ABB VTR Tips For TC Operators
ABB VTR Tips For TC Operators
ABB VTR Tips For TC Operators
ABB Turbocharging
Tips for the operator
Important when installing a new bearing on the V TR
Turbo Magazine 1/ 90
Important when mounting RR impeller wheels
Turbo Magazine 1/ 91
Delayed flow in gear-type oil pumps
(VTR 454–714, VTR 400 /1–750 /1)
Turbo Magazine 1/ 92
When refilling with luboil, also make sure that the oil flows
over the pump head. Special attention must be paid when
using extension pipes or hoses in order not to push them too
far inside.
Correct Wrong
The importance of cleaning during operation
Turbo Magazine 2 / 92
The importance of cleaning when overhauling
Turbo Magazine 1/ 93 (Article by Edy Wettstein / Hans Bärtschi)
Cleaning turbochargers in operation
Article by Hans Kronthaler
It is recommended that the compressor and turbine be The compressor wheel of the turbocharger can be cleaned
cleaned with the turbocharger running. Periodic cleaning during operation by spraying water into the air inlet casing.
reduces or even prevents contamination, allowing The dirt layer is removed by the impact of the injected water.
significantly longer intervals between overhauls. Since the liquid does not act as a solvent there is no need
to add chemicals. The use of saltwater is not allowed, as this
Cleaning the compressor would cause corrosion of the aluminum compressor wheel
The proposed cleaning method, carried out periodically, will and the engine. Water is injected from a water vessel that
prevent a thick layer of dirt from forming. A thick layer of holds the required quantity of water. This water vessel can be
dirt can cause a drop in efficiency and increased unbalance either ordered together with the turbocharger or separately.
on the compressor side of the turbocharger, which could
influence the lifetime of the bearings. The cleaning interval will
depend on the environmental conditions and on the installed
air filter.
Alternative water connections
> 1000
F M16x
Procedure: If a very thick layer has built up and it cannot be removed
The best results are obtained by injecting water during full-load operation using the method described, it will be necessary to dismantle
of the engine, i. e. when the turbocharger is running at full speed. the turbocharger in order to clean the compressor side.
The complete contents of the water vessel should be injected within
4 to 10 seconds. Principle: Since the dirt layer is removed by the kinetic energy
Successful cleaning is indicated by a change in the charge air or scaveng- of the water droplets, the engine has to be run at full load.
ing pressure, and in most cases by a drop in the exhaust gas temperature.
If cleaning has not produced the desired results, it can be repeated after
10 minutes.
The interval between compressor cleanings will depend on the condition of
the turbo charger suction air. It can vary from 1 to 3 days of operation.
1 4
D1 2 2 2 2
D 1
D2 D
5 2
Typical wet cleaning installation. Gas inlet casing with 2 inlets. Typical dry cleaning installation. Gas inlet casing with 2 inlets.
Cleaning turbochargers in operation (cont.)
Cleaning the turbine Some of the deposits have their origin in soot, molten ash,
The combustion of heavy fuel in diesel engines causes fouling scale and unburnt oil, partially burnt fuel and sodium vanadyl-
of the turbine blades and nozzle ring. The result of this fouling vanadat. Investigations have shown that most of the residues
is reduced turbine efficiency and engine performance as well are caused by the calcium in the lube oil reacting with the
as an increase in the exhaust gas temperature. Experience sulfur from the fuel to form calcium sulfate during the com-
has shown that the contamination on the turbine side can be bustion process. The quantity of the deposits depends on
reduced by regular cleaning in operation, and that such clean- the quality of the combustion, the fuel used and the lube oil
ing allows longer intervals between turbocharger overhauls. consumption. The frequency with which cleaning has to be
carried out depends on the extent of the contamination on the
turbine side.
Procedure for wet cleaning (2- and 4-stroke): Procedure for dry cleaning (2-stroke only):
The boost pressure has to be above 0.3 bar to prevent water entering the The exhaust gas temperature before the turbine should not exceed 580 °C.
turbine end oil chamber. The boost pressure has to be above 0.5 bar.
The exhaust gas temperature before the turbine should not exceed 430 °C. Dry cleaning has to be carried out more often than water cleaning as with
The drain of the gas outlet has to be opened to drain the non-evaporated this method it is only possible to remove thin layers of deposits. A cleaning
water. interval of 1 to 2 days is recommended.
The quantity of injected water will depend on the exhaust gas tempera- To ensure effective mechanical cleaning, granulated dry cleaning media are
ture, water pressure, size of the turbo charger and number of gas inlets. best injected into the turbine at a high turbocharger speed.
