Economy, Planning and Development Act

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Third Regular Session )


S. No. 2878

(In Substitution of S. Nos. 1060, 2468, and 2483)

Prepared jointly by the Committees on Economic Affairs; Civil Service, Government

Reorganization and Professional Regulation; and Finance, with Senators Gatchalian,
Marcos, Ejercito, and Zubiri as authors thereof


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in

Congress assembled:


3 SECTION 1. Short Title. - This Act shall be known as the "Economy, Planning
4 and Development Act."
5 SEC. 2. Declaration ofPolicies and Principles. - The State shall adopt and
6 implement continuing, integrated, and coordinated policies, plans, and programs
7 towards equitable distribution of opportunities, income and wealth; ensure a sustained
8 increase in the amount of goods and services produced by the nation for the benefit
9 of the people; and expand productivity to raise the quality of life for all.
1 It is therefore vital that major programs and projects of different government
2 agencies must be properly reviewed by and coordinated by a national government
3 agency to ensure their consistency with established national and subnational priorities;
4 that the linkage between development planning, programming and budgeting shall be
5 of highest priority in identifying programs, activities, and projects; and that the public
6 and private sectors at the national and subnational levels participate in the process of
7 formulating, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating policies, plans, and programs.
8 For this purpose, all socioeconomic programs and activities of the government
9 shall be programmed within the context of well-formulated and consistent long,
10 medium, and short-term development plans and policies to promote both the growth
11 of the economy and the equitable distribution of the benefits of such growth to the
12 members of society.
13 The State further recognizes that an independent economic and planning
14 agency to be headed by the President of the Philippines shall, after consultations with
15 the appropriate public agencies, various private sector groups, and local government
16 units (LCDs), recommend priority legislative measures to Congress.


