Bruna Separations
Bruna Separations
Bruna Separations
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To cite this article: Separation & Purification Reviews (2013): Cryogel Poly(acrylamide): Synthesis, Structure and
Applications, Separation & Purification Reviews, DOI: 10.1080/15422119.2013.795902
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Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Bioprocess, Federal University of São João Del
Department of Food Technology, Federal University of Viçosa, Viçosa, MG 36570-000,
Department of Veterinary, Federal University of Viçosa, Viçosa, MG 36570-000, Brazil.
polymerization, under freezing conditions, from monomer solutions. Materials resulting from
this polymerization are known as cryogels and have particular properties, such as porosity of a
specific nature. They are attractive in terms of biotechnological applications. The cryogels have
interconnected macropores and their preparation method from aqueous solutions in freezing
conditions is a process that combines the crystallization of a solvent with the copolymerization of
monomers. Cryogels have recently been used as adsorbents for the efficient separation and
purification of biomacromolecules such as proteins, DNA, cell organelles, viruses and enzymes
that are present in solutions. Despite the wide application of cryogels, improvements in their
preparation are necessary to minimize problems, such as the formation of hydrogels, instead of
cryogels. Hydrogels form due to immediate polymerization after addition of the redox initiator
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before solvent freezing. The synthesis and use of cryogels as chromatographic supports are also
1. Introduction
1.1. History
Polymer gels have been studied over 6 decades as separation materials for
biomolecules. During this period, many researchers have developed new ways of producing such
gels in order to minimize problems and expand alternatives. Hydrogels are polymeric gels with
large water contents in the native materials. If hydrogels are synthesized at subzero temperatures,
they may be named “cryogels”. Studies on cryogels started in the 1970s, being of continuous
interest since then. To a large extent, the applications of cryogels are related to their
macroporous structure, allowing the effective mass transport of macromolecular solutes and the
migration of cells, high biocompatibility and good mechanical properties in these highly
hydrated systems that contain strongly associated water (SAW). Problems such as the diffusion
of occluded flow homogeneity for coupling cells and ligands, common in polymeric gels, have
been minimized with the development of these polymeric gels made under cryogenic conditions.
of pore size and pore wall thickness, may be obtained through changes in polymerization
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conditions. These include; changes in the water/organic co-solvent ratios, ionic strength, pH,
During nearly 45 years of studies, cryogels (from the Greek κριοσ [Kryos] which
means ice) have been studied for the development of new and specific gels; such as cryogels
with open porous structures and unique double-continuous macroporous networks (4); analysis
and clinical significance of cryogel obtained from patients with Rheumatoid arthritis (5),
The use of microbiological cryogels was initiated in the 1980s for immobilizing cells via
mechanical concentration (10). However, the potential of cryogels for the isolation of cells in
cell culture and other applications has been perceived only very recently (11-13).
1.2. Fundamental definitions
Gels are colloidal systems with characteristics of low flow-ability, demonstrating a dispersed
form of continuous and branched structures that are normally interpenetrated by a liquid phase
(14). Gels containing only a small amount of the dispersed phase (1-3%) have a certain degree
of rigidity and elasticity, where the rigidity results from the interaction between particles that are
chemically bound together. The organization of primary units can occur by joining chains by
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covalent bonds, hydrogen bonds, dipolar forces and van der Waals forces. The gels are usually
classified according to the continuous phase used, i.e., water, ethanol or air for hydrogel or
connected by chemical bonds form a 3D structure (where bonds, in most cases, remain
unchanged over time) (11). The conformation of the chain is determined by the nature of the
bonds and the gel production method. The role of the solvent (water, alcohol, air) contained
within the polymer network is crucial because the solvent does not allow for the formation of a
According to Lozinsky et al. (15), there are two main methods of producing gels. The first uses
a limited swelling of a non-crosslinked polymer or via swelling of a xerogel (solid formed from a
