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Glass 377

1321 Solar Control

buildings transmits incident

short wave solar



igs.Turnitures and other items in the building. This, in radiation which heats
turn, emits up walls. ceil

the glass atmosphere.

to atmosphere Thus, solar radiation admitted long wave radiation which does not

rise in
temperature.Ihis IS called through the glass gets rapped in the
green house effect. In
he sYstem drastically. Such solar case of

efncnds. gain can be reduced ar-conditioning. this

biinds, canopies,
he etc,
atects canopies,
snading. Extermal
by extenal shading dev iees
h as

1 he
posilion of Windows, with respect to the sun in
shading is more effective than internai
of buildings.
summer is an
nditioning important factor. particulariy

t to this
reduce this
heat is by using solar
control glasses which are
and ahsorbing. In general, the reflecting type is more
solar absorbr of rwo tvpes. the olur
effective than the
ofCehe latter can be improved by double
the latter
glazing absorbing ones The
performance using clear glass as the inside-leaf

13.2.2 Sound Insulation

13.1 INTRODUCTION iazed windows signihcantly reduce sound
transmission through them. Sound
Proper nds oonn the size of windows, thickness of
insulation irom
Although the earliest forms of glass were produced a tew thousand years ago, its large-scale proest.
ouLside depends
glass and air space between glass sheets in doubie
QU The air spaces between tne
giass sneets snould be
properly adjusted in places where sound is
use in buildings is less than two centuries old. Glass is so widely used for decorative and utilitariand glazing
in modem construction that it is impossible to list all the available varieties. Clear glass for wi
tarian purpos to be isolated.

doors is made in varying thicknesses or strengths, also in double layers to obtain additional theTmal
tion. Safet glass, laminated from sheets of ordinary clear glass and plastic, or made with embeddod 13.2.3 Wind Control
reinforcement. is available for locations where breakage might be hazardous. For ornamental work lawire
available in a wide range of textures, colours, finishes, and shapes. The available vast range and la case of buildings in coastal regions or tallbuildings, the glass is subjected to the wind load; this requires
which it can be used are responsible for its popularity as a building material for both
versatil aoner detailing for fixing the glass sheet. While using glass as structural glazing for multistoreyed buld-
ity with
eriors and ings, special devices are generally used to hx the glass sheets in their supports.

Scientifically, glass is an inorganic product of fusion, a ceramic material, characterised by transparency

brittleness, hardness and chemical inertness. It is an amorphous mixture of silicates
and calcium. Glass differs from other ceramics, in that most ceramics are
of.sodium, potassiun 13.3 ARCHITECTURAL CONSIDERATIONS
shaped cold and then fired to obtain
the product, whereas glass is
shaped at high temperature and then allowed to cool. Moreover, glass can be
reheated and reshaped. Glass, therefore, can be considered as a The glass is extensively used in architectural design mainly due to the following reasons:
thermoplastic material.
1. The use of glass provides better natural light and a view, without the loss of warmth.
creation of an artificial
2. The architects often refer to the use of glass in the exterior of buildings as the
13.2 FUNCTIONS OF GLASS IN BUILDINGS Skin, which is designed to perform a number of different functions. For instance, it regulates the infifow

direct impact on the atmosphere within the building,

and outlow of light and heat. thus having a
ordinary residential buildings glass is used primarily in windows and sometimes in doors. besides. providing an acoustic barrier.
The main aim
glass is to allow as much daylight into the o the stars, not merely through a few windows but
undistorted vision and reflection), cast
buildings as
required. Flat glass, either as clear float
glas (wit .he glass lets in the light from the sun, moon and a nanural vibrant
glass (usually translucent) or special variety (for solar control, wall that will be made of natural glass. Thus, it creates
insulation, decoration, etc.) are
mainly used for glazing of windows and sometimes for doors. thern nrough every possible
Slightly hamonious environment bringing in a new
glass is
generally used in windows to reduce the tained flow into each other visually, thus ereating an

glare. While using glass in buildings. following tacos allows space to

should be considered: dsparent glass used as partition
illusion of spaciousness.
constructions n
view tor low-cost
architectural point of
essential material from and seasonal comfort in build-
E r , glass is not an
desirable for indoor health
but certain glass products are
inoe ountries, in fig. l13.l.
"ypical architectural considerations are illustrated
378 Buding Matenas

