T8 - Resistance and Power Calculation
T8 - Resistance and Power Calculation
T8 - Resistance and Power Calculation
Mennen - 1982
Developed by: Gérson Beraldo Matter - 04.17.2000
Z= 5 - Number of blades
P= 6.51 m - Pitch of the propeller
D= 9.10 m - Diameter of the propeller
Hp = 4.60 m - High of the shaft from keel line
K= 0.2 - K = 0,2 for single-screw ships or 0,1 for twin-screw ships
eta0 = 0.63 - Open water efficiency of the propeller
V0 = 1.00 knots - Initial Speed
Vf = 25.00 knots - Final Speed
Ni = 1.188E-06 m2/s - Kinematic Viscosity of Water
rho = 1025 kg/m3 - Specific mass of water
d of 0,5 LBP
Speed Rt T Pe Ps w t etarr
Fn (knots) (kN) (kN) (kW) (kW) CT
0.011472 1.00 3.2 3.9 1.7 2.2 0.28245 0.168181 1.0269895 0.003231
0.025238 2.20 14.3 17.2 16.2 22.0 0.274862 0.168181 1.0268164 0.002948 Rt = The total resistance of a ship
0.039004 3.40 32.4 38.9 56.6 77.5 0.271219 0.168181 1.0265329 0.002798 T= The propeller thrust
0.05277 4.60 57.1 68.6 135.1 185.5 0.268885 0.168181 1.0261463 0.002694 Pe = Efective power
0.066536 5.80 88.0 105.8 262.5 361.5 0.267194 0.168181 1.0256623 0.002612 Ps = Shaft power
0.080302 7.00 124.8 150.0 449.3 620.2 0.265881 0.168181 1.0250861 0.002543 w= Wake coefficient
0.094068 8.20 167.2 201.0 705.2 975.5 0.264814 0.168181 1.0244222 0.002483 t= Thrust deduction coefficient
0.107834 9.40 214.9 258.4 1039.3 1440.4 0.263921 0.168181 1.0236743 0.002429 etarr = Relative-rotative efficiency
0.1216 10.60 267.9 322.1 1460.9 2028.5 0.263156 0.168181 1.0228446 0.002381 CT Resistance coefficient
0.135366 11.80 326.2 392.1 1980.1 2754.4 0.262488 0.168181 1.0219318 0.00234
0.149132 13.00 390.2 469.1 2609.7 3636.7 0.261897 0.168181 1.0209289 0.002306
0.162898 14.20 460.8 554.0 3366.1 4699.3 0.261368 0.168181 1.0198237 0.002283
0.176664 15.40 539.7 648.9 4276.0 5980.5 0.26089 0.168181 1.0185875 0.002273
0.19043 16.60 627.6 754.5 5359.7 7510.8 0.260454 0.168181 1.0172111 0.002275
0.204196 17.80 732.2 880.2 6704.5 9415.7 0.260054 0.168181 1.0155737 0.002308
0.217962 19.00 843.0 1013.4 8239.5 11597.0 0.259686 0.168181 1.0138386 0.002332
0.231728 20.20 969.1 1165.0 10070.8 14208.7 0.259344 0.168181 1.011863 0.002372
0.245494 21.40 1139.4 1369.8 12544.2 17752.8 0.259025 0.168181 1.0091955 0.002485
0.25926 22.60 1353.7 1627.4 15738.6 22356.8 0.258727 0.168181 1.0058401 0.002647
0.273026 23.80 1578.8 1898.1 19330.9 27566.8 0.258448 0.168181 1.0023141 0.002784
0.286792 25.00 1785.0 2145.9 22956.9 32855.0 0.258184 0.168181 0.9990857 0.002853
Resistance (kN)
Power (kW)
The Total Resistance of a ship 3.5E+04
2.0E+03 2.5E+04
1.5E+03 RT 2.0E+04
1.0E+03 T P
0.0E+00 0.0E+00
00 20 40 60 80 00 20 40 60 80 00 20 40 60 80 00 20 40 60 80 00
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 25.
speed (knots) speed (knots)
0 80 00 20 40 60 80 00
. . . . . . .
17 19 20 21 22 23 25