The Effect of Quality of Public Governance
The Effect of Quality of Public Governance
The Effect of Quality of Public Governance
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the quality of public
governance, accountability, and effectiveness on the intentions of members of the
Indonesian Chinese Islamic Association (PITI) in Yogyakarta in paying zakat at
zakat institutions with trust as a moderating variable. This research uses a
quantitative approach, purposive sampling method. The sample is PITI
Yogyakarta members, amounting to 100 people. Data analysis uses interaction test
or MRA (Moderated Regression Analysis). The results of the statistical
calculations with moderation test show that the influence of the quality of public
governance (X1), accountability (X2), and effectiveness (X3) contributed
(influence) 84.4% of the trust variable (Z) and 86.6% of the intention variable of
PITI members pay zakat (Y). The results of statistical calculations show that the
quality of public governance does not have a significant effect on the variable of
trust and the intention to pay zakat. While the accountability and effectiveness
variables have a significant effect on the variable of trust and the intention to pay
zakat. Overall, the quality of public governance, accountability, and effectiveness
with trust as a moderating variable has a significant influence on the intention to
pay zakat.
Keywords: The quality of public governance, accountability, effectiveness, intention of PITI
members to pay zakat at zakat institutions
1. Introduction
One of the main problems faced by developing countries now is the economic problem.
Economic problems often have a negative impact on people's social lives such as poverty and
unemployment to the point of crime. Islam has an effort to overcome poverty, namely by
distributing zakat to people who are unable or have difficulties in their economy. With good
management of zakat is a potential source that is utilized to advance the general welfare of the
whole community.
Zakat has the meaning to grow, develop, be patient, increase. Zakat is a form of worship that
serves as a means of income distribution in society to reduce the gap between people who are
affluent and those who are deficient. Therefore, the management of zakat must be done
productively and professionally so that zakat can realize these Islamic ideas in bringing
prosperity to the people from poverty.
Based on the results of a survey conducted by the ADB (Asian Development Bank) on data
collection of BAZNAS zakat funds in 2010, it turns out that most of the obligatory zakat
(muzaki) in Indonesia is still hesitant in distributing zakat. In 2010 the potential for national
zakat reached Rp 100 trillion, but BAZNAS could only collect as much as Rp 1.2 trillion. This is
also consistent with the results of research conducted by the Etnomark Consulting Research
Institute of Indonesia, that "the public does not yet fully trust the amil zakat institution as a place
to distribute zakat". The survey results show the low trust held by the muzaki towards amil zakat
institutions. This makes every amil zakat institution need to improve its performance in order to
win the trust of muzaki, so that it will bring up the intention of muzaki in paying zakat.
According to Budiyono, et al, (2019) the level of education and the level of religiousity muzakki
interest to pay zakat on the National Amil Zakat Board Surakarta.
Each zakat institution has different performance qualities, in this case the performance of the
public and private sectors is measured using 3 things: efficiency, economy, and effectiveness.
Efficiency represents the relationship between resources budgeted or expended for an activity
and what is received from the activity. While effectiveness focuses on the direct results of an
organization whose output must be specific. In addition to the results of the survey and the
opinions of the experts above regarding the low trust of muzakki towards amil zakat institutions,
it is also known that the absorption of zakat funds is not yet effective. Indonesia itself has great
zakat potential due to the majority of its Muslim population. However, some sources state that
the receipt of zakat in Indonesia does not correspond to the potential zakat funds received by
Amil (BAZ). This shows that the receipt of zakat in Indonesia has not been able to reach the
In addition to paying attention to the target of receiving zakat, amil zakat institutions also
need to pay attention to transparent and accountable organizational principles. Increased
transparency and accountability of institutions can make muzakki more confident to channel
their zakat funds to the Amil Zakat Institution.
The target of receiving zakat which is far from its potential is probably due to the attitude of
not paying zakat. Besides being influenced by intention, it is also influenced by the quality of
public governance carried out by the agency or government that deals with the zakat sector.
At present there are many zakat distribution institutions, one of which is the Indonesian
Chinese Islamic Association (PITI). PITI is a community organization (organization) that was
founded in 1970 in Yogyakarta with the aim of uniting Muslims and preaching in the Chinese
Muslim community. One of the actual PITI programs is to participate in coordinating zakat
payments. Each PITI member is known to make routine payments of zakat, this is because the
majority of members are entrepreneurs and have a stable income so that payment of zakat is not
a burden and can be done routinely. Therefore, research needs to be done to find out how the
commitment of PITI Yogyakarta members in paying zakat.
However, the discussion about the relationship between the quality of public governance,
accountability, and effectiveness towards the intention to pay zakat with trust as a moderating
variable in research on members of the Indonesian Chinese Islamic Association in Yogyakarta, is
limited in the scope of zakat. Research like this has never been done before. So, research related
to variables in the context of this zakat institution, will at least offer a good contribution to
reduce the existing gap.
