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following rating from the ESRB

PRIMA Official Game Guide

Nick Wyckoff
Prima Games
A Division of Random House, Inc. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
3000 Lava Ridge Court The author would like to thank Ingmar (50 Thane, Northern Reavers) and
Roseville, CA 95661 Bergthor Dvergarsson (50 Runemaster, Fires of Valhalla) for their assistance.
www.primagames.com Prima would like to thank Linda Robbins, Sanya Thomas, Phil Brooks, Rob Corbin,
Bruce Maclean, Tan Pham, Brianna Schneider, Dennis Sorel, Brendan Tobin, Craig
The Prima Games logo is a registered trademark of Random House, Inc., Turner, Joe Tooker, Brian Wheeler, and Ahmad Zabarah at Mythic for their
registered in the United States and other countries. Primagames.com is a wonderful contributions to this guide. And as always, special thanks go to Mark
registered trademark of Random House, Inc., registered in the United States. Davis whose assistance and enthusiasm made this guide possible.
© 2004 by Prima Games. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information
storage or retrieval system without written permission from Prima Games. Introduction to New Frontiers . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Prima Games is a division of Random House, Inc.
Introduction to Realm versus Realm . . . . . . . .3
Product Manager: Damien Waples
Project Editor: Tamar Foster
Class Specific Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Design & Layout: James Knight
Maps: Kallisti CollidesWithTrees, Minstrel Explorer of Albion, Galahad
Animist . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Necromancer . . . . . . . .53
http://www.daoc-illuminati.com/ Armsman . . . . . . . . . . .10 Nightshade . . . . . . . . .56
Bard . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Paladin . . . . . . . . . . . .57
Copyright © 2004 Mythic Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. "Shrouded Isles", "Trials of
Atlantis," “New Frontiers,” "Live the Legend," and their respective logos are trademarks and the Berserker . . . . . . . . . . .15 Ranger . . . . . . . . . . . .59
stylized Celtic knot, Mythic Entertainment, the Mythic Entertainment logo and Dark Age of Blademaster . . . . . . . . .17 Reaver . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
Camelot are a registered trademarks of Mythic Entertainment, Inc. All other trademarks and Bonedancer . . . . . . . . .19 Runemaster . . . . . . . . .66
copyrights property of their respective owners. Cabalist . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Savage . . . . . . . . . . . .68
All products and characters mentioned in this book are trademarks of their respective Champion . . . . . . . . . .23 Scout . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
companies. Cleric . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Shadowblade . . . . . . . .73
Please be advised that the ESRB rating icons, "EC", "K-A", “E”, "T", "M", "AO" and “RP” are Druid . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Shaman . . . . . . . . . . . .75
copyrighted works and certification marks owned by the Entertainment Software Association Eldritch . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Skald . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
and the Entertainment Software Rating Board and may only be used with their permission and Enchanter . . . . . . . . . .31 Sorcerer . . . . . . . . . . . .81
authority. Under no circumstances may the rating icons be self-applied or used in connection Friar . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Spiritmaster . . . . . . . . .83
with any product that has not been rated by the ESRB. For information regarding whether a
product has been rated by the ESRB, please call the ESRB at 1-800-771-3772 or visit Healer . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Thane . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
www.esrb.org. For information regarding licensing issues, please call the ESA at (212) 223-8936. Hero . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Theurgist . . . . . . . . . . .88
Please note that ESRB ratings only apply to the content of the game itself and does NOT apply to Hunter . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Valewalker . . . . . . . . . .90
the content of this book. Infiltrator . . . . . . . . . . .42 Warden . . . . . . . . . . . .98
Important: Mentalist . . . . . . . . . . .46 Warrior . . . . . . . . . . .100
Prima Games has made every effort to determine that the information contained in this book is Mercenary . . . . . . . . . .49 Wizard . . . . . . . . . . .102
accurate. However, the publisher makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, as to the Minstrel . . . . . . . . . . . .51
accuracy, effectiveness, or completeness of the material in this book; nor does the publisher
assume liability for damages, either incidental or consequential, that may result from using the Transportation in New Frontiers . . . . . . . . .106
information in this book. The publisher cannot provide information regarding game play, hints
and strategies, or problems with hardware or software. Questions should be directed to the Siege Warfare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109
support numbers provided by the game and device manufacturers in their documentation. Relic Warfare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119
Some game tricks require precise timing and may require repeated attempts before the desired Atlas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125
result is achieved.
Realm Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152
ISBN: 0-7615-4770-3



Introduction to
New Frontiers
New Frontiers is a free expansion for the award winning game
Dark Age of Camelot. This expansion is required to play the
game. It marks a fundamental change in how realm versus
realm combat functions, with completely redesigned combat
zones and a revitalized realm warfare system.

A new battleground system with enhanced experience

gain has been added. This allows lower level players to hone
their skills against other similar level players without the
pressures of high level realm combat. Battlegrounds exist for
each of the following level ranges: 1-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24,
25-29, 30-34, 35-40, 41-44.
Previously, people who owned level fifty characters could
use a command called /level at the trainer of their choice to
automatically raise a character as much as thirty levels. This
Changes has been modified across all servers so that now no player can
/level past level twenty. The new system encourages players
In New Frontiers there have been fundamental design changes
to fight through the battlegrounds, gaining experience and
with regard to keep warfare, ocean combat, and realm
realm levels as they grow into their characters.
abilities. The keeps are now bigger and more spectacular,
there are no longer bottlenecks to stop players at a milegate
when they try to enter the enemy zone, and the realm abilities
have been equalized throughout all three realms. There is no
longer a portal ceremony to port players from their home
realm to the enemy realms, now all of the realm versus realm
conflict areas are interconnected by two large oceans. Also, a
new boat system has been added into the game, both for
transportation and to act as floating siege platforms.
Relic keeps have also received a complete design change.
They no longer are remote, heavily fortified keep structures
that can be directly sieged by an invasion force. In order to
attack a keep, the invader must first capture four keeps in the
enemies’ mainland to open the milegate door to the relic
shrine. Now early morning attacks by enemies against a relic
will be less effective. In order for a realm to capture a relic,
they must first siege keeps, which gives defenders time to
organize or return from their own invasions.



A new realm dungeon, Passages of Conflict, has also been
added. This dungeon links all three homelands together
through a series of underground grottos and tunnels.
Through this dungeon, enemy forces can take a captured relic
or sneak toward the center of the enemies’ homeland. This
new dungeon also serves as an excellent place to gain
experience for players on the track to level fifty or trying to
level artifacts from the zones of Atlantis.

/Range: This feature allows a player to determine how far

away a target is from the siege piece they are operating. This
command only functions against structures and boats.

Introduction to
Realm versus Realm
RvR stands for realm versus realm combat. This combat can
New Features take on many forms. In its simplest form, RvR is the conflict
Some new features have been added to Dark Age of Camelot in between the three realms, Midgard, Hibernia, and Albion.
the New Frontiers expansion. Some features are purely These three realms struggle for dominance, respect, and
cosmetic, others are more functional, but you’ll find a brief list control of the relics across vast oceans, through steep
below: mountain passes and heavy forests. Some players will choose
to attack the enemy solo, some will form small teams of
/Realmwar: This feature allows a player to pull up a map that players to engage in group combat, and other players will
shows the three homelands of the realm versus realm conflict. choose to use large armies, fighting in keeps or in the open
This is a fundamental command that should be macroed and field for the glory of the realm.
placed on a hotbar for easy access. This map shows all of the There are several goals behind realm versus realm
realm structures, some terrain, and where combat is combat, the primary goal is to obtain dominance over the
occurring. A legend explains all of the map’s features as well other two realms by capturing as much enemy territory as
as the keep names, their teleportation status and relic status. possible and obtaining enemy relics. In order to control
This map also displays what bonuses the player’s realm has at enemy territory, keeps and outposts must first be captured
present, based on how many keeps the realm has. and claimed. By capturing a keep, guard patrols are spawned
and provide roaming security for the territory surrounding
To make a macro for this command, type the following the keep structure. Capturing outposts also provides guard
command in the chat window: /macro Realmwar patrols, but the primary reason to capture an outpost is so it


PRIMA Official Game Guide INTRO TO RvR

can be used to lay siege to a nearby keep or deny that keep worth decreases. If an enemy has been killed recently, they
the ability to port in reinforcements. As such, in New Frontiers, will not be worth any points or experience. Whichever group
a lot of fights will occur in the regions around keeps. A does the most damage to the target will get the largest share
secondary goal behind RvR is the realm point system—the of the realm points from the kill.
more points a player gains, the more powerful that player will You will obtain realm points from capturing enemy keeps
become as they can use realm skill points to purchase new or towers. The amount of points that are awarded is
abilities called realm abilities or RAs for their character. Realm dependant on the difficulty level of the keep or tower. For
abilities are in some cases class specific abilities that give the keeps, the guild realm points awarded per hour is equal to
player an extra skill or more stat points, generally they are 1,000 multiplied by the difficulty level. For towers, the guild
intended to increase the damage output, survivability or realm points awarded per hour is equal to 100 time the
group utility of a player. By gaining realm points, the player difficulty level. Each realm’s home keeps have a difficulty of
will also gain a rank, which the enemy can see as they are one, while coastal keeps have a difficulty of two, and inland
attacking; in effect a sign of status and skill. Bounty points are keeps have a difficulty of three.
also earned through realm versus realm combat, though in
much lower numbers. Bounty points serve as a form of Coastal Keeps (difficulty 2)
currency, allowing players to buy certain potions, pay for Realm keep 1 keep 2 keep 3 keep 4
house rent, or buy extra guards at keeps. Midgard Bledmeer Nottmoor Blendrake Hlidskialf
Albion Benowyc Erasleigh Berkstead Sursbrooke
Class Warfare Hibernia Crauchon Bolg Crimthain Da Behnn
The heart of RvR is player versus player combat. To be
effective on the battlefield, a player must know his own Inland Keeps (difficulty 3)
strengths and weaknesses, as well as those of his opponents. Realm keep 1 keep 2 keep 3
The following section provides general strategies for
Midgard Glenlock Arvakr Fensalir
effectively engaging in RvR combat, followed by an in-depth
Albion Boldiam Hurbury Renaris
breakdown of every class in the game. Each class guide is
Hibernia nGed Ailinne Scaithaig
written by an experienced, high level player that understands
what it takes to emerge victorious in combat. It is worth your
Realm points may be obtained by defending a realm
while to read through them all and understand what each
structure against enemy attack. You will not obtain realm
class brings to the table. Know your friends, know your
points for controlling a bridge or dock, and milegates do not
enemies, and you’ll succeed in the defense of your realm.
count as realm structures either. The more enemies attacking
the structure you are defending and the longer they stay
Earning Realm Points there attacking, the more realm points you will generate for a
There are three main ways for any character to gain realm successful defense. In order for a successful defense to occur,
points: you can defeat players from other realms, you can you must drive all enemies out of the immediate region
capture a keep or tower, or you can defend a keep or tower around the structure for a short period of time.
from the enemy. Classes that can resurrect other players can You may enhance the number of realm points you gain
also obtain realm points. There are also several ways to from each kill or event by several means. The most effective
enhance your ability to generate realm and bounty points. way is to claim an enemy realm structure with your guild.
Killing enemy players will generate realm points in much Owning a realm structure such as a guild or being part of an
the same way that they were generated in the old realm alliance that owns a structure will apply a bonus percentage
versus realm combat system. The higher the Realm Rank of an to your total gained realm points (See the “Keep and Relic
opponent, the more they are worth. Realm points are divided Bonus” table in Chapter 5). Using an artifact such as the
amongst all members of the groups that did damage to that Snatcher’s bracer will also up the amount of realm points you
character. If the character takes damage from a monster, keep get per event by a small percentage. If you capture enough
guard, or from falling damage, the total realm points they are enemy keeps, your entire realm will obtain a small percentage


PRIMA Official Game Guide INTRO TO RvR

bonus to the number of realm points they get from each Secondary Bars: Since the arrows on the hotbar menu allow
event. you to go either forward or backward with ease, the
To maximize the number of realm points you get in a keep secondary bars refer to the bars on either side of the primary
siege, use some form of area of effect damage to hit as many hotbar. They typically involve items that one might use as the
enemy troops as possible. The more people you hit, the more battle progresses or if they need to do something quickly.
likely you will get credit when an enemy is killed. In New Crafting Bar: This is a bar typically used by players who
Frontiers, all classes can obtain a form of area of effect utilize the crafting system in Dark Age of Camelot, and is
damage in the form of siege. Some casters and archers with seldom near the combat bars. It is occasionally used by siege
higher bow specialization can also obtain their own individual operators to hold their siege construction icons.
area of effects that allow them to hit multiple targets over a PvE Bar: PvE stands for Player versus Encounter. A PvE bar is
short period of time. To obtain large numbers of realm points typically a bar with a range of styles or spells on it that may
from a defense, it is best to bring along Catapult siege, and not be very useful in normal RvR combat. Examples are
varied ammunition for it, and to group a variety of player detaunt styles, positional styles, and spells of limited
types that can function well together to generate the most effectiveness in realm vs. realm combat such as confuse.
damage. While on the surface it may seem like staying Macro Bar: This bar is for all the macros a player might need
ungrouped and leeching off a nearby power or heal font will away from battle. These can be emote macros, the realmwar
earn you the most realm points, the current New Frontiers macro, loot lotto macros, or any of a host of other things a
system encourages grouping. Since everyone can use siege player can think up. The macro system is quite dynamic and
now, everyone can contribute to the number of targets being allows players to be creative in the way they use it.
hit. As a result, the new system has made it so no class or
specialization combination is without function in a keep Healing Hotbars
defense. Keep sieges now involve everyone without penalty Healing classes should concentrate on having their healing
based on class, which is quite an improvement from before abilities and important item icons on their primary bar. Their
where, at times, certain classes didn’t have much to do in a secondary bars might be used to hold rez spells, mana regen
siege situation. spells (Mystic Crystal Lore or Raging power), power potions
from a player alchemist, and/or bounty point totems. Healing
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR and buffing classes will also need at least one bar devoted to
Hotbars in RvR are the primary toolset each character needs Buff spells that can be cast on other players or Realm NPCs.
to function effectively. They are collapsible horizontal or
vertical bars that are located on the screen, and can be moved Caster Hotbars
to whatever location the player chooses. Each hotbar contains For casters, hotbar choices are determined more by the realm
ten slots that can be filled with macros, styles, abilities, or abilities and artifacts they choose then by any one
spells. There are ten bars to choose from—each can be combination of spell types. Typically, a caster will have their
selected either by arrows at the end of the hotbar column or primary damage spell on the primary hotbar. They might also
by using keyboard commands, set in the keyboard setup on include a secondary spell that could be used in a specific
the character screen’s options menu. circumstance against the enemy, such as the heat debuff and
It is best for the player to develop their own style and light nuke on the mana specialization enchanter. In addition
comfort zone with their hotbar setup, so they are more to their main damage spell, most casters will also have the
effective in combat. However, here are some suggestions on QuickCast icon on the bar, as well as their class specific crowd
getting started. First some definitions: control spell—mostly root or mez for Midgard, stun or mez for
Hibernia, and root or mez for Albion. The rest of their primary
Primary Bar: This is the bar that will always show on the bar will typically be reserved for active realm and artifact
hotbar column at the start of combat. It is sometimes referred abilities. Secondary bars will be used for power regeneration
to as the “first contact bar,” meaning it’s the bar they use upon abilities, potions or totems, end regen potions, and useable
first contact with the enemy. items that have long timers on them. Self buffs may be on a
secondary bar or several bars away depending on the casters

PRIMA Official Game Guide INTRO TO RvR

Melee Hotbars on their main bar with an anytime and an evade chain on the
Fighting classes should have most of their anytime styles on first bar. The secondary bars typically contain reactionary
their primary hotbar with realm abilities such as Purge or chain styles and a selection of artifact abilities, realm abilities,
Ignore Pain. Typically, a reactionary style will be placed on the and end potions or bounty point totems. Typically on one of
primary hotbar as well so when a fighter enters combat they the secondary hotbars, envenom assassins will have a
can utilize the backup style system. To take advantage of this selection of poisons they can apply to their weapon when
system, click on the reactionary style you’d like to use, then they drop out of combat. Assassins use the most
click on the icon for an anytime style. If your character blocks personalized hotbar selection, because everything is
an attack and had selected a reactionary style that requires specialized to their fighting technique and takes a long time
the player to block first, the block style will go off. If the to perfect.
character does not block, the anytime style will go off in its
place. This makes it easier for fighters who attack very fast to Archer Hotbars
get reactionaries off. Archers also have a unique set of requirements for their
Place out of combat abilities, reactionary styles, positional primary hotbar as they must switch between ranged damage
styles, and other styles that are difficult to pull off in fast and melee damage frequently. Typically a primary hotbar will
paced, one-on-one combat on the second bars. For example, a contain a bow icon, stealth icon, weapon icon, critical shot
player that uses a style which requires a block as a trigger, icon, sureshot icon, one anytime style for the weapon, and
can, after a successful block, switch to the second hotbar and other important realm abilities or styles. The secondary bars
select the next style in the chain. Chains are difficult to use in are filled with styles, endurance potions, bounty totems, and
combat, but they reward the player who can get them off by artifact abilities. The other secondary hotbar might be filled
providing effects such as bleeds, stuns, snares, or attack with the rapidfire icon, the volley icon, extra item or ability
speed debuffs. Due to their difficulty, most players will put icons, and spare styles or master level track abilities. Rangers
them on secondary hotbars and use the easy styles, abilities, and Hunters also need to place icons from their spell lines
and realm abilities on most targets without switching between somewhere in their hotbars depending on how frequently
hotbars. they use them.

Hybrid Hotbars
Hybrid classes such as Champions, Friars, Wardens,
Valewalkers, Reavers, Minstrels, Bards, Skalds, and Thanes
have a different set of priorities when it comes to hotbar
setup. Since their damage is composed of a mixture of magic
and melee attack types, they must include both on their
primary hotbar. Typically, a hybrid will place instant damage
spells, anytime attacks, and secondary effects like root, mez,
debuffs, or stun on their primary hotbar so they can use them
on first contact with the enemy. Their secondary hotbars have
spells that must be casted, or chants they start at the
beginning of battle and do not do much with after. If there is
room, they will place reactionary chains on the secondary
hotbars or realm abilities they might use in combat. Some
hybrids such as Thanes, Valewalkers, and Champions also
have self buffs that can go on a third bar—away from the Keyboard Configuration
primary bar, yet still accessible. Keyboard configurations are another highly personalized
aspect of DAoC. The keyboard configuration can be modified
Assassin Hotbars from the character selection screen by selecting options,
Assassins have their own unique set of requirements for keyboard settings. To find in game keyboard settings, go to
combat as well. They typically place their critical strike chain

PRIMA Official Game Guide INTRO TO RvR

the personal statistics page, and locate a button that leads to rude because it fills up a channel that might be needed for
a command menu at the bottom of the page. conversation.
The form for writing a macro is as follows: /macro (insert
name you want it called on hotbar) /activity. An example
of this is: /macro realmwar /realmwar. This places a button
called realmwar on the hotbar (the player chooses where), and
when clicked will bring up the realmwar map. Some additional
examples are below:

/macro laugh /laugh

/macro help /c %t needs a heal! (requires a player to be
targeted to print properly)
/macro Dragonstorm /bc Dragonstorm 2h handed
hammer, 5.8 speed, 16.5 dps 100 con 100 qual. Bonuses: 4
hammer 32 str 9% matter resist 9% body resist

Macros are useful for both combat situations and epic

Some players choose to use the w, a, s, d encounters. They allow players to more accurately
configuration of movement keys, while others use the communicate with each other without having to type it out.
number pad or the arrow keys. When choosing your
configuration, remember that you need enough free keys Dying
near your movement keys so you can quickly multi-task There are two types of death in New Frontiers, monster caused
should the use key be needed, or the nearest attacker key. For deaths and player or realm guard caused deaths. Monster
instance, the next object and loot key go well together, caused deaths include a loss of constitution points, a rez
making it easy to loot quickly without a lot of clicking. illness, and a grave stone. Player caused deaths now generate
However, they don’t need to be right next to your attack key. A a new type of rez sickness. If a player releases from an RvR
player who efficiently sets up their keyboard commands will death, they will receive a 3 minute, 30% decrease in damage
be at an advantage over a player who has to reach all over the potential and will suffer a 20% speed penalty. If a player dies
place to utilize all their abilities. again before that rez sickness icon disappears, a new icon will
appear next to the first one. These two icons stack in effect.
Macros If a player is resurrected, there are several things that can
Macros are buttons placed on the hotbar that enable a player reduce the effect of the rez sickness. A player with Veil
to activate a menu, or say a thing without having to hunt Recovery will reduce rez sickness by 20% per level. Also,
through the interface to do so. These macros can be useful higher level rezzes will reduce the amount of time the rez
things, like /realmwar, or they can be silly things, like a sickness lasts, The Egg of Youth rez takes just under 3 minutes
macro to laugh at a target. Players who explore the macro to remove the effect, and the best spec rez takes just under 90
system can even make smart macros that will say something seconds to clear the effects. The ML8 Perfector ability will
in a chat based on something the players did. For instance, if a completely remove all effects instantly.
player targets a groupmate named Hruthgar who is in need of When the player has died, they can earn 25% of the realm
a heal and hits his “help” macro, the macro prints out points they would have earned were they alive. If a player has
“Hruthgar needs a heal!” in the chat. This tells ungrouped recently been killed, they are also worth reduced realm points.
healers to help poor Hruthgar or he might die. If a player is resurrected after death, they will suffer no realm
There is a degree of etiquette required with macros. They point gain penalty.
make it very easy to “spam” enemy and friendly players with
emotes and spoken language. This is generally considered


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Palicrovol (Matthew Kelley)
Animists use the right or middle mouse button as their
Ground Target key). Wherever you put it, you must be able to
do any of the following while holding it down with complete
ease and no discomfort:
• Press your Forward and Backward keys
• Hold down the mouselook key (not the toggle) as well,
while also pressing Forward or Backward
• Press the Camera Reset key
• Press the Look Up and Look Down keys

Creating Useful Macros

Use the following commands to make /groundset macros
that will make your time spent playing an Animist much
Animists are an extremely unique and complex caster class. * /macro 0 /groundset 0
They are best known for area-specific fortification and
* /macro 500 /groundset 500
defense, but they are certainly not limited to this role. Nearly
* /macro 900 /groundset 900
everything an Animist does is through a pet. Animist pets fall
into two primary categories: bombers and turrets. Turrets * /macro 1000 /groundset 1000
then have two secondary categories: controllable and FnF (fire
and forget). These pets allow Animists strategies that no other Armor/Weapon/Item Selection
class in the game can match. At the very minimum, you will need yellow-con armor and a
staff with 50 focus in all lines. If you really want to do well
Preparation for Battle though, take advantage of the fact that Animists are
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR extremely welcome in high end Player versus Environment
(PvE) groups. Try to incorporate as many of the following
No matter what your play style, the following hotkeys should
bonuses into your gear as you can: + damage%, + spell
be in highly accessible locations:
piercing%, acuity, + casting speed%, dexterity, resists,
• Your best single-target direct damage spell
constitution, hit points, + range%, + power%, arcane siphon,
• Your best area effect direct damage spell
and + duration%.
• Your best lifedrain spell You will also have a much more enjoyable Realm
• Your best Forest Heart spell versus Realm (RvR) experience if you stock up on the
• Your best Creeping Mastery controllable turret following potions:
• The command to tell your controllable turret to attack * Strong Elixir of Power (power restoration, carry a lot)
• /groundset 0 * Improved Elixir of Replenishment (power regeneration)
• /groundset 900 * Strong Elixir of Healing (health restoration)
* Strong Elixir of Endurance (endurance restoration)
Keyboard Configuration
Your Ground Target key needs to be either near your
movement keys (c is a good one) or on your mouse (many


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Siege Strategy
Your main focus here is suppression of enemy ranged forces,
by summoning turrets onto their walls. This is done as follows:
Position your ground target up against the enemy keep wall.
Raise it a few feet off the ground (hold the Ground Target key,
then the Look Up key), then move it forward some. You should
see the center widget of the ground target appear floating
above the wall. Summon a Forest Heart (or any other turret). It
should appear on the wall.

Keep Defense
Use Forest Hearts to damage enemies from a safe position.
Simply summon from an unprotected window to a ground
target set in sight of the enemy.
On the Battlefield
Group Role Realm Abilities
The new Animist RA (Fungal Union) is extremely useful.
* Use Forest Hearts defensively. Summoning a few near
Summon multiple, small turret stacks out of AoE range of
your group’s healers and ranged types will discourage
each other, and hide exactly on top of one of them. Both
the enemy from approaching them and punish those
finding and targeting you will become very difficult.
who do.
* Use Forest Hearts offensively. Try to summon a few near
the enemies’ healers and ranged types to keep them
* Bomber stacking is a simple tactic, though most useful if
specialized in Arboreal Mastery. Start by casting a direct
damage bomber, like Spirit of Hatred, and queue
another. After the first casts, queue Cycle of Death until
the target is dead. This causes a lot of damage to be
done in a small window of time, often killing the target
before the enemy group’s healer has time to react.
* If you’re specialized in Verdant Mastery, learn to use your
PBAoE (Briar Storm) defensively. Tell your group
members to lure enemy tanks into standing right by, or
better yet, on top of your turrets. This will allow you to
incur maximum PBAoE damage through those turrets.
* Make use of the Creeping Mastery controllable turret
(Grove’s Assassin), rather than the others. The snare
effect is far more valuable than better damage.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Rysc (Seth Pellegren) & Adain (Fred Anderson)
Armsmen are the most heavily armed and armored soldiers of Armor/Weapon/Item Selection
Albion. Their offensive and defensive capabilities make them
With no spells or self buffs, item selection is extremely
formidable opponents in both the eradication of monsters
important for Armsmen.
and in the war against enemy realms. Armsmen may train in a
When choosing armor, you should consider several things.
wide variety of weapons, and are the only class able to use
Probably the most important is utility, followed by proc
Polearms. The Armsmen is one of the hardest hitting melee
abilities. Utility describes the amount of bonuses on the
classes in the game. In RvR they make excellent bodyguards
armor, the more the better. If possible, try to get a breastplate
for the heavy hitting casters and healers.
with a 150 point ablative or a healing proc. This piece will be
hit the most so it makes a big difference compared to the
Preparing for Battle crafted 100 point ablative. Armor without procs should not be
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR used. When selecting procs for player crafted armor, stick with
Setting up your hotbars is usually a matter of personal ablative or damage over time procs. Haste, damage shield,
preference. You’ll have to choose which styles you think are and DD spells are not very effective in RvR. Artifacts can be
most effective because not all will fit. Ignore the “to hit useful, but choose one piece and stick with that. Drop armor
bonus”—the only concerns are style damage versus
endurance use, and style effects. It’s a good idea to have
positional styles on one bar, and reactionaries on another. This
will allow you to access the styles you need for every
situation. The ability to change bars and select styles quickly
cannot be undervalued. Hitting shift and a number key will
help change bars faster.
Realm abilities and potions should have their own bar to
prevent accidental use. Finally, remember to dedicate a bar to
protect, intercept, guard, and bodyguard if you have it.
Protect is important in keep battles, as is shield guard. Even
offensive Armsmen can shield guard a group member
effectively against NPC guards, so make sure you set it when
you join a group.

Creating Useful Macros

from master level raids are usually the best you can get.
Macros for various commands are needed in siege and general
Artifact weapons, however are probably the most useful.
RvR combat. Assist is always important, however this is more
Their speeds and bonuses are typically not craftable, and their
of a PvE tool. While “assist trains” can be devastating, heavy
unique abilities can usually turn the tide of a battle. Some high
use of an assist macro enables unmezzed targets to continue
master level weapons are also very useful. Legendary
casting. Watch the situation to see if assisting is appropriate.
weapons are not usually as good as an artifact or ML drop, but
Siege macros for aiming, firing, etc. are always handy. If you
are preferable to crafted. Having no magic, your weapon is
repair doors a lot, create a /repair and /upgrade macro.
extremely important. Going to the trouble to obtain a good
one will be worth it in the long run. Also, do not neglect your
crossbow. Player crafted crossbows are generally inexpensive,
and preferable to drops for two reasons. Since you only need


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

the crossbow bonus when using it, you can have a +7 or 8 Group Role
crossbow gem imbued on it. Most drops will not have that
Armsmen are neither best at defense or offense in melee. The
kind of stat. Make sure you put a charged DD on it—you can
most effective Armsman is a bodyguard for a caster. If you
use the DD to interrupt, break speed, etc.
have it and use it well, the results can be amazing. Stay by
Selecting accessory items can be difficult. ToA jewelry can
them and use your crossbow until something gets in melee
be very good, but also very elusive. Many of the best drops
range. Body guarding a wizard and shield guarding a Cleric
can only be obtained through a master level raid or using
can work wonders—the Cleric can kite enemies to you and
several groups. There are, however, many good quest items.
you can block and grapple for them while keeping the Wizard
These are not too difficult and can be soloed.
relatively safe. Most opponents won’t use range on them even
The all melee skill bonus is an offensive/hybrid
though they all have it. In groups, use your crossbow
Armsman’s best friend. Going to the length to have +11 melee
whenever possible. Surprising as it may be, the crossbow is
will help your template tremendously.
probably the most effective weapon at your disposal. With 20-
30ish specialization, you can do decent damage from decent
On the Battlefield range. It’s usually unwise to rush in and try to melee right off
Solo Tactics the bat. There are too many things that get between you and
A solo Armsman is prey for almost any class. While it is your target, be it CC spells, style snares and stuns, disease,
possible to kill several stealthers, generally soloing as an PBT, etc. Assisting helps this to some degree, but is no
Armsman isn’t rewarding. If you decide to solo, keep a few guarantee. If a caster picks you out, you have two options: run
things in mind: Potions! Potions are a soloer’s best friend. or attack. Don’t just blindly mash a macro, it wastes your
You’ll need a lot of them, so find a source. Keep strong elixirs Cleric’s power and really doesn’t kill that fast. You’re not cut
of healing and invigoration on hand at all times, and also out to be a commando either. Armsmen have no access to
some strong elixirs of endurance. The healing potions will do charge or prevent flight, and although snapshot is available
between 250 and 300, and can really save you in a pinch. after rank 5, in most fights you’ll have a tank or pet attacking
Strong elixirs of endurance are a cheap alternative to second you. So don’t try to chase, let the mercenaries rush in and get
wind. Invigoration potions are two minute duration blasted, and assist them with your bow. Watch your own
endurance chant four. With longwind one and an invigoration casters and healers—if anybody tries to rush your own
potion, it is possible to sprint for the whole duration. You’ll support open up with melee on them.
need to sprint in almost every situation. Be mindful of your In keeps, again stick with the crossbow. Use line of sight to
potion/item timers. Charges and potions are generally on the your advantage, and assist scouts or casters if you can. It’s
same timer, so decide which you need to use most in a given possible to kill most soft targets with 3-5 crossbow shots, but
situation. You’re a tank, but the bottom of the barrel tank, so it usually won’t happen. If you’re a warlord, use siege
learn to kite. Use your crossbow whenever possible—that’s weapons. Your group spells are also useful; remember to use
damage you’re dealing before the enemy reaches you. Don’t them a lot.
allow things to kite you, however. Snapshot should prevent
anyone from kiting you, but if it’s down, don’t be afraid to let
someone get away. As far as master level selection, both
warlord and battlemaster are good. With battlemaster, you
can throw your weapon, warlord has a small heal, DoT cure,
and pet shout. If soloing, know your enemies. If you know
what class you’re fighting you can make the decisions you
need to win.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Armsmen have relatively few useful active realm abilities.
The best one to invest in is second wind—even though
potions do the same job, this is an endurance heal you can
use in combat. Purge two is vital, even if you have high
determination. First aid and ignore pain are most useful when
soloing, but have a high cost with little return. Consider how
much soloing you expect to do before purchasing these
abilities. For grouping, both Soldiers Barricade and Dashing
Defense are available. Neither one is very helpful, while
Dashing Defense can block and parry for group members it
has a high cost for a very short duration. Parry and block are
relatively ineffective in RvR, and with only a one thousand
radius Dashing Defense really not worthwhile. Likewise,
Soldiers Barricade is only thirty seconds, and boosts absorb by
insignificant amounts. At level three it would give a cloth
wearer plate armor’s absorb for thirty seconds, but even plate
Realm Abilities is hardly adequate protection. It is possible melee will still hit
for 500+ with this ability up.
Through leveling Armsmen are granted two realm abilities:
At rank five, Armsmen are granted the Snapshot ability.
tireless and stoicism. Both are great abilities and very useful
This allows an Armsman to fire a crossbow while moving for a
to the class.
minute. This can be quite useful and devastating.
Passive realm abilities help compensate for
ineffectiveness in specialization and race. Augmented stats
are helpful, but not really necessary. They are best for raising
stats your character’s race normally lacks. A Briton, for
example, might want to specialize in augmented strength,
while a Half-ogre would want to raise dexterity. Toughness is
very worthwhile, as hits are your primary defense. Toughness
is also preferable to augmented constitution because raw hits
cannot be debuffed, only con stat which affects hits.
Longwind one is vital, but any higher is probably a waste of
points. Without prevent flight you won’t be able to keep up.
Avoidance of magic is worthwhile if taken to level three or
above, any lower and the difference is too small to be
noticeable. Being one of the strongest classes, lifter is
probably unnecessary. If you carry siege often it might be
worth a level 1 or 2 investment. The masteries of pain,
parrying, and blocking help any specialization. Mastery of
pain can’t be counted on, but packs an extra punch. Mastery
of parrying and blocking are most effective when taken to two
or above. Mastery of parrying helps offensive Armsmen
supplement defense they can’t naturally specialize in because
of double specialization. With stoicism, it’s possible to have no
determination at all. However, it’s probably a good idea to
have determination three if only for protection against casted
stuns. There’s no need to max out determination.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Tiralle, Bard, Forest Guardians (Monica Jacobs)
Bards are the lynchpin of any Hibernian group. With their Armor/Weapon/Item Selection
incredible group support songs, buffs, ability to control
A good set of at least 99% quality, 102 armor factor is a must
crowds and heal, very few groups would ever be caught in the
for all Bards. Whether quested or player crafted is a personal
frontiers without at least one. All of that utility comes at a
choice, but don’t skimp. If you don’t have the money for a full
high price, however, as they are completely dependant on
set of player crafted armor, there are quite a few quests within
their groups for survival.
both Trials of Atlantis and Shrouded Isles that have excellent
armor rewards to help augment your wardrobe. Try to mix
Preparation for Battle and match between ToA, SI and player crafted armor to find
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR your best mix of stats and bonuses.
Bards need a minimum of three hotbars, but with new There are two items that are highly desirable for Bards:
abilities, melee styles, and artifacts, this can easily spill over to The Phoebus Harp Necklace and the Crocodile’s Tears Ring.
four or more. They are artifact items from Trials of Atlantis, and can benefit
The main bar should contain all of the Bard’s crowd the Bards’ skills. The Phoebus Harp Necklace, at its highest
control spells (mesmerize and lull), the Bard direct damage level, can create an instrument that can play each song
shout, at least one heal spell, and a few realm abilities (such as without having to switch instruments—making song twisting
Ameliorating Melodies, Purge, or Mystical Crystal Lore). incredibly easy. The Crocodile’s Tears Ring, at its highest level,
Secondary bars should have the cure spells (mesmerize, will turn your song into an area of effect—allowing up to 20
poison, and disease), buffs, songs, and resurrect spells. Go for realm mates outside of your group to benefit from your song.
a little bit of redundancy in your hotbars—that way in the
heat of battle, you’re still effective no matter which bar you
happen to be on.

Keyboard Configurations
You will want to have /sprint, /face, and /stick mapped to
your keyboard in a way that makes sense to you. You can also
extend your hotbar capabilities with cleverly defined /qbinds.
The /qbind command can be one of the biggest helps in
managing all of the spells, instrument/weapon swapping, and
song twisting.
Simply type /qbind #bar #slot (there #bar is the number
of the hotbar you wish to choose and #slot is the slot on that
hotbar you’d like to map). Now the next key you press will be
the key where the /qbind is mapped. After that, any time you
press that key, the spell you have mapped to it will be cast.
The most important would be to /qbind your songs and
(unless you have Phoebus’ Harp) instruments. Binding your
On the Battlefield
cure spells, Master Level abilities, and realm abilities also helps Solo Tactics
tremendously, since it does not require you to switch hotbars Generally, the Bard’s role is that of support. As such, soloing
in the middle of battle. would not be the first choice. However, if you wish to solo,
specialize very high in your weapon choice.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Group Role Keep Defense
This is where the Bard really shines. There are a lot of jobs to Defending a keep is about controlling the crowd outside the
do—all happening quickly. It’s your job to make sure the doors. Play the power song, climb up to the ramparts, do your
enemy gets stopped in their tracks, and that your group is best to lull and mesmerize casters and archers down below,
provided with the correct song at the correct time. Once in and heal realm mates when necessary. Keep cure disease and
battle, you will have a tricky job of staying alive, keeping cure poison close at hand (hopefully /qbind’d). Also, if a
enemy casters lulled, and helping the Druid in the group with member of your realm ends up dead outside the keep, it’s
some back up heals. possible (if they died in an area that you have a line of sight)
The most useful Bard group technique to learn is how to to resurrect them into the keep with you. Avoid staying still
use lull and mesmerize together. Immediately upon seeing an for too long and avoid crowding in one area too much.
enemy, your most useful technique will be to simultaneously
cast your AoE lull with your AoE mesmerize in order to give
your group a jump on the action. Once the enemies are
stopped in their tracks, you will have time to get endurance
song up and running for your group’s tanks.
Some Bards prefer leading the group into battle. This
gives them a chance to strike with Lull and Mesmerize first,
but also means they will be the first person the enemy spots.
If you’re not on your toes, you could easily find yourself on
the receiving end of mesmerize (or, worse). If you’re still
learning the lay of the land, or not fully comfortable leading
the group in addition to all of the jobs you need to do, simply
follow close behind the group navigator. You will still be close
enough to the front to be able to mesmerize the enemy, but
far enough behind to not be the very first target they see.

Siege Strategy
During a keep attack, Bards have several interesting jobs. Realm Abilities
Keeping long range casters and archers in the ramparts No matter what your specialization, the three most important
interrupted, mesmerizing any defenders trying to make their realm abilities for Bards are Purge, Mastery of Concentration,
way into the keep to bolster defenses, and making sure to and Speed of Sound—which will prove to come in very useful
keep your group powered up to break down the doors as in fighting off the effects of crowd control spells.
quickly as possible. Just avoid getting too close to the keep (as
archers will try to take aim at you from the keep wall), and
avoid standing still too long (as it makes you too easy of a


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Olaf Tharand—Wolves of Valhalla
The Berserker is a dual wielding light tank that sacrifices heavy Armor/Weapon/Item Selection
armor and defense for high damage output. They also have
Berserkers can use swords, axes, hammers, and left axes for
the ability to increase their damage by turning into a giant
weapons. To dual wield, a Berserker must use a special left axe
bear—man, a form that allows the Berserker to critical hit on
on the offhand and any of the other types of weapons.
every successful hit. The Berserker loses all defensive abilities
Berserkers can also use two-handed versions of all these
to gain this advantage, though.
weapons. They can use small shields, but to do so means that
the Berserker can’t use two weapons.
Preparation for Battle Berserkers sacrifice armor for their damage output, so
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR they are restricted to wearing Studded Leather.
Most players find it effective to place their most used styles,
abilities, and macros on hotbar number one. All hotbar setups On the Battlefield
are set up by personal preference for each player. Putting all Solo Tactics
your primary styles (doublefrost, snowsquall, icy brilliance,
Berserkers are a decent solo class. A Berserker will typically
aurora borealis, and glacial might) and realm abilities (Ignore
use more of their baseline weapon styles from axe, sword, or
Pain, Purge, Master Level abilities) on hotbar one is useful. You
hammer because of endurance cost issues, reactionary styles,
can also create other bars for specific purposes like soloing,
and different effects.
two-handed setup, and PvE setup.
It’s important to travel off road and to be selective with
your targets. Certain classes, such as a Paladin, are very
Keyboard Configurations
difficult for a Berserker to solo. Be aware of your surroundings
As with hotbar setups, the keyboard configuration is all and learn proper target selection to be successful at solo RvR.
personal preference. It nice to use quickbinding to map hotbar
slots to keys using the /qbind command: /qbind [bar#] Group Role
[slot#]. /qbind abilities such as Stick, Face, and Sprint, to keys
Within the group dynamic a Berserker’s role is to kill off
you use often.
support and mage classes as quickly as possible. The
Berserker’s fast swing times and good damage output will
Creating Useful Macros
ensure that the bear-man transformation or “Berserk Mode”
Many players find the following macros useful: chews these classes up quickly.
• /assist <character name>: Allows you to select the Berserkers are typically a group’s main assists. This means
target of the specified character. they pick out the targets for the rest of the melee classes in
• /face: Allows you to face your current attacker the group. When not performing this role, the Berserker is
• /stick or /follow: Allows you to automatically follow the often asked to be the group’s floater. In this role the Berserker
targeted character. seeks out free support or mage classes that are unhindered
and attacks them.
In both of these roles it’s important for the Berserker
player to be able to identify and locate vital enemy targets,
and deal with them effectively.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Siege Strategy
Berserkers have a fairly limited role in a siege until it’s time to
charge and fight in close quarters. Many Berserkers have
picked up siege craft (by learning a trade skill) in order to be
more useful while the ranged classes duke it out. In this role
you can expect to operate any number of siege engines from
rams to trebuchets.
Once the doors of the keep go down, it falls on the
Berserker to carry the battle into the keep. Battles will rage
floor to floor until the keep lord has fallen.

Keep Defense
In a keep defense the Berserker sees more action. Many times
the Berserker will do battle with the assassins that sneak into
the keep. Also, once the doors have been broken, the
Berserker must guard each floor and throw back the attackers.
As with offensive sieges, many Berserkers take up siege
craft in order to be able to do ranged damage to the enemy.
There are many options available such as boiling oil, catapults,
and trebuchets.

Realm Abilities
It’s important for Berserkers to be able to counter their
primary targets abilities. Purchasing realm abilities, such as
Avoidance of Magic, to raise magic resistance is useful to this
end. Determination is used to offset some of the duration of
crowd control spells and can be stacked with Stoicism (the
innate determination ability of pure tanks). You can further
protect yourself from magical attacks with abilities such as
The Empty Mind.
Several all-purpose abilities, such as Purge and Long Wind,
are highly recommended. Also, it can be very useful to
purchase levels of Augment Strength, Constitution, and
Toughness. Buying Ignore Pain for when you need a quick heal
can also be beneficial.
If your focus is on offensive realm abilities, purchase
Charge, Mastery of Pain, and Reflex Attack.
Our realm rank 5 free ability, Ferocious Will, can be used to
counter the defensive penalties of Frenzy.
As with anything, a balance between offensive and
defensive abilities should be considered. Be mindful of your
realm ability points and purchase the realm abilities that suit
your play style.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Jelinar (Bonnie Lau)
The Blademaster is a member of the Guardian class • Siege: Hotkeys can also be set up for the operation of
of Hibernia, a light fighter that has the ability to dual-wield siegecraft, for functions such as /aim, /arm, and /fire.
weapons, and wears lighter reinforced armor. They can
specialize in different weapon skills—Blades, Piercing, or Keyboard Configurations
Blunt—as well as the dual-wielding skill, Celtic Dual. They also
A number of actions can be bound to certain keys on the
have the ability to train the use of a shield.
keyboard. Actions such as Sprint, Face, Follow, and Stick can all
In RvR battles, the role of the Blademaster is to be the
be bound. This is useful for freeing up hotbar slots.
damage dealer, supporting the more heavily armored fighters.
The keyboard can be setup for movement via arrow keys,
Often their job is to move in at the start of a battle,
or with a w, a, s, d setup. Hotkeys are generally bound to
neutralizing the soft and support targets in the enemy ranks.
the corresponding number keys. The /qbind command can
The Blademaster is often called upon to protect members of
also be helpful. It allows you to assign a particular hotbar and
its own realm from enemy attackers.
hotkey to a key on the keyboard—pressing that key will
In keep sieges, Blademasters can assist in killing enemy
activate that particular hotkey.
keep guards and lords, as well as run siege equipment. In the
absence of siege equipment, Blademasters can also resort to
using their weapons to break down doors and walls.
Creating Useful Macros
Macros can be very useful in RvR. They are created by using
Preparation for Battle the /macro command, which creates a hotkey that can be
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR placed on a hotbar. An example of one macro that can be
helpful for Blademasters is /macro assist /assist <name>.
Setting up effective hotbars is crucial to performance in RvR. This creates a hotkey with the label “assist” and when used,
There are a number of elements that can, and should, be will perform the /assist <name> function. <name> is the
placed on hotbars: name of a particular group member or ally, and using this
• Styles: Style chains that are utilized should generally be function will give you the current enemy target of
placed on the most easily accessible hotbar. that person.
Blademasters can utilize styles learned from training in
their different weapon specializations—Blades, Piercing, Armor/Weapon/Item Selection
or Blunt—as well as Celtic Dual and Shield.
Many nice armors, weapons, and items can be obtained
• Class Abilities/Realm Abilities: Blademasters have a
through quests or epic dungeons in Shrouded Isles and Trials of
number of class abilities that also need to be hotkeyed.
Atlantis. Armor and weapons can also be crafted and imbued
These include Triple Wield and Flurry.
with bonuses and charges through Spellcraft and Alchemy.
• Realm Abilities: The various active realm abilities that
Artifact weapons, armor, and jewelry are also available in
need to be hotkeyed in order to be used, include Charge,
Trials of Atlantis. Suggestions for Blademasters include Spear
Blade Barrier, Purge, and Ignore Pain, among others.
of Kings, Battler, Shades of Mist, Guard of Valor, Golden Scarab
• Master Level Abilities: Blademasters can choose to either Vest, Belt of the Sun, Crocodile’s Tooth Dagger, and Traitor’s
become Banelords or Battlemasters through the Master Dagger, among others.
Level tracks. The Banelord track consists of a number of Look for items that carry stat bonuses for strength,
instant spells and the Battlemaster track consists of dexterity, constitution, and quickness. Skill bonuses for
special styles and abilities, all of which need to weapon specialization, Celtic Dual, Parry, and Shield are
be hotkeyed. available. Resist bonuses to spell and melee damage are also
important to look for. Many Trials of Atlantis items will also


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

raise your stat caps and provide other bonuses to melee of their group or siege operators. Once inside the keep,
damage and speed. Blademasters should assist in killing any enemies inside and in
Each weapon type has its own disadvantages and attacking the keep lord.
advantages against particular armor types and enemies. When
dual-wielding, a typical setup for a Blademaster would be Keep Defense
either a pair of equal-speed weapons, or a slow weapon in the Much of the Blademaster’s job in keep defense will come
main hand and a faster weapon in the off-hand. when the enemy has infiltrated the keep. At that point, their
role will be similar to their role in a group. Their job will be to
On the Battlefield fight enemy players to keep them away from the keep lord.
Solo Tactics Blademasters of the Battlemaster Master level ability track
If fighting one verse one against an opponent, reactionary should also look to use the Bodyguard skill to protect their
styles are important. They typically use less endurance, do casters when defending inside the keep. Those of the
more damage, and have better effects than anytime styles. Banelord track can use their many area of effect spells to
Using style queuing and faster weapons will also help make weaken the enemy both at the doors and walls of the keep, or
these styles easier to perform. when the enemy is inside, as well as bolster their allies.
It is important to learn to recognize an enemy class that Note that Blademasters will gain benefit from almost all
you may come across, and know their weaknesses and their buffs, the one exception being the acuity buff.
strengths. Having potions such as those that regenerate
endurance on hand, can be very useful. Realm Abilities
If you are:
Group Role • Trained in high Blades/Blunt/Piercing and high
The Blademaster’s primary role in a group is to assist other Celtic Dual: Charge one plus, Purge two plus, Avoidance
tanks in killing enemy support classes and softer targets. of Magic, and Mastery of Pain. Other options would
Unless trained in Shield or the Bodyguard Master Level ability, include Augmented Strength, Augmented Dexterity,
Blademasters are generally not well equipped to physically Toughness, Mastery of Parrying, Determination, and
protect members of their group in RvR. However, they can still Reflex Attack.
use snare styles and other tools to keep enemy tanks off of • Trained in Blades/Blunt/Piercing and Shield, or a
their groupmates. hybrid of weapon, Celtic Dual, and Shield: Charge one
Assisting other tanks in the group is key—the /assist plus, Purge two plus, Avoidance of Magic, and Mastery of
command can be very helpful here. Blademasters do their Blocking. Other options would include Augmented
best damage when utilizing positional styles such as the Ice Strength, Augmented Dexterity, Toughness, Mastery of
Storm side chain from Celtic Dual. Snare styles and the Parrying, Determination, and Reflex Attack.
Prevent Flight ability can be used to keep enemy targets
from fleeing.
Learn to identify enemy support classes and soft targets—
those will often be your primary targets in RvR.

