Water 7
Water 7
Water 7
In integrated pest management systems, the usage of repellents has much-unrealized potential.
Modern insect-repellent technologies have greatly benefited from the development of plant essential
oils, in particular. As a result, it appears that plant chemicals may one day be used in place of or in
addition to chemical insecticides to protect agricultural products. These compounds do not harm the
environment and are safer than chemical insecticides. One of the most important plant compounds that
is currently getting much attention is plant essential oils. To decrease reapplications, toxicity, and cost,
research efforts have concentrated on formulations with lower concentrations of active substances and
sustained-release technologies. Currently, there is a remarkable interest in the development of eco-
friendly, secure, and effective pesticides using intelligent, responsive, biodegradable, and biocompatible
materials. It was stated that when using nanotechnology to develop and create targeted pesticides with
an environmentally sensitive controlled release through chemical modifications and compounds, there
is an excellent potential for developing new formulations.
Keywords: Essential Oils, Flies (Diptera), Insect Repellents, Nanoemulsion, Plants Toxic.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
M. Najafzadeh Nansa et al. / Nanoformulation: An Efficient Approach to Natural Insect Repellent Formulations
of stringent legislation and an extensive pesticide and the continuous release of nano-encapsulated
registration procedure. Concurrently, it has cleared pesticides. [19].
the path for integrating organic insecticides into Despite being a more modern approach
farming practices [9]. to essential oils, encapsulation technology is
Biopesticides are compounds that can manage a fascinating subject for literature reviews.
agricultural pests because of their distinct Encapsulation can shield delicate dietary
biological activity [10]. Thus, it seems that plant ingredients like EOs from environmental factors
components might be added to or used in place like heat, moisture, pH, and oxygen due to their
of chemical pesticides in the future to protect unstable, volatile nature. Parts, particularly active
agricultural products. Compared to chemical parts like EOs, are ensnared in wall materials by
pesticides, these materials are safer and do not encapsulation. In this situation, encapsulation can
harm the environment [11, 12]. improve the biological activity of EOs. The unstable
These biopesticides can be utilized in integrated nature of essential oils due to their volatile nature
pest control because of their environmentally is a significant contributing factor to their appeal
beneficial qualities [13]. Plant pesticides have in encapsulation. Therefore, their degeneration
been identified as environmentally beneficial is easily caused by this scenario. Furthermore,
substitutes for chemical pesticides because of their increasing food safety may necessitate a high EO
biodegradable nature, lack of persistence, rapid concentration; nevertheless, doing so may result
disintegration, no adverse effects on groundwater, in organoleptic issues within the food system [20].
and agroprotective qualities [14]. Hope for a sustainable future in agricultural and
One of the most important plant compounds food sciences is sparked by recent advancements
that is now gaining much attention is plant in nanotechnology. With the history of using
essential oils (PEOs) [15]. However, there may be nanoencapsulation techniques to transport
a way to increase the stability and bioavailability of pesticides and fertilizers, scientists anticipate
PEOs using possible micro and nanoencapsulation enhancing agrosystems to reduce losses brought
technologies [16]. Botanical pesticides, such as on by biotic and abiotic challenges and boost
crude extracts or partially or fully purified plant production. A new generation of ecologically
products, can be used separately or in combination acceptable, slow-releasing insecticides that have a
with other compounds to target a range of insect more significant influence on crop development
vectors and boost crop yield [4]. Pesticides are has been made possible by using nanomaterials
the first line of defense in agriculture during a [21].
significant biological disaster. Biocompatible, One of the easiest methods to cut back on
biodegradable, and responsive polymers are chemical pesticides is to utilize insecticides
becoming increasingly popular in eco-friendly derived from plants. When it comes to improving
green pesticide formulations. solubility, dispersion, bioavailability, preventing
Nanotechnology is a significant help in creating premature degradation, and enabling tailored
environmentally safe, target-oriented, controlled- release of active components, nanopesticides are
release pesticides [17]. One approach to achieve the most effective substitutes [22, 23]. It is feasible
this is by chemical change, a novel method that has to decrease dose needs and lengthen the time it
excellent potential for creating creative formulae. takes for active compounds to be released by using
Moreover, studies on developing intelligent and formulations that contain repellents contained
regulated pesticide release systems based on in nanoparticles. This reduces toxicity and the
nanomaterials have surfaced. The technologies required treatments[24, 25].
