Pyp7 Unit 2 Book

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Electricity In this unit you will: explore appliances that run on electrici @ find out what parts make simple electric circuits work © construct electric circuits @ explore how to use a switch to break a circuit © discover some common conductors and insulators © understand how to be safe with electricity. Look at the photograph of the city at night. How many different uses of electricity can you see? appliance battery bulb buzzer circuit component conductor electricity insulator Tl ALC} 10 Workbook 4 pages 94-95. jat is this called? Have you ever seen one of these? What is it used for? Never touch sockets or switches E unless an adult tells you to. What could E happen if you did not do this? Think of all the things you have used today that need electricity. If there was no electricity, what would you miss. the most? Over 1000000 people do not have electricit their homes. Can you imagine that? Electricity supply In this lesson you will find out that appliances can be run by batteries or mains electricity. Key words appliance A battery, also called a cell, can store electricity. We use batteries battery in lots of different objects. The objects that use electricity are electricity called appliances. plug wire Look around the room. Can you see any appliances that $ might be using batteries? You might have thought about a torch or a battery-operated toy. Did you know that bigger appliances use batteries? The vehicles in the photograph use batteries. Are vehicles 3 There are many different shapes and sizes of battery. Watches appliances? Discuss and hearing aids use really tiny batteries. Vehicles have much your thoughts with bigger batteries. Q partner. “J Exploring batteries 1 Work with a partner. Look at the photographs below. 2. Read and cover the words in the box and write a sentence about where each of the batteries could be used. Try to spell all the words in the sentence correctly. @ ' For more activities, go to Workbook 4 page 96. The biggest batteries in the world are bigger than a football pitch. They make enough electricity for 12 000 homes for ‘one hour. That's a lot of electricity! When you put a plug into a socket the electricity is provided by the mains. Mains electricity is dangerous. Do not put anything into an electrical socket, even if you think it is switched off. Discuss why this is important. Appliance survey You are going to survey the appliances in your school to identify if they are run by battery or mains electricity. 1 Look around the school to identify appliances that need electricity to work. Make a list. Design a table to identify which appliances run on batteries and which need mains electricity. Make a poster to present your results, Include drawings or photographs of some of the appliances. Which appliance would you miss the most if electricity did not exist? Why would we sometimes choose to use batteries instead of mains for electricity? Discuss with your partner. ‘For more activities, go to Workbook 4 page 97. Is there wen OD electricity in your classroom? Do you know other places where there is mains electricity? Batteries and mains can give us electricity. Mains electricity can be dangerous so you need to be careful when Ayoun2213 & using it. In this lesson you will build a simple series circuit. Key words 7 battery Think back bulb Remember: things that use electricity are called appliances. circult component Electricity has to flow in a complete pathway. Everything has to connector be joined together in a circle for the parts to work. This is called wire acircuit. Look at page 97. What is ®B connected to a plug? What does this do in a circuit? d am Gs) Ce) Ge) Wires carry the electricity from a battery, or the mains, to all the different parts of a circuit. The parts of a circuit are called components. In awire, the electricity moves along the material at the centre. The outer covering stops the electricity from moving into you. v9) Looking at wires Your teacher will give you and your partner a wire to look at. 1 Whatis the material around the wire? 2 Whats the material inside this? 3 What do you think would happen if you bent or twisted the wire too much? Ifa wire breaks, the electricity cannot flow to the components. "For more activities, go to Workbook 4 page 98. Building a circuit Work with a partner. Your teacher will give you a bulb, a Be careful when you battery, connectors and wires. These are the components of use connectors. your circuit. They can sometimes be very sharp and 1. Connect the bulb, wires and battery together using 4 nip your skin. connectors to make a circuit. 2 Make sure everything is properly connected. 3 What happens to the bulb? If the bulb lights up, all the parts of the circuit are working and you have done everything correctly, This kind of circuit is known as a simple series circuit. Some materials do not allow electricity to flow through them but others do. Wires are made from materials that let electricity pass through them easily. They are called conductors. 1 Investigating different materials You will investigate which materials let electricity run through them. Work with a partner. Your teacher will give @ re you some objects to test. Bea scientist 7 7 ; 7 ientists make 1 Predict which materials will Scent ae predictions based conduct electricity. ke a circuit like th 7 ‘on what they Make a circuit like the one in already know. the diagram. Use a different > page7 kind of material each time, in place of the spoon. 