Siege Strategy
Blademasters make good candidates for operating siege
weapons. If not operating siege weapons, they can use their
weapons to attack doors and walls. Blademasters trained in
the Battlemaster Master level ability line can use the
Faultfinder skill as well.
Another responsibility during a keep siege is to kill enemy
keep guards. Those trained in Shield may also guard members


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Darmmrad (Dan Buroker)
ability. Trataros’ Gift is also an excellent choice. Ceremonial
Bracers have a mesmerization/stun protection ability that is
worth seeking. Nailah’s Robes will increase a Bonedancer’s
damage and Guard of Valor is also a good choice.
Shapechange artifacts (Maddening Scalars or
Dreamsphere) will make the Bonedancer a tougher target to
find, and are worth acquiring. Erinys Charm and Jacina’s Sash
feature resist piercing abilities that will also increase damage
output. The Welcoming for a Warrior Quest and The Search for
Seven Coins Quest reward the Bonedancer with an excellent
bracer and ring, respectively. Master Level raids will also yield
equipment with high utility. Depending on your server this
equipment may also be available for purchase, so check
Market Explorers frequently. The Master Level 9 dungeon,
Aerus City, is filled with a number of useful items, including
the highly sought after Ring of Torrent and Bracer of Heavenly
The Bonedancer is a casting class who controls multiple pets.
Bodies. Most Bonedancers place an emphasis on power pool
Their primary role is to inflict damage with single target spells
bonuses over casting speed items, but a balanced approach is
and to interrupt the enemy’s support and casters. Most
reasonable as well.
Bonedancers overwhelmingly prefer to specialize in
Player made cloth is inexpensive, fortunately. Masterpiece
Suppression (and minor in Darkness). This guide will assume
quality items will likely be necessary to create an ideal cloth
the Bonedancer has specialized in that manner.
suit if the Bonedancer has a number of ToA items. At a bare
minimum, the Bonedancer should find a competent
Preparation for Battle Legendary Spellcrafter and maximize her pie, dex, con, hp,
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR and melee resists. Spell resists should be neglected only at
The following abilities should be on your primary hotbar: one’s peril, but if a Bonedancer needs to cut corners on resists,
baseline direct damage (DD), root, quickcast, lifetap, pet cutting matter resists makes the most sense. Most matter
passive, pet attack, and /assist macro. /qbind keys (/qbind damage comes from damage over time spells (DOTs), and
#bar #slot), should include str and dex debuffs. Make certain fossil healers give Bonedancers relative immunity to these
that the /face, /stick, and /target last attacker are also spells. Ignoring matter resists completely is risky; matter
configured in the keyboard options menu. Pet summon spells, legendary weapons and earth wizards, while not common,
pet cure mesmerization, and pet buffs and caster buffs will pack quite a punch on a Bonedancer who has completely
(including the absorption realm castable buff) should also be neglected her matter resistance.
on a hotbar, but are not often used in the midst of combat.
Master Level abilities should be included on an Pet Selection
adjacent hotbar. Summon two green fossil healer pets in addition to your
dread commander pet. The fossil guardian pet is less desirable
Armor/Weapon/Item Selection in RvR because it will break crowd control (CC) and because it
Traldor’s Oracle and Tartaros’ Gift are relatively easy to obtain will cast a damage shield that will break root.
and each will increase Bonedancer performance; however,
most Bonedancers prefer the latter due to its power heal


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

On the Battlefield Siege Strategy
Solo Tactics To attack a keep, park your healer pets, in passive mode, using
the “HERE” command next to the keep and out of line of sight.
Remember that New Frontiers is not the Battlegrounds. Classes
The Bonedancer lifetap is useful in seizing the initiative on
that a Bonedancer dominated in the Battlegrounds will have
enemy casters in keep warfare. Be careful; Bonedancers are
their most powerful spells and style lines out in the frontiers.
quickly identified, stunned, and nuked to death. Before going
When attacked from range, hit /target last, /face and lifetap
toe-to-toe with an enemy caster, inform your healers and
immediately. This interrupts the enemy and gives you a
make sure they have plenty of power.
moment to evaluate the situation. Assassins in particular will
be a challenge unless the Bonedancer is quick to purge
negative stun and poisons. Archers that attack from outside
Keep Defense
of a Bonedancer’s range will also represent a challenge. Park your healer pets, in passive mode, away from you so they
Always refresh your blade turn. will not be mezzed or hit with a DoT spell. A Bonedancer has
an advantage due to the lifetap, but be wary of assassins and
invisible archers lining up their critical shots. It is smart to
move and attack from different points, and not linger longer
than necessary.

Realm Abilities
Bonedancers cannot have too much power. In addition to
power potions, most Bonedancers will purchase Mystic Crystal
Lore One, Serenity One, and Raging Power One. Increasing
damage is also important, so Mastery of Magery and Wild
Power should be purchased in equal levels as the Bonedancer
earns realm ranks. Purge One is a reasonable choice, but some
Bonedancers may prefer to rely on the Allure of Death RA and
spend saved realm points on Mystic Crystal Lore Two or
Raging Power Two. Thornweed Field (TWF) and Brilliant Aura
of Deflection (BAoD) may be situationally useful, depending
Group Role on the types of fights a Bonedancer finds herself in
In most groups, the Bonedancer’s task is to help kill the enemy most often.
support and casters. Quick and intelligent target selection is
critical. Learn the names of the prominent sorcerers, clerics,
bards, druids on your server and what they look like. Until you
are completely confident in your target selection, using an
/assist macro is highly recommended. Your pets are a useful
survival tool, but they are an even more important tool for
interrupting the enemies’ support. If you see an unmezzed
cleric or druid casting spreadheal, interrupting that enemy is
critical. Enemy tanks and assist trains should be rooted (Quick
Cast root if necessary) and/or kited. Don’t waste power nuking
a tank if there are other targets available—it’s an inefficient
use of power. Keep one eye out for your group’s shaman and
healers. They won’t forget you if you root enemies are
pursuing them. And, as with every class in RvR, read your
chat window frequently—bad communication will kill
you rapidly.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Cabalists are a unique class belonging to the Albion Mage sub Preparation for Battle
set. The Cabalist’s most defining feature is the large
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR
simulacrum that follows them. Along with these powerful
pets, the Cabalist has a large range of tools at their disposal. Creating a hotbar for a Cabalist is very important. Spells such
Cabalists excel at debilitating their foes by blinding, diseasing, as your life tap, disease, DoTs, near sight, roots, and debuffs
or poisoning them. Cabalists also control the flow of life by are all important spells, and should be on your first hotbar.
draining their targets, and transferring that life force to You should place your pet buffing spells, pet summoning, and
themselves or to their fellow players. other spell on your next bars. It is also a good idea to set up an
The Cabalist gets several base line spells: life tap, assist macro, on your first hotbar, so you can assist your
defensive shields, a root, DoT (damage over time), simulacrum companions.
summoning, heals and buffs for the simulacrum. Body
Cabalists control life. The Cabalist’s main damage spell is life Keyboard Configuration
tap, which causes damage to foes while healing themselves. When configuring your keyboard, make sure the
They can also use their own life and transfer it to their configuration is easy to use, and the buttons are easily
companions. Diseases are another powerful spell a body accessible to one another. It is essential that your movement
Cabalist has at their disposal, having both a single target, and keys be close to your other essential keys. Abilities such as
area of effect version. Matter Cabalists defeat their enemies sprint should be bound to an easily reachable key. It is also
by casting poisons, or DoTs, on them. These spells, do damage important to get your stick and auto face bound to a key. The
to an enemy over a span of time, and can eventually kill them. auto face is essential, because it not only stops you from
The area of effect version of this spell is especially devastating moving, but it also keeps you facing your opponent. This
to large groups of enemies. The matter Cabalist is also able to makes it much easier to cast your spell without loosing line of
blind their opponents using near sight spell. Spirit Cabalists sight or moving.
focus more on their pets and debuffs to defeat their
opponents. A large array of buffs are available to make the Creating Useful Macros
simulacrum a powerful foe to contend with. Also available to
Probably the most important macro would be the assist
the spirit Cabalist is the ability to drain the life force of the
macro. In open RvR it is imperative to drop targets as fast as
simulacrum in order to replenish their own power. The spirit
possible. This is best accomplished when more then one
Cabalist can also debuff their foes resistance to certain magic
player attacks the same target. Setting the macro by doing
types. The body debuff is the most popular, as your life taps
/macro Merc /assist Merc will now allow you to target Mercs
are body based; therefore you debuff your opponent, then
whenever you click the button. Another very important macro
attack with your life tap, causing a lot more damage then you
would be one to yell for help when you are being attacked.
normally would.
This can be accomplished by typing /macro Help /s Help,
When defending or attacking a keep, a Cabalist’s main role
I’m being attacked by %t need assistance! This not only
is to kill as many attackers as possible. This is best
asks for assistance, but also names the target that is attacking
accomplished using their area of effect spells. In open field
you, making it easier for your companions to locate the target.
RvR, a Cabalist is more concerned with taking down single
Another macro is an Enter/Exit macro. This macro makes it
targets fast, while avoiding enemy players. The combination
easier to enter a keep that is besieged by enemies.
of using the body debuff and life tap excels at this.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Armor/Weapon/Item Selection Group Role
It is essential for a Cabalist to attempt to max their dexterity, Once the battle begins, your primary job is to pick out other
intelligence, and constitution—these are the most important enemy casters and healers, and kill them as soon as possible.
statistics for cabalists. Your resists are also very important to Since you might have a body debuff, most sorcerers will be
max, as they will improve your survivability. Increase your hit assisting you, as their damage spells are also body based. Your
points, too. With this in mind, you can make a character secondary role is to watch your fellow group mates. Root any
template around the artifacts and quest items you want. enemies attacking your Cleric or other casters. You should also
Some very good artifacts for casters would be Traldors have your pet engage enemy healers, in order to keep them
Oracle, Tartaros Gift, Cloudsong Cloak, Nailahs Robes, locked down and unable to assist their companions. Off
Ceremonial Bracers, and The Belt of the Moon. You should also course what you are able to do depends on the circumstances
get a shape-shifting artifact to conceal what you are. The best and your specialization.
artifacts for this would be The Tablet of Atlantis, Dream
Sphere, or the Maddening Scalars. After choosing what Siege Strategy
artifacts you want, you should then look at the quest items A Cabalist’s primary role is to watch the ramparts for enemies
available and pick what fits your template the most. Some and attempt to kill them. Use your area of effect (AoE) DoT or
quests with very good items are The Stone of Arawn, Telgars AoE Disease. Not only will these spells do their normal effects,
Redemption, Search for the Seven Coins, Parade for a Paladin, but they will cause the enemy casters to be interrupted. Near
and Sacrifical Rites. Once you have picked which items you sight is an important spell during sieges, as it takes a caster
want, it is best to fill up the rest with crafted items. These out of the battle for the duration of the effect. Assign your pet
items should fill out the extra resists, stat, and hit points you to bash on the doors, assisting your companions in taking it
are missing. down.

On the Battlefield Keep Defense

Solo Tactics Your primary role is to kill as many attackers as possible. In
A spirit specialized Cabalist is truly better at soloing. When keep defense there is no holding back. Your DoTs or disease
running solo, the amber simulacrum is the best pet to use, as are very effective; sending your pet out, is also effective.
it can cast a stun on your opponents. A fully buffed amber
simulacrum can chain stun your opponents, making them Realm Abilities
helpless against you. When fighting ranged attackers, the first An ability that is nearly a necessity would be Purge. Taking
spell you should cast should be near sight; it will give your pet Mastery of Magery or Wild Power is a sure way to increase
time to reach them. When fighting melee oriented classes, your damage output. To cast faster, you can take Augment
root them in place first, then disease them. Make sure you are Dexterity. To boost your hit points, take Augment
as far away as possible, then send in your pet. Start casting Constitution, Toughness, or Physical Defense. If you want to
your life taps and dots at them. The disease will slow your improve your simulacrum, you can take Wild Minion, Excited
opponent, and your amber pet will probably stun them a bit. Frenzy, or Juggernaut. To improve your power usage, you can
take Mystic Crystal Lore, Raging Power, or Serenity.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Mongo (Matt Reavy)
The Champion is a hybrid class that combines martial prowess Creating Useful Macros
with specialized combat magic. The Champion's Valor spell
A Champion player needs only a few macros to help him
line contains his personal strength/constitution buff and a
succeed in RvR combat:
selection of debuffing spells. Champions may focus their
• /macro MAssist /macro assist %t: Use this macro to
abilities on the offensively-oriented Large Weapon skill line, or
create an assist macro for your target.
the more defensive Shield skill line along with a one-handed
• <B>/macro Target /g I'm fighting %t!: This macro will
let your group know what you are currently fighting.
Large Weapon (LW) Champions are offensive
powerhouses, and while they lack the hit points or defensive These commands can be placed on a higher numbered
abilities of a pure tank, they do not lag far behind in damage hotbar and bound to a free keyboard key with the /qbind
potential. Shield Champions focus on developing their command. Type /qbind <hotbar #> <hotbar slot>, hit
defensive abilities to protect themselves and their weaker e, and select the desired key.
realm mates.
Armor/Weapon/Item Selection
Preparation for Battle Your character's equipment should focus on enhancing his
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR strengths and minimizing his weaknesses. Work toward
meeting the resistance cap of + 26%, the attribute cap of +
A successful Champion may need more than one hotbar to
75%, and the hit point cap of + 200% as often as possible.
access all of his abilities. On hotbar one, your most frequently
With the Trials of Atlantis expansion, champions can also
used abilities, styles, and spells should appear. Place your
pursue artifacts for their powerful abilities and variety of
debuffing spells at one end of the bar, and your styles at the
other end. The remaining slots on this bar should contain your
As has been said, large weapon champions tend to focus
most commonly used realm and master abilities, and your
on their offensive abilities, but should not forget to protect
assist macro. A second hotbar will have lesser used weapon
themselves. Large weapon champions often emphasize the
styles at one end, and active realm, master level, guard and
following in descending order or importance: Melee resists
intercept abilities at the other end.
and magic resists to decrease the damage your character
Shield Champions and Large Weapon Champions will have
receives; constitution and hit points; strength for damage and
some variations on these ideas in their setups.
weapon skill; large weaponry for additional weapon skill and
damage; quickness to increase your damage over a given
Keyboard Configurations
time; intelligence to increase your power pool and blast
If you RvR frequently, you may want to experiment with damage; parry skill; and dexterity to boost your
DAoC's FPS (first person shooter) keyboard layout option. It defensive skills.
allows players to utilize movement and other commands A shield champion's choice of equipment will maximize
easily, without the need to take their eyes off the screen. his defensive potential and enhance his other combat skills. A
The core keys of the FPS keyboard configuration are the shield champion's priorities from most to least important are:
w, a, s, d keys, which are used to move forward, left, Melee resists, magic resists, constitution, hit points, dexterity,
backward, and right respectively. An example layout would strength, quickness, intelligence and melee haste.
use these keys for movement, then bind the following
common commands: q = /face, e = /stick, f = /follow,
c= /sprint.
Each of these crucial abilities is then easily accessible by
the left hand.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

On the Battlefield Siege Strategy
Solo Tactics Champion players with an interest in siege equipment should
carry a trebuchet with their character and operate it from a
Champions will fare well against many classes in Camelot. You
distance. You character will also be useful in helping to protect
will succeed most often against other realms' hybrid and
your group's support characters, interrupting casters with
support classes, but you should avoid heavy tanks, paladins
your DD, or cutting off enemy reinforcements.
and savages. Spellcasters and higher realm rank opponents
While defending a keep, Champions can use the wall
may have abilities that your character has trouble countering.
hookpoints to setup siege engines to devastate the enemy's
Close the distance with your opponent as quickly as
support characters. You character's strongest contribution to
possible, and remember to use your debuffs. Try to use styles
keep defense will be his role in the melee battle resulting from
that maximize your damage, and stun the target if possible.
breached walls or gates.
Don't forget to use your direct damage (DD) shout and snare
to interrupt spellcasters. You will fare better in combat if your
character is equipped with a legendary weapon and some Realm Abilities
health and endurance potions. Realm ability selections are largely a matter of personal
choice, although some patterns can be seen among Champion
Group Role players. There are several core realm abilities considered vital
to a Champion's RvR performance. Purge makes up for the
Champions typically take one of three roles in RvR: a damage
Champion's lack of resistance to crowd control and other
tank, a defender or a freelancer.
negative effects. Avoidance of Magic is generally seen as a
• The “damage tank” assists the other melee classes in his
must-have because it is important for Champions to increase
group by creating as much massed melee damage as
their protection from magical damage. The Static Tempest
quickly as possible, in combination with the group's
ability provides a flexible offensive and defensive tool.
“main assist” tank, who will select the targets.
A Champion may find that some realm abilities are helpful
• The “defender” is responsible for protecting the group’s
in certain situations or for rounding out his character. These
casters and healers with his defensive skills, as well as
abilities include Lifter, Mystic Crystal Lore, Toughness,
his debuffs, damage, and snare spells.
Augment stat abilities, Long Wind, and Mastery of Blocking for
• The “freelancer” disrupts the enemy’s casters and shield users.
healers. He operates away from the main damage tanks
in an effort to tie up at least two—and preferably more—
opponents. Target the enemy's unmezzed casters
and healers, and use your DD and snare spells to
interrupt them.
The large weapon champion typically plays as either a
damage tank or as a freelancer, depending on what the group
leader feels will work best. As a defender, even a situational
one, the large weapon champion primarily stops enemy
players from pursuing his or her casters by using Annihilation
or Snare.
A shield champion will usually play the role of a defender
in his group. Ask your group leader which players need your
protection, stay close to those players, and use your Guard
and Intercept abilities to protect them from attack. Watch for
opportunities to use your other skills to aid the group's main
tanks or help defend other players.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Hoirip (Robert Outlaw)
The Cleric is a support class that specializes in the healing and Creating Useful Macros
enhancement of its allies. In addition to these primary roles,
The assist macro made with your group’s main damage dealer
the Cleric also has some limited ranged damage capability. In
is very helpful to coordinate your offensive efforts. /assist
siege RvR, the Cleric's main role is to heal, resurrect, buff
<character name>.
realm mates when needed, and to assist damage dealers with
your ranged damage tools. More demanding open-field RvR
Armor/Weapon/Item Selection
situations place more of an emphasis on healing and
resurrection, with the use of ranged and point blank tools to There are no simple rules about gear, but the following five
interrupt enemy casters and support players. categories of bonuses are well worth looking into.
• Dexterity and Casting Speed bonuses: Many cleric
Preparation for Battle spells take over three seconds to cast. These bonuses
will have a dramatic effect on your ability to timely
Preparing your Cleric for RvR combat centers around the three
land spells.
following principles:
• Maximizing your healing effectiveness. • Constitution, hits, and melee resists: Clerics, due to
their limited forms of defense against melee attackers,
• Quickly swapping between ranged damage and healing.
will often find themselves under the gun from enemy
• Increasing survivability.
tanks. A bit of durability goes a long way.
• Piety and power pool gear: Piety gear and power pool
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR gear help extend the cleric's power pool by a significant
The most important hotbar is the main hotbar. This is the amount. Extra piety also increases the effectiveness of
hotbar you'll have active a majority of the time. Ideally, this smite DDs.
hotbar consists of the following basics: the spread heal, a • Resists: Body, Cold, Heat, and Energy resists are very
single target heal, the baseline smite stun, and both important for clerics. Spirit resists and especially matter
instant heals. Fill in the rest of the hotbar with your resists, are less important.
most-used abilities. • Heal effectiveness gear: This Trials of Atlantis gear
Having two sets of buffing hotbars—one for your really boosts a Cleric’s ability to heal for more, without
concentration buffs, and one for your buffs on recast timers— spending valuable spec points.
works well. Concentration buffs will take up almost an entire
hotbar. Timered buffs are few, so it is convenient to place ToA
artifacts, timered abilities, and timered realm abilities on the
On the Battlefield
same bar as timered buffs. Solo Tactics
Finally, it is helpful to have a bar dedicated to standoff Generally, you want to avoid solo treks through the frontier as
and siege situations. It is useful to have abilities like cure much as possible. If you get assaulted, use your shout Point
poison, baseline group heal, and Area of Effect smite direct Blank Area of Effect (PBAoE), mesmerize, stun, and smite
damage on this quickbar. direct damage (DD) as much as you can before entering
melee. Once there, try to stay on the attacker, strafe, and use
Keyboard Configuration instant heals to their best effect.
The most important consideration for keyboard setups is to
have sprint, face, stick, and follow, bound to a keyboard key,
instead of taking up valuable quickbar space. Use the
Quickbind command to do this: /qbind [bar#] [slot#].


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Group Role Realm Abilities
Besides the obvious heals, resurrections, and stuns, one of the Investing into the Purge realm ability is extremely important.
most important things a Cleric should think about in open Cleric's smite spells and their heal spells can consume a
field combat is your positioning in the fight. Get a feel for the great amount of power. RAs, like Mystic Crystal Lore and
2000 range of heals, and develop a tendency to take a couple Raging Power, are very helpful in restoring power just when
of extra seconds at the start of a fight to find a good spot you need it the most. One point invested into the Long Wind
before healing. Interrupting free enemy healers and casters ability is also helpful. Finally, Divine Invention is an extremely
with smite DDs or buff shear spells can also make the good value. Perfect Recovery, even at the lowest level, is also
difference in a tough fight. Try to avoid “spamming” the useful. Wild Healing has always been popular with Clerics as
spread heal to conserve power. well; a timely critical heal can make a big difference.
• The Rejuvenation/Enhance Cleric: This brand of Cleric
Siege Strategy has little protection from melee classes through the
To avoid the attention of guard NPCs, ask the tanks in your PBAoE instant mesmerize, so defensive RAs like Barrier
group to assign their protect and guard abilities onto you. Try of Fortitude, Toughness and Augmented Constitution.
to stay out of line of sight on ramparts by hugging the walls. • The Rejuvenation/Smite Cleric: This style of Cleric
You can still see your group mates pretty easily from there, benefits greatly from investing into Mastery of Magery
but enemy nukers can't see you. If the keep is heavily and Wild Power to boost their smite damage.
defended, try to stay out of the enemy’s area of effect (AoE)
spells. Do what you can to conserve power as much as
possible. Quickly resurrect the fallen, and buff your group
mates as best you can when they die. Use the “benefits”
button on the main group panel to quickly figure out what
buffs the players already have, and which ones they need.

Keep Defense
If available, use your AoE smite DD to interrupt casters from
the ramparts or the courtyard. Many players will hesitate to
run through AoE. Cleric stun is the longest range stun in
Albion, so use it to assist your nukers. Try to stay out of
ground targeted area of effect (GTAoE) fields. you’re your
position so you have line of sight for heals as much as
possible to your group mates.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Bishopknight (Sean Gildea)
Druids are Hibernia’s primary healer. They are not only to 40 regrowth. This spell reduces the duration of the targets
excellent in RvR, they are also crucial to the well being of their resurrection sickness (that is the time during which they
realm mates. There are three primary speclines of a Druid: suffer penalties to damage and realm point earning). All
nature, nurture, and regrowth. Most Druids choose to resurrect spells cost the same amount of power, 50%, so using
specialize in regrowth to at least 30 for a spell called "spread a full resurrection is the best return on value for the power
heal." This heals all group members, some more than others, spent.
based on their need. Some Druids specialize deep into nurture
or nature. Nurture provides enhancing buffs for your party Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR
members and yourself. Nature provides instant and casted The following is a suggestion for your hotbar setup:
crowd control spells, a pet, damage over time spell and a Hotbar One—The Healing Bar
damage return shield. 1 resurrect
A Druid specialized 40 regrowth, 4 nurture, 36 nature, may 2 /stick
consider these guidelines: 3 spread heal
• Primarily heal and use your nature line insta roots to free 4 /sprint
your realm mates. 5 single insta heal
• Use your pet to interrupt enemy casters and healers. 6 group insta heal
• Let other people buff you since your buffing line is low. 7 heal
8 heat resist buff
A Druid specialized 30 regrowth, 44 nurture, 8 nature may 9 cold resist buff
consider these guidelines: 0 matter resist buff
• Use your level 30 spread heal when two or more people
are taking damage. Hotbar Two—The Buffing Bar
• Be the primary buffer of your group. 1 str/con buff
• Use your baseline single castable root to stop enemies. 2 /stick
3 qui/dex buff
4 af buff
Preparation for Battle 5 str buff
There are some keys to playing a Druid in RvR. You are the 6 con buff
realm’s primary healer. As long as you have specialized to 30 7 dex buff
regrowth, you will have access to two instant heals, a 50% 8 acuity buff
health resurrection spell, and a spreading heal spell. 9 haste buff
Instant heals heal a percentage of health back to the 0 /sprint
target instantly (in the case of the single instant heal) or to the
group (in the case of the group instant heal). If you specialized Hotbar Three—The Nature Specialization Abilities Bar
regrowth to 35, you will have access to 75% health instant 1 insta area of effect root (level 36 nature)
heals. This is highly recommended for players who primarily 2 /stick
heal in RvR. You should save insta heals for times when your 3 single insta root ( level 32 nature )
group members are taking damage too quickly to be healed 4 Dry Rot, damage over time spell
individually, or you are being interrupted from healing 5 Summon Druid Pet
yourself. 6 damage shield
A full resurrection spell is given to Druids who specialized 7 melee damage add


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

8 send pet on target
9 castable AoE root Keep Defense
0 castable single root Stay back out of line of walls so you do not get shot by casters
or archers. Try to heal your realm mates as they shoot people
Keyboard Configuration from the ramparts. Also, if you or a group member has access
Set your "next object" and "pick up object" keys together on to a "font of power," make sure you stand near it to recover
x and z so you can easily loot gold and items. power faster.
Set /face macro to the [y] key to face anything you’re
targeting. Realm Abilities
• Purge—this frees you from mesmerize, stun, snare or
Armor/Weapon/Item Selection any negative effect. The first level costs five points and
The following are a list of suggested items: takes ten seconds to activate. The second level costs an
• Jacinas Sash—five percent range, 25% group heal additional ten points and is instantaneous. The third
• Healers Embrace—group heal 33% level costs an additional 15 points and has its recast
timer reduced from 15 minutes down to five minutes.
• Egg of Youth—AoE insta rez
• Mystic Crystal Lore—The timer is three minutes and
• Scepter of Meritorious—four percent health/power
costs five points. It returns 25% of your power back to
you as long as you’re not in combat.
On the Battlefield • Mastery of Concentration—This allows you to cast un-
Solo Tactics interrupted (as long as your not mesmerized or stunned)
Pull with your damage over time spells, then send your pet on for 30 seconds. However, your spells will be 25% as
the target. Melee it down with your damage add spell and effective for level one, 50% effective for level two, and
your damage shield spell up. Make sure you buff yourself and 75% effective for level three.
your pet with every spell, except augment acuity.
At Realm Rank Five use the following Realm Abilities:
Group Role • Mystic Crystal Lore I
When you encounter enemies in RvR, you should watch the • Raging Power
field, and look to see who is being attacked first. You will want • Purge II
to start healing that person before they are hurt, this is an • Mastery of Concentration II
advanced tactic known as pre-healing. Also, by default, your
group members are selectable by hitting the 1 thru 8
keys. If you have group members who are more important
than others, you may want to memorize which F# key they
are associated with, so you can quickly heal them if they are
taking damage. Using the F# keys may seem awkward at first,
but it will cut a second or two off your reaction time in RvR
which could be the difference between someone dying
or living.

Siege Strategy
As a Druid, you want to make sure you are free to heal the
tanks and casters. That means you should not be running
siege equipment. Stay out of line of sight of enemy archers
and casters on the walls of the keep.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Turkinolith (Larry Boles)
From slinging spheres of arcane energy, to withering his foes commonly called caster driver that’s used often in PBAoE or
with disease, the Eldritch is the Hibernian master of drawing bomb run attacks). The person in front is easily targeted when
arcane energies for offensive combat. This can be facing an enemy group and as a soft target (cloth armor
accomplished through obvious means of direct damage spells wearer), an Eldritch wants to avoid being targeted for attack.
or though indirect methods such as de-buffing, diseasing, or

Preparation for Battle

When preparing for combat, stock up on a few alchemist
made power potions, both the regeneration over time and the
Mystic Crystal Lore (MCL) in a bottle form are extremely useful.
If you are using Trials of Atlantis artifacts that have charges on
a timer, keep track of the time of the last use of that item and
when it will be available for use again.

Keyboard Configurations
Having an easy-to-navigate keyboard setup will help greatly in
the long run. Keyboard maps vary between players based on
what feels more comfortable and the type of keyboard being
used. For an Eldritch, make it a priority to remap target
Group Role
nearest enemy, /face, /stick, to an easy to reach location—
these will be used often. The key bind feature is also very In open field combat, there are innumerable forms of
helpful in setting up your keyboard. encounters that can happen, and each one presents its own
situational challenge. Usually when two groups clash in the
Armor/Weapon/Item Selection field, an Eldritch needs to quickly identify any support and
casters on the opposing end; these will be the main targets.
For an Eldritch, equipment is important. When selecting what
For light Eldritchs, they can quickly debuff, nearsight if
items you are going to wear, it helps to have a plan of what
needed, and start direct damaging their targets. Void Eldritchs
you need. For this there are many helpful calculators on the
should immediately look for caster targets and use their bolts
internet which display item statistics in an easy-to-read
to remove them early before they can do any harm. Mana
manner. Generally, an Eldritch should focus on their main
Eldritchs also can lead with debuffs and have the choice of
stats of intelligence and dexterity, then focus on constitution
staying at range to use their disease and snares, or moving
and resistances.
into the fight to attempt to use their point-blank area of effect
On the Battlefield
A well-played Eldritch on the battlefield can be a powerful Siege Strategy
asset to his group and the overall situation of battle. There are
Attacking a keep can be very exciting. The Eldritch has one
several situations where you can find yourself in combat.
vast advantage to melee classes when it comes to siege, that
Follow these general guidelines to be effective.
is range. Let the tanks and other melee run up to the keep first
While traveling, try to avoid being in front of the group or
to get the guards attention. Then follow closely and take out
the main group driver (not to be confused with a position
the first wave of guards that will rush out. Next, turn your


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

attention to the walls in search of any caster guards, healers, Realm Abilities
archer guards, or enemy players defending.
Power management realm abilities (RA) are ones any Eldritch
Void and light Eldritchs have a lot of powerful tools to use
will benefit from. Mystic Crystal Lore and Raging Power are
in this situation. Light Eldritchs’ Nearsight can disable archers
good choices and almost every Eldritch will want at least the
and caster guards or momentarily put a defending player
first level in one of them. Purge is another staple RA, used for
caster out of commission. Void can snipe from well out of
removing a lethal damage over time (DOT) or escaping a stun,
reach of most defenders with bolts. Mana Eldritchs can use
mesmerize, or root. From there on out, it’s up to the players’
their disease, debuffs, and ranged area of effect direct
preference as to what spread of RAs would benefit them
damage on the guards and players inside to interrupt.
the most.
Keep Defense
In siege defense, the Eldritch can find varying versions of the
role of ranged defender, depending on his specialization. A
usual tactic is finding murder-holes, windows, and other spots
to launch quick attacks, nearsights, debuffs, or diseases, then
duck back under cover. At all times in a siege, an Eldritch must
keep aware that he will not withstand much of a concentrated
beating if the attacking force focuses on him while he is
exposed. A prudent objective is to constantly move from
position to position where you are able to pop up and deliver
your assault then duck back under cover if needed.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Nyonben (Shaun Dugan)
Keyboard Configuration
Your keyboard configuration is entirely dependent on what is
comfortable for you. The default keyboard configuration
works well, too.

Creating Useful Macros

An assist macro might be useful if you are in a group where
assisting your main assist is essential to the group’s function.
Also, it is essential to have a pet attack macro on your hotbar.

Armor/Equipment/Item Selection
When choosing items for your Enchanter, you’ll want to cover
the basics. Cap your dexterity, intelligence, constitution, and
hit points. Next, concentrate on your resists. Having at least
20% is mandatory unless you have a very good group to keep
The Enchanter, a pet caster, is one of Hibernia’s most potent
you from being turned into a veritable pincushion. Lastly, try
weapons. With a wide array of weakening, damage, and pet
and acquire the ToA -only bonuses that raise your casting
buffing spells, it would be an understatement to say they can
speed and spell damage. They’ve become almost a must-have
hold their own in RvR. With the ability to simultaneously
in present-day RvR Some artifacts you may be interested in
debuff a target, nuke from range, and, depending on
are Band of Stars, Belt of the Moon, Bracer of Zo’arkat,
specialization, unleash hellish amounts of damage at very
Cloudsong, Crown of Zahur, Erinys Charm, Guard of Valor,
close range, many consider the Enchanter the most powerful
Jacina's Sash, Nailah's Robes, Staff of the God, Stone of
and consequently, most popular caster in Hibernia .
Atlantis, Tartaros Gift, and Traldor’s Oracle.
Preparation for Battle
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR
A successful hotbar for RvR will primarily depend on what you
feel is comfortable. However, having similar types of spells on
the same hotbar would be the most advantageous. Your
primary hotbar can consist of your ranged direct damage
spells, stun, instant debuffs, casted debuffs, and basically
anything else that is used to impair or destroy an enemy. You
may also consider putting any realm abilities you use in a
fight on your primary hotbar. Secondary and tertiary hotbars
can be used for shield spells, run speed spell, your pet
summoning and buff spells, and anything else you feel won’t
be used in a combat situation. Your personal preference may
differ, but the aforementioned hotbar setups are adequate for
RvR combat.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

On the Battlefield
Solo Tactics
A solo Enchanter can be one of the peskier opponents for
someone to fight in a one-on-one engagement. People can
preach about realm abilities being the bread and butter for
any caster in a 1v1 fight, but an Enchanter’s pet is his deadliest
tool. Mainly because the Enchanter has bar none the best
offensive pet in the game, the Underhill Companion. The
Companion has a DD/Snare that can be chain-casted to keep
your target from getting anywhere in a hurry. Coupled with
your baseline stun and ability to do ranged damage with
essentially any specialization, the Enchanter is a deadly
opponent to face alone. A few things you’ll want to look out
for, however, are nearsight spells, assassins, archers, and
Bonedancers. Anything else you should be able to handle with
relative ease. With the proper realm abilities, you’ll even be use your PBAoE spell until your graphics card overheats. If
able to handle the previously mentioned hurdles. A light your group is more selective (or if you are a light Enchanter)
Enchanter will rely purely on his ranged specialization nuke to you are better off picking the “soft” targets that consist of
deal all of the damage. Sub-specialization points spent in enemy realm healers and casters. A tip that applies to both
mana may allow for the first Heat debuff, in which case he solo and group combat: Unless you’re casting a spell, never
would also implement that. Mana Enchanters have the option stop moving.
of rebuffing their target and nuking from range with baseline
nuke or stunning and then using their point blank area of Siege Warfare
effect damage spell. In siege warfare, concentrate on destroying guards and
anyone that may be defending the walls. You are limited by
your power and ability to take damage, so don’t get too
overconfident and try not to stray away from your group.

Realm Abilities
Smart realm abilities for any caster to get are ones that
augment your damage and improve your power regeneration.
Secondary realm abilities would be ones that increase your hit
points or other stats and also the nearly essential Purge. Must
haves consist of Mastery of Magery, Avoidance of Magic, and
Purge. Mastery of Concentration in its upgraded form no
longer seems nearly as powerful as it was before, but if it’s
your play style, go for it.

Group Role
Your role in a group varies on the type of the group. If you’re
group is the “mez and PBAoE bomb” type, then you’re going to
wait until your friendly Bard lays down a juicy AoE mez on
your enemy. That’s when you ride in like an angel of Hell and


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Cathreen (Brooke Lingenfelser)
The Friar is a hybrid and can have many functions and Keyboard Configuration
effectiveness in RvR. This class features the ability to melee,
Essential keyboard functions that help in almost any situation
heal, and buff, but has no mandatory specs. The Friar is a
are /face, /stick, sprint, and /assist. You should also have
unique class that can bring many different things to a group.
/use and /use2 set up where it is easiest for you to hit quickly
A Friar must be able to switch quickly and effectively to fit
when needed.
each role he may be asked to play.
Creating Useful Macros
Preparation for Battle
To help communicate with your group, alliance, or guild, you
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR
will want to use macros. Macros can be very useful when
In RvR you need quick access to all of your most important participating in fast-paced RvR activity. Useful macros for a
abilities. Depending on your skill decisions, you will have Friar include:
different abilities in your hotbar configuration. Regardless, it • /g Healing %t—%t will display the name of your target.
is always important to keep your best heal at the top in slot • /g Gather around! I will rebuff the group in 3…2…1…
one. Even if you have selected a fighting path as opposed to a
• /g Help! I need a heal!
healing path, your heals will be important to your role in
groups and to your solo RvR tactics on the battlefield.
Next put your style chains on your hotbar. You will want
Armor/Weapon/Item Selection
to place these in the order that they are used in combat. The On the battlefield, you will want the best for your player, and
more commonly used staff combination is: Defender’s Fury this means player crafted goods. As a Friar, you are restricted
Quick Strike. This chain only requires two styles and slows to leather armor. You should purchase spellcrafted armor, and
your target’s attack speed. Figure Eight Friar’s Ally is also a modify it to your tastes. Depending on what skills you have
good chain, because it will stun your opponent and is also a chosen, you will want different spellcrafted gems embedded
short chain. The most popular style for standard fighting is into your armor.
Friar’s Boon. It has low fatigue costs, but high damage. You Armor should ideally have maxed resists and +skills. With
will want to put this in a very accessible hotbar slot, like the introduction of ToA, you can also add to your melee speed,
slot ten. damage, Power Pool, healing, and buffing effectiveness,
Your enemies are capable of casting poison and disease range, and duration. This opens more options for your role in
spells. If you have the Cure Poison and Cure Disease spells, a group as well as enhancing your specialization.
you may want to have these on your main hotbar for Staff selection should be based on need. Faster staves
easy curing. have a better chance of getting past blade turn, while slower
For the remainder of your hotbar, try to place your buffs. staves have more of a chance for the larger amount of
Your buffs do not last forever; they are timed, and sometimes damage. An ideal speed to look for would be 5.0 dps to 5.5
they pick the most inopportune moments to disappear. Take dps. Another deciding factor of your staff is its proc or charge.
the most important buffs and place them on your hotbar. This Handy RvR proc and charges include life drains, DoTs, and
way, whenever you get a spare moment on the battlefield, ablatives. You don't have to use the same staff every fight,
you can easily rebuff your player. you can carry a variety of speeds and effects to be prepared.
For items, focus on resists. The opposing realms use lots of
damaging spells, which have damage types. These can be
defended against with resist items. You may incorporate these
resists in with your spellcrafted armor, or you may purchase
dropped or quested items that have natural resists. Other


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

helpful inventory items include various alchemy potions assisting the main tank, using their taunt to interrupt casters
(mainly healing, power, and endurance) and siege tools. It or break an opponent’s speed. They can also make a good
never hurts to have extra wood, siege materials, or annoyance of themselves by fighting the healers hidden off to
ammo either. the side. Another factor in the group role is the choice of
Battlemaster master level path. This provides the Friar with
On the Battlefield Bodyguard and he can help guard a Cleric or Caster from
Solo Tactics melee attacks.

Soloing as a Friar isn’t as hard as it sounds. Though the Friar

Siege Strategy/Keep Defense
has leather armor, he is capable of dealing quite a bit of
damage. Unfortunately, the leather armor also means he can A good skill to have is the knowledge of running siege
only take so much damage. If you solo, you will need to learn equipment. Rams and trebuchets are important parts of keep
when to run and when to fight. Your staves will deal crushing sieges and Friars make good candidates to run them,
damage, which is weak against heavier armors; however, especially with our lack of ranged attacks. Also keeping the
when the staff meets leather, you will gain a bonus to your guards off your Clerics is a helpful tactic. In a keep defense,
attacks. This means you are a great character for killing off your role is somewhat limited. Basically you can provide
pesky assassins. These guys will lurk around the high traffic backup healing and run more siege.
areas, bridges, underpasses, etc. to try to catch stragglers or
solo players such as yourself. The great thing about being a Realm Abilities
Friar is that over half of the time, your opponents think you’re Staff/Enhance Friar: A “staff/enhance” Friar is one who has
a caster. Imagine the shocking looks on their faces when they selected to focus most of his specialization points on the staff
come across you on the battlefield! skills and enhancement spells. This Friar is primarily a fighter,
When soloing, try to use as many of your style chain and built for solid combat. The best realm abilities available
tactics as possible. Some of your positional styles will be for this build would be:
impossible to use, because you will be facing your opponent • Augmented Dexterity
at all times. You will also want to make sure your buffs are up • Mastery of Pain
and constantly refreshed. You never know when you may • Purge
bump into an enemy or two!
• Reflex Attack
• Ignore Pain
Group Roles
• Long Wind
Once in a group, your role can change in the blink of an eye
• Whirling Staff
and you need to be ready. An important function the Friar
brings to the group are base buffs and resists. In order to
Rejuvenation/Enhance Friar: A “rejuvenation/enhance” Friar is
spread your concentration out, you should be aware of what
one who has chosen to specialize primarily in the
classes benefit the most from which base buffs. Past buffing,
Rejuvenation and Enhancement spell lines. This Friar is mostly
the Friar’s role varies upon specialization and group make-up.
a support figure for his realm mates. He may choose to take
Ideally in battle, a Friar should allow himself to fight, yet keep
the more magically enhanced realm abilities such as:
a constant visual on his Cleric's power and life bars. He should
• Augmented Acuity
also provide after fight heals in order for the Cleric to regain
their power and rest. A good Friar is aware of any deaths in his • Wild Healing
groups and should try to rebuff bases and resists if possible. • Mastery of Healing
While not a main healer, your heals can help turn the tide in a • Mystic Crystal Lore
battle, especially if your Cleric is mezzed, stunned, or being • Raging Power
attacked. A Friar should stop combat to heal. Friars should • Purge
never forget this important role! Battle rezzes can also help.
Friars are not main tanks, but can provide melee help by


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

The Healer fulfills two primary roles in Midgard: the primary managed to purge or cure your mezzes.
Healer, via the Mending line, and the primary crowd- You’ll have to switch back and forth between healing and
controller, via the Pacification line. The third line, crowd-control as needed. Against caster-heavy groups you
Augmentation, covers base buffs, haste buffs, self buffs and, may want to take a different approach: Area Effect Amnesia.
perhaps most importantly, the Celerity line. Amnesia will interrupt your target and everything within a 325
unit radius around it.
Preparation for Battle One of the best ways to prevent yourself from being assist
Creating Useful Macros trained or interrupted is to find an area where you aren’t
obvious. Standing behind a tree, next to a rock, or wall while
The useful macro setups for Healers are resurrection macros
making sure you are still within healing and casting range
and help macros. /macro /g CASTING PERFECT RECOVERY
works well.
ON %T will allow the group to know that you are casting a
100% resurrection spell. /macro /g %T is attacking me! Get it
Siege Strategy
off!! will let your group know that someone or something is
interfering with you. One other choice for a macro is a You will generally try and keep your group healed, while
mesmerized macro. /macro /g I AM MEZZED! And my Purge suppressing enemy activity on the walls. Celerity is a great
is down! will let your group know they cannot rely on you way to increase your melee group mates’ damage output on
until that's fixed. doors and walls; but more importantly, effective use of
mezzes, stuns, and amnesia will keep the enemy off of your
Armor/Weapon/Item Selection group mates. Mesmerize NPC guards to keep them out of
combat until ranged casters, archers, and shadowblades can
Concentrate on items that grant healing bonuses, power pool
eliminate them. Stun enemies who are visible on the wall, to
bonuses, and spell haste bonuses. For stats, concern yourself
stop them from retreating before they are taken down by
primarily with dexterity, constitution, hit points, and piety.
your forces. Interrupt casters on the walls by casting amnesia
Add items that increase your caps for those stats as well. You
on them.
should cap as many resists as possible. Physical resists (Slash,
Remember that group heals and spreadheals ignore line-
Crush, and Thrust) are extremely important. Popular artifacts
of-sight, so you can retreat to a safe location within the
include the Egg of Youth, Healer’s Embrace, Cloudsong Cloaks,
healing radius of your spells, and keep your group healed.
Maddening Scalars, Dream Sphere, and Cycloptic Shield.
Keep Defense
On the Battlefield
Keep defense is different from keep captures, in that you
Solo Tactics
often have a line-of-sight advantage. Use it to your advantage,
A Healer has amazing abilities to crowd-control and heal. An keeping the enemy suppressed while your damage dealers
aug-specialized Healer should use self-buffs. A triple- eliminate them. Many of the same rules apply from the keep-
specialized Healer should use a mix of melee, insta-heals and taking section.
insta-crowd-control to gradually wear down an opponent. Single-target heals should be reserved for times when the
fight is well under control, or when only one person is taking
Group Tactics damage. A Spreadheal will evaluate every person in the group,
Against melee-heavy groups, use a lot of crowd control. Use and decide who needs the most healing. It will then try to heal
mezzes to keep people out of the fight; stuns to keep people that person for the maximum it can, and will try to bring
off of your support and casters, and to stop kiters from everyone else in the group up to the same percentage.
getting away; and roots to lock down melee fighters who’ve Spreadheals have a high power cost, a 1000 unit radius, and


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

3.5 second casting time, so use them wisely. The last to critical your heal, adding a random % amount to the
advantage to using a spreadheal (and also a group heal) is that heal. This works with all heals, including spreadheals and
they ignore line-of-sight. instant heals.
• Mastery of Healing: This RA grants you a straight
Realm Abilities percentage increase in healing.
Listed below are some of the relevant RAs for a Healer. • Mastery of Focus: This RA gives you a straight level-
increase for all of your spells for resist purposes.
The class-specific realm ability for Healers is Sputin’s Legacy. It Master Levels
allows the Healer to resurrect himself after he dies, at 10% hit The Healer has 2 choices for Master Level paths: Perfector and
points, power, and endurance. Sojourner. The Perfector line gets abilities like an area of effect
power regen or health-regen ward, a determination ward,
Activated group disease cures, nearsight cures, etc. Sojourner gets
• Mastery of Concentration: This realm ability is a must for Forceful Zephyr. This is the most fun (and most frustrating, if
Healers. The first level, costing 5 points, will allow you to you're on the receiving end of it) master level ability. It creates
cast amnesia, resurrections, and buffs at no penalty a cloud that picks up your target and moves it to a ground
while being attacked. It will also allow limited healing target you place. While this is happening, the target is
and crowd control (at 25% efficiency). considered riding and can't cast, fight, or do anything. At ML 9,
• Mystic Crystal Lore: For 5 RA points, you get a 25% power Sojourner gets Phase Shift, which is another great ML ability. It
regen that’s usable out-of-combat every 3 minutes. This allows you to remove yourself from combat for 10 seconds—
is a pretty good deal, since casting heals and buffs while you can't cast, fight, etc. you also cannot be damaged.
doesn’t put you in combat, while using crowd control
• Purge: Get this as your first RA. It’s imperative that you
can respond when you are mezzed—either to unmez
people, or to heal/crowd-control after the enemy thinks
you’re incapacitated. Get at least level 2 of this ability.
• Perfect Recovery: Perfect Recovery resurrects a target
instantly with no resurrection effects. Get at least level 2,
if not level 3, which is a 100% resurrection.
• Divine Intervention: Level 1 of this ability may be a good

• Long Wind: It’s recommended that you put 1 point in
this, for Long Wind 1, which will allow you to sprint
continuously with yellow endurance regen.
• Serenity: Serenity is a great buy, especially at
the first level.
• Avoidance of Magic: Take AoM as high as you can, as
early as you can. It will reduce both magic damage and
the timer of mezzes, stuns, roots etc.
• Wild Healing: For one RA point, you can gain a 3% chance


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Mez spell available to them, the faster you make them aware
that you are mesmerized, the better.

Armor/Weapon/Item Selection
In RvR, you need to take full advantage of the ability to
spellcraft your armor to give your Hero the best chance to
excel and survive.
Ideally, your full template will maximize all of your resists
at the 26% cap, while also contributing the maximum addition
of 75 points per each of your primary statistics of strength,
constitution, dexterity and quickness.
Further, you will want to have the maximum bonus skill
points to your weapon of choice (plus eleven). Should you
decide to incorporate artifacts into your setup, you also have
the ability to add a bonus of up to + 10% to melee damage and
The Hero is the primary melee class for the Hibernian realm. + 10% to your melee speed.
The abilities that most players associate with the Hero class
are the shape changes in the “Hunt” line. They allow the Hero
to morph into the form of a bipedal stag every 30 minutes.
This ability gives you about a temporary 30% insta-heal at
level 50.
With your shield specialization, you will also get access to
an ability called Engage. This allows you to /face a single
target and block nearly all attacks from him. The amount of
attackers a shield can effectively protect you or a guarded
target from is determined by the size of the shield.

Preparation for Battle

Creating Useful Macros
Using keybinds, you can now free up many of the hotkey slots
that you previously had assigned to functions such as Sprint,
Face, Follow, and Stick. Additionally, it is also a good idea to On the Battlefield
keybind your weapon inventory slots so you can change
A Primary Tank can be called upon to select the targets from
between one- and two-hand setups quickly. Use: /qbind
the other group that your party should focus on attacking.
[bar#] [slot#].
This is commonly called being the MA or main assist.
To make sure you are attacking the correct target, make
If you are using Celtic Spear or a Large Weapon, it is often
judicious use of the following macro in combat: /macro
a good idea to have a shield and backup weapon in your
assist/assist <name of primary tank>.
equipped inventory. This allows you to switch between the
Another macro that will get a lot of use in combat is a
two types of weapons.
Cure Mez macro. Since Crowd Control classes now have a Cure
Legendary weapons can also be effective against targets


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

that are resistant to melee since their damage is based on a
spell effect and not a weapon type.
When charging into battle, stay in attack mode even if you
don't yet have a target. Smart enemy players will often try to
drag you into the range of their PBAoE casters and heavy
damage dealers while you are stuck to them. This is known as
kiting. Depending on the composition of the enemy group,
you will most likely either choose a healer or a caster as your
first target.

