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Brand Updates Workshop 012920

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Brand updates

January 22, 2020

“Design creates culture.
Culture shapes values.
Values determine the future.”
Robert L Peters
What we

Our brand
Voice & How
visuals people
Your brand efforts help associates
love work & live better.
One brand. Two audiences.

We’re simply interpreting our brand for associates rather than customers.
We use simple points of differentiation in design for two reasons:

1. 2.
Broader use case than advertising. So associates know “this is for me.”
Associate communications have a much wider Our associates see a barrage of Walmart
use-case than advertising: recruiting, messages every day. Listening sessions with field
compensation, org change announcements, associates revealed confusion around what
work instructions, the list is endless. We offerings were for customers and what was for
recognize the need to retain flexibility across them. Using visual cues – e.g. dark blue
this array of communication needs. backgrounds – adds clarity.
1. Brand voice
How do we sound & why?

Human Helpful Vibrant Inclusive

We strive to make Think of all the We inspire associates to We strive to make every
authentic, meaningful messages we receive do their best. Our associate feel like they
connections with and daily. There’s a fine line messages should bring belong. The language we
among associates. between being helpful energy and color to the use reinforces a sense of
and overcomplicating everyday. “we’re all in this together.”
Unified brand voice
Associate Customer

Values Service, Respect, Excellence, Integrity

Brand •

Well-being: Easy access to better living
Opportunity: Take charge of a better future
Save money, live better

proposition • Inclusion: Everyone included

• Purpose: Come together as a force for good
• Innovation: Change the future of retail

Distinctly Shared: Distinctly

professional Human friendly
Voice Inclusive

Experience Curated experiences that

weave in data-driven stories

Tone Moment-
Your tone might vary, and that’s ok
Formal Casual
“We would like to inform you of a “New perk, peeps!”
new health benefit available today.”

Matter-of-fact Enthusiastic
“We are announcing a new health “Perk up! A new health benefit is
benefit today.” here.”

Respectful Irreverent
“Your time is valuable—that’s why “Why is adulting so hard?! Here’s a
we’re introducing a benefit to help benefit that might help.”
manage your health appointments.”

Serious Funny
“Without your health, you have “No flu for you! This new benefit will
nothing. Use this benefit to manage help keep you healthy.”
your care.”
2. Brand visuals
Refined color scheme


3. Brand architecture
A consistent brand architecture:

• Provides clarity to associates creating a sea of confusing options

creating competition for associate

• Unifies disparate programs, vs. attention
teams, and products

• Builds associate trust and building trust with a program or

loyalty with Walmart offering that will change
Associate-facing logos current state
2 slides about naming will go here
Thank you.

5 steps of brand voice

1 Get to know our brand personality

2 Tackle empathy & tone

3 Weave in brand messaging where it makes sense

4 Don’t forget about grammar

5 Use a handy dandy checklist

Unified brand voice
Associate Customer

Values Service, Respect, Excellence, Integrity

Brand •

Well-being: Easy access to better living
Opportunity: Take charge of a better future
Save money, live better

proposition • Inclusion: Everyone included

• Purpose: Come together as a force for good
• Innovation: Change the future of retail

Distinctly Shared: Distinctly

professional Human friendly
Voice Inclusive

Experience Curated experiences that

weave in data-driven stories

Tone Moment-
How do we sound & why?

Human Helpful Vibrant Inclusive

We strive to make Think of all the We to inspire associates We strive to make every
authentic, meaningful messages we receive to do their best. associate feel like they
connections with and daily. There’s a fine line Therefore, our belong. The language we
among associates. between being helpful messages should bring use helps to reinforce a
and overcomplicating energy and color to the sense of “we’re all in this
things. everyday. together.”

Pro tip! Read your message aloud. This really helps to keep your voice, tone, and overall rhythm in check.

Keep pushing Just right Too far

• Jargon-y • Real • Colloquial

• Robotic • Empathetic • Overly casual
• Indifferent • Personal • Chummy
• Plain • Dynamic • Unprofessional
• Relatable

“Elect benefits, fill out “[First name], choose “Yo, talk about some sweet
form, and submit.” the benefits that benefit perks!”
you most.”

