An Introduction To Industrial Hemp and Hemp Agronomy: Hemp Industry in Kentucky (1951)
An Introduction To Industrial Hemp and Hemp Agronomy: Hemp Industry in Kentucky (1951)
An Introduction To Industrial Hemp and Hemp Agronomy: Hemp Industry in Kentucky (1951)
Hemp Agronomy
author James F. Hopkins reported that
it was a common crop on central Ken-
tucky farms from the late eighteenth
and nineteenth centuries. Nearly all D.W. Williams, Plant and Soil Sciences, and
Rich Mundell, Kentucky Tobacco Research and Development Center
farms growing hemp at that time were
mostly interested in the fiber it pro-
duced. Farms with limited labor pools
grew less or no hemp. It was a very
labor-intensive crop both at harvest and
during processing.
Hemp became impractical as a
crop in 1937 with the passage of the
Marihuana Tax Act, which was an at-
tempt by the U.S. federal government
to reduce the production of Cannabis.
The attempt to reduce production was
largely due to the fact it was also being
consumed as an intoxicant in addition
to being utilized as a fiber crop. The
new tax and licensing requirements
made Cannabis production less prof-
itable and much more bureaucratic,
essentially ending production on large
scales. There was a brief resurrection Figure 1. Industrial hemp plants grown for fiber at the UK Spindletop Farm.
of hemp production during World
War II, namely the Hemp for Victory or universities. In Kentucky, the Gen- are harvested for specific purposes, and
campaign. During the campaign, U.S. eral Assembly had passed Senate Bill modern day hemp may be produced
farmers were asked to grow hemp for 50 in 2013 in anticipation of the 2014 for one or sometimes dual purposes.
fiber to be used in the war effort. In Farm Bill. Under those parameters, the Depending on the harvestable com-
Kentucky, most hemp grown during the Kentucky Department of Agriculture ponent of interest, (i.e. fiber, grain,
campaign was for seed to be shipped to (KDA) began administering the state- or cannabinoids) male plants and/or
northern states where it was planted wide pilot research program in spring pollen might be vitally necessary or
as a fiber crop. All Cannabis became 2014. The pilot research program in completely unwanted.
fully illegal to produce or even possess Kentucky has grown each year since Today, there is not much need for
following the passage of the Controlled and continues to grow today under the hemp rope or large hemp linens for
Substance Act (often abbreviated CSA) management of the KDA. sailing ships, etc., as there was in the
in 1978. Under the CSA, all forms of Cannabis sativa is a summer an- nineteenth century; however, fibers
Cannabis were classified as Schedule nual plant that is strongly photoperiod- from hemp possess several very posi-
1 controlled substances and remain sensitive (f lowers according to day tive attributes that may make them
in that classification today. Other sub- length/photoperiod; not physiological useful as modern natural fibers. Uses
stances under Schedule 1 classification maturity). It is mostly dioecious in for hemp fibers today are different and
include the drugs heroin and cocaine. that male and female flowers occur much broader than when hemp was last
The Agricultural Act of 2014, also on separate plants (i.e. there are both grown in Kentucky. Fiber from hemp
known as the Farm Bill, provided for male plants and female plants). There stems can be utilized in numerous
legal pilot research programs with are several monoecious commercial ways ranging from low tech yarn and
industrial hemp to be administered by varieties (male and female flowers parts fabric to high tech electrical super-
either state departments of agriculture on the same plant). Different plant parts capacitors manufactured from biochar.