gel by drying with unhindered shrinkage). The second and most commonly used method
employs the formation of a colloidal gel in a liquid system in which water is the dispersion
medium. When the initial solution or sol-gel forming precursor is frozen, "cryotropic
gelatinization", cryo-gelling or cryo-structuration occurs. How this specific type of product
Crystallization of the solvent is the main differentiating factor between cryogelatinization and
cooling-induced gelling. The latter products are psychotropic gels, i.e. gels obtained at
conditions of lower temperature, for example, from the gelling of gelatin, without the occurrence
of the phase transition of the solvent. These gels are thermo-reversible, thereby differentiating
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2. Polyacrylamide cryogels
poly(acrylamide) (PAAm) cryogel is the most representative and widely used cryogel for a broad
range of applications (16-19) and commonly obtained by redox-initiating systems. The critical
problem in these systems is the formation of hydrogels instead of cryogels, because the
polymerization starts almost immediately after adding the redox initiator before the freezing of
the solvent. Poly(acrylamide) cryogels have a spongy morphology, which is primarily dictated
In the production of polymeric gels, the components used for constructing the matrices are
TEMED, and ammonium persulfate. When ammonium persulfate is dissolved in water, there is
formation of free radicals. If these free radicals are then placed in contact with acrylamide, a
radical reaction occurs. "Activated" acrylamide can then react with successive molecules of
acrylamide with the production of long polymer chains. A solution of these polymers, although
viscous, does not form gel as these long chains can slide over each other. Gel formation requires
the linking of several chains together. This is achieved by means of polymerization in the
coupled at the ends, in non-reactive terminals (20). Polymerization takes place to produce chains
of acrylamide (Figure 1). The pore size of the network is determined by two parameters: (1) the
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content of acrylamide used per unit volume of reaction medium and (2) the degree of cross-
Independently of the total content of acrylamide per unit volume, the mean pore size reaches a
formulations, the content of bis(acrylamide) is set at 5% to control the pore size. Pore size can
then be controlled by varying the total content of acrylamide. Figure 2 shows the distribution of
pore size produced as a function of varying the concentrations (w/v) of acrylamide. The buffer
solution, TEMED, is usually added to catalyze the formation of the gel due to its presence in the
form of free radicals. The nature of the buffer is another factor to be considered in the
production of polyacrylamide gels. Buffers are required (1) to maintain a constant pH within the
acrylamide gel and/or (2) as an electrolyte to conduct current through an electric field in case of
electrophoretic use.
explained above), but under freezing conditions, acrylamide (AAm) and bis (acrylamide)
(BisAAM) react somewhat differently. In the case of freeze-gelation, the freezing temperature
may vary from about -10°C to -30°C (21). Thus, it is intriguing to observe a cryogel
morphology differing completely from that of traditional gels. To explore the differences, we
shall discuss the process that occurs in the micro and macroscopic freezing of solutions during
which cryo-gelling occurs. In pioneering studies, Butler and Bruice (22) and Pincock (23)
showed that, in moderately frozen solutions, part of the solvent maintains the liquid state,
although this solvent is unstructured (also called the unfrozen liquid microphase). Substances
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dissolved in these systems concentrate in the region of the non-frozen solvent (a process called
cryo-concentration), thereby allowing further chemical reactions to occur, although the entire
sample appears to be a solid block. Experiments to detail the kinetics and thermodynamics of
the reactions involved showed the existence of an unfrozen microphase (24). It is clear now that,
at moderately low temperatures, a macroscopic system consists of two solid phases, one phase
constituting a frozen polycrystalline pure solvent, and the other an unfrozen microphase liquid
containing almost all of the dissolved components present in the original solution. As the
volume of microphase is less than the volume of the initial solution, it presents high
chemical reactions and these can spread faster than reactions in a homogeneous solution above
When the initial solution contains molecules of low molecular weight, or macromolecular gel
precursor, the moderate cryotropic freezing promotes the formation of the gels (Figure 3).
