Transport in The European Union-MI0224640ENN
Transport in The European Union-MI0224640ENN
Transport in The European Union-MI0224640ENN
European Commission
B-1049 Brussels
June 2024
2024 EN
Manuscript completed in June 2024
This document has been prepared for the European Commission however it reflects the views only of the
authors, and the European Commission is not liable for any consequence stemming from the reuse of this
Transport in the European Union
Table of contents
Foreword ............................................................................................................................. 5
1. Introduction ...............................................................................................................11
Transport in the European Union
5.19. Netherlands...........................................................................................................127
5.22. Portugal.................................................................................................................140
Transport in the European Union
5.23. Romania................................................................................................................144
Transport in the European Union
Table of figures
Transport in the European Union
Transport in the European Union | Introduction
1. Introduction
Transport in the European Union | Introduction
Transport in the European Union | Introduction
5 European Commission. Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) - Addressing labour
shortages and skills gap in the EU (2023).
6 International Road Transport Union. Global driver shortages: 2023 year in review.
7 Eurostat. Extra-EU trade since 2000 by mode of transport, by HS2-4-6.
Transport in the European Union | Introduction
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
2. Sustainable mobility
8 European Commission. Press release. Commission welcomes completion of key ‘Fit for 55’ legislation,
putting EU on track to exceed 2030 targets (Brussels, 9 October 2023).
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
9 European Commission. Energy Performance of Buildings Directive adopted to bring down energy bills and
reduce emissions (12 April 2024).
10 European Commission. Commission welcomes agreement on strong EU targets to reduce CO2 emissions
from new trucks and urban buses (18 January 2024).
11 Council of the European Union. Euro 7: Council adopts new rules on emission limits for cars, vans and
trucks (12 April 2024).
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
12 Directive 2018/2001/EU (RED II). To be replaced by Directive (EU) 2023/2413 (RED III) in 2025.
13 Eurostat. Share of renewables in transport increased slightly in 2022.
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
26 Special Eurobarometer 495 showed that the majority of car users are ready to switch to more
environmentally friendly forms of transport for their daily mobility. An alternative that is just as fast or a
similar price would influence respondents towards a more environmentally friendly solution for long-
distance travel.
27 COM(2021) 811 final.
28 European Commission. EU Missions. 100 climate-neutral and smart cities.
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
32 High speed lines include principal railway lines allowing traffic at speeds on the main segments equal to or
greater than 200 km/h on upgraded lines and 250 km/h on specially built lines. Dedicated high-speed
railway line is a line specially built to allow traffic at speeds equal to or greater than 250 km/h for the main
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
2.3. External costs of
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
Transport in the European Union | Sustainable mobility
52 Directive (EU) 2023/959. 2025: surrender of 40% of emissions reported in 2024; 2026: surrender of 70% of
emissions reported in 2025; 2027 onwards: surrender of 100% of reported emissions.
53 European Commission. Total taxation share in the end consumer price for Euro-Super 95 and Diesel Oil
(bulletin of the 8th of January 2024).
54 European Commission. Revision of the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD): Questions and Answers (14 July
55 European Commission. Taxes in the field of aviation and their impact – Final report (2019).
Transport in the European Union | Smart mobility
3. Smart mobility
Transport in the European Union | Smart mobility
3.2.1. Digitalisation of
transport and
56 European Commission. Sustainable transport: rules to boost intelligent transport systems for safer and
more efficient transport agreed (June 2023).
57 Ares(2021)6062336. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council addressing
market challenges hampering the development of Multimodal Digital Mobility Services (MDMS).
Transport in the European Union | Smart mobility
Transport in the European Union | Smart mobility
58 End June 2023, there were over 1.3 million registered UAS operators in the EU and over 1.2 million remote
pilot certificates had been issued. Source: ENCASIA - European Network of Civil Aviation Safety
Investigation Authorities.
Transport in the European Union | Resilient mobility
4. Resilient mobility
Transport in the European Union | Resilient mobility
Transport in the European Union | Resilient mobility
60 COM(2023) 443/2.
61 European Commission. Green Deal: Greening freight for more economic gain with less environmental
62 SWD(2023) 288 final.
Transport in the European Union | Resilient mobility
4.1.3. Waterborne
Transport in the European Union | Resilient mobility
67 COM(2024) 33 final.
68 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by reporting country.
69 Eurocontrol. European Aviation Overview (29 January – 04 February 2024).
70 Council of the European Union. Single sky reform: Council and Parliament strike a deal to improve
efficiency of air space management in the EU (6 March 2024).
Transport in the European Union | Resilient mobility
Transport in the European Union | Resilient mobility
4.2. Transport
4.2.1. Trans-European
Transport Network
Transport in the European Union | Resilient mobility
Transport in the European Union | Resilient mobility
73 European Commission. DG MOVE. Provisional agreement on more sustainable and resilient trans-
European transport network brings Europe closer together (19 December 2023).
