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Introduction to
Realm versus Realm
RvR stands for realm versus realm combat. This combat can
New Features take on many forms. In its simplest form, RvR is the conflict
Some new features have been added to Dark Age of Camelot in between the three realms, Midgard, Hibernia, and Albion.
the New Frontiers expansion. Some features are purely These three realms struggle for dominance, respect, and
cosmetic, others are more functional, but you’ll find a brief list control of the relics across vast oceans, through steep
below: mountain passes and heavy forests. Some players will choose
to attack the enemy solo, some will form small teams of
/Realmwar: This feature allows a player to pull up a map that players to engage in group combat, and other players will
shows the three homelands of the realm versus realm conflict. choose to use large armies, fighting in keeps or in the open
This is a fundamental command that should be macroed and field for the glory of the realm.
placed on a hotbar for easy access. This map shows all of the There are several goals behind realm versus realm
realm structures, some terrain, and where combat is combat, the primary goal is to obtain dominance over the
occurring. A legend explains all of the map’s features as well other two realms by capturing as much enemy territory as
as the keep names, their teleportation status and relic status. possible and obtaining enemy relics. In order to control
This map also displays what bonuses the player’s realm has at enemy territory, keeps and outposts must first be captured
present, based on how many keeps the realm has. and claimed. By capturing a keep, guard patrols are spawned
and provide roaming security for the territory surrounding
To make a macro for this command, type the following the keep structure. Capturing outposts also provides guard
command in the chat window: /macro Realmwar patrols, but the primary reason to capture an outpost is so it
Hybrid Hotbars
Hybrid classes such as Champions, Friars, Wardens,
Valewalkers, Reavers, Minstrels, Bards, Skalds, and Thanes
have a different set of priorities when it comes to hotbar
setup. Since their damage is composed of a mixture of magic
and melee attack types, they must include both on their
primary hotbar. Typically, a hybrid will place instant damage
spells, anytime attacks, and secondary effects like root, mez,
debuffs, or stun on their primary hotbar so they can use them
on first contact with the enemy. Their secondary hotbars have
spells that must be casted, or chants they start at the
beginning of battle and do not do much with after. If there is
room, they will place reactionary chains on the secondary
hotbars or realm abilities they might use in combat. Some
hybrids such as Thanes, Valewalkers, and Champions also
have self buffs that can go on a third bar—away from the Keyboard Configuration
primary bar, yet still accessible. Keyboard configurations are another highly personalized
aspect of DAoC. The keyboard configuration can be modified
Assassin Hotbars from the character selection screen by selecting options,
Assassins have their own unique set of requirements for keyboard settings. To find in game keyboard settings, go to
combat as well. They typically place their critical strike chain
Keep Defense
Use Forest Hearts to damage enemies from a safe position.
Simply summon from an unprotected window to a ground
target set in sight of the enemy.
On the Battlefield
Group Role Realm Abilities
The new Animist RA (Fungal Union) is extremely useful.
* Use Forest Hearts defensively. Summoning a few near
Summon multiple, small turret stacks out of AoE range of
your group’s healers and ranged types will discourage
each other, and hide exactly on top of one of them. Both
the enemy from approaching them and punish those
finding and targeting you will become very difficult.
who do.
* Use Forest Hearts offensively. Try to summon a few near
the enemies’ healers and ranged types to keep them
* Bomber stacking is a simple tactic, though most useful if
specialized in Arboreal Mastery. Start by casting a direct
damage bomber, like Spirit of Hatred, and queue
another. After the first casts, queue Cycle of Death until
the target is dead. This causes a lot of damage to be
done in a small window of time, often killing the target
before the enemy group’s healer has time to react.
* If you’re specialized in Verdant Mastery, learn to use your
PBAoE (Briar Storm) defensively. Tell your group
members to lure enemy tanks into standing right by, or
better yet, on top of your turrets. This will allow you to
incur maximum PBAoE damage through those turrets.
* Make use of the Creeping Mastery controllable turret
(Grove’s Assassin), rather than the others. The snare
effect is far more valuable than better damage.
Keyboard Configurations
You will want to have /sprint, /face, and /stick mapped to
your keyboard in a way that makes sense to you. You can also
extend your hotbar capabilities with cleverly defined /qbinds.
The /qbind command can be one of the biggest helps in
managing all of the spells, instrument/weapon swapping, and
song twisting.
Simply type /qbind #bar #slot (there #bar is the number
of the hotbar you wish to choose and #slot is the slot on that
hotbar you’d like to map). Now the next key you press will be
the key where the /qbind is mapped. After that, any time you
press that key, the spell you have mapped to it will be cast.
The most important would be to /qbind your songs and
(unless you have Phoebus’ Harp) instruments. Binding your
On the Battlefield
cure spells, Master Level abilities, and realm abilities also helps Solo Tactics
tremendously, since it does not require you to switch hotbars Generally, the Bard’s role is that of support. As such, soloing
in the middle of battle. would not be the first choice. However, if you wish to solo,
specialize very high in your weapon choice.
Siege Strategy
During a keep attack, Bards have several interesting jobs. Realm Abilities
Keeping long range casters and archers in the ramparts No matter what your specialization, the three most important
interrupted, mesmerizing any defenders trying to make their realm abilities for Bards are Purge, Mastery of Concentration,
way into the keep to bolster defenses, and making sure to and Speed of Sound—which will prove to come in very useful
keep your group powered up to break down the doors as in fighting off the effects of crowd control spells.
quickly as possible. Just avoid getting too close to the keep (as
archers will try to take aim at you from the keep wall), and
avoid standing still too long (as it makes you too easy of a
Keep Defense
In a keep defense the Berserker sees more action. Many times
the Berserker will do battle with the assassins that sneak into
the keep. Also, once the doors have been broken, the
Berserker must guard each floor and throw back the attackers.
As with offensive sieges, many Berserkers take up siege
craft in order to be able to do ranged damage to the enemy.
There are many options available such as boiling oil, catapults,
and trebuchets.
Realm Abilities
It’s important for Berserkers to be able to counter their
primary targets abilities. Purchasing realm abilities, such as
Avoidance of Magic, to raise magic resistance is useful to this
end. Determination is used to offset some of the duration of
crowd control spells and can be stacked with Stoicism (the
innate determination ability of pure tanks). You can further
protect yourself from magical attacks with abilities such as
The Empty Mind.
Several all-purpose abilities, such as Purge and Long Wind,
are highly recommended. Also, it can be very useful to
purchase levels of Augment Strength, Constitution, and
Toughness. Buying Ignore Pain for when you need a quick heal
can also be beneficial.
If your focus is on offensive realm abilities, purchase
Charge, Mastery of Pain, and Reflex Attack.
Our realm rank 5 free ability, Ferocious Will, can be used to
counter the defensive penalties of Frenzy.
As with anything, a balance between offensive and
defensive abilities should be considered. Be mindful of your
realm ability points and purchase the realm abilities that suit
your play style.
Siege Strategy
Blademasters make good candidates for operating siege
weapons. If not operating siege weapons, they can use their
weapons to attack doors and walls. Blademasters trained in
the Battlemaster Master level ability line can use the
Faultfinder skill as well.
Another responsibility during a keep siege is to kill enemy
keep guards. Those trained in Shield may also guard members
Realm Abilities
Bonedancers cannot have too much power. In addition to
power potions, most Bonedancers will purchase Mystic Crystal
Lore One, Serenity One, and Raging Power One. Increasing
damage is also important, so Mastery of Magery and Wild
Power should be purchased in equal levels as the Bonedancer
earns realm ranks. Purge One is a reasonable choice, but some
Bonedancers may prefer to rely on the Allure of Death RA and
spend saved realm points on Mystic Crystal Lore Two or
Raging Power Two. Thornweed Field (TWF) and Brilliant Aura
of Deflection (BAoD) may be situationally useful, depending
Group Role on the types of fights a Bonedancer finds herself in
In most groups, the Bonedancer’s task is to help kill the enemy most often.
support and casters. Quick and intelligent target selection is
critical. Learn the names of the prominent sorcerers, clerics,
bards, druids on your server and what they look like. Until you
are completely confident in your target selection, using an
/assist macro is highly recommended. Your pets are a useful
survival tool, but they are an even more important tool for
interrupting the enemies’ support. If you see an unmezzed
cleric or druid casting spreadheal, interrupting that enemy is
critical. Enemy tanks and assist trains should be rooted (Quick
Cast root if necessary) and/or kited. Don’t waste power nuking
a tank if there are other targets available—it’s an inefficient
use of power. Keep one eye out for your group’s shaman and
healers. They won’t forget you if you root enemies are
pursuing them. And, as with every class in RvR, read your
chat window frequently—bad communication will kill
you rapidly.
Keep Defense
If available, use your AoE smite DD to interrupt casters from
the ramparts or the courtyard. Many players will hesitate to
run through AoE. Cleric stun is the longest range stun in
Albion, so use it to assist your nukers. Try to stay out of
ground targeted area of effect (GTAoE) fields. you’re your
position so you have line of sight for heals as much as
possible to your group mates.
Siege Strategy
As a Druid, you want to make sure you are free to heal the
tanks and casters. That means you should not be running
siege equipment. Stay out of line of sight of enemy archers
and casters on the walls of the keep.
Keyboard Configurations
Having an easy-to-navigate keyboard setup will help greatly in
the long run. Keyboard maps vary between players based on
what feels more comfortable and the type of keyboard being
used. For an Eldritch, make it a priority to remap target
Group Role
nearest enemy, /face, /stick, to an easy to reach location—
these will be used often. The key bind feature is also very In open field combat, there are innumerable forms of
helpful in setting up your keyboard. encounters that can happen, and each one presents its own
situational challenge. Usually when two groups clash in the
Armor/Weapon/Item Selection field, an Eldritch needs to quickly identify any support and
casters on the opposing end; these will be the main targets.
For an Eldritch, equipment is important. When selecting what
For light Eldritchs, they can quickly debuff, nearsight if
items you are going to wear, it helps to have a plan of what
needed, and start direct damaging their targets. Void Eldritchs
you need. For this there are many helpful calculators on the
should immediately look for caster targets and use their bolts
internet which display item statistics in an easy-to-read
to remove them early before they can do any harm. Mana
manner. Generally, an Eldritch should focus on their main
Eldritchs also can lead with debuffs and have the choice of
stats of intelligence and dexterity, then focus on constitution
staying at range to use their disease and snares, or moving
and resistances.
into the fight to attempt to use their point-blank area of effect
On the Battlefield
A well-played Eldritch on the battlefield can be a powerful Siege Strategy
asset to his group and the overall situation of battle. There are
Attacking a keep can be very exciting. The Eldritch has one
several situations where you can find yourself in combat.
vast advantage to melee classes when it comes to siege, that
Follow these general guidelines to be effective.
is range. Let the tanks and other melee run up to the keep first
While traveling, try to avoid being in front of the group or
to get the guards attention. Then follow closely and take out
the main group driver (not to be confused with a position
the first wave of guards that will rush out. Next, turn your
Armor/Equipment/Item Selection
When choosing items for your Enchanter, you’ll want to cover
the basics. Cap your dexterity, intelligence, constitution, and
hit points. Next, concentrate on your resists. Having at least
20% is mandatory unless you have a very good group to keep
The Enchanter, a pet caster, is one of Hibernia’s most potent
you from being turned into a veritable pincushion. Lastly, try
weapons. With a wide array of weakening, damage, and pet
and acquire the ToA -only bonuses that raise your casting
buffing spells, it would be an understatement to say they can
speed and spell damage. They’ve become almost a must-have
hold their own in RvR. With the ability to simultaneously
in present-day RvR Some artifacts you may be interested in
debuff a target, nuke from range, and, depending on
are Band of Stars, Belt of the Moon, Bracer of Zo’arkat,
specialization, unleash hellish amounts of damage at very
Cloudsong, Crown of Zahur, Erinys Charm, Guard of Valor,
close range, many consider the Enchanter the most powerful
Jacina's Sash, Nailah's Robes, Staff of the God, Stone of
and consequently, most popular caster in Hibernia .