Classification of Glass iasa 379

m m e n t i o n e de a r
lier, the manufactured
by fusion ot silica
umn.potassium calcium magnesia, leadad and
and orther
other minerals with
vary1ng quantties
be lassified as: (i) Soda-|
a-lime Based on the of orides of
glass. (1) percentage of these addtions a
glass and
) Common glass.
potash-lime glass. imy in
ime glass, also n as soda-ash glass, soda glass, sot Potash-lead glass. tiw
rda-h ica. lime. soda and alumina. This is the most window glass i5
Car alazing of windows, common type of ohtamed
i no f
doors and for glass avanlable in clesrfrom th: fu-
nd is low temperature. making ordinaryand cl cleon
ghsscant he
fused at glassware This iow cost
glass, also known
kne as hard glass or Bohemian glass
otash. This expensive.|e. similar to soda-lime
s o d ai sreplaced.
high melting point glass is used for lass except that
or simply lead glass or flint glass which nas highly laboratory glassware. Potash
glass es and prisms.
Boro-Stlicate glass or shining appearance is used tor
glassware, bulbs,
Pyrex glass can withstand high class
aboratory equipment and cookware. The high temperature and
common glass or bottle
h e n c eu s e d

least costly and mainly used tor household glass brown. greem
botles and medicine having
the lea
i s the

yellow bottles.


lacs is aa:
glass is Solidified liquid and is manufactured by following processes:

1. Float
glass process
2. Rolled
(a) British museum (Great Court) (b) Glass panels in a
residence 3.
Architectural glazing systems r manufacturing process
Fig. 13.1 Typical applications of glass addition following processes are used for semi-hnished glass products:

silvered and fire-resistant glass processine

I Coated, lam1nated, Wired,
glass and insulating glass units processing
13.4 used industry 1s usually soda-lime float glass. This high quality flat
in construction
The elass currently
CLASSIFICATION OF GLASS lass is manufactured by jioat glass process by fusion of silica, soda, lime and alumina. Silica (silicon oxide)
in the form of pure quartz, powdered sand stone (silica sand) and pulvenised fints As glass
is obtained carbonate) is the main form of alkali used. Lime (calcium
The most widely used ingredients of glass are the oxides of silicon, sodium, and calcium, ie., silica Soda ash (sodium
(sand fresh river sand may be
lime. Aluminium may be in the
soda and lime. It is from this base glass that virtually all types of glasses are derived. Glass is obtained form of l1mestone, chalk or bumed lime or hydrated
b Oxide) may be in the
materials in appropriate proportions
are mixed with water, and melted together in
fusion of silica, soda or potash and lime at over 1000°C. In order to modify the properties of hardness, bright form of alumina. The raw as antimony oxide.
ness and colour, materials like iron oxide, lead oxide, borax, ete., are added in va:ying proportions. Sodun furnace. Broken glass known as cullet
is also added to act as fiux. Decolourisers such
a impurities such as
or potassium carbonate is added to reduce the melting point of silica and to provide viscosity to enable it tobe dioxide andnickel are added to àvoid the etffect of
arsenicoxide, cobalt oXIde manganese
blown, drawn, rolled. pressed or spinned. Lime is added to impart durability, toughness, brightness and shine traces of iron compounds. four stages:
l13.2. It involves the following
Lead oxide imparts colour to glass and hence its presence in glass is not very desirable. However,lead he process for manufacture of glass is illustrated in Fig.
OXide increases density, brightness and refractive index; in large quantities it produces canary yellow colu
Broken glass, called cullet, is generally added as recycled material to the raw material to act as fiex and to
bring down the cost of production. 13.5.1 Collection of Raw Material
ash and clean fresh sand.
are: chalk (lime), soda
rAW materials typically collected
380 Building Matenas

