Crash Nitro Kart Prima Official Guide

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This game has received the

following rating from the ESRB® Mild Cartoon Violence

For information regarding licensing issues, please call the ESA at
1-800-771-3772 or visit For information regarding licensing
™ issues, please call the ESA at (212) 223-8936. Please note that ESRB
ratings only apply to the content of the game itself and does NOT apply to
the content of this book.

Prima Games has made every effort to determine that the information contained
in this book is accurate. However, the publisher makes no warranty, either
expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, effectiveness, or completeness of the
material in this book; nor does the publisher assume liability for damages, either
incidental or consequential, that may result from using the information in this
book. The publisher cannot provide information regarding game play, hints and
strategies, or problems with hardware or software. Questions should be directed
Prima's Official Strategy Guide to the support numbers provided by the game and device manufacturers in their
documentation. Some game tricks require precise timing and may require
repeated attempts before the desired result is achieved.

ISBN: 0-7615-4408-9
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2003111144
Prima Games

Table of Contents
A Division of Random House, Inc.
3000 Lava Ridge Court Roseville, CA 95661
1-800-733-3000 Chapter 1: Start Your Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02 Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02
Karts & Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03
The Prima Games logo is a registered trademark of Random House, Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04
Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. Boosts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .06 is a registered trademark of Random House, Inc., Basic Tips & Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .07
registered in the United States. Race Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .07
Chapter 2: Tracks & Tricks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08
© 2003-2004 by Prima Games. All rights reserved. No part of this book may
Island Inferno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08
be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or Jungle Boogie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
retrieval system without written permission from Prima Games. Prima Games is Tiny Temple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
a division of Random House, Inc. Meteor Gorge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Barin Ruins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Product Manager: Jill Hinckley Deep Sea Driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Project Editor: Tamar Foster
Out of Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
“Crash Nitro Kart” interactive game © 2003-2004 Universal Interactive, Inc. Clockwork Wumpa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Crash Bandicoot and related characters are ® and © of Universal Interactive, Thunder Struck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Inc. All rights reserved. Vivendi Universal Games and the Vivendi Universal Assembly Lane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Games logo are trademarks of Vivendi Universal Games, Inc. Android Alley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
Electron Avenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
All products and characters mentioned in this book are trademarks of their
respective companies. Chapter 3: Boss Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Basic Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Please be advised that the ESRB rating icons, “EC”, “K-A”, “E”, “T”, “M”, “AO” and “RP” Meet the Bosses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
are copyrighted works and certification marks owned by the Entertainment Software Boss Track Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
Association and the Entertainment Software Rating Board and may only be used Chapter 4: Battle Mode and Arena Races . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
with their permission and authority. Under no circumstances may the rating icons be
Battle Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
self-applied or used in connection with any product that has not been rated by the
ESRB. For information regarding whether a product has been rated by the ESRB, Arenas & Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
please call the ESRB at 1-800-771-3772 or visit Chapter 5: Secrets & Unlockables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79


Start Your
Emperor Velo and his alien Faced with the threat of Earth’s In order to face Velo, they’ll need to
empire have kidnapped Crash destruction, both teams submit to win every race in the Circuit, a compe-
and his friends, as well as Dr. his whims. Dr. Cortex and his team tition that spans numerous alien
Cortex and his cronies, to race plan to defeat Velo in the final worlds and features a motley crew of
in the Galactic Circuit! showdown, which will determine the Emperor’s fastest competitors.
who will return to Earth as its
conqueror, but they’ll need to get
past Crash and Team Bandicoot,
who plan to thwart Team Cortex
and get home in time for a nap.
Steer Accelerate Brake/Reverse Use Power Up/Item
Toggle Map/Speedometer/Toss Flag Team Frenzy
Look Back/Rear View Jump/Powerslide Change View

This category features Karts Like your Karts well-rounded? Then this Feel the need for speed? Then
that boast an excellent turning category is for you. Good cornering, acceler- grab the wheel with one of these
radius, while also maintaining ation, and overall speed make up this pack, characters and get ready to fly. Just
slower speeds. and you’ll have the most to choose from at the watch out for those corners, these
game’s onset as well. guys prefer speed over turning.

Acceleration: Average Acceleration: Excellent Acceleration: Excellent Acceleration: Good

CHAPTER 1: Start Your Engines

Top Speed: Good Top Speed: Average Top Speed: Average Top Speed: Excellent
Turning: Excellent Turning: Good Turning: Good Turning: Average

Acceleration: Average Acceleration: Excellent Acceleration: Excellent Acceleration: Good

Top Speed: Good Top Speed: Average Top Speed: Average Top Speed: Excellent
Turning: Excellent Turning: Good Turning: Good Turning: Average

There are four types of crates that you will run into on the tracks.

Drive your Kart through a weapons crate These special weapons crates contain three of a certain
to break it apart and collect the power-up weapon, such as Bowling Bombs, Homing Missiles, or
inside. These are marked with a question Turbo Boost. They are marked with an “X” and are
mark and usually come in sets of four. usually found in hard-to-reach spots on the track.

These crates full of wumpa will help These crates don’t give you anything when you drive through them.
you get juiced quick! Run through one Instead, they activate a trap to slow down the other racers! Crash
to pick up a bunch of fruit. Wumpa through them at the right time to see your opponents flattened, burned,
crates are unmarked. or rolled over. These crates are marked with an exclamation point.


These useful items can be found in the weapons crates, but your Kart can
carry only one of them at a time. After you collect ten wumpa fruit, your
weapons become juiced for even more power!

A free bottle of boost! Use this to get an extra When Velo goes bowling, he doesn’t fool around! These bombs
boost of speed and zip ahead of your opponents shoot out from your Kart in a straight line until they explode
or out of the way of a missile. against a wall or, hopefully, another Kart! If your aim is a little off,
Juiced: Get an even longer and bigger boost. you can detonate the bomb remotely when it’s next to your target.
To do this, press the fire button again. Or if there’s a Kart (or missile) on your tail,
hold down on the directional buttons or left analog stick and press the fire button to
These lock on to the nearest opponent you shoot the bomb backwards.
can see, and zoom after him. They’ll explode Juiced: The bomb moves faster and the explosion radius is even bigger.
on contact and send your target into a killer
tumble. If you see a set of crosshairs on your
character, it means you’ve been targeted, so start dodging! Drop these on the track to give the racers behind you
Juiced: The missile goes faster and tracks better. a nasty surprise. If you run into one of these killer
crates, it’ll latch onto your head and start counting
down. When the timer runs out, you’ll wipe out when it
These freestanding spheres of electric charge will explodes in your face. Try hopping madly to get it off your head.
shock anyone foolish enough to drive into one. It Juiced: Your TNT crate will be upgraded to a green Nitro crate that
slows them down, shorts out the circuits in their will explode as soon as someone hits it.
Kart, and changes their weapon to something else.
Juiced: The orb will now be drawn to the Karts that drive by it. It
will also short out the Karts even more, causing their steering to be Activate this item to get your team’s mascot to spin
reversed for a short time. around your Kart in a protective shield for a short time.
While the mask is active, weapons and hazards can’t hurt
you, and any Karts that you “accidentally” bump into will
Turn this on to become invisible to all your spin out. You’ll also go faster while you use it. Be careful not to fall off
opponents. You’ll still see your shadow, but no the edge though, or you’ll lose your invincibility.
one else in the arena will be able to see you or Juiced: Your mascot mask will stick around even longer.
your arrow. Great for sneak attacks or flag
steals, this item is only available in Battle Mode.
Replace the engine in your Kart with something pumping out
Juiced: Stay invisible for even longer.
more horsepower. For a short time, whenever you press the
accelerate button, you’ll zip around faster than any Kart in the
arena. It’s just the thing for outrunning speeding missiles or
grabbing a flag. The engine will run out after a few seconds, so use it or lose
it! This item is available in only Battle Mode.
Juiced: The engine lasts even longer.

