Tek Know TC150 User Manual
Tek Know TC150 User Manual
Tek Know TC150 User Manual
Thank you
for purchasing a Tek Know temperature calibrators.
The Tek Know products are manufactured by Scan-Sense AS in ac-
cordance with our high quality standards in design, choice of compo-
nents and workmanship in order to achieve maximum customer satis-
faction and to fulfil our vision to be our customers “First Choice”.
User’s manual TC calibrators
1.1 Certification 5
1.2 Warranty 6
1.3 Notice 6
1.4 Safety 7
User’s manual TC calibrators
6.1 TC125 & TC150 32
6.2 TC650 & TC400 33
User’s manual TC calibrators
1.1 Certification
EN 500081-1 : 1992
EN 500082-1 : 1992
EN 61010 : 1993
EN 60742-1
IEC 801-2
DS 5104
User’s manual TC calibrators
1.2 Warranty
1.3 Notice
All rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of this manual in any form
what so-ever without Scan-Senses expressed written permission is
All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of this manual.
However, should any errors be detected, Scan-Sense would greatly
appreciate being informed of them.
User’s manual TC calibrators
1.4 Safety
The warning sign denotes a hazard. Such warning labels are fitted to
several places on the calibrators. It calls attention to a procedure which,
if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in injury or loss of
life. Do not proceed beyond a warning sign until the indicated conditions
are fully understood and met. If you are in doubt please contact your
nearest Tek Know dealer.
After the calibrator has been operated it may be very hot. Do not turn
off the calibrator if the temperature is above 400°C. The correct
procedure is to set the setpoint to 50°C. and allow it to cool below
If the calibrator switches itself down during operation, this can be due
to the internal safety trip switch. In these cases please contact your
dealer because a new fuse will have to be installed.
User’s manual TC calibrators
User’s manual TC calibrators
The TC calibrators user manuals are intended to be used with the Tek
Know portable calibrators TC125, TC150, TC400 and TC650. The
TC Calibrators are constructed with a dry temperature variable well,
with a special designed temperature controller. A digital controller with
a dedicated CPU gives the TC calibrators flexible controllability. Digital
control provides for adaptive control of the temperature, which saves
the operator time, and assures high accuracy and easy setting of
temperatures. The local LCD displays both the set temperature and
reference temperature simultaneously.
The display of the TC400 & TC650 has a resolution of 0.1°C, however
the PID controller works with a resolution of 0.01°C.Effectively this
means that a better stability than stated in the specifications may be
obtained. In order to obtain this, the calibration conditions must be ideal.
First and foremost, the ambient temperature must be kept stable state
and longer stabilisation time for the calibrator must be allowed. This is
to compensate for the temperature influence on the electronics. They
come in a dedicated instrument case with assessories such as cable
and inserts.
User’s manual TC calibrators
RS232 Port 2
Pt 100 channel B
RS232 Port 1
PC with SC200
Ref. Pt 100
channel A
Pt 100
RS 232 port 2
channel B
RS 232 port 1
PC with SC200
User’s manual TC calibrators
User’s manual TC calibrators
3.1.3 Fuses
The fuses used in the TC400 and TC650, 100 & 110Volt versions are
ø 6,3 x 32 mm ceramic 15 amp (slow).
The fuses used in the TC400 and TC650 -230 Volt versions are
ø 5 x 20 mm glass 10 amp (slow).
User’s manual TC calibrators
3.2.1 Power On
TC650 V 4.0
S.n. xxxxxx - ddmmyy
REF. xxx.xxx C
SETPKT. xxx.xxx C
User’s manual TC calibrators
User’s manual TC calibrators
3. Place the insertion tube in the thermo well and put the sensor
to be tested in the insertion tube. Insure that there is a good
contact between sensor and insertion tube.
Note: The insention tube and the well must be clean.
REF. 250.00*C
SETPKT. 250.00*C
User’s manual TC calibrators
The temperature control within the TC400 and TC650 uses a specially
designed PID controller.Refer to chapter 3.4 for general requirements
to obtain the specified accuracy.
The TC650 can generate temperatures up to 650 °C. The TC400 can
generate temperatures up to 400 °C. When using the calibrators at
these high temperatures, drafts may affect the stability of the calibrator.
In order not to expose the electronics to high temperatures over a longer
period of time we do not recommend to use the calibrator for more than
30 min. a time in the range 600-650 °C. If the calibrator os left at high
temperature for approximately 45 minutes, the setpoint will automatically
be set to 50°C.
3.3.3 Precaution
Please pay attention to the fact that RTD’s and thermocouples will
react quickly to temperature changes. Filled bulbs will react more slowly,
even if the TC650 & TC400 have stabilised, the sensor to be tested
may not yet have arrived at the indicated temperature. So when testing
filled bulbs or similar, please allow ample time for temperature
stabilisation. Some sensors are placed in long protection or extension
tubes and can not always be totally immersed in the thermo well.