19 SEC. 3. Reorganization of the Nationai Economic and Deveiopment

20 Authority. -The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) is hereby
21 reorganized as the government's primary economic and planning agency, hereafter
22 referred to as the Department of Economy, Planning, and Development (DEPD).
23 SEC. 4. Mandate. - The DEPD shall be the primary policy, planning,
24 coordinating, and monitoring arm of the Executive Branch of government on the
25 national economy. It shall formulate the country's continuing, integrated, and
26 coordinated policies, plans, and programs for national development for approval by
27 the Economic Development Council (ED Council); ensure the vertical and horizontal
28 alignment and coherence of national and subnational policies, plans, and programs
29 towards optimal use of financial and economic resources; and oversee the country's
30 public investment program.
1 The DEPD shall generate and provide impartial, objective, and evidence-based
2 analyses and recommendations for the socioeconomic betterment of the nation,
3 particularly the Philippine government, and Filipinos in general.
4 SEC. 5. Powers and Functions of the DEPD. - The DEPD shall have the
5 following powers and functions:
6 (a) Policy and planning
7 1) Provide objective, evidence-based policy advice and alternatives, and
8 propose or review policies, plans and programs through critical analyses of
9 development issues; and, report findings and recommendations to the
10 President, the Congress, or the relevant Committee of the Economic
11 Development (ED) Council, as appropriate, especially to:
12 i. foster equitable and sustainable distribution of economic opportunities
13 and benefits to Filipinos;
14 II. support the development of agriculture, industry, and services that
15 achieve economic development goals and foster innovation, and are
16 vital to equitable and sustainable growth;
17 advance national productivity, competition and competitiveness;
18 IV. promote transparency, accountability, participatory governance, and
19 strengthening of national and subnational public institutions;
20 V. improve policy and regulatory environment to reduce cost of doing
21 business and improve ease of doing business; and
22 VI. ensure that master plans are coordinated, synergistic, responsive to
23 the emerging issues, and consistent with the priority development
24 strategies.
25 2) Formulate the long-term vision and development framework as the basis for
26 overall direction of government policies, programs, and projects;
27 3) Formulate the national and regional framework for physical and spatial
28 planning to ensure the sustainable use of land and other physical resources,
29 which support the development of agriculture, environment and natural
30 resources, industry and services;
31 4) Formulate national and subnational development plans that set forth
32 measurable goals, strategies, proposed policies, programs, and projects;
1 5) Ensure consistency of policies and national and subnational, sectoral, and
2 spatial plans and programs, and monitor their respective implementations;
3 6) Together with the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), ensure
4 that the annual and multi-year appropriations for programs and projects are
5 aligned with the long-term development framework and national and
6 subnational development plans towards optimal use of financial resources;
7 7) Conduct research, surveys, and related studies to inform the formulation of
8 policies and plans, and the design of programs and projects; and
9 8) Coordinate with autonomous and administrative regions in the conduct of
10 planning activities affecting their respective regions;
11 (b) Investment programming
12 1) Ensure that development plans are translated into programs, activities, and
13 projects;
14 2) Formulate and review the national and regional public investment program
15 that identifies priority programs, activities, and projects;
16 3) Adopt and implement appropriate evaluation measures and criteria to
17 determine viability of programs and projects; and
18 4) Appraise programs and projects and recommend to the ED Council those
19 that are found viable in terms of economic and societal benefits;
20 (c) Monitoring and evaluation
21 1) Formulate annual reports that monitor the implementation of national and
22 subnational development plans;
23 2) Monitor and assess the progress of implementation of priority programs and
24 projects;
25 3) Evaluate and report the impacts and outcomes of priority programs and
26 projects; and
27 4) Formulate a medium-term national evaluation agenda and oversee the
28 government's conduct of evaluation studies consistent with the agenda;
29 (d) Establish and implement a capacity building program on development policy
30 and planning for national and regional government agencies, including
31 administrative agencies such as metropolitan authorities, and LGUs;
1 (e) Undertake scenario planning and futures thinking exercises, anticipating future
2 trends or discontinuities, and recommend responsive measures to the President
3 and the Congress, as may be appropriate. In this Act, futures thinking is a set
4 of approaches and tools designed to help their users identify emerging signals
5 and trends, determine drivers, navigate uncertainties, identify and articulate
6 alternative scenarios, develop a common vision of a desired future through wide
7 participation, introduce innovation, and design robust policies and strategies;
8 (f) Provide technical and secretariat support to the ED Council and its committees,
9 as may be provided in this Act;
10 (g) Serve as Secretariat to the Regional Development Councils (RDC) pursuant to
11 Executive Order (E. 0.) No. 325, series of 1996; the National Innovation Council
12 pursuant to Republic Act (R. A.) No. 11293, otherwise known as the "Philippine
13 Innovation Act"; the Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Council
14 pursuant to R. A. No. 7640, or "An Act Constituting the Legislative-Executive
15 Development Advisory Council", and such other inter-agency committees,
16 boards or councils, as may be provided by law; and
17 (h) Establish a repository of data and information, publications, research and
18 analyses, and other information generated by the DEPD; and manage,
19 maintain, and make available such information and documents to the for the
20 purpose of knowledge sharing, subject to E. O. No. 2, series of 2016 or the
21 Freedom of Information (FOI) Act, the NEDA FOI Guidelines, and other related
22 issuances.
23 SEC. 6. Stakeholder Engagement. - In the discharge of these powers and
24 functions, the DEPD shall undertake consultations with appropriate government
25 agencies, civil society organizations, non-government organizations (NGOs), people's
26 organizations, academe, private sector, and LGUs to incorporate their priority needs in
27 the formulation of policies, plans, programs, and projects.
28 SEC. 7. Composition of the DEPD. - The DEPD shall be composed of the
29 Office of the Secretary, the Offices of the Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries,
30 technical and sectoral staff, operations support staff, and Regional Offices.
1 SEC. 8. Secretary. - The DEPD shall be headed by a Secretary, who shall be
2 appointed by the President of the Philippines, subject to the confirmation by the
3 Commission on Appointments.
4 The Secretary shall have the following minimum qualifications: a citizen and
5 resident of the Philippines; of good morai character; of recognized probity,
6 competence, and independence; must be professionally distinguished in public, civic,
7 or academic service in the field of and preferably with a doctorate degree in
8 Economics; must have been in the active practice of his or her profession for at ieast
9 ten (10) years; and must not have lost in any eiection within one year after such
10 election.
11 SEC. 9. Functions of the Secretary. - The Secretary, who shall serve as the
12 country's Chief Economist, shall have the following functions:
13 (a) Advise the President and the Members of Cabinet on matters of nationai
14 and subnational economic and social development;
15 (b) Provide reguiar reports to the President and the Members of Cabinet on the
16 state of the economy and challenges ahead;
17 (c) Lead public discourse on the latest trends, strategic issues, futures thinking,
18 and key developments and their relevant implications for the country;
19 (d) Provide executive direction and supervision over, and establish policies and
20 standards for the efficient and effective operations of the DEPD;
21 (e) Exercise disciplinary powers over officers and employees of the DEPD in
22 accordance with law, including their investigation and the designation of a
23 committee or officer to conduct such investigation;
24 (f) Promuigate such ruies and reguiations as may be required to implement the
25 objectives of this Act and to implement the DEPD's mandate, objectives,
26 and poiicies; and
27 (g) Perform such other functions as may be provided by law or as may be
28 assigned by the President.
29 SEC. 10. Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries. - The Secretary
30 shaii be assisted by at ieast five (5) Undersecretaries and at ieast five (5) Assistant
31 Secretaries, who shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines, upon the
1 recommendation of the Secretary and subject to the rules and regulations formulated
2 by the Career Executive Service Board.
3 The Secretary shall have the flexibility to determine the respective assignments
4 of the Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries depending on the DEPD's strategic
5 directions on emerging development trends affecting the country's economy.
6 SEC. 11. Organizational Structure and Staffing. - The Secretary of the
7 DEPD shall determine the organizational structure and staffing pattern of the DEPD in
8 accordance with the revised compensation and position classification system, subject
9 to the evaluation and approval of the DBM and in compliance with the civil service
10 laws, rules and regulations and other relevant laws. Until the new organizational
11 structure and staffing plan is submitted to and approved by the DBM, the DEPD shall
12 retain the existing organizational structure of NEDA.
13 SEC. 12. DEPD Regional Offices. - The DEPDEV shall establish, operate,
14 and maintain a regional office in each region of the country, except the Bangsamoro
15 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. Each regional office shall be headed by a
16 Regional Director, who shall be assisted by an Assistant Regional Director. The DEPD
17 Regional Offices shall discharge the functions of the DEPD, as applicable, at the
18 regional level.
19 In relation to the functions as specified in Section 5 of this Act, the DEPD
20 Regional Offices shall have the following functions:
21 (a) Ensure that regional and local development priorities are aligned with the
22 national plans;
23 (b) Oversee the integration of plans and programs of regional agencies, state
24 universities and colleges (SUCs), special development bodies, and LGUs into
25 the regional and national plans. The DEPDEV Regional Offices shall provide
26 assistance to regional line agencies, LGUs, SUCs and special development
27 bodies in identifying and developing programs and projects;
28 (c) Evaluate and review proposed policies, land use plans, programs and
29 projects in the region;
30 (d) Monitor and evaluate the implementation of plans, policies, programs and
31 projects;
32 (e) Provide technical and secretariat support to their respective RDC;
1 (0 Undertake research and ensure knowledge utilization for regional
2 development and productivity; and
3 (g) Provide technical assistance to development partners in the region in
4 accordance with the DEPDEV's functions.
5 SEC. 13. Attached Agencies. - The agencies currently attached to NEDA
6 shall hereafter be attached to the DEPD and shall continue to operate and function in
7 accordance with their respective charters, laws, rules and regulations, or orders
8 creating them, except as otherwise provided in this Act, the Administrative Code of
9 1987, and subsequent laws.
10 (a) The following agencies shall be attached to the DEPD for purposes of
11 administrative supervision:
12 1) Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) created pursuant to
13 Presidential Decree (P. D.) No. 1201 dated September 26, 1977;
14 2) Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency (PNVSCA)
15 created pursuant E. 0. 635, series of 1980; and
16 3) Tariff Commission (TC) created pursuant to R. A. 10863, otherwise known
17 as the "Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA)" as amended.
18 (b)The following agencies shall be attached to the DEPD for purposes of policy
19 coordination:
20 1) Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA); and
21 2) Philippine Statistical Research andTraining Institute (PSRTI), both created
22 pursuant to R. A. 10625, otherwise known as the "Philippine Statistical Act
23 of 2013".
24 (c) The following agencies shall be attached to the DEPD for purposes of policy
25 and program coordination:
26 1) Commission on Population and Development (CPD) created pursuant to R.
27 A. 6365, otherwise known as the "Population Act of the Philippines"; and
28 2) Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) created pursuant to P. D.
29 205, series of 1973, as amended.
30 (d)The Public-Private Partnership Center of the Philippines (PPPC), created
31 pursuant E. 0. 8, series of 2010, as amended by E. 0.136, series of 2013, shall
1 be attached to the DEPDEV for budgetary purposes and administrative
2 supervision.


