CIC Judging Rubric 2024 - 2025

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2024/2025 CIC Judging Rubric

Project Criteria For challenge participants, the following criteria serve as a baseline for what is expected to qualify for the CIC Student Showcase. Participants can work individually or in groups.
The size of the group is unlimited.

For strong projects we recommend that they:

1. Be pre-recorded and submitted as a standard video file. (DV, MPEG-4, MP4, MPEG-2, MOV, and M4V are all acceptable formats). - Mandatory
2. Not exceed 4 minutes in length.- Mandatory
3. Display a climate change solution.
4. Be subtitled in English.
5. Not use copyrighted music, graphics or materials that may cause them to be flagged on streaming services.
6. Cite at least three sources in a format chosen by the educator.
7. Contain an opening title containing all participants’' first names, grades, instructor names (if applicable), and school/institution name.
8. Not include their last names on their submissions for privacy reasons. CAVU accepts no responsibility or liability for participants’ failure to adhere to this guideline

All CIC 2024/2025 submissions should be judged using the following criteria.
Use of Data & 8-10 Points 4-7 Points 0-3 Points
Efficacy Student shows a strong understanding of the topic and Student shows a basic understanding of the topic. A Students shows a poor understading of the topic. Students do
make a clear connection to climate change. connection to climate change is made but is unclear not make a connection between their solution and climate
Student effectively proposes a climate change Student proposes an overly ambitious or inplausable Student proposes an inadequate climate change adaptation
adaptation and/or mitigation solution climate change adaptation and/or mitigation and/or mitigation solution and does not provide a defense of
solution. their idea's implementability.
Student demonstrates an understanding of scientific Student struggles to acertain scientific principles in Student does not understand the scientific principles for their
principles. their project. project or completely omits them.
Project contains relevant data sources that address the Project contains some generally relevant data Project contains data sources that do not clearly connect with
project's intent clearly. sources, but leaves some assertions unsupported. the project's intent.
Project contains proper citations from reliable sources. Project contains proper citations, but may contain Project does not contain citations or contains inomplete
minor errors. Some sources are reliable. citations. Sources are unreliable.
Practicality & 8-10 Points 4-7 Points 0-3 Points
Benefit Proposed solution is achievable at suggested scale and Proposed solution is possible, but perhaps not at the Proposed solution is not achievable at suggested scale and
scope. suggested scale and scope. scope.
References and methods are feasible. References and methods are feasible, but could be References and methods are unfeasible and could not be
difficult to impliment. implemented without significant support.
The benefits of the proposed solution are clearly The benefits of the proposed solution are mentioned The intended benefits of the proposed solution are not made
identified. and a connection is made to the proposed solution. clear.
Project is ambitious and innovative. Project is satisfactory and functional. Project is uninspired and mundane.
Storytelling 8-10 Points 4-7 Points 0-3 Points
Project appeals to emotion, logic and/or humor to Project strives to appeal to emotion, logic and/or Project either does not appeal to emotion, logic and/or humor or
deliver an effective and engaging message. humor with some success. does so with minimal to no success.
Project delivers a compelling argument and Project delivers a compelling argument, but has some Does not deliver a compelling argument and does not
substantiates its claims. difficulity substantiating its claims. substanitate its claims.
Project provides a clear and captivating narrative. Project provides a coherant narrative, but is Project does not provide a clear and captivating narritive.
disorganized in parts and somewhat mundane.
Offers creative, out-of-the-box approaches to content Offers conventional and established approaches to Does not have clear and coherant content delivery.
delivery. content delivery.
Organization & 8-10 Points 4-7 Points 0-3 Points
Design Regardless of participants' first language or tools at Regardless of participants' first language or tools at Regardless of participants' first language or tools at their
their disposal, video should consist of engaging their disposal, the video consists of engaging disposal, the video does not consist of engaging footage/visuals
footage/visuals that are carefully planned, thoughtfully footage/visuals but lacks careful planning and and shows a lack of careful planning and thoughtful composition.
composed and clearly support the overall message. thoughtful composition. The footage/visuals support The footage/visuals do not support the overall message.
the overall message, though not always consistenly or
Content is delivered in a clear and logical sequence Content and audio are clear, but are somewhat Content and audio are not clear and not easy to understand.
with audio, and/or subtitles that are easy to follow. disorganized and/or difficult to undertand.
Student exhibits strong communication skills Student has difficulty communicating , but ultimatly Student does not communicate effectively.
gets the message across successfully.
Student does not include or read blocks of text on the Student Intersperses blocks of text in the Student includes blocks of text in the film and reads them off the
screen. presentation. screen.

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