Details can be found in the engine builder’s manual or in our instructions. The quantity needed will vary from 0.2 l to 3 l, depending on the size
The interval between turbine cleanings will depend on the combustion, of the turbocharger.
the fuel used and the fuel oil consumption. It can vary from 1 to 20 days of Experience has shown that the best results are achieved
operation. with crushed nutshell or granulate.
Principle: The dirt layer on the turbine components is removed Principle: The layer of deposits on the turbine components is
by thermal shock rather than the kinetic energy exerted by the removed by the kinetic energy of the granulate causing it to
water droplets. act as an abrasive.
Oil loss in the oil chamber on the compressor side
Turbo Magazine 1/ 94 (Article by Michael Alt)
The reason for the oil loss is easily explained. During normal
running there is a slight underpressure in the oil chamber on
the compressor side. If there is a leakage due to the plugs (1)
not being properly tightened, or if a damaged gasket (2) is
reused, the underpressure will not be maintained. Instead,
there will be a flow of air from this leakage to the compressor
wheel. This air flow entrains oil from the oil chamber, leading
to the oil loss. We would therefore like to call your attention
to the following: Before mounting the oil space cover, check
the condition of the gasket. If there is any damage at all or
you are in doubt about it, replace it. Also, after changing the
oil tighten the plugs properly and make sure that a gasket
is fitted. And when using the manual indicator for speed
control, refit the respective plug without any long delay. If the
gauge glass is damaged, replace it as soon as possible.
The two most important clearances
Turbo Magazine 2 / 94 (Article by Hans Bärtschi)
L = K – K1
Fig. 2
M = K2 – K
Fig. 3
True running of the gear oil and centrifugal oil pumps
Turbo Magazine 1/ 95
In order to minimize wear and to ensure optimum lubrication Operation Manual or the table below. If the tolerances are
of the bearings, the centrifuge and nipple should be fitted in exceeded, dismantle, clean all axial contact surfaces, turn
such a way that the given tolerances are not exceeded. For centrifuge and / or nippel by 180 °, reinstall and check again.
the right tolerances, refer to the Working Instruction, the
B1 B2 VTR B1 B2
184 0.00…0.04 0.00…0.03
214 0.00…0.04 0.00…0.03
254 0.00…0.04 0.00…0.03
304 0.00…0.05 0.00…0.03
354 0.00…0.06 0.00…0.04
160 / 161 0.00…0.03 0.00…0.02
200 / 201 0.00…0.04 0.00…0.03
250 / 251 0.00…0.05 0.00…0.03
320 / 321 0.00…0.06 0.00…0.04
B1 B2 VTR B1 B2
454 0.00…0.02 0.00…0.01
564 0.00…0.02 0.00…0.01
714 0.00…0.02 0.00…0.01
400 / 401 0.00…0.02 0.00…0.01
500 / 501-2 0.00…0.02 0.00…0.01
630 / 631-1 0.00…0.02 0.00…0.01
750 / 750 / 751-1 0.00…0.02 0.00…0.01
A harmless accumulation of particles
Turbo Magazine 2 / 95 (Article by Edy Wettstein)
Erosion of turbocharger components
Turbo Magazine 1/ 96 (Article by Jan Bulukin)
The best way to avoid erosion is to restrict the formation of
– Start by ensuring that your engine is top fit.
Mass of large combustion particles in the exhaust gas
20 30 40 50 60 70
Engine load [%]
How to install bearings with gear oil pumps
Turbo Magazine 2 / 96 (Article by Bruno Meier)
We have found in the past that when installing bearings, some To correctly install the bearings, follow the steps below.
customers use the hexagonal-head screws to push the bear- For more details, see chapter 5 of the operation manual
ings into position. This practice causes damage to the bearings “Disassembly and Assembly”.
and may even result in breakdowns!
Second step:
Fit the fixing tool (90030) using the hex.-head screws (90031).
Press the bearing and the centrifuge with the box spanner (90050)
and the shaft-end nut for max. two turns onto the shaft.
Check measurements K1 and K2.
Then press the bearing and the centrifuge with the box spanner (90050)
and the shaft-end nut onto the shaft shoulder.
Release the ring nut using the box spanner.
Take off the fixing tool (90030) with the hex.-head screws (90031).
Tighten the ring nut with the required torque (see Operating Manual).
Checking oil levels in VTRs with internal lubrication systems
Turbo Magazine 1/ 97 (Article by Jürg Helbling)
We occasionally receive questions or complaints from opera- Foaming of oil in the bearing chambers
tors of diesel engines concerning: The reasons are:
– Excessive foaming may be an indication of contaminated
Unreliable readings of the lubricating oil levels of oil. Two or three oil changes will usually correct the situation.