Cooperative Extension Service | Agriculture and Natural Resources | Family and Consumer Sciences | 4-H Youth Development | Community and Economic Development
Other potential uses of hemp fibers THC. This molecule
could include alternatives for wood in is intoxicating and is
construction materials (chip-board or responsible for the
particle-board), strength-increasing high obtained from
components added to concrete (hemp- using marijuana.
crete), or fiber used in composite mate- By definition in the
rials in place of synthetic fibers (molded, 2014 Farm Bill, the
injected plastics). A complete list of the concentration of
potential uses for hemp fibers is too THC (by dry weight)
long to provide here. defines a Cannabis
The grain (seed) of hemp can also be plant as either mari-
used in numerous ways. As a dietary juana (if it has more
supplement for humans, it contains than 0.3% THC) or
a very desirable ratio of omega-3 and industrial hemp (if Figure 2. Un-pollinated industrial hemp female flower from
omega-6 fatty acids compared to it is at or below 0.3% the UK agronomic hemp research program. Note the white leaf
many other potential sources. It is also THC). This is the hairs (trichomes).
relatively high in both oil and protein only distinction be-
contents. Hemp grain processors pro- tween marijuana and industrial hemp. flowers. Cannabinoids are found at
duce a wide array of consumer products They are the same plant species and much lower concentrations in root,
including raw hemp hearts, toasted look and smell exactly the same while shoot, and leaf tissues, and are not
hemp seed, hemp seed oil, hemp flour, growing. A simple analogy might be found in significant concentrations in
and even hemp coffee. It is also used to compare sweet corn and field corn. hemp seed, seed oil, or pollen. In the
as bird feed and livestock feed in Eu- They are both Zea mays L. and look case of optimizing cannabinoid pro-
rope, either whole or in part. Again, very similar, but the biochemistry is duction on a field scale, it is not known
an entire list of potential uses of hemp very different between the two. The if the entire plant would be harvested
grain is very long. A common practice same is true for marijuana and indus- and processed for cannabinoids, or just
in regions where hemp is already being trial hemp. the female flowers. Field-scale cannabi-
grown commercially is for producers to There are dozens of other naturally noid production could be a case where
harvest hemp grain with combines and occurring cannabinoids besides THC. male plants are totally unwanted. The
subsequently harvest the remaining One particular molecule, cannabidiol concentrations of cannabinoids in male
stems for fiber similarly to harvesting or CBD, is currently of deep and broad plants is very low compared to female
a hay crop. This is the most common interest among pharmaceutical and flowers. Also, it is reported anecdot-
example of a dual-purpose industrial medical researchers. Cannabidiol ally that unfertilized (un-pollinated)
hemp crop. Of course, if hemp does is reported to have strong potential female flowers tend to produce more
become a viable commodity crop in for pharmaceutical applications. For cannabinoids than when they are pol-
Kentucky and the U.S., seed produc- example, certain epileptic patients linated and allowed to produce seed. As
tion, especially certified seed for estab- treated with CBD experience reduc- a result, in clonal propagation systems
lishing next year’s hemp crops, could tion in the frequency and severity of where all female plants are established,
be an excellent option for Kentucky seizures. There are other proposed, attempts would be made to prohibit
producers. Our soils, climate, and exist- positive effects of CBD. Examples male plants near the production field.
ing infrastructure are very conducive to include potential uses as an analgesic, Experiments are under way at UK to
hemp seed and grain production. appetite enhancer, and anti-depressant. quantify the effects of pollination on
Cannabinoids are another harvest- Many of the cannabinoids identified cannabinoid production in both indoor
able component of Cannabis plants. to date have not been studied for their and outdoor production systems. Early
They are plant-generated molecules potential as pharmaceutical agents. It results support the anecdotal premise
that are known to have certain sig- is also thought that some number of that un-pollinated female f lowers
nificant effects on humans. Cannabi- cannabinoids remain to be identified. produce more cannabinoids than pol-
noids are mainly, but not exclusively, Cannabinoids are present through- linated flowers. However, this work
produced by plants in the genus Can- out the plant but are mostly concen- must be repeated to provide a strong
nabis. The most familiar cannabinoid trated in tissues from female flowers, level of confidence in the results, and
is delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, or especially in the leaf hairs of female will be published as soon as that can
be accomplished.
