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Section-1 1707-1900

Expected 4 marks Questions Short Description.

1. What was the EIC (East India Company) ?

1600, Queen Elizabeth 1, granted permission to a group of merchants to set up
EIC, monopoly in trade b/w Britain & countries “east” of Africa.
First ship, 1608, at Surat. Headquarter at Bombay, 1664; gradually became stronger
by acquiring military strength.

2. Battle of Plassey?
1756, French encouraged Sirajud Doula (Nawab of Bengal) to attack EIC
1757, Robert Clive against the Nawab
Treachery of Mir Jafar, Nawab’s defeat.

3. Battle of Buxar?
1764, combined armies of Mir Jafar’s son-in-law Mir Qasim, Nawab of Oudh &
Mughal King Shah Alam 2 against EIC army
EIC victorious
British influence increased in Bengal

4. The India Act 1784?

British govt took direct control of Indian possessions
Goverrnor-General to have control of 3 presidencies
A provincial governor & a Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces

5. Annexation of Sindh?
1841, British defeat in Afghanistan
Demage to British prestige
General Charles Napier provoked Amirs of Sindh
1843, fight b/w British & Amirs -> Sindh was captured/annexed.

6. Treaty of Lahore?
1846, b/w Sikh rulers of Punjab & EIC a Gulab Singh , the Hindu Dogra,
reward for helping the British, given the state of Kashmir.

7. Doctrine of Lapse?
Lord Dalhousie though other sources mention some other Brit ruler)
If no natural heir to a state prince, EIC to annex the state.

8. ‘Drain of Indian wealth?

Collection of revenue from India
Goods were bought, shipped to England
British rule like a “a sponge”, drawing up all the good things from India.

9. Wars of succession?
No written law of succession. Dispute among princes on the death of emperor.
Each son tried to acquire the throne
Fight among princes for this, causing huge loss to the state.

10. Aurangzeb’s policies?

Re-imposed the Jiziya -> tax on non-Muslims
Demolished Hindu temples
Tried to ban some old Hindu customs e.g. Satee (burning widow alive on death of
Enforced Islamic law ->life difficult for Hindus and Sikhs

11. Akbar’s Religious Policy ->’Din-i-llahi?

Dominance of Akbar’s political authority over the Clergy (religious leaders)
1579, “infallibility decree’ -> emperor to be the final authority on religion if scholars
failed to agree
Combined Hinduism & Islam in “Din-i-llahi”
Religious liberty to non-Muslims

12. Shivaji?
Hindu leader of Marathans
1646, gained control of several territories in southern India, the Deccan, Surat etc.
1665, Aurangzeb defeated him; died 1689
Greatest rival of Aurangzeb

13. Greased categories?

January 1857 British introduced a new rifle with a paper cartridge
Covered in cow/pig fat
End of cartridge to be bitten off before use.
March 1857, Sepoys in Meerut refused to use the cartridge & the mutiny started.

14.Two Nation Theory?

1867, Hindi-Urdu controversy
Hindus demanded Hindi to replace Urdu as the official language
Sir Syed was shocked to know this
Predicted the separation of Hindus and Muslims in future.

15.Jehad Movement?
Founded by SASB (Syed Ahmad Shahed Barelvi), by 1823
Aimed at liberating Muslims of Punjab from the oppressive Sikh rule of Ranjit Singh
Raised a team of Mujahideen and started an armed struggle against Sikhs.

16.Faraizi Movement?
Founded by Haji Shariatullah of East Bengal, by the start of 19th century
Stressed on proper observance of Faraiz or Islamic duties prescribed for Muslims
Aimed at improving the socio economic & political conditions of poor Bengali
Muslims, specially the peasants.
Section-2 1900-1947
1.The Simla Deputation/ Delegation?
October 1906
A group of prominent Muslims led by Sir Aga Khan, visited the Viceroy Lord
Minto at Simla
Presented a set of Muslims’ demand e.g. separate electorates for Muslims and greater
share of Muslims in the councils than their population percentage
Lord Minto assured them to convey the demands to the British govt.