74 Eurostat. Investment share of GDP by institutional sectors.
Transport in the European Union | Resilient mobility
75 Connecting Europe. A transport funding and financing that is adapted to the challenges ahead. TEN-T
Coordinators’ Position Paper (April 2024).
76 European Commission. Connecting Europe Facility 2021-2027 adopted.
Transport in the European Union | Resilient mobility
Transport in the European Union | Resilient mobility
Transport in the European Union | Country factsheets
5. Country factsheets
Transport in the European Union | Belgium
5.1. Belgium
80 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
81 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | Belgium
Transport in the European Union | Belgium
Transport in the European Union | Belgium
86 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile - Belgium (2023).
87 SWD(2021) 631.
Transport in the European Union | Bulgaria
5.2. Bulgaria
88 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
89 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | Bulgaria
Transport in the European Union | Bulgaria
approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for Bulgaria.
95 Annual report of the Railway Administration Executive Agency 2022.
Transport in the European Union | Bulgaria
96 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile – Bulgaria (2023).
97 SWD(2021) 631.
Transport in the European Union | Czechia
5.3. Czechia
98 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
Transport in the European Union | Czechia
Transport in the European Union | Czechia
101 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
102 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
Transport in the European Union | Czechia
Transport in the European Union | Denmark
5.4. Denmark
103 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
104 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | Denmark
105 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Denmark.
106 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Denmark.
Transport in the European Union | Denmark
107 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
108 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
Transport in the European Union | Denmark
109 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile – Denmark (2023).
110 SWD(2021) 631.
Transport in the European Union | Germany
5.5. Germany
111 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
112 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | Germany
113 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Germany.
114 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Germany.
115 Including multipliers set out by the recast Renewable Energy Directive.
Transport in the European Union | Germany
116 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
117 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
118 Bundesnetzagentur. Report: Railway Market Analysis Germany 2022.
Transport in the European Union | Germany
119 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile – Germany (2023).
120 SWD(2021) 631.
Transport in the European Union | Germany
Transport in the European Union | Estonia
5.6. Estonia
121 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
122 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | Estonia
123 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Estonia.
124 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Estonia.
Transport in the European Union | Estonia
125 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
126 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
127 Estonian Competition Authority. Overview of the railway market (2022).
Transport in the European Union | Estonia
128 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile – Estonia (2023).
Transport in the European Union | Ireland
5.7. Ireland
129 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
130 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | Ireland
131 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Ireland.
132 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Ireland.
133 WEM: With existing measures.
134 WAM: With additional measures.
Transport in the European Union | Ireland
135 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
136 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
Transport in the European Union | Ireland
137 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile – Ireland (2023).
Transport in the European Union | Greece
5.8. Greece
138 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
139 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | Greece
140 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Greece.
141 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Greece.
Transport in the European Union | Greece
142 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
143 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
144 IRG Rail 11th market monitoring report, 2023.
Transport in the European Union | Greece
145 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile – Greece (2023).
Transport in the European Union | Spain
5.9. Spain
146 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
147 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | Spain
148 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Spain.
149 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Spain
Transport in the European Union | Spain
150 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
151 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
Transport in the European Union | Spain
152 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile – Spain (2023).
Transport in the European Union | France
5.10. France
153 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
154 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | France
155 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of France.
156 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for France.
157 It is not clear if this 15% is calculated applying the methodology set out in the Directive (EU) 2018/2001.
Transport in the European Union | France
158 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
159 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
160 Autorité de régulation des transports. Marché français du transport ferroviaire. Premiers chiffres 2022.
Transport in the European Union | France
161 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile – France (2023).
Transport in the European Union | Croatia
5.11. Croatia
162 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
163 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | Croatia
164 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Croatia.
165 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Croatia.
166 The explanation for setting it at 13.2% is not clear.
Transport in the European Union | Croatia
167 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
168 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
169 HZ Infrastructura. The Croatian railway network.
Transport in the European Union | Croatia
170 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile – Croatia (2023).
Transport in the European Union | Italy
5.12. Italy
171 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
172 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | Italy
173 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Italy.
174 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Italy.
Transport in the European Union | Italy
175 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
176 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
Transport in the European Union | Italy
177 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile – Italy (2023).
Transport in the European Union | Cyprus
5.13. Cyprus
178 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
179 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | Cyprus
180 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Cyprus.
181 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Cyprus.
182 30% if the project of electricity interconnector is achieved.
Transport in the European Union | Cyprus
184 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
185 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile - Cyprus (2023).