VTR-type ABB turbochargers during operation – Foaming is harmless as long as it does not cause loss of oil
The reasons are: and the oil level can still be seen!
– Precise readings of oil levels are only possible when the – If the foam layer is thicker than about 8 – 10 mm and the oil
engine and turbocharger are at a complete standstill! level can no longer be observed through the gauge glass,
– Caution: Refill the lubricating oil only as far as the top of the the engine has to be stopped as soon as possible and an
circle or to the upper mark on the gauge glass. oil change carried out on the turbocharger.
Dropping of oil levels just after new oil has been filled and
the engine has been restarted
The reasons are:
– When the turbocharger is in operation, some of the oil in
the bearing chambers circulates in the internal oil feeding
system, thereby causing lower oil levels in the oil sump (and
not “oil losses”, as is sometimes suggested!).
– Oil losses will, however, occur when the operator decides to
top up with oil during operation and removes the screw
plug of the oil inlet.
– Note: This “short cut” endangers the safe operation of the
turbocharger and is therefore not allowed! Gasket
Screw plug
Reconditioning of bearings and pumps
Turbo Magazine 2 / 97 (Article by Edy Wettstein)
Did you know that you can send your old VTR bearings and ABB reconditioning centers for bearings and pumps
gear oil pumps for reconditioning after their operational service Sydney, Australia Mumbai, India Madrid, Spain
life has expired? Santos, Brazil Genova, Italy Gothenburg, Sweden
Montreal, Canada Rotterdam, Netherlands Istanbul, Turkey
The operational service life is the full period of operation, given Marseille, France Oporto, Portugal Dubai, UAE
in hours, specified for a bearing or pump. After this period, Hamburg, Germany Singapore, Singapore Miami, USA
the bearing or pump has to be checked, reconditioned, reset Telford, Great Britain Cape Town, South Africa
and tested before it can be put back into service for another Piraeus, Greece Busan, South Korea
full period of operation.
Situation as of 2008 – for the latest status on ABB Turbocharging
Service Stations equipped to recondition VTR bearings and pumps,
The service lives of bearings and pumps depend on the bear-
please contact:
ing type and the type of installation. Gear oil pumps, for
example, have a set operational service life of 16,000 h for all
types, specifications and sizes. such as the casings flanges and bushes, will be thoroughly
cleaned and reworked when necessary. All the parts are then
In the case of roller contact bearings, the operational service carefully measured and checked on the basis of the given
life depends on the type and specification of the bearing, on specifications, dimensions and procedures. In addition to car-
the temperature and oil quality, and also on the type of opera- rying out a very detailed inspection of the relevant parts, it is
tion and installation. It usually lies between 8,000 h and a essential for reliable operation that the axial clearance “S” and
maximum of 16,000 h, after which the bearings have to be the axial position “A” be set precisely.
ABB guarantees the same operational life for an ABB-recondi-
ABB has equipped 19 of its total of over 90 Service Stations tioned bearing or pump as for an all-new unit.
around the globe especially for such work. Each of these 19
centers has a dedicated crew specially trained in bearing and Save money and send your old bearings and pumps to one of
pump reconditioning. All ABB Service Stations adhere to strict the specialized Service Stations listed here for a professional
guidelines and procedures, while regular audits are carried out reconditioning job.
by headquarters. The centers also benefit from the use of stan-
dardized high-precision equipment, tools and testing machines. Wrap your old bearings and pumps carefully and protect them
with some oil when sending them for reconditioning, since
Reconditioning means that the races or plain bearing body will credit notes can only be given for reconditionable parts, and
be entirely renewed in every case, while the remaining parts, not for parts that are completely corroded or broken!
Tightening the ring nut at the turbine end
Turbo Magazine 1/ 98 (Article by Hans Baertschi)
– Position the box spanner and make a mark on the
centrifuge in the radial extension of the “O” mark (see
– Tighten the shaft-end nut by striking the tommy bar with
the copper mandrel until 2⁄ 3 of the second mark on the box
Tommy bar
spanner coincides with the mark on the centrifuge.
