Quests of Q'barra primer1.4
Quests of Q'barra primer1.4
Quests of Q'barra primer1.4
Faiths decades. Some were cured, but the vast majority were killed,
Though it is unknown whether the gods even exist, divine sacrified to protect civilizations. Then the power broke.
magic is a fact of Khorvaire. It does not follow the rules of Something about the curse became less infectious, less
arcane magic, and presents itself in unpredictable ways. deadly. The Templars pulled out, but the people of Aundair
were angry after living two decades in fear. They began a
witch hunt to root out every remaining lycanthrope, killing
The Sovereign Host many innocents and attacking shifter communities for the
The Sovereign Host is not a unified church, nor is it the only next thirty years. It was during this time that the Pure Flame,
one that worships gods as we understand them. It is, zealots who saw the Silver Flame as a weapon and left
however, the dominant faith of Khorvaire. Part of the reason behind the teachins of compassion brought by the Templars,
for this is that divine magic presents itself most readily to rose to prominence.
those who worship something that maps easily to the
Sovereign Host. This doesn't neccesarily mean the The Ghaash'kala
Sovereigns are real, but the faith has spred nonetheless. The The Ghaash'kala are a tribe of orcs that have lived in the
traditional form of the faith recognizes two distinct Demon Wastes since the end of the Age of Demons. They too
pantheons, though many worship in nontraditional ways. follow the Silver Flame, and fight an endless war to keep the
fiends contained in the twisted confines of the Labyrinth,
The Soveriegns though they have never heard of the sacrifice of Tira Miron
The nine Sovereigns are, in the mainstream faith, the gods of and care nothing for the Church.
good and light. They are known by their names, and
worshipped for their gifts. The Blood of Vol
The Dark Six
The Blood of Vol is a harsh religion. It asserts that if the gods
The Dark Six are known not by names, but by titles. They are exist, they are cruel. It's close association with necromancy
known as the creators of monsters, as the evils that plague causes many to believe it's some kind of Karnnathi death cult.
the world. But many worship them, often in conjunction with This is not true. The Blood of Vol teaches that each of us has
Sovereigns. a divine spark within, and death is a curse designed to kill us
before we can reach our true potential. Because death is
oblivion, Seekers see nothing wrong with reanimating
The Silver Flame corpses. Then, at least, they can continue to be helpful in
The Silver Flame was formed from the Coautl, the native some way.
celestials of Ebberon, sacrificing themselves to defeat the
Overlords. The Silver Flame is both a cage that binds the The Order of the Emerald Claw
Overlords, and a source of energy for mortal champions of A knightly order formed from Seekers of the Divinity Within,
good to draw from. the Order of the Emerald Claw consider themselves true
Karnnathi patriots among an army that has turned traitor.
The Church of the Silver Flame Now serving a mysterious figure known as the Queen of
When the Overlord Bel Shalor was partially released, he Death, the Order has become a terrorist group, conducting
wrought destruction in Thrane. The paladin Tira Miron, necromatic attacks on other nations and against King Kaius
guided by one of the few remaining Coautl, was able to III, who disavowed the Emerald Claw towards the end of the
harness the power of the Silver Flame and rebind him, both war.
of them sacrificing their lives in the process. Tira's allies
formed the Church of the Silver Flame around her Elven Ancestors
martydom, and it endures to this day. The Church has at least The Elves of Aerenal worship not gods, but the most
a small presence in most nations, but has been the dominant impressive of their ancestors. They are split in two pathtos.
faith in Thrane since it's inception. The faith is structured, but
highly practical. It peaches the values of compassion and The Undying Court
defendign the innocent, and the Templars are a volunteer The Undying Court rule the Aereni as Deathless, elves
militia that protects the world from external threats such as sustained beyond their deaths by energy from Irian and the
demons and undead. It is currently lead by the 11-year old devotion of their descendants. It is the hope of every Aereni
Keeper of the Flame, Jayla Daran. to be exemplary enough to be allowed to join the Undying.
The Silver Crusade
Lycanthropy was once just a myth, spoken about in hushed Spirits of the Past
whispers. But some dark power came to light a century and a The Tairnadal worship not their present, undying ancestors,
half ago in the Towering Wood, causing the evil of lycanthropy but those that have passed on. The Tairnadal are relentlessly ,
to surge. The curse became more infectious, and martial, and worship those ancestors that contributed most to
lycanthropes began to mass on the borders of Aundair, their wars. The Tairnadal are selected by a patron ancestor,
turning or killing entire communities. Templars of the and charged with emulating that ancestor, trying to live up to
Church began the Silver Crusade, an effort to wipe their legend, and seeking to recreate their greatest
lycanthropy from the face of Eberron and save the world. achievements.