IndustrialHempInfoSheet - 2019 05 24

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James DeDecker, Director, Upper Peninsula Research
Eric Anderson, Educator in Field Crops, Michigan and Extension Center, MSU
State University Extension
Chris DiFonzo, Professor, Department of Entomology,
Dean Baas, Educator in Sustainable Agriculture, MSU College of Natural Science, MSU
Kurt Thelen, Professor, Department of Plant, Soil and
Erin Burns, Assistant Professor, Department of Plant, Microbial Sciences, CANR, MSU
Soil and Microbial Sciences, College of Agriculture
Marilyn Thelen, Associate Director, Agriculture and
and Natural Resources, MSU
Agribusiness Institute, MSU Extension
Martin Chilvers, Associate Professor, Department of
Brook Wilke, Farm Manager, Kellogg Biological
Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences, CANR, MSU
Station, MSU

Table of Contents
History & Regulation.....................................................................................................................................3
Uses & Markets................................................................................................................................................3
Seedbed Preparation & Planting....................................................................................................5
Weed Control.........................................................................................................................................5
Insect Pests............................................................................................................................................6
Diseases & Management................................................................................................................... 7
Harvest & Storage................................................................................................................................ 7
References & Resources..............................................................................................................................8

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© (top right). Bottom three photos courtesy Cornell University.

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History & Regulation of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) and

Michigan universities (Industrial Hemp Research Act,
Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is cannabis cultivated
2014). The federal Drug Enforcement Agency, however,
to produce fiber, grain, biomass, or non-intoxicating
delayed issuing controlled substances permits, which
medicinal compounds, such as cannabidiol (CBD). As
has stalled industrial hemp research in Michigan and
defined by law, industrial hemp has less than 0.3% THC
(tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive component in
marijuana. The 2018 Farm Bill legalized commercial production of
industrial hemp in all 50 states and opened the door for
Cannabis sativa is among the earliest and most widely
the redevelopment of a domestic hemp industry. States
cultivated plants, and was once a globally important fiber
have been given the authority to regulate industrial
crop (Barber, 1991). It is believed that Spaniards brought
hemp. Michigan growers and processors must register
hemp to the Americas in the mid-16th century, and by
their hemp acres and facilities with MDARD and submit
1619, Native Americans and British colonists were growing
crop samples for THC testing.
hemp for fiber in New England (McIlwaine & Kennedy,
1905). The fiber was especially well-known to early Uses & Markets
mariners, whose sails were commonly made of canvas, a Industrial hemp enthusiasts commonly claim that over
material once derived from and named after cannabis. 25,000 uses exist for the crop. Certainly a multitude
Prominent American agriculturalists and innovators, of products can be derived from industrial hemp fiber,
including George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and grain, seed, oil, and straw and plant tissue (nonseed) oil
Thomas Jefferson, were interested in hemp as a raw extracts (cannabinoids).
material for the manufacture of rope, textiles, and paper. The processed stems yield longer, higher quality fibers
Industrial hemp became a common farm crop in the 18th called “basts,” and shorter, woody, lower quality fibers
and 19th centuries, moving west with American settlers. called “hurds” or “shivs.” Bast fiber can be used to make
The peak years of U.S. hemp production were 1840 to end products such as fabric and rope, while hurd is used
1890, with production concentrated in Kentucky, Missouri, for animal bedding, compost, and other lower value
and Illinois. products (Kraenzel, et al., 1998, p. 12). Seed can be resold
Historically, producing hemp fiber meant growing plants for crop planting, hulled for food, or crushed for oil and
with unknown THC levels. Increased availability of other oil derivatives and for cake (the meal left after removing
industrial fibers and concerns about marijuana abuse led the oil) byproducts. In 2013 in the European Union, 56%
to a gradual prohibition of cannabis cultivation in the U.S. of hemp seed was used for food and 44% for animal
beginning in the early 20th century. By the mid-1930s feed (Carus, 2017, p. 8). The Hemp Industries Association
cannabis was regulated as a drug in every state. The (2019) reported total U.S. retail sales of hemp products
federal Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 effectively outlawed (fiber and grain) at nearly $700 million in 2016, with the
sales of cannabis nationwide through aggressive taxation. market expected to grow at a rate of 10% to 20%. U.S.
In the 1940s, plant breeders tried to develop low-THC hemp imports have increased to meet this demand,
cannabis cultivars, with mixed results. When other natural reaching $67.3 million in 2017 with about 90% of the
fibers became scarce during World War II, the federal imports supplied by Canada.
government authorized the cultivation of about 400,000 The market for CBD, which is concentrated in the
acres of hemp as part of a Hemp for Victory campaign. glandular trichomes (specialized hairs) of flowers and
Yet by 1957, hemp was swept from America’s agricultural leaves in industrial hemp, is expected to grow. However,
landscape by increasing regulation, and synthetic fibers the lack of extensive clinical trials related to CBD’s use
became standard in many industries. in the treatment of various illnesses and conditions, and
Increasing demand for hemp products and the the probable regulation of CBD as a pharmaceutical
development of low-THC cannabis cultivars have led to product by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, make
recent pro-hemp legislation. Section 7606 of the 2014 estimates on market growth speculative at best.
Farm Bill permitted regulated research on this ancient Industrial hemp hasn’t been grown as a crop in the
crop. In 2014, the Michigan Legislature removed industrial U.S. since the late 1950s, so growers must look at the
hemp (cannabis with less than 0.3% THC) from the state’s development of hemp markets in other countries when
legal definition of marihuana (the spelling used in state considering the crop’s economic feasibility. For example,
law; Michigan Public Act 548, 2014) and authorized the hemp acreage in Canada, where growing industrial
industrial hemp research by the Michigan Department hemp has been legal since 1998, varied greatly during the