Siege Strategies
Keep assaults and defense are all about siege weapons. There
are hook points on the keeps and towers that allow you to
place various types of siege engines. With your high hit points,
your Hero is an excellent choice for operating siege
equipment. To improve damage, you can boost your overall strength
For keep assaults, the Hero will once again be in the front by 12 points with Augmented Strength Two. Combine that
line of the battle, attacking either the door or the walls of the with Mastery of Pain Three, which will increase your chances
defending structure. to critical hit by 17%.
Just one point in Long Wind will make a noticeable
Realm Abilities difference should you need to sprint after a kiting target.
The Hero is automatically granted two passive abilities: Lifter One can help you increase your carrying capacity so you
Stoicism and Tireless. Stoicism grants an immediate 25% can carry siege equipment.
reduction for the duration of all mez, stun, or root effects cast As a Warlord, you have some nice PBAoE shouts available
on the Hero. Tireless increases the rate at which you to you as well as an ability that can increase your speed while
regenerate endurance while in combat. using siege weapons.
Another unique ability free to all Heroes that are realm
rank five or higher is Tactics. It will increase the ability for all Defensive Tank
players in your group to evade, block and parry by 10% for With 50 shield, 50 pierce, and 28 parry, you can most likely
30 seconds. take advantage of your parry and block chain reactionary
styles, since one-handed pierce weapons swing fast.
Primary Tank Toughness Two will increase your hit point cap by 75 points.
For the secondary weapon spec, 18 blades is high enough to Purge and Determination are must-haves for any Hero.
give you the Fire Blade style. At 42 shield, you get an anytime Soldier's Barricade Two will give your group a 15% reduction
shield stun and all the shield abilities, and 35 parry will give against all forms of damage for 30 seconds. Mastery of
you decent defense abilities in PvE. Blocking Two gives you an additional five percent to chance to
Purge and Determination are must-have realm abilities. block attacks with your shield.
With Determination Three, you get a 10% reduction in the For the Defensive Tank, the Battlemaster Master Level line
duration of Crowd Control effects, which stacks with the 25% is a dream come true. It offers two invaluable abilities for the
bonus granted from Stoicism. Purge Two is on a 15 minute Defensive Tank, Bodyguard and Grapple. Bodyguard will grant
recharge timer with no casting delay. Avoidance of Magic is your target complete immunity to melee attacks while it is
another good passive RA that will boost your resistance active. Grapple allows you to root a target and take away his
against magic-based damage types. At level two, you get a ability to use melee attacks.
five percent increase across the board.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

available for Hunters to manage their arrows more efficiently.
You can also access this window by clicking on the styles page
and clicking button on the bottom.

An example hotbar set-up might look like the following:

45 Bow, 35 stealth, 32 BC, 39 Spear, Sojurner Master Level

Track, Hunter

Hotbar 10 Hotbar 1 Hotbar 2

PBAoE Snare Stealth Rapidfire
(RR5 ability)

Volley Crit Shot icon Call of the Hounds

(beastcraft ability to
find enemy stealthers)

Bow Icon Bow Icon Shades of Mist Icon

The Hunter is perhaps the most challenging melee oriented Spear Icon Sureshot Icon AF Buff
(for enemy casters)
class to play in Midgard. Your weapon choices are a
Perforate Insta Pet Dex/quick buff
combination of range, stealth, and melee. In many ways the (side style, attack speed debuff)
Hunter’s war is similar to submarine warfare in World War II. Rear Style Spear Icon Pet str/con buff
Seldom supported by the rest of your fleet, you travel in packs (melee stun)

with people of similar skill and ability. Although you’re cut off Endurance potion/totem Engage Marisha’s Sharkskin Gloves icon
(anytime taunt)
from healing and rezzing, you’re duty is to stay ahead of the
rest of the realm’s army, supplying crucial intelligence to the StealthWounding Thrust Unending Breath Macro (/groundset 1999)
(follow to engage) (group underwater breathing) use to determine range of
enemy without drawing bow
main troops. Wolf packs, such as this, can pick off incoming
enemy troops or inflict harassing fire on a large convoy Rear style Charm Mammal Macro (/groundset 2300)
(melee stun) volley range macro
defending a relic carrier. Not unlike the submarines of old, the
Runspeed buff Charm Insect
Hunter may retreat to the defense of a safe haven by using
ranged attacks to keep the enemies at bay. All of the Hunter’s
Hunters have many abilities associated with their bow and
roles help the realm, such as intelligence gathering,
their weapon lines. As a result, you must decide which abilities
destroying lines of support, or supporting suppression.
you will use most often, and which you will use only in certain
situations. By placing abilities such as Rapidfire and the RR5
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR
ability, Sureshot, near the top of neighboring pages, you can
Your hotbar should be set up so your ranged attack, pet (if quickly switch pages and use the ability, then switch back to
they are BC specialized), weapon, and at least one style are your primary bar with minimal time lost. Sureshot, which
readily available. Some Hunters have one hotbar devoted allows an archer to fire even while being nuked by enemy
entirely to archery, with just their melee weapon on it so they casters, is on the primary bar in the above example because
can pull it out in an emergency. Other Hunters have just the casters do substantially faster damage than most other
bare minimum archery items on the main hotbar and spread enemy archetypes.
out toggle abilities. It’s a matter of personal preference and
what feels comfortable for you. The /quiver command is also


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

It is useful to use an assist macro in order to sync your crit Armor Piece Effect
shot with another Hunter. A synced crit shot is when two Chest Heal reactive proc
archers fire off a crit shot at the exact same time, at the same Legs Ablative proc
target so the arrows are in flight at the same time. This way, Sleeves Heal proc
one arrow will be absorbed by the target’s bladeturn while the Helm DoT proc
second will have its full impact. Against targets with no Gloves DD proc
bubble, this can result in high damage over a short time. To Boots DD proc (or str/con proc from ToA)
make a macro for this, follow this example: /macro Sync
/assist Opfor, where Sync is what will show up on the hotbar
button and Opfor is your fellow Hunter.
On the Battlefield
Hunters should use range macros to avoid destealthing
before they are ready, while they are trying to line up a shot. A
Solo Tactics
range macro allows the Hunter to send their visible ground There are two keys to being a successful solo Hunter: position
target out to some known range, and thus provide them with and an escape route. If you stand inside a bush or behind a
a visible range marker. For example, a Hunter has a bow range tree in an elevated position you can fire down on an enemy at
of 2000 units + elevation effect (might be negative) + ToA longer range with less chance of detection. The keystone of a
bonuses. If you create a macro for 1999 units, you can spam good position is a solid line of retreat. The majority of the
that macro until you see your ground target behind your time, staying in the same location over multiple kills will only
intended target, allowing you to be at max range before result in death. Much like the covert action sniper of modern
letting your arrows fly. You can also use this for Volley, which armies, it is important to relocate after a kill shot to avoid the
has a range of 2300. An example of a range macro is as enemy from converging on your firing position and
follows: /macro Volley /groundset 2300, where volley is the trapping you.
name of the macro and groundset 2300 is the action. Good spots for a solo Hunter include choke points or
commonly traveled routes, bridges, keeps and outposts, and
Armor/Weapon/Item Selection the areas around the transportation drop off and pick up
locations. Bridges provide an excellent range option that
Hunters wear studded armor and can choose between spear
allows you to engage targets at a substantial range advantage.
or sword specialization, and also carry a bow. The bow
Bridges also give you a time advantage as the enemy runs up
specializations are the primary reason to make a Hunter,
the stairs. In fact, the top of the bridges offers an excellent
because the rest of the aspects of a Hunter do not truly befit a
firing position because you can melee enemy players coming
melee class. Hunters can choose between sword specialization
up the ladder, and in many cases you get off a melee stun
and spear specialization, but should consider that Sword
while the enemy is stuck on the ladder. In the event the bridge
weapon skill is determined by strength alone, and Hunters
becomes overrun, the Hunter can always jump off into the
gain dexterity, not strength, as they level. Spear weapon skill
water, submerge, and attempt to escape into the depths.
(which determines chance to hit and how hard you hit) is
based 50% on strength and 50% dexterity.
You should put high-value reactive procs on your armor,
Group Role
with a concentration on heal procs, as the ablative procs do For a Hunter, a group can be one of two types; a stealth group
not stack efficiently with the Shades of Mist Cloak. So, instead or a standard group. Tactics for the two are quite different in
of a more ablative-centered suit of armor, you should choose many cases.
a heal reactive suit with a few reactive damage spells as well. For a stealth group, you should place yourself in a
The following is an example of an armor setup: position that gives you an unrestricted field of fire over the
areas in which your grouped Shadowblades plan to operate.
This allows you to provide covering fire down as they your
Shadowblade group mates attempt to assassinate people.
Should the Shadowblade end up in an unfair fight, the Hunter
can tilt the fight back in his favor by dispensing pain from


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

range. Also, you can use your pets to track down enemy enemy. This means that if the Hunter is low on health, they
stealthers or tie up enemy casters by interrupting them. can stand back and volley and still contribute to the defense.
For a non-melee group, the job of a Hunter is somewhat On keep offense, the task of the Hunter is a more
different. They can best support their group mates by staying complex. You will frequently need to roam along the siege
back next to the support classes and firing off arrows or pets front contributing suppressive fire in the form of volley on
into the enemy support classes to make it hard for them to portions of the keep walls that have too many enemies
function the battle. present or an excess of guard NPCs. You may also choose to
Finally, Hunters, if they have a high enough level in volley into the courtyard using ground targets set by friendly
beastcraft (30), have the ability to track down enemy Shadowblades who have climbed the walls to scout out the
stealthers by using the call of the hounds on a downed realm enemy. In other cases, you will need to sneak to a forward
mate. This sends out small dogs that will track down enemy position with the intent of waiting stealthed for enemy casters
stealthers and yap at them until players come up and attack. and archers to show themselves as they attack the siege force.
This assignment is a dangerous one and often leads to death.
Siege Strategy and Keep Defense Once the outer wall is compromised, the Hunter’s job
becomes easier. You can now use the outer walls and towers
to direct fire into the central keep structure, shoot at people in
windows, harass enemies on the rooftop who are manning
the boiling oil, operating the siege, or assisting the NPC guards
who are casting into the courtyard. Here volley becomes less
useful, as the arrows cannot hit people who are protected by
a roof.

Realm Abilities
Hunters have three things they need to concentrate on with
their realm ability selection. You must try to boost your bow
damage and your melee weapon damage, but still obtain
passive defense or active RAs. At realm rank five, Hunters gain
access to Entwining Spikes, a point blank area of effect
unbreakable snare.
To increase bow damage, a Hunter should concentrate on
In keep warfare, remember that elevation is key. The higher up Augment Dexterity and Falcon’s Eye. Augment Dexterity
above your enemies you are, the greater the range disparity increases the maximum weapon skill possible. Falcon’s Eye
between the two of you is. The higher up in elevation you are, increases the chance to critical hit with a regular, non-crit
the easier it is to escape line of sight. Clearly, the elevation shot arrow.
advantage will be to the defender more often then not. To increase melee damage, you should concentrate on
Once you’ve found the spot on the keep from which you Mastery of Pain and Augment Statistic. If you are spear
wish to fight, there are two things to remember. First, if you specialized, you should get augment dexterity and augment
shoot everyone one time, you will end up with more realm strength, which will have the greatest impact on weapon skill
points in the end than if you just shoot the same person over and aid the Hunter in carrying more arrows.
and over again. The second thing to remember is to pick a You should choose your RAs based on your intended
spot next to a hookpoint so you can buy an NPC healer. This fighting strategy. If you plan to fight outside a keep, then
will save you in the event you are out of heal range from Mastery of Stealth will allow you greater speed while stealthed
your healer. and provide a bare minimum warning before assassin strikes.
The keep-defending Hunter should also use his Volley skill,
an ability earned automatically at bow spec 40, 45, and 50.
Volley allows the Hunter to apply indirect, unaimed fire on the


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Face (David Francis)
This guide is intended as a general guide for the new level 50 Stealth: 29-35—dependent on Realm Rank, goal of having 50
Infiltrator. It is not an Advanced Strategy Guide. Instead, it stealth after bonus to stealth skill
focuses on strong foundational techniques required to build Envenom: 29-35—dependent on Realm Rank, goal of having
your own tailored advanced strategies 50 stealth after bonus to stealth skill
Traditionally, there have been three types of Infiltrators Dual Wield: 20-30—all remaining points are usually dropped
with variations of all spec lines. However, the three generic here after the requirements above are met
spec lines are outlined below.
There are numerous character builder applications on the Slash Infiltrator Specialization
web that can be used to play with possible character builds. A This specialization line is similar to that of the thrust Infiltrator
good Infiltrator will not just choose a "cookie cutter" template, in terms of play style. However, the trade off is that the slash
but will understand the way each skill affects the others and Infiltrator trades weapon skill that is based on both strength
how those skills will fit into the individual player's play style. and dexterity to one that is determined by strength alone.
This means that the strength/constitution debuffs hit the
Specialization Tips slash Infiltrator more harshly than that of the thrust Infiltrator.
• Each Point of Critical Strike will increase your maximum This sacrifice is made in favor of the nice any time styles
Perforate Artery by 9 points. granted through the slash line—namely Amethyst Slash and
• Each point of Dual Wield will increase your chance to Diamond Slash. Additionally, the slash weapon damage is
swing with your off hand by .5%. more effective against Midgard leather armor.
• Your weapon skill determines chance to hit and factors
into your overall dps by giving more consistent damage. Slash: 50—specialized high for weapon skill, but also for the
• Unless planning to respec early on, most Infiltrators plan follow-up to Amethyst Slash—Diamond Slash.
their first level 50 template around Realm rank 5 or 6. Critical Strike: 39-50—see thrust comments for this skill line
This means an early sacrifice of not using Lifebane or Stealth: 29-36—see thrust comments for this skill line
having 50 stealth while working up. Envenom: 29-35—see thrust comments for this skill line
Dual Wield: 20-30—see thrust comments for this skill line
Classic Infiltrator Thrust Specialization
Mercfiltrator (Mercenary/Infiltrator)
This is the more traditional specialization line for the Specialization
Infiltrator class. This style line is more finesse and reactionary,
This specialization line is the most radically different of the
with less front-load any time damage. This specialization line
three common Infiltrators, however more and more
takes advantage of the Dexterity increases the class gets as a
Infiltrators are training in this fashion. This type of Infiltrator
result of leveling to 50 and results in a higher weapon skill
usually maintains a Natural 50 in their chosen weapon skill.
than a slash Infiltrator. Thrust weapon skill is determined
They also choose to lower their Critical Strike, and sometimes,
equally by dexterity and strength.
Stealth and Envenom lines in favor of a high Dual Wield. Not
only will the Infiltrator swing frequently with the off hand, but
Thrust: 50—specialized high for weapon skill and the
a natural 50 in Dual Wield also grants the front positional style
controversial and notorious Dragonfang—reactionary evade
Dual Shadows.
style that includes a 5 second stun
Critical Strike: 39-50—39 gives the critical strike style stunning
stab. Some players take this skill line all the way to 50, though
most stop at 39 or 44.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Preparation for Battle Perforate Artery Page and Standard Default Hotbar (s+1)
1 Perforate Artery
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR
2 Stick
The hotbar set up impacts the player's ability to utilize the 3 Creeping Death
character's skill in battle. It is not enough to simply have the 4 Stunning Stab
right specializations. Infiltrators and Assassins must be able to 5 Garrote
navigate the Hotbar and adapt on the fly more than any other 6 Achilles Heal
class. Clumsy navigation usually results in death. While you 7 Stealth
have the luxury of stealth, you have to be able to make split 8 Dragonfang
second transitions and attacks—especially when fighting 9 Hamstring
other assassins. Reaction time is critical. It is important that 0 Leaper
you find a comfortable means to navigate and execute your
skills and styles seamlessly. Backstab II (s+2)
1 Backstab 2
Keyboard Configuration 2 Stick
You must have easy access to your nearest enemy button and 3 Thigh Cut
be able to use it in a split second while simultaneously 4 Pierce
following-up with your Critical Strike attacks. If an enemy 5 Garrote
assassin approaches you in stealth, you will have only a split 6 Achilles Heal
second to react. Fumbling with the mouse or hand positioning 7 Stealth
on your keyboard will mean death against a good assassin. 8 Dragonfang
Personally, I map my nearest enemy button to the [e] key. That 9 Hamstring
way I can constantly use the button with my index finger, 0 Leaper
while my ring finger is rested on the 1 key where the
Misc. Tab / RA tab (s+3)
Perforate Artery style sits.
Get comfortable switching quickly between multiple
1 Perforate Artery
Hotbar configurations. You can switch quickly if you hold the
2 Stick
shift key while hitting your 1, 2, 3, etc. keys.
3 Creeping Death
Create hotbars for the following situations and be able to
4 Stunning Stab
adapt quickly as each situation changes. A planned Perforate
5 Garrote
Artery attack might quickly require an adjustment to
6 Achilles Heal
Backstab. New key map features that have been added since
7 Stealth
game release are also available for consideration. I'm stuck in
8 Sprint
my ways and my key maps are not instinctual, so any change
9 Purge
to them destroys my timing. Your hotbar will change based on
0 Vanish
the spec line that you choose. I am specialized as a traditional
Weapon Change Page (s+4)
thrust Infiltrator at RR9. Try to be consistent:
1 Xbow
Example: My stealth button appears on each of my bars on
2 Right Hand
the seven key. As time goes on your hotbar will become
3 Left Hand
second nature and you will find that you rarely look at your
4 Back Weapon Slot
5 Garrote
6 Achilles Heal
* The following are only samples of what I use. These seem to 7 Stealth
work well for me and perhaps for you as a baseline or a place 8 Dragonfang
from which to start configuring. I encourage you to customize 9 Hamstring
for your personal comfort. 0 Leaper

PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Item Activation Page (s+5) your prey will pay off. Additionally, you must learn the
Use this page to put any bounty stones or alchemy potions on appropriate strategies against your different opponents.
your hotbar. Keep a supply of End stones, End potions, and Learn the enemy classes. Learn when to apply disease versus
Heal potions here, as well. Also put any other charged items debuff poisons. Know when to strafe to force evades for your
that you will be using on this page. reactionary combos and when to go with toe-to-toe fighting.
Learn who your soft targets are by name in the enemy realm
Armor/Weapons/Items Equipment and their classes so you can understand and gauge the odds
Today’s Assassin requires a bit more time to equip than when engaging while outnumbered. Be aware of your
before. With the release of Trials of Atlantis, the Infiltrator environment and learn the general movement routines of
needs to consider key additions to the equipment template in your enemy realms. Each suggestion I've provided here by
order to remain competitive. Generally, you should do your themselves will not necessarily make your break your
best to find some items that will augment your style damage, character's effectiveness in battle. However, it is the sum of all
melee damage, and melee speed. Additionally, most of these suggestions and the sum of your own techniques
Infiltrators and your opponents will also have items that add that will determine your overall effectiveness.
to Hits Cap, Constitution Cap, and other statistic caps. There
are some relatively easy quests and items that drop on Master
Weapon Selection
Level encounters which will enhance your equipment This of course goes beyond that of Slash vs. Thrust or
template nicely. Elemental (Legendary) vs. Traditional. You need to experiment
Lastly, consider adding legendary weapons into your and know when to switch weapons based on target and when
template. Heat weapons are effective against enemy leather to switch to reapply poisons. You must be able to switch
and have become common additions to Assassin templates. seamlessly on the fly while fighting. If you refer back to the
However, you must also balance that with traditional damage weapon selection hotbar above, you will see that some styles
type weapons for opponents not vulnerable to your specific are listed on the same page. You can change weapons while in
elemental damage weapon(s). combat seamlessly by simply clicking on the alternate
weapon, then hitting your style button.
You do not have to go overboard on artifacts. Find a nice
balance of player crafted/spell crafted items, and use artifacts Intelligence
to enhance that template so you don’t have to make too many This is a quick note in regard to intelligence. Nothing is more
sacrifices to your overall set up. annoying than reading in chat group—"Mids at <insert
Consider using these artifacts: location>." This does little to assist your realm. When giving
Intelligence, always state the following:
• Malice Axe
• Battler • Realm
• Golden Spear • Numbers
• Crocodile Tooth Dagger • What the general location is (Or as exact as you can give)
• Shades of Mist
• Golden Scarab Vest If you are unable to provide this information, you might
• Guard of Valor as well have said nothing at all.
• Belt of the Sun
Example: 2 FG (full groups) of Mids heading south of <insert
• Ring of Shades location>.

On the Battlefield With the new /realmwar map system and teleportation
A smart Infiltrator will find a strong balance of aggressiveness abilities, this role will alter. However, as supply lines are cut,
and patience. Realm Points are of course fun, but learning to this role for the Assassins will not disappear.
enjoy the sneaky part of your game and the patient stalking of


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Ambush Combat Many times only two or three may follow. If this is the
case, they might give pause as they see your partner covering
Ambush is probably what most people think of when they think
your back. If the chase persists, your archer can buy you the
of Assassin combat. However, the difference between simply
time you need to recover, grab some distance, and reengage.
becoming an annoyance along a well traveled path or an
This is risky, but pays off when you have worked with the
effective disruption of enemy movements requires more
same partner over and over.
thought than just repeatedly going to the same areas. Know the
enemy realm lay out. Know what the current hot targets are
3. Use the doors in the keeps to your advantage while
and keep apprised of the enemy movements. Balance that with
defending. Hit and recover inside.
providing effective intelligence to your realm in the chat groups
and battle groups. This role will change in New Frontiers with the 4. If you're part of a siege force assaulting a keep, coordinate
teleportation systems. However, as supply lines are cut this can your attacks with a partner or small group that you trust and
still be an effective part of the game, especially as the realms who will watch your back. With the addition of stealth
become more dependent on portal transportation. detection NPCs, you may have to take a trial run up the keep
The most important element to a sustained ambush effort walls to pull down any stealth detection NPCs. Once you've
is movement. Do not sit in one spot and hit over and over. Hit killed those NPCs, you have time to move freely on the walls
and move, and know where you will move to next. If you are without NPC interference.
with others, know your rendezvous points ahead of time. Use
/groundset to mark positions and to coordinate locations on 5. Disease is an important element of siege combat for
where to meet and move to next. If done correctly, you can assassins as it hinders heal spells. Learn to attack your
master an ambush area indefinitely. opponent with your DoTs/debuffs. Be able to switch weapons
in combat to apply disease so that if they catch a heal while
Keep/Siege Warfare you're bringing them down, you will still have the dps to finish
Keep warfare has changed dramatically since game release. the job.
New obstacles, such as added stealth detection abilities and
stealth detection NPCs, certainly provide new challenges. 6. Know when to retreat. Do not force your attacks. Be
However, the job is still important, especially with new confident enough to engage on the walls, and be confident in
courtyard battles inside the keeps while the center tower is your DPS so you know you can drop your opponent and
under siege. Effective assassins can give the enemy pause and escape. Do not force your attack and engage recklessly. Be
make them think before moving freely inside the keep walls. smart and patient. Use Vanish as a last resort and not as a
crutch. You should be able to kill and escape without it if
1. If you're defending a center tower while a prescience node you're smart.
is up, you can watch for soft targets on the ground while
observing from a balcony. Time your attacks, drop down, and Realm Abilities
take down soft targets. this technique usually succeeds The below list includes common Infiltrator Realm Abilities:
because your opponent is not looking for you to jump down • Augmented Strength
in front of them. They feel safe with the PN up and do not
• Augmented Dexterity
move as often as they might had the PN not been up. In this
• Toughness
circumstance the PN works to your advantage.
• Avoidance of Magic
2. Coordinate ambush attacks on those that stray a bit too far • Mastery of Pain
from their friends during the siege. This works exceptionally • Mastery of Stealth
well with an Archer as a partner. After the two of you drop your • Purge
target, your partner can watch your back while you get a few
• Viper
steps in escape. The archer can lay down some covering fire
• Vanish
while you pull any enemies that might be in chase further away
from the main force.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Roadworks (Lisa Forsyth)
The Mentalist has a couple of roles within Hibernia. This cloth- Preparation for Battle
wearing caster can be a total support with minimal damage
Setting Up Your Hotbar for RvR
role or a destructive fighter with several tools at hand.
Because the Mentalist is a formidable class, they have to be Depending on how far you have progressed in the game, a
very mindful of where they are within a battle or they will find Mentalist will use anywhere between 2 and 4 main bars for
themselves targeted and dead first. They also have to work RvR. One primarily for self shields and self buffing, a main
very closely with the other group members to ensure that the attack hotbar and another for secondary attacks or group
battle they find themselves in goes according to plan. support spells and a fourth for ML abilities/ artifacts.
There are 3 lines from which to choose when making a
Mentalist. It is often suggested to focus on your main ability An example of a hotbar for a light Mentalist is as follows.
first and use your secondary line as a backup.
Mana Mentalist is primarily a support role with minimal Attack Hotbar
damage due to the nature of the game today. If focused in this 1 Main Assist macro for target selection
line, you become your fellow caster’s best friend supplying 2 Quickcast
them with power regen, as well as a HoT (heal over time) spell 3 Stun
that will support your healers. The main damage in this line 4 Primary DD attack
comes from AoE (area of effect) DoT’s (Damage over time)—a 5 Secondary DD attack
poison that ticks damage. The DoT’s are extremely effective in 6 Single target DoT
holding enemies in a keep at bay. 7 Pet charm
Light Mentalist is the damage line, offering little or no 8 AoE attack
support for your fellow realm mates. Your job is to kill. Having 9 Realm Ability(MCL or Raging Power)
a single target DD (direct damage) and an AoE DD makes you 0 Power pot
extremely effective in killing your enemies, both on open field
and in keep battles. Also included in this specialization is the Buff Hotbar
ability to charm a companion, a pet, to assist you on the 1 Barrier of Power self buff
battlefield. 2 Barrier of Negation self buff
Mentalism Mentalist is a very nice example of a support 3 Supreme Powerguard self buff
role. With the ability to single target mez the enemy and 4 Power Regen buff
unmez and heal your group mates, this specialization can be a 5 Artifact
welcome addition to any RvR group. 6 Artifact
7 Artifact
8 Macro /use2 for artifacts

ML/Realm Ability Hotbar

1 Mystic Crystal Lore
2 Raging Power
3 Purge
4 Negative Maelstrom
5 Selective Blindness


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

The RA and the ML ability hotbars are dependant on how far On the Battlefield
advanced your character is within the game. Not all people
Always remember to keep your self buffs up! The buffs you
will choose the same RA’s. You should experiment with what
should be getting from your group naturalists include the
set up works for you in a given situation.
Base buffs: Dex, and con
Creating Useful Macros
Spec buffs: Acuity, dex/quick and strength/con
Casters don’t usually need a lot of macros. There is only one
that is extremely important, and that is assist. This macro can Solo Tactics
be set up manually each time a new tank assist is assigned, or
While a Mentalist should not find themselves in a solo
you can create a macro to generate the MA macro:
situation at all, there are a few tools at our disposal to make
fleeing a bit easier. This is dependant of course, on the enemy
/macro SetMA /macro MA /assist %t
you face. If you are head to head with another caster, the
battle is pretty much determined by who gets the first cast
This creates a macro icon for /macro MA /assist [name of
off. Quick cast stun is your friend. Once you have your enemy
person currently targeted]
stunned or otherwise stopped in his tracks, you can then
The MA macro can be placed on the main hotbar for use in
make the decision to fight or flee. Take time to remember that
selecting the same target as your primary group's tank
range plays an important part in caster survival and you
should use it to its benefit.
Armor/Weapon/Item Selection
Light Mentalists have an advantage over the other
Mentalists, like all casters, are restricted to cloth armor and Mentalists because they can charm pets and therefore have a
staffs. As a caster you will want to choose the armor and companion to help them in battle.
staffs that benefit most to your line of attack. Primary stats
are dexterity, acuity/intelligence, and constitution. When Group Role
choosing your pieces of armor, be sure to concentrate on
Mentalists in all their forms are an excellent class to have
these stats first.
within a group. They can back up heal, back up mez, unmez
Resist capping is essential to our well being. When putting
their comrades, and dish out the damage. It is all determined
together your suit, be sure to concentrate on resists. If
by the specialization one chooses. They, as are all casters, are
possible max both melee and magical resists.
dependant on their group members to help them stay alive.
A lot of items can be found to suit Mentalists on the
The ability to know when to use certain spells at your disposal
market explorer in the housing zone, while other items can be
is something that each will learn as they play the class. Light
found randomly dropping off mobs. There are also artifacts
Mentalists have an AoE DD available to them, and Mana
that will help you get the most out of your character. Some
Mentalists have an AoE DoT available. Both of these, for
examples of these are as follows:
example, need to be used with caution when working with a
mezzer in your group.
Traldor’s Oracle
Staff of the Gods
Siege Strategy and Keep Defense
Taratos Gift
Nailah's Robes Mana Mentalists shine here. With AoE DoT they can turn the
Cloudsong course of battles with the massive interrupts they deal to the
Crown of Zahur enemy’s casters and healers. The tactic here is a hit fast and
Belt of the Moon hide fast when attempting this from the wall. Get your enemy
Tablet of Atlantis pre targeted, quick cast your AoE and duck back out of view.
It’s always best to warn your local healer that you are pulling
Everything you do is dependant upon your power bar, so this tactic. It will ensure your survival if your group knows
keep a fair amount of power potions in your inventory as well how you intend on playing.
as a couple of end potions to help with kiting on the field.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Light Mentalists with their AoE DD can help keep enemies
at bay and work with other members of their group to dish
out the most damage as possible, as well as helping to
interrupt the enemy. Enemy doors or fonts are a good way to
get a stable AoE target.
Awareness of the line of sight and how to use it to the
best of your ability is very important to learn. Listening to
your group mates about when to not use AoE and when to
revert to using single target damage attacks is of up most

Realm Abilities
Tips on choosing helpful Realm Abilities
There are a number of RA’s available for Mentalists. Mentalists
benefit from RA’s that will help their casting speed, their
power pool, and their overall survival out on the field. Some of
the more popular ones that Mentalists have the option to
choose from are:
• Augmented Dexterity—Increases dex by a listed amount
per level.
• Augmented Acuity—Increases primary casting stat by a
listed amount per level.
• Wild Power—Increases chance to deal a critical hit with
spells that do damage by listed percentage.
• Mastery of Magery—Additional effectiveness of
magical damage.
• Serenity—Increases amount of power regenerated
per tick.
• Mystic Crystal Lore—Grants a refresh of power based on
the level of this ability. Not usable in combat.
• Raging Power—Grants a refresh of power based on the
level of this ability. Usable in combat.
• Purge—Removes all negative effects, but leaves any
applicable immunity timers in place.
• Physical Defense—Reduces all physical damage taken.
• Negative Maelstrom—6 Tick AoE DoT with a 350 radius.
• Class unique Realm ability given to all at RR5:
• Selective Blindness—When cast on an enemy player or
pet this debuff will prevent that player or pet from being
able to attack the Mentalist for 20 seconds.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Kiamar (Gilles Gagnon)
The Mercenary is mainly an offense-oriented melee class with stone, or charged item during combat. Skilled Mercenaries use
some secondary defensive abilities. The dual wield line grants such macros to quickly activate important abilities such as
the class good side and front positional styles to deal strong Endurance Heal, Endurance Regeneration, Haste, Heal, and/or
and fast damage. Access to chain mail armor and being on the a special Artifact ability. The /assist <player> macro is
“tank” hitpoint table also means that the Mercenary will be essential in situations where the Mercenary’s role is assisting a
more resilient than nearly all the other classes in Albion. group member. An enter/exit macro is also suggested to allow
the player to quickly teleport in an out of a keep.
Preparation for Battle
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR Armor/Weapon/Item Selection
Each palyerplayer decides what realm abilities and skill Once a Mercenary reaches level 50, the player should create a
specialization is placed on their hotbar for Mercenaries. template of dropped items and spell crafted items to
Typically, the hotbar should have about three to five slots maximize important resists and attributes. For spell crafted
reserved for active realm abilities such as Purge, Ignore Pain, gear, players should seek an Armor Factor of 102 chain, that’s
Charge, Blinding Dust, and Empty Mind. One slot should also at least 99% quality (it is preferable to acquire masterpiece
be reserved for Flurry, while the rest are used for combat armor due to the higher utility for spell crafting). Mercenaries
styles, macros, charged items, potions, and other abilities. should also take advantage of the melee haste items and
More skilled Mercenaries will set up multiple hotbar tables for slow-speed weapons in Atlantis. A common tactic to maximize
different situations. For example, a Mercenary in a situation baseline damage for melee characters is to equip the slowest
where a stun would be useful would use Reflection and weapons possible, offsetting the slow swing speed with high
Hypnotic Darkness with an anytime style or Dual Shadows as a quickness, melee haste and castable/charged haste. Certain
back up. A more general RvR template would consist of drops in ToA are also useful since they can raise stat caps or
switching the parry/stun styles for the heavy damaging side have unique abilities. It is highly recommended to increase the
chain, Flank and Shadow’s Rain. maximum strength cap by up to the 26 point cap and reach
the 10% melee haste cap. The Battler tends to drop good chain
Keyboard Configuration sleeves, Chimera can drop a nice Hauberk, and Phoenix drops
really nice Chain Leggings. In addition, artifacts such as
A favored keyboard configuration includes the use of w for
Eirene’s Hauberk, Battler, Bruiser, Malice’s Axe, Spear of Kings,
forward, s for backward, a for turning left, d for turning
and Crocodile Tooth Dagger tend to be favored by
right, [q]for strafe left, and [e] for strafe right. From this basic
Mercenaries. Jewelry from high-level quests and epic
set up, the z, x, c, f, r, and v keys are close at hand to
monsters make the final additions that help maximize the
be utilized by your index and ring finger while the z
stats on a Mercenary.
and a key can be used by your thumb. These keys should
have important commands attached to them such as /face,
/stick, Sprint, attack, and quick binds of macros or other
items on your hotbar.

Creating Useful Macros

There are a few useful macro setups that can be placed on
your hotbar with the option of binding them to a key. The
/use and /use2 (for Artifacts) commands are recommended
since the player may need to quickly use a potion, bounty


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

On the Battlefield alive and supporting your assault along with the situation
with your opponents is the key strategy to effective melee
Solo Tactics
combat. Never allow yourself to be kited out of support range
If soloing, rely more on the parry/stun styles and Blinding from the main group. It is also extremely important that the
Dust against assassins or solo melee enemies. Use Charge to player does not charge recklessly and be prepared to
close the distance against ranged foes. withdraw or switch targets.
As the main assist, it is essential that the Mercenary
Group Role doesn’t just target the nearest enemy, but instead takes the
NOTE time to select key support targets. Bards and Shamans are the
This is not related to siege warfare. highest priority targets, followed by the main healing classes
and cloth casters. If assisting another, don’t peel off after the
This class is the ideal choice as main assist for other melee first kill. Constantly /stick to the main assist and either use
classes, since the Mercenary has abilities that help reach /assist or manually target the main assist’s enemy.
targets quickly, interrupt casting, and break through the
defenses of enemy players. Innate abilities such as Prevent Realm Abilities
Flight and having a high chance at swinging the offhand All Mercenaries should gain at least level two in Purge and
weapon help Mercenaries break through Bladeturn spells and level one in Charge as soon as possible. These two abilities are
keep targets from fleeing while Flurry can aid with extremely essential to help overcome crowd control and reach
interrupting spell casting. Stoicism and the Charge and Purge melee range with enemies. There are also a number of useful
realm abilities can further aid Mercenaries in quickly defensive realm abilities, but the more favored ones involve
overcoming crowd control spells to reach enemy targets. If obtaining high levels in Avoidance of Magic and/or Ignore
not chosen as main assist, Mercenaries should then assist a Pain. Favored offensive abilities include Augmented Strength
designated group mate to stack damage. In regards to and Mastery of Pain to boost damage and increase the chance
defensive roles, Mercenaries can use Intercept to take the for a critical hit.
damage from an attack and Prevent Flight to aid group mates
in kiting. The Mercenary who specializes in Shield can also use
Guard on support classes. Master abilities of either Banelord or
Battlemaster can further augment the capability of the
Mercenary in their chosen role.

Siege Strategy and Keep Defense

Mercenaries should learn to utilize siege equipment for both
keep offenses and defenses. If not operating any siege
equipment, a Mercenary can try helping with attacking doors.
They can hug the walls to keep out of Line of Sight during an
attack. In a defense, a Mercenary should remain out of Line of
Sight and either help defend key casters or hold positions near
the keep door or breached wall.
In open field battles, it is important that the Mercenary be
aware of the enemy number and positions. You should also be
conscious and keep track of any damage you receive, along
with the health of group mates and the source of the attacks
(use the group mini tab). The Mercenary should try to reach
enemy support targets to deal damage. However, knowing the
capabilities of your group mates in regards to keeping you


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Kallisti (Andrew Prentis)
Armor/Weapon/Item Selection
One of the big issues we face as Minstrels is that we are
constantly swapping between weapons, drum, flute, and lute;
which can change your item bonuses. It is always best to try
to duplicate the relevant bonuses on the various equipment.
For example, have a plus slash or thrust on the weapon/shield
instead of on your armour, as you would not need those
bonuses while using an instrument.
Things that give plus instruments are useful if you plan on
using charmed pets. It also increases the damage of the DD
shouts marginally.

On the Battlefield
Solo Tactics
Minstrels have two very useful abilities to allow them to work
Minstrels are Albion’s primary speed class, secondary
solo: stealth and pet charming. These two abilities, however,
mesmerizer, and stealth support.
are mutually exclusive. You can not stealth with a
charmed pet.
Preparation for Battle The Minstrel charm is unusual in that it will allow you to
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR charm monsters significantly above your level, although they
You should have your left weapon, two handed (2H), and will be hard to keep charmed. With the merging of the three
ranged slots mapped to your keyboard. These will act as frontier areas into one contiguous area, this gives Minstrels
weapon, drum, and flute/lute keys. You no longer need these plenty of scope for pets:
lots mapped to the hotbar. • Frost Stallions from Midgard
Your first hotbar should contain your most commonly • Mindworms from Hibernia
used offensive tools. These include the direct damage (DD) • Hoary Worms from Albion
shouts, stun mesmerize, and most importantly de-mesmerize. • Ellyl guards, windwalkers or sages from Albion
You may also wish to put Speed of Sound (SoS) or Ignore Pain
• Various Isolationists from Albion
(IP) here; arguably two of the most important RAs for
There are lots to choose from, each with its own pros
Minstrels. Other RAs and abilities, such as Purge can be
and cons.
mapped to keys using /qbind. You can also map Speed Song
to 1, Charm to 2, Stealth to 3, and Purge to 4.
Group Role
If you use a master assist, it may be a good idea to assign
this to a key too. In a group, one of the most important Minstrel roles is as the
One trick to creating easy assist macros is to set up this provider of top-level speed, speed five. The transportation
macro: /macro makea /macro assist /assist %t. Pressing changes introduced in Frontiers have diminished the necessity
this macro will automatically create an assist macro for the for speed five a little, but it is still a vital tool in a
person you have currently targeted. group’s armoury.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

In combat, a Minstrel’s role is many-fold: Realm Abilities
• Demezz
Speed of Sound (SoS) is still one of the most important RA for
• Mezz enemy
Minstrels to have. This is a group speed increase ability.
• Interrupt enemy casters with DD, stun, mez, confuse, Purge in combination with Demez is one of the most
item procs valuable tools available. Purge removes all negative effects.
• Ablative shield Ameliorating Melodies will be important if you are a group
• Melee, either as part of the assist train or as part of the Minstrel, especially if you specialize in stealth groups. Even
interrupt function above. though it will not heal you, it may keep your group alive and
be of overall benefit.
Siege Strategy Mastery of Stealth will help the stealth performance of
Minstrels with the Warlord Master Level ability should be
Wild Minion will be of benefit to pet charming Minstrels as
operating siege equipment. They can operate it 30% faster
it increase the chance of the pet to do a critical hit.
than anyone else.
Mastery of Pain, Mastery of Magery, and Wild Power will
Minstrels are the only non-assassin class to have climb-
help by increasing a Minstrels overall damage output.
walls, so using this and stealth will allow them to interfere
Avoidance of Magic and The Empty Mind will help them
with keep defenders, either siege weapon operators, or other
survive better against offensive magic.
defenders. Working alongside infiltrators, Minstrels can
With the increased reliance upon siege warfare, the Lifter
mezz/stun enemies for the infiltrators to kill quickly. Minstrels
RA, is useful giving the character the ability to carry more
with Ameliorating Melodies RA can help keep their infiltrator
siege materials and may affect the outcome of longer battles.
group-mates alive inside a keep.
The Realm Rank Five RA given to Minstrels is Calming
Notes: It is an Insta-cast spell that mesmerizes all enemy pets
Keep Defense
within 1000 radius for 30 seconds. This ability is very useful in
Minstrels with the Warlord Master Level ability should be situations where there are many enemy pets. The area effect
operating siege equipment. They can operate it 30% faster of this RA is huge—a circle 2000 units across! That should
than anyone else. encompass the whole battlefield. This RA will affect all pets
The defensive role of the Minstrels in Keep Defense is that that can be mesmerized.
of mesmerising the enemy. Ablative chant is useful for
defenders on the walls and siege equipment, who are likely to
take non-magical damage.
Anti-Mez support: de-mesmerising your allies can often
turn the tide of a battle your way. Don’t just Demez your own
group, but watch for other mezzed people and Demez
them also.
Remember in Frontiers, it’s not just about personal victory.
If you successfully defend a keep you get realm point rewards.
It is no longer about how many enemies you kill; it’s about
winning the fight with your colleagues and earning
the reward.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Odoggcromancer (David Brox) & Hamunaptra (Danny Mitchell)
The Necromancer is one of Albion's most common PvE Preparation for Battle
classes, but is often overlooked or put aside for RvR activities.
This is unfortunate because although the Necromancer can be
less forgiving and sometimes more challenging to play in RvR, Because of the level difference on the Necromancer pet (blue
it has a tremendous amount of potential and capabilities. In con lv44 pet), the Necromancer often depends highly on a
order to be effective in RvR combat, a Necromancer must pay wide range of buffs. The Necromancer pet greatly benefits
close attention to its pet as well as understand how to from the buffs as it follows the lines of charmed pets which
respond to specific types of threats such as melee versus are a bit less restrictive on buff caps than player characters. A
caster class enemies. fully buffed Necromancer should have dex/qck, dex, acuity on
There are three main focus paths from which the shade and str/con, dex/qck, armor factor, renewal, acuity,
Necromancers can choose. Like most caster classes, dex, qck, str, and armor factor (base) on the pet. Resistances
Necromancers will normally focus almost exclusively on their and heal proc buffs from enhancement clerics are also very
primary path and only put a little bit of focus into a secondary useful. Death sight Necromancers have an absorption buff
skill. The specific abilities of each path determine how the that should be refreshed on group members and their pet on
Necromancer is most useful in combat. a regular basis.
Death Sight is often the most popular specialization for
Necromancers. Death Sight offers a good balance of abilities Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR
to compete with both melee and caster type enemies. With The Necromancer hotbars used for RvR are similar to those
ranged armor factor debuff, ranged power drain, and a used in PvE. This consists of 2 main hotbars one for attacks
ranged life tap as single target attacks, the Necromancer can and the other for buffs and special abilities.
stand behind the front lines of a battle and play as a caster An example hotbar configuration for a Death Sight
against enemy fighters and casters. With the high absorption Necromancer could look like:
buffs, a strong pet, and short ranged instant life taps the Main Attack Hot Bar
Necromancer can also be very vicious in close combat with
enemy fighters and casters.
Painworking is focused more on area of effect type
attacks. The AoE abilities of a painworking Necromancer can 1 PBAoE (Used for uncovering stealthers)
be useful in open field combat to snare, debuff, and DoT 2 Non Specialized Lifetap
(damage over time) multiple targets during a battle. The AoE 3 Specialized (Insta) Life Tap
snare and debuffs are often good at interrupting enemy 4 Power Tap
casters and uncovering stealthers while the point blank AoE 5 Facilitate Painworking (FP)
DoT ability offers additional damage output when the 6 Pet Damage Reflect
Necromancer is caught in the middle of the fight. 7 AF Debuff (specialized)
Death Servant is more specialized for close combat with 8 Snare/DD
their damage reflect buffs, instant cast DD shouts, and point 9 AF (nonspecialized) Debuf
blank AoE attacks. Although they still have the baseline 0 Pet Heal over Time
abilities for ranged life tap the death servant specialized
Necromancer is more adept for stepping into the middle of a
battle and fighting up close and personal with its enemies
while the enemy fighters beat themselves to death on the
21dps damage reflect shield.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Pet, Buffs, and special abilities advantage of facilitate pain abilities. Use FP to force cast a
power drain of an emergency life tap in combination with the
instant cast life tap if power or health start to fall.
Death Servant: A Death Servant Necromancer can also be
1 Sprint a vicious foe in solo combat against enemy fighters. Although
2 Summon Pet they don’t have the FP+ power tap ability to recover power
3 Str/Con Pet Buff during a fight, nor the instant life taps to recover health, they
4 Dex/Qck Pet Buff have a tremendous damage reflect shield, PBAoE, and direct
5 Absorption Buff damage instant shouts that can take down enemy tanks very
6 Specialized Pet dex/qck buff (if specialized for this) quickly.
7 Pet Unmez Use ranged life tap or DD/Snare abilities until the enemy
8 ML Ability or RA Ability gets within melee range. Cast the damage reflect shield on the
9 Power Transfer (lesser cost) or ML/RA ability pet and the heal over time. Use DD shouts to take down the
0 Power Transfer primary target as quickly as possible
Painworking: Painworking Necromancers have DoT and
Creating Useful Macros debuffs for use in combating enemy fighters while solo. Use
Like other casters, the main macros used by a Necromancer ranged life tap to inflict damage on the enemy until they get
will be associated with target selection. Setting up an ASSIST or within melee range. Cast the heal over time on the pet and the
MA macro can help for quicker target selection in helping the damage reflect shield if available as they get close. As the
group's main tank focus on a common target. melee starts, cast the instant single target DoT until it sticks
on the target as the pet engages into combat. Once the pet is
/Macro ASSIST /assist [main tank name] engaged in melee combat, use FP to quick cast the PBAoE DoT
ability while the shade casts the instant str/con debuff to
On the Battlefield reduce enemy strength. Keep the heal over time active by re-
casting it periodically if it expires. FP can be used to cast either
Solo Tactics another PBAoE DoT, or single target life tap as it becomes
Death Sight: A Death Sight Necromancer can be a very mean available.
solo character against melee type enemy fighters. A fully Against enemy casters, all three specialization lines of the
buffed Death Sight Necromancer can often successfully battle Necromancer have similar tactics. Try to get a pet into melee
an enemy tank with little difficulty and has been known to range before the caster can stun or kill the pet. Once engaged
single handedly take out 3 or 4 enemy stealthers at times. in melee, use instant cast abilities to lifetap or debuff or
However, the slow cast times associated with the damage the caster. FP can be used with the targeted lifetap or
Necromancer pet make it very difficult to compete against PBAoE to inflict additional damage.
enemy casters.
When fighting enemy fighters and stealthers, use ranged Group Role
attack armor debuff, then power drain, and deal as much
Death Sight: Death Sight Necromancers bring a lot of utility to
damage to the enemy as possible before they reach you. Once
a group. They are pretty much the middle line between the
they are within melee range, hit damage reflect shield and pet
tanks and the casters in battle. During group or large scale
heal over time. Let the pet beat on the enemies and watch its
combat encounters, the Death Sight Necromancer is better off
health. When the pet starts taking some damage, use the
to stay behind the tanks and use AF debuff and power tap to
short range “instant” life tap to siphon life from the enemy
assist their group's main tank in destroying the enemy. They
tank to restore the pet's health. Keep in mind when fighting
can also help protect their casters from enemy tanks or
multiple enemies, the pet can be told to attack a specific
stealthers that show up behind the front lines. The Death
enemy (healer perhaps) and the instant life taps can be used
Sight Necromancer can also be useful by power tapping
to keep enemy stealthers uncovered, or take out softer targets
enemies, then transferring that power to their realmmates
that have fewer hit points. It is also important to take
casters and healers where needed.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Painworking: Painworking Necromancers are more useful for the pet. If the pet gets too far away from its master, the
in the middle of the battle. They are responsible for debuffing link will break and the now vulnerable Necromancer will find
enemies with AoE str/con debuff and throwing out damage in himself standing near the enemy force and facing near instant
the form of their PBAoE and close range DoT. These death. The Necromancer pet should be kept on passive unless
Necromancers have to be very careful if working with a group it is explicitly ordered to attack an enemy target. This helps
that is using any form of crowd control (mezmorization or prevent the pet from wondering off on its own after some
root). Painworking Necromancers can also attack enemies random target.
using their base line life tap or use their pet to attack enemy
casters to keep them interrupted. Realm Abilities
Death Servant: Death Servant Necromancers like to get There are a number of realm abilities (RAs) available to
right into the mix of things. With their damage reflect shield, Necromancers. The Necromancer will benefit from abilities
PBAoE, and direct damage shouts, they are most suited for that increase their dex, int, and casting capabilities. Some of
being right up close battling enemy tanks and shouting at the popular abilities include:
casters. FP can be used to either life tap a nearby enemy to • Augmented Dexterity: Increases dexterity
recover lost health, or to cast a PBAoE or two in the middle of
• Augmented Acuity: Increases primary casting stat
nearby enemies. Don’t use AoE abilities here if the enemies are
• Wild Power: Increases chance to deal a critical hit with
mezmorized or rooted.
spells that do damage
During group combat, the Necromancer should be very
aware of their pet's condition. If it becomes apparent that the • Wild Minion: Increases chance of pet dealing a critical hit
pet is going to be lost, the Necromancer should start looking by melee or spell
for something to hide behind. Sprint to a safe spot before the • Mastery of Magery: Additional effectiveness of
pet is lost. This allows the Necromancer to begin casting a new magical damage
pet as soon as the other is lost. A Necromancer without their • Mastery of Concentration: Grants a 100% chance of not
pet is very vulnerable. being interrupted by any form of attack when casting
a spell
Siege Strategy • Mystic Crystal Lore: Grants a refresh of power based on
The Necromancer traditionally has had a rough time in keep the percentages listed; cannot be used when in combat
siege/defense type combat due to line of sight difficulties. For • Raging Power: Grants a refresh of power based on the
the most part, Necromancers are helpful with clearing guard percentages listed; can be used when in combat
spawns from keeps as their buffed pet makes a solid tank • Negative Maelstrom: 6 tick AoE DoT with a 350 radius;
against keep guards. They should also work with fellow the damage starts at the listed amount and increases
casters and healers to help replenish power with power by that amount each tick; 2 second non-interruptible
transfers, and keep realm mates buffed with absorption buffs. cast time
• Ichor of the Deep: Spirit-based root plus direct damage
Keep Defense spell with a 500 radius; damage and duration as listed; 2
When defending a keep, the Necromancer can use their pet second non-interruptible cast time
for attacking enemies while keeping in mind that once the pet • Class Unique: Call of Darkness (obtained automatically at
starts taking damage, the shade can move away to a safer Realm Rank 5); allows the Necromancer to summon a pet
spot behind the walls to recast a new pet. This is great for with only a 3 second cast time.
causing distractions by sacrificing a pet to draw enemy fire.
Necromancers are also good for scouting and setting ground
targets. The shade can often move into plain sight to get good
visual and set targets while leaving their pet out of targeting
sight or range.
It is critical to keep a close eye on the pet and the setting


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Eureka (Shaun Dugan)
Nightshades are the assassin class of Hibernia. With their Armor/Weapon/Item Selection
innate magical abilities, they are the only assassin class of the
At one point you could get away with capping only your
three realms that are able to use spells to magnify their
melee and body resists on an assassin, but presently it's
offensive ability. Using poisons, critical strikes, and keen
necessary to cap some magic resists because of legendary
tactics (no pun intended) on the battlefield, a Nightshade is
weapons. Make sure you cap heat above all else, because heat
designed to make quick strikes and slink back into the
legendary weapons will hurt you more than any other melee
shadows. A majority of a Nightshade's battles will take place
weapon in the game if you don't. All stats and skills should be
with the other realms' stealthers, but they may also be called
capped and having some ToA bonus items is definitely a plus.
upon by a realm to take down soft targets, such as healers
Acquiring an artifact with the Stealth Lore ability is also nearly
and casters.
essential, or else you'll be walked all over by artifact-collecting
Infiltrators and Shadowblades.
Preparation for Battle
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR On the Battlefield
A good way to set up any assassin's hotbar is to have Solo Tactics
everything you will need for specific situations on one hotbar.
Solo life for a Nightshade can be easy, depending on the
That is, have everything you would do while stealthed (which
targets you pick. Mainly try to pick on stragglers of large
would include poisoning your weapons, critical strikes) on one
armies and other solo assassins if you want to be at all
hotbar. Designate another hotbar for when you're actually
effective. More than one of anything when you're a low realm
engaged in melee combat with an enemy. There are plenty of
rank is a quick way to meet death.
hotbars you can fill up on your Nightshade depending on the
situation. Plan your hotbars around what kind of fights you
Group Role
seem to find yourself in the most.
In groups, go for soft targets of your enemy realms. Knock out
Keyboard Configuration their healers and casters first with your critical strikes.