Glass 381









Fig. 13.2 Manufacture of glass Fig. 13.3 Atypical small furnace in India

13.5.2 Preparation of Batch Tank Furnace This continuous furnace is constructed of reinforced masonry with refractory lining. The
fumace consists of two unequal compartments separated by a bridge. The furnace is heated with preheated
The ingredients, i.e., raw materials, cullet and decolourisers
producer gas entering the tank through special ports. The special shape of roof helps deflect the flames
curately weigh batched and mixed in
finely powdered separately in grinders,
batch or frit.
a mixer to a uniform colour. The ac ot heated gas. The batch is charged and heated in the larger compartment where somewhat impure glass is
uniformly mixed mass is called the produced. It then flows to smaller compartment through the opening in the bridge. The foating impurities
Or gullis collected or removed at
the top of larger compartment while molten glass is taken out the
13.5.3 Melting in Furnace scharge outlet in the smaller compartment. The operations of charging and removing the molten glass are
carried simultaneously.
The batch
prepared in step 2 is melted in a
pot furnace or in a tank furnace about
Fabrication of Glass into DesiredForms
Pot Furnace This 1500 0.3.4
furnace consists of
furnace fired by means of fireclay
which are placed in
the batch has producer gas. Each pot haspots specially prepareu Whed (ii) drawing, (ii) casting, (iv) pressing, (v) rolling.
melted down, it is taken a
charging and ( Elass material is then shaped by: (i) blowing, flat glasssheets of uniform
and next batch iscollecting door projecu nt
is used when and
out of the are used to fom
small quantity is to pot he drawing and rolling procedures
shown in Fig. 13.3. be melted or
special type of glass ispoured into it. This nrOces na flat sheets by foating
it onto a bath of molten
to be made. A
intem maces whi a t i v e procedure the molten glass is fabricated into
of attains the appropriate thickness,
typical sua a clear and smooth glass sheet.
When the float glass
the tinbath. The
drawn offSthe tin. wire mesh is inserted as theglass drawn off
toat glassss at In case of wired glass a
expensive surtace finishing.
s . the clear brilliant finish of
sheet glass, withoutthe need for
382 Bulding MatelkS

Glass 383
dividual sheets. The sheets to be laminated
e e nt h ei n d i v

in any combination. together may be annealed:

13.5.5 Annealing
called annealino T .
glass. strengthened. tem-
process of annealing
in a
allowed to cool of annealin
absence of

slow and
glass is
homogeneous cooling of
the interior.
resulting in
product. In
the absence

annealing, the
eaken glass. surfaco
s t r e s s e s which weaken the

cool faster than gcanbe 3 7
and (11)
glass will methods: (i) flue

accomplished by two
method. the red
hot molten glass
product placed on travel
ng band is Physical Properties
In this at exit end. The met
Flue Treatment is
suitable forpassedlarge 13.7.1
and cool
at the entry
with high temperature CnrODerty of glass enables it to be
througha long flue
I. The amorphousn

continuously worked from fumaces.

rolled. pressed or spinned in heated state. 1.e.
it can
scale production.
be blown, d r a w n , It can be welded
eacts or trans
transmits lignt. t can be made transparent or by fusion.
in the called annealalinoven refracts or
product is placed ng chamber wit translucent and
The red hot molten glass t
can take up high
Oven Treatment the glass cools slowly, and thus 2
In the chamber, polish.
to weather and chemicals except alkalies.
control anrangement. production. es the
a temperature
method is suitable
for small scale
lear. Colourless, diffused and stained. It is available in
3. h i s
intemal stresses. The be clear,
Glass may
variety of beautiful colours. It can
sand blasting.
frosted by
lent «
excellent electrical insulator. However, molten glass is conductor.
is a n
5. It
13.6 6. It
c l e a n e d easily

the glass generally requires following
For different applications
Engineering or Mechanical Properties
The glass is cut to the required size and shape by either a diamond cuter.
Cutting and Grinding and rounded by suitable grindina properties of the glass as a building material are:
wheel of hardened steel. The edges of cut glass can be ground Or lhein important

and tough but brittle material, and does not deform plastically. It fails in
wheel. Glass is a hard 7 GPa but failure
nature of loading. Ihe theoretical tensile strength of glass is about
eoardless of the
This is achieved by heating the glass in an oven to a suitable temperature and bending to the regard
stresses much
lower than that, because of surface imperfections.
Bending Occurs at
stress around 70 to 140 MPa.
desired shape and cooling it slowly. an untreated, plain annealed plate glass fails at tensile
2. Typically, the extent. type and depth of
the actual strength of glass is dependent upon
However, although of
by grinding the surface by emery or by considerable variation in failure stress
of any individual piece glass.
Opaque Making The transparent glass can be made opaque
imperfections, there is heat strengthening of the outer
surface of
chemically treating the surface by hydrofluoric acid. of glass is improved by heat-treatment. Simple increases
3. The strength Full tempering of the gBass generally
a factor of two.
folowed the glass may increase its strength by
Stlvering This can be achieved by application of a very thin coat of tin on its
surface by layerof times.
its strength three to five
trom the frame.
effects by application of suitable with shards hanging
silver coating. This silvered surface needs to be protected against weather breaks into large jagged pieces because ot the
Annealed glass typically of glass stay in place,
however more pieces
paint overit. to annealed glass, not break under the design
glass breaks similarly in windows will probably remain
Wires. Tempered glass
of a thickness c o m m o n Laminated glass
will typically
small granules.
13.6.1 Heat Treatment Processes ads, Dut il it does,
it disintegrates into very cracked.
it may be badly in the fre
because of the plastic interlayer, although thus creating an opening
Intact, its frame.
under fire and
fall out of prevent glass
shards from
To improve the strength of glass it is usually heat-treated
The heat treatment processes develop comptes n e glass disintegrates easily