6 SEC. 14. Visioning. - The DEPD shall formulate a long-term vision,

7 hereinafter referred to as the Vision, which embodies the long-term aspirations of all
8 Filipinos. It shall be data-driven and evidence-based, encompassing all dimensions of
9 economic, social, and environmental development. The Vision shall undergo periodic
10 review in consideration of changing aspirations and preferences.
11 SEC. 15. Long-term Deveiopment Framework. - The DEPD shall
12 formulate the country's long-term development framework, hereinafter referred to as
13 the Framework.
14 The Framework is a high-level and broad strategy spanning twenty-five (25)
15 years that shall guide the country towards sustainable growth and development and
16 the attainment of the Vision. It shall serve as a tool to coordinate, guide, and inform
17 the preparation and consideration of future, more detailed national and subnational
18 development plans, national and subnational public investment programs, and sectoral
19 and inter-sectoral plans and programs. It shall embody the development goals and
20 milestones to serve as basis for the overall direction of government policies, programs,
21 and projects across political administrations. The initial long-term development
22 framework shall cover the period ending 2050.
23 SEC. 16. Pianning Caii. - Within three (3) months from the President's
24 assumption of office, the DEPD shall issue a Planning Call to officially commence the
25 planning and consultative process for the formulation of the Philippine Development
26 Plan. The Planning Call shall (i) mandate all government agencies to prioritize and
27 facilitate the submission of inputs and carry out actions pertinent to plan formulation
28 including, but not limited to, the organization of the plan steering committee and other
29 planning committees, and (ii) provide the standards, guidelines, and accountability
1 mechanisms to ensure linkage of planning with budgeting, and the harmonization of
2 national, subnational, sectoral, and spatial plans and programs.
3 SEC. 17. Philippine Development Plan and Regional Development
4 Plans. - Within six (6) months from the assumption of office of the President of the
5 Philippines, the DEPD shall formulate, in consultation with public agencies, civil society
6 organizations, non-government organizations, people's organizations, academe,
7 private sector, and LGUs, a national economic and development blueprint, known as
8 the Philippine Development Plan, hereinafter referred to as the PDP, which shall be
9 anchored on the Framework.
10 The PDP shall establish a set of measurable goals and objectives with
11 corresponding strategies, in terms of policies, programs, and projects, that shall be
12 the basis for each political administration's pursuit of its economic and development
13 agenda.
14 Within a reasonable period after the formulation of the PDP, the DEPD Regional
15 Offices shall formulate, in consultation with public agencies, civil society organizations,
16 non-government organizations, people's organizations, the academe, the private
17 sector, and LGUs, an economic and development plan at the subnational level, known
18 as the Regional Development Plan, hereinafter referred to as the RDP. The RDP shall
19 be aligned with the PDP, defining the region's development direction. The PDP and the
20 RDPs shall undergo a midterm review and updating in consideration of
21 accomplishments, and emerging trends and developments.
22 SEC. 18. Public Investment Program and Regional Development
23 Investment Program. - The DEPD, in consultation with public agencies, shall
24 formulate the Public Investment Program, hereinafter referred to as the PIP. The PIP
25 shall identify the priority programs, activities, and projects (PAPs) that are responsive
26 to the sectoral goals and outcomes of the PDP, for implementation through national
27 government funds or the General Appropriations Act (GAA), Official Development
28 Assistance (ODA), Public-Private Partnership (PPP), joint ventures (JV), and other
29 viable implementation and financing options. At the subnational level, the DEPD
30 Regional Offices, in consultation with their respective RDCs, shall formulate the
31 Regional Development Investment Program, hereinafter referred to as the RDIP.