3 Write down the materials that lit the bulb. Wires carry electricity If the bulb lights up, this means the material is letting electricity around a circuit. flow through it to complete the circuit. Not all materials. If the bulb does not light up, then the material is not letting allow electricity electricity flow through it. to pass through. "For more activities, go to Workbook 4 page 99. UCT R CRC etic Lh In this lesson you will understand how to use different |“ components in a simple series circuit. Key words battery bulb buzzer wire Mats What do we call the parts of a circuit? List as many of these as you can, that you have used so far to build circuits. Electricity is not just used to give us light. There are other uses too. So sometimes you need other components in a circu A buzzer can be one of them. Making a buzzer work You are going to build a simple circuit with these components. ith a partner how you will connect the components to make a simple circuit. Connect all the parts of the circuit together. Draw the circuit in your notebook. You can use the diagram on the opposite page to help you. Does the buzzer buzz? If the buzzer does not buzz, there must be a fault in the circ To find out if the fault is the buzzer, the bulb, the battery or the connections, you need to set up a test circuit. The diagram opposite shows how to set up a test circuit. Use the diagram to make your own test circuit. Test the components and wires from your buzzer circ your test circuit. Where was the fault? by placing one ata time in '™For more activities, go to Workbook 4 page 100. This simple test series circuit contains a bulb, a battery, connecting wires and connectors to test components. par ian) ®) Circuit diagram of a test circuit Atest circuit Can you think of any circuits which have buzzers? @ Why do they? When a buzzer is added to a circuit it makes a noise. This can attract our attention. Doorbells, car horns and sirens are examples of this. Why do you think modern smoke alarms are connected to the mains but also have a battery? Explain your thinking to your partner. Wires, batteries, bulbs and buzzers can be components of acircuit. AWIINDA1 & "For more activities, go to Workbook 4 page 101. More electrical components In this lesson you will investigate what happens when you add more components to electrical circuits. Key words bulb MT arg test circuit Think about how the components in a circuit can be arranged. In a simple series circuit all of the components are joined together, one after the other. FD What happens when we add more bulbs? The students are investigating electrical circuits to discover what happens to the brightness of the bulbs when they add more bulbs. With a partner, predict what will happen to the brightness of the bulbs as the students. add more bulbs to the circuit. Write down your prediction, with reasons. Plan and carry out an investigation to find out. Record your findings in a table like the one below. Number of bulbs in circuit Observation & the bulb is very bright | Whatcould you change in the circuit to make the bulbs brighter? Discuss with your partner what happened when you added @ more bulbs to the circuit. Write a conclusion for your investigation. '§For more activities, go to Workbook 4 page 102. What happens when we add more batteries? 1 Predict what happens when you add more batteries to this circuit. 2 Plan and carry out an investigation to test your prediction. Use three bulbs in your test circuit to make it a fair test. 3 Predict what would happen if you carried on increasing the number of batteries in the circuit. 4 Write a conclusion for this investigation. 2. Construct the circuits to test your prediction. @B 3. Record your findings in a suitable table. When the components were moved around the circuit, did the 4 Study the table of results and write a brightness of the bulbs change? conclusion about your investigation. ¢ We can add more components toa circuit. Fairy lights are joined in a very long circuit. If one bulb stops working none of them will work, ¢ When we add more bulbs, the bulbs get less bright. Ay212213 & Explain why this happens. @ "= For more activities, go to Workbook 4 page 103. In this lesson you will explore how a switch can be used to break a circuit. Key words circuit Sometimes it is useful to be able to switch some switch components off and on when you want to. What happens to a circuit when there is 5 a break in it? Look at picture 1. Can you see that the switch is being turned off? This makes a break in the circuit. This means that electricity cannot flow over the gap to the device, so the device does not work. Look at picture 2. Now the switch has been turned on. This means that the break is closed. Electricity can flow to the device and it works, Look at the picture below of a circuit with a switch. $ There is a gap between the two pieces of metal in the switch. Ts the switch in the picture on or off? ® * For more activities, goto Workbook 4 page 104. Look carefully at this picture of a closed switch. q Is there a gap between the two pieces of metal? Will the electricity flow through this switch if itis joined in a circuit? Exploring how a switch works You are going to explore how a switch works. 1 Make a simple circuit using the components you are given. 2 Adda switch to the circuit. 3 Predict what will happen when you press the switch on and then off. 4 Write down your predictions. The materials used in a switch must allow electricity to flow through it. ¥o7 Making a switch 1 Take the switch out of your circuit. 