The metal tube may conduct heat or cold away from the
thermo well and this may affect the calibration. This can
be prevented by using insulation material on the part of the
sensor that is not immersed in the well. The part of the
sensor which is not immersed in the calibrator.
User’s manual TC calibrators
The TC650 & TC400 have a built-in test functions for thermostats.
Connect the alligator clips to the on-off function of the thermostat to the
calibrator. The test light on the front of the calibrator will indicate when
the on-off function of the thermostat is activated. Please pay attention
to the fact that thermostats react slowly to temperature changes.
User’s manual TC calibrators
The TC650 & TC400’s reference sensors are mounted in the heating-
cooling block and will react quickly to temperature changes (small time
constant). The sensors being tested have a larger time constant due to
larger mass and longer distance to the heating-cooling elements.
Consequently the temperature curve for the reference sensor and the
sensor being tested will be different. See figure 3-1.
A certain overshoot will take place when approaching the Set point.
This speeds up stabilisation time for calibrations. This however only
applies to the reference temperature, as the sensor tested has a larger
mass and reacts more slowly to temperature changes, see fig. 3-1.
User’s manual TC calibrators
There are several factors that may have affect on the accuracy of the
calibrators. There are variations in the sensor diameter, length, thermo-
conductivity, the active element’s position in the sensor, cleanness of
the sensor and fit in the insert from the one used during the calibrator’s
The TC400 and TC650 are calibrated dry using a Ø 6mm Industrial
Standard Reference Pt-100 sensor placed in the bottom of a 6,5mm
drilled insert.
User’s manual TC calibrators
User’s manual TC calibrators
the line voltage is correct and that the proper fuse is
installed. Otherwise damageto the equipment may
User’s manual TC calibrators
4.1.3 Fuses
4.2.1 Power on
User’s manual TC calibrators
TC125 V 1.0
S.n. xxxxxx - ddmmyy
x denotes the serial no. of the calibrator and ddmmyy is the date of last
calibration of the calibrator. V 1.0 shows the software version no. of
the calibrator.
REF. xxx.xx C
SETPKT xxx.xx C
User’s manual TC calibrators
User’s manual TC calibrators
1. Move the adjustable handle to one side and turn on the main
2. Select the insertion tube that best fits the sensor to be tested.
3. Place the insertion tube in the thermo well and place the sensor
to be tested in the insertion tube and insure that a close contact
between sensor and insertion tube is obtained
REF. -15.00 *C
SETPKT. -15.00 *C
User’s manual TC calibrators
A calibration oil kit is supplied with the cooling calibrators TC125 &
TC150. This is a silicon based oil with a viscosity of 50 and has a
temperature range of -25 °C to + 150°C. The oil has no hazardous
material present and comes in a 100 ml plastic bottle. It is supplied
together with a 10ml syringe in a plastic zip bag as a standard accessory
with all cooling calibrators from Tek Know. Additional oil is available
from Scan-Sense in 100ml bottles, order part no. P00267.
User’s manual TC calibrators
4.3.3. Precaution
Please pay attention to the fact that RTD’s and thermocouples will
react quickly to temperature changes. Filled bulbs will react more slowly
and even if the TC125 has stabilised, the sensor to be tested may not
yet have arrived at the indicated temperature. So when testing filled
bulbs or similar, please allow ample time for temperature stabilisation.
Some sensors are placed in long protection or extension tubes and can
not always be totally immersed in the thermo well.
the thermo well, and this may affect the calibration. Using
insulating material on the part of the sensor, which is not
immersed in the calibrator, can prevent this.
The TC125 and TC150 has a built-in test function for thermostats.
Connect the alligator clips to the on-off function of the thermostat to the
calibrator. The test light on the front of the calibrator will indicate when
the on-off function of the thermostat is activated. Please pay attention
to the fact that thermostats may react slowly to temperature changes.
User’s manual TC calibrators
When using the TC125 & TC150 software in seem automatic mode the
PC will inform when the sensor being tested has obtained stabilisation.
User’s manual TC calibrators
There are several factors that may have affect on the accuracy of the
calibrators. There are variations in the sensor diameter, length, thermo-
conductivity, the active element’s position in the sensor, cleanness of
the sensor and fit in the insert from the one used during the calibrator’s
User’s manual TC calibrators
During the calibration of the calibrator a silicon oil was used in the
insert in order to obtain a good thermal conduction between the insert
and the reference thermometer. This silicon oil was used during the
entire calibration of the calibrator.
User’s manual TC calibrators
Data can be presented in a calibration report that takes into account the
ISO 9000 specifications, procedures, set-up and traceability.
It will also generate a simple database for your sensors and temperature
circuits. The software will be of a significant time saving factor for the
operator, when at the same time it is almost self instructive in use.
User’s manual TC calibrators
Weight 6 , 8 kg 6,8 kg
User’s manual TC calibrators
User’s manual TC calibrators
User’s manual TC calibrators
User’s manual TC calibrators