Lecture Failure

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Failure of Biomaterials

Metal implants
Failure of metals for biomedical
2.Fatigue and fracture
3.Metal Ion Release
Metallic biomaterials – importance of surface
• Almost all interactions between cells/tissues and
a metal implant occur at the implant surface
– As such, the surface properties of metals implant
materials are of great importance

“The XPS analysis showed that dental implants

surfaces consisted of oxidized titanium (mainly
TiO2), carbon, oxygen, and…contaminants like
N, P and Si…Some authors have reported that
surface findings vary according to each
manufacturer procedure technique…”

Takeaway  metal ions not bound tightly

within the lattice will want to react to lower
Scanning electron their energy state!
microscopy (SEM) image of
a Ti dental implant
Castilho AAC, et al. Brazilian J Phys,
Corrosion of metal implant materials
• The physiological environment contains dissolved
gases, electrolytes, cells and proteins at 37°C.
• In this environment, immersion of metals can lead
to corrosion
– Corrosion – the deterioration and removal of the metal by
chemical reactions
– Implants with “rough” surfaces as in the previous slide are
especially susceptible!
• Ions released from the implant:
– Are potentially cytotoxic
– Can reduce the biocompatiblity of the implant and
jeopardize its function

Hold onto this concept for a moment…

Rust formation on metallic surfaces

• A simple form of metallic corrosion that occurs naturally

is rust formation
• A very thin oxide film forms on the metal surface
– For most metals/alloys, occurs naturally in air as long as some
water vapor is present

The primary reactions:

Fe  Fe2+ + 2 e- (oxidation of Fe)

O2 + 4e- + 2H2O  4 OH- (reduction of O)

Fe2+ + OH-  Fe(OH)2 (acid-base rxn)

Fe(OH)2  FeO + H2O (dehydration)

Metallic biomaterials – surface
• Though rust formation is often undesired
for aesthetic reasons (e.g., on bridges and
other types of public infrastructure), how
might it be useful for metal implant
• Surface passivation is purposely applied
to metal implants to provide a “shielding
layer” to prevent further corrosion!
– Often is accomplished by immersion in acidic
solution (for the oxidation step)
– The resulting oxide surface is an electrical
and thermal insulator
• Alloys are generally more corrosion
resistant after implantation because of Passivation of silicon using nitric
the increased stability of the oxides acid
formed through passivation (relative to
pure metals)

N. Grant and K. McIntosh, Austrailian National

Orthopedic biomaterial degradation

Corrosion, the gradual degradation of materials by electrochemical attack is of great

concern particularly when a metallic implant is placed in the hostile electrolytic
environment of the human body

The implants face severe corrosion environment which includes blood and other
constituents of the body fluid which encompass several constituents like water,
sodium, chlorine, proteins, plasma, amino acids along with mucin in the case of
Metals: Corrosion
􀁺 Corrosion is continued degradation of metals to oxide, hydroxide or
other compounds through chemical reactions.
􀁺 The human body is an aggressive medium for inducing corrosion in
metals: water, dissolved oxygen, proteins, chloride and hydroxide.

Chuter, Seminar in Vascular Surery 2009;22:102


Pannus formation due to non-hemocompatibility of the valve leaflets surface

• Corrosion: „Redox“-Chemistry
• Reduction and Oxidation:

• (reduction of oxidation number)

Corrosion: Basic Reactions

Ionization: Direct formation of metalic cations under acidic or

• reducing (i.e. oxygen poor) conditions.
• M → M+ + e-
Oxidation: Direct reaction of metal with oxygen.
• M + O2 → MO2
Hydroxylation: The reaction of water under alkaline (basic) or
• oxidizing conditions to yield a hydroxide or hydrated oxide.
• 2M + O2(aq) + 2H2O → 2M(OH)2

• Galvanic Crevice

Stress-Corrosion Cracking Fretting

Galvanic Corrosion
• Galvanic corrosion Occurs when two dissimilar
metallic materials are in contact within an electrolyte
resulting in current to flow between the two Depends
on passivity of oxide layers Galvanic corrosion can be
greater for dental implants than orthopedic implants
Galvanic Corrosion

• Electrochemical circuit between two dissimilar metals

• Anodic material is more basic and oxidizes (corrodes)
• Cathodic material is more noble and is protected

S. Waldman MECH 393

Refers to corrosion damage at the small area of
contact surface due to repeated load and
most frequently happens in hip joint prostheses
Fretting corrosion Occurs when there is micromotion and

Fretting rubbing contact within a corrosive environment Along

implant body and support interphase

Corrosion products due to fretting on 316L immersed in extracellular

tissue fluid are oxides containing chromic chloride and potassium
dichromate as well as variable amounts of calcium, chloride, and
phosphorous, with nickel and manganese being absent, indicating
preferential release of these metal ions into the surrounding solution.

These results indicate that for 316L implant surfaces, nickel and manganese
are depleted in the oxide film and that the surface oxide composition
changes to mostly chromium and iron oxide with a small percentage of
molybdenum oxide in the human body.
It is a localized form of corrosion by which cavities or "holes" are
produced in the material.

Pitting is the most common form of corrosion arising from the

breakdown of the passivating oxide film, which can be enhanced by the
presence of proteins in the tissue fluid and serum.
2. Fatigue and Fracture:
Mostly metallic implants leads to fatigue fracture
when subjected to cyclic loading inside human body. The
behavior of metallic implants depends upon following factors:

• Microstructure
• Frequency of the cyclic loading
• Design of the implant
• Type of the fluid medium of implant.

