TTL 2 Ict Lesson 2
TTL 2 Ict Lesson 2
TTL 2 Ict Lesson 2
Integration in Learning
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. discuss essential points to consider when integrating
any ICT in facilitating education;
2. present learning plans that integrate ICT in the learning
procedures to be able to attain the
learning outcomes; and
3. plan for some activities that will help develop digital
citizenship and relate this to the
development of the 21st Century Skills among learners
Let’s Ponder!
Ponder on your background, educational
experiences, and prior knowledge and skills on how
information, communication, and technologies (ICTs)
were successfully used by your teachers in the lower level.
Recall the ICT tolls that were used by your teachers in your
English, Mathematics, or Science class, and describe how
these were used to help you understand the lesson. Write
at least five lessons vis-à-vis the ICT tools and a short
description of how these were used. (15 points)
Integrating Technology in
Integrating technology with teaching means
1. John Pisapia the use of learning technologies to:
• introduce,
(1994) • reinforce,
• Supplement; and
• extend skills.
the five events are specific teaching strategies, learning actions or experiences,
related media form, examples of non-computer-based activity, and examples of
computer-based activity.
Teaching and Teaching Learning Action Related Media Examples of Example of
Learning Event Action or or Experience Form Non-Computer- Computer-
Strategy Based Activity Based Activity
Acquisition Show, Attending, Narrative: TV, video, fil, Lecture notes
Demonstrate, Apprehending, Linear lectures, books, online,
Describe, Listening presentational. other print streaming video
Explain Usually same publications or lectures,
‘text’ acquired DVD,
simultaneously multimedia
by many including digital
people video, audio
Discovery Create or set Investigating, Interactive: Libraries, CD based, DVD
up or find our or Exploring, Non-linear galleries, or Web
guide through Browsing, presentational, museums resources
discovery Searching searchable, including
spaces and filterable etc. hypertext,
resources but no enhanced
feedback hypermedia,
resources. Also,
Teaching and Teaching Learning Action Related Media Examples of Example of
Learning Event Action or or Experience Form Non-Computer- Computer-
Strategy Based Activity Based Activity
Dialogue Set up, Frame, Discussing, Communicative Seminar, Email,
Moderate, Collaborating, : Conversation tutorials, discussion,
Lead, Facilitate Reflecting, with other conferences forums, blogs
discussions Arguing, students,
Analyzing, lecturer or self
Practice Model Experimenting, Adaptive: Laboratory, Drill and
Practicing Feedback, filed trip, practice,
learner control simulation, role tutorial
play programs,
Creation Facilitating Articulating, Productive: Essay, object, Simple existing
Experimenting, Linear control animation, tools, as well as
Making, model especially
Synthesizing created