According to Lozinsky et al. (15), for a system to be considered as moderately frozen, it should
retain a fraction of non-frozen solvent (usually, this refers to a region colder by less than few tens
of degrees than the freezing point of the pure solvent). Thus, after the mixture containing the
gel-forming agent is frozen, the formation of ice crystals from the solvent occurs (Figure 3)
while a so-called unfrozen liquid microphase (UFLMP) is formed. Although being only a small
part of the total initial volume, the UFLMP is of great importance for the formation of the
cryogel. Cryo-concentration occurs where the gel forming reagents are concentrated and the
formation of polymer chains occurs more quickly when compared to polymerization in the liquid
medium. The ice crystals from the solvent act as pore formers and, during freezing, these
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crystals grow and merge to form interconnected porosity (15). The size and shape of the pores
and the volume of the UFLMP depend on several factors, such as concentration of precursors,
nature of the solvent, the type of cryogenic treatment system, and temperature, among other
The cryogel system is frozen heterogeneously and consists of a solid phase (frozen crystal
solvent) and unfrozen liquid microphase. The volume of the microphase depends on the nature
of the solvent, the initial concentration of dissolved substances, and the presence of mixtures of
soluble and insoluble molecules. The unfrozen microphase is shown in Figure 3 on a scale that
does not reflect the true relationship between the frozen and unfrozen regions. The unfrozen
region usually forms 0.1 - 10% of the total sample (25-29). At high concentrations, dissolved
substances begin to precipitate out of the liquid microphase due to limited solubility; however, if
the dissolved substances are consumed in a chemical reaction, for example, due to gel formation,
Crystallization of the frozen solvent is a crucial step in the satisfactory formation of a
homogeneous supermacroporous phase with interconnected molecules within the cryogel. After
the thawing of the frozen samples, the gel formed presents a supermacroporous structure. The
frozen crystals of the solvent act as a pore-forming agent and the melting of the crystals forms
cavities of cryogels. Due to the lowered entropy caused by a decrease in the excess of the Gibbs-
free energy in the gel-solvent interface, the surface tension of the system increases as the
temperature lowers, this causes the wells (initially with sharp angles) to later become rounded.
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The temperature used during the cryogenic treatment has a major effect on the porosity of the
spongy cryogels (30). The arrangement of the particles and their maintenance in their place in
the lattice are determined by the existence of a minimum energy, corresponding to the
optimization of the bonds formed between the particles. The quantity of nuclei formed at
temperatures far from the freezing point of water is greater than that formed at temperatures of
nearly freezing point; therefore ice crystals formed by water molecules that are arranged around
these nuclei have a smaller diameter in environments where the temperature is farther from the
Lozinsky (30), demonstrated that for polyacrylamide (PAAm) cryogels formed at three negative
temperatures (-10°C, -20°C and -30°C), the largest pores are formed at the highest freezing point
while the smaller pores were obtained at lower temperatures (Figure 4). In this Figure, the shape
of the interconnected pores of capillary size can be observed, which may allow mass transfer by
diffusion of substances as well as processing of liquids and low viscosity biological suspensions
(viruses, organelles, cells) via these pores. The hydrodynamic characteristics of the cryogel
matrices can be controlled by varying the initial concentration of gel-forming agents and the
conditions of the cryogenic treatment. Figure 5 shows the flow of water through a column in
which the PAAm cryogels were prepared with an initial ratio of co-monomers of acrylamide and
N, N'-methylenebis (acrylamide), and cryotropic gelling temperatures (30). Larger pores lead to
higher flows with the same driving pressure. The lower the degree of polymer cross-linking in
the macropore wall (low content of N, N'-methylenebisacrylamide), the stronger the expansion
during the gelling phase, thus decreasing the size of the capillaries and preventing flow. No
special equipment is required for the synthesis of the cryogel poly(acrylamide) matrix. The
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equipment used is simple and inexpensive. For the process of cryogelling, the solution must
remain at freezing temperature; thus, a simple ice bath can be used for the synthesis of the
3. Characterization of cryogels
Cryogels have a continuous system of interconnected macropores, ranging in size from 10-100
μm, and differ in their low resistance to flow and diffusion of solutes of any size. These
bed chromatography, where special equipment is required, for example, for processing non-
clarified broth (31-32). The cryogels also differ from fixed bed traditional chromatography,
which has a stationary phase packed in a column that is incapable of processing solutions
despite its high capacity and resolution. Particulate material contained in these solutions
decreases the bed porosity, resulting in an increased flow resistance in the column, and
columns) are currently the only available form of chromatography on a macroporous bed for
Some methods, described below, have been used to characterize these chromatographic matrices.
