Neural Control and Coordination

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Coordination- Interactions b/w organs, in order to
complement the function of one another.
Neurons- Specialized cells forming the neural
system which can detect, receive and transmit
different kinds of stimuli.
Organisms Neural System
Hydra Network of neurons
Insects Brain + ganglia + neural tissue
Vertebrate Developed neural system
Human neural system

Central Neural system Peripheral Neural system

Site of information
processing and control. Somatic NS Autonomic NS
Includes- Impulses Impulses from CNS
from CNS to involuntary
Brain Spinal cord to skeletal organs and smooth
muscles muscles.
Visceral Nervous system-
Also a part of PNS, consisting of nerves, fibres, ganglia
& plexus travelling from CNS to viscera.

Neuron- (Structural & functional unit of Neural System)

Cell body- Cytoplasm Organelles (+)
Nissl's granules
Dendrites- Fibres projecting out of cell body helps
transmitting impulses.
Nissl's granules (+)
Axon- Long fibre; branched at distal end.
Ends into synaptic knob (contains synaptic
vesicles), storing neurotransmitters.

NEURON Diagram

Types of AXON-

Myelinated Non- Myelinated

Enveloped with schwann Enclosed by schwann
cells (from myelin sheath). cells but don't form
Gaps b/w adjacent myelin myelin sheath.
sheath- node of Ranvier. Present in autonomous &
Present in spinal & cranial somatic neural system.
Types of NEURONS-

Unipolar Bipolar Multipolar

1 axon only 1 axon + 1 dendrite 1 axon + many
In embryo In eye retina dendrites
In cerebral cortex

Generation of Nerve Impulse

No Impulse (Axon membrane) Concentration
i.e. resting stage Permeable- K⁺ gradient
Impermeable- Na+, across the
-vely charged proteins membrane

(Axon membrane) Maintained by Na-K pump

Outer surface= +ve charged (3Na⁺ → outward)
Inner surface= -ve charged (2K⁺ → inside the cell)
Resting potential- The electrical potential difference across
the resting plasma membrane

Stimulus applied at (Axon membrane)
the site on polarized Permeable- K⁺
membrane. Impermeable- Na+

Polarity reversed Outside=-ve charge

(depolarized) Inside=+ve charge

Repolarization: Stimulus-induced permeability

increases for Na+ for very short period of time; followed
permeability for K+, restoring the resting potential.
Impulse Transmission
SYNAPSE- An area of functional contact formed by the
membranes of pre-synaptic neuron & post synaptic
Gap = Synaptic cleft

Types of SYNAPSE

Electrical Synapse Chemical Synapse

Pre & post synaptic Proper synaptic cleft(+)
membranes very Involve neurotransmitters;
close. binding to specific
Electric current flows receptors
directly. Transmission via synaptic
Fast and rare. vesicles

Central Nervous System- BRAIN

Central information processing organ and is the
'command & control system'.
Protected by skull; covered by cranial meninges
BRAIN Diagram-
Cerebrum callosum Parietal lobe

Frontal lobe

Thalamus Occipital lobe

Temporal lobe Cranial meninges
Pituitary gland Duramater
Medulla oblongata Arachnoid
Cerebellum Piamater


Forebrain Midbrain Hindbrain

Cerebrum Diencephalon Pons Cerebellum Medulla

My Cerebrum is
Thalamus Hypothalamus the largest part of
my brain!
Cerebral hemisphere (divided by cleft, connected
by corpus callosum, covered by cerebral cortex)
Cerebral hemisphere

Gray matter White matter

-Consist of cerebral -Inner part consisting
cortex (folds). of fibres/tracts covered
-High concentration of by myelin sheath
cell bodies of neurons.
Gray matter contains-

Motor area Sensory area Association area

(Memory, communication)

Major coordination centre for sensory & motor
Cerebrum wraps around it.
Present at base of thalamus.
Controls body temperature, urge of eating etc.
Secrets hormones.

Location- b/w thalamus (forebrain) & pons
Cerebral aqueduct- Canal passing via midbrain.
Corpora quadrigemina- 4 round swellings at dorsal
Maintains consciousness.
Generates somatic motor responses.
Process visual & auditory data.

Pons- Fibres that interconnect different parts of brain.
Cerebellum- Convoluted surface; maintains muscle
tone & body balance.
Medulla oblangata- Connected to spinal cord; major
pathway for impulses that enter skull.
Centres of medulla oblangata control respiration,
cardiovascular refluxes, gastric secretions.
Brain stem= Mid brain + Pons + Medulla oblongata

The involuntary response to a peripheral nervous stimulation.
Sensory Organ Afferent neuron Dorsal nerve root
Effector Efferent neuron CNS

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