HISTORY (4 Mark Questions)

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HISTORY (4 Mark Questions)


Q: Who were Marathas?

- Marathas were Hindus who lived in Deccan. They were known for skills as guerilla fighters.
They rebelled against Aurangzeb and He failed to crush them. In 1737, they defeated a
Mughal army outside Delhi and took control of Delhi and eastwards towards Bengal.

Q: Who were Zamindars?

- They were landlords, they were wealthy and influential,some had private armies. After the
death of Aurangzeb they were increasingly unwilling to accept rule of any new emperor or to
make payments to government in Delhi. Muslims were oppressed by Zamindars from the
1800’s onwards, especially in east bengal.

Q: What was Jizya?

- It was an Islamic Tax charged from non-Muslim for their protection by Muslim rulers, Mughals
also charged it in their Empire. It was abolished by Emperor Akbar but Aurangzeb introduced it
again in India, Mughals lost loyalty of non Muslim population due to Jizya collection, jizya was
abandoned again by Emperor Shah Alam I who was son of Aurangzeb.

Q: Who was Aurangzeb?

- Auranzeb was a Mughal ruler. He imposed Jazia tax on non-Muslim, destroyed their
temples and tried to ban suttee. He introduced Islamic laws. He banned singing, dancing
and drinking alcohol. He remained fighting with Marathas in south India for 25 years. He
died in 1707.

Q: Who was Shivaji?

- Shivaji Raje Bhosle with the title of Shivaji Maharaj founded the Maratha empire. He
successfully fought with Mughals and remained a challenge for Auranzeb. He was
crowned as a King in 1674. He was skilled in guerrilla warfare. He re-established Hindu
rule in the region ruled by Muslim for several hundred years.

Q: What was Suttee?

- Suttee was an old Hindu tradition often practised by Rajputs, widows were burnt alive
with the dead body of their husband, at funeral, Aurangzeb tried to ban it later British
banned Suttee in Bengal in 1829.

Q: What was Mansabdari system?

- It was a generic term for the military type of grading of all imperial officers of Mughals.
Mansabdar governed the empire and commanded its armies in the emperor name.
Though they were usually aristocrats. They did not form a feudal aristocracy.
Mansabdari means rank holder.

Q: What was East India company?

- E.I.C was a trading company established by British traders, In 1600 AD Queen
Elizabeth granted a charter of trade to trade in the east of Africa. In 1612 Prince
Khurram allowed E.I.C to trade with India. E.I.C gradually captured whole India.

Q: Who was Robert Clive?

- Robert Clive was the commander of E.I.C army who defeated Nawab Siraj-ud-Daula in
the Battle of Plassey in 1757. He was also commander of E. I. C army in the battle of
Buxar. Later he became governor of Bengal. His opponents carried on an investigation
on corruption charges but he was not found guilty. He committed suicide in 1774.

Q: What was the battle of Plassey?

- In 1757 E.I.C army Under command of Lord Clive defeated Nawab of Bengal
Siraj-ud-Daula at Plassey due to the disloyalty of Mir Jafar, his army commander. E.I.C
appointed Mir Jafar as puppet Nawab of Bengal. The British utilised resources of
Bengal to establish a large army.

Q: What was the battle of Buxar?

- In 1764 E.I.C army defeated the combined army of Nawab of Bengal Mir Qasim,
Nawab of Oudh and Mughal emperor Shah Alam II at Buxar. British influence increased.
The British captured Bengal, Bihar and Orissa and extended its influence in Oudh.

Q: Who was Hyder Ali?

- Hyder Ali was ruler of Mysore state, organised a strong army with the help of French
and defeated British in two battles of Mysore,he was the innovator of military use of the
iron-cased Mysorean rockets. He was succeeded by his son Tipu sultan in 1782.

Q: Who was Tipu Sultan?

- Tipu was son of Hyder Ali the Nawab of Mysore. He tried to set up a modern army with
the help of the French. He fought bravely with the E.I.C army. He was defeated in the
fourth battle of Mysore in 1799 by Lord Wellesely. Tipu failed due to traitors and non
cooperation of Marathas and Nizam Hyderabad.

