04 - Inverse Trig Functions

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Kuta Software - Infinite Precalculus Name___________________________________

Inverse Trig Functions Date________________ Period____

Find the exact value of each expression.

1) tan  (  ) 
2) cos  

  
3) sin   4) csc 
 

Identify the domain and range of each. Then sketch the graph.

5) ytan  x 6) ycos  x

y y

 
 
 
 
 

            x             x
 
 
 
 
 
 
 

7) ysec  ( x) x
8) ysin 
y 
 y

 
 

            x 

             x

 

 


-1- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©K H2]0o1p6T OKYuKtWaI KSForfwttwDa^rIel oLYLaCB.x y rAOlJlf PrEiMgzhStqsa wrieYsEetrsvneFdW.f W vMJard[ec awZi[tDhK ^IdnFfhiynPiKtgeC VPWraeAcBaalUchuklsuDse.
Find the exact value of each expression.

9) csc  (cos )  
10) cos sec 

  12) sin  (sec )

11) csc sec

  14) tan  (sec  )

13) sec cot 

Identify the domain and range of each. Then sketch the graph.

15) ysin cot  x 16) ytan  (cot x)

y y

 
 

 
 
 

            x       x
  
    

 
 
 

 

Write each trigonometric expression as an algebraic expression.

17) sin tan  x 18) csc cot  x

19) sec cot  x 20) sec cos  x

-2- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©r f2y0A1E6w UKwu[taay JSkoNf`t`whaursed mL[LLC_.V ] RA^lhll LrRiQg]hStish krieisGeTrwvSe_dJ.v N oMGakdIev Mw`iTtchk [ITnrfYiqnhigtgeu DPzrHeGcIaglKcvualYumsL.
Kuta Software - Infinite Precalculus Name___________________________________

Inverse Trig Functions Date________________ Period____

Find the exact value of each expression.

1) tan  (  ) 
2) cos  
 

 

   
3) sin    4) csc 
  

Identify the domain and range of each. Then sketch the graph.

5) ytan  x 6) ycos  x

y y

 
 
 
 
 

            x             x
 
 
 
 
 
 
 

Domain: All reals Domain: x

  Range: y
Range:  y
 

7) ysec  ( x) x
8) ysin 
y 
 y

 
 

            x 

             x

 

 


Domain: x or x
 Domain: x
Range:  y, y
  
Range:  y
 

-1- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©x J2Y0]1t6T bKGuDtraC oSUotfAtpwaaFrOei ]LKLkCH.N K nAJlelU YriiRgVh[tosQ vrteNsHeXrCvhetdE.F m UMgaMdve[ zwdirtihw mIAn\ftitnUi[tBeb `PurQercza^lXcSufl\uGse.
Find the exact value of each expression.

9) csc  (cos )  
10) cos sec 
 

  12) sin  (sec )

11) csc sec
 
 

  14) tan  (sec  )

13) sec cot 
 

 

Identify the domain and range of each. Then sketch the graph.

15) ysin cot  x 16) ytan  (cot x)

y y

 
 

 
 
 

            x       x
  
    

 
 
 

 

Domain: All reals Domain: All reals except xk for all integers k
Range:  y  
Range:  y
 

Write each trigonometric expression as an algebraic expression.

17) sin tan  x 18) csc cot  x

x x  
x 

19) sec cot  x 20) sec cos  x

x   
x x

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-2- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©D C2[0`1L6c lKJuQtraL dSPoGfAtPwAaQrheL uL^LSCd.O s JASldlk VrvitgVhdtzsM nrNeMsJehrLvmeudq.P G MMVaDdceU wwjijtch` yIWnhfZifnoiMtfeS QPHrxencyaDlqcRualNuAso.

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