Atlantis, Tartaros Gift, and Traldor’s Oracle.
Preparation for Battle
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR
A successful hotbar for RvR will primarily depend on what you
feel is comfortable. However, having similar types of spells on
the same hotbar would be the most advantageous. Your
primary hotbar can consist of your ranged direct damage
spells, stun, instant debuffs, casted debuffs, and basically
anything else that is used to impair or destroy an enemy. You
may also consider putting any realm abilities you use in a
fight on your primary hotbar. Secondary and tertiary hotbars
can be used for shield spells, run speed spell, your pet
summoning and buff spells, and anything else you feel won’t
be used in a combat situation. Your personal preference may
differ, but the aforementioned hotbar setups are adequate for
RvR combat.
Realm Abilities
Smart realm abilities for any caster to get are ones that
augment your damage and improve your power regeneration.
Secondary realm abilities would be ones that increase your hit
points or other stats and also the nearly essential Purge. Must
haves consist of Mastery of Magery, Avoidance of Magic, and
Purge. Mastery of Concentration in its upgraded form no
longer seems nearly as powerful as it was before, but if it’s
your play style, go for it.
Group Role
Your role in a group varies on the type of the group. If you’re
group is the “mez and PBAoE bomb” type, then you’re going to
wait until your friendly Bard lays down a juicy AoE mez on
your enemy. That’s when you ride in like an angel of Hell and
• Long Wind: It’s recommended that you put 1 point in
this, for Long Wind 1, which will allow you to sprint
continuously with yellow endurance regen.
• Serenity: Serenity is a great buy, especially at
the first level.
• Avoidance of Magic: Take AoM as high as you can, as
early as you can. It will reduce both magic damage and
the timer of mezzes, stuns, roots etc.
• Wild Healing: For one RA point, you can gain a 3% chance
Armor/Weapon/Item Selection
In RvR, you need to take full advantage of the ability to
spellcraft your armor to give your Hero the best chance to
excel and survive.
Ideally, your full template will maximize all of your resists
at the 26% cap, while also contributing the maximum addition
of 75 points per each of your primary statistics of strength,
constitution, dexterity and quickness.
Further, you will want to have the maximum bonus skill
points to your weapon of choice (plus eleven). Should you
decide to incorporate artifacts into your setup, you also have
the ability to add a bonus of up to + 10% to melee damage and
The Hero is the primary melee class for the Hibernian realm. + 10% to your melee speed.
The abilities that most players associate with the Hero class
are the shape changes in the “Hunt” line. They allow the Hero
to morph into the form of a bipedal stag every 30 minutes.
This ability gives you about a temporary 30% insta-heal at
level 50.
With your shield specialization, you will also get access to
an ability called Engage. This allows you to /face a single
target and block nearly all attacks from him. The amount of
attackers a shield can effectively protect you or a guarded
target from is determined by the size of the shield.
Siege Strategies
Keep assaults and defense are all about siege weapons. There
are hook points on the keeps and towers that allow you to
place various types of siege engines. With your high hit points,
your Hero is an excellent choice for operating siege
equipment. To improve damage, you can boost your overall strength
For keep assaults, the Hero will once again be in the front by 12 points with Augmented Strength Two. Combine that
line of the battle, attacking either the door or the walls of the with Mastery of Pain Three, which will increase your chances
defending structure. to critical hit by 17%.
Just one point in Long Wind will make a noticeable
Realm Abilities difference should you need to sprint after a kiting target.
The Hero is automatically granted two passive abilities: Lifter One can help you increase your carrying capacity so you
Stoicism and Tireless. Stoicism grants an immediate 25% can carry siege equipment.
reduction for the duration of all mez, stun, or root effects cast As a Warlord, you have some nice PBAoE shouts available
on the Hero. Tireless increases the rate at which you to you as well as an ability that can increase your speed while
regenerate endurance while in combat. using siege weapons.
Another unique ability free to all Heroes that are realm
rank five or higher is Tactics. It will increase the ability for all Defensive Tank
players in your group to evade, block and parry by 10% for With 50 shield, 50 pierce, and 28 parry, you can most likely
30 seconds. take advantage of your parry and block chain reactionary
styles, since one-handed pierce weapons swing fast.
Primary Tank Toughness Two will increase your hit point cap by 75 points.
For the secondary weapon spec, 18 blades is high enough to Purge and Determination are must-haves for any Hero.
give you the Fire Blade style. At 42 shield, you get an anytime Soldier's Barricade Two will give your group a 15% reduction
shield stun and all the shield abilities, and 35 parry will give against all forms of damage for 30 seconds. Mastery of
you decent defense abilities in PvE. Blocking Two gives you an additional five percent to chance to
Purge and Determination are must-have realm abilities. block attacks with your shield.
With Determination Three, you get a 10% reduction in the For the Defensive Tank, the Battlemaster Master Level line
duration of Crowd Control effects, which stacks with the 25% is a dream come true. It offers two invaluable abilities for the
bonus granted from Stoicism. Purge Two is on a 15 minute Defensive Tank, Bodyguard and Grapple. Bodyguard will grant
recharge timer with no casting delay. Avoidance of Magic is your target complete immunity to melee attacks while it is
another good passive RA that will boost your resistance active. Grapple allows you to root a target and take away his
against magic-based damage types. At level two, you get a ability to use melee attacks.
five percent increase across the board.
with people of similar skill and ability. Although you’re cut off Endurance potion/totem Engage Marisha’s Sharkskin Gloves icon
(anytime taunt)
from healing and rezzing, you’re duty is to stay ahead of the
rest of the realm’s army, supplying crucial intelligence to the StealthWounding Thrust Unending Breath Macro (/groundset 1999)
(follow to engage) (group underwater breathing) use to determine range of
enemy without drawing bow
main troops. Wolf packs, such as this, can pick off incoming
enemy troops or inflict harassing fire on a large convoy Rear style Charm Mammal Macro (/groundset 2300)
(melee stun) volley range macro
defending a relic carrier. Not unlike the submarines of old, the
Runspeed buff Charm Insect
Hunter may retreat to the defense of a safe haven by using
ranged attacks to keep the enemies at bay. All of the Hunter’s
Hunters have many abilities associated with their bow and
roles help the realm, such as intelligence gathering,
their weapon lines. As a result, you must decide which abilities
destroying lines of support, or supporting suppression.
you will use most often, and which you will use only in certain
situations. By placing abilities such as Rapidfire and the RR5
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR
ability, Sureshot, near the top of neighboring pages, you can
Your hotbar should be set up so your ranged attack, pet (if quickly switch pages and use the ability, then switch back to
they are BC specialized), weapon, and at least one style are your primary bar with minimal time lost. Sureshot, which
readily available. Some Hunters have one hotbar devoted allows an archer to fire even while being nuked by enemy
entirely to archery, with just their melee weapon on it so they casters, is on the primary bar in the above example because
can pull it out in an emergency. Other Hunters have just the casters do substantially faster damage than most other
bare minimum archery items on the main hotbar and spread enemy archetypes.
out toggle abilities. It’s a matter of personal preference and
what feels comfortable for you. The /quiver command is also
Realm Abilities
Hunters have three things they need to concentrate on with
their realm ability selection. You must try to boost your bow
damage and your melee weapon damage, but still obtain
passive defense or active RAs. At realm rank five, Hunters gain
access to Entwining Spikes, a point blank area of effect
unbreakable snare.
To increase bow damage, a Hunter should concentrate on
In keep warfare, remember that elevation is key. The higher up Augment Dexterity and Falcon’s Eye. Augment Dexterity
above your enemies you are, the greater the range disparity increases the maximum weapon skill possible. Falcon’s Eye
between the two of you is. The higher up in elevation you are, increases the chance to critical hit with a regular, non-crit
the easier it is to escape line of sight. Clearly, the elevation shot arrow.
advantage will be to the defender more often then not. To increase melee damage, you should concentrate on
Once you’ve found the spot on the keep from which you Mastery of Pain and Augment Statistic. If you are spear
wish to fight, there are two things to remember. First, if you specialized, you should get augment dexterity and augment
shoot everyone one time, you will end up with more realm strength, which will have the greatest impact on weapon skill
points in the end than if you just shoot the same person over and aid the Hunter in carrying more arrows.
and over again. The second thing to remember is to pick a You should choose your RAs based on your intended
spot next to a hookpoint so you can buy an NPC healer. This fighting strategy. If you plan to fight outside a keep, then
will save you in the event you are out of heal range from Mastery of Stealth will allow you greater speed while stealthed
your healer. and provide a bare minimum warning before assassin strikes.
The keep-defending Hunter should also use his Volley skill,
an ability earned automatically at bow spec 40, 45, and 50.
Volley allows the Hunter to apply indirect, unaimed fire on the
On the Battlefield With the new /realmwar map system and teleportation
A smart Infiltrator will find a strong balance of aggressiveness abilities, this role will alter. However, as supply lines are cut,
and patience. Realm Points are of course fun, but learning to this role for the Assassins will not disappear.
enjoy the sneaky part of your game and the patient stalking of
Realm Abilities
Tips on choosing helpful Realm Abilities
There are a number of RA’s available for Mentalists. Mentalists
benefit from RA’s that will help their casting speed, their
power pool, and their overall survival out on the field. Some of
the more popular ones that Mentalists have the option to
choose from are:
• Augmented Dexterity—Increases dex by a listed amount
per level.
• Augmented Acuity—Increases primary casting stat by a
listed amount per level.
• Wild Power—Increases chance to deal a critical hit with
spells that do damage by listed percentage.
• Mastery of Magery—Additional effectiveness of
magical damage.
• Serenity—Increases amount of power regenerated
per tick.
• Mystic Crystal Lore—Grants a refresh of power based on
the level of this ability. Not usable in combat.
• Raging Power—Grants a refresh of power based on the
level of this ability. Usable in combat.
• Purge—Removes all negative effects, but leaves any
applicable immunity timers in place.
• Physical Defense—Reduces all physical damage taken.
• Negative Maelstrom—6 Tick AoE DoT with a 350 radius.
• Class unique Realm ability given to all at RR5:
• Selective Blindness—When cast on an enemy player or
pet this debuff will prevent that player or pet from being
able to attack the Mentalist for 20 seconds.
On the Battlefield
Solo Tactics
Minstrels have two very useful abilities to allow them to work
Minstrels are Albion’s primary speed class, secondary
solo: stealth and pet charming. These two abilities, however,
mesmerizer, and stealth support.
are mutually exclusive. You can not stealth with a
charmed pet.