would allow the

fire to spread.
The wires in wired glass
andslow spreading
of hre.
in the outer surface of the glas,thus increasing the resistance to a tensile failure. The heat
of either heating the outside surface, or the entire glass sheet. Full tempering involves raising the tempar
treatmentco paration, which
and hold glass together in fire applications
than steel through
the application

glass panels,
O u t of than cork or
cotton or stronger
of the entire glass sheet uniformly to 700°C then rapidly cooling it in air. Simple heat
strengthening 6. lt is
to make glass lighter
are bulletproor.
Outer surface of the glass may increase its strength by a factor of two. Full tempering of the glass g o uvanced technologies.
Some forms of glass
increases its strength three to five times.
two or
Alternatively, glass can be strengthened through lamination. ILaminated glass is constructed f
more sheets of glass permanently bonded
together under heat and pressure, typically with a plas
384 Building Matenals

Glass 3855
in the market by different namec I
manufactured glass available
There are large variety of like toughened
stack glass. bend glass, fused glass, stained glass, kil.
kiln formed
insulating glass. laminating glass,
trial glass. protector glass, light glass. plain glass,
safety glass, shatterproof glass, float glas
sheet glass and building glass. The most commonly used types of glass in buildings ard
are: five g
13.8.1 Sheet Glass
This is the most extensively used type of glassfor glazing of do0rs, windows and partitionns
buildings. It is approximately composed of 100 parts of sand, 35 parts of chalk or limes
in all t
soda and 50 parts of broken glass. The molten glass is forced by hydrostatic pressure throu 40 parns of
a arrow sth
on a fireclay float. As soon as it becomes solid, it is passed through rollers. The sheet is the
size. It is available in thickness range of 2 to 6.5 mm, and sizes up to l.75 x 1.I m.
m. Sheet
Sheet glas glass is produeTequird
ordinary, selected and special quality grades.

13.8.2 Float and Plate Glass Fig. 13.4 Typical frosted glass doors

Thesehavehave. in general, the same perfomance characteristics. They of superior quality, moresexpensive,

distortion of vision at any angle. Showcase

to that of normal glass, but in case of breakage, the mesh retains the pieces of glass. This product is
appearane, with no
windows,picture ndows traditionally accepted as low-cost fire glass.
exposed in offices and commercial buildings areusually glazed with polished plate orraioat
glass. Float glass is manufactured by floating the molten glass coming out of furnace However. its strength is lower than that of plain glass, due to the filaws inherent at the edges of the glass
over molten tin
described in Section 13.5.4. On the other hand, plate glass is formed the wires are cut. Moreover, due to difference in cooling rates of glass and wire. internal stresses develop
by pouring the molten glass taken fiom as
during the manufacturing process. The wires in wired glas may even corrode due to imperfections.
tank on to a cast iron table and rolling it into a sheet. The
plate glass is annealed and polished on both sides
They are tough, scratch-resistant and have high light transmissibility. Thicknesses The functions of the wire in glass are twofold, firstly in case of breakage to prevent glass shards from fall-
There are two standard range from 3 to 32 mm
qualities: silvering and glazing, the latter being ing out of glass pancls and penetrating the buman limbs. Secondly, the plain, heat-reated or tempered glass
employedfor quality glazing. would disintegrate and fall out of its frame, thus creating an opening in the fîire separation, which would allow
the fire to spread. In case of wired glass, even though it cracks under heat the pieces of glass will be held
13.8.3 Frosted Glass, Ground Glass or Obscured Glass together for some time by the wires, slowing the creation of an opening and the risk of the fire spreading
half of annealed
Frosted glass is translucent and
obscures the view while still allowing the Although wired glass may perform well during a fire, its strength is approximately one
provide true obscurity with a unifom diffusion and light to pass through it. Some against impact breakage. Thus, it is relatively easy to break in the course of everyday usage. Once
pleasing while las It is no more classifed as a safery
appearance, others may give a cause serious
transmission of light or a smoother
surface for greater cleanliness. The more maximu ACTL, tne Wires may form dangerous snags that can use of wiredinjury. in so-called deemed hazardous
polished surface on one side with a decorative popular types include a cea,
A number of
building codes have restricted the glass
hgured glasS, ground glass, chipped pattern for obscurity on the other side. Various types the floor and other areas where impact satety products