2. Swadeshi Movement?
Launched by INC in protest to the partition of Bengal, 1905
Boycott of British goods e.g. salt, cloth and other manufactured goods
Also, a series of strikes to show their opposition to the British. (See p51,N.Kelly,
source work)

3.Objectives of AIML (All India Muslim League)?

To protect & advance political rights of Muslims & to represent their demands to the
Brit govt
To promote loyalty to the Brit & remove any misunderstanding b/w Muslims & Brit
To prevent hostility in Muslims towards other communities.

4.Lucknow Pact, 1916?

ML got closer to INC, 1913 onwards
Joint session of ML & INC, 1916, Lucknow
Both agreed on a set of common demands e.g. l/3rd Muslim share in the Centre,
provincial autonomy and enlargement of the councils by including more Indians.
5.The Rowlatt Act/ Defence of India Act, 1919?
To counter revolutionary activity, as the British had anticipated opposition by
Indians to the 1919 Act.
Emergency powers to the local administration e.g., arrest without warrant and
detention without bail.
Its application led to the Amritsar Massacre.

6.The Jillianwala BagbMassacre/the Amritsar Massacre?

April 1919
20,000 demonstrators in a public park, Jillianwala Bagh, Amritsar.
Brit commander, General Dyer was determined to restore peace
On his orders, entrances were sealed, firing on the unarmed crowd
1600 rounds were shot, causing 400 deaths and 1200 wounded

7.K.M. (Khilafat Movement)?

Indian Muslims launched K.M. to protect the respect of Turkey and the seat of
Ruler of Turkey, Khalifa (spiritual head) of the Muslim world.
Indian Muslims wanted to preserve the seat of Khalifa and, therefore, organized K.M.

8.Gandhi’s non-cooperation movement?

Gandhi merged his non-cooperation with the K.M.
Became leader of Hindus and Muslims
Non-cooperation included: returning British titles, resigning from local bodies,
boycotting British goods, institutes (courts, schools) and elections.
Based on non-violence.

Gandhi’s passive resistance
Literal meaning: Truth force
Pitting one’s whole soul against the will of the tyrant.
Launched 1919 onwards, along with the K.M.
According to Gandhi: Satyagraya showed moral strength and supremacy over those
who resorted to violence
It was aimed at Swaraj (self-rule)

10.Hijrat Movement?
K.M. leaders declared India “Darul Harb” (enemy territory) in 1920
Urged Indian Muslims to migrate to the independent Muslim state, Afghanistan
where a better future awaited them
About 18,000 Muslims left homes & jobs and migrated to Afghanistan
Proved disastrous as thousands of Muslims lost jobs & homes

11.he Arya Samaj?

A Hindu revivalist movement
Founded 1877 by Dayanand Sarswati
Had its strongholds in northern and western India, esp Punjab.
Aimed at purifying Hinduism
Together with the Hindu Mahasabha, carried out militancy, 1924.
12.The Hindu Mahasabha?
Active in Punjab politics since 1890’s 1923, Pandit Mohan Malaviya unified various
Sabhas to make the Hindu Mahasabha.
Became more organized under the new president V.D. Savarkar.
Savarkar was later accused of involved in Gandhi’s assassination, 1948.

13.he Delhi Proposals?

1927, Jinnah called on conference of all Muslim leaders in Delhi to discuss how
Muslim interests should be protected
A number of demands were proposed e.g. l/3rd Muslim seats in the centre, Muslim
seats in Punjab & Bengal according to the size of their population and reforms in
Sindh, NWFP & Balochistan.
14.Gandhi’s Salt March?
INC re-launched the non-cooperation in the start of 1930 © 12 March 1930, Salt
March under Gandhi from Ahmedabad to the seaside village Dandi ® 24 day-march.
Against the unfair Salt laws as well as other unfair British laws.
15.The Simon Commission?
1927, the Conservative govt, sent a seven man committee under Sir John Simon to
make recommendations for the future constitution of India ® All members were
British a Major parties of India didn’t welcome it.
16.he Allahabad Address?
1930, Allama Iqbal chaired a meeting of ML, Allahabad « Delivered a historic
Urged Muslims to struggle for an independent homeland
Proved Muslims as a nation
Muslim majority provinces of NW India to make a Muslim State.

