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Objectives basic nutrients are minerals and water.

The proportion of each of these
 To get information about the food components varies according to the
nutrients, its sources and functions
quantity of the substance. The process of
 To know importance of Balanced
taking nutrients into the body and using
them is called 'nutrition'. Nutrition is the
 To know about energy sources for
study of nutrients in food.
 To know energy requirements Need of Diet and Nutrition
according to sports and * Energy for physical effort and
information regarding diet. movement.
 To know importance of * For functions of cells, tissues and
maintaining balanced water level glands.
of sportmen. * Growth and development of the body.
 To know the relationship between * To maintain body temperature.
diet and behaviour. * To develop immunity in the body.
Diet is an important factor for good Classification of Nutrients :
health. Adequate diet is essential for the We receive many components from
growth of the body and good health. In food which are called as nutrients. The
fact, it is the food that fuels your body to nutrients are classified into two groups:
function smoothly. Your health depends 1. Staple Nutrients / Macro-Nutrients:
on the diet you eat. Carbohydrates, Protein and Fats are
The food we eat is called diet. Your major nutrients and are required in
diet majorly includes cereals, legumes, higher quantities in the body.
oilseeds, vegetables, fruits, milk, dairy 2. Micro Nutrients: Vitamins,
products, eggs, meat, fish, oil, ghee, Minerals these are required in lesser
sugary substances, spices, etc. Although quantities in the body. These are
there are many types of nutrients, the called as Micro-Nutrients.
Classification of Nutrients according to its functions

Nutrients providing Energy Nutrients for building tissues Supplementary Nutrients

Carbohydrates and Fats Proteins Vitamins, Salts and
daily diet are made from amino acids.
They perform important function
They are needed for many functions
of supplying energy to the body. From
that living beings perform. Nearly half
one gram of carbs one receives four
of your body Protein are in form of
kilocalories of energy. From the total
muscles. The quality of the Proteins
energy required for the body one should depends on the amount of essential
receive 55-60 % from Carbohydrates. amino acids available in the food.
We get carbohydrates From the
following foods Cereals like Cow, rye,
Fats are essential for energy
millet, maize, rice, etc. One gets
production, controlling body temperature,
carbohydrates from Fruits like mangoes,
lubrication of the joints and nourishment
grapes, bananas, apples, potatoes, sweet
of the body. About 25-30% of the total
potatoes and milk and milk products.
energy you need should come from Fats
After digestion, they are converted into
sources. Oilseeds, Coconut, Oil, Ghee,
glucose. Excessive amounts of glucose
Butter, Milk, Meat, Fish and Fish Oil are
are stored in the form of glycogen. When
the main sources of Fats. Nine kcal of
body is deprived of food, this glycogen is
energy is derived from one gram of Fats.
broken down and re-formed into glucose
and the body gets the required energy.
Minerals are required for good health and
Protein: growth of body, teeth, bones and nerves.
It is essential for nourishment, Green leafy vegetables, legumes,
growth and degeneration of the body as cashews, almonds, dates, sesame, pulses,
well as for strengthening the bones. Four eggs, meat, fish, marine and other sources
kcal of energy is obtained from 1 gm of are rich in minerals like calcium,
protein. About 15% of the total energy phosphorus, iron, iodine, potassium,
requirement should come from protein copper, magnesium, sodium, etc.
sources. Pulses, legumes, groundnuts, Vitamins:
cashews, almonds, apricots, milk, dairy Vitamins are essential nutrient for proper
products, meat, fish, eggs are other growth and development of the body.
sources of protein. Lack of vitamins leads to many disorders.
Did you know? The body receives the required vitamins
from a wide variety of vegetables and
One requires sufficient energy for
fruits such as green leafy vegetables,
daily routine work, maintaining body
temperature, metabolism and support broken grains, bananas and animal
growth process. The Protein from our products like eggs, milk, butter, meat and
Food Pyramid

Oil, Ghee and Butter

Meat, Fish, Eggs, Milk

and Dairy Products

Fruits and Vegetables

Grains and Cereals

Types of Vitamins: * Develops the ability to work.