This depends on personal comfort more so than anything

Siege Strategy and Keep Defense
else. Having keys you use more often (sprint, switching
weapons, etc.) closer together will probably work for you In sieges, go for the soft targets if you're on the attacking side.
better in the long run. If you're defending, you may want to guard the walls from
other assasins going for your casters and healers.
Creating Useful Macros
A useful macro for assassins that group together is
Realm Abilities
/groundtarget assist [name]. Any assassin you group with Purge, Mastery of Stealth, and Vanish are going to become the
(mainly the one named in the macro) can then set a more popular realm abilites for assassins. Viper is also
groundtarget on his present location or his destination. When something worth looking at it if you plan on relying on your
you assist him, his groundtarget will show up on your screen Envenom skill heavily.
as a nice yellow marker, which will make navigation while
stealthed much easier than trying to describe which tree to
meet at.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Greggar (Jeremy Thomas)
The Paladin is a hybrid Fighter/Support class who combines second creates a target change macro for when people are
great support, high defense and good offense into a well- using you to assist off; informing them the target has
rounded class. changed. This is: /macro Change /group Changing target
to %t!.
Preparation for Battle To make a new assist macro, target the person you will be
assisting off and push /macro Make /macro Assist /assist
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR %t. This creates a new button to place on your quickbar.

Generally a Paladin will use two quickbars in combat. The first

Armor/Weapon/Item Selection
contains the main styles he uses along with the main chants.
The second contains secondary styles that are only applicable Spend time in Trials of Atlantis (ToA) getting artifacts and/or
in certain situations, along with duplication of the main rare drops from Master Level raids. Do the quests: Lost Stone
chants. There will also be at least two bars of miscellaneous of Arawn (SI), Parade for a Paladin (ToA), Stone King (ToA),
things that are not necessary to access in the heat of combat. Search for Seven Coins (ToA), Sacrificial Rites (ToA), Telgar’s
This includes setting Protect, Intercept, the Paladin Redemption (ToA), and Lost Treasure (SI). This will get you a
Resurrection, resist chants, the self-Armor Factor buff very good selection of jewelry to work with.
and more. Generally you want the slowest weapon you can find. The
Each combat bar must contain the taunt shout, as it is the weapon with the highest SPD value on right-click is the one
Paladin’s only method of interrupting at range, and the chants you want. This is especially important for two-hand Paladins.
you wish to twist in combat. This generally includes The Artifacts Malice’s Axe and Bane of Battler are the preferred
Endurance, Damage Add, and Heal. Although, one of the weapons. Although, if you like to solo and hunt stealthers,
stacking tri-resist chants makes a good substitute for the then a Pyroclasmic Legendary weapon that does heat damage
Heal Chant. will come in handy.
For shields, try and find a fast Large Shield for quick styles.
Keyboard Configuration
Having a poor keyboard configuration can cripple you in
On the Battlefield
combat. You must be able to access the important commands Solo Tactics
and your movement keys with a single hand, leaving your First, get buffs. Almost everyone else you face will be buffed,
other hand free to use the mouse for target selection. and being unbuffed puts you at a serious disadvantage.
Bind /stick, /face, last attacker, nearest enemy, combat Avoid the high traffic areas such as bridges, or direct
mode, sprint, and runlock to keys close to your chosen routes from one keep/tower to another, unless you can find
movement keys. w ,a, s, d are generally preferred, as the some scenery in which to hide. You can’t kill groups, but you
arrow keys leave few nearby keys for binding important may be able to kill soloers or take out a person or two in a
commands. /qbind (/qbind [bar#] [slot#]) must not be small group.
neglected; binding realm abilities or master abilities with this Heal Chant is your advantage in solo combat; make sure it
allows you to quickly use them without shuffling through is on your combat bars. Kiting your enemy can help, by
your quickbars. sprinting, you run them out of endurance while your
Endurance Chant keeps you at full. Use Engage, if you’re a
Creating Useful Macros one-hand Paladin, to block the initial hits and use up the
There are two macros that are really applicable to the Paladin. enemy’s endurance. If you’re a two-hand Paladin, try and
The first creates an assist macro, allowing you to manoeuvre yourself to use your powerful positional styles.
automatically target the same enemy as someone else. The


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Group Role the Paladin, as it stacks fully with everything and provides a
good bit of extra damage. Level one is a must, as are levels
The Paladin’s primary duty is keeping as many people in your
two and three, once you can afford them. Every Paladin must
group supplied with endurance as possible. Even support
have Longwind one. Avoidance of Magic is a good buy,
classes need endurance for sprinting. Your role beyond this
reducing both damage from casters, as well as Crowd Control
varies depending on your choice of specialization line, master
times. Vehement Renewal is a worthwhile purchase if you are
level abilities, and group setup. You might be asked to
more interested in healing the group than yourself, otherwise
Bodyguard someone, attack with the tanks, or simply hang
Ignore Pain is better. Wrath of the Champion if taken, should
back and peel enemy tanks off your support classes. Always
be level three, and stack it with other sources of PBAoE.
pay attention to your group, and be ready to shift your role at
For the one-hand Paladin, Mastery of Blocking is naturally
a moment’s notice. Use a User Interface that shows the
a good choice, increasing both your self-defense and your
endurance levels of the people in your group, and always
ability to Guard someone. Because of your lower damage
ensure it is at 100% when you are moving between fights. If
output than a two-hander, you get a lower absolute boost
you’re a one-hand Paladin, make sure you can quickly shift
from things like Augmented Strength or Mastery of Pain, but
Guard to whoever is taking a beating, generally putting Guard
the relative boost is still the same. So these are worth
on one of your combat bars. If you’re a two-hand Paladin,
investing in, with Augmented Strength being better than
never neglect your positional snare styles. Doubler has a very
Mastery of Pain.
long snare attached to it. Hit an enemy tank with this and then
For the two-hand Paladin, RAs that increase the damage you
leave them alone, or continue to apply it to them and you will
do, such as Augmented Strength and Mastery of Pain, will be
easily be able to allow your group mates to run away from
your staples. Augmented Strength, allows you to increase
the attacker.
Weaponskill and thus break through defenses more, as well as
increase your average damage. It is the best buy out of the
Siege Strategy
Bring along some siege equipment so you can run it. Keep Because of your lower defense compared to a one-hand
enemy guards off your support classes, and always be ready Paladin, purchases like Toughness and Augmented
for a respawn. Help out on rams to increase their damage, Constitution may be worthwhile. Mastery of Parrying can be
and be ready to take over siege equipment if the original good, though you should not expect to get into many fights
owner dies. with enemy tanks.

Keep Defense
Use Palintones to attack enemy siege weapons. If you have
money and/or bounty points to spare, buy some NPC guards
to help out. Keep out of Line of Sight as best you can, and
avoid standing next to people or NPCs who are in Line of
Sight—you’ll get caught in area of effects from them. When
the last door falls, position yourself with other tanks, and
preferably just after a sharp turn where you are out of Line
of Sight from range, so people have to come to you to
attack you.

Realm Abilities
You should get at least Purge One, and preferably Purge Two if
you are of a higher realm rank and can afford it. Anger of the
Gods is probably one of the best Realm Abilities available to


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Britomartis & Larien
Rangers are an interesting and fun class to play. Your role is loot, etc). Just make sure it’s something you find natural to
difficult to define, based on the variety of specializations use, is easy to remember, and you can react quickly!
available, and on your play style. You have ranged damage, so
you have stealth and better survivability than a caster. You
can melee fairly well and can stand your own as a second
wave fighter in battles either at range or hand-to-hand.
A popular idea for archers at this stage of the game is to
be an interrupter and diversionary. You have some tools to
cause interrupts to enemy casters (Sureshot and Rapidfire),
you can scout, and cause the enemy to change tactics with
your stealth and range via Volley.

Preparation for Battle

Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR
Hotbars and keyboard settings are a personal preference;
however, you want to be able to access all of your most
important skills and abilities with the minimum number of
keystrokes. Swapping hotbars often can lead to disaster if you
meant to shoot off rapid-fire, but instead keep trying to cast
Creating Useful Macros
your Strength buff. Start with a melee hotbar, with your
weapon swap out. Use the melee styles that you find the most This is just a straight listing of some of the most useful
useful, and then one or two of the utility abilities. Your ranged macros. There are many more out there, and many will
hotkeys include your bow, the bow styles, and some utility become more apparent as you play your Ranger in RvR, but
hotkeys. A third type of hotbar set-up could be your “I’m these should get you started. Try to make macros for making
ready for anything” hotbar. This would be the combination of macros. This allows you to make a macro to assist folks and
melee and bow. such on the fly, and is quite useful. Try:
A final set of hotbars are the skills and abilities that you • Make Assist: /macro MA /macro Assist /assist %t
use, but maybe not that often (for example, spells and master • Ground Target Assist: /macro GTA /macro GT
level abilities). Always remember what hotbar they are on, /groundassist %t
because if you have to take time to hunt for it, you could end • EZ: /macro GT1 /gtrange 1000
up losing it all. • Volley range: /macro GT2 /gtrange 2000

Keyboard Configuration Armor/Weapon/Item Selection

Like hotkeys, keyboard configurations are highly personal. With four specialization lines to add skills to, your RvR suit will
The two main types of keyboard set ups are the arrow key be one of the more difficult ones to max out on all skills and
movements and the w, a, s, d movements. Whichever stats, however it is possible. With the bonuses of up to 10%
you choose though, make sure you are comfortable with it. you can get from Trials of Atlantis items, you may have to let a
You can also try to assign certain mnemonic devices to keys to few resistances slide (Energy is a decent one to let go
help recall them faster (v=Ground Target set for Volley, considering Hibernia spells are mostly energy based, while
b=Bow, m=Mine for target nearest loot, g=Get for pick up Albion/Midgard are not). Aside from having the best crafted


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

armor, many items are considered essential for an archer. Siege Strategy
These include: Shades of Mist Cloak, Golden Scarab Vest,
This is one of the places you have an opportunity to shine.
Mariasha's Sharkskin Gloves, and Braggart’s or Fool’s Bow.
The volley skill will allow you to earn tremendous amounts of
Some other desired artifacts that fit well for a Ranger are: Belt
realm points for your group (should you have one). You will
of Sun, Traitor’s Dagger, Golden Spear (Pierce Users), Battler
also have the ability to take out enemies on the ramparts,
(Blade users), Ring of Dances, Maddening Scalars (Gloves for
which is especially handy when dealing with casters. If the
the Melee oriented), and possibly a Winged Helm.
keep is undefended, you can still do good damage to keep
doors with your bow (especially if you have a Fool’s Bow at
On the Battlefield level 10).
Solo Tactics
Pick and choose your targets wisely. Make sure you learn the Keep Defense
realm ranks and enemy players' strengths and weaknesses. This is even more glorious than taking a keep. If you are
Don't move in the open field unless you have Camo up, as that defending, you are guaranteed to have enemies to lay waste
negates enemy assassin bonus to stealth detection. Casters to with your volley skill. Again, pick and choose targets to
will be your main targets. For casters, fire off a quick shot with provide the most benefit to the defenders of the keep.
rapid fire to pop their blade turn, then fire a crit/regular shot.
Sureshot can be used to interrupt their casting as well as Realm Abilities
Rapid Fire. If a pet tears off in your direction and the caster
There are many must have realm abilities for archers. The RAs
isn't at least below 50%, hit the speed boost and either bail out
that are vital for your survival include Mastery of Stealth. This
or charge them. For classes other than casters, you have to be
should serve as a good warning against assassins; however,
100% ready for melee combat.
they do have the ability to negate this skill. Physical Defenses
You may not get into combat if you do enough damage
should help you survive a little longer versus physical
with the bow, but be prepared to be rushed. Kiting tanks is the
damage. Avoidance of Magic should help you survive a little
best option. Fire a shot that hits (preferably in the back) to get
against magical assaults. Purge Two is also good. Ignore Pain,
their attention, then use the trees to duck and hide behind
combined with some of the other survival realm abilities, may
and block line of sight (not to mention the basic matter of
afford you the opportunity to stay up a little longer in order to
hiding behind terrain). If they run back towards you, restealth,
cause more discord amongst your enemies.
wait until they pass, and fire another arrow in their backs.
Some other basic realm abilities that are available and
Keep doing this cat and mouse until they get low enough on
bear looking into are Augment Dexterity for higher Bow
hit points, then let fly with the bow shots or charge into
Weaponskill; Augment Constitution and Toughness to get us a
few more hit points.
For bow specialized Rangers, Falcons Eye works well, as do
Group Role
Longshot and Blade Turn. Melee specialized Rangers should
As already mentioned, you can serve very well as a disruptor use Mastery of Pain as a substitute for Falcon Eye. The basic
and interrupter against casters (specifically the healers). That survival skills should also be more slanted to increasing your
is where you will excel. You can stand in one place (find some melee weapon damage and being able to take the hits you will
cover though, the enemy will not take too kindly to you be forced to deal with. Balanced Rangers, must make tough
interrupting their healer), and target the biggest threat. Get to personal decisions on which realm abilities are most
know what your enemy healer classes look like. Pick off the important. Keep in mind, your play-style should drive what
ones who are already wounded, and try confuse the enemy by skills you end up buying.
attacking from places they won’t expect. Also, you can be a
help your group by attacking many different targets in large
battles (especially with Volley). It’s not kill-spam, but it helps
your group and your realm.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Vulsa (Jesse Brodeur)
The Reaver is a hybrid fighting class of Albion. Designed to do easier to remember what key to press.
damage in melee, their spells are designed to augment their Out of combat use spells, items, or abilities should be
damage, reduce the damage they incur, and replenish their placed on a hotbar without a macro to it. Using the Debt to
health while fighting. On the battlefield, the Reaver is a Arawn buff or First Aid RA is done while not in a hurry, placing
formidable fighter capable of killing their target quickly, these away from combat skills can save you room on combat
taking out specific targets to disrupt the enemies’ battle plan. bars.
Unfortunately suffering from low health, the Reaver relies on
other tanks to take the enemies’ aggression, allowing the use Keyboard Configuration
of positional attacks for maximum damage. Speed is key to setting up your keyboard. Most players use the
mouse to navigate and target. If you do, you will want the
Preparation for Battle actions you use first in a fight to be near your movement
Make sure you are ready to enter onto the battlefield. The controls so that hand can start your fight as quickly as
enemy is not going to sit idle while you prepare! The Reaver possible. Being a melee class, you should start a fight by
has both melee and spells to think about while in battle. Quick entering combat mode and sticking your opponent. Place the
access to abilities and knowing what keys to press can make keys for these two actions as near as possible. Place other
the difference between victory and dirt napping. Dueling or actions that are used mainly after a fight has resolved, such as
attacking mobs can be a great way to get used to your looting or sitting, away from your combat keys so they are not
configuration. accidentally pressed.
Clearing key assignments for actions you don’t need, such
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR as opening menus (which can be done by mouse), can open
The Reaver has a wide array of abilities, from weapon and up space for binding other actions you use frequently. This
shield styles to spells and realm abilities (RAs), as well as can reduce the number of hotbars needed to control your
Master Level abilities. Accessing multiple hotbars during battle Reaver and make actions faster. Leviathan should be bound to
will be a must. Using the /macro <name> /qbar <#> a key because it will be your main attack. Quick use of this
command is highly recommended. attack from any hotbar can increase your overall
Select a hotbar as your primary, then put your most effectiveness.
common abilities on this bar. Squeeze anything you will need
to use in a hurry or will use often onto this bar. Create a few An example of quickbar and keyboard configurations is below.
macros that will lead you from this hotbar to hotbars
designed for specific situations. One example would be a This is one example of a live server quickbar setup.
macro you hit whenever you block leading to a hotbar with all Changes are expected with NF, such as Slam and Leviathon
your block reaction styles. Placing the block style in the same styles moved to hotbar 10 to allow room for thornweed field
slot as the macro that leads you to the hotbar can make it and purge on the main bar.
easier on you, allowing you to simply double press the
assigned key. Also on your blocking or parrying hotbar, you Here, hotbar 1 is the main bar, with all spells and main attacks.
might put all your less commonly used styles to make them Slam and Leviathon are the main attacks, so they are both
available to you should you need them. This is especially located here and /qbind assigned to the keyboard. Slot seven
important to the flexible weapon line, as there is a style for is a macro to go to qbar 3. After blocking, hit 7 twice quickly,
many different situations. Always keep a macro leading you then go onto 8, 9, and 0 performing the entire block chain. The
back to your main bar on any other bars you may have. same is done with slot 8 and the parry chain on qbar 4.
Putting this macro in the same place on every bar can make it All other styles are positioned on qbar 3, so they’re


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

available in combat. Hotbar 4 contains Master Level abilities, while a SR Reaver will want to have a healthy amount of piety.
only ML4 currently I will add and switch out ML abilities as I get Flexible weapons are one of the few that benefit a lot
them. Slot 1 on both the 3rd and 4th hotbars lead back to the from being fast. Test your swing speed in duels with different
main. So you don’t accidentally over-press the 1 key and fire speed weapons to maximize your speed. Try to get as near the
off Wracking Aura, put the lower power cost aura that doesn’t 1.5-second swing speed cap as possible with the slowest
break mez there. Bound all of the ML abilities to a row of keys weapon you can do it with. The proc that fires with the
for quick access. leviathan and cobra styles does not suffer from the same loss
Use hotbar 2 for out-of-combat activities , such as buff, in damage from speed that base weapon damage does.
FA, items, and protection abilities. Bound Engage to the Make sure you have high resistance bonuses, especially in
keyboard for quick access. Bound some of the items to the energy and thrust lines since the chain armor the Reaver
various spots on the keyboard for quicker use while in a bind. wears is weak to these, but keeping all resistances as close the
Hotbar 10 is strictly for qbind keys. Ignore Pain, cap of 26% is highly recommended.
Diamondback (since it is the Reavers best choice for an Having charges in your items such as haste can give you a
anytime style), macros for yelling, “Incoming” and assisting great advantage over players who don’t choose to use them.
other players, and any potions (health and endurance not Take some potions with you too—a player using a water
shown). Bind all of these things to various places on the breathing potion can pick and choose his fights in the
keyboard. waterways of the new frontiers, one using a health or
Use w, a, s, d controls for movement, and set z and endurance potion in the middle of a fight can change the tides
c to strafe, q to attack mode and e to stick. To free up as of the battle.
much space as possible for /qbind slots, place less used You’ve got yourself geared up and comfortable with your
commands on letter keys have been changed to shift + that controls. Now its time to step onto the field of war!
key. For example, move torch from t to s+t.
If you have trouble clearing keys because the game resets On the Battlefield
them when you log out, then set those values to s + Knowing the lay of the land you are fighting in can be your
keys. This should be done to free up the keys y through [. greatest ally. If you are in a loosing battle, knowing how to
dodge mobs and find keeps can get you needed support
Creating Useful Macros faster. With the introduction of the teleport system, you might
Create a hotbar with macros that you use often or need in an be persuaded to head right into the thick of it. Take you time
emergency. Using a macro that will say, “incoming!” is faster and learn the lands before you realize the enemy knows them
than typing it, buying you time in which you can react. If you better than you do.
often repair doors or operate siege weapons through typed
commands, placing macros for commands can save you the Solo Tactics
trouble of a lot of typing. New Frontiers made soloing an easier task with larger areas,
and places designed to be friendlier to the solo player than
Armor/Weapon/Item Selection they are to the large group. The ruins are a great place for a
Usually the player with the best equipment will win the even Reaver who wants to solo, keeping long range casters and
fights. It is worth the time and effort to look into what archers at a disadvantage with walls and rubble to hind
equipment will best serve your specialization and play style. behind. Be careful, this also means you never know how many
A Reaver who has trained to 50 in soul rending (SR) will get of the enemy are around the next corner. Sticking close to the
much more benefit from having a bonus to shield than they waterways as long as you have breathing potions can help
will a bonus to SR. Once you have selected and obtained you escape groups of people who don’t have them. Partnering
pieces that you want, find a spell-crafting calculator and fill in up with a Paladin can prove very potent in the waterways. If
the gaps. As a Reaver you should be worried most about your the enemy group splits up in pursuit of you, you can pick
dexterity and constitution. Strength should also be kept high. them off a few at a time. The slam Reaver will shine in solo
If you are a slam Reaver, keeping quickness up is necessary combat, but the SR Reaver can still fair well. If you choose to


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

go this route, you must have patience. You will not often find casters, performing Indigosnake then Constrictor will root
a single opponent, but luckily when you do, the Reaver has them, allowing more time for your caster to escape provided
the capability to succeed against most opponents. you make sure not to hit them again after the root. Also
underused is Asp. The extended range on this style will work
Group Role whether you are behind them or not, and can help catch
In the group, the Reaver can take up two important roles while runners. Be careful while using it though—it eats endurance
grouped in RvR. They can either be assigned to protect one of quickly. The extremely low endurance use of the block chain
the groups casters, keeping the guard, protect, and intercept will make fights quicker when face-to-face with your
abilities on them while quickly dispatching any enemies that opponent. Backing up styles with diamondback will ensure
choose to attack. They can also serve the group dealing endurance is not completely wasted, while using
damage to any target they can find the back of. It is usually diamondback every round drains endurance too quickly.
wiser for the Reaver to disregard any opponents attacking Care should be taken not to use spells to start every fight,
them in favor of using leviathan on another opponent. Not placing a DoT on one caster while engaging another will slow
only is the Reaver likely to deal more damage than it takes, down the support of most enemy groups giving yours the
but it lacks tools to perform high-damage frontal assaults on initiative. Waiting until you have lost some health to use the
other tanks. Be sure to work with your group as to how they Life Tap will double its effectiveness. If some of your
wish you to fight and stick to that plan. Also, don’t be afraid to opponents are still mesmerized, don’t use the damage auras.
let your group know your classes’ strengths. Many players do Instead, attempt to always use one of your auras.
not understand the Reaver class in full, as it is one of the lower
population classes. Siege Strategy and Keep Defense
With Strength as our primary attribute, the Reaver is a great
selection for lugging cumbersome siege equipment onto the
killing fields. It will often be your only option to keep yourself
busy and useful in keep sieges. With only the DoT and Lifetap
spells being on such long timers, they are hardly worth their
use while defending or attacking a keep. Since positional
styles cannot be used on keep doors, the Reaver lacks a strong
damage dealing capacity on them. Because of this, it is a wise
idea to learn the interface of working this equipment. Pack
different types of ammunition for the siege equipment you
are bringing and experiment with it until you are comfortable
knowing in what situations to use what ammo type. Also
knowing how to repair your siege equipment will help you
maximize your efficiency. Balistas are great at destroying
equipment, but they will occasionally miss their target. Watch
closely and try to repair at that moment it misses to keep your
siege running as long as possible. On the other hand, while
Use of Combat Styles and Spells defending putting a balista up on the wall is a good
Learning to use your styles properly in RvR combat is a must. investment. Fire at the enemy’s siege equipment and take out
For the slam Reaver, attempting to land slam as the first rams first, then the catapults and trebuchets. If the equipment
attack on most targets will waste endurance. Most targets operator keeps repairing, try to get another person to put up
have a blade turn spell you must eliminate first. Give yourself another balista, this will keep the siege equipment under
one swing before attempting any style to save the frustration. attack and unable to be repaired. The interface to use a ram
A widely underused style is the constrictor style. If you have can be tricky even for the helpers, learn it so you can take the
already stunned your opponent and they are after one of your doors of a keep down as quickly as possible.
With New Frontiers is the addition of keep towers. These


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

can change hands easily and often and are of great strategic helpful.
importance. Attacking a keep from more than one tower, if Lifter used to be a laughable RA, hardly ever considered in
you have the forces to do it, ensures that the enemy cannot any template, but with the NF system the ability to field siege
teleport back into the keep and will split the defending force, equipment has become important. Lifter will help you carry
making it easier to breach the keep walls. much more siege equipment, allowing you to field a variety of
items dependant on the situations you encounter. If you plan
Realm Abilities to do a lot of siege work, pick it up.
New Frontiers lessened the effect of many Reaver realm Mastery of focus is speculated to help our many procs
abilities, but gave a host of new ones from which to select. We land and has been considered as a choice for many slam
have many RAs that other classes of Albion do not get to Reavers. The cost on this RA makes it prohibitive to use. Even
select that will benefit the group or us. There are many when firing at a higher level for resist rates, it will not increase
different combinations to match your play-style. Select the the damage your spells will do, making this a choice to avoid
ones that will most benefit you! in most templates.
Mastery of Magery will see more use than Wild Power in
every specialization choice. MoM will increase flex style proc
Tips On Choosing Helpful RAs damage as well at SR damage, but not enough to warrant
higher levels, while WP will allow spells to crit but will not
The first two things that will help narrow your choice are your
allow proc or debuff crits. This makes MoM a sketchy choice
choice of specialization and whether or not you intend to play
and WP almost useless.
grouped or solo for the majority of your time. Many of the
Whirling dervish sounds like a good idea at first, allowing
caster-based RAs will benefit the SR Reaver and have little
you to double your damage. It is particularly useful when you
effect for the slam Reaver, but the melee RAs will benefit them
run out of end. But with the new Tireless RA and end pots
both. Some RAs should be chosen for the solo fighter, while
available, a well-played Reaver will seldom run out of
they can be left out of the plans for grouped Reavers.
endurance. Our base damage is so low doubling it will hardly
As far as augmented attributes go, strength and dexterity
be worth the points.
should be considered for their ability to increase offensive
Purge should be taken for the soloing Reaver and
and defensive ability of the Reaver. Acuity will benefit the SR
becomes much more useful at level 2. You may not even
Reaver, however the slam Reaver rarely looses enough power
consider taking this RA until you can take it to level 2. You may
in a fight to need the increased piety. Augmented quickness
trade purge for determination so you don’t end up breaking
can help the speed of attacks by about 2% per 10-point
one form of CC just to end up in another, but you loose the
increase. Augmented constitution will increase hit points, but
speed and advantage of unexpectedly breaking CC. A lot of
won’t yield anywhere near the amounts that toughness will
Reavers don’t like Determination because it is much less
provide. Stick with toughness to increase HP. Level 3
powerful than the original version.
toughness is probably the best choice as return per RA point
While First Aid can be used more often, it has little more
spent declines with level.
effect than Ignore Pain. Since Ignore pain can be used while in
Mastery of blocking and parrying will help defenses for
combat it will prove more useful—especially if you just keep a
the Reaver, but because the Reaver is designed for high
large supply of health potions. IP has a long reuse timer in the
damage output it may be better to go for Mastery of pain
fast paced environment of NF. It also has less effect than it
which has a higher % of return per point spent. Dual threat
used to. It can turn the tide in a fight, but only if you spend
can also increase your damage output, but has no where near
some serious points on it. The same effects as second wind
the effectiveness of putting points into MoPain and Wild
can also be achieved through Bounty point stones or potions
so this is not a common choice.
We have the new free tireless ability that makes Long
Avoidance of Magic is the common choice over The Empty
Wind look redundant, but for 1 to 4 points getting LW 1 or 2
Mind because reducing all spell damage done to you is much
can help the solo Reaver escape many battles. For those that
more effective than just 45 seconds of protection. Many will
spend a lot of time chasing down casters it will also prove
recommend level 4 or 5 of AoM.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Serenity, Mystic Crystal Lore, and Ethereal bond may all
come in handy for the SR Reaver, but in most lengthy battles
there is a power font to be found. Using potions can once
again also give you the same effect. If you often run out of
power for long periods of play, consider Serenity or EB.
Otherwise these won’t benefit you as much as increasing your
melee capabilities will.
The solo Reaver benefits from the ability to escape
multiple targets by taking Thornweed Field while the grouping
Reaver with Strike Prediction will not go unnoticed. Even at
level 1, 5% evade chance may not seem like much, but
multiply this by the number of group members effected by
this ability and you are saving you healer a lot of power. SP is a
new route for the Reaver, providing more benefit to the group
the Reaver is in over benefiting the Reaver.
The old Unquenchable Thirst of Souls RA has been
replaced by the slightly less powerful Soul Quench RA
automatically given to Reavers at realm rank 5.
The Reaver is an easy class to play, but a difficult class to
master, and can be adjusted to fit many different play-styles.
Take care in your selection of RAs to best augment what you
already do. Trying to broaden your abilities as a Reaver will
often result in not having the power in one field of battle to
kill your opponent. Those that chose the Slam specialization
should not focus on their spells and those with SR should not
take purely melee abilities. Pick your own path and a system
tailored to you, and you are sure to do well.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Runemaster is considered one of the most versatile classes in /qbind 10 5. You will then be prompted to press the key to
Midgard when it comes to RvR and PvE. This guide will focus which you wish to bind this ability.
on the RvR aspects of a Runemaster. They can be both
offensive and defensive; being the primary damage dealer, Creating Useful Macros
crowd controller, and suppressing enemy attacks. One very important macro to make is the assist macro. You’ll
use this to assist the main tank or other caster that will be
Preparation for Battle picking out the targets. To do this, type in-game the command
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR /macro “Name of the macro” /assist “Name of the person
Setting up your quickbar for RvR is crucial for having the you are assisting”.
necessary spells ready for you to cast them when you need
them. Normally you would setup your first quickbar with the Armor/Weapon/Item Selection
spells needed most during combat depending on your Having the correct equipment is very important when going
specialization. This would include your direct damage spells, into combat. You’ll need armor that maximizes your primary
bolts, quick cast, nearsight, root spell, and some realm abilities stats, hit points, skills, and resists. These include:
(RA). The second quickbar generally comprises of the leftover • Piety: Increases your power pool and overall damage
skills that you will find useful, along with the self and group with your spells.
buffing spells. • Dexterity: Increases your casting speed.
• Constitution and hit point: Increases your total hit points
Keyboard Configuration so you can withstand more damage.
This is another necessity to help reduce the amount of • Resists: Having max resists for each type will increase
hotkeys you place on your quickbar and to use them quickly. your chances to withstand damage and survive
To do this, go into your options menu at the character the fights.
selection screen, then click on configure keyboard. These are • Staves: It’s important to wield a staff that has a focus
some slash commands you will find useful when binding to level for the particular spells you will be casting. This can
a key: dramatically reduce the amount of power you use when
• Stick: Allows you to follow the person leading your casting spells.
group. During this time, it'll be useful to pan your
• Trials of Atlantis gear: You can get artifacts that will
camera around looking for enemy players that your
increase your spell range, spell damage, power pool, and
group leader may not see.
items that can increase your stat and hit caps. Some of
• Face: This is another important feature that allows you these artifacts can even morph your appearance to
to auto face the target you have selected or those that confuse the enemy about which class you really are.
attack you.
• Potions: They range from increasing your stats to
• Sprint: Sprinting away will give you added run speed replenishing your power which you would want to bring.
to allow you to further distance yourself from
your enemies.
On the Battlefield
Another good way to bind your hotkeys to a key is by
Solo Tactics
using the qbind command. This will cut down time on having
to switch through your quickbar pages to use a certain spell or If you plan on soloing, remember that there will always be
ability. For example, if you put Quickcast on page 10, slot #5 of archers or assassins lurking about and a solo caster is what
your hotbar, and wanted to bind a key to it, you would enter: they want. Always keep moving, travel in areas not normally


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

traveled, and stay off the roads. Always buff yourself before up in a small confined area, keeping you at bay with their
entering combat. You have your self damage absorption and PBAoE spells. This is useful when taking over a keep lord
armor factor buff to reduce the amount of damage you take room. It interrupts the enemy from casting at your group or
from physical attacks. Have a bladeturn up on yourself at all realm mates. If you have the siege skill, you can take control
times while not in combat. If possible, try and get buffs from of a siege weapon to use. Having access to the Battlewarder or
other player’s that increase your primary stats. Also try and Crystal Titan ability can add to the pressure against enemy
find large fights between your realm and others, and assist keep defenders. It’s best to place them at the siege points of a
them in combat so you won’t be the only target for the enemy keep to temporarily hinder them from using siege equipment
to consider. Try and stay in the back to nuke from afar so you at the time.
don’t get targeted. Keep casting your brittle guards, as they
will act as added bladeturns that can stack. If you are being Keep Defense
chased down by a Minstrel or Bard group, you can place down This is just like attacking a keep, the only difference is that you
a speedwarp which will negate their speed spells to allow you are the one picking your hiding spots inside of the keep. There
to get away. is also an added risk of having assassins climb over the walls
to kill you. Be wary of standing next to climb points where
Group Role they can attack you and jump off the side of the keep back to
You can do a whole lot to help out a group in RvR situations. safety. Prescience nodes are useful at these locations to help
Before fights, cast your damage add spells on the tanks. Use detect stealth players that try to climb up the walls. While the
your bladeturn spells to absorb physical attacks on other keep doors are being attacked by players, placing a
players. There are two primary ways you can play during RvR Battlewarder or Crystal Titan on the other side of the doors
confrontations, or mix the both of them together depending will cause your enemies some added trouble.
on the situation and what you are up against.
For offense, your job is to take out the enemy targets as Realm Abilities
quickly as possible with the damage spells available to your The realm abilities to consider are Purge, Mastery of Magery,
specialization. Targets to focus on are the casters, healers, and Wild Power, Augmented Acuity, Augmented Dexterity, Mastery
light tanks that you can kill quickly. of Concentration, Mystic Crystal Lore, Raging Power, and
In defensive situations, nearsight is your best weapon against Volcanic Pillar.
other casting classes and archers. With its long range and
quick casting time, you can severely reduce your targets
casting or shooting range anywhere from 25% to 65%. Crowd
control can also turn the tide of a battle by casting your root
spells to immobilize a target. Targets you would look for when
using this spell will be tanks to stop them from reaching you
or your healers. Pulsing bladeturn is another utility that can
increase your survival rate and that of your group mates in
absorbing physical attacks. The last option is to use your
debuff spells available to you or use your speedwarp to
escape from overwhelming odds.

Siege Strategy
Attacking a keep is where range classes, such as Runemasters,
shine. You can attack using your bolts and stopping the
enemy from firing back by using nearsight upon them. Also
you have your ground-targeted area of effect spell that can
interrupt the opposing casters when they gather themselves


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

The Savage is one of two light tank classes in Midgard, and has buffs, you need to be able to switch between hotbars quickly.
the potential to be the deadliest of all melee classes in the Create a macro to switch to another hotbar with the following:
game. Through the use of the Savagery line of self-buffs and /macro hot# /qbar#.
special Hand to Hand weapons, or two handed weapons, the On your primary hotbar, you will want to place your most
Savage can make quick work of enemy casters and healers. commonly used actions that aren’t already bound to keys. For
The Savage’s role is almost purely offensive in every situation. the Savage, this will include your positional attack styles, an
This makes for some interesting choices for the Savage player anytime attack style, your Savagery melee damage and haste
in New Frontiers, since so much more time will be spent in buffs, your endurance heal, and any realm abilities that you
sieges. may need to trigger, such as Purge and Blissful Ignorance.
Your macro to go to the second hotbar should also be here. On
Preparation for Battle the second hotbar you should have all of your savagery buffs,
While playing a Savage can at times be complicated, and a macro to go back to the first hotbar. This will allow you
specializing your savage is fairly simple. At level 50, the most to trigger all of your buffs with one swipe across the number
common specialization is by far 50 weapon, 39 Savagery, and keys, and send you back to your main bar.
18 parry. The toughest choice to make when creating a Savage
is which weapon skill to take. While it may seem that the Hand Armor/Weapon/Item Selection
to Hand skill is the obvious choice, since it was made How you equip your Savage will depend on how you are
specifically for Savages, many players prefer to use a two specialized. How much time and gold you have available will
handed hammer, sword or axe (2H). This second option also influence your choices. Before looking at specific items,
simplifies many things, as the weapons are easier to come by, you should prioritize what bonuses your character will need.
they have better anytime and positional styles, and you can Your resists should be a top priority, with you melee resists,
focus on maximizing one stat instead of two. Hammer, sword, body, energy, and heat being at the top of the list. Try to keep
and axe damage are all based on strength, while Hand to Hand these maximized at all times. Maximize your bonus to your
is based on strength and dexterity. Because of their high chosen weapon skill, and Parry if possible. Stat bonuses are
dexterity, Kobolds make excellent Hand to Hand Savages, and fairly easy to maximize, but you should also look at ToA items
will evaded and parry more often. A troll Savage, with its high that give a bonus to your stat caps. Items that give bonuses to
strength, is the perfect choice if you wish to explore the 2H your strength, constitution, and hit points will be of great
weapon option. benefit, as will dexterity, specifically if you are a Hand to Hand
If you are doing Master Level Trials in ToA, you have a Savage. Quickness is not a concern here, as any score over 250
choice between the BattleMaster and Warlord paths. The has no increased effect. Also look for items that will give you a
BattleMaster path has great abilities like Bodyguard, Grapple, bonus to your Armor Factor cap, and increased Melee damage.
and Throw Weapon. Faultfinder is of great value in sieges. The If you have the Trials of Atlantis expansion, there are
Warlord level one ability Siege Master is of great use in sieges. several artifacts you should consider getting for your Savage.
The Snakecharmer’s weapon is the Savage specific weapon
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR artifact for Hand to Hand savages. Battler and Malice’s Axe
Before you head out to the frontier or battlegrounds, take would be appropriate for two handed weapon Savages, as
some time to set up your hotbars specifically for the Savage. would Bruiser. Jewelry slot artifacts that many savages seek
Playing a Savage requires a player to make quick decisions, so out include the Belt of the Sun, the Dreamsphere, Ceremonial
you should have your keys set up efficiently and in a way such Bracers, and the Shades of Mist cloak. If you are looking for
that you are comfortable. You should keybind as many actions some armor artifacts, seek out the Golden Scarab vest or the
as you can. Because of the large number of useful savagery Guard of Valor, the Winged Helm, and the Maddening Scalars.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Even if you don’t equip your Savage with artifacts, there This will mean that your top targets will be Bards, Sorcerers,
are several items from ToA that may be useful. Salamander and Minstrels. Next you will want to take out nukers. Be
Tail Greaves are one of the most popular Hand to Hand careful when attacking Hibernians, as you are likely to run into
weapons for Savages. Naxos Bracers are also popular items PBAoE spells with Enchanters and some Eldritches. Next take
from Atlantis. out any healing classes and make sure that nobody has been
There is also plenty of good loot to be had from Tuscaren rezzed. Enemy tanks are your last priority.
Glacier in SI, including Glacier gems, Dragon-shadow armor,
and Tuscar’s moon claws. You can always round out your gear Siege Strategy
with player-crafted armor. Be on the lookout for armor drops When attacking keeps, you can help operate siege engines. It’s
with lifetap or healing procs on them that may be helpful with best to stay back until the final assault. When the final assault
healing. If you are interested in detailed equipment templates comes, the Savage will have plenty of work to do. Don’t get
for your Savage; check out the Savage class forums at DAoC too far ahead of your group, and know where your healer is at
Catacombs. all times. Again, be on the lookout for PBAoE casters. Animist
pets will also be a concern when taking a keep. If you have an
opportunity to take down an Animist, do it, but don’t let
yourself be lead into a trap by auto-following someone
around a corner into a stack of shrooms.

Keep Defense
When defending a keep, you should help with the Siege
machinery. Stay out of harms way until the assault comes (if it
does), and take out your targets as usual. As most of the
attackers’ attention will be on taking down the keep lord, this
will be a good opportunity to use your positional styles. Stay
near healing wards, and use your Savagery buffs to the fullest.

Realm Abilities
The changes in realm abilities in New Frontiers will have a big
On the Battlefield impact on Savages, as well as other Tanks. Purge is still the
Solo Tactics most important realm ability for Savages to have. It is
recommended that you save you first five points for Purge
In RvR, the most important thing to remember is that the One, then your next 10 for Purge Two. You may eventually
Healer is your best friend. Since you have to use hit points for want Purge Three, but three or four levels of Determination
your self-buffs, you are in constant need of healing. If you may be a better way to use those points.
solo as a Savage in RvR, be careful to use your buffs sparingly. Since the best way to take down a Savage is magic, the
next RAs you should look into are Avoidance of Magic and the
Group Role Empty Mind. For those Savages interested in further
In a group, your main goal is to take out “soft” targets as increasing their damage output, a few levels in Mastery of
quickly as possibly. You need to become familiar with the Pain would be helpful. Ignore Pain is less effective and much
enemy, and prioritize your targets. Often the Savage will be a more costly than it was in the past, but it is still an attractive
player that others /assist in combat, so your decisions can RA for higher realm rank Savages. The class specific RA for
make or break the battle. Use your positional styles when Savages, Blissful Ignorance will automatically activate all of
possible, and keep your melee damage buff going whenever you self-buffs with no loss of health, and should be added to
in combat as long as you have the health to spare. Your first your first hotbar as soon as you become realm Rank Five.
targets should be those enemies with crowd control spells.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Andro (Tim Richards)
The Scout is primarily a ranged damage dealer with the making it far easier to pan the camera while on the move.
addition of Stealth and basic melee skills. Below, find an example of Scout keyboard configuration:
1 Stealth
2 Engage
3 Critical Shot
4 Equip bow/normal shot
5 Sureshot
6 Rapid Fire
7 Melee style
8 Melee style
9 Melee weapon 1
0 Melee weapon 2

Function Keys
1 Guard
2 Realm ability 1
Preparation for Battle 3 Realm ability 2
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR 4 Assist macro
5 Ground target
It is important to find a hotkey layout that is comfortable for
6 Ground assist macro
you. It is also important to make use of quick binding. Quick
8 Target nearest enemy
binding allows you to bind other hotbar selections to any key.
9 Target self
For example, to bind the first hotkey of hotbar two to the
0 Target last attacker
letter X, type /qbind 2 1 followed by x when prompted.
After setting up your most important hotkeys, devote a
hotbar to secondary abilities and items. For example, you may
c /face
find it useful to have one hotbar reserved for all your potions
p Camouflage
and item/artifact charges.
o Sprint
i Autorun
Keyboard Configuration
[ /stick
Some keys will need to be bound from the keyboard l Enter/exit keep macro
configuration options menu accessed from the character k Use1
select screen rather than in-game. You will also need to j Use2
unbind some keys from the menu in order to quickbind them. f Target nearest loot
Once you have finished setting up your keys, it will be g Pick-up loot
important to find a camera position that you are comfortable z Master level ability 1
with. Once you have done this, save the position by using the x Master level ability 2
/setcamera command. You can then use the default camera c Master level ability 3
position key to revert to this camera position instantly— ~ Pan camera


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

u Look up Left hand: Spellcrafted buckler
y Look down Two-handed slot: Pyroclasmic Falchion
j Sit down Ranged: Braggart's Bow will summon 150 improved-range
h Reset camera position arrows every 15 minutes.
- Take screenshot Neck: Ancient Copper Necklace
m Mouselook Cloak: Shades of Mist
v Swim down Jewel: Ancient Roman Coin
Belt: Belt of the Sun
Creating Useful Macros Right ring: Ring of Seven Souls
Left ring: Ring of the Tempest
It will also be essential to have the following macros setup:
Right wrist: Ebon Hide Bracer
Left wrist: Ebon Hide Bracer
/macro Assist /assist <target name>
/macro Enter /say Enter – Exit
Spread out the remaining skills, stats, and resists over the
/macro Assist2 /groundassist <target name>
tailored studded items. The AE proc charge on the Braggart's
bow is useful. Shooting a door with the proc active will cause
Armor/Weapon/Item Selection it to hit anything within proc range of the doors sweeping an
A good way to go about building your template is to choose area for enemy stealthers.
five or six essential items or artifacts, then use spellcrafted
gear to fill in the gaps to ensure that stats and resists are at On the Battlefield
the desired level. Pieces of armor with heal procs are generally Solo Tactics
the most sought after and can only be obtained from drops.
When adding reverse procs to spellcrafted gear, it's best to The Scout should strike from maximum range whenever
balance out your set with ablatives and DoTs. Scouts have the possible. This will help to ensure a possible escape route. Keep
benefit of access to the slowest bows in the game and should moving from position to position. If you get attacked by an
take advantage of this. Our primary focus is on dealing ranged assassin while soloing, quickly decide whether to fight or to
damage, and a high delay Longbow will best allow us to do escape. The intelligent use of Slam and Artifact charges can
this while still being able to release a shot quickly through the aid you, whichever you decide. For example, an assassin will
use of Rapid Fire. Most Scouts go with a slower weapon for cut through a Scout's melee far faster than they can output
melee. The exception to this is the Shield—using a buckler melee damage, however making use of the Shades of Mist
will result in far less endurance loss when trying to land a ablative charge combined with the Malice's Axe melee damage
shield stun. reduction can often slow their damage enough for you to
Legendary melee weapons can also be a large help. As a fight back effectively.
Scout, one frequent source of attack is assassins. By using a
Heat-based Legendary weapon, you gain a bonus in damage Group Role
due to leather being weak to location-based Heat damage. Groups should try to provide consistent ranged damage. Try
guarding a certain group member. Attacking from Stealth is
Example template: important to avoid being singled out for crowd control at the
Chest: Golden Scarab Vest start of a fight. Sureshot can be used to avoid interruption
Arms: Spellcrafted studded from spells and ranged damage, and to ensure you keep
Helm: Spellcrafted studded enemy casters interrupted without having to cease firing at
Legs: Spellcrafted studded any point. Bow attacks will penetrate Bodyguard.
Hands: Mariasha's Sharkskin Gloves will summon 150
improved-accuracy arrows every 15 minutes Siege Strategy
Feet: Spellcrafted studded There are several different roles the Scout may choose. He can
Right hand: Malice's Axe stand stealthed with a shot drawn within range of the keep


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

walls in order to snipe at enemies, or attack the keep doors Example template Two, offensive focus
with the rest of the sieging force. A Scout can be especially Realm Rank Five Realm Rank Ten
helpful here if they make use of the Fool's Bow Siegelore Ignore Pain One Ignore Pain One
charge which will enable the Scout to deal a massive amount Purge One Purge Two
of damage to doors in a short period of time. When using the Longwind One Longwind One
Fool's Bow charge, it is recommend that the Scout then switch Toughness One Toughness One
to a slower delay bow for the duration of the charge in order Avoidance of Magic One Avoidance of Magic One
to maximize damage. Faultfinder is the next best thing for a Physical Defense One Physical Defense One
Scout to hit the doors with, followed by regular bow shots if Mastery of Blocking One Mastery of Blocking One
Faultfinder and/or endurance regen is not available. Mastery of Pain Three Mastery of Pain One
A Scout can also position himself a little away from the Falcon’s Eye Three Falcon’s Eye Five
siege, keeping lookout for enemy forces. Guarding a particular Determination One Mastery of Stealth Four
group member or operating siege equipment is good. Mastery of Stealth Two Determination One

Keep Defense
The primary objective for the Scout in this situation is to
quickly rain down as much damage as possible onto the
enemy. Depending on the position and number of the enemy,
it may be preferable to use Volley over targeted shots. A Scout
will have to be wary of assassins while firing out of keeps;
however, it is recommended you stay within healing range of
your group, and if possible be guarded by one of the
group's tanks.

Realm Abilities
Below find two sets of realm ability template suggestions
listing the RA path at both Realm Rank Five and
Realm Rank 10:

Example template One, defensive focus

Realm Rank Five Realm Rank Ten
Ignore Pain Two Ignore Pain Two
Purge Two Purge Two
Longwind One Longwind One
Toughness One Toughness Two
Physical Defense One Avoidance of Magic One
Mastery of Blocking One Physical Defense Five
Mastery of Pain One Mastery of Blocking Two
Falcon’s Eye One Mastery of Pain One
Mastery of Stealth Two Falcon’s Eye One
Determination Two
Mastery of Stealth Three


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

full of regular melee styles, realm abilities, and artifact effects.
As such, the Shadowblade can do the critical attack that
applies to the situation at hand, then switch away from that
hotbar to a bar completely related to a prolonged fight.