General Production Table 1. General agronomic recommendations for the main harvestable components of
industrial hemp
Information Grain/Dual
It is important to note that from Fiber Purpose Cannabinoids*
the early twentieth century until 2015, Seeding rate (PLS) 40-60#/A 30-40#/A 30-40#/A
there have been no U.S.-based agro- Row spacing 8 inches 8-16 inches 8-16 inches
nomic research studies with industrial Soil pH 6.2-6.5 6.2-6.5 6.2-6.5
hemp. Information from historical re- Applied nitrogen 50 lb/A 100 lb/A 50-100 lb/A
search is important and useful but Available phosphorus 60 lb/A 60 lb/A 60 lb/A
may not always be directly applicable Available potassium 300 lb/A 300 lb/A 300 lb/A
to modern production systems. It is
Harvest timing </=20% male ~70% grain ~75% trichome
already very clear that different variet- flowering maturity maturity
ies of industrial hemp will respond very *Optimum agronomic protocols for cannabinoid production in field-scale systems have
differently to our latitude and basic not been defined by replicated research methods. Much of what is practiced today is
agronomic inputs. This is especially extrapolated from Cannabis production systems in U.S. states where it is legal and/or from
other countries. Many production practices from these systems (e.g., fertility) pertain
true regarding varieties grown for dif- mostly to indoor and not field-scale production. Very important questions remain regard-
ferent purposes. Varieties grown for ing field-scale systems to produce cannabinoids. These include understanding the effects
fiber-only will be established, managed, of variety, establishment methods (e.g., direct seeding versus transplanting), and general
crop management decisions including nitrogen fertility and harvesting/processing/stor-
and harvested differently than varieties age issues. Research is under way to address these questions.
grown for grain or dual-purpose. Fiber
and/or grain varieties will likely be es-
tablished and managed very differently Table 2. Phosphate and potash recommendations (lb/A)
than those grown for cannabinoids. The Category Test Result: P P2O5 Needed Test Result: K K2O Needed
University of Kentucky has been and Very high >420 0
continues to conduct basic agronomic High >60 0 355-420 0
trials with varieties grown for all three 336-354 0
harvestable components (fiber, grain, 318-335 0
301-317 0
and cannabinoids). Until the informa-
Medium 46-60 30 282-300 30
tion from these and other replicated 41-45 40 264-281 30
research trials in the U.S. is available, 37-40 50 242-263 30
we must rely on previous U.S.-based re- 33-36 60 226-241 40
28-32 70 209-225 50
search and more recent research from 191-208 60
other countries to make production Low 23-27 80 173-190 70
recommendations (See Tables 1 and 2). 19-22 90 155-172 80
14-18 100 136-154 90
Basic Terms and Definitions 9-13 110 118-135 100
Pure live seed (PLS) is the seed in a 6-8 120 100-117 110
container that will likely produce a vi- Very low 1-5 200 <100 120
able plant when planted appropriately Source: UK Cooperative Extension publication 2018-2019 Lime and Nutrient Recommenda-
(depth, timing, etc.). Recommended tions (AGR-1)
seeding rates are always expressed
as pounds of PLS/A. All containers (non-crop seed) along with the ger- rates, we need to increase the amount
of seed will have a mass or weight of mination percentage of the crop seed of seed planted by 30 percent above the
materials in addition to PLS. This is defines PLS. For example, a container recommended seeding rate (5%+25%;
usually expressed as a percentage of the includes 5 percent non-crop seed and the sum of non-crop seed and crop
total weight in the container. Examples has a germination rate of 75 percent. seed that will likely not germinate).
include inert materials (soil, chaff, and This means that 5 percent of the weight For example, if the recommended
other plant parts) as well as seed that of the material in the container is not seeding rate is 60 pounds of PLS/A,
will likely not germinate (immature crop seed and that only 75 percent we divide the seeding rate (60) by the
or dead seed). Other contributions to of the crop seed will likely germinate PLS percentage (0.70 which equals
reductions of PLS in a container are and produce a new plant. In order to 70%). The result is we would need to
other crop seeds and weed seeds. The calculate the amount of seed needed to apply approximately 86 pounds of this
percentages of inert or other materials accommodate recommended seeding particular seed per acre to achieve the
60#PLS/A seeding rate. If germination
percentages are not provided, it would
be wise to have a germination test per-
formed prior to seeding. This is true
even if non-crop seed percentages are
not available. We have witnessed very
poor germination of some hemp variet-
ies and have received several anecdotal
reports of the same. Poor germination
equates to poor stand establishment.
