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Curriculum Designing

Subject: Building Reading Confidence for Frustrated Readers

Target Outcomes:
At the end of this program, learners should be able to:
1. Demonstrate improved reading speed, accuracy, and expression when reading aloud.
2. Show a better understanding of Phonics patterns, sight words, and decoding strategies, enabling them to read unfamiliar words more confidently.
3. Identify the main idea, supporting details, and key events in a text, make inferences, and draw conclusions.
4. Demonstrate an increased understanding and use of new vocabulary words, both reading and writing.
5. Enhance comprehension and engagement with texts.
6. Develop a more positive attitude towards reading.
7. Boost self-esteem as they gain confidence in their reading skills and feel a sense of accomplishment.
8. Exhibit more engagement and motivation to learn, leading to improved academic performance in other subjects as well.

Time Topics Objectives Learning Experiences Materials Used Persons Involved

WEEK 1 (4 hours) 1. BUILDING THE A. “Who Am I” It could be flashcards (picture Students
BASICS  Identify individual - Present picture cards cards, letter tiles) or an online Parents
I LOVE TO READ sounds in words; with beginning sounds. phonic game if given materials facilitator
 Phonemic Awareness recognize the Have learners identify such as TV and laptop are
 Phonics relationship between the initial sound and present.
letters and sounds. match it to a
 Combine or blend corresponding letter.
sounds to create words. “Say It Out Loud”
 Manipulate sounds in - Using an Elkonin box or Elkonin box, word cards and
words; identify common a sound box, the teacher plastic bottle caps
phonics patterns. can draw one box for
B. each sound in a target
 Develop a positive word. Have learners
attitude towards push a token into one
phonemic awareness box as they say the
activities and phonics sound in each word. (It
instruction. could also be done by
 showing willingness to “I Spy Game”
attempt challenging - The teacher gives the Chalkboard/paper, chalk or
activities and decode first letter of the object marker
words. as a clue. (Reminder:
C. The object must be seen
 inside the room or
 Use fingers or other within the area). For
objects to represent example, paper, the
sounds and trace letters. teacher will say “I spy
 clearly articulates with my little eye
individual sounds something beginning
(phonemes) in words with P”. The learners
and writes letters and will take turns to call
words properly. out guesses until
someone gets the right
answer. The first person
to guess correctly gets
the next turn to choose
an object.
- Have learners take turns 4 to 5 half boxes filled with sand
in drawing or tracing a
letter in the box of sand
as the teacher say the
word aloud. They must
say the corresponding
sound of each letter of
the word.
Learners will be given phonics
worksheets for them to answer.
WEEK 2 (4 hours) 2. FLUENCY Strengthen decoding skills Repetitive Reading

SOUNDING IT OUT  Decoding Skills and

Sight Words
 Reading with
WEEK 3 (4 hours) 3. EXPANDING Nonfiction Book clubs
VOCABULARY build a flourishing vocabulary Learning from Texts
LEARNING FROM TEXTS  Vocabulary Building and improve reading fluency Vocabulary Building
through Context Clues and comprehension.
 Building Background
Knowledge through
Nonfiction Texts
WEEK 4 (4 hours) 4. COMPREHENSION read text, process it, and Rereading
SAYS IT ALL understand its meaning. Reading in the Real World
READING IN THE REAL  Making Predictions Decode symbols on the text Think Aloud
WORLD  Retelling Stories in presented.


Prepared by:

Elena C. Dado

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