SS2 Eng

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SECTION A: OBJECTIVES Answer all questions

Fill in the blank

1. In ___ writing, clear, well- thought out reasons are given to persuade one’s listeners.
2. ___ are coming together of two or more consonant without any vowel in between.
3. ___ can be changed to nouns through the addition of suffixes to the base words.
4. ___ are letters we write to people who are not totally strangers to us to describe personal
5. ___ is used to introduce series.
6. ___ is giving emphasis (force) to a particular syllable of a word.
7. In ___ voice, the subject performs the action described by the verb.
8. Nominalization involves changing a ___ to a noun.
9. ___ is used to show the speaker’s attitude.
10. Rising intonation indicates ___ while falling intonation indicates ___.

From question 11-15, choose the word that has correct stress placement.
11. a. CommuniCAtion
b. COMMUnication
c. CommunicaTION
d. CommuNIcation

12. a. orGAnization
b. orgaNIzation
c. orGANIzation
d. organizaTION

13. a. consiDEration
b. consideRAtion
c. conSIderation
d. CONSideration

14. a. irresPONsible
b. IRREsponsible
c. irresponSIBLE
d. irreSponsible

15. a. NOtification
b. notiFIcation
c. notifiCAtion
d. notificaTION

NOW, choose the correct answers

16. A formal letter typically starts with a ___.
a. Conclusion
b. Salutation
c. Sender’s address
d. None of the above
17. What is nominalization of an adjective?
a. Changing an adjective to an adverb.
b. Changing an adjective to a noun.
c. Changing an adjective to a preposition.
d. Changing a verb to a noun.
18. What is the purpose of a letter?
a. To send messages
b. To make phone calls
c. To convey information and feelings
d. None of the above
19. ___ pronouns acts as pronoun and a connector.
a. Possessive
b. Personal
c. Relative
d. Demonstrative
20. What is intonation in speech?
a. Pitch and stress
b. Volume and tone
c. Rate and pause
d. None of the above
21. What is the primary purpose of an argumentative essay?
a. To inform
b. To persuade
c. To entertain
d. To neglect
22. The ___ is used to indicate a pause in a sentence.
a. Comma (,)
b. Dash (-)
c. Full stop (.)
d. Colon (:)
23. All of the following are word associated with building except ___
a. Beam
b. Pillar
c. Fuel
d. Survey
24. The adjective can be changed to nouns through the addition of ___ to the base words.
a. Prefixes
b. Suffixes
c. Preposition
d. None of the above
25. All of the following are words associated with human internal body system except ___.
a. Lungs
b. Enzymes
c. Brain
d. All of the above
26. What is consonant clusters?
a. Two or more vowels together
b. Two or more consonants together
c. A vowel and a consonant together
d. All of the above
27. Which word contains the consonant clusters?
a. Under
b. Break
c. Position
d. Final
28. ___ point out a person or thing specifically.
a. Demonstrative pronouns
b. Reflective pronouns
c. Interrogative pronouns
d. Emphatic pronouns
29. ___ emphasizes the doer (subject)
a. Stress
b. Active voice
c. Passive voice
d. Intonation
30. All of the following contains consonants clusters except___.
a. Flour
b. School
c. Flesh
d. Shirt


1. Go through the passage and answer the following questions

The water cycle also known as the hydrologic cycle, is the continuous process by which water is
circulated between the earth and the atmosphere. It involves three main stages; evaporation,
condensation, and precipitation.
Evan occurs when the sun heats up water in the oceans, lakes and rivers turning it into water
vapor. This vapor rises into clouds. Precipitation occurs when the water droplets in the clouds
become too heavy, falling back to the earth as rain, snow or hail.
1. What is another name for the water cycle?
2. What happens durin evaporation?
3. What are the three main stages of the water cycle?
4. Explain the importance of the water cycle?
5. Describe the role of condensation in the water cycle.

In not less than 250 words,

2. Write a letter to your principal requesting permission to leave school early.
3. Write an informal letter to a friend describing your favorite hobby.
4. a. Write five examples of five-syllable words with the primary stress on the 4th syllable.
b. Write five examples of five-syllable words with primary stress on the 3rd syllable.
5. Explain active and passive voices with examples.
6. a. What is intonation ?
b. Explain rising and falling intonation with sentence examples.

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