Fire off this super warhead to track down your enemies This protective green bubble will save you from getting hit
wherever they go! This special version of the Homing by one weapon or hazard. You can also attack your
Missile comes with a remote control and a video opponents while it’s on by bumping into them. Once you get
monitor. Once you fire it off, you can press the fire hit by something or run into someone, the shield will
button again to take control of it. You can see from a camera in the nose disappear. It will also fade away after a few seconds, even if you don’t use it.
of the missile. Steer it towards your enemies using the left thumbstick. If Juiced: The blue juiced bubble still goes away when you hit something, but
it hits a wall or a Kart, it will explode, damaging anyone nearby. You it has no time limit.
can’t drive around while steering the missile, which makes your Kart a
sitting duck! You’ll pick up this special missile in only Battle Mode.
Juiced: The explosion from the missile is even bigger, and the missile This wicked watch will let you alter time and slow down

CHAPTER 1: Start Your Engines

is easier to steer. every other Kart on the track. When you activate it,
everyone else will spin out and time will slow down for
them. You’ll be protected from the time vortex and speed
This mine will put anyone who runs over it into by the other racers as they crawl along. This is a great way to come from
a giant ice cube that causes their Kart to spin out. behind, so take advantage of it. This item is found only in Race Modes.
Put it near tight corners to cause less wary Juiced: The time effect will last even longer.
racers to fly off the edge. If you need to slow
down someone in the lead, you can also hold up on the direc-
tional buttons or left analog stick and press fire to toss the ice You can easily even the odds a little with this powerful
mine ahead of you. item. When you release this super cyclone, it will
Juiced: The ice cube will take longer to melt and cause the immediately home in on whoever is in first place and
Kart to drive like it’s on ice. catch his Kart up in a mini tornado. Of course, anyone
unlucky enough to get in its path on the way to its target will also get
caught up in a tiny twister. You’ll find this item only during Race Modes.
Juiced: The top will go even faster than normal.

Boosting is crucial to winning a race in Crash Nitro Kart. Every time you boost, you’ll go faster
than your Kart’s normal top speed for a little while. Here are a few ways to get a boost.

The easiest way to get a boost is to run over one If you pump the gas at the start of If you press and hold the gas button at the
of the black-and-green boost pads that you find the race, you can get a boost off right time when you’re being reset onto the
throughout the tracks. Hit as many of these as the line. track by Aku Aku or Uka Uka, you can get
you can, because you know your opponents will! a boost to help you catch up.


If you press and hold the gas button To get a quick boost, pick up a turbo
at the right time when you’re being canister from an item crate. Just hit
reset onto the track by Aku Aku or the fire button and take off!
Uka Uka, you can get a boost to
help you catch up.

Power Slide Boosts are difficult to master,

but they’ll give you a huge advantage
on the track. To do a Power Slide
Boost, go into a Power Slide by
holding down the hop button, and
steer left or right before your Kart
lands. While sliding, the curved boost
gauge will appear next to your Kart. When the gauge goes from green to red, press
the boost button and your Kart will get a boost. After every boost, you can get
another one by pressing the boost button when the gauge turns red. Remember that
the higher the meter goes, the more powerful the boost you’ll get.

Missiles can be tough to get Remember, if you have

away from, but there are a few ten wumpa fruit, you’ll
tricks you can try to get out of become juiced. This
their path. The easiest way to means that your top
escape a missile is to drop an speed goes up and all
item (like a TNT Crate or an Ice your weapons are more
Mine) behind you or shoot a powerful. Being juiced
bomb backwards at it. The closer the missile is when you do can give you the edge you need to win a race.
this, the better the chance you have of blocking it.

There are several If you are in range of your teammate, then your
shortcuts throughout team meter will slowly fill up. Once it is full, you
the tracks that you can activate your team frenzy ability with the Team
can take to the get Frenzy button. Using this will give you unlimited
ahead of the compe- weapons for a short time. If your team meter
tition. Look for them empties, you are attacked by an enemy, or you fall
off the beaten path. off the track, your frenzy will end.

Crash Nitro Kart has six racing modes.

CHAPTER 1: Start Your Engines

Some of them are free-for-all, and some
can be played as a team.

In Adventure mode, you race through This mode is just like Race Time Trial, except Join forces with a computer-controlled
all the different tracks and arenas, that you’re racing to get the best time for a buddy to win the race! Stay close to
collecting as many Trophies, Relics, single lap around the track. After you finish a your teammate to charge up your Team
Boss Keys, CNK Tokens, and Gems as lap, your “ghost” will appear. The ghost is a Meter. When it’s full, press the hop
you can. Collect all the goodies to replay of your fastest lap. Whenever you get button to activate team frenzy–then blast
unlock movies, racers, and more! This a better time on a lap, the old ghost will be your opponents and take the lead! This
mode is single-player only. replaced by the faster one. This mode is mode is single-player only.
single-player only.

Race Time Trial is a one-player mode where you try to set the best time on any of the A Quick Race is the fastest way to get
tracks in the game. In this mode, there are no other racers to slow you down, and no your race on. Just pick your racer,
crates to help you out. Jump and boost your way through three laps as fast as you select a track, and race! You can also
can. After you finish the race, you can save your “ghost” (a replay of your race). The adjust the computer players’ skill level,
next time you play, you can load a ghost or challenge your friends to beat your best as well as the number of laps. This
time. Beat the best times to unlock and challenge the galactic champions’ saved mode is single-player only.
ghosts. This mode is single-player only.

In a Cup Tournament, you compete against other racers on three different tracks. At the
end of a track, the racer in first place gets nine points. The second place Kart is
awarded six points. Third place gets three points. Fourth place gets only one point. At
the end of the three tracks, the player with the most points wins the cup. This mode can
be played by up to four players.


Tracks & Tricks

Inferno Island

Power/Time Crate

Danger! Danger!

Buckle up. Although this island is
pretty, it can be one treacherous
track. Shortcuts, massive
jumps, and sharp turns can
make or break you in this race,
and the water’s sludgy edge can
slow you down to boot. Enjoy
the island, but drive defensively!

CHAPTER 2: Inferno Island

Look out for that first shortcut! It’s located to If you want to play it safe, keep to the left of
the left of the track just after the first curve. the track to take that corner with the arched
Head straight towards the grassy ledge and pillar, then enter the cave. Want to grab a
hop onto it to snag a crate and come out cool jump? Then stay to the right of the
ahead of the pack. Be careful arched pillar to hit the ramp, but be careful
though, timing the hop of the water’s
is tricky without a edge–it may slow
Turbo Boost! you down!


When using a Kart that sacrifices steering When taking the cave’s jump, be careful of
for speed, you may want to ignore the careening into the wall. The turn into the
jump on the cave's far right wall, and just jump’s beginning is deceptively sharp, and
make a hard left into the last curve before you waste time lining your Kart back up
the finish. Though it may not be as exciting after a smacking into the cave’s side. Use a
as jumping, you’ll save time and in most nicely-timed Power Slide to avoid this.
cases, come out ahead!

Get ready to grab the “C” as soon as you That first bridge is a major landmark for
leave the starting line. Keep your car as far this track, because not only is the “C”
to the left as possible, and snag the “C” located right before it, but the “N” follows
before you hit the first bridge. almost immediately. Just look under the
first jump that follows on the right side of
the track. Surprise!

Hit the caves to find some
treasure! Follow the
incline on the right side
of the cave’s wall,
and while in mid-
air, jump through
the “K” before
crashing down to the
finish line.

CHAPTER 2: Inferno Island

00:55:00 01:15:00 01:30:00

Time Crates: 36

Start down the center of the track to grab See that curved pillar dividing the road up
the first 3-second Time Crate, then take a ahead? If you approach it from the right
sharp left and hop onto the grassy ledge in side, then cut in sharply, you’ll snag a
front of you. In addition to it being a cool somewhat “hidden” 3-second Time Crate.
short cut, it features another 3-second Time
Crate and two 1-second Time Crates. It’s
tricky, but worth it!


If you stay to the right side of the track, To find more 3-second Time Crates, enter
you’ll encounter a jump before the entrance the cave and stay to the left. If you time
to the cave. To get the most out of it, plop things right, you can burst through another
down onto the 3-second Time Crate just in 3-second Time Crate on the first jump.
front of it, and worry about those 1-second
Time Crates later, if you can afford them.

Hug the wall on the cave's right side to go After landing, veer to the left and hit the
up the ledge. When you reach the ledge, hop button to snag the 2-second Time
stay as close to the left as possible: You’ll Crate hovering low in the air. It’s right
want to jump through the 3-second Time before the finish line, and can make or
Crate hovering in mid-air before you land. break the race if time is short!

Tracks & Tricks
Jungle Boogie

CHAPTER 2: Jungle Boogie

Power/Time Crate

Danger! Danger!

Speed Zone



Get ready to boogie! Jungle Boogie is a track that

may be short and sweet, but don’t be fooled: It
features plenty of tight curves, loads of power-
ups and two tricky shortcuts for an extra
challenge. Timing jumps perfectly, keeping
speed to the max, and finding Turbo Power-
Ups separates the Bandicoots from the boys
in this race!