glass and corrugated incu dOns, 1.e., doors, sidelites and openings near

tOilets,office doors, glass. They are commonly used as in glazimg required.

in Fig. 13.4.
partitions, exterior windows, etc.
Typical application of frosted glass in doors is ShoW and polished wired glass. The later type
Thisgs 1 savailable in two types namely the obscure wired glass
is used where clear VIsion is
desired, such
than obscure wired glass, polished wired glass
aas inin schoolnsive
13.8.4 Wired or Reinforced Glass or institutional doors.

13.5. The wire

as shown in Fig.
The wired Applications omamental safeguard glass the wired glass a
glass is produced by the introduction Wired glass can be used as an
is broken, which makes
tions. A steel wire mesh of wire mesh into glass during production mesh in the crack when the glass
is sandwiched or rollingope glass can prevent any shatter or
used for fire-rated glazing applications.
through a pair of metal rollers which between two separate ribbons of semi-molten assed S0d
choice for theft resistant applications. It is commonly
squeeze the sandwich of glass, a
glass and wire together. It has impa esistance
386 Building Mateals

Glass 387

Fig. 13.5 Wired glass

13.8.5 Block Glass

Glass blocks are hollow, transparent units made by first pressing or shaping two half blocks to the
Fig. 13.6 Tamperec flat and curved glasses
fom. then fusing these semi-blocks to form a complete block. The space between the blocks is hol
under a partial vacuum. which adds to the insulating properties of the block. Corner and radialblocks or
are also available to produce desired architectural effects. These units are popularly known as glass bricksad strenglh
and thermal stability or resistance to thermal cracking. Although tempered glass is four to ive times
one as annealed glass of the same thickness, but it can disintegrate under impact into inumerablecel
used for construction of partition walls. lular pieces or small granules, 1.e.,
small fragments of more or less cubical shape when the external impact
Glass block is commonly laid up in cement or a cement-lime mortar. Since there is no absorption by the
block to facilitate bond with mortar, the sides of the block are coated with a plastic and embed therein nar
force exceeds its strength. s thus a kind of safety glass. There are two distinct heat-treated giass prOducts,
and fabricating must be done before tempering
heat-strengthened and fully tempered. However, cutting
ticles of sand. The difficulty in obtaining permanent and complete bond sometimes leads to the opening
of mortar joints. Special precautions have to be taken during the setting of the block on a wall exposed to he
weather to obtain full and complete bond. Properties
Usually an expansion joint every 3 m or so, is provided to prevent building up of pressure due to d 1. 4-5 times stronger than ordinary annealed glass.
and piercing injuries
ferential expansion between glass block and masonry which may cause cracking. With adequate protecion 2. In the event of breakage., glasses do
form the sharp shards which cause cuting
or blunt particles
that will cause practically no

against expansion and with good workmanship, or with walls built in protected locations, glass-block wal tO numans, as it will disintegrate into small granules
are ornamental, hygienic, excellent
light transmitters. soundproof and have rather low thermal conducivity injury to humans.
variations. The heat
shock endurance of
of rapid temperature in
. t very wide range
can Withstand a
and can generally bear

compared with ordinary glass

13.8.6 Tempered Glass Cmpered glass is two times

temperature of more than 150°C.