Preparation for Battle The Minstrel charm is unusual in that it will allow you to
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR charm monsters significantly above your level, although they
You should have your left weapon, two handed (2H), and will be hard to keep charmed. With the merging of the three
ranged slots mapped to your keyboard. These will act as frontier areas into one contiguous area, this gives Minstrels
weapon, drum, and flute/lute keys. You no longer need these plenty of scope for pets:
lots mapped to the hotbar. • Frost Stallions from Midgard
Your first hotbar should contain your most commonly • Mindworms from Hibernia
used offensive tools. These include the direct damage (DD) • Hoary Worms from Albion
shouts, stun mesmerize, and most importantly de-mesmerize. • Ellyl guards, windwalkers or sages from Albion
You may also wish to put Speed of Sound (SoS) or Ignore Pain
• Various Isolationists from Albion
(IP) here; arguably two of the most important RAs for
There are lots to choose from, each with its own pros
Minstrels. Other RAs and abilities, such as Purge can be
and cons.
mapped to keys using /qbind. You can also map Speed Song
to 1, Charm to 2, Stealth to 3, and Purge to 4.
Group Role
If you use a master assist, it may be a good idea to assign
this to a key too. In a group, one of the most important Minstrel roles is as the
One trick to creating easy assist macros is to set up this provider of top-level speed, speed five. The transportation
macro: /macro makea /macro assist /assist %t. Pressing changes introduced in Frontiers have diminished the necessity
this macro will automatically create an assist macro for the for speed five a little, but it is still a vital tool in a
person you have currently targeted. group’s armoury.
Keep Defense
Use Palintones to attack enemy siege weapons. If you have
money and/or bounty points to spare, buy some NPC guards
to help out. Keep out of Line of Sight as best you can, and
avoid standing next to people or NPCs who are in Line of
Sight—you’ll get caught in area of effects from them. When
the last door falls, position yourself with other tanks, and
preferably just after a sharp turn where you are out of Line
of Sight from range, so people have to come to you to
attack you.
Realm Abilities
You should get at least Purge One, and preferably Purge Two if
you are of a higher realm rank and can afford it. Anger of the
Gods is probably one of the best Realm Abilities available to
Siege Strategy
Attacking a keep is where range classes, such as Runemasters,
shine. You can attack using your bolts and stopping the
enemy from firing back by using nearsight upon them. Also
you have your ground-targeted area of effect spell that can
interrupt the opposing casters when they gather themselves
Keep Defense
When defending a keep, you should help with the Siege
machinery. Stay out of harms way until the assault comes (if it
does), and take out your targets as usual. As most of the
attackers’ attention will be on taking down the keep lord, this
will be a good opportunity to use your positional styles. Stay
near healing wards, and use your Savagery buffs to the fullest.
Realm Abilities
The changes in realm abilities in New Frontiers will have a big
On the Battlefield impact on Savages, as well as other Tanks. Purge is still the
Solo Tactics most important realm ability for Savages to have. It is
recommended that you save you first five points for Purge
In RvR, the most important thing to remember is that the One, then your next 10 for Purge Two. You may eventually
Healer is your best friend. Since you have to use hit points for want Purge Three, but three or four levels of Determination
your self-buffs, you are in constant need of healing. If you may be a better way to use those points.
solo as a Savage in RvR, be careful to use your buffs sparingly. Since the best way to take down a Savage is magic, the
next RAs you should look into are Avoidance of Magic and the
Group Role Empty Mind. For those Savages interested in further
In a group, your main goal is to take out “soft” targets as increasing their damage output, a few levels in Mastery of
quickly as possibly. You need to become familiar with the Pain would be helpful. Ignore Pain is less effective and much
enemy, and prioritize your targets. Often the Savage will be a more costly than it was in the past, but it is still an attractive
player that others /assist in combat, so your decisions can RA for higher realm rank Savages. The class specific RA for
make or break the battle. Use your positional styles when Savages, Blissful Ignorance will automatically activate all of
possible, and keep your melee damage buff going whenever you self-buffs with no loss of health, and should be added to
in combat as long as you have the health to spare. Your first your first hotbar as soon as you become realm Rank Five.
targets should be those enemies with crowd control spells.
Function Keys
1 Guard
2 Realm ability 1
Preparation for Battle 3 Realm ability 2
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR 4 Assist macro
5 Ground target
It is important to find a hotkey layout that is comfortable for
6 Ground assist macro
you. It is also important to make use of quick binding. Quick
8 Target nearest enemy
binding allows you to bind other hotbar selections to any key.
9 Target self
For example, to bind the first hotkey of hotbar two to the
0 Target last attacker
letter X, type /qbind 2 1 followed by x when prompted.
After setting up your most important hotkeys, devote a
hotbar to secondary abilities and items. For example, you may
c /face
find it useful to have one hotbar reserved for all your potions
p Camouflage
and item/artifact charges.
o Sprint
i Autorun
Keyboard Configuration
[ /stick
Some keys will need to be bound from the keyboard l Enter/exit keep macro
configuration options menu accessed from the character k Use1
select screen rather than in-game. You will also need to j Use2
unbind some keys from the menu in order to quickbind them. f Target nearest loot
Once you have finished setting up your keys, it will be g Pick-up loot
important to find a camera position that you are comfortable z Master level ability 1
with. Once you have done this, save the position by using the x Master level ability 2
/setcamera command. You can then use the default camera c Master level ability 3
position key to revert to this camera position instantly— ~ Pan camera
Keep Defense
The primary objective for the Scout in this situation is to
quickly rain down as much damage as possible onto the
enemy. Depending on the position and number of the enemy,
it may be preferable to use Volley over targeted shots. A Scout
will have to be wary of assassins while firing out of keeps;
however, it is recommended you stay within healing range of
your group, and if possible be guarded by one of the
group's tanks.
Realm Abilities
Below find two sets of realm ability template suggestions
listing the RA path at both Realm Rank Five and
Realm Rank 10:
Armor/Item/Weapon Selection
Shadowblades frequently are unable to obtain endurance regen
from their realm mates, so they carry many endurance regen
potions and totems (bounty point item). Additionally, it is vital
to kill many opponents quickly in order to retain an escape
path. Weapons that proc a haste effect or armor pieces with a
reverse haste effect can prove valuable to the Shadowblade if
they are mixed in with ablative and heal reverse procs. Certain
artifacts, such as the shades of mist and Golden Scarab Vest
also have procs that can greatly swing the course of a battle.
The Shadowblade is a character of many skills. They can scout
out enemy positions, assassinate enemy support, or protect On the Battlefield
their realm’s support from enemy assassins. There are many Solo Tactics
potential specialization choices available to the Shadowblade,
Shadowblades who wish to hunt solo should concentrate on
ranging from the diverse specializations involving five
areas leading to high traffic choke points—in this way they
specialization paths to the far more specific specialization
won’t be as much at risk to larger stealth groups who will
paths that utilize the deadly nature of their critical strike line
easily defeat them. In this role, the primary goal of a
or skills of the left axe.
Shadowblade is to intercept solo enemy reinforcements on
Shadowblades may choose to run in stealth groups or as
the way to the front lines.
active support in nonstealth groups. In stealth groups, it is
When there is already a major fight around a keep or
best if they act as the first layer of contact for the enemy,
tower, the Shadowblade may choose to roam the fringes of
allowing the hunters in the group to provide covering fire
the fight in the hopes of picking off enemy stealthers who are
from range, rather then up close in the fight where they can
watching for reinforcements. Fringe warfare can be quite
easily be attacked by enemy assassins. In stealth groups,
productive, especially when the two parties fighting are from
Shadowblades tend to shine in the opening moments of a
opposing realms, doubling the number of available targets.
fight, before the enemy has time to set up counters against
The realm versus realm Dungeon, Passages of Conflict can
their stealthy attacks. The Shadowblade can sneak forward of
also provide an excellent opportunity for solo Shadowblades
the main line and engage crucial enemy support classes—in
to hunt lower level enemy players. Players who are killing
some cases completely removing them from the fight. The
monsters for experience or drops can often provide the
Shadowblade may choose instead to stay stealthed near their
opportunity for the Shadowblade to get multiple kills in one
own support and perforate enemies trying to attack them.
fight as the monsters help with the fight.
Setting Up Your Hotbar for RvR
Group Role
Depending on their specialization path, a Shadowblade might
In a stealth group, the Shadowblade’s job is to keep enemy
choose to have their primary hotbar filled with critical strike
assassins off the Hunters in the group who provide most of
attacks that occur from stealth, then have secondary hotbars
Keep Defense Serenity: Spamming group heals from the center of a tower is
Shamans fulfill the same roles on keep defense as they do a good way to keep your group on their feet when they are
while attacking a keep. Defending Shamans are also the single scattered around during a tower defense. Your power bar
best class for managing the numerous NPC defenders of a won't survive the beating for very long, though. While all
keep, as they can cast powerful non-concentration based Shamans should consider a little Serenity, Aug/Mend Shamans
buffs and heals on the NPCs while making their rounds. Both might invest in this realm ability at higher levels to counter
Shaman Master Level tracks are also very useful in siege their tendency to burn through power faster.
situations, due to the stationary nature of the various magical
fields they can create. For High Cave Magic and some Augmentation specializations:
Long Wind One: Hopefully you have at least 32 Augmentation
Realm Abilities for the yellow endurance regen. Pick up the first level of this
realm ability and you will be able to perma-sprint (sprint
When you are choosing realm abilities, keep your RvR role in
without losing endurance).
mind. Any ability that increases your odds of survival is a
worthy purchase. Here are some buying suggestions based on
Vehement Renewal: You can take this group instant heal as a
your class and the two most popular skill specializations:
great way to supplement your healing repertoire. This power
doesn’t heal you, just your group.
For All Shamans:
Ichor of the Deep: An uninterruptible, two second cast time
Mastery of Magery, Wild Power, and Augmented Acuity:
AoE root is the ultimate lifesaver for a Shaman under melee
Spending points on these realm abilities will add some extra
attack. Sprint away immediately. Even if the enemy purges the
bite to your damage spells.
Hammer Skald
initial attack on an enemy player. They bypass the enemy’s Shades of Mist icon Sledgehammer Spirit resist
(Artifact) (follow to conquer)
melee defenses with the direct damage spells (DDs), while
Warlord II ability Purge Epiphany
contributing a melee hit as well. A properly played Skald (master level ability) (realm ability) (Skald unique RA)
assisting their groupmatesgroup mates and using positional
attacks can output quite a bit of damage, however they There are some styles on multiple pages so the player can
possess relatively poor defense should the enemy attack. use the backup style system without switching pages. The
Skalds can use either one or two hand weapons backup style system allows a player to select a reactionary,
interchangeably. In New Frontiers, all classes who have melee then select another style to back it up if the reactionary
styles will automatically earn tireless level I during the opening is not available. For example, Frosthammer requires
leveling process—Skalds get this ability because they have the Skald to have a side view of the enemy; however, if they
styled attacks. strafe right before you can attack, that style might fail. By
The Skald is a primary ingredient in a strong group. Skalds using Provoke as a backup, when the enemy strafes, Provoke
provide the needed means of speedy transportation, fires, and the Skald still lands a styled attack. When choosing
additional frontloaded damage, and emergency forms of styles, Skalds should remember that any type of damage over
Realm Abilities
Many realm abilities will help all types of Sorcerers:
Augmented Dexterity for faster casting and Toughness,
Augmented Constitution and Physical Defense for better
survivability. Ethereal Bond and Serenity will boost your
power, while Mystic Crystal Lore and Raging Power will give
you a quick power charge. Mastery of Focus will lower the
chance of enemies resisting your spells. Damage orientated
On the Battlefield players should put points into Acuity and Mastery of Magery
Solo Tactics which increases damage output. Other more situational RAs
The key to solo victory is the element of surprise: mezzing can prove valuable: Ichor of the Deep, Negative Maelstrom
your opponent at range, debuffing them, then sticking your and especially Purge.
pet on them while you proceed to nuke them. If they get too
close, root and run back to maximum range before casting
again. Another key is to pick your fights wisely. There are
some classes that it is best to avoid solo; if you solo you will
find out which ones these are the hard way!