Want to find a cool shortcut? After Stay towards the right side of the
breaking away from the starting line, track, and you’ll come in contact
head towards the far right of with two more Power-Up Crates
the track, speed down a located near each other. Round
short ledge, then hit the the corner, then tear down
hop button to jump up on the center of the track for
a suspended ledge. Now the first of three Turbo
grab a special 3-boost Pads.
Power-Up Crate at the
ledge’s end for a nice

After the first Turbo Pad, grab some air on As you speed towards the finish line, hit

CHAPTER 2: Jungle Boogie

the large wooden ramp. Time for another the second Turbo Pad in the center of the
shortcut: On the left-hand side is a track, then veer to the left to grab the final
suspended wooden bridge, which you can Turbo Pad, which pops up shortly after.
jump up on if you time things right. It’s Great! Now you’re home free!
tricky, so you may want to save the jump
for later if you don’t have a Turbo Boost
and you need to catch up.

The “C” is located just ahead of the starting As you near the finish line, a series of
line on the far right side of the track. Hit wooden ramps will replace the terrain
the boost to nail a quick start, proceed making up the rest of the track. Look for a
down the first ledge, then press the hop suspended ramp on the left side; the “N” is
button to jump up on the suspended ledge located there. If available, use a Turbo
on the right side. Power-Up to make the jump with ease,
then take it to the finish!


Keep your eyes peeled!

Just before the finish line
are some pillars on the
right side of the track.
Drive at an angle toward the
second pillar and Power Slide
into the “K.” Try not to slam
into the wall; you’ll lose time if
you have to back up and
straighten out!

00:55:00 01:18:00 01:35:00

Time Crates: 39

Grab as much time as possible! Snag your To find more crates, jump up on the
first 3-second Time Crate immediately after suspended ledge on the right. Grab a
the starting line on the left. 3-second Time Crate at both ends of the
ledge before landing on the track. You’ll be
happy you did!

CHAPTER 2: Jungle Boogie
Be careful when grabbing those three Power Slide into another 3-second Time
1-second Time Crates by the water’s edge; Crate on the edge of the grass after the
they can slow you down if you stray off- first sharp curve. Be careful though: Like
track too much. These crates help, but may the water, grass can slow you down big
not be worth it. time and blow the race.

Up for a challenge? Time a jump onto the Grab that steering wheel tight: You’ll want
suspended bridge on the left to grab yet to grab both the 2- and 3-second Time
another 3-second Time Crate. Don’t worry, Crates while also hitting all the speed
though. The race can be beat without it. boosts at the same time before the finish!


Tracks & Tricks

Tiny Temple


Power/Time Crate

Danger! Danger!

Speed Zone

There’s nothing “tiny” about this temple!
Jumps, Turbo Pads, and even a giant loop
in the track await–and there are plenty of
traps ready to take you down, too. Avoid
fire via careful timing or quick jumps,
and stay away from those killer
electrical vines by avoiding the walls
halfway through the track.

CHAPTER 2: Tiny Temple

Get a jump on the competition! Stay in the See that fork in the road with all the scary
center of the track to take the looking fire? Its bark is worse than
first jump. You’ll avoid its bite. Avoid all that fire by
fire, get a speed boost, hugging the far left or
and if you’re sneaky, right walls when first
you can “accidentally” entering the temple.
bump an opponent No matter whether
into the flames the fire trap is
before jumping. active or not, you’ll
be safe!


If you like to be airborne, veer to the left Keep to the left side of the track when
side of the track after coming out of the taking that last big jump before the finish
loop and hit another jump for a much- line. You’ll snag a Multiplier Crate and
needed boost! have the upper hand over your opponents!

If you want the “C,” you’ll have to play with After plunging upside down through the
fire. Veer to the far left side of the track loop, veer to the track's far left side to grab
and look for the first jump shrouded in the “N.” If you line yourself up before
flames. Hit the jump and the “C” is yours! exiting the loop, grabbing it will be easier!

Ready for a big
finish? The “K” is
waiting for you right
before the finish
line. Just keep
your Kart to
the right side
of the track, and
it’s all yours!

CHAPTER 2: Tiny Temple

01:40:00 02:00:00 02:05:00

Time Crates: 46

Begin by heading towards the left of the Want that next 3-second Time Crate
track to grab two 1-second Time Crates in hovering above the track? You’ll need to
a row. Stay frosty! You’ll need to veer gain some speed (try performing a Power
immediately to the right if you want to Slide Boost) and jump through it before
snag the first 3-second Time Crate. entering the temple.


Things are about to get toasty: You’ll have See that loop ahead? Veer to the right side
to risk being burned from left and right fire of the track and jump through the 3-second
traps if you want to grab the 2-second Time Crate before landing. Steer to the left
Time Crates next to the jump. Play it safe as quickly as possible to snag another
with these; you can always come back and 3-second Time Crate. Mastering diagonal
get them in future laps. paths is a major component to beating the
Relic Races!

After coming out of the loop, there will be There’s one last jump right before the finish
a stone ramp on the left. Either take it at line. Veer to the far left of the jump to
full-throttle to snag the 2-second Time smash through the 3-second Time Crate
Crate hovering above it, or plop down on hovering in mid-air. Now the rest is gravy!
the 3-second Time Crate after the jump. If
you perform one of these steps on two out
of your three laps, you’ll get the best of
both worlds!

Tracks & Tricks
Power/Time Crate
Meteor Gorge

Danger! Danger!

Speed Zone

CHAPTER 2: Meteor Gorge



Talk about fire and ice! This track

has it all, and it makes for some
treacherous racing. Keep your
eyes peeled for any jump you can
find; they often will save you
from the throws of a fiery
lava pit below. Watch
those icy corners, too.
If you Power Slide too
much, you’ll get
buried in a wall.

The first shortcut comes up quickly: Simply See that green glacier on the far right?
round the first curve, staying to the left as Sure, it looks cool with the monstrous
much as possible. See that suspended fish inside, but if you veer too much in
ridge jutting from the mountainside? You that direction, giant mounds of snow will
can drive on that! Use a Turbo Boost to slow your Kart to a grinding halt. When
jump up on it, and grab a power-up. No you reach this area, stay on course!
Turbo? You can still make the jump, though
it’s trickier. Good luck!

CHAPTER 2: Meteor Gorge
Driving is fun, but flying is where it’s at. The last shortcut is tricky. Just round the
Take to the skies by hitting the Activation last bend and hit the Turbo Strip head-on
Crate to turn on a Power Jump. Hit the by cutting through its side. Instead of going
jump to get an edge over the competition. completely around the curve, you’ll be able
to jump through it, and if you’re lucky,
you’ll avoid the lava beneath you as well.

Looking for the “C?” Then Power Slide When you begin approaching the green
around the first major curve and veer to glacier with the fish swimming inside,
the track's left side at top speed–you’ll you’ll know it’s time to bag the “N.” Keep
need it to jump onto the suspended ridge to the right of the track, and you’ll find the
hanging off the mountainside. There it is! “N” sitting right by the circular portal near
the fish.


After you grab the “N,”

take the next major
curve but aim for
the Turbo Pad. Hit it
just right and
you’ll jump
over a lava
pit and grab
the “K.”

01:25:00 01:53:00 02:00:00

Time Crates: 34

Start off on the track's left side to grab Approach the next major jump with as
the first 3-second Time Crate. Round much speed as possible, and aim for the
the corner and jump up onto the center. If you time a hop just right, you’ll
suspended ridge for another 3-second smash through the floating 3-second Time
and 1-second crate. Crate. It’s tricky, but you can do it!

CHAPTER 2: Meteor Gorge
See that green glacier with the fish inside? Plow through the Activation Crate in the
Head straight towards it and plop down center of the track to activate a Power
over the nearby snowdrift to grab a Jump, then fly through the air to snag the
somewhat buried 3-second Time Crate. floating 3-second Time Crate.

As you round the next curve, hit the You’re almost home free! Stay to the left of
Turbo Pad at a straight angle (in other the track and Power Boost off the last
words, don’t follow it around the jump to grab the 3-second Time
curve), and you’ll jump over a pit Crate floating above the lava.
of lava to grab the next 3-second
Time Crate.


Tracks & Tricks

Barin Ruins

Power/Time Crate

Danger! Danger!


This course is teeming with life, and most of it
is hostile. Giant boulders, marauding
mechs, and more await, and they can
easily get you if you’re not careful. Of
course, this means they can easily
get your opponents, too. And that’s
not a bad thing.

CHAPTER 2: Barin Ruins

Want to flatten the competition? Drive up Robots may be cool, but not when they’re
the canal with the Turbo Pads on out to get you! Avoid those nasty mechs by
the end (it kind of looks like a half timing things so you’re always driving
pipe) and plow through the behind their legs. Like kangaroos, they’ll
Activation Crate. You just only move forward, so you’ll be safe.
activated a giant boulder that will
drop into the canal and roll over
everything in its path! And they say
nice Bandicoots finish last.