crop’s early years (Johnson, 2018, p. 10). At first, farmers important for cannabinoid production to avoid pollination
may not have known whether the crop was suitable for and seed set.
their farming operations. Then, after many had decided
to give hemp a try and acreage jumped substantially, a
Hemp is best grown on well-drained, highly fertile soils
commercial buyer collapsed and left many farmers with
with ample organic matter. Given adequate fertility and
seed and fiber they couldn’t sell (Small & Marcus, 2002,
moisture, good hemp also can be grown on sandy soils.
p. 318). In addition, a boom-season harvest and resulting
The cost of irrigation may prove uneconomical for hemp
price drop meant many growers lost money on industrial
on sandy soils, however. “Well-drained clay soils can
be used,” according to Small and Marcus, “but poorly-
These troubles might have been avoidable if a strong drained clay soils are very inappropriate because of their
marketing board had existed to help bridle the early susceptibility to compaction, which is not tolerated”
competitive forces and market instabilities, and to (2002, p. 312).
dampen the price fluctuations. Without a marketing
Young plants are sensitive to wet or flooded soils during
board (or a similar limiting mechanism) in the U.S., the
the first three weeks or until growth reaches the fourth
amount of hype surrounding the crop could initially
internode (about 1 foot tall) (Small & Marcus, 2002, p.
spur comparable overproduction and market troubles.
312). Soil pH should be between 6.0 and 7.5, with neutral
Therefore, it will be crucial that growers sign contracts
to slightly above neutral preferred.
with reputable buyers of industrial hemp products before
planting a hemp crop. CLIMATE
Agronomy Hemp prefers a significant amount of moisture. Research
at Ridgetown College, Ontario, indicates the crop needs
Industrial hemp is an untested crop in Michigan. Research 10 to 13 inches of in-season rainfall (Baxter & Scheifele,
is needed to provide data on planting, management, 2000, Climatic Conditions, para. 1). Furthermore, “about
fertility, harvesting, and processing specific to production half of this moisture is required during flowering and seed
in Michigan. In the meantime, Michigan growers will set in order to produce maximum grain yield. Drought
have to rely on a variety of hemp production resources during this stage reduces seed set and produces poorly
published by states such as Kentucky and Canadian developed grain heads. Continued drought results in low
provinces such as Ontario that have industrial hemp yields of light grain” (Baxter & Scheifele, 2000, Climatic
research programs. Michigan and Ontario’s proximity and Conditions, para. 2).
similar latitude make information from that province on
In addition, they state, “during the period of vegetative
soils, climate, suitable hemp varieties, and management
growth, hemp responds to daytime high temperatures
practices most relevant to Michigan growers.
of 25°C to 28°C (77°F to 83°F). Young plants can grow
DESCRIPTION slowly at temperatures as low as 2°C (36°F). After the
Industrial hemp is a broadleaf, annual, wind-pollinated, third pair of leaves develops, hemp can survive daily low
and tap-rooted plant that can grow rapidly under ideal temperatures as low as -0.5°C (31°F) for 4 to 5 days”
conditions. When grown for grain production, branching (Baxter & Scheifele, 2000, Climatic Conditions, para. 3).
may occur, and the plants reach heights of 6 to 10
feet. Shorter plants are favored for ease of combine
Most industrial hemp varieties originate from Europe. The
harvesting. The flowers and seed set on female plants
three types are:
are indeterminate, which means that seeds develop and
• Dioecious, having male and female flower parts on
mature over an extended period. Thus, both immature
separate plants
and ripe seeds are present on the same plant.
• Monoecious, having male and female flower parts
When grown for fiber production, hemp may grow on the same plant
without branching to a height of 6 to 13 feet. Because • Female predominant, a dioecious type with 85%
of the denser plantings typical for fiber production, the to 90% female plants (Baxter & Scheifele, 2000,
bottom leaves atrophy due to shading. Varieties, para. 1)
For cannabinoid production, only female plants are Characteristics unique to each variety include seed
grown, and wide spacing is used to encourage branching size, oil content and composition, and fiber quality and
and maximize flower production. Hemp pollen can yield. Varieties grown for fiber may contain 15% to 25%
travel long distances in windy conditions, so isolation is bast fibers (Baxter & Scheifele, 2000, Varieties, para. 2).