Group Role
Sorcerers are considered an essential group class in Albion,
and if you RvR well as a Sorcerer you should find yourself very
popular with your realm mates. Focus on staying alert and
Preparation for Battle A hotbar (or two) that contains self buffs, RAs, and useful
macros will be needed for either group or solo RvR.
Setting Up Your Hotbar For RvR
Because Valewalkers use both magic and melee skills, you Buff/QBIND Bar:
need quick access to both types on your main hotbars. Bar 1
Generally, you can place the most important battle skills on 1 Shield
the first two bars. Depending on whether you are solo or 2 Absorb
grouped can also be a factor. Consider the following 3 Defensive Proc
examples. 4 Offensive Proc
5 Damage Shield
Grouped (RvR/Assist bar): 6 Sprint (/qbind 3 6)
Bar 1 Bar2 7 /face (/qbind 3 7)
1 Lifetap 1 Taunt 8 Purge (/qbind 3 8)
2 Snare 2 Arboreal Fire 9 Ichor of the Deep (/qbind 3 9)
2 (evade chain 1) 0 Vale Defense (/qbind 3 10)
3 DoT 3 Foxfire
2 (evade chain 2)
4 Damaging Grasp 4 Flaming Scythe Keyboard Configuration
2 (back positional) 2 (evade chain 3)
5 Stunning Blade 5 Conflagration The /qbind command enables you to associate important
2 (side positional 1) 2 (evade chain 4) actions (such as realm abilities) to a single key. This saves you
6 Winter's Scythe 6 Sawgrass the trouble of frantically scrolling through your hotbars in the
2 (side positional 2) 2 (parry chain 1) heat of battle. For example, you can set the following actions
7 Damaging Grasp 7 Thorny Shield
to keys using the /qbind command:
2 (side positional 3) 2 (parry chain 2)
8 Nature's Shield 8 Grasping Roots • Sprint to "="
2 (parry chain 3) • Purge to "Backspace"
9 /assist macro 9 End/Power potion • Ichor of the Deep to "\"
0 Haste 0 macro back to bar 1 (/qbar1)
• /face to "Insert"
• /stick to "Delete"
Solo (RvR/Facing enemy bar):
Bar 1 Bar2
Creating Useful Macros
1 Lifetap 1 Thorny Shield
2 (parry chain 2) While grouped in RvR, one of the most useful macros is the
2 Snare 2 Grasping Roots /assist macro. Using this macro you can quickly attack and
2 (parry chain 3) target whichever enemy has been targeted by the MA (main
3 DoT 3 Foxfire
assist) in your group. A useful macro such as /macro SetMA
A number of artifacts and random drops from the Trials of
Atlantis expansion can be used by Valewalkers to increase: On the Battlefield
Attribute Artifact/Item Fewer things are more important to a Valewalker before a
Stats and stat cap limits Ceremonial Bracers, Guard of Valor,
battle than self buffing. The armor buffs alone make a huge
(going over +75 bonus for a
given stat)
Maddening Scalars difference in survivability—without them, Valewalkers are as
Casting Range Crown of Zahur, Nailah’s Robes vulnerable as pure casters during melee. Each of the self buffs
Armor factor Guard of Valor, Spear of Kings, Shades of Mist,
last for 20 minutes. The exception is the self damage shield,
Ring of Dances, Atlantis Tablet, Dream Sphere which lasts only 10 minutes. Many Valewalkers cast all their
Hit points cap limit Belt of the Sun, Spear of Kings, Ceremonial buffs at once, and recast them when the damage shield times
Bracers, Dream Sphere (Note: +200 hit points is out. This way they can make sure their all-important armor
the most hit points you can gain through
equipment without raising the cap)
buffs are always up. When grouping, you can choose to time
your rebuffing with Warden/Druid resist buffs that are also on
Fatigue Belt of Sun, Spear of Kings
a 10-minute timer. If mana is low, it is highly recommended
Melee damage Snakecharmer's scythe, Maddening Scalars
you cast the absorb and shield buffs first and cast the others
Melee speed Shades of Mist, Harpy's Cloak, Cyclone Bracer, when mana reserves allow it.
Spear of Kings, Snakecharmer's Scythe,
Maddening Scalars
Group Role
When playing within a group, Valewalkers can fill a number of
useful roles:
• Use the ML8 Battlemaster ability (Bodyguard) to
bodyguard a healer or caster. While bodyguarding, you
can use your lifetap and instant spells to keep enemy
casters and healers interrupted, and use your back and
side positional stuns to slow down unsuspecting tanks
that come too close.
• Use Damaging Grasp to melee stun fleeing opponents
for 8 seconds, then strafe to the side and start the side
Use your reactionary styles after an enemy fighter closes chain. This also provides time to the other members of a
the distance and engages you in melee. One of the more group to quickly assist.
popular ways Valewalkers use their reactionary styles is to
• Stand with the healers and casters toward the back of a
"queue up" their reactionary styles (Sawgrass/Parry + Arboreal
battle and lifetap enemies from a distance. Melee any
Fire/Evade) in the hope that they evade or parry that round
enemy tanks that attack you or the healers/casters you
and the appropriate style/chain is triggered. For example, if
are protecting.
Sawgrass is in quick bar slot 4, and Arboreal Fire is in quick bar
• Cast Ichor of the Deep as a secondary form of crowd
slot 6, you would hit "4" and "6" in a round and follow up with
control behind a mez. Because it is on a 10-minute timer,
the rest of the chain for whichever is triggered. If a chain
chances are it will be available for many battles. Its range
is not triggered, repeat the same process for the
is 1875, equaling the longest range mez in the game, so
following round.
you have a good chance of catching an enemy by
Other techniques include using the Taunting Scythe style
surprise before they can strike first with their own crowd
as the anytime styled attack and click the parry or evade style
control. This spell remains castable even while being hit
when appropriate, or strafing to the side of an enemy in the
by magic or melee attacks.
hopes of landing Stunning Blade to start the side chain.
When fighting enemy casters, interrupting them is your • Keep enemies interrupted using your instant spells. The
first concern. Use your lifetap or instant spells to do this. Don't more you interrupt enemy healers, the faster your group
use both instant spells to cause the initial interrupt—rather will be able to kill.
"save" one of your interrupts in case the enemy quickcasts
Siege Strategy
When attacking keeps, Warden’s have several options. Again,
keep your PBT running to protect your group. If you are within
range, you can use your short bow to attack targets on the
battlements. When attacking undefended towers, your group
damage add can help those beating down the door. When the
final assault is made, stick with you group and keep the
PBT running.
Realm Abilities
There are a number of realm abilities available to Wizards.
Wizards benefit from realm abilities that improve their casting
speed and effectiveness, as well as increased survivability.
Some of the popular realm abilities are:
and click on it. Then you would select the coastal keep and
click on the teleport button in the /realmwar window. You
will then be transported directly to the courtyard of that keep.
If you own all the keeps on a given path to the ocean, then
capture any Enemy coastal keep and its towers, you will be
able to teleport to the conquered enemy keep from anywhere
in your supply line.
There are two ways to cut the supply line so that the
enemy cannot transport. The first way is to take a keep along
the path. The supply line will therefore be shortened and the
enemy will only be able to teleport to the next keep closer to
the borderkeep in the supply line. The second way is to take a
New Frontiers has introduced a new teleportation system to
tower around a given keep. A realm must own all four towers
the game to enable quicker transit between the keeps and
around a given keep to make that keep a valid teleport
zones in the realm versus realm area. At each keep and at the
destination. This second method of attack only denies the
Borderkeep, there are small pillars to mark the teleport zones.
enemy teleportation to that part of the chain, not the rest of
Walk over to one and click on it or type /realmwar, then
the supply line.
select the keep where you wish to go.
The keeps you are currently able to teleport to will have a
Building a Supply Chain
small white halo around them. Your position on the map will
be marked with a small white dot that dynamically updates as In order to build the chain you must take keeps in pairs. You
you move across the terrain. must also control every tower associated with the taken keeps
The Teleport permissions are determined by a concept to fulfill the teleportation requirements.
called “The Supply Line for Keeps”. Basically, it is a path that Building the chain
can be taken to the front lines. If you own all the keeps along Realm Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4
the given path, the supply line will be considered “open” and
Albion Hurbury/Renaris Sursbrooke/Boldiam Erasleigh/Berkstead Benowyc
you will be able to teleport from any portal pillar to the keeps
Midgard Fensalir/Arvakr Glenlock/Hlidskialf Notmoor/Blendrake Bledmeer
along that path. The paths are organized by which side of the
Hibernia Ailinne/Scathaig na nGed/da Behn Crimthainn/Bolg Crauchon
river the keep is displayed on the realmmap. So for example, if
your realm owns all of its keeps and you wish to teleport to After completing the chain for your realm’s frontier area, you
the coastal keep, you would walk over to the transport pillar can then continue the chain into enemy frontier areas by
Siege Equipment
There are five basic types of siege gear: the ram, the
trebuchet, the catapult, the palitone, and the ballista. Some
are intended specifically to take out realm structures such as
the keep walls, outpost structures, and keep doors. Others are
intended to suppress enemy players. Most of the siege can be
bought off of housing merchants and in the small villages
near the relic shrines. Keeps and outposts also have
Green hookpoints mark places where siege equipment can hookpoints on them that allow players to purchase siege
be purchased. There are two types of siege that can be bought directly at the keep. Galleons and warships both can use
at green hookpoints. Palintones are intended to be used against utilize siege on their hookpoints. Siege damage cannot be
enemy siege or vessels. These weapons shoot massive arrows resisted through the use of magical resists or resist buffs, nor
out over the battlefield and cause greate damage to enemy can it be debuffed for.
siege equipment and lesser damage to the players operating In order to operate a piece of siege, the player should
the equipment. Palintones are relatively ineffective against build it or buy it, then position themselves close to the object.
structures, doing comparable damage to some melee attacks. A window pops up on the screen showing the buttons to aim
Trebuchets can also be bought on a green hookpoint. and fire the siege. Some siege weapons can use crafted
Trebuchet’s are intended to pummel an enemy structure and ammunition that can cause different types of damage.
put gaping holes in its walls, to reduce the ability of enemy Hookpoint siege lasts for 30 minutes, this includes siege
structures to emplace siege equipment, or to use the red bought on boats.
hookpoints. A Trebuchet will do roughly four times as much Catapults require a
damage to a keep or outpost wall as a Palintone, but will do ground target to fire.
less damage against enemy siege equipment and players. Once the ground target is
Blue hookpoints are for buying specific, non-combat selected, the catapult is
NPCs. Available for purchase are healers (to restore told to aim, then can be
constitution), hasteners, dyemasters, arrow merchants, fired. The animation will
smiths, rechargers, bounty merchants, and poison merchants. show the firing arm flying
The cost for these NPCs is lower then the cost of the fighting forward and a giant rock
NPCs because they are of relatively limited use and do not will hurl out at the enemy.
defend the keep. Catapults are the best siege gear to use against players.