Q: What was the regulating act of 1773?#

- British government passed this act to made E.I.C responsible to parliament, Governor
general of Bengal with four Councillors and governors of Madras and Bombay were
appointed to take care of E.I.C affairs, Supreme court of Calcutta was setup with Chief
Justice and three judges.

Q: Who was Raja Ranjit Singh?

- Ranjit Singh was a strong Sikh ruler of Punjab, Kashmir and parts of NWFP. He was
able to modernise his army with the help of the French. Muslim of Punjab were not
allowed to perform Azan and cow slaughtering during his rule. He died in 1839.

Q: What was charter of 1833?

- The Charter of E.I.C was renewed in 1833. The Governor General 's council was given
power to make laws for the whole India, NWFP was made fourth presidency. The
Charter allowed Indians to play an important part in running their country. Indians could
be part of civil service administering India.

Q: What was annexation of Sindh?

- In 1843 E.I.C army under Charles Napier captured Sindh after two battles with Amirs of
Sindh. British were worried due to expansion policy of Sikh ruler of Punjab Ranjit Singh.
British wanted to regain lost pride of British after defeat in Afghanistan.

Q: What was the Doctrine of Lapse?

- The Doctrine of Lapse was introduced by Lord Dalhousie in 1852 by which British
annexed any local state whose ruler died without any son, no ruler was allowed to adopt
son. Sitara, Jhansi, Nagpur and Oudh states were captured by British under this

Q: Who was Ahmed Shah Abdali (Durrani)?

- Ahmed Shah Abdali was the founder of the modern state of Afghanistan. He captured
Punjab from the Mughal Empire. He defeated Marathas in the battle of Panipat in 1761
and crushed their power on the invitation of Shah Wali Ullah. He is buried in Khandar.

Q: What was the Faraizi movement?

- Faraizi movement was founded by Haji Shariat Ullah in Bengal, he advised followers to
act upon basics of Islam like prayer, fasting, zakat and Hajj. He struggled for farm
workers against economic oppression of Land lords and wanted to purify Islam from
Hindu customs.

Q: Who was Titu Mir?

- Mir Nisar Ali, who came to be known as Titu Mir, was a follower of Syed Ahmed
Shaheed Bralvi. He organised Muslim farmers against oppressive Hindu land lords in
Bengal. He advised farmers to refuse to pay beard tax. Titu Mir set up his own rule and
gathered a small army. Titu Mir was killed by the British in 1831. The Titu Mir group was
known as Hajjis.

Q: Who was Rani of Jhansi?

- Rani of Jhansi Lakshmibai was adopted daughter of ruler of Jhansi, she was not
accepted as ruler and Jhansi was captured by British under doctrine of Lapse, she
revolted, supported by Tantia Tope, she was killed by British in battle of Gawalior. She
was an important leader of the revolt of 1857.

Q: What was the Cawnpore massacre?

- Nana Shab was adopted son of the last Peshwa Baji Rao II. Nana Shab revolted
against British at Cawnpore, Nana Shab defeated general Wheeler;s forces and agreed
that British women and children could go unharmed by boat to Allahabad but rebels fired
on them causing death of 200 British women and children.

Q: What was greased cartridge issue?

-In Jan 1857 British introduced a new cartridge of En-field rifle greased with pig and cow
fats, soldiers had to chew it before use. Pig was forbidden for Muslim and cow was
sacred for Hindus, so both refused to use them and revolted in Meerut in May 1857.

Q: What was Aligarh institute Gazette?

-This Journal was issued in 1866 under Scientific society. Urdu and English essays on
social and political problems of people were published. It was published twice a week,
continued for 22 years. It also propogated educational activities of Aligarh.


Q: What was Swadeshi movement?

- Swadeshi movement was started by Bengali Hindus to oppose partition of Bengal,
British goods were boycotted like cloth and cigarettes to put economic pressure on
British. Desi khadar was manufactured at home.

Q: What was Simla deputation?

- A delegation of prominent Muslim leaders from India led by Sir Agha Khan met with
vireroy Lord Minto in 1906 at Simla demanded separate electorate for Muslim in all
legislative bodies and One third seats in central legislation. Separate electorate was
agreed later. Muslims got true recognition for the first time after 1857 by getting better
relations with the British. The success of Simla Deputation encouraged the Muslims to
establish a political organization of their own, the Muslim League. Now they could
encounter the growing influence of Congress.

