Problems For Thermodynamics
Problems For Thermodynamics
Problems For Thermodynamics
A ideal gaswhose R=
278.6|/kgm.Kand C, 1.015
k/kg.Kexpands =
from 1517kPa,288°Cto 965 kPa.
For454 gmm/s of this gas
W.(b) V2 (c} aUand (d) AH. determine, (a)
Ans. (a) 21.9 kI/s: (b)
0.06495m'/s; (d)-30.18
10.A polytrupic
process of airfrom 150psia, 300°F,and 1f
accordance with pVC
Determine (a) yand V, (b) AU, AH and S,(c) J
occurs top;= 20psia
Vàp. () Computethe heat from the pdV and-J
AU+ pdV. (e) Find the specific heat and check
by theequation Q=
Ans. (a) 17.4°E,
nonflow work and ()the steady flow work forAKE
f: =0.
()8.60 Btu; (e) 34.41b)
-25.81 Btu, -36.14
4.73 Btu; Btu,0.0141 Btu/°R; (C) 34.41Bu,
Btu; ()44.73 Btu
methane.For methane,k=
Ans. (a) 50.91 KJ,
-16.88 k]: (b)
63.50 k, -4.29 k
1 Airat 22°C,
1.02 barinitially
occupying a cylinder
compressedreversíbly and volume of 0.01Sm,
Computeta,Vzand isentropicallyby a piston to a
WNP pressure of 6.8 bar.
stirred by
3.A10-t'essel hydrogenat a pressure of 305psia is vigorousiy
(a) AU ànd (b) W. No heat is
padles until the pressure becomes 400 psia Determine
4. Three pounds a perfect gas with R= 38 ftlb,/th.Rand k= 1.667 have 300 Btu
of heat added duringa reversible nonflow constant pressure change of state. The initial
Determine the (a) final temperature, (b) AH, () W, (d) AU, and
temperature is 100°F.
Ans (a)919°F:(c)120 Btu; (d) 180 Btu; (e)0.3301 Btu/°R
5. While the pressure remains constant at 689.5 kPa the volume ofa system of aír
changes from 0.567 m'to 0283 m². Whatare (a) aU,(b) AH,(c) 0(G)AS?(e) Ifthe
7.IF10 kg-min ofair are compressed isothermally from p =96 kPa and Vi =75
min to pz =620kPa,findthe work, the change ofentropy and the heat for (a)nonti
processand (b)a steady flow processwith u =15m/sandu,=60m/s.
Ans (a)-1370 Kl/min, -5.356 kj/Kmin: (b) -1386.9%|/min
from 95.3 psig
8.One pound ofan idealgas undergoes an isentropic process are
volune of 0.6 ft to a final volume of 36 f.
=0.124aand 0.093 c=
Btu/lh R
pressure of. S bars. Determine the final temperature, the heat transferred and the
isochoric process fromp, =0.552 MPa,t,= 58.5°C top, 1.66 MPa. During the
process, there added 100 KJ of heat. Compute the heat transferred, change of
internal energy and the change of entropy.
14. Helium at 10.14 MPa, -108C expands at constant temperature to 1 MPa. For
1.5Kgm, calculate the work nonflow andwork steady flow.
15. There are added 300 BTU of heat from 2 Kg of a certain gas that undergoes an
isothermal process at 27°C. For this gas R = 0.519Kg-and K= 1.3. The initial
pressure 0.590 MPa. For both
is nonflow and steady flow processes, computeV, V2
P,Work, AS,AH and Q.
16.1000CFM of air are compressed at constant temperature of 85°F and 198 psia to
S80psia. For both nonflow and steady flow, compute Jpdv, -J Vdp,aS and aH.
COgas are compressed
polytropícally with index 1.3 from P =14 psia,t, =
138°F,to 338°F. Compute for Pz, w, AS and Q assuming ídeal gas action for a
nonflow process.
118F in an internally
intially at 390 psia, 9, min 299°F are cooled isometrically to
reversible manner.ComputeP pdv,-
AŠfora vdp, A, AH,Qand
nonflow process.
and 80C. The gas Is
X 105 N/m²
4. A cylinder contains 0.45 m² gas at 1
of a
being 5 X 10° N/m,
of 0.13m the Anal pressure
compressed to a volume
Compute: (a) The mass of gas
Take R= 294.2J/kg K
ke 1.4
from 0.5 MPa, 0.2m
adiabatic oompression
a reversible entropy and
5. Afluid undergoes change in enthalpy,
pyl?= c Calculate the during the
m according to the
compute the heat transfer
and work nonflow
internal energy.
of acertain
ideal gas with K= 1.30 and R= 35is compressed in
contained in a closed system with
V= 1.0
8 pound Nitrogen with c,= 0.248is
to take place until V,= 90% of its inítial value while the
cu ft Heat transfer is allowed
20 psia. Compute the final temperature and the heat
pressure is kept constant at
10. fir is compressed in a cylinder in a given relation pVl3= constant. The process start
with 14 psia, R0°F and the pressure íncreases to 80 psia. If the process is frictionles,