Yellow hookpoints provide access to boiling oil. Keeps
Trebuchets require a
have two yellow hookpoints while tower outposts have one
target, typically a keep
and they are always located directly over the gate.
structure or a door,
In order to use a hookpoint in the new realm structures,
although they can also hit
the player must go to the place in the keep where they wish to
ships and players. It is
place an object, then right click on the structure. Doing this
aimed the same way as a
brings up a small window with the name of the keep, its
catapult, but hookpoint
current level, its targeted upgrade level, and who it is claimed
trebuchets provide their
by. At the bottom of the window there are two buttons, one
Upgrading a Keep
Once the keep, its level can be set by the claiming party, and
the upgrading process will begin. The upgrading process is
not fast however; it takes 24 hours to upgrade a keep from
level 8 to level 10.
Keeps As a keep upgrades, the level of the guards, wall pieces,
and lord also increases. When an outpost piece or keep piece
upgrades in level, it gains more hit points and becomes far
more difficult to destroy. Additionally, the keeps gain
elevation on their towers, giving additional range to siege and
archers and making it difficult for attackers to get close
enough to the keep to do substantial damage to the players
on the wall. By upgrading a keep, the number of active
hookpoints available increases, allowing the defenders to
place more NPC guards.
There are other ways to upgrade the defense of a
structure besides clicking the upgrade button. A buffing class
can give the NPC defenders buffs, a crafter can give the
permanent guards and lord crafted equipment that does
greater damage then their standard equipment. Equipment
dropped from monsters in PvE can also be given to guards,
however they will not accept equipment that is sub par
quality or of too low a level.
Attacking a Keep
Breaking into a keep is not an easy task. In order for any
attacking siege to manage a significant lifespan, the keep’s
siege hookpoints must first be destroyed. Do this by placing
multiple trebuchets at an angle to the keep so only one tower
hookpoint can fire down on them. Then concentrate their fire
on that structure. When that structure is down, the siege
operators should move their trebuchets farther and engage
the next tower, reducing that tower to rubble. With two
towers down, they can no longer spawn siege or NPC guards.
The trebuchets should concentrate on a wall or several wall
segments between the two destroyed towers. Once those
sections have been reduced, a large hole appears at ground
level, and the NPC guard hookpoints will no longer spawn.
This will effectively punch a large hole in a keep’s defenses,
The number of relics owned by your realm KEEP AND TOWER COSTS
dramatically effects the time it takes to Keep Level Time to upgrade GBP cost to Maintenance
upgrade and downgrade* Cost/hour (GBPs)
upgrade a keep: 1 NA 50 50
2 12 minutes 50 50
# of relics owned upgrade time from 3 12 minutes 50 50
lvl 5 to lvl 10 in hours 4 12 minutes 50 50
0 3.2 5 24 minutes 100 100
1 8 6 1 hour 200 200
2 24 7 2 hours 300 300
3 or 4 32 8 4 hours 400 400
9 8 hours 500 500
5 48
10 16 hours 1000 1000
6 64
Tower Level Time to upgrade GBP cost to Maintenance
upgrade and downgrade* Cost/hour (GBPs)
1 NA 5 5
2 12 minutes 5 5
3 12 minutes 5 5
4 12 minutes 5 5
5 24 minutes 10 10
*Underpopulated realms will receive a 50% reduction of cost 6 1 hour 20 20
bonus (rounded up) for all hookpoint purchases, 7 2 hours 30 30
maintenance costs, and claiming costs of keeps and towersin 8 4 hours 40 40
9 8 hours 50 50
New Frontiers. Mythic defines which realms are under 10 16 hours 100 100
Frontier Dungeons
Relic Warfare
Relics are ancient items that have been passed down and
defended by the realms through the centuries. They were past
possessions of great warriors and magicians, and still hold
some of their magic within them. Each realm has a strength
relic and a power relic which reside in separate relic shrines.
Each shrine has three pedestals, one for the home relic and
one for each of the corresponding enemy relics captured
through battle. Capturing an enemy realm’s strength relic
provides a bonus to melee and archery attacks, allowing the
fighters of the realm to do greater damage then they would
otherwise. Capturing an enemy realm’s power relics grants a
realm wide bonus to magical damage and healing. This bonus
stacks with other bonuses obtained through items or
conquering enemy territory.
The keeps are the main line of defense for the relics. In
order for an attacking force to gain access to a relic, they must
first take over several keeps in order to unlock the milegates.
If four keeps are taken, one of the milegates leading to a relic
will unlock. Once the milegate is unlocked, the attacking force
must travel through the milegate to the relic shrine. If you
reach the shrine and remove a relic, you must then take it
back to your home shrine, passing overland without speed
spells or teleportation. Homeland players may pass through
their own realm’s milegates without problem. The doors
function in much the same way as a housing door would.
Simply click on the door to pass through. The door will not
open so that enemy stealth can sneak through.
As a defender, this gives time to move troops into position
to stop a relic from escaping. To defend against a relic attack,
a defensive realm can fight on the beaches, in the keeps, or in
the open field. If that fails and the milegate doors open, they
can take up defensive positions on the milegate. If the relic is
removed from the relic valley, the conquered realm can
pursue the enemy and take the relic back if they kill the
In order to determine if your milegate is open, you can
type /realmwar and pull up the map. The map shows a bird’s
eye view of the realm. Near each relic shrine are four
milegates with a red line near them. When the milegates are
open, they will change graphically from the normal state to
show which doors are open.
Relic Shrines The relic shrines consist of three pillars, one of which
In New Frontiers, the relics needs to be raised to claim a relic, or lowered to remove a
are no longer held in relic. The process of removing a relic takes at least 16 players
fortified keeps standing inside the shrine. One of the players must then stand
surrounded by high level in the glowing circle that designates the realm that owns the
guards and protected by relic they are attempting to remove. Once that is
three doors. Relics are accomplished, the platform holding the relic will begin to
now located in shrine descend and a realm wide broadcast is sent out to the realm
structures in secluded where the temple is located. The lowering of the platform
valleys of each realm’s takes five minutes.
territory. Each valley is
protected by two locked Relic Villages
milegate structures and Each relic valley contains
has a river that runs a small village that holds
through it. The river is trainers and merchants.
blocked off by a rock These villages are located
slide that obstructs close to the relic shrine,
swimmers from which allows a defense
penetrating the secure force to send runners to
area. Inside the valley, the village to purchase
there is a small village defensive siege gear for
that provides siege gear, use at repelling an enemy attack on the milegate. In addition
training, and weapons to to the siege merchants, there are also weapon merchants,
the home realm. In arrow merchants, poison merchants, and class trainers
addition to the village, available. The villages do not have a guard contingent,
there is a bridge crossing although there are some defensive structures in the area.
the river and the shrine.
To Summoner Hall Accursed
Doomed Brigands
Portal to
Adept Lossren
Sidhe Uasal
Fire Node
Aidon the
Portal to
Summoner Sidhe Uasal
Grand Summoner
The Grand Summoner is protected
by four nodes: a healing node, a
shield node, a demon portal, and a
fire node. The healing node will
regenerate the Grand Summoner’s
health as players attempt to injure
The wolf guardians of the Summoner halls, these monsters him. The shield node will produce a
are tough versions of their above ground brethren, with temporary melee resistance for the
the ability to port some distance away when they are Grand Summoner. The fire node will produce a damage effect
under attack. for the Grand Summoner, while the demon portal brings in a
steady stream of yellow and orange con demons to attack the
Summoner Roesia people in the room. It is best to first defeat the demon portal,
then defeat the fire, shield, and healing nodes. While players are
This is one of the main boss mon-
attacking the nodes, at least one main melee player should keep
sters in Summoner hall. She is pro- the Grand Summoner occupied so he does not attack the sup-
tected by three nodes that can port classes. When the healing node is finally down, all players
grab players off their feet and should converge upon the Grand Summoner and melee him.
send them for a floating ride Some abilities such as ground target area of effect spells and
around the chamber while she direct damage realm abilities are also useful against the Grand
nukes them. It is important to keep Summoner. Some players should be assigned to watch the node
somebody meleeing her while at the same time dropping the spawn points in case they respawn during the encounter.
Augmented Strength Passive Increases Strength by the listed amount per level. 4 12 22 34 48 All
Aug Strength will primarily be something taken by melee characters with weapons based on strength. This will also help in carrying capacity but not
nearly as well as Lifter.
Augmented Dexterity Passive Increases Dexterity by the listed amount per level. 4 12 22 34 48 All
Dexterity is helpful in a lot of different ways for different folks. This RA will be most useful for those interested in increasing their casting speed, or the
weapon skill of weapons that are based on dexterity.
Augmented Constitution Passive Increases Constitution by the listed amount 4 12 22 34 48 All except
per level. Necromancers
Aug Con is a good way of increasing your hit points. In many cases toughness will be a better choice however. Remember that the amount of hit points
gained for each additional point of constitution is class dependant. A tank will definitely get more HPs out of this RA then a caster.
Augmented Quickness Passive Increases Quickness by the listed amount per level. 4 12 22 34 48 All except
Aug quickness will help in bow/melee speed.
Augmented Acuity Passive Increases primary casting stat by the listed 4 12 22 34 48 Animist, Bard, Bonedancer, Cabalist,
amount per level. Champion, Cleric, Druid, Eldritch,
Enchanter, Friar, Healer, Mentalist,
Minstrel, Necromancer, Paladin,
Reaver, Runemaster, Shaman,
Skald, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster,
Thane, Theurgist, Valewalker,
Aug Acuity will help increase the power pool of all casters and will also increase the base damage for many nuking classes. Warden, Wizard
Long Wind Passive Decreases the amount of endurance taken per tick 1 2 3 4 5 All
when sprinting, by the number listed.
Works the same as it did pre-New Frontiers. Each level increases the amount of time a player can sprint.
Physical Defense Passive Reduces all melee and archery damage taken by 2 5 12 19 28 Runemaster, Eldritch, Wizards,
the listed percentage. Cabalist, Enchanter, Spiritmaster,
Bonedancer, Theurgist, Sorcerer,
Mentalist, Animist, Scout,
Ranger, Hunter
This allows the listed classes the chance to build their character to be tough versus physical attacks, much in the same
way that Avoidance of Magic reduces damage from spells.
Toughness Passive Increases max hit points by the listed amount. 25 75 150 250 400 All. Level 40 required.
Toughness is an interesting ability since it increases hit points by a flat amount instead of a percentage. While tanks who focus on durability will like
this ability, it might also give hybrids, archers, or assassins the little bit of extra HP needed to win. Healers can also benefit from additional hit points
and even pure casters may find their survivability dramatically increased in many situations.
