What Is IFRS
What Is IFRS
What Is IFRS
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Ever wondered what IFRS really means? Well, it’s short for International
Financial Reporting Standards, and something like the global language for
accounting rules. Simply put, these are guidelines the companies across the
globe follow in reporting on their financial performance. IFRS sets the stage
next time you hear about IFRS, think of it as the playbook that keeps the
upsurge in the field of finance, as more countries continue to shift their laws
daily to adapt to IFRS. A natural “domino effect” caused an increase in
Accounting Standards (Ind AS), notified in 2014, have converged with IFRS,
which marked a paradigm shift in the regulatory and reporting landscape for
companies in India.
The diploma in IFRS is recognised widely in India and around the world, it
course offered by ACCA that equips students with the structure and
ACCA and CA learners prefer taking up this certificate course while pursuing
The career scope and salary for Diploma in IFRS in India has been
increasing tremendously over the last few years. Candidates are hired in the
best of companies such as PwC, Deloitte, KPMG, EY, Grant Thornton, BDO, etc.
With the advent of Ind-AS and IFRS, there is an ever-increasing need for
If your career goal is to become an IFRS expert, there are certain skills you
need to acquire during your IFRS training period. Some of the prime skills
● Private Accountant
● Public Accountant
● Financial Consultant
● IFRS Expert
● Finance Tutor
Diploma in IFRS working at the top global auditing firms, start with an annual
years in the industry, you can expect a salary in the range of INR 20 to Rs 25
● If you are working in practice, but not yet qualified, then you may still be
Before you apply for this course, you will need to prove that you qualify for any
Knowledge and Corporate and Business Law (LW) exams for ACCA)
This IFRS Course is designed and structured to solve the new age financial
reporting and accounting skills required for the global landscape. Here are
If you are working in practice, but not yet qualified, then you may still be
eligible. You will need to prove that you have one of the following:
Planning to take up IFRS course while you pursue your other financial goals?
Here are the top six platforms that can help you along the way. Find out
you will majorly learn how to apply important financial concepts, as well as
regulatory framework
● Revenue recognition
● Impairment of assets
● Leases
● Inventories
● Financial instruments
● Share-based payment
changes in equity
● Operating segments
joint arrangements.
Learning outcomes:
You will need to achieve 50% or above to complete the paper. The exam is
held twice a year – in June and December at ACCA’s exam centres. The exam
Program highlights:
● Certificate of completion
● Identify and apply disclosure requirements for companies in financial
Whether preparing to become a global Chartered Accountant or expanding
take this course up and understand its challenging yet interesting concepts,
Accountants (ACCA).
separate diploma course by the same board to make your journey as an ACCA
more seamless.
Satyamedh Nandedkar, a seasoned finance professional, holds ACCA, CA, US CMA & CS
credentials. With 10+ years of experience, he’s a master ACCA tutor, IFRS trainer, adept in
global financial standards, and a trusted advisor in navigating complex financial