Armor/Item/Weapon Selection
Shadowblades frequently are unable to obtain endurance regen
from their realm mates, so they carry many endurance regen
potions and totems (bounty point item). Additionally, it is vital
to kill many opponents quickly in order to retain an escape
path. Weapons that proc a haste effect or armor pieces with a
reverse haste effect can prove valuable to the Shadowblade if
they are mixed in with ablative and heal reverse procs. Certain
artifacts, such as the shades of mist and Golden Scarab Vest
also have procs that can greatly swing the course of a battle.
The Shadowblade is a character of many skills. They can scout
out enemy positions, assassinate enemy support, or protect On the Battlefield
their realm’s support from enemy assassins. There are many Solo Tactics
potential specialization choices available to the Shadowblade,
Shadowblades who wish to hunt solo should concentrate on
ranging from the diverse specializations involving five
areas leading to high traffic choke points—in this way they
specialization paths to the far more specific specialization
won’t be as much at risk to larger stealth groups who will
paths that utilize the deadly nature of their critical strike line
easily defeat them. In this role, the primary goal of a
or skills of the left axe.
Shadowblade is to intercept solo enemy reinforcements on
Shadowblades may choose to run in stealth groups or as
the way to the front lines.
active support in nonstealth groups. In stealth groups, it is
When there is already a major fight around a keep or
best if they act as the first layer of contact for the enemy,
tower, the Shadowblade may choose to roam the fringes of
allowing the hunters in the group to provide covering fire
the fight in the hopes of picking off enemy stealthers who are
from range, rather then up close in the fight where they can
watching for reinforcements. Fringe warfare can be quite
easily be attacked by enemy assassins. In stealth groups,
productive, especially when the two parties fighting are from
Shadowblades tend to shine in the opening moments of a
opposing realms, doubling the number of available targets.
fight, before the enemy has time to set up counters against
The realm versus realm Dungeon, Passages of Conflict can
their stealthy attacks. The Shadowblade can sneak forward of
also provide an excellent opportunity for solo Shadowblades
the main line and engage crucial enemy support classes—in
to hunt lower level enemy players. Players who are killing
some cases completely removing them from the fight. The
monsters for experience or drops can often provide the
Shadowblade may choose instead to stay stealthed near their
opportunity for the Shadowblade to get multiple kills in one
own support and perforate enemies trying to attack them.
fight as the monsters help with the fight.
Setting Up Your Hotbar for RvR
Group Role
Depending on their specialization path, a Shadowblade might
In a stealth group, the Shadowblade’s job is to keep enemy
choose to have their primary hotbar filled with critical strike
assassins off the Hunters in the group who provide most of
attacks that occur from stealth, then have secondary hotbars


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

the ranged damage and caster suppression, while also it into the keep, penetrating the enemy’s climb points and
frontloading substantial amounts on distracted or killing enemy players on the walls, and protecting friendly
unsuspecting enemy players. They will often concentrate on archers and casters from enemy assassins. Shadowblades
breaking enemy stealthers from stealth so their group mates need to stay away from enemy assassin NPC guards and anti-
can line up their own attacks while the enemy is distracted stealth storms and nodes in order to be effective in the fight.
trying to deal with person in their face.
When grouped with nonstealth players, the Shadowblade Realm Abilities
will try to protect the support or sneak behind the enemy There are several crucial abilities on which Shadowblades
lines to line up attacks on enemy support. Enemy players who should concentrate. The first and foremost is Purge. Purge at
are stealthed or rooted also make very tempting targets. They its various levels can significantly aid a Shadowblade in
are usually unable to defend themselves against the surviving fights where they do not obtain the initiative and
Shadowblade’s attack and they can be incapacitated quickly if need to clear away harmful effects. Another important realm
not flat out killed. ability is Mastery of Stealth, which increases the detection
range that a Shadowblade can detect enemy stealthers in. It
Keep Tactics also allows them to move more quickly while stealthed,
For a defensive battle, the Shadowblade can best be deployed enabling them to intercept enemy players more efficiently.
guarding climb points around the keep. This will prevent There are several other active realm abilities that
enemy stealthers from entering the keep and having free run Shadowblades might consider getting, namely Viper and
of the walls to commit mayhem. If a friendly convoker can Vanish. Viper allows the effect of damage over time based
cast a Prescience Node near the climb point as well, the poisons to be applied multiple times during a fight, and
Shadowblade will be able to line up their attacks better and Vanish allows a Shadowblade to disappear and negate the
get the jump on the enemy players attempting to enter the current effect hitting them. In some respects Vanish is as good
keep. In the event that the climb points are all covered or the as Purge is in terms of allowing a Shadowblade to survive a
fight is taking place inside a tower, the Shadowblade can take bad fight.
the fight to the enemy, dropping off the keep wall and Shadowblades should purchase passives such as augment
assassinating enemy players who are unwary of their strength to increase weapon damage, augment constitution
surroundings or are injured after the fact. The Shadowblade to increase hit points, and toughness to increase hit points.
can then reenter the keep if need be for health and Other passives such as Avoidance of Magic can also negate
endurance regen. damage done to the Shadowblade by many of the classes they
In an offensive situation, the Shadowblade will will face.
concentrate on stopping enemy reinforcements from making


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Shamans are chain mail-wearing casters that specialize in /macro MACRO /macro ASSIST /assist %t: Use this macro to
buffing, healing, secondary crowd control, and damage. make an assist macro with your current group's main assist
Shamans are useful in almost any situation, due to a large and tank targeted. Don't quickbind the original macro, but do
varied arsenal of spells. They are highly sought after by RvR quickbind the slot where you put the newly created
groups for their ability to provide uninterruptible endurance ASSIST macro.
regeneration to nearby allies. If a healer is the brain of a good
Midgard RvR group, then a Shaman is the heart. /macro REZ /bu Rezzing %t: Announcing a second in
advance that you are going to rez (resurrect) a target to your
Preparation for Battle battlegroup (change /bu to /g if you are only grouped) before
casting your spell will help prevent multiple rezzes cast on the
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR
same player.
During a long battle, a Shaman can use enough spells, abilities,
and items to fill five hotbars or more. Organize your abilities Armor/weapon/item selection: Stock up on power potions.
so your spells or abilities that are used together, are located Hide your small shield, unless it is necessary for your
on the same bar. An example Shaman set up would be: template, as it draws unwanted enemy attention to you. You
can also disguise your appearance using an artifact with a
First Bar—Main Battle Bar shapechange ability.
Second Bar—Concentration Buff Spells Reaching the cap (capping) on your damage type resists is
Third Bar—Timed buffs/abilities an important part of enhancing a Shaman’s defenses. Thrust,
Fourth Bar—Power potions Slash, and Crush resistances should all be capped at
Tenth Bar—Quickbind abilities minimum, and as many magic resistances as possible.
Cave specialized Shamans should seek plus duration gear to
Keyboard Configuration enhance the effectiveness of their roots, which allows them to
Quickbinding is an essential tool for an RvR Shaman. It will counter enemy tanks with the Determination realm ability.
allow you to launch commonly used abilities with a single High Augmentation specialized Shamans should seek plus
keystroke, without having to switch to a different hotbar in buffing gear to enhance their buffing effectiveness.
the heat of battle. To quickbind, type /qbind Hotbar# Egg of Youth (area effect insta rez), Staff of Gods (ranged
Button#, then hit the key you wish to bind to that ability. stun), Ceremonial Bracers (null mez or stun), and Scepter of
Entering /qbind 4 2, then pressing = will use the ability on Meritorious (health/power bonus) are all good items for a
the fourth hotbar, second button every time you press = Shaman to have. Any artifact that offers shapechanging to
from then on. You can type /qbind by itself to check your disguise you on the battlefield is also a very worthy
current quickbind keys. Make sure to quickbind any ability investment for a Shaman.
that you use commonly. Buff yourself first, then others. Give Endurance
Regeneration to everyone, then acuity to cloth casters and
Creating Useful Macros healers. Next in order of priority are Str/Con and Dex/Qui
The /macro command lets you make custom hotbar combination buffs for everyone. If concentration limits you to
commands. They can be combined with quickbinding to a single combination buff for some group mates, give them
reduce a cumbersome slash command to a single keystroke. whichever one they prefer. Single stat buffs are your lowest
Here are some good macros to make and have quickbound: buffing priority and will hopefully be covered by a group
Healer. Don't use the Cave Magic Shaman's damage shield buff
/macro MAP /realmwar: Quickbind this macro to have an in RvR. It can end up breaking your own roots.
instant toggle for opening and closing the realm war map.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

On the Battlefield root swiftly, you will likely be out of melee range. Get a
minimum of level one.
Solo Tactics
Compared to some other classes, the Shaman is not as Purge: This is a must-have. Disease, DoTs, mezzes and roots
effective solo, in the open field. Fortunately you can still RvR, will all greatly interfere with your number one mission (which
if you are unable to find a group, by joining a keep/tower is staying alive). Get at minimum of level two.
Avoidance of Magic: Shamans low hit points make them
Group Role vulnerable to enemy spell damage. This realm ability is a good
In open field combat, Shamans are necessary group members place to turn to beef up your survivability. The more levels
primarily due to their endurance regeneration buff. Their purchased the better.
secondary role is to be a caster-of-all-trades. Knowing which
Mystic Crystal Lore (MCL): This is a very useful realm ability to
situations call for which spells, comes with player experience
have during long battles/sieges. Raging Power is useable while
and planning.
under attack, but has a much longer recharge timer. If you are
Siege Strategy under constant attack, you won't be casting much anyways,
so you will find MCL to be more useful in the long run. Get at
During keep/tower sieges, Shamans are most useful. Their level two if you can afford it.
primary role is to prevent attrition of forces by being one-
class first aid stations. They can rez fallen players, heal them, For High Augmentation and some Mending specializations:
and rebuff them. The secondary role of Shamans during Mastery of Healing, Wild Healing, and Augmented Dexterity:
sieges is casting offensive spells. Depending on their Even though Healers are the best healers, Aug/Mend Shamans
specialization, Shamans have the ability to fight and interrupt will find themselves using their healing abilities often.
the enemy at range with bolt spells, AoE DoT spells, AoE Spending points on these realm abilities will make their
disease, AoE roots, and AoE buff shearing. healing more efficient.

Keep Defense Serenity: Spamming group heals from the center of a tower is
Shamans fulfill the same roles on keep defense as they do a good way to keep your group on their feet when they are
while attacking a keep. Defending Shamans are also the single scattered around during a tower defense. Your power bar
best class for managing the numerous NPC defenders of a won't survive the beating for very long, though. While all
keep, as they can cast powerful non-concentration based Shamans should consider a little Serenity, Aug/Mend Shamans
buffs and heals on the NPCs while making their rounds. Both might invest in this realm ability at higher levels to counter
Shaman Master Level tracks are also very useful in siege their tendency to burn through power faster.
situations, due to the stationary nature of the various magical
fields they can create. For High Cave Magic and some Augmentation specializations:
Long Wind One: Hopefully you have at least 32 Augmentation
Realm Abilities for the yellow endurance regen. Pick up the first level of this
realm ability and you will be able to perma-sprint (sprint
When you are choosing realm abilities, keep your RvR role in
without losing endurance).
mind. Any ability that increases your odds of survival is a
worthy purchase. Here are some buying suggestions based on
Vehement Renewal: You can take this group instant heal as a
your class and the two most popular skill specializations:
great way to supplement your healing repertoire. This power
doesn’t heal you, just your group.
For All Shamans:
Ichor of the Deep: An uninterruptible, two second cast time
Mastery of Magery, Wild Power, and Augmented Acuity:
AoE root is the ultimate lifesaver for a Shaman under melee
Spending points on these realm abilities will add some extra
attack. Sprint away immediately. Even if the enemy purges the
bite to your damage spells.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

crowd control that can be used to peel enemies off the
group’s support classes.

Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR

A Skald’s hotbars are typically set up so that their primary
instant damage spells, mez spell, and snare spell are on the
main bar with a mixture of melee styles and realm abilities.
Secondary hotbars contain the list of chants that come out of
the Battlesong specialization path, extra reactionary styles,
and artifact and realm abilities that aren’t needed instantly. An
example hotbar set-up might look the following:

Hammer Skald

Hotbar 10 Hot Bar 1 Hot bar 2

The Skald is Midgard’s speed class hybrid. Skalds are a Viking- Frosthammer Provoke Speed chant
(side style) (anytime taunt)
based class intended to help provide speed and melee
support to a group’s main melee characters. They possess two Provoke Direct Damage spell Damage add chant
(anytime taunt)
direct damage spells, a mesmerization spell and
Direct Damage Spell Direct Damage spell Body Resist
arangedarranged snare spell, in their Battlesong specialization
Direct Damage Spell Crushing Blow (part I) Mattery Resist
line and may choose between three weapon types, axe,
hammer, or sword. Skalds can be effective as solo players if Mez Insta-Mez Heat Resist
they are fully buffed out, however they will have limited Ignore pain Slam Shield icon
(realm ability) (parry second in chain) (to switch to 1h)
effectiveness if they encounter more then one enemy player
Endurance Insta-Snare 2h Icon
at a time. Skalds are far more effective as melee support potion/totem (to switch to 2h weapon)
characters. Their direct damage and damage add (Battlesong Power Potion/totem Conquer Cold resist
specialization path) can increase the lethality of a group’s (rear style)

initial attack on an enemy player. They bypass the enemy’s Shades of Mist icon Sledgehammer Spirit resist
(Artifact) (follow to conquer)
melee defenses with the direct damage spells (DDs), while
Warlord II ability Purge Epiphany
contributing a melee hit as well. A properly played Skald (master level ability) (realm ability) (Skald unique RA)
assisting their groupmatesgroup mates and using positional
attacks can output quite a bit of damage, however they There are some styles on multiple pages so the player can
possess relatively poor defense should the enemy attack. use the backup style system without switching pages. The
Skalds can use either one or two hand weapons backup style system allows a player to select a reactionary,
interchangeably. In New Frontiers, all classes who have melee then select another style to back it up if the reactionary
styles will automatically earn tireless level I during the opening is not available. For example, Frosthammer requires
leveling process—Skalds get this ability because they have the Skald to have a side view of the enemy; however, if they
styled attacks. strafe right before you can attack, that style might fail. By
The Skald is a primary ingredient in a strong group. Skalds using Provoke as a backup, when the enemy strafes, Provoke
provide the needed means of speedy transportation, fires, and the Skald still lands a styled attack. When choosing
additional frontloaded damage, and emergency forms of styles, Skalds should remember that any type of damage over


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

time, whether it’s a bleed or a DoT proc, will break their insta over a given time. However, high value heal reverse proc
mez and insta stun on the next tick. The direct damage spells armor is hard to obtain, while the ablative proc armor is easily
are on both hotbars ten and one so while the player is styling obtainable. The heal reactive proc chest pieces are in
with hotbar ten, they can see the direct damage spell timers extremely high demand. Because many of them can be used
reset, then use them without switching pages. The timered by any class wearing chain armor, frequently substituting an
realm abilities are also kept off the main page because they ablative proc piece becomes needed. A player must pay
are only up part of the time. attention to the delves on the armor they obtain. Crafted
armor cannot return the same level of health that some drop
Armor/Weapon/Item Selection armor does, so it may be to the advantage of the player to
Skalds wear chain armor and can carry a small, non- concentrate on getting higher delve ablatives then getting
specialized shield for defense, and a one-handed or two- several smaller delve heal procs.
handed hammer for melee offense. Due to their relatively low Weapons are also a source of both offense and defense by
defense, some considerations should be taken to increase nature of their proc effect. Some weapons dropped in PvE
their survivability. While buffs do a great deal to increase a zones by high level monsters can have a lifetap effect, high
Skald’s effectiveness, their true survival ability is derived from delve ablative proc, or an offensive proc like a damage over
their items, probably more so then any other hybrid class in time spell or a melee haste spell. Lifetap effects cause a direct
the game. damage spell to land on the enemy and return a portion of
Items that have armor factor or absorption charged buff that damage back to the user, usually of relatively small
effects that stack with normal buffs and armor are one way to amounts and subject to the enemy’s magic resists. Ablative
increase the inherent defense of a Skald. Some Skalds can procs occur when a Skald hits a target and the weapon fires.
obtain close to 800 AF from a combination of armor and This then casts a damage absorption effect on the Skald. High
effects for short periods of time. Another way is to use armor delve absorption reverse procs are especially nice on one
that has reactive health or ablative proc effects. Ablative procs handed weapons with a fast speed because when a Skald runs
will cast a damage absorption buff on the wearer of the out of endurance, they can switch to one-hand weapon and
delved value. A 150 ablative proc with 50% absorb means that shield. Skald weapons that proc a damage over time effect, or
the proc will fire and the next hit will have 75 damage DoT effect, are primarily for use against Skald.
absorbed from it, the hit after that will also absorb 75 damage,
then the ablative effect will fade. To maximize the On the Battlefield
effectiveness of these tools, make sure a mixture of those Solo Tactics
effects are present on the armor. Multiple ablative procs do The solo Scald is a combination of long-range scout and
not stack in effect, but multiple heal procs will heal until the predator on the weak. With high speed as a primary weapon
owner is at full health. Below is an example of a possible and survival skill, the Scald can spot enemies and choose to
armor setup: intercept or distance themselves without much fear of being
caught. Most classes can be caught through simple speed or
Armor piece Effect by choosing a good path to intercept them. Once caught the
Chest Heal reactive proc Scald has a chance of defeating the enemy in melee if they are
Legs Ablative proc of the appropriate class. Solo Skalds typically perform best if
Sleeves Heal proc they are buffed up; however, through the use of certain items
Helm Ablative proc gained in PvE, the Skald can temporarily boost their stats
Gloves Heal proc through charges for temporary encounters. It is imperative
Boots Heal Proc for a solo Skald to take extra care to max all their resists and
primary stats. They will get no heals during a typical
The armor is listed in order of the frequency that it gets engagement and should reduce the amount of damage they
hit. The most common are hits to the chest where a heal proc receive while optimizing their own damage output.
will benefit the Skald the most by returning the most health In order to effectively engage most solo classes, the Skald


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

should try to attack from close range or from behind. They their Body Resist chant to reduce the damage the group takes
could approach the classes under cover, or once the enemy’s from enemy spells. This is like a free heal for the healers in the
destination becomes clear, move to a location where they can group. By reducing the damage taken from enemy spells, they
hide, then attack the enemy when they approach. A ranged have more time to heal by target instead of just using a
attacker will be given time to cast a crowd control spell or spreadheal. This saves them power, and extends their ability
nuke the down the Skald before they get there, so it is to participate in the fight. If there is more then one Skald in
important to get in close range before attacking. In the case of the group, occasionally it is best to run a resist chant that
archers, the Skald should stealth and escape the initial focuses on the expected attack from the start. This can be
confrontation, at which point they go from being predator to particularly effective against enemy mezzes because they are
prey. By engaging at close range, the Skald negates the subject to duration loss against high resist targets, and the
enemy’s range advantage and can increase their chances of duration is determined by when the mez was applied. As such,
survival. Additionally, by attacking suddenly from close range, even if the Skald gets mezzed, everyone who had the chant
the Skald can frequently get positional attacks off on the will be mezzed less time if the chant is up or they are resist
surprised enemy. For the most part, solo main melee classes buffed. If the Skald has the Crocodile Tears Ring artifact from
are a difficult class to defeat for solo Skalds. Main tanks can be Trials of Atlantis, they should be careful using resist chants.
defeated through the use of kiting—the act of staying just out Doing so can strip off resist buffs from neighboring groups
of melee range and hitting the enemy with direct damage without warning.
spells repeatedly before engaging in melee. However if the Skalds can also use a damage add chant that increases the
tanks are high realm rank or well equipped, the odds heavily damage potential of all magic users in the group. The damage
favor them over the Skald. add does not apply to spells or the Skald’s instant damage
Some of the best places for a solo Skald to hang out are spells; it is purely a melee oriented tool. The health chant in
near the boat drop off points for the fast attack boats, the the Skald’s Battlesong line is similar to the health regen that
dock points where boats are purchased or boarded, and the shamans have in their mend line—it provides health every
fringes of battles where enemy reinforcements may trickle in. few seconds. The number of seconds depends on if the
groupmategroup mate receiving the chant is in combat or out
Group Tactics of combat. If they are in combat, they will receive one health
In group combat, Skalds serve as the group’s primary means tick every 14 seconds; if they are out of combat it will regen
of transportation to and from battles short distances away or once every six seconds.
beyond the reach of the teleportation stones. Their job is to
stay close to their group so the group has speed as often as Siege Strategy and Keep Defense
possible, while alternating to a range of their different chants Skalds are not perfectly suited to siege warfare, however they
depending on the type of fight that is faced. Also, depending can still contribute in several useful ways. The Skald resist
on their group composition, they should stay close to the chants and health regen chants can reduce the healing
group’s main assist and aid them in damaging targets with demands on their support classes by allowing some players to
positionals and direct damage spells. In a pinch, they can use regen out of combat or by reducing the overall damage taken
their insta mez to temporarily disrupt casters and support by groupmatesgroup mates.
classes by either mezzing them or interrupting them mid-cast. On keep offense, the Skald’s limited direct damage (DD)
The insta snare can also be used to peel enemy tanks off of spell range will prohibit them from doing much damage to
the Skalds support oriented group mates, however any casters on the walls prior to the outer perimeter being
damage will break the snare effect and the enemy will be free breached by the assault. However, a Warlord Master Level Path
to move again. Skald can run siege gear attacking the keep. Their improved
Aside from assisting the group’s MA, Skalds can help rate of fire decreases the time it takes to drop enemy
improve the group’s survivability in other ways. For instance, structural elements and doors.
if the Skald’s group does not have a body resist from an aug Skalds can also roam the fringes of the battle making sure
Shaman or Healer in the group up, on first contact with an enemy archers have a difficult time attacking the siege force
Albion group that has casters present, the Skald could turn on from the open field. They can also stop small groups of enemy


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

players from reinforcing the keep or outpost. Defense Realm Ability. Mastery of Parry increases the
On keep defense, Skalds serve as roaming assassin killers, effectiveness of the parry specialization. The higher this is
siege operators, and provide resist and heal chant to group taken, the greater frontal arc defense a Skald will possess. This
mates that are on the wall dueling with attacking casters. To has no impact on magical damage
effectively combat stealthers, Skalds need to move around in Skalds can also purchase some realm abilities that heal
the area near known climb points with a class who can either both power and health. Ameliorating Melodies allows the
break an enemy stealther from stealth or who can provide a Skald to heal group mates for a set amount per tick over the
Prescience node (Convoker ML Stealth Detect font). When the course of 30 seconds, providing in combat healing support,
assassin is discovered, the Skald will hit them with their and in some cases allowing players to survive bad damage
weapon and both their DDs, then use insta mez and call in over time spells, or assassin attacks. Anger of the Gods
additional fire support. By being patient, the Skald can provides different amounts of damage add up to 30 dps in
guarantee the enemy dies on the wall, in an unrezzable strength for its several levels. This allows players to do greater
position. A Warlord track Skald can utilize the siege damage per strike, which is good for tank combat or killing
hookpoints on the towers to unleash deadly attacks on enemy guards. Speed of Sound allows grouped players to move at
siege items and captured outposts, protracting the fight and speed 4 unstoppable speed until they initiate combat or hit a
making it difficult for the enemy to destroy portions of speedwarp, providing a chance for support classes to avoid
the keep. assist trains.
Some Skalds may choose to pick up self effective RAs
Realm Abilities including Purge, Ignore Pain, Raging Power, and Mystic Crystal
Skalds have a combination of group support RAs, self Lore. Purge will remove negative effects from a player who
improvement RAs for melee and magical damage, and other uses it, allowing a player to remove mez, snare, stun, root,
RAs. At Realm Rank five, Skalds receive Ephinay, which is a DoTs, or offensive shapechanges cast on them by enemy
group effect mana heal that heals for approximately 20%. players. Ignore Pain acts as an in-combat health insta heal. It is
A Skald’s magical realm abilities include power regen and not effectedaffected by disease or relic status. Mystic Crystal
damage RAs, which is intended to increase the Skald’s spell Lore and Raging Power are both power regen realm abilities
damage over time. In order to increase magical damage, the that only affect the Skald.
Skald should purchase Aug Acuity, Mastery of Magery, and
Wild Power. Aug Acuity increases base power pool which
controls the number of spells a Skald can cast and gives a
small boost to damage output. Mastery of Magery, is a scaling
passive percentage increase in spell damage with 5 levels of
damage increase. Wild power increases the chance of a spell
to crit, and in the case of a Skald’s DD, it makes it possible for
them to critical hit at all, as a normal DD cannot critical hit. All
of these realm abilities will help a Skald combat enemy players
who have high magical resists.
Melee realm abilities that a Skald can get make them more
likely to critical hit, hit harder, or parry more. Augment
Strength is the primary way to increase Skald weapon
damage. By increasing strength through realm abilities and
equipment, the Skald increases their weaponskillweapon skill,
which in turn increases damage and chance to hit. Mastery of
Pain is a realm ability that gives the user a higher chance to
critical hit, combined with higher weaponskillweapon skill.
This means Skalds can output a greater amount of melee
damage, which helps combat enemy classes with the Physical


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Yosarian (Olly Wright)
Sorcerers are Albion’s primary crowd control class. With their quickbinding to map hotbar slots to keys using the /qbind
powerful area of effect mesmerize and root spells they can command: /qbind [bar#] [slot#].
immobilize large numbers of enemies. They can make good or What truly sets a Sorcerer above his or her peers in RvR is
great damage casters, depending on their specialization, as their ability to scan the horizon for incoming enemies and
well as casting an array of other spells to hamper their react quickly to mesmerize them. This makes mastery of the
enemies. Sorcerers can also charm pets that they find in the camera panning keys very worthwhile. This can be done with
frontier, including ones with magical powers that can cast the keyboard, although using extra mouse buttons is
damage, healing or buffing spells. This makes them a versatile effective: one recommended configuration is mouse-2 for
but challenging class, suited to players who can master the camera pan, mouse-3 (middle wheel button) for zoom, and
many options open to them. However, with great power mouse-4 for re-center camera.
comes risk. You will frequently be your enemies’ first target,
needing the help of your armor-wearing bodyguard and
healing Clerics to keep you alive, especially since your thin
cloth robes do little to protect you from the weapons and
bolt-spells of those you fight. A Sorcerer is not the class for
those who mind a sudden and bloody death from time
to time!

Preparation for Battle

Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR
A Sorcerer’s many abilities require several hotbars for RvR.
Your primary hotbar should contain your area mesmerize,
area and single roots, damage spells, area debuffs, quickcast,
and any realm abilities you need to access quickly. Some
Sorcerers also put cure-mesmerize or amnesia on their first
bar. Your second bar should contain your other spells
Creating Useful Macros
(secondary debuffs, dots, charm), item charges and other
realm abilities. You will also need a buffing hotbar for your Macros are short keyboard commands that have been saved
self-buffs, group chants, and power buffs. A fourth hotbar as buttons to put on your hotbar. Common macros are:
containing power potions is also useful. • Assist: This gives you the same target as another player.
Use: /macro <button name> /assist <player name>
Keyboard Configuration • Repair: Used to repair keep doors and walls /macro
repair /repair
Although the standard keyboard configuration can be used,
the quick reactions needed to master sorcery mean that See the Camelot Herald slash command section for a list of
players often remap their keyboard to put their commonly commands that you can use to make macros.
used abilities close at hand. w, a, s, d, or e, s, d, f
for movement are popular, leaving your fingers near your Armor/Weapon/Item Selection
number keys for quick hotbar choices. Then around these Sorcerers should select their equipment to give them a wide
keys put the RvR abilities you need most: face, sprint, nearest range of enhancements to both their offensive and defensive
target, last attacker, and follow. It is also possible to use capabilities. Artifacts, in particular, have many bonuses that


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

can benefit Sorcerers, such as + cast speed%, + range%, + winning the opening mesmerize against your crowd control
duration%, and + damage%. The important statistics to boost opponents (Midgard Healers and Hibernian Bards). Then root
are dexterity, intelligence, and constitution, as well as hit free enemies, watching especially for those enemies on your
points. After that, focus on increasing your resistances to all Healers and Casters. Use your debuffs freely on enemy
damage types, such as slash, heat, and spirit; making sure you players: they do not break mez in RvR, although they will
leave no gaps that can make you vulnerable to particular break mez on enemy pets, so be ready to root these if you
attacks. Bear in mind that these types of resistances are accidentally free them. Another key group spell is cure-
capped at 26%, so it is not worthwhile trying to boost them mesmerize. Use this on your Casters and Clerics who will stay
further. A spellcrafter can custom-make items for you to fit mezzed for a long time if caught. Area of effect (AoE)
around the items you have found on your adventures in mesmerize can also be used to interrupt groups of enemy
Atlantis and elsewhere. They can also be a good source of Healers and Casters which can prove invaluable by preventing
advice on how to improve your setup. An alchemist can add your tanks’ targets from receiving heals.
effects (procs) to your items also; the ablative damage proc in
particular is good for sorcerers as it absorbs melee damage Siege Strategy
done to you. Sieges often involve ranged stand-offs. In these situations, use
your long range amnesia and AoE mez spells to disrupt your
enemies. Once a wall or door is breached, try to stay away
from the center of the fight (such us up on a wall) to make it
harder for enemies to spot and attack you. When attacking a
keep a Sorcerer should always check for incoming enemies:
mezzing them before they get to the doors can prevent them
getting in and reinforcing the keep.

Realm Abilities
Many realm abilities will help all types of Sorcerers:
Augmented Dexterity for faster casting and Toughness,
Augmented Constitution and Physical Defense for better
survivability. Ethereal Bond and Serenity will boost your
power, while Mystic Crystal Lore and Raging Power will give
you a quick power charge. Mastery of Focus will lower the
chance of enemies resisting your spells. Damage orientated
On the Battlefield players should put points into Acuity and Mastery of Magery
Solo Tactics which increases damage output. Other more situational RAs
The key to solo victory is the element of surprise: mezzing can prove valuable: Ichor of the Deep, Negative Maelstrom
your opponent at range, debuffing them, then sticking your and especially Purge.
pet on them while you proceed to nuke them. If they get too
close, root and run back to maximum range before casting
again. Another key is to pick your fights wisely. There are
some classes that it is best to avoid solo; if you solo you will
find out which ones these are the hard way!

Group Role
Sorcerers are considered an essential group class in Albion,
and if you RvR well as a Sorcerer you should find yourself very
popular with your realm mates. Focus on staying alert and


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

damage is relatively minimal and in modern RvR combat it is
difficult to output much damage.
Spiritmasters are the secondary mezzer of Midgard, aside
from Healers. They have the only other form of area of effect
mez (darkness line) and the only other single target, long
duration, casted mez. Additionally, at mid-level suppression
specialization, Spiritmasters have access to a demez spell to
remove that effect from friendly players and pets.
Spiritmasters also have debuff options available to them
that can positively impact a battle, especially when combined
with active buff shearing. Str/con debuffs also have a
secondary effect of making it easier for spells to hit harder.
The lower a target’s constitution level, the harder any given
spell will land.
Darkness Spiritmasters can also use an insta debuff that
debuffs dex/quick, which hinders enemy casters, healers, and
Spiritmasters are a pet-class caster with three primary
archers from performing their jobs at maximum efficiency.
specialization paths: Darkness, Suppression, and Summoning.
Darkness Spiritmasters also possess several casted debuffs
Darkness consists of lifetaps, ranged area of effect mez, point
that debuff the enemy’s resistance to energy, spirit, and body
blank area of effect mez, and some castable and instant
magic. Suppression Spiritmasters also have a single target
debuffs. Suppression has single target mez,
attack speed debuff, which in combination with their pet’s
strength/constitution debuff, point blank area of effect direct
intercept ability, can allow a Spiritmaster with fast casting
damage (PBAoE), and an attack speed debuff. Summoning has
speed to cast in between enemy attacks.
pet buffs, resurrection (10%), and realm castable damage
All of these skills combined make the split specialized
shields. All Spiritmasters have the use of one of five types of
Spiritmaster one of the more challenging, yet rewarding
pets, the spirit fighter, spirit soldier, spirit swordsmen, spirit
casters to play in Midgard. Played properly, a split
warrior, and spirit champion, as well as a baseline root and a
specialization can change the course of a battle. If the
baseline darkness direct damage ranged spell.
Spiritmaster has a level or two of the realm ability mastery of
There are three typical types of specializations that
focus, and the str/con debuff lands, the Spiritmaster could hit
players choose for Spiritmasters. One is Darkness
as hard as either of the pure specialized types of Spiritmaster
specialization 47 with the rest of the points in either
while providing substantially greater utility.
summoning to obtain rez or suppression to obtain str/con
With the life transfer spell, Spiritmasters can act as ghetto
debuffs and attack speed debuffs. Another is Suppression 48
Healers in some circumstances which transfers the
with the rest of the points in darkness to decrease the
Spiritmaster’s health to a group mate. If the Spiritmaster
variance on the baseline ranged DD, and a split specialization
happens to be split specialized, he could immediately turn
path which can be any of a variety of combinations of the
around and lifetap an enemy or nearby monster and regain all
three. Two useful split specialization choices are 37 dark, 36
of his health. Darkness Spiritmasters are just like split
supp, 15 summon, and 41 supp 35 dark with the rest in
specialized Spiritmasters with a better mez and a stronger
summon. There are also some rare Spiritmasters who choose
lifetap, but without the ability to PBAoE. Typically, they will
to go the summoning route—that is to say they primarily
choose to minor in suppression or summoning specialization
specialize in summoning, which consists of pet buffs and a
rather then going full 50 darkness. This allows them to rez or
rez. However, not many players choose this option; the
use small str/con debuffs or PBAoE in certain situations.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Suppression Spiritmasters are close-range damage multiple quickcasts during an engagement. Players can get
dealers, but cannot debuff their own PBAoE damage type like +75 stat bonus from items with +25 by overcapping their gear.
the split specialization can. However, they nuke much harder The primary and most important stats for a Spiritmaster to
than a split specialized Spiritmaster and are able to area of max out are acuity and dexterity, which affect damage and
effect mez at range. casting speed respectively. Casting speed also affects damage
output during a fight because the faster you cast, the more
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR damage over time you can output. So while acuity is an
A typical a hotbar for a split specialized Spiritmaster is shown important modifier, dexterity can often have a greater effect
below. Both darkness and suppression Spiritmasters have on the caster’s survivability. Other useful stats are
variations of this same theme. This Spiritmaster is 37 constitution, resist piercing, casting speed, casting range, and
darkness, 36 suppression, 15 summoning. The numbers in damage increase from items—all capped at 10%. Some
parenthesis are the spell level, which can be used to Spiritmasters choose to have extra gear in their bags so when
determine what level of Mastery of Focus (realm ability) a they buff themselves and their pet, the pets will last longer.
player might wish to buy. This gear is typically labeled with "plus buff duration" labels.
A Spiritmaster should wield a two-handed staff with focus
Hotbar 10 Hot Bar 1 Hot bar 2 in the primary specialized path and darkness. Darkness focus
should always be on the staff, as without it, the ranged direct
Spirit Debuff Lifetap (37) Ranged AE mez damage will use too much power.
Str/con debuff Quick cast Ranged DD Pet intercept is an ability that is unique to Spiritmasters.
(baseline dark)
The Spiritmaster’s pet steps in and intercepts enemy melee
PBAoE DD (34) PBAoE DD (34) Lifetap (37)
and arrow attacks. The closer the pet is to the caster, the more
Quick cast Str/con debuff Quickcast likely they are to intercept. The maximum intercept rate is just
PBAoE mez PBAoE mez Self Buff under 50% of all attacks when the pet is on the “here”
Energy debuff Single target root Self Buff command, which essentially puts its range from the caster at
Energy DD item charge Single target mez Self Bubble zero. As the pet gets farther away, up to approximately 300
Lifetap (37) Dex/quick debuff Pet str/con buff units, the pet will intercept less. The pet’s attack mode does
Demez Item Pet dex/quick buff not matter when it comes to intercept rate, however you may
(with charge) find the pet stays closer to you when it is on passive mode
Power PoT/totem/ Attack Speed Debuff Pet haste buff and doesn’t flee if you are attacked from range.
MCL/raging power
Perhaps the most effective way for you to use the pet is to
move to the intended casting position, select here and
Certain abilities like lifetap, quickcast and str/con debuff defensive mode. This way you will benefit from the various
should be placed on every bar if possible to allow them to be procs from the pet while getting the maximum benefit from
used immediately should the need arise. Since lifetap and the intercept capability.
str/con debuffs both extend the life of the caster they should
be placed in convenient places. Be careful about putting
On the Battlefield
quickcast and any insta spells next to each other—quick cast
Solo Tactics
can be used on an instant spell and has a 30 second reuse
timer that feels like an eternity if the enemy is beating on you. For the solo Spiritmaster, initiative is the key to victory.
Without speed, avoiding enemy groups can be a frustrating
Armor/Weapon/Item Selection experience. However, assuming you avoid the enemy, you
could effectively solo because of your ability to mez and root
Armor for any of the Spiritmaster specs should be AF51, high
on different timers. First, CC as many of the enemy as
quality armor with ablative procs because it is the best way to
possible, then engage the weakest one. Depending on your
combine their pet’s intercept ability with their armor’s reverse
specialization, this may depend on the enemy group size
proc and the realm ability Physical Defense. Between the three
being manageable and not healing heavy. It is possible with
aspects, some Spiritmasters may find that they can get off


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

mastery of concentration and Darkness specialization to kill crucial to defeating Animist mushroom farms in key choke
multiple enemy players. points which allows other realm mates to charge through the
For most Spiritmasters, solo play will be a very steep new gap without taking vast amounts of damage. When it
learning curve as they get used to how to play. Once you comes time to defend the lord room, the suppression
figure out a play style that benefits your reflexes and Spiritmaster can take up position inside the friendly tanks and
preferences it can be an entertaining adventure. try to PBAoE enemy players as they charge in.
The changes to Mastery of Concentration will reduce
Group Role Spiritmaster damage in keep settings a fair bit, as many of the
The job of a Spiritmaster is to inflict damage either by direct large engagements will be at close range where enemy
action such as PBAoE or a lifetap or by indirect action, such as players are well equipped to interrupt casters with all manner
debuffing energy for a Thane or Runemaster so that they may of items, Master Level Abilities, and class abilities. This will
hit harder. Another job is to back up the primary mezzers by affect all specialization paths. The only way to avoid it is to
rooting and mezzing or decrease the effectiveness of enemy buy Mastery of Concentration, which now lessens the damage
troops by hitting them with Area of effect debuffs. output of a spell, making low damage spells barely functional
Spiritmasters can also assist other players who can debuff for until a high level of MOC (level 3 for instance) can be used.
their damage such as Runecarving Runemasters for the
darkness lifetap and darkness Spiritmasters for their Realm Abilities
suppression brethren. You’ll want to concentrate on some basic RAs no matter what
your specialization is. For magical damage output,
Keep Defense concentrate on Mastery of Magery, Augment Acuity, and Wild
Keep warfare for the Spiritmaster in New Frontiers is different
Split specialized Spiritmasters should get several levels of
than it used to be in the old realm versus realm keep combat.
Mastery of Focus to decrease the number of resists. Summon
In New Frontiers, PBAoE no longer damages through solid
specialized Spiritmasters should also get Mastery of Focus so
structures such as doors and walls, which makes lord room
you can get better variance on your darkness baseline Direct
fights somewhat different. There are good things that come
Damage spell. Mastery of Focus will not boost the effective
out of this change however. GTAoE and Volley will no longer
spell level above level 50.
hit people inside the lord room who are under a roof. AE nuke
Additionally, all Spiritmasters have access to a couple of
on somebody down the stairs from the lord room will no
realm abilities that boost pet damage. Juggarnaut is perhaps
longer hit people out of line of sight.
the most popular. It
For darkness Spiritmasters, keep warfare mainly consists
increases the level of a pet,
of nuking people from the walls and windows, or porting out
enabling added utility and
of the doors on the parapet or citadel and nuking people, or
damage in both PvE and RvR
laying Master level abilities on the wall then porting back in.
fights. Other options include
Occasionally, a darkness Spiritmaster will provide security
Wild Minion and Excited
against enemy assassin classes by guarding climb points and
Frenzy, both of which
using their heightened durability to try to out damage enemy
increase the overall damage
assassins penetrating the keep.
output that a pet can do
Suppression Spiritmasters are useful in denying access to
over brief periods of time.
the keep through weak points caused by enemy siege. When
the door falls, the Spiritmaster may decide to take up position
Spiritmasters should also purchase Purge, Mastery of
on either side of the door and PBAoE those trying to come
Concentration, and power regeneration RAs such as Mystic
through it with a healer backing them up with AE stun. If a
Crystal Lore and Raging Power.
wall gets destroyed, the Spiritmaster may choose to guard the
The realm rank five free ability for Spiritmasters is Spirit
hole in the wall the same way. On keep offense, when a wall
Martyr—a pet sacrifice that group heals the group for the
gets destroyed, a suppression specialized Spiritmaster can be
amount of hit points the pet had left.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

styles and only a few spells on the first hotbar. If you cast
more often than not, keep less weapon styles on your first
hotbar. Don’t be afraid to have the same weapon style, spell,
or macro on more than one hotbar. Just make sure it works
for you.

Creating Useful Macros

When setting up you hotbar, make sure you have all the
macros you need on the hotbar. Some common macros you
may need are an assist macro, a target macro, and macros to
print out certain messages in the chat window, saving you
from typing them in the middle of battle. Below are several
examples of macros, how to make them, and how they are
/macro ASSIST /macro ASSIST /assist %t is probably
Thanes are one of the few classes that can always be doing one of the handiest macros to have. It creates a macro to
something offensive in any RvR situation. They have the assist the player you have targeted. This is most important
abilities of a tank class, and can assist those in the front lines when your group wants to focus their damage on one target.
to melee down targets. They also have the abilities of a caster The group sets one player, referred to as the master assist
class, allowing them to stand off and cast direct damage spells (MA). The rest of the group then uses a macro to assist the
on enemies. With the abilities of both, they can adapt to any player who is the MA. This allows for a greater focus of
situation. damage on one target, and greater control of the situation.
/macro TARGET /macro TARGET /target %t allows you
Preparation for Battle to target an individual without having to find them in the
crowd. This is very useful when one person is assigned to be
When preparing your Thane for battle, there are several things
the driver—the person who everyone sticks to when you need
you should keep in mind. Know your keyboard layout, have
to move. Press this macro, then the stick or follow key, and
your hotbar set up correctly, and make sure you have the
you’re ready to move out without having to take your hand
correct armor and weapons selected.
off the keyboard.
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR
Keyboard Configuration
Setting up your hotbar is similar to setting up your keyboard.
How a Thane has their keyboard set is up to each individual
It is essential to Memorize what each button does, and what
player’s preference. The main thing is to be comfortable with
page it is on. With the versatility of the Thane, comes more
the keyboard set up. Make sure you memorize what key is set
buttons for the hotbar. Thanes need to have buttons for
to what function. Fumbling to find a key, or fighting the
weapon styles, as well as buttons for their spells. Each Thane
keyboard to do something, can get any character killed fast.
will need to find the configuration of their hotbar that works
Make sure to set a key for everything in the Keyboard screen
for them. In general though, you should keep the styles,
in the Option screen. Don’t be afraid to try different setups, or
spells, or macros you use the most on your first hotbar, and
to change them back. Make sure you are as comfortable with
less used items on later hotbars. If you are in melee more
the keyboard settings as possible.
often than you find yourself casting spells, keep more weapon


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Armor/Weapon/Item Selection Thanes can also do well when engaging enemies outside a
keep. Thanes can quickly switch from melee with the rest of
When selecting what armor and weapons to use, make sure to
the tanks, to casting on enemies that try to run or are
have the maximum resists you can have. They help you take
otherwise outside of melee range.
less damage, and reduce the duration and effectiveness of
spells such as rebuffs, roots, mezzes, and stuns. Also try to
Keep Defense
maximize your hit points. More hit points means you live
longer. Try to keep your stat and skill bonuses as close to the In a keep defense situation, Thanes can switch from casted
cap as possible. The higher the stat is, the more of a boost to direct damage spells when on the walls, to meleeing any
your abilities they give. The same goes to skill bonuses. attackers that get through the gates.
When looking at artifacts, make sure to keep in mind that
artifacts tend to have less plus skill/plus stats/plus resist Realm Abilities
bonuses than most other items. As a trade off, they have There are a few realm abilities every Thane should think about
unique abilities, whether passive or active, that help you in getting. When you get them, when you upgrade from level
battle. A Thane should look into obtaining Battler, Belt of the one to two, or two to three, is up to each individual.
Sun, Ceremonial Bracer, Cyclops Eye Shield, Guard of Valor, With Purge, you can’t do anything when you’re mezzed or
Harpy's Feathers Cloak, Maddening Scalars, Malice's Axe, stunned, and debuffs can seriously impact your ability to
Oglidarsh's Belt, and Spear of Kings. fight. The faster you can get these spells off you, the better.
Purge will remove those negative effects.
On the Battlefield Dual Threat is a decent choice, as long as you realize how
Solo Tactics to maximize your points spent to get the optimal level of
While the Thane is mainly a group-oriented class, they can return. If you want to maximize your crits for both melee and
solo reasonably well. They should use their strength and casting, you should take Mastery of Pain and Wild Power to
constitution self buffs, and their self damage add buff. Using level 2 before you purchase the first level of Dual Threat, and
their two insta-cast direct damage spells, they do reasonably do not purchase level two until Mastery of Pain and Wild
well solo. Power are both at level 3. Level 3 of Dual Threat is unlikely to
be worth the points; you will get more effect from those last
Group Role 15 RSP by spending them on another level 2 active.
The extra damage from Wrath of Champions can help turn
Thanes can adapt to varying group make-ups. Thanes who are
a battle.
high shield skill and/or high Stormcalling, may want to stay
The stun from Static Tempest is helpful in preventing
toward the back and guard Mystics and Seers in the group.
melee types from attacking, and can prevent caster and healer
They can also cast on enemy casters or healers to keep them
types from helping the tanks, as well as keeping your support
from doing their job. Thanes that focus on higher melee skills
from taking damage.
and/or two handed weapons should stay at the front of the
There are other good buys out there, like Second Wind or
lines, assisting the other tanks and using their insta-cast spells
a couple levels of Ignore Pain, which have become much more
to interrupt enemy casters and healers.
cost-effective purchases for thanes. Due to the power of
Siege Strategy ranged casters in New Frontiers keep standoffs, a few levels of
Avoidance of Magic is a wise purchase for a defensive-minded
Keep taking is one area in which the Thane’s ability to adapt
thane. Beyond the few 'must-haves,' just be sure to tailor your
shines. No matter what state the keep is in, the Thane can
purchases to how you like to play your thane; this is much
always be doing something useful. In a keep-taking situation,
more doable now than it was in the old days when we had the
the Thane can perform many tasks, from helping run a ram
and meleeing down guards, to casting on the guards and shortest RA list of any class in the game.
other casters on the wall. They can keep busy at any time
during the attack. They can cast from the walls on enemies
outside and engage in melee once the doors are down. Thanes
truly show their versatility in a keep siege.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Abaddon Ambrosius, Vigilance Guild (Lee Zaruba)
Theurgists are currently classified as "utility" casters. A big area of effect root, Abrasion (attack debuff), and Purge.
piece of a Theurgist's utility beyond their buffing and chant • Wind Specialization: Mastery of Concentration, Raging
spells, is their unique-in-the-game elementals. Elementals are Power, quickcast, air elemental, earth elemental, wind
only vaguely similar to summoned pets. Elementals are level 45 direct damage, wind area of effect mesmerize,
summoned on-demand with a 3-second summoning spell per single target root, Purge, and Runspeed chant.
elemental. They also have a long range of 2000 units. Theurgists usually have a second quickbar containing
Elementals have limited base lifespans of 60 seconds (earth personal shields, buffs, runspeed, and bladeturn/pulse-
line), 25 seconds (ice line), and 20 seconds (wind line) before bladeturn spells.
they expire. They are single-target only. You must target an
enemy, and that enemy must be in line of sight. Elementals Keyboard Configuration
cannot change targets. Elementals are immune to being
Keyboard configurations vary so widely that it is difficult to
mesmerized and root, but not stun.
recommend a single configuration. You can try resting your
However, elementals share some key qualities with pets.
index finger on t for forward movement, your thumb on
They can continually "interrupt" other players’ spell casting,
and have to travel a distance and "path" their way to an
z for backward movement. Toggle r for autorun, v
and b for left and right strafing, and the mouse for left-right
enemy. They can be killed via spell damage and melee
turn and mouselook. The remaining two fingers rest on 4
damage. Beyond these universal traits discussed above, each
and 3 for hotbar spells. Place your pinkie on q for enemy
of the three specialized lines has a separate type of elemental.
detect, with /lastattacker and /face and /stick mapped on
Earth elementals do not have a proc; they only run to the
the keys surrounding q. This way, you can instantly reach
enemy and melee it. Earth elementals run progressively faster
hotkeys 1-7 and other major keys without relocating
as higher level elementals are gained. The top elemental runs
your hand.
fast enough to catch an enemy player who is using speed-five
Ice elementals begin their life by trying to cast a direct
Creating Useful Macros
damage spell on the target, approximately every 3 seconds. Frequently, a Theurgist casting elementals will choose
However, once struck, they revert to a less effective melee nonstandard and non-assist targets, as he tries to interrupt
mode against the target. Wind elementals melee poorly. targets of opportunity (like enemy healers and casters who
However, they also attempt to stun the enemy with a very step into the open). Because of this, and because the game
short duration stun. This proc randomly attempts to reapply has added /stick and /face bindkeys, you might not need to
itself to the target continuously once the elemental gets use macros in RvR.
within about 750 units.
Armor/Weapon/Item Selection
Preparation for Battle The armor and jewelry items most Theurgists crave include
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR these stats:
Everyone's hotbar preference is unique, but most Theurgists • + dexterity: fast casting of elementals, fast casting of the
consider the following items worthy of putting on their ”top 209 direct damage
10” primary bar. • + con and + hits: for survivability
• + duration Trials of Atlantis (ToA) items: for extending the
• Earth Specialization: Mastery of Concentration, Raging duration of buffs and elementals
Power, quickcast, earth elemental, ice elemental, • + range Trials of Atlantis items: % bonuses added to
baseline level 50 ice direct damage, single target root, improve range 2000 elementals