Poor establishment leads to increased
weed pressure, reduced yields, harvest-
ing problems, or crop failures. Using
the proper seeding rates based on PLS
is imperative for successful hemp es-
tablishment and harvest. We note, too, Figure 3. Drilling a hemp fiber crop at the UK C. Oran Little Research Center.
that the 1,000-seed weights vary signifi-
cantly among hemp varieties. We are
working on recommendations based
on the number of plants per square
meter for successful establishment
rather than pounds of seed per acre.
The 1,000-seed weights can sometimes
differ by two times among varieties,
which would have a highly significant
impact on plant populations and suc-
cessful establishment.
Nutrient application rates are ex-
pressed as units or pounds of nutrient
per acre. The amount to apply using a
specific fertilizer is calculated by divid-
ing the desired nutrient application
Figure 4. Harvesting hemp grain by combine at the UK C. Oran Little Research Center.
rate by the analysis of the fertilizer. For
example, to apply 50 pounds/units of
nitrogen (N)/A using urea (46-0-0), we equal to current grain crops. If maxi- maximum yields and a crop that is
divide 50 by 0.46 (46% N in urea) which mum yields are not the goal, industrial harvestable with standard equipment.
equals approximately 109 pounds of hemp can be expected to perform on Producers should research varieties
urea applied per acre. marginal lands with lower productiv- based on the harvestable component
ity and with reduced inputs much the of interest (fiber, grain/fiber, or can-
Site Selection and Inputs same as our current commodity crops nabinoids) and choose varieties that
Although industrial hemp has been would. are proven performers. Hemp seed
touted as a low-input crop that is highly produced in Kentucky and certified
adaptable to marginal lands, the scien-
Varietal Responses under the Association of Seed Certi-
tific literature from other countries as Variety selection will be key to fying Agencies (AOSCA) guidelines
well as research at UK clearly indicates success for many reasons, most im- will be available beginning in 2018.
that maximum yields are realized with portantly days to maturity (latitudinal We expect domestic certified seed
inputs equivalent to current grain adaptation). There is much to know production in Kentucky will continue
production systems (e.g., corn) and on about selecting the proper variety. For to increase. Standard industrial hemp
productive land (>170 bu/A corn). If example, varieties bred primarily for variety trials are conducted at UK an-
maximum industrial hemp yields are grain production could have signifi- nually. The reports are posted on the
the goal, select good corn land (deep, cantly different maturity dates relative UK agronomic hemp website at: http://
well-drained soils) and plan on inputs to each other, and therefore would have
very different establishment dates for
maturity. Optimal, field-scale can-
nabinoid production systems are not
yet well-defined. Lacking appropriate
research-based information, cannabi-
noid production from seed should be
thought of similarly to grain produc-
tion. In very general terms, industrial
hemp seed can be planted in late April
or early May in Kentucky. Seedling in-
dustrial hemp is tolerant of light frosts,
but it is probably best to avoid the last
killing frost while still taking advantage
of good soil moisture and adequate soil
temperatures common in spring.
Figure 5. Mowing a hemp fiber crop at the UK C. Oran Little Research Center. Pesticides
There are currently no pesticides
(herbicides, insecticides, fungicides,
nematicides, etc.) labeled for use in
industrial hemp crops in the U.S. This
is true for both indoor and outdoor
(field-scale) production systems. This
means that any pesticide applications
to industrial hemp crops are off-label
and therefore illegal. Work is under
way to evaluate pesticides for use in
industrial hemp production systems
and also to investigate several options
for emergency exemptions within the
rules and policies of the U.S. EPA.