For example, pore structures can be viewed by scanning electron microscopy. One tracer pulse
may be applied for measuring the residence time distribution (RTD) of a liquid column at
different cryogel flow rates. More details about this method can be found in Persson (34). The
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behavior of the flow resistance of cryogel matrices can be evaluated by the ratio of the
hydrostatic pressure drop through the column flow rate versus the corresponding value of the
water and hydraulic permeability, which can be determined using the equation (35):
Qw μ w L
kw = (1)
Δp w A
where Qw is the flow of water through the column, μ w is the viscosity of water, L is the length of
Figure 6 presents experimental results of the hydraulic flow resistance in the Fe3O4 nanoparticle-
embedded cryogel column systems. The water inside the swollen cryogel can be encountered in
different forms: polymer-bound water, water in small pores and water in large pores; this latter,
responsible for the porosity of the matrix cryogel may be removed mechanically by compressing
the cryogel due to the elasticity of the material. The porosity thus can be estimated by measuring
the content of free water present and the bed volume, as previously described by Yao et al. (35).
mw − ms
ϕ= (2)
ρ wV0
where mw and ms are, respectively, the mass of the sample saturated with water and sample
weight after wet compression to remove the free water within the pores, as reported by (36, 7),
ρw is the density of water, and V0 is the difference between V1 and V2, where V2 is the final
volume after immersion of the sample cryogel in a graduated cylinder containing water, and V1
is the known volume of water in a graduated cylinder. Figure 7 shows a scanning electron
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microscope (SEM) photograph of a polyacrylamide cryogel. The pore size is noticeable when
The elasticity modules of cryogel may be calculated in the linear range by Young’s modulus (37
E= (3)
Δh / h
where E is the modulus of elasticity, F is the applied force, A is the area of the sample, Δh is
the variation in length after the compression of the sample, and h is the initial length of the
sample. Hajizadeh et al, 2013, studying the elasticity of gels containing MIP (molecularly
imprinted cryogel) or NIP (non-imprinted polymer) (up to 30% for both gels), confirmed that
both types of gel presented comparable mechanical strength, with E values of around 3.8 kPa.
4. Applications
Cryogels have recently been introduced as a new matrix for applications in various bioseparation
processes (3). Cryogels have interconnected pores of different sizes, allowing the mass to flow
through the pores with a low and purely convective mass-transfer resistance. Thus, these
In the field of microbiology, recent studies have demonstrated the efficiency of cryogels in
processing suspensions of cells and viruses. Cells and purification applications for cell cultures
good elasticity, chemical and physical stability and ease of preparation, making these cryogel
materials suitable for a wide range of applications in microbiology research. The demand for
high purity bioproducts, including viruses and plasmid DNA as gene therapy vectors, and virus
particles as components of vaccines, has had a great influence on downstream processing. Thus,
technologies involving the use of polymeric supermacroporous materials (or cryogels), which
allow for the processing of different cell populations are of great interest. One of the most
attractive features of the cryogels is their porosity, which is useful for processing fluids including
particulate suspensions of microbial cells (11, 12, 38). These macropores are obtained by the
Figure 3.