can increase the stability and dispersibility of Using plant-based insecticides is one of the
the active component, as well as the pesticide best alternatives to reduce the use of chemical
loading and target ability [17, 18]. Two common pesticides. These substances can disintegrate in
release behaviors for pesticides encapsulated in the environment, are non-toxic or low-toxic to
nanoparticles are (i) sustained (slow) release and non-target creatures, including pests' natural
(ii) stimuli-responsive release. Active ingredients enemies, and are effective against pests. Plants
(AI) concentrations stay within an effective control were the primary, leading, and most traditional
window against pests over an extended period, of means of pest management until the advent of
time, preventing repeated pesticide application artificial pesticides about 2000 years ago [35].
Consequently, agricultural professionals have travel (both civilian and military). International
been motivated to develop widely used methods travelers are to blame for the spread of disease
of biopesticides-mediated crop protection by the between countries [44].
adage, "All the pests that arise out of Earth, the EOs have a long history of use as insecticides
Earth itself the antidote supplies" (Lithica, about in ancient Egyptian daily life, including medicine,
400 B.C.) [36]. cosmetics, spiritual enhancement, and other
Companies that produce poison want to do areas [45]. Due to their typically low toxicity to
this. Finding the perfect combination among the mammals and birds, ease of administration, and
millions of artificial substances and those that widespread acceptability by the general public,
are not synthetic takes a lot of effort and money. EOs are desirable alternatives to conventional
Owing to the substantial costs associated with pesticides [46-48]. When EOs are manufactured
this process, these companies have modified organically, they can be used in organic farming
their strategy and are currently trying to evaluate practices, and some of those with insecticidal
the insecticidal properties of a vast array of properties are deemed safe enough to exclude
compounds [33]. These biopesticides can be them from Environmental Protection Agency
utilized in integrated pest control because of (EPA) registration requirements (EPA 2019) [49].
their environmentally beneficial qualities [13]. Combining botanical insecticides with
Integrated pest management (IPM) programs may biocontrol agents has negligible concerns for
combine biological control with bio [37-39]. human health [50-52]. This calls for the creation
According to the definition of repellents, these of "green" insecticides and repellents with a
are compounds that put a barrier between an insect variety of modes of action that can lessen the
and the surface they are present on, preventing the risks that synthetic pesticides offer to both people
insect from coming into contact with the surface and the environment [53-58]. Due to their
of the host [40]. There is a tremendous untapped possible biological effect on insect pests and low
potential in using repellents in integrated pest mammalian toxicity, EOsare an alternative to
management systems. Some plants naturally repel synthetic insecticides [59-61].
insects, and occasionally, they do so much more Herein the controlled release formulations for
effectively than artificial substances [41]. PEOs, in repellents were reviewed in terms of fundamental
particular, are crucial to developing contemporary principles of formulation preparation, mechanism
insect-repellent technologies. Most bioassays have of repellent release from formulations, and
been carried out to test plant compounds' ability effectiveness against insects. This article primarily
to repel mosquitoes and hard-winged species of focuses on the several kinds of biological insect
warehouse pests. Knowing that storage pests may repellants, including natural oils, (EOs), and
inflict harm that goes beyond destroying farmers their extracts, as well as their insect-repelling
and suppliers can demonstrate how important properties, methods of use in textiles, and
they are. They can also put consumers in danger methods of evaluation. Moreover, finally, the area
by impeding the growth of a nation's economy and of application opens up a new avenue for plant
exports [42]. repellents to learn about their effectiveness on
The use of mosquito repellents is a sensible tactic Nano formulation substrates more sustainably.