It’s tempting to enter the snake tunnel and Get ready for a doozy of a shortcut: After
just drive on its floor. But hey, this is Crash exiting the tunnel, you’ll see an arrow with
Nitro Kart, so anything goes! Drive aggres- a gray wall to the right of it. If you time
sively on the walls and floors to grab as things just right or have Turbo Boost, you
many Weapons Crates as possible, then can jump the wall and cut a corner to
knock the competition into tomorrow with a reach the finish line first!
few well-placed bumps.

Grab the “C” by Power Boosting off the left When you see your first mech, the “N” is
side of the jump, immediately before the nearby. Veer to the right side of the track
boulder canal. and take the “N” from under his nose. Be
careful though, those mechs are faster than
they look!

After exiting the snake tunnel,
head for that gray wall ahead.
(You’ll know you have it
pegged when you see the
arrow pointing away
from it.) Use a Turbo
Boost to jump up over
the wall and take
home the “K.” Sweet!

CHAPTER 2: Barin Ruins

01:45:00 01:58:00 02:10:00

Time Crates: 45

Power Slide around those icy corners in Don’t be afraid to drive onto the edges of
the cave to build speed, then aim your Kart the boulder canal–there are four Time
dead-center to hop through the floating Crates waiting to be had! Watch out for that
2-second Time Crate. Activation Crate in the canal’s center. It
activates the giant boulder.


Next, stay to the far left and right side of Danger! Crash Bandicoot! Watch out for the
the track as you go over the brick jumps. mech guarding the 3-second Time Crate on
Time Crates seem scattered randomly the left side of the track. Build as much
about, but they are easy to pick up if you speed as possible, then hop in the air to
stay on either side of the track. get it.

After entering the snake tunnel, stay on the If you want that last 3-second Time Crate
right side of the tunnel the first time before the finish line, you’ll have to earn it.
through to grab the 3-second Time Crate. Stay to the right side of the track and hop
In future laps, you’ll find everything on the over the gray wall to grab it in mid-air.
left side and center of the tunnel, so stick The jump is tricky, so unless you’re at top
with it! speed, you may not want to attempt it!

Tracks & Tricks
Power/Time Crate Deep Sea Driving

Danger! Danger!

Speed Zone

CHAPTER 2: Deep Sea Driving



Combining rough terrain with narrow

tubeways and giant spinning blades,
Deep Sea Driving is a fun yet
dangerous course. Well-placed
jumps and excellent
timing on your
part mean
certain victory
on this one.

The first shortcut you’ll encounter may When the road forks into two tubes,
actually slow you down. When you come you’ll be faced with the decision of
up to the first curve, you can either go veering left or right. Though the length
around it, or cut through it, the latter being of each tube seems close in comparison,
the “shortcut.” But the terrain you’ll have to the tube on the right is shorter in length,
drive over to execute the shortcut slows and thus the quicker tube to take.
down Karts to a crawl, so unless you’ve
got a Turbo Boost saved up, this may not
be the best move.

CHAPTER 2: Deep Sea Driving
After the tubes, you’ll run into a series of Time for some more tubin’! This second set
cavernous jumps, each with Turbo Pads on of tubes features some treacherous
the ends of them. Don't Power Slide on spinning blades and sweet Turbo Pads. On
these jumps. Due to the way they curve many occasions, the blades will spin near
and how narrow they are, they easily the pads as you pass them. Avoid them! If
make your Kart fall out of bounds. If you your Kart is even within a hair of the
drive off the right corner of the last jump in blades, they will force you to lose control,
the series, you’ll plummet to a ledge below thus counteracting any effects the Turbo
and enjoy a cool shortcut! Pads might’ve had. Only hit the Turbo Pads
if they’re free and clear!

Instead of rounding the first curve, Power Take the last Turbo Ramp in the series and
Slide through it to grab the “C.” aim to the far right: You’ll jump onto a
ledge and bag the “N!”


When you enter

the underwater tube,
keep your Kart to
the right. The “K”
appears on the
right side
after the second
fan blade.

01:50:00 02:05:00 02:20:00

Time Crates: 45

When is a shortcut not a shortcut? When it Up ahead, the road will fork into two tubes.
slows you down! You could try to grab the The left tube only features one 2-second
two 1-second crates in the middle of the Time Crate, whereas the right tube features
first curve, but you’ll have to cross some two of them. Try to snag one crate per lap,
sludgy terrain to do so, and that means and you’ll be fine!
slow driving.

CHAPTER 2: Deep Sea Driving
Be careful! What looks like a harmless A few jumps later and you’ll spy a
3-second Time Crate sitting in the middle 3-second Time Crate sitting off to the far
of the track is actually located by the center right-hand side. Power Slide into it, or the
of a giant spinning blade. Avoid the crate terrain will slow you down and negate the
unless the blade comes slicing down in purpose of the crate.
front of you just before you reach it.

That last Turbo Ramp-inspired shortcut at See that stone arch looming ahead?
the end of the course won’t have much of Approach it from the right-hand side and
a payoff. You’ll only be rewarded with a veer sharply in front of it; this way you
1-second Time Crate if you pull it off. can grab a somewhat hidden 2-second
Round the actual corner for higher Time Time Crate and take the corner with speed.
Crates. That last Turbo Ramp-inspired Nicely done.
shortcut at the end of the course won’t
have much of a payoff. You’ll only be
rewarded with a 1-second Time Crate if
you pull it off. Round the actual corner for
higher Time Crates.


Tracks & Tricks

Out of Time

Power/Time Crate

Danger! Danger!


Out of Time features massive jumps, cool
shortcuts, a clock face you drive on
with a giant swinging second
hand, monsters on the roadside,
and a windmill just waiting to
swat you down if you try to drive
past it. Dangerous? Maybe. Fun?
Most definitely!

Shortly after the starting line, you’ll

encounter an Activation Crate in the
Ready to drive towards a barrier at full
speed? Cool! Round the bend after the CHAPTER 2: Out of Time
middle of the track. Depending on Activation Crate jump, and aim to the
whether it’s been hit or not by the time right of the arrow on the far right of the
you reach it, either the Turbo Jump on the track. As you approach, you’ll see a
left or right will be activated, with the hole in the stone wall with a barrier at
other one lowered. Take the guesswork ground level. Charge forward and hit the
out of it by hitting the crate yourself, then hop button before reaching the barrier to
veer to the left. Hit the jump and turn jump it and cut out a ton of track. What
your Kart to the right in mid-air; you’ll cut a great shortcut!
out an entire corner and get the jump on
the competition!


Time to drive on a clock face! Through it’s The looming windmill located before the finish
tempting to Power Slide past its numbers and line can either be a cinch to avoid or one heck
the competition, there’s a high risk of losing of a threat, depending on which side of the track
control and crashing into the numbers. Once you take the jump on. Stay to the left to avoid
you’re stuck behind a number, you’ll be forced the windmill’s blades, or jump through the
to back up and build up speed just to drive windmill on the right side of the track to make
out. So be careful! The fancy stuff can actually jaws drop. Be careful; timing is not on your side
harm you here! most of the time with the latter approach.

Smash through the Activation Crate to engage Round the bend and drive toward that
the Turbo Jump. Charge towards the jump, hit arrow by the wall. Veer to the right of the
it head-on, then aim for the floating “C” while arrow and hit the hop button to jump the
bouncing in mid-air. Don’t worry if you miss barrier. Not only did you just grab the “N,”
the active jump the first time through, timing you found a cool shortcut!
plays a key factor in this one!

Just after the
jump, Power
Slide around the
corner to grab the
“K” on the far right. If
you get stuck on the
side of the track, hit
the hop to Power Slide
out of there.

CHAPTER 2: Out of Time

01:55:00 02:15:00 02:35:00

Time Crates: 47

As soon as you leave the starting line, Stay to the left of the track to grab another
head towards the right to grab the first 3-second Time Crate, then hop over that
3-second Time Crate. Plow through the barrier by the arrow for a floating
Activation Crate to turn on the Turbo 3-second Time Crate and a sweet shortcut!
Jumps. You’ll have the opportunity to grab
two 3-second Time Crates in mid-air. Save
one for each lap, and you’ll be set.


This track seems to keep the good stuff on Once you enter the clock face, you can’t go
the left. Once again, keep to the left and hit wrong. Both the left and right sides of the
the hop button to grab the floating track have tons of Time Crates for the
3-second Time Crate before circling around taking. If you time a Power Slide just right,
the clock. you might be able to grab most of them on
the first pass through. Just don’t crash into
those numbers!

Watch out for those giant slug-like You could play it safe and jump to the left
creatures “prairie dogging” on the sides of of that giant windmill. You’ll be able to
the tracks by the Time Crates. If you want grab a Time Crate and probably live to
to grab the crates on the sides, you’ll need see the next day. If you want a challenge,
to veer in behind the creatures and cut go for the 2-second Time Crate buried
back to the middle of the track. Even if inside the windmill. Time it perfectly, and
they’re submerged when you’re you can blast through the windmill and
approaching, they will always capture you wow your friends.
if you drive near their turf. Don’t be fooled!

