NCCF Syllabus BCA First2Semesters
NCCF Syllabus BCA First2Semesters
NCCF Syllabus BCA First2Semesters
KaziNazrul University
Asansol, Paschim Bardhaman
West Bengal 713340
Semester- I
Course Content:
UNIT V. Pointers - Simple use of Pointers (Declaring and Dereferencing Pointers to simple
variables), Pointers to Pointers, Call-By-Value and Call-By-Reference Parameters.
UNIT VII. Strings - Declaration and Initialization, Reading and Writing Strings, Arrays of
Strings, String and Function, Strings and Structure, Standard String Library Functions.
UNIT VIII. File Handling – File opening modes, use of files for data input and output.
merging and copy files.
UNIT I. Given the problem statement, students are required to formulate problem, develop
flowchart/algorithm, write code, execute and test it. Students should be given assignments on
b) Learn how to use functions and parameter passing in functions, writing recursive
a) Write Programs to learn the use of strings and string handling operations.
b) Problems which can effectively demonstrate use of Arrays. Structures and Union.
Internal (CA) Evaluation: Practical Note Book (15 marks), Two experiments (10 marks) –
one from each unit, Viva-voce (5 marks)
ESE Evaluation: Two experiments (10 marks) – one from each unit, Viva-voce (10 marks)
Course Content:
UNIT I: Basic idea of Book Keeping and Accounting: Definition, Nature, Importance,
Limitations, Difference between Book Keeping and Accounting. Accounting Principles:
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) - Important Accounting Concepts:
Proprietary, Entity, Fund, Money Measurement, Accounting Period, Going Concern, Duality,
Realization and Accrual; Important Accounting Conventions: Disclosure, Materiality,
Consistency, Comparability, Objectivity and Conservatism; Accounting Concept vs.
Accounting Convention, Matching Concept, Relation of Accounting Theory with Accounting
UNIT II: Accounting Process: Journal: Definition, Features, Classification, Journal Entry;
ledger: Definition, Classification, Ledger posting; Difference between Journal and Ledger;
UNIT III: Trial Balance: Definition, Importance, Errors, and Preparation of trial balance.
UNIT IV: Cash Book: Definition, Features, Types of Cash Book and Preparation of cash
book under Single column method,Double column method,Triple column method and petty
Cash Book
UNIT VI: Bad Debt and Provision for bad debt- Concepts-Features-Diference between bad
debt and doubtful debt-accounting treatment of bad debt and doubtful debt
UNIT VIII: Sectional and Self Balancing Ledgers: Concept of Sectional Balancing,
preparation of control accounts. Self-Balancing Ledger: advantages; Recording process;
preparation of Adjustment accounts.
References/ Suggested Readings:
Course Content:
UNIT I. Windows Basics: Introduction of windows OS, navigating the Windows 10 user
interface, Creating accounts in Windows, Opening apps and programs, working with files,
using the Start button and Start menu, Accessing and using the Action Center, Working with
apps and programs on the taskbar, Customizing settings in Windows 10, including
backgrounds, screensavers, and more, Using the Settings app and the Control Panel.
UNIT II. MS Word and Google Docs: Overview, creating, saving, opening, importing,
exporting, and insertingfiles, formatting pages, paragraphs and sections, indents and outdents,
creating lists andnumbering. Headings, styles, fonts and font size, editing, positioning,
viewing texts,searching and replacing text, inserting page breaks, page numbers, bookmarks,
symbols, anddates. Using tabs and tables, header, footer, and printing,
UNIT III. MS Excel and Google Sheets: Worksheet overview, entering information,
worksheet creation, openingand saving workbook, formatting numbers and texts, protecting
cells, producing charts, andprinting operations. Application of Excel for obtaining statistical
parameters, Mean, Median,Mode, average, co-relation, Regression, Data capturing using
Google Forms.
UNIT V. Graphics and Image Editing Software: Overview of graphic design and image
editing applications (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, GIMP), Understanding basic image editing
techniques (e.g., cropping, resizing, retouching), Creating and manipulating graphics for
various purposes.
UNIT VI. Web Browsing and Internet Applications: Navigating web browsers and utilizing
essential features, Understanding internet protocols and security considerations, Exploring
common internet applications (e.g., email clients, cloud storage, online collaboration tools).
UNIT VII. File Compression and Archiving Software: Introduction to file compression
formats (e.g., ZIP, RAR), Compressing and decompressing files and folders, Managing
archived files and folders.
Internal (CA) Evaluation: Practical Note Book (15 marks), One experiment (10 marks),
Viva-voce (5 marks).
Course Content:
UNIT II. Singly Linked Lists - Operations, Concatenating, Circularly linked lists -
Operations for Circularly linked lists, Doubly Linked Lists - Operations. Polynomial and
sparse matrix representation using linked list.
UNIT III. Stack- Definition and Operations, Array and Linked Implementations,
Applications - Valid Expression Checking (Parenthesis matching), Reversal of string, Infix to
Postfix Conversion, Postfix Expression Evaluation, Recursion Implementation.
UNIT IV. Queue - Definition and Operations, Array and Linked Implementations,
Applications, Circular Queues - Insertion and Deletion Operations, Priority Queue-
Definition and Implementation, Dequeue (Double Ended Queue) - Introduction.