to protect people from getting into contact with the
vectors that spread these illnesses. However, the ARTHROPOD-BORNE VIRUSES
cost of applying repellents daily may make their Encapsulation material is one of the most
use unaffordable for low-income populations, essential components in the encapsulation process.
who need protection the most [43]. The use of Depending on their particle size, encapsulates can
repellents to stop the spread of illnesses carried be either microcapsules or nanocapsules. Because
by mosquitoes has been receiving more and they keep oil materials from deteriorating in
more attention recently. However, the majority undesirable environmental circumstances and
of today's repellents are volatile and need to be increase the physical and chemical stability of
reapplied regularly because their effectiveness is active compounds, nanocapsules outperform
very temporary. microcapsules in terms of benefits. Encapsulates
In particular, in tropical areas, the spread of can be obtained by physical, physicochemical,
diseases has been slowed by using repellents during or chemical methods, and the properties of
the encapsulates vary according to the method compound) [70, 76]. The results provided new
used. Lipososomes, solid-lipid nanoparticles, opportunities for developing hybrid formulations
microemulsions, and nanoemulsions have all been that combine repellents that are effective against
employed to encapsulate bioactive substances in arthropod-borne viruses with gels containing
plant materials [20]. nanoparticles. These systems may be able to
Since the majority of arbovirus is linked to offer advances in terms of efficiency, toxicity, and
neglected tropical illnesses, they pose a threat to security [43, 77].
global public health. Several arthropods, including
dengue, Zika, and yellow fever, among others, can ELECTRO-SPINNING REPELLENTS IN
spread arbovirus to people [62]. Despite being POLYVINYL ALCOHOL-NANOFIBRES
spread by the most well-known vector, arbovirus The two synthetic insect repellents with the
can also be spread to people by ticks, flies, and highest market share for preventing mosquito
fleas. The public health system has a global issue bites are -N, N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide
with arbovirus illnesses. Recent evidence indicates (DEET) - and picaridin [78-80]. Synthetic
that such disorders are risk factors for 40% of the repellents, however, have several harmful and
human population [63]. toxic side effects that can include allergic reactions
Insect repellents are the first line of defense and nervous system damage [80, 81]. Additionally,
against mosquito bites and arbovirus transmission certain mosquitoes have developed a resistance to
among these strategies [64]. Therefore, one strategy synthetic repellents, and their practical usage has
to increase access to this particular protection been limited by environmental concerns [47, 80].
method is through the creation of efficient and Most repellents are applied topically to the
affordable formulations. However, there are skin or infused into fabric surfaces. However,
worries regarding these chemicals' biological because they are volatile, their effectiveness is only
effects and possible toxicity for nontarget creatures temporary, necessitating regular reapplication
[65]. of the repellents. Additionally, when coated on
Low permeation through the skin, a pleasing a cloth surface, their durability and resistance to
scent, lasting repellent action, broad activity abrasion are debatable [82].
against insects, especially the main vectors of A potential solution to these issues would be
interest, resistance to water and perspiration, the direct microencapsulation of these repellents
high chemical stability, no staining of fabrics and in nanofibres during emulsion electrospinning or
clothing, and low cost are all qualities of an ideal the integration of repellents that have already been
repellent formulation [66]. microencapsulated in the nanofibres. First off, the
Using formulations with repellents enclosed microcapsules would offer a carefully regulated
in nanoparticles is a viable approach since it can delivery method with prolonged protection
reduce dosage requirements and extend the time intervals [83]. The second benefit of utilizing
it takes for active compounds to release, which electros nanofibres is that they will produce
lowers toxicity. The number of treatments needed highly functional textiles with the most significant
[67-69]. Due to the use of less active substances, the repellency because of their enormous surface
formulations may also become more inexpensive. areas, which optimize the repellent's evaporation
Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) [70] have when the enclosing capsules are ruptured. Lastly,
been cutting-edge systems over the past 20 years micro-encapsulation keeps repellents away from
[71]. These materials were developed as a moment the skin, minimizing skin irritability and allergic
era of lipid nanoparticles, with a composition reactions. Electrospinning also has the advantage
comprising a blend of strong and fluid (oil) lipids of being a quick and affordable method for creating
[72]. These materials were created as a second Nanoscale fibers (10–800 nm) [84].