The peculiar structure of the pores of the cryogel, in combination with its elasticity and high
mechanical stability, has encouraged its use as a matrix for the immobilization of cells. Two
main ways to immobilize cells are commonly used, depending on the application potential of the
immobilized cell biocatalysts (ICBs) and the pore size desired for the cryogel matrix (39). These
methods rely on the immobilization of the cryogel due to mechanical concentration (Figure 8a)
and immobilization on the surfaces of the pores within the cryogel via specific interactions or by
According to Plieva et al. (39), normally, the immobilization of microbial cells via mechanical
cryogel concentration is simple. The cell suspension is mixed with a solution of monomer
(polymer) gel precursors until a stable cell suspension is achieved. After addition of
polymerization compounds (in this case for free radical polymerization), the cell suspension is
frozen and the temperature regimes vary with the geometry required. These cryogels may be
prepared in the form of beads, sheets, and monoliths, or can be synthesized in a protective open
plastic (Figure 8a). ICBs with pore size up to 1-2 μm are produced in most cases, in the form of
pellets or sheets (10, 40). ICBs with large interconnected pores of sizes up to 200 μm are often
prepared for high flow rates in monolithic columns or disks (41-42) or are produced inside an
open protective film (defined as a macroporous gel particles, MGPs) to keep the ICBs stable
The long-term use of a single ICB is important for the development of an efficient industrial
process. An important question concerns the regeneration of the ICBs by simple incubation at an
average growth rate to restore the activity of bioconversion. Another important concern is the
preservation of ICBs to prevent contamination after prolonged use. Thus, selected
microorganisms in extremely unfavorable conditions would be the best choice for the preparation
of IBCs (39).
Another strategy for immobilization includes the preparation of cryogel groups with specific
ligands used for connection with the cells (Figure 8b). The presence of appropriate ligands on
the pore surface within macroporous cryogels has made it possible to link them with specific
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High-density cell suspensions can be applied in monolithic cryogel columns without blocking
macropores (49). Thus, yeast cells can be immobilized on the surface of cryogel monolithic
columns packed with ion exchange groups for tertiary amine groups with a continuous
circulation of a dense suspension of cells through the column. The isolation and separation of
difficult and many factors must be taken into account for this application, including the large size
of cells reflected by low diffusivity, surface chemistry and other complexes (49). In fact, due to
the lack of sorbents with appropriate high porosity for processing cells, cell chromatography has
hitherto been used frequently (33). With their large pores (10-100 μm) and mechanically strong
interconnected pore walls, cryogels can withstand high flow rates with macropore
interconnectivity and with virtually no compression, thus allowing the convective mass transport
of solutes and particles of at least 10 μm in size (7, 34). When there are no specific ligands on
the matrix cryogel, cells pass freely through the column without blockage by the monolithic
pores. However, when specific ligands are present on the surface of the pores, the microbial
cells can bind to them and be eluted from the column cryogel in high yield and with a viability
Cryogels with chelated metals have been used for affinity chromatography. The technique of
Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography (IMAC), introduced by Porath et al. (51), is based
on the ability of proteins to be reversibly attached to metal ions through coordination bonds. The
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protein acts as a Lewis base, donating electrons to the metal cation (52). The metal, which
interacts with the protein, is immobilized by means of a chelating agent, which in turn is
covalently bound via a spacer to the matrix. The compounds used as chelating agents are: tris
(IDA, a tridentate). The number of bonds formed between the ion and immobilized chelating
determines the overall affinity of the adsorbent for the protein, and thus the stronger the
immobilization of metal, the weaker the interaction with the protein. IDA, a tridentate chelator, is
most commonly used. The interactions between immobilized metal cations and the protein are
Cryogels based on polyacrylamide loaded with Cu2+ by IDA (iminodiacetic acid) ligands
(cryogel-IDA-Cu2+) have been investigated by several research groups (7, 33, 36, 44, 53-56).
