SS2 Eng
SS2 Eng
SS2 Eng
From question 11-15, choose the word that has correct stress placement.
11. a. CommuniCAtion
b. COMMUnication
c. CommunicaTION
d. CommuNIcation
12. a. orGAnization
b. orgaNIzation
c. orGANIzation
d. organizaTION
13. a. consiDEration
b. consideRAtion
c. conSIderation
d. CONSideration
14. a. irresPONsible
b. IRREsponsible
c. irresponSIBLE
d. irreSponsible
15. a. NOtification
b. notiFIcation
c. notifiCAtion
d. notificaTION
The water cycle also known as the hydrologic cycle, is the continuous process by which water is
circulated between the earth and the atmosphere. It involves three main stages; evaporation,
condensation, and precipitation.
Evan occurs when the sun heats up water in the oceans, lakes and rivers turning it into water
vapor. This vapor rises into clouds. Precipitation occurs when the water droplets in the clouds
become too heavy, falling back to the earth as rain, snow or hail.
1. What is another name for the water cycle?
2. What happens durin evaporation?
3. What are the three main stages of the water cycle?
4. Explain the importance of the water cycle?
5. Describe the role of condensation in the water cycle.