17.Gandhi-lrwin Pact?
March 1931, after a series of meetings b/w Gandhi & Viceroy Irwin
Irwin released Gandhi & other political prisoners
Gandhi agreed to call of the non-cooperation & attend the 2nd RTC.
18.The Communal Award?
Aug 1932, Brit P.M.Ramsay Mac Donald, before the 3rd RTC
Brit statement about the minorities
Weightage to Muslims in Hindu majority provinces, but Muslim majority in Punjab
& Bengal was reduced
INC rejected, ML accepted it.
19.Ch. Rehmat Ali’s Scheme of Pakistan?
1933, “Now or Never”, a pamphlet
He stated that Muslims should have their homeland in the Muslim majority areas of
NW India
Gave a meaningful name “PAKISATAN”
Land of the pure & each letter representing a Muslim majority homeland.

20.System of Diarchy?
Introduced in the 1919 Montford reforms ® Literally: dual rule
Division of subjects b/w the governor and the provincial ministers
Governors to have ‘reversed’ subjects some of which were ‘transferred’ to the

21.The 1935 Act?

Based on the details of the RTC’s
First debated in the Parliament as the “White Paper”
Aug 1935, implemented as the India Act
Last major legislation by the British before independence.
Greater degree of power to the Indians

22.Bande Matram?
Hindu nationalist song, encouraged Hindus to expel Muslims from Hindustan
Singing of it compulsory in provincial assemblies before the start of official business
in the morning.
Part of the INC policies that offended Muslims.

23.The Wardha Scheme?

Gandhi’s educational scheme
Introduced in all INC education ministries, 1937-39
Spinning cotton, part of curriculum
No religious education
Compulsory bowing before Gandhi’s portrait in the schools.
24.Day of Deliverance’?
INC ministries resigned with the outbreak of WW2, Sept 1939
INC ministers resigned to pressurize their demand of independence
On Jinnah’s call, ML celebrated ‘Day of Deliverance’ to celebrate the end of INC

25.The Lahore Resolution?

Annual session of ML, 22 March 1940, Lahore
Premier (Chief Minister) of Bengal , Maulvi Fazal Ul Haq present a resolution
Demand for a Muslim state in NW & NE Muslim provincies of India.
Passed unanimously by all

26.The Cripps Mission?

March 1942, British sent Sir Stafford Cripps, Cabinet member, to India.
To see if Indian support could be won for the WW2
Proposed a Union of India with Dominion status, after the war.
ML & INC rejected it.

27.The Quit India Movement?

August 1942, INC passed the ‘Quit India Resolution’
Called for the immediate withdrawal of British from India
Gandhi argued if Brit left, no threat of Japanese attack on India.
Gandhi, Nehru and other leaders were arrested

28.The August Offer?

British needed Indian support in the WW2
August 1940, Viceroy Lord Linlithgow, promised ML no constitution for India
without the agreement of Muslims, o No agreement on equal or majority Muslim
membership in th proposed Defence Council o ML rejected the “August Offer.

29.The Atlantic Charter?

Aug 1941, meeting b/w the Brit PM Winston Churchill & the US president Roosevelt
in the Atlantic Ocean
Both agreed on the rights of Self-government & free speech for all the peoples and a
fairer international economic system.
Labour Party supported Indian freedom on the basis of the Atlantic Charter.

30.The Gandhi-Jiannah talks?