Based on the description in the background above, the formulation of the problem to be
investigated includes how the influence of the quality of public governance, accountability, and
effectiveness on the intention of PITI members to pay zakat on zakat institutions and how it
influences the quality of public governance, accountability, and effectiveness which is moderated
by trust towards intention PITI members pay zakat at zakat institutions.
1.1 Theoritical Review
a) Zakat
According to the Shari'a, zakat is a mandatory right of certain assets at a certain time.
Meanwhile, according to Al-Syaukani, zakat is the giving of a portion of wealth that has reached
nishab to the needy and so on and does not have the characteristics that can be prevented by
sharia 'to convert to him. Then it can be concluded that zakat is a certain asset that must be
issued by Muslims who have reached the Nisab limit in one year.
c) Intention
The word intention means al-Qashdu which in Indonesian means desire or purpose.
According to Peter & Olson intention to behave (behavioral intention) is a proportion that
connects itself with future actions. The action in question is the individual action in making
payments in this case the payment of zakat. Based on the above sources, the intention is any
desire to consider using or choosing a particular product / service.
e) Accountability
Accountability is an obligation to provide accountability and explain the performance and
actions of a person / legal entity and organizational leadership to the party that has the authority
to request information or accountability. So it can be said that accountability is an obligation to
provide accountability for the performance of an institution / legal entity / individual on a matter.
Accountability indicators are as follows:
f) Effectiveness
Effectiveness implies influence or success after doing something. Effectiveness is closely
related to the comparison between the level of achievement of objectives with the plans that have
been prepared previously, or the comparison of real results with planned results. Therefore,
effectiveness is a level of comparison of the magnitude of the target achievement of the
objectives with the plan that has been prepared previously. In order to achieve effectiveness, the
following conditions or indicators must be met:
g) Trust
Trust is a person's willingness to rely on others where we have confidence in him. When
someone takes a decision, it will prefer a decision based on the choice of people who are more
trustworthy than less trusted. So, it can be said that trust is a form of confidence in making
decisions about a matter. Indicators of trust are:
Table 4. Indicator of Trust
Dimension No Indicator
Trust 1 Credibility (quality, capability, strength that gives rise to trust)
2 Reliability (reliability or coexistence of a range of measuring
3 Intimacy (the existence of a relationship)
Madurese traders in paying zakat for trade. This study together examines the attitude of muzaki
in this case the trader in making zakat payments. But it differs from this research in terms of the
focus of the research and the methods used.
Future studies will focus on the efficiency of Zakat organizations in the Malaysian context.
This study aims to analyze changes in productivity of zakat institutions in Malaysia. The findings
of this study indicate that there is an increase in total factor productivity (TFP) for all industries
where changes occur due to technical changes. This research together examines the effectiveness
of the performance of amil zakat institutions, but it is different because this study analyzes the
variables that can influence muzaki in making zakat payments, one of which is caused by the
effectiveness of amil zakat institutions.
2. Research Method
2.1 Types of Research
This research uses a quantitative approach with descriptive and verification research types.
b. If the F-count ≤ F-table then Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected, meaning that the
independent variable simultaneously has no significant effect on the dependent variable at
the error rate of 5% (α = 5%).
3.2.Data Analysis
a) Table Analysis of Variables
Table 5. Value Categories of Public Governance QualityVariable
No Average Value Category Amount Percentage
1 4.21-5.00 Very High / Good 34 34%
2 3.41-4.20 High / good 31 31%
3 2.61-3.40 Pretty High / Good 28 28%
4 1.81-2.60 Less 7 7%
5 1.00-1.80 Poor / low Low 0 0%
Total 100 100%
Data source: Primary data processed (2018)
Table 9. Variable Value Categories of PITI Members' Intentions to Pay Zakat at Zakat
No Average Value Category Amount Percentage
1 4.21-5.00 Very High / Good 30 30%
2 3.41-4.20 High / good 25 25%
3 2.61-3.40 Pretty High / Good 38 38%
4 1.81-2.60 Less 7 7%
5 1.00-1.80 Poor / low Low 0 0%
Total 100 100%
Data source: Primary data processed (2019)
From table 10, it can be seen that all variables have data with sig. Z is greater than the alpha
value of 0.05 so that it can be concluded that all data on each variable is normally
Multicollinearity Test
The results of testing the multicollinearity assumption show that there is no multicollinearity
in the model. This can be seen from the correlation matrix between the independent
variables in Table 11.