Q: What were objectives of Muslim league?

- Muslim league wanted to protect Muslim rights, promote feelings of loyalty in Muslim
towards British, to create friendly relations with other communities of India and represent
Muslim community of India.

Q: What was Morley-Minto reforms?

- Morley-Minto reforms were introduced by British in 1909, members of Imperial council
and central executive council were increased, direct election was adopted for provincial
legislatives, separate electorate was granted to Indian Muslims.

Q: What was Lucknow pact?

Lucknow pact was signed between Congress and Muslim league in 1916 at Lucknow.
Congress accepted separate electorate for Muslim, one third seats were reserved for
Muslim in central legislative council, both demanded majority of elected seats in
councils and provincial autonomy.

Q:What was Rowlatt act?

- Rowlatt act was introduced to check growing revolutionary activities in India. Arrest
without warrant, detention without bail, there was no right of appeal, Provincial
Government could ban gathering and can order people where to live. Despite Indian
opposition the Act was passed in 1919.

Q: What was Amritsar massacre?

- In April 1919 there was ban on public meetings in Amritsar due to riots and murder of
5 Europeans. On deport of two nationalist leaders, 20,000 people were gathered at
Jullianwala bagh to protest. General Dyer fired on unarmed peaceful people without
warning, 400 people were killed and 1200 were injured.

Q: What was Arya Samaj?

- It was founded in 1877 by Dayanand Saraswati to reconvert Hindus who had
converted to Islam and Christianity. Arya Samaj was also involved in riots against
Muslim. It had strong holds in northern and western India.

Q: What was diarchy system?

- Diarchy system was introduced in Montague-Chelmsford reforms provinces,
reserved subjects like police and justice were under control of governor's council,
Transfered subjects were less important like health and education were in the control
of Indian ministers.

Q: What was Khilafat movement?

- Khilafat movement was started by Indian Muslim in 1919 after defeat of Ottoman
empire (Turkey) in first world war by Allied forces. Indian Muslim demanded protection
of boundaries of Ottoman empire and respect of Holy places of Muslim located init.
Caliphate of Ottoman empire should not be changed.

Q: What was Mopla uprising?

- In Aug 1921 at Malabar a uprising by Mopla Muslim against Hindu land lords and
British resulted in deaths of thousands. Property of Hindus was destroyed including
temples. In the end British troops controlled the situation. 4000 Moplas were killed.
Hindu-Muslim riots spread to northern India so Hindu-Muslim unity declined (reduced)
in Khilafat movement.

Q: What was the Hijrat movement?

- During Khilafat movement Maulana Abdul Bari and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
declared India as Darulhareb. 20,000 Indian Muslim migrated to Afghanistan where
they were not welcomed on return they found themselves homeless and jobless
reduced popularity of Khilafat movement.

Q: Who was Kamal Attaturk?

- Mustafa Kamal Pasha was a military officer to Turk army removed Caliph Muhammad
VI in 1922 and abolished institute of caliphate, declared Turkey as democracy. Musltafa
Kamal Pasha later took title of Kamal Attaturk.

Q: What was Delhi proposals?

- In 1927 prominent Muslim leaders including Jinnah at Delhi proposed that Muslim
would quit (give up) separate electorate if Muslim would be granted one third seats in
central legislature, separation of Sindh from Bombay, reforms in N.W.F.P and
Balochistan. Seats in Punjab and Bengal according to population.

Q: What was Simmon commission?

- In 1927 seven member commission under John Simmon arrived India to check the
performance of Montague-Chelmsford reforms and give proposals for next reforms. No
Indian member was included so the commission was boycotted by Indians. The
Commission proposed to abolish(remove) dyarchy system, separation of Sindh from
Bombay and Federal system of Government.

Q: What were Jinnah 14 points?

- In 1929 Jinnah presented his 14 points when Muslim interest were in danger due to
Nehru report. Jinnah declared it as parting of ways from Hindus. Later any discussion
with British and Congress would be on the base of 14 points. Jinnah demanded one third
Muslim seats in central assembly and all Cabinets, reforms in N.W.F.P and Balochistan.
Separation of Sindh from Bombay.