1. Fat soluble Vitamins: A, D, E and K * Increases immunity
2. Water SolubleVitamins: B (B1, A normal sedentary Indian requires
2,3,6,12) and C 2500 Kcal energy. The individual should
Water: get his energy from 55-60%
Body contains 65-70% water which is Carbohydrates, 10-20% Protein and
essential to maintain the body temperature. remaining 25-30 % from Fats. Adequate
Water is essential for digestion, absorption balanced diet is required for the athletes
and to transport essential nutrients and so that they do not get tired due to the
also for excretion. energy expended for daily exercise and
Balanced Diet: practice and the energy needs to be
A Diet consisting of a variety of different replenished faster.
types of food and nutrients like Diet Plan for Athletes:
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, The most important factor in
minerals and water in adequate amounts achieving the highest level of
for good health is balanced diet. performance for any player is the weight
* A balanced diet provides good of the player. Similarly, the performance
nutrition to the body. depends upon the amount of body fat and
* One gets the required amount of water, the capacity of muscles, respiratory
calories on a daily basis. As a result, and circulatory system. Diet depends on
one gets better physical and mental factors such as the game of the athlete,
health. his weight, his age, level of training and
environment. It is important for the athlete
to increase the amount of carbohydrates increased energy needs by taking
in the diet in order to produce an abundant adequate amounts of nutrients in their
amount of glucose. This is because the diet to enhance their performance.
extra glucose is transformed into Athletes put in a lot of effort during
glycogen. At the same rate at which training and they spend more calories.
energy is used by the muscles, the same Players work hard while training and
amount of energy is supposed to be much calories are used for energy. If
generated which depends on capacity of more calories are being spent, then the
muscles, ATP produced in muscles and same amount of calories should be
similar processes. Glucose and Glycogen consumed by the players. The proportion
produces ATP. Athletes involved in sports of nutrients i.e. Carbohydrates, Proteins,
requiring more muscles and efficiency Fats, Vitamins and Minerals should be
should consume high-carb foods in larger increased considering the increase in
quantities in their diet. expenditure of Calories.
Only 5 to 15% of the total energy Water Balance in the Body
required by the body is derived from After activity there is increase in body
protein. Even if you exercise or play until temperature and to decrease the
you get tired, it does not affect your temperature, the body sweats. Even if the
protein metabolism. Athletes require sweating is appropriate mechanism to
protein to develop muscles during training decrease the body temperature one needs
period. to take care that he doesn’t get dehydrated
In recent times an increase is seen in due to the loss. The water loss due to
the use of these vitamin supplements for sweating causes fatigue. If there is
weight gain. However, according to decrease in 2% body weight during
physicians, such forms are harmful to the activity it results in decreased muscular
body. This can have a direct effect on the function and water needs to be replenished
brain. Therefore, the diet should be whenever athlete has the opportunity i.e.
proper. It is beneficial for the players as pre-during-post competition and also
well as the general public to have a diet during breaks. It is beneficial for athletes
without taking any shortcuts. So don't to consume glucose water, lemon juice
neglect diet. and sports drinks to prevent fatigue and
Types of Sports and Energy generate energy. To prepare Sports drink
requirements at home add 1 tbsp salt + 4 spoon glucose
The need for energy increases + half lemon to 1 litre of water. It is
according to the type of sport including important to consume adequate amount
more movement and more physical of water in sports of high sweating and
fitness. Athletes need to meet their high temperature.
state of the blood. According to the
research of Ayurveda and Yoga, human
२५० मिली २५० मिली २५० मिली
is considered to be meritorious.
* Satvik / Satvogun: Enthusiasm,
२५० मिली २५० मिली २५० मिली perseverance, toughness, Calm
attitude, stability, etc.
२५० मिली २५० मिली * Rajas / Rajogun: instability,
Better Health through Diet volatility, anger, hatred, inflammation,
To achieve better health through Diet etc.
below mentioned things can be done: * Tamisik / Tamogun: lazy, sleepiness,
* The diet should be for health rather aggressive nature, greed, jealousy,
than for taste. etc.
* The duration between meals should These are three qualities of human
not be less than three hours and more behaviour and similarly the food we eat
than 6 to 8 hours. contains three qualities.
* Dinner should be easy to digest. The * Satvik / Satvogun: All sweet fruits,
duration between dinner and sleep green leafy vegetables, vegetables,
should be minimum two hours. milk, ghee, honey, almond, pista and
* Food should be fresh, hot and liquid/ dates.
watery. * Rajas / Rajogun: legumes, fried
* Include protein rich diet in case you foods, jaggery, sugary and fine flour
are performing strengthening * Tamisik / Tamogun: stale food, all
exercises. meat, eggs, alcohol, tobacco and
* Give priority to foods that are rich in drugs.
fibre in your diet. For quality behaviour the individual
* Your diet should include 25-30 gm should intake Satvik Diet. Considering
sprouted pulses. the negative effects the Tamsik Diet is to
* Consuming water in the morning, be avoided.
buttermilk in the afternoon and milk
at night is beneficial for better health.
Diet and Behaviour
The conduct, thoughts and health of a
person is the way he takes his diet. The Satvik Rajas Tamisik
diet we take determines the chemical food food food

Q1. Fill in the blanks
1. Intake of Nutrients into the body and using it means …………
2. From 1 gm of Protein ………… Kcal energy is received.
3. Players performing strengthening exercises should increase proportions of
………… in their diet.
4. Normal sedentary individual requires ………… Kcal energy daily.
Q2. Write only names
1. Factor regulating body temperature
2. Fat Soluble Vitamins
3. Energy-rich compound formed from Glucose
4. Nutrient important for stronger bones
Q3. Match the Following
Part A Answers Part B
1) Sprouted Food ( ) a) Temperature Control
2) Fried Food ( ) b) Amrutann
3) Water ( ) c) Vitamins
4) Micro-Nutrients ( ) d) Vishann
Q4. Answer in brief
1. Write the process to prepare Sports Drink at home.

2. Write importance of Balanced Diet.
3. On which factors the diet of Sportsmen depends?
4. Classify Nutrients according to their functions.
Q5. Complete the following Diagram.



Supplementary Exercise:
1) Get information about different crops and food through internet.
2) Collect detailed information about Balanced diet.

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