Ethereal Bond Passive Increases power pool by the listed amount. 15 40 75 130 200 Animist, Bard, Bonedancer, Cabalist,
Champion, Cleric, Druid, Eldritch,
Enchanter, Friar, Healer, Hunter,
Mentalist, Minstrel, Necromancer,
Nightshade, Paladin, Ranger, Reaver,
Ethereal Bond increases the number of power pool points for power classes. This is a pretty situational RA that really only Runemaster, Savage, Shaman, Skald,
help those with classes/playstyles that run them out of power often. Even then, MCL and Raging Power should be given a Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Thane,
look before investing heavily in Ethereal Bond. Theurgist, Valewalker, Warden, Wizard
Avoidance of Magic Passive Reduces all magic damage taken by the listed 2 5 10 15 20 Heroes, Warriors, Armsman,
percentage. Berserkers, Mercenaries, Blademasters,
Savages, Champions, Paladins,
Avoidance of Magic reduces the damage taken by the listed amount. One major change from pre-New Frontiers is that Reavers, Thanes, Valewalkers, Scouts,
Avoidance of Magic doesn't reduce the duration of crowd control spells. Determination and Stoicism are the only Realm Rangers, Hunters, Shadowblades,
Infiltrators, Nightshades, Healer, Cleric,
Abilities non-unique Realm Abilities that affect CC duration. Those who like Avoidance of Magic should take a look at Druid, Shaman, Friar, Warden, Bard,
Empty Mind which is basically an active version of AoM. Skald, Minstrel
Lifter Passive Increases carrying capacity by the listed 10% 25% 45% 70% 95% All
Lifter increases carrying capacity. Unless siege is your life, you may wish to stick to levels 1 or 2, or just spend your points elsewhere entirely. Lifter also
inceases the movement speed when running a ram which can be very useful, especially given the ram protection bonus.
Veil Recovery Passive Reduces the duration of resurction sickness by 20% 40% 60% 80% 95% All
the percentage listed.
With the new Death Sickness penalties in RvR, this realm ability is actually quite interesting. This works on both forms of RvR death sickness (release
sickness and sickness when ressed) as well as the old fashioned PvE death penalty.
Mastery of Blocking Passive Increases chance to block by the listed 2 5 10 16 23 Classes who can
percentage. spec shield
This is pretty straight-forward. If you want to be 'that guy' who blocks almost anything and everything that comes your way, you should invest
heavily here.
Mastery of Parrying Passive Increases chance to parry by the listed 2 5 10 16 23 Classes who can
percentage. spec parry
Same as MoB but with Parry. This can add a really nice amount of defense to classes that do not have access to shields.
Mastery of Pain Passive Increases chance to deal a critical hit in melee per 3 9 17 27 39 All
listed percentage.
Everyone loves to land a critical hit. In New Frontiers you'll often find that doing a lot of damage 'right this second' in order to kill someone before they
can catch a heal to be more important then overall DPS increase.
Wild Power Passive Increases chance to deal a critical hit with spells 3 9 17 27 39 Animist, Bard, Bonedancer, Cabalist,
that do damage by listed percentage Champion, Cleric, Druid, Eldritch,
Enchanter, Friar, Healer, Hunter,
Mentalist, Minstrel, Necromancer,
Same as Mastery of Pain except for casters. Keep in mind that other Realm Abilities will increase your overall DPS much Nightshade, Paladin, Ranger, Reaver,
Runemaster, Savage, Shaman, Skald,
more then Wild Power, and the real benefit to this RA is the added chance of landing a nice crit at a cruicial time. Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Thane, Theurgist,
Remember also that DoTs, Bolts and all other forms of spell damage are included here (but not procs, poisons, or debuffs). Valewalker, Warden, Wizard
This works the same as the other abilities that grant a chance to crit. However, overhealing someone isn't as effective as over damaging an enemy. Many
healers will aim for level 2-3 of this ability since it does provide a nice boost when using spread or group heals. Classes without spread heals may find
that this RA gets them a real lot of milage out of their group heals.
Wild Minion Passive Increases chance of pet dealing a critical hit by 3 9 17 27 39 Cabalist, Enchanter,
melee, archery, or spell by the listed percentage. Spiritmaster, Bonedancer,
Druid, Hunter, Sorceror,
Minstrel, Mentalist
This is most useful for classes and play-styles that rely heavily on pet damage.
Mastery of Stealth Passive Modifies stealth detection and stealth movement. 5%/75 10%/175 15%/300 20%/450 25%/625 Rangers, Scouts, Hunters,
Camouflage counters the Mastery of Stealth Shadowblades, Infiltrators,
bonus, allowing an archer to only be seen at the
normal range. Doesn't affect detect hidden
classes when they are detecting other detect
hidden classes. (Meaning it has no affect on
assassins detecting assassins.)
This ability is designed to give both archers and assassins a means of increasing their detection range. If your playstyle as an archer seems to often land
you at the wrong end of an assassins' blade, this RA may be just the thing to give you enough warning to get out of dodge before being perfed. Since
this RA will not allow assassins to see other assassins any better (otherwise it would be almost all that mattered in Assassin on Assasssin battles) this is
really only useful for assassins who are focused on finding archers.
Mastery of Healing Passive Increases the effectiveness of healing spells by 2 5 12 19 28 Druid, Healer, Cleric, Shaman,
the listed percentage. Friar, Bard, Warden, Mentalist
This RA provides a percentage increase to power of all your heals. The benefit here is really about healing per second (HPS) over a long period of time.
The long the battle or encounter, the more valuable Mastery of Healing becomes.
Mastery of Magery Passive Additional effectiveness of magical damage by 2 4 7 11 15 Animist, Bard, Bonedancer,
listed percentage. Cabalist, Champion, Cleric,
Druid, Eldritch, Enchanter,
Friar, Healer, Hunter, Mentalist,
Minstrel, Necromancer,
Nightshade, Paladin, Ranger,
Mastery of Magery may quickly become the "must have" RA for casters because of the flat increase in damage. Keep in Reaver, Runemaster, Shaman,
Skald, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster,
mind however that Damage Per Second (DPS) matters less in short 5-10 seconds engagements and much more in longer Thane, Theurgist, Valewalker,
term battles or encounters. For many casters, Wild Power may a just as good if not better choice. Warden, Wizard
Falcon's Eye Passive Increases the change of dealing a critical hit with 3 9 17 27 39 Rangers, Scouts, Hunters
archery by the listed amount.
This RA grants archers an increased percentage chance to crit with arrows. This is a nice RA for an archer in both PvE and RvR but given the other good
Ras available to archers, most will find it hard to put as many points into this RA as they might otherwise like.
Determination Passive Reduces the duration of all crowd control spells 1 4 10 20 34 Heroes, Warriors, Armsman,
by the listed percentage. Berserkers, Mercenaries, Blademasters,
Savages, Champions, Paladins, Reavers,
This new form of determination works much like the original form, with just the values and costs adjusted. This is a good Thanes, Valewalkers, Scouts, Rangers,
choice for any class that is concerned about crowd control on the battlefield. An important aspect to remember is that Hunters, Friars, Wardens
purge and determination both fulfil the same function but in different ways. Many players may be better focusing their
points on Level II or III purge rather then Determination.
Mastery of Focus Passive Increases the level of all spells cast by the listed 3 9 17 27 39 Animist, Bard, Bonedancer, Cabalist,
amount for resistance purposes. (caps at level 50) Champion, Cleric, Druid, Eldritch,
Enchanter, Healer, Hunter,
Every spell has a chance of missing or being out right 'resisted.' The base chance of this is the level of the spell compared Mentalist, Minstrel,
to the level of the target. Therefore, that level 5 spell you are casting on that level 50 enemy will have a much greater Necromancer,Nightshade, Reaver,
Runemaster, Savage, Shaman, Skald,
chance of being resisted then a level 49 spell. MoF raises the level of all spells cast for outright resist purposes only (it Spiritmaster, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster,
does not increase damage or reduce varience). This ability is especially helpful for casters who "split-spec" or otherwise Thane, Theurgist, Wizard,
find themselves using spells in the 25-40 range. However, even a level 49 spell has a slightly higher chance of "missing" Valewalker
then a level 50 one, so almost every offensive caster can benefit from some amount of Mastery of Focus.
Adrenaline Rush Active Doubles the base melee damage for 20 seconds. See 20 min 10 min 5 min Classes without styles
The last thing that most healers and casters want to do is to pull out their weapon and try and hit someone. However, desperate times often call for
desperate measure. This RA grants those classes the ability to double their melee damage during those crucial final seconds of a close battle.
Second Wind Active Grants 100% endurance recovery. See 15 min 5 min 2 min All
With the ubiquitous of endurance regen, this ability is probably not of much value to those who are usually grouped in RvR. But for those who solo or
who often find themselves out of endurance range of their support classes (or even for those who want to be prepared in the event they lose their
endurance regen) this RA can be very effective.
Ignore Pain Active Heal that grants health equal to the percentage 900 20% 50% 80% Heroes, Warriors, Armsman,
listed. Can be used when in combat. Berserkers, Mercenaries,
Blademasters, Savages,
Champions, Paladins, Reavers,
Ignore pain is basically a self-insta heal that is usuable in combat. This is an extremely powerful ability, especially in Thanes, Valewalkers, Scouts,
Rangers, Hunters, Friars,
smaller encounters. Players who like small scale skirmashing (8 on 8 or less) may find this invaluable. Those who are Wardens, Skalds, Bards,
usually surrounded by hundreds of their closest realmmates may be better off focusing more on passive abilities. Minstrels
Arrow Summoning Active When activated, this ability will summon 30 See 10 mins 2 mins 5 secs Rangers, Scouts, Hunters
mystical footed flight broadhead arrows, 10 of Effect
each of the three types: Barbed, Keen, Blunt.
If arrow costs have gotten you down this is the RA for you. Tier I is really designed to be there in a pinch when you find yourself out of arrows. Tier III is
designed so that you can summon as many arrows as you'll ever need and never ever buy/make them again.
Trueshot Active Grants a 50% range bonus to the next arrow fired. See 10 Min 3 min 30 Sec Rangers, Scouts, Hunters
This arrow will penetrate and pop blade turn. Effect
This fulfills two main functions. It allows an archer to get one final shot off on a fleeing enemy and it can be used by an archer as a first shot to drop
their targets blade turn. Archers who like to focus on the sniper role will likely find this more helpful then those who work more closely with a group.
Concentration Active Refreshes the timer on quick-cast allowing for a See 15 min 3 min 30 sec All classes with
second quick casted spell without the normal 30 Effect quick/cast
second wait.
Often times the only chance a caster has against an enemy tank in melee range or an enemy caster who has the initiative, is the use of their quick-cast
ability (since it allows a spell to be cast without fear of normal interruptions). Quick-cast is only available once every 30 seconds however, meaning that
the caster has to make that one shot count. Concentration gives casters an ability to fire a second quick-casted spell. Classes with forms of crowd
control may get the most milage out of this RA, as well as casters who often find themselves dueling it out with other casters while the rest of the battle
swirls around them.