1 SEC. 19. Philippine Development Report and Regional Development
2 Reports. - The DEPD and its Regional Offices shall formulate annually the Philippine
3 Development Report (PDR) and Regional Development Reports (RDRs), respectively.
4 The PDR and RDRs shall serve as monitoring reports on the implementation of the
5 PDP and RDPs, respectively. The results from such monitoring activities shall serve as
6 inputs to policy and decision makers in the formulation of policies, budgeting, and
7 implementation of programs and projects. To this end, the PDRs and RDRs shall
8 contain the latest data and information pertaining to the goals, policies, and strategies,
9 as specified in the PDP.
10 SEC. 20. Transparency and Accountability Reports. - Within the first
11 quarter of every year, the DEPD shall submit a report on the economic performance
12 of the country to the President of the Philippines, the Members of Cabinet, Congress,
13 and the Filipino people through the mass media. The report shall include the status
14 and the directions of the fiscal and monetary policies of the government in
15 coordination with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), the Department of Finance
16 (DOF) and the DBM; macroeconomic outlook and labor market prospects; and other
17 relevant information in the interest of transparency and accountability.
18 SEC. 21. Inter-generationai Report. - The DEPD shall submit an Inter-
19 Generational Report (IGR) to the President of the Philippines and Congress upon the
20 approval of this Act and every six (6) years thereafter. The IGR shall be an assessment
21 of the long-term sustainability of existing government policies over the next 25 years,
22 taking into account projected demographic, environmental and other changes.


25 SEC. 22. Economy and Development Council. - The NEDA Board shall be
26 reconstituted as the Economy and Development Council, hereafter referred to as the
27 ED Council. The ED Council, headed by the President of the Philippines, shall serve as
28 the executive collegial body responsible for directing and providing overall policy
29 direction on economic matters to achieve inclusive and sustainable economic growth
30 and development.

1 SEC. 23. Composition of the ED Councii. - The ED Council shall be
2 composed of the following:
3 (a) The President of the Philippines as Chairperson;
4 (b) Secretary of DEPDV as Vice-Chairperson;
5 and the following as Members:
6 (c) Executive Secretary (ES)
7 (d) Secretary of Department of Budget and Management (DBM)
8 (e) Secretary of Department of Education (DepEd)
9 (f) Secretary of Department of Energy (DOE)
10 (g) Secretary of Department of Finance (DOF)
11 (h) Secretary of Department of Health (DOH)
12 (i) Secretary of Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development
13 (DHSUD)
14 (j) Secretary of Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)
15 (k) Secretary of Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
16 (I) Secretary of Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)
17 (m) Secretary of Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
18 (n) Secretary of Department of Transportation (DOTr)
19 (o) Chairperson of Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA)

20 The Chief Minister of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

21 shall serve as an ex officio member of the ED Council on matters concerning the
22 Bangsamoro Autonomous Region.
23 The Governor of the BSP or his or her duly authorized representative shall sit
24 in the meetings of the ED Council as a resource person.
25 The President of the Philippines or the ED Council and its Committees may
26 invite the participation of other heads of departments and agencies as resource
27 persons, as it deems necessary.
28 The President of the Philippines may, however, revise the membership of the
29 ED Council whenever the same is deemed necessary for the effective performance of
30 the Council's functions.

1 SEC. 24. Powers and Functions of the ED Council. - The ED Council shall
2 have the following powers and functions:
3 (a) Direct the formulation and implementation of policies, plans, and
4 programs that promote economic development and address development
5 concerns of national importance;
6 (b) Approve policies, development plans, programs, and projects consistent
7 with the policies set by the President of the Philippines, as may be
8 endorsed by the Committees of the ED Council;
9 (c) Approve proposed cost threshold and other criteria for priority programs
10 and projects, except those provided by laws, rules, and regulations;
11 (d) Approve the level of annual government expenditures, as well as
12 projections, forecast, resource requirement, and the ceiling of government
13 spending; and
14 (e) Issue rules and regulations necessary for the effective discharge of the
15 powers and functions vested on the ED Council.
16 SEC. 25. Committees of the ED Council. - The ED Council shall have
17 committees that shall act as its primary advisory bodies. These Committees shall be
18 the main coordinating mechanism that ensures that the policy environment is
19 conducive to the promotion of inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
20 The following Committees shall assist the ED Council in the performance of its
21 functions:
22 (a) Development Budget Coordination Committee;
23 (b) Economic Development Committee;
24 (c) Investment Coordination Committee;
25 (d) Social Development Committee;
26 (e) Infrastructure Committee;
27 (f) Tariff and Related Matters Committee;
28 (g) National Land Use Committee; and
29 (h) Regional Development Committee.
30 The DEPD shall serve as the Secretariat to all Committees, unless otherwise
31 provided in this Act.