generation of lipid nanoparticles, with a mixture The direct microencapsulation of repellents
of solid and liquid (oil) lipids as their main from an emulsion and the electro-spinning
ingredients [72, 73]. Hydrogels are frequently integration of already encapsulated repellents
utilized as gelling agents in formulations [74]. into nanofibres are the main topics of this work.
The creation of cellulose hydrogel-incorporated Permethrin, p-menthane-3, 8-diol micro-
NLCs is loaded with a combination of icaridin (a capsules, catnip oil, and chili oil were among
synthetic substance) and geraniol [75] (a natural the repellents that were electros into polyvinyl
alcohol (PVA) nanofibres structures. In general, surface is a novel idea [92]. Although this method
all integrated mosquito repellents in the Nano offers long-lasting usefulness, microcapsules must
fibrous structures demonstrated a markedly lower still be actively ruptured to release the therapeutic
number of decreasing decreases than the control. ingredients.
As a result, the technology detailed here Emulsion electro-spinning is another
produced a brand-new, very effective repelling innovation that has gained popularity for
textile material that can be utilized to prevent producing core-shell, bi-component Nano fibrous
mosquito-related disorders [54]. structures [93]. Emulsion electro-spinning is a
The active ingredient in lemon eucalyptus oil, straightforward and inexpensive technology that
p-menthane-3,8-diol (PMD), is obtained from encapsulates and incorporates functional additives
the twigs and leaves of Eucalyptus citriodora, a into nanofibres in a single step [94]. Additionally,
member of the Myrtaceae family [80, 81]. PMD unlike micro-capsules, encapsulated additives
can repel by disguising the environmental cues constantly release their contents via the thin wall
that mosquitoes utilize to locate their host [79, of the fiber, which may lead to shorter-term use
85, 86]. The active ingredients of chili essential [92]. As a result, each method has advantages and
oil, another biological repellant, are capsaicin and disadvantages.
dihydrocapsaicin. The morphological and mechanical
On mosquitoes, dogs, rabbits, cats, birds, cotton characteristics of the electrospun nanofibres and
pests, etc., chili oil has a strong anti-feed ant and structures can be dramatically changed by adding
deadly action [87, 88]. Similarly, catnip essential additives to the electro-spinning solutions [94].
oil, which includes the ingredient nepetalactone Permethrin exhibits a strong repelling effect,
as its primary component, has a strong, minty as described in other research studies [78, 95].
scent that keeps spiders, cockroaches, termites, These findings unequivocally support the use of
spittlebugs, and other pests away [86, 89]. innovative insect repellents incorporated into
The capacity of both emulsion and micro- textile fabrics to prevent mosquito bites. These
capsule electro-spinning to incorporate repellents biological insect repellents may provide an
into Nano fibrous structures for textile applications alternative to the harmful insecticides used to
are compared in this study [84]. However since the treat textiles [96]. Recent developments in vector
majority of these polymers, like Polyamides (PA) management, such as using biological repellents
and -Polyethylene (PE-, cannot degrade naturally to stop mosquitoes from entering homes, offer a
and can only be dissolved in hazardous solvents, promising application for brand-new repelling
their use is hazardous to the environment. textiles in push-pull systems [97-99].