Mastery of Active Grants a 100% chance of not being interrupted by 600 25% 50% 75% Animist, Bard, Bonedancer,
Concentration any form of attack when casting a spell. The Cabalist, Cleric, Druid, Eldritch,
Enchanter, Friar, Healer, Hunter,
effect of the spell cast will be reduced to the Mentalist, Minstrel, Necromancer,
percentages listed. Nightshade, Ranger, Runemaster,
Savage, Shaman, Skald, Sorcerer,
The reduction in effectiveness has changed this ability from a "must have" to a "maybe." Classes who can lifetap will find the Spiritmaster, Thane, Theurgist,
new MoC to be quite useful. PBAoE and pure nuking classes will likely find that they either need to go all or nothing with MoC Valewalker, Warden, Wizard
since a little damage usually doesn't kill anyone. Crowd control users should be able to get some milage out of this in a pinch
but healers should really consider whether they want all their heals to be cut in effectiveness while this RA is up.
Mystic Crystal Lore Active Grants a refresh of power based on the 180 25% 60% 100% Animist, Bard, Bonedancer, Cabalist,
percentages listed. Cannot be used when in Champion, Cleric, Druid, Eldritch,
Enchanter, Friar, Healer, Hunter,
combat. Mentalist, Minstrel, Necromancer,
Nightshade, Paladin, Ranger, Reaver,
Runemaster, Savage, Shaman, Skald,
MCL is a great ability for anyone who uses power. Debate will continue to rage over which level is "ideal" and in what Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Thane, Theurgist,
cases MCL is of more use then Raging Power or vice/versa. Valewalker, Warden, Wizard
Raging Power Active Grants a refresh of power based on the 600 25% 50% 80% Animist, Bard, Bonedancer, Cabalist,
percentages listed. Can be used when in combat. Champion, Cleric, Druid, Eldritch,
Enchanter, Friar, Healer, Hunter,
Mentalist, Minstrel, Necromancer,
Nightshade, Paladin, Ranger, Reaver,
Raging Power is a form of MCL that can be used in combat. There are many theories on what is the best combination of Runemaster, Savage, Shaman, Skald,
Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Thane, Theurgist,
the two, with the MCL 2 and RP 2 template seeming to be the most popular. Valewalker, Warden, Wizard
Purge Active Removes all negative effects but leaves any 900 5 sec no 300 sec All except
applicable immunity timers in place. Level 1 delay delay reuse Necromancer
purge is on a 15 minute timer but has a 5 second
delay. Level 2 is on the same timer but has no
delay. Level 3 is on a 5 minute timer and has
no delay.
Purge is one of those abilities that almost everyone should consider some level of, with the possible exception of stoicism classes who have
determination V. The level 1 version is only 5 points which makes it a very cheap way of avoiding a lengthy mez despite the 5 second delay, where as the
level 3 version all but guarentees purge will be up at the start of each major battle with the 5 minute reuse time.
Reflex Attack Passive Gives a chance to automatically counter-attack Passive 5% 15% 30% Berserker, Blademaster,
with an unstyled swing (or a swing from each Friar, Mercenary
hand in the case of duel wielding classes) anytime
a hit is taken. Works against attacks from all 360
degrees with the chance based on the
percentages listed.
This ability is of use for those who expect to be targets of enemy meleers. Since it works in 360 degrees it can be quite effective in many situations, such
as porting outside of a keep into the waiting arms of 8 enemy tanks.
Viper Passive Increases the damage of poisons by the Passive 25% 50% 100% Shadowblades, Nightshades,
listed amount. Infiltrators
This ability can tremendously increase the poison damage potential for assassin classes. Depending on style of play, this can either be a "must have" or
a total "pass." Keep in mind that the Nightshades' RR5 unique ability acts as an active counter to this ability (and all poisons/procs).
Soldier's Barricade Active Grants the group an absorption bonus to all 600 5% 15% 25% Heroes, Warriors, Armsman
forms of damage based on the percentages listed.
30 Second duration.
This is a nice little bonus for the heavy tanks that are very group focused. Since it partially absorbs all forms of damage for a 30 second duration, this is
more valuable to a member of an 8 person "patrol" group then it is someone who is usually sticking with a large army.
Barrier of Fortitude Active Grants the group a melee absorption bonus based 600 10% 20% 40% Druid, Healer, Cleric
on the percentage listed. 30 second duration.
This is a modified version of the old Bunker of Faith. This ability can still be battle deciding although healers have many good abilities available making
the choice a difficult one. Much like Soldier's Barricade, this ability helps members of 8 person patrol groups more then it does those in the main army.
Perfect Recovery Active Instantly resurrects the target with no res effects 300 5% 20% 100% Druid, Healer, Cleric
with the listed amount of health, endurance,
and power.
This is a very handy ability in New Frontiers given the changes made to the res/death sickness system. Deciding which level to get is pretty tough. Level
I is a bargain at 5 points, but the person being ressed will die if the wind blows where as level 3 costs 30 points but instantly brings someone back to life
at full health with no res penalty at all. It's a tough call.
Vanish Active Provides the stealther with super stealth, which 900 Normal Speed 1 Speed 5 Shadowblades, Nightshades,
cannot be broken. During this period of stealth, Speed Infiltrators
no one can see the stealther. This ability lasts for
five seconds and for each level of Vanish, the
stealther receives an increase in movement
speed. A stealther cannot attack for 30 seconds
after using this ability.
Vanish is just an awesome get away tool for assassins. Vanish 3 may end up being the real money choice here, but we'll have to wait and see how
effective the lower levels are when taken by assassins who want to go on the "cheap" side.
Speed of Sound Active Group ability that allows unstoppable speed 4 600 10 secs 30 secs60 secs Skald, Bard, Minstrel
movement for the listed duration. Breaks if an
attack is made (will be negated by speedwarps).
Speed of Sound is a great get-away ability for patrol groups who are interested in using hit and run tactics against the enemy. However, SoS can now be
canceled by speedwarp which really marginalizes its effectiveness.
Ameliorating Melodies Active Heals all members of the group (except the user) 900 100 250 400 Skald, Bard, Minstrel
by the listed amount each tick for 30 seconds (10 Level 40 required
total ticks).
This is basically a souped up version of the the heal song/chant that these classes have. It can really make the difference in a tight battle or keep
attack/defense but comes at a cost of points that can be used otherwhere. The type of fighting your group usually does will determine the
effectiveness of this RA for you.
Anger of the Gods Active 30 second group damage add that stacks with all 600 10 dps 20 dps 30 dps Skald, Warden, Paladin
other damage adds & ignores caps. DPS bonus Level 40 required
as listed.
This damage add can be very handy in in groups especially melee patrol groups. Since it stacks with other damage adds, this has the potential to really
up overall group DPS which can be very effective when employing hit and run tactics.
Wrath of Champions Active Spirit Based instantly cast PBAE with 150 radius 600 200 500 750 Thane, Champion, Paladin
that does the listed damage. Level 40 required
This ability can be very effective for times when you catch your enemies clumped together such as in melee assist trains, stacked PBAoEers or in keep
gate houses.
Volcanic Pillar Active AE damage spell with 500 radius. Damage as 900 200 500 750 Eldritchs, Runemasters,
listed. 2 second non-interruptible cast time. 1500 Wizards
Level 40 required
range. Target is enemy.
This is basically the same spell as the one pre-New Frontiers. It's an untinterruptable nuke that does good damage. Players who like to have lots of tools
at their disposal will find this very useful where as those who are concerned mostly about DPS may be better off with MoM and WP.
Negative Maelstrom Active 6 tick AoE DoT with a 350 radius. The damage 900 20 40 60 Enchanter, Spiritmaster,
starts at the listed amount and increases by that Bonedancer, Theurgist,
Sorcerer, Mentalist, Animist,
amount each tick. 2 second non-interruptable Necromancer, Cabalist
cast time. Level 40 required
This is an excellent ability in certain situations like lord room/towere stands offs. This is much less useful in open field battles.
Thornweed Field Active Creates a field of thorns that damage and snare 600 25 dam 100/20 250/30 Warden, Bonedancer, Reaver
all enemies caught within. 500 radius. Pulses /10 sec Level 40 required
every 3 seconds. 2 second non-interruptable
cast time.
This is an ideal ability for courtyard attacks and defenses. The snare effect can have a big impact on the battle as it slows down defenders who are
trying to scurry inside a tower or delays attackers who are rushing for the final push.
Ichor of the Deep Active Spirit-based root plus Direct damage spell with a 600 150 dam 400/20 600/30 Valewalker, Shaman,
500 radius. Damage and duration as listed. 2 /10 sec Necromancer, Sorcerer
Level 40 required
second non-interruptable cast time.
This abilty is useful in a lot of different situations although the fact that it can no longer be cast at a full sprint makes it much less useful then it's pre-
New Frontiers predecessor of the same name.
Bedazzling Aura Active Grants the group a magic absorption bonus based 600 10% 20% 40% Enchanters, Bonedancers,
on the percentage listed. 30 second duration. Theurgists, Cabalists,
Spirtmaster, Valewalker
This is a very nice abilty for casters who are concerned about the success of their group. This is a nice ability for those who like to run with the armies
as well as those who are members of patrol groups.
Juggernaut Active Increases the effective level of the pet by the 900 10 20 30 Cabalist, Enchanter,
listed number of levels for 60 seconds (capped at Spiritmaster, Bonedancer
(commander only)
level 70). Level 40 required
This ability can turn any pet into a raging monster that cannot be ignored. This is an ability for those who do not always rely on pet damage but can find
the extra bonus useful in select situations.
Static Tempest Active Delivers a 350 radius attack that procs a 3 second 600 10 sec 15 sec 30 sec Thane, Champion, Friar,
unresistable stun every 5 seconds for the Mentalist
duration listed.
This RA is very helpful in courtyards and keep towers but less useful in the open field. Depending on your play style this can range from a "must have"
to a "pass."
Dashing Defense Active The tank can block and parry for all groupmates 600 10 sec 25 sec 1 min Heroes, Warriors, Armsman
within a 1000 radius for the duration listed.
This ability allows the heavy tanks to perform some truly dramatic actions to protect their groupmates from physical attacks. Defensive tanks should
consider this one while offensive tanks may want to put their points elsewhere.
Dual Threat Passive Grants a bonus chance to critical hit on both N/A 5% 10% 20% Thane, Champion, Reaver
melee and magic based attacks. Percentage
chance as listed.
This RA allows the listed classes the ability to critical hit with both melee and magic with a single RA. This is a smart buy if you find yourself doing a lot
of both kinds of damage. If you find that your play style slants you heavily to melee or magic then your points might be better spent in Mastery of Pain
or Wild Power.
Divine Intervention Active Gives the group a buff that provides a pool of 600 1000 2000 3000 Druid, Healer, Cleric
healing. If anyone in the group takes damage Level 40 required
inflicted through combat, they will be immediately
healed from the healing pool. Pool size is based on
the numbers listed. Does not heal the user.
This ability can really help absorb the sudden shock at the start of battle and give the healer a chance to catch up with keeping their group alive.
Strike Prediction Active Grants all group members a chance to evade all 600 5% 10% 20% Savage, Reaver, Mentalist
melee and arrow attacks for 30 seconds. This
does not stack with any other chance to evade
and will only benefit classes with no or very low
chances of evading.