Gandhi, after his release from prison, wrote to Jinnah for talks to discuss the future
of India.
Several rounds of talks, 9 to 27 Sep 1944, Jinnah House Bombay.
Against the hopes of many Indians, the talks failed.
31.The Wavell Plan?
Early 1945, WW2 near its end
March 1945, Lord Wavell consulted Brit govt & drafted a plan for the future of India
He proposed an Executive Council with equal number of Hindus & Muslims.
Except for Viceroy & defence, all Indian ministers.
The plan was discussed June-July Simla Conference but failed.
32.The Simla Conference ?
June-July 1945, Wavell invited all political parties at Simla to discuss the Wavell Plan
It was about an Executive Council with equal number of Hindu & Muslim ministers
and, except for Viceroy & defence, all ministers to be Indians
Conference failed 14 July 1945.

33.The Cabinet Mission Plan:

Last Brit attempt to keep India united
March 1946, 3 Cabinet members reached India: Cripps, A.V. Alexander & Pethic
Talks with ML & INC for a federation of India but no consensus was reached b/w ML
& INC.

34 .The Direct Action Day?

Aug 1946, Brit withdrawal was visible & Muslims were worried about their future.
16 August 1946, ‘Direct Action Day’ was observed to show the Muslim strength &
Peaceful demonstrations in many cities but 4000 deaths in the ‘Great Calcutta

35 .The 3 June Plan?

March 1947, last Viceroy Mountbatten arrived India & held talks with major leaders.
On 3 June 1947 he announced the future of India
According to the Plan: two Dominion ‘States, India & Pakistan on 15 August 1947;
Muslim majority provinces to decide joining either country.

Section 3: 1947-99
1.The Canal Water Dispute?
Partition of Punjab 1947
Boundary line cut across many rivers & canals o Headworks on rivers of Pakistan
were in India.
Ferozpur on Sutlej & Madhupur headwork on Ravi were closed in April 1948
Serious shortage of water in Pakistan.

2.The Refugees Problem?

Radchliff Award drew boundary b/w Pakistan & Ind 16 August 1947

Millions of people found themselves in the wrong country.

Millions of Muslims had to migrate to Pakistan; many in bad shape; wounded,
starved, without assets.

3.The Kashmir Issue?

Jammu & Kashmir was the largest state

MtTsiinrmajority under a Dogra Hindu ruler

September 1947, a campaign to drive out Muslims
Over 2 lac Muslims migrated to Pak
1st Indo-Pak war on Kashmir
Jan 1948, UN intervention, ceasefire & Line of Control to divide Kashmir b/w Pak &
4.Jinnah as “Protector General” of minorities?
Jinnah opposed religious intolerance

Wanted to see Pakistan as a land of tolerance, justice & equality

Declared himself as “Protector General of minorities” to express solidarity with non-
Muslims, living in Pakistan.

5.The Objectives Resoluti’on?

12 March 1949, by the Basic Principles Committee of the Constituent Assembly,
when Liaqat Ali Khan was P.M

Contained principles on which the constitution was to be based

Recommended freedom, democracy, tolerance & social justice.

6. PRODA (Public& Representative Officers Disqualification Act)

Introduced during the governor generalship of Kh.Nazimud Din

Complaints about corruption/misconduct could be made to the G.G. or provincial

Person found guilty was debarred from holding public office
Aimed at eliminating corruption.

7.The Rawalpindi Conspiracy Case?

Many army officers not happy with the govt of Kh. Nazim + Liaqat

Were planning a military coup against the govt

Military chief, General Ayub discovered the ‘Conspiracy’ and many senior officers
were arrested.

8.One Unit Scheme?

November 1954, PM, Bogra’s proposal to merge all federating units (Provinces) of
W.Pak into One Unit, against the single province of E.Pak

October 1955, G.G. Iskandar Mirza implemented the One Unit scheme
E.Pak & smaller provinces of W.Pak strongly protested.

9.SEATO (South East Asian Treaty Organization)

US-sponsored anti-Soviet military bloc to counter Communism in SE Asia.

Pak joined 1954, though geographically not in the region

Treaty promised aid to a member country in case of attack by a communist state.
Pak left SEATO, 1972
USA, UK, Thailand etc.