Polyvinyl acetate (PVA) was selected for this In light of these potential applications, future
investigation because it is water soluble, making research should focus on the material's lifespan,
hazardous solvents unnecessary, easy to process, such as washing durability and repellency efficacy
and biodegradable [90]. Additionally, PVA has longevity. Additionally, because PVA dissolves
many uses in the textile, medicinal, and cosmetic in water, it will be crucial to consider potential
industries. cross-linking techniques to make the PVA added
This study used electro-spinning to incorporate to the various repellents water-insoluble and
various permethrin, PMD, chili, and catnip oil independent of ambient humidity.
repellant concentrations into PVA nanofabrics
directly or through microencapsulation for PMD. EVALUATION OF THE MOSQUITO
Because of its versatility in producing REPELLENT ACTIVITY OF NANO-SIZED
nanofibres from different synthetic and natural PARTICLES
polymers, electro-spinning has recently gained Nanotechnology has revolutionized progress
popularity [81]. Numerous improvements have in many fields of science, such as engineering,
been made to the electro-spinning setup to develop biotechnology, analytical chemistry, water
functional Nano fibrous structures with distinctive treatment, and agriculture [100-102]. However,
features as a result of the present emphasis on their use in crop protection is in its early stages.
electro-spinning [91]. Utilizing electros pun The use of nanoparticles (NPs) in the production
micro-capsules in nanofibres mats to include of new pesticides and insecticides to protect
functional additives into the fiber matrix or fiber and produce plants in a research area has been
investigated. Since nanoparticles have a high both systemic and local adverse effects, human
surface-to-volume ratio, they can pass through the experiences and animal research have shown
cell membranes of insects and damage them [103]. that it is generally harmless. Infants and kids who
The study of how nanomaterials interact with applied medicinal formulations containing DEET
insects, the creation of nanoemulsions, and their experienced DEET dermal absorption. Both death
use as novel insecticides are all aspects of the and toxicity have been reported in some instances,
promising field of pest management known as including encephalopathy, and cardiovascular,
nanotechnology. Due to its potential for usage dermal, and psychotic seizures [107].
in a wide range of applications, nanotechnology Even though DEET is widely utilized, there are
has gained much attention and can help make dangers to both human and environmental health.
agriculture more sustainable. Nanotechnology and As a result, efforts to create natural repellents
nanoscience advancements recently have given and environmentally friendly pharmaceutical
rise to expectations for a potential new industrial formulations are growing [108]. Thousands of
revolution. Nanotechnology is the study and plants have been examined for their ability to
manipulation of matter with a size range of around resist pests during the past 50 years. Some organic
1 to 100 nanometers. Nano-scale materials can and plant-based repellents are more effective than
have peculiar physical, chemical, and biological their synthetic counterparts. Because of their
features. These characteristics could differ greatly volatility, (EOs) have a brief period of action.
from those of bulk materials and individual atoms Numerous products from natural sources that
or molecules [104]. are effective insect repellents and insecticides are
Such characteristics could be linked to available [109].
biological effects absent from larger particles Due to their selectivity, safety, and few adverse
with a comparable chemical makeup. In these effects on the environment and non-target
circumstances, novel methods are required for creatures, (EOs) have the potential to be effective
the systematic definition of nanoparticles and insect repellents and pesticides [110].
their properties as a basis for ensuring data The majority of Eucalyptus globules, 1, 8-cineol
reproducibility, identifying the underlying (Eucalyptol), have both a potent ovipositional
processes of toxicity, and forecasting repellent and a moderate mosquito feeding
environmental behaviors [105]. repellent [111].
The Culicidae family of mosquitoes is the (EOs) are uncomfortable for extensive usage
dangerous transmitter of several tropical diseases, because of their poor water solubility, chemical
including encephalitis, filariasis, malaria, and instability, volatility, propensity for oxidation,
nuisance mosquitoes. One of the most crucial and instability [112]. Therefore, by increasing
strategies to avoid transmitting diseases is to the dissolving rate, water solubility, dispersion
control mosquito populations and protect people uniformity, and stability after topical application,
from their bites. integrating (EOs) in Nano formulations, such as
Although DEET is highly effective and widely micro-emulsions, could resolve these issues [113].