Plieva et al. (7), used Cu2+-IDA cryogels for the adsorption of lysozyme and Teilum et al. (55),
used Cu2+-IDA cryogels to immobilize liver mitochondria and studied a specific protein released
by these mitochondria. Recently, cryogels with chelated metal were also used for surface
In order to isolate and purify urokinase, Kumar et al. (57) developed a process for isolating the
enzyme in a cell-culture bioreactor. Polyacrylamide cryogels can be used for this purpose as a
matrix for affinity chromatography on immobilized metal (IMAC). A comparative study was
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made between the matrix cryogel and an affinity matrix based on conventional Sepharose for the
continuous capture of urokinase. The activation of the matrix (cryogel polyacrylamide and
Sepharose) was performed with Cu2+ (using iminodiacetic acid-IDA) as a good binder for IMAC
due to its affinity for proteins and the fact that it is a low cost metal to facilitate regeneration of
the stationary phase. According to the authors, urokinase showed significant affinity for copper
mainly due to the presence of 17 histidine residues (His) on its surface; these groups contain
residues that interact with Cu2+ imidazole. As for the comparative study of the efficiency of the
Cu2+-IDA polyacrylamide cryogel and the IDA-Cu2+ sepharose column for the capture of
urokinase, it was shown that the cryogel was selective and showed a better operational efficiency
compared with the Sepharose column. Thus, the authors concluded that IMAC, coupled with the
use of arrays of supermacroporous cryogel, are an ideal technique for the capture of urokinase
under physiological pH conditions in a continuous system. Arvidsson et al. (45) showed that
cryogel supermacroporous arrays are attractive for the handling of microbial cells in affinity
4.4. Other chelating cations
Although the majority of studies focus on the application of Cu2+-IDA cryogels for the
separation and purification of biomolecules or microbial cells, other transition metal ions, such
as Zn+2, Ni+2, Fe+2 and Co+2 are also suitable for IMAC (58, 59). Studies with cryogels in
nanotechnology applications have recently been presented. Yao et al. (35) proposed a new
continuous supermacroporous cryogel embedded with nano-sized particles for use in the
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(MBAAm), allyl glycidyl ether (AGE) and Fe3O4 nanoparticles under freezing. The matrix,
besides showing high porosity (pore 10-50μm) possessed high liquid permeability and a low
coefficient of axial dispersion in a wide range of flow velocity. The adsorption capacity of the
protein (BSA) in the array of the cryogel compared better with the same matrix cryogel (reported
Cryogels present alternative solutions to problems with processed foods. Lopez-Fouz et al. (60)
proposed the removal of the bitter taste of citrus juices using cryogels of polyvinyl alcohol
produces enzymes that metabolize Limonin (composite family of limonoids that are primarily
responsible for the bitter taste of citrus juices). The effect of the PVA, PEG, loaded cells, and
R. fascians-beds following the passage of orange juice was another focus of the study. The
concentrated cells could be used for three complete cycles (runs 24 to 20°C), retaining an
effectiveness of 35.6% hydrolysis of Limonin. Moreover, following the process, the authors did
not alter the main physical and chemical parameters of the citrus juice, except decrease the bitter
Naringin is another compound responsible for the bitter taste of citrus fruit juices. Busto et al.
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(61) studied the immobilization of naringinase (from cultures of Aspergillus niger CECT 2088)
concentration of the matrix, enzyme load and pH on efficiency of immobilization were studied.
The naringinase concentrate can be reused for 6 cycles (24 hours runs at 20°C), retaining 36%
The unique combination of the properties of cryogels, such as their macroporous structure,
biocompatibility and chemical and mechanical robustness, provides new opportunities for the
design of macroporous materials. Moderate conditions for immobilization and high mechanical
low aqueous solutions. The release of cells bound by affinity ensures high viability and recovery
of desorbed cells during chromatography. Furthermore, the large interconnected pores of the
monolithic cryogel allow rapid processing of large volumes of liquid phase. Thus, the
macroporous cryogel filter can be used for analytical detection and selective capture of specific
5. Cryogels compared to other permeation media
biomolecules from complex media, such as liquid suspensions of fermented media with or
without cells, fragments of such suspensions, and industrial waste. The chromatographic process
at industrial preparative scale is generally used during the stages of separation and purification of
homogenates, despite its high capacity and resolution. Particulate material contained in these
solutions decreases porosity, resulting therefore in increased flow resistance in the blocked
column. To overcome this drawback expanded bed chromatography was proposed, where the
mobile phase flow maintains the particles in the adsorbent suspension, to increase the porosity of
the bed and allow the particulate material to pass through the column without increasing flow
resistance. The density and size allow adequately designed particles to have a restricted
movement relative to a stationary position and a flow regime is maintained in the column.