Transport in the European Union | Cyprus
Transport in the European Union | Latvia
5.14. Latvia
187 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
188 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | Latvia
189 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Latvia.
190 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Latvia.
Transport in the European Union | Latvia
191 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
192 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
Transport in the European Union | Latvia
193 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile - Latvia (2023).
Transport in the European Union | Lithuania
5.15. Lithuania
194 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
195 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | Lithuania
196 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Lithuania.
197 eFTI: electronic freight transport information.
198 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Lithuania.
Transport in the European Union | Lithuania
199 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
200 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
Transport in the European Union | Lithuania
201 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile - Lithuania (2023).
Transport in the European Union | Luxembourg
5.16. Luxembourg
202 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
Transport in the European Union | Luxembourg
203 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Luxembourg.
204 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Luxembourg.
Transport in the European Union | Luxembourg
205 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
206 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
Transport in the European Union | Luxembourg
207 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile - Luxembourg (2023).
Transport in the European Union | Hungary
5.17. Hungary
208 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
Transport in the European Union | Hungary
209 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Hungary.
210 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Hungary.
Transport in the European Union | Hungary
211 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
212 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
Transport in the European Union | Hungary
213 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile - Hungary (2023).
Transport in the European Union | Malta
5.18. Malta
214 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
215 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | Malta
216 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Malta.
217 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Malta.
Transport in the European Union | Malta
218 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
219 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile - Malta (2023).
Transport in the European Union | Malta
Transport in the European Union | Netherlands
5.19. Netherlands
221 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
222 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | Netherlands
223 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of the Netherlands.
224 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for the Netherlands.
Transport in the European Union | Netherlands
225 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
226 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
227 European Commission. Rail Market Monitoring Report 2022.
Transport in the European Union | Netherlands
228 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile - Netherlands (2023).
Transport in the European Union | Austria
5.20. Austria
229 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
Transport in the European Union | Austria
230 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Austria.
231 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Austria.
Transport in the European Union | Austria
232 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
233 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
Transport in the European Union | Austria
234 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile - Austria (2022).
235 SWD(2021) 631.
Transport in the European Union | Austria
Transport in the European Union | Poland
5.21. Poland
236 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
237 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | Poland
238 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Poland.
239 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Poland.
Transport in the European Union | Poland
240 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
241 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
Transport in the European Union | Poland
242 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile - Poland (2022).
Transport in the European Union | Portugal
5.22. Portugal
243 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
244 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | Portugal
245 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Portugal.
246 The initial Portuguese RRP dedicated EUR 690 million for infrastructures, out of which 580 million for
transport infrastructures. The updated RRP devotes EUR 790 million for infrastructures, without
specifying the exact breakdown.
247 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Portugal.
Transport in the European Union | Portugal
248 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
249 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
Transport in the European Union | Portugal
250 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile - Portugal (2022).
Transport in the European Union | Romania
5.23. Romania
251 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
252 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | Romania
253 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Romania.
254 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Romania.
Transport in the European Union | Romania
255 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
256 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
257 Annual report of the Competition Council of Romania, 2022.
Transport in the European Union | Romania
258 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile - Romania (2022).
Transport in the European Union | Slovenia
5.24. Slovenia
259 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
260 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | Slovenia
261 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Slovenia.
262 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Slovenia.
Transport in the European Union | Slovenia
263 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
264 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
Transport in the European Union | Slovenia
265 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile - Slovenia (2022).
Transport in the European Union | Slovakia
5.25. Slovakia
266 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
Transport in the European Union | Slovakia
267 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Slovakia.
268 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Slovakia.
Transport in the European Union | Slovakia
269 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
270 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
Transport in the European Union | Slovakia
271 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile - Slovakia (2022).
Transport in the European Union | Finland
5.26. Finland
272 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
273 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | Finland
274 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Finland.
275 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Finland.
Transport in the European Union | Finland
276 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
277 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
278 Finnish Rail Regulatory Body - Rail Market
Transport in the European Union | Finland
279 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile - Finland (2022).
280 SWD(2021) 631.
Transport in the European Union | Finland
Transport in the European Union | Sweden
5.27. Sweden
281 Eurostat. Air passenger transport by main airports in each reporting country (departing, arriving & transit).
282 Eurostat. Gross weight of goods handled in all ports by direction.
Transport in the European Union | Sweden
283 European Commission. Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Sweden.
284 European Commission. Commission assessment of the final NECP for Sweden.
Transport in the European Union | Sweden
285 European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Calculations based on TomTom data.
286 European Commission. EU Transport in Figures. Statistical Pocketbook 2023.
Transport in the European Union | Sweden
287 European Road Safety Observatory. National Road Safety Profile - Sweden (2022).
288 SWD(2021) 631.
Transport in the European Union
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