2021 Bio Mock Exams
2021 Bio Mock Exams
2021 Bio Mock Exams
Time Allowed 2hrs
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NAME ___________________________________________________________________SHIFT________
1. Figure 1 is the diagram showing learners conducting experiment in the laboratory. Use it
to answer the following questions
a) Define safety
_________________________________________________________________(1 mark)
b) Write down two hazards shown in the figure
________________________________________________________________(2 marks)
c) State two proper ways of handling hazards mentioned above
_______________________________________________________________(2 marks)
2. Figure 2 is a diagram showing defects of eye. Use it to answer the questions that follow
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NAME ___________________________________________________________________SHIFT________
3. A student was observing a plant cell under a microscope. The cell was observed using a
high power objective lens of X400 through an eye piece of X10
Use this information to answer the questions that follow.
a) Calculate the total magnification of the image
(3 marks)
b) Which adjustment knob would be suitable when focusing the image of specimen?
______________________________________________________________________(1 mark)
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NAME ___________________________________________________________________SHIFT________
a) State any two processes that are involved in urine formation in kidney
_____________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
b) State any one substance contained in urine
______________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark)
c) Which hormone regulate salt concentration in the blood?
_____________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark)
5. Figure 3 below is showing a synapse between two nerve cell. Use to answer the
questions that follow
a) Use an arrow to indicate the direction of the nerve impulse in the diagram (1mark)
b) State one function of synapse to work of neurons
_________________________________________________________________(1 mark)
c) Mention one disease that attacks synapse
_________________________________________________________________(1 mark)
d) Explain one effect of smoking indian hemp to the nervous system
________________________________________________________________(2 marks)
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NAME ___________________________________________________________________SHIFT________
6. Figure 4 below shows aquarium that was set up in the sun by a group of multi-career
student. Use it to answer the questions that follow
a) Besides feeding relationship, explain how the pond weed and snail depend on each other
in the aquarium
________________________________________________________________(2 marks)
b) If in the following morning the students observes that the tadpole and water snails had
died. Explain what could be the reason
________________________________________________________________(3 marks)
a. Define a “vaccine”.
_______________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
b. Children under five years of age are vaccinated against diseases like tetanus and
(i) Explain how vaccination protects children against infection.
__________________________________________________________________(3 marks)
(ii) Why can a vaccine for tetanus not be used against tuberculosis?
_______________________________________________________________________(1 mark)
8. Figure 5 shows the karyotype of a female. Use it to answer the questions below
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NAME ___________________________________________________________________SHIFT________
_______________________________________________________________________(1 mark)
_______________________________________________________________________(1 mark)
_______________________________________________________________________(1 mark)
_____________________________________________________________________(2 marks)
a) Give two causes of drag when the fish is swimming
______________________________________________________________________(2 marks)
b) Explain one way in which swim bladder controls depth of swimming in fish
______________________________________________________________________(3 amrks)
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NAME ___________________________________________________________________SHIFT________
_____________________________________________________________________(2 marks)
d) Explain two ways in which the caudal fin helps the fish to move forward
______________________________________________________________________(4 marks)
10. Figure 6 shows plant tissue obtaned from a stem. use it to answer the following questions
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NAME ___________________________________________________________________SHIFT________
_____________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
11. Figure7 below shows pressure in ventricles and atria of the human heart changes during
single heartbeat
(2 marks)
c) Explain the shape of the curves for
i. Pressure in ventricles
_________________________________________________________________(1 mark)
ii. Pressure in atria
_________________________________________________________________(1 mark)
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NAME ___________________________________________________________________SHIFT________
a) State any one function of plant hormones
_______________________________________________________________________(1 mark)
b) Explain the effect of high auxin concentration on each of the following plant parts
i. Shoot tip
______________________________________________________________________(2 marks)
ii. Root tip
______________________________________________________________________(2 marks)
13. Figure 8 is showing a method for estimating the population of organisms in a given field.
Use it to answer the questions
(3 marks)
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NAME ___________________________________________________________________SHIFT________
Using Darwin’s theory evolution, describe how a population of fast running Zebras would evolve
from slow running ancestor in an environment where lions are predators. Your answer should be
in an essay form.
_____________________________________________________________________(10 marks)
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NAME ___________________________________________________________________SHIFT________
Describe an experiment that would be used to find out the effect of unequal distribution of light
on growing shoot. In your answer include method, expected results and conclusion.
_____________________________________________________________________(10 marks)
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NAME ___________________________________________________________________SHIFT________
Explain five ways of controlling microorganisms in preservation of food and other substance.
Your answer should be in essay form
____________________________________________________________________(10 marks)
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