According to researchers at the University of Kentucky, for fiber, hemp is planted in dense stands to discourage
“Dual-purpose cultivars are suitable for both fiber and branching and flowering and to promote height, thus
seed uses; however, the current industry trend in other maximizing fiber yields (Kaiser, et al., 2015, p. 3).
countries seems to be toward selecting varieties specific For grain production, final plant populations should
for one use or the other” (Kaiser, Cassady, & Ernst, 2015, be around 400,000 to 600,000 plants per acre. The
p. 3). University of Kentucky recommends 20 to 40 lbs. per
Most hemp cultivars are photoperiodic (day-length acre PLS and row spacings from 8 to 16 inches for
triggers flowering), and earlier planting dates result in seed or dual purpose (Williams & Mundell, 2018, p. 4).
more vegetative growth before flowering. Because hemp Plants are spaced farther apart for seed production
is day-length sensitive, flowering is triggered with the to encourage flowering and branching. According
onset of shorter days, generally 4 to 5 weeks after the to Williams and Mundell, “Field-scale cannabinoid
summer solstice (June 20 or 21) depending on latitude production systems are not yet well-defined. Lacking
(Cherney & Small, 2016, p. 11; Baxter & Scheifele, 2000, appropriate research-based information, cannabinoid
Seedbed Preparation and Planting, para. 3). production from seed should be thought of similarly to
grain production” (2018, p. 5).
Finding cultivars suited to local conditions and purpose –
fiber, grain, or cannabinoids – is a key to success. In The best planting date is determined by soil temperature.
Canada, “only varieties of industrial hemp that are named It ranges from late April to late May in Northern Ontario
in the List of Approved Cultivars (, and may be similar for Michigan; however, do not plant
published by Health Canada, are approved for planting. after the first week of June. Furthermore, observations
These varieties are known to produce plants containing in Northern Ontario indicate that grain yield may not
less than 0.3% THC under normal conditions. The THC respond as positively to early planting as does fiber yield,
level may vary with stage of growth and increase under but early planting may help to advance the harvest date
environmental stress conditions. They mature to fiber in (Baxter & Scheifele, 2000, Seedbed Preparation and
60 to 90 days and to grain in 110 to 150 days. Using home Planting, para. 4).
grown or ‘common’ seed is illegal” (Baxter & Scheifele, FERTILITY
2000, Varieties, para. 3). Because industrial hemp has not been grown in recent
Currently no U.S. standards exist for seed certification times using modern production agricultural methods, we
(Kaiser, et al., 2015, p. 3). To meet the needs of still have much to learn about region-specific nutrient
developing markets, contracts may specify the exact requirements for the crop. Historical knowledge suggests
varieties to grow. industrial hemp has nutrient requirements similar to other
high producing crops grown in the Great Lakes Region.
SEEDBED PREPARATION & PLANTING In neighboring Ontario, Canada, researchers suggest
Good seed-to-soil contact is required to achieve the applying up to 110 lbs. per acre of nitrogen, based on
best germination rate of industrial hemp seed. A firm, soil fertility, and 40 to 90 lbs. per acre of potash, based
level and relatively fine seedbed – comparable to direct- on soil test results. Consult Growing Industrial Hemp in
seeding forages – should be prepared. Work and plant Ontario (Baxter & Scheifele, 2000) for details.
as soon as the soil is dry enough to avoid compaction.
Growers on coarser textured Michigan soils may benefit
Hemp can be grown using either no-till or conventional
from adding sulfur at 20 to 30 lbs. per acre. Avoid
tillage and planted with a standard grain drill. Broadcast
overfertilizing, which can compromise crop quality
seeding followed by cultipacking is also acceptable. Plant
through stem breakage and lodging.
seed at a depth of ¼ to ¾ inch. Hemp seed germinates
at 40°F, although soil temperatures at or above 46°F are WEED CONTROL
best for fast germination.
Industrial hemp for fiber is usually sown in 6- to 7-inch Planting in ideal conditions is the best weed control
rows with an ideal final stand of 800,000 to 1,000,000 option for industrial hemp production (Hall, Bhattarai,
plants per acre. Seeding early, as soon as soil conditions & Midmore, 2014). Proper stand establishment and
are suitable, is recommended. A minimum seeding rate of vigorously growing hemp plants are highly competitive
1 million seeds per acre is recommended by researchers. with weeds (Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance 2019; Hall,
The University of Kentucky recommends 40 to 60 lbs. et al., 2014). For example, when planted under ideal
per acre of pure live seed (PLS) and row spacing of 8 conditions, hemp can germinate rapidly and reach a
inches for fiber (Williams & Mundell, 2018, p. 4). Generally, foot tall two to four weeks after planting. After this initial



