Vehicle Inspection Form 03
Vehicle Inspection Form 03
Vehicle Inspection Form 03
Please check any item that needs attention and then include additional details under the
comments section below.
Unusual Noises:
Noises OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
Fuel OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
Temperature OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
Dashboard Warning Light OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
Headlights OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
Break Lights OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
Turn Signals OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
Hazard Lights OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
Windshield Wipers OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
Fans and Defroster OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
Brakes OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
Parking Break OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
Mirrors OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
Horn OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
Exhaust System OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
Oil OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
Other OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
Safety Equipment:
Fire Extinguisher OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
First Aid Kit OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
Flares OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
Spare Bulbs/Fuses OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
GPS OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
Seat Belts OK [__] Needs Attention [__]
Driver’s Signature Date
Inspector’s Signature Date