The LA36 / LA70 bearing generation
Turbo Magazine 2 / 98 (Article by Karl-Jakob Brem)
The antifriction bearings (LA36 / LA70) are made of a special LA36 is our designation for the bearing assembly used in the
heat- and wear-resistant material, with the ball retaining cages VTR 564 families and smaller, while LA70 is the designation
made of high strength steel and centered on both sides. The for the VTR 714 bearing assembly available also as an option
bearing generation is the result of a very close co-operation for VTR 454 and VTR 564. Why two designations? The LA70
with our bearing supplier. From the start, it has performed represents a step into the future. Apart from the described
excellently and its reliability has proved outstanding. Based features of the new bearing, it also has a revolutionary bearing
on these results, ABB has decided to install this bearing gen- support. The special geometry of the support is able to com-
eration in all production turbochargers. In order to let the pensate and absorb possible inclinations of the support
turbocharger operator participate in this success all bearings flange. The squeeze film damper (no wear!) provides excellent
supplied by ABB since 1998 for any VTR . . 4 turbocharger damping of shaft movements – the result of an oil film
are of the new design, even the reconditioned bearings. between the bearing flange and the support flange. This con-
Take advantage of this success and ask for the new bearing siderably reduces the forces on the bearing compared with
LA36 or LA70. the former radial damping shims. The optimized geometry
allows a better definition of the loads acting on the bearings,
thus eliminating any unpredictable load conditions. The same
support is also available on the turbine side (TA07) in combi-
nation with the roller bearing.
Lubricating oil for turbochargers
Turbo Magazine 1/ 99
Due to the fact that oil temperatures with bearing types Special low friction synthetic oils
LA36 / TA04 and LA70 / TA07 are higher than with the LA34 Max. interval between oil changes 5000 hours: Agip “Dicrea
bearings, we strongly recommend use of one of the synthetic SX 68”, BP “Enersyn TC-S 68”, Elf “Barelf SM 68”, Mobil
lube oils given below. “Rarus SHC 1026”, Shell “Corena AS 68” (ex “Madrela AS 68”),
Texaco “Cetus PAO 68”.
For high-performance turbochargers (i. e. VTR . . 4P, VTR . . 4D,
VTR . . 4E, a special low friction synthetic oil has to be used Max. interval between oil changes 3000 hours:
(see below). Shell “Corena AP 68” (ex “Madrela AP 68”).
The same applies to standard VTR . . 4 units if the turbocharger Oil change intervals
speed n Bmax exceeds the values specified in the table above The intervals between oil changes for turbo chargers are given
and / or the compression ratio exceeds C > 3.5. Failure by the in the engine-builder’s manual. Other operating temperature
operator to comply with this recommendation could have levels may reduce the maximum interval between changes.
negative consequences for the operation of the turbocharger. Under no circumstances should the maximum intervals given
above be exceeded.
Synthetic oils
Max. interval between oil changes 5000 hours: Castrol Oil discoloration
“Aircol CT 68”, Castrol “Aircol SN 68”, Chevron “Synthetic A synthetic oil may darken without losing its lubricating
Compressor Oil Tegra 68”, Elf “Barelf CH 68”, Exxon / Esso properties. The discoloration can range from red to dark purple
“Synesstic 68”, Kuwait “Schurmann 68”, Nyco “Nycolube to dark brown and nearly black. Quick darkening to black
3060”. within a 12-hour period could be a sign of a mechanical defect.
In such a case, the cause of the darkening should be investi-
gated immediately.
Silencers – disassembling and assembling
Turbo Magazine 2 / 99 (Article by Julian Withers)
Due to the confined working area and the lifting positions
available on fast ferries, use of the silencer lifting brackets
shown in the VTC . . 4 Operation Manual, chap. 5, sect. 3.1,
is not always possible.
Broken protection sleeves can damage blades
Turbo Magazine 1/ 00 (Article by Heinz Waelti)
Cleaning TPS filter-silencer parts
Turbo Magazine 2 / 00 (Article by Edi Wettstein)
The filtration mats and silencer parts become dirty after a time Washing procedure
(this depends, of course, on the quality and quantity of the Remove filtration mats 81265 from filter/silencer body.
air passing through the filter silencer system). If the contami- Prepare a bucket with water at approx. 40 °C and add
nation of the mats and silencer parts exceeds a certain limit, some washing powder.
the turbocharger can enter a so-called surging state, which is Launder the mats by soaking them for approximately 15 minutes, rinse
characterized by instability of the airflow and is noticeable as them with fresh, clean water, and finally squeeze them out carefully.
an unpleasant “howling” or “barking” noise. Do not subject them to any high mechanical stress by wringing them out
strongly or by cleaning them with a powerful water jet.
To prevent such a disturbing and obviously unwanted running Dry the mats thoroughly before fitting them back on the silencer body.
condition, filtration mats 81265 can be removed and washed
before being re-used. The washing procedure can be repeated
as often as 5 times, after which the mats should be replaced
by new ones. To ensure safe operation, always install a clean
filtration mat while washing and drying the soiled one. Filtration
mats can be ordered in double packs from any ABB Service
Emergency operation of turbochargers
Turbo Magazine 1/ 02 (Article by Köbi Brem)
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Did you know that the turbocharger could be blanked off with- For further information, please contact your nearest
out affecting the power more than is absolutely necessary? ABB Service Station.