growth, hemp enters the elongation stage (period of blister beetle adults. None are expected to cause serious
rapid growth), which can provide about 90% ground damage to fast-growing stands of hemp.
cover and suppress weed growth.
Plant population is another factor in weed control. Several insects bore into stems and stalks of hemp.
Research in Canada has found that in fields with high One is European corn borer (ECB), which historically
plant populations, canopy closure occurs earlier in the caused serious injury to hemp in parts of Europe. After
season, thus shading weeds and reducing weed growth its accidental introduction into the U.S. in the early
(Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance, 2019). 1900s, ECB was commonly reported in hemp fields
before World War II. As in corn, ECB larvae bore into and
weaken hemp stalks, reducing movement of water and
No herbicides are registered for use in industrial hemp in
nutrients, and potentially leading to breakage.
the U.S. The only herbicide currently registered for use
in industrial hemp in Canada is Assure II, which provides After the widespread adoption of transgenic Bt corn,
postemergence control of grassy weeds. corn borer populations were greatly reduced. However,
an increasing market for non-Bt feed in dairy production
Other Considerations has resulted in more conventional corn acreage, and a
Hemp is sensitive to many herbicide residues. Knowing trend toward higher ECB levels in Michigan in the past
what herbicides have been applied to a field in previous few years. In the future, ECB could become an important
growing seasons is critical to avoid herbicide carryover insect in Michigan hemp production, affecting not only
damage. yield but perhaps harvestability (similar to its effect in
Hemp seeds that are left on the soil surface after harvest corn silage).
may become volunteers the next growing season. Another problematic borer is the Eurasian hemp borer
Volunteer hemp plants can be controlled by using a or hemp moth (Grapholita delineana). Although it
broadleaf or nonselective herbicide (such as Roundup is reported in various states from the east coast to
or Liberty) to prevent possible rotational crop yield loss. the Rocky Mountains, there have been no reported
Canadian law requires growers to control volunteer hemp detections in Michigan and there are no specimens
plants. U.S. regulations for volunteer hemp control have in MSU’s A. J. Cook Arthropod Research Collection.
not yet been published. Like ECB, hemp borer larvae feed inside stems, killing
smaller seedlings outright or creating weak points
INSECT PESTS where larger stalks break. Unlike ECB, it is a specialist
While greenhouse pests (such as aphids, mites, thrips, on cannabis, surviving only on wild hemp and a few
and whiteflies) are key problems in indoor marijuana closely related plants in the landscape. In the 1960s,
growing, insects are currently not a major problem in the hemp borer increased in pest status in parts of Europe,
scattered outdoor hemp acreage in North America. This which suggests it is an insect to watch as commercial
situation will likely change as hemp production increases production resumes in the U.S.
and entomologists begin scouting for insects in the crop.
Sucking Pests
Most of the insect pests recorded from hemp are
As with the defoliators, many sucking pests that can
species with wide host ranges that include other crops,
feed on hemp are already present in the Michigan crop
ornamentals, and weeds. These insects are already
landscape. These include rice root aphids on roots, black
present in the landscape and will surely colonize hemp
bean and green peach aphids on leaves, leafhoppers,
fields at some level every year, doing incidental feeding.
plant bugs, stink bugs, thrips, and mites. While some of
Higher populations, when they occur, will be tied to
these are key pests of indoor marijuana cultivation, they
favorable environmental conditions or to mass movement
are unlikely to pose much of a problem outdoors when
of pests from other areas.
exposed to biological controls. An exception would be
Defoliators under drought conditions, when populations of, and
There are many potential defoliators of hemp leaf tissue, damage by, sucking pests tend to be higher. In particular,
most of which are currently found in other Michigan two-spotted spider mite infestations can be devastating
crops. These include grasshoppers, various species of in dry years in Michigan field crops, and hemp would
caterpillars (such as webworm, yellow-striped armyworm, likely suffer from their effects, too.
painted lady caterpillar, zebra caterpillar, and yellow Two sucking pests specific to cannabis are now present
woolybear), spotted cucumber beetle, flea beetle, and in North America. The hemp russet mite (Aculops



