FluidTrades - SMC Lite
FluidTrades - SMC Lite
FluidTrades - SMC Lite
0 at
// © Pmgjiv
indicator("FluidTrades - SMC Lite ", overlay = true, max_labels_count = 500,
max_boxes_count = 500, max_lines_count = 500, max_bars_back = 1000)
swing_length = input.int(10, title = 'Swing High/Low Length', group = 'Settings',
minval = 1, maxval = 50)
history_of_demand_to_keep = input.int(20, title = 'History To Keep', minval = 5,
maxval = 50)
box_width = input.float(2.5, title = 'Supply/Demand Box Width', group = 'Settings',
minval = 1, maxval = 10, step = 0.5)
else if swing_type == -1
if array.get(array, 0) >= array.get(array, 1)
label_text := 'HL'
label_text := 'LL'
label.new(bar_index - swing_length, array.get(array,0), text = label_text,
style=label.style_label_up, textcolor = swing_type_color, color =
color.new(swing_type_color, 100), size = size.tiny)
atr_threshold = atr * 2
okay_to_draw = true
for i = 0 to array.size(box_array) - 1
top = box.get_top(array.get(box_array, i))
bottom = box.get_bottom(array.get(box_array, i))
poi = (top + bottom) / 2
if box_type == 1
box_top := array.get(value_array, 0)
box_bottom := box_top - atr_buffer
poi := (box_top + box_bottom) / 2
else if box_type == -1
box_bottom := array.get(value_array, 0)
box_top := box_bottom + atr_buffer
poi := (box_top + box_bottom) / 2
//delete oldest box, and then create a new box and add it to the array
if box_type == 1 and okay_to_draw
box.delete( array.get(box_array, array.size(box_array) - 1) )
f_array_add_pop(box_array, box.new( left = box_left, top = box_top, right =
box_right, bottom = box_bottom, border_color = supply_outline_color,
bgcolor = supply_color, extend = extend.right, text = 'SUPPLY',
text_halign = text.align_center, text_valign = text.align_center, text_color =
poi_label_color, text_size = size.small, xloc = xloc.bar_index))
if zone_type == 1
for i = 0 to array.size(box_array) - 1
level_to_break = box.get_top(array.get(box_array,i))
// if ta.crossover(close, level_to_break)
if close >= level_to_break
copied_box = box.copy(array.get(box_array,i))
f_array_add_pop(bos_array, copied_box)
mid = (box.get_top(array.get(box_array,i)) +
box.get_bottom(array.get(box_array,i))) / 2
box.set_top(array.get(bos_array,0), mid)
box.set_bottom(array.get(bos_array,0), mid)
box.set_extend( array.get(bos_array,0), extend.none)
box.set_right( array.get(bos_array,0), bar_index)
box.set_text( array.get(bos_array,0), 'BOS' )
box.set_text_color( array.get(bos_array,0), bos_label_color)
box.set_text_size( array.get(bos_array,0), size.small)
box.set_text_halign( array.get(bos_array,0), text.align_center)
box.set_text_valign( array.get(bos_array,0), text.align_center)
box.delete(array.get(box_array, i))
box.delete(array.get(label_array, i))
if zone_type == -1
for i = 0 to array.size(box_array) - 1
level_to_break = box.get_bottom(array.get(box_array,i))
// if ta.crossunder(close, level_to_break)
if close <= level_to_break
copied_box = box.copy(array.get(box_array,i))
f_array_add_pop(bos_array, copied_box)
mid = (box.get_top(array.get(box_array,i)) +
box.get_bottom(array.get(box_array,i))) / 2
box.set_top(array.get(bos_array,0), mid)
box.set_bottom(array.get(bos_array,0), mid)
box.set_extend( array.get(bos_array,0), extend.none)
box.set_right( array.get(bos_array,0), bar_index)
box.set_text( array.get(bos_array,0), 'BOS' )
box.set_text_color( array.get(bos_array,0), bos_label_color)
box.set_text_size( array.get(bos_array,0), size.small)
box.set_text_halign( array.get(bos_array,0), text.align_center)
box.set_text_valign( array.get(bos_array,0), text.align_center)
box.delete(array.get(box_array, i))
box.delete(array.get(label_array, i))
for i = 0 to array.size(box_array) - 1
box.set_right(array.get(box_array, i), bar_index + 100)
atr = ta.atr(50)
h = ta.highest(high, swing_length * 2 + 1)
l = ta.lowest(low, swing_length * 2 + 1)
f_isMin(len) =>
l == low[len]
f_isMax(len) =>
h == high[len]
f_drawLine() =>
_li_color = show_zigzag ? zigzag_color : color.new(#ffffff,100)
line.new(timeHigh - swing_length, lastHigh, timeLow - swing_length, lastLow,
xloc.bar_index, color=_li_color, width=2)
if dirUp
if f_isMin(swing_length) and low[swing_length] < lastLow
lastLow := low[swing_length]
timeLow := bar_index
li := f_drawLine()
if not dirUp
if f_isMax(swing_length) and high[swing_length] > lastHigh
lastHigh := high[swing_length]
timeHigh := bar_index
li := f_drawLine()
if f_isMin(swing_length) and low[swing_length] < lastHigh
lastLow := low[swing_length]
timeLow := bar_index
dirUp := true
li := f_drawLine()
if f_isMax(swing_length) and high[swing_length] > lastLow
lastHigh := high[swing_length]
timeHigh := bar_index
dirUp := false
li := f_drawLine()
// if barstate.islast
// label.new(x = bar_index + 10, y = close[1], text =
str.tostring( array.size(current_supply_poi) ))
// label.new(x = bar_index + 20, y = close[1], text =
str.tostring( box.get_bottom( array.get(current_supply_box, 0))))
// label.new(x = bar_index + 30, y = close[1], text =
str.tostring( box.get_bottom( array.get(current_supply_box, 1))))
// label.new(x = bar_index + 40, y = close[1], text =
str.tostring( box.get_bottom( array.get(current_supply_box, 2))))
// label.new(x = bar_index + 50, y = close[1], text =
str.tostring( box.get_bottom( array.get(current_supply_box, 3))))
// label.new(x = bar_index + 60, y = close[1], text =
str.tostring( box.get_bottom( array.get(current_supply_box, 4))))