Tracks & Tricks
Clockwork Wumpa

CHAPTER 2: Clockwork Wumpa

Power/Time Crate

Danger! Danger!



Whereas Out of Time had you

racing on the outer surface of a
clock, Clockwork Wumpa thrusts
you right into the inner workings of
one. Prepare for tons of tight
corners, moving gears,
treacherous jumps, and
one of the coolest free
falls in Kart-racing
history! Woo-hoo!

Are you a Bandicoot or a mouse? Test Time to rip the rug out from under your
your might by driving over a series of opponents. Just slam through that
spinning gears in true reckless Bandicoot Activation Crate, then pull your Kart off
fashion, or play it safe and avoid them to the left or right side. The floor will
altogether. If you decide to chance it, build drop out in the center of the track, and
as much speed as possible and hop on the it’s bye-bye competition!
first gear. Keep hopping when you land on
each successive gear; it will help you build
speed and make it to the end. If you slow
down, you may fall out of bounds.

CHAPTER 2: Clockwork Wumpa
Make sure you have a Turbo Boost when Prepare to take the plunge! After making what
attempting the next shortcut. Follow the looks like the next typical jump complete with Turbo
ramp to the right and hit the Turbo Boost. Boost, you’ll find yourself plummeting to the
You’ll jump onto a nearby suspended ground. The competition can gain on you in mid-air,
bridge on the left and grab a crate in the so prepare to drive aggressively when you
process. It’s a cool little shortcut, but it’s a land–the finish line is near. Even up the odds by
tricky stunt to pull off. aiming to the left when you fall; with luck, you’ll
smash through the Multiplier Crate hovering in
mid-air. Now scream to the finish line!

Head straight towards the moving clock Got Turbo? Then you’ve got the “N.” Go up the
gears and leap across them to grab the “C.” ramp on the right and hit the Turbo Boost to
Power Boosting is essential here. If you leap onto the suspended bridge (located catty-
don’t have enough speed, it’s easy to fall corner on the left). Plow through the “N.” The
out of bounds. jump can be made without a Boost, but it’s
tough. Activate your Team Frenzy if necessary
to cycle through your inventory until you find
a Turbo Boost. You’ll be glad you did.


After the giant jump

towards the end of
the track, round the
corner and keep your Kart
in the center of the track.
Jump through the
“K” floating in
mid-air. That’s
it! You found all
the letters!

02:00:00 02:15:00 02:30:00

Time Crates: 51

There are two 3-second Time Crates Make your way up those menacing clock
located on the left side of the track at each gears to grab a series of 2-second Time
major curve. Power Slide through them to Crates. Power Slide off the last gear to
grab them without crashing into the nearby sideswipe another 2-second Time Crate
walls–you’ll gain valuable time if you pull waiting after the gears by the wall.
it off correctly!

CHAPTER 2: Clockwork Wumpa
Don’t want to mess with the gears, or If you're feeling lucky, try hopping onto that
merely want a change of scene? Turn left suspended bridge on the left by taking the
before the gears, and proceed up the ramp nearby ramp at full speed and timing a
to hop through a floating 3-second Time hop perfectly. If you pull it off, you’ll grab a
Crate. That was worth it, but the 2-second 3-second Time Crate. If you don’t, restart.
Time Crate wedged in a nearby corner is You’ll lose valuable time from the crash.
not; consider it a trap unless you’re
desperate for time!

They say good things come in “3’s,” and Stay in the track’s center around the final
they were right! Veer to the right to jump bend to grab two 2-second Time Crates in
through that floating 3-second Time Crate. a row. Now that’s clockwork!
Aim your Kart to the left so you plunge
through another 3-second Time Crate as
you fall. Once you land, hit the brakes and
make a sharp left to hop though a third
3-second Time Crate. Watch out for the
swinging pendulum!


Tracks & Tricks

Thunder Struck


Power/Time Crate

Danger! Danger!

Speed Zone

Get ready for some stormy
weather. This track’s all about
loops, traps, slippery terrain,
and two giant statues that
want to smash you to pieces
with their hammers. But don't
worry, it’s just another stroll in
the park for a Bandicoot.

CHAPTER 2: Thunder Struck

The first portion of the track doesn’t seem If you like roller coasters that go upside
too menacing or tricky, but it is. Three down, you’ll love the two sets of
sudden dips in the road make for some corkscrews you get to drive on. The
interesting driving, especially when the key here is to maximize any
terrain is rain-soaked and Turbo Pad you see while
slippery. There are no avoiding the Spike Traps that
barriers to keep you await. You’ll zigzag all over
(or your unsuspecting the track to build speed and
opponents) from stay out of trouble, but that’s
staying on the what it takes to survive
track, so watch this portion!
those Power
Slides here!


You may want to store away any Turbo Those two menacing statues on each side
Boosts you have for this next portion: A of the track are slamming their mallets
long incline that winds its way up to a down on the track, and they will turn you
peak before dropping you down again. into road pizza if you’re not careful. Hit the
This part of the track can slow you down, Activation Crate to turn on one statue and
and the competition can blow past you if turn off the other. Do this creatively, and
you’re not careful. Power Slide with your opponents will be in trouble!
caution, and use any power-ups you have
to keep ahead of the pack!

Round the first bend and stay to the Sandwiched just after the clock, but before
right–the “C” is located on the far right of the hammering statues, is a very sharp,
the track on the second drop. Be careful; if L-shaped curve. When you reach it, instead
you Power Slide here, you’ll increase your of following it all the way around (like the
chances of falling off-course! other guys), hop over it to bag the “N.”

There is a major
jump located right
before the finish
line. Build as
much speed as
possible and
position your Kart on the left
side of the track. When you
jump, the “K” will be to the left
of the floating crate.

CHAPTER 2: Thunder Struck

02:15:00 02:38:00 03:00:00

Time Crates: 55

Grab the first 3-second Time Crate by To grab that 3-second Time Crate on the
driving to the far left of the track. Hop off first corkscrew you’ll need good timing and
at the first jump. Stay to either side of the a little bit of luck! Make sure the Spike
track to pick up additional sequential Time Trap on the left isn’t lowering just as you’re
Crates. Most of them are only worth a approaching it, then dart through it to grab
second, but hey, each crate counts! the crate.


There’s a giant bird’s nest looming over the Get ready for the next corkscrew; you’ll
right side of the track. Use it as a need to weave in and out of all four Spike
landmark, but don’t let it distract you. A Traps to collect all the Time Crates. Be sure
somewhat hard-to-see 3-second Time to utilize the Turbo Pads as well.
Crate is floating next to it on the right.

Next, you’ll hit an incline that snakes its Those statues with the hammers are angry,
way towards the peak. Stay to the left, and they’re guarding two 1-second Time
build speed, and time a perfect hop to grab Crates. Slam through the Activation Crate
the floating 3-second Time Crate. to turn off each one, grab a crate and
repeat the same steps the next lap through.

Tracks & Tricks
Power/Time Crate
Assembly Lane

Danger! Danger!

CHAPTER 2: Assembly Lane



This track is lean and mean: Get

ready to jump through a hole in a
wall, dodge tractor beams, and blast
through a factory assembly line; all
while trying to avoid giant pools of
black ooze waiting to slow
you down. If you can
survive this track,
consider yourself one
crazy Bandicoot!

Black sludge litters much of this track. A Talk about a tough shortcut: As you tear
number of crates are located in the thick of around the second major curve in the
things, and they should only be attempted track, you’ll see some green smoke
with a well-timed Power Slide or Turbo puffing from the left side. You could play
Boost. Anything less than top speed it safe and continue on the track, or you
through these pools, and your Kart will be could be a maniac and plow full-throttle
stopped in no time. through that hole in the nearby wall.
Make sure you time a hop perfectly, or
it’s game over!

CHAPTER 2: Assembly Lane
Plow through the Activation Crate sitting in The second shortcut is dangerous. When
the middle of the track to send the you first enter the factory, instead of
overhead tractor beam moving from one turning right and following the pack, stay
side of the track to the other. If any Karts straight and hop up on the conveyor belt.
try to drive beneath it, it’s sit ‘n spin time! You’ll have to dodge plenty of machinery,
but you can grab some crates and cut out
the competition!

This one’s as easy as it gets: Just stay to Follow the track past the green smoke on
the left from the get-go, round the second the left and charge through the line of
corner, and hop through the floating “C.” crates. Hop through the hollowed-out
section in the wall to take the “N.” This is
extremely tricky without a Turbo Boost!