This RA is extremely group friendly, especially to those in your group who do not have any inherent evade abiltity. This is quite the boon for the
mentalist since they can benefit from this ability themselves.
Snapshot Armsman can draw and fire a crossbow shot when on the run for 60 600 Armsman
seconds. (Normal draw time applies.)
When leading the charge this ability can really help the armsman surpress enemy casters that would otherwise be trying to nuke them down. Pity
anyone trying to run from an Armsman who has this ability up, as there will likely be no escape.
Selfless Devotion Triples the effect of the paladin healing chant for 1 minute on all 900 Paladin
groupmates excluding the Paladin himself.
This ability gives the Paladin the chance to help out their group when they really need it.
Blinding Dust Insta-cast PBAoE Attack that causes the enemy to have a 25% chance to 300 Mercenary
fumble melee/bow attacks for the next 15 seconds.
This ability is especially effective against enemy melee assist trains.
Soul Quench Insta-PBAoE attack that drains 250 points from all nearby enemies and 600 Reaver
returns 75% to the reaver.
This ability provides both good offense and defense for a reaver who takes the risk of running right into the thick of battle.
Retribution of 30 second buff that has a high chance to proc a 3 second (duration 300 Cleric
the Faithful undimished by resists) stun on any melee attack on the cleric.
This ablity provides clerics with an effective means of escape from enemy tanks.
Whirling Staff PBAoE attack that does moderate damage and makes all melee targets in 600 Friar
350 radius unable to attack for 6 seconds.
This is useful in crowded situations where the friar finds themselves surrounded by many enemies.
Calming Notes Insta-cast spell that mesmerizes all enemy pets within 750 radius for 300 Minstrel
30 seconds.
Minstrels can use this when confronted by large numbers of enemy pets, lulling them into harmlessness.
Shield Trip Throws shield at target, rooting them in place for 10 seconds 900 Scout
(undimished by resists). Scout cannot attack for 15 seconds afterwards.
This is a defensive escape ability for scouts that should offer them enough time to get away from one attacker.
Resolute Minion Pet is immune to all forms of Crowd Control for 60 seconds 600 Cabalist
This ability grants the pet temporary immuity to one of the most common ways the pets are taken out of the fight.
Shield of Shield that absorbs 90% melee/archer damage for 20 seconds. 900 Sorcerer
This allows a sorceror to perform their role at the start of the fight and then save themselves from being picked out and targetted by archers and melee
assist trains.
Minion Rescue 2 second cast (non-interruptible) PBAoE that summons 1 level 50 fire elemental for 600 Theurgist
every enemy within 500 radius (max 8). Pets have 50 hit points, but proc a 3 second stun
(duration unaffected by resists). The fire elementals have a max durations of 6 seconds.
In time of great need, the theurgist can summon up to 8 pets, (one for each enemy) that will stun their enemies allowing the theurgist to escape from an
otherwise dire situation.
Wall of Flame Insta-cast spell that drops a ward that pulses a 150 radius PBAoE fire based for 900 Wizard
15 seconds. Pulse is 400 points of damage every 3 seconds.
Wall of Flame is intended to act as a dis-incentive for tanks to beat on a wizard who is standing still near their wall of flames.
Call of Darkness Allows the Necromancer to summon a pet with only a 3 second cast time. 900 Necromancer
This ability comes in handy for those situations where the necro pet is killed and you almost have enough time to summon another one.
Dreamweaver Bard creates an illusion that makes her look like a different race (Lurikeen, 600 Bard
Shar, Sylvan, or Elf). The Bard's instrument also takes the illusion of a staff or
other weapon. Lasts for 5 minutes.
This ability is not designed to fool enemies if the Bard is placed in a line-up along with other classes. The intent is for the bard to be slightly less easy to
identify in the first cruicial seconds of an encounter when the enemy players have to quickly select the target they are going to attack.
Nature's Womb Insta-cast spell that stuns the druid for 5 seconds and converts all damage 600 Druid
taken into healing.
This is a defensive ability that can be used by a Druid that is faced with a sudden barrage of attacks.
Fury of Nature Double style damage for 30 seconds. All damage done returns 100% to the 600 Warden
group in spread heal form (excluding the Warden himself).
This ability allows wardens to help out their group by beating down their enemies.
Badge of Valor Champions damage for the next 20 seconds will be INCREASED by the 900 Champion
targets armor-based ABS instead of decreased.
The Champions are called that for a reason. One on one, mano-a-mano they can summon all of their will and defeat even the greatest enemy fighters in
the lands and retain the title that they hold.
Arms Length 10 second unbreakable burst of extreme speed. 900 Eldritch
This ability puts the eldritch out of the range of enemy tanks and casters when needed. Since the ability can be broken by the user, the caster has the
option of returning to the fight before the 10 seconds is up.
Selective When cast on an enemy player or pet, this debuff will prevent that player or 300 Mentalist
Blindness pet from being able to see or target the mentalist for 20 seconds (duration
unaffected by resists). 1500 range, 150 radius. 2s uninterrupted cast.
The intention of this ability is that the mentalist will not be physically visible by enemies that are affected by this spell. At the time of this writing, the
mentalist can be seen but cannot be attacked.
Remedy Nightshade ingests poison that costs 10% life but grants poison/dot 300 Nightshade
immunity for 60 seconds. Can be activated while stealthed.
In assassin on assassin battles, the ability to gain immunity to all poisons and DoTs (inclreading all item procs) will prove to be extremely advantagous.
Desperate Melee style used with a bow. Does 300 damage and a 5 second (non resistible) 900 Ranger
Bowman stun. Bow cannot be used for 30 seconds afterwards, and the ranger cannot
attack in any way for 10 seconds.
Sometimes you just have to break your bow over someone's head in the hopes of escaping.
Fungal Union Turns the animist into a mushroom for 60 seconds. Does not break on attack. 300 Animist
Grants 10% chance of the each spell cast not costing any power at all.
Allows the animist to hide in a stack of shrooms and unload on enemies without drawing attention. Being so close to the earth and his fellow
mushrooms, the animist has a chance of not spending power with each cast.
Vale Defense Gives the group a 300 point 50% ablative that lasts for 10 minutes or 600 Valewalker
until depleted.
This ability allows the Valewalker to give his group a little bit of protection from enemy attacks.
Searing Pet Pet receives a PBAoE pulsing effect for 30 seconds. 350 radius damage 120 Enchanter
50. Frequency 3 secs.
This allows the enchanter to use his or her pet to knock hidden enemies out of stealth.
Ferocious Will Gives the zerker an ABS buff that ticks up by 5% every 5 seconds for a max of 600 Berserker
25% at 25 seconds. Lasts 30 seconds total.
This ability allows the Berserker who can think ahead a huge increase in defense against physical damage. This form of ABS will provide protection
against the champions RA.
Epiphany 25% Group power refresh. Skald must be out of combat to use (group members 600 Skald
may be in combat).
This is a downtime reducer that allows the skald to quickly give the group a bump in power immediately after a battle ends.
Lightning will chain down hitting multiple people in succession for a significant amount of damage. Since energy follows the path of least resistance
those with the lowest energy resist will be targeted first by each bolt.
Testudo Warrior with shield equipped covers up and takes 90% less damage for all 900 Warrior
attacks for 45 seconds. Can only move at walk speed (speed buffs have no
effect) and cannot attack. Using a style will break testudo form.
This is designed to allow the Warrior to raise his or her shield and storm (slowly) into places no sane person would dare enter. Lord rooms, tower
defenses, wall stands, can all be very tough defenses to crack without some Warriors that can Testudo their way in before choosing the right moment to
lower their shields and lay into the enemy.
Blissful Allows the Savage to fire all savagery buffs for a single round without paying 300 Savage
Ignorance any hit point penalty.
They say that ignorance is bliss. In this case, once every 5 minutes savages are able to avoid their normal health penalty and enjoy the benefits of ALL
their buffs without worry.
Sputin's Legacy Healer can insta-cast a resurrect buff on themselves. Buff lasts 30 seconds. If 900 Healer
the healer dies while buff is up, they will be auto-ressed 30 seconds after
death with 10% H/E/P.
Sometimes you just can't kill a Healer enough and like a nightmare, he wills himself back to life when you're not looking.
Restorative Frigg that heals health, power, and endurance over 30 seconds for a total of 600 Shaman
Mend 50% (5% is granted every 3 seconds regardless of combat state).
This ability heals everyone, increases the regen rate of health, power, and endurance for the shaman and his or her group. This ability will be extremely
valuable in a variety of situations.
Entwining Insta-cast spell that is a PBAoE 50% snare lasting 20 seconds. Snare breaks on 600 Hunter
Snakes attack.
There are sometimes when a Hunter needs to get away from an enemy that is in melee range. Entwining snakes allows the hunter to snare his or her
enemy and then gain some distance before deciding to make a get-a-way or to turn and resume firing at their opponent.
Shadow Strike Shadowblade takes 10 seconds to disappear in the shadows. Once in the 600 Shadowblade
shadows the SB will automatically teleport to and perf any enemy they choose
within 1000 radius. Usable only at night.
You can never quite tell where a Shadowblade might be when they disappear into the shadows. The next thing you know they might suddenly step out
right next to you, weapon in hand….
Rune of Utter Runemaster gets a 90% chance to evade all melee attacks for 15 seconds. 600 Runemaster
When physical attacks threaten a Runemasters life, they may call upon a powerful rune that allows them dodge almost all attacks that come their way
for a short period of time.
Spirit Martyr SM sacrifices pet in exchange for heal to all in group. Amount healed is 600 Spiritmaster
dependant on the health of the pet at the time of release. 1200 total healing
pool for a full health pet. Max of 600 hit points per any group member.
When push comes to shove it's either gotta be you or your pet. Which would you rather it be? I thought so. This ability provides great benefit at great
cost, the sacrifice of the SM's best friend.
Allure of Death Bonedancer and pets appearance is changed to the same skeletal form for 60 600 Bonedancer
seconds to confuse enemy. The bone dancer has a 75% chance of resisting all
forms of crowd control including nearsight when in skeletal form.
While the visible change isn't intended to fool beyond a first glance, the immunity to nearsight and other crowd control are the real benefit to
this abitlity.
Tireless Gives a bonus of 1 endurance regen per tick. Does not stack with any other Passive All classes with styles
form of endurance regeneration. at level 15
Stoicism Reduces the duration of all forms of crowd control by 25%. Stacks with Passive Heroes, Warriors, Armsman,
Determination. Berserkers, Blademasters,
Mercenaries, Savages at level 35
Prevent Flight With each hit there is a 10% chance of procing a 25% snare. Passive Blademasters, Berserkers,
Mercenaries at level 24
Volley I Ground-targeted archery attack that fires 3 successive arrows in rapid 15 All Archers at 35 bow
succession at various targets in the area. spec. Fires 3 arrows.
Volley II Ground-targeted archery attack that fires 4 successive arrows in rapid 15 All Archers at 40 bow
succession at various targets in the area. spec. Fires 4 Arrows.
Volley III Ground-targeted archery attack that fires 5 successive arrows in rapid 15 All Archers at 45 bow
succession at various targets in the area. spec. Fires 5 arrows.
Volley IV Ground-targeted archery attack that fires 6 successive arrows in rapid 15 All Archers at 50 bow
succession at various targets in the area. spec. Fires 6 arrows.