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

The following artifacts are helpful once they are leveled. a likely caster, healer, or hybrid target and DD it into the
• The Crocodile Tears Ring (ToA): extends runspeed and ground with your fast power-efficient wind DD. At full wind
pulse bladeturn to friendly realm mates specialization, be prepared to use your area of effect (AE)
• The Staff of the God (ToA): its instant AE-snare is useful mesmerize spell. Without a Sorcerer around, you'll probably
be asked to perform the all-important "first cc" salvo.
• Tartaros' Gift staff (ToA): grants % increase to power pool.
Power is precious to Theurgists. Siege Strategy
For all specializations, elementals are very useful to use to
On the Battlefield attack doors from range 2000, without putting you in harms
Solo Tactics way from most enemy casters and archers. Keep groupmates
If you solo, focus on using your many snare, area of effect and pets buffed, and run your PBT if you have it.
root, area of effect mesmerize, single root, snaring pet (ice
line), and stunning pet (wind line) measures, to slow your Keep Defense
enemy and gain distance. Then kite the enemy and lay Earth specializations (PBT) primarily focus on staying in a
damage on them from range 1200 or so. If they start to fairly safe area, keeping as many defenders inside PBT radius
withdraw, fire your crowd control (CC) spells to stop them. If as possible, and keeping valuable damage and attack speed
they slip past range 1500, you can put snare or stun buffs on friendly realm mates and guards. Earth can
contribute to suppression by firing range 2000 elementals at
elementals on them before they exceed range 2000 to slow
enemy targets. Beware nearsights and multi-archer longshots,
their escape. If you start at moderate to long range against a
which are among the few attacks that match your 2000 range.
ranged class, cast an elemental to start interrupting them. If
Ice and Air specializations primarily focus on long range
you are an ice Theurgist, fire an ice elemental, then stand attacks with elementals, and, AoE root or Mesmerize when
behind it—it is very large and obscures you from easy sight enemies try punching through areas not covered by primary
and target-clicking. crowd controllers (CC). Repeat-casting of the AoE CC also
creates interrupt fields that are effective when paired with a
Group Role few elementals. Secondarily, the baseline buffs are valuable to
Full earth specializations (Pulsing Blade Turn) require great apply to your teammates, particularly archers.
skill to play well in open field, but can gain great respect from
teammates once you show them your worth. This is because Realm Abilities
you need to focus on many things. Keep friendlies in your I will assume a Theurgist at realm rank six (50 realm skill
pulsing Blade Turn (PBT) radius, cast elementals at enemy points) for easy math.
casters and healers to suppress them with interrupts, and • Wind Theurgists (45 plus wind) options:
crowd control selectively to break tank formations. If you Serenity II, Raging Power II, Purge I, Mastery of Magery IV,
keep your adjusted ice specialization high, use your baseline Long Wind II, Toughness I, Dexterity I
ice direct damage spell to /assist and supplement damage Serenity II, Raging Power I, Purge I, Mastery of
without bleeding much of your precious power. Concentration III, Long Wind II, Toughness I, Dexterity I
Ice-earth split specializations that have the eight-second • Earth Theurgists (45 plus earth) options:
PBT are becoming a common utility specialization choice. Serenity Three, Raging Power Two, Purge One,
Enemy healers and casters make good possible kill targets, if Concentration One, Physical Defense Three, Long Wind
you get the jump on them. You can ramp up heavy killing One, Toughness Two
power with ice elementals, but it comes at a severe power cost Serenity III, Raging Power II, Purge I, Concentration I,
so choose wisely. Physical Defense III, Mystic Crystal Lore I
Wind specializations with 10-second PBT or no PBT, are • Earth-Ice Theurgists (35 plus earth, 35 plus ice) options:
mainly about their 209 damage direct damage spell. Air Serenity II, Raging Power I, Purge I, Physical Defense IV,
elementals will not be very effective against a heavy melee Empty Mind II, Bedazzling Aura I, Long Wind I, Serenity II,
class unless stacked four or six deep—and that costs quite a Raging Power I, Purge I, Mastery of Concentration I, Long
bit of time and power. A wind Theurgist will often just use one Wind II, Toughness I, Dexterity III, Empty Mind II,
or two of their 20-second duration elementals to create Bedazzling Aura I.
interrupts on separate enemy healers and casters. Then, select


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Board DesBois (Chris King)
Valewalkers are one of the most versatile and unique classes • The DoT enables you to boost your damage slightly and
in Hibernia. They are considered a "hybrid" because of their keep stealthers from stealthing.
ability to attack from range with spells and melee up close A castable damage shield is available in the baseline
with a two-handed scythe. Because of their versatility, they Arboreal line. Its highest level provides 4.9 dps, which is higher
can be challenging, requiring the finesse to alternate between than the version provided to Hibernia casters. Some
attacking from range and up close depending on the situation. Valewalkers choose not to cast the damage shield to prevent a
Think of Valewalkers as a type of fighting mage, complete snare or mez from breaking during combat.
with cloth armor, five self buffs, a 1500 range lifetap, two A self haste spell in the specialization line lasts for 30
instant-cast spells, and a mean-looking scythe. seconds and is castable every 2 minutes. This ability speeds
The hybrid nature of a Valewalker means that they don't up melee attacks by a percentage based on its level. This spell
necessarily excel at anything they do—in general they cannot will not fire if a Valewalker is already buffed with a Druid's
outcast a pure caster and they cannot out-meelee a haste buff.
heavy/light tank. However, it also means that Valewalkers can The defensive capabilities in the spell line are key to
always find a way to contribute to the effectiveness of a Valewalker survivability in RvR combat. Because they wear
group during a battle. Out of mana? No problem, just break cloth, their AF (armor factor) is less than other tanks, so they
out your scythe and start whacking. An enemy is out of range get hit more often during melee. To help counter this, they
and you have no endurance? Either snare and catch up to have a baseline self shield and a specialized absorb buff. At
melee or stand still and start lifetapping. their highest levels, the self shield provides an additional 250
AF and the absorb buff adds a 33% absorb factor to that
Valewalkers and Their Magic armor. These two self buffs combine to give Valewalkers an
A Valewalker's main and only spell line is Arboreal Path (base overall armor effectiveness that falls somewhere in between
line)/Valewalking (specialization line). This spell line adds both Reinforced and Scale armor.
offensive and critical defensive capabilities to the class's Two "procs" included as self buffs in the specialization line
skill set. add another unique feature to the class. These self buffs add a
The baseline lifetap spell is the only castable lifetap chance for a Valewalker's weapon or armor to "proc" (cast) a
available to a class that can melee. With a 1500 range, 2.5 given spell.
second cast time, and 50% of the damage done used to heal When the offensive proc is triggered, the opponent that
the caster, it can be a useful tool for damaging/killing was hit becomes diseased, which lowers strength and makes
opponents, but also for healing yourself in a pinch. Another healing spells on that character less effective. Only one
part of a Valewalker's offensive spell list is an instant snare offensive proc can be active for a character, so such abilities
and instant DoT (damage over time). While the snare (35% as the level 5 Disarm buff on the Harpy's Feather cloak artifact
movement reduction) and DoT (highest level does 23 cannot be used at the same time. If another offensive proc is
damage/6 ticks) won't kill an enemy if used by themselves, cast from a piece of equipment, it will overwrite a Valewalker's
they provide the following advantages: offensive proc buff. A Valewalker's offensive proc will fail
when casted while another offensive proc is active.
• Snare is available every 20 seconds When triggered, the defensive proc provides a hit point
• The DoT is available every 30 seconds ablative for a Valewalker, which absorbs half the damage
caused by a melee hit up until an amount specified by the
• Both spells are "insta-cast" and interrupt healers
level of the buff (for example, the level 33 proc will absorb
and casters
25% of the damage from each hit up until a total of 90 hit
• The snare enables you to catch a fleeing enemy for a
points). Keep in mind that the defensive proc buff does not
back positional stun style or lifetap


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

stack with the ablative proc from alchemy or the Vale Defense • Arboreal Fire (adds 2DPS per swing).
realm ability. • Foxfire (procs an 18dmg DoT).
• Immolating Sphere (+57 AoE DD).
Valewalkers and Their Melee • Conflagration (+95DD).
The only weapon available to a Valewalker is a 2-handed Like the proc for Blizzard Blade, the Immolating Sphere
scythe that delivers slash damage and comes in 3.7 spd has an AoE DD (heat based) that will break mezzed opponents
through 6.0 speed varieties. that are near and has a high resist rate because of its level. If
The styles included in the scythe line are primarily all four styles land, this chain can be very effective when
positional and reactionary in nature. Positional styles rely on soloing or fighting an opponent that has been separated from
your ability to either get behind or to the side of an enemy; a group.
reactionary styles depend on whether you evade or parry
your opponent.
Valewalkers have two positional styles: Stunning Blade (15
scythe) and Damaging Grasp (level 44). Stunning blade is a
side-positional style that stuns an opponent for 4 seconds and
begins a 3-part chain. The 3-part chain begins with the stun
and ends with a 198 AoE DD (cold based). The entire chain is:
Stunning Blade > Winter's Scythe > Blizzard Blade. This side
chain provides Valewalkers with a big punch on the
battlefield. If all the styles in the chain land and the last style
DD is not resisted, Valewalkers can do between 500-1300
damage against a level 50 opponent. Because of this potential
damage, the side chain is one of the most used styles in RvR,
especially when assisting other tanks. The Blizzard Blade DD is The other reactionary style is part of a 3-part chain that is
AoE, so it will break mez and because it is a level 29 spell, triggered when a Valewalker parries an opponent. Each style
resists are high. in this chain provides a bonus:
Damaging Grasp is a back-positional style that stuns an • Sawgrass (debuffs an opponent by 20% for slash damage).
opponent for 8 seconds and has a medium to-hit bonus. Along • Thorny Shield (adds a 4DPS damage that stacks with the
with Stunning Blade, this style is the bread-and-butter of a self buff and provides a bonus to defense).
Valewalker's repertoire. Because melee stuns aren't affected
• Grasping Roots (+33 AoE DD).
by Determination, an opponent is stunned for the full 8
seconds. Once this style lands, most Valewalkers use this time
to strafe to the side of an opponent and start the 3-part side
chain. The style is key for those Valewalkers that are part of an
"assist train" or want to stop a fleeing opponent.
A Valewalker's strength does not lie in face-to-face melee
combat, but if the situation does arise there are two
reactionary chains that can provide good damage against
opponents. The 4-part evade chain is triggered when you
Nature's Shield style is the bane of archer classes. Once
evade an opponents attack. With Evade IV, Valewalkers tend to
active, it blocks all arrows in the 180 degree front arc, and still
evade more often than they parry, so the opportunity for this
allows a Valewalker to dish out lifetap damage. It does not
chain occurs relatively frequently. However, due to the fast-
block spell bolts or thrown weapons using the Battlemaster
paced nature of RvR, it is rare that there will be time to
ML6 ability.
complete all 4-styles in the chain. The entire chain is:
To activate this style, click on yourself or an opponent,
press the style, and drop out of combat. The style is now
"active" and will remain so until you hit something with your

PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

scythe or click it again. Nature's Shield is very effective against 2 (evade chain 2)
any number of archers in your front arc. While active, you are 4 Sawgrass 4 Flaming Scythe
2 (parry chain 1) 2 (evade chain 3)
free to move, use the insta-snare and DoT, and lifetap them
5 macro to bar 2 for rest 5 Conflagration
down before they know what hit them. With the addition of 2 of chain (/qbar2) 2 (evade chain 4)
Trials of Atlantis, artifacts such as the Fool's Bow have a DoT 6 Arboreal Fire 6 End/Power potion
component that will land on you whether you block an arrow 2 (evade chain 1)
using this style or not. 7 macro to bar 2 for rest 7 End/Power potion
There is a short time while casting lifetap (or a self buff 2 of chain (/qbar2)
8 Taunt 8 End/Power potion
spell) that you are vulnerable to arrows while Nature's Shield is
9 Nature's Shield 9 End/Power potion
active. Smart opponents will time their arrows to fire during
0 Haste 0 macro back to bar 1 (/qbar1)
this time, so be wary.

Preparation for Battle A hotbar (or two) that contains self buffs, RAs, and useful
macros will be needed for either group or solo RvR.
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR
Because Valewalkers use both magic and melee skills, you Buff/QBIND Bar:
need quick access to both types on your main hotbars. Bar 1
Generally, you can place the most important battle skills on 1 Shield
the first two bars. Depending on whether you are solo or 2 Absorb
grouped can also be a factor. Consider the following 3 Defensive Proc
examples. 4 Offensive Proc
5 Damage Shield
Grouped (RvR/Assist bar): 6 Sprint (/qbind 3 6)
Bar 1 Bar2 7 /face (/qbind 3 7)
1 Lifetap 1 Taunt 8 Purge (/qbind 3 8)
2 Snare 2 Arboreal Fire 9 Ichor of the Deep (/qbind 3 9)
2 (evade chain 1) 0 Vale Defense (/qbind 3 10)
3 DoT 3 Foxfire
2 (evade chain 2)
4 Damaging Grasp 4 Flaming Scythe Keyboard Configuration
2 (back positional) 2 (evade chain 3)
5 Stunning Blade 5 Conflagration The /qbind command enables you to associate important
2 (side positional 1) 2 (evade chain 4) actions (such as realm abilities) to a single key. This saves you
6 Winter's Scythe 6 Sawgrass the trouble of frantically scrolling through your hotbars in the
2 (side positional 2) 2 (parry chain 1) heat of battle. For example, you can set the following actions
7 Damaging Grasp 7 Thorny Shield
to keys using the /qbind command:
2 (side positional 3) 2 (parry chain 2)
8 Nature's Shield 8 Grasping Roots • Sprint to "="
2 (parry chain 3) • Purge to "Backspace"
9 /assist macro 9 End/Power potion • Ichor of the Deep to "\"
0 Haste 0 macro back to bar 1 (/qbar1)
• /face to "Insert"
• /stick to "Delete"
Solo (RvR/Facing enemy bar):
Bar 1 Bar2
Creating Useful Macros
1 Lifetap 1 Thorny Shield
2 (parry chain 2) While grouped in RvR, one of the most useful macros is the
2 Snare 2 Grasping Roots /assist macro. Using this macro you can quickly attack and
2 (parry chain 3) target whichever enemy has been targeted by the MA (main
3 DoT 3 Foxfire
assist) in your group. A useful macro such as /macro SetMA


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

/macro MA /assist %t lets you create a macro icon for Resists
whichever person you currently have targeted in your group.
One thing that Valewalkers share with all other classes is the
You can then drop this icon on the hotbar wherever you
need to cap their resists at 26%. Many times they will find
normally have the /assist macro.
themselves in the middle of a battle, with both melee and
You can also create macros that enable you to jump
magic attacks hitting them. With ranged casters being
quickly between your other hotbars. The following example
particularly effective during keep sieges in New Frontiers, the
shows how to use macros to create a "menu" hotbar for
ability to reduce magic damage is all important—especially
jumping to the hotbars most appropriate for the current
when that damage is backed up with realm abilities such
Mastery of Magery and Wild Power, as well as TOA bonuses like
Bar 1
additional range and casting speed.
1 /macro group /qbar2
2 /macro solo /qbar3 Stats
3 /macro pve /qbar4
The primary stats used by Valewalkers include:
4 /macro buffs /qbar5
• Strength: Affects your weapon damage and weapon
5 /macro ras /qbar6
skill. Weapon skill affects whether or not you get past
6 /macro qbinds /qbar7
your enemy's initial defense checks, such as block, parry,
7 /macro craft /qbar8
and evade. Strength is the primary stat for improving
your melee ability.
Armor/Weapon/Item Selection
• Constitution: Determines how many hit points you have.
Valewalkers wear cloth armor. This can be both a boon and a
• Dexterity: Affects your chance to evade (50% evade, 50%
bane to the class. Consider the following benefits and
quickness), chance to parry, and casting speed rates.
drawbacks to make your own decision.
Casting speed = 1% for every point of dexterity between
50-250, and 1% for every 20 points over 250.
• Quickness: Affects how fast you swing your weapon and
• Cloth is neutral to all damage types.
how often you evade (50% evade, 50% quickness).
• Cloth is cheaper to craft than all other types of armor.
• Intelligence: Affects your spell damage and the size of
• You have the choice of a robe or vest.
your power pool.
Choosing which stats to cap (+75 is cap limit) can be
determined by the play style:
• Because cloth is neutral, it is not resistant to any
• Melee first/Cast second: If your play style is more melee-
damage type.
oriented, strength and constitution are primary stats,
• a Valewalker's AF will typically be 100 points lower than while dexterity and quickness are secondary.
heavy/light tanks, which causes them to get hit more Valewalkers who usually run in group RvR might choose
often. not to put any points into quickness so as to increases
• Cloth degrades faster, so repairs/replacements are more frontload damage (increases damage on styled attacks).
frequent. Evade rates are not as important while assisting another
• Valewalkers are different from most classes in that they tank. However, because quickness affects how often you
must choose and spellcraft armor and weapons that evade as well as how quickly you swing your weapon,
maximize both their melee and their magic skills/stats. many players feel that not putting points into quickness
What this means is that Valewalkers need to spread out to be too much of a sacrifice.
their attribute and skill bonuses more than classes with • Cast first/Melee second: If you prefer to cast first during
more focused specialties. battle and enter melee second, intelligence, dexterity,
and constitution are primary stats, while strength and
quickness are secondary.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

A Valewalker has three skill/spell lines: Scythe, Arboreal Path,
and Parry. The most you can add to these specialization lines
through equipment is +11. Every additional point put into
Scythe increases weapon skill and damage, so most
Valewalkers take it to +11. Parry is important for improving
defense and helping trigger the parry reactionary chain, so
taking it to +11 is recommended as well. Increasing Arboreal
Path to 50 (and past) has been shown to have minimal effect
on the variance of lifetap damage, so having skill points in
Scythe and Parry is the better investment.

A number of artifacts and random drops from the Trials of
Atlantis expansion can be used by Valewalkers to increase: On the Battlefield
Attribute Artifact/Item Fewer things are more important to a Valewalker before a
Stats and stat cap limits Ceremonial Bracers, Guard of Valor,
battle than self buffing. The armor buffs alone make a huge
(going over +75 bonus for a
given stat)
Maddening Scalars difference in survivability—without them, Valewalkers are as
Casting Range Crown of Zahur, Nailah’s Robes vulnerable as pure casters during melee. Each of the self buffs
Armor factor Guard of Valor, Spear of Kings, Shades of Mist,
last for 20 minutes. The exception is the self damage shield,
Ring of Dances, Atlantis Tablet, Dream Sphere which lasts only 10 minutes. Many Valewalkers cast all their
Hit points cap limit Belt of the Sun, Spear of Kings, Ceremonial buffs at once, and recast them when the damage shield times
Bracers, Dream Sphere (Note: +200 hit points is out. This way they can make sure their all-important armor
the most hit points you can gain through
equipment without raising the cap)
buffs are always up. When grouping, you can choose to time
your rebuffing with Warden/Druid resist buffs that are also on
Fatigue Belt of Sun, Spear of Kings
a 10-minute timer. If mana is low, it is highly recommended
Melee damage Snakecharmer's scythe, Maddening Scalars
you cast the absorb and shield buffs first and cast the others
Melee speed Shades of Mist, Harpy's Cloak, Cyclone Bracer, when mana reserves allow it.
Spear of Kings, Snakecharmer's Scythe,
Maddening Scalars

Spell damage Nailah’s Robes

Solo Tactics
Power Pool Crown of Zahur Valewalkers have a variety of tools to work with so they make
a good soloing class in RvR/PvP. Keep the following things in
Valewalkers benefit from Focus, but unfortunately at this mind when you are running solo:
time Focus cannot be spellcrafted into a scythe. This means
that they will cast a lifetap for 40% more than a list caster • Keep Nature's Shield active to avoid becoming the victim
would and burn through mana quick. Increasing the mana of archers that are targeting solo’ers and group
pool will benefit players who prefer to cast as many lifetaps as stragglers.
possible before entering melee. • Use the /face command to keep an opponent in view.
• Remember to use the instant snare and DoT spells to
interrupt casters and healers. When fighting stealthers,
use the DoT to prevent them from stealthing while the
DoT is active. The DoT spell breaks a snare, so when
snaring a fleeing or charging opponent be careful not to
cast the DoT as a follow up.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

• Keep enemy fighters at a distance for as long as root/mez/stun on you so you can quickly interrupt them
possible. Use the instant snare ability to slow anyone again after the root/mez/stun wears off. Once interrupted,
that charges, then get in as many lifetaps as possible close the distance and engage in melee.
before engaging in melee. The realm ability Ichor of the If you are on low on health after a battle and there are
Deep (IotD) is also available to Valewalkers in New lower con monsters nearby, use your lifetap on them to regain
Frontiers, which damages targets and provides an 99% hit points. This is especially useful when fighting in Darkness
AoE root. When using a combination of IotD and snare to Falls or near towers where monsters are common.
slow an opponent, make sure to cast IotD first, then Keep a supply of endurance, power, and healing potions
snare after the root is broken. Casting it first prevents in your inventory. Without a healer or mana dealer to run with
the snare spell from triggering the root/snare immunity you, these potions can go a long way in making you effective
timer on an opponent. and improving your survivability. A good tip is to place pots in
the quick bar, then /qbind those slots. For example, if you
/qbind a potion hotbar slot to "\", press e (default use key)
and then "\" to use that potion.

Group Role
When playing within a group, Valewalkers can fill a number of
useful roles:
• Use the ML8 Battlemaster ability (Bodyguard) to
bodyguard a healer or caster. While bodyguarding, you
can use your lifetap and instant spells to keep enemy
casters and healers interrupted, and use your back and
side positional stuns to slow down unsuspecting tanks
that come too close.
• Use Damaging Grasp to melee stun fleeing opponents
for 8 seconds, then strafe to the side and start the side
Use your reactionary styles after an enemy fighter closes chain. This also provides time to the other members of a
the distance and engages you in melee. One of the more group to quickly assist.
popular ways Valewalkers use their reactionary styles is to
• Stand with the healers and casters toward the back of a
"queue up" their reactionary styles (Sawgrass/Parry + Arboreal
battle and lifetap enemies from a distance. Melee any
Fire/Evade) in the hope that they evade or parry that round
enemy tanks that attack you or the healers/casters you
and the appropriate style/chain is triggered. For example, if
are protecting.
Sawgrass is in quick bar slot 4, and Arboreal Fire is in quick bar
• Cast Ichor of the Deep as a secondary form of crowd
slot 6, you would hit "4" and "6" in a round and follow up with
control behind a mez. Because it is on a 10-minute timer,
the rest of the chain for whichever is triggered. If a chain
chances are it will be available for many battles. Its range
is not triggered, repeat the same process for the
is 1875, equaling the longest range mez in the game, so
following round.
you have a good chance of catching an enemy by
Other techniques include using the Taunting Scythe style
surprise before they can strike first with their own crowd
as the anytime styled attack and click the parry or evade style
control. This spell remains castable even while being hit
when appropriate, or strafing to the side of an enemy in the
by magic or melee attacks.
hopes of landing Stunning Blade to start the side chain.
When fighting enemy casters, interrupting them is your • Keep enemies interrupted using your instant spells. The
first concern. Use your lifetap or instant spells to do this. Don't more you interrupt enemy healers, the faster your group
use both instant spells to cause the initial interrupt—rather will be able to kill.
"save" one of your interrupts in case the enemy quickcasts


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

New Realm Abilities
Valewalkers have lost access to Dodger like all other classes,
but have gained some realm abilities that will not only help
when soloing, but have the potential to have a large impact
when in a group:
• Ichor of the Deep (IotD): Spirit-based root plus direct
damage spell with a 500 radius that has a 2-second
uninterruptible casting time. This realm ability adds
another type of crowd control (CC) to Hibernia and
greatly improves the group utility of Valewalkers. Cast
this spell after the mez on enemies has been
purged/timed out as it AoE and will break existing
mezzes. IotD is subject to determination/stoicism so the
delved value on the timer on its root can be less
depending on the target. Any group will appreciate a
Valewalker with this ability.
Siege Strategy and Keep Defense • Bedazzling Aura: Grants the group a magic damage
The utility provided by a Valewalker's spell line enables them absorption bonus based on the percentage listed. In
to be one of the most effective, if not the most effective theory, this is a great way to temporarily boost the
tank/hybrid class during keep sieges. When you combine the resistances of you and you group members when
spells available in their Arboreal line with Nature's Shield to running against caster-heavy enemies. But because its
block all arrows in the front arc, keep sieges/defense is a effects lasts only 30 seconds, this spell is very situational
situation where the versatility of Valewalkers can really shine: and would be best utilized by well coordinated groups
• Valewalkers excel at manning siege equipment due to who can time their attacks to best make use of it.
their ability to block arrows as well as lifetap enemies Another attractive group ability.
that come within range (such as manning the boiling oil • Mastery of Magery: increases the effectiveness of a
in a tower defense or running siege equipment within a lifetap by the listed percentage. A useful ability for
tower/keep). Valewalkers that favor casting during battle and want to
• The higher walls and numerous windows in the new maximize their damage.
keep layouts provide an advantage to defenders both in • Mastery of Focus: Increases the level of all spells cast by
range and locations from which to cast a ranged attack. the listed amount for out-right resistance purposes. This
During keep and tower standoffs where ranged players is a nice ability to have because it increases the level of
are controlling the battle, Valewalkers are the only tank-type the lifetap, snare, and DoT spells, as well as the level of
class that has a strong enough ranged attack to contribute style procs such as the one on Blizzard Blade. Placing
and be effective. Make sure to assist the other ranged one or two points in this ability is a relatively cheap way
attackers in the group and melee stun any enemy tanks that to decrease the resistances on your spells.
close in. • Mastery of Concentration: Grants a 100% bonus to avoid
being interrupted by any form of attack when casting a
Realm Abilities spell. The effect of the spell cast will be reduced to the
percentages listed. While the damage of spells has been
In New Frontiers, Mythic has introduced a whole new
reduced when MoC is active, its duration has been
geography, transportation system, and keep layout for RvR
increased to 30 seconds—without buffs to improve
battles. Along with these high-level changes that change the
casting speed, a Valewalker could cast 12 lifetaps during
overall flow of RvR, they have also overhauled the realm
this time. With the variety of abilities available to
abilities system that will affect characters on a personal level.
Valewalkers and the relatively low base damage of their


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

lifetap (further lowered by MoC), this ability will not be work on disease, DoTs, or debuffs, and does not affect
considered a necessity. For higher realm rank solo'ers, the duration of crowd control spells. With the
MoC + lifetap can provide a valuable tool. improvements to casters' range and spell damage
• Determination: Reduces the duration of all crowd through Trials of Atlantis and RAs, at least a couple levels
control spells by a percentage. Previously only available of this ability would be helpful.
to heavy and light tanks, New Frontiers makes • Mastery of Parrying: Increases your chance to parry. For
Determination accessible to many classes, including Valewalkers that typically run in an RvR /assist group,
Valewalkers. While this addresses one of the biggest this skill is not a priority. For solo RvR and PvE, it will help
issues Valewalkers had with their group ability versus your chances of getting off a reactionary chain in face-
tanks, the decreased effectiveness of this ability to-face combat.
especially at lower levels makes it a tougher choice for • Mastery of Pain: Increases chance to deal a critical hit. A
spending points. critical melee hit can add up to 50% of the damage
caused by your initial hit. This is a good ability to take up
Which Realm Abilities to Choose to at least level 2.
Besides the types of realm abilities that have become available • Wild Power: Increases chance to deal a critical hit with all
to Valewalkers, the cost of those realm abilities has also spells that do damage. For those Valewalkers that prefer
increased. With this increased cost, it is even more important to lifetap and then enter melee, this skill is a good
to choose the realm abilities that fit your style of play. The investment.
following is a list of the most popular realm abilities and how • Ignore Pain: Heal that grants health equal to the
they complement a Valewalker: percentage listed. Can be used when in combat. Very
• Augmented Strength: Increases your base strength, useful for solo’ers.
which is the stat that determines a Valewalker's damage • Mystic Crystal Lore: Grants a refresh of power based on
and weapon skill. It also affects the amount of damage the percentages listed. Cannot be used when in combat.
you do on a style proc (for example, the proc on Blizzard The amount of power this ability provides has been
Blade). Recommended. significantly lowered, but its recast timer has been
• Augmented Constitution: Increases your base shortened. Good for those who cast first and
constitution which increases your total hit points. melee second.
• Toughness: Increases your hit points by a defined • Purge: Removes all negative effects but leaves any
amount. This realm ability is a better buy than applicable immunity timers in place. Level 1 purge is on
Augmented Constitution at the same level. a 15 minute timer but has a 5 second delay. Level 2 is on
• Augmented Dexterity: Increases your base dexterity, the same timer but has no delay. Level 3 is on a 5 minute
which affects your chance to parry/evade and your timer and has no delay. Purge is highly recommended.
casting speed. Because Valewalkers depend on evades • Vale Defense: Gives the group a 300 point 50% ablative
and parries to trigger reactionary styles, this is a that lasts for 10 minutes or until depleted. This is a
useful ability. group-friendly ability that is free to Valewalkers who are
• Augmented Quickness: Increases your base quickness, realm rank five
which affects your chance to evade and how fast you and higher.
swing a weapon.
• Augmented Acuity: Increases your base intelligence,
which improves your lifetap damage and increases your
power pool. Recommended for Valewalkers who prefer
to cast more than melee.
• Avoidance of Magic: Reduces all magic damage taken by
a percentage. This only works on damage—it does not


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

The Warden is a unique class that combines buffing and Armor/Weapon/Item Selection
healing with some melee skills. The Warden is group friendly,
The equipment that you choose for your Warden should
and has a variety of skills that are useful in every type of RvR
complement the specialization that you have chosen. All
situation. Through the use of Master Level and realm abilities,
Wardens will want to cap their constitution and hit point
a player can tailor a Warden to be either a more effective
bonuses, because your primary goal is to stay alive and keep
fighter, healer, or maintain a balance between the two.
you PBT chant running. If you are focusing on melee skills,
you will want to maximize your melee resists, strength, your
Preparation for Battle chosen weapon skill, and parry bonuses. If you are focusing
While there are many variations of Wardens, the central on healing, you will want to maximize your empathy, magic
abilities of the class are based in the Nurture specialization resists, and dexterity score. Look for items that have cap
line. The six second pulsing bladeturn (PBT) is the Warden’s increases to the stats and skills on which you are focusing.
most prized spell, so every Warden should specialize to at Don’t be afraid to use a slow weapon[EM]Wardens have a
least 45 in Nurture. Many players specialize to 49 in Nurture in great self-haste buff.
order to get the best versions of all the buffs in this line. The If you have the Trials of Atlantis expansion, there are
more difficult choice for a Warden is whether to focus on several artifacts you should consider getting for your Warden.
healing abilities or fighting skills. Even Wardens that want to Battler is the most popular artifact weapon for Wardens,
focus on their weapon skill may wish to specialize Regrowth though Malice’s Axe or the Scepter of the Meritorious would
to 16 in order to get the 30% resurrection. Any left over also be useful. The Cyclops Eye shield is a good option if you
specialization points can always be put into Parry. are looking for an artifact shield. Jewelry slot artifact items
If you are doing Master Level Trials in Trials of Atlantis that Wardens prize include the Egg of Youth, the Healers
(ToA), you have a choice between the BattleMaster and Embrace cloak, Oglidarsh’s Belt, and the Croc Tear ring. If you
Perfector paths. The BattleMaster path has great abilities like are looking for some armor artifacts; the Guard of Valor, the
Bodyguard, Grapple, Throw Weapon, and Faultfinder. This is a Crown of Zahur, and the Maddening Scalars are good choices.
good path for a Warden that wants to focus on melee. The For more information on equipment templates for your
Perfector path is more suited to the healing Warden, and Warden, check out the DAoC Catacombs Warden Forum.
includes the much sought after Sphere of Rejuvenation and
Font of Power abilities.

Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR

Setting up your hotbars for your Warden isn’t difficult, but will
depend upon your specialization. Your primary hotbar should
consist of any attack styles you will use, a group heal, a
targeted heal, a resurrection spell, any Master Level Abilities or
realm abilities that you commonly use, and your Pulsing Blade
Turn (PBT) chant. All Wardens should set up their buffs and
non-combat abilities on a secondary bar. You may wish to
keybind some of the items you would normally place on your
primary hotbar. This will give you more room to place abilities
that you use less often, but need to use quickly, on the
primary bar.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

On the Battlefield Keep Defense
The Warden’s role in RvR combat is to keep his group alive, When defending a keep, your tactics will be much the same as
and to finish off stragglers at the end of the battle. Your when attacking a keep. Use your short bow when you can.
number one goal is to keep yourself alive and keep your Keep your PBT running, and heal those players that are targets
PBT running. on the battlements. As always, stick with your group. If you
have the Sphere of Rejuvenation and Font of Power Master
Solo Tactics Level (ML) abilities, now is the perfect time to use those.
The Warden has the ability to self buff and heal. They have a
run speed chant and decent melee abilities. This gives the Realm Abilities
Warden the tools to be self sufficient and handle many Realm abilities are another way you can further customize
different situations on their own. your Warden. Depending on the abilities you take, your
Warden can become a formidable fighter or a powerful healer
Group Role as you gain realm ranks. Remember that your PBT will stop
while you are mesmerized, so you will probably want to take
In a group, your main goal is to stay alive. Keep your PBT
at least Purge one. If you are focusing on Melee, the Anger of
running at all times and stick with your group. If you are
the Gods and Thornweed Field abilities will help you and your
healing, do so carefully and conserve your power, so you
group. Mastery of Pain and Augmented Strength are two ways
don’t run out and drop your PBT. Don’t be afraid to use your
to increase your own individual damage output. As your
group heal, though. When you resurrect someone, they will
Warden moves past realm rank five, you may wish to consider
either be at 10% or 30% of their hit points, so don’t forget to
higher levels of the previously mentioned abilities along with
give them a few heals and some buffs.
Toughness and Ignore Pain.
In melee, the Warden should stick with the “assist train”
The realm rank five class specific RA for Wardens, Fury of
(assist the main damage dealers), or attack casters that need
Nature, is of benefit to both the Melee and Healing powers of
to be interrupted. The self-haste buff should allow you to
the Warden. If you are focusing on healing, you will certainly
swing fast enough to interrupt most casters, thus keeping
want to get Mystic Crystal Lore and a few levels of Wild
them from being effective, even if you aren’t killing them.
Healing early on. Augmented Acuity, Serenity, and Ethereal
Wardens aren’t tanks—you should avoid trying to take on
Bond are all abilities that will give you more power to work
tanks one-on-one. However, Wardens are often among the last
with. If you find yourself in combat most of the time, you may
survivors of a battle, and at that point should go after
wish to invest in Raging Power. It can be used while in combat.
whatever targets of opportunity are present. You can use your
One level of this ability can help you keep your PBT running
run speed chant to chase people down, then switch to your
while you are still in melee.
damage add to finish them off.

Siege Strategy
When attacking keeps, Warden’s have several options. Again,
keep your PBT running to protect your group. If you are within
range, you can use your short bow to attack targets on the
battlements. When attacking undefended towers, your group
damage add can help those beating down the door. When the
final assault is made, stick with you group and keep the
PBT running.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

The Warrior is a mighty fighter. Skilled with all weapons and ease, and well used siege engines will often mean the
clad in chain armor, he meets the enemies of Midgard head-on difference between victory and defeat.
with a ferocity born of his patron deity, Tyr. Foregoing all
magical abilities, the Warrior, like his enemy counterparts, the Preparation for Battle
Armsman and Hero, depends solely on his melee skills for Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR
both offense and defense. Offensively, the Warrior will
The first rule regarding hotkey configuration is ease of access.
typically do less melee damage than his fellow Vikings,
Generally, you’ll want your most commonly used styles,
specifically the Savage and Berserker. However, on defense,
abilities, and macros on your first panel. In the heat of battle,
the Warrior reveals his true potential. With many hit points,
it can be difficult to change panels then activate abilities—
the most protective armor available, and skills such as Shield,
particularly time-sensitive actions such as reactionary styles
Parry, and Evade, he is able to stand toe-to-toe with creatures
or lifesaving tools such as potions or healing realm abilities. If
that might make short work of another class.
you have an 11th or 12th action that you must have easy
The Warrior’s role in RvR is similar to that of the Armsman
access to, place the ability on page two, then /qbind a key to
and Hero: Engage the enemy and protect your allies. However,
it. For example, you might want to place your Guard ability on
unlike his enemies, the Warrior is equally capable of doing
page two, then /qbind it to your g key. Now, you can Guard a
either, attacking or defending on the fly, responding to the
group mate with a single keystroke. Place commonly used
immediate need. This unique flexibility is the result of several
weapon styles on your first panel—you’ll want at least one
factors, the most important being that all Midgard classes,
”anytime” style, as well as whichever reactionary or positional
except Mystics, are naturally skilled with two-handed
style or styles you use frequently. Healing potions, both
weapons. This allows the Warrior to quickly switch between a
endurance and health, artifacts with activated effects, and
two-handed weapon and a weapon/shield and back, using the
message macros. For switching between one and two-handed
same attack styles while maintaining proficiency. Since there’s
weapons and thrown weapons, following, sticking, and facing
no two-handed skill to train, those precious skill points can be
use the available keyboard binds available in keyboard
spent elsewhere.
As a Warrior in New Frontiers, you are at once a fighter,
protector, and perhaps a siege master. Charge into the fray,
but be aware of your allies, particularly your groupmates.
Keyboard Configuration
Make sure you are Intercepting for any grouped healer or Your keyboard configuration, like your hotkey choice, is a
caster—a well-timed Intercept has saved many lives. Guard a matter of preference and should be configured in regard to
groupmate if you have sufficient Shield skill. It doesn’t matter ease of access and movement. The first factor, and that which
if you’re switching back and forth between one and two- your overall configuration will be based, is your choice of
handed weapons, the Guard effect will remain up. If you see movement keys. By far, the two most popular choices are the
your charge taking damage, get that shield out and move to arrow keys or a, w, s, d. If you use the arrow keys to
them. Put Protect on your healer. Many neglect this ability in move, you’ll likely activate your hotkey abilities by pressing
RvR since it’s only effective against NPCs. However, your the one to ten buttons, and should consider binding crucial
Protected ally will be grateful when your group runs into keys to the left side of your keyboard—stick, face, etc. If you
patrolling enemy guards or assaults an enemy keep or tower. use the a, w, s, d keys, you likely target and activate
On the attack, try to work with others. Unless you’re picking abilities on your quickbar with a mouse click and can be freer
the enemy targets for your group, look for others to assist— with your keybinding. However, you will want to keep your
gang up on the enemy. Carry siege engines: rams, trebuchets, important binds within reach of your left hand. In general, the
ballistae. Your great strength allows you to carry them with a, w, s, d setup is preferable, but not mandatory. It allows


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

for easier targeting with your mouse, but comfort is most you accidentally target a melee class, quickly change targets.
important. Your first targets should be healers and magic casters,
typically wearing robes. Once the fight begins, try to keep in
Creating Useful Macros mind where you are and where your group is—don’t move out
It can be difficult to relay important messages to your group of healing range and don’t be baited into the enemy’s lines.
and realm in the heat of battle as you move and attack the
enemy. For these situations, consider creating text macros. Siege Strategy
For example, you might want to create macros such as: Keep sieges, both on the attack and defending, can be fun and
• /macro Guard /g I’m guarding <groupmate>! challenging encounters. If you’re on the attack, man your
• /macro Disease /g I’m Diseased! siege engine. Communicate with your allies and determine if
Place them on your quickbar. Pre-configured macros in your the attacking force is targeting a particular wall section or if
Commands window shouldn’t be used in your RvR setup—for you’re going through the door. If you don’t know how to run
these, use available binds in keyboard setup. siege, by all means learn—it’s amazingly fun and shouldn’t be
missed. Always be on the lookout for enemy guards and
Armor/Weapon/Item Selection flanking enemy players. Be ready to guard any group mate
attacked by defending NPC guards, particularly archers.
When arming for battle, choose your equipment wisely. Too
many young Warriors focus on offense and damage output,
Keep Defense
and neglect their strongest asset—defense. Mastery of Parry
and Blocking, resists, particularly versus magic attacks, and hit On defense, you can man and operate any hookpoint siege
points will keep you alive longer than a few extra points of engine, or drop your own from inventory and attack from the
strength or weapon skill. Warriors, on the front lines, are courtyard or wall. If you can’t run siege, or there are none
targets of opportunity for fighter and caster alike. available, guard your allies from wall-climbing assassins. Find
a climb point and stand reasonably near—not too close—
On the Battlefield climbing assassins can attack you then jump back down.
Attacking siege operators will often target the tops of
Solo Tactics
climb points.
While a Warrior is a match for any single enemy, RvR
confrontations are typically group oriented. Realm Abilities
If you take a defensive role, you might choose abilities such as
Group Role Mastery of Blocking, Mastery of Parry, Avoidance of Magic,
When grouping, make a mental note of who is who. Who is the Augment Constitution, Toughness, Purge and Determination.
Healer, the Shaman, the magic caster? Communicate with If you take an offensive role, include or replace defensive
your group mates and decide on a strategy. Who is main assist abilities with Mastery of Pain or Augment Strength. You might
(the person who picks the enemy target)? If it’s not you, make choose to enhance your strengths or compensate for
a macro: /macro Assist /assist <player name> and put it on weakness. For example, if your specialization is 50 Sword, 28
your first panel for easy access. In general, if a group consists Parry, 50 Shield, you might choose to enhance your shield
primarily of melee classes, the main assist tactic can work ability with Mastery of Blocking, or choose Mastery of Parry to
well. However, if the group is largely magic casters, consider compensate for your lower Parry skill. If you are 44 Axe, 44
hanging back and protecting them rather than charging Parry, 44 Shield, you might want to take Mastery of Blocking
forward. Make sure your Guard and Intercept abilities are in and Parry as well as Mastery of Pain, improving all your melee
place. If there are other Warriors or Thanes grouped with you, skills. If you are 50 Hammer, 39 Parry, 42 Shield, you might
communicate and decide who will Guard whom. If you are the choose to concentrate on Determination, Avoidance of Magic,
main assist, target soft targets first when you meet the or Purge before melee abilities.
enemy, and never target a melee class—like yourself. Enemy
melee targets can take a lot of punishment and time to kill. If


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

–Iceicebabie (Danny Mitchell)
Wizards are slightly limited on their ranged direct damage
abilities, but make up for that with specialized line bolt and
area of effect (snare/root/damage) abilities. Earth Wizards
work well in keep siege and defense, but are less devastating
than fire and ice Wizards in open field combat.

Preparation for Battle

Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR
Generally in RvR, a Wizard will use 3 main hotbars. One is for
buffing and shields, another is for their main attack hotbar,
and a third is for special realm abilities. Often the attack bar
would be the middle bar so it is easy to switch back to the
attack bar.

An example hotbar configuration for an Earth/Ice Wizard

The Wizard is one of the most powerful characters in Albion, could look like:
but they are also one of the most vulnerable. As a cloth-
wearing caster known for their high damage output, Wizards Realm Ability Hotbar
are one of the primary targets that enemy players will target 1 Sprint
first. In order to be effective in RvR, a Wizard has to be 2 Primary DD (Nuke) attack
mindful of their surroundings and avoid rushing into 3 Mastery of Concentration
the battle. 4 Mystic Crystal Lore
There are 3 main focus paths for Wizards to choose from. 5 Raging Power
Most Wizards will focus almost exclusively in their primary 6 Volcanic Pillar
path and only put a little bit of focus into a secondary skill. 7 Wall of Flames
Specific abilities of each of the three paths define how and 8 Power Healing Potion
where the Wizard is most useful in combat. 9 Power Healing Potion
Fire Wizards have the heaviest damage output and work 0 SetMA Macro for setting up MA macro
well in open battlefield encounters, or raining fire down on
enemies from the battlements of keep walls. Taking Attack Hotbar
advantage of their high fire specialization, fire Wizards have 1 MA macro for selecting targets
ranged bolts that can stumble even the heaviest of fighters. 2 Primary DD (Nuke) attack
Ice Wizards are vicious when you get up close with their 3 PBAoE
point blank area of effect (PBAoE) abilities, but they also have 4 Quick Cast Ability
a variety of ranged attack abilities that one would be foolish 5 Primary Spec Bolt
to ignore. Ice Wizards work well in keep defense and are 6 Secondary (Non Spec) Bolt
formidable on the open battlefield. 7 Single Target Root
Earth Wizards are known for their ground targeted area of 8 AoE Root
effect (GTAoE), which allows them to stand behind keep walls 9 GTAoE
and attack enemies. It is often used for interrupting enemy 0 AoE DD/Snare
casters and healers during keep siege and defense. Earth


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

Buff Hotbar Artifacts and random drops from the DAoC ToA expansion
1 MCL Realm Ability (if available) can be useful to Wizards in increasing their stats of interest,
2 Raging Power Realm Ability (if available) providing bonuses to all casting abilities, and increasing stat
3 Primary Direct Damage Attack (In case you forget to cap limits or providing bonuses to spell range, casting speed,
change hotbars after buffing) acuity, etc. Some artifacts of interest to Wizards include:
4 Shield
5 Absorption buffer Staff of Gods
6 Blade Turn Belt of the Moon
7 DMG Add Tablet of Atlantis
8 DMG Reflect Bracer of Zo'arkat
9 Power Healing Potion Ceremonial Bracer
0 Power Healing Potion Cloudsong
Not many Wizards will have as many realm abilities as Crown of Zahur
there are listed on this hotbar. A person should experiment Eerie Darkness Lighting Stone
with their hotbars and find what is most comfortable for Erinys Charm
them. Keep at least one attack type direct damage spell Eternal Plant
available in the same location on each of the hotbars just in Flamedancer's Boots
case an enemy catches you while you are on the other Guard of Valor
hotbars. Use empty slots on the hotbars for additional power Nailah's Robes
healing potions or item/artifact charges and abilities. Ring of Fire
Stone of Atlantis
Creating Useful Macros Tartaros Gift
Wizards normally don’t need a lot of macros. They are more Traldor's Oracle
concerned with having their spells available on their hotbars. When on the battlefield, a Wizard's powerbar is their (and
However, it is always useful to have a main assist or MA often their group's) life. If they run out of power, they are not
macro. This can be setup either manually each time the main able to support their group or defend themselves. Stock up on
tank changes or you can create a macro to generate the MA high level power healing potions as there won’t always be a
macro. power font or power song there to help out.
/macro SetMA /macro MA /assist %t
This creates a macro icon for /macro MA /assist [name On the Battlefield
of person currently targeted]. The MA macro can be placed Buffs
on the main hotbar for use in selecting the same target as A Wizard benefits mostly from con, dex, and int buffs. A fully
your primary group's tank. buffed Wizard should have str/con, dex/qck, acuity, dex, and
con. A Wizard should also be mindful to keep their personal
Armor/Weapon/Item Selection buffs (Shield, Blade Turn, and Damage Absorption) refreshed.
Wizards are restricted to cloth armor and magical focus staves. Wizards also have damage add/reflect buffs that they can
A Wizard will want to choose armor and items that maximize distribute to members of their realm. These buffs only last 10
their specific stats, resistances and increase their primary skill minutes and will need to be refreshed often.
A Wizard's primary stats include dexterity, acuity, Solo Tactics
intelligence, and constitution. Select armor and items that A Wizard would be wise to avoid getting themselves into
increase these stats as much as possible within the stat cap situations where they are left solo. But, if one should find
limit (currently +75). Some items may also modify this limit. themselves face-to-face with an enemy, their tactic will
Resists are critical in a Wizards chance for survival. The depend entirely on the type of enemy that they face. Against
armor and items should maximize the resistances to melee and enemy casters, he who gets the first cast off and manages to
magic attacks within the resistance cap limits (currently 26%).


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

interrupt the other most often wins the contest. Against target so it can be set to hit defenders on the battlements.
enemy fighters, distance is the only thing that will save you. This is done with the same keyboard keys used to adjust the
Ranged attacks often work well as the fighter charges, hoping camera view up or down while holding down the ground
that you can have them dead before they reach you. Special target key. Hold down 5 and use s to raise target or x to
RA abilities often used by tanks (Ignore Pain for example) lower the target. This may differ depending on your keyboard
make it difficult to kill the enemy before they get to you. The settings. Look for positions near the walls that are out of sight
only line of defense available is your targeted root as the to enemy defenders. It is often best if there are several Earth
enemy gets near. However this is commonly purged or Wizards that can work together and offset their attacks by 2
resisted. The concept is to root the enemy as they get near, or 3 seconds. The GTAoE attacks do not do much damage
then quickly put as much distance from them as possible so individually, but they interrupt casters and healers. By
that the Wizard's ranged direct damage attacks can try and working with other Wizards and timing your attacks, the
kill them. GTAoE can be used to keep enemies interrupted. Most players
won’t stand in an area that they are taking repeated damage
Group Role for more than 2 or 3 times. This helps clear the walls of the
Because the cloth robes worn by Wizards don’t provide that keeps and protect realm mates from enemy casters. Earth
much protection against enemy weapons, a Wizard will want Wizards that are good with setting ground targets can also
to stay either at the back of a fight or try to mix themselves in assist siege teams by testing ground targets for clusters of
with other players. Depending on the situation at hand, a enemies and then calling on siege teams to use
Wizard can either assist their group's fighters (main assist) and /groundassist to target that ground target.
focus on individual targets to take them down as quickly as Many ice Wizards also specialize high enough in earth that
possible, or the Wizard can attack using their area of effect they get the lower levels of the ground target attack. Wizards
abilities damaging and interrupting all enemies within the with this ability should work with other earth Wizards to keep
target area. Area of effect abilities are often only used if there enemy casters and healers interrupted and help keep enemies
is no crowd control (mesmerize) available. Earth Wizards can off the keep walls. The ice Wizard's point blank attack (PBAoE)
use their area of effect root to help control enemy tanks is useful at helping stop enemy re-enforcements from
during group type encounters. It is normally best to kill or entering the keep. Look for a position near the doors of the
interrupt the enemy casters first when fighting in open keep where enemy players will have to run through to get into
field battles. the keep. Use ranged ice snare AoE attacks to slow enemies
The use of some artifacts that change the Wizard into that are trying to get into the gates, and then switch to the
another form, such as a wolf or a panther and sometimes devastating PBAoE as they get near the gates.
change multiple group mates form as well, can often be used Fire Wizards are best at attacking enemies that stick their
to help prevent the Wizard from being the initial target when head out from behind the protection of the keep walls. The
attacked by an enemy force. fire bolts from the Wizard’s one-two punch along with the AoE
fire attacks can be painful to enemy forces. Enemy keep
Siege Strategy guards often offer a great target point for the AoE attacks
which will hit nearby enemies that are hiding behind the
For siege purposes, Wizards need to understand the range of protection of the keep walls.
their attacks and get a good feel for how far away their
enemies can attack them from. Try to look for a path to Keep Defense
approach targets that doesn’t leave the Wizard open to being
attacked. In New Frontiers, the high walls of defended keeps During keep defense, Wizards are the firepower on the walls.
offer the defenders a range advantage. Don’t stay in the range In order to survive, it is best to use a hit and hide tactic. Pre
of enemy attacks any longer than absolutely necessary. target what you want to attack, use strafe keys to side step
Earth Wizards need to practice and become familiar with into view, fire your bolts or direct damage attacks, and as soon
setting accurate ground targets without being able to see as you notice an enemy caster start casting motions towards
where their target is located. Learn how to elevate the ground you, quickly step back behind the protection of the walls.
Otherwise you will find your Wizard standing stunned and


PRIMA Official Game Guide Class GUIDE

then dead. It is also good to use other players (normally Pulse is 400 points of damage every 3 seconds. Ward
fighters) as shields when attacking. Step in behind a fighter so dissipates if the Wizard takes any action
that it is more difficult for enemy players to target the Wizard. including moving.
You need to know the casting speed on each of your
attacks. When you step out from behind the wall, it is a race
between you and the enemy caster to determine which can
get the first cast off. In one vs. one situations, the caster that
lands the first attack will often interrupt their enemy and get
the upper hand for sequential attacks.