Don’t worry, you won’t

have to traverse the
assembly line to
get the “K.”
Simply wind your
way through the
factory and hop
diagonally to the
right over the last
incline. The “K” is yours!

01:45:00 02:10:00 02:35:00

Time Crates: 51

Grab the first 3-second Time Crate on Stay to the right to grab two more
the right side of the track, then Power 3-second Time Crates as the track snakes
Slide to the left to grab the next 3-second around. Gain speed and hop through the
Time Crate without getting bogged down hole in the wall to steal another 3-second
in the sludge. Time Crate. That hole is tough to jump
through, but not totally necessary.

CHAPTER 2: Assembly Lane
Avoid the Activation Crate and veer to the Hop onto the assembly line shortcut to
left to grab the 3-second Time Crate. If you grab two 3-second Time Crates and one
hit the Activation Crate, it will send the 1-second Time Crate. You just bought
magnetic beam over to the 3-second Time yourself seven seconds!
Crate and cause you to wipe out.

Two 3-second Time Jump off the pipeline with the hop
Crates are located button to avoid the pool of sludge
on the pipeline. waiting below. Quickly cut
Grab the first one over to the right side of the
on the right, then track to grab the last
veer over to the 3-second Time Crate.
left of the pipe to
grab the second one.


Tracks & Tricks

Android Alley


Power/Time Crate

Danger! Danger!

This course plays out like
an action movie. You’ll face
a speeding train head-
on, smash through a
giant window, avoid
marauding drones, and
if you’re lucky, take home
first place!

CHAPTER 2: Android Alley

Trains and Karts don’t usually mix, and this As you speed up the incline
track is no exception. When you enter toward the latter portion of
the first tunnel, drive up onto a the track, you’ll have the
wall immediately (the right choice to veer to the left and
side’s easier to stay on continue on your way, or blast
then the left). A large through a giant dome-shaped
locomotive is about to window. Guess which way is
come speeding more fun and causes a lot
through the more property
tunnel, and if it damage? Take
hits you, you’ll out that window,
become scrap and enjoy a nice
metal in the blink shortcut to boot!
of an eye.


Those drones patrolling the area may look Charge up the final incline, and get ready
like remote control vacuum cleaners, but to make a sharp right. The finish line is
they pack a mean punch. Time your waiting below, and if you’re not careful,
driving so you can maneuver between opponents can jump over you and beat
them–they’re pretty unpredictable! you to the finish line at the last second.
Keep a Turbo Boost handy on the last lap
to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Jump through the “C” on the right side of Smash through the dome-shaped window
the track, right as the blue portion of the straight ahead to grab the “N” and enjoy
track ends and the yellow brick begins. a shortcut!

Barrel down the center of
the last jump before
reaching the finish
line to smash
the “K.”

CHAPTER 2: Android Alley

02:10:00 02:23:00 02:35:00

Time Crates: 56

Enter the train tunnel and hug the left side Now, stay glued to the far right side of the
of the wall to grab six 2-second Time track and grab two 3-second Time Crates
Crates and two 1-second Time Crates! in a row. Ah, that was easy, wasn’t it?
Wow! You just snagged fourteen seconds!


Once you reach the blue portion of the Smash though the window to grab
track, stay to the left of the track to grab another 3-second Time Crate and save
four 3-second Time Crates total before additional time.
reaching the dome-shaped window.

Hit the left side of the track to snag a As you make your way up the final incline,
3-second Time Crate, but watch out for the position yourself on either the far left or
two patrolling drones. They can wipe you right sides of the track to hop through the
out completely if you hit them. 3-second Time Crates hovering above.
Don’t worry if you miss a crate on your
first lap through; you’ll still have the last
two laps to get each one!

Tracks & Tricks
Electron Avenue
Power/Time Crate

Danger! Danger!

CHAPTER 2: Electron Avenue

Speed Zone



It’s time to rock down to Electron

Avenue! Want to take it higher? No
sweat. Buckle up for some breathtaking
jumps over electromagnetic force-
fields, tunnels that split abruptly,
portions of track that loop in and
out of themselves, and some
major death-defying curves. No
wonder why it’s the last course
on the list before taking on
Velo–this is one crazy track!

Barrel around the first corner and pick a The next portion of track requires some
lane. The tunnel you’re about to enter careful timing on your part. See those
splits, and depending on whether you’ve hit Turbo Pads blinking on and off and
the impending Activation Crate in front of it, sweeping across the track? The trick to
one side of the tunnel will give you a using them is to note their pattern: They
boost, while the other will just sit there, always sweep to the right, so if you line up
dormant. If the lane you’re in goes dead, your Kart so it’s always one step “ahead” of
hop over one of the gaps in the median to the pattern, the pads will be under your
get back on track! Kart by the time you reach them.

CHAPTER 2: Electron Avenue
Force-fields will activate and de-activate Like to give fellow racers a “love tap?”
momentarily, so if you’re lucky, you can Well, then there’s a stretch of track just for
drive straight through them. But why do you: Located right between the second
that when you can always jump them and stretch of purple track and the third force-
get an advantage over the competition? field, the track will curve as it inclines, and
Drive up one of the Turbo Pads on the left have no barriers blocking the edges.
or right side and fly right over the force- Wouldn’t it be a shame if a fellow nemesis
fields each time! were to take a sudden fall off the edge?

Enter the tunnel after the first drop. Stay in When you see the first force-field, veer to
the right lane, but hug the median as best the left and use the left Turbo Pad to jump
as possible. The “C” sits against the median through the “N.”
right before the tunnel’s exit.


As you speed towards the finish, you’ll

come to the third and final electromagnetic
forcefield on the course. Time things just
right and plow through it to grab the
“K”–just be careful not to get zapped in the
process. Congrats! You just snagged all
three letters on this track!

02:50:00 03:03:00 03:15:00

Time Crates: 59

Start the race and hit the 3-second Time Stay to the right on the purple portion of
Crate on the left before entering the tunnel. the track and time the moving Turbo Pads
From there it splits, so hit the Activation Crate so you can boost off them to grab a
and choose the moving lane. No matter 2-second Time Crate and two 3-second
whether you go left or right, you’ll only get to Time Crates.
grab one 3-second Time Crate in the lanes
themselves. The extra stuff is located between
the gaps in the median: two 2-second Time
Crates and a 1-second Time Crate.

CHAPTER 2: Electron Avenue
Jump the first force-field with the right On the second stretch of purple track, stay
Turbo Pad to get the 3-second Time Crate. to the right to grab a total of three
When you encounter the next force-field, 3-second Time Crates. That’s a “niner” for
do the same thing–they’re identical! all you Bandicoot truckers out there!

Power Slide to grab all three Remember those first two force-fields and
1-second Time Crates stacked how you jumped them with the right-
sequentially on the hand Turbo Pad to get the 3-second
far right edge of the Time Crate? Guess what? You’ll be
track. Be very doing the same thing on the last
careful, there’s no one, too. Third time’s the charm!
safety net below!


Who’s the Boss?

Boss Strategy
As you make your way through the worlds of Adventure
Mode, you’ll be challenged at the end of every three
races to a Boss Challenge. Though each Boss differs
in size, speed, and skill, there are some basic tactics
you can always count on to get you through the race
and ensure that you’re the victor.

All Bosses are generally faster than you and

leave long trails of traps and/or debris behind
as they race. Staying ahead of them as much
as possible will not only get you to the finish
line first, but help you survive the race as
well! Only Velo can attack you from behind,
so forge ahead with confidence!

All Boss levels are races staged on previously beaten tracks, so

get to know the tracks well as you progress through Adventure
Mode to best utilize shortcuts, Turbo Pads, and more! In addition
to this, all of the tracks’ previous booby traps (spinning blades,
windmills, on-coming trains, etc.) are inactive during Boss
Races. So you can concentrate on pushing full steam ahead and
beating those Bosses–a good thing, because they can be tough.

The key to winning all four Boss Races before challenging Velo is to
maximize the use of Multiplier Crates. Though many Weapons Crates fill
the tracks, you never know what you’re going to find inside them, and at
best you’ll only be able to use whatever power-up you’re given once. To
turn the tables on the Bosses, smash through as many Multiplier Crates as
possible and use the three power-ups inside of them as quickly as you
can; it won’t be long before you run into additional Multiplier Crates, and
you won’t want to miss anything they may have to offer!

CHAPTER 3: Boss Strategy
Hailing from Terra as its racing Defender of the Barin Trophy, There’s nothing normal about Norm. A
champion, Krunk is a hulking Nash is a genetically goblin-like creature who dresses like a
creature whose speed is only engineered shark-like creature mime and would rather read books
matched by his cunning. Krunk who is, for lack of a better than race to defend his Fenomena
is obsessed with honor and word, a total spaz. Created to Trophy. Norm will shape-shift into two
feels that Earth is a mere copy be constantly moving, Nash characters while racing: his normal self
of his home planet, and thus races for the thrill of speed and and a much larger, more obnoxious
wants to race to prove which the satisfaction of beating his version who likes to talk trash during
world is superior. opponents with pure motion. the race.