Today, it is imperative to make good
management decisions to reduce the
Figure 6. Baling a hemp fiber crop at the UK C. Oran Little Research Center. negative effects of pests, particularly
weeds. Variety selection, soil moisture
Establishment from Seed and moisture at planting will help ac- at planting, seeding dates, seeding rates,
It appears that industrial hemp complish this. Planting depth should and fertility are examples of manage-
seed is quite sensitive to a lack of soil never exceed one inch (1”), and 0.5 to ment decisions that will potentially
moisture at planting. This trait has 0.25 inch is preferred. Industrial hemp reduce competition from weeds and
not been quantified but could read- seed can be successfully drilled with increase yields without herbicides. To
ily contribute to stand failures. Seed both conventional tillage and no-till date, we have not witnessed significant
should be planted in soils with adequate protocols. Seeding dates will depend pressure from insect or disease pests in
moisture to encourage rapid germina- equally on the harvestable component field-scale production systems for fiber
tion. If soil moisture is inadequate for (fiber, grain, or cannabinoids) and the or grain. We are aware of reports of
industrial hemp germination, it is likely variety. Fiber crops will be harvested disease issues in field-scale cannabinoid
still adequate to support the germina- at the onset of reproductive growth productions systems, especially when
tion of many weed seeds. Without the and should be planted as early as pos- clones are used as transplants. There
availability of labeled herbicides for sible to maximize vegetative growth have been serious reports of both dis-
industrial hemp production systems, (biomass production). Days to maturity ease and insect pests in indoor growing
we rely heavily on rapid hemp canopy of grain crops will vary a great deal systems in Kentucky.
development and closure to reduce or among varieties. As such, some grain
eliminate competition from weeds. varieties should be planted much later
Adequate soil temperature (>/=50 oF) than others to manage crop height at
Harvest Protocols microbial activity. The equipment for Additional Information
Harvesting industrial hemp grain by optimal cutting and then management
Economic Considerations for Grow-
combine is the norm in other countries of the crop during retting does not yet
ing Industrial Hemp: Implications for
and has been accomplished success- exist in the U.S. Additionally, field-
Kentucky’s Farmers and Agricultural
fully in Kentucky. Again, variety selec- retting industrial hemp will require
Economy. Department of Agricultural
tion is key as the growth habits of those new skills remotely similar to those
Economics, University of Kentucky.
varieties bred primarily for grain pro- involved in making high-quality hay.
July 2013.
duction are more conducive to harvest Successful field retting will be totally
by combine. Grain from varieties bred dependent on weather conditions just
primarily for fiber production could be as is making good hay. Over-retting
Industrial Hemp Production. UK Cen-
very difficult or perhaps impossible to will dramatically reduce the quality
ter for Crop Diversification, University
harvest efficiently by combine, espe- of the fiber. Under-retting will make
of Kentucky. September 2015. http://
cially if planted early. Harvesting fiber processing inefficient or impossible.
crops is more complex. Fiber crops Harvesting hemp stems for fiber with
will nearly always require retting prior standard hay equipment can be diffi-
to baling. Retting is essentially a quasi- cult. Current thinking involves mowing
controlled rotting process. During by sickle-bar or mower-conditioner
retting, microbial activity breaks down without conditioning/macerating,
the pectin layer between the bast and retting in the field, followed by baling
hurd fibers thus allowing for efficient (round or mid-size/large square). Op-
separation. Microbial activity will timal harvest and processing/storage
be very sensitive to temperature and methods for cannabinoids are not well
moisture. Generally speaking, warm defined in field-scale systems. Research Photos: Rich Mundell and D.W. Williams,
is on-going at UK to address all of these Figure 2. All others, Matt Barton, Ag Com-
and moist conditions will encourage munications.
Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of economic or social status and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin,
national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, age, veteran status, or
physical or mental disability. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Nancy
M. Cox, Director of Cooperative Extension Programs, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Lexington, and Kentucky State University, Frankfort.
Copyright © 2018 for materials developed by University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension. This publication may be reproduced in portions or its entirety for educational or non-
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Issued 7-2018