For example, with our new TPL turbo charger, the cartridge
group (rotor block, Fig. 1) can be removed and the open gas Caution
outlet casing closed with a blanking cover (Fig. 2). This will – The turbocharger oil supply pipes of the blanked
allow the engine to at least be used – with a lower power – turbocharger have to be closed!
until the next repair opportunity arises. – In cases where several turbochargers on one engine
discharge into a common air receiver, the air-outlet of the
In an emergency you could make the blanking cover yourself, damaged turbocharger must be blanked off!
following the instructions in the ABB Turbocharger Operation – The maximum speed of the turbo charger(s) remaining in
Manual (see section on “Taking turbochargers out of opera- operation must be observed at all times!
For details, please consult the
ABB Turbocharger Operation Manual.
Turbine washing – the right way
Turbo Magazine 1/04 (Article by Sebastian Herrmann)
Field experience has shown that how and when a turbo- Washing the turbine of VTR and TPL turbochargers
charger’s turbine is cleaned can greatly affect the engine out- Before washing the turbine, make sure that the exhaust-gas temperature
put. The right cleaning method and right cleaning intervals are is not higher than 430 °C (in the case of thermal shock cleaning of the
therefore important for optimization of engine performance. TPL, not higher than 500 °C).
ABB recommends waiting for a certain length of time (see diagram) before
The trend towards higher engine outputs has led to a parallel and after washing. Wait at least 10 minutes (preferably 15 minutes) after
increase in the exhaust-gas temperature, and thus to reducing the temperature before injecting water, and again after washing
higher gas inlet temperatures before the turbocharger turbines. to give the material time to adapt to the exhaust-gas temperature.
Because of this, operators need to be more careful when Following this procedure will significantly reduce stressing of the turbine
cleaning their turbochargers. It is especially important to wait and other components exposed to the exhaust gas, as well as reduce the
long enough for the turbine to cool down to the right tempera- formation of thermal cracks.
ture and, after washing, to wait for it to dry again before the If HFO-quality fuel is being used, we advise you to plan your cleaning inter-
turbocharger is returned to normal load operation. Special vals according to your actual needs. The less often a turbine is cleaned
attention should also be given to the intervals be tween clean- the less it will be stressed by thermal cycles, but the more contaminated it
ing. will be. We recommend an iterative approach to this problem using the
exhaust-gas temperature and pressure as indicators and based on your
Caution own experience of the installation.
Washing a turbine which is still at a high gas-inlet temperature
and / or too frequent washing can cause cracks and deforma- Feel free to consult your local ABB Service Partner if you
tion of the turbine-end components, thereby drastically short- require assistance.
ening their useful life.
Early warning of inducer wheel failure
Turbo Magazine 1 / 05 (Article by Norbert Mlekusch)
Inducer wheels are not subjected to the kind of loads that Recommendation
some other turbocharger components1 have to withstand, Critical corrosive attack can be detected by means of non-
which is why the rating plate on VTR / VTC turbochargers destructive checks. ABB therefore recommends periodic
gives no replacement intervals for them. However, the main fluorescent penetrant inspections on the inducer blade sur-
and splitter blades of the inducer wheels are susceptible to faces (if this is not possible, the blades can be dye-checked).
damage in the form of high cycle fatigue (HCF). The results of these inspections might indicate that it is
necessary to replace the inducer wheel immediately or during
Metallurgical investigations have shown that an initial cause the next overhaul as a precaution against sudden failure.
of blade fracture can be pitting corrosion, leading to “notch
effect”. Pitting originates when the turbocharger is at standstill If you should require any assistance, please do not hesitate to
and is caused by water-soluble residues such as sulfur (in contact your local ABB service partner.
the exhaust gas) and / or salt (in the intake air).
1 ABB has introduced the so-called SIKO program for evaluating the lifetime of the most heavily
1 Damaged inducer wheel | 2 Close-up of a broken splitter bladel | 3 Pitting corrosion revealed on inducer wheel blades by fluorescent
penetrant inspection | 4 Pitting corrosion (detail)
1 2 3 4
Engine performance deterioration after turbocharger overhauls?
Turbo Magazine 2 / 05 (Article by Thomas Knuesel)
1 Severe wear at screw-head | 2 Deformed or wrong washer | 3 Cover tape detached | 4 Cover tape severely deformed
1 2 3 4
TPS 57, TPS 52 and TPS 48 turbochargers delivered since Check regularly
October 2000, September 2003 and October 2003, respec- ABB recommends that operators regularly check the tighten-
tively, have bolted casing connections, i. e. bolts connect the ing torque and fit of the V-clamps as well as the fit of the
turbine casing to the bearing casing and the bearing casing to casing flanges on all TPS turbochargers with this type of con-
the compressor casing. TPS 57, TPS 52 and TPS 48 turbo - nection at intervals of 500 to 1,000 running hours. The
chargers delivered before these dates have their casings con- recommended tightening torque in every case is 60 Nm.
nected by V-clamps.
