Xi-Latihan Soal

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A. Choose the correct answer.

1. Julia : What should I do? I can’t get into this dress d. What a tiring journey
anymore and I haven’t any other suitable one for the e. Okay
interview. 9. Woman : What do you think of my appearance? Do I
Sandra : Why not borrow one of mine? look okay?
The underlined expression is used …. Man : Well. Yes. But it will be more elegant if you
a. To advise wear a long black dress.
b. To offer Woman : Alright.
c. To request What is the dialogue about?
d. To suggest a. The woman’s dress
e. To volunteer b. The elegant woman
2. Kevin : Hi, you look lost. Can I help you? c. The woman’s black dress
Tourist : Yes, I’m trying to get to the railway station. d. The woman’s appearance
In the dialogue, we know that Kevin …. e. The man’s complaint about the woman
a. Tries to greet the tourist 10. Man : Oh my God, this traffic is making me crazy.
b. Wants to give information Woman : Absolutely! I think there must be an accident.
c. Allows the tourist to help Man : I think so too. It’s almost seven o’clock. We’ll
d. Offers his help to the tourist be late for school
e. Drives the tourist to the railway station Woman : We’d better tell our teacher that we’re coming
3. Teacher : That girl is careless! She hasn’t late, because of the traffic. We hope and pray that traffic
passed up a single test all year. will be fine soon and we will not miss the first lesson.
Headmaster : Why don’t you ask her mother to Man : Okay, let’s call her.
come and see you? What is the best solution they have?
What does the headmaster do? a. Make themselves crazy
a. Suggesting something b. Come late to school
b. Inviting someone c. Call the teacher
c. Offering a help d. Hope and pray
d. Directing a way e. Miss the first lesson
e. Persuading someone 11. Woman : Look at me! Does this long red dress suit on
4. Brad : Can I give you a lift? me, John?
Jen : No, thanks. Man : I don’t think so. I think the green long dress is
Brad’s expression is used to …. better than the red one
a. Ask permission Woman : How about the short black one?
b. Volunteer Man : Yes, that suits you. You look gorgeous with
c. Request that one.
d. Persuade Which dress suites the woman?
e. Offer a. The short red one
5. Rose : Sara, may I borrow your umbrella, please? b. The short green one
Sara : I’m sorry I can’t lend it to you. …. c. The short black one
What is the appropriate response to the question? d. The long red one
a. Let’s go inside e. The long green one
b. It’s better to use mine 12. Jul : Ria, what do you think of the cake I bake?
c. Why don’t we buy an umbrella Ria : It’s really delicious, Jul. I love it!
d. Shall I borrow your umbrella Jul : Yes!
e. Why don’t you borrow one from Wendy. From the dialogue above, Jul is ….
6. Sonny : You look so busy. ………… a. Asking for an opinion
Anne : No, thank you. I can handle them. b. Asking for help
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …. c. Requesting for attention
a. I will leave you alone d. Giving an item
b. Would you like some help? e. Giving opinion
c. Do you want to help me? 13. Dave : So what do you think of my singing?
d. Don’t bother John : It’s really good, but I suggest to try singing in
e. Take a rest a high tune.
7. Dika : Good morning. How do you feel today? Dave : Thanks, John.
Mila : I couldn’t sleep all night. I had got a terrible John : No problem, Dave.
headache. From the dialogue above, John is ….
Dika : …… a. Asking for help
a. I have got a headache too b. Giving an opinion
b. You should stay at home c. Asking for an opinion
c. Don’t you go to school? d. Giving help
d. The doctor is coming soon e. Giving attention
e. You have to sleep nicely 14. Jane : What do you think of my drawing?
8. Bagas : Shall we have a picnic to Watu Ulo this Rose : It’s amazing, but I think you should erase the
weekend? scribbles over here.
Reni : ……. I’m sure we’ll have some fun there. Jane : Thank you so much for your opinion, Rose!
a. Oh, I disagree Rose : My pleasure.
b. I’m sorry, I can’t From the dialogue above, Rose is …
c. That’s good idea a. Asking for attention
b. Asking a question e. Unforgettable
c. Giving an opinion 21. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
d. Giving help a. Parents remember the moment of the proposal
e. Asking for help b. Their daughter imagines the moment of proposal
15. Mita : What do you think about the fairy? c. Parents feel happy with their daughter’s wedding
Bayu : I think she deserves to return to heaven d. Parents are worried about their daughter’s wedding
We can conclude that Mita is … e. Parents tell his memory on his daughter’s grown up
a. Asking for information from Bayu 22. Why did Mr. Purwodirjo invite Mr. Nurhasan to his
b. Asking Bayu’s opinion daughter’s wedding?
c. Giving her opinion to Bayu a. To inform Mr. Nurhasan that there will be a
d. Agreeing with Bayu’s opinion wedding party
e. Disagreeing with bayu’s opinion b. To keep a good relationship with Mr. Nurhasan
16. Aldi : …… c. To inform about her daughter marriage
Ina : I think it’s great. d. To share wedding party’s experience
a. Have you read this book? e. To keep in touch with Mr. Nurhasan
b. What do you think of this book? Text for question number 23 - 24
c. What is it?
d. Do you know this? Please join us as we celebrate our 40th Anniversary
e. How do you do? RAHMAT AND SHALILA
17. Andy : What do you think about the restaurant?
Budy : I think the price is too expensive. Friday, May 7th
From the dialogue above we can conclude that …. 6.30p.m – 10.00p.m
a. Budy is expressing pleasure
b. Budy is expressing treasure Pondok Indah, South Jakarta
c. Budy is expressing displeasure (Dinner is available)
d. Budy is expressing disappointed
e. Budy is giving opinion RSVP 65412397
Text for number 18 – 22. (Nanag/Nini/Nita)

Dear Mr. Mrs. Nurhasan,

As the parents of the bride, we would like to take this 23. The type of party above is ….
opportunity to invite you to the wedding of our daughter, Sandra a. Maternity party
Gwen to her fiancé, Adam Hardi. On this joyous occasion, we b. Ceremonial new house party
wish to share the day with our closest friends and family c. Graduation party
members. d. Marriage party
Children grow faster than any of us can imagine, the time is e. Anniversary party
upon us to watch our child grow and flourish into a new stage of 24. The purpose of the invitation above is ….
their life. He proposed while the two of them were on vacation. a. To invite people to join the party
She happily accepted his proposal and now they are to be b. To tell a good relationship
married. c. To describe a certain party
The formal event will be located at the Fire Lake Golf and d. To persuade people to have marriage
Country Club in the fifteenth of August at three o’clock, two e. To share the happiness
thousand and seventeen.
We hope to see you there to enjoy this special day with To all members of UPN Society Petroleum Engineer Student
friends and family. Chapter
I would like to remind you to come the weekly meeting on
Sincerely yours, Wednesday, 23 August 2018 from 7 pm until 9pm in our meeting
Purwadirjo room. There will be some souvenir from Bali
Best regards,
18. What is the letter about? Ravino Ichsan
a. The bride’s parents 25. Based on the invitation above, the correct statement is
b. The joyous occasion ……
c. The invitation to the wedding a. The meeting held every week
d. The wedding of Sandra Gwen b. Every week, Ravino Ichsan gives a souvenir from
e. The attendance of friends and family Bali to all members of UPN Society Petroleun
19. When did Sandra’s fiancé propose her? Engineer Student Chapter
a. While he was in her house c. The meeting always held on Wednesday
b. While they were on vacations d. The meeting always held in meeting room
c. When they visited her parents e. Ravino Ichsan is the president of UPN Society
d. While he was meeting her parents Petroleum Engineer Student Chapter
e. When they were in front of her parents
20. On this joyous occasion, we wish to share the day with Text for number 26 – 27
our closest friends and family members. Soft and sweet, a state of bliss
The underlined word has the similar meaning as …. Our mommy-to be is expecting a girl
a. Happy Let’s shower Desi Bestiana with love
b. Crucial friday , December 19th, 2017
c. Gloomy at 4 p.m.
d. Important RSVP by December 16th, 2017
Aditya-083855576876 children accessing it is a must. This is because of the following
26. From the text we can infer that …. Websites on the Internet are easily opened by everyone
a. Desi Bestiana is going to deliver a baby around the world. The website may contain bad and
b. The party will be held in the morning inappropriate articles, pictures and videos. Children can’t filter
c. Desi Bestiana has delivered a baby boy which one they should see and which they should not.
d. Desi Bestiana is a mother to be The Internet can also make children addicted. Moreover,
e. Desi Bestiana is to be a girl there are many websites providing online games for children. If
27. Our mommy-to be is expecting a girl. we can’t control them, they will play the games for hours without
The underlined word mean? stopping. This is absolutely not good for them.
a. Recognizing Besides, if children access the Internet too often, they may
b. Admitting not have a good social life. They won’t be able to get along with
c. Confessing their friends. Furthermore, this may make them anti-social.
d. Waiting for Thus, it is clear that we should control children when they
e. Admiring access the Internet.
Text for number 28 – 30 31. What is the text mainly talk about?
The use of formalin and other dangerous preservatives in a. Dangerous websites for children
food has been serious problem for three reasons. b. The danger of the Internet for children
Firstly, formalin is not for human beings, but it is for c. The time duration for children accessing the
biological specimens and experiments. Formalin in Biology is a Internet
10% solution for formaldehyde in water which is usually used as d. The control over children’s access on the Internet
a disinfectant or to preserve biological specimens. Thus, it is not e. The reasons children should minimize Internet
for food preservatives. Of course when it is used for food usage
preservative, it will be very dangerous to human’s body. 32. What makes children addicted to Internet?
The second reason is that there is no tight control from the a. Online games
government. This condition makes the people’s health is really in b. Factual articles
a threat. When the control is weak and the use formalin was c. Interesting videos
spread wide all over the Indonesian regions, and these days it d. Inappropriate pictures
has really happened, the citizen’s body will be badly e. Educational materials
contaminated with the poisons. 33. What will happen if children engage to the Internet too
Fish or food traders still sell their products which contain frequent?
formalin and dangerous preservatives. Can you imagine that our a. They will be up-to-date
digestive system absorbs the substance that should be for the b. They will have many friends
human and animal corpses? Considering the reasons, we can c. They will become introvert
make a conclusion that the use of formalin and other d. They will neglect their studies
preservatives is really a serious problem if it is not resolved e. They will gain various information
immediately. 34. What does the writer suggest related to the topic?
28. Why is formalin dangerous for human’s body? a. Forbid children from accessing the Internet
a. It is not food preservatives b. Attend children when surfing the Internet
b. It is a disinfectant for human beings c. Give punishment if children access the Internet
c. It is used to preserve biological specimens d. Have children to attend many courses or activities
d. It is 10% solution of formaldehyde in water e. Not allow children to have advanced mobile
e. It is controlled flighty from the government phones
29. The main idea of paragraph three is …. 35. “The websites may contain bad and inappropriate
a. The human’s bodies will be harmful after articles, …”(paragraph 2)
consuming the formalin The underlined word is similar in meaning to ….
b. The government has not controlled the use of a. Indigenous
formalin firmly b. Indifferent
c. The weak control of using formalin is not c. Provocative
threatening the human d. Dissatisfying
d. The human’s bodies will be harmful after e. Irrelevant
consuming the formalin Text for number 36-40
e. The use of formalin is known all over the regions Many people use the Internet to search for information, to
30. Based on the facts above, the writer suggest that …. broaden their knowledge. Many others use it to chat with their
a. People have to avoid consuming formalin in their friends. However, they have not optimized the functions of the
food Internet yet, primarily to get money. Yes, you can earn money
b. The use of formaldehyde is necessary to control from the Internet.
the food Only a few people use the Internet to earn money. This is
c. People should add 100% solution of formaldehyde usually done by bloggers. In their blogs, they usually write about
in water interesting topics or issues for readers. The more people read
d. The food preservatives is required to make the food the articles, by visiting the blogs, the more advertisers appear on
delicious the blogs. These are sources of money.
e. Food seller is supposed to pour formalin for In addition to creating a blog and filling it with interesting
vegetables and food products articles, many people try their luck by doing online businesses
Text for number 31 – 35. recently. Business women usually offer shoes, handbags,
Today, it is not surprising to see that many children are wallets, scarves, veils and many other accessories. While
familiar with the Internet. The Internet is important, but controlling businessmen sell equipment used by men, such as air pumps,
cars or motorcycle covers, sports and fishing equipment and T-
shirts. Those online sellers can earn millions of Rupiah per d. Playing online games in an internet café
month! e. Interesting online games for youngsters
There is one more thing you can do to earn money from the 38. What do bloggers usually do to earn money from the
Internet. You can create online games. Many youngsters often Internet?
spend their weekends in an Internet café to play a games with a. Writing about interesting topics or issue
their colleagues. Of course, the more interesting the games you b. Providing interesting online games
create, the more youngster play them. Consequently, many ads c. Informing about the benefit of being bloggers
will benefit from the space you provide for your games, which d. Persuading people to become bloggers
become your income resources! e. Relating stories as successful bloggers
So, the Internet is not only a medium for information, 39. Creative game creators may earn sums of money from
knowledge, and friends but also revenue. By creating blogs and the Internet because ….
filling them with interesting items, bloggers can earn money from a. They love playing online games
ads served on their blogs. In addition, many people start doing b. They may put a lot of advertisements on the blogs
online businesses using the Internet, for example, selling shoes, c. They can create games which make the gamers
bags, scarves for business-women, and sell vehicles, sports and addictive
fishing equipment and T-shirts for businessmen. Creative game d. They can challenge online gamers to compete with
creators can also earn money from the Internet. them
36. The suitable title for the text is …. e. Online gamers usually play games at weekends
a. The reason people use the Internet 40. “By creating blogs and filling them with interesting
b. The rapid growth of internet usage items, …”(Last paragraph)
c. The way to use the internet efficiently The word “them” refers to …
d. Earning money from the internet a. Ads
e. What the internet is b. Blogs
37. What is the main idea of paragraph four? c. Money
a. Youngsters’ activity during the weekends d. Bloggers
b. Creating online games to earn money e. Interesting writings
c. Advertisements on online games

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