2 Puta paperclip in its place. 3 Slide the paperclip over to the loose crocodile clip. 4 What happens? Why does the paperclip still light the bulb? ‘= For more activities, go to Workbook 4 page 105. IY Be a scientist Scientists record their predictions and results in tables. > page 11 Does the = paperclip work like aswitch? Does the bulb light in the same way as before? Switches can close or break a circuit. They are used to turn electrical appliances on and off. AINA Making circuits with switches In this lesson you will make circuits containing switches. Key words ; bulb Bis Eas besa Look at the picture of the circuit. circuit Will the bulb light? Explain your answer. switch wire Never use a wire that is broken or that has cracked plastic. Discuss why this is Design a circuit with a buzzer important. Abuzzer is a component in a circuit that will make a noise. 1. What other components will you need to make a buzzer work in acircuit? Where will you put the buzzer in the circuit? Draw a Picture of the circuit. Construct your circuit and test if it works. If the circuit is complete, you can hear the buzzer - all the time! If you cannot hear the buzzer, the circuit must be broken. Remember: how can you find out what is broken in the circuit? Now add a switch to your circuit, so you can switch the buzzer on and off. You can use the switch that you made earlier. This is how a doorbell works. When you push the button, you | @ close the circuit. 1 For more activites, go to Workbook 4 page 106. °F constructing different circuits Look at the pictures of circuits. 1 Predict which of the circuits will make the bulbs light and the buzzer buzz. 2 Construct the circuits and test your predictions. Record your observations. AZAES Did you predict correctly? Which circuit made the bulb/s shine brightest? Which circuit made the buzzer sound the loudest? Revising circuits Work with a partner to answer these questions. Construct the circuits to check your answers. 1 When there is a break in a circuit will the components work or not? 2 When a switch in a circuit is open, will the electricity flow? 3 When the switch is closed, will a buzzer work? 4 How could you make a bulb in a circuit brighter? There are many different types of switches. Find out how dimmer switches are used. Write a leaflet to present your You can use a Ayn2a13 » switch to control the flow of electricity. findings. "= For more activities, go to Workbook 4 page 107. baer tat ai Cony In this lesson you will find out that electrical currents flow. Key words circuit electricity flow particle voltage Mia rts Explain to your partner what happens to the flow of electricity when it comes to a break in a circuit. In the cells of a battery, chemicals react together and release particles. The particles flow around the circuit to make electricity. Mains electricity is created in a different way, but the particles still flow through the circuit to make electricity. You are going to use different models to help you understand how electricity flows. Passing balls around a circle Pass balls around a circle to represent an electrical current flowing around a circuit. The balls are like the tiny particles that create electricity. 1 What happens to the flow if someone drops the ball? This models a break in the circuit. The current cannot flow. What happens if everyone passes the balls more quickly around the circle? This models a higher voltage. There is more energy flowing around the circuit. What happens if one person throws the ball in the air before they pass it on? This models what happens when electricity flows through a bulb or buzzer. The flow slows down as it flows through the component. What happens if you make a gap between two people in the circuit? This models an open switch in a circuit. The flow stops when it reaches the break in the circuit. For more activities, go to Workbook 4 page 108. We can model the flow of electricity by comparing it to a central heating system. Central heating is used to warm buildings in some colder countries. The parts of the central heating system are labelled Riis ®B con the diagram, rs components in an electric circuit do the different parts of the central hot water) heating represent? flowing } Choose from: ground battery the pipes @ electricity @ bulb boiler and pump wis There are some problems with the central heating model. Can you see what the problems are? The tiny particles move around a circuit at the speed of a snail. The energy they carry moves at the speed of light. what have you learned from modelling electricity? In your group, write a Wiki page to tell people what you have learned about electricity. AyoiN2a18 & Electricity flows around a circuit. Include these words in your description: current, switch, buzzer, battery, conductor, component, flow. "For more activities, go to Workbook 4 page 109. Conductors and insulators In this lesson you will explore conductors and insulators. Key words conductor insulator Ma rLes Can you remember any parts of a circuit from your earlier learning? Make a list. Conductors Accircuit is where electricity can flow through a series of conductors that form a complete loop. Look at the photograph of a circuit. The conductors are labelled. How is this $ circuit different so that the electricity can flow from the bulb in one circuit is not lit up. battery and light up The bulb, or light bulb, is the glass part of a lamp. The bulb lights