1 The President of the Philippines may revise the membership and reorganize the
2 structures and functions of the Committees, and establish new committees, as deemed
3 necessary.
4 The Committees may invite the participation of other heads of departments and
5 agencies, or other resource persons, as necessary.
6 The Committees may create their respective subcommittees which shall provide
7 technical support on matters within their mandate, and which require their appropriate
8 action. The technical subcommittees shall be composed of duly designated
9 representatives of the same member agencies, preferably Undersecretaries or their
10 equivalent. Unless the Committees resolve otherwise, the existing technical
11 committees under the NEDA Board Inter-Agency Committees shall be retained.
12 Each Committee shall formulate their respective rules and regulations which
13 shall govern procedures before their respective bodies, in accordance with applicable
14 laws.
15 SEC. 26. Meetings. - The ED Council shall regularly meet, at least on a
16 quarterly basis or as frequently as necessary. A special meeting of the ED Council may
17 be convened by the President to address urgent concerns, emergencies, and other
18 extraordinary circumstances. In cases where the President is unable to attend, the
19 Secretary of the DEPD shall preside unless the President designates another ED
20 Council member to preside over such meeting. All decisions reached by the ED Council
21 in meetings that are presided by an official other than the President shall require the
22 latter's concurrence.
23 The DEPD shall maintain and preserve a complete record of the proceedings
24 and deliberations of the ED Council, including the recordings and transcripts, either in
25 their original form, or in any secure format made available by existing technology.
26 SEC. 27. Development Budget Coordination Committee (DBCC). - The
27 DBCC shall be composed of the Secretaries of the DBM, DEPD, DOF, and the Executive
28 Secretary. The Governor of the BSP or his or her duly authorized representative shall
29 sit in the meetings of the DBCC as a resource person.
30 The Secretaries of the DBM and DEPD shall serve as the chairperson and vice-
31 chairperson of the DBCC, respectively.
32 The DBCC shall have the following functions:

1 (a) Recommend for final approval of the President of the Philippines:
2 1) the level of annual government expenditures and the ceiling of
3 government spending for economic services, social services, general
4 public services, national defense, and debt service;
5 2) the budget to be allocated for current operating expenditures and
6 capital outlays of government programs and projects;
7 3) a strategic multi-year fiscal program which supports the long-term
8 and medium-term development objectives of the country; and
9 4) a domestic and foreign borrowing program for general financing and
10 development purposes;
11 (b) Conduct periodic review of fiscal and macroeconomic targets, and the
12 revenue and expenditure projections of the government, including
13 general examination of costs, accomplishments and performance
14 standards applied in undertaking development projects.
15 The DBM shall serve as the Secretariat to the DBCC.
16 SEC. 28. Economic Development Committee (EDCom). - The EDCom
17 shall be composed of the Secretaries of the Department of Agriculture (DA), DBM,
18 DEPD, Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), DILG,
19 DOE, DOF, DOLE, DOST, Department of Tourism (DOT), DOTr, DPWH, and DTI, and
20 head of the Presidential Management Staff (PMS).
21 The Secretaries of the DOF and DEPD shall serve as the chairperson and vice-
22 chairperson of the EDCom, respectively.
23 The EDCom shall be responsible for harmonizing, coordinating, complementing,
24 and synergizing efforts to ensure the country's rapid, inclusive and sustained growth,
25 For this purpose, the EDCom shall perform the following functions:
26 (a) Promote an environment conducive to the growth and competitiveness of
27 private enterprises and the creation of jobs that will empower people and
28 provide them with opportunities to rise above poverty;
29 (b) Improve farms and rural enterprises, as well as trade policies vital to
30 achieving food security and more equitable economic growth;
31 (c) Mitigate inflation and ensure food and energy security, while balancing the
32 interests of producers, consumers, and the economy;