As a precaution, V-clamps on the turbine side should be
On some TPS units where V-clamps are used, it has been replaced during every standard turbocharger overhaul.
noticed that these are not fastened properly. If the torque Immediate replacement is advised in the event of damage
used to tighten the hexagon socket screw is not correct, the of the kind shown in the photos.
casings and internal components can move, causing gas to
leak. On engines where this has happened, it was also often Detailed instructions for cartridge group replacements and
noticed that the structure supporting the exhaust-gas system for replacing V-clamps can be found in chapter 5 of the TPS
after the turbocharger was not rigid enough. Turbocharger Operation Manual.
Signs of insufficient clamping are minor gas leakage and / or If you require further help, please contact one of our Service
slight signs of wear on the nozzle ring lugs with corresponding Stations.
grooves on the turbine casing.
Don’t worry about dry cleaning!
Turbo Magazine 1/ 06 (Article by Norbert Mlekusch)
Periodical dry cleaning is the most effective and economical Erosion due to particles in the ex haust gas usually occurs on
method of cleaning turbocharger turbines on two-stroke small segments of the turbine diffuser and outer hoop of the
engines. Providing the recommended materials (e. g. nutshells), nozzle ring, equal to about 15 to 25 % of the total circumfer-
and also original spare parts, are always used, ABB is confi- ence. The wear starts more or less opposite the single radial
dent that no erosion of the turbine parts will occur as a result gas inlet and then continues clockwise around the turbine
of this method of cleaning. (viewed from the turbine side). The tips of the turbine blades
can also be affected, with all of them showing equal signs of
ABB bases this assurance on extensive field experience wear.
and on the fact that since dry cleaning lasts no more than
20 seconds, even if it is performed 250 times a year the
turbine parts will be subjected to impact by the cleaning
material for less than 2 hours. This is negligible compared
with the yearly running time of about 6,000 hours.
Worn turbine diffuser. Worn turbine blade tips and turbine diffuser.
Cleaning a turbocharger’s turbine – when and why
Turbo Magazine 2 / 06 (Article by Sebastian Herrmann)
Cleaning – what’s the point? Don’t things just get dirty again? Why does the turbine get so dirty?
No-one who’s seen a turbocharger turbine after just a few The gas given off by heavy fuel oil during combustion contains
hundred hours of operation, especially when the engine burns particles that attach themselves to every part of the exhaust
HFO or some other low-grade fuel, would ever doubt it. That’s gas system. In the turbocharger these particles stick to the
why ABB recommends regular cleaning of the turbocharger turbine blades and nozzle ring, forming a layer of dirt which
during normal operation. reduces the turbine area and causes a drop in efficiency. To
limit this effect, the turbine has to be cleaned during opera-
tion, at intervals of 48 to 500 hours.
1 Components still very clean: cleaning intervals could be longer | 2 Components are sufficiently clean: no changes needed | 3 Components
too dirty: shorten cleaning intervals
1 2 3
How often is too often? Getting the balance right
Getting the cleaning intervals right for 4-stroke applications In both cases there is a financial impact: Too frequent washing
isn’t always easy. If washing is carried out too often the results in a loss of availability (due to the necessary load
cleaning results will be good, but the thermal cycles increase. reductions) while worn out parts have to be replaced more
This causes material stress and may impact component often; too long intervals between washing also lead to a loss
durability, especially if the washing temperature is too high of availability (due to the unscheduled downtime for mechani-
(thermal stress can cause cracking; the more thermal cycles, cal cleaning), and then there’s the cost of the work itself.
the faster the cracks develop and propagate.)
Each of these situations can be avoided by working with the
What happens if I wait? engine builder and ABB to set up an application-specific wash-
If, instead, the intervals between washing are too long more ing schedule. This involves first watching some key operating
dirt will build up, causing a drop in turbo charger efficiency, parameters – turbocharger speed (rpm), exhaust gas tempera-
blockage and an increase in the exhaust gas temperature. ture directly before the turbine (°C) and air outlet pressure (bar)
The layer of dirt can also harden. If this happens it can only be after the compressor – and observing the trend. For a given
removed by – usually unscheduled – mechanical cleaning of engine reference load, the values should remain within certain
the turbine-side parts! limits (normally provided by the engine builder). If they stray
outside these limits, wet cleaning should be carried out. During
the first 2 or 3 service jobs, photos can be taken of the turbine
and nozzle ring to compare their state, noting each time the
fuel used and the actual cleaning interval. With this documented
information available, the operator is in a better position to
judge whether the cleaning interval should be longer or shorter.