cannibicola) is a tiny mite that can increase to huge hemp (Sandler, Berkerman, Whitford, & Gibson, 2019).
numbers on indoor plants. It has been reported outdoors Little information is available on which diseases will be of
on hemp late in the growing season in Colorado primary concern, and research on disease management
(Colorado State University, 2019), but its long-term status options is needed.
as a pest is unknown. The cannabis aphid (Phorodon
Hemp is known to be susceptible to fungal and oomycete
cannabis), was first identified in the U.S. in a Colorado
diseases that are already of concern in Michigan
hemp field in 2016. In 2017 it was collected from hemp
soybean and dry bean production, including white mold
fields in Minnesota and from multiple locations in the
caused by the fungal pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.
Midwest aphid suction trap network (Lagos-Kutz, Potter,
Disease-friendly conditions include short rotations with
DiFonzo, Russell, & Hartman, 2018). Cannabis aphid is not
susceptible crops, dense canopies that create hospitable
a direct pest (that is, it doesn’t affect a marketable part
microclimates, and moisture. The white mold fungus
of the plant) unless high numbers are present.
produces apothecia (mushrooms) on the soil surface
Bud & Flower Damage Versus Leaf that release spores that infect plants primarily through
& Stem Damage the flowers. Dense heads create conditions that favor
Insects that attack hemp buds and flowers are of more infection by spores of the white mold fungus.
concern than those that attack leaves and stems because Other fungal diseases, such as gray mold (Botrytis
the flowers produce the cannabinoid pharmaceutical cinerea), are also more common in the presence of high
compounds and seeds, both of which are more valuable humidity and free moisture (whether from rain, dew, or
than hemp fiber. Both plant and stink bugs feed on and irrigation).
damage the blooms and seeds of many crops, and hemp
is no exception. The later generations of the Eurasian HARVEST & STORAGE
hemp borer tunnel into stems at the base of buds, which Of course, the best harvest method depends on the
can kill the buds outright. Hemp borers can also infest ultimate end-use or product destination of the hemp
the flower itself and eat seeds directly. crop. Researchers at the University of Kentucky find that
“small fields can be harvested by hand, with sickle bar
Colorado entomologists have found that the insect that
mowers, or with hay swathers. Larger fields necessitate
is potentially the most damaging to hemp is the corn
the use of mechanical harvesters, such as combines,
earworm (Helicoverpa zea) (Colorado State University,
forage harvesters, or specialized machinery. Industrial
2019). Earworm is already a major sweet corn and
hemp fibers are tough on equipment and can cause
vegetable pest in Michigan. As it does in corn, earworm
plugging, as well as wind around moving parts” (Kaiser,
will infest hemp later in the season and damage the
et al., 2015, p. 4).
valuable reproductive part of the plant. In corn, this is
the ear, while in hemp it is the large bud that contains Harvest procedures vary, but in general, researchers at
pharmaceutical compounds. In Michigan, the pest status Pennsylvania State University say, hemp for fiber is cut
of earworm in hemp will presumably vary from year to and laid in windrows “when plants are between early
year as it does in corn, depending on the level of insect bloom and seed set depending on the fiber quality”
migration from the south in the early summer. (Roth, Harper, Manzo, Collins, & Kime, 2018, p. 4). Then
the hemp is retted to start breaking the bonds between
Management the bast and hurd fibers. In the most common form of
No thresholds have been established and no insecticides retting (called field or dew retting), producers leave the
registered for use against hemp insects in the U.S. crop in the field for up to five weeks so the outer husk of
Bulletins from Colorado State University provide the stem starts to rot and separate from the inner fibers.
management recommendations for several key pests. They typically rake the windrows two or three times
(Note: The insecticides listed in these bulletins are during retting to speed drying and remove leaf materials.
approved by the Colorado Department of Agriculture
When the crop falls below 15% stalk moisture, it is baled
only for use in that state.) As hemp production increases
in round or square bales and hauled to a storage facility.
over time, recommendations and pesticide registrations
Stalk moisture should continue to dry to about 10%.
for use in hemp will improve and product labels will be
(Note: Michigan producers may find it hard to dry the
stalks to 15% moisture or less due to the state’s frequent
DISEASES & MANAGEMENT periods of damp or wet weather.) After retting, the hemp
As of this writing, the U.S. Environmental Protection fibers are separated into basts and hurds and made into
Agency has not registered any fungicides for use on finished products.