1 (d) Undertake research and development that are relevant to and supportive of
2 the requirements of micro, small and medium scale enterprises and for
3 national industries;
4 (e) Improve national productivity and competitiveness of domestic products and
5 services; and
6 (f) Ensure deep and wide distribution of economic opportunities and benefits to
7 the Filipino people.
8 As may be necessary, the EDCom may call upon any government institution or
9 invite LGUs and representatives from the private sector to provide assistance in
10 attaining its objectives.
11 To avoid duplication of efforts and forum shopping, the EDCom shall defer to
12 the ED Council on matters within the primary purpose of the latter and its other inter-
13 agency committees pursuant to this Act.
14 The DEDP shall serve as the Secretariat to the EDCom.
15 SEC. 29. Infrastructure Committee (InfraCom). - The InfraCom shall be
16 composed of the Secretaries of the DA, DBM, Department of Environment and Natural
17 Resources (DENR), DEPD, DHSUD, DICT, DILG, DOE, DOF, DOT, DOTr, DPWH, and
18 DTI, and the Executive Secretary.
19 The Secretaries of the DPWH and DEPD shall serve as co-chairpersons of the
20 InfraCom.
21 The InfraCom shall have the following functions:
22 (a) Recommend to the President an efficient, enduring and resilient national
23 infrastructure development strategy, and necessary government policies,
24 programs and projects concerning infrastructure development consistent
25 with national development objectives and priorities;
26 (b) Review and approve infrastructure master plans of national significance for
27 subsequent endorsement to the ED Council for confirmation;
28 (c) Advise the President of the Philippines and the ED Council on all matters
29 concerning infrastructure development; and
30 (d) Coordinate the activities of agencies, including government-owned and
31 controlled corporations involved in infrastructure development.

1 SEC. 30. Investment Coordination Committee (ICC). - The ICC shall be
2 composed of the Secretaries of the DBM, DEPD, DOE, DOF, DTI, and the Executive
3 Secretary. The Governor of the BSP or his or her duly authorized representative shall
4 sit in the meetings of the ICC as a resource person.
5 The Secretaries of the DOF and DEPD shall serve as the co-chairpersons of the
6 ICC.
7 The ICC shall have the following functions:
8 (a) Ensure the efficient and effective evaluation of major capital programs
9 and projects of the country by determining levels of acceptability and
10 viability relative to overall economic and fiscal conditions of the
11 country;
12 (b) Recommend for the approval by the President or the ED Council, as the
13 case may be:
14 1) The timetable of the implementation of major capital programs and
15 projects on a regular basis;
16 2) Public-private partnerships and other modalities of development
17 financing in support of long-term programs and projects for both
18 national and local government, and government-owned or -
19 controlled corporations (GOCCs), in accordance with relevant laws;
20 and
21 3) Specific major programs and projects found viable in terms of
22 economic and social benefits.
23 (c) Submit to the President a status of the fiscal, monetary and balance of
24 payment implications of major capital and infrastructure programs and
25 projects; and
26 (d) Advise the President on matters related to the domestic and foreign
27 borrowings program in relation to major capital and infrastructure
28 projects requiring approval by the ICC.
29 SEC. 31. Sociai Deveiopment Committee (SDC). - The SDC shall be
30 composed of the Secretaries of the DA, DBM, DEPD, DEPED, DICT, DOLE, DHSUD,
31 DILG, DSWD, DOH, and Department of Migrant Workers (DMW), the Chairperson of
32 the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and the Executive Secretary.

1 The Secretaries of the DOLE and DEPD shall serve as the co-chairpersons of
2 the SDC.
3 The SDC shall have the following functions:
4 (a) Recommend for final approval of the ED Council appropriate policies,
5 programs, and projects on social development, including education,
6 human resources, health and nutrition, population and family planning,
7 social protection, housing, human settlements. Overseas Filipino
8 Workers, and other vulnerable sectors;
9 (b) Coordinate the activities of government agencies concerned with social
10 development; and
11 (c) Advise the President and the ED Council on matters concerning social
12 development and delivery of social services.
13 SEC. 32. Tariff and Related Matters Committee (TRMC). - The TRMC
14 shall be composed of the Secretaries of the DA, DBM, DEPD, DFA, DICT, DOF, DOLE,
15 and DTI, the Executive Secretary, the Chairpersons of the Tariff Commission and the
16 Philippine Competition Commission, and the Governor of the BSP.
17 The Secretaries of the DTI and DEPD shall serve as the co-chairpersons of the
18 TRMC.
19 The TRMC shall discharge the following functions:
20 (a) Recommend to the President a trade and tariff rationalization policy that
21 supports the attainment of the country's socioeconomic objectives;
22 (b) Advise the President and the ED Council on tariff and non-tariff matters,
23 including possible effects of international developments on trade to ensure
24 that trade policy is consistent with the country's development goals and
25 utilized as atool towards efficiency, streamlining, andcompetitiveness;
26 and
27 (c) Recommend the implementation of national positions for bilateral,
28 regional,andmultilateral economic negotiationsontrade in goods and
29 services.
30 SEC. 33. National Land Use Committee (NLUC). - The NLUC shall be
31 composed of the Secretaries of the DA, DAR, DEPD, DENR, DHSUD, DILG, and DPWH,