Is your engine room turbocharger service friendly?
Turbo Magazine 1/ 07 (Article by Köbi Brem)
“Nice to have”
In its manuals for engine- and ship-builders, ABB therefore
includes recommendations on how to arrange the space
around the turbo chargers. The manuals give the size of the
area that needs to be kept free for disassembly and the
movement of parts and also suggests locations for the rail- A poorly designed working environment – badly positioned
ings, where cranes should be positioned, or where chain or too few lifting lugs, railings that get in the way, platforms
blocks are needed above the turbochargers. at the wrong height – not only increases the risk of damage
to the parts being handled. Moving heavy turbocharger parts
By following these guidelines, ship owners ensure a service- under such conditions is also a safety hazard.
friendly environment with a genuine payback in terms of time,
and thus costs, saved. And it reduces the risk of damage What operators can do
to key turbocharger parts, the repair or replacement of which Operators who work regularly with service engineers see the
could upset a ship’s sailing schedule. Last but not least, problems and understand the extra costs they can incur over
shipowners who take the guidelines to heart underline their a ship’s lifetime. On ships lacking the necessary amenities
concern for safety. Accidents are less likely when the for efficient servicing, it is both in the operator’s interest and in
large, heavy turbocharger parts can be properly lifted and the shipowner’s financial interests to bring the engine room
manoeuvred around the ship. infrastructure up to standard. By reporting to the ship’s super-
intendent what’s missing or needs changing, the operator
The real world can help to ensure his vessel’s reliable and economic opera-
The real world, however, can look very different; railings end tion while at the same time contributing to better on-board
above the last cylinder head, or there are not enough lifting safety conditions. Passed on up the chain of communication,
points for chain blocks, making it impossible to work effec- the information can also be useful during the design of future
tively. ships.
Keeping TPL nozzle rings in good shape
Turbo Magazine 2 / 07 (Article by Georg Schlagwein)
Hairline cracks are occasionally noticed on TPL turbocharger Repair-welding isn’t the answer
nozzle rings after they have been in operation for some time. Some operators have tried repair-welding small, harmless
These are perfectly normal, but operators can prevent them cracks on the nozzle ring. Visually, this can look good, but it
from becoming a problem by following the recommended pro- has no positive long-term effect and is not recommended by
cedures for turbine-side washing. ABB. As already mentioned, hairline cracks are a natural form
of stress relief, which repair welds remove, with the result that
Thermodynamic design is all about balancing efficiency and the welds will very likely break again shortly after the turbo-
mechanical integrity. Thermodynamic considerations require charger is returned to operation. Also, there’s always the risk
turbocharger blades to be as thin as possible, which means with welding of extra thermal stress, with its negative effect on
pushing the mechanical integrity of the turbine and nozzle ring the base material.
blades to its limits in order to maximize efficiency.
Ever wanted to change the turbocharger spec on an older engine?
Turbo Magazine 1/ 08 (Article by Shailesh Shirsekar)
It can be tempting to just change the turbocharger spec on an Do not change the turbocharger spec
older engine that’s no longer running at full power. Here’s why
you shouldn’t.
unless the engine builder has given you
the o.k. to do so.
It’s not unusual for older engines to run at something less than
their full rated power. Often, the reason for this is excessively
high cylinder exhaust temperatures, resulting in hotter than Turbocharger components like the turbine, nozzle ring, turbine
normal exhaust gases at the turbocharger inlet. diffuser, compressor wheel and air diffuser, all influence the
thermodynamic behavior of the engine in some way or another.
A quick-fix, but with risks Changing the specifications of these components can there-
While there can be several possible reasons for the high fore have a negative effect on the expected lifetime of the
exhaust temperatures, operators are often tempted to go for a rotating components (SIKO parts) or on the thermal or mechan-
quick-fix solution and simply change the specifications of the ical loading of the engine components, possibly leading to
turbocharger (a favorite choice is to install a smaller nozzle poorer engine performance. Turbocharger surging and over-
ring to boost the engine’s power). However, this can be risky, speed could also occur as a result.
and if it’s not done in consultation with the engine builder and
ABB, it can easily do more harm than good. Any changes to the specifications of turbochargers on IMO-
certified marine diesel engines which could affect the engines’
Turbochargers and engines are always matched thermodynamic behavior require re-certification, as they would
The turbocharger specifications for a particular engine type influence the engine emissions. Non-compliance may result in
are agreed upon jointly by ABB and the engine builder. Tests classification societies withdrawing their approval to operate.
are carried out with the turbocharger on the engine builder’s
test bed and the results are analyzed by application engineers What you can do
in both companies. Adjustment of the specifications and more If you are faced with this dilemma, the rule is simple: Ask the
matching tests are sometimes required before the engine engine builder for advice.
builder and ABB reach final agreement on the engine perform-
ance and the turbocharger specifications. The engine builder will probably consult ABB, as final approval
for the specification change has to be obtained from an appli-
cation engineer at ABB Turbo Systems in Baden, Switzerland.