Keep pushing Just right Too far

• Vague • Smart • Overcomplicated

• Juvenile • Contextual • Hand-holding
• Imprecise • Simple • Patronizing
• Reassuring
• Guiding
• Straightforward

“These are available to “[First name], preview “[First name] [Last name],
some associates.” your personalized suite did you know you are eligible
of benefits.” for a plethora of benefits
depending on your role and

Keep pushing Just right Too far

• Transactional • Engaging • Silly

• Passive • Enthusiastic • Unrealistic
• Uninspiring • Clever • Provocative
• Fresh • Distracting
• Confident

“One goal is being “Goal get ‘em, [First “Yowza! Keep this up and
tracked this quarter.” name]! You’re on track you’ll be CEO by the time we
to meet your Q3 goal.” hit Q3!”

Keep pushing Just right Too far

• Assuming • Approachable • Stereotyped

• Self-important • Transparent • Generic
• Guarded • Optimistic • Saccharine
• Rigid • Considerate • Insincere
• Hierarchical

“These meetings are very “Help make All Hands “You’re a hard-working
important because we better! Take two minutes associate and we care about
share key info that can and share what you’d like your experience. That’s why we
help you succeed in your to see next time.” want your super valuable
career. Please tell HR how feedback on this meeting.”
you feel your experience
went, and we’ll see if
there’s anything we can
improve next time.”
5 steps of brand voice

1 Get to know our brand personality

2 Tackle empathy & tone

3 Weave in brand messaging where it makes sense

4 Don’t forget about grammar

5 Use a handy dandy checklist

Considering tone through empathy

Careers New hire Performance Annual Parental

website experience evaluations enrollment leave

• Afraid of wasting time • Adjusting to complex org • Fear of failure • A lot to digest • Huge life adjustment
• Afraid of rejection • Unsure what to expect • Eager to succeed • Protecting family • Concerned about
• Confused • Want to fit in • Trying to envision future • One chance to get it right work life balance

• Personal • Guiding • Motivational • Guiding • Respectful


• Reassuring • Celebratory • Transparent • Human • Inclusive

• Explanatory • Inclusive • Optimistic • Sensitive • Supportive

Sign up Confirmation
for registering
Register for for a second
class class

User journey
info Provide
Your tone might vary, and that’s ok
Formal Casual
“We would like to inform you of a “New perk, peeps!”
new health benefit available today.”

Matter-of-fact Enthusiastic
“We are announcing a new health “Perk up! A new health benefit is
benefit today.” here.”

Respectful Irreverent
“Your time is valuable—that’s why “Why is adulting so hard?! Here’s a
we’re introducing a benefit to help benefit that might help.”
manage your health appointments.”

Serious Funny
“Without your health, you have “No flu for you! This new benefit will
nothing. Use this benefit to manage help keep you healthy.”
your care.”
Voice & Tone Examples
Audience: mentors Pre-Day 1
Audience: new hires
Voice Tone Complete section 1 of your I-9 prior
to your arrival
Tone Voice
Preview your benefits information
by watching this video

Human Please come with the Associate

Badge Request and Gym Release Human
of Liability forms completed

Helpful Helpful
Day 1
Respectful Checklist Human
Bring I-9 verifying document(s). Must
Vibrant have original documents - no copies. Vibrant
Explore the Onboarding Portal.
Helpful Arrive at 8:30am for New Hire Guiding
Experience – be ready to have your
Inclusive badge photo taken.
You can find your Day 1 Schedule here.
Dress Code
Please be yourself and wear whatever
you are most comfortable in!
Before & After: Total Rewards Email
Before After
Business driven message. No Clear hook to pull you in User centric message. AVP graphics. Clear header and messaging
and tell you what’s in it for you… framework around user centric benefits.
Before & After: UX writing




We couldn’t find any opportunities related to “Donut

taste-tester.” Some tips:
• Try a new keyword
• Change your location
• Update your filters
Tone Worksheet
Audience feelings Purpose Tone Language
What pain points do they have in this What is the purpose of your message? What nuances in personality will help you How can you construct your message to
moment? What feelings might they have What behavior are you trying to drive? to enhance positive feelings and relieve achieve the appropriate tone?
about your subject matter? negative ones?