10.CENTO (Central Treaty Organization)

US-Sponsored anti-Communist regional military bloc in Middle East.

Pak joined 1955

Originally “Baghdad Pact”, after Iraq’s withdrawal, 1959, it became CENTO
Other members ; Turkey, Iran & UK
Ended 1979

11.The Basic Democracies?

Ayub’s version of “controlled democracy”

A four-tier set up.with local bodies elected by people

Comprised elected bodies e.g. Union Council, Tehsil Council, District and Division
Responsible for local development
Electing the NA (National Assembly) & the President.
12.The Green Revolution?
Ayub’s agricultural reforms

They included fair distribution of land holdings, modem irrigation by reservoirs &
perennial canals, HYV seeds and other modern inputs
Resulted in greater yield and enhanced land productivity and thus revitalized
agriculture in Pakistan.

13.Decade of development/ progress?

Name given to Ayub’s rule of 10 years ( 1958-68)

High economic growth rate as a result of his agricultural, industrial and social
Average growth rate of 7% in 1960’s, three time that of India.

14.The Tashkent Accord?

Soviet city of Tashkent mediated peace treaty b/w Pakistan & India. 1966

After the 1965 war

The Accord contained no reference to the solution of Kashmir issue and this shocked
the people who were told of Pakistan victory.
It became a major reason of Ayub’s downfall.

15.The RCD ?
Regional Cooperation for Development

A treaty b/w Pakistan, Iran and Turkey, signed July 1964

Aimed at promoting ties in trade, commerce and industry.
RCD Highway was built from Pakistan to Turkey
Became weaker 1980 onwards & in 1990’s, the ECO (Economic Cooperation
Organization) replaced it.
16.The Six Points of Sh. Mujeeb?
Proposed by Sh. Mujeeb, leader of AL (Awami League) in E. Pakistan

Were based on fairer power sharing b/w E & W Pak, greater provincial and total
fiscal autonomy of the provinces
All won elections 1970 & rejection of six points by W. Pak led to the creation of
Bangla Desh.

17.Civil War in East Pakistan?

Yahya and ZAB failed to resolve the. political crisis after negotiating with Sh. Mujeeb

Military operation, “Operation Searchlight” in E.Pak, March 1971

Thousands of Bengalis were arrested/ killed
Bengalis stopped paying taxes,
26 March 1971, the Sovereign People’s Republic of Bangladesh, announced from a
secret radio broadcast, Dhakka.3rd Indo-Pak war, Dec 1971.
18.TheFSF (Federal Security Force)?
Special paramilitary force created by ZAB, Oct 1972

It was created in order to assist the police, but later, it was mainly used to restrict
ZAB brutally used it to suppress the PNA (Pakistan National Alliance) in 1977 when
an anti-ZAB campaign was launched.

19.The Islamic Summit?

Feb 1974, 2nd Summit of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Conference), in Lahore.
Heads of 3 5 Muslim stales
PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization ) Chief, Yasser Arafat was recognized as the
genuine voice of Palestinians
Remarkable achievement of ZAB in foreign policy.

20.Declaration of Lahore?
Feb 1974, Lahore Heads of Muslim states in the 2nd Summit of the OIC pledged for
the welfare of the Muslim world. They highlighted the principles of social equality,
justice, freedom, peace and dignity as taught by Islam.
They spoke any racial prejudice and exploitation.

21.The Simla Agreement?

July 1972, b/w ZAB & Indian PM Mrs. Indira Gandhi

Release of more than 90,000 Pakistani troops from India

Pakistan promised to discuss the Kashmir issue bilaterally (with India only) without

involving any 3rd party, e.g., the UN.

22.Tenant Security Act?
Part of agricultural reforms of ZAB
Aimed at providing security to the tenant cultivators
The landowner was debarred from selling his land to a third party who might then
evict the tenant.
Tenants felt encouraged to improve productivity.

23.BHU’s & RHC’s?

