Diagnostic Confidence
Your journey starts with the DNA Upgradeable Platform
No matter how you configure your SPECTRALIS, you can be sure it
contains the core DNA for high contrast, high resolution images that cut
through the noise and give you the confidence to pinpoint pathology,
My team was one of the first users of Heidelberg Engineering
identify real change and make more informed clinical decisions.
imaging devices in the world; in fact, our SPECTRALIS platform
was the eighth to be produced. We have had several upgrades and
continue to be delighted, particularly with the OCT Angiography
Module. In the past ten years the value of the SPECTRALIS has
Table of Contents come to be recognized throughout the world for images that are
superior, fast, powerful and reliable – it is indispensable.
Upgradeable Platform
Noise Reduction
10 Layer Visualization
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Confocal Fundus Image Multi-modality Diagnostics
The confocal scanning laser system, together with the eye tracker,
provide high resolution images that are of great value for both our
research purposes and the clinic’s day to day care of patients.
Professor Frank Holz, University of Bonn, Germany BluePeak autofluorescence Fluorescein Angiography
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TruTrack Active Eye Tracking Retinal Recognition
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Noise Reduction 10 Layer Visualization
Pinpoint pathology
Thanks to TruTrack Active
Eye Tracking, SPECTRALIS
averages up to 100 B-scans
live in front of your eyes even
in a volume scan. This provides
you with high resolution
images from vitreous through
to choroid that enable you to
pinpoint pathology.
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Build your Confidence Build your Confidence Build your SPECTRALIS
*Optional extras
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It‘s easy to add additional functionality to your
SPECTRALIS that enhances clinical decision making.