Realm Abilities
There are a number of realm abilities available to Wizards.
Wizards benefit from realm abilities that improve their casting
speed and effectiveness, as well as increased survivability.
Some of the popular realm abilities are:

• Augmented Dexterity: Increases dexterity.

• Augmented Acuity: Increases primary casting stat.
• Wild Power: Increases chance to deal a critical hit with
spells that do damage by listed percentage.
• Mastery of Magery: Additional effectiveness of
magical damage.
• Serenity: Increases amount of power regenerated
per tick.
• Concentration: Refreshes the timer on quick-cast
allowing for a second quick casted spell without the
normal 30 second wait.
• Mastery of Concentration: Grants a 100% chance of not
being interrupted by any form of attack when casting a
spell. The effect of the spell cast will be reduced based
on the level of this ability.
• Mystic Crystal Lore: Grants a refresh of power based on
the level of this ability. Cannot be used when in combat.
• Raging Power: Grants a refresh of power based on the
level of this ability. Can be used when in combat.
• Purge: Removes all negative effects but leaves any
applicable immunity timers in place.
• Volcanic Pillar: AoE damage spell with 500 radius. 2
second non-interruptible cast time.
• Decimation Trap: Trap version of Volcanic Pillar that lasts
10 minutes or until detonated. Energy based.
• Class Unique: Wall of Flame (Obtained automatically at
Realm Rank 5): Insta-cast spell that drops a ward that
pulses a 150 radius PBAoE fire based for 15 seconds.



Transportation in
New Frontiers
There are four main methods for transit in New Frontiers: you
can run to a given location, you can teleport there, you can
buy naval vessels, or you can take fast attack boats over to the
enemy shoreline. All methods have advantages and
disadvantages which will be discussed in the following pages.


and click on it. Then you would select the coastal keep and
click on the teleport button in the /realmwar window. You
will then be transported directly to the courtyard of that keep.
If you own all the keeps on a given path to the ocean, then
capture any Enemy coastal keep and its towers, you will be
able to teleport to the conquered enemy keep from anywhere
in your supply line.
There are two ways to cut the supply line so that the
enemy cannot transport. The first way is to take a keep along
the path. The supply line will therefore be shortened and the
enemy will only be able to teleport to the next keep closer to
the borderkeep in the supply line. The second way is to take a
New Frontiers has introduced a new teleportation system to
tower around a given keep. A realm must own all four towers
the game to enable quicker transit between the keeps and
around a given keep to make that keep a valid teleport
zones in the realm versus realm area. At each keep and at the
destination. This second method of attack only denies the
Borderkeep, there are small pillars to mark the teleport zones.
enemy teleportation to that part of the chain, not the rest of
Walk over to one and click on it or type /realmwar, then
the supply line.
select the keep where you wish to go.
The keeps you are currently able to teleport to will have a
Building a Supply Chain
small white halo around them. Your position on the map will
be marked with a small white dot that dynamically updates as In order to build the chain you must take keeps in pairs. You
you move across the terrain. must also control every tower associated with the taken keeps
The Teleport permissions are determined by a concept to fulfill the teleportation requirements.
called “The Supply Line for Keeps”. Basically, it is a path that Building the chain
can be taken to the front lines. If you own all the keeps along Realm Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4
the given path, the supply line will be considered “open” and
Albion Hurbury/Renaris Sursbrooke/Boldiam Erasleigh/Berkstead Benowyc
you will be able to teleport from any portal pillar to the keeps
Midgard Fensalir/Arvakr Glenlock/Hlidskialf Notmoor/Blendrake Bledmeer
along that path. The paths are organized by which side of the
Hibernia Ailinne/Scathaig na nGed/da Behn Crimthainn/Bolg Crauchon
river the keep is displayed on the realmmap. So for example, if
your realm owns all of its keeps and you wish to teleport to After completing the chain for your realm’s frontier area, you
the coastal keep, you would walk over to the transport pillar can then continue the chain into enemy frontier areas by



taking keeps there. Start with the enemy frontier’s coastal attempting to board the boats in the first place. The dock
island keep and work in reverse to build a supply chain that areas are a favorite hangout for stealthers of all realms.
will connect all keeps in that realm’s frontier to yours. Frequently a passing raiding party will make a sweep of
the area to catch anyone who is not paying attention with
Fast Attack Boats their back turned.
Along the rivers and inter-coastal waterways of the realms There are some other advantages of the boating system
you will see small dock structures with merchants standing on however. The docks function regardless of how many keeps
the shore near them. These docks are intended to provide you have under your control. What this means tactically is
quick, transportation to other parts of the realm war zones. that if your realm is under a major siege by an enemy realm,
you can send a raiding party out by fast attack boat to cut
their supply line and make it so they can no longer teleport in
reinforcements to the area they are attacking.
To give an example, assume Midgard has managed to
capture four Albion keeps, and are preparing to make an
assault on the Relic shrine. Albion could send out a force of
several groups and capture Glenlock, thus cutting off a major
avenue of teleporting. If they were then to take Hlidskialf
Faste, the Midgard troops would not be able to teleport to
their Albion conquests from the mainland or release there if
they should die somewhere. This can then allow the
remaining Albion defenders to mount a counter attack, and
eventually wear down the enemy until they have to regroup
in their homeland and retake their keeps in order to continue
the attack. If your supply lines are ruptured but you need to
get to your coastal keep to defend it from attack, you can buy
Each dock merchant sells tickets to two sections of each a ticket for a foreign realm and ride the boat until you get
the enemy coastline. One ticket will take you directly to the close to your coastal keep, then jump off. This is much faster
enemy coastal keep (Bledmeer, Benowyc, Cruachon), and the then running there, especially if you lack speed.
other ticket will take you to a section of the coast that is
somewhat away from enemy keeps. You can jump off these Controllable Boats
vessels at anytime, and can stealth while on them. In order to
use the boat merchant, click on them and purchase the ticket
to your desired destination. After purchasing the ticket, hand
it back to the merchant and read the dialogue they give you.
You have about 1 minute to board the boat before it takes off.
Board the boat by double clicking on it or using your “get
item” key, which is bound to the keyboard as a default g.
These boats will disappear when you arrive at your
destination and enemy docks cannot be used to return to
your homeland.
The boating system is not without risk however, enemy
defenders can lay in wait at the drop off zones and try to
massacre you as you come in to shore. If you take a boat from
the far interior of your realm zones to the far part of an
enemy zone, you can arrive to a pitched battle with your
timed buffs near expiring, or you can be killed while



New Frontiers introduces a naval aspect to realm vs. realm Scout boats are small, easily controlled vessels. They
combat for the first time. Players can buy controllable boats require a minimum crew of 1 with a maximum crew of 8. They
of three sizes from dock merchants. These vessels provide are primarily useful for locating enemy fleets, or inserting
protection against enemy area of effect attacks, siege, and small groups deep into enemy territory. The scout vessel is
provide transport for raid forces. The vessels available are the unarmed.
scout ship, the galleon, and the warship. The scout ship is a
fast transport, the galleon a medium armed transport, and the
warship is a mobile siege battery of impressive strength.
Boats can only be built in your home frontier. Once they
arrive at their destination, they cannot be picked up. If a boat
is abandoned for more then 30 minutes, it will decay and sink
below the waves. Each boat has a minimum and maximum
crew capacity; if the boat dips below the minimum capacity it
will cease to move. Boats can be sunk by enemy siege,
however player attacks are relatively ineffective. The boat
captain can easily escape the players before they can inflict
significant damage. Only ranged targeted spells may injure
players on board a vessel. These include single target spells
and arrows. Once sailors board the vessel and take a seat, they
cannot move, cast, shoot, or do any other actions without first
standing up. Players can, however, sit next to a siege
hookpoint onboard, then operate the siege regardless of The Galleon is an armed medium transport, it has two
whether or not the vessel is in motion. In order to switch siege hookpoints and requires a minimum crew of two people
seats, the player should right click on the hookpoint they to launch, and a maximum crew of 16 people. These vessels
desire to move to. are good for inserting medium sized attack forces and acting
In order to board a boat, a player must use the /Vset as a mobile siege platform for smaller attack forces.
command. To get off a boat, the player must type
/disembark. At least one player must sit in the captain’s chair
to steer the boat. At maximum capacity, all vessels will move
at the same speed; each person under the maximum capacity
will decrease the vessel speed by 3%.

The Warship is an impressive vessel with four siege

hookpoints, a minimum capacity of four people, and a
maximum capacity of 32 people. The vessel has an impressive
number of hit points and is the best vessel to bring if the


PRIMA Official Game Guide SiEGE WARFARE

players need a vessel capable of slugging it out with a number
of enemy ships or realm structures. Warships are also the ideal Hookpoints
vessel to transport a relic on, as they are the hardest to sink. Hookpoints were first introduced into the DAoC world with
Foundations. A hookpoint is an area in a structure that is
Overland Transport capable of holding an NPC or device. In New Frontiers, there
Frequently, an army needs to simply walk to the next keep. are four types of hookpoints, designated by four different
The next target may not be near water or the supply line colors: yellow, blue, green, and red. As a keep upgrades, the
might not be active far enough up to allow players to port cost of the items for the hookpoints will increase, with the
right to the hot spot. Now that siege can be moved from place exception of siege items. After purchasing an NPC, they will be
to place, armies will need to escort the siege equipment as it controllable for five minutes and will last for thirty minutes.
trundles to its new position. Relics cannot be run with speed There is a limit to the number of NPCs that can be bought at a
active, they must be trudged back across the terrain slowly, keep, so make sure that they will be the most effective choice
under constant attack. There are monster camps scattered at the location they are purchased. A buyer can choose to use
through New Frontiers that require a skilled navigator to drive coin, personal bounty points, or guild bounty points.
through with a large force. All of these things combined mean Red hookpoints are used to buy defensive NPCs at keeps
that while there is a much easier transport system available to and outposts. You can purchase melee, caster, archer, healer,
the players, it can only benefit them to take the time to learn or assassin NPCS for this type of hookpoint. Once each type of
all the routes between important places, where to go to buy NPC is purchased, the player who bought them can interact
siege, where mob camps are, and the shortest and easiest with them and set them to the mode they wish to use.
routes between locations. Quite often, the players who know For melee NPCs, the player may choose for the guard to use a
the terrain best will have the advantage in the fights. larger shield, a two-handed weapon or to use a one-handed
The overland system is the last resort of the overwhelmed weapon and a medium shield (Default). The player can then
realm. If your supply line is broken and your fast attack boat choose the melee NPC to play as either defense or offensive.
docks are compromised, you can always run and swim the With melee NPCs, choosing “Shield” and “Defensive” can afford
route to where you need to go. Sojurner level II makes it easier some protection against enemy archers.
to navigate through the rivers, and in some cases it’s smarter If an Archer NPC is purchased, the player is given the
to swim underwater to avoid detection by rampaging enemy option of a short bow with higher damage and shorter range,
units. The rivers are like arteries running. a long bow with low damage but long range, a medium bow
with medium range and damage, or a lesser quality bow but

Siege Warfare heightened melee ability.

If a caster NPCs is chosen, the following options are
In New Frontiers, there are three types of realm structures available to the buyer: “Damage”, “Crowd Control”, or “Poison
besides the Relic Shrine: keeps, outpost towers, and milegates. attacks.” If an assassin is chosen, the buyer can choose for the
Milegates are the only structure without guards inherent to NPC to be either “Evasive” or to use poison against enemies.
them; we’ll talk more about them in the following chapter. Having made that choice, the buyer is then asked if you wish
Consider keeps as the main command post of a region, and for the assassin to defend the part of the structure they are
outposts as small firebases around the main command bought at (Stand guard) or attack enemies throughout the
outpost that provide intelligence on enemy movements and keep. These NPCs are the best defense against enemy
low level guard patrols. Outposts serve as the control web assassins attempting to infiltrate the keep.
around the keep; if they are lost the supply chain to that keep The last option to purchase at a red hookpoint is a healer.
is broken. So while a keep is the base of power, the outpost The healer has three modes of attack. The first mode is to heal
serves as the control of a region. In order to capture a keep, large amounts very seldom, the second mode is to heal small
one must first remove its source of power, its outposts. Both amounts more frequently, and the final setting is defensive—
keeps and outposts can be claimed and upgraded, with higher meaning the healing NPC will absorb more damage, but will
levels generating higher guard patrols and more NPC heal less often.
hookpoints inside the structure.


PRIMA Official Game Guide SiEGE WARFARE

titled “repair” and one titled “hookpoints.” Select “hookpoints.”
If any hookpoints are available for the piece of the keep or
outpost you selected, they will show up on the ground,
differentiated by color. When the selected hookpoint shows
up on the ground, the player right clicks on it to bring up the
purchase menu.

Siege Equipment
There are five basic types of siege gear: the ram, the
trebuchet, the catapult, the palitone, and the ballista. Some
are intended specifically to take out realm structures such as
the keep walls, outpost structures, and keep doors. Others are
intended to suppress enemy players. Most of the siege can be
bought off of housing merchants and in the small villages
near the relic shrines. Keeps and outposts also have
Green hookpoints mark places where siege equipment can hookpoints on them that allow players to purchase siege
be purchased. There are two types of siege that can be bought directly at the keep. Galleons and warships both can use
at green hookpoints. Palintones are intended to be used against utilize siege on their hookpoints. Siege damage cannot be
enemy siege or vessels. These weapons shoot massive arrows resisted through the use of magical resists or resist buffs, nor
out over the battlefield and cause greate damage to enemy can it be debuffed for.
siege equipment and lesser damage to the players operating In order to operate a piece of siege, the player should
the equipment. Palintones are relatively ineffective against build it or buy it, then position themselves close to the object.
structures, doing comparable damage to some melee attacks. A window pops up on the screen showing the buttons to aim
Trebuchets can also be bought on a green hookpoint. and fire the siege. Some siege weapons can use crafted
Trebuchet’s are intended to pummel an enemy structure and ammunition that can cause different types of damage.
put gaping holes in its walls, to reduce the ability of enemy Hookpoint siege lasts for 30 minutes, this includes siege
structures to emplace siege equipment, or to use the red bought on boats.
hookpoints. A Trebuchet will do roughly four times as much Catapults require a
damage to a keep or outpost wall as a Palintone, but will do ground target to fire.
less damage against enemy siege equipment and players. Once the ground target is
Blue hookpoints are for buying specific, non-combat selected, the catapult is
NPCs. Available for purchase are healers (to restore told to aim, then can be
constitution), hasteners, dyemasters, arrow merchants, fired. The animation will
smiths, rechargers, bounty merchants, and poison merchants. show the firing arm flying
The cost for these NPCs is lower then the cost of the fighting forward and a giant rock
NPCs because they are of relatively limited use and do not will hurl out at the enemy.
defend the keep. Catapults are the best siege gear to use against players.
Yellow hookpoints provide access to boiling oil. Keeps
Trebuchets require a
have two yellow hookpoints while tower outposts have one
target, typically a keep
and they are always located directly over the gate.
structure or a door,
In order to use a hookpoint in the new realm structures,
although they can also hit
the player must go to the place in the keep where they wish to
ships and players. It is
place an object, then right click on the structure. Doing this
aimed the same way as a
brings up a small window with the name of the keep, its
catapult, but hookpoint
current level, its targeted upgrade level, and who it is claimed
trebuchets provide their
by. At the bottom of the window there are two buttons, one


PRIMA Official Game Guide SiEGE WARFARE

own ammunition. The damage produced is best when a keep A keep consists of a wall with a gatehouse and towers
structure is targeted. interspersed along it at strategic points. Inside the wall is the
citadel, a tall structure which houses the lord and his personal
Palintones are the bodyguards. Each tower marks a higher point along the wall
anti-siege weapon. If the or the corner of the citadel. On top of each tower is a
keep is being bombarded hookpoint for siege and hookpoints for NPCs. The walls and
by enemy siege, towers of the keep can be battered down by enemy siege.
immediately build as When that happens the hookpoints inside no longer function
many palintones as until the piece is repaired.
possible to minimize the
damage. Palintones
require a target in order
to fire. Once the target is selected, the aim button is
depressed, then the device will arm and fire on command.

Upgrading a Keep
Once the keep, its level can be set by the claiming party, and
the upgrading process will begin. The upgrading process is
not fast however; it takes 24 hours to upgrade a keep from
level 8 to level 10.
Keeps As a keep upgrades, the level of the guards, wall pieces,
and lord also increases. When an outpost piece or keep piece
upgrades in level, it gains more hit points and becomes far
more difficult to destroy. Additionally, the keeps gain
elevation on their towers, giving additional range to siege and
archers and making it difficult for attackers to get close
enough to the keep to do substantial damage to the players
on the wall. By upgrading a keep, the number of active
hookpoints available increases, allowing the defenders to
place more NPC guards.
There are other ways to upgrade the defense of a
structure besides clicking the upgrade button. A buffing class
can give the NPC defenders buffs, a crafter can give the
permanent guards and lord crafted equipment that does
greater damage then their standard equipment. Equipment
dropped from monsters in PvE can also be given to guards,
however they will not accept equipment that is sub par
quality or of too low a level.

PRIMA Official Game Guide SiEGE WARFARE

Claiming a Keep Defending a Keep
In order to claim a keep, a full group of players must travel to
the lord room of the keep and right click on the lord. This
brings up a menu that displays keep lord type (which is either
melee or magical), keep target level, keep current level, and a
claim/release button. The group leader must interact with the
lord, and appropriate guild permissions must exist for them to
be able to claim.
There are several good reasons to claim keeps and
outposts. The guild that has a keep claimed will get a report
from the guard commander regarding the size of an attacking
force. This provides warning to the home realm if they are
invaded beyond the small flame on the realmwar map. Also,
keep and outpost ownership generates a bonus to realm
points gained through realm versus realm combat. The harder
the keep is to hold onto, the larger the bonus.
Claiming a keep deep inside enemy territory also adds to
this bonus, as well as to damage output if you are fighting in The first principle behind keep defense is to determine the
the region near the keep. Keeps control the milegate doors enemy’s point of attack. Once the direction the enemy is
leading to the relic valley. Lose too many and the doors swing attacking from is clear, steps must be taken to counter their
open, allowing an enemy to rush through to the less attack. If they are using siege, purchase palintones from the
protected relic shrine. tower hookpoints. If they are trying to ram the gate, employ
boiling oil. When the outer gate is intact, buying ranged
damage NPCs guards is more productive then melee guards,
although stealth guards have definite uses when it comes to
defending the players on the wall.

Concentrate NPCs on the enemy’s concentrated points of

attack—this way the NPCs will deal the most damage to the
attackers. If there is a broken gate, put NPC casters in the


PRIMA Official Game Guide SiEGE WARFARE

towers on either sides of it to provide suppressive fire and There are two primary ways to penetrate a keep: through the
help prevent a rush by the enemy. door or through the walls. You can break a door by using
melee characters to melee it down, or with a trebuchet, a
ballista, or a ram. Each attack method has advantages, but the
most effective way is the siege ram with a full compliment
aboard it. The disadvantage is that it leaves the sieging party
vulnerable to boiling oil and to defenders attacking the ram
operators who cannot fight back. Trebuchets are effective in
destroying walls and have limited effect on doors, but allow
the doors to be damaged from range. Ballista and melee
attacks against doors and walls are ineffective unless the
structure is very low level. However, they are a good way to
kill time if the structure is unoccupied or is a remote tower
that the attacking force does not wish to ram.

Just before the lower door gives way, power traps, DD

storms, and str/con storms should litter the basement level.
This forces the attacking force to wade through an interrupt
and damage storm that restricts their ability to heal and inflict
damage on the defenders.
Provide strong support to the keep lord as the final push
at the lord room occurs. Buff the lord, give him high quality
items to up his defense and offense, and give him a casted
damage add and a realm targeted bubble. Near the point of
attack, place drain storms and str/con storms to make the
enemy fighters less effective.

Attacking a Keep
Breaking into a keep is not an easy task. In order for any
attacking siege to manage a significant lifespan, the keep’s
siege hookpoints must first be destroyed. Do this by placing
multiple trebuchets at an angle to the keep so only one tower
hookpoint can fire down on them. Then concentrate their fire
on that structure. When that structure is down, the siege
operators should move their trebuchets farther and engage
the next tower, reducing that tower to rubble. With two
towers down, they can no longer spawn siege or NPC guards.
The trebuchets should concentrate on a wall or several wall
segments between the two destroyed towers. Once those
sections have been reduced, a large hole appears at ground
level, and the NPC guard hookpoints will no longer spawn.
This will effectively punch a large hole in a keep’s defenses,


PRIMA Official Game Guide SiEGE WARFARE

allowing other sieging players to approach the wall breach • Effusion of vigor - strength/constitution buff
without significant guard agro damaging them. Warships may • Effusion of comprehension -
be brought in close to some waterfront keeps; use their siege intelligence/piety/charisma/empathy buff
hookpoints to engage the keep walls. The more trebuchets • Effusion of omnipotence - power heal
that are employed, the faster a wall will crumble, and the less
• Poison remedy - cure poison
damage the attacking force will take.
• Effusion of nimbleness - dexterity/quickness buff
Once the outer wall is breached, lay siege to the citadel
door. This door is heavily defended, and has decent line of • Effusion of warding - armor shield
sight with many of the inner keep’s windows and parapets. Siege ammunition:
The trebuchets that broke the outer wall can be wheeled • Ball of noxious vapors - area of effect poison
closer to engage the inner door or the citadel itself, rams can • Essence bomb - area essence type damage
be applied or melee can engage the door. Ranged damage • Diseased carcass - area of effect disease
dealers should assemble on the walls to maintain a constant
harassing fire against defenders. Outposts
As the door falls, the
attacking force must
capture the keep’s
basement level, push the
defenders up the stairs to
obtain an open space on
the floor, and place
power and heal fonts out
of line of sight from
enemy casters. Once the
basement is secured,
melee classes should
push up the stairs.
Healing classes should
hug the power fonts
below, and use
Outposts come in four types: standard, upgraded, combat
spreadheals to keep the
outpost, and recon outpost. Each outpost has a realm banner
fighters alive as they try
and a banner that indicates whether or not a guild has
to push through heavy fighting up the stairs. As each floor of
claimed the structure. In order to capture an outpost, the
the keep is secured, the power and heal fonts are moved up to
outpost captain must be defeated. Once an outpost has been
the new area. Finally, a fight between the attackers and the
captured, a group of four or more players may then claim the
lord room defenders will occur. If the lord falls, the keep will
outpost for their guild. The only way to upgrade the strength
change hands
of an outpost’s guards and structure is to claim it and upgrade
The keep lords drop keys that can be used to open supply
it. Outposts can be upgraded to a maximum level of 10.
chests found on the first floor of the keep. The supply chests
will contain loot geared towards keep combat: group based
Standard Outposts
potions, unique siege ammunition, and contracts that can be
used to purchase hookpoint NPC's. The standard outpost is a three story structure, with one door
Potions (all group targeted): and two enclosed rooms; one is a supply room behind the
• Effusion of envigoration - endurance heal door and the other houses the tower captain. These structures
will con green level when clicked on by the player.
• Revivifying salve - heal


PRIMA Official Game Guide SiEGE WARFARE

Upgraded Outposts the front line keeps entirely to strike deep in enemy territory.
These outposts are often placed near travel routes, which the
The upgraded outpost can be multiple levels in height, and
enemy might use to penetrate toward the relic, or by the
still has one door and will have upgraded guards and
rivers to provide some intelligence on enemy navies sneaking
structure level. Upgraded outposts have more hit points on
up the river. These outposts can be either standard or
their walls making them more difficult to penetrate by
upgraded and claimed; however, they are usually the last
attacking forces, they also get substantially taller.
outposts to be claimed. Losing one, although annoying, is not
This added height increases the range archers can obtain
likely to cause long term problems for a defensive force.
by firing from the top, and makes it more difficult for
These keeps should be claimed by smaller guilds and kept
attackers to fight their way to the captain’s room. A level 10
at a low level. This allows the smaller guilds to retain a “claim
outpost may have as many as 7 levels to fight from, with the
bonus” for RPs while spending minimal bounty points on
captain’s room nearest the top. Upgraded outposts will con
upkeep. In the event that the guild isn’t on, the impact of an
purple when clicked on at their highest level, indicating they
alliance not knowing how many enemies is on a recon outpost
have substantially more hit points and higher level guards.
is relatively minor.
Both standard and upgraded outposts have one siege
hookpoint on top that can be used for trebuchets or
Capturing an Outpost
palintones. Over the door, each type of outpost will have a
hookpoint for a boiling oil siege weapon. The tactics for capturing an outpost do not vary much
from capturing a keep; however, some aspects of capturing a
Combat Outposts tower depend on the level of the tower under siege and
whether or not it is occupied. A low level, unclaimed outpost is
Combat outposts can be either a standard or upgraded
relatively easy to capture if it is undefended. The tower
outpost; however their function is quite specific. They are
captain will be red con and the guards will be blue or yellow
placed close to keeps, typically with line of sight on the gate
con (to level 50), with only one patrolling the region around
to provide better defensive protection against attack.
the outpost. As such, simply rushing the solo guard, meleeing
Upgrading these outposts near a keep will hinder enemies
or ramming through the door, Then rushing the captain is the
from easily penetrating the keep. The guard patrols from the
most efficient plan of attack. Once captured, the tower will
combat outpost will help the keep guard patrols in fending off
switch hands and revert to level one. If the low level keep is
attackers as well as provide an opportunity to catch the
occupied, a siege ram should be employed in order to
attacking enemy in crossfire. Because of this, combat
minimize deaths from the boiling oil siege emplacement over
outposts are frequently the first targets of an attacking
the door. The ram’s cover will provide some protection against
enemy force. They will seek to capture and upgrade these
the oil as it pours down on the attackers, although it will do
outposts so they can protect their rear, provide themselves
little or nothing to protect players who are meleeing the door.
with somewhere to retreat to, and gain a solid platform for
An alternate strategy to using a ram to break down the door is
siege they can use to bombard the keep with. It is
to utilize an archer with a siege lore artifact leveled, such as
recommended that combat outposts be kept claimed and
the Fool’s Bow. Siege Lore and Faultfinder are two abilities that
above level 5, because they provide strong assistance to both
let non-siege operators do fast damage to enemy structures.
offensive and defensive forces around a keep.
Attacking an outpost is in many ways a great deal easier
then attacking a keep. The outpost is smaller and has no
Recon Outposts
structure, which allows defending players to shoot down
Recon outposts also serve a specific purpose. They are located along the walls. An attacking force can hug the structure they
some distance from their Lord’s keep, meant to provide a are attacking and stay out of line of sight of the defenders,
sanctuary for traveling realm forces to retreat too if they are greatly diminishing the damage that the attacking force will
caught out in the open away from the keep. They also serve as sustain from guards and players alike. The primary risk to an
a means of providing guard patrols in the sparsely populated attacking force is the oil over the door, if this proves to be too
regions between the keeps. These patrols can provide great an obstacle to overcome, the attacking force must
scouting information to enemy forces attempting to bypass destroy the tower. To destroy the tower, siege equipment


PRIMA Official Game Guide SiEGE WARFARE

should be brought in and the structure targeted. Warships that the power traps were placed, yet at a sufficient distanc
work excellently if the tower is near the water, otherwise from the wall so they cover the most space. Should the enemy
wheeled siege equipment must be utilized to bring the tower support trip the convoker power traps, the Mental Siphon
down. Once the tower is destroyed, the oil hookpoint will no storm will further hinder their ability to regenerate mana.
longer function and the door can be attacked directly with Additionally, in the confusion of a sudden surge, many
little or no fear of significant damage. players will not immediately understand why they are losing
mana so fast and can suffer significant power loss. This can
Defending a Tower slow or even stop an attack and without healing support, the
To defend a tower, take care to place regeneration fonts in defenders are in a vastly superior position. If there are enough
places where enemy fire will not place the players in the Stormlords present of a high enough level, a direct damage
region in combat. Players should use the parapet’s as best storm can also serve a useful purpose. It will keep people in
they can to dodge in and out of line of sight to fire on the the room in combat, thus negating the effect of power fonts
enemy. It is best to select the target you intend to attack and heal fonts, again significantly impairing the ability to
before exposing yourself on the wall asenemies are often chain heal and in many cases forcing the enemy to pull back
poised and waiting to attack if a defender shows even the out of the room. Stormlords should also place an Endurance
smallest portion of their body. Boiling oil is your best defense drain storm close to where they expect their tanks to engage
against people dropping the doors, and ballista or palintones the enemy tanks. This storm will significantly decrease the
are the best method to defeat enemy ranged siege weapons. amount of endurance that enemy tanks will have when they
For the most part, trebuchets do not provide a great deal of try to rush the room and can result in them being completely
value in an outpost defense. out of endurance when it comes time to try to kill the
If the door is going to fall in the near future, offensive defending support classes. If there are enough Stormlords in
master level abilities should be employed strategically the keep, a strength and constitution storm will also serve to
through the tower. The three primary master level tracks for both decrease the enemy damage output and weaken them
this type of activity are Convoker, Stormlord, and Perfector. for the defenders to destroy. If there is a surplus of Stormlords
Convokers may wish to summon power traps in places present, a direct damage Storm should be placed near the
where they feel enemy support may charge in and take cover. ramp up to the room. This will prohibit casters and enemy
The doorway is an acceptable place to put such trap, but support from peaking around the corner and attempting to
frequently enemy melee characters will rush through and trip cast through the tanks by interrupting them. Make sure the
the trap before people with a power pool come through. It is storm has good line of sight in all directions. To defend a
smarter to put power traps in the corners of the room, out of captain’s room employ end drain, str/con drain, and direct
line of sight from above (places where enemy support will damage storms to decrease the enemy attack’s ferocity.
move too as soon as they can). This stands a chance of Perfectors should primarily concentrate on power fonts
reducing the ability of the enemy to heal, chant, bubble, or and heal fonts placed in strategic places away from the
cast offensive spells in the short term and provides an combat zone. These allow players to back away from the fight
opportunity for a defensive rush down the stairs to defeat the and regain health or recover from excessive power usage. The
enemy while their support has suffered a short term loss of top of the outpost near the ranged siege hookpoint is an
effectiveness. Convokers might also wish to place Prescience excellent place to put these fonts if there is no incoming
nodes in the area around the tower captain to help detect enemy siege fire on those positions. However, if enough
enemy stealthers who try to slip through the tanks with the Perfectors are in the tower, Dissonating Wards can be placed
intent of taking out defending support classes right as a rush near the entry to the captain’s room to alleviate some of the
comes. enemy ranged magical damage on the frontline tanks. A
Stormlords should divide the keep up between them so Stormlord DD storm can also effectively negate enemy casters
they do not waste their efforts. Most Storm lord storms are on from attacking the captain’s room without a concerted rush
the same timer, so they will only get the chance to place at past the defending melee characters.
most two of them before the first one expires. For the entry
level floor, place Mental Siphon storms in the same regions


PRIMA Official Game Guide SiEGE WARFARE

Bonus requirement Bonus type Bonus
Majority of Keeps Keep Bonus (realm) Darkness Falls Opens
8 keeps owned Keep Bonus (realm) 3% increase to all coin drops
9 keeps owned Keep Bonus (realm) 3% increase to all experience
10 keeps owned Keep Bonus (realm) 3% increase to all Bps[QUERY: ?]
11 keeps owned Keep Bonus (realm) 3% decrease to all crafting timers
12 keeps owned Keep Bonus (realm) 5% increase to all coin drops
13 keeps owned Keep Bonus (realm) 5% increase to all experience
14 keeps owned Keep Bonus (realm) 5% increase to all bps[QUERY: ?]
15 keeps owned Keep Bonus (realm) 5% decrease to all crafting timers
16 keeps owned Keep Bonus (realm) 5% increase to Power Pool
17 keeps owned Keep Bonus (realm) 5% increase to End Pool
18 keeps owned Keep Bonus (realm) Increased Power regen
19 keeps owned Keep Bonus (realm) Increased Health regen
20 keeps owned Keep Bonus (realm) 5% increase chance to melee hit
21 keeps owned Keep Bonus (realm) 5% increase magical hit
1 tower capture Tower Capture bonus (individual) ((Tower Level -5)*10) Rps awarded
1 keep capture Keep Capture Bonus (individual) ((Keep level -5)*500) per person awarded. If more
then 8 attackers are present ((keep Level -5)*250).
If more then 40 players are present ((keep level-5)*100).
Level 5 keep capture Keep Capture Bonus(individual) Lord drops 1 high quality loot item
Level 7 keep capture Keep Capture Bonus(individual) Lord drops 2 high quality loot items
Level 10 keep capture Keep Capture Bonus(individual) Lord drops 4 high quality loot items
1 enemy Strength relic captured Relic Bonus (realm) 10% additional melee bonus
2 enemy Strength relic captured Relic Bonus (realm) 20% additional melee bonus
1 enemy Power relic captured Relic Bonus (realm) 10% additional magical bonus
2 enemy Power relic captured Relic Bonus (realm) 20% additional magical bonus

The number of relics owned by your realm KEEP AND TOWER COSTS
dramatically effects the time it takes to Keep Level Time to upgrade GBP cost to Maintenance
upgrade and downgrade* Cost/hour (GBPs)
upgrade a keep: 1 NA 50 50
2 12 minutes 50 50
# of relics owned upgrade time from 3 12 minutes 50 50
lvl 5 to lvl 10 in hours 4 12 minutes 50 50
0 3.2 5 24 minutes 100 100
1 8 6 1 hour 200 200
2 24 7 2 hours 300 300
3 or 4 32 8 4 hours 400 400
9 8 hours 500 500
5 48
10 16 hours 1000 1000
6 64
Tower Level Time to upgrade GBP cost to Maintenance
upgrade and downgrade* Cost/hour (GBPs)
1 NA 5 5
2 12 minutes 5 5
3 12 minutes 5 5
4 12 minutes 5 5
5 24 minutes 10 10
*Underpopulated realms will receive a 50% reduction of cost 6 1 hour 20 20
bonus (rounded up) for all hookpoint purchases, 7 2 hours 30 30
maintenance costs, and claiming costs of keeps and towersin 8 4 hours 40 40
9 8 hours 50 50
New Frontiers. Mythic defines which realms are under 10 16 hours 100 100


PRIMA Official Game Guide SiEGE WARFARE

Damaged Villages and
Along the shoreline
Restrictive Terrain and on certain ridgelines
in the new zones, the
ground will become too
steep for the characters
to climb. Frequently,
nearby sections of the
same area can be climbed
out, or you can approach
the hill from a different
direction to obtain the
summit. In some cases in
RvR, defending characters
will be able to obtain an
elevated position that
allows them to fire down
on attackers without fear
of being engaged in
New Frontiers introduces several major changes to the type of melee. Although the
terrain and the structures surrounding realm structures. Each terrain is not as obvious
realm now has zones which contain rivers, rope bridges, steep to casual observation as a
mountains, wrecked villages, bridges, and shallow swamps. keep wall would be, it has
The rivers act as a transportation artery for each realm. essentially the same
They allow players to get to the front from deep within their effect. The attacker is
own realm via fast attack boats or by swimming the length of either forced to kill the
the river to get to a destination on the shore. At periodic defender from range or
points along the rivers, typically close to keeps, bridges cross withdraw from the field of battle. This change from having all
the river. They are impressive structures with three tower terrain be passable allows for more defensive battles that
segments that provide defense of the bridge and the involve intelligent use of terrain and requires the attacker to
surround shoreline. The top of each tower supplies a think carefully about how to approach the enemy.
significant elevation advantage that allows siege operators The rope bridges cross over steep canyons in each realm’s
and archer classes to gain range on attacking enemy units home zones. These bridges cross between several large
while tanks hold the span itself. Each tower is three stories tall, plateaus that are near a keep. One of the keep’s towers is on
with a gatehouse midway up that provides shelter for the the plateau, providing extended security to the area through
support classes to utilize as they cast to keep their tanks alive. guard patrols. Additionally, because of its location, this tower
These gatehouses also are considered roofed structures. makes taking the keep by surprise more difficult. The enemy
Certain types of indirect fire cannot land inside them, is forced to spread out their attacking force over difficult
providing additional protection to support and ranged terrain in order to stop defenders from teleporting in.
damage classes. Each realm also has a keep surrounded by a shallow moat
or swamp. Several parts of these bodies of water contain
mobs, but it makes it more difficult for attacking forces to
function in an attack against a keep from a distance. Instead,
they must get closer to the keep in order to effectively set up
their siege camp, which allows defenders a much better
opportunity to bring ranged attacks to bear on them.


PRIMA Official Game Guide ReLIC WARFARE

In New Frontiers, there is a new dungeon called the Passages of
Conflict that links the three major land masses together. This
dungeon contains a series of large chambers in which
monsters reside and protect several boss monsters. These
monsters drop realm respecialization stones and a small list of
interesting and useful items. If a player decides they dislike
their realm abilities, they can travel to this dungeon and kill
monsters until they obtain the stone they need to
The Dungeon is an excellent place to level artifacts and
characters, as well as farm for equipment and money. The
dungeon may be used to enter the enemy realms from below,
allowing relics to be pulled out through it if the other routes
are cut off.

Each realm also has a tower which is surrounded by a

wrecked village. This region allows attacking units significant
cover from ranged attacks coming from the tower, and makes
for a challenging, but fun combat zone for stealth combat.
Players can climb into and on the ruins surrounding the tower
to get an elevated position to attack from or hide away from
incoming enemy forces. The structures provide a maze of
cover that makes group versus group combat highly
entertaining as players retreat or advance through the broken
structures. Although casters can still achieve good results
from elevated positions, this type of terrain is best suited
toward fighter base classes.

Frontier Dungeons

Relic Warfare
Relics are ancient items that have been passed down and
defended by the realms through the centuries. They were past
possessions of great warriors and magicians, and still hold
some of their magic within them. Each realm has a strength
relic and a power relic which reside in separate relic shrines.
Each shrine has three pedestals, one for the home relic and
one for each of the corresponding enemy relics captured
through battle. Capturing an enemy realm’s strength relic
provides a bonus to melee and archery attacks, allowing the
fighters of the realm to do greater damage then they would
otherwise. Capturing an enemy realm’s power relics grants a
realm wide bonus to magical damage and healing. This bonus
stacks with other bonuses obtained through items or
conquering enemy territory.


PRIMA Official Game Guide ReLIC WARFARE

Relic bonuses are not just for realm versus realm combat There are two milegates that can be opened before
however, the damage and healing bonuses apply to player entering the relic shrine. You need only open one to reach the
versus monster encounters as well. As a result, the players relic, but opening the second affords the attacking realm an
fighting the war against the enemy realms can aid their realm additional advantage as the second milegate is closer to the
by capturing an enemy relic. Their realm mates engaging in shrine. The first milegate is opened by taking the three
PvE will have an easier time leveling and making money, thus specified keeps in the table below. After taking the three
strengthening the economy and increasing the funds required keeps, taking the additional specified keep will open the
to maintain keeps in the frontier. The healing bonuses in second milegate.
particular aid in players attempting to complete the master
level activities or defeat dangerous monsters in the epic zones Realm Relic Type Milegate 1 Milegate 2
and dungeons. Albion Power Relic Benowyc & Berkstead & Boldiam Renaris
Relics may only be removed from enemy shrines if the Albion Strength Relic Benowyc & Erasleigh & Sursbrooke Hurbury
attacking party has their own relic at home in its appropriate Midgard Power Relic Bledmeer & Notmoor & Glenlock Arvakr
shrine. However, if one realm removes a relic from an enemy Midgard Strength Relic Bledmeer & Blendrake & Hlidskialf Fensalir
shrine, then drops the relic, a realm with no relics may then Hibernia Power Relic Crauchon & Crimthain & nGed Scaithag
pick up the relic and return it to their home realm. Hibernia Strength Relic Crauchon & Bolg & da Behn Ailinne

The keeps are the main line of defense for the relics. In
order for an attacking force to gain access to a relic, they must
first take over several keeps in order to unlock the milegates.
If four keeps are taken, one of the milegates leading to a relic
will unlock. Once the milegate is unlocked, the attacking force
must travel through the milegate to the relic shrine. If you
reach the shrine and remove a relic, you must then take it
back to your home shrine, passing overland without speed
spells or teleportation. Homeland players may pass through
their own realm’s milegates without problem. The doors
function in much the same way as a housing door would.
Simply click on the door to pass through. The door will not
open so that enemy stealth can sneak through.
As a defender, this gives time to move troops into position
to stop a relic from escaping. To defend against a relic attack,
a defensive realm can fight on the beaches, in the keeps, or in
the open field. If that fails and the milegate doors open, they
can take up defensive positions on the milegate. If the relic is
removed from the relic valley, the conquered realm can
pursue the enemy and take the relic back if they kill the
In order to determine if your milegate is open, you can
type /realmwar and pull up the map. The map shows a bird’s
eye view of the realm. Near each relic shrine are four
milegates with a red line near them. When the milegates are
open, they will change graphically from the normal state to
show which doors are open.


PRIMA Official Game Guide ReLIC WARFARE

Relic Shrines The relic shrines consist of three pillars, one of which
In New Frontiers, the relics needs to be raised to claim a relic, or lowered to remove a
are no longer held in relic. The process of removing a relic takes at least 16 players
fortified keeps standing inside the shrine. One of the players must then stand
surrounded by high level in the glowing circle that designates the realm that owns the
guards and protected by relic they are attempting to remove. Once that is
three doors. Relics are accomplished, the platform holding the relic will begin to
now located in shrine descend and a realm wide broadcast is sent out to the realm
structures in secluded where the temple is located. The lowering of the platform
valleys of each realm’s takes five minutes.
territory. Each valley is
protected by two locked Relic Villages
milegate structures and Each relic valley contains
has a river that runs a small village that holds
through it. The river is trainers and merchants.
blocked off by a rock These villages are located
slide that obstructs close to the relic shrine,
swimmers from which allows a defense
penetrating the secure force to send runners to
area. Inside the valley, the village to purchase
there is a small village defensive siege gear for
that provides siege gear, use at repelling an enemy attack on the milegate. In addition
training, and weapons to to the siege merchants, there are also weapon merchants,
the home realm. In arrow merchants, poison merchants, and class trainers
addition to the village, available. The villages do not have a guard contingent,
there is a bridge crossing although there are some defensive structures in the area.
the river and the shrine.


PRIMA Official Game Guide ReLIC WARFARE

Capturing a Relic force must contend with a large number of relic convoy
defenders able to return their attacks instantly. Such a
With New Frontiers relic changes, no longer will lightning fast
devastating return volley of damage can frequently kill
relic raids occur. Persistence, planning, and luck will now be
attackers before their support has a chance to aid them. A
the driving factors behind a relic raid, rather then surprise and
tertiary advantage of this formation is that even if the relic
avoiding enemy defenders. Once the relic has been removed
carrier is killed, there is so much confusion generated that the
from the shrine, the real test of skill comes into play—getting
attackers might not realize they have killed the carrier. This
the relic back to the raiding parties own shrine is no small
enables another member of the convoy to pick up the relic
accomplishment. Relic carriers cannot move at speed with the
and continue on.
relic in their possession, which means that the enemy will
have ample opportunity to launch attacks on the relic
The Diversion
caravan. The raiding party cannot use the docks in a foreign
land, regardless of whether or not they own the nearby keeps. This tactic involves the relic raid leader taking a degree of
There are, however, some basic tactical templates that can be subterfuge and risk. The basic strategy is to have most of the
used to bring a relic home. members of your raiding party form up in a large relic convoy,
then move en masse along a predictable path. The real relic
The Relic Convoy carrier then uses a different path or waits for the main convoy
to get well along the return path home. The main force acts as
This tactic involves putting the relic carrier in the center of a
a diversion and intentionally makes a mess along the way so
large formation of friendly troops. The relic is then given to a
all enemies using /realmwar map will see them and attack
character with a high number of hit points and high defensive
them. While this is going on, the relic party sneaks along a
attributes. The whole formation should then move through
difficult path toward their home zones.
the country side en masse, plowing over resistance along the
The best class makeup for the relic carrier party is a
way. This tactic can be modified to include the use of a line of
collection of short characters, and a mixture of tanks and
skirmishers that surround the whole convoy and move at
support classes. If possible, a Spymaster master level track
speed to make it difficult for the enemy to close to lethal
player should be grouped with the relic carrier group. This
striking distance of the main formation. Typically, these
way, if their detection is imminent, the Spymaster can use
skirmishers will provide a loose, fluid shell that can react to an
Group Stealth to hide the carrier until the danger passes.
attack in any direction and slow the attack enough so the
This tactic can be modified to appear as though the
characters in the main formation can swing out and reinforce
diversion group has run into substantial trouble trying to get
them. The relic carrier’s immediate body guards should not
the relic back to their homeland. If while under attack, the
stop to help the skirmishers but rather keep moving away
main diversion group takes shelter in a previously captured
from the battle scene to avoid reinforcements from using the
keep or outpost, they can make it appear the relic carrier is
/realmwar map and zero in on the relic carrier’s location.
trapped inside, unable to port elsewhere. This will likely cause
This method can be further modified if the raiding party has
the realms trying to recover the relic to surround the keep and
enough people. Place groups well ahead and slightly behind
lay siege to it. If the diversion force can hold out against the
the main force to provide advance warning if an ambushing
attacking force long enough, the relic carrier group will have
party is found. This is an excellent duty to give to stealthers
time to sneak back to their shrine. This is also the best way to
or small mobile scout groups.
guarantee that the third realm will be distracted from the relic
The disadvantage of this type of formation is its compact
party. They will see a major siege on the realmmap and join
nature. If an enemy group gets the drop on the main
the battle in the hopes of taking the relic away for themselves.
formation and lands significant amounts of area of effect
By doing this, the diversion force can actually remove the relic
damage, they can inflict large losses in a short time.
carrier’s path of potential enemies by drawing them all to one
As a defender attempting to regain the relic, use area of effect
location, an outpost or keep that they can defend easily.
snare spells and near–instant AoE damage realm abilities to
It is best for the relic carrier group to use a private chat
crack this formation.
group with the raid leader, rather than a Battle group—this
It’s compact nature is also an advantage. Any attacking
way they won’t broadcast where they are. Sometimes it is


PRIMA Official Game Guide ReLIC WARFARE

safer for the raid leader to pretend that somebody in the Boats and the Relic
diversion group has the relic, and keep the fact that the real
There are two tactics involving use of the new boat system in
relic carrier is not with the group a secret to avoid any spies
order to aid in returning a relic. They work for both the raiding
from infiltrating the chat groups and ruining the ploy. For this
party and the recovery party, but their speed is dependant on
reason, it is best that the carrier’s group remains in
their crew size and vessel type. Naval vessels act as a strong
anonymous mode during the return run with the relic.
protection force against the enemy. The enemy cannot use
The major risk of this tactic is that the relic party will be
area of effect spells on the crew of the vessel; they can only
attacked by an enemy. Because they are small in number, they
target individual sailors. This allows the crew to keep
will be defeated and the relic will be taken back to the relic
everyone alive as long as the vessel is intact. They may also
valley. The major benefit to this tactic is that smaller raiding
serve as mobile font platforms allowing friendly players
parties can use the keep or outpost defensive positions to aid
to regen under the protection of the vessel’s thick
them in surviving against a vastly superior force, while a small
wooden beams.
band of trusted realmmates brings home the prize.

