Syllabus 2022 Grade 4
Syllabus 2022 Grade 4
Syllabus 2022 Grade 4
Educational Region Municipality School
connections and context clues to improve and create their own nonfiction text about themselves.
comprehension and to decode and
understand new vocabulary words in
fictional/informational texts and makes
connections as well as write dialogues.
Performance Tasks: 3 Performance Tasks: 3
Unit 2- Making Predictions, Inferences and Connections Unit 5- Family Interviews
about Characters
The student will analyze characters from The student studies nonfiction texts such as newspapers
Weeks 31-36
Weeks 8-13
stories and pictures using effective strategies and magazines to classify facts and opinions and
of good readers: making inferences, compare and contrast expository versus narrative forms
predictions, and connections. of biographies and write the biography of a family
Performance Tasks: 3 Performance Tasks: 3
Unit 3- My Story: Exploring Figurative Language and the Unit 6- Exploring Story Elements, Organization and Setting through
Writing Process Narratives
The student analyzes who and how they are in The student will read a variety of fictional stories, (e.g.,
their native language vs. who and how they fables, fairy tales, folk tales, trickster tales, tall tale
Weeks 14-20
are when they are in their English-speaking stories, myths, legends or plays), to analyze the elements
Weeks 37-42
environments and analyze texts that use of narrative story organization and setting to create their
figurative language to make their writing vivid. own narrative writing piece.
The student will also complete a writing
project that focuses on the writing, revision
and editing processes.
Performance Tasks: 4 Performance Tasks: 3
EVALUATION PLAN (subject to change)
Instrument Points Instrument Points Instrument Points Instrument Points
Tests and Tests and Tests and Tests and
Assessment 300 Assessment 300 Assessment Assessment 100
Techniques Techniques Techniques Techniques
Performance Performance Performance Performance
100 100 100 100
Tasks Tasks Tasks Tasks
Total Points 400 Total Points 400 Total Points 400 Total Points 200
Accumulated Accumulated Accumulated Accumulated
Total Points
400 Total Points
800 Total Points
1200 Total Points
* The teacher can use other appropriate available texts in school authorized by the DEPR. (Should be included as a
reference text).
1. It is a requisite to comply with: attendance, behavior, punctuality, handing in and reposition of classroom
tasks, as established in the student regulation manual of the Department of Education.
2. Comply with daily work, homework, and tests with honesty and punctuality.
3. Students that participate in the Special Education Program, 504 Section of the Vocational Rehabilitation Law
and the Limited Spanish Proficient Program will receive accommodations as specified in their corresponding
student services plans.
4. If any student has a medical condition that requires curricular adaptations, please inform the school
The syllabus is subject to change due to adverse climate conditions, teacher illness or student needs (re-teaching)
among others.
Firma del padre, madre o persona encargada - Fecha Firma del Director(a) - Fecha