the bulb? up when electricity flows through the wires inside it. Why doesn't the glass bulb light up? How can you make itlight up? Look at the pictures of the circuits below. You can see that the Abattery, or cell, contains chemicals which produce an electrical current when connected to a circuit. Aconductor is a material that allows electricity to flow through it. Electricity flows through some conductors easily. Some materials are poor conductors. Electricity does not flow ® easily through them. 1 For more activities, go to Workbook 4 page 110. Which material is the best conductor? You will use a test circuit to investigate which material is the best conductor. We use batteries to investigate electricity. Electricity from sockets at school or at home is dangerous. It is safer to use a battery. Remember, if the bulb lights up, then electricity must be moving through the material from the battery to the bulb. 1 Usea table like this to help you to record your results. Copy and complete the table below in your notebook. Material Good conductor | Poor conductor 2. Group the materials into good conductors and poor conductors. Can you find a pattern in your results? Which vcteie AOD are better conductors? Which materials are poor conductors? 3 > Inyour group choose one material that you think is the best conductor. Compare your choice with other groups’ choices. Insulators A material that does not allow electricity to flow through it is called an insulator. Insulators have important uses. They can stop electricity flowing into you. @ Think about your investigations. Which : Why is materials are insulators? F roc NOT LOL covered Portant u use are a The wires intl e Sire ui ; vere that wires are in plastic. Plastic is a material that cannot - insulated? conduct electricity. Do some research to find out about superconductors. Present your findings as a small poster. * For more activities, go to Workbook 4 page 111 Do not touch any bare wires. Keep the batteries in the battery holder. iY Be a scientist Scientists draw results tables when they are planning an investigation. This helps them to think about what things they will change and what they will record. > page 11 « Some materials are better conductors of electricity than others. Insulators do not allow electricity to flow through them so they protect us from electricity. Ayauaraia y Dangers of electricity In this lesson you will learn about how to be safe with electricity. The force of the electricity in a circuit is measured in volts. In most countries, mains electricity has a voltage of between 220 and 240 volts. v9) Comparing batteries Look at the batteries you have been given. Design a table and record the different voltages of each battery. Discuss any links between the voltages of the batteries and the types of devices they are used in. Compare your ideas with others in the class. 4 How much lower than mains electricity are the battery voltages? Use the internet or other sources to find out the voltage of the mains electricity in your area. Write it on a post-it note and add to the class findings. Key words conductor danger insulator safety voltage Have you seen ? this symbol before? 9 Warning! This symbol means high voltage. If you see this symbol you must stay away from it. Discuss why 5 devices such as torches and toys use batteries, but fridges and televisions use mains electricity. Why is it safer to & use batteries in school investigations than mains electricity from sockets? "For more activities, go to Workbook 4 page 112. Discuss the Py. with a partner. Why is this person acting dangerously? What does this tell you about how If an object or material allows electricity to flow through it, mains electricity we say it conducts electricity. could flow through person? Identifying electrical dangers Look at the picture. Write a list of all the electrical dangers you can see. The first could be: The toaster wire should not be near water. Warning! Mains electricity is very dangerous and can i kill. Electricity can flow through metal things. Electricity can E also flow through water. NEVER touch a socket with wet hands. NEVER stick scissors or spoons i orany metal objects into a mains socket. 3 Mains electricity NNN has a much higher voltage than batteries and is very dangerous. Check how much you know. Try the questions on pages 114-115. A2ND213 » = For more activities, go to Workbook 4 page 113. What have | learned about electricity? 1 @ Label the components in this circuit. © Which component creates the electricity in the circuit? Tick this component. © Cross out the word that is not a component of a circuit. battery bulb toy wire 2 Look back at the circuit diagram in question 1. What would happen to the bulb if another battery was added to the circuit? Circle the correct answer. It would stay the same. It would get brighter. It would get dimmer. 3 © Which spoon will make the bulb light up in the test circuit? @ "For more activities, go to Workbook 4 page 114. © Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: conductor insulator The plastic spoon is a good The metal spoon is a good 4% Howcan you find a fault in a series circuit? 5 Whyis mains electricity much more dangerous than electricity from a battery? 6 © Explain what happens when a circuit is broken. © Which component do we use to break a circuit? @ 7 Why doesn't the buzzer buzz in this circuit? AY2192213 "= For more activities, go to Workbook 4 page 115.

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