Table 11. Results of Model 1 Multicollinearity Testing
No Variable Tolerance VIF Explanation
1. Quality of Public Governance 0,145 6.911 Non Multicollinearity
2. Accountability 0,162 6.190 Non Multicollinearity
3. Effectiveness 0,215 4.647 Non Multicollinearity
Source: Secondary data processed (2019)
Multicollinearity testing can be determined by looking at the VIF and tolerance values
obtained. If the tolerance value is greater than 0.10 and the VIF value is smaller than 10, it
can be concluded that there is no multicollinearity. From the test results it is known that all
VIF values on the variable Quality of Public Governance, Accountability, and Effectiveness
are smaller than 10 and the tolerance value is greater than 0.10 so it is concluded that there is
no multicollinearity.
Heteroscedasticity Test
Heteroscedasticity test is performed to test whether in the regression model there is an
unequal variation in residuals from one observation to another. A good regression model is
homokedasticity or not heteroscedasticity. Heterokesdactity test in this study was tested with
scaterplots. Heteroscedasticity Test on Quality of Public Governance, Accountability, and
Effectiveness of Trust can be seen in the table below:
These results indicate that the Accountability variable (X2) has a positive and significant
effect on Trustworthiness (Z).
Furthermore, the statistical calculation results of the influence of the Effectiveness
variable (X3) of trust (Z) show a tcount of 3.649, a p-value of 0,000 and a path coefficient
(beta) of 0.389. T test results illustrate that tcount is greater than t table (3.649> 1.984).
Based on the P-Value where the calculation results show that the P-Value is smaller than the
significance value (0,000 <0.05). These results can be explained that the t-value is greater
than ttable and the p-value is smaller than the significance value, and the coefficient (beta)
has a positive number, the result is significant and positive. These results indicate that the
Effectiveness variable (X3) has a positive and significant effect on Trustworthiness (Z).
The result of the model assessment calculation is 97.9%, this explains that the contribution
of the model to explain the indirect structural relationship of the three variables studied is
97.9% and the rest is explained by other variables not included in the model. Thus, the
indirect path analysis model is 97.9% so that Trust can be a moderating variable on the
Quality of Public Governance, Accountability, and Effectiveness of PITI Members'
intentions in paying zakat at Zakat Institutions.
g) Indirect Influence
The indirect effect of X1 on Y is moderated by Z
The results of the calculation of the Public Governance Quality variable showed a
coefficient value of 0.0779 so that the indirect effect was significant. Thus, it can be
concluded that the Trust variable is able to moderate the influence of Public Governance
Quality on the PITI Members' Intention to Pay Zakat in Zakat Institutions.
a) Direct Effect of Quality of Public Governance, Accountability, and Effectiveness on
PITI Members' Intention in Paying Zakat on Zakat Institutions
The results of statistical calculations on the influence of Public Governance Quality (X1),
Accountability (X2), and Effectiveness (X3) on PITI Members 'Paying Zakat Members'
Intentions on Institutions (Y) indicate that the variable Public Governance Quality does not have
a significant effect on the variable Intentions to Pay Zakat, Accountability significantly influence
the variable intention to pay Zakat, and Effectiveness also significantly influence the variable
intention to pay Zakat. Furthermore, in testing the indirect effect between the Quality of Public
Governance, Accountability, and Effectiveness on the Intention to Pay Zakat through Trust
shows the results of the indirect effect is significant. Thus it can be concluded that the
application of Public Governance Quality, Accountability, and Effectiveness will also increase
the PITI Members' Intention to Pay Zakat to Zakat Institutions.
Quality of Public Governance is a very broad concept, and operates at every level, such as
households, villages, cities, countries, regions or the world. Quality Public governance represents
more than a means to provide shared goods because it can be related to the capacity of
government to help the ability of its citizens to achieve individual satisfaction and material well-
being. In relation to muzzaki's intention to make zakat payments, the quality of public
governance with a broad concept has not yet influenced Muzzaki's intention to make zakat
payments. Trust in zakat institutions in this study is defined as the willingness or interest of
muzakki to use zakat institutions. Aside from fostering a sense of trust in the community, zakat
funds collected and distributed will increase and be optimal in their utilization.
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that the Quality of
Public Governance does not significantly influence Trust and PITI Members' intentions to pay
zakat at Zakat Institutions. Whereas the quality of accountability and the quality of effectiveness
have a significant influence on Trust and the intention of PITI Members paying zakat at Zakat
Based on the results of this study, the authors suggest that amil zakat institutions pay more
attention to their performance related to accountability and effectiveness in order to increase the
participation of members and the public in the commitment to pay zakat. So that trust in amil
zakat institutions can increase which will then increase the intention to pay zakat. Furthermore,
advice is also given to further research to further expand the analysis to other factors that can
influence the intention of muzakki in paying zakat.
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International Journal of Economics, Bussiness and Accounting Research(IJEBAR) Page 281
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-4, Issue-1, 2020 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771