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in the Great Psalter in the library of Trinity College,

been decided. The legis actiones were superseded by the

in winter, but for the cruel treatment of the corn by the

commissary, and placed in his stall. The monks, then kneeling,

that had one been used, weighing as much as the men, the

harbouring murderous designs against his son, is plain from

again had the opportunity of assuming political importance,

from the first he directed his energies was the equatorial

and so unwieldy as to be incapable very often of keeping

the Crow's Nest Pass of the Rocky Mountains and carrying on

ADRAR (Berber for ``uplands''), the name of various

transferred the powers of local authorities to slaughter and

place being Llanbadarn Gaerog, or the fortified Llanbadarn,

in 1341 by Alphonso XI. to secure freedom from the Moors,

Pliny's Natural History. In the 15th chapter of his 35th

saint called Akhund Darweza. The literature is richest in

daily, from dies), called also Acta Fopuli, Acta Publica

striking farther inland to the Lualaba, followed that river

of his denunciations led to his being summoned before the

for a breach, when, at the same time with the first volume of

itself. The metal in mass is not affected by hot or cold water,

called Abordon and, in the Norse sagas, Apardion), which

the justices, and the licenses must be renewed every six

Spanish sovereignty in America. But the stubborn blindness

and Willis Gaylord Clark (1810-1841) may serve for that of

witty, Louise fascinated Roman society, wherein she gained

miles. Union Street is one of the most imposing thoroughfares

fields. In the Wallega district are veins of gold-bearing

pile-houses, the sarong, yadi or tabu applied to food, a

are dealt with in the articles EXTERRITORIALITY and

heterogeneous collection of all races. Alexander had planted

dry and bracing, the temperature ranging from -14 deg. to 92 deg.

Agricultural Education.

to Major Cavagnari, the political agent at the headquarters

passed them on the 16th of May, and though the rawness of his

which applies to similar parts, e.g. of the same whorl.

fundamental lines, and much time should be passed in the open

gentlewoman,'' in Beaumont and Fletcher's Scornful Lady.)

of the state senate, filled the unexpired term of one year (1820).

retired from the duties without giving up the rank of

thought itself comes from the Absolute which, being itself

decomposition. Eucaine has now largely taken its place,

form the chief means of inland communication. Pop. (1901)

used by Joseph Louis Lagrange as the basis of his Calcul

to South America, where he died, probably soon after 1675.

In 1778 Sir Henry Clinton succeeded Howe in the chief command in

Switzerland. During this period he proclaimed his revolutionary

and acetic acid. With ammonia it reacts to form di- and

riddles included in it, his model was the collection known

source of iodine to a greater extent than is at present the case.

sporting rifles, and particularly those of Express rifles,

M. Cutleria multifida. a, antherozoids, b, a female gamete.

& South-Western railway. Pop. of urban district (1901) 5479.

Jordan, whilst Abram, after receiving another promise from

Ba-Hima, including--

part behind the aperture of the yolk-sac is the hind gut.

they live, and which they cultivate with their own hands

of beet-sugar, though by a very imperfect process, at

1890 values, and an increase of 9.6% over those of 1880. The

juris consulti Institutionum fragmenta, cum commentario

Persei, a star of the second magnitude, noticed by G. Montanari

Between 1879 and 1892 inclusive, administration with regard to

glass employed (see LENS, and above, ``Monochromatic

the north side of the Sultan Dagh. Philomelion was probably a

all early works are out of date. The best general accounts,

The war in the East Indies formed a separate series of

mainland, notably in the magnificent inlet of the Bocche di

and the attitude known as the will-to-believe. As he grew

Company here diverge--on the one hand to India, the Far East

members of the Church of England and Nonconformists acting

to be observed in this is that the fewer the natures of weapons

heroes, was the son of Atreus (king of Mycenae) and Aerope,

which of the two alphabets was the earlier in use, and after

This does not mean that it has no historical value of its

water, while its salts are readily soluble. ``Eucasein'' is

escape after a defeat near Oran. His two successors Ibrahim

through a son whom they ascribe to him, called Jeremiah,

still in command of the ``Galatea'' the duke started from

honour from a proud modesty, and Rotrou died too soon to be

insertion they could not be altogether omitted without

their animals, bulls were in common use. The quantity of land

silver hydroxide): by the saponification of their esters; or

(Paris, c. 1503), &c., for which see G. Brunet, Manuel du

some of the most important crops of rotation, each separately

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