• Ultrasonic frequency was used in

• medium in order to evaluate the fatigue
• corrosion of metallic implant

Fatigue and cleavage decoherence

due to post operational malpractice
Biologic considerations Toxicity Refers to
Metal Ion Release: primary degradation products of a material
• High strength alloys possess good mechanical strength but has
relatively poor corrosion resistance properties
• In most situations it is worst if metal ion release follow corrosion
process which can be a toxic contaminant inside human body
What is Metallic Wear?
• The deterioration of metal surfaces is known as the
Metallic Wear. Wear is the result of erosion, abrasion,
impact, metal-to-metal contact, oxidation, oxidation
and corrosion or a corrosion, combination of these.
• Wear is the gradual removal of material obtained at contacting
surfaces in relative motion
• Wear phenomena are intimately linked to frictional processes
• Lubricants are used to separate contacting surfaces in relative motion
and thus to reduce wear.
• Lubricants may completely separate the surfaces, as in fluid film

Metal-on-metal implants failed much more quickly,

with a five-year revision rate of 6.2%, compared with 2.3% for
ceramic-on-ceramic implants and 1.7% for metal-on-plastic types
(National Joint Registry of England and Wales).

Tiny metal ions are thought to break off from the implants and leak
into the blood, with fears this causes muscle and bone damage
(osteolysis) as well as neurological issues.
• Together with corrosion process, wear is among the surface
degradation that limits the use of metallic implant
• Removal of dense oxide film which naturally formed on the
surface of the metallic implant in turn caused wear process
• A common method to measure the wear behavior of metallic
implant is by pin on disc method which enables lubrication with
artificial human body fluid

Wear  Factors to consider:

 Material Selection
Select more wear resistant materials (e.g. Co-Cr >> Ti)
Develop surface modifications (e.g. TiN)

 Materials Combinations
Same (metal-on-metal)
Mixed (metal-on-plastic)

 Contact Mechanics
Loads (magnitude, static, dynamic)
Mechanical properties of materials
Geometry of contacting bodies
• Factors to consider:
• Lubrication
Lubricant properties
Mechanism of lubrication (e.g. elastohydrodynamic)

• Surface Finish
2nd body wear (n two-body abrasion a hard surface
rubs against a softer one), 3rd body wear (hard
particles, trapped between two surfaces, grind one
or both of them)

• Kinematics of Articulation
Velocity, rolling/sliding

• Biological Response
Bulk versus particulate debris
S. Waldman MECH 393
Material Combinations (THRs)
Femoral Head Material Acetabular Material Result
Stainless Steel PTFE Wearing out, tissue reaction to
wear products
Stainless Steel Silica-filled PTFE Abrasion of femoral head and
wear of cup
Co-Cr-Mo Co-Cr-Mo High friction, high levels of
metal ions in tissue
Co-Cr-Mo Cartilage Satisfactory
Co-Cr-Mo UHMWPE Low rate of wear
UHMWPE Cartilage Severe wear of UHMPE and
UHMWPE Co-Cr-Mo Wear of femoral head

Ti-6Al-4V UHMWPE High rate of cup wear

Zirconia UHMWPE Limited experience

Alumina UHMWPE Low rate of wear
Alumina Alumina Low rate of wear

S. Waldman MECH 393

Mechanisms of Wear
• Flat surfaces, even those polished
to a mirror finish, are not truly flat
on an atomic scale. They are
rough, with sharp, rough or
rugged outgrowth peak.
• Under compression, the
sharpness deform, leading to
increased contact area (lower
stresses) with higher coefficients
of friction (µs, µd).

• Depending on how the sharpness

interact under relative motion,
different wear mechanisms can
• Fatigue, Adhesive, Abrasive
• Stimulator, rotation
Mechanisms of Wear
• Fatigue
• Primarily related to one material (UHMWPE)
• Cyclic subsurface tension and compression

• Adhesive
• Related to two materials (metal & UHMWPE)
• Surface energy between materials in contact

• Abrasive
• Related to three materials (metal, UHMWPE and debris)
• Hard, rough material removes soft material

• Combinations of above can occur

S. Waldman MECH 393

• Screening tests are typically used to reproduce the
mechanisms of wear observed in retrieved
implants in a controlled environment.

• Stimulators
• Pros: actual implants used
• Cons: difficult to model actual biomechanics
Wear Testing
• Rotating Pin-on-Flat
• Pros: simpler model than simulator
• Cons: does not actually model kinematics/dynamics

• Reciprocating Pin-on-Flat
• Pros: sliding motion modeled well (good for THRs)
• Cons: does not actually model knee kinematics/dynamics

S. Waldman MECH 393

Consequences of Wear
• Excessive wear can lead to premature failure of the component; however,
there can also be a biological response to the generated wear debris, such as
inflammation and/or osteolysis.

• Osteolysis refers to the active resorption of bone tissue as part of a biological

reaction to wear particles generated from artificial joint replacements. This
process ultimately results in implant loosening and eventually requiring
revision surgery.

• The magnitude of the osteolytic response is dependent on the nature of the

wear particles generated:
• chemical composition
• size (smaller particles have greater effect)
• shape (shaper particles have greater effect)
To avoid corrosion:
• – Consider the composition of the biological invironment (ions, pH,
• oxygen pressure, etc.)
• – Use appropriate metals.
• – Avoid implantation of dissimilar metals.
• – Minimize pits and crevices.
• – Avoid transfer of metal from tools to the implant during surgery.

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