• ____________ • ____________ • Human • Clear

• ____________ • ____________ • Helpful • Concise
• ____________ • ____________ Informs • Vibrant Informs • Useful
• ____________ • ____________ • Inclusive • ____________
• ____________ • ____________ • ____________ • ____________
• ____________ • ____________ • ____________ • ____________
• ____________ • ____________
• ____________ • ____________
• ____________ • ____________
• ____________ • ____________

While your overall voice will be human, Every message should strive to be clear,
helpful, vibrant, and inclusive, your tone concise, and useful, but you may find it
will help address the nuances each specific helpful to specify others (e.g. active,
message and meet the associate where simple, non-jargon-y, etc.)
they are in their journey.
UX writing
5 steps of brand voice

1 Get to know our brand personality

2 Tackle empathy & tone

3 Weave in brand messaging where it makes sense

4 Don’t forget about grammar

5 Use a handy dandy checklist

Message bank
Opportunity Innovation Well-being Inclusion Purpose
• This is that place where you • We are providing our • Every associate at Walmart • Bring your whole self to • We’re a force for good in
can reach your full potential associates with tools and can access easy ways to live work every day our communities
technology that reflect their better
• This is that place where your lives as customers. We are • Our diversity makes us • In the words of Doug, “This
career is like a choose-your- making working at Walmart • Be and feel your best stronger is that place where we care
own-adventure story “iPhone-easy.” for one another, where you
• Find harmony between your • Our workforce reflects the can make a difference, and
• We’re committed to • We’re using technology to work-life and your life-life people and communities we help people live better.”
supporting and developing help us do the best work of serve
our workforce–further our lives and help us reach • This is that place where it’s • We have the scale needed to
strengthening our “people- our potential easier to live better • By welcoming and valuing make a true difference in
led, tech-empowered” diverse perspectives, we every community we serve
enterprise. • Our associates are defining • At Walmart, you can reach open our future to new
the future of retail for more, knowing if you fall possibilities • The work we do helps our
• Unlimited roles and short, you have the means customers, associates, and
opportunities for growth • The ultimate innovator’s and resources to come back • This is that place where we communities live better
playground stronger celebrate uniqueness—in
• You’re empowered to chart ideas and each other. • This is that place where we
your own career • This is that place where • Well-being at Walmart is come together as a force for
we’re innovating on behalf about making positive good
• Endless learning, unlimited of an entire industry changes across your whole
career paths life: from family, money and
community, to physical and
mental health.
Link disconnected content
with consistent messaging
Think of our living better programs as a
campaign: how do we work together to
create a holistic story that drives clear
business objectives?
Ex. Annual enrollment, wellness days, ZP
challenge all contribute to “living better”.
5 steps of brand voice

1 Get to know our brand personality

2 Tackle empathy & tone

3 Weave in brand messaging where it makes sense

4 Don’t forget about grammar

5 Use a handy dandy checklist

The nitty gritty
Casing Punctuation Hyphens
Use sentence casing for: • Use the serial comma • Do not include spaces
• Headlines (the comma before the before or after any dash or
• Subheads “&” in a list” red, white, & hyphen.
• Calls to action (CTAs) blue). • Em dash (—): use to
• Headlines and CTAs do indicate spans or ranges in
not get end punctuation. numbers, dates, or time.
Occasionally, a headline • Hyphen (-): Hyphenate
may end in a question compound adjectives
mark or exclamation before a noun (but not
point. after a verb).
• Subheads get end o “This applies to full-
punctuation. time employee” vs.
“This applies if you
work full time.”
o Hyphenate terms that
end with “ready”
(game-ready, holiday-
5 steps of brand voice

1 Get to know our brand personality

2 Tackle empathy & tone

3 Weave in brand messaging where it makes sense

4 Don’t forget about grammar

5 Use a handy dandy checklist

Double check this handy list

Structure Storytelling Voice & tone Visuals

q Is your call-to-action q Are you inspiring your q Does the overall q Are your
prominent? audience to take message sound graphics
q Are important dates action? human, helpful, appropriately
easy to spot? q Have you led with the vibrant, and inclusive? cropped?
q Is your message benefit to the q Are you striking the q Are you using
concise, without long audience? appropriate tone only one or two
chunks of text? q Have you made your based on what your colors for text?
audience the hero audience might be
(not our company, or feeling?
the product you’re
q Does your message
have enough

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