Tempered glass shown in Figs. 13.6 and 13.7 is a kind of safety
glass, made from
strengthening it by a simple physical process. In the tempering process, the flat glass isthe nor Applications
ening temperature:. moved out of the furnace and renealcu turlace
rapidly cooled with jets of cold air directed shown in Fig. 13.7(b)
of glass. The process
produces a state of compression in the glass surfaces while the core or
i isitin
glass Patio and entrance doors
n 2. Tub and shower enclosures
the state of
compensating tension. Thus. the tempered glass has enhanced impact resistance, echaic t
388 Builong Materals

Glass Glass 389

nlage of
p 6 a o v a n t a g eo f

ar lam
Tempered As a
lass. it cannot be cut disadvantage
tmight take time to get a a larger sheet of glass.and bend glass is that. unlike
y n n e : a / e a ,n
. iTcd



n l o r standardising
glass sizes, and stocking custom order for Tempered glass must be pre-
replacements. tempered glass filled. This would

laminated glass, have
glass and l:

gest tempered

They idered
The are conside historically been
regarded as safety glass, when
loned by energeticcapable
pac cdevel of

offering reasonable consider-


assumedt o
teenagers able protection for the
to pick up speed 400 f-lb
in a impact
relatively unlimited accelera-

Laminated or
Sandwich Glass
ade by
sandwiching transparent

nermanently bonding togetner polyv1nyl
butyral (PVB) layers or films
under heat and between two or

The substrate (constituent

sheets) of laminatedpressure create a single
s shown in
ace construction
glass, or temperedg
heat strengthened glass, hlm coated glass, heat glass
can be
common annealed fat

The outer layer, if it is annealed
glass, could fracture or curved glass. wired glass. in
any to PVB interlayeraand, theretore, shatter upon impact, but the glass
into small
splinters and thus minimising thefragments
tend to adhere

offyingglass. hazard

Fig. 13.7 (a)

Typical tempered glass (b) Typical glass entrance door
3. Commonly used for windows of
4. Displays, partitions
commercial/residential buildings
5. Storefronts and handrails PVB film

13.8.7 Tempered Curved or Bent Glass

The tempering
process discussed above for flat glass can be used to
in Fig. 13.6 which is a make fully tempered curved glass shown
creative alternative for architects and
glass during the tempering designers. Bend glass is obtained
specified radius to create unique bending fatfor
installations in commercial andheat-strengthening process.
to a Fig. 13.8 Laminated glass
residential applications. profiles
Like fully tempered glass, this construction adds strength, hence the laminated glass is also regarded as
Applications safety glass. Since glass can be laminated in a variety of combinations, it is often developed for more severe
1. Handrails and loading situations, such as the windows in high-rise office towers. It is also commonly used in security stn
spiral staircases
2. Shower enclosures
ations, such as store-front windows, or in windows for people who need to be protected from objects being
3. Partitions. hrown, or are exposed to the
storefronts and elevator
possibility of gunfire.
4. Commercial residential windows sound isolation. heat absorption, and
n addition to strength, some types of laminated glass also provide colours can be
ghre reduction. Where colour and privacy
are desired, fadeproof opaque inciud
Glass 391
390 Building Meterials

material that can

that be used Storefronts
in a varie Slopedo v e r h e a d
Glass a
Applications VISIon

applications No
ity of insulated glass can be enhanced by

1Museums,govermment buildings thermal

using reflective glass.
2 Jewellery
banks, The
1 3 8 . 1 1

eat- Absorbing and Glare

H e a t - A b s o r b .

Reducing Glass
Schools. hospitals.
3. offices
4. Interior
partitions in
heat, glare, and
large percentag of ultraviolet

Glass rays, which

ferous oxide added to bleach coloured fabrics. The heat
Thusr e d u c e s h e a t ,

ntities of
f i n g l a s s contains controlled

Bullet-Resisting ubsorbinggla
rcentage Of of total radiant energy of
total ene glass composition. This enables the
absorb high
a n t
sun, and gives a bluish
laminarea with layers of plastic under ha t ola
Oftwowo types: (i) reen colour that reduces
layers of plate glass

transparent glass with a

This is made of
four or more
fYom 20 to 75
mm. Ihe more common thicknesses are20 pressur
mm, to resist The

clucent glass, usually of white colour, which neutral grey tint which lowers light

Thicknesses ofthis glass vary arms; and 50 mm, to n glare.

gives wide light diffusion and reduces
L.rifes and subm
smal ransmission,

ams: 40 mm,
to resist high-powered
um-powered small bank teller cages.
chine guns. Uses of
bullet-resisting glass
include cashier windows,
L-bridge booths and gjare
sorbing glass
is aften used for comfort and reduction of
ic often
air-conditioning loads where large areas
applications. sunn exposure. Because of ditferential
industrial and military a
under severe

temperature stresses and

expansion induced by
severe sun
suneexposure, special attention should be
ofglass given to edge conditions. Glass
h e a ta b s o r p t i o n

ticularly desirable,
desirable, bes
because these havingg
13.8.10 Insulating Glass ean-cut edges
is particularly atfectthe edge strength. which. in turm must resist the
ient glazing material should be used.
hermetically sealed ar-
Insulating glass (IG) is