used to repel mosquitos, some biting Diptera are
resistant. In addition, there are worries over the Textile finishes that repel insects
toxicity and allergic reactions caused by DEET. As Malaria and dengue fever are two of the most
a result, alternative repellents, such as PEOS, are lethal illnesses in the world. Dengue is a vector-
required [106]. borne disease brought on by viruses, whereas
A 15% weight-to-weight concentration of malaria is a vector-borne infectious disease
eucalyptus oil in a micro-emulsion can be as brought on by protozoan parasites. Around 500
repellent as DEET. In terms of thermodynamics million people worldwide contract malaria each
and kinetics, it appears that nano-scale year, and more than one million people die from it,
microemulsion is stable. In conclusion, creating 90% of whom are children. Additionally, 250,000
Nano-sized micro-emulsions may prolong the instances of dengue hemorrhagic fever and an
duration of mosquito protection by delaying the estimated 100 million cases of dengue fever are
volatility of eucalyptus essential oil release from reported each year. The issue is growing and even
formulations [106]. posing a threat to Europe due to climate change
Although DEET use has been linked to and global warming [114].
Citrus eucalyptus (crombie citriodora) extract for kill insects, this natural active ingredient is also
pmd used in numerous goods [115, 125].
The only plant-based repellent that the Centres In another study, the modified ORIFCE
for Disease Control (CDC) has recommended technique was used to encapsulate citronella with
for use in disease-endemic areas is PMD. This chitosan [127]. An application of DEET melamine
is because PMD has been clinically shown to be capsules was made to a polyester net fabric.
effective at preventing malaria and is thought to Anopheles Gambia mosquitoes were used in a
pose no health risks to humans [115]. It should tunnel test to evaluate the insecticidal effect [128].
be mentioned that the EPA has not registered Neem oil was encapsulated in three different shell
lemon eucalyptus essential oil for use as an insect polymers, including PVA, gum Arabic, and whey
repellent. protein isolate/malt dextrin, using the spray dyeing
The leaves of lemon eucalyptus trees, or method described by Sittipummongkol et al [129].
Crombie citriodora (Myrtaceae), are used to make Gum Arabic was used to encapsulate eucalyptus
a potent natural repellant. It was found during oil and cedar wood oil using a straightforward
widespread screenings of plants used in Chinese coacervation process. Fabrics treated with capsules
traditional medicine in the 1960s. Due to its demonstrated insect repellency behavior when
energizing scent, cosmetic manufacturers employ tested against the silverfish (Lepisma saccharina)
lemon eucalyptus essential oil, which contains bug [130].
85% citronellal [116]. Many plant extracts and
oils have a long-lasting ability to keep mosquitoes ESSENTIAL OILS
away (up to several hours). They are effective Worldwide, insect repellents are frequently
repellents for a brief period after application, but made from (EOS)extracted from plants in the
because their active components are frequently Lamiaceae (mint family), Poaceae (aromatic grass
highly volatile, they quickly evaporate, leaving family), and Pinaceae (pine and cedar family)
the user defenseless. The exception to this rule is families [131]. Many commercial repellents
para-menthane-3,8-diol, which has a lower vapor contain a variety of PEOs, such as peppermint,
pressure than the volatile monoterpenes found lemongrass, geraniol, pine oil, pennyroyal, cedar
in the majority of plant oils [117] and provides oil, thyme oil, and patchouli, either for aroma or
exceptional long-term protection against a wide as repellents. Thyme oil, geraniol, peppermint oil,
range of insect vectors [118], as opposed to cedar oil, patchouli, and clove are the most potent
essential oils, which are insect repellent for about of these and have been shown to repel malaria,
an hour [119]. Due to its demonstrated clinical filarial, and yellow fever vectors for 60–180
efficacy in preventing malaria and because it is minutes [132, 133].
thought to pose minimal harm to human health In locations where disease is endemic, it is not
[120-122]. advisable to use repellents that merely contain
The synthetic pesticide permethrin belongs EOS in place of an active ingredient like DEET.