Krunk’s the slowest of all the Nash is faster than Krunk and Watch out! Norm focuses on
Bosses, but what he lacks in will drop moving, chattering speed, and his counterpart
speed, he makes up for with teeth all along the track, as well focuses on the offense. You’ll
offensive measures. If you get as sharp strips of teeth that will have to beat them both if you
stuck behind Krunk, you’ll find send you spinning out in no want to win.
yourself dodging a thick trail of time flat when hit. Nash focuses
spiked pods all along the track. more on speed than offensive
Be careful! Krunk’s no joke! measures, so keep up with him!


Geary is the Champion of Teknee and is as

much obsessed with perfection as he is
with cleanliness. Geary wants to race to
prove that machines are superior to
everyone else, Bandicoots included. Show
that bucket of bolts what you’re all about!

Geary is bad to the bone. Not only is he lightning-fast,

but he races with two other ghosts who provide offensive
measures and try to smash through Weapons Crates
before you can. Combine all three methods of mayhem,
and you’ve got one major opponent to deal with!

The final Boss is Velo, and this guy is tough as nails. By far
the fastest of the Bosses, Velo races with two other sidekicks
who are almost equally as fast. They’ll do everything from lay
down offensive measures to stealing crates and more, and
Velo has the ability to attack you from behind. What did you
expect? He’s not the Intergalactic Champion for nothing!

Velo will keep you on your toes, to say the least. He’ll send his
goons after you; they’ll steal your crates. He’ll lay traps behind
him, fire rockets after you, and even try to ram you off the
track. In addition, his world has a number of active traps, there
are no Multiplier Crates to be found, and there’s no map to
toggle on and off with this one. Good luck, you’ll need it!

CHAPTER 3: Boss Strategy
To beat Krunk, and all the other Krunk will start dropping those Veer to the left and hop up to grab
Bosses, you’ll need to grab as big, red spiked pods along the left the next Multiplier Crate. No
many Multiplier Crates as you can side of the track. Keep to the right matter whether you’re finding
to get the upper hand. Start off the on this section of track; it’s Rockets, Bowling Bombs, or Turbo
line and grab the first Multiplier narrow there! Boosts, use them all as soon as
Crate on the immediate left. you get them to either knock
Krunk out or take the lead.

The next Multiplier Crate is Now round the bend and veer
positioned on the left side of the to the right. Grab the
track, immediately before the Multiplier Crate on
suspended bridge shortcut, the right before
which is on the left as well. If hitting the Turbo
you grab the crate and take the Pad in front of it.
shortcut, you’ll have tilted the Now get to that
odds in your favor. finish line!


Round the first corner and stay to The next Multiplier Crate is on the Next, you’ll follow the series of
the right to follow the curve right side of the track by the jumps that wind their way up past
around and grab the first large blade. The sight of the the green smoke. On the last of
Multiplier Crate. If you take the menacing blade may make you these jumps, veer to the left to
shortcut and cut the corner think twice about going for it, but grab another Multiplier Crate, then
instead, you’ll miss out on an keep in mind that all the traps on jump off the right corner to use
essential power-up! this planet are inactive for the the shortcut there! This part’s
Boss Race. Watch out for Nash’s relatively easy, except Nash likes
chattering teeth traps! to start leaving his spike strips
here. Be careful!

Turn the corner and proceed The last Multiplier Crate is on the
past the curved stone pillar. Stay right side of the track at the end
on the left side and bust through of the underwater tube. Just look
another Multiplier Crate before for the double cluster of blades
entering the second underwater (they’re frozen here as well)
tunnel. Remember, use those and charge through the crate
Turbo Pads in there with confi- to get a power-up before
dence, those once-spinning reaching the finish line.
blades are in nap mode now!

CHAPTER 3: Boss Strategy
This is one case where using a Time to get defensive: The bigger Before you start peeling out on the
shortcut can actually harm you: Norm is going to begin dropping face of the massive clock, grab the
When you start the race and strange transparent cubes and Multiplier Crate on the left side of
approach the Turbo Jump Pads, bubbles behind him, and though the track, then use the Turbo Pad
try to break the habit of routinely these look somewhat ineffective, for a much-needed boost.
activating the jump and using the they pack a mean punch if you
shortcut to avoid the curve. Why? collide with them. Keep your eye
The first Multiplier Crate is located on the smaller Norm though, he’s
to the left on the curve itself, and if all about speed and can get away
you miss it, you’ll miss a great in the blink of an eye!
opportunity to possibly blast Norm.

Now exit the clock and get your The road will snake around now
Kart on the right side of the before reaching the windmill; stay
track: The next Multiplier Crate to the right to hit the last Multiplier
is on the far right side of the Crate on the track. Be careful of
following curve. Power Slide to that windmill jump! Even though
grab it without slowing down the windmill isn’t active, its blades
your Kart. are positioned in such a way that
it’s easy to miscalculate a jump
and to slam into them!


Recognize that train tunnel? You Because Geary is so fast, it’s easy to lose Grab the next Multiplier Crate
know, the one that had you holding sight of the fact that he also has a strong before Turbo Boosting back on to
your breath wondering if you were array of offensive moves. Don't get directly the brick portion of the course; the
about to become road pizza or not behind him (even when lining up a shot), crate’s located in the middle of the
from the oncoming train? Well, because he’ll launch mechanical debris at track and is the second one in
now you can approach it with no you before you can say “Bandicoot!” Keep from the right.
worries; there’s a Multiplier Crate this in mind as you grab the next Multiplier
waiting on the left, and no train to Crate, which is on the far left before the
dodge. Sweet! blue portion of track begins.

Yeah, smashing through that Be careful when grabbing the next As you make your way up the
glass in the normal races was Multiplier Crate: You’ll have to drive on track’s final curves and slopes,
cool, and reaping the rewards the far right edge of the track to nail it, stay to the left, build as much
from the distance the shortcut and there are no barriers there to protect speed as possible, and time a
eliminated was cooler, but if you you at this point on the course. If Geary is perfect hop to grab the track’s last
want the next Multiplier Crate, near you and you’re not armed, think Multiplier Crate before dropping
you’ll have to stay to the left and twice about picking up this crate at this down to the finish line.
proceed all the way around the point; he can easily ram you off the track
curve to get it. or hit you with a trap here.

There are no Multiplier Crates to be found When the first jump splits off into Unlike the previous tracks where everything

CHAPTER 3: Boss Strategy

here! If you want to win this race, you’ll two paths, pick your jump and was dormant, traps fully function on this
have to choose one of the speedier stay on that side as you’re flying course, and they can make or break the
characters and Karts, and Power Slide as through the air to the landing race for you. Use the impending Turbo Pads
much as you can without wiping out to below. If you try to cross over or with caution; fire will shoot out randomly
stay ahead of Velo. Boost off the starting center your Kart in mid-air, you from the sides of the track near them. Also,
line and try to grab either the crate on the risk landing on the median below this is usually the point in the race where
far left or right. Velo and his goons will and will crash into the tunnel Velo drops a Bowling Bomb behind him, so
usually knock out the middle ones entrance in the process. watch yourself here!
themselves before you even reach them.

Round the circular rooms and hop Watch your orientation on the generator The last thing to keep in mind with this race
through the crates at the inter- tube! It’s easy to become disoriented, spin is that it’s worth playing through to the
section. Keep barreling through the around the tube, and get hit by one of finish, even if some laps don’t seem neck
intersection and wind around to exit those laser beams. Try to stay on course and neck. Stay with Velo as best you can,
the room. If you try to follow the by aiming for something in the distance or ahead of him if possible, and try not to
same side of the track at the inter- and keeping focused. Projectile weapons give up hope! It’s possible to still beat him
section, you run the risk of slowing are ineffective here for the most part; on the last lap, and well worth the wait.
down to make the abrupt curve or they’ll often trail off into the distance Learn from what you’ve accomplished on
Power Sliding out of control. without hitting anything. So save the this first race with him, you’ll have to race
Rockets and Bowling Bombs for later Velo a second time to fully vanquish him.
unless you’re within close range! Good luck!


Battle Mode &

Arena Races
Want to do more than just race? No
problem! Time to grab some Karts and
Bowling Bombs to show your buddies
who’s boss! Choose from one of four
Arenas, set game rules and
customization options, and go to town.
Race fast, use offensive and defensive
measures, take advantage of the
Arenas’ numerous traps, and you’re
sure to be the victor. May the best
Bandicoot win!

