A Thing of Beauty

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A thing ofBeauty '

life him trees old and


According to sun ,
the moon , young
stanza -1 .
thing of
Beauty is a
joy forever . - - . .

breathing .
provide shade ,
beautiful daffodils ,
greenery .

According to Poet John Keats ,

a thing of
beauty is a source clear and cool stream in hot season ,
growing admist

Beauty of
everlasting joy .
permanent ,
it never fades dense forest with musk roses
are all eternal source
joy ,

but instead increases with time It leaves and pleasure All these of inspiration
away . a
lasting peace . are source to

imprint on our mind ,

hence its loveliness increases .
Poet connects the
simple and innocent man .

beauty with
feelings According .
to him ,
It provides peace as

similar to
peace provided by a Bower .
feeling it
provides Stanza -

4 And such too - -

- .
heaven 's brink
has been
compared to the feeling of sound
sleep , good According to the
poet ,
there is as much
beauty in death as

health and quiet breathing in life Our ancestors have made sacrifices there is
. .

many ,

in their death He also talks about the beauty

glory even .

Stanza 2 -
Therefore on
every - - - -
from our dark spirits found in books written on them .
The stories written about

heroic read
John highlights that beautiful things are basis of our
Keats their and
mighty deeds that we have heard or

Everyday We connect to the mother nature through
are a source of inspiration .

a wreath of flowers i. beautiful

things It fills e. with .
finally ,
poet says a
gift that all these are

spirit to live Poet highlights the odds of life the
, given from heaven above These things compared to .

an eternal fountain of immortal drink

challenges face the
disappointments lost faith Lack of
, , , poured on us by
humanity sad days and unhealthy choices that
make we .
God .

All these fill us with stress fear anxiety lost hope and , , ,

anger But aren't these


part of our life 9. Have not

a .

created them
? But in spite of all this some shape of ,

and grim and

beauty helps to shed sad us
fills us with motivation hope and optimism It is , .

a source of
inspiration which helps us clean our
spirits .

Stanza -3 -

Such the Sun - - -

rose blooms .

Poet object found in nature and

now lists the of beauty
created to inspire to live beautiful
by heaven us a

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