Hemp for seed production is generally combined when the Retrieved from
seeds begin to shatter (ripen and disperse). The Penn State ccd/files/hempproduction.pdf
researchers point out that the plants will still be green at
Kraenzel, D. G., Petry, T., Nelson, B., Anderson, M. J., Mathern,
this point, about 70% of the seeds will be ripe, and the seed
D., & Todd, R. (1998). Industrial hemp as an alternative crop
moisture will be 22% to 30%. Shattering, bird damage, and
in North Dakota (Agricultural Economics Report No. 402).
decreased grain quality may result if harvesting is delayed past
Fargo: North Dakota State University. Retrieved from https://
this point (Roth, et al., 2018, p. 3).
The ideal harvest methods for field-scale cannabinoid
Lagos-Kutz, D., Potter, B., DiFonzo, C., Russell, H., & Hartman,
production aren’t well-defined yet (Williams & Mundell,
G. L. (2018). Two aphid species, Phorodon cannabis and
2018, p. 6) but generally involve hand labor.
Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale, identified as potential pests

References & Resources of industrial hemp, Cannabis sativa L., in the U.S. Midwest.
Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management, 4(1), [180032].
Barber, E. J. W. (1991). Prehistoric textiles: The development doi:10.2134/cftm2018.04.0032
of cloth in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages with special
reference to the Aegean (p. 18). Princeton, NJ: Princeton McIlwaine, H. R. & Kennedy, J. P. (Eds.). (1905). Journals of the
University Press.
House of Burgesses of Virginia, Vol. 1, Pg. 10. Richmond, VA.
Baxter, W. J., & Scheifele, G. (2000). Growing industrial hemp Retrieved from
in Ontario (Agdex #153/20). Guelph, Ontario, Canada: ark:/13960/t4th8sj3p;view=1up;seq=66
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.
Retrieved from Michigan Public Act 548, Michigan Compiled Laws
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Bócsa, I., & Karus, M. (1998). The cultivation of hemp: Botany,

Robbins, L., Snell, W., Halich, G., Maynard, L., Dillon, C., &
varieties, cultivation, and harvesting. Sebastopol, CA:
Hemptech. Spalding, D. (2013). Economic considerations for growing
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Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance. (2019). Hemp production agricultural economy. Lexington: University of Kentucky,
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Carus, M. (2017). The European hemp industry: Cultivation,

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University Park: Pennsylvania State University Extension.
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America: Production, politics, and potential. Agronomy, 6,
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Colorado State University. (2019). Colorado State University Sandler, L. N., Beckerman, J. L., Whitford, F., & Gibson, K.
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Hall, J., Bhattarai, S. P., & Midmore, D. J. (2014). Effect of org/10.1016/j.cropro.2018.11.003

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weed suppression, crop growth, physiological responses, Small, E., & Marcus, D. (2002). Hemp: A new crop with
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2(1), 1. A. Whipkey (eds.), Trends in New Crops and New Uses.
Alexandria, VA: ASHS Press. Retrieved from https://hort.
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Industrial Hemp Research Act, Michigan Public Act 547 Vote Hemp. (2018). 2017 US hemp crop report. Retrieved from

Johnson, R. (2018). Hemp as an agricultural commodity. Williams, D. W., & Mundell, R. (2018). An introduction to
Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service. Retrieved industrial hemp and hemp agronomy (ID-250). Lexington:
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Kaiser, C., Cassady, C., & Ernst, M. (2015). Industrial hemp Environment; Cooperative Extension Service. Retrieved from
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