Q: What was Salt March?

- The Salt March, which took place from March to April 1930 in India, Gandhi started salt
march from his ashram near Ahmedabad to sea side village Dandi. 24 days march was
reported world wide. Gandhi challanged unfair salt taxes. It changed into country wide
movement for independence from Britain.

Q:What was Gandhi-Irwin pact?

- In march 1931 it was signed between Gandhi and Viceroy Lord Irwin. Congress
workers were released (set free) from jail, Gandhi called off non-cooperation movement
and agreed to join second round table conference. He took back his demand of full

Q: What were Communal awards?

- On 16th Aug 1932, British prime minister Ramsay Macdonald announced communal
award. Separate electorate and weightage principle was kept for Muslim, Sikhs and low
caste Hindus. Muslim majority in Punjab and Bengal was reduced due to it.

Q: Who was Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar?

-He was educated from Aligarh and Oxfard University, published english newspaper
Comrade and Hamdard which played an important role in Khilafat movement and round
table conference, he struggled for independence from Britian died in 1931 during second
round table conference.

Q: What was Wardha educational scheme?

- During Congress rule, Gandhi introduced Wardha educational scheme in which (a)
Hindi was medium of education. (b) Muslim children were forced to show respect to
Gandhi picture. (c) Spinning of cotton wheel was part of school activity.(d) Hindu
personalities were shown as heroes in school books.(e) It was an effort to change
Muslims in to Hindus.

Q: What was Vidya Mander Scheme?

- During Congress rule Vidya Mander Scheme was introduced by Dr zakir hussain on
instruction of Gandhi in Bihar and central province according to which Mander education
was made compulsory at elementary level at Hindu Temples in Hindi. The purpose was
to destroy Muslim culture and spread Hindu culture.

Q:What was Band-e-Matram?

- Band-e-Matram was an anti Muslim nationalist song in which Hindu were advised to
expel Muslim out of India. It was adopted by congress as official song during Congress
rule(1937-39). It was sung in every morning assembly in educational organization.

Q:What was the day of Deliverance?

- The Day of deliverance was celebrated by Muslim league on 22nd Dec 1939 following
congress resign from all provincial ministries. Congress rule adopted anti Muslim policies
like Wardha educational scheme, BandeMatram as national song, a ban on Azan and
cow slaughtering.

Q: Who was A.K.Fazl-ul-Haq?

- A.K.Fazl-ul-Haq was known as Sher-i-Bengal. he remained Chief Minister of Bengal
after 1937 election. He presented Lahore resolution in 1940 demanding separate home
land for Indian Muslim composed of north-western and north-eastern Muslim majority
provinces of India. He also remained Chief Minister of Bengal in 1954.

Q:What was Lahore/Pakistan resolution?

- Lahore resolution was passed on 23rd march 1940 at Minto park Lahore in annual
session of Muslim league demanding separate home land for Indian Muslim composed
of north-western and north-eastern Muslim majority provinces of India. Later known as
Pakistan resolution.
Q: What was Cripps mission?
- In 1942 British minister Sir Stafford Cripps offered dominion status (self rule), new
election and constitution after world war II ends, provinces would be allowed to quit (give
up) Indian union.British wanted Indian Cooperation in world War 11. Congress and
Muslim league rejected the proposals.

Q: What was Simla conference?

- In Simla conference 1945 viceroy lord Wavell proposed equal number of Hindu and
Muslim seats in executive council to form interim (temporary) government to organize
British departure (going away) from India. Congress demanded to nominate one muslim
member. Jinnah took firm stand on it so conference failed.

Q: What was Cabinet Mission plan?

- The United Kingdom Cabinet Mission of 1946 to India aimed to discuss and plan for the
transfer of power from the British Government to Indian leadership, providing India with
independence. Plan rejected by Congress and Muslim League.

Q: What was Quit India movement?

- It was clear from Cripps mission that British position in World war II was weak so
Gandhi started Quit India movement on 8 August 1942, demanded immediate (at once)
independence from Britain, advised congress workers to "Do or die" . British crushed the
movement by force. Jinnah declared it as "Black mail"



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