When the engine builder and ABB agree on what to do, the
next step can be taken. And it shouldn’t be long before your
engine’s running at full power again.
Just had a VTR with self-lubricated bearings overhauled?
Check the lube oil!
Turbo Magazine 2 / 08 (Article by Norbert Mlekusch)
Some good advice: Every time you drain See anything unusual?
First make sure the containers for catching the oil are absolutely
the lube oil check it for impurities. clean. After draining the lube oil into the containers, check the
oil for anything unusual, like metal particles. After 100 hours
running time the oil should still look perfect. If it doesn’t and
you see metal particles, contact your nearest ABB Service
It’s essential to check that everything’s all right after an over- Station and request an inspection. If the inspection shows
haul of a VTR turbocharger with self-lubricated rolling-contact that something’s not right, ask for a correction.
bearings, whether the bearings were replaced or not. Here’s
how. Follow all instructions
If inspection and subsequent correction by an ABB Service
There’s one extra thing that it’s important to do to verify and Station aren’t possible, replace both bearings as a precaution.
ensure trouble-free operation after a VTR with self-lubricated This work has to be done in accordance with the instructions
bearings has been overhauled, regardless of who does the in the Operation Manual. Then check the lube oil again after
work: After about 100 running hours, with the engine at about 100 running hours for signs of anything unusual. Pro-
standstill, drain and check the condition of the lube oil at both viding everything looks good, refill with fresh lube oil. After-
the compressor and the turbine end of the turbo charger. wards, carry out oil changes according to the engine builder’s
Drain the lube oil at both ends. The oil should look like this.
Copy parts – Learning the hard way
Turbo Magazine 1/ 09 (Article by Holger Markow)
“Risk-taking” can be fun – ask a bungee-jumper! But it’s a dif- Metallographic examination of the failed blade (Figs. 2 and 3)
ferent kind of risk, and can be a very costly mistake, when also showed clearly that the reason for the rupture was poros-
copy parts are chosen over OEM spare parts for machinery as ity in the material around the hole for the damping wire, which
important as a turbocharger. is where the damage occurred (LE = leading edge, SS = suc-
tion side).
Copy parts might look at first like a chance to save money,
but they are a temptation best avoided where turbochargers Three questions worth asking
are concerned. Large turbo rotors spin at nearly 10,000 revs This operator learned his lesson the hard way:
per minute, and massive forces test the strength and perfor- – Copy parts may be cheaper up front, but how many times
mance of the rotating parts and bearings. Even just a small will you need to replace them during the expected lifetime
deviation from an OEM part’s material properties, geometry or of a higher-quality OEM spare part?
tolerances can quickly lead to component failure, with serious, – What about the cost of the unplanned downtime?
and costly, consequences. – Will the “pirate” be there for you when the copy part
Stressed-out and out of shape
What can happen when a copy part is fitted was shown Have a clear conscience
recently on a ship whose VTR 454 turbocharger failed just a The only way to be sure you get the most out of your turbo -
few thousand hours after being overhauled. A turbine blade chargers over their planned lifetime is to always ask for
had ruptured, causing extensive, and costly, damage. On original ABB spare parts. Copy parts are product piracy. At
inspection, the failed blade was found to be a copy part, and best, they will reduce the lifetime of your turbo chargers.
closer examination showed that it had a number of deficiencies. At worst, see above!
Turbine blades have complex geometries and any deviations Non-OEM parts are not worth the risk! Always ask for genuine
can quickly affect their mechanical integrity. A geometric com- ABB spare parts for maintenance jobs, and watch out for the
parison (Fig. 1) of the failed copy part (grey) and an ABB refer- protected ABB trademark logo.
ence turbine blade (red) revealed the following:
– The foot geometry of the copy part differed distinctly, caus-
ing excessive stress-loading in this vital area of the blade.
– The difference in the geometry of the copy part’s blade foil
meant that the turbocharger could never have achieved the
original thermodynamic performance.
Maintaining high turbo efficiency
Turbo Magazine 2 / 09 (Article by Shailesh Shirsekar)
ABB Turbocharging Service network