1 the Executive Secretary, and one (1) representative of the Union of Local Authorities
2 of the Phiiippines.
3 The Secretary of the DEPD shall serve as the chairperson of the NLUC.
4 The NLUC shaii discharge the following functions:
5 (a) Advise the President and the ED Council on matters concerning iand use
6 and physical planning;
7 (b) Integrate and harmonize guideiines and policies relevant to land use and
8 spatial planning;
9 (c) Recommend for final approval of the ED Council the national and
10 subnational framework for physical planning;
11 (d) Endorse and provide technicai support to the Department of Justice for the
12 resolution of region-specific iand use and spatiai planning poiicy disputes
13 and controversies among government agencies;
14 (e) Formuiate the National Framework for Physical Planning (NFPP), shepherd
15 the preparation of sub-national spatial development and physical
16 frameworks and come up with other inter-sectoral policies and programs
17 that guide the rational use and management of the country's land and other
18 physical resources. The NFPP shall have a timeframe of 30 years with reguiar
19 review and updating every 10 years;
20 (f) Promote and ensure the integration of iand use and spatial planning poiicies,
21 pians and programs, inciuding disaster risk management and ciimate change
22 adaptation and mitigation, into national and subnational socio-economic
23 pians and programs;
24 (g) Coordinate the estabiishment of an up-to-date, interoperable and accessible
25 national database system which shaii identify and ciassify the present and
26 possibie uses of specific land resources; and
27 (h) Assess periodically the impacts or effects of land use policies which have
28 been adopted and implemented.
29 SEC. 34. Regional Development Committee (RDCom). - The RDCom
30 shall be composed of the Secretaries of the DBM, DEPD, and DILG, the Executive
31 Secretary, three (3) RDC Chairpersons representing Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao,

1 and three (3) regional development experts from the private sector or academe
2 representing Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.
3 The Secretary of the DEPD shall serve as the chairperson of the RDCom.
4 The RDCom shall discharge the following functions:
5 (a) Formuiate and monitor the impiementation of policies that reduce regional
6 development disparities;
7 (b) Serve as the clearing house for key regional development policy or program
8 proposais which impact on two (2) or more regions;
9 (c) Formulate and monitor implementation of the framework for regional
10 development of the PDP;
11 (d) Direct the formulation and review guideiines for the regional allocation of
12 agency budgetary resources;
13 (e) Promote equitable allocation of resources among regions by providing
14 recommendations to the DBCC on the guidelines for the regionai aliocation of
15 budgetary resources;
16 (0 Periodically review the viability of the regional configuration of the country,
17 and recommend to the Council the re-delineation of regions, as may be
18 necessary; and
19 (g) Periodicaiiy review the composition, structure, and operating mechanism of
20 the RDCs and recommend to the President changes as may be necessary.
21 SEC. 35. Full Disclosure Rule. - In addition to the requirements of R. A. No.
22 6713, otherwise known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public
23 Officials and Employees, any member of the ED Council or of its Committees, with
24 personal and pecuniary interest in any matter in the agenda of any meeting, shall
25 disclose such interest to the Councii and shail withdraw from such meeting when the
26 matter wili be taken up. The minutes of the meeting shall reflect the disclosure made
27 and the withdrawal of the member concerned from the meeting. The decision taken
28 on the matter shall be made public.
29 SEC. 36. Regional Development Council (RDC). - Without prejudice to
30 the powers vested in the President by Article X Section 14 of the 1987 Philippine
31 Constitution, the Regional Development Councils, established pursuant to E. 0. No.
32 325, series of 1996, shall continue to operate and shali be the regional counterparts

1 of the ED Council. As such, in order to strengthen the linkage between national and
2 subnational planning, budgeting, and investment programming, and to accelerate the
3 economic and social development of the regions, the RDCs shall be vested with the
4 following powers and functions:
5 (a) Coordinate and lead the preparation, implementation, monitoring and
6 evaluation of the RDPs, regional physical plans or regional spatial development
7 frameworks, regional development investment programs and special
8 development plans, including the formulation of policy recommendations;
9 (b) Review and integrate into the RDP the relevant features of approved
10 development plans of provinces and highly-urbanized and independent
11 component cities, line agencies, state universities and colleges, government-
12 owned or -controlled corporations, and special development authorities in the
13 region;
14 (c) Implement an action agenda to operationalize the RDPs at the local level;
15 (d) Review and prioritize programs, projects and activities that support the RDP, as
16 contained in the regional development investment program, and endorse to the
17 national government thoserequiringfunding support;
18 (e) Review and endorse to the national government the annual budgets of
19 government agencies or instrumentalities in the region, such as, but not limited
20 to, agency regional offices, state colleges and universities and special
21 development authorities;
22 (f) Promote and direct the inflow and allocation of private investments in the region
23 to support regional developmentobjectives, policies and strategies;
24 (g) Review and endorse national plans, programs and projects proposed for
25 implementation in the regions;
26 (h) As may be required by the ICC or by existing laws, rules and regulations, review
27 and endorse projects of national government agencies and those of LGUs
28 requiring national government financial exposure which may come in the form
29 of guarantees, or national government budget appropriations or subsidies,
30 among others;