There can be only one victor in this Think you’re the Crystal King from
Either achieve the set Point Limit first
battle. Set the Minute and Life Length Adventure Mode? Time to knuckle up
or have the highest score when the
options, then prove that this town is and prove it against other racers! Just
clock runs out, and you’ll be the
only big enough for one of you! set how much Time everyone has to
Arena’s victor!
grab as many crystals as they can,
and get greedy!

Ah, Capture the Flag. You may Sure, you could get a job and “bring home the
have enjoyed it in summer camp bacon,” but wouldn’t it be much more fun to
or First Person Shooters, but it’s not just steal it? Set Minute and Point Length
the same unless it is done in a (much like Capture the Flag) and go on a
Kart! Set Minute and Point Length stealing spree against your opponents!
and go grab those flags! Oh yeah,
and watch out for your own, too.

No matter whether you’re racing for Tokens in Adventure
Mode, or dueling it out with some buddies in Battle
Mode, get ready to encounter four wild and crazy
Arenas, each with their own traps, tricks, and shortcuts.

Temple Turmoil resides on the planet Terra and is an
Arena packed with numerous pools of quicksand, small
jumps, and an open temple in the middle of the track. Crystals to Collect: 20

CHAPTER 4: Battle Mode & Arena Races

Here’s what to keep in mind when racing on this track.
Weapons Crates: 4

The main (and obvious) thing that will slow you Get the upper hand on opponents by
down on this track are the numerous pools of driving around in circles and building
quicksand. Try to build up speed by driving speed around the track. Keep in one
around in one direction, collecting as many direction to utilize the track’s jumps, which
crystals as possible in one clean sweep, then prevent you from getting bogged down in
reversing direction to utilize the jumps aiming the opposite way. Avoid the quicksand. Use the pools of quicksand as target areas to lure and bump
quicksand with the jumps, and try not to turn suddenly in an attempt to collect your opponents into, and the temple in the middle as either shelter or a
“stray” crystals; this is what usually forces you into the sand. Save the crystals in great place to “snipe.”
the temple for last, and time a well placed jump to grab the floating crystal in the
temple’s center.

Don’t underestimate Frozen Frenzy; it’s more than just an
Arena on ice. Complete with a cave that sports giant
spinning blades at each entrance and more, this place can Crystals to Collect: 20
quickly become an icy grave, so be careful!
Weapons Crates: 5

Though Power Sliding is crucial to Keep in mind that everything that

beating much of the game, it doesn’t poses a potential threat to you in
mix well with slippery surfaces. Try to this Arena also poses one to your
keep this in mind on this arena; you’ll opponents. This means ice, blades,
be forced to not only keep your Kart and all the trimmings that Frozen
under control on icy terrain, but you’ll have to drive past spinning Frenzy has to offer can be utilized by you to knock out other
blades and dodge TNT Crates to grab all the crystals. Use as racers. Lay a nice TNT or Nitro Crate right on a slippery curve
many power-ups as possible; since it’s hard to dodge the TNT, or at the entrance to one of the caves. If that area was hairy for
you might as well blow it away! you, imagine what it will be like for someone behind you!


Far from some barren desert with an occasional oasis, this Arena 02:00:00
resides on Fenomena and is just as twisted and bizarre as
Fenomena’s other tracks. Expect floating clocks, holographic struc- Crystals to Collect: 20
tures, and more to provide plenty of distraction as you race. Try to
stay on either the outer track or the raised pinnacle in the track’s Weapons Crates: 4
center–anywhere else might lead to a dead end.

Look everywhere for crystals in this Keep a couple of things in mind while
arena; some of them are tucked away dueling it out in this Arena: First, height
in dead ends and are tricky to find. always has its advantage when battling, so
You’ll also want to avoid the Nitro and stay in the Arena’s raised center to fire a
TNT Crates scattered about. Try to snag rocket or two at unsuspecting foes scram-
a Weapons Crate on the outer track before exploring the Arena’s bling below. Second, surprise is often the ultimate weapon, so if you want to
raised center–there are no Weapons Crates to be found there and play a little hide-and-seek, head to one of those hard-to-find dead ends, back
it’s loaded with traps! in and face outward! If someone comes flying around the corner, you’re all
set to get the jump on them!

This place is dangerous! Residing on Teknee, Magnetic
Mayhem is a highly mechanized track complete with
conveyor belts that whisk you to your doom and a giant Crystals to Collect: 20
crusher in the track’s middle. You may want to purchase
some insurance before testing your skills out here. Weapons Crates: 10

The good news is that you’ll have more Once again, you’ll want to use all of
time and Weapons Crates available to you the Arena’s hazards to your favor
here than any other track, but you'll really here. Whereas before you may have
need them! Power Slide to get those avoided the Activation Crate on this
tough-to-snag crystals on the edges of the track, you’ll want to use it here to
tracks, but be careful of falling out of bounds on the conveyor belts. dole out some “fun” to opponents. Nail racers out of bounds on
Try to avoid the Activation Crate floating in the Arena’s center; it’s those conveyor belts, but watch out: It’s easy to fall in yourself.
what triggers the track’s devastating crusher and can turn you into a Power Slide with caution and gain tremendous speed on the blue
pancake with a single blow! portions of the track. Good luck!

Secrets &

Simply re-enter a race you’ve already beaten in Adventure Mode, choose between either CNK or Relic Races, and race for the prize.
CNK Races award Tokens and Relic Races award Relics (only one per track). Collect all 13 Relics to race Velo a second (and final)
time, and collect all 16 Tokens to unlock secret features in the game. Obtain the 13th Relic by racing in the vortex found in Velo’s Vault.

CHAPTER 5: Secrets & Unlockables

The secret or “hidden” features in Crash Nitro Kart can be broken down into three categories:

Unlock Hyper Spaceway, Movies are cool, but cinemas are

Unlock eight awesome racers and their Karts.
easily the wildest track in cooler! Unlock all the cutscenes the
the game! game has to offer.

To unlock the coolest track in the game, win first place in all 16 races in
Adventure Mode (12 normal races and the four Boss Races), and Velo will
challenge you to a race on his favorite course, Hyper Spaceway. Get ready for one
wild track, complete with time portals, lasers, massive jumps, and more! Enjoy the
track now in the other modes too, there are no Tokens or Relics needed!

As you make your way through Adventure Mode, you’ll unlock a multitude of
cutscenes by coming in first on certain tracks, collecting specific amounts of Keys,
and by beating all the Bosses. Depending on whether you’re racing for Team
Bandicoot or Team Cortex, you can now view team-specific cinemas at any time
once they become unlocked; just go to the Extras section in the Main Menu and
select “Cutscenes.” Here’s how to unlock them:

Challenging Krunk: Win three Trophies Geary Loses: Unlock four Keys Challenging Krunk: Win three Trophies Geary Loses: Unlock four Keys
Krunk Loses: Unlock one Key Challenging Velo: Unlock four Keys Krunk Loses: Unlock one Key Challenging Velo: Unlock four Keys
Challenging Nash: Win six Trophies Losing to Velo: Unlock four Keys Challenging Nash: Win six Trophies Losing to Velo: Unlock four Keys
Nash Loses: Unlock two Keys Defeat Velo Without 100 Percent: Nash Loses: Unlock two Keys Defeat Velo Without 100 Percent:
Challenging Norm: Win nine Trophies Unlock four Keys Challenging Norm: Win nine Trophies Unlock four Keys
Norm Loses: Unlock three Keys Defeat Velo With 100 Percent: Unlock four Norm Loses: Unlock three Keys Defeat Velo With 100 Percent: Unlock four
Challenging Geary: Win 12 Trophies Keys and have all 13 Relics, plus one Scepter. Challenging Geary: Win 12 Trophies Keys and have all 13 Relics, plus one Scepter.


There are a total of 16 playable characters, available on all modes (Battle Modes
included), except Adventure Mode. Accumulate as many Tokens (to become Gems) as
you can, hit some boosts and even go head-to-head with a ghost to unlock them.
Check out the breakdown below for more information.

Requires one Red Gem Requires one Blue Gem Requires one Green Gem Requires one Purple Gem

50+ boosts on any track; Must use 50+ boosts on any track; Must use Defeat all N. Tropy ghosts in
Team Cortex in Adventure Mode. Team Bandicoot in Adventure Mode. Race Time Trial Mode

Congrats! You just learned what it takes to beat the

Earn two Scepters to unlock entire game! Time to grab the wheel and hit those
the Galactic Champion himself! tracks; and once you’ve put these strategies to the test,
get creative and try your own spin on the Crash Nitro
Kart world. Remember, it’s not about winning or losing,
just having a blast.


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