UNIT VI. Sorting Methods – Bubble, Insertion, Selection, Shell, Using Divide-Conquer
Approach (Quick and Merge sort), Comparison of Sorting Methods.
UNIT VII. Trees, Representation of Trees, Binary tree, Properties of Binary Trees, Binary
Tree Representations- Array and Linked Representations, Binary Tree Traversals, Threaded
Binary Trees, Binary Search tree - Creation, Insertion, Deletion and Search, AVL tree-
Definition, Examples, Insertion and Rotations, B tree, B+ tree, Heap- Definition, Min heap,
Max heap, Insertion and Deletion. Priority Queue using Heap.
UNIT VIII. Graphs, Graph ADT, Graph Representations, Graph Traversals and Searching,
Students are required to write and practically execute programs to solve problem using
various data structures. The teacher can suitably device problems which help students
experiment using the suitable data structures and operations. Some of the problems are
indicated below.
Internal (CA) Evaluation: Practical Note Book (15 marks), Two experiments (10 marks),
Viva-voce (5 marks)
Course Content:
UNIT I. Introduction Meaning, scope, objectives and advantages of cost accounting; Cost
centre and Cost Unit, Difference between financial and cost accounting, Limitation of Cost
accounting, Classifications of cost.
UNIT IV: Labour: Accounting and Control of labour cost. Time-keeping and time-booking.
Concept of idle time, over time, labour turnover and fringe benefits. Methods of wage
payment, Time Rate, Piece Rate, and Incentive schemes- Halsey, Rowan, Requisites of Good
Wages Incentive Plan;
UNIT VI. Budgetary Control: Definition, features, importance, Classification Zero based
Budgeting and Responsibility Accounting, Preparation of Cash Budget and Flexible Budget.
UNIT VII. Marginal Costing-concept of marginal cost and marginal costing; Assumptions,
Cost-volume-profit analysis; Break-even analysis-using mathematical and graphical
approaches, Profit-volume ratio, angle of incidence, margin of safety.
UNIT VIII: Standard Costing: Standard Costing and Variance Analysis: Meaning of
standard cost and standard costing; advantages, limitations and applications; Variance
Analysis – Material Variances and Labour Variances.
References/ Suggested Readings:
1. Cost Accounting-principles and practice, Arora, M.N., Vikas Publishing House, New
2. Fundamentals of Cost Accounting, Jhamb, H. V., Ane Books Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
3. Cost Accounting, Lal, Jawahar., and Srivastava, Seema, McGraw Hill Publishing Co.,
New Delhi.
4. Fundamentals of Cost Accounting, Singh, Surender, KitabMahal, Allahabad/New
5. Management and Cost Accounting, Drury, Colin,Thomson Learning.
6. Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, Horngren, Charles T., George Foster and
Srikant M. Dattar. Prentice Hall of India Ltd., New Delhi.
7. Cost Accounting: Principles and Methods, Jain, S.P., and Narang, K.L., Kalyani
Publishers, Jalandhar.
Course Content:
Students are directed to do a minor project based on the contents of the course below
(UNIT I to UNIT X) for internal and ESE evaluation.
UNIT I. Introduction to Web Design: Understanding the role and importance of web design,
Exploring the components of a web page, Overview of web design principles and best
UNIT II. Introduction to HTM: Understanding the structure and syntax of HTML, Working
with HTML tags, attributes, and elements, Creating a basic web page using HTML.
UNIT III. HTML Document Structure: Defining the document type and character encoding,
Organizing content with headings, paragraphs, lists, and tables, Incorporating images, links,
and multimedia elements.
UNIT IV. HTML Forms and Input Validation: Creating forms for user input, Utilizing
different form elements (e.g., text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons), Implementing form
validation using HTML attributes.
UNIT V. Introduction to CSS: Understanding the purpose and benefits of CSS, Working with
CSS selectors, properties, and values, Applying CSS styles to HTML elements.
UNIT VI. Styling Text and Typography: Formatting text using CSS properties (e.g., font-
family, font-size, color), Applying text effects (e.g., bold, italic, underline), Customizing
typography using Google Fonts and other resources.
UNIT VII. Box Model and Layouts: Understanding the box model concept, Controlling
element dimensions, padding, margins, and borders, Creating different layout structures (e.g.,
fixed, fluid, responsive).
UNIT VIII. CSS Flexbox and Grid: Introduction to CSS Flexbox for flexible page layouts,
Utilizing CSS Grid for advanced grid-based layouts, Creating responsive designs with media
UNIT IX. Styling Links, Navigation, and Menus: Customizing link styles and states,
Creating navigation menus using HTML lists and CSS, Implementing dropdown menus and
responsive navigation patterns.
UNIT X. CSS Transitions and Animations: Creating smooth transitions between CSS states,
Adding animations to elements using key frames and CSS properties, Incorporating CSS
animation libraries and frameworks.
Internal (CA) Evaluation: Minor Project Report (15 marks), Demonstration of the minor
project (10 marks), Viva-voce (5 marks).
ESE Evaluation:Presentation of the minor project (10 marks), Viva-voce (10 marks).
1. HTML & CSS: design and build websites, John Duckett, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. Beginning Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3, Jonathan Fielding,