1 (i) Initiate and coordinate the identification and formulation of priority inter-LGU
2 and special development projects, and oversee their implementation in
3 coordination with the concerned agencies and LGUs;
4 (j) Coordinate and lead the monitoring and evaluation of major projects
5 undertaken by national government agencies, GOCCs and special development
6 authorities, as well as LGU projects fundedby the national government;
7 (k) Review and approve masterplans, such as those for metropolitan areas and
8 river basins;
9 (I) Pursue capacity building of LGUs on socioeconomic planning, investment
10 programming, project development, and monitoring and evaluation; and
11 (m) Perform other related functions and activities as may be necessary to promote
12 and sustain the socio-economic development of the regions.
13 Each RDC shall be composed of:
14 1) Provincial Governors;
15 2) City Mayors;
16 3) Mayors of municipalities designated as provincial capital;
17 4) Provincial chapter presidents of the league of municipalities;
18 5) Regional heads of DEPD, BSP, CHED, DAR, DA, DBM, DepEd, DOE, DENR,
19 DFA, DOF-Bureau of Local Government Finance, DOH, DHSUD, DICT, DILG,
20 DMW, DOLE, DPWH, DOST, DSWD, DOT, DOTr, DTI, Cooperative
21 Development Authority (CDA), National Commission on Indigenous Peoples
22 (NCIP), Office of Civil Defense (OCD), Technical Education and Skills
23 Development Authority (TESDA);
24 6) Other agencies that the RDCs deem critical to theirrespective regions; and
25 7) Private Sector Representatives who shallcomprise one-fourth (1/4)of the
26 regular membership of the RDC.
27 The Chairperson and Co-Chairperson of each RDC shall be appointed by the
28 President with the DEPD Regional Director as the ex-officio Vice Chairperson. The
29 Regional Office of the DEPD shall serve as the Secretariat of the RDC.
30 Subject to Article X Section 14 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, the President
31 of the Philippines may revise the membership and composition of the RDCs whenever
32 the same is deemed necessary for the effective performance of their functions.


3 SEC. 37. Transitory Provisions. - The DEPD shall, by virtue of this Act, be
4 subrogated to all the rights and assume all the liabilities of NEDA, and all of its funds,
5 records, property, assets, equipment, and such personnel as necessary, including
6 unexpended appropriations or allocations. All contracts and liabilities of NEDA are
7 hereby transferred to and assumed by the DEPD and shall be acted upon in accordance
8 with P. D. 1445, otherwise known as the "Government Auditing Code of the
9 Philippines", as amended, and other pertinent laws, rules, and regulations.
10 Subject to the succeeding section, all current officials and employees of NEDA
11 shall enjoy security of tenure and be retained under and absorbed by the DEPD, in
12 accordance with the staffing patterns and the selection process as prescribed under
13 R. A. No. 6656 or the Government Reorganization Law. Current officials and
14 employees of the NEDA shall continue to draw their salaries, benefits, and other
15 emoluments from the appropriations of NEDA until such time, but not later than one
16 (1) year from the effectivity of this Act, that the corresponding funds shall have been
17 appropriated and released to DEPD.
18 Any reference to NEDA, or to the Director-General or Secretary of NEDA, and
19 the NEDA Board in any existing law, executive order, administrative order, presidential
20 proclamation, rules and regulations, and other issuances related to the mandate of
21 the DEPD, shall hereafter refer to the DEPD, the Secretary of DEPD, and the ED
22 Council, respectively.
23 All programs and projects submitted to NEDA for appraisal or those endorsed
24 by the current investment coordination committee for the approval of the NEDA Board,
25 prior to the effectivity of this Act, shall be subject to the prevailing procedure under
26 laws, rules and regulations, guidelines, and issuances at the time these were
27 submitted to NEDA or endorsed to the ICC, as the case may be.
28 SEC. 38. Separation and Retirement from Service of Empioyees of
29 NEDA. - NEDA employees who are separated from service as a result of the
30 reorganization under the provisions of this Act, shall receive separation benefits to

1 which they may be entitled under existing laws: Provided, That those who are qualified
2 to retire under existing retirement laws shall be allowed to retire and receive
3 retirement benefits to which they may be entitled under applicable laws and
4 issuances.
5 SEC. 39. Appropriations. - The amount necessary to cover the initial
6 implementation of this Act shall be charged against the current year's appropriations
7 of NEDA. Thereafter, such sums as may be necessary for the effective and continuous
8 implementation of this Act shall be included in the annual General Appropriations Act.
9 SEC. 40. Impiementing Ruies and Reguiations. - Within sixty (60) days
10 from the effectivity of this Act, the DEPD shall promulgate the rules and regulations,
11 necessary for the proper implementation of the provisions of this Act. The
12 implementing rules and regulations shall take effect fifteen (15) days after the
13 completion of its publication in two (2) newspapers of general circulation. Within three
14 (3) days from its effectivity date, three (3) certified copies of the published
15 implementing rules and regulationsshall be furnished to theUniversity of the
16 Philippines Law Center pursuant to Book VII, Chapter 2, Section 3 of E. 0. No. 292,
17 otherwise known as the "Administrative Code of 1987", as amended.
18 SEC. 41. Separabiiity Ciause. - If any provision or portion of this Act is
19 declared unconstitutional, the remainder of this Act or any provision not thereby
20 affected shall remain in full force and effect.
21 SEC. 42. Repeaiing Ciause. - E. O. No. 230, series of 1987, and Chapters 1,
22 2, 3, and 4, Subtitle C, Title II, Book V of E. 0. No. 292, series of 1987, E. 0. No. 257,
23 series of 2003; E. 0. Nos. 770 and 770-A, series of 2008; and, E. 0. No. 28, series of
24 2023 are hereby repealed. All laws, decrees, executive orders, ordinances, rules,
25 regulations, and other issuances, or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with any
26 provision of this Act, are hereby repealed, amended, or modified accordingly.
27 SEC. 43. Effectivity, - This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its
28 publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation.
29 Approved,


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