FrontAccounting 2.4.7 Instruction Sheet English

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Instruction Sheet for FrontAccounting

Spoken Tutorial Team

IIT Bombay

1 Online / Offline content 4. You will see a list of tutorials based on your
1. The online content of Spoken Tutorials can be
accessed from : 5. Start with the first tutorial in the displayed list.
2. You can also download the Spoken Tutorials
for offline learning from : 4 First tutorial: Overview of FrontAccounting
3. From this link download the FOSS categories
in the language you wish to learn. 1. Locate the topic Overview of FrontAccount-
4. The Spoken Tutorial content will be down- ing and click on it.
loaded as a zip file on your machine. 2. To view the tutorial, click on the Play icon
5. Extract the contents of the zip file & access which is located in the player.

2 The procedure to practise 5 Second tutorial: Installation of

FrontAccounting on Linux OS
1. You have been given a set of spoken tutorials
and files. 1. Locate the topic Installation of FrontAc-
2. You will typically do one tutorial at a time. counting on Linux OS and click on it.
3. You may listen to a spoken tutorial and prac- 2. To view the tutorial, click on the Play icon
tise by reproducing all the steps shown in the which is located in the player.
video side-by-side.
4. If you find it difficult to do the above, you may 3. You may get some port error message while
consider listening to the whole tutorial once starting the XAMPP services. To change these
and then practise during the second hearing. ports, refer to the Additional Reading Mate-
rial of this tutorial.

3 FrontAccounting 4. Follow each steps as shown in the tutorial to

do a successfull installation.
1. Click on "Select FOSS" or "All FOSS
5. The Pre-requisite will be visible below
Categories" drop-down and choose
the player (only for Online contents).
2. Click on "Select Language" or "All 6. Outline, Assignments, Code
Languages" drop-down and choose the lan- Files and Slides are available below the
guage (English, Hindi, Marathi ...) in which player.
you wish to learn. 7. Adjust the size of the browser in such a way
3. Click on "Submit" button. that you are able to practise in parallel.

6 Third tutorial: Installation of following for every tutorial.
FrontAccounting on Windows OS 2. In the FrontAccounting adminstrative panel,
enter the username and password that was set
1. Locate the topic Installation of FrontAc- during installation.
counting on Windows OS and click on it.
3. Attempt the Assignments as instructed in
2. To view the tutorial, click on the Play icon the tutorial.
which is located in the player. 4. The Pre-requisite will be visible below
3. You may get some port error message while the player (only for Online contents).
starting the XAMPP services. To change these 5. Outline, Assignments, Code
ports, refer to the Additional Reading Mate- Files and Slides are available below the
rial of this tutorial. player.
4. Follow each steps as shown in the tutorial to
do a successfull installation.
8 Common instructions
5. Follow the instruction and install in Windows
machine 1. Play-pause-practise the whole tutorial.
2. Once the tutorial is complete, choose the next
tutorial from the playlist which is located on
7 Subsequent tutorials
the right side or below the player.
1. Complete all the FrontAccounting tutorials 3. Follow all the above instructions, till you com-
following the instructions. In particular, do the plete all the tutorials in the series.

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