The Dungeon Route

The relic, once past the enemy milegate should be taken to
the entrance of the Frontier dungeon, Passages of Conflict.
Once inside, the raiding party can fight through the NPC
monsters in the dungeon to their own home zones. A raiding
party must be careful not to let the enemy know they are
going through this route. If the enemy finds out, they may lay
siege to the dungeon’s exit on the raiding party’s home zones.
Additionally, as the relic return party fights through the
dungeon, relatively few monsters are left in their wake.
Enemies chasing this force through the dungeon have to deal
with a minimal number of monsters, which allows them to
move at a much faster pace through the dungeon.
This tactic is quite flexible and gives a variety of options to
a raiding party. For example, Midgard takes Albion’s strength The raiding party can bring a slew of warships up the river
relic and enters the dungeon. Midgard can now proceed to the area between the two milegates, bring the relic out and
through the dungeon to the Midgard exit, then head from place the carrier onboard a warship, then move out as convoy.
there to the home shrine, or they can proceed to the The warships are durable and can take an excessive beating as
Hibernian side, exit the dungeon in their zone (where there is they progress through the river system and out over the
limited enemy action), then proceed by a long route back to ocean on the way back to the friendly shrines. Using multiple
their home territory. They can approach from such a wide warships allows the relic carrier to take different routes
array of angles that the stopping force trying to recapture toward the relic shrine and prevent the enemy from setting
the relic has to spread their forces in order to locate the up a huge blockcade as they leave. Warships provide two
relic party. siege hookpoints. When equipped with ballista, these
The raid leader should be familiar with the dungeon hookpoints provide damaging forward fire against enemy
layout before attempting this type of raid. It is easy to get ships. In the event of a large naval battle the warships can
turned around in the dungeon and run into dead ends. both absorb and dish out a great deal of fire. If an overland
A major advantage of this route is that any combat the relic convoy gets forced into a keep, they should try to pick
party becomes engaged in, does not show up on the one close to the water to hide in. They can then port a crew
/realmwar map. This significantly, reduces the chances that back to the mainland to pick up a couple warships (assuming
the third realm will become involved. the supply chain is unbroken). Once the ships arrive, the relic


PRIMA Official Game Guide ReLIC WARFARE

carrier and the defenders can make a mad dash for the Losing the Relic
warships under the ship’s covering fire.
If the raid takes too long to get the relic back, it will reset back
The recovery party can also use the naval option to
to its previous location. If the relic sits on the ground for too
interdict the enemy relic convoy and attempt to sink any
long, it will reset back to its previous location. When a relic
ships they intend to use. Typically, for a recovery option, it is
resets, the home realm is not off the hook until they shut the
smarter to use several smaller ships that can quickly catch up
milegate doors. The enemy can simply re-siege the relic shrine
with the enemy to engage them. In the event that an enemy is
and grab the relic again.
hiding in a coastal keep, the homeland defense force can
To regain a relic that has been stolen, the victimized realm
acquire some warships and pound the keep walls with fire or
should do two things immediately. First, interdict the relic
attempt to block off the water routes with attack vessels.
carrier’s group and slow them down or contain them in a
keep. By doing this, the relic’s location is no longer a mystery
Placing the Relic and reinforcements can be brought in to help obtain the relic
In order to place the relic, the relic carrier must pass through and return it to its home location. Second, break the enemies’
the milegate or borderkeep and arrive at the appropriate relic supply chain by taking a keep in the chain, preferably one
shrine. The strength relic shrines are located in Uppland, close to their borderkeeps. This restricts the enemies’ freedom
Forest Sauvage, and Cruachon Gorge. The power relic shrines of movement with regards to reinforcements. Once
are located in Yggdra Forest, Snowdownia, and Mount Collory. reinforcements to the relic convoy are cut off, a war of
If the raiding party has all of their keeps in their possession, attrition may begin. This usually favors the players attacking
the gate on the milegate will appear closed. Pass through the the relic convoy, as the relic convoy can ill-afford to stop
milegate by approaching the door and clicking on it. Once along their path for too long.
through the milegate, the chance of being intercepted by
enemy forces is small. The relic carrier will then walk to the
relic shrine and click on the pedestal that bears the insignia of
the realm from which they stole the relic.
Once the platform has lowered and the relic is placed on
the pedestal, the pillar will begin its five minute ascent.


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To Summoner Hall Accursed
Doomed Brigands

Accursed Redeemed Outlaws

Brigands Arrow Merchant
Fanatics Exit to Jamtland
Zilistiphle Mountains

Empty Storeroom Doomed Fanatics

Rheton Arrow Merchant Doomed

Redeemed Fanatics
Doomed & Cursed Doomed
Watchers Plunderers Brigands
Accursed Doomed
Brigands, Accursed Plunderers
Raiders Raiders
Dead End
Accursed Raiders,
Redeemed Plunderers, Fanatics
Accursed Arrow Merchant
Raiders, Doomed
Brigands Doomed
Fanatics, Fanatic
Marauders Marauders
Doomed Dead End
Doomed Accursed
Raiders, Brigands
Marauders Drevaul Exit to Breifine

Exit to Pennine Accursed Hounds,

Mountains Raiders, Brigands Hibernia


PRIMA Official Game Guide maps




Portal to
Adept Lossren
Sidhe Uasal

Fire Node

Entrance Shield Node Demon

Exit to Passage Portal Sidhe
of Conflict Colmrceoir
Necromancer Healing Node Summoner Cunovinda

Aidon the
Portal to
Summoner Sidhe Uasal

Mera’s Sidhe Coimirceoir

Necromancer Portal to
Necromancer Summoner

Sidhe Uasal Sidhe Tiarna



PRIMA Official Game Guide maps

Summoner Hall and The Bosses
The Passages of This boss monster resides on the

Conflict Albion side of the dungeon. He is a

pure tank with a high absorb and
armor factor, and will deal out a
The Passage of Conflict is the dungeon that connects the fair bit of melee damage by pun-
underground regions of the three realms together. Its halls ishing those who attack him. It is
and storerooms are filled with the doomed and accursed crim- rumored he wears a cloak that
inals of the realms, condemned to walk the hallways sur- many brigands of the realm envy.
rounded by the creatures of the underworld and ruled by
undead bosses who bow to no one but the Summoners. Busiv
Each realm has an entry and exit tunnel that leads
This boss monster holds court with
through a series of tunnels to a maze at the heart of the dun-
his pack of condemned outlaws on
geon. In general, the maze is unoccupied by monsters, and
the Midgard side of the dungeon.
the battles here are observed only by small sprites, called
His magical attacks can knock a
watchers, who hover below the dungeon ceiling. Each realm
player into a state of unconscious-
also has a mini-boss mob located in a room off by itself. These
ness at times, and his guardians
boss mobs contribute to the difficulty of the mob guarding
will call upon the powers of the
the entrance to Summoner Hall, Zilistiphle, the demonic flying
undead to wreck havoc on those
guardian of the Summoners.
who try to attack him.
The passages serve as a place to level for players in their
quest to level 50. Here, they can also experience their artifacts
to level ten. It also serves as a place to obtain realm respecial-
ization stones. A respecialized stone is an item that is used to A demonic winged monster sur-
reset a player’s realm abilities. These stones are the only way rounded by masses of floating
for an ability to be respecialized. There is a small chance that energy, this boss monster lives on
any of the non-animal monsters in the dungeon will drop the Hibernian side of the dungeon.
these stones, however the boss monsters have a higher Using the powers bestowed upon
chance to drop a stone in addition to their own, specialized him by the Summoners below, he
loot lists. calls upon the underworld to spew
Each side of the dungeon also has a single room where all forth monsters to heal him while he battles. It is rumored that
the monsters are named “Redeemed.” These monsters are the force of the monsters he brings is weakened by their
neutral and there is a merchant present that can be used to transfer to the planes of existence, and thus they are suscepti-
rearm arrows and thrown weapons or sell vendor loot. ble to magical attacks.
The Summoners reside in Summoner hall. It’s a loop of
rooms in a separate zone from the passages of conflict. Here Zilistiphle
the monsters are all at a much higher level, they have more The guardian to the Summoner
unique abilities, and drop better loot. Along the path through halls, this winged demon calls
this hallway, there are three named monsters and two portals. upon the spirits of the other boss
The portals lead to private rooms where Summoners reside. monsters to aid her in defending
the gateway. She can warp herself
into an alternate plane of exis-
tence, and occasionally gets a curi-
ous glint in her eye when opposed by enemies. It is rumored


PRIMA Official Game Guide maps

this monster has quite the set of fallen hero’s weapons in her nodes as quickly as possible. She has her own unique set of
possession. weapons and items. To reach this monster, one must go
through the portal into her lair.
Aidon the Archwizard
This boss mob is located to the Summoner Lossren
south of the entrance to Another of Summoner hall’s key
Summoner hall, on the loop bosses, this monster is a Friar-like
around to the different monster with a large amount of
Summoners. He has a bit of a split armor and absorb. At around 40%
personality, and all of them like to health, he will turn into a shade
form and become more difficult
nuke. It is best to try to occupy
to hit. He has his own loot table
him wherever he appears. His armor is warm to the touch; so
and is known to drop a great many sleeves. To reach this mon-
use slow weapons with a damage add to reduce the damage ster, a raid party must go through a portal into his lair.
taken per swing.
Summoner Cunovinda
An Tiarna Kieren
The guardian to the entrance to
This is a named Sidhe Coimirceoir, the grand Summoner’s lair, this
who has a friendly gnome pet Summoner has the ability to
named Phut. Phut will trash talk zephyr attacking players around
those who confront his master. He the room as a defense mecha-
is predominately a melee monster, nism. She is a caster monster and
with his own loot table. should be constantly engaged as
she ports about the entrance
Nychta and Mera attempting to avoid melee.

Grand Summoner
The Grand Summoner is protected
by four nodes: a healing node, a
shield node, a demon portal, and a
fire node. The healing node will
regenerate the Grand Summoner’s
health as players attempt to injure
The wolf guardians of the Summoner halls, these monsters him. The shield node will produce a
are tough versions of their above ground brethren, with temporary melee resistance for the
the ability to port some distance away when they are Grand Summoner. The fire node will produce a damage effect
under attack. for the Grand Summoner, while the demon portal brings in a
steady stream of yellow and orange con demons to attack the
Summoner Roesia people in the room. It is best to first defeat the demon portal,
then defeat the fire, shield, and healing nodes. While players are
This is one of the main boss mon-
attacking the nodes, at least one main melee player should keep
sters in Summoner hall. She is pro- the Grand Summoner occupied so he does not attack the sup-
tected by three nodes that can port classes. When the healing node is finally down, all players
grab players off their feet and should converge upon the Grand Summoner and melee him.
send them for a floating ride Some abilities such as ground target area of effect spells and
around the chamber while she direct damage realm abilities are also useful against the Grand
nukes them. It is important to keep Summoner. Some players should be assigned to watch the node
somebody meleeing her while at the same time dropping the spawn points in case they respawn during the encounter.


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PRIMA Official Game Guide Realm Abilities

Realm Abilities
How to Benefit From Your Realm Points with Dev Comments By Mike “Mackey” Lescault
As a player participates in RvR, they earn realm points by taking keeps or killing the enemy. The amount of realm points gained is
discussed in an earlier chapter; however it takes a substantial amount of time to advance to realm rank 11, which is the highest
rank a player can obtain. Each rank is divided into several sub-ranks, typically a rank is displayed as 6l5, for example. This means
Realm Rank 6 level 5, which is half way through realm rank 6 to realm rank 7. Lower realm ranks take less realm points to obtain
each realm level, and at each realm level a realm skill point is awarded for a total of 100 realm skill points possible.
Once a player has obtained a realm skill point, they must first go to their class trainer in one of the cities where they reside.
When the player interfaces with the trainer, a pop-up window appears showing them a list of their normal specialization options in
the top pane and a list of realm abilities in the lower pane. The list for realm abilities is long, so it’s best for the player to read
through them all and find out what is available before making a purchase. Each realm ability can be investigated through the
information button. Planning out which abilities your character needs to succeed and when they can obtain them is very
important. Once realm abilities are purchased, the only way to reset them is to obtain a realm ability respec stone from either the
dragon in each realm or the RvR dungeon, Halls of Contempt.

Passive Realm Abilities Lvl 1 Lvl 2 Lvl 3 Lvl 4 Lvl 5

Effect Effect Effect Effect Effect
Name Type Description 1 3 6 10 14 (34 points total) Classes

Augmented Strength Passive Increases Strength by the listed amount per level. 4 12 22 34 48 All
Aug Strength will primarily be something taken by melee characters with weapons based on strength. This will also help in carrying capacity but not
nearly as well as Lifter.
Augmented Dexterity Passive Increases Dexterity by the listed amount per level. 4 12 22 34 48 All
Dexterity is helpful in a lot of different ways for different folks. This RA will be most useful for those interested in increasing their casting speed, or the
weapon skill of weapons that are based on dexterity.

Augmented Constitution Passive Increases Constitution by the listed amount 4 12 22 34 48 All except
per level. Necromancers
Aug Con is a good way of increasing your hit points. In many cases toughness will be a better choice however. Remember that the amount of hit points
gained for each additional point of constitution is class dependant. A tank will definitely get more HPs out of this RA then a caster.

Augmented Quickness Passive Increases Quickness by the listed amount per level. 4 12 22 34 48 All except
Aug quickness will help in bow/melee speed.
Augmented Acuity Passive Increases primary casting stat by the listed 4 12 22 34 48 Animist, Bard, Bonedancer, Cabalist,
amount per level. Champion, Cleric, Druid, Eldritch,
Enchanter, Friar, Healer, Mentalist,
Minstrel, Necromancer, Paladin,
Reaver, Runemaster, Shaman,
Skald, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster,
Thane, Theurgist, Valewalker,
Aug Acuity will help increase the power pool of all casters and will also increase the base damage for many nuking classes. Warden, Wizard

Long Wind Passive Decreases the amount of endurance taken per tick 1 2 3 4 5 All
when sprinting, by the number listed.
Works the same as it did pre-New Frontiers. Each level increases the amount of time a player can sprint.
Physical Defense Passive Reduces all melee and archery damage taken by 2 5 12 19 28 Runemaster, Eldritch, Wizards,
the listed percentage. Cabalist, Enchanter, Spiritmaster,
Bonedancer, Theurgist, Sorcerer,
Mentalist, Animist, Scout,
Ranger, Hunter
This allows the listed classes the chance to build their character to be tough versus physical attacks, much in the same
way that Avoidance of Magic reduces damage from spells.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Realm Abilities

Serenity Passive Increases amount of power regenerated per tick 1 2 3 5 7 Animist, Bard, Bonedancer, Cabalist,
by the number listed. Champion, Cleric, Druid, Eldritch,
Enchanter, Friar, Healer, Hunter,
Mentalist, Minstrel, Necromancer,
Nightshade, Paladin, Ranger, Reaver,
Runemaster, Savage, Shaman, Skald,
Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Thane, Theurgist,
Works the same as it did pre-New Frontiers. Each provides additional power regeneration per tick. Valewalker, Warden, Wizard

Toughness Passive Increases max hit points by the listed amount. 25 75 150 250 400 All. Level 40 required.
Toughness is an interesting ability since it increases hit points by a flat amount instead of a percentage. While tanks who focus on durability will like
this ability, it might also give hybrids, archers, or assassins the little bit of extra HP needed to win. Healers can also benefit from additional hit points
and even pure casters may find their survivability dramatically increased in many situations.
Ethereal Bond Passive Increases power pool by the listed amount. 15 40 75 130 200 Animist, Bard, Bonedancer, Cabalist,
Champion, Cleric, Druid, Eldritch,
Enchanter, Friar, Healer, Hunter,
Mentalist, Minstrel, Necromancer,
Nightshade, Paladin, Ranger, Reaver,
Ethereal Bond increases the number of power pool points for power classes. This is a pretty situational RA that really only Runemaster, Savage, Shaman, Skald,
help those with classes/playstyles that run them out of power often. Even then, MCL and Raging Power should be given a Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Thane,
look before investing heavily in Ethereal Bond. Theurgist, Valewalker, Warden, Wizard

Avoidance of Magic Passive Reduces all magic damage taken by the listed 2 5 10 15 20 Heroes, Warriors, Armsman,
percentage. Berserkers, Mercenaries, Blademasters,
Savages, Champions, Paladins,
Avoidance of Magic reduces the damage taken by the listed amount. One major change from pre-New Frontiers is that Reavers, Thanes, Valewalkers, Scouts,
Avoidance of Magic doesn't reduce the duration of crowd control spells. Determination and Stoicism are the only Realm Rangers, Hunters, Shadowblades,
Infiltrators, Nightshades, Healer, Cleric,
Abilities non-unique Realm Abilities that affect CC duration. Those who like Avoidance of Magic should take a look at Druid, Shaman, Friar, Warden, Bard,
Empty Mind which is basically an active version of AoM. Skald, Minstrel

Lifter Passive Increases carrying capacity by the listed 10% 25% 45% 70% 95% All
Lifter increases carrying capacity. Unless siege is your life, you may wish to stick to levels 1 or 2, or just spend your points elsewhere entirely. Lifter also
inceases the movement speed when running a ram which can be very useful, especially given the ram protection bonus.
Veil Recovery Passive Reduces the duration of resurction sickness by 20% 40% 60% 80% 95% All
the percentage listed.
With the new Death Sickness penalties in RvR, this realm ability is actually quite interesting. This works on both forms of RvR death sickness (release
sickness and sickness when ressed) as well as the old fashioned PvE death penalty.

Mastery of Blocking Passive Increases chance to block by the listed 2 5 10 16 23 Classes who can
percentage. spec shield
This is pretty straight-forward. If you want to be 'that guy' who blocks almost anything and everything that comes your way, you should invest
heavily here.

Mastery of Parrying Passive Increases chance to parry by the listed 2 5 10 16 23 Classes who can
percentage. spec parry
Same as MoB but with Parry. This can add a really nice amount of defense to classes that do not have access to shields.
Mastery of Pain Passive Increases chance to deal a critical hit in melee per 3 9 17 27 39 All
listed percentage.
Everyone loves to land a critical hit. In New Frontiers you'll often find that doing a lot of damage 'right this second' in order to kill someone before they
can catch a heal to be more important then overall DPS increase.

Wild Power Passive Increases chance to deal a critical hit with spells 3 9 17 27 39 Animist, Bard, Bonedancer, Cabalist,
that do damage by listed percentage Champion, Cleric, Druid, Eldritch,
Enchanter, Friar, Healer, Hunter,
Mentalist, Minstrel, Necromancer,
Same as Mastery of Pain except for casters. Keep in mind that other Realm Abilities will increase your overall DPS much Nightshade, Paladin, Ranger, Reaver,
Runemaster, Savage, Shaman, Skald,
more then Wild Power, and the real benefit to this RA is the added chance of landing a nice crit at a cruicial time. Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Thane, Theurgist,
Remember also that DoTs, Bolts and all other forms of spell damage are included here (but not procs, poisons, or debuffs). Valewalker, Warden, Wizard


PRIMA Official Game Guide Realm Abilities

Wild Healing Passive Increases chance of achieving a critical success 3 9 17 27 39 Druid, Healer, Cleric, Shaman,
when healing by the listed percentage. Friar, Bard, Warden, Mentalist

This works the same as the other abilities that grant a chance to crit. However, overhealing someone isn't as effective as over damaging an enemy. Many
healers will aim for level 2-3 of this ability since it does provide a nice boost when using spread or group heals. Classes without spread heals may find
that this RA gets them a real lot of milage out of their group heals.
Wild Minion Passive Increases chance of pet dealing a critical hit by 3 9 17 27 39 Cabalist, Enchanter,
melee, archery, or spell by the listed percentage. Spiritmaster, Bonedancer,
Druid, Hunter, Sorceror,
Minstrel, Mentalist
This is most useful for classes and play-styles that rely heavily on pet damage.
Mastery of Stealth Passive Modifies stealth detection and stealth movement. 5%/75 10%/175 15%/300 20%/450 25%/625 Rangers, Scouts, Hunters,
Camouflage counters the Mastery of Stealth Shadowblades, Infiltrators,
bonus, allowing an archer to only be seen at the
normal range. Doesn't affect detect hidden
classes when they are detecting other detect
hidden classes. (Meaning it has no affect on
assassins detecting assassins.)
This ability is designed to give both archers and assassins a means of increasing their detection range. If your playstyle as an archer seems to often land
you at the wrong end of an assassins' blade, this RA may be just the thing to give you enough warning to get out of dodge before being perfed. Since
this RA will not allow assassins to see other assassins any better (otherwise it would be almost all that mattered in Assassin on Assasssin battles) this is
really only useful for assassins who are focused on finding archers.

Mastery of Healing Passive Increases the effectiveness of healing spells by 2 5 12 19 28 Druid, Healer, Cleric, Shaman,
the listed percentage. Friar, Bard, Warden, Mentalist

This RA provides a percentage increase to power of all your heals. The benefit here is really about healing per second (HPS) over a long period of time.
The long the battle or encounter, the more valuable Mastery of Healing becomes.

Mastery of Magery Passive Additional effectiveness of magical damage by 2 4 7 11 15 Animist, Bard, Bonedancer,
listed percentage. Cabalist, Champion, Cleric,
Druid, Eldritch, Enchanter,
Friar, Healer, Hunter, Mentalist,
Minstrel, Necromancer,
Nightshade, Paladin, Ranger,
Mastery of Magery may quickly become the "must have" RA for casters because of the flat increase in damage. Keep in Reaver, Runemaster, Shaman,
Skald, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster,
mind however that Damage Per Second (DPS) matters less in short 5-10 seconds engagements and much more in longer Thane, Theurgist, Valewalker,
term battles or encounters. For many casters, Wild Power may a just as good if not better choice. Warden, Wizard

Falcon's Eye Passive Increases the change of dealing a critical hit with 3 9 17 27 39 Rangers, Scouts, Hunters
archery by the listed amount.
This RA grants archers an increased percentage chance to crit with arrows. This is a nice RA for an archer in both PvE and RvR but given the other good
Ras available to archers, most will find it hard to put as many points into this RA as they might otherwise like.

Determination Passive Reduces the duration of all crowd control spells 1 4 10 20 34 Heroes, Warriors, Armsman,
by the listed percentage. Berserkers, Mercenaries, Blademasters,
Savages, Champions, Paladins, Reavers,
This new form of determination works much like the original form, with just the values and costs adjusted. This is a good Thanes, Valewalkers, Scouts, Rangers,
choice for any class that is concerned about crowd control on the battlefield. An important aspect to remember is that Hunters, Friars, Wardens
purge and determination both fulfil the same function but in different ways. Many players may be better focusing their
points on Level II or III purge rather then Determination.

Mastery of Focus Passive Increases the level of all spells cast by the listed 3 9 17 27 39 Animist, Bard, Bonedancer, Cabalist,
amount for resistance purposes. (caps at level 50) Champion, Cleric, Druid, Eldritch,
Enchanter, Healer, Hunter,
Every spell has a chance of missing or being out right 'resisted.' The base chance of this is the level of the spell compared Mentalist, Minstrel,
to the level of the target. Therefore, that level 5 spell you are casting on that level 50 enemy will have a much greater Necromancer,Nightshade, Reaver,
Runemaster, Savage, Shaman, Skald,
chance of being resisted then a level 49 spell. MoF raises the level of all spells cast for outright resist purposes only (it Spiritmaster, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster,
does not increase damage or reduce varience). This ability is especially helpful for casters who "split-spec" or otherwise Thane, Theurgist, Wizard,
find themselves using spells in the 25-40 range. However, even a level 49 spell has a slightly higher chance of "missing" Valewalker
then a level 50 one, so almost every offensive caster can benefit from some amount of Mastery of Focus.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Realm Abilities

Timed Realm Abilities Re-use
Lvl 1 Lvl 2 Lvl 3
Effect Effect Effect
Name Type Description (RUT) 5 10 15 (30 points total) Classes
First Aid Active Heal that grants health equal to the percentage 180 25% 60% 100% All
listed. Cannot be used in combat.
This can be used by anyone who finds themselves in a situation where they can use a quick shot of health. This is of a lot more value to those who find
themselves soloing a lot rather then those who are grouped with a healer.

Adrenaline Rush Active Doubles the base melee damage for 20 seconds. See 20 min 10 min 5 min Classes without styles
The last thing that most healers and casters want to do is to pull out their weapon and try and hit someone. However, desperate times often call for
desperate measure. This RA grants those classes the ability to double their melee damage during those crucial final seconds of a close battle.

Second Wind Active Grants 100% endurance recovery. See 15 min 5 min 2 min All
With the ubiquitous of endurance regen, this ability is probably not of much value to those who are usually grouped in RvR. But for those who solo or
who often find themselves out of endurance range of their support classes (or even for those who want to be prepared in the event they lose their
endurance regen) this RA can be very effective.

Ignore Pain Active Heal that grants health equal to the percentage 900 20% 50% 80% Heroes, Warriors, Armsman,
listed. Can be used when in combat. Berserkers, Mercenaries,
Blademasters, Savages,
Champions, Paladins, Reavers,
Ignore pain is basically a self-insta heal that is usuable in combat. This is an extremely powerful ability, especially in Thanes, Valewalkers, Scouts,
Rangers, Hunters, Friars,
smaller encounters. Players who like small scale skirmashing (8 on 8 or less) may find this invaluable. Those who are Wardens, Skalds, Bards,
usually surrounded by hundreds of their closest realmmates may be better off focusing more on passive abilities. Minstrels

Arrow Summoning Active When activated, this ability will summon 30 See 10 mins 2 mins 5 secs Rangers, Scouts, Hunters
mystical footed flight broadhead arrows, 10 of Effect
each of the three types: Barbed, Keen, Blunt.
If arrow costs have gotten you down this is the RA for you. Tier I is really designed to be there in a pinch when you find yourself out of arrows. Tier III is
designed so that you can summon as many arrows as you'll ever need and never ever buy/make them again.

Trueshot Active Grants a 50% range bonus to the next arrow fired. See 10 Min 3 min 30 Sec Rangers, Scouts, Hunters
This arrow will penetrate and pop blade turn. Effect
This fulfills two main functions. It allows an archer to get one final shot off on a fleeing enemy and it can be used by an archer as a first shot to drop
their targets blade turn. Archers who like to focus on the sniper role will likely find this more helpful then those who work more closely with a group.

Concentration Active Refreshes the timer on quick-cast allowing for a See 15 min 3 min 30 sec All classes with
second quick casted spell without the normal 30 Effect quick/cast
second wait.
Often times the only chance a caster has against an enemy tank in melee range or an enemy caster who has the initiative, is the use of their quick-cast
ability (since it allows a spell to be cast without fear of normal interruptions). Quick-cast is only available once every 30 seconds however, meaning that
the caster has to make that one shot count. Concentration gives casters an ability to fire a second quick-casted spell. Classes with forms of crowd
control may get the most milage out of this RA, as well as casters who often find themselves dueling it out with other casters while the rest of the battle
swirls around them.

Mastery of Active Grants a 100% chance of not being interrupted by 600 25% 50% 75% Animist, Bard, Bonedancer,
Concentration any form of attack when casting a spell. The Cabalist, Cleric, Druid, Eldritch,
Enchanter, Friar, Healer, Hunter,
effect of the spell cast will be reduced to the Mentalist, Minstrel, Necromancer,
percentages listed. Nightshade, Ranger, Runemaster,
Savage, Shaman, Skald, Sorcerer,
The reduction in effectiveness has changed this ability from a "must have" to a "maybe." Classes who can lifetap will find the Spiritmaster, Thane, Theurgist,
new MoC to be quite useful. PBAoE and pure nuking classes will likely find that they either need to go all or nothing with MoC Valewalker, Warden, Wizard
since a little damage usually doesn't kill anyone. Crowd control users should be able to get some milage out of this in a pinch
but healers should really consider whether they want all their heals to be cut in effectiveness while this RA is up.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Realm Abilities

The Empty Mind Active Grants the user a 45 second bonus to all 600 10 20 30 All
magical damage. Resists are increased by the
percentages listed.
Empty Mind is an active form of Avoidance of Magic. This can be very useful during charges and other situations where someone is forced to go head
long into enemy spell attacks.

Mystic Crystal Lore Active Grants a refresh of power based on the 180 25% 60% 100% Animist, Bard, Bonedancer, Cabalist,
percentages listed. Cannot be used when in Champion, Cleric, Druid, Eldritch,
Enchanter, Friar, Healer, Hunter,
combat. Mentalist, Minstrel, Necromancer,
Nightshade, Paladin, Ranger, Reaver,
Runemaster, Savage, Shaman, Skald,
MCL is a great ability for anyone who uses power. Debate will continue to rage over which level is "ideal" and in what Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Thane, Theurgist,
cases MCL is of more use then Raging Power or vice/versa. Valewalker, Warden, Wizard

Raging Power Active Grants a refresh of power based on the 600 25% 50% 80% Animist, Bard, Bonedancer, Cabalist,
percentages listed. Can be used when in combat. Champion, Cleric, Druid, Eldritch,
Enchanter, Friar, Healer, Hunter,
Mentalist, Minstrel, Necromancer,
Nightshade, Paladin, Ranger, Reaver,
Raging Power is a form of MCL that can be used in combat. There are many theories on what is the best combination of Runemaster, Savage, Shaman, Skald,
Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Thane, Theurgist,
the two, with the MCL 2 and RP 2 template seeming to be the most popular. Valewalker, Warden, Wizard

Purge Active Removes all negative effects but leaves any 900 5 sec no 300 sec All except
applicable immunity timers in place. Level 1 delay delay reuse Necromancer
purge is on a 15 minute timer but has a 5 second
delay. Level 2 is on the same timer but has no
delay. Level 3 is on a 5 minute timer and has
no delay.
Purge is one of those abilities that almost everyone should consider some level of, with the possible exception of stoicism classes who have
determination V. The level 1 version is only 5 points which makes it a very cheap way of avoiding a lengthy mez despite the 5 second delay, where as the
level 3 version all but guarentees purge will be up at the start of each major battle with the 5 minute reuse time.

Reflex Attack Passive Gives a chance to automatically counter-attack Passive 5% 15% 30% Berserker, Blademaster,
with an unstyled swing (or a swing from each Friar, Mercenary
hand in the case of duel wielding classes) anytime
a hit is taken. Works against attacks from all 360
degrees with the chance based on the
percentages listed.
This ability is of use for those who expect to be targets of enemy meleers. Since it works in 360 degrees it can be quite effective in many situations, such
as porting outside of a keep into the waiting arms of 8 enemy tanks.

Viper Passive Increases the damage of poisons by the Passive 25% 50% 100% Shadowblades, Nightshades,
listed amount. Infiltrators

This ability can tremendously increase the poison damage potential for assassin classes. Depending on style of play, this can either be a "must have" or
a total "pass." Keep in mind that the Nightshades' RR5 unique ability acts as an active counter to this ability (and all poisons/procs).

Soldier's Barricade Active Grants the group an absorption bonus to all 600 5% 15% 25% Heroes, Warriors, Armsman
forms of damage based on the percentages listed.
30 Second duration.
This is a nice little bonus for the heavy tanks that are very group focused. Since it partially absorbs all forms of damage for a 30 second duration, this is
more valuable to a member of an 8 person "patrol" group then it is someone who is usually sticking with a large army.

Barrier of Fortitude Active Grants the group a melee absorption bonus based 600 10% 20% 40% Druid, Healer, Cleric
on the percentage listed. 30 second duration.
This is a modified version of the old Bunker of Faith. This ability can still be battle deciding although healers have many good abilities available making
the choice a difficult one. Much like Soldier's Barricade, this ability helps members of 8 person patrol groups more then it does those in the main army.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Realm Abilities

Vehement Renewal Active Instantly heals all group members(except the 600 375 750 1500 Paladins, Wardens,
Shaman, Friars
user) within 2000 range for the amount listed. Leve 40 required
This is basically a group insta-heal that doesn't heal the user. Taking this RA is a sacrifice since it only helps the groupmates, however those who do take
will certainly be in high demand, especially in patrol groups.

Perfect Recovery Active Instantly resurrects the target with no res effects 300 5% 20% 100% Druid, Healer, Cleric
with the listed amount of health, endurance,
and power.
This is a very handy ability in New Frontiers given the changes made to the res/death sickness system. Deciding which level to get is pretty tough. Level
I is a bargain at 5 points, but the person being ressed will die if the wind blows where as level 3 costs 30 points but instantly brings someone back to life
at full health with no res penalty at all. It's a tough call.

Vanish Active Provides the stealther with super stealth, which 900 Normal Speed 1 Speed 5 Shadowblades, Nightshades,
cannot be broken. During this period of stealth, Speed Infiltrators
no one can see the stealther. This ability lasts for
five seconds and for each level of Vanish, the
stealther receives an increase in movement
speed. A stealther cannot attack for 30 seconds
after using this ability.
Vanish is just an awesome get away tool for assassins. Vanish 3 may end up being the real money choice here, but we'll have to wait and see how
effective the lower levels are when taken by assassins who want to go on the "cheap" side.

Speed of Sound Active Group ability that allows unstoppable speed 4 600 10 secs 30 secs60 secs Skald, Bard, Minstrel
movement for the listed duration. Breaks if an
attack is made (will be negated by speedwarps).
Speed of Sound is a great get-away ability for patrol groups who are interested in using hit and run tactics against the enemy. However, SoS can now be
canceled by speedwarp which really marginalizes its effectiveness.

Ameliorating Melodies Active Heals all members of the group (except the user) 900 100 250 400 Skald, Bard, Minstrel
by the listed amount each tick for 30 seconds (10 Level 40 required
total ticks).
This is basically a souped up version of the the heal song/chant that these classes have. It can really make the difference in a tight battle or keep
attack/defense but comes at a cost of points that can be used otherwhere. The type of fighting your group usually does will determine the
effectiveness of this RA for you.

Anger of the Gods Active 30 second group damage add that stacks with all 600 10 dps 20 dps 30 dps Skald, Warden, Paladin
other damage adds & ignores caps. DPS bonus Level 40 required
as listed.
This damage add can be very handy in in groups especially melee patrol groups. Since it stacks with other damage adds, this has the potential to really
up overall group DPS which can be very effective when employing hit and run tactics.

Wrath of Champions Active Spirit Based instantly cast PBAE with 150 radius 600 200 500 750 Thane, Champion, Paladin
that does the listed damage. Level 40 required

This ability can be very effective for times when you catch your enemies clumped together such as in melee assist trains, stacked PBAoEers or in keep
gate houses.

Volcanic Pillar Active AE damage spell with 500 radius. Damage as 900 200 500 750 Eldritchs, Runemasters,
listed. 2 second non-interruptible cast time. 1500 Wizards
Level 40 required
range. Target is enemy.
This is basically the same spell as the one pre-New Frontiers. It's an untinterruptable nuke that does good damage. Players who like to have lots of tools
at their disposal will find this very useful where as those who are concerned mostly about DPS may be better off with MoM and WP.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Realm Abilities

Decimation Trap Active AoE damage trap with 350 radius. Damage as 900 300 600 900 Eldritchs, Runemasters,
listed. The trap lasts ten minutes or until Wizards
Level 40 required
detonated (whichever comes first). Energy based.
2 second non-interruptible cast time.
This is a very situational ability that is mostly helpful to those who intend to do a lot of keep defense. A few of these stacked together can have a
dramatic impact on a charging enemy force, however.

Negative Maelstrom Active 6 tick AoE DoT with a 350 radius. The damage 900 20 40 60 Enchanter, Spiritmaster,
starts at the listed amount and increases by that Bonedancer, Theurgist,
Sorcerer, Mentalist, Animist,
amount each tick. 2 second non-interruptable Necromancer, Cabalist
cast time. Level 40 required
This is an excellent ability in certain situations like lord room/towere stands offs. This is much less useful in open field battles.

Thornweed Field Active Creates a field of thorns that damage and snare 600 25 dam 100/20 250/30 Warden, Bonedancer, Reaver
all enemies caught within. 500 radius. Pulses /10 sec Level 40 required
every 3 seconds. 2 second non-interruptable
cast time.
This is an ideal ability for courtyard attacks and defenses. The snare effect can have a big impact on the battle as it slows down defenders who are
trying to scurry inside a tower or delays attackers who are rushing for the final push.

Ichor of the Deep Active Spirit-based root plus Direct damage spell with a 600 150 dam 400/20 600/30 Valewalker, Shaman,
500 radius. Damage and duration as listed. 2 /10 sec Necromancer, Sorcerer
Level 40 required
second non-interruptable cast time.
This abilty is useful in a lot of different situations although the fact that it can no longer be cast at a full sprint makes it much less useful then it's pre-
New Frontiers predecessor of the same name.

Bedazzling Aura Active Grants the group a magic absorption bonus based 600 10% 20% 40% Enchanters, Bonedancers,
on the percentage listed. 30 second duration. Theurgists, Cabalists,
Spirtmaster, Valewalker
This is a very nice abilty for casters who are concerned about the success of their group. This is a nice ability for those who like to run with the armies
as well as those who are members of patrol groups.

Juggernaut Active Increases the effective level of the pet by the 900 10 20 30 Cabalist, Enchanter,
listed number of levels for 60 seconds (capped at Spiritmaster, Bonedancer
(commander only)
level 70). Level 40 required
This ability can turn any pet into a raging monster that cannot be ignored. This is an ability for those who do not always rely on pet damage but can find
the extra bonus useful in select situations.

Static Tempest Active Delivers a 350 radius attack that procs a 3 second 600 10 sec 15 sec 30 sec Thane, Champion, Friar,
unresistable stun every 5 seconds for the Mentalist
duration listed.
This RA is very helpful in courtyards and keep towers but less useful in the open field. Depending on your play style this can range from a "must have"
to a "pass."

Dashing Defense Active The tank can block and parry for all groupmates 600 10 sec 25 sec 1 min Heroes, Warriors, Armsman
within a 1000 radius for the duration listed.
This ability allows the heavy tanks to perform some truly dramatic actions to protect their groupmates from physical attacks. Defensive tanks should
consider this one while offensive tanks may want to put their points elsewhere.

Dual Threat Passive Grants a bonus chance to critical hit on both N/A 5% 10% 20% Thane, Champion, Reaver
melee and magic based attacks. Percentage
chance as listed.
This RA allows the listed classes the ability to critical hit with both melee and magic with a single RA. This is a smart buy if you find yourself doing a lot
of both kinds of damage. If you find that your play style slants you heavily to melee or magic then your points might be better spent in Mastery of Pain
or Wild Power.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Realm Abilities

Charge Active Grants unbreakable speed 3 for a 15 second See 15 min 5 min 90sec Blademasters, Bersekers,
duration. User will still be able to move even if Effect Mercenaries
rooted, snared, mezzed, or stunned.
This ability really helps light tanks get to where they need to be. This is especially important in New Frontiers due to the proliferation of stand offs. This
is more usefull for someone who tends to stay with the army then one who spends their time in a patrol group.

Divine Intervention Active Gives the group a buff that provides a pool of 600 1000 2000 3000 Druid, Healer, Cleric
healing. If anyone in the group takes damage Level 40 required
inflicted through combat, they will be immediately
healed from the healing pool. Pool size is based on
the numbers listed. Does not heal the user.
This ability can really help absorb the sudden shock at the start of battle and give the healer a chance to catch up with keeping their group alive.

Strike Prediction Active Grants all group members a chance to evade all 600 5% 10% 20% Savage, Reaver, Mentalist
melee and arrow attacks for 30 seconds. This
does not stack with any other chance to evade
and will only benefit classes with no or very low
chances of evading.
This RA is extremely group friendly, especially to those in your group who do not have any inherent evade abiltity. This is quite the boon for the
mentalist since they can benefit from this ability themselves.

Class Unique Realm Abilities (require Realm Rank 5)

Name Description Re-use timer (RUT) Class

Snapshot Armsman can draw and fire a crossbow shot when on the run for 60 600 Armsman
seconds. (Normal draw time applies.)
When leading the charge this ability can really help the armsman surpress enemy casters that would otherwise be trying to nuke them down. Pity
anyone trying to run from an Armsman who has this ability up, as there will likely be no escape.

Selfless Devotion Triples the effect of the paladin healing chant for 1 minute on all 900 Paladin
groupmates excluding the Paladin himself.
This ability gives the Paladin the chance to help out their group when they really need it.

Blinding Dust Insta-cast PBAoE Attack that causes the enemy to have a 25% chance to 300 Mercenary
fumble melee/bow attacks for the next 15 seconds.
This ability is especially effective against enemy melee assist trains.

Soul Quench Insta-PBAoE attack that drains 250 points from all nearby enemies and 600 Reaver
returns 75% to the reaver.
This ability provides both good offense and defense for a reaver who takes the risk of running right into the thick of battle.

Retribution of 30 second buff that has a high chance to proc a 3 second (duration 300 Cleric
the Faithful undimished by resists) stun on any melee attack on the cleric.
This ablity provides clerics with an effective means of escape from enemy tanks.

Whirling Staff PBAoE attack that does moderate damage and makes all melee targets in 600 Friar
350 radius unable to attack for 6 seconds.
This is useful in crowded situations where the friar finds themselves surrounded by many enemies.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Realm Abilities

Assassinate Infiltrator selects a target within 750 range and spends 15 seconds 600 Infiltrator
preparing the assassination attempt. The attempt fails (but the recast
timer is not reset) if the assassin takes any action during those 15 seconds,
or if the target moves more then 750 units away from the user. Once
prepared, the next attack on that target by the assassin will not break
An Infiltrator who 'stalks' their prey can get off a free attack without breaking stealth. This allows the Infiltrator to do a double perf or to emply hit and
run tactics without ever breaking stealth.

Calming Notes Insta-cast spell that mesmerizes all enemy pets within 750 radius for 300 Minstrel
30 seconds.
Minstrels can use this when confronted by large numbers of enemy pets, lulling them into harmlessness.

Shield Trip Throws shield at target, rooting them in place for 10 seconds 900 Scout
(undimished by resists). Scout cannot attack for 15 seconds afterwards.
This is a defensive escape ability for scouts that should offer them enough time to get away from one attacker.

Resolute Minion Pet is immune to all forms of Crowd Control for 60 seconds 600 Cabalist
This ability grants the pet temporary immuity to one of the most common ways the pets are taken out of the fight.

Shield of Shield that absorbs 90% melee/archer damage for 20 seconds. 900 Sorcerer
This allows a sorceror to perform their role at the start of the fight and then save themselves from being picked out and targetted by archers and melee
assist trains.

Minion Rescue 2 second cast (non-interruptible) PBAoE that summons 1 level 50 fire elemental for 600 Theurgist
every enemy within 500 radius (max 8). Pets have 50 hit points, but proc a 3 second stun
(duration unaffected by resists). The fire elementals have a max durations of 6 seconds.
In time of great need, the theurgist can summon up to 8 pets, (one for each enemy) that will stun their enemies allowing the theurgist to escape from an
otherwise dire situation.

Wall of Flame Insta-cast spell that drops a ward that pulses a 150 radius PBAoE fire based for 900 Wizard
15 seconds. Pulse is 400 points of damage every 3 seconds.
Wall of Flame is intended to act as a dis-incentive for tanks to beat on a wizard who is standing still near their wall of flames.

Call of Darkness Allows the Necromancer to summon a pet with only a 3 second cast time. 900 Necromancer
This ability comes in handy for those situations where the necro pet is killed and you almost have enough time to summon another one.

Dreamweaver Bard creates an illusion that makes her look like a different race (Lurikeen, 600 Bard
Shar, Sylvan, or Elf). The Bard's instrument also takes the illusion of a staff or
other weapon. Lasts for 5 minutes.
This ability is not designed to fool enemies if the Bard is placed in a line-up along with other classes. The intent is for the bard to be slightly less easy to
identify in the first cruicial seconds of an encounter when the enemy players have to quickly select the target they are going to attack.

Nature's Womb Insta-cast spell that stuns the druid for 5 seconds and converts all damage 600 Druid
taken into healing.
This is a defensive ability that can be used by a Druid that is faced with a sudden barrage of attacks.

Fury of Nature Double style damage for 30 seconds. All damage done returns 100% to the 600 Warden
group in spread heal form (excluding the Warden himself).
This ability allows wardens to help out their group by beating down their enemies.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Realm Abilities

Blade Barrier For 30 seconds the Blademaster parries 90% of all melee and missile attacks. 300 Blademaster
The Blademaster is unable to attack during this time. If the Blademaster
attempts a style while this effect is still up, it will cancel the effect.
This ability allows the Blademaster to parry almost all physical attacks that come their way for a short amount of time.
Tactics Increases groups ability to block/parry/evade by 10% for 30 seconds. 600 Hero
"Use Tactics," they told the Hero. And use tactics he did. This ability allows the Hero to help his group in a defensive nature when push comes to shove.

Badge of Valor Champions damage for the next 20 seconds will be INCREASED by the 900 Champion
targets armor-based ABS instead of decreased.
The Champions are called that for a reason. One on one, mano-a-mano they can summon all of their will and defeat even the greatest enemy fighters in
the lands and retain the title that they hold.
Arms Length 10 second unbreakable burst of extreme speed. 900 Eldritch
This ability puts the eldritch out of the range of enemy tanks and casters when needed. Since the ability can be broken by the user, the caster has the
option of returning to the fight before the 10 seconds is up.
Selective When cast on an enemy player or pet, this debuff will prevent that player or 300 Mentalist
Blindness pet from being able to see or target the mentalist for 20 seconds (duration
unaffected by resists). 1500 range, 150 radius. 2s uninterrupted cast.
The intention of this ability is that the mentalist will not be physically visible by enemies that are affected by this spell. At the time of this writing, the
mentalist can be seen but cannot be attacked.
Remedy Nightshade ingests poison that costs 10% life but grants poison/dot 300 Nightshade
immunity for 60 seconds. Can be activated while stealthed.
In assassin on assassin battles, the ability to gain immunity to all poisons and DoTs (inclreading all item procs) will prove to be extremely advantagous.

Desperate Melee style used with a bow. Does 300 damage and a 5 second (non resistible) 900 Ranger
Bowman stun. Bow cannot be used for 30 seconds afterwards, and the ranger cannot
attack in any way for 10 seconds.
Sometimes you just have to break your bow over someone's head in the hopes of escaping.

Fungal Union Turns the animist into a mushroom for 60 seconds. Does not break on attack. 300 Animist
Grants 10% chance of the each spell cast not costing any power at all.
Allows the animist to hide in a stack of shrooms and unload on enemies without drawing attention. Being so close to the earth and his fellow
mushrooms, the animist has a chance of not spending power with each cast.
Vale Defense Gives the group a 300 point 50% ablative that lasts for 10 minutes or 600 Valewalker
until depleted.
This ability allows the Valewalker to give his group a little bit of protection from enemy attacks.
Searing Pet Pet receives a PBAoE pulsing effect for 30 seconds. 350 radius damage 120 Enchanter
50. Frequency 3 secs.
This allows the enchanter to use his or her pet to knock hidden enemies out of stealth.

Ferocious Will Gives the zerker an ABS buff that ticks up by 5% every 5 seconds for a max of 600 Berserker
25% at 25 seconds. Lasts 30 seconds total.
This ability allows the Berserker who can think ahead a huge increase in defense against physical damage. This form of ABS will provide protection
against the champions RA.

Epiphany 25% Group power refresh. Skald must be out of combat to use (group members 600 Skald
may be in combat).
This is a downtime reducer that allows the skald to quickly give the group a bump in power immediately after a battle ends.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Realm Abilities

Chain Lightning Casts a lighting bolt that jumps from the first target to 5 additional targets 600 Thane
each within 500 range. 90/80/70/60/50% damage for each leap.

Lightning will chain down hitting multiple people in succession for a significant amount of damage. Since energy follows the path of least resistance
those with the lowest energy resist will be targeted first by each bolt.
Testudo Warrior with shield equipped covers up and takes 90% less damage for all 900 Warrior
attacks for 45 seconds. Can only move at walk speed (speed buffs have no
effect) and cannot attack. Using a style will break testudo form.
This is designed to allow the Warrior to raise his or her shield and storm (slowly) into places no sane person would dare enter. Lord rooms, tower
defenses, wall stands, can all be very tough defenses to crack without some Warriors that can Testudo their way in before choosing the right moment to
lower their shields and lay into the enemy.
Blissful Allows the Savage to fire all savagery buffs for a single round without paying 300 Savage
Ignorance any hit point penalty.
They say that ignorance is bliss. In this case, once every 5 minutes savages are able to avoid their normal health penalty and enjoy the benefits of ALL
their buffs without worry.

Sputin's Legacy Healer can insta-cast a resurrect buff on themselves. Buff lasts 30 seconds. If 900 Healer
the healer dies while buff is up, they will be auto-ressed 30 seconds after
death with 10% H/E/P.
Sometimes you just can't kill a Healer enough and like a nightmare, he wills himself back to life when you're not looking.

Restorative Frigg that heals health, power, and endurance over 30 seconds for a total of 600 Shaman
Mend 50% (5% is granted every 3 seconds regardless of combat state).
This ability heals everyone, increases the regen rate of health, power, and endurance for the shaman and his or her group. This ability will be extremely
valuable in a variety of situations.

Entwining Insta-cast spell that is a PBAoE 50% snare lasting 20 seconds. Snare breaks on 600 Hunter
Snakes attack.
There are sometimes when a Hunter needs to get away from an enemy that is in melee range. Entwining snakes allows the hunter to snare his or her
enemy and then gain some distance before deciding to make a get-a-way or to turn and resume firing at their opponent.

Shadow Strike Shadowblade takes 10 seconds to disappear in the shadows. Once in the 600 Shadowblade
shadows the SB will automatically teleport to and perf any enemy they choose
within 1000 radius. Usable only at night.
You can never quite tell where a Shadowblade might be when they disappear into the shadows. The next thing you know they might suddenly step out
right next to you, weapon in hand….

Rune of Utter Runemaster gets a 90% chance to evade all melee attacks for 15 seconds. 600 Runemaster
When physical attacks threaten a Runemasters life, they may call upon a powerful rune that allows them dodge almost all attacks that come their way
for a short period of time.
Spirit Martyr SM sacrifices pet in exchange for heal to all in group. Amount healed is 600 Spiritmaster
dependant on the health of the pet at the time of release. 1200 total healing
pool for a full health pet. Max of 600 hit points per any group member.
When push comes to shove it's either gotta be you or your pet. Which would you rather it be? I thought so. This ability provides great benefit at great
cost, the sacrifice of the SM's best friend.
Allure of Death Bonedancer and pets appearance is changed to the same skeletal form for 60 600 Bonedancer
seconds to confuse enemy. The bone dancer has a 75% chance of resisting all
forms of crowd control including nearsight when in skeletal form.
While the visible change isn't intended to fool beyond a first glance, the immunity to nearsight and other crowd control are the real benefit to
this abitlity.


PRIMA Official Game Guide Realm Abilities

New Class Abilities
Name Description Re-use timer (RUT) Class

Tireless Gives a bonus of 1 endurance regen per tick. Does not stack with any other Passive All classes with styles
form of endurance regeneration. at level 15

Stoicism Reduces the duration of all forms of crowd control by 25%. Stacks with Passive Heroes, Warriors, Armsman,
Determination. Berserkers, Blademasters,
Mercenaries, Savages at level 35

Prevent Flight With each hit there is a 10% chance of procing a 25% snare. Passive Blademasters, Berserkers,
Mercenaries at level 24

Volley I Ground-targeted archery attack that fires 3 successive arrows in rapid 15 All Archers at 35 bow
succession at various targets in the area. spec. Fires 3 arrows.

Volley II Ground-targeted archery attack that fires 4 successive arrows in rapid 15 All Archers at 40 bow
succession at various targets in the area. spec. Fires 4 Arrows.

Volley III Ground-targeted archery attack that fires 5 successive arrows in rapid 15 All Archers at 45 bow
succession at various targets in the area. spec. Fires 5 arrows.

Volley IV Ground-targeted archery attack that fires 6 successive arrows in rapid 15 All Archers at 50 bow
succession at various targets in the area. spec. Fires 6 arrows.


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