Briseis Palamono
Assassin Cleric Witch
Briseis Palamano was born in Durham, capital of the The Sultanate of Barobi was lost to local forces during
Duchy of Erevan, on the island of Shemar. She was this time, and Lady Briseis led Cymruan forces in an
human but possessed elven bloodlines through the attempt to reclaim the land for her family. Ultimately she
famous Palamano dynasty. She was the daughter of Lady failed, but not before causing a great deal of pain and
Nikon Palamano, the Third Duchess of Erevan and the suffering in the desert realms of the east.
Sultana of Barobi. Her grandfather was the Second Duke
of Erevan, Lord Damien Palamano; her great grandfather
was the First Duke of Erevan, Lord Palamon of
Heathcliffe; her great, great grandfather was Heathcliffe
the Cat. Briseis spent her childhood between Shemar and
the Far Eastern Sultanate of the Barobi.
In the meantime, Briseis joined the Party of the Pendant liked each other and were only connected through Dirk.
as a priestess of Hecate. Through her political ties she Ever vengeful, Briseis decided that if she was going to
formed a close relationship with the Emperor of die, then so too was Elrond. She designed a plan that
Greece and often traveled to the Hellenes for drew the white wizard to Northumberland in Angleland.
pilgrimages, such as to a Caria, center of Hecate worship Briseis ambushed Elrond and a furious mage battle
and home to her most impressive temple. (Briseis was ensued. Elrond was destroyed. Briseis returned to Kradon
known to participate in the annual sacred Key-Carrying and the Golden Cliffs of Yavanna to die. With the death
ceremony that began the festival). Briseis was given the of Elrond, Dirk's bond was broken and he followed soon
title High Priestess of Hecate in Greece. after.