F L N 3 Detail, stone ovolo mullion. In left window.
00090 27/09/18 SM-G920F L NW 3 Detail, stone ovolo mullion. In left window.
00091 27/09/18 SM-G920F L NW 3 Left window, left frame, carved stone cut stop.
00092 27/09/18 SM-G920F P SW 42 Entrance into room 43. Through timber framed aperture.
00093 27/09/18 SM-G920F L SE 3 Timber panel between rooms 2 and 3. First panels to the left and right of entrance feature apotropaic marks.

1001 19/09/18 SM-N950F L E 54 From spiral staircase to 14, north eastern courtyard. Chamfered wooden bolt with metal arrow decoration. On timber plank and batten
braced door. 1 of 2 only food on cellar doors.
2001 19/09/18 SM-N950F L V 56 Well in northern wall recess. Circular build, coursed brick over random coursed stone. Unknown depth.
3001 19/09/18 SM-N950F P V 56 Well in northern wall recess. Circular build, coursed brick over random coursed stone. Unknown depth.
4001 19/09/18 SM-N950F L N 58 To room 57/56. FARO scan in progress.
5001 19/09/18 SM-N950F L N 58-57 To room 57. FARO scan in progress.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix I Digital photograph list BS/WCW/18

6001 19/09/18 SM-N950F P W External Professional removal of hornet’s nest in attic and wasps’ nest in eastern elevation of western building
7001 19/09/18 SM-N950F P W External Professional removal of hornets’ nest in attic and wasps’ nest in eastern elevation of western building
8001 19/09/18 SM-N950F P W External Professional removal of hornets’ nest in attic and wasps’ nest in eastern elevation of western building
9001 19/09/18 SM-N950F P E External Hornets’ nest after professional removal.

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