to the pyrethroid family and has limited water Additionally, repellents that contain many EOS
solubility. According to the WHO pesticide may irritate the skin, especially in the presence of
guideline, it is classified as Class II, is moderately sunshine [134].
dangerous, and is advised for the finishing The study findings also showed that the
applications to mosquito nets [123, 124]. effectiveness of several commercially available
Limonene is a very volatile oil that is typically mosquito repellents varies depending on the
obtained from the citrus family. species of mosquito that is being repelled. Overall,
Due to its pleasant scent and popularity, it the study findings supported the notion that
has been utilized extensively in the culinary DEET-based treatments are the most effective
and cosmetic industries. Due to its pesticide bug repellents currently available [135]. The
properties, this natural active ingredient is also researchers additionally noted that additional
used in numerous products [125]. A very volatile research is needed to examine the effectiveness of
oil, limonene, is often obtained from the citrus these interventions in deterring other mosquito
family. Due to its flavor and pleasant smell, it species since their study concentrated on the
has been extensively employed in the food and effectiveness of wearable technology and spray-on
cosmetic industries [126]. Because of its ability to repellents against Ae. Aegypti females. In addition,
Table 1. Previous research studies on the effectiveness of commercially available insect repellents, controlled release systems based on
repellents, and repellent-based goods
*In the lab, insect repellents based on controlled-release formulations were created and tested against several mosquito species. As a
result, the manufacturer names were only given for wearable technology or commercially accessible repellant items.
the oil of lemon eucalyptus for use as an insect Negahban et al. [161] employed its nanocapsulated
repellent [158, 159]. essential oil and tested it against Plutella xylostella
L. They found a higher efficiency in the repellant
Artemisia activity of the nanocapsulated essential oil on P.
The Artemisia genus is one of the largest genera xylustella than the non-capsulated one. A. anuua
in the Asteraceae family. It consists of more than is a species grown in many parts of the world,
500 species. The species are mostly distributed including Iran. It contains various compounds
in the northern hemisphere [160]. Many of the in its aerial parts, being used as antibacterial and
species contain chemicals possessing medicinal, pesticide agents [160]. Artemisinin is one of the
antimicrobial, and pesticidal effects. Artemisia secondary metabolites mostly found in its aerial
sieberi Besser is one of the species grown in Iran. parts, particularly in flowers. Artemisinin has
been long used in traditional Chinese medicine. repellents limit the release of insecticides into
It is currently used as a drug to combat mosquitos the environment and extend the duration of their
causing malaria (Plasmodium falciparum and P. effectiveness. It advances the human condition.
vivax) [162]. Since its natural occurrence is slow, According to certain studies, it may be possible
attempts are being made to increase its content in to create long-lasting mosquito-repellent items
A. annua. One of the tools successfully employed like bracelets, socks, creams, rolls, and sprays.
for this purpose is using nanoparticles as the It is advised that more research be done
elicitor [114]. to comprehend the fundamental concepts of
formation and the mechanism of the repellent's
CONSIDERATIONS FOR REPELLENT rate of release from the device system.
TESTING METHODOLOGY More research that focuses on fundamental
The books and articles used in this study entomological impact, as well as physical and
were found through searches in reputable chemical factors, is also required.
databases like Sciencedirect, Proquest, Taylor & Finally, before insect repellents based on
Francis, Online library, Web of Science, Springer, crops that have grown renewable are accepted
Academic Oxford, and Bioone, as well as through commercially, more thorough, and in-depth
search engines like Medline, Citation Index, entomological and epidemiological testing should
BIOISIS, Pubmed, Google Scholar, and Elmnet's be carried out.
Persian language search engine. This essay was
also compiled using domestic scientific research CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
publications from 2010 to 2022. The authors declare an absence of competing
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botanicals, repellents, mosquitoes, insects" were could influence the work reported in this paper.
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