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1. Waste is any substance, which is discarded
after primary use, or it is worthless, defective
and of no use.
2. All the waste materials and other household
waste produced on a daily basis are termed as
3. A large area that is used for waste disposal is
called a landfill.
4. Compost can also be used as manure.
5. Recycling of organic waste by burying them in
a compost pit is called composting.
6. Vermicomposting is the breaking down of
organic waste by using redworms along with
7. Reduce is the simplest and most efficient way
of promoting waste management.
8. Reusing a thing more than one purpose helps in
reducing wastes.
9. The process of converting waste materials into
new materials is called recycling.
10. The process of segregating or dividing the
wastes into dry and wet is defined as waste


1. Define waste.
Waste is any substance, which is discarded
after primary use, or it is worthless, defective
and of no use.

2. Define waste generation.

Waste generation is the amount of waste
produced by a house, a community or even the

3. Define landfill.
A landfill is a low-lying area for the disposal of
waste materials by burial.

4. Define recycling. What it reduces?

Recycling is defined as reusing of waste
materials that are discarded. It reduces
wastage of products and pollution.
5. Write a short note on paper.
 Paper is derived from trees.
 Paper can be recycled and can be used as
an alternative to plastics.
 Recycling and reusing the paper saves the

1. What is Garbage?
All the waste materials and other household
waste produced on a daily basis are termed as
garbage. The different wastes of garbage
contain peels of vegetable and fruits, leftovers
cooked food products, waste paper, and plastic
materials, and many other waste items.

2. What is waste segregation?

The process of segregating or dividing the
wastes into dry and wet is defined as Waste
Segregation. Here, the dry waste includes wood
and related products, metals and glass. The wet
waste, typically refers to organic waste usually
generated by eating establishments and are
heavy in weight due to dampness.
3. Write a note on plastics.
Plastic is a material consisting of a wide range
of synthetic or semi-synthetic compounds that
are malleable and can be moulded into solid
Plastic can be recycled, reused, coloured,
melted, rolled into sheets or made into wires.
Plastic is non-biodegradable and poses major
health hazards for animals including humans.

4. Difference between composting and

Compost is an organic matter that has been
decomposed and recycled as a fertilizer and
soil nutrient. The process of preparing compost
is called composting.
Vermicompost is the product of the composting
process using various species of worms.
Red wigglers, White worms and other
earthworms are used to create a mixture of
decomposing vegetables or food waste, garden
waste, farm waste etc
The product, vermicompost, is excellent manure
for gardens, nurseries, farms etc.

5. What are the some of the ways to save

 We should always write on both sides
of paper sheets.
 Unused pages from old notebooks can
be torn off and made into a new
notebook for doing rough work and
other miscellaneous work.
 We can also reuse envelopes and
covers by using stickers to write new
 We can also make fresh paper from
old newspapers.

1. Difference between biodegradable and
non-biodegradable waste?
Biodegradable waste
Biodegradable waste includes any organic
matter in waste that can be broken down
into water, methane, carbon dioxide,
simple organic molecules by micro-
organisms like fungi and other living things
using composting, aerobic digestion,
anaerobic digestion or similar processes.
Non-biodegradable waste
It is a type of waste that cannot be
broken down into its base compounds by
micro-organisms, air, moisture or soil in a
reasonable amount of time.
Non-biodegradable waste is an
environmental concern, as it threatens to
overwhelm landfills and create disposal

2. Give a brief explanation on reduce, reuse

and recycle.
We need to reduce the amount of waste
generated by consuming more and throwing
away less. We often buy more things than
we really need. Nowadays, disposable
items have become popular, for example,
ballpoint pen, plastic bag, disposable
napkins etc. We are using them frequently
without giving a thought to their
hazardous effects.
Tips for reducing wastes:
Use a fountain pen in place of a ballpoint
Use old newspapers for packaging, and
Use cloth napkins in place of disposable
We can reuse certain things for more than
one purpose. If we reuse them for other
purposes, we can help in reducing waste.
Here are some of the tips for reusing

Small jars and bottles can be cleaned to

keep some other kitchen stuff.
One should prefer glass bottle to metal
can when buying juice or soft drink. The
bottles can be refilled.
Old clothes can be made into other usable
items like cushion cover, handkerchief,
Old mobile phones can be donated to
friends or family.
The process by which waste materials are
used to make new products is called
recycling. Materials like glass, metal,
plastic, and paper are collected,
separated, and recycled to make new

3. Write a note on recycling of plastics.

Bucket, bottle, toy, shoe, bag, pen, and
comb are a few things made of plastic. Use
of plastics has become a major concern
nowadays because they are non-
biodegradable and release harmful gases
upon heating or burning. They can also
contaminate foodstuffs. If eaten by
animals, plastics can choke and kill them.
Therefore, one should reduce and reuse
plastic items as far as possible. When
plastic items are to be discarded, they
should be recycled to make new things.
Some of the ways to reduce, reuse, and
recycle plastics are as follows:
 Paper, cotton, and jute bag should be
preferred over plastic bags.
 Some disposable plastic containers
and jars can be used to grow plants.
 Empty bottles can be refilled for
storage of water or any other liquid
stuff. Think about the number of
times you buy a bottle of water when
you are out. Instead, you can fill the
used bottle and carry it whenever you
are out.
 Zip foils can be reused after cleaning
thoroughly each time after storing

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