Basic Health Units and Rural Health Centers to provide health care in rural areas

One RHC for every 60,000 and one BHU for every 20,000 people
Part of ZAB’s health sector reforms.

24.Operation Fairplay?
Military coup organized by General Zia U1 Haq

5 July 1977, ZAB & all other major political leaders were arrested and shifted to
Two days later, Zia U1 Haq suspended the 1973 Constitution and dissolved the
national & provincial assemblies.
Promised elections in 90 days.

25.Zia’s Islamization?
1977-1980, a series of steps to enforce Islamic law in Pakistan.

FSC (Federal Shariat Court), 1980 with the Ulema as judges; 1977, the Hudood:
punishment for major armies e.g., adultery, drinking, theft etc; also the Balsphemy
Law & Zakat & Ushr Ordinance.

26.Balsphemy Law?
Punishment for those who showed disrespect for the Holy Prophet or the Holy Quran

Part of Islamization program of Zia

Fine or imprisonment or both to those found guilty of this.

27.Zakat & Ushr Ordinance ?

Part of Zia’s Islamization program

June 1980
2.5% tax on bank savings over a specified amount
The money raised was spent to help the poor through the Zakat committees.
Also, 5% tax on agricultural income.

28.Zia’s Cricket Diplomacy?

Feb 1987, India & Pakistan on the brink of war as India began massive mobilization
of troops in the Rajasthan desert
Zia flew to India on the pretext of watching a cricket match b/w Pak & India
Held successful negotiations with the Indian PM. Mr. Rajiv Gandhi the war was

29.The Siachin Glacier?

Located in the Kashmir territory, but no border drawn b/w Pak and India
Indian troops stationed there since early 1980’s
Pak mobilized troops, tried to gain full control of the glacier but no success
Remains an unsettled dispute.

30.The MRD?
Movement for Restoration of Democracy, launched 1983

Combined opposition against Zia’s decision to hold elections ‘ on non-party basis.

MRD wanted’free, party-based elections; it boycotted the 1984 referendum and the
March 1985 elections but Zia was unaffected.

31.8th Constitutional amendment?

March 1985, after the elections

It was about the article 58 (2)(b)—► empowered the president

to appoint and dismiss the PM, govt and the assemblies.
1st used by Zia, May 1988, later repeatedly b/w 1988 and 1999.
32.The Pakhtunisatn Issue?
Pak-Afghan border, the Durand Line, runs through the Pathan territory of the two

Bernard of some Pasnrans (Pushto speaking Pathans) of-ihe. NWFP for a separate
state since 1947, often supported by Afghanistan.
USSR urged its creation.
Main leader, Abdul Ghaffar Khan.

33.The April Revolution, 1978?

Violent coup, Afghan President Sardar Da’ud was killed & replaced by a communist
leader, Nur Muhammad Tarakai, supported by the USSR
Opposed by. the majority of Muslims who rejected communism
Tarakai was killed, Dec 1979 & USSR attacked Afghanistan.

34.The U-2 incident?

A US spy plane, flown an air base in Peshawar, 1960

Was caught by the Soviets & the pilot told about the Pakistani airbase
Strained Pak-Soviet relations and President Ayub had to visit Moscow.

35.The Commonwealth?
Group of the former colonies of Britain
Almost all the British colonies got independence after 1947
All acknowledged King George 6 till 1952, & the Queen Alizabeth 2 as the Head of
All member states, despite differences, cooperate in trade, culture, finance and

36.The OIC?
Organization of Islamic Conference founded, September 1969 in the wake of the
burning of al-Aqsa mosque by a Jew, 1967.

A group of 57 Muslim states, 1st summit in Morocco, 2nd 1974 Lahore.

Aimed at promoting peace and racial tolerance. Regular summits are held at
37.The Cold War?
A state of ideological confrontation b/w the capitalist, democratic bloc led by the US
and the communist, state- controlled economies led by the USSR

Lasted 1945-1990
US & USSR supported their allies in different parts of the world, e.g. in SE Asia, the
Middle East etc.

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