Fire Rated Glass

of two or more panes
rangement consisting
sheets of glass separated by dry (dehydrated)
a 2 13.8.12
in recessed
airspace. The glass sheets are glazed oduct most often sociated with fire rating is polished wired giass. The biggest advantage of
shielded from
openings so that the edge seals are D c may be its low cost. However, because wired glasshas low impact resistance, the 2003 Interna-
direct weathering. The air space is hermetically
nal Building Code (1BC) now prohibits the use of wired glass in schools and athletric facilties.
dual sealed with a primary and secondary seals, as
shown in Fig. 13.9. The inter-space between glass Asecond type of fire-rated glazing is glass ceramic. Once installed, this wireless product looks similar to
sheets is filled with dry air or argon gas. arinary window glass and provides fire ratings from 20 minutes to three hours. Like wired glass, the glass
reramics are able to withstand the thermal shock of water thrown by sprinklers or fîre hose. Glass ceramic
products offer at least four times the impact resistance of wired glass,
Glass ceramic is also available in the form of insulated glass unis (IGU). The LGU are made of two layers
. IG units improve thermal performance,
of glass with an air space in between. Depending on which components are used, they provide not only fire
significantly reducing heating and air
conditioning costs due to their excellent heat protection but comply with energy codes as well.
insulation and heat preservation Another category of fire-rated glass is classified as glass fire wals. These units are special, multi-layer
properties. similar
2. Dry air inside enclosure reduces interior asemblies that block the transfer of heat. The thicker composition of the units allow them to perform
condensation or mist in cold climates.
0are-rated masonry wall. These products, like wired glass and glass ceramics, withstand thermal shock.
3. The units have Fig. 13.9 Insulating glass: 1-hermetical seal; 2-glass In adition, they meet high levels of impact safety as well.
good sound insulation so the
indoor environment is more sheet; 3&4-primary and secondary seals
4. IG units have
good transparency. 13.8.13 Reflecting Glass/Coated Glass or
Applications Sealed insulating glass (IG) units TransparentMirrorGlass
include: are
extensively used in architecture applicanou which
eficient glass is obtained by coveringto control
1. Fixed and
operable windows, doors and curtain walls of Ord ecting glass/coated glass, also known as energy high retective properties
in building envelopes noat glass with a thin metallic oxide coating possessing
an metallic coating also produces
a miror ettect,

O 1 g h t , heat and solar radiation. This

10.1 Advantages

in normal conditions and generally good resistance to chemicals and biolog1cal

High d u r a b i l i t y


cold seasons, utilisation of solar energy by trapping the heat within the building.
Dions with
I n regions with
n indoor comfort and saves the fuel consumption.
Old bottles can be used as a substitute for hollow glass blocks. Waste glass.
p r o v i d e s

be recycled.
needed to
ushe to a
fine powder when mixed with clay acts as a flux and reduces the temperature
bake the bricks.

13.10.2 Disadvantages
thermal stresses, impact, etc., can
1 Glass is brittle and thus difficult to transport. Incorrect installation,
to break.
break the glass. Small glass components are easier to transport and less likely
2. Broken glass can cause serious injuries.
3. Although glass is noncombustible, it breaks and later melts in fire.
ultra-violet rays, which are vitally important,
4. Most modern varieties of glass absorb most of the sun's
harmful bacteria. However.
especially for children for the synthesis of vitamin D and to destroy
distorts the vision, but allows thhe
cheaper, low quality glass, made primarily from quartz sand, though
healthy ultra-violet rays to pass through.
alkaline paint
Hydrofluoric and phosphoric acids, and strong alkalis, e.g., caustic soda,
cement products, attack the glass. Water running off from fresh concrete or mortar must be properly
deterioration. In dry conditions, with regular cleaning, glass can be
removed from glass to prevent
extremely durable.
6. The small scale glass manufacturing industry in developing countries is still using energy-ine fhicient
and polluting kilns. There is tremendous scope for energy savings and pollution reduction through
fuel substitution and upgradation ofthe furnaces. A typical improved furnace is shown in Fig. 13.3.

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