However, despite all the advantages of expanded bed chromatography, columns, and special
types of equipment are required. Chromatographic columns with the characteristics of a fixed
bed, but with pores sufficiently large to allow solutions containing cell debris and particulate
matter in general may be drained through the column without clogging are ideally suited for the
separation and purification of biomolecules. In this case, the bed could have a system of
continuous interconnected porous particles rather than convective pores, where the process is
limited only in the interstitial inter-particle spaces. Such structures are inherent to so-called
The significant reduction in the influence of mass transport phenomena of cryogels matrices
compared with matrices of other materials, has led to the increased use of cryogels as supports
for chromatography. Regarding the purification of bovine lactoferrin, Billakanti et al. (62),
found values of q (adsorption capacity at equilibrium) approximately 10 times higher than the
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values found by Iafisco et al. (63) to study the adsorption of bovine lactoferrin on hydroxyapatite
nanocrystals. Regarding the dynamic capacity of the adsorbent, the cryogels (64) have also
Thus, this unique combination of properties has become highly attractive and advantageous for
6. Conclusion
The supermacroporous monolithic AAm-cryogel columns are promising separation media for the
of different sizes (typical of freeze-thawed cryogels prepared via free radical polymerization).
The size and morphology of the pores of cryogels are easily adjustable and controlled by the
The separation of particulate matter and capture of soluble material in particle containing media
as well as direct capture of proteins and other biomolecules from crude extracts, or even
unprocessed fermentation media are areas of interest that have encouraged the development of
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Table 1. Effect of the concentration of bis(acrylamide) on the size of the porous medium (radius
Å or 0.1 nm).
(acrylamide) (% w/v) 1 5 15 25
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6.5 24 Å 19 Å 28 Å -
8.0 23 Å 16 Å 24 Å 36 Å
10.0 19 Å 14 Å 20 Å 30 Å
12.0 17 Å 9Å - -
15.0 14 Å 7Å - -
Data taken from Cooper (20).
Figure 1 – Reactions forming cross-links in chains of acrylamide.
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Figure 2 - Influence of the concentration of acrylamide on gel pore size (reprinted with
permission of Wiley from Cooper (20)).
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Figure 3- Main Scheme for the formation of polymeric cryogels: 1, high molecular weight
precursor; 2, solvent; 3, precursor or low molecular weight soluble substances; 4, polycrystals of
frozen solvent; 5, unfrozen liquid microphase (ULMP); 6, cross-linked polymer gel; 7,
supermacroporus sponge.
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Figure 4 - Scanning electron microscopy images of PAAm cryogel samples formed from
aqueous 3% acrylamide and N, N'-methylene-bisacrylamide (30:1 molar ratio of monomers) at -
10°C (a), -20°C (b) and -30°C (c). (Adapted with permission of Spinger from Lozinsky (30)).
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Figure 5 - Hydrodynamic properties of columns made with the Figure 4 cryogels in
polyacrylamide (PAAm) at -10°C (1), -20°C (2) and -30°C (3) with a 3% aqueous solution of
AAm and N, N'-methylenebis-AAm using various ratios of monomers (hydrostatic pressure of
300 mm H2O or 3 kPa or 0.5 p.s.i.). (Adapted with of Springer from Lozinsky (30)).
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Figure 6 - Experimental and fitted flow rates as a function of pressure drop in the Fe3O4
nanoparticle-embedded cryogel column (μw =1×10−3 Pa s = 1 cP, L = 6.8×10−2 m = 68 mm, A =
2×10−4 m2). (●) Experimental and (─) fitted data. (Reprinted with permission of Elsevier from
Yao et al. (35)).
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Figure 7 - Scanning electron microscope photograph of the cryogel synthesized at -10oC by
cryoconcentration of monomers: AAm / MBAAm = 30:1.
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Figure 8 - Schematic representation of the two main approaches for cell immobilization. (a) via
mechanical concentration of cells within the cryogels during its preparation in different formats,
and (b) binding cells in the already prepared cryogel system, carrying specific ligands (Reprinted
with permission of Elsevier from Plieva, et al. (49)).
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