10.1515 - Jaiscr 2015 0031
10.1515 - Jaiscr 2015 0031
10.1515 - Jaiscr 2015 0031
231 – 238
Feature selection is the main step in classification systems, a procedure that selects a
subset from original features. Feature selection is one of major challenges in text cat-
egorization. The high dimensionality of feature space increases the complexity of text
categorization process, because it plays a key role in this process. This paper presents a
novel feature selection method based on particle swarm optimization to improve the per-
formance of text categorization. Particle swarm optimization inspired by social behavior
of fish schooling or bird flocking. The complexity of the proposed method is very low
due to application of a simple classifier. The performance of the proposed method is com-
pared with performance of other methods on the Reuters-21578 data set. Experimental
results display the superiority of the proposed method.
Vi (t + 1) = w.Vi (t)
+ c1 .r1 (t).[Pi (t) − Xi (t)] (1)
+ c2 .r2 (t).[Pg (t) − Xi (t)]
make no claim that these are optimal values. Pa- performs genetic algorithm, information gain and
rameter optimization is a topic for future research. CHI.
Analyzing the precision and recall shown in Ta- Table 4. Micro-F1 and Macro-F1 of Four
ble 3, on average, the PSO-based algorithm ob- Algorithms
tained a higher accuracy value than the genetic al-
gorithm, information gain and CHI. To graphically Feature Selection Macro-F1 Micro-F1
illustrate the progress of the PSO as it searches for Algorithms
optimal solutions, we take percent features as the IG 69.8124 80.9482
horizontal coordinate and the F1 measure as the CHI 70.8601 82.2097
vertical coordinate. This should illustrate the pro- GA 76.2685 86.3854
cess of improvement of the best particle as the num- PSO 78.8564 89.5684
ber of features increase.
Table 4 describes micro-F1 and macro-F1 for
four FS algorithms. From this Table, the best cat-
egorization performance is achieved with GA and
PSO. Compared with GA, PSO is quicker in lo-
cating the optimal solution. In general, it can find
the solution within tens of iterations. If exhaustive
search is used to find the optimal feature subset in
the Reuters-21578 data set, there will be tens of bil-
lions of candidate subsets, which is impossible to
execute. But with PSO, at the 100nd iteration the
solution is found.
5 Conclusion
Figure 2. Comparison of micro-F1 of four
algorithms Exhaustive searches are impossible for even
medium sized data sets. Thus, stochastic methods
provide a promising FS mechanism. This paper
proposes a FS technique based on particle swarm
optimization. We compare its performance with
other FS methods in TC. PSO has the ability to con-
verge quickly; it has a strong search capability on
the problem space and can efficiently find minimal
feature subset.
In the proposed algorithm, the classifier perfor-
mance and the length of selected feature subset are
adopted as heuristic information. So, we can se-
lect the best feature subset without any prior knowl-
edge of features. To show the utility of the pro-
posed algorithm and to compare it with informa-
Figure 3. Comparison of macro-F1 of four
tion gain and CHI, a set of experiments were car-
ried out on Reuters-21578 data set. The computa-
Figures 2 and 3 show the micro-averaged and tional results indicate that proposed algorithm out-
macro-averaged F1 measure for each of the FS al- performs information gain and CHI methods since
gorithms as we change the number of selected fea- it achieved better performance with the lower num-
tures. The results display that as the percentage ber of features. To show the effectiveness of the
of selected features